Mitchell’s WWE 205 Live Report! (12/12/17)

All images courtesy of the WWE Network streaming service
- Cedric Alexander VS Ariya Daivari w/ Drew Gulak; Alexander wins.
- Kalisto VS Jack Gallagher w/ THE Brian Kendrick; Kalisto wins.
- Enzo Amore w/ The ‘Zo Train VS Tony Nese; Nese wins, by disqualification.
The Cruiserweight Championship Contender Series was given a “Second Chance” on Raw.
The Outlandish One lost his right to compete for the #1 Contender spot, but that gave four other members of the Cruiserweight Division another shot. Drew Gulak was confident that it wouldn’t matter who won the Fatal 4 Way, he would defeat them to then move on and defeat the champion, Enzo Amore! The Certified G didn’t take kindly to that assumption, but Gulak was still confident even as Cedric Alexander won that “second chance”. Can the Carolina Kid shatter that confidence and finally derail The ‘Zo Train once and for all?
Cedric Alexander VS Ariya Daivari w/ Drew Gulak!
“Gabba Gulak” faces Alexander on Monday to determine the new #1 Contender, but tonight he supports his ‘Zo Train comrade in “Daivari Dinero”, can they slow Alexander down just 24 hours after his major victory?
But first, Gulak speaks to the crowd. Since day one, it has been Gulak’s dream to create a #Better205Live. He takes one step closer when he defeats Alexander for the right to challenge his “mentor”, Enzo Amore, for that Cruiserweight Championship. Alexander won a “second chance” but his luck just ran out going up 1v1 with Ariya Daivari. Daivari is not in a holiday spirit after “Cedric the Grinch” stole that victory from him. Daivari will pound Alexander into the dirt! Please, no chanting! Gulak informs us that fellow ‘Zo Train member, Noam Dar, suffered a knee injury, and will need surgery. As a thoughtful gesture to their fallen friend, Gulak has a 93 point plan for a speedy recovery via hiiiiiiiiiis… POWERPOINT, PRESENTATION! Which is again interrupted by an entrance.
Cedric grins, he knows exactly what he is doing. He enters the ring and the match finally begins.
Alexander and Daivari circle, tie up, and Daivari powers Alexander to the ropes. He shoves Alexander and trash talks in Farsi, Alexander brushes it off. Fans chant, Gulak scolds them, the two circle and tie up again. Daivari gets Alexander’s arm, and wrenches with a wristlock while Gulak resorts to using his megaphone to quiet the fans. Alexander rolls and spins to trip up Daivari onto that sore back, fans duel with “Let’s go, Cedric!” “Power Point!” as Alexander speeds things up. He hits the handspring headscissors and dropkick, Daivari’s bad back bothers him again, cover, ONE. Gulak reprimands Alexander for flipping, another violation of #Drewtopia law. Alexander ignores him, bringing Daivari up for an arm wringer and wristlock. Gulak coaches Daivari as Alexander puts on an armlock, fans keep dueling with chants. Daivari gets up, pulls on Alexander’s hair, the ref breaks them up. Alexander ducks the sucker punch to give a chop, then another. Daivari kicks back and puts Alexander in a corner, but misses his chop, Alexander gives him another chop back. Alexander trash talks Gulak but runs in to be put on the apron. Alexander springboards, Daivari gets out of the ring, so Alexander speeds up, only for Gulak to get on the apron and in Alexander’s face.
Gulak orders Alexander to stop using the top rope, Alexander just lets him talk. But that gives Daivari an opening, he grabs Alexander to throw him right into buckles! Alexander hits face first, Gulak says that’s what he gets for being on the top rope. Daivari stomps away on Alexander now, the ref backs him off. Daivari grinds a knee into Alexander’s head now, then backs off again. He brings Alexander up for chops, “How do you like it?” Alexander is tossed out of the ring, the ref keeps Daivari from pursuing, so Gulak takes advantage by running Alexander over with a lariat!
The referee doesn’t see it at all, Daivari slips out to fetch Alexander, and even does the ‘Zo Train secret handshake with Gulak. Things return to the ring, cover, TWO. Daivari puts Alexander in a chinlock, fans rally and Alexander feeds off the energy. Alexander gets up, fights out with body shots, then forearms, he whips but is reversed, Daivari gives him a bulldog, TWO! Daivari goes right back to the chinlock to keep Alexander grounded, fans rally again. Alexander gets up, more body shots then a jawbreaker breaks him free. Alexander gives Daivari an uppercut, then dropkicks out a leg to send Daivari into a buckle. From the apron, Alexander gives Daivari a kick to the head!
Gulak frowns, but Alexander grins as he turns around, springboard lariat!
Cover, TWO! Alexander is getting a little frustrated but he isn’t done just yet. He fires up the fans, looks for the finish, but Daivari resists. Alexander throws a stiff right elbow to stun Daivari, but Daivari still counters the Lumbar Check into a headlock takeover pin, TWO! Daivari kicks, Alexander blocks then counters with the back elbow, handspring is caught into the spinebuster! Daivari powers through a bad back to go top rope, but Gulak disapproves. Gulak says to get down, Daivari doesn’t listen, Persian Lion Splash!
Direct hit, cover, TWO! Daivari is frustrated, Gulak is upset, but Alexander is still stirring. Daivari prepares his finish, but Alexander ducks the lariat to roll-up, TWO, handspring for the Neuralizer! Alexander brings Daivari up, Lumbar Check!
Alexander wins! He stares down Gulak as his hand is raised. Will Alexander become THE #1 Contender to the Cruiserweight Championship?
205 Live takes a look at the situations developing within the Cruiserweight Division.
Gulak feels he will not only defeat Alexander to become #1 Contender, he also feels he will defeat current Cruiserweight Champion, Enzo Amore, to become the new champion! Enzo keeps it real with Gulak by saying those PowerPoint presentations can be described by one word, and he was going to spell it out, but Gulak didn’t get the hint. At the same time, Nia Jax appeared. How You Doin’? Nia replied by saying she was doing fine, and was glad to see Enzo. She wants to talk with Enzo about something, but couldn’t speak in front of Gulak. What does the Brutal Beauty want from the Certified G?
The ‘Zo Train regroups backstage.
Daivari apologizes for the loss, his back is hurting. Gulak says that is all the more reason why he lost: Daivari went for a top rope move with an injury. “Well what do we got over here?” Enzo Amore has returned to 205 Live!
Enzo didn’t call a team meeting. Gulak says he was giving Daivari pointers. Who gave Gulak permission to give pointers? Enzo has an idea for Daivari: start bringing more to the table! Gulak reasons with Enzo, a lot has been going on, Nia Jax has been a distraction, but Gulak has been thinking on what Enzo said. Gulak knows it was wrong to joke about winning. Enzo sees “a foggy mind with a clear thought” for once. Gulak knows he’s meant to be behind Enzo, but it isn’t impossible for Gulak to win against Enzo and become champion. Gulak imagines that, but Enzo gets upset. Enzo says Gulak isn’t even worthy of holding his microphone, let alone hold the title. Tony Nese speaks up, saying Enzo shouldn’t talk to Gulak like that when Gulak is just trying to help. Enzo is surprised that “Tony Abs” has guts! Team PowerPoint, trying to undermine Enzo? No? Good, because that would be stupid considering they’re on the ‘Zo Train, which Enzo built with his own fists. Enzo rebuilt 205 Live, they sit at his table and enjoy the fruits of his labor. How ungrateful! Enzo takes a moment to calm down.
Enzo knows that sometimes you need to look in the mirror, recognize your faults, and work on yourself to be the best you. He needs to take a step back to be the best leader possible, and he will lead by example. Therefore, tonight, be ringside for Enzo’s match against Tony. What? Enzo VS Tony? Now who’s joking?
Kalisto VS Jack Gallagher w/ THE Brian Kendrick!
The Ungentlemanly Alliance beat down the Lucha Dragon, then talked trash while he was away, but now he’s back for revenge! Can the former Cruiserweight Champion get a 1v1 victory against the “cruel winter”?
The Man with a Plan speaks, saying that “over one year ago”, Kendrick’s own Cruiserweight Championship was taken from him. He worked tirelessly towards being champion in the WWE, but that dream was taken with it. Kendrick has yet to be granted an opportunity to win the title back, but all Kalisto had to do was show up in 205 Live to be “gifted opportunity after opportunity after opportunity”! What does Kalisto do with those opportunities? Squander them. Gallagher speaks, saying they gave Kalisto an easy way out: stay away. Kalisto is like the “lazy sods at ringside”, so he should do the smart thing and stay in the locker room. Otherwise, the “little Lucha Dragon” will only springboard into a spider’s web. Kalisto chooses… to appear!
Kalisto upset Gallagher & Kendrick, but his fighting spirit won’t allow him to run and hide, this match will happen.
