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Mitchell’s WWE Survivor Series Report! (11/19/17)




  • Kickoff Match, Elias VS Matt Hardy; Elias wins.
  • Kickoff Match, WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Enzo Amore VS Kalisto; Enzo wins and retains the Cruiserweight Championship.
  • Kickoff Match, Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn VS Breezango; win(s).
  • Six Man Tag: The Shield VS The New Day; The Shield wins.
  • Women’s 5v5 Elimination Tag Match: Team Raw VS Team SmackDown; Team Raw wins, Asuka as Sole Survivor.
  • Champion VS Champion: The Miz w/ The Miztourage VS Baron Corbin; Corbin wins.
  • Champions VS Champions: The Bar VS The Usos; The Usos win.
  • Champion VS Champion: Alexa Bliss VS Charlotte Flair; Charlotte wins.
  • Champion VS Champion: Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman VS AJ Styles; Lesnar wins.
  • Men’s 5v5 Elimination Tag Match: Team Raw VS Team SmackDown; Raw wins, Triple H and Braun Strowman surviving.


The SmackDown Women are ready to get payback on Raw.

But then former champion and new teammate, Natalya, appears to make this into a pep rally to compliment herself. Captain Becky wants Natty to hush, Natty acts like Becky is being the dramatic one. Raw has former champions in Sasha, Bayley, and Alicia, along with the pure power of Nia and Asuka, but they’ve got women to match. Tamina can handle Nia, there are just as many former champs, and SmackDown has the first ever Ms. Money in the Bank. That plus their heart, SmackDown will be THE Show! The women in blue are ready, can they prove their Women’s Division is the superior product?

Alexa Bliss joins the Kickoff Panel.

Now that it’s Charlotte and not Natalya, the Goddess has prepared for nothing. But as the superior champion, she will still win for Raw. Did Alexa feel the emotion of Ric Flair congratulating his daughter? No, it was the same as always. Two women have held both Raw and SmackDown championship belts, but Alexa was the first. How about the size difference and how Charlotte is taller? So what? Alexa is Five Feet of Fury and is so quick. HBK can agree, being small doesn’t make you an underdog. Alexa always did like the Showstopper. Charlotte now joins via camera, she’s doing well. What does Charlotte have for Alexa? Well Alexa won’t be running away now. Charlotte doesn’t put on a costume and pretend to be a comic book hero. She is a Flair, the true Iron Woman of WWE. She doesn’t miss shows and doesn’t run from fights. Alexa may have done it first, but Charlotte is a Grand Slam champion and will do it better. Okay Charlotte has her legacy, but Alexa has given blood, sweat and tears. Charlotte isn’t saying that, she’s talking about the change in the Women’s Division? Of if the Horsewomen were so great, then why did it take so long for them to catch up to her? The Queen came first, the Goddess will bow down. Make it a t-shirt, why don’t you? Alexa vows she will sweep the Horsewomen, Charlotte dares her to try. Which woman will reign supreme?

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Elias.”

The Drifter is in Houston! And fans hope he’ll #DriftAway already. Can they feel the tension in the air here at Survivor Series? Wear red, wear blue, but in the end, ask yourself “What would Elias do?” Not come to Houston if he had the choice. Unless he had a song. So silence cellphones and shut mouths, he begins his one-man concert. “Listen to my songs, they’ll tell you the truth.” Fans boo and jeer instead. “Follow me, I’ll show you the way. Problem is, people of Houston, are just too dumb, and Texans are the worst thing about the USA! Matt Hardy’s a boy, but he’s gonna become a man.” Speaking of, here he comes!

Elias VS Matt Hardy!

It’s WONDERFUL~ to see Matt again as he takes on The Drifter to stay afloat in the Raw rankings. The bell rings, fans chant “DELETE DELETE DELETE!” for Matt as he ties up with Elias. Elias arm wrenches, Matt reverses and puts on a headlock, switch to hammerlock. Elias swings but misses, headlock takedown. Elias grabs Matt’s hair and stands up, Elias powers Matt up but gets taken into another takedown. Elias gets up again, powers out successfully, but Matt holds ropes. Matt boots Elias, Russian side leg sweep, and Matt hops up. Matt takes aim, elbow to the head, TWO. Matt is right on Elias as we go to a break.

We return, Elias pries his way out of another headlock, Matt whips him and elbows him down, fist drop on top, TWO. Elias pushes Matt to ropes and they must break, but Elias yanks Matt into ropes instead. Matt goes down, gasping for air, Elias catches his own breath as he stalks Matt to a corner. Elias fires off nasty shots, goes out and rams Matt’s arm against the apron edge. The LED screen even glitches out as Matt yells in pain. Elias grins, enjoying what he is doing to the tag team icon. Elias wrenches that bad arm, fans rally, Matt gets up and fights back with right hands, only for that left arm to be yanked again. Knee drop on the arm, “Who wants to walk with Elias?!” Fans boo and jeer as he keeps on Matt. Matt tries to fight back but is put in a corner, his arm wrenched with the help of ropes. Elias lets Matt out, but hammerlocks him before throwing that shoulder into buckles. Elias keeps on Matt with another hammerlock buckle bump, cover, TWO. Elias isn’t bothered at all, he goes back to an armlock. Fans rally again, Matt works his way up, fights back, arm wrench into double underhook, shoulder breaker! TWO, Elias is getting a little annoyed now. They go to the apron, Elias brings Matt up, goes after that bad arm again with the help of ropes. Matt fights back, Side Effect to the apron! Now they’re even as Elias’ back is sore. Matt gets back in the ring, Elias gets up but Matt counters his punches with punches. Matt fires haymakers, gets buckle bumps “DELETE DELETE DELETE” all the way to the bottom! Matt is fired up, the fans are, too. Clothesline yes, and the bulldog, too! But Matt’s bad arm is slowing him down. He grabs Elias, Elias shoves back, another Side Effect, TWO! Matt gets up first, but is shoved into the buckles again. Matt elbows and boots back, hops up again, takes aim, elbow drop. Crawl to a cover, TWO, but Matt isn’t slowing down. He calls for the Twist, Elias gets up, Twist denied, then Matt is thrown bad shoulder first into the post! Drift Away neckbreaker!

Elias wins! Fans may not like his music, but they have to respect his in-ring skills, can those same skills get him closer to a title?

The Social Media Lounge has The Miz!

The Hollywood A-Lister and Intercontinental Champion eagerly awaits his match against The Lone Wolf and United States Champion, Baron Corbin. Uncomfortable and personal was their war of words, what can The Miz say about that? Talking is over, Miz’s actions will speak for him. He is an elite talent, and Corbin is going to see why. Corbin talking about his wife and child brings on a whole new focus for Miz, like nothing before. He will unleash all that on Corbin tonight. As for the “brain busters”, first question: How would Team Raw react to Miz losing? Miz’s entire goal as the IC Champion is to make it the most prestigious title in all of the WWE, losing is not even in his vocabulary. Second question, because the first was “so good”: Is Miz feeling the pressure? No one puts pressure on Miz the way Miz does. Miz pressures himself so much and since day one, it’s why he’s outlasted even his haters. Now he not only belongs in the WWE, but in the main event, and he makes every match become the main event. Tonight it isn’t Lesnar VS Styles or Raw VS SmackDown but Miz VS Corbin! Third and final question: What is Miz’s thought about Team Raw? Are they good enough? Whatever show Miz is on, that show succeeds. He made SmackDown the best, now he makes Raw the best. Raw will be superior tonight, and it is thanks to The Miz. Amazing questions, really. Thank the WWE Universe for them. Can Miz make Corbin eat his words along with defeat?

WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Enzo Amore VS Kalisto!

While Red battles Blue, the Purple Brand is either going to stay The ‘Zo Show or be brought back under the 205 Lucha Lucha banner! The Certified G reminds us it was all Kalisto’s birthday last Tuesday. The Realest Champ is also the Nicest Champ, he got Kalisto a Cake Boss level cake and what happens? Kalisto shoves Enzo’s face in the cake! The Face of 205 Live, in a cake! Well now it feels like Enzo’s birthday, and his birthday wish is coming true, Kalisto isn’t taking his boo. No cake? Then here’s beef, even though Kalisto is a chicken, because he’s S A W F T!

The bell rings, Enzo goes right at Kalisto with haymakers and then puts the Lucha Dragon in a corner with shoulder tackles and a Certified Mudhole. Kalisto gets in a knee and then lots of kicks, Kalisto wants Enzo up. Salida denied, Enzo gets out of the ring, Kalisto builds speed but Enzo gets out of the way. Kalisto has to stop his take-off, adjusts, and chases Enzo around the outside. Back into the ring, Kalisto shoulders in then slingshots into the sunset flip powerbomb, TWO! A super close call, but Kalisto keeps on Enzo at the ropes. Kalisto drags Enzo up but the ref backs him off, in that gap, Enzo hits a hotshot. Kalisto snaps back, we go to break.

