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Mitchell’s Ring of Honor Report! (1/13/18)



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  • Will Ospreay VS Jay Lethal; Lethal wins.
  • Kenny King VS Brian Milonas; King wins.
  • Six Man Tag: The Kingdom VS Dalton Castle & The Boys; Castle & The Boys win.


Will Ospreay VS Jay Lethal!

The Aerial Assassin takes on the Franchise Player of ROH to start off this “double main event” night! Lethal wants to be back on top as ROH World Heavyweight Champion, can he make good showings against a former Best of the Super Juniors winner?

The two respect the Code of Honor, the bell rings, and the two circle as the fans in Philly are fired up. Lethal is wary of Ospreay’s speed, and is first to get the wristlock. Ospreay rolls and kip-ups over and over before flipping Lethal over. The fans applaud while Lethal gets to his feet, and the two go again. Lethal gets another wristlock, then the arm wrench and he yanks on the shoulder. He wrenches again, grinds an elbow in, then wrenches once more. Ospreay spins and rolls again to reverse and put Lethal in a hammerlock, but Lethal reverses to a headlock. Ospreay powers out, Lethal runs him over with a shoulder, and fans applaud again. Things speed up, Lethal hip tosses Ospreay and cartwheels through, but Ospreay springs up to dropkick him instead!

Lethal slips out of the ring, Ospreay takes aim and builds speed, to fake Lethal out with a handspring, but Lethal trip up his trickery! Lethal drags Ospreay out to throw him into barriers! He then gets in the ring and builds speed himself, to DIVE on Ospreay!

That was one, Lethal gets back in the ring, and DIVES for the the second! Lethal keeps moving, the fans fire up as he DIVES and hits the third! Lethal walks it off while Ospreay is stuck in the crowd and the crowd chants “This is awesome!” But look who is making his way out to ringside.

Yes, it’s The Villain, Marty Scurll. He applauds Lethal’s actions, and Lethal takes notice of his Final Battle opponent while we go to break.

ROH returns as Lethal puts Ospreay back in the ring. Ospreay staggers to a corner, Lethal whips him corner to corner hard, then hits a backbreaker. Lethal holds Ospreay up for another backbreaker, and another! Scurll meanwhile joins commentary to simply promise and confirm “this Jay Lethal is the old Jay Lethal!” Lethal covers Ospreay, ONE, and Scurll continues to say this Lethal is the Lethal he wanted, the one Scurll is proud of for doing what he had to at Final Battle. The fans duel in chants for “Lethal!” and “Ospreay!” while Lethal puts Ospreay in a chinlock. Ospreay fights out and backs Lethal down, but Lethal reverses the whip to a corner. Lethal runs in, Ospreay boots him back and slips to the apron then kicks him away before hitting a big slingshot senton.

The fans applaud while Ospreay clutches his back. He walks off the soreness and gives Lethal stiff forearms in the corner. Ospreay drags Lethal up and around for a European Uppercut. Lethal staggers to a corner, Ospreay keeps up the attack with kicks and more EuroUppers. Ospreay whips Lethal but Lethal holds onto ropes, so Ospreay rocks him with another forearm. Lethal ends up dangling on the apron, Ospreay brings him back in and whips. Lethal reverses, and hits a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker! Cover, TWO, and both men are slow from soreness. Lethal shakes out the cobwebs before putting Ospreay in a corner with a buckle bump. He throws Ospreay in again and Ospreay falls to the mat. Lethal brings Ospreay up for a EuroUpper of his own, Ospreay leans on the ropes. Lethal stands Ospreay up, for a stiff chop! Ospreay powers up from the chop, only to take another one. Scurll likes the aggression he sees from Lethal, and feels they must both dislike Ospreay. While Ian Riccaboni disagrees, Ospreay unloads knee strikes on Lethal! He uses a jawbreaker and a roundhouse to rock Lethal, then he fires up for a running EuroUpper. Ospreay sits Lethal down and runs around the world, but Lethal dodges the kick. Lethal goes back in, blocks Ospreay’s boot, but Ospreay responds with a stiff enziguri. Ospreay runs while Lethal leans on ropes, and comes in with an elevated 619!

