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Mitchell’s Ring of Honor Report! (1/20/18)



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  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Motor City Machine Guns VS The Dawgs; The MCMG win and retain the ROH WTT Championships.
  • Josh Woods VS Jonathan Gresham; Gresham wins.
  • Triple Threat Tag: The Young Bucks VS Best Friends VS Dragon Lee & Titán; The Young Bucks win.


Previously on ROH TV…

The Kingdom lost to Dalton Castle & The Boys, but they didn’t accept it gracefully. Instead, Taven, O’Ryan & Marseglia attacked the ROH World Heavyweight Champion and his fan boys from behind!

The Boys were thrown out of the ring, and Taven drove Castle’s head into the mat with his reverse DDT. Then The Kingdom would celebrate backstage, and Taven would shout “Did you see that?!”

“I just left your new champion laying in the middle of the ring!” Everyone that steps to Matt Taven goes down, from Will Ospreay to Jay Lethal “and the list goes on and on.” If Taven doesn’t get the opportunities he deserves, he vows to just come out and take them. He vows to be the next ROH World Heavyweight Champion. Why? “Because I’m MATT TAVEN!” Will the sight seen between episodes be the sight we see at Castle’s next title defense?


Cheeseburger joins commentary for the opening match!

The lovable underdog wants to see ROH action up close because “Oh! Hell! Yeeeah…!” The Dawgs appear!

“Whoa whoa whoa, don’t be silly!” It’s Big Dawg Titus and Lil’ Willy. And truth of the matter, Philly, they have something in common with Carson Wentz: “We’re gonna tear, it, up!” The fans boo such a reference to Wentz’s season-ending injury, but the Dawgs move on to their match.

ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Motor City Machine Guns VS The Dawgs!

Somehow, someway, Big Rhett and Lil’ Will earned a shot at Alex Shelley’s & Chris Sabin’s titles. Can the MCMG keep these dogs from having their day?

Cheeseburger knows Ferrara well from their days as a team, but he has no love for the man who turned on him. The Dawgs reluctantly uphold the Code of Honor, then start Will Ferrara against Alex Shelley. The fans are firmly behind the MCMG, but Ferrara is confidently behind himself. Ferrara kicks low then trash talks before whipping. Shelley reverses, things speed up, Shelly runs Ferrara over with a back elbow and pays tribute to the Macho Man. Shelley runs but Rhett gives him a cheap shot knee to the back, so Shelly knocks him off the apron with a stiff right forearm! Ferrara pounces and clubs Shelley down. Another whip but another reversal, Ferrara grabs ropes and bails out. Ferrara gloats, but turns around to take a Penalty Kick from Sabin!

Rhett returns and goes right at Shelley, but Shelley gets the standing switch while Sabin comes in. Sabin hits the enziguri and Shelley hits the roaring elbow, MCMG hit a forearm-superkick combo! Rhett rolls out, the fans fire up while the MCMG coordinates. Shelley uses the slingshot to feint, then opens the way for Sabin to DIVE on the Dawgs!

The champions are in control while we go to break.

ROH returns to find that The Dawgs have taken control back. We see that during commercials, a slingshot attempt was derailed by a dropkick, and then Ferrara gave Sabin a tornado DDT from the apron. In the present, Rhett holds Shelley in a chinlock but Shelly gets and fights back. Shelley’s strike fest is stopped by one sharp left from Rhett. Rhett brings Shelley over and tags in Ferrara, The Dawgs cross Shelley’s arms and use them to send him backward into buckles. Ferrara wants to whip but Rhett spins it around to send Ferrara into Shelley for a shoulder tackle. Ferrara gets mad at Rhett, but Rhett just turns that around to send Ferrara back into Shelley. Lil’ Willy’s temper keeps going, but Rhett trips him up to catapult Ferrara at Shelley for a flying lariat.