We return to Enzo giving Kalisto a big lariat, cover, TWO. Enzo is frustrated, he keeps on Kalisto with another Certified Mudhole. He then yanks Kalisto up and into a sidewalk slam, TWO again. Enzo puts a chinlock on, trash talking the entire time. Kalisto endures, works to get up, fans rally but Kalisto is powered back to a corner. Enzo scoops and places Kalisto in a Tree of Woe for a corner to corner forearm smash! Cover, TWO, Enzo stalks his challenger as he mocks Kalisto fans. Enzo stretches Kalisto back, then a clobbering crossface forearm. Back to a chinlock to grind and ground Kalisto. Fans rally, Kalisto feeds off it, jawbreaker breaks the hold, then Salida- no, Enzo yanks Kalisto down by his mask. Enzo brings Kalisto around, scoop into the Tree of Woe again. Enzo sets up again, runs in, Kalisto sits up and Enzo hits buckles. Kalisto gets up, super asai moonsault! But Kalisto’s own sore core muscles keep him from making a cover. The two men slowly stand up, Kalisto boots Enzo away. Kalisto dodges, runs, headscissors! Enzo flounders, Kalisto rams in a shoulder then goes to a rolling Death Valley. Penalty kick knocks Enzo down, Spike-Rana on top! Enzo gets to ropes, Kalisto gets the “LUCHA! LUCHA!” going, Salida Del Sol escaped! Enzo slips out again, Kalisto grabs him again, they fight on the ropes and end up on the apron. They won’t stop even as the ref tells them to, Enzo clobbers Kalisto with a haymaker. Then, Jor-DONE-Zo on the apron, Kalisto blocked thanks to ropes! He has Enzo’s foot, they scurry on the corner, Kalisto grabs an arm, Enzo uses that to yank Kalisto into exposed steel! Then into the ring, Enzo truly hits Jor-DONE-Zo!

Cover, Enzo wins and retains! The ‘Zo Show rolls on, can anyone cancel the Realest Show in the Room?

Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn VS Breezango!

The WWE’s Best Friends didn’t come here to compete with “clowns” like the Fashion Police. Call this what it is: a disgrace, and an insult to the very two best on SmackDown! Give up on Fashion Files, investigate the crime of Kevin and Sami being treated so poorly. Kevin and Sami should be making history again as team leaders, but they’re not, and that’s all because of Shane McMahon. The Fashion Police should be investigating how Shane is still the Commissioner when he let his roster get beat down by Raw’s. Sami was concerned for his well-being, for Kevin’s well-being, so the two of them did “the right thing” and escaped the #Rawtaliation.

However, Officers Breeze and Fandango respond. An anonymous tip mentioned “optical offenders” harassing Houston. By the smell of it, it’s these two in the ring. Yes, that is the stench of unkempt beards. Look, the “police.” Say something, paper boy? Here’s a headline: Local Sexy Cop Heroes save Survivor Series. And rewarded handsomely. The teams sort out and have Kevin start with Fandango, the bell rings and Kevin goes right at him. Whip but Fandango kicks back, he sees Sami coming in, dropkicks him out. Breeze gives them citations! Sami & Kevni regroup as we go to break.

We return to Sami on Fandango, but Sami gets the chop then gets hung up on the top rope. Tag to Breeze, double boots bring Sami back in, cover, TWO. Breeze brings Sami into a corner for a bump, then his corner for a bump, whip to the ropes, Sami bails out of the ring. Breze in pursuit, big forearm smash. Houston gets fired up as Breeze has to fight off both Sami & Kevin, Sami pounces on reentry. Sami ground ’n’ pound, then reels Breeze in for a lariat. Tag to Kevin, Kevin mugs Breeze with body shots. Kevin drags Breeze up for a clubbing forearm, tag to Sami. Breeze is isolated in Best Friend territory, and put into a chinlock. Fans rally, Breeze gets to his feet, reaches but Sami knees low then whips. Breeze kicks Sami right in the face, Sami goes down, but Sami anchors Breeze and then drags him away. Tag to Kevin, back senton on Breeze’s back, TWO. Kevin is frustrated, he puts Breeze back in a chinlock. Fans rally again, Breeze works but can’t get away as Kevin trash talks. Fans rally again, Breeze gets his second wind, and fights back only to be thrown down. Kevin covers, TWO, back to that chinlock. Sami even trash talks from his corner. Breeze feeds off the third rally from the fans, fights back again, but Kevin sweeps the legs. Kevin goes for it, but his back senton hits Breeze’s knees! Both men crawl for their corners, hot tags to Fandango and Sami! Fandango rallies with jabs and lariats, whip but reversed, forearm to take out Kevin. Back elbow to Sami, Fandango hops up, missile dropkick connects. Hip swivel, running tornado DDT! Kevin breaks the pin. Breeze in with a forearm smash, he pursues Kevin outside, but gets rammed into an apron. Fandango climbs up but Kevin distracts, Sami dodges the Last Dance! Tag, Kevin goes after Fandango with the Pop-Up Powerbomb!

Kevin & Sami win! Or is it Sami & Kevin win? Either way, these two are united in their anti-Shane agenda, will they be vindicated any time soon?

Backstage interview with AJ Styles.

The Phenomenal World Champion faces the Universal Champion, Brock Lesnar. How will he avoid Suplex City? Not telling you that. But Styles knows he is the underdog against The Beast, just like anyone else. Styles doesn’t fear Lesnar. Styles fears what Lesnar will do to him, but sometimes fear is a good thing. He’ll move faster, jump higher and hit harder, and Styles will have to truly be phenomenal to win. Of course, Jinder Mahal appears, his presence alone enough to remind Styles that they’ll have their title rematch soon enough. Can Styles conquer the Beast to then thwart the Maharaja?

True brand dominance shall be decided tonight.

From #UnderSiege to #Rawtaliation, both rosters have raided the other. A 25 year legacy is in peril, but it won’t end without a fight. The one night a year Raw and SmackDown are pitted against each other, will Goddess dethrone a Queen? Will A-Lister silence the Lone Wolf? Will a Phenomenal One survive Suplex City? Which is the B Show? Which is THE Show?

Six Man Tag: The Shield VS The New Day!

Awwww~ H-Town!” Clap for a dream match so big it had to open the show! Will the Hounds of Justice or the Unicorns of Positivity come out the superior trio of WWE? Great material for the “tumblr kids”, this is more about showing the world who is the most dominant and entertaining faction in WWE history! Kurt Angle put SmackDown #UnderSeige to let The Shield go after the New Day, but it took all of three weeks to steal an idea. “The one thing that was proven” is that The Shield have a “big ol’ set of big, gigantic, dangling, GUTS.” But Dogs are Dogs, time to go Bob Barker on them! Spade and neuter. It’s Dog Eat Dog, and Wrestlemania will creep up to tempt any one of them to bite the others. Brotherhood? There is no greater brotherhood than the New Day, because “New! Day Rocks!”

The six men meet in the ring, the bell rings, and the two chosen to start are Dean Ambrose and Kofi Kingston. The two circle, tie up, waistlock but standing switch, standing switch back, arm wrench. Ambrose rolls, reverses, the fans duel between Raw and SmackDown as Kofi handsprings out, Ambrose slaps him down. Kofi sees how it is, laughs it off, tags Woods in. Ambrose tags Rollins is, the Architect and the PhD of Positivity go now. Rollins sues speed to go from arm lock to hammerlock, Woods does the same, and several times around. Rollins decks Woods with a clothesline! Woods tags Big E, Rollins tags in Roman Reigns. The biggest men meet, circling the other. Fans tell Roman “You still suck!” They tie up, standing switch, but Big E pries his way out with power. Roman gets a headlock, Big E powers out and they collide, Big E rebounds to run Roman over. Big E blows a bit of bad wind Roman’s way, things speed up, Roman runs Big E over with a big elbow! Big E gets right up, he’s mad now. “Suck on this, sucka!” Big E runs, but into a Samoan Drop, TWO. Kofi tags in, Big E reverses the whip, Amborse tags in and The Shield runs The New Day over. Triple clothesline to take out Big E and Kofi, Woods is all alone now. Woods sees he’s in a bad spot, he’s getting mugged 3v1 as the SHield tag in and do their own sort of stampede. Roman drags Woods up, into a big lariat. Tag to Rollins, who goes up top, flying haymaker. Tag to Ambrose, they hit the frantic combination of clothesline, knee drop and elbow drop, TWO. Ambrose taunts Big E, grabs Woods, back suplex slipped out, Woods slides under to tag Kofi. Kofi flies in, knocks Ambrose down, takes out the other Shield members then rallies on Ambrose. Kofi is fired up, fans are mixed, Kofi hits the Boom Drop. Kofi gets fans chanting “New! Day Rocks!” Trouble In Paradise misses, but Kofi boots back to jump, into double underhook! Kofi backs Ambrose into the New Day corner, Big E tags in and “time to turn up!” The proper Unicorn Stampede begins! And it goes on and on until all three of the New Day get a few turns. Kofi whipped in but misses, Ambrose runs Big E over. Woosd tags in, he brings Ambrose back over for hands in the corner. Woods keeps going with the Stampede, and it starts up all over again. SmackDown fans love it, Raw fans boo it. Big E whips Woods now, big dropkick to Ambrose. The Shield decide to take matters into their own hands, they come around and start barwls on the outside. Ambrose rallies inside, then DIVES on Woods!

The Shield regroups with The New day down, but Big E gets up to SPEAR Ambrose out!