Scurll is worried for Lethal now as Ospreay grins. Ospreay slingshots but Lethal chops him. Lethal goes to bring Ospreay in but Ospreay counters with a bodyscissors to throw Lethal out! Fans rally as Ospreay builds speed, handsprings and FLIES!

Ospreay slowly gets up and brings Lethal back while we go to break.

ROH returns again to Ospreay still in control. The fans duel, Scurll continues to tout Lethal’s greatness along with his own. Ospreay builds up the energy, gets running and springboards, but Lethal ducks under to then mule kick Ospreay back. Lethal calls for his finish and handsprings, but Ospreay catches him! Standing switch into a back elbow, Ospreay goes for the “Ospreay Injection”, but Lethal catches him into the torture rack! Scurll calls it the “Lethal Express”!

Lethal jumps around to bend Ospreay back over and over, then he rolls for an Argentina rolling senton!

Cover, TWO! Scurll is upset, that should’ve finished Ospreay. Lethal drags Ospreay over and then takes off the elbow pad before climbing up. Ospreay stirs and stops Lethal with a EuroUpper. He climbs up and gives Lethal forearms but Lethal hits back. Lethal adjusts, Ospreay returns, and hits a jumping ROCK ‘N’ ROLLER frankesteiner!

Ospreay stalks Lethal as he staggers around, and catches Lethal with the hook-around superkick! Then he lifts Lethal in the dragon sleeper for a big Bloody Sunday!

Cover, TWO!! But Ospreay is not deterred. He waits for Lethal to sit up, and gives him the killer backhand! TWO, and Opsreay is stunned! Scurll feels so stressed just watching. Ospreay gets up again, and watches Ospreay closely. Fans rally, Ospreay runs in but Lethal dodges the Ospreay Special kick to hit the Lethal Combination! Lethal gets up, eyes wide with rage. He climbs up, takes aim, and Hail to the K– Ospreay puts up a foot, but Lethal catches it! Lethal goes for the Figure Four but Ospreay counters with a small package, TWO! Ospreay is right on Lethal with a buzzsaw, mule kick and Os– Lethal Cutter!

Ospreay flounders about, Scurll loses his mind, and Lethal finally hits Lethal Injection!!

Lethal wins! The Villain praises The Franchise Player and declares himself Lethal’s biggest fan, but which one of them will reach the ROH WHC first?

Marty Scurll applauds Lethal on his way out, but Lethal stays so he and Ospreay can maintain the Code of Honor. When will we see the Aerial Assassin back on ROH TV?


It’s time for Coleman’s Pulpit!

The Most Versatile Man in Sport Today, Caprice Coleman, has Team Search & Destroy’s Octopus, Jonathan Gresham, as his guest. However, to have a little fun with his guest, Coleman set out two chairs, one very high and one very low. Which does Gresham pick?

Coleman conducts his interview despite having to literally look up to his guest. Coleman has read Gresham’s Wikipedia page, and must say it’s “a little short.” Gresham has wrestled for 12 years and is well-traveled. Who has Gresham been trained by? Mr. Hughes and Jay Fury in an Atlanta wrestling school. Gresham started in 2005 and just blossomed. Coleman admits that Gresham’s style is impressive, with how he can tie up wrestlers who are bigger, stronger and taller than him. Is there some kind of mantra Gresham uses? The Octopus is a great nickname, but is there something more to it than that? Coleman recalls that, while impressive, Gresham hasn’t won a lot.

Gresham tells Coleman to watch what he says right now. Coleman apologizes, and Gresham still admits he has a losing record right now. Gresham also says pro-wrestling is about how you pick yourself up after each loss. He believes he loses for “all the wrong reasons.” Coleman has to stop him there. Is Gresham making excuses? Gresham feels that while he’s losing, he knows he’s at least mastered his own style. He wants to show his style here in ROH. So is it a pure wrestling style or what? Gresham wants to introduce a special term for those who just love pure pro-wrestling, and that will help further his own style. Coleman asks what rules does Gresham have. Where is he on establishing that? Gresham admits he hasn’t gotten that far just yet, but he’ll work on it. That’s all for Coleman’s Pulpit, where Coleman finds the truth and the truth will help you see you later.


