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Mitchell’s NJPW New Beginning Osaka Results & Report! (2/11/24)

NJPW bids farewell to Ospreay!



Will Will Ospreay survive his final NJPW match?

After a long and storied career in NJPW, Will Ospreay is moving on. But will he be able to after a brutal 10 Man Steel Cage match?


  • YOH & Toru Yano VS Ryusuke Taguchi & Boltin Oleg; Yoh & Yano win.
  • Bishamon VS Great-O-Khan & Callum Newman; Bishamon wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Shota Umino, El Desperado, Tomoaki Honma & Tiger Mask VS The House of Torture; The House of Torture wins.
  • 10 Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Just5Guys; Just5Guys win.
  • Kazuchika Okada VS Hiroshi Tanahashi; Okada wins.
  • IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo VS Chase Owens & KENTA; Chase & Kenta win and become the new IWGP Heayvweight Tag Team Champions.
  • Zack Sabre Jr. VS Bryan Danielson; ZSJ wins.
  • 10 Man Steel Cage Match: The United Empire VS Bullet Club War Dogs; Bullet Club War Dogs win.


Kazuchika Okada VS Hiroshi Tanahashi!

The Rainmaker is on his way out of NJPW, so how fitting that one of his last matches is against one of his most storied rivals and greatest friends. Will Okada get one more on the Ace of the Universe? Or will this be a sad goodbye to Osaka?

The fans are already thunderous for “O-KA-DA! O-KA-DA!” as he makes his way into the ring. The bell rings, the fans rally for “O-KA-DA” even harder as he circles with Tanahashi. Then Osaka comes out for “TA-NAHA-SHI!” as he and Okada tie up. They are in a deadlock, but Okada’s height gives him leverage. They end up on the ropes, the ref calls for the break, and Okada gives the patented fake-out to pat Tanahashi on the shoulders. Tanahashi runs up but into a kick. Okada headlocks, Tanahashi throws body shots and powers out, but Okada runs him over! The fans cheer, and Okada brings Tanahashi up.

Okada fires a forearm, whips Tanahashi corner to corner, then runs up, only for Tanahashi to elbow him away. Tanahashi goes up to CROSSBODY! Then he DROPKICKS Okada down, and gives us the air guitar! Tanahashi runs up, Okada dodges and then puts Tanahashi up top. Okada DROPKICKS Tanahashi to the floor! The fans rally up and Okada goes to the apron. Okada takes a moment to fetch Tanahashi, and then puts him between the railing to pull him against the top bar! Okada BOOTS the railing to jam Tanahashi up and fans boo that. Okada rolls into the ring but Tanahashi follows and fans applaud.

Okada drags Tanahashi up, snapmares him near ropes, and runs side to side for the basement dropkick! Okada has a cocky cover but fans boo, and Tanahashi has the ROPEBREAK quickly. Okada paces then sighs. The fans rally and duel as Okada brings Tanahashi up. Tanahashi fires forearms on Okada and ROCKS him! Tanahashi kicks but Okada blocks to DRAGON SCREW! Fans cheer that, but then boo Okada’s smug attitude. Okada kips up just to show off, and he makes his way over to pick Tanahashi up. Okada bumps Tanahashi off buckles, then ELBOWS him! Okada ELBOWS Tanahashi again, then whips him corner to corner.

Okada runs in to ELBOW Tanahashi, then kicks low and hits a DDT! Cover, TWO! The fans rally up and Okada encourages them to rally for Tanahashi. The fans do cheer, and Okada dares Tanahashi to hit him. Tanahashi obliges by firing forearms! Okada eggs Tanahashi on so Tanahashi ROCKS him! Okada blocks another kick but Tanahashi forearms free! Okada ROCKS Tanahashi, whips him, but Tanahashi hits a FLYING FOREARM! The fans fire up and Tanahashi brings Okada up. Tanahashi fires fast strikes high and low, then scoops to SLAM Okada into a drop zone! Fans cheer as Tanahashi goes up, for the SUNSET SENTON! Cover, TWO!

The fans cheer and Tanahashi feeds off the energy. Okada rises, Tanahashi runs, but blocks a boot first! DRAGON SCREW! Tanahashi returns the favor from earlier and Okada goes to the apron. Tanahashi drags Okada up, gets his leg in the ropes, DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! Okada falls to the floor, the fans rally as Tanahashi goes out to the apron, and they fire up as Tanahashi climbs! Tanahashi aims, ACES HIGH FLY ATTACK! Direct hit to the floor and the fans fire up again! The ref checks both men and somehow Okada and Tanahashi are okay to continue. Tanahashi rises up first, and he brings Okada up.

Tanahashi puts Okada in the ring and the fans cheer. Tanahashi powers up again as the fans rally, and Tanahashi runs the ropes. Okada turns slingblade into FLAPJACK! Both men are down but the fans rally up again. Okada crawls to a corner as the fans duel. Tanahashi rises up from center, runs in, but Okada pops him up! Alabama Lift to REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Okada keeps on Tanahashi with a fireman’s carry! HEAVY RAIN!? Cover, TWO! Okada busted out an oldie but Tanahashi stays in this. Okada drags Tanahashi back up to scoop and SLAM, then he goes to the corner! Fans cheer as the standard formula continues!

Okada aims to MACHO ELBOW! And that of course means… The Rainmaker Pose! Osaka fires up with Okada and he brings Tanahashi back up. Okada ripcords but Tanahashi SLINGBLADES first! The fans rally and duel again while both men are down! Tanahashi and Okada crawl towards each other, go forehead to forehead, and then go forearm for forearm! The fans rally as each man keeps throwing shots, and then they stand to fire even more! The forearms pick up speed, Okada wobbles, and the fans fire up! Tanahashi fires more forearms, but Okada UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS!

Tanahashi drops to a knee, Okada gut wrenches, but Tanahashi fights free! TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Okada clutches his neck, Tanahashi fires up again and runs the ropes! SLING- NO, Okada gets under, ripcords, but Tanahashi ducks! Tanahashi takes a swing but Okada ducks! Ripcord, but Tanahashi full nelsons to DRAGON SUPLEX! The fans fire up as Tanahashi rises again! Tanahashi runs, SLING- NO, Okada blocks it midway! Tanahashi CLUBS Okada to go for a sleeper, then he whips. Okada reverses, Tanahashi SLINGBLADES after all! Cover, TWO! Okada snarls as he survives but Tanahashi goes to a corner!

Tanahashi climbs up, takes aim, HIGH FLY FLOW onto knees! Okada saves himself but perhaps in a double-edged way! Both men writhe while the fans rally and duel again. Okada rolls his way to another corner, Tanahashi goes to the ropes. Okada runs up to SHOTGUN Tanahashi down! The fans fire up as Okada brings Tanahashi up and around, short arm LARIAT! Okada drags Tanahashi back up, for another- DRAGON PALM! Tanahashi won’t let Okada have his way, but Okada glares at him! DRAGON PALM again! Okada lets go and Tanahashi eggs him on! DRAGON PALM, and SLING- DROPKICK!

Okada brings Tanahashi up, gut wrenches, TOMBSTONE! Okada roars and the fans fire up again as he ripcords! Tanahashi cradle counters! TWO!! Okada gets free, gut wrenches again, but Tanahashi fights that to his own gut wrench! The two fight for control and the fans rally up! Tanahashi powers through to gut wrench, but Okada kicks and turns things around! Fireman’s carry, LANDSLIDE! And then ripcord, RAINMAKER!! Cover, OKADA WINS!!

Winner: Kazuchika Okada, by pinfall

Almost 12 years to the day of the #RainmakerShock, number sweet sixteen of the series goes to Okada! The final score is 9-4-3 in favor of The Rainmaker and another instant classic is put in the books. The end of an era to be sure, but the respect between these men is immortal. They hug it out as the fans cheer, will we ever see this showdown again?