A crash and burn, Rollins can’t believe what he just saw. Roman and Rollins get back to their corner, Big E gets Ambrose back in, covers, TWO. Big E yanks Ambrose’s shirt off him, no respect for the new merchandise. Ambrose fires up to chop and chop, Big E shoves him and runs him over, TWO. Big E tags Woods, half-nelson chinbar locked on Ambrose. Fans rally, Ambrose gets up and fights back, but Woods keeps him away with a headbutt. In a neutral corner, Woods keeps giving Ambrose strikes before hoisting him up top. Woods prepares but Ambrose resists, Ambrose gives Woods a super gordbuster! Ambrose adjusts, Woods tags Big E, Big E climbs up and keeps Ambroes stuck there, wanting a super belly2belly! Ambrose resists with ear claps, getting Big E to tumble back. Ambrose aims, jumps, missile dropkick connects. Both men down but crawling, fans rallying, hot tag to Kofi to deny the Shield Roman, so Ambrose body drops Kofi to tag Rollins! The Architect rallies, blockbuster and then slingblade, cover, TWO! Rollins is a bit surprised but he isn’t done. He stalks Kofi, Kofi elbows back, tag to Woods. Mule kick to powerbomb, Roman tags. Buckle bomb, leaping lariat, TWO! Roman is surprised now, but he’s in position. He locks and loads, takes aim, but Woods dodges to roll up, TWO, fireman’s carry but Woods fights out. Things speed up again, SUPERMAN PUNCH! The fans are mixed but thunderous, Roman fires up and lets out the battle cry. Woods knees him away! Tags to Big E and Ambrose, SUPERMAN PUNCH, Belly2Belly! Lunatic- tag to Kofi! Rollins tagged in, mule kick! SUPERKICK! Mule kick again! They drag Kofi in, Kingslayer to Dirty Deeds! Cover, Woods breaks! That is not enough to defeat the record-setting tag team champions. Woods drags Kofi over, tags in, and trash talks Rollins as he brings him up. Rollins revives, SUPERKICK! Both men down, Rollins tells Ambrose to “end it now!” Ambrose and Roman take Big E and whip him right into barriers. Then for Kofi and do the same. They return to their corner, tag to Roman to then tag Ambrose. The three come in, and ew all know that means… No wait, Big E brings out Roman! Woods fights the other two off, Kofi comes in! Trouble in Paradise! Mule kick to Shining Wizard! Woods fires up, and the New Day targets Roman first. It’s 3v1 in a very Shield like way, Penalty Kick keeps Roman down. Back to Ambrose in the ring, tag to Big E, tag to Kofi, buckle kick combo! Tag back to Woods, tag back to Big E, the New Day forms an odd totem for a leap-frog frog splash! And Big E Splash! Rollins returns but Big E keeps him down. Tag to Kofi, “load ’em up!” Kofi and Woods climb up as Big E shoulders Ambrose AND Rollins, DOUBLE Midnight Hour!!

But Roman has returned, SPEAR through Big E to break the pin!! This is not over by a long shot, but “This is awesome!” The teams regroup, Roman tags in. The Shield and The New Day stare each other down, barely able to stand, they rush each other for a huge brawl! Big E sent out, Woods sent out, Kofi and Roman remain inside. Kingslayer and Dirty Deeds on the outside, corner to corner whip but Kofi kicks back. Kofi goes up, Roman ducks under his jump, SPEAR! And NOW it’s coming, as they all tag in. A bit of an audible, SUPER TRIPLE POWERBOMB!!

The Shield wins, +1 for Raw! Is this just the beginning of a Raw victorStephanie McMahon gives a pep talk to her Raw Women’s Team.

Raw is up 1–0, time to make it 2–0. Steph loved seeing them rip into SmackDown. Raw’s Women won last year, they’re gonna do it again. Asuka is the Undefeated Empress of Tomorrow, but the Lass Kicker is after Asuka’s arm. Break every bone in Becky’s body. Legit Boss Sasha Banks, use that swagger. Huggable Bayley, time for hugging is over. Bayley is a force to be reckoned with when she’s focused, give it your all! And Brutal Beauty, the Unstoppable Force, dominate and destroy, throw Carmella into the crowd. If Naomi wants to #FeeltheGLow, then knock her lights out! And, Captain Foxy. Stephanie doubted her, but after last week, she is so proud of her. One last question: Are you ready? Yes, ma’am! ARE, YOU, READY!? YES, MA’AM! SmackDown started the fight, Raw ends it!!

Women’s 5v5 Elimination Tag Match: Team Raw VS Team SmackDown!

Foxy, Sasha, Bayley, Asuka and Nia go up against Becky, Natty, Carmella, Naomi and Tamina, who will be the winning women of WWE? The teams sort out, we start with the Captains, Foxy and Becky. They circle, tie up, Foxy backs Becky up and thrashes her in a corner. Becky shoves back so Foxy unloads knees and elbows. Back to a corner, Foxy slaps Becky around. Becky boots back, fans duel again, Becky fires out with a forearm, then smashes Foxy with a forearm. Snapmare, calf kick, back kick and whip, but Alicia puts Becky on the apron. Hotshot to Alicia, Becky goes up, leg drop! TWO, Foxy’s still in. Becky shakes it off, waits for Alicia to get up, goes after that arm, but Alicia gets a ropebreak. Becky lets go, Alicia back elbows and Bayley tags in. Becksploder for Alicia, roll up for Becky, Becky is eliminated!! Bayley took out the team captain! SmackDown is down a woman already, and Raw is loving it. Natty steps up now, trash talking with Bayley before kicking low and snap suplex quick. Natty gets Bayley in a corner for a mudhole, Natty embraces the heat. Natty drags Bayley up and out, another snap suplex. Bayley’s legs are bothering her but she still kicks out at TWO. Bayley is brought into Blue territory, tag to Tamina to stomp away. Tamina whips Bayley, Bayley dodges, forearm smash and more forearms added on. Bayley rams in her shoulder, then drags Tamina over. Asuka tags in! She kicks and kicks and kicks, then rapid fire hands, tag to Foxy. Foxy adds on, Tamina tries but can’t get out, tag to Bayley. Bayley gets a big right from Tamina, Tamina brings Bayley over and unloads body shots. Tag to Natty, Natty stomps away. Bayley elbows Natty away, then dodges, and fights off all of the SmackDown women. Hotshot to Naomi, but then Natty goes after Bayley. Tag to Carmella, double mudhole stomps. Natty tells Raw fans to shut up while Carmella tags in Tamina. Bayley fights out again, FABULOUS Kick from Carmella. Tamina up, SUPERFLY!

Bayley is eliminated! We’re back to 4v4, Raw has to regroup to send someone in. It’s Nia Jax! Family faces off now, but Nia knocks out Naomi first. So Tamina does the same to Asuka. Now they tie up directly, pretty even in power. Headbutt from Nia, headbutt from Tamina. The two circle, double headbutts! Both are staggered, Nia powers Tamina to a corner and rams in her shoulder. Nia says “It’s about me!” before crushing Tamina in the corner. Cannonball senton! TWO! Tamina is still in this, Nia is already frustrated. Nia drags Tamina up, Tamina revives to throw haymakers. Fireman’s carry but Nia is too much, Nia gets Tamina up, but Lana gets on the apron to throw a shoe at Nia. Nia blasts Lana off the apron! Nia turns around, SUPERKICK from Tamina, then another SUPERKICK to send Nia staggering out. Tamina wants after Nia but the ref won’t let her, so Naomi slingshots for a splash! Nia is down, Tamina fetches her with a third SUPERKICK! The ten count gets up to 5, Tamina gives Nia a huge crossbody to topple her down. Count at 8, Tamina gets in, Nia doesn’t, Nia is eliminated! We’re now 4–3 with SmackDown leading. Raw sends Captain Foxy out but she’s so mad at Nia, she doesn’t see Naomi coming! Roll up, TWO, Naomi throws forearms on Foxy. Foxy fights back, hops up but faked out, enziguri rocks her to the mat. Naomi in position but Foxy dodges, big boot to the face. Foxy drags Naomi up, whip but Naomi reverses, tilt-o-whirl escaped for a sunset flip, Alicia’s eliminated! But there’s a bit of confusion, Naomi thought it wasn’t, so as Alicia gets out, Sasha gets in to put on the Bank Statement Crossface!

Naomi taps and is eliminated! Now it’s 3–2, so Carmella goes right at Sasha with furious right hands. The Princess of Staten Island gives a snap suplex, TWO. Sasha blocks a bump to give a bump, tag to Asuka! And Asuka rips into Carmella with strikes. Kick after kick to the back, Asuka’s just getting started, big hip attack on the run, TWO! Asuka drags Carmella up but Carmella slips out and yanks Asuka down by her hair. Carmella is pissed, she puts Asuka in a corner and stomps a mudhole then throws in hands. Carmella hits the Fabulous Bronco Buster, then moonwalks it off. She mocks Sasha, but she should be worried about Asuka. Carmella slaps Asuka, THAT was a mistake. Asuka fires up, shoves, then hip toss knee! Buzzsaw! Carmella is eliminated! Natty comes in now that it’s 2–2, tag to Sasha, Raw double suplexes Natty. Cover, TWO, Natty slaps Sasha, so Sasha slaps Natty back hard. Kick blocked, knee given, but discus lariat connects, TWO! Sasha fires off forearms on Natty, runs and starts rallying. Sasha goes corner to corner for double knees, comes back and puts Natty sideways, Stock Drop knees! Bank Statement number 2! Natty endures, Tamina breaks the hold. Natty rolls Sasha, TWO, Sasha is thrown right into buckles. Sharpshooter!

