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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Live Report! (11/21/17)




  • Shelton Benjamin w/ Chad Gable VS Jey Uso w/ Jimmy; Benjamin wins.
  • The Bludgeon Brothers VS The Hype Bros; The Bludgeon Brothers win.
  • WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship: Charlotte Flair VS Natalya; Natalya wins by disqualification, Charlotte retains.
  • Handicap Tag Team Lumberjack Match: The New Day VS Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn; win(s).


Survivor Series was neck and neck until the very end.

Raw and SmackDown won three matches apiece and it all came down to the traditional Men’s 5v5 Elimination Tag Match. Star-studded and surprising, Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn worked to screw their own show over by attaching Shane O’Mac, only to be run off with chair shots and RKOs, but it still worked to eliminate The Viper. Shane was left all alone, and it all ended with Triple H attacking Angle to trick Shane. How will the Blue Brand bounce back?

The SmackDown Commissioner, Shane McMahon, comes to the ring.

Captain of the losing team comes out to welcome Houston to tonight’s show. So close but so far was the entire team of SmackDown. Stephanie surely spins the story well, but SmackDown proved that they — even in defeat — is still THE Show in the WWE. Shane is so proud of his superstars, proud of their intensity, their grit, and their determination. This roster bleeds blue and do it with pride and for the fans. All but two: Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn, get out here now! The Best Friends oblige! And are all smiles, too. So what side of you is it now, Shane? Death-Defying or Drunk-with-Power? Shane always starts SmackDown with an excuse as to why Shane failed. Which is harder for Shane? To come up with new excuses all the time, or to man up and apologize when he was wrong? Shane should be on hands and knees begging for forgiveness for not having them on the team. These two can beat anyone on any other night. These two would’ve beaten The Shield! Yup. These two could’ve beaten all five men of Team Raw: Finn Balor, Samoa Joe, Braun Strowman, Kurt Angle and yes, even Triple H. Double yup. And either of them could, and would, beat Brock Lesnar. Triple yup! So skip the pleasantries and just be a man, tell them you are sorry. Shane reminds them they are speaking to The Commissioner. And for the first time in Kevin’s life, shut your mouth. These two have no respect for anyone in the WWE. Check. No respect for Shane. Double check. And these two have no respect for anyone in the crowd. Triple check! In that case, this next part will be quite easy. Two words for you — no no no, you can’t fire them! They’re too valuable! Everyone in the locker room looks up to them, wants to be them! Everyone in the industry respects them and not even Shane is foolish enough to disrespect these two Hall of Fame stars, the top two superstars in the WWE. So delusional. Shane is going to ask if they see their own delusion. The locker room hates them. These two are the worst megalomaniacs in WWE ever. Therefore, listen up to the two words Shane has for you: Daniel Bryan? The SmackDown GM wants Shane to slow down. He has every right to fire Sami & Kevin, but before doing that, put personal feelings aside. Finally a voice of reason. Sami has always seen Bryan as a reasonable man, and stopping Shane’s personal — Sami, shut up. Bryan has a better solution for this situation. Everyone in the back hates them, and Randy Orton had to be sent home so he couldn’t get at them. But The New Day, too, for last week when #Rawtaliation happened. So time for Kevin & Sami to prove they’re the best against The New Day. First, that’s bogus and unfair, that’s 3v2. Sami, shut up! That’s not the end of it. Everyone hates you two and wants at you. And they just might, because it will be a tag team Lumberjack match!

Shelton Benjamin w/ Chad Gable VS Jey Uso w/ Jimmy!

Now that the battles for brand supremacy are over with, it is back to SmackDown supremacy as the Gold Standard goes up against one half of the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Champions. The bell rings, the two circle, tie up, fans are strongly behind the Usos even as Benjamin puts Jey in a corner. Clean break but Benjamin grins confidently. The two tie up again, Benjamin puts Jey in a corner again but Jey dodges to give Benjamin a stuff uppercut. And another, but then Benjamin gives a knee. Headlock on but Jey powers out, Benjamin runs Jey over. Benjamin gets running, Jey runs him over. Benjamin gets to a corner, Jey runs in but is put on the apron, Jey rocks Benjamin with a right hand, climbs up, Benjamin knocks him off the top and to the floor with a big knee attack! Gable trash talks but Jimmy backs him off as we go picture in picture.