Kenny King VS

The K I N G may not be the ROH World Television Champion anymore, but he’s determined to get that title back from the Last Real Man. Can Kenny make The Kingpin #BendtheKnee on the road to his rematch?

The bell rings, the fans applaud the Code of Honor, and Kenny ducks a lunge to put on a headlock. The Top Prospect 2017 semifinalist powers out by throwing Kenny to the ropes. Kenny comes back and shoulders into him but Milonas solidly stays standing. Kenny dances it off, Milonas swings but he ducks under and runs. Milonas gives a hip toss but Kenny lands on his feet. Kenny kicks, Milonas blocks and swings Kenny around, Kenny hits the Eddy Gordo kick.

Kenny dropkicks and staggers Milonas, but Milonas rocks Kenny back with a big right. Milonas runs in but Kenny dumps him out, Kenny fires the fans up before he builds speed. Kenny slingshots over and FLIES onto Milonas!

Milonas goes down, Kenny gets up and takes a selfie with a fan.

Kenny kicks Milonas before getting back into the ring, then he hits a springboard legdrop. Cover, TWO, and Milonas gets himself to a corner. Kenny throws jabs and chops, dances like Michael but Milonas scrapes his eyes. Kenny jumps at Milonas but gets caught, Milonas powers him into snake eyes. Milonas gets running for a big corner squash! The Kingpin stands over the K I N G and gloats a moment before putting him into another corner. He taunts Kenny, Kenny fires forearms back. Kenny runs, but into a lariat that drives him right down. Milonas literally walks all over Kenny, then takes his time stalking him. A chop and a corner to corner whip but Kenny goes up and over for the sunset flip. Milonas wobbles but steadies himself, jumps to sit down, but Kenny rolls out and Milonas lands on the mat. Kenny gets to a corner, and gives Milonas a running, rolling roundhouse!

Milonas wobbles again, Kenny keeps on him with jabs and body shots. Kenny builds it up, and hits the spinning heel kick! Milonas finally falls in the ring, then gets himself to a corner again. Kenny runs in and hits double knees, then tries the fireman’s carry. Milonas is too big and strong, he puts Kenny in a corner before running back in. Kenny dodges and retaliates with a jump kick. He then takes aim, and hits a springboard blockbuster!

Cover, Kenny wins!

Kenny King picks up a mic to speak.

He gives respect to Milonas, but Kenny addresses “one giant piece of crap named Silas Young.” Kenny can’t get the feeling out, like he wants to “knock his ass out.” Kenny calls Silas out, Silas appears!

Silas Young, title in hand, storms right to the ring. He gets in the ring, and we have a brawl!

The fans love it, but the referee tries to stop it with rings of the bell. The bell has no effect, Silas runs but into Kenny’s spinning heel kick! Silas bails out, but he left the belt behind. Kenny picks it up and tells Silas it’s going to be his again soon enough.

The Beer City Bruiser appears to help his pal.

But it’s Brian Milonas who hits Kenny from behind!

The Kingpin stomps away on the K I N G, and that’s when Bruiser and Silas join in. The Bruiser told Silas last week that he’d have a new tag team partner, and here he is! Silas picks up his belt and tells Kenny it’s staying with him. The beating continue while ROH turns away, is there any hope of Kenny taking back his title now?


SoCal Uncensored is on ROH TV.

Scorpio Sky joined forces with The Addiction’s Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian at Final Battle to ruin the fun of the ROH Six Man Tag Team Champions, “The Hung Bucks”. Daniels speaks, and properly introduces “the hottest new act” in ROH, yes, SoCal Uncensored! “Make some noise for the SCU!” However, ROH COO Joe Koff speaks up!