Sasha endures, crawls and reaches for Asuka, but Tamina intercepts! Sasha taps, she’s eliminated! Asuka is 2–1 as the last woman for Raw, and SmackDown feels confident they can take her. Asuka gets in and Natty is right on her, Asuka comes back, it gets pretty scrappy in there. Natty takse a moment to gloat, bumps Asuka, tags Tamina. Mudholes again, double suplex of their own. Tamina drags Asuka up, Asuka fights back, fans cheer “Let’s go, Asuka!” Asuka takes a stiff slam, cover, TWO! SmackDown is surprised, Asuka keeps fighting back. Tamina dumps Asuka down again, then climbs up top. Tamina takes aim, SUPER- flop! Asuka gets up, runs in, jumping armbar! Tamina taps and is eliminated! We’re down to one woman each, and Natty goes right at Asuka without hesitation. Natty wants Sharpshooter, Asuka makes that a kneebar!! Natty fights out, Asuka kicks her in the head. Discus misses, heel kick connects! Asuka is all fired up, chicken wing drop into Asuka Lock! Natty taps, Raw wins again! Are we looking at a sweep in the making?

Stephanie McMahon rubs the wins in Daniel Bryan’s face.

Raw’s gonna run the table, get used to it. Or Raw is lucky, as the Men’s Team can still win with John Cena. How did Bryan get Cena, anyway? Angle’s ignorance or Bryan being family? Says the woman who put her husband on Team Raw. No no, Triple H did that because it is his right. The guy that Bryan beat at Wrestlemania 30? Bryan got an awesome moment, and now he’ll get another awesome moment when SmackDown beats Raw, too. No, Raw has the stronger team, literally, and Raw raided SmackDown to prove it. As vindictive Stephanie sounds, Shane will be twice as much, which is why SmackDown will win. Maybe, if he were 100%. Bryan should consider that without Shane, he’s “stuck” in charge. Something to think about.

Champion VS Champion: The Miz w/ The Miztourage VS Baron Corbin!

The time for talk is over, time for fighting! And with Maryse in the front row, The Miz has his full support system present, is it enough to finally shut the Lone Wolf up? The bell rings, the two circle, Corbin trash talks Maryse then swings on Miz, Miz swings and connects. Miz gets out of the ring as Corbin rushes him, Corbin waits as Miz regroups with his Miztourage. Miz gets in and knocks Corbin away, then bobs ’n’ weaves with the former Golden Glove winner. Corbin catches him, however, throws him in a corner and then kicks him to another. Miz goes up, The Miztourage disrupt the slide out then in, wrekcing ball dropkick knocks Corbin to the announce table. Corbin blocks Miz then throws him into the barriers, right in front of Maryse. Corbin taunts her by punching Miz right in front of her. “That’s what a real man does, honey.” Miz pounces, furious that Corbin would talk to Maryse lik that. They return to the ring, Miz clotheslines Corbin right back out. Miz pursues, clobbering the Lone Wolf, and ramming him into barriers. Miz puts Corbin in the ring, Corbin kicks Miz on reentry then boots him all the way out again. The Miztourage check on Miz, Corbin comes out to fetch the A-Lister, ramming him into barriers now. Corbin brushes off the jeers as he puts Miz in the ring, then in a corner for stiff right hands. The Miztourage tries to coach Miz into this, Corbin whips Miz corner to corner. Corbin mocks the dueling chants, then drives a knee into Miz before throwing Miz to ropes. Miz holds those ropes and dropkicks a leg out, then dumps Corbin out over teh top. Corbin is still on his feet, backing the Miztourage off. Corbin sees the second wrecking ball dropkick coming and rocks him with a right hand. Corbin keeps the Miztourage back again as he puts Miz in the ring, but the MIztourage works together so that Bo Dallas can go after Corbin’s bad leg! Miz keeps on with the low boot. Leg-DDT jams the foot, Miz kicks Corbin’s ribs. Miz stomps away on the bad leg, the referee backs him off. Corbin forces himself up, trise to boot back with the bad leg, just gets another leg jamming move from Miz. Miz drags Corbin out, Figure Four denied, Corbin back suplexes but Miz slips out, chopblock! To Figure Four! Corbin endures the legendary leg lock, using his long arms to get that ropebreak. Miz lets go at 4 to add on, but the ref won’t let him get back on Corbin just yet. Miz rushes in, Corbin hits Deep Six! TWO! Corbin is frustrated as well as in pain, he and Miz slowly crawl to opposite corners. Corbin runs in for a clothesline, but then Miz slips away to boot back. Miz hops up, jumps into a choke grip, slips out, roll up, TWO. Corbin runs, Miz goes up and over so Corbin slides out, and Corbin decks the wounded Axel down! Corbin back in, and even on one leg, lariats Miz down! Bo distracts but gets dragged in, for an End of Days! Miz rolls Corbin up, TWO, Corbin whips MIz into- no, Miz escapes, low DDT! TWO, but Miz is too tired to react. Both men slowly stir, Miz is up first, so he starts up those “It Kicks!” Fans chant “Miz! Miz! Miz!” but the Buzzsaw misses. Corbin up, takes Miz’s corner dropkick. Then another, but END OF DAYS!!

Corbin wins, SmackDown is on the board! In-ring interview with Renee Young to point that fact out, Corbin says “My hand went up, and your mouth went shut.” To those watching around the world, Corbin just shut their mouths, too. Is this the beginning of a SmackDown comeback?

Backstage interview with The Advocate, Paul Heyman.

AJ Styles said earlier that he plans to be Phenomenal in order to defeat Brock Lesnar, but Heyman says he’s always Phenomenal since day one of his career. This entire night is phenomenal, and AJ Styles is the most phenomenal in-ring performer of this or any other generation. But then the bell will ring, and that phenomenal one finds he’s in for a fight! A fight with a Beast, a conqueror, and a predator, and that is when Styles will regret beating Jinder Mahal to face the “number one champion in WWE then, now, and forever”.

Champions VS Champions: The Bar VS The Usos!

The Celtic Gladiator and Swiss Cyborg state that they set the standard in WWE tag team wrestling today, but Jimmy & Jey have tag team wrestling on lockdown. If they’re The Bar, then the Usos are Bartenders. Because everything that comes through The Bar comes through the Usos first. They’re pole vaulters because they clear The Bar. Candy Bar? Nope. Ice Cream Bar? Nope. Pull-up Bar? Nope. Crowbar? Nope. Handlebar? Nope. The only “bar” is the one they slam shut in the Uso Penitentiary! To start this match, it is Sheamus against Jimmy, they circle and tie up, Sheamus puts Jimmy in the corner. Jimmy turns it around, then Sheamus back, headlock takeover. Jimmy gets up, powers out, but gets run over. Sheamus gives him The Bar thumb, the two circle again, tie up, hammerlock from Sheamus but an elbow, uppercut and chop from Jimmy. Corner to corner whip reversed, Jimmy slides to a stop to uppercut Sheamus to his corner. Tag to Jey, “Uce! O!” forearm smash. Mudhole stomping now, tag, Jimmy and Jey stomp both legs. Jimmy tags Jey back in, body shot, but then Sheamus clobbers Jey and tags Cesaro. Cesaro gives a right hand to Jey, then a whip, but Jey reverses to hip toss Cesaro, cover, TWO. Jey drags Cesaro over, tag to Jimmy, body shot and hedbutt. Tag to Jey again, the Usos aren’t slowing down as they keep on Cesaro. Chop from Jey, Cesaro doesn’t care, he gives a European Uppercut. They brawl, chop for EuroUpper, tag to Sheamus. The Bar whips and gives Jey the Bar Lariat. Sheamus stands Jey up, headlock again, Jey powers out as Jimmy tags in, sneak kick and an uppercut. Sheamus out, Cesaro comes in but gets sent out, Jey builds speed but runs into a EuroUpper! So Jimmy DIVES!

Down goes Cesaro, but then Sheamus gives Jimmy a rolling senton on the ground. The ref says to bring this back inside, Sheamus drags Jimmy up and puts him in. Sheamus climbs up, Jimmy stands up, flying clothesline takes Jimmy down, TWO. Sheamus drags Jimmy up, tags Cesaro, now The Bar gets to mug Jimmy. Cesaro puts on a chinlock to keep Jimmy grounded. Fans rally, Jimmy gets up, Cesaro keeps Jimmy back while tagging in Sheamus. They double whip then Super Saiyan mule kick Jimmy down. Sheamus gives Jimmy a knee drop for good measure, then back into a chinlock. Shift to keylock, Jimmy works himself up, Jimmy arm-drags Sheamus but then Sheamus brings him back around. Corner clothesline to Irish Curse backbreaker, TWO, Sheamus goes right to a facelock. Sheamus gets Jimmy back around to a chinlock, fans rally. Jimmy feeds off that, jawbreaker, Cesaro tags in. Cesaro boots Jey out of the picture, Jimmy slips under to find no one. Tag to Sheamus, shoulder tackle, then feed to a EuroUpper! TWO, and The Bar is getting frustrated. Fans cheer Usos on, Sheamus gets Jimmy in the Bodhrain. Sheamus gives three beats before denying teh fans counting along, but he gets a hotshot for it. Sheamus gives Jimmy a body shot, suplexes Jimmy over but Jimmy lands on his feet. Uppercut, corkscrew crossbody!