Benjamin goes out to fetch Jey, brings him over and scoop slams him on the ground. Benjamin drags Jey up and puts him in the ring, Jey gets up but is given knees in the corner, as well as forearms. Benjamin backs up, Jimmy coaches Jey back into things and Jey rocks Benjamin with more signature uppercuts. Benjamin grabs Jey by his hair, forearms and elbows against the ropes. Benjamin whips Jey corner to corner, Jey hits buckles hard. Jey gets to the apron but Benjamin is upon him, pulling Jey into the ropes for a choke. Benjamin lets go and Jey snaps back against apron edge as he gasps for air. Benjamin drags Jey in to a chinlock, Jey endures the squeeze and gets to his feet to fight out with body shots. Jey runs, Benjamin gives him a bigspinebuster! Cover, TWO, but Benjamin is not frustrated, he puts Jey right back into a chinlock. Jey endures as fans build to a rally, we go single picture again as Jey gets up and gives more body shots. Uppercut rocks Benjamin, then another, Benjamin gives a knee back. Back suplex slipped out, mule kick and uppercut. Jey dodges, then hits Benjamin with a Samoan Drop! Jey takes aim, corner to corner for the running hip attack! Benjamin slumps out of the ring, Gable coaches him but Jey builds speed, Gable blocks the path, only for Jimmy to trip him up. Jimmy goes to throw Gable but Gable reverses, Jimmy crashes into barriers! Benjamin back in, roll-up, TWO, SUPERKICK! TWO! Jey is a bit shocked, but he keeps his cool. Jey goes to the apron, Gable rushes him but gets a SUPERKICK to send him down. Jey climbs up, takes aim, Uso Splash hits nothing, Benjamin hits Pay Dirt! Benjamin wins one for his team, can “American Alpha 2.0” get back to title contention?

Sami & Kevin talk with someone backstage.

Kevin & Sami know this person is no friend to Shane McMahon nor Daniel Bryan. Management might be gunning for the Prizefighter and Underdog now, but it’s only a matter of time until they treat you the same, so can you be on the side of Sami & Kevin, Baron Corbin? The Lone Wolf wants something in return. Well uh, standing up to Shane, so it’s the principle of — principles? Corbin can’t stand Kevin & Sami either! So find someone more “weak minded” to manipulate? He has a point… The two Best Friends talk to BOBBY ROODE. The GLORIOUS One should want to be somebody on the main roster. Or are you another pawn? So much potential in Roode, so as a Lumberjack, is he going to be like everyone else or stand out? Like Sami & Kevin. Are you guys out of your minds? Roode was in the 5v5 Men’s match Sunday, Roode’s first WWE PPV and Survivor Series, the biggest opportunity of his career, and yet these two ruin it for him and all of SmackDown. See you out there, because he owes you both a receipt. Trying to recruit cronies isn’t going so well, will it turn from 3v2 to Everyone VS Sami & Kevin?

Naomi is down that SmackDown lost.

It still felt good to see Charlotte win against Alexa Bliss, though. Just like Charlotte beat Natalya before Survivor Series, and she’ll do it again after Survivor Series. But NXT’s Ruby Riot is here? And introductions to a couple other NXT women, Ms. 201 Liv Morgan, and #CountryStrong Sarah Logan. But don’t get up, they’re just here, to beat you down! Deja vu from how the Glampire, Paige, led an attack with NXT women, Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose! Naomi gets thrown into trunks, just like Alexa Bliss on Raw, but then Becky Lynch to the rescue! Only to get all the same in a 3v1 beating. And an even worse beating as Becky is put between doors and is crushed between them! A few referees appear to back the NXT women down and call for medical attention, just what is this uprising within the Women’s Divisions?

Shane McMahon talks with Daniel Bryan backstage.

The GM is sure making a lot of moves tonight. Asurprise call-up of three NXT women? Wow. And the Lumberjack handicap match for Kevin & Sami, genius. Shane has cooled off, he’s seeing the big picture. Firing was always an option but with this, The New Day and the entire SmackDown men’s division gets their piece. Then, when Sami & Kevin lose, they’ll get fired, right? Shane can’t wait. And before Shane does any other drastic action, he’ll just go back to his hotel room and watch in peace. Bryan, you’re in charge, have a good time.

The Bludgeon Brothers VS The Hype Bros!