Cover, but Sabin breaks that up. Rhett goes after Sabin and throws him out, then The Dawgs go after Shelley. Shelley fights them off from a corner, then topples Rhett with a crossbody. Ferrara grabs Shelley in a full nelson, Rhett runs in but Shelley boots him back. Shelley then spins Ferrara off him to shove him into Rhett, then hits Ferrara with a big back suplex! Both men are down, but Shelley fires up and gets to his feet quick. He heads for his corner, but Rhett yanks Sabin off the apron to deny the tag!

Not only that, but Sabin also bounces face-first off the apron edge and clutches his face. Fans boo and jeer while Ferrara pounces on Shelley in the corner. While Rhett climbs up top, Ferrara clobbers Shelley with the hammerlock lariat! Rhett jumps for the Doggy Splash, but it’s a belly flop as Shelley avoids it in time! Sabin returns and makes the tag! Sabin jumps in and boots Ferrara away. He then rallies on Ferrara with forearms and kicks, then goes for a powerbomb, but Ferrara sunset flips over. Sabin rolls through, and hits another Penalty Kick! Sabin runs at Rhett, Rhett side steps but Sabin boots him back before hopping up. He jumps and hits the flying huricanrana! Rhett ends up in a corner, Shelley makes his way back up. Sabin hits the back elbow, then Shelley helps for the double kick combo in the corner!

Ferrara stands up, Sabin kicks him and lifts but Ferrara fights out. Sabin runs in but takes a back elbow. Ferrara jumps up, goes for another tornado DDT but Sabin denies it. Sabin tries for the step-up tornado but The Dawgs deny that. Ferrara powers Sabin into a corner, Rhett runs in for a big boot! Rhett lifts Sabin, Ferrara fires up but Sabin slips out to let the Dawgs collide. Shelley returns, atomic drop starts the MCMG dream sequence: low dropkick, chancery, baseball slide! The fans fire up while Ferrara gets up. The MCMG hit the ASCS Rush: back kick to SUPERKICK then SUPERKICK-ENZIGURI! But that’s not the end. They bring Ferrara around, and hit Made in Detroit!

The MCMG win and retain the titles!

However, the Briscoes appear!

“Cut that damn music off!” Jay & Mark “congratulate” the MCMG. “But like we’ve been saying, enjoy those titles while you can.” As far as #DemBoys are concerned, those titles are still their property. They vow to reclaim their property “and there ain’t a damn thing you can do to stop it!” The MCMG are not afraid of the Briscoes, will they #ManUp to deny the Briscoes their ninth reign?


SoCal Uncensored finds Shane Taylor backstage.

The Addiction and Scorpio Sky say they have a major offer for the Notorious Hitman of ROH. They are headed to the ring, and hope Taylor will be security to make sure no one from The Bullet Club interferes. Taylor stands up and says it doesn’t matter who or why. If someone signs the check, he’ll take out whoever the need. Christopher Daniels hands over the envelope then shakes hands with Taylor. But then Taylor tells SoCal Uncensored that if the check doesn’t clear, “I’ll find you.” Daniels assures Taylor he’s The Smartest Man in the Room, so he’s definitely smart enough to have the funds. With the Hitman watching out for them, will the SCU have nothing to fear?


Kenny King speaks.

“Son, keep your head on a swivel.” Kenny’s late mother would tell him that all the time about all things. But at Final Battle, Kenny failed to keep such awareness, and that’s why Silas Young got away with a beer bottle to his head. Kenny failed again last week and he didn’t see Silas’ new ally coming. But if The Last Real Man thinks that’ll stop the K I N G from making him #BendtheKnee, then he’s crazy. Kenny vows to take back his golden throne that is the ROH World Television Championship.


Josh Woods VS Jonathan Gresham!

Mr. Top Prospect 2017 lost when he went for the ROH WTVC, and The Octopus of Team Search & Destroy has lost quite a bit as of late. But the last time these two faced off was during the Final Battle internet-exclusive kickoff match, and Gresham won to the surprise of The Goods. Can Gresham keep it going in 2018 to make it the Year of the Octopus?