Gallagher and Kalisto circle, tie up, Gallagher gets the headlock and takeover. Kendrick watches closely as Kalisto gets back on his feet, Gallagher wrenches the arm and puts on a wristlock. Gallagher brings Kalisto down to the mat, cover, ONE. Kalisto resists further attempts, but Gallagher goes to put his weight on Kalisto, Kalisto uses that to monkey flip Gallagher. Gallagher maintains the double wristlock, Kalisto rolls back but now Gallagher monkey flips Kalisto. Kalisto lands on hsi feet, standing switch to tilt-o-whirl headscissors. Gallagher gets in a corner and puts Kalisto on the apron. Kalisto knocks him away to climb up top, high-flying arm-drag throws Gallagher! Gallagher gets out of the ring, Kalisto starts the “Lucha! Lucha!” chants, but Gallagher gets out of the way as Kalisto tumbles over the top rope. Gallagher joins Kalisto on the apron, Kalisto rocks him with a roundhouse. Kalisto runs on the apron, Kendrick saves Gallagher but takes that Penalty Kick himself!
Kalisto looks for Gallagher and spots him crawling around the other corner. He runs at Gallagher again but his kick is blocked, Gallagher slings that leg into the post! Kalisto falls to the floor, writhing as he clutches that leg. Gallagher leaves Kalisto out there, letting the ring count climb past 7. Kalisto hops on one leg and barely makes it back in the ring. Gallagher grabs that leg, and puts Kalisto in half-surfboard to stomp his knees.
The referee checks on Kalisto, Kalisto refuses to quit, so Gallagher rains down right hands. Gallagher stalks Kalisto to ropes, brings him up, and knees him down when Kalisto fights back. Gallagher puts Kalisto in a Tree of Woe, climbs up and wrenches on the bad leg before yanking it down!
Kalisto drops out of the Tree, Gallagher covers, TWO. Gallagher goes back to the bad leg, but Kalisto uses the good leg to kick Gallagher away. Kalisto limps but is caught again, dragon screw twists that knee again. Gallagher tortures that bad leg with a deep toe-and-ankle wrench. Kalisto endures, Kendrick smiles, but Kalisto kicks Gallagher away again. Kalisto can only crawl as Gallagher kicks him down. Gallagher mocks the “Lucha” chant, then scrapes his shoes on Kalisto’s face. Gallagher wrenches Kalisto’s leg on the ropes, even as Kalisto fights back. The referee backs Gallagher off momentarily, Kalisto tires but fails to stop Gallagher from going after that leg again. Gallagher wants Kalisto to quit, but Kalisto won’t, so Gallagher lifts Kalisto in a modified Stretch Muffler meets Horse Collar.
Kalisto endures the bend and stretch caused by gravity, fans rally and Kalisto pulls himself up. Sunset flip to the Listo Kick! Kalisto gets to ropes, then dodges Gallagher to send him outside. Gallagher lands on his feet, and walks off his frustration, but Kalisto can only limp as Gallagher returns. Gallagher grabs Kalisto’s bad leg again, Kalisto rolls to send Gallagher into buckles! Kalisto and Gallagher are both down, but Kalisto manages a boot from the mat. Kalisto uses his one good leg to hop up and hit a quebrada from the corner!
TWO! Kalisto and Gallagher both down, but Kalisto uses that to his advantage for another rolling Listo Kick! Kalisto manages to run and hit a spike-rana! Kendrick coaches Gallagher to get up, Kalisto covers, TWO! Gallagher grabs Kalisto’s mask at the eyes to dig in fingers before giving a stiff headbutt! Gallagher staggers over to Kalisto, Kalisto springs up and gets him in a huricanrana pin! Kalisto wins!
Kendrick stops Kalisto from enjoying his moment by clobbering that bad leg with a chop block! The Ungentlemanly Alliance circles like vultures, ready to pick the bones of the wounded Kalisto. But Gran Metalik comes to the rescue!
The King of the Ropes shoulders and kicks Gallagher and Kendrick away in turn, then springboards for a 2-for-1 missile dropkick!
Metalik handsprings to arm-drag Kendrick out of the ring, SUPERKICKS Gallagher, and feeds him to Kalisto’s Salida Del Sol!
Kendrick & Gallagher are down as Metalik & Kalisto stand tall. Has the Ungentlemanly Alliance’s “cruel winter” just run into a sudden Lucha heatwave?
Drew Gulak finds Enzo Amore backstage.
Enzo asks Gulak “why the long face?” Gulak realizes things got heated, but he wants to call of the match and talk things out. Enzo is surprised, why is Gulak worried? Things are okay in the ‘Zo Train. Then why does he have to fight Tony? Fight? Who said this was a fight? Enzo is the best Cruiserweight in the world, like this generation’s Dean Malenko. Enzo promises he’s just going to show Tony some holds, put on a “technical spectacle” and give fans what they want. This is the ‘Zo Train. Look at this way: it’ll be a good learning experience for everyone. Gulak still looks worried about that. What is Enzo really planning for the Premier Athlete?
The Cruiserweight Division’s newest addition is Hideo Itami.
The fierce striker from Japan finally moves up from NXT, and he is coming to 205 Live. Who will be the first man forced to show Itami respect?
Enzo Amore w/ The ‘Zo Train VS Tony Nese!
The Cruiserweight Champion does not like his authority being questioned, least of all from those within his own group. Nese looks dejected, unsure as to why Enzo wants to have this match with him. He doesn’t even count his abs upon entering! The Certified G and Bonafide Stud recites his entrance as usual, “How You Doin’?” echoes out in Cincinnati. The ‘Zo Train is doing well, especially after hearing about the first ever WWE Cruiserweight Tour happening in 2018. The Realest Champ and his unit are an “unbreakable unit”. Therefore, anyone who thinks otherwise, there’s only one word to describe you, Enzo spells it out for you, S A W F T!
Gulak and Nese seem unsure, but the bell rings. Nese tries to reason with Enzo as Enzo takes off his extra gear. Enzo warms up with a roll, then asks if Nese wants to wrestle. Do the fans want to see a “technical spectacle?” Fans have a mixed reaction. Enzo asks if Nese wants to be in the ring with him. Enzo shows off his fast feet, and wonders if Nese even saw his shoes. He even offers Nese a free leg!
Nese is in the ring with the best (Cruiserweight) in the world, so give it a try. Instead, Nese asks Daivari what’s going on but Enzo says there’s no point in that. Nese wants to talk behind Enzo’s back, is that it? Enzo let Nese do what he does, because Nese can’t face first place. Fans chant for Nese to “Beat him up!” Nese asks Gulak for help on this, Enzo slaps Nese! “What are you thinking, huh?” Enzo trash talks Nese. “There ain’t no Uber to the top! If you want to get to the top, you ride The ‘Zo Train!” Nese contains his rage, Enzo says to think twice before doing something. The fans keep chanting to “Beat him up!” Enzo says that Nese is smarter than this, but Nese keeps stepping closer and closer to Enzo. Enzo takes steps back, he gets cornered. Daivari attacks Nese from behind!?
The match ends but the “lesson” doesn’t! Enzo “checks” on Nese as he and Daivari stomp Certified Mudholes into him. Gulak is confused, what is happening before his very eyes?
Enzo tells Nese to remember his place! He and Daivari stomp away more and more, Gulak is frozen in place. Fans boo and jeer, Daivari drags Nese to the center of the ring. Enzo asks Nese, “Do you know who I am?! I’m the best damn Cruiserweight in the world!” Enzo is the Conductor of the ‘Zo Train! Nese needs to know his place. Fans boo and referees tell Enzo to stop. Enzo acknowledges their disapproval, but he still puts his foot up against Nese’s head. Enzo notices Gulak is still outside the ring.
Gulak asks “What?” Enzo lets go of Nese and walks over to Gulak, telling him to “get in and prove your worth.” Gulak asks “Why?” Why? Because they’re The ‘Zo Train! Is Gulak on The ‘Zo Train or not? Gulak paces, conflicted on what to do. Enzo waits, Gulak gets on the apron. Good boy, Gulak. Enzo tells him to “use your head”, but Gulak is still conflicted. Gulak says this isn’t right, Nese doesn’t deserve this. Enzo asks what Gulak is going to do about it, then. Is Gulak gonna “pony up”? Is Gulak gonna man up? Gulak paces, still conflicted, Enzo dares him to do something. Fans also shout for Gulak to choose a side, but Enzo says not to listen to them. The referees insist things stop, but Enzo ignores them. Gulak and Enzo stare down, Gulak asks “You wanna get hard?”
He kicks Nese in the head!?
And Enzo says the kick is good.
Gulak betrays his Team PowerPoint pal, Daivari says he did what he had to. Enzo says he’s better than everyone, but doesn’t think Nese is alright. Make sure he’s “alright”. Gulak does, by punching and stomping Nese more. Enzo applauds, he has Daivari fetch his things. Gulak stomps a mudhole into Nese, Enzo cheers him on, but fans disapprove. Enzo asks if Nese is gonna run his mouth again. Daivari picks Nese up, and Enzo says things are alright. Enzo “shows mercy” by giving Nese a Jor-DONE-Zo.