Both men down, fans rally as both men crawl to their corners. Jey is back, he gets the fans going, tags to Cesaro and Jey! Jey rallies, mule kick to uppercut. Jey hits Cesaro with the Samoan Drop! Cesaro ends up in a corner, Jey fires up, but the hip attack misses, EuroUpper clobbers Jey in return. Cesaro whips Jey corner to corner, Jey slides to a stop, body drop sends Cesaro into the buckles! Now the hip attack hits! Cover, TWO, and Jey looks for ideas. He keeps Sheamus off the apron, then with the ref keeping Sheamus back, Jimmy SUPERKICKS Cesaro before taking out Sheamus, Jey covers, TWO! Jey decides to go up top now, takes aim, but Sheamus throws Jimmy to barriers while Cesaro jump up with a EuroUpper! Cesaro drags Jey up, Jey fights back, Sheamus trips up Jey, Cesaro takes Jey down and goes swinging! Then, Sharpshooter!

Jey endures, Sheamus comes in to BROGUE Jimmy! Jey keeps trying but Cesaro keeps him away from ropes. Jey changes direction, ropebreak! Cesaro can’t believe it. He keeps Jey on ropes, cheap shot knee from Sheamus, big lariat from Cesaro, TWO. The Bar is getting frustrated, they want to finish this. Tag to Sheamus, Sheamus lifts Jey, Cesaro goes up but Jey rolls up, TWO. Jey rocks Cesaro, then dodges Sheamus! Sheamus down, Jey goes up, but he still has to fight Cesaro off. Sheamus catches Jey, Cesaro tags, springboard A-Swiss-ted White Noise!

Jimmy breaks the pin just in time! The Usos continue to prove their toughness, The Bar can’t stand it. The Bar throws Jimmy into the ropes, he goes floundering away. Tag to Sheamus, switch it up with the powerbomb but Jey fights both of them off. Jey grabs Sheamus and turns this into a Super Samoan Drop Powerbomb!

Cesaro gets a SUPERKICK! Jey covers, TWO!! Now the Usos can’t believe it, but “This is awesome!” Jey and Sheamus stir, crawl, but Sheamus keeps Jey anchored and drags Jey with him to The Bar’s corner. Cesaro is crawling his way on the outside, Jey hits the dragon whip kick! Tag to Jimmy, both Usos SUPERKICK Cesaro, who took the shot for Sheamus. Brogue misses, SUPERKICK to SUPERKICK to DOUBLE SUPERKICK! Jimmy FLIES and tags, UCE SPLASH! The Usos win! SmackDown has tied it up!

Champion VS Champion: Alexa Bliss VS Charlotte Flair!

The Queen of Flair becoming the SmackDown Women’s Champion was a great moment in the Queen City, but the Goddess of Raw isn’t bothered by this change one bit. Will Five Feet of Fury or the Nature Boy’s Daughter be the better woman tonight? The bell rings, the two stare down as “WOO” echoes throughout the arena. They then tie up, Charlotte knees low and whips Alexa, an elbow runs her over so Alexa bails out. Charlotte dares Alexa to come back in. Alexa does, but then goes right out as Charlotte rushes her. Alexa wants Charlotte to back off so she can enter. Fans duel, Alexa finally gets room to enter, and the two stare down again. The two tie up, Charlotte powers Alexa to the ropes and Alexa shrieks as she calls for the break. Charlotte backs off, they tie up again, Charlotte puts Alexa in a corner. Alexa kicks out but is bumped back into the corner, so Alexa slaps Charlotte. Charlotte slaps Alexa, Alexa gets to the apron, Charlotte rocks her with a right. Charlotte joins her, but gets an arm wringer that brings her right to the ground! Alexa gets Charlotte in, covers, TWO. Alexa kicks Charlotte while she’s down, then dropkicks her out of the ring. Alexa goes out to keep on Charlotte, another dropkick to the ribs. Alexa drags Charlotte up, puts her in the ring again, covers, TWO. Alexa is annoyed, she kicks Charlotte before putting on a modified keylock abdominal stretch. Fans rally, Charlotte endures as Alexa claws and grinds an elbow into those ribs. Charlotte fades a bit, Alexa keeps on the bend. Fans rally again, Charlotte gets up, scoop slam but Alexa slips out to drive Charlotte down, TWO. Alexa keeps on Charlotte with more kicks to the ribs. Alexa tells Charlotte to just give up as she puts her in a corner. “You’re not the Queen here, Charlotte!” Alexa stomps a mudhole into her, then gets mad at the referee for counting. Charlotte elbows back, rolls Alexa, TWO, Charlotte goes into buckles hard! Alexa stays back as the ref checks on Charlotte, Charlotte is okay to continue so Alexa drags her out by her hair to kick at the ribs again. Alexa hops up, tornado DDT denied, T-Bone into buckles! Charlotte recovers while Alexa is down under the ropes, but Charlotte decides to climb. She scrapes Alexa off, but Alexa comes back to trip her up into a Tree of Woe, basement dropkick! Alexa drags Charlotte into position now, Alexa climbs up to the top, but Charlotte stirs as Alexa takes aim. Alexa switches tactics, knee drops for Insult2Injury! TWO! Alexa is getting frustrated, she hops on but her sunset flip is blocked, Charlotte gives one big knee and then prepares a powerbomb, which Alexa resists, Alexa huricanrana pin, TWO! Alexa goes for it again, and hits Code Red!

TWO, and Alexa can’t believe it. Alexa drags Charlotte up by her hair, argues with the ref, but Charlotte denies the DDT. Alexa rushes in but gets Flair Chops! “WOO~!” echoes out as chop after chop hits, but then Alexa drags Chalrotte down to scrap and thrash into a guillotine lock! Charlotte starts fading, she reaches for ropes, fans rally and Charlotte gets her second wind. Charlotte stands up, uses her height and power for a sit-out powerbomb!

TWO! Charlotte is not deterred just yet, as both women slowly stir. The fans duel, Charlotte gets up first, but Alexa uses that stiff right to deny the Figure Four. Even so, Charlotte glares at Alexa as Alexa crawls for a corner, Natural Selection! TWO!! Charlotte is getting angry now. She drags Alexa over, walks all over her, then starts to climb. Moonsault, FLOP! Alexa covers, TWO, and she’s unsure what to do next. Alexa scoots back, afraid of Charlotte now. Charlotte is right on her, yanking her to her feet, stiff right again, DDT! Cover, ROPEBREAK! And Alexa throws a tantrum. Alexa gets mad, she drags Charlotte up by her hair, fans duel again, Alexa says Charlotte’s time is over! But then Charlotte returns that mandible claw, shove, SPEAR! Both women down again, from exhaustion and soreness. A ten count begins, both women stir and stand up at the same time. Alexa rushes in, dropkick to the ribs again, then kicks in the corner. The ref backs Alexa up to check on Charlotte, but the match continues as Alexa stomps on Charlotte’s back. Alexa goes up now, takes aim, Twisted Bliss hits knees! Charlotte stalks Alexa, big boot to her face! Then, Figure Four becomes Figure Eight!

Alexa is stuck, she flails and endures, but she taps! Charlotte wins, SmackDown breaks the tie to go 3–2! The pressure is on the Red Brand, can they still win this?

Champion VS Champion: Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman VS AJ Styles!

Two incredible careers in professional wrestling finally intersect as the “reigning, defending, undisputed Universal Champion” is to take on the Phenomenal One and new WWE World Champion! The fans duel “AJ Styles!” “Suplex City!” The bell rings, and Styles is wary of Lesnar but Lesnar boots Styles to a corner, rams in shoulder after shoulder then throws Styles across the ring. Lesnar gives big knee strikes then throws Styles again! Lesnar keeps on Styles in a corner, grinding Styles against a buckle. Lesnar lets Styles go at 4, Styles flounders to ropes. Styles gives a haymaker back but Lesnar clubs Styles down and then stands on his face. Lesnar is toying with Styles as he lets Styles get to a corner before stomping him more. Lesnar drags Styles corner to corner then gives more big knees. Belly2belly suplex launches Styles! Styles flounders again, fans duel again, Lesnar just steps on Styles’ face again. Lesnar drags Styles up, German Suplex! Suplex City begins with one. Lesnar stalks Styles, Styles can barely stand up, Lesnar drags him up to throw him out of the ring. Lesnar lets Styles stay out there as a ten count begins. Styles struggles to get up, Lesnar gives up on waiting, he throws Styles right into an announce desk! Lesnar drags Styles up and into the ring, still toying with him. Styles crawls to ropes, Lesnar waiting for him to stand up. German Suplex number 2! Styles is still on jelly legs as Lesnar gets him in a corner, running knee strike!

