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Mitchell’s Ring of Honor Report! (1/27/18)



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  • Punishment Martinez VS Dobbs; Martinez wins.
  • Team Coast 2 Coast VS War Machine; C2C wins, and stays together.
  • SoCal Uncensored VS The Bullet Club’s Cody, Hangman Page & Marty Scurll; SoCal Uncensored wins.


Previously on ROH TV…

Christopher Daniels and SoCal Uncensored went to the Notorious Hitman, Shane Taylor, with an offer. Taylor accepted, and while the SCU went after The Young Bucks, Taylor knocked out The Villain to earn his money. However, The Hangman made the scene, but perhaps a moment too late. Are the Bullet Club’s “Hung Bucks” in danger of losing their titles?


Punishment Martinez VS Dobbs!

The monstrous Reincarnation of the Purple Mist staked his claim to the ROH World Heavyweight Championship a few weeks ago, and looks to build momentum towards a title shot. It isn’t a matter of if, but when he reaches his golden goal.

Dobbs wants to keep the Code of Honor, but Martinez boots him right down!

The bell rings, Martinez jumps corner to corner for the back elbow, spinning lariat and roaring right hand! Dobbs falls down, Martinez stalks him as he crawls away. Martinez then brings Dobbs up by his hair, and shouts “Castle!” before ramming a right forearm into Dobbs’ face. The monster is sending a message to the Peacock one more at a time. He brings Dobbs back up, but Dobbs hits back! The fans cheer, but Martinez looks rather underwhelmed. He swings on Dobbs but Dobbs ducks to dropkick him! The fans cheer as Dobbs runs, but he runs into a discus boot! Martinez takes his time with Dobbs, dragging him back up to then swing him out for yet another boot! Dobbs is out on his feet, but Martinez finishes him with the South of Heaven choke slam!

Martinez covers, Martinez wins! And he scares off the ref, to celebrate on his own. How long will the monster have to wait to get his hands back on Dalton Castle?

Not too long, as the ROH WHC appears!

The Peacock and His Boys head right to the ring, and the champion stares Martinez down. Castle gets up and into the ring with Martinez, each man keeping his gaze locked on the other.

Castle shrugs, Martinez smirks. Martinez swings, but Castle catches him and throws him overhead! Martinez rolls out of the ring while fans fire up, and Castle dares him to get back in. The monster returns to the apron with a single jump! The Peacock is ready, but the monster backs down with another smirk. The fans boo while he makes his way out. When will the Purple Mist decide to make good on his championship challenge?


Team Coast 2 Coast speaks.

“Tonight is the night!” Shaheem Ali and Leon St. Giovanni risk it all for what could be one last match! C2C VS War Machine, “you know it! They know it!” It’s “Do or Die!” Can Ali & LSG keep it together to keep the team together?


Caprice Coleman joins commentary for this crucial tag team match.

The Most Versatile Man had Ali & LSG on his Pulpit last week, and he’s here because he just had to see this for himself. He warned them ahead of time who they were up against, and knows it’ll take a lot of heart from the younger team to win.

Team Coast 2 Coast VS War Machine!

Team C2C feels frustrated from all their losses in 2017, and have put it upon themselves that if they lose here, they’re done as a team. However, that challenge becomes all the more improbable, as they’re up against former ROH World Tag Team Champions in the intimidating Rowe & Hanson.

Team C2C takes no chances as Ali FLIES before the bell!

The match starts wild and the fans like it! Ali puts Hanson in the ring then regroups with LSG. They double whip Hanson but Hanson cartwheels through, they double dropkick him down! Rowe returns, but C2C double hip tosses him to then toss him back at Hanson!

The fans continue to cheer for the fiery C2C while Ali and LSG put Rowe and Hanson in the corners. C2C coordinates, then whips War Machine at each other, only for War Machine to turn it around into corner clotheslines! Hanson feeds Ali to Rowe’s shotgun knees while Hanson corner clotheslines LSG for himself! Hanson then bronco busters Ali, and Rowe picks Hanson up for a human weapon hip attack on LSG!

The fans fire up for War Machine now while the referee has them sort out a proper legal man. Rowe stays in while Hanson goes to the corner. Rowe brings Ali up and gives him a sharp chop in the corner. He brings Ali over and gives him knee strikes before tagging Hanson in. Rowe feeds Ali to Hanson’s knee, then Hanson returns the favor, and Ali goes down in a heap! War Machine gets the crowd going again, but LSG keeps fans cheering for Coast 2 Coast. Hanson sits Ali up, to give Ali a beard-wash. Tag to Rowe, and he comes in while Hanson scoop slams Ali down. Rowe then scoops Hanson for another human weapon, the scoop slam senton!