Luke Harper & Erick Rowan have reinvented themselves now that they’re finally free of Bray Wyatt’s hold on them, are Mojo Rawley & Zack Ryder in for a world of hurt? The Red Lamb starts against Mojo, the bell rings, Rowan kicks and runs Mojo over. Harper lurks on the outside as Ryder gets blasted off the apron and into the announce desk, Harper finishes Ryder with a boot! Harper throws Ryder into steel steps, Rowan and Harper flank Mojo. Mojo is worried, but he hypes himself up to go right at Rowan. Rowan catches Mojo’s crossbody and slams him down, tag to Harper. Harper slaps Rowan to fire him up before the whip into the corner, a smothering clothesline and then Mojo is fed to Harper’s boot! Tag back to Rowan, the Bludgeon Brothers roar as they bring Mojo up, double crucifix slam! The Bludgeon Brothers win, are they back for good?

Backstage interview with Natalya.

The self-professed new Best There Is, Best There Was and Best There Ever Will Be prepares to become champion again, but what does she think of the changing landscape in the division? The only change that matters is the title change that will happen when Natty wins tonight. Charlotte is running wild over her biggest win, over Natty, and it was so “precious” when she and her father Ric Flair celebrated. And congrats on beating Alexa Bliss, Natty’s cat could do that. Charlotte thinks she’s Wonder Woman, but Natty wonderswhich woman will knock her down; it’s Natty, of course. And Ric Flair can really cry his eyes out when Natty becomes the SmackDown Women’s Champion again, and forever. Will the Queen of Harts take her thrown back from the Queen of Flair?

AJ Styles comes to the ring!

The Phenomenal One took on The Beast for the first time ever anywhere, and though it was rough at the start, Styles toughed it out to push Brock Lesnar to the limit. However, that limit wasn’t enough to break Lesnar, a springboard into an F5 and the Universal Champion toppled the World Champion. But at least Paul Heyman gave him incredible praise by saying AJ Styles is the modern day epitome of what Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart and Ric Flair were but even better. As for Styles himself, he first enjoys the ovation Houston gives him, but wishes he could be the one celebrating. Not because he didn’t try, he gave Lesnar everything, but Lesnar is everything we thought he was. The crazy part: phone calls, texts, tweets, all said “Congratulations, Styles, you went one-on-one with The Beast and held your own.” But, Styles said it once and he’ll say it again, WWE doesn’t give trophies for second place. After Survivor Series, Styles wasn’t the one limping to the back, though. If Lesnar wants another go, remember this: in Rocky II, Rocky wins. But enough about Survivor Series, on to “The House that AJ Styles Built!” Styles is salty because a certain someone said they were going to take the title away tonight. Jinder Mahal said he’d take it away on SmackDown. Well, Styles is right here, ready to compete, if the Modern Day Maharaja wants him, come get him! But Mahal is on the titantron. Mahal comes out when he wants, but he’s too busy re-watching Styles lose over and over again. Styles only won that WWE Championship because he took advantage of a distracted Mahal who was prepared for Lesnar. If Mahal had competed at Survivor Series, he’d be SmackDown’s Beast Master! That sounds so stupid. But if Mahal won’t come out here, for as well rested as he looks not competing at Survivor Series — Mahal gets his rematch when he wants it! He brought dignity to that title, and had 1.3 BILLION people of India looking up to him! Mahal chooses when he wants his rematch. Styles is a disgrace, and they will clash, but somewhere more deserving than Texas. Mahal invokes his rematch at Clash of Champions! Mahal laughs and the Singh Brothers ambush Styles! Samir & Sunil beat Styles down but then Styles beats them down. Mahal isn’t laughing anymore as Styles gives out a Styles Clash! Will the Phenomenal One be ready for the Maharaja’s challenge in one month?

Kevin & Sami keep looking for allies.

They hear Aiden English singing a new rendition of the Rusev Day anthem. They applaud WWE’s Drama King, he has a gift. Rusev asks what they’re up to. Well everyone in America wants to celebrate Thanksgiving, but Sami & Kevin are proud French Canadians, so they don’t “buy into all that crap.” They’ll celebrate Rusev Day! They understand Rusev & English, and they get Kevin & Sami, right? The attack during Survivor Series wasn’t about betraying SmackDown but teaching Shane a lesson. Rusev got his qualifying match cancelled and yet Cena just joins? The people who don’t understand how unfair that is, is the New Day. Those three are jealous that Rusev Day is more popular. And, Sami just heard this somewhere, The New Day thinks English is a bad singer. Just something to consider before the Lumberjack match. Have Kevin & Sami won over some allies after all?

WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship: Charlotte Flair VS Natalya!