Styles crumbles to the mat, but Lesnar just grins. He wants Styles to get back up. Styles swings, misses, Lesnar is just playing with him now. Styles kicks, it’s blocked, Lesnar decks him with a right hand. Styles throws hands and it starts connecting! Styles backs Lesnar down but then Lesnar knocks him down and stomps him out. Lesnar drags Styles up again, fireman’s carry, but STyles slips out! Styles gets away, then dodges a second knee strike, dropkick to that leg. DDT on top of it! Styles has Lesnar down, but Styles can’t get up. The fans are thunderous, Styles kicks at Lesnar’s leg. Styles has Lesnar on his knees as he brings in right hands. Lesnar shoves Styles, Styles enziguris back. Springboard moonsault but Lesnar catches him, Styles slips down to shove Lesnar into buckles. Tornado DDT denied with pure power, both men are down. Fans applaud as both men slowly get up, Pele used like a leg drop! Styles gets to the apron, takes aim, springboard but into German Suplex Number 3, and a wicked one! Styles and Lesnar both get up, Lesnar lumbering over to Styles. Big right hand countered into a body drop to slam Lesnar on the apron’s edge. Styles takes aim again, and uses what energy he has left for the slingshot forearm!

Lesnar gets up, Styles shoves Lesnar into steel steps. Styles refreshes the count, then jumps for another forearm! Lesnar goes down, Styles puts him in the ring. The two men stand up and Lesnar gives a big forearm, but then Styles hits an enziguri! Lesnar down, Styles stirring, springboard for the Lionsault! Styles isn’t done there, he gets to the other side, Springboard 450!

TWO! Styles is too sore to be frustrated. Styles gets up, drags Lesnar up, Clash prepared, but Lesnar gets the fireman’s carry! Styles slips down, Calf Crusher!

Lesnar’s bad leg is the target of this killer leglock! Lesnar endures, Heyman is panicking, Lesnar grabs Styles and bounces his head off the mat again and again! Lesnar gets to ropes, “This is awesome!” Styles up, Lesnar up, fireman’s carry but Styles holds ropes. Styles forearms Lesnar again, and then Phenomenal Forearm!

Cover, TWO!! Styles is shocked, but The Beast is The Beast for a reason. Styles gets to the apron, wants to go again without the elbow pad, Phenomenal Forearm caught into fireman’s carry and F5!!

Lesnar wins! The score is tied 3–3 thanks to the Universal Champion! Styles came close, will he have enough left in him to defend against Jinder Mahal?

Men’s 5v5 Elimination Tag Match: Team Raw VS Team SmackDown!

The Olympic Gold Medalist and General Manager of Raw, Kurt Angle, was made Team Captain by Stephanie McMahon to counter how SmackDown Commissioner Shane McMahon is Team Captain for SmackDown. They’ve assembled what are quite possibly the greatest teams in Survivor Series history, which quintet will survive to get the final point and the win?! The ten men stand face to face, but the referee keeps the peace. No one wants to back down from either side, the referee insists this is one man at a time. The teams finally settle down, but it is clear Strowman wants to start for Raw. SmackDown isn’t as sure, so Shane McMahon gets the jump on him! The bell rings, Strowman throws Shane around! Orton tags in and gets his Captain out of harm’s way. Samoa Joe tags in, the Destroyer and the Viper circle. They tie up, Orton gets a waistlock but Joe pries his way out, headlock, Orton powers out, Joe runs him over with a shoulder. Joe waits for Orton to come out of the corner, Orton ties up with him, headlock from Orton, Joe powers out and runs him over again. Joe gets moving, Orton elbows him down. Orton gives Joe European Uppercuts in the corner, then whips him corner to corner but is reversed. Joe runs in, RKO denied just in time, Coquina Clutch but Orton arm-drags out. Stand-off, so Finn tags in. The Extraordinary Man gets the attention of the King of Strong Style! Orton tags Nakamura in, the fans go wild. An NXT rivalry renewed as the two tie up, Finn goes for a leg but Nakamura slips away. They tie up, fans go wild for NXT as they standing switch back and forth, Finn gets an armlock. Nakamura rolls, reverses, cartwheel, and wristlock. Finn rolls and reverses, Nakamura powers him to ropes, for the ab rest. Finn doesn’t care, he just gives Nakamura a Too Sweet. Then a kick before a snapmare but Nakamura lands on his feet. Snapmare, Finn dodges the stomp and kick but misses his own double stomps, another stalemate gets the fans excited. Now Triple H wants in. Finn obliges, the King of Kings wants at the King of Strong Style. They circle, Nakamura says “C’mon!” Triple H rushes him, powers Nakamura to a corner, then gives a clean break. Fans duel, Triple H dirties it up with haymakers and stomps in the corner. Nakamura gets Triple H in the corner and drives in knees. Triple H shoves Nakamura back, Nakamura kicks him down. Triple H knees low, whips Nakamura, reversed, knee facebuster. So Roode tags in! The GLORIOUS One grins as he is now face to face with The Game. The two circle, trash talk, and start shoving. They get face to face again, Roode winds it up… Triple H decks him! Triple H won’t let Roode taunt him, so Roode throws right hands instead with haymakers and chops. Corner to corner reversed, but Roode fires out with a lariat, cover, ONE. Roode keeps on Triple H, more chops against ropes. Another whip reversed, Spinebuster! Triple H catches his breath, winds it up, and… SUCK IT!

Kick, double underhook, but Roode slips out for his OWN Spinebuster! Wind it up, GLORIOUS, but Triple H reverses the DDT, Roode slips out of the Pedigree, Triple H drives Roode into into Raw’s corner and Angle tags in. Roode is ready, he throws hands on Angle. Angle gets under, German Suplex! But he’s not done, another German Suplex, and holds on for a third German Suplex! Angle is back to his old self again, he waits for Roode to get up, but Roode arm-drags out of the Angle Slam, double clotheslines bring both men down. Angle and Roode crawl for their corners, tag to Nakamura so Triple H comes in to intercept. Nakamura unloads strikes on Triple H, Dynamic Dropkick on Angle, and a sucker punch for Strowman. Nakamura kicks away at Angle, one blocked but he hits an enziguri! Angle down, but Strowman looks angry… Nakamura whips Angle corner to corner, running knee. Nakamura then sets Angle up sideways on the top rope, Top Shelf Knee. Joe rushes in, but Nakamura dodges to then drive JOe down with a knee. Finn in, but he gets knees, too. Triple H is back, Nakamura gets caught but escapes, swings a kick and hits the left. Angle tags in Strowman! KINSHASA to Triple H but The Monster Among Men comes in. He and the Rockstar stare down, Nakamura takes the fight to Strowman, kneeing him away and hoping up for a flying knee. Strowman stays up, Nakamura runs into the Monster Powerslam!

Nakamura is eliminated! But Bobby Roode is right on Strowman with haymakers. Roode slips out of the choke slam but is shoved into a corner. Strowman runs in, Roode dodges, hops up, blockbuster! Cover, ZERO as Strowman kicks out already. Strowman powers Roode up, Roode slips down and then boots from a corner. Hops up again, blockbuster deflected and then Roode is picked up for the second Monster Powerslam! Roode is eliminated, Raw is up 5–3! Orton steps up, Joe tags in. Strowman doesn’t like that, he and Joe start shoving… Triple H, Finn and Angle try to stop the dysfunction, their team is winning. But then Angle and Triple H get mad at each other, as one is Captain but the other is COO. So Orton shoves Angle into Triple H, then a cheap shot for Finn. Shane throws hands on Joe, Cena goes right after Finn, draping DDT to Triple H!

Joe gets Shane off him, but then runs into Orton’s powerslam! Cena is all fired up for his team, but he and Orton face Strowman now. Two WWE legends and a legend in the making, the brawl is 2v1 yet Strowman is winning. He shoves them away again and again, Cena tries but can’t lift Strowman, the RKO is blocked, so they both bumrush Strowman to send him out! They go after him but they both get stiff right hands. Strowman starts stripping an announce desk now… Strowman brings Cena up and over, Orton recovers and saves Cena. The two club away on Strowman, they try to double suplex but Strowman is too big and strong. So the rest of Team SmackDown — even the eliminated Nakamura & Roode — come in to make it a 5v1 suplex through the table!

Strowman crashes through, Team SmackDown has done something no one has: they’ve brought Strowman down. But Shane isn’t done, he’s got a crazy idea in his head. He climbs up, but Joe springs up to grab him. Joe gets Shane turned around, for a SUPER Belly2Belly overhead!

Joe is seething, he wants Shane to get up. Coquina Clutch but Shane slips down to kick Joe and tag Cena! Cena and Joe go at it, dropkick from Cena then a corner shoulder, but atomic drop to boot! Joe gives a back senton on top, TWO! Cena is sore now as he ends up in Raw territory. Joe jabs Cena, runs in for the back elbow. Joe lines up the shot, fans duel over whether or not “Cena Sucks!” Joe runs in, misses, Cena in, yurinagi! Finn tags, goes up, but Joe tags back in. More dysfunction when they don’t need to, so Cena gets Joe with the AA! Then Finn flies in, FINN gets an AA! Then Joe gets another AA! Joe is eliminated, the teams are 4–3! Raw still leads, but it gets a little less assured they’ll win. Cena dares someone to step up to him. Angle does, to bring things full circle. The two tie up, Angle gets the waistlock, wrestling slam. Cena gets up, works out of the hold, headlock from Angle but Cena powers out. Angle runs Cena over with a shoulder but Cena sits up. Cena smirks, probably feels familiar from that very first match. They tie up again, another waistlock but Cena elbows out to put on a headlock. Angle powers out, now Cena shoulders him down, “You Can’t See Me.” Fans are a mix of cheers and jeers, Cena and Angle go again, Cena knees low but now it’s a brawl of haymakers. Cena ducks, starts on those jumping shoulder tackles, spin-out powerbomb. Fans know what’s next as Cena again says “You Can’t See Me!” But then ANKLE LOCK!