Rowe immediately hits LSG with a right hand, but LSG comes in with fire in his eyes. The referee keeps LSG back, so he can only watch and rally the fans as Rowe returns to Ali. Ali fights back with body shots, but Rowe rocks him with a knee strike. Rowe lifts but Ali slips out of the back suplex to then give Hanson a forearm smash, then dropkicks Rowe down! Both Ali and Rowe are down, the fans rally for them both. Ali crawls, but Rowe anchors his feet. Ali still stands up and still makes the tag! LSG flies in with a springboard lariat!

Hanson comes in but LSG is ready, he runs War Machine into each other, then handspring lariats Hanson down! He whips Rowe but Rowe reverses, LSG springboards for a big forearm smash! Hanson is in a corner, LSG hits him with another forearm smash. LSG climbs up to the top and takes aim at Rowe, and hits the 450 splash!

Cover, but Hanson breaks it right up. Hanson runs but LSG catches him and Coleman loses his mind as LSG manages a saido suplex!

The fans are fired up and cheer for the red-hot “LSG! LSG!” He turns his eyes on Rowe, runs in but gets the Ace Ten Mao knee! Ali returns, Rowe runs but misses the Superman Punch and Ali scoops him up, for the Swing-out Slam!

Rowe rolls away but Hanson returns, Ali side steps but in comes the handspring back elbow! Every man in this match is down, but the fans are fired up! The referee begins a ten count on them all while we go to break.

ROH returns, and Rowe catches LSG out of his springboard. LSG fights out of the hold but Hanson is there behind him. Hanson tosses LSG to Rowe, Rowe holds him up while Hanson hops up, flying clothesline German Suplex!

Cover, TWO, and War Machine can’t believe it. They go back to him, scoop slam backbreaker, then transition for a gut wrench backbreaker while Hanson climbs up. Rowe puts LSG in the powerbomb, Hanson leaps for the frog splash!

Cover, TWO!! War Machine is again surprised by LSG’s resilience, but there are still fans dueling on behalf of “Coast 2 Coast! Coast 2 Coast!” Even so, War Machine drags LSG up and prepare a double choke slam, but LSG breaks free! He slips under and tags in Ali! Ali rallies on War Machine, saido suplex on Rowe! Hanson comes in and boots Ali down, then with C2C in opposite corners, Hanson starts up the clothesline train! He starts with LSG but then Ali stops him with a boot! LSG adds a boot, then Ali the crescent kick! Hanson rolls out while Rowe returns, C2C catch him in the combination half-nelson facebuster and complete shot!

Cover, ONE!? Rowe is full of rage while C2C is completely shocked. They go after him, but he blocks their forearms with his forehead! Rowe then headbutts LSG down, and completely absorbs Ali’s forearm, and his kicks. Ali kicks more and more, then even forearms and chops again and again and again! He hammers Rowe down to his knee, then gets running, but Hanson returns and brings in Thor’s Hammer! Hanson immediately flies onto LSG!

Rowe covers Ali, TWO!? Coleman is as shocked as anyone! The fans are on C2C’s side right now, but War Machine calls for the finish! Hanson climbs up top while Rowe brings Ali to his feet, but LSG slips in to knock Hanson down! Rowe runs in but LSG slips to the outside, then roundhouses Rowe away. Ali returns to rock Rowe with a forearm, and Rowe ends up in a corner. Team C2C give him double back elbows, then get to their corners! LSG and Ali take aim, and hit THE Coast 2 Coast!

Double the cover, TWO!? C2C cannot believe how Rowe survived! Hanson makes his return but C2C goes right at him. Double whip corner to corner, then Ali whips LSG in, but Hanson sits right on him! Hanson then fires out to heel kick Ali down. Rowe drags Ali up while Hanson climbs up, Fallout!!

TWO!?!? The most powerful move War Machine has, and yet Ali survives!? The fans in the 2300 Arena declare “This is Awesome!” War Machine wait for Ali to get up, Rowe rocks him with another knee strike. Rowe lifts Ali again but LSG pushes Hanson off the top rope! Ali revives to roll Rowe up, C2C WINS!! Not even LSG can believe it!

As Coleman puts it, “The word ‘upset’ would be an understatement!” The fans cheer and chant for Coast 2 Coast after this superhuman effort! And though they lost, Rowe & Hanson stand before Ali & LSG, and offer to complete the Code of Honor. Ali & LSG accept the handshakes.

With this ringing endorsement from ROH Tag Team Division staples, can Team Coast 2 Coast finally rise up to the very top?


The Beer City Bruiser and his new tag team partner speak.

The Last Real Man, Silas Young, is such an “inspiration” as the ROH World Television Champion that the BCB felt he had to go get the ROH World Tag Team Championships. He and the Kingpin had quite the brawl roughly six months ago, and that was when Bruiser realized Milonas was “a diamond in the haystack, a needle in the rough”, and a certified Boston Bruiser. And Milonas himself couldn’t imagine “a better way to make a splash” in ROH than to team with the Beer City Bruiser. Now, the two literally biggest men in ROH are the newest and biggest tag team! Can the Big City Bruisers barrel through the ROH Tag Team Division towards those tag team titles?