Okada takes a moment to bow to the NJPW faithful, and he kneels down by the NJPW lion logo. Okada is clearly emotional as he touches it one last time. Okada takes one last deep bow to the crowd, will there ever come a day when the Rainmaker returns to Osaka?


IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships: El Phantasmo & Hikuleo w/ Jado VS Chase Owens & KENTA!

The Headbanga & Young Guerrilla have been owing Bullet Club a lot of payback, and now they get their chance! But same goes for The Crown Jewel & The Fang Revived in taking these titles back to the Club! Will ELP & Leo show ain’t nobody reala than Guerrilla? Or will these New Beginnings be Just Too Sweet?

The introductions are made, the heavyweight belts are raised, and we see what it takes to go from 100th to 101st!

The teams sort out and there is a fan loudly cheering on “KEN-TA! KEN-TA!” But then everyone else cheers on “E L P!” In the end, ELP starts against Kenta and the fans rally up with the bell. ELP and Kenta circle, the dueling definitely a 99:1 ratio. Kenta tells the one guy to stop already. Kenta and ELP tie up, ELP powers Kenta to ropes, but Kenta turns it around. The ref calls the break but Kenta pulls hair! The ref reprimands, the fans boo, but Kenta mocks the champs. ELP stays cool and mockingly starts up a Kenta chant. The fans join in because plot twist, it’s for referee Kenta Sato.

ELP and Kenta approach, kenta headlocks but ELP powers out. Kenta steps on the drop down then soaks up the heat. ELP fires off forearms, then CHOPS! ELP whips and DROPKICKS Kenta, then handsprings up! The fans fire up and things keep moving. ELP hops over Kenta’s dropdown to scuff him in a very Kenta way! The fans cheer and ELP goes up a corner. The fans cheer him on, but Chase sucker punches him! The ref reprimands but Kenta also BLASTS Leo! Chase & Kenta mug ELP, the CHOP and body shot, then double whip. Leo gets in, ELP ducks the lariats so Leo can DOUBLE LARIAT! Leo stomps Chase, ELP brings Kenta up.

Kenta and ELP brawl, but Leo joins in. Kenta throws hands on them both, runs, but ELP hurdles for Leo to DDT Kenta! Chase ROCKS ELP and ROCKS Leo, then whips Leo. Leo reverses to SPLASH, ELP runs in to back elbow! Feed to Leo for the SIDEWALK SLAM, then FALLING AX HANDLE! The fans rally up, ELP & Leo high-five then knuckle lock. ELP goes up and up and ARIHARA MOONSAULTS Chase & Kenta down! Leo says hecc yeah and they get Kenta back in the ring. ELP pushes Kenta to a cover, TWO! The fans rally as ELP paces around Kenta. Kenta wants ELP to hold on, and he wants to apologize for what happened?

ELP doesn’t buy that and he storms up on Kenta, only for Kenta to YANK ELP into buckles! Kenta rains down fists on ELP, then stomps away. The ref counts, Kenta lets off at 4, and Kenta drags ELP up. Kenta TOSSES ELP out, then storms out to the apron. Kenta JUMP STOMPS Kenta down! Chase and Kenta tell the ELP fans to shut up already, and then Kenta RAMS ELP into railing! The fans rally but Kenta taunts ELP. ELP slaps Kenta from the floor, but Kenta stomps ELP down. Kenta puts ELP in, drags him up and brings him back. Tag to Chase, they mug ELP, and ELP sputters as he falls over.

Chase drags ELP up, wrenches and scoops, BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Kenta steps in, Bullet Club double whips ELP but ELP holds ropes! ELP BOOTS Chase, TOSSES Kenta, then RANAS Chase! Fans fire up while ELP and Chase are down, and ELP crawls for the corner! But Kenta YANKS Leo away from the apron! Fans boo but Chase CLUBS ELP! Chase whips corner to corner, sends Kenta in and Kenta forearm smashes! Chase forearm smashes, then he reels ELP in! Chase tucks the arms but ELP back drops free! ELP fakes high to then go under Kenta, but Kenta grabs a foot! Kenta brings ELP back but ELP ENZIGIRIS!

Fans fire up as ELP crawls again, hot tag to Leo! Leo rallies with UPPERCUTS, then he whips Chase. Chase KICKS back, dodges the lariat, but Leo still runs Chase over! Leo scoops Kenta, gives him SNAKE EYES and a BOOT! The fans fire up as Leo looks like a Phenom, but Chase pokes him in the eyes! Chase whips Leo to a corner but Leo comes back to CLOBBER Chase! The fans fire up again and Leo takes aim. Leo runs corner to corner but Chase avoids the splash! SOBAT! AX KICK! ROLLING ELBOW! Chase brings Leo in, but Leo suplexes first! Cover, TWO! Chase stays in this but Leo stays on him with a scoop.

Leo brings Chase over, tags ELP, POWERSLAM to the step-up SWANTON! Then LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! ELP coordinates with Leo and the fans rally up. ELP straitjackets and torture racks Chase, Leo gets moving, but Kenta DUMPS Leo out! Chase slips free, rolls ELP up, TWO! Chase fires off fast hands, ROCKS ELP and ELP goes to a corner. Chase runs corner to corner but ELP BOOTS him! Chase SOBATS back, runs in, SUNSET BUCKLE BOMB! Kenta steps in and he whips Chase in, to forearm smash! Chase goes up and out, trips ELP, and Kenta HYDRAULIC DROPKICKS! Chase SUPERKICKS Leo from the apron!

Kenta goes up and aims, COUP DE GRACE on ELP! Chase hauls ELP up to fireman’s carry and GUTBUSTER DROP! Cover, TWO!! ELP survives and the fans fire up! Chase tags Kenta, they get ELP up and whip. They double elbow ELP down, then roll and cradle ELP for a DOUBLE- NO, ELP lands out of the throw, hot tag to Leo! ELP gets around Chase, baits Kenta in, and then ducks so that Kenta’s BOOT hits Chase! ELP BOOTS Kenta, Kenta URAKENS ELP, but Leo CHOPS Kenta down! Leo clotheslines Chase up and out, then aims at Kenta! Choke grip, but Kenta grabs the ref! Kenta sends the ref into Leo, then CHOP BLOCKS Leo!

Fans boo as Kenta fires those right cross palm strikes! But Leo choke grips! Kenta breaks free to KNEE Leo right down! Kenta fires up and fans rally as he goes to fireman’s carry! Kenta lifts Leo but Leo fights free! Leo shoves, Kenta ducks ‘n’ dodges, but runs into the SNAP POWERSLAM! Leo calls to ELP and wants to finish this! The fans fire up as the Guerrillas tune up! SUDDEN DEATH to choke grip, and ELP PLANCHAS Chase! GODSEND for Kenta!! Then ELP goes up the ropes! Then up Leo’s shoulders! SUPER THUNDER KISS!!! Cover, but Chase YANKS the ref out!! Fans boo, but then Jado gets in Chase’s face!

Chase shoves Jado so Jado fires hands! Chase LOW BLOWS then C-TRIGGERS! Leo is furious and he storms up, but TAIJI ISHIMORI IS HERE! Ishimori CLOBBERS ELP with an IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championship belt! Leo grabs Taiji, but Kenta LOW BLOWS Leo! BELT SHOT for Leo!! Kenta high stacks, Chase shoves the ref in to count it, BULLET CLUB WINS!!

Winners: Chase Owens & Kenta, by pinfall (NEW IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions)

The Bone Soldier should be listed on the victory for this one, he’s the only reason this New Beginning leaves such a bitter taste in the mouth! We start a new era as we now have a 101st team in the record books, will Bullet Club look to make all of NJPW #JustTooSweet?


Zack Sabre Jr. w/ TMDK VS Bryan Danielson!