Cena endures as he crawls, rolls to push out, wants fireman’s carry but Angle slips out to Angle Slam, Shane breaks the pin! So Finn hits COUP DE GRACE behind the ref’s back. Angle Slam again! Cena is ELIMINATED!! SmackDown is down 4–2! Orton is on Angle with those signature sadistic stomps and then scrapes his boots on Angle’s face. Knee drop misses, Angle crawls and hot tag to Finn. Finn kicks Orton, gets in and rallies. He takes out Shane for good measure, takedown to double stomps. Finn goes out to give Shane a blasting dropkick! Shane is down and out while Finn goes back to Orton, RKO denied, roll up, TWO, SLINGBLADE! Orton is staggered, Finn gives him a blasting dropkick then goes up top again. Finn jumps but Orton dodges, RKO!!

Outta nowhere as always, and Finn is eliminated! Things are bit closer at 3–2, but with Strowman and Shane out it’s more like 2–1. Triple H clobbers Orton, his old protege. The Game keeps on The Viper with right hands and stomps. Triple H brings Orton over, tags Angle, Angle goes up but Orton shoves Triple H into Angle. Back2back backbreaker, H goes down. Orton crawls away, Shane has returned! But then, Shane is ambushed by Kevin & Sami!

Their grudge against Shane is above brand, they beat Shane O’Mac down without remorse. Shane is tossed over the remaining announce desk, but that’s not the end of it. They stalk around but Shane has a steel chair and goes to town on the Best Friends! Orton gets Kevin with an RKO! Shane runs the petty duo out of the arena, Strowman is back!? He tags in, and the Monster has his eyes on the Viper. And then runs him over! Scoop, Monster Slam Three! Orton is eliminated, Raw is up 3–1, and it’s only Shane left. He started this with #UnderSiege, now he has to face the consequences. Strowman is so ready to maul a McMahon, and even Angle and Triple H are ready. No more chair, too, so Shane really is all alone. Shane is stalling out of fear more than anything, but as he paces, he works himself up back to bravery. Tension mounts as Shane approaches, but Triple H tags in? The brother-in-law wants at Shane first. The two circle, but then Angle reaches out and tags in. Captain against Captain, but now they argue,. Roll up, TWO, Russian leg sweep, TWO. Shane throws those jabs and boxing shots on Angle. Whip and big jumping elbow, Shane covers, TWO. Shane keeps on him with a roll, TWO, so he tries a DDT! TWO, but a lot closer than before. Shane keeps trying, kicking away at Angle but then Angle gets behind him, ANGLE SLAM! Angle isn’t done there, Ankle Lock! Angle punishes Shane with this, Shane flails and endures, reaches around and rolls but Angle keeps it on. Triple H even trash talks Shane as this is going on. Shane can’t get to ropes but can’t get free, he’s suffering through this hold, but even Triple H starts feeling bad. PEDIGREE to Angle?!

Strowman is confused by what Triple H is doing, but does nothing as Triple H helps Shane get the cover, Angle is eliminated! Strowman stares at Triple H, Triple H stands in the way of Shane. Seems family is stronger than brand. Shane is on one leg, Triple H helps him stand up. Shane doesn’t seem to understand either, but then Triple H hits Shane with a Pedigree himself!

A selfish swerve, but Shane is still eliminated! Raw wins with two men left, and 4–3 in the series! Triple H raises Strowman’s hand in victory, assuring him it was all part of the plan.

Raw reigns supreme, and that’s all that matters, right? Strowman doesn’t seem to think so. Even as Triple H explains it, Strowman doesn’t seem to like it. The Game is celebrating, until Strowman grabs him by the throat. “If you ever cross me again, I promise you will NEVER Play this Game again! You hear me?!”

Strowman lets Triple H go, but Triple H goes right at him! Kick, double underhook, but Strowman makes good on his threat, he powers out to POWERSLAM TRIPLE H!

Strowman roars victoriously as he stands over Triple H, but Triple H makes the mistake of getting back up. So Strowman gives him another powerslam! He rips off his shirt, not wanting to be associated with such a brand, then storms off to leave Triple H for dead. The Monster Among Men is the true Sole Survivor, what will this all mean for WWE’s future?

My Thoughts:

This was probably the greatest Survivor Series in a long time, even if the builds were a bit wonky. Two surprise kickoff matches that were actually still fun, as Elias keeps rolling and Kevin-Sami make a lot of good points about Shane in the grand scheme of everything while still getting a good win. The Cruiserweight Championship match was good, too, though I was hoping for just a bit more from Kalisto in terms of high-flying. Enzo wins to put a cap on their feud, but unless Neville is coming back, sounds like Mustafa Ali might step up to the Certified G next.

Then the main card was incredible. I can’t be sure what was the weakest match, but even that weakest match was high quality and worthy of this Pay-Per-View. Opening with The Shield VS New Day was actually a really good move, it got things at a fever pitch as both teams brought out some newer stuff and then gave amazing modifications on their team finishers. The Shield goes over because, well, it’s The Shield, who were always so dominant the first time they were together and it does indirectly mean Roman stays on a winning streak for the sake of what WWE still has planned. The Women’s 5v5 was fun, Tamina got to show her stuff and Nia is more or less protected with that count-out elimination. It meant a lot that Asuka became Raw’s last hope and then won it for them, she has yet to be pinned or submitted in any kind of match and could easily move up to be #1 contender to the Raw Women’s Championship. On the SmackDown side, any one of the Heels on the team could point out how Becky, the team captain, went down first, and that starts a feud towards Clash of Champions to determine their #1 contender. Miz-Corbin was an interesting one as WWE usually doesn’t do Heel VS Heel, but as far as tactics, Miz was bigger Heel since he still had the Miztourage work to distract. Corbin looks to finally be turning that dumpster fire trend around as he wins despite the distractions, and both champions have pretty fluid futures leading towards Clash of Champions and the Royal Rumble. The Bar VS Usos was outstanding, as to be expected from these two teams, it was something roughly on par with Shield VS New Day, and Usos went over not only to tie things up in the Survivor Series best of 7, but also because they really are some serious mainstays in WWE’s combined tag team division, and those two could probably take on just about any tag team today (anyone else notice Byron Saxton’s mention of Superkick Party?). Bliss-Flair was great but only the audience seemed lackluster by this point, probably tired from those other great matches. Bliss said her match with Mickie James was her best but I think this will replace that, even if Bliss lost. I almost thought Carmella was going to cash-in on Charlotte since the Women’s 5v5 already happened, but perhaps everyone wanted to simply enjoy a SmackDown victory, and there will be more chances since SmackDown gets Clash of Champions.

Holy crap Lesnar-Styles was a lot better than I was expecting. At least, it was after seeing Lesnar trying to bury Styles. Styles pushed Lesnar to his limits, but once again Lesnar wins clean and it’s technically okay as Styles doing this much to Lesnar implies he can definitely defeat Mahal in a fair match. Lesnar is also meant to stay on a win streak for the other half of WWE’s Wrestlemania plans as it is 99.9% assured it’ll be Lesnar VS Roman 2. And then the main event, the Men’s 5v5 was also incredible, we got every possible combination of 1v1 match-ups in those early minutes, and the order of eliminations were all great to keep most of these guys strong for the future. Seeing Strowman take on and keep even with two of WWE’s strongest booked superstars was also great, as was the 5-man suplex spot, it is all a compliment to Strowman’s power level that it took that much to keep him out of the way. In fact, Strowman did all the heavy lifting for Raw, almost literally, as he eliminates three SmackDown team members himself. And with how Triple H screws over Angle and then goes after Shane to then suffer the wrath of Strowman, there are a lot of possibilities for The Monster Among Men while also building towards a Triple H VS Angle match at ‘Mania.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 7.25.2024

Slammiversary Fallout! Where do things go on the way to Victory Road?



Well now we start the fall out of Slammiversary. Josh Alexander in his bad bitch summer, X-Speedball legacy, ABC got the t-a-g and Jordynne is still in charge of the Knockouts division. Like I said at the end of Slammiversary, all of the champions being Babyfaces is stupid. They need to drop a couple titles fairly quickly, because I don’t care what some people say, Nic Nemeth ain’t gonna bring any eyes to the brand. He’s about as hot as day old Hamburger Helper over a camping sterno.

We’ll probably open with the luke warm champion, so tune in like 10 minutes late for anything of substance to be happen.


  • Steve Maclin vs Cody Deaner: Maclin wins via KIA – *
  • AJ Francis w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop vs Sami Callihan: AJ wins via Down Payment – **
  • Hammer Your ASH (ASH by Elegance & Alexander Hammerstone) vs JuggerYoung (Jordynne Grace & Eric Young): Hammer Your ASH wins via Torture Rack – ** 1/2
  • The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) w/Alisha Edwards vs Matt Hardy & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey): Broken Alphabet wins via Twist & Splash – ***



Nemeth gives the ole “I’ll be a fighting champion…blah blah” promo and drops the “any company” line that we’ve already understood what that means. Campaign Singh cuts him off…and I never thought I’d be happy for Campaign Singh to walk out and say anything…ever. And…Mustafa’s promo is worse than Dolph’s. He’s gone from parody to caricature even saying “it was the biggest screw job Montreal ever saw”. Like some of these lines are cheap heat, but most are just brain dead comments that wouldn’t get a reaction out of anyone (and the crowd was silent for that comment). Mustafa gets caught in an Archer “phrasing” moment about getting screwed hard, but this is painful. Promos written by 14 year olds everyone…

This ends with Ali challenging Nemeth for the World Title. While I’m not against walk up challenges, I watch Japanese wrestling, I don’t really get the point aside from doing it just to do it. 