The Code of Honor is upheld while fans cheer for Gresham. The bell rings, fans start dueling with chants. The two men circle, feel each other out, but it’s Woods that gets the first takedown. Gresham works to counter and block, but Woods merely stands over Gresham as he moves to the ropes. The referee calls for the break, Woods honors it but keeps his eyes focused on Gresham. They circle again, tie up, Woods gets another takedown but Gresham kicks him sharply in the chin. Gresham tries a drop toehold, but Woods is too big to be brought down like that. “Look at these quads, baby, c’mon!” Gresham admits those are good quads, so he instead goes after the knee joint!

Woods staggers back and falls down, then gets to a corner. Gresham runs in but Woods elbows him back. Woods puts Gresham in the corner and runs in, but Gresham evades and kicks the back of that bad knee. Gresham takes aim while Woods staggers, Gresham hits that bad knee with a dropkick. The referee checks on Woods but he’s okay to continue. Gresham trips Woods up then gives the leg a knee wrench. Woods gets to ropes but Gresham is right on him again to put on a toehold. Woods fights back but the torque forces him to let go. Gresham keeps up the attack with another spinning toehold. Woods uses his good leg to roll Gresham to a cover, ONE, back to the toehold. Gresham goes to wind it up again, Woods shoves him off. Things speed up a bit, Gresham comes back with a unique rolling kick.

Both men are down, but fans applaud the even match-up. They rally while the two men stand up, Woods goes after Gresham with strikes. He rocks Gresham then chops him down, but Gresham blocks the big roundhouse to dropkick that bad knee out again. Gresham hears the fans rallying while we go to break.

ROH returns and Gresham monkey flips Woods corner to corner. Gresham gets up and wants a second, but Woods blocks with raw strength. Woods lifts Gresham up to the top rope, and goes to shove him off, but Gresham counters with a bodyscissors! Woods hits the floor, fans fire up, and Gresham takes aim. Gresham slingshots over and topples Woods down again!

The Octopus is fired up, and he puts Woods back into the ring before climbing up top. Fans rally while Gresham jumps, into Wood’s jumping knee strike!

Gresham is stunned ad Woods is down while fans have mixed reactions. Woods grins as he gets up and takes aim at the dazed Gresham. Gresham gets to the ropes, Woods runs over, hops to the apron and gives Gresham another knee! Woods then hops back into the ring, and gut wrenches Gresham for a throw! He holds on, lifts Gresham again, for another gut wrench suplex. The fans want “One more time!” so Woods lifts Gresham for the gut wrench powerbomb!

TWO, but very close! Woods grins again while he and Gresham get to opposite corners. Woods fires up and runs in, big corner knee strike! He rolls Gresham in the waistlock, but then Gresham counters with a victory roll! TWO, and Gresham gives the bad leg a halfway dragon screw. Woods staggers, then swings a kick, but that bad leg can’t take the weight. Gresham runs, springboards, and hits the quebrada!

Gresham keeps going, rolling Woods over to stomp the bad knee! Then he rolls Woods with La Mahistrol and shifts to the bridge, flashbacks to Final Battle! Gresham wins again!

And The Goods cannot believe it!

Even so, Woods stands up, and per good sportsmanship, shakes Gresham’s hand again. Can The Goods turn his year around? Will the Octopus keep rolling to the top of ROH?


Time for Coleman’s Pulpit!

The Most Versatile Man in Sports Today, Caprice Coleman, welcomes Shaheem Ali & Leon St. Giovanni, otherwise known as Team Coast 2 Coast.

Coleman gets right to business. Team C2C has put it upon themselves that if they lose again, they will split up. Is that true? Yes, absolutely. But is that what they want? Coleman looks at them and can tell they’re good friends. They’re roommates, teammates and spend a lot of time together, so what would splitting up do to them? They’d both have to start over from the bottom. Ali and LSG don’t want to break up, they’re like brothers. But if they can’t win, it’ll have to happen. LSG promises to still have Ali’s back either way. Ali agrees, but the losses have stacked up. They don’t know what they’re doing wrong, and it frustrates them.