The Front Man may have lost to the American Dragon the last time they battled, but what was supposed to be a technical master class ended with a busaiku knee. ZSJ wants a proper wrestling finish, will he make that happen himself? Or will Bryan refuses to #JustTapOut?

The fans chant “YES! YES! YES!” for Bryan before the bell, then continue to rally at the bell. Bryan and ZSJ circle, feel things out, and the fans start to duel. ZSJ and Bryan clinch, move around, then break to go again. ZSJ rolls, dares Bryan to try something but leans back as Bryan tries to slap. ZSJ shoots in with a leg guard trap but Bryan holds that off. Bryan has a foot, ZSJ kicks free but Bryan jumps on! ZSJ slips free, the two separate and the fans fire up. Bryan and ZSJ reset, feel things out again, and knuckle lock. The fans sing, “Oh~ Zack Sabre Jr~!” but Bryan rolls to wrangle. ZSJ wrenches back, and wrenches, and knuckle locks again.

The two spin around and around then break, and the fans cheer. ZSJ and Bryan reset, feel things out again, and knuckle lock again. ZSJ puts Bryan in a corner but Bryan powers his way out. Bryan clinches, shifts around, but ZSJ holds off the facelock. Bryan goes for a leg instead, and he has a spladle of sorts! ZSJ keeps his shoulders up and shifts around, but Bryan holds off the armbar by hooking a leg with a leg. ZSJ and Bryan each try for toeholds but Bryan shifts around to have the mount. ZSJ moves but Bryan keeps a leg. They knuckle lock, ZSJ lifts Bryan to put him in an armbar! But Bryan slips around, only for ZSJ to get away!

The fans cheer the technical exchange as the two reset again. The singing returns, but Bryan ignores it as he and ZSJ feel things out again. They knuckle lock with one hand, then knuckle lock with both hands. They go forehead to forehead as they push each other around, and the fans rally up as they both try a dropdown! ZSJ smirks as he and Bryan stand up and go forehead to forehead again. They both try the dropdown again, then reset. Then Bryan uses ZSJ’s dropdown against him to get the ARMBAR! ZSJ clasps hands, bridges, rolls, and floats around to facelock. Bryan powers things to a corner, and the ref calls the break.

The fans cheer as ZSJ eggs Bryan on and Bryan has the legs. The ref reprimands and Bryan lets off. The fans cheer again as the two reset. They circle, feel things out, then ZSJ stands on Bryan’s one hand to wrench the other. ZSJ bends the fingers, twists the wrist and reestablishes the knuckle locks. Bryan endures, fights up, and breaks one hold to wrench the other. Bryan has ZSJ’s wrist and arm-drags him with it! Bryan wrenches to OVERHEAD arm-drag now! ZSJ gets up but Bryan wrenches to whip to a corner. ZSJ goes up and comes back to GUILLOTINE! ZSJ then has the HOVERBOARD, but Bryan pries free!

ZSJ has the leg, Bryan rolls to get a leg for himself! They duel with heel hooks but Bryan turns ZSJ over to trap one leg with the other! ZSJ endures as Bryan has a Deathlock, then SNAPS it on! ZSJ headlocks Bryan to fight back but Bryan has a crossface! Bryan powers ZSJ into his modified Muta Lock but ZSJ pries free! The fans cheer this newest exchange as the two go to corners. Bryan and ZSJ both catch their breath before circling again. They knuckle lock again, then ZSJ bridges to straitjacket! Bryan endures, bridges and turns, then he puts the straitjacket onto ZSJ! Bryan digs his knee in for the “British Surfboard,” but ZSJ bridges!

ZSJ scoots under Bryan and kicks him away! Fans cheer as that exchange goes to ZSJ. The singing returns as Bryan and ZSJ reset again. They tie up, ZSJ facelocks and cranks the hold but Bryan wrenches and WRINGS ZSJ into ropes! ZSJ hobbles into a corner, checks his leg but those ropes really got him. Bryan waits on ZSJ as he goes around the ropes to another corner, and ZSJ comes back. The fans rally up, the two knuckle lock, and Bryan headlocks. Bryan changes sides, to dropkick ZSJ’s bad leg! GROUND DRAGON SCREW! Bryan then steps through to a toehold! ZSJ fights with a leg hook but Bryan rolls around.

Bryan has the legs and hooks them up. ZSJ resists as Bryan wants the arms and the fans rally up for him. ZSJ reaches out, Bryan dares him to use them then. ZSJ eggs Bryan on, claiming he doesn’t need ropes, so Bryan slaps him around! Bryan tells ZSJ to get the ropes but ZSJ tells Bryan to just bring it! So Bryan STOMPS ZSJ’s knees! ZSJ writhes and Bryan drags him from the ropes. Bryan KICKS the leg, then KICKS ZSJ in the back! ZSJ sits up and dares Bryan to do that again. The fans cheer, and Bryan KICKS him again! Bryan drags ZSJ around, pulls on the leg, but ZSJ kicks with the good leg.

Bryan turns ZSJ over and leans on that knee! ZSJ endures as Bryan adds the other leg, then rolls him around. ZSJ headlocks in return, but Bryan puts the bad leg on the ropes. The ref calls the break, Bryan pushes on the foot, then claims ZSJ needs to let go. ZSJ does let go of Bryan’s arm, but then Bryan HIP DROPS the bad leg! Then HIP DROPS it again! ZSJ scrambles away and the ref backs Bryan off. The fans boo the sneaky Dragon, and they rally up behind ZSJ. Bryan gets a leg to DRAGON SCREW it! TMDK coaches ZSJ as he writhes, and ZSJ gets up in frustration. ZSJ hops on one leg as he circles with Bryan, but Bryan just gets the bad leg to DRAGON SCREW it!

Bryan holds on, ZSJ kicks free, and ZSJ hobbles back up. ZSJ growls and fires up, then knuckle locks. Bryan gets the leg again but ZSJ steps through! But Bryan turns neck twister into a takedown! ANKLE LOCK, but ZSJ rolls to get the ANKLE LOCK on Bryan! Bryan hops up, gets ZSJ’s leg, ANKLE LOCK!! Fans rally, ZSJ fights up but Bryan has him, LEG TRAP GERMAN SUPLEX! Bryan holds on, pushes ZSJ down, then hooks up the legs again. Bryan grabs for the arms, ZSJ resists, so Bryan fishhooks ZSJ’s nose! The fans boo, the ref reprimands, but Bryan lets off, saying he has until 5. Bryan then CLUBS ZSJ to get those arms!

The fans rally up as Bryan pulls! Up, up and away into the ROMERO SPECIAL! ZSJ endures, the fans rally, but Bryan lets ZSJ down so he can DRAGON SLEEPER! But ZSJ gets his legs free, rolls back, only for Bryan to snapmare! ZSJ bridges up to snapmare! ZSJ shoves Bryan’s bridge down to NECK TWIST! The fans rally up again as both men are down. Bryan sits up but ZSJ follows. They both stand, and Bryan trips ZSJ, only for ZSJ to boot him away. Bryan trips again, ZSJ boots again! ZSJ fires up, and turns Bryan’s takedown into a NECK TWIST! And basement dropkick! The fans fire up while both men are down again.

ZSJ slaps the bad leg into working, and he storms back up on Bryan. ZSJ cravats and cranks the neck wrench, but Bryan endures. Bryan powers ZSJ to a corner, the ref counts, and ZSJ lets go. Bryan keeps ZSJ in the corner but lets off slowly. Bryan ROCKS ZSJ with haymakers, slaps and an UPPERCUT! Bryan wraps the bad leg around ropes, then lets off at 4. Bryan runs side to side to DROPKICK the leg! ZSJ hobbles, Bryan runs corner to corner, to DROPKICK high! Bryan keeps moving, but ZSJ shoots around! COBRA TWIST! The fans fire up while Bryan endures! Bryan reaches around but ZSJ grabs the arm and hops on, IRON OCTOPUS!