The Certified G made an example of the Premier Athlete, Gulak and Daivari have fallen in line. Will Gulak do what Enzo wants him to by defeating Cedric Alexander this Monday? Or will the ‘Zo Train run itself into the ground?
My Thoughts:
This episode was really close to being something great, but perhaps timing was what limited its quality. The side story of the Division is still going strong, as Kalisto does great in toughing it out against Jack Gallagher. Naturally, Kendrick attacks Kalisto afterward to emphasize how the Ungentle Men are sore losers, but then just as logically, Gran Metalik rescues his fellow luchador. I really look forward to the tag team match between these four, it’ll be even more acrobatic than the Kendrick-Gallagher VS Swann-Alexander match, and I hope they add a stipulation to allow there to be even more aggression. Those two qualities combined should get great attention for the Cruiserweight Division.
The Cruiserweight Championship story was both the strongest yet weakest point of tonight. It built up strong with Gulak supporting Daivari in a losing effort to Alexander to give the True Face of the Division momentum towards the #1 Contender’s match next Monday. However, the real focus of the story was The ‘Zo Train, where Enzo makes his 205 Live return to see what has become of his stable while he was away. The tension between leader and followers is great, and even Nese felt on the brink of a Face Turn. And that is where the problem lies. Everyone played their roles perfectly to build that tension between Gulak and Enzo, and fans were practically begging Gulak turn on Enzo. Unfortunately, with the Cruiserweight Championship #1 Contender match still to happen on Raw, Gulak couldn’t turn Face just yet, or else that would make for a Face VS Face match and WWE dislikes doing those. Gulak instead breaks and betrays his good pal so he can stay in Enzo’s good graces. He can still turn Face after defeating Alexander, but in the moment, it was a disappointment as fans turned on Gulak by chanting “This is Boring!” That chant is inaccurate, there was a lot of complexity going on, but “This is Disappointing” is too much to chant.
My Score: 7.5/10
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The Fallen Goddess returns!
The ROH Women’s World Champion, Athena, finally returns home! But who will be next to challenge The Minion Overlord’s Forever Reign?
- Sammy Guevara VS Mansoor w/ Mason Madden; wins.
- Griff Garrison & Preston Vance w/ Cole Karter VS ???
- Lee Johnson w/ EJ Nduka VS ???
- Blake Christian VS ???
- Fatal 4 Way Tag: The Outrunners VS The Dark Order VS Grizzled Young Veterans VS The Premier Athletes; win(s).
- ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Red Velvet VS Robyn Renegade; wins and
[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]
About Chairshot Radio Network
Launched in 2017, the Chairshot Radio Network presents you with the best in sports, entertainment, and sports entertainment. Wrestling and wrestling crossover podcasts + the most interesting content + the most engaging hosts = the most entertaining podcasts you’ll find!
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TUESDAY - Musical Chairs (music) / Hockey Talk (NHL)
WEDNESDAY - The Greg DeMarco Show (wrestling)
THURSDAY - Keeping the news ridiculous... The Oddity / Chairshot NFL (NFL)
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SATURDAY - The Mindless Wrestling Podcast
SUNDAY - The Front and Center Sports Podcast
Attitude Of Aggression Podcast & The Big Five Project (chronologically exploring WWE's PPV/PLE history) PRESENTS...IMMEDIATE POST WWE PLE REACTIONS w/ DJ(Mindless), Tunney(DWI) & Friends
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Who is really the most dangerous man in AEW?
Ricochet is done with the humiliation and “bullying” he’s endured in AEW, but will Swerve Strickland do a lot worse than that?
- Will Ospreay VS Mark Davis w/ Don Callis; Ospreay wins.
- Konosuke Takeshita & Kyle Fletcher VS Brody King & Buddy Matthews; Konosuke & Kyle win.
- Toni Storm VS Queen Aminata; Toni wins.
- Ricochet VS Swerve Strickland w/ Prince Nana; Ricochet wins.
Backstage interview with Jay White.
Renee Paquette is with the Switchblade, and says she wants to talk the newfound alliance he seems to have with Adam Copeland. Yeah, he made it just in time for the show, luckily they’re close to the airport. But that new relationship, that’s building in real time before our very eyes. There is no real history between him and “Cope,” but there is something there for him and FTR. They haven’t always seen eye to eye, but the last time they spoke, White said that to fight the Death Riders, he’d need to rely on those he usually wouldn’t. Now he must rely on FTR and the Rated R Superstar, Adam Copeland.
Because the Death Riders, they always seem to have the numbers. Well, speaking of, the Death Riders storm up on White! White wants them all to hold on a minute, let’s get a head count. Because up behind the Death Riders is Rated FTR! White shows that it is all right on time! And the brawl is on! White has Moxley while Rated FTR brawls with the AEW World Trios Champions! These eight throw hands as they move further backstage! Moxley sends White into road cases, but White hits back! Moxley RAMS White, the rest of the fighting is closer to gorilla now, and spilling out to ringside! The fans fire up as Cash sends Pac into railing!
Cash then brings The Bastard around to send into the side of a tunnel! Part of it chips off! Pac gets up to kick back, the brawling continues, and now we’re at the ring! The fans fire up as Cope RIPS Claudio’s shirt off to fire hands! Moxley and White brawl among the fans, and Moxley DUMPS White over railing. Dax beats Yuta down, Cope DUMPS Claudio over barriers, and White fires hands on Moxley! Yuta sends Dax into steel steps, but White sends Moxley into some! White and Moxley end up in the ring, but Yuta hurries in. White catches Yuta for a BLADERUNNER! But then Moxley has White! White clinches, Pac BOOTS him!
Dax storms in, Pac SOBATS Dax, runs, but Dax avoids the dropkick! Cash joins in, SHATTER MACHINE for Pac! Claudio drags Dax out, and SWINGS him into railing! Cash BLASTS Claudio, then DIVES into an UPPERCUT! Moxley calls to his Death Riders and they all mug White! The fans boo but Moxley tells White he can go to hell, because he doesn’t stand for anything! But Cope is up! Claudio saves Moxley to take the SPEAR! Moxley stays back, the Death Riders regroup, and now they’re in retreat. ATL cheers on Cope, and Cope tells Moxley, “I don’t know if you can hear it, but these folks here are chanting one name.”
So then, Moxley, what’s your answer? You still got a set of nuts? Is he accepting the challenge for the AEW World Championship at Revolution? Moxley storms back up to ringside, but only so far as to grab a mic and say, “You deserve nothing, you get nothing, the answer is ‘no.'” The fans boo but then White shouts at Moxley! White tells Moxley he has an offer for him! White can make Moxley Breathe with the Switchblade while drowning in a pool of his own blood! Moxley & Claudio VS White & Cope, ANYTHING GOES in a Brisbane Brawl, Grand Slam: Australia!! The fans like the sound of that! Will Cope & White make things Rated R when AEW goes down under?
BREAKING NEWS for Grand Slam: Australia!
After being called out by Buddy Matthews twice, Kazuchika Okada wants to prove “I not b*tch!” The Rainmaker is giving the Aussie Juggernaut his shot at the Continental Championship, but will he deny Buddy the hometown victory? Or will Buddy be the one to make it reign?
Will Ospreay VS ??? w/ Don Callis!
While the Aerial Assassin is going to be taking on Konosuke Takeshita & Kyle Fletcher alongside Kenny Omega in Brisbane, it would seem the newest member of the Don Callis Family wants to fight him first! But just who is it? Callis makes his way out here with a mic to say, “Ladies and gentlemen, I have a very important announcement to make.” The fans chant, “F Don Callis!” but Callis says the opponent for Ospreay tonight is a man he knows very well! A man he called his brother! Ladies and gentlemen, it’s MARK DAVIS! Ospreay is completely shocked! Davis was last scene trying to knock sense into Kyle Fletcher! How did Callis get Davis on his side?
That mystery aside, the bell rings, and the fans chant “YOU SOLD OUT!” at Dunkzilla. Ospreay gets in Davis’s face, pushes him, then SLAPS him! Davis CHOPS Ospreay right back! And CHOPS him again! And again! The fans boo but Ospreay puts Davis in the corner to CHOP, CHOP, and CHOP! Ospreay whips, Davis cartwheels and scoops Ospreay to SLAM him! But Ospreay avoids the senton, then basement DROPKICKS! The fans fire up for Ospreay and he CLUBS Davis on the neck. Ospreay fires forearms, then UPPERCUTS! Ospreay whips, Davis reverses, but Ospreay KICKS in return! Ospreay then dodges a lariat, but runs into a BACKDROP!
The fans boo but Davis soaks it up. Davis runs up on Ospreay in a corner to LARIAT! Ospreay sits down, Davis runs and SLIDING FOREARMS! Ospreay clutches his jaw, Davis covers, TWO! Davis drags Ospreay up to scoop and SLAM! Davis looms over Ospreay, then drags him up. Davis wrenches and CHOPS Ospreay, then CHOPS again! Davis CHOPS Ospreay off his feet, and now SENTONS down on him! Cover, TWO! Davis brings Ospreay up to suplex high and hard! Ospreay clutches his back but Davis KICKS him! Ospreay goes to a corner, but Davis CHOPS again! Ospreay fires forearms and the fans rally up, only for Davis to CLAW Ospreay’s face!