Koff explains that he is the reason the SCU are in the ring right now. Koff knows the fans don’t want to see him, they want to see “the best wrestlers”. And that’s NOT the SCU. The SCU are the “most disruptive” wrestlers in ROH, and that’s all they’ve been lately. Koff would fire them here and now. Is that a threat? In that case, The Heavy Metal Rebel says he’s gonna kick Koff’s “corporate ass”! Daniels stops Kaz from going too far. There won’t be physicality, because Daniels has a reason why they won’t be fired. Does Koff remember when Daniels was ROH WHC? Does he remember the talks they had about Koff’s “grand plans” for ROH and its worldwide expansion? Daniels remembers. And if Daniels is fired, he might just give his friend Don Callis a call and share those ideas. Better yet, Daniels might just go to his good buddy “AJ” and get him to pass those ideas along. That company would love to hear those plans. Daniels makes sure Koff knows that “we know where the bodies are buried.” Koff knows Daniels was going to go there. He is a business man, and he lets everyone know he called attorneys. Koff knows Daniels’ contract is up in one year’s time. Therefore, the SCU better enjoy this year while it lasts, because come Final Battle 2018, “you’re done.” An ultimatum has been sent, are the SCU on borrowed time?


The Briscoes speak from the parking garage.

Mark & Jay want everyone to know “it ain’t nothing personal.” Alex Shelly, Chris Sabin, you two are just happy to be ROH World Tag Team Champions. But #DemBoyz are “all killer, no filler.” There is not a single tag team in the world that can do what The Briscoes do! “Nobody is on our level!” It just makes sense, then, that #DemBoyz get those titles back. When will these two top tier tag teams tie up over the titles?


Six Man Tag: The Kingdom VS Dalton Castle & The Boys!

Matt Taven, TK O’Ryan & Vinnie Marseglia cry conspiracy at not being ROH champions of any kind, and surely The Peacock would love to have those ROH Six Man belts back to add to his collection. Which trio will move up in the ranks here in this “second” main event?

Castle starts the match against the Sassy Wild Horse. The fans cheer on Castle as he chases after O’Ryan. They tie up, O’Ryan manages to put Castle in a corner but Castle powers his way out. O’Ryan still puts Castle in a corner, then gives a clean break before patting Castle on the shoulders to let him know he is “T K O!” Castle pie-faces O’Ryan, then gets a double leg takedown! He rolls O’Ryan, slips around to a gutwrench hold and deadlifts him. O’Ryan lands on his feet and wristlock reels Castle in, but Castle ducks the lariat to hit his Peacock Pose!

Castle stares O’Ryan down as he hurries to the Kingdom’s corner. Ring leader Taven distracts so that the Horror King Vinnie can tag in. Vinnie creeps up over to Castle, Castle turns around and gets the bicycle boot right to the face. Vinnie runs adjacent to hit a big forearm smash, then runs again for a second. He puts Castle into buckles but Castle turns things around to put him into the Peacock corner. Vinnie evades Castle, Boy 2 tags in. The fans fire up for The Boys, and Boy 2 walks right up to Vinnie. Vinnie doesn’t take the Boy seriously, but he does give him a hard right hand. Boy 1 tags in, Vinnie runs in but gets a swing kick, then Boy 2’s enziguri, then a high springboard crossbody from Boy 1!

Cover, TWO, Boy 1 drops Vinnie with a dropkick. However, he can’t get to Vinnie before Vinnie gets to the Kingdom’s corner, and Taven tags in. Boy 1 backs up, Taven calls out Castle. The Peacock climbs up and tags in, and it is clear this could be a ROH WHC match-up down the line. Fans chant for “Dalton Castle!” as the champion truly enters the ring. Taven brushes off the chants as he circles with Castle. Taven kicks low and puts on a headlock. Castle slips out and around to put on his own, Taven powers out. Things speed up, Taven tries for a roll up but Castle buckles him off. Taven tries for a hip toss, Castle counters with a fireman’s carry and roll. Castle slips around to a waistlock, Taven puts him in a corner. Taven runs out then back in, Castle evades, Taven rolls and enziguris Castle down! He toys with Castle now, then stands him up for chops. Corner to corner whip, but The Boys become steps for Castle to climb! Castle reaches the top rope then jumps for a crossbody of his own!

The Boys take care of Vinnie and O’Ryan, then slip out so Castle can clear the ring of Taven. The Boys and fans rally while Castle builds speed, Castle fakes out The Kingdom to strut and pose!

The Kingdom is furious over falling for that. Taven returns into the ring and tags to Vinnie. Vinnie goes right at Castle but gets caught and thrown in a waistlock slam. Castle then puts Vinnie in a corner, and throws him out with an overhead suplex. He drags Vinnie over, tag to Boy 2, flying double stomps to Vinnie’s arm just before we go to break.