Bryan endures as ZSJ twists him! Bryan powers up and gets free by pulling on the bad leg! STRETCH MUFFLER! ZSJ grabs an arm but Bryan shifts to the HEEL HOOK! ZSJ grabs Bryan’s leg for a heel hook in return! They fight, Achilles for Achilles, and ZSJ SLAPS Bryan! Bryan SLAPS ZSJ! They go back to the heel hooks, then ZSJ SLAPS! Bryan SPITS in ZSJ’s face, so ZSJ SLAPS! And SLAPS! And SLAPS! Bryan grins, and he SPITS at ZSJ. Then he kicks ZSJ in the face! ZSJ returns the favor and now they go KICK for KICK! Both men egg the other on, and they go KICK for KICK, and they both KICK the other out of the hold!

But then both men grab the HEEL HOOKS again! They go around, roll into the ropes, and then the apron! The ref tells them to let off but Bryan kicks! ZSJ SLAPS! Bryan kicks and kicks and kicks, then TWISTS the foot! ZSJ falls to the floor just to get away! Fans cheer “This is Awesome!” as Bryan rises up, to FLYING KNEE ZSJ down! The fans fire up again and join in on “YES! YES! YES!” as Bryan rises again. Bryan puts ZSJ in, climbs up a corner, and Bryan aims for the DIVING HEADBUTT! ZSJ catches him!! TRIANGLE HOLD! ZSJ throws elbows, then shifts to CLARKY CAT!! Bryan endures as ZSJ pushes on those arms with the JIM BREAKS ARMBAR!!

Bryan fights around with his legs, but ZSJ traps those legs! SUNDAY RAIL ENGINEERING WORKS! Bryan endures the double heel hook, scrambles around, ROPEBREAK! ZSJ lets go but the fans are thunderous! The fans again declare, “This is Awesome!” as ZSJ and Bryan rise up. ZSJ brings Bryan up to scoop but Bryan slips free! ZSJ switches, Bryan mule kicks the bad leg! ZSJ shakes it off! ZSJ comes back and UPPERCUTS! Fans fire up while Bryan snarls, and Bryan UPPERCUTS! ZSJ nods as he leans on the ropes, and he UPPERCUTS again! Bryan comes back to UPPERCUT! ZSJ fires up and eggs Bryan on!

Bryan UPPERCUTS, UPPERCUTS, but ZSJ CLUBS Bryan’s lariat! Bryan CLUBS ZSJ’s lariat! Bryan KICKS ZSJ in the arm! And again! ZSJ SLAPS, Bryan ROCKS ZSJ! ZSJ ducks the buzzsaw but a BUZZSAW comes right back! The fans fire up while both men are down! Bryan makes his way back over, drags ZSJ to ropes and puts the bad leg in position. HIP DROP! The ref reprimands, but Bryan goes up a corner! ZSJ gets up to RISING HEADBUTT! ZSJ then climbs up but Bryan HEADBUTTS him down! ZSJ rises again and the fans fire up! ZSJ HEADBUTTS, then climbs. Bryan HEADBUTTS again, and again, and again!

ZSJ wobbles but he HEADBUTTS in return, and again, and again! ZSJ wobbles again, but he HEADBUTTS one more time! ZSJ goes up to the top rope, but Bryan slips under! Bryan shoves ZSJ and ZSJ gets crotched on the top! Bryan climbs up again and the fans fire up for the SUPER BACK SUPLEX!! Bryan crawls to the cover, TWO!! ZSJ lives and the fans fire up again! Bryan sits ZSJ up and throws down HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Then Bryan turns ZSJ over for CATTLE MUTILATION! But ZSJ turns that back over! ZSJ shakes his head, fights up and slips around, but Bryan drops down out of the full nelson!

ZSJ avoids the wheelbarrow, and GERMAN SUPELXES! Bryan is up, ZSJ ducks the buzzsaw, to ZACK DRIVER!!! Cover, TWO!!! Bryan survives and the fans are electric! ZSJ fires up and aims from a corner! Bryan sits up and ZSJ PENALTY KICKS! Bryan sits back up! ZSJ PENALTY KICKS again! ZSJ fires up with Osaka, but Bryan blocks the kick! Only to swing into a TRIANGLE HOLD! ZSJ squeezes tight, but Bryan fights his way through! Bryan CLUBS ZSJ in the chest, fires forearms, and gives some serious ground ‘n’ pound! Bryan lets off as the ref checks, but ZSJ is still conscious! ZSJ wags his finger, but Bryan gets the arms!

Bryan stands up to DRAGON STOMP! Then he shifts around, omoplata and- NO, ZSJ fights off the Lebell! Bryan grabs the other arm and he copies JIM BREAKS! ZSJ headscissors back, but Bryan powers his way around to get a leg! OVER THE SHOULDER CRAB! ZSJ flails with his free leg, and has the ROPEBREAK! The fans fire up as Bryan lets ZSJ go. The fans hope they “FIGHT FOREVER!” but there is a time limit on this. Bryan rises to KICK ZSJ in the chest! ZSJ falls over and Bryan grins. We hit the 30 minute mark, the halfway point of the limit! Bryan KICKS again and ZSJ falls back over!

ZSJ pushes himself up defiantly, and fans cheer! Bryan KICKS, ZSJ eggs him on, so the KICKS keep coming! Bryan then SPITS at ZSJ before he KICKS! But ZSJ rises up! Bryan rushes in, ZSJ gets around, O’Conner Roll but no bridge as Bryan has the SLEEPER! But ZSJ rolls back to SLEEPER! Bryan rolls back to roll and omoplata! But ZSJ rolls to stack, jackknife bridge! TWO!!! Bryan escapes, the fans are electric, but ZSJ PENALTY KICKS! ZSJ falls into a corner from exhaustion but the fans are still fired up! Bryan sits up, ZSJ storms up to UPPERCUT! Bryan KICKS the bad leg! ZSJ UPPERCUTS again!

Bryan KICKS, ZSJ UPPERCUTS, then ZSJ UPPERCUTS and UPPERCUTS and UPPER- NO, Bryan catches him! Bryan goes for the backslide, ZSJ rolls through, but the leg jams! BUSAIKU KNEE!! But Bryan says that’s not enough! “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan aims from a corner, he runs back in, BU- NO, ZSJ dodges to body scissor, EURO- NO, Bryan pops free! ZSJ blocks Bryan’s O’Conner, has a double wristlock clutch, TWO! But Bryan ends up in the EURO CLUTCH! TWO and Bryan O’Conner Bridges! TWO!! ZSJ ghost pins, ZSJ WINS!!!

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr, by pinfall

At 36 minutes, this instant classic ends with The Front Man on top! He gets even with Bryan from WrestleDream, and with his tekkers! Bryan is frustrated that it ended like that, but ZSJ offers a handshake. Bryan refuses, but then offers it back! ZSJ accepts and the two bow. Clearly these two want one more, when and where will this modern trilogy have its end?


10 Man Steel Cage Match: The United Empire VS Bullet Club War Dogs!

The Aerial Assassin is almost All Elite, but he has a score to settle with The Rebel first! It is faction warfare at its finest, and most violent, will Will Ospreay lead Jeff Cobb, Henare, TJP & Francesco Akira to one last victory? Or will David Finlay, Alex Coughlin, Gabe Kidd, Clark Connors & “Drilla” Moloney ruin Ospreay’s farewell?

Unique to this match, the cage itself isn’t flush with the ring, but surrounds the ringside area, keeping this from spilling out into the crowd, a signature of the War Dogs’ tactics. The way this cage match is going to go is rather like WarGames: two men will start 1v1, and every two minutes, someone new will be added. The War Dogs ended up with the advantage on this one, but that means the Empire’s last man will be the freshest. This match can only end once all ten men have entered, so let the games begin!