Davis reels Ospreay in, puts him up top, and then throws sumo style palm strikes! Ospreay sputters, the fans rally, but Davis climbs up. Davis brings Ospreay to the very top, but Ospreay fires body shots! Ospreay sends Davis down, then springboards, PIP PIP CHEERIO! Direct hit and Davis bails out, but Ospreay kips up! Atlanta fires up but Callis coaches Davis while Dynamite goes picture in picture.
Ospreay aims, but Davis hurries up to HOTSHOT him first! Ospreay staggers away and Davis soaks up heat while going around the outside. Davis storms up the steel steps to get back in the ring, and he brings Ospreay up, only for Ospreay to KICK, KICK, and KICK! Ospreay whips, Davis reverses, but Ospreay wheelbarrows and steps through! Ospreay has the legs for a FIGURE FOUR! Davis endures and tries to pry the hold open, but Ospreay slaps the trapping leg back down! Davis grits his teeth but his shoulders are down for a cover! TWO, and Davis crawls backwards. Davis drags Ospreay along, and manages the ROPEBREAK!
Ospreay lets the hold go, then he grabs the legs, only for Davis to BOOT him away! Both men scramble to their feet, and Davis CHOPS Ospreay! And CHOPS him again! Ospreay blocks the next, then wrenches the arm to grab the leg! SHIN BREAKER, then a leg sweep! Ospreay steps through again, and it’s back to the FIGURE FOUR! Davis endures all over again, but he powers up to turn things over! Now Ospreay endures, and he crawls his way to the ROPEBREAK! The hold is undone, and both men slowly rise. Ospreay fires a forearm, Davis fires a CHOP, and Dynamite goes to break.
Dynamite returns as Davis soaks up heat. Davis storms up on Ospreay to CHOP! And CHOP! But Ospreay CHOPS, CHOPS, and CHOPS! Davis shoves Ospreay to then CHOP LARIAT in the corner! Davis bumps Ospreay off buckles, then reels him in for a DRAGON SUPLEX! Ospreay goes flying, and then Davis adds a KNEE! Davis isn’t done with Ospreay, he pulls on the arms to then KNEE DROP! Cover, TWO! The fans fire up as Ospreay survives, but Davis reels him in. Ospreay grabs a leg to CLUB it! Ospreay runs, but into a CHOP! Davis whips, Ospreay handsprings, and NEURALIZER KICK! The fans fire up as Davis goes down!
Davis goes out to the ramp, but Ospreay fires the fans up more! “BRUV! BRUV! BRUV!” Ospreay takes aim to PLANCHA! Down goes Davis again and Ospreay high-fives Atlanta! Ospreay storms back up on Davis, puts him in the ring, then goes up the corner. Ospreay springboards, but Davis catches him! Fireman’s carry and- NO, Ospreay slips free to SUPERKICK! Ospreay swats the lariat to HOOK KICK! Ospreay then springboards, OSCUTTER! Cover, TWO! Davis survives, and Callis was almost in the ring to stop it! The fans boo Callis, Callis tells them to shut up, but Ospreay throws the elbow pad away!
Ospreay aims, runs up, but Davis LARIATS first! Ospreay stays up, and he fires a flurry of palm strikes! But Davis LARIATS again! Ospreay stumbles, Davis hops on, SATELLITE PILEDRIVER?! Cover, TWO!!! Ospreay survives that wild attack, but Davis snarls as he goes to a corner. Davis RIPS a buckle pad away! The fans boo but Davis storms back up on Ospreay. Davis drags Ospreay up, but the ref notices the bare buckle! The ref wont’ let Davis get that one! The ref and Davis argue, Ospreay HIDDEN BLADES!! Cover, Ospreay wins!!
Winner: Will Ospreay, by pinfall
Callis wanted Dunkzilla to be his “Ospreay Killer,” but the underhanded tactic did not work out! As for Ospreay, he grabs a mic to say, “Oh, yes, bruv! Atlanta! Oh my God, it’s like a little party in here, right? And Don. Seeing as you like to crash the party and you’re a little bit of a party pooper, I’ve got a new best friend back there who I’m teaming up with in Australia Grand Slam.” The fans chant for “KENNY! KENNY!” and here he comes! Callis is already panicking! Callis finds his way out into the crowd to run away as Omega makes his way down to the ring. Omega stands with Ospreay as the fans cheer him on.
Omega says, “Now, we’ve been here a couple times now, but I don’t remember a reception quite like that. So thank you very much, Atlanta.” Omega says this was meant to be a celebration for Ospreay, but Omega must get this off his chest. Omega tells Davis that man to man, Omega has no clue what Ospreay has on him, but trust Omega. Even though it might be scary, even though it might seem hopeless, help is there, and there are people you can trust. The fans cheer that. Omega says in a little over a week, Omega makes his AEW in-ring return with Grand Slam: Australia. But listening to these voices made him get that itch so he had to come out here in person, if they don’t mind.
The fans cheer more, and now Kyle and Konosuke storm out here! Callis tells them to stand down, they still have their tag match with Brody King & Buddy Matthews. Omega tells them all that they’ve done this song ‘n’ dance already. If the Callis Family wants this right here, right now, then go ahead. Omega’s an EVP again, they’ve got nothing but time. But if not… Then Omega suggests they pack their bags, hop on a jet, train, and get ready for Brisbane, Australia! Grand Slam, Ospreay & Omega VS Fletcher & Takeshita! It has been a long time since people could really feel what Omega was feeling in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023!
And now that Omega is BACK here in 2025, all the fans will get to feel the exact same things! Next week, it won’t just be a match for fun or to prove they’re better. This is the match to prove that the future of AEW lies not with those cowering on the ramp, but those right here in this ring! The fans cheer, and Omega says it may have been almost a year, but if they know the words, say it with him. He must bid you adieu, so goodbye, MWAH! And goodnight, BANG! Pyro goes off, and even Omega is surprised! But will it be no surprise when the Best Bout Bruvs bring down Don Callis’ cronies?
The Hurt Syndicate is here!
Atlanta chants along, “We Hurt~ People!” as Montel Vontavious Porter and the NEW AEW World Tag Team Champions, Bobby Lashley & Shelton Benjamin, make their way to the ring. MVP makes sure to say hey to Westside Gunn as he hangs out ringside. MVP then grabs a mic to say, “Ladies and gentlemen, ATLiens, and the AEW viewing audience, this is an official announcement from the Hurt Syndicate. Right now, I need everybody to stand on their feet and respect for the Standard of Excellence, Shelton Benjamin, The All Mighty, Bobby Lashley, your NEW AEW World Tag Team Champions!” The fans do stand and cheer, and MVP says that sounds good.
MVP says he’ll keep this short and sweet because they have to hop on the jet and head to New Orleans for the Super Bowl. MVP has to give props to Private Party. Two young, talented athletes with a very bright future, but they were just the wrong people in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was not their fault that they had to face the most devastating duo in ALL of pro-wrestling today! And MVP would like to put everyone else on notice: If you are an AEW athlete, if you are a champion, get ready. Because when the Hurt Syndicate chooses to come see you, they will hurt you and take your title!
But until that time, they’re open for business. And if you would like an opportunity to face them for the tag team championships, then- Wait. That music… “By order of the Bang Bang Gang… GUNNS UP!” Austin & Colten are here! But Lashley & Shelton don’t even bother looking at them, even as Austin & Colten walk down the ramp. Austin has the mic to say they mean no disrespect. But if they’re businessmen, then Austin & Colten would like to talk business. MVP says they don’t look like businessmen, and certainly aren’t dressed like it, but MVP says they’re at least conducting themselves as men, so go ahead. Step up and state your business.
Austin & Colten join the Hurt Syndicate in the ring, and Austin says before getting to the business, Gunns Up for the Atlanta Gold Members~! And to properly introduce themselves, they are The Gunns, former AEW World Tag Team Champions. They have been waiting TWO YEARS to get a rematch, and the only reason The Hurt Syndicate has those titles now is because Austin & Colten have been gone. But guess what? They’re back, baby! Colten says, “Oh, you guys hurt~ people~? Well, congrats on doing your jobs. That’s kinda what this business is about. But now it’s time for us to do our job, which is take back our tag team titles!”
MVP says he’ll tell them what. He appreciates the moxie and respects the courage. But he also respects their father, and if not for that, these two monsters would’ve already choked the Gunns out. But MVP is about business. He shakes hands with the Gunns, and says next week, for the AEW World Tag Team Championships, it’ll be the Hurt Syndicate VS the Ass Boys. The Syndicate moves on, and Austin says, “Ass Boys? Hey, Ass Boys? Y’know what? YOU GADDAMN RIGHT WE ARE! And if you’re not down with that, we got two words for ya! GUNNS UP!!” Austin & Colten no longer let words hurt them, but will a fight with Lashley & Shelton hurt well enough?