ROH returns once more to see Boy 2 building speed. Taven intercepts, and uses a fireman’s carry hotshot! Castle comes in but the referee keeps him back, this allows Vinnie & O’Ryan to throw Boy 2 right into barriers. And back the other way!

The Kingdom fires up but the fans are mixed. Taven tags O’Ryan and feeds Boy 2 to him, O’Ryan tags in Vinnie. They toy with Boy 2, the referee tries to maintain order. Boy 2 fights back but to no avail, The Kingdom whips him into a double flapjack! Leg drop and back senton combo, TWO! Vinnie keeps on Boy 2, and gnaws on his forehead! He tags Taven back in, Taven has Vinnie let Boy 2 go. Taven taunts Boy 2 to try and tag out, but then brings Boy 2 up. Boy 2 slips out of the back suplex, Taven grabs him before the tag and tries again, but Boy 2 still slips out. Boy 2 turns Taven around and dropkicks him to the Peacock corner! Taven back elbows Castle but Boy 2 tags his brother. Boy 1 shoulders in and slingshots for the sunset flip. Taven rolls through, and rocks Boy 1 with a penalty kick!

Taven checks his bloody lip before covering, TWO! He drags Boy 1 over and tags O’Ryan. O’Ryan lifts Boy 1 up for a big back suplex, then embraces the heat. O’Ryan uses Boy 1’s man bun to drag him up and over to the Kingdom’s corner. Boy 1 fights back, dodges O’Ryan, and back elbows O’Ryan a couple times before using a kick. Hot tags to Vinnie and Castle! The Peacock rallies on the Kingdom, rocking each of them with stiff forearms and back elbows. Vinnie dodges and hops up, but jumps into Castle’s arms for an overhead throw! The fans fire up with Castle as he stalks Vinnie, but Taven comes in. Castle dodges him, prepares the Tombstone but Taven reverses. Taven wants tombstone but Castle reverses, only for Taven to reverse, and back again! They keep going back and forth, and it ends on Castle, Peacock Tombstone!

The fans are thunderous, but O’Ryan comes in and boots Castle right in the head. O’Ryan gloats already, Castle comes back and gets him in the Bangarang!

Vinnie gets in and knees Castle away, but then Castle wrestles him down with a waistlock roll, and into the keylock, and the “Julie Newmar”!

However, Taven slips the hatchet in! Vinnie reaches but he can’t, he taps while the Boys FLY!

Castle & The Boys win, and have toppled The Kingdom over for good measure. The Peacock is already ROH WHC, can he become the first dual World Heavyweight and World Six Man Tag Champion?


My Thoughts:

This was a great episode right here, and perhaps rightfully uses the idea of “double main event” a bit more accurately than other promotions. Lethal VS Ospreay wan indeed main event or even PPV caliber for being a non-title match, and Scurll even added to the quality being on commentary to feed the story between him, Lethal and the ROH WHC. Ospreay always impresses, even in a loss, and Lethal stays strong to keep his chase for the title relevant. Scurll surprises us by not interfering, but keeping his attachment to Lethal amicable, if only for the moment. I would love a rematch from Final Battle of Lethal VS Scurll to determine a #1 contender, but I anticipate Lethal would need a true Heel turn to get past The Villain that time. Then major developments as The Addiction get an ultimatum from the emboldened Joe Koff. I loved the name drops Daniels made to TNA Impact and WWE, and if this is worked shoot of Daniels leaving ROH come the end of 2018, I would love to see Daniels either go back to Impact or try for WWE again.

I sensed Milonas was The Beer City Bruiser’s new mystery partner, and he makes total sense. Both men are big hosses, Milonas came off as a Heel during last year’s Top Prospect Tournament and he maintains that now as he makes Silas’ duo into a trio. Whether or not Silas keeps the ROH WTVC, this could still branch off into the three “real men” trying for the World Six Man titles to once again revisit Silas’ feud with Castle & The Boys. And speaking of, great match for the true main event, and great to see Castle & The Boys win against The Kingdom. The Kingdom can continue their ranting about conspiracies, and whether it’s SoCal Uncensored or The Bullet Club’s “Hung Bucks”, The Peacock can make a great Face towards their Heels.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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