In a surprising move, The Rebel is the first out! Fans boo the IWGP Global Heavyweight Champion, but then in another shocking move, Will Ospreay himself starts for the Empire! The generals of these armies are going to lead by example, will either be standing by the end of it?

The fans are already thunderous for Ospreay, and Ospreay gets a mic first to say, “Oi, oi, Osaka, konbanwa <good evening>. I had a long flight over here, and you and me are gonna get in this ring, and you’re only gonna give me two minutes? Noo~! If you are a REAL leader, you’ll give me ten minutes right now.” The fans like the sound of that! Red Shoes checks with Finlay on that, and the fans certainly want it. Finlay says he’ll compromise, and will give Ospreay five. Ospreay says that’s good enough, the change is announced, and the bell rings! The two rush in, fire off forearms and the fans fire up as this is fast and certainly furious!

Finlay throws knees, whips Ospreay to ropes, but Ospreay ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA! Finlay flops out of the ring but can’t go far with that cage! Ospreay PLANCHAS to take Finlay down! The fans fire up and Ospreay shakes the cage! Ospreay storms up but Finlay throws body shots and forearms. Ospreay ROCKS Finlay back, then ROCKS him again. They go around the outside, Finlay kicks and CLUBS Ospreay, then whips Ospreay at the wall. Ospreay stops, ROCKS Finlay back, and then pushes him into the ring. Ospreay aims, but Finlay DECKS him first! Finlay goes out to fire off on Ospreay again, then whips him into the wall!

Fans feel that one as Ospreay falls in a heap! Gedo loves it as he watches from the outside, and Finlay hauls Ospreay up to UPPERCUT! Finlay goes looking under the ring, and he finds a chair! Finlay swings but Ospreay ducks and the chair hits cage! Ospreay then trips Finlay to CATAPULT him into the wall! Fans fire up again as Ospreay snarls and stands back up. Ospreay drags Finlay up, puts him in the ring, and he gets the fans to rally up. Ospreay gives Finlay some Kawada Kicks while fans sing “Ospreay~! Ospreay, Ospreay, Ospreay~! Ospreay~, Ospreay~!” Ospreay CHOPS Finlay to a corner, but Finlay pie faces him.

Finlay gives more pie faces but Ospreay CHOPS Finlay off his feet! Ospreay whips Finlay to a corner, runs up but Finlay dodges. Finlay comes back but Ospreay BOOTS him! Ospreay runs up but into a DEEP SIX! Finlay snarls and stomps Ospreay, then rains down fists. Finlay has Ospreay at the ropes and springboard stomps him! The fans boo but Finlay soaks it all up. Finlay storms up on Ospreay to ROCK and UPPERCUT Ospreay. Finlay asks if Ospreay’s ready to die, and he fires off HEADBUTT after HEADBUTT! Finlay drops a knee on Ospreay, then puts him on ropes. Finlay tells the fans to say goodbye to their hero.

Finlay pushes Ospreay around, but Ospreay CHOPS! Ospreay CHOPS again, then UPPERCUTS! Finlay kicks low, CHOPS back, then whips. Ospreay holds ropes, and he FLAPJACKS Finlay to BOOT him down! The countdown finishes, and the War Dogs send out “Drilla!” He betrayed Ospreay and the Empire to join the War Dogs, now he looks to tear Ospreay himself! But wait, he’s also dragging out Callum Newman!? Callum isn’t even in this match, he competed earlier tonight! Drilla has a belt of forks like he’s an evil Rambo, and he hauls Callum up. Ospreay is distracted, Finlay SMACKS him with a chair!

Fans boo as Drilla shoves Callum down, and has handcuffs! Drilla cuffs Callum while Finlay taunts Ospreay to save his boy! Callum is cuffed to the cage wall and Drilla stomps him down! Drilla digs Callum’s face into the cage and tells Ospreay he messed up! Finlay lets off of Ospreay and Drilla tucks his belt of forks away for now. Drilla and Finlay mug Ospreay, then bring him around to double whip hard into the cage! The cage stays standing but Ospreay falls over. Drilla & Finlay mug Ospreay more, then stand on him. The fans boo but the War Dogs soak it all up. They then double whip Ospreay again, but he stops himself!

Finlay rushes in but Ospreay sends Finlay into the wall! Ospreay then uses the wall to TORNADO- NO, Drilla stops that to CHUCK Ospreay into the steel! Drilla not only soaks up the heat but he climbs the cage to taunt and SPIT at the fans! But the countdown is done, and the Empire sends out Henare! The Face of Fury, the Maori Juggernaut, is ready to rampage all over Osaka and the fans are loving it already! Henare CLOBBERS Drilla, CLOBBERS Finlay, then fireman’s carries Drilla! Henare SMACKS Finlay with Drilla’s boots, then WASTELAND SLAMS and SENTONS on Drilla! Finlay CLUBS Henare back but fans rally for Henare!

The War Dogs double whip Henare but he breaks the line to CLOBBER Finlay and CLOBBER Drilla! Henare helps Ospreay up and now they mug Finlay! They double whip, body shot, KICK and DOUBLE KICK SANDWICH! Opsreay & Henare double whip again, Henare scoops for the BERSERKER BOMB! The fans fire up with the Empire as they each get a Dog. Henare fires off on Drilla, Ospreay is after Finlay! Ospreay rains down fists and the fans count along, Ospreay goes to nine before the big right for TEN! Henare throws body shots on Drilla, then he climbs up to rain down his own set of TEN!

Ospreay TOSSES Finlay out, Henare brings Drilla around to HEADBUTT! The countdown is done again while Ospreay SMACKS Finlay with a chair! The War Dogs send out 100 Proof now, Clark Connors having wrapped up his arms, and is that razor wire?! Connors dodges Henare to SPEAR! Ospreay dodges Connors but then Connors still SPEARS him, too! Connors shows off the arm, BARBED WIRE FOREARM for Henare! BARBED WIRE FOREARM for Ospreay! Connors DIGS that wire into Ospreay’s head! Drilla stomps Ospreay, too, then they taunt the fans. Finlay flips everybody off while Connors brings out a TABLE!

Gedo says he loves this as Connors puts the table in the ring. Finlay digs Henare’s face into steel, the table is set up in a corner, and Gedo mockingly asks if Henare wants to quit. Drilla shows that Ospreay is bleeding from what Connors’ forearm did to him! Connors and Finlay punch away on the bloody forehead, but the countdown is almost done! The Empire sends out TJP! The Public Enemy has himself some barbed wire, and he runs up to RAM into Drilla, GAMANGIRI Connors, and ROCK Finlay! TJP goes up to FLYING FOREARM Finlay down! TJP wraps his leg in the barbed wire so that he can SCRAPE Connors’ face!

The fans fire up as TJP scrubs away, then runs side to side to BOOT WASH! The fans fire up more, and Ospreay fires off on Drilla. Ospreay whips Drilla into the wall! TJP POSTS Finlay, SMACKS him off the wall, and he regroups with Ospreay. Henare ELBOWS Drilla down, TJP JAMS Finlay with a chair! Drilla sends Ospreay into a wall, but TJP sends Drilla into a wall! Finlay claws at TJP’s face, throws body shots, then he CLUBS Henare off of Connors. The countdown is back and the War Dogs send out the Dreadnought! Alex Coughlin has chairs draped all along his arms, his strength carrying them all on his biceps!

Coughlin drops off the plunder, DECKS TJP, then slides in to CLOBBER Henare, and CLOBBER Ospreay! GUT WRENCH PLEX for Henare! GUT WRENCH PLEX for Ospreay! Coughlin hauls them both up, reels them in, DOUBLE BACK SUPLEX! Coughlin goes out while Finlay JAMS Callum for good measure! Coughlin scoops TJP to RAM him into the wall, then POST, then LAWN DART into the wall! Coughlin roars but the fans boo. Connors SMACKS TJP, Finlay and Coughlin dump chairs onto him! They’re burying TJP under steel! Then Coughlin JAMS Henare! And then DEATH VALLEY DRIVERS Henare onto the chair pile!!