Another battle of SmackDown’s Queens, but only one woman can reign supreme on the Blue Brand! The bell rings and Natty goes right at Charlotte, headlock takeover and then some furious strikes. Natty runs but gets run over, Charlotte gives those Flair chops “WOO~!” Natty dodges the fourth and gives a discus clothesline, then going for Sharpshooter but Charlotte denies it. Natty instead throws Charlotte into a buckle and embraces the heat as we go picture in picture.

Natty baseball slide dropkicks Charlotte out of the ring, then embraces the heat again. Charlotte slowly stirs, Natty comes out to stomp her and throw her into barriers. Natty grins as she keeps on Natty around the side. Natty puts Charlotte back in, cover, TWO. Natty is already frustrated as she puts Charlotte in a corner and stomps a mudhole in her. Natty hammers away on Charlotte, drags her out by her hair, Natty tells the fans to “Shut! Up!” before giving Charlotte a snap suplex. Natty walks all over Charlotte, then taunts, but Charlotte rolls her up, TWO. Natty gets Charlotte with a stiff forearm and then whips her to a corner, Charlotte tumbles to the apron and shoulders in, slingshot roll-up, but no cover, Charlotte gives Natty a neckbreaker into exploder! Natty gets to a corner, Charlotte rushes in but is elbowed back, Natty gives Charlotte a right hand. Natty drags Charlotte around for a whip but Charlotte kicks back and hits a sunset flip but Natty rolls through for a dropkick. Natty keeps on Charlotte in a corner, more right hands until the ref backs her up. We go single picture as Charlotte elbows out and gives forearms to Natty now. Charlotte climbs up for corner punches, getting 5 but then Natty gives her a sit-out powerbomb! TWO! Both women are down out of exhaustion, fans rally for Charlotte but Natty is up first. “You will never beat me!” Sharpshooter in! Charlotte endures the legendary submission as she crawls and claws her way over, ropebreak! Natty lets go but rains rights down on Charlotte, but the ref backs her off. Natty runs back in, Charlotte counters with a backbreaker to complete shot into the buckles. Charlotte drags Natty into position, walks over her, climbs up top and… MOONSAULT gets knees! Natty catches her breath as Charlotte rolls away. Natty spins, into a SPEAR! Natty is gasping but she falls out of the ring. Charlotte recovers, but then the NXT women return! They go right after Natty! Match ended here, but this raucous trio led by Ruby Riot is not down, they slam Natty off the announce table. Fans chant for “NXT! NXT!” as Natty is then put into a post! Ruby finishes Natty off with a running kick, but the riot is not over. She and her allies flank the ring, the Women’s Champion watches them all. Boot for Sarah, elbow for Liv, but 3v1 makes it nothing more than a beating. Ruby drags Charlotte up, Sarah runs, to boot Charlotte down! Charlotte is dazed as Liv gets a turn, jumping code breaker! Ruby wants a turn, she drags the limp Charlotte up for the falling enziguri! Just like Paige, Sonya & Mandy last night, Ruby, Sarah & Liv are here to change everything in SmackDown’s Women’s Division. Can anyone hope to stop them?

Daniel Bryan is asked about the actions of Ruby Riot and company.

An interesting situation, but no comment at this time. However, Kevin & Sami come over to say they know exactly what’s going to happen in the main event. Sami & Kevin will be “ripped limb from limb” because everyone else is jealous. Final reminder to their value: if Bryan does what Kevin & Sami think he’s gonna do, that will be the biggest mistake he ever made. Bryan simply wishes them good luck.

Handicap Tag Team Lumberjack Match: The New Day VS Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn!

Leading the way for the Lumberjacks is the King of Strong Style, Shinsuke Nakamura, and he’s joined by everyone from The Usos to Tye Dillinger to The Fashion Police. But don’t you dare be sour! Clap for your world famous four-time champs and feel, the powah~! And they’re also serving New Day pancakes.

My Thoughts:

Much like Raw, this is an interesting SmackDown to follow Survivor Series. First, it isn’t just Raw that gets three women added to the roster, and it isn’t just Raw that has those three women running roughshod over the existing roster. Is this the next phase of WWE’s Women’s Revolution? An NXT Women’s Invasion? Seems a bit odd that they chose Liv Morgan, though, she’s still so much like a Carmella clone right now, but I suppose there just weren’t many women in NXT’s midcard that could fit this team-player Heel position. And I hate to say it, but after seeing the gimmick in action, “Bludgeon Brothers” Harper & Rowan (who seem to have lost their first names) are basically WWE’s bootleg version of ROH’s War Machine, Rowe & Hanson. It’s great that Harper & Rowan won but it’s going to take time for them to feel like tag team championship material again.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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