Coleman asks whose idea it was to put this stipulation on themselves. Ali takes credit for that idea. He personally feels that they have a lot of respect for the other tag teams who could get it done in their place. Coleman wonders who’s the weaker link in the team. Team C2C takes offense to that, they’re his guests. They’re the ones who chose to put their team on the line, because they’ve tried again and again, “opportunity after opportunity”. This will be “one last time, do or die”, but they will win because losing is not an option. Coleman lets them know that he is in the know, and can give them a heads-up on their future opponents, if they ask him. Do they want to know? Of course they want to know! Then find out, after the break!

Coleman’s just kidding! Their future opponents are… War Machine! Team C2C sees they’re up against steep odds, but Coleman encourages them, “anything is possible.” He has faith they can win. That ends this edition of Coleman’s Pulpit, where you find out the truth and the truth will help you see you later!


Cody comes to the ring!

Cody speaks, “I am victim to my hubris” and stands before Philadelphia “no longer world champion.” Fans boo, but Cody continues. “I thought if I took away the panache, the charisma, the pomp and circumstance” and even The Boys from The Peacock, “all that would remain is just a man.” However, at Final Battle, Dalton Castle was more than man, he was the better man. Cody spent 13 years “pining for the world championship”, so Castle can have his fun with it, because Cody is guaranteed his rematch. “And although I don’t have the beautiful, brand-new world championship,” Cody acknowledges he still has “one thing”: the literal and “official” Ring of Honor.

But then, The Kingdom appears?

Taven asks “Am I supposed to feel bad?” Taven wonders if he’s supposed to feel bad about “a man that literally has been handed everything on silver platter because of your last name–even though we can’t mention it here.” Fans know those are fighting words as Taven then enters the ring and gets in Cody’s face.

He continues to berate Cody by saying that even when Cody “had the chance to break out on your own”, Cody just didn’t have the balls. Cody went and kissed ass and joined the Bullet Club, “like that’s never happened before.” “So while you and your little cheerleaders play your little games and have all the ROH officials fooled”, Taven is not fooled. Taven has defeated everyone in ROH yet he keeps being overlooked for guys like Cody. Not to worry, because Cody just did Taven a big favor by exposing himself. Cody was handed the title and every opportunity to keep it, but now look at him. The synopsis of Cody’s career will read “a little, undeserving, spoiled brat has now become nothing more than a little bleach-blonde bitch!” Mic drop!

Cody speaks up as Taven turns to leave. “I would love to give you the last word. And that? So dramatic.” But Cody points out that his hair changing to blonde got a bigger pop than Taven will ever hear in his life. The fans applaud that burn, then chant for “Cody’s Hair!” Cody continues, saying that there’s only one thing left for them to do. He holds out his hand, and wants Taven to kiss the ring.

The fans chant “Kiss the ring!” Cody says this is so they can be fans. Taven kisses the ring, to then kick Cody in the crotch! Why? “Because I’m Matt Taven.” Taven leaves Cody writhing, will Taven come to regret disrespecting the former champion?


ROH takes a look at Punishment Martinez.

“I am the end. I am the Executioner.” The Reincarnation of the Purple Mist has made it known that he wants the ROH World Heavyweight Championship. Who will he destroy to get it?


Triple Threat Tag: The Young Bucks VS Best Friends VS Dragon Lee & Titán!

The partnership between ROH, NJPW and CMLL is strongly represented here in this amazing main event! Which team will take a step forward towards the ROH World Tag Team Championships?