But the countdown is back, so the Empire sends out the Nova Fireball! Francesco Akira sneaks in from the other side! The War Dogs all gathered at the entrance but Akira’s climbed the cage itself! Akira CROSSBODIES onto them all! The fans fire up with Akira as he sends Drilla into the wall! And he SMACKS Connors with a kendo stick, then he SMACKS Finlay! Akira follows Finlay into the ring but Finlay catches the stick! Akira dodges the stick to LOW BLOW! Fans fire up as Akira rips the War Dog shirt away to then rain down fists from all sides! The fans are thunderous as Akira just keeps firing away with rage!

Akira then gets that kendo stick, and he SMACKS Finlay on the back! And then SMACKS him again, and again, and again! Ospreay digs boots into someone but Drilla gets Ospreay, and Akira wears that kendo stick out on Finlay! Akira gets a chair and the fans rally behind him! Akira aims and CHUCKS the chair into Finlay! But Connors SPEARS Akira through the table!! Just like when Connors & Drilla took the tag titles from Catch 2/2! Connors beats down on Ospreay as The War Dogs send out their last man, Gabe Kidd! Kidd is #WarReady as he brings a CART of items! Kidd and Connors TOSS chair after chair into the ring!

Ospreay has to watch out not to get hit, and now Kidd has a table! Kidd SMACKS Henare down with it, then CHUCKS a chair into Ospreay’s face! He’s a madman for sure, and he SMACKS Ospreay! And CHUCKS a chair into Akira! The fans boo but Kidd flips them all off! The Dogs hit who they can with chairs, and Kidd brings more things out from under the ring. He finds as LADDER! Kidd sets that up in a corner of the cage, Finlay CLUBS away on Ospreay, and Connors gets yet another table! Coughlin DECKS Ospreay, Kidd scuffs Ospreay, and the Dogs all soak up the heat. They Too Sweet over Ospreay, then stand on him.

But wait! They forget that the Empire has one last man! And we all know it’s The Imperial Unit, Jeff Cobb! Cobb storms down, and he RAMS Drilla into the wall! The wall almost falls, but then Cobb sends Kidd into it! And he OVERHEAD SUPLEXES Kidd onto the chairs! Connors leas, but Cobb catches him! GOURD BUSTER on the apron! Cobb glares at Coughlin, they brawl with forearms in the ring! Finlay directs the others while Cobb JABS Coughlin! Cobb suplexes, Coughlin slips free to CHOP! Meanwhile, Henare is so bloodied, refs call on medics to help. Coughlin fires up, runs, but Cobb drops to DROPKICK!

Coughlin roars, he runs up, but into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Coughlin flounders out but Finlay gets in to SMACK Cobb with a kendo stick! Cobb doesn’t budge! The fans fire up as Cobb fireman’s carries, for an F5000!! Cobb sees Finlay get up, and he RAMS him into a corner! Ospreay runs in to BOOT! Feed to Cobb’s ATHLETIC PLEX! Cover, TWO! Cobb GACHIMUCHI MOONSAULTS! Cover again, TWO! Finlay survives but the Empire is far from done. Ospreay brings out yet another TABLE! Ospreay drags the table in, puts that in a corner, and he hauls Finlay up. Feed to Cobb’s scoop, but Finlay fights for his life!

Coughlin gets Finlay away from Cobb to fire forearms! Cobb fires back, they go back and forth but Coughlin ROCKS Cobb! Coughlin roars, picks Cobb up, the cage is finally locked shut as Cobb escapes the scoop! Cobb ROCKS Coughlin, scoops him, but Coughlin avoids the Tour! Coughlin CLAWS Cobb’s eyes! Fans boo but Connors aims at Cobb! SPEAR but only Connors goes through the table! Cobb ELBOWS Coughlin, helps Ospreay with the GAMANGIRI, then GERMAN SUPLEXES! Coughlin is in a drop zone, Ospreay goes up, and the fans fire up for the LEAP OF FAITH! Cover, Finlay breaks it!

Finlay fires off on Ospreay, Kidd RAMS Cobb with the ladder! And he RAMS Ospreay, too! Fans boo but Kidd grins. Kidd puts the ladder on Terry Funk style, LADDER COPTER! Ospreay gets hit, Akira gets hit, then Ospreay gets hit again! Even Cobb gets hit! “I’m a MADMAN, y’know!!” But Ospreay BOOTS Kidd, ROCKS him with haymaker after haymaker, but Drilla SUPERKICKS Ospreay! Drilla helps Kidd with the ladder to run Ospreay down! Ospreay goes Matrix to dodge! Then he handsprings, NEUTRALIZER hits the ladder to knock both men down! The fans are thunderous and Ospreay rises up!

Ospreay grins through his crimson mask and he brings that ladder around, making a bridge from ring to cage wall! Fans murmur as Ospreay is cooking up something, and he brings Kidd out to the apron! But Finlay hurries to CLAW Ospreay’s face! Finlay reels Ospreay in, but Ospreay slips free! HOOK KICK! Finlay falls into the ring so Ospreay climbs a corner. Ospreay aims to BLINDSIDE CHEERIO! The fans fire up and Ospreay prepares that arm! Fans join in on “OI! OI! OI!” and Ospreay aims. HIDDEN- NO, Finlay blocks to an IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Cover, Akira breaks it! The fans fire up as Finlay gets Akira up, but Akira RANAS Finlay out!

Akira gets a chair, but Drilla kicks low! Connors joins in, they whip Akira to then drop toehold Akira into the chair! Then Drilla suplexes, FALCON ARROW on the chair! Akira flops around, Drilla drags him to a cover, TWO!!! Akira survives and the fans fire up for his grit! Connors clears the space, he says he and Drilla are gonna go to work. The fans boo, Henare is removed by the doctors so this is 5v4 as Drilla puts one out. Connors climbs, but TJP emerges from under the ring! TJP YANKS Connors down and Drilla is shocked! TJP is full Aswang and Drilla freaks out! Coughlin runs up but gets a CROSSBODY!

TJP blocks Drilla’s boot to slip around and SAIDO! Kidd runs in, kicks and whips but TJP reverses to THESZ PRESS! And DOUBLE STOMP! The fans fire up and TJP coordinates with Akira. ALLEY-OOP for Finlay! Catch 2/2 fires up, they run to DOUBLE BOOT Drilla! They haul Drilla into the Tree of Woe and TJP climbs! WOE STOMPS!! Drilla flops out, TJP covers, TWO! Drilla is still in this but Catch 2/2 won’t let off! Akira climbs, fans cheer “CATCH! NI NI!” But Finlay disrupts things! Drilla brawls with Akira up top but TJP dodges Finlay’s lariat. TJP CROSSBODIES Finlay and himself out, Ospreay tucks Drilla in! CHEEKY NANDOS!

Ospreay says he’ll do TJP’s part! But Drilla slips under to LOW BLOW! But Ospreay RAMS Drilla into the corner, only for Connors to go up and over, SUPERPLEX on Akira!! Wait, Henare is back?! Bandaged as he is, he hits a RAMPAGE on Connors! Kidd hits the REBOUNDER on Henare! Cobb GERMAN SUPLEXES the madman! Coughlin scoops Cobb!? FALL AWAY SLAM, bridging cover! MAMBA SPLASH breaks it!! Cover on Coughlin, but DRILLA KILLA using Ospreay breaks it up!! All ten men are down and the fans are thunderous! “This is Awesome!” as this battle continues to the half hour point!