Backstage interview with Mercedes Mone.
At least, Renee is hoping to speak with The CEO. Instead, Muppet Mone pops in! “Atlanta~! Say hello to your C E O~! Renee, I have exciting news! This Saturday on Collision, Harley Cameron will be live in concert~!” Harley pops in and wow, she’ll be live in concert for a “Harley Halftime in Houston” special? Yes! What an amazing idea, Mercedes, that you totally came up with. Thanks! And y’know what? Muppet Mone isn’t such a dummy. She doesn’t get it. Of course not. But Harley says this is fantastic! They’re making up! Muppet Mone says she does want to apologize, she was so awful to Harley last week.
Um, real Mercedes Mone is walking out from her locker room. Mone asks Harley, “Are you stupid? Or are you dumb?” Renee says she’s glad to see Mone is here, she wants to talk Grand Slam and how she still doesn’t have an opponent. Harley did get her first win on TV, so maybe they can talk her trajectory. Mone says aw, Harley got her first victory, how cute. Mone remembers her first-ever win. And she also remembers the feeling of winning her first championship at the age of 23. And the feeling of winning another, and another, and then this title. And the TBS Championship is saying that Mone is the GREATEST TBS Champion ever!
And Harley? Well, she’s nothing but a loser. And losers don’t get to ride the Money Train! Mone SNATCHES Muppet Mone off Harley’s hand, to reveal a middle finger! Mone storms off, Renee hides the middle finger, but it’s a strong one. What will it take for Harley to force Mone into a Grand Slam showdown?
Backstage interview with Hangman Page.
AEW returns as Renee is now with The Cowboy, and she wants to follow up with him from last week. It seemed like Hangman was in pursuit of Swerve Strickland. Hangman says that was nothing. No, y’know what that was? That was a moment of weakness! It was a mistake! And that is all he’ll say on that, and Renee will not asking about it again, understood? Renee says okay, but then two weeks ago, Christopher Daniels came out to say that after their Texas Deathmatch, the damage was so severe that he had to retire from in-ring action. Correct her if she’s wrong, but there appeared to be regret on Hangman’s face.
Hangman simply says, “No.” Hangman says Daniels overstepped, overplayed his hand, and accepted a deathmatch with The Hangman. Hangman did what he said he would, and he hurt Daniels so badly that Daniels will never wrestle again! And Hangman does not regret- Wait, Max Caster speaks up? He wants Renee to have Hangman wrap this up. Caster’s been waiting! Caster respects Hangman, and what he did to Daniels was actually awesome, that was so brutal. Daniels had the neck brace and everything. What if Hangman did that to Anthony Bowens? Caster would do it himself, but he’s busy with his Best Wrestler Alive Open Challenge.
Hey, what if Hangman hospitalized Billy Gunn? Hangman says Caster is on to something. Hangman would love to hospitalize someone tonight. But uh, Hangman doesn’t see Bowens and he doesn’t see Billy, but… Caster’s here. Y-Yeah! Okay, thank you for your time, he’ll just be going to his car. Caster leaves, Hangman says he’ll come with. Will Platinum Max ever learn how to not stick his foot in his mouth?
Konosuke Takeshita & Kyle Fletcher VS Brody King & Buddy Matthews!
As we saw earlier tonight, The Alpha & Aussie Arrow want after Ospreay & Omega something fierce, but they’re going to wait until AEW arrives in Brisbane. As for the Hounds of Hell, they’re ready to take a bite out of any and every champion in AEW, so Konosuke’s on their list. Will Brody & Buddy build momentum going into Grand Slam: Australia? Or will the Don Callis Family be ready for the Best Bout Bruvs?
The teams sort out and Kyle starts against Buddy for a showdown of Aussies. The bell rings, Kyle and Buddy stare down and the fans fire up. Kyle and Buddy feel things out, tie up, and Buddy wrenches to a wristlock. Kyle rolls, wrenches back, and hits an ELBOW BREAKER! Kyle clamps onto the wristlock but Buddy rolls, rolls, and wrenches back. Buddy YANKS the arm, then YANKS the arm again! Kyle endures, rolls, and he wrenches in return. Kyle has the wristlock, tells the fans to shut up, but Buddy spins through and headlocks for a takeover! Buddy grinds Kyle down to a cover, ONE, and Kyle headscissors.
Buddy kips up, avoids a leg sweep, then headlocks again. Kyle powers up and out, they RAM shoulders, but Kyle hits a headlock takeover. Buddy headscissors but Kyle kips free, then Kyle ducks ‘n’ dodges. Kyle sunset flips, Buddy rolls through, and Kyle avoids the Penalty Kick! The fans cheer the standoff, and then Kyle tags Konosuke. The fans rally up as Konosuke and Buddy circle. They knuckle lock, Buddy waistlocks, but Konosuke switches. Buddy switches, they switch again and again, and Buddy powers Konosuke to ropes. Brody tags in before Konosuke bucks the O’Conner Roll, and while Konosuke stares Buddy down, Brody steps in.
The fans bark and Brody CHOPS Konosuke down! And CHOPS him down again! Brody eggs Konosuke on, so Konosuke fires haymakers! Brody CHOPS back down! Kyle storms in and CLUBS Brody, but Brody CHOPS Kyle down! Brody storms up on Konosuke but Konosuke bails out. Brody keeps on Konosuke, sending him into apron, then into railing! Buddy runs up on Kyle to SMACK him off the apron! Brody ROCKS Konosuke, Konosuke hits back! Brody CHOPS Konosuke and he stumbles. Buddy UPPERCUTS Kyle into taking a seat, Brody CHOPS Konosuke again. Brody whips Konosuke into railing, and then Brody CHOPS Kyle!
Brody CHOPS Konosuke to make him take a seat on Kyle’s lap! Buddy gets a second chair so Konosuke can sit side-by-side with Kyle, and Brody runs in! DOUBLE CROSSBODY against barriers! Atlanta fires up with The Hounds, and Kyle sputters on the floor. The fans want that “One More Time!” but Brody CHOPS Konosuke down again! The ref says to get this in the ring, but Brody puts Konosuke and Kyle together on one chair! Brody runs up, DOUBLE CROSSBODY against barriers! The fans fire up even more, but Dynamite goes picture in picture.
Brody tosses the chairs aside to then drag Konosuke up and into the ring. Brody storms in after Konosuke, but Kyle anchors his foot! The ref stops Buddy from stepping in, so Buddy tries to point this out to the ref! But Konosuke BOOTS Brody down first! Kyle soaks up heat while he flexes, and Konosuke drags Brody up. Konosuke bumps Brody off buckles, then climbs up to rain down fists! Konosuke goes to five before he BITES Brody’s forehead! The ref counts, Konosuke stops, but Brody CHOPS him! Konosuke ROCKS Brody with a forearm, then put shim in the Callis corner. Tag to Kyle, and Kyle brings Brody out, only for Brody to CHOP!
Konosuke grabs Brody, he and Kyle mug Brody, then Kyle digs his boots in. The ref reprimands, Kyle steps off at 4, then Kyle sucker punches Buddy! The ref stops Buddy, but this lets Kyle and Konosuke stomp away on Brody! Konosuke CHOKES Brody on the ropes, then steps away to tag in. But Brody fights against Konosuke and Kyle! Kyle ROCKS Brody, then he and Konosuke DOUBLE GOURD BUSTER! And then DOUBLE BASEMENT DROPKICK! Brody is down, Konosuke & Kyle soak up more heat, and Kyle even mocks the barking. Konosuke drags Brody up to hit a NECKBREAKER! Konosuke facelocks, and he grinds Brody down.
Dynamite returns to single picture, and Brody fights up, to power Konosuke back! Konosuke holds on and throws knees to back Brody down! Konosuke ROCKS Brody, runs in, but Brody ROCKS him first! And he CHOPS Kyle down! The fans fire up as Brody storms up, but Konosuke ducks the lariat! Brody reaches for Buddy but Konosuke holds on! Brody fires elbows, but Konosuke dodges to BOOT Buddy! But then Brody LARIATS Konosuke! The fans fire up, Brody snarls as he brings Konosuke back up, but Konosuke ROCKS Brody first! Brody fights the saido, but Konosuke GERMAN SUPLEXES! Brody’s right back up!?
Brody hits a ROLLING ELBOW, then he gut wrenches Konosuke! Konosuke slips free, ducks ‘n’ dodges, DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! But then both men are back up! They roar, but then fall back down! The fans are thunderous and barking as Brody and Konosuke stir. The standing count climbs, but we get hot tags to Kyle and Buddy! Buddy LARIATS, ELBOWS, and QUICK DRAW NECKBREAKERS Kyle! Kyle still gets up, but Buddy ducks ‘n’ dodges to CALF KICK! The fans fire up as Buddy fires a strike fest on Kyle! Stomp to the foot, KNEE to the head! Kyle flops to the apron and the fans fire up for Buddy!