In ROH, such a triple threat tag only allows two men in at a time. Therefore, The Young Bucks opt out and let the Kentucky Gentleman start against the two time CMLL Mexican National Welterweight Champion. Titán opens with a sharp open hand chop to Chuckie T that makes even the Bucks wince. Titán dares Chuck to respond, and Chuckie does with an incredibly sharp chop of his own. They go back and forth with the chops, neither man backing down. Titán kicks away at Chuckie’s legs then gets running, but into Chuckie’s boot! Chuck brings Titán up and whips him, things speed up and Titán jumps over Chuckie to handstand walk into the airplane headscissors!

Chuckie staggers to a corner, and Titán himself is a bit dizzy. Titán runs in at Chuckie but is put on the apron. He kicks Chuckie away then springboards, but Chuckie intercepts with a dropkick!

The fans cheer for “Chuckie T!” as he brings up Titán, then cheer as he tags in Trent! Best Friends whip Titán and knock him over with back elbows, then hug before dropping elbows. The fans cheer for “Best Friends!” and the Bucks even clap along. Trent brings Titán up, for a stiff chop that sits him back down. Trent whips but Dragon Lee tags in. Titán dodges Trent’s lariat and Lee catches him with a kick, Titán keeps moving to hit a running headscissors. Nick Jackson tags in from Trent and springboards at Titán for the flying arm-drag! However, Dragon Lee finally jumps in to give Nick his own flying arm-drag. Nick runs and gives Lee a headscissors but Lee cartwheels through. Lee goes to chop but Nick blocks and chops back, to then run for the acrobatic arm-drag!

Lee gets to a corner, Nick runs in and hits a corner clothesline. He runs back but Lee follows to hit a corner dropkick! Lee trips Nick up and hits a wrecking ball dropkick! Cover, TWO, so Lee tags in Titán. Team CMLL keep on Nick, double whip and things speed up, drop toehold to baseball slide dropkick. Matt gets their attention and shoulders into Lee. He slingshots over and mule kicks Titán, then uses Lee to help with the Sliced Bread!

The Young Bucks regroup, pop-up missile dropkick takes Lee out. They go after Chuckie T now, another pop-up to the headscissors! Trent returns, but he gets caught in the headscissor dropkick! The fans fire up for the Bucks as they now control the ring. The Bucks prepare the Terminators, and the drums follow. The Bucks rise, build speed, and DIVE on the Best Friends!

However, they don’t see Titán getting to the apron and holding the ropes open for Dragon Lee to DIVE!

And Team CMLL isn’t done there! Titán springboards for a SUPER ASAI MOONSAULT!

Titán hits so hard, he ends up in the crowd! The fans are fired up and cheering for “ROH!” a everyone regroups. Chuckie T gets back in the ring, builds speed, but Trent intercepts with a hug! That way, the Best Friends can BOTH FLY!

Philadelphia are thunderous for the Best Friends while they get Matt Jackson in the ring. Chuckie scoops and slams Matt and Trent prepares “the most dangerous move in professional wrestling”… Only to take a SUPERKICK!

Matt revives and SUPERKICKS Chuckie, then Nick gives the slow German Suplex to Trent on the apron. Team CMLL returns, but they both get tripped up, to be put into double “Cease-Shooters”! The fans thunderously chant “The! Elite! The the Elite!” while we go to break.

ROH returns and Dragon Lee reverses a corner to corner whip. Nick puts Lee on the apron but Lee kicks him away. Lee climbs up but Nick rocks him with a right. Nick climbs up to join him, but his super steiner is blocked into a Tree of Woe, for draping double stomps! Lee crawls for his corner but Titán isn’t there. Trent is, so Lee tags him, but Nick tags Matt at the same time. Trent throws Matt with a German Suplex, then goes corner to corner for a big back elbow. He sends Matt corner to corner for Chuckie’s jumping knee strike, then comes back to hit Matt with a shotgun knee! Nick returns, Trent gets him in the half-nelson, and Chuckie helps feed Nick the Sole Food Suplex!