The factions regroup in opposite corners, and the fans rally behind the Empire. The Dogs bark to fire themselves up, and all ten men stand up! The brawl is on and the fans are thunderous again! Akira fires off on Drilla, TJP waistlocks Connors, Henare has Kidd, Cobb brings Coughlin out of the ring, and of course Ospreay brawls with Finlay! Everyone else spills out of the ring but the generals stay inside! They go forearm for forearm harder and harder, and the fans fire up! Ospreay wobbles, but he ROCKS Finlay! Finlay shakes his head and ROCKS Ospreay! Ospreay fires himself up to ROCK Finlay again!

Finlay fires a flurry, but Ospreay BOOTS! Finlay ROLLING ELBOWS, but both men run! DOUBLE LARIATS collide, Finlay falls but Ospreay tumbles out! Ospreay is on the apron, he aims, but Connors SPEARS Ospreay down, they crash through the table! But Henare is back in and he has a trash can! Henare CHUCKS the can at Finlay’s head! Then Henare picks the can back up, woozy as he is, and he puts that can around Finlay! Henare runs, RUGBY KICK to the can! Fans are thunderous again, but Kidd is back! DOUBLE LARIATS collide, neither man falls, so Kidd fires off palm strikes! Kidd eggs Henare on, then ducks the uraken!

Kidd SLAPS Henare but Henare URAKENS after all! Henare has the fisherman but Kidd slips free! Kidd runs, but Henare LARIATS! Fans fire up as Henare leans against ropes. Kidd sits up and Gedo coaches him up. Kidd gets a chair, but so does Henare! Kidd dodges Henare’s swing but Henare PUNCHES Kidd’s chair! The seat goes right out of it! Then Henare swings, HEADSHOT, and again that seat comes right out! But Kidd stays up!? Kidd fires off hands, but Henare SLAPS him right down!! Henare still falls over, so Catch 2/2 get in! Coughlin dual wields kendo sticks, but then he throws those to Catch 2/2?!

Coughlin eggs TJP & Akira on, so they SMACK! And SMACK! And SMACK! Coughlin withstands it all, he might truly be an Android! Coughlin blocks both shots, but then they DOUBLE SUPERKICK! They double whip, DOUBLE SMACK but Coughlin keeps going! TJP sets up and Akira jumps off him to SHOTGUN Coughlin out! The fans fire up as Akira hurries out after Coughlin, then he and Henare fetch more tables! They set those up near a corner, and Henare BODY SHOTS Coughlin! Henare reels Coughlin in but Coughlin resists the lift! Henare CLUBS away, then JUMP KNEES! Coughlin is put on the tables!

Henare climbs the cage?! The fans fire up as Henare SUPER SENTONS down through the tables!! The fans are thunderous as the Face of Fury takes out the Android! But Coughlin CLOBBERS TJP with a black bag! And as if we didn’t already know, it’s got thumbtacks in it! Connors reaches inside, and he brings out a bottle o’ beer! Connors takes a big swig, just to SPIT it on TJP! Then he pours out what’s left inside, and yes, its MORE thumbtacks! Connors tells Osaka off, then even pushes Red Shoes away so he can drag TJP up! Connors says Too Sweet, NO CHA- NO!! TJP says no to the No Chaser and he gets around to waistlock!

Connors throws elbows, but TJP wrenches him to FACEBUSTER onto the tacks!! Connors writhes and just gets more tacks on his body! TJP then gives him the JUMP SOBAT, and Connors falls onto tacks!! TJP then feeds Connors to a TOUR OF THE ISLAND!! Cover, Finlay SMACKS it apart with a kendo stick! Finlay SMACKS TJP, CHUCKS a chair at Cobb, then CHUCKS another chair! And then another chair! And another chair! Finlay calls to Gedo and Gedo tosses the Shillelagh in! SHILLELAGH SHOT!! Fans boo but there’s nothing that can be done! Finlay puts Cobb’s face onto a chair, then gets another! CON-CHAIR-TO!!!

Finlay grins as he goes Rated R and he pushes Cobb. Wait, he pushes Cobb out!? He doesn’t want to cover Cobb for the win!? Finlay is so obsessed that he needs it to be Ospreay! Cobb gets cuffed, Ospreay rolls Finlay up! TWO!! Ospreay BOOTS Finlay, SUPERKICKS Drilla, but Finlay CLOBBERS Ospreay! Finlay wants Ospreay to get up, then he runs, into a SPANISH FLY!! Cover, TWO!! Ospreay roars and the fans are thunderous again! Ospreay calls his shot, springboards, but Finlay CUTTERS first!! But HIDDEN BLADE hits outta nowhere!! Cover, TWO!!! Finlay survives again but Ospreay seethes.

The fans rally as hard as they can for Ospreay, he drags Finlay up, but the rest of the Empire has been handcuffed! STORM- NO, Finlay slips free, backslides, suplexes, INTO OBLIVION!! Roll through and another INTO OBLIVION!! Cover, TWO?!?!? Ospreay survives and no one can believe it, least of all Finlay! Finlay calls to the Dogs to go fetch a table? But we’re not talking any normal table. Gedo brings out a table wrapped in barbed wire!! How’s Gedo gonna get that in with the cage door locked? Wait, Great-O-Khan runs down here to stop him!! The fans fire up but Gedo pokes Khan in the eyes with keys!

Gedo uses those keys to unlock the cage door! Fans boo as Gedo breaks the rules Finlay set forth in the first place! Finlay and Gedo get the barbed table into the ring, but then Akira WRECKS Gedo with a dropkick! Khan stomps Gedo and drags him out of the cage but Finlay sends Akira into the wall! Wait, Khan gets the key!! Khan uncuffs Callum! All bets are off now, but then Gedo LOW BLOWS Khan! Finlay sets the table up in a corner, stalks Ospreay, and hauls Ospreay up. Ospreay fights the lift and back drops free! Fans fire up again as Ospreay ROCKS Finlay! Finlay wobbles dangerously close to the table!

Ospreay kicks Finlay, reels him in, and takes aim! But Kidd makes the save! Kidd UPPERCUTS and HEADBUTTS Ospreay, then aims! Ospreay stops by using his bare hands! Kidd says this table is for December! But Ospreay throws elbows, and SMACKS Kidd off that table! Ospreay SCRAPES Kidd’s face off the barbed wire!! Ospreay has Finlay, but Gedo CLAWS Ospreay’s eyes! But CALLUM HOOK KICKS GEDO! TJP RED MISTS Finlay! Ospreay HOOK KICKS Finlay! Ospreay and Callum do it together, DOUBLE OSCUTTERS!!! Callum keeps Gedo out, TJP feeds Finlay to Ospreay! Finlay gets a POWERBOMB through the barbed wire table!!!

Finlay flails and writhes, hoisted on his own petard! Cover, TWO!?!?! Finlay survives and he defiantly flips Ospreay off! Ospreay snarls, the fans rally as hard as they can, and this passes 50 minutes! Ospreay takes off the elbow pad and aims from a corner. Finlay slowly rises, but Drilla JABS Ospreay with a fork!! The fans boo but Kidd drags Ospreay to the apron, near that ladder bridge! PILEDRIVER through the ladder!! Kidd and Ospreay both writhe in the wreckage, and Akira stares down Drilla and his fork! Akira grits his teeth, runs in, but Drilla JABS him in the forehead!! Drilla tastes his fork and fans boo.

Drilla goes back to Akira as Akira is bloodied, just like New Year Dash! But Akira just fires off fast hands! Seeing his own blood has awoken something dark in Akira, and he grabs Drilla’s fork!! AKIRA JABS AWAY ON DRILLA!!! The fans are thunderous as Akira gets even with Drilla!! But then Connors has his dog collar! Akira dodges, dodges again, and THESZ PRESS with the fork!!! Akira grabs the collar and he straps it on Connors! Akira walks the dog, yanks him around, and then TOSSES him over! Connors wants mercy but Akira says hell no! Akira trips Connors and HANGS him with the collar!!