Buddy brings Kyle in through the ropes, but Kyle slips in to TOSS Buddy up and out! Buddy lands safe on the apron, but Kyle catches him through the ropes! Kyle brings Buddy out, but now Buddy slips in to TOSS Kyle out! Kyle staggers up, into a DROPKICK! Buddy builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit on Kyle & Konosuke! The fans are thunderous again and Buddy hurries to put Kyle in. Buddy climbs, aims, METEORA! Cover, TWO! Kyle survives but “This is Awesome!” as Buddy aims again. Buddy runs, but no curb stomp! Kyle catches Buddy for a SNAP HALF ‘N’ HALF! Buddy goes to a corner, Kyle runs in, into a V-TRIGGER from Buddy!
Buddy goes up the corner again as Kyle falls down! Konosuke runs up but Buddy BOOTS him away! But wait, OKADA is here!? The Rainmaker’s music plays, but this is him just distracting Buddy! Kyle trips Buddy, then goes up, only for Buddy to slip under! Buddy tucks Kyle in, CHEEKY NANDOS! Buddy then SHINING WIZARDS in the corner, and he calls to Brody! Buddy tags Brody, and the Hounds set up at the corners, for CERBERUS!! Konosuke hurries as Brody covers, MISSILE DROPKICK SENTON COMBO!! Konosuke saves the match while taking out both opponents! Konosuke then hurries after Buddy on the apron.
Buddy kicks, Konosuke blocks and puts that foot in the ropes. Buddy still KNEES Konosuke, but then Konosuke POWER DRIVE KNEES in return! Konosuke reels Buddy in, but Brody storms up behind him! SLEEPER! Konosuke still BOOTS Buddy, and Kyle adds a GAMANGIRI! Down goes Buddy, and Konosuke CLAWS at Brody’s eyes! Konosuke then POWER DRIVE KNEES Brody, and Kyle reels him in! DRAPING DDT!! Cover, TWO!! Kyle is furious but the ref defends his count! Kyle hurries to haul Brody up, but Brody fights the suplex! Brody suplexes, but Konosuke saves Kyle! ALPHA ELBOW!
SUPERKICK from Kyle! Then ALPHA ELBOW SUPERKICK COMBO!! They reel Brody in, DOUBLE BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, Callis Family wins!
Winners: Konosuke Takeshita & Kyle Fletcher, by pinfall
Callis is the only one happy about this, and he says, “On to Grand Slam we go!” Will we see this level of devastation happen to even Ospreay & Omega?
Samoa Joe & Hook walk the halls.
The Samoan Submission Specialist asks if the Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil is ready, and Hook says yeah. But wait, where’s “Speak ‘n’ Spell” Shibata? Hook says Shibata’s back in Japan. But what’s going on? Joe says when people wrap steel around his skull, he tends to get emotional. Hook says Joe once said himself, if you’re furious, you can’t be focused. Joe is annoyed Hook is using his own stuff against him. But they still find The Patriarchy’s locker room. Joe tells Hook he can take lead. Hook storms up and opens the door, but in their way is Nick Wayne & Kip Sabian. Joe asks them, “Where is your daddy?”
Nick says Christian isn’t here right now. Do they have a problem, though? Nah, Joe & Hook can come back when Christian’s here. Kip says yeah, jog on. But then Joe says, “Or… We can leave a message.” Joe & Hook attack Nick & Kip! Joe SMACKS Nick off the locker while Hook hammers away on Kip! Christian Cage & Shayna Wayne walk in now, see what’s going on, and turn right around! Some father he is… Joe tells them to tell “Daddy” that he says hi. Joe & Hook leave and now Christian steps into the locker room, acting as if he didn’t know what happened. Christian pushes the cameraman out of there, was the message received?
MJF is here!
The Devil went down to Georgia, looking for a soul to steal, but seems so did this scumbag. MJF has them cut his music, and he calls out “Geriatric Jeff Jarrett!” All Jeff had to do was stay out of the way of a young, fast-rising, incredibly handsome, humble star, and he just couldn’t do that, could he? No, no, no, and that is why MJF had to teach Jeff a lesson. That lesson is as follows: in AEW, the “E” stands for “Elite.” Not “elderly!” MJF laughs at his own dumb joke, and then says that now that the “carny shmuck” is out of the way, MJF is one step closer to once again obtaining his Triple B! The fans boo that.
MJF says because ain’t nobody on the level of the Devil! Wait, Caster? What’s he doing here? MJF tells Caster to scram, but Caster is pointing to who he’s running from! MJF doesn’t care, this is his time, no Caster’s. But wait! Here comes Hangman! The Cowboy storms in, Caster runs but MJF stands his ground! Hangman stares MFJ down, then pushes past him to go chase Caster through the crowd! MJF asks if this is for real right now. This is his time! But the fans like #CowboyS*it, huh? Well, before he was so rudely interrupted by a talentless, worthless hack… Ain’t nobody- The fans tell MJF to STFU!
MJF does his best to finish his catchphrase, but now DUSTIN RHODES is here! The fans fire up as The Natural heads to the ring but MJF has them cut the music. The dual ROH World Tag Team & Six Man Tag Team Champion steps into the ring, MJF tells him that he was talking, but Dustin tells MJF to shut his stupid trap! All MJF does is come out here and badmouth everybody in the back, degrade them, and even talk about people who aren’t even here anymore, like Dustin’s friend, Owen Hart. MJF scoffs and turns around, but Dustin tells him to look him in the eyes, “you SOB!” Dustin suggests MJF keep Owen’s name out of his mouth, or else Dustin kicks MJF’s teeth in!
The fans fire up, and Dustin tells MJF to stop talking about people’s wives, about people’s pasts, their issues with drugs and alcohol. Dustin is one of those! 16 years clean ‘n’ sober, after going straight to Hell, looking the Devil in his eyes, and kicking his ass! Dustin crawls out of Hell, and he knows MJF ain’t the devil. MJF has all the potential in the world, yet he chooses to go to these dark places. There is a reason Dustin is still here at 55 years old, hanging with everybody on this roster! It is because he is a survivor! Dustin IS the Last of His Kind! Because Dustin has survived everything! Whatever MJF can think of, Dustin’s been though, boy!
The fans cheer but MJF doesn’t seem to care. Dustin tells MJF that when Dustin is gone, the mold will be broken forever. Dustin IS better than you, “and your punk b*tch ass freakin’ knows it!” The fans fire up for Dustin, but MJF says okay, okay, time out. Everybody, bravo, give it up for Dustin Rhodes! MJF applauds and says that was incredible. But MJF has to say, the part where Dustin said he is better than MJF? That was interesting. MJF imagines all those years of Dustin being a worthless drug addict turned his brain into Swiss cheese to come to that realization. But allow MJF to smarten Dustin and all these people on what Dustin’s all about.
“Dustin Rhodes is the man that took 37 long, hard, arduous years of blood, sweat and tears… Just to get out from understand his daddy’s shadow.” The fans boo and MJF says that struck a nerve with “Goldy,” didn’t it? MJF has a better one. The fans chant, “Whoop His Ass!” but MJF says what’s so sad about the whole thing, is that after all that hard work and sacrifice, now Dustin lives in the shadow of his baby brother! Dustin DECKS MJF! The fans fire up as Dustin stands MJF up and they throw more hands! Security rushes in here but the fans boo! “LET THEM FIGHT! LET THEM FIGHT!” Even Jerry Lynn gets out here!
Jerry tries to calm Dustin down, but Dustin breaks free to CLOBBER MJF! The fans fire up but MJF bails out the side! Dustin is fuming but MJF jukes the security! AND LOW BLOWS DUSTIN!! The fans boo as MJF stands over Dustin, a stupid grin on his face. MJF takes his leave for real this time, but now Christopher Daniels gets in his way. MJF tells Daniels not to touch him, but then realizes who he’s talking to. Hangman sure did a number on Daniels, didn’t he? MJF goes to the back, Daniels seethes, but will someone, anyone, ever humble the Wolf of Wrestling?
Mariah May is here!
The Glamour promised she’d watch as her former mentor battled her first-ever AEW opponent once again. But will Mariah like the outcome? Or will it be a repeat performance? Wait, Justin Roberts has a script to read from for Toni’s entrance? “Playing the role of The Glamour, Mariah May… Timeless Toni Storm!” Mariah has no idea what that means, but then her music plays again! And yes, much as when Mariah used to cosplay as Rockstar Toni, Toni is cosplaying as Mariah! Toni struts around, has obvious hair extensions, and perhaps does a bit more teasing with the finger and lips than Mariah does, but everyone else says that’s spot on!
Mariah is seething more and more the more Toni walks around, but will this still be a smash hit of a parody?
Toni Storm VS Queen Aminata!
