Will there still be a Double Champion?
Castle Attack set a low bar, but at least set up a historic main event with Desperado and Ibushi! New Japan Cup first round matches also...
There's gold in the Castle Attack!
The second day contains all of the championship matches! Heavyweight Tags, Intercontinental and NEVER Openweight matches! Plus a triple threat for the vacant Junior Heavy title!
Let the Castle Attack BEGIN!
Castle Attack is a two day event, with this first one having top tier talent; but no championship stakes. Does that hurt the show?
NJPW begins in Hiroshima, still!
This New Beginning show brings us 6 man and Double Title matches! Does SANADA continue to fail upwards? Do we return to a real world where...
NJPW begins in Hiroshima!
Show number two out of three! We get some of the final building blocks for Ibushi vs SANADA: as well as, two big title matches!
Finally, a New Beginning in Nagoya!
New Beginning in Nagoya could make good on it's name today! United Empire look to rebound from a bad Wrestle Kingdom and Tanahashi looks to dethrone...
Happy New Year Dash!!
Not the flashiest NJPW event, but it sets the ground work for 2021 stories! Check out NJPW New Year Dash!!
WrestleKingdom 15, Night 2!
Four title matches and kicking things off with the KOPW 2021 Trophy 4 way! Does Jay White ruin Kota Ibushi's feel good story? Can SANADA finally...