Connors sputters and coughs while TJP watches him! Akira drops Connors, aims at Drilla, NOVA FIREBALL!!! Cover, but Kidd breaks it! Kidd punches away on Akira but TJP storms in! TJP jumps on to BITE Kidd’s neck! Finlay SMACKS TJP with a kendo stick! The Dogs set up chairs again, making a nasty pile. Finlay goes up, Kidd lifts TJP, FULL METAL HIJACKER!! But the Dogs still aren’t done! They clear out space and go looking for even more plunder! Or rather, they’re taking the ring apart! They untie the canvas from the ring itself, and we make it a full HOUR! Kidd says they can go all night with this if they want!

The Dogs move the canvas and get all off the padding away, to expose the hardwood!! They’re going beyond pro-wrestling, all to settle this fight! Fans boo but the Dogs soak it up! But Henare is back to ELBOW Kidd, ROUNDHOUSE Finlay, but Kidd UPPERCUTS back! Kidd reels Henare in, but Henare fights the suplex! Kidd fights the suplex, they both fight for control! Henare powers through to SLAM Kidd down!! Boards come loose but Kidd gets out of the ring to keep from falling through it! Finlay is back up but Henare BODY BLOWS first! Then ULTIMA NELSON!! Finlay endures but Coughlin CRACKS Henare with a kendo stick!

Coughlin brings Henare out, Akira crawls on the padded side, and Coughlin re-cuffs Henare! Coughlin CHOPS Henare, tells him to stay down, and Kidd says to finish him! Coughlin SMACKS away on Henare with a kendo stick! Coughlin says this is what Henare gets for messing with the War Dogs! Connors SMACKS away on Cobb! Finlay finds Akira and says bring it! Akira fires up and the fans are with him! Akira runs up, fires hands, but Finlay shoves and BOOTS him back! But Akira wrenches to SUPERKICK! Finlay ROLLING ELBOWS! Finlay suplexes, but Akira slips around to DDT! Cover, Coughlin breaks it!

Coughlin hauls Akira up, to TOSS him into a corner! Coughlin stumbles because of the loose boards, and then Akira SUPERKICKS him back! Akira SUPERKICKS again, and again, has to steady his footing, and SUPERKICKS again! Akira tells Osaka, “IKU ZO! <LET’S GO!>” Akira puts Coughlin up top and then climbs up after him! Fans are freaking out, commentary is freaking out, but Akira still SUPER- NO, Coughlin blocks! Kidd ROCKS Akira, then Coughlin hands him off to Kidd, HARDWOOD HIJACKER!!! But Kidd can’t make the cover from his banged up knee! Finlay flounders his way around, he covers, OSPREAY BREAKS IT!

Ospreay drags Akira to the safe side of the ring and the fans rally up. This match is still going, pride trumping both mercy and reason at this point. Finlay swims his way through the hardwood and padding, everyone else down and out. Kidd & Coughlin stand to back their pack leader, and then Connors & Drilla join in! Ospreay helps Akira out of the ring to where it’s safe, and then he stands up to face all five War Dogs! The fans rally as hard as they possibly can for Ospreay’s heroism, and Finlay dares Ospreay to make the first shot. Finlay kneels, Ospreay winds up, but Ospreay falls before he can throw Hidden Blade!

Finlay and the Dogs laugh at Ospreay, and then Finlay drags Ospreay up. Finlay lets Connors & Drilla DOUBLE SPEAR Ospreay! Then Finlay puts barbed wire around his knee, so that he can BARBED WIRE INTO OBLIVION!! Cover, War Dogs win!

Winner: The War Dogs, by pinfall

Mercifully, this war is over. And sadly, this is how Ospreay’s NJPW career ends. Finlay gets a mic while the fans boo, and Finlay says, “War Dogs run New Japan!” That’s all Finlay wants to say, that’s all he has to say, and that’s all anyone cares to hear from him. The War Dogs move on from the United Empire, will nothing stop them from running through the rest of NJPW?

As for the United Empire, they pick up the pieces and regroup, most concerned about Ospreay and Henare at this point. The fans still rally for Ospreay and his courageous fight. Henare is freed of the cuffs and then escorted to the back by medical. As for Ospreay, TJP, Akira & Callum help him sit up. The fans cheer Ospreay on as he manages to stand. Khan and Cobb also stand in the ring with Ospreay, and the fans now chant, “Thank You, Ospreay!” Ospreay is understandably emotional as the moment sinks in. Ospreay takes a deep bow and the fans applaud.

Ospreay finds the mic and kneels as he says, “Osaka. For eight years, you guys have been my home. You have seen me from a young boy become a man. I wanna thank everybody, every single person in here. Thank you so much for looking after me.” The fans applaud, and Ospreay continues, “I promise you all, I swear to this. I swear to all of you, I promise, I will come back one day, I promise.” The fans cheer that! Ospreay asks they please do not forget him, because he will never forget any of you, he really won’t. He loves you all so much. The fans applaud again, and Ospreay manages to stand back up.

Ospreay says he is ready to show the world what NJPW has produced! He is the man today because of all of these fans. So until he comes back, matte ne, arigato gozaimasu!! Ospreay says this isn’t goodbye, but just see you later on. The Empire hugs it out, still united even as their fearless leader moves on to a new chapter in his career. Who will pick up the mantle of leader in his stead? How far will Ospreay go now that he is All Elite?

My Thoughts:

This was a wild night for NJPW in Osaka. I know I skipped half but that main event ended up nuts as it was. Okada VS Tanahashi for the last time, at least in Osaka and under NJPW, was a great match, and I had a feeling Okada was going to win here. This isn’t his final final match, Sapporo is next, and it sounds like ZSJ wants that match. Who knows how that goes after ZSJ got a win in an awesome match with Bryan Danielson tonight. I could see ZSJ beating Okada to get that rub on his way to a new singles title opportunity. And while people argue that Okada can revive rivalries with this person and that person in AEW, I still argue that going to AEW undercuts a lot of the emotion going into his departure. Just look at how often Moxley and Bryan show up in NJPW since they’re AEW guys.

Then it seems Bullet Club really is going to run a lot of NJPW at this point. I did not think ELP & Leo were losing but something is fitting about Taiji Ishimori screwing ELP over when he also had a hand in kicking ELP out of Bullet Club. Chase & Kenta make for an interesting duo to be tag team champions, and that adds gold to Finlay having the Global and Connors-Moloney having the junior tag titles. In other companies, Chase & Kenta would probably be transitional champions to some other big team, but maybe they just want to escalate the feud, forcing ELP & Leo to chase the heavyweight titles while trying to hold on to the NJPW Strong titles.

And then that Steel Cage Match ending up more like WarGames, and then even going beyond that in brutality, there are definitely mixed feelings here. English commentary was making a note of not liking how far the War Dogs went, and how deconstructing the ring was “not pro-wrestling.” Part of that is probably because the War Dogs were doing it and the War Dogs are Heels so you hate what Heels do by definition. But at the same time, there was some legitimate reason, because as we saw, the boards being exposed and loose was really risky for everyone, not really sure it was needed after everything else they’d done in the match.

In the end, I was only moderately surprised the War Dogs won. Ospreay is leaving, he goes out taking the loss, that’s just tradition. It gives the War Dogs momentum as they go for full domination of NJPW, they might even go back for the NJPW Strong titles in an attempt to leave the Guerrillas with nothing. But Ospreay’s final words to NJPW were very touching, and because he’s going to AEW, his words about coming back one day were very true. He could easily come back the same way Bryan and Moxley show up whenever they want, and of course there’s always Forbidden Door. As for Ospreay in AEW, he could probably show up at Revolution to challenge whoever is AEW World Champion, and that’d be pretty awesome.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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