The bell rings, Toni and Aminata circle, and they tie up. They’re in a deadlock, then break, and Toni tosses her hair and struts around some more. Aminata and Toni reset, tie up, and Toni headlocks. Toni hits a takeover, grinds the hold, and Mariah refuses to play along. Aminata headscissors, Toni shrugs it off, but Aminata gets the headscissors again. Toni moves around, kips free, but Aminata headlocks. Aminata grinds the hold, hits a takeover, but Toni headscissors. Aminata kips free, the two reset, and we see Serena Deeb watching backstage. Will The Professor of Pro-Wrestling think Aminata has passed the test?
Aminata waistlocks, headlocks, wrenches and then steps over to twerk attack! The fans cheer, Toni says, “How DARE you!” Toni SLAPS Aminata, kicks low, then scoops for the SPIN OUT SIDEWALK SLAM! Aminata drop toeholds Toni onto ropes! The fans rally, Aminata runs, but Toni dodges the boot! Toni runs to HIP ATTACK Aminata to the floor! The fans cheer as Toni does more mocking of Mariah before she fetches Aminata into the ring. Toni tosses her hair more, and Mariah seethes again, but Aminata DIVES onto Toni! Direct hit and Aminata mocks the Timeless closeup! The fans cheer, and Dynamite goes picture in picture.
Aminata realizes she has some of Toni’s hair extensions on her so she brushes those off. Aminata then fetches Toni for a headlock, and she runs her into barriers! Toni staggers away, Aminata refreshes the ring count, and Aminata storms up on Toni by commentary. Aminata SMACKS Toni off the desk, and Mariah turns away so as not to watch this. Aminata CHOPS Toni against the desk! Toni falls over dramatically, Aminata refreshes the ring count, but Toni hits back! Toni CLUBS Aminata, CLUBS her again, then CHOPS! Aminata ROCKS Toni, puts her in the ring, then scuffs her in the ropes. Aminata scuffs Toni again, but Toni fires back!
Toni runs, but Aminata LARIATS her down! Aminata soaks up cheers and jeers, then pushes Toni to a cover, TWO! Toni toughs it out but Aminata looms over her. Aminata snapmares Toni, runs, and PENALTY KICKS! Cover, TWO! Aminata grows frustrated but she sits Toni up for a chinlock. Toni endures, even as Aminata leans on her. Mariah is further annoyed as Aminata KNEES Toni in the back again and again! Aminata clamps on body scissors, and she squeezes tight. Aminata turns Toni over for a Gedo Clutch, TWO! Aminata turns Toni the other way, Gedo Clutch, TWO! Aminata shifts to have a leg hook FULL NELSON!
Toni endures, even as Aminata has knuckle locks to pull on the arms. Dynamite returns to single picture as Toni powers back to a cover, TWO! Toni ROCKS Aminata, ROCKS her again, then fires off forearms again and again! The fans fire up as Toni fires off TEN! Mariah still refuses to accept Toni’s copycat. For one, Toni is missing two very obvious elements. Toni puts Aminata up top, DOUBLE CHOPS her, then frolics around a la Mariah. Toni runs, goes up, and hits STRATUSFACTION! Then a SHOTGUN! Cover, TWO! Mariah mocks Toni being dramatic. Toni drags Aminata up, reels her in, but Aminata trips her to a jackknife bridge, TWO!
Toni CHOPS, but Aminata grins. Aminata CHOPS Toni, Toni CHOPS back! The fans rally, the CHOPS keep going, then Toni SLAPS Aminata! Aminata SLAPS Toni! Toni SLAPS again! Aminata runs up, but Toni wrenches, kicks, and whips! Aminata goes up and over, then GERMAN SUPLEXES! Toni tumbles and more hair extensions fall away! Aminata runs and the fans fire up for the BOOT WASH! Aminata again mocks the closeup, then she drags Toni in for a cover, TWO! Mariah says Toni is playing the role of Mariah, Aminata is apparently Timeless, where does it all end? Aminata drags Toni up, Alabama Lifts, but Toni turns that into a DDT!
Toni hurries to run, and she KNEES Aminata to a corner! Then Toni gives us a proper closeup, for the SWEET HIP MUSIC! Then Toni makes sure Mariah sees this as she fireman’s carries, MAYDAY DRIVER! Cover, Toni wins!
Winner: Toni Storm, by pinfall
Mariah is fuming all over again, but Toni proves that anything Mariah can do, Toni can do better. Renee joins Toni in the ring to interview her. But then Toni wants Renee to play along and call her “Mariah,” The Woman From Hell. “And I stand on the neck of every woman in this division. And there’s not a woman alive that can touch me!” Mariah has had it! Mariah storms off commentary to get in the ring! Toni offers her a chance, but then Mariah storms back out to grab her belt and leave. Will Toni get the better of Mariah when they finally have their rematch?
Dustin Rhodes speaks.
“For 37 years, people have been chipping away, trying to put me in the ground. I’m still here! Maxwell Jacob Friedman, I live for blood, sweat and tears! I am the Last of My Kind! I’m around for a reason, boy! And next Tuesday night, Austin Texas, MY backyard, this ain’t New York City, this ain’t Long Island, I’m gonna beat your ass! B*TCH!” The Natural has put MJF on notice, but will everything be bigger in Texas?
The Learning Tree is on stage.
Chris Jericho, Bryan Keith & “Big Bill” are here, and Jericho says, “Hi, guys~! And welcome to a very special, first-time-live edition of The New York Minute with me, Chris Jericho!” The fans boo but Keith shouts, “RESPECT CHRIS JERICHO!” Jericho says they are here in Georgia, the Big ALT! Um, no… Keith says it stands for, “APPRECIATE LEARNING TREE!” Jericho is pretty sure he speaks for everyone here in ALT when he says he doesn’t know how Bandido decided he’s a Wanted Man returning on Collision. No one here wants Bandido in AEW! But since he’s back, Jericho will turn this into a teachable moment.
“Bandido, apparently there’s a $100,000 on your head. But since I’m standing here with an actual Bounty Hunter, this week on Collision on Saturday-” The fans tell Jericho STFU, but he says no swearing! Jericho promises to double the bounty to $200,000 if Keith can do to Bandido what Big Bill has done to “Powerhouse” Hobbs! Bill tells Hobbs that wherever he is, Bill hopes- WAIT! Hobbs is here!! And Hobbs runs up to brawl with all of The Learning Tree! The fans fire up, but this 3v1 isn’t going Hobbs’ way! But wait! The Outrunners run out here! Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum want payback for being cheated last Saturday!
The fans cheer as the fight is now even! Bill brawls with Hobbs, Jericho & Keith brawl with Truth & Turbo, but security hurries out here! Fan want to “LET THEM FIGHT!” Bill grabs one guard by his neck! But then he sees Hobbs doing the same with another security guard. Bill gives his guard a SKYSCRAPER CHOKE SLAM to the floor! Hobbs gives his guard a POWERHOUSE CHOKE SLAM to the floor! The fans chant “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” as both men storm into the ring! They circle, then they start throwing hands! The fans fire up, and Hobbs TACKLES Bill to the apron! But Bill drags Hobbs to the floor!
Bill CLUBS Hobbs, but Hobbs SPINEBUSTERS Bill onto the desk, and then over it! They still scrap on the floor! Atlanta fires up as Hobbs HAMMERS Bill, then stands up. Bill staggers to his feet, Hobbs fires more hands, and the cameraman is collateral! Refs rush out, Dynamite goes to break, and this has been a New York Minute! But when and where will Hobbs and Bill settle things once and for all?
Ricochet VS Swerve Strickland w/ Prince Nana!
This fight has been a long time coming, and the animosity only escalated with every week we had to wait! The One & Only is no longer pretending to be a hero, now he’s living the life of an American Psycho. But will that be enough to be the most dangerous man in AEW? Or will even Atlanta be “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!”
But Ricochet attacks from behind during Swerve’s entrance, and with a chair! The fans boo but Ricochet says this is because of them! And he SMACKS Swerve again! The ref reprimands, but there’s nothing he can really do since this isn’t a match yet! Ricochet SMACKS Swerve again! The fans rally for “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” while Ricochet stalks Swerve. Ricochet puts Swerve in the ring, stands over him, and tells him that this is Ricochet’s House now! Swerve SLAPS Ricochet! The fans fire up, the bell rings, and Ricochet comes back to JUMP KNEE! Dragon sleeper, VERTIGO!! Cover, TWO!!
Swerve survives and Ricochet is stunned! Ricochet goes back to a corner, but Swerve crawls up to him! Ricochet kicks Swerve down, then hits a BACKBREAKER! The fans boo but Ricochet stands Swerve up to ROCK him! Ricochet scoops for another BACKBREAKER, but the fans taunt him with, “You Are Bald!” Ricochet CLUBS Swerve, dragon sleepers, but Swerve slips around to put Ricochet on ropes. Ricochet fires hands, Swerve fights back, and Swerve whips. Ricochet ducks ‘n’ dodges, jumps over the dropdown, then he SHOTGUNS Swerve as Swerve tries to hurdle! Swerve tumbles out of the ring, Ricochet builds speed, and Ricochet DIVES!