ABC and Matt Hardy have a small promo, and I’m still not really a fan of Unbroken Matt Version 6.0. The floating between Broken voice and his normal voice sounds amateurish.

OH LOOK, finally a match 20 minutes into the show. And it’s my son Steve Maclin! OH CHRIST he’s facing Deaner. This has been 25 minutes of talking followed by the worst god damn attempt at a gimmick. Deaner’s little “Papa Santino told me I can wipe my ass only if the crowd agrees”. This gimmick should die in a fire.

Steve Maclin vs Cody Deaner

Deaner started off quick because Maclin was in disbelief that Deaner was actually gonna fight him. Maclin dodges a Crossbody, Busaiku Knee, and just starts beating on Deaner for fun. And this is fun, maybe Maclin can make sure Deaner gets stretchered out and written off forever. How do you call for an ambulance in French? Maclin with the old Back Breaker into a stretch. Deaner tries to nerd rage up, breaks the Back Breaker Stretch, his punch combo, into a Manhattan Drop and Bulldog. Deaner hits the Crossbody, but Maclin kicks out. This is entirely too competitive.

Deaner goes for the Deaner DDT, blocked, Olympic Slam into Splashing Deaner into the corner, Caught in the Crosshairs, K-I-A, thanks for coming you damn dweeb. Stay in Canada and don’t travel Deaner, please.

AJ Francis w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop vs Sami Callihan

As the bell sounds, Sami knocks Rich off the apron, Low Bridges AJ, does the Beats of the Bodhran on AJ and then AJ eats the offense and strategizes with his crew. Bishop and Rich swarm the ring, Sami allows himself to get distracted so AJ slides in and starts beating on Sami. AJ throats Sami across the middle rope and Rich makes his presence felt, AJ distracts the referee and Rich gets in a lot of cheap shots. Bishop throws Sami back in the ring, and AJ keeps up the pressure. Lots of 5 count chokes and leverage moves. After the commercial break ends, Sami dodges a Tennessee Whiskey Knee, gets in a few shots before Rich trips Sami as he’s setting up a Dive, and then AJ takes advantage of the position and hits the goofball knee strike.

AJ calls for his Chokeslam, Sami tries to break it with Axe Handles, then claws the eyes. Sami goes for a Scoop Slam, gets him part way up and then falls over. AJ Chokeslam again, but he bites his hand and starts fighting back. Launches himself at AJ, sends him bouncing off the ropes and uses the momentum to hit that Scoop Slam that was teased earlier. Sami goes for a Western Lariat but eats a Big Boot. AJ does a little Hulk Hogan pose to signal a Leg Drop, but Sami dodges and then connects on a Sliding Lariat. Thumbs Up, Thumbs….interference. Rich distracts the ref, Bishop lays out Sami, AJ connects with the Down Payment.

Hammer Your ASH (ASH by Elegance & Alexander Hammerstone) vs JuggerYoung (Jordynne Grace & Eric Young)

ASH and Jordynne exchange slaps and then Jordynne starts to out muscle ASH. Spinebuster from Jordynne, Juggernaut Driver attempt, but ASH fights off, rope run, Sattelite DDT into both tagging out. EY does the Flair corner flop, slides back in between Hammer’s legs, and connects on a Neckbreaker. EY is the quicker of the two, but Hammer finally gets his hands on him and a Release Belly to Belly into a full mount raining of fists, then a near fall. Hammer smashes EY in a corner, Arm Wringer into an Irish Whip across, but EY moves and Hammer tags out to ASH. ASH levels Jordynne, peppers EY with a few shots and pulls him back to their corner and starts some tandem offense with Hammerman. Hammer Guerilla Presses ASH and throws her into EY for a near fall. Hammer looks to aim for either a Powerbomb or Nightmare Pendulum, but EY drops it into a Small Package, pinfall kick out, they both run, Double Lariat spot. The Knockouts get tagged in.

Jordynne is in control early, World’s Strongest Slam into a Vader Bomb. Juggernaut Driver attempt, but ASH fights it off and tags out to Hammer. Jordynne and EY do some schoolyard stuff with the old Push while Jordynne is down to trip Hammer. All four get in, ASH gets leveled, EY gets leveled, Hammer and Jordynne have a brief face off, but Hammer throws Jordynne to the apron and ASH connects with a Meteora from the apron. Death Valley Driver from Young on Hammer, ASH stares in shock, EY tells her to get, ASH runs away. EY goes up for his Macho Elbow, and ASH causes him to fall to Hammer’s feet, Torture Rack, and EY submits.

Josh Alexander comes out, with new heel music. And it’s not that bad, definitely better than some other people’s new music. Josh yells at the crowd a bit, says he can’t wait til he’s back in a real Canadian town, like his home of Toronto. Then he drops the mic in lieu of an explanation. The crowd chants him off with the “Nah Nah Nah Nah, Hey Hey Hey”.

The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) w/Alisha Edwards vs Matt Hardy & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey)

JDC and Hardy start, but JDC quickly tags out to Myers and that doesn’t go well. Hardy grabs a hold of Myers, a few Delete chops, drags him to his corner and they all get in a few shots punctuated with Hardy getting tagged back in and an Elbow into Myers’ extended and worked on left arm. Myers stays isolated, back into the corner, Boot to the gut, Ace tags in and wallops Myers. Ace connects on Double Kicks, into Russian Leg Sweep and his half of Click Click Boom, for a 2 count. Myers finally gets free with a Jaw Breaker and tags out to Eddie. But The System gets no momentum, Ace stifles Eddie’s offense and starts a few quick tags with him and Bey for tandem offense. Moose finally comes down the ramp as Eddie kicked out of yet another pinfall attempt because The System has had nothing going for them. Eddie finally gets some offense since Moose was a big enough distraction.

Eddie thinks they have a spot, so he tags back in JDC, but The ABC stop him cold, tag in Matt Hardy, and Matt walks down JDC, but JDC Low Bridges. Matt is on the outside, so all of The System surrounds Hardy, then Joe Hendry’s music hits! That stops the heel beatdown, and we follow Hendry’s entire entrance. So that proves Hendry is bigger than the 8 other people in this frame. Not really sure if that’s optics you want to push along. Ace and JDC try to remind people there’s wrestling going on, but JDC thumbs the eye to get a little something going. Vertical Suplex for a near fall, tag out for Eddie and Eddie lights up Ace with some of those NOAH Chops. Ace retreats to the ropes and Alisha chokes him with the ropes while the ref is distracted.

Myers gets tagged in, Ace tries to use the crowd energy, Myers stops it at first but then Ace slips a Scoop Slam and tags out to Bey. Hot tag, strike rush, Double Stomp, educated feet, Leap Frog to the corner but Lish climbs on the apron and yells at Bey which stops his rhythm. Myers kicks his feet out and causes Bey to crash. Eddie tags in for a few shots, then to JDC and Slingshot Knees, Wringer Snapmare, Bow and Arrow Submission, and JDC is just doing solid wrestling work right now. Uppercut between the Shoulder Blades as Bey tries to get out, tag to Myers and Bey is still eating offense. Eddie tags in, Bey tries the Sunset Flip, but Eddie tags out before going over, so Myers folds up Bey for a near fall and then tags out to JDC who connects on a Standing Suplex, slams Bey’s face into the corner, Eddie tags in, and Bey finally fights up to his feet, Eddie just flatten Bey’s comeback, tries a Tiger Driver but eats an Enzuigiri for a simultaneous tag. JDC and Hardy come in, JDC tries to exit halfway in, but Hardy is wrecking shop. He disposes of Eddie, Myers slides in but eats a tandem Neckbreaker/DDT from Hardy. Face team does the Delete Corner Face Smashes. Poetry in Motion into a Side Effect into Corkscrew Swanton for only 2 since Myers breaks it up! Everyone throwing hands, referee is distracted, Moose comes in to Spear Hardy, but Hardy dodges and throws him into JDC (I get the call back), Hendry then lays out Moose with the big Lariat. Twist of Fate from Hardy, Splash from Bey, Broken Alphabet wins!


Overall Score: 4/10

Ugh, cliche promos, too damn much talking, a competitive squash match with an imbecile as our first “match”, into an overbooked and slow heel match, finally a decent tag match (with the right team going over), into another overbooked match with a “tease” for the mystery backup being more obvious than Jericho’s WWF debut.

Aside from the afore mentioned tag match, The Rascalz promo and The System Promo; this was hard to watch. A lot of cornball promos, Rosemary licks her conspiracy board, storylines got zero traction. Whoopity Doo, Ryan Nemeth got a match next week and we get an undead wedding.

While this was a bad episode, it was bad by at least new standards. We’re not back in the TNA Dark Days again, but this was…a useless show.

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