Chuckie has Matt, and throws him to the long dart cutter! TWO! The Best Friends keep on Matt, assisted whip but Matt throws Chuckie out of the ring. Trent runs in, Matt boots him away. Both men are down, Matt staggers and Titán tags in, for a springboard missile dropkick. Trent staggers, Titán runs but Nick shoulders him back. Nick slingshots and hits the facebuster! Then the cartwheel Asai to Chuckie! Nick gets the Terminator drums started again but Dragon Lee leaps over for a flying huricanrana!

Titán goes after Trent while Lee returns. Titán unloads furious forearms from both sides, then runs corner to corner for an A-list clothesline, then Lee gives Trent the bicycle knee strike. Lee hits a Poisoned Rana, Titán hits a springboard frog splash! Cover, Chuckie breaks it just in time. He also goes after Lee with a mudhole stomp. Matt tags Trent and he stomps a mudhole into Titán. The two coordinate, and whip Team CMLL at themselves. Team CMLL reverses, but Matt and Chuck dosido and clothesline Team CMLL down! Now Matt and Chuck stare down. Chuck wants a hug, Matt gives him the hug! However, Matt turns it into a handshake and asks, “Where do you think you’re going?!” SUPERKICK from Nick!

A SUPERKICK for Trent! And a SUPERKICK for Lee! Titán rolls up Nick, SUPERKICK for Nick!? Now Titán rolls up Matt, TWO! Matt scoops up Titán, and has him in Tombstone position. Nick gets to the apron but Titán headscissors to send Matt into Nick! Lee runs at Nick, but Nick counters this time to apron-powerbomb Lee down! Even Nick looks shocked. Titán boots Matt back, then hops up, but his asai is caught and brought up into the Tombstone position! Nick runs to FLY onto Trent! Then he leaps to the apron and springboards for the MELTZER DRIVER!!

The Young Bucks win! They are two-thirds of the ROH World Six Man Tag Champions, could this win help them back towards ROH World Tag Team Championships?

But wait, Scorpio Sky appears!

The Bucks take notice of him, but they should watch their backs! Because The Addiction ambushes them with double chop blocks!

So Cal Uncensored go after those knees over and over, but they forgot about The Hangman!

Adam Page runs the SCU off with a chair, but the damage might have been done. Will SoCal Uncensored use every trick in the book to take those ROH World Six Man Tag Championships from the Bullet Club’s elite?


My Thoughts:

Another solid episode for ROH here, especially with tag team wrestling. I personally do not see The Dawgs as tag title ready, but their recent wins were apparently enough for this televised challenge. MCMG win for such obvious reasons, but especially because the Briscoes are coming for the titles. That tag match will be incredible, given the different in-ring styles and personalities for great storytelling. Either team could come away with the titles, but it’d probably mean a lot more if The Briscoes become nine-time World Tag Team Champions to further solidify their legacies in ROH.

Speaking of legacies, great reference during the Woods-Gresham match to the currently defunct ROH Pure Championship, aka the ROH Pure Wrestling Championship. While the ROH PWC had an open division, it had specific rules, and I feel/hope Gresham’s current angle is going to bring him to reviving such a belt. A second mid-card belt isn’t unheard of in a wrestling promotion, and if ROH were to revive the Pure Championship it would be a great sign of ROH’s personal success and growth. Gresham being the first new champion would also be big for him personally, as he puts himself on the same short but star-studded champions list with AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, Samoa Joe and Bryan Danielson/Daniel Bryan.

Then, as always, the Young Bucks are a major part of an incredible tag team match, as well as the winning part. Dragon Lee, Titán and Best Friends did great as well, but The Young Bucks win because they’re The Young Bucks. They are exciting, entertaining and on the top of tag team wrestling today. They also win to give the SoCal Uncensored an opening to attack like the True Heels they are. Daniels, Kaz & Sky going after “The Hung Bucks” so aggressively now ties into the story of Joe Koff’s “Your days are numbered” ultimatum. The Addiction wants at least one reign as ROH World Six Man Tag Champions before they’re forced out of the company. It would be too soon for them to get it the very first time, but I could see this becoming a year-long “chase titles” angle for the SCU.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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