Swerve is sent into barriers, but then Ricochet whips him hard into railing! Ricochet soaks up heat from the fans, then he drags Swerve up to push against barriers. Ricochet hops up onto the barriers, then brings Swerve up. The fans step back a bit, and Ricochet reels Swerve in. Swerve fights the lift, throws body shots, but Ricochet throws hands! They both throw haymakers, the ring count climbs, and Ricochet gets the edge. Ricochet goes up, but Swerve stops the rana to BARRIER BOMB!! Ricochet falls in a heap and the fans lose their minds! Nana cheers Swerve on as the true and only champion that matters!
Swerve stalks Ricochet, puts him in the ring, and Nana keeps the “Whose House?” “SWERVE’S HOUSE!” chant going. Swerve storms up on Ricochet, bumps him off buckles, then has him under the corner. Swerve rips the crossbar’s padding away, to GUILLOTINE CATAPULT Ricochet into it! The fans fire up again while Dynamite goes picture in picture.
Swerve scowls while Ricochet sputters. Swerve stalks Ricochet around the corner, stomps him down, then fishhooks him into standing up. Swerve fireman’s carries Ricochet to then hit SNAKE EYES off the railing! Swerve then puts Ricochet against the apron to fire hands! Swerve puts some stank on it before he SLAPS Ricochet’s bald head! Swerve puts Ricochet in, stomps him again and again, then gets Atlanta really fired up. Swerve ELBOWS Ricochet down, then stalks him to a corner. Swerve climbs up to shine Ricochet’s head! Then SLAPS him again and again! The ref counts as Swerve keeps slapping!
Swerve reels Ricochet in for an Atomic BACKBREAKER! Ricochet writhes from being bent back against Swerve’s shoulder, but then Swerve drops a knee! Swerve drags Ricochet up, bumps him off buckles, then UPPERCUTS! Swerve snapmares again, then goes up to FALLING UPPERCUT! Swerve hits the Griddy as ATL cheers him on. Swerve then digs his boot into Ricochet at the ropes. The ref counts, Swerve steps off, and he looms over Ricochet again. Ricochet tries to push Swerve away but Swerve grabs an arm. Ricochet throws hands from below so Swerve KICKS him around! Swerve ROCKS Ricochet, and Dynamite returns to single picture.
Swerve throws hands on Ricochet again and again, then whips him to a corner. Swerve UPPERCUTS in the corner, snapmares him again, then goes back up. But Ricochet stands to kick the legs out! Swerve is stuck in ropes, and Ricochet hits as DRAPING CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO! Ricochet rains down fists, then growls in frustration. The fans rally but Ricochet brings Swerve up. Ricochet swings Swerve into a BACKBREAKER, then he basement DROPKICKS Swerve in the back! Ricochet keeps moving, and he FALLING AX HANDLES! Fans make up a new chant, “Who’s Bald?” “RICOCHET!”
Ricochet is annoyed, but he brings Swerve up. Ricochet ROCKS Swerve, but Swerve ROCKS him back! Swerve ROCKS Ricochet again, but Ricochet knees low, then CLUBS Swerve on the neck! Ricochet CHOPS Swerve, but Swerve eggs him on! Ricochet CHOPS again, then runs, but into an UPPERCUT! Swerve runs, but Ricochet Tiger Wall Kicks, SOBATS, and KNEES Swerve down! The fans boo but Ricochet brings Swerve in. Swerve slips free of the bomb to lift Ricochet, but Ricochet slips free of the bomb! Ricochet wrenches, tucks and lifts, then fireman’s carries! Swerve slips free to do the same, and POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!
Ricochet survives and Swerve grows frustrated. Swerve stalks Ricochet, full nelsons, but Ricochet fights it! Ricochet grabs the ref, but Swerve stops the low blow! Ricochet grabs ropes now, but Swerve YANKS him back into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Swerve then somersaults and FLATLINERS! Eddy Gordo roll, HOUSE CALL!! The fans are thunderous and Swerve says that’s not enough! Swerve goes up top, for the KILL STOMPS!! Cover, TWO?!? Ricochet survives and shocks Swerve! Swerve stalks Ricochet to the apron, the fans rally up, and Swerve fireman’s carries. Ricochet slips free to HOTSHOT Swerve, then HOTSHOT again!
Ricochet says he does what he wants! Ricochet triangle jumps, but the rana slips off target! Ricochet improvises to APRON GERMAN SUPLEX! Swerve flops down, the fans boo, but Ricochet hurries to get Swerve back in. Ricochet springboards for the 450 SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Swerve survives but Ricochet hurries right back up! Ricochet aims, and he SHOOTING STAR PRESSES Swerve’s back! Cover, TWO!! Swerve survives again and Ricochet is beside himself! Ricochet goes to a corner, but he locks ‘n’ loads! SPIRIT- HOUSE CALL!! Swerve is all fired up and so is Atlanta! Swerve goes up top, for another KILL STOMP LOW BLOW?!
The ref isn’t sure what to make of it, Ricochet simply put his hands up to guard! It still gets Swerve in a bad spot, and Ricochet grins! Ricochet reloads, SPIRIT GUN!! Cover, Ricochet wins!
Winner: Ricochet, by pinfall
A lot of controversy in that finish, and Ricochet grabs the robe! Nana also has it, but Ricochet SHOVES Nana down! Ricochet wears the Mogul Embassy robe, adding insult to injury as he takes his leave. Swerve is seething, but is AEW going to be #OuttaThisWorld from now on?
My Thoughts:
A great Dynamite, but with some new head-scratcher story moves. Mark Davis being the new Don Callis Family member would’ve worked better if this was months ago. Davis has been hanging around, but we barely got any interactions of him and Kyle or Don Callis, so there were no hints at Davis wanting to turn. That doesn’t make this surprise surprising, it makes it confusing. Ospreay VS Davis was still good stuff, and we still got a good promo from Ospreay with Omega to add to the Grand Slam tag match. Speaking of, great tag match of Konosuke & Kyle VS Brody & Buddy, but very fitting that Okada would screw Buddy over now that their title match is happening. As I said for Collision, Okada VS Buddy is going to be awesome, even if Buddy still loses.
Then there’s The Gunns challenging The Hurt Syndicate for the tag titles. It’s not even so much that the Gunns don’t deserve a title match, or that they and the Hurt Syndicate won’t put on a good title match, it’s just… We literally opened tonight with Jay White, leader of the Bang Bang Gang and friend of The Gunns. Why aren’t The Gunns helping Jay White against The Death Riders? Why isn’t it 6v4, but then the trios titles become the reason the Bang Bang Gang doesn’t quite help out Rated FTR like they should? I want to be frustrated for reasons that are perfectly in story, not because the story itself is lacking.
Though to that point, the Death Riders VS AEW story really should’ve been all encompassing. It felt like it was going to be that when this all started, with how Garcia, Private Party, Dark Order, and a lot of others were standing together against The Death Riders, but then it all fell apart because we still needed things like Garcia VS Perry for the TNT title and such. White & Cope VS Moxley & Claudio in a “Brisbane Brawl” No Disqualifications match will still be great stuff, and surely that compels Moxley to face Cope 1v1. I still think we need Christian Cage to get back on this story given his Casino Gauntlet contract.
Christian Cage was hilarious tonight by totally avoiding that beating Joe & Hook gave Kip & Nick. And while Shibata is apparently in Japan, he could come back and we get a Six Man Tag against Patriarchy. Harley Cameron was also hilarious, and between the Muppet Mone and the “Harley Halftime in Houston” segment this Saturday, Mone might be angered into giving Harley the title match for Australia. Toni Storm continues to be a creative genius in her own right where she imitates Mariah for her match with Aminata. Serena Deeb watching the match is another dropped ball TK picked back up, but I guess he kinda had to since Britt Baker didn’t want a feud with Deeb. Britt is a whole different issue, we might not get a real answer on that for some time.
MJF had a good promo, but Dustin showing up was a touch of a surprise. Dustin is upset not just for Jarrett but for the disrespect showing to Owen Hart, but of course MJF gets his own shot on Dustin. MJF VS Dustin will be some good stuff, but surely Double J goes after MJF and we get that match for Revolution. This week’s New York Minute might’ve been the best because it turned into that huge brawl, with the New York Minute graphic still on it. Keith VS Bandido will be good stuff, and surely Bandido wins to set up Bandido VS Jericho for the ROH World Championship. Hobbs and Bill getting to wreck security guards as fun, and they’ll have a great grudge match, too.
Great main event from Swerve and Ricochet, with Ricochet ambushing Swerve as a good start. While Ricochet didn’t get that poison-rana to the apron, that’s just one of those moments where they go just a little too fast and it doesn’t work out. Ricochet still did good improvising with that German Suplex, and then he of course wins with “controversy.” This is certainly going to give us another match, maybe even for Revolution, and they’ll surely turn it up a notch. Honestly, an apron poison-rana is more fitting of a rematch than the first time we see this match in AEW, so this worked out for the better.
My Score: 8.8/10
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