Bully Ray Dudley heads to the ring.

And he’s bringing his wrestling boots. At Final Battle, alongside long-time friend, Tommy Dreamer, Bully Ray fought The Briscoes in a New York Street Fight that lived up to every bit of ECW’s extreme legacy. However, it was #DemBoyz who won out in the end, and now Bully is here to speak on the end of his career. “Final Battle was my final battle.” Philly disapproves, but Bully tells them that “they say before you die, your life flashes before you.” That night in New York, after losing, Bully sat there and felt his blood pouring out. Yet, he smiled, because his entire career flashed before his eyes. And it was a pretty damn good one. Philly agrees to that!

Bully knew taking off the boots was the right thing to do. He left his boots in the middle of the ring in his hometown of New York. New York City is where Bully was born, but as a wrestler–and Philly knows what he’s going to say, and they chant “E C Dub!”–Bully’s home is Philadelphia! It was October of 1995, in the very building they stand in now, that Bubba Ray Dudley was born. “This is the ring I should leave my boots in.” The 2300 Arena is the building he should leave his boots in. And there’s no doubt in Bully’s mind that Philly is the city he should leave his boots in. Philly agrees to all those sentiments.

Bully continues to thank the fans, “for everything. Thank you Lord, for thinking about me, I’m alive and doing fine. Do you know who I am? I’m Bully Ray, and it has been my honor.” With that, Bully leaves his boots, and the fans see him off with a standing ovation.

But not only that, Jay Lethal and other ROH stars also appears to give their thanks in person.

From the ROH WHC to the ROH World Tag Team Champions to the Women of Honor, they all appear and applaud while Philly chants “Thank you, Bubba!”

Lethal enters the ring to speak to Bubba on their behalf. “I’ve known you for a long time. And if this is the last time I’m gonna see you, I got to get something off my chest.” Lethal knows that when Bubba was showing up, no one knew what to think. There have been rumors about Bully Ray, both good, not so good, and really bad ones. They all had their guard up, but then Lethal saw something amazing: every show, Bubba went above and beyond to help anyone and everyone in ROH. At the end of every event, Bubba made himself available. Not to push his views, but to let them come to him and pick his brain about this business.

Every interview Bubba did put ROH over, and no one forced him to. Bubba came to ROH because he was inspired by it. He represents what ROH is all about, and the craziest part: they’ve only been here a fraction and yet Bubba still helped them. Bubba did things in and for the wrestling business that most will only dream of, and yet he helped them. Lethal has never used this term before, but when it comes to wrestling “legends”, Bubba is definitely a legend. Philly agrees with that, too! And though it pains everyone to see him go, “know this: more than anything else”, everyone in ROH from wrestler to staff will scream it loud, “THANK YOU!” Lethal then gives the living legend a big hug.


ROH begins the Women of Honor Championship tournament!

As announced at Final Battle in December, January 20th in 2018 marked the beginning of a tournament to crown the inaugural ROH WOH Champion! 16 of the best women wrestlers from around the world, including ROH and Stardom, compete for the honor to wear that brand new championship belt. Familiar names like Deonna Purrazzo, Kelly Klein, Karen Q, Mandy Leon, Sumie Sakai and even newer stars like Brandi Rhodes, Jessie Brooks will represent ROH while Stardom will be represented by HZK, Hana Kimura, Kagetsu and Mayu Iwatani. The tournament will air as part of ROH Television in just two weeks, with Episode 334!


Matt Taven joins commentary for the main event match.

The Kingdom is also with him at ringside, as this trio continues to believe in a conspiracy against them in regards to any and all ROH championships, which definitely include the ROH World Six Man Tag Championships they have yet to receive rematches for.


SoCal Uncensored VS The Bullet Club’s Cody, Hangman Page & Marty Scurll!

Scorpio Sky joins The Addiction to form this new trio, but this new trio is already on borrowed time according to ROH commissioner Joe Koff. They want at the ROH World Six Man Tag titles as badly as anyone, can they take out the Bullet Club’s American Nightmare, Problem Solver, and Villain to prove their worth?

Taven makes snarky remarks as Cody, Hangman and Scurll make their entrance and fans kiss the literal Ring of Honor.

ROH returns from break while the teams sort out who starts. The SCU choose Scorpio Sky while the Bullet Club goes with Marty Scurll. The bell rings and the two men circle, the fans chant “Too Sweet! Woop Woop!” Scurll and Scorpio tie up, Scorpio gets the waistlock but Scurll swings an elbow to back him off. Scorpio kicks but Scurll catches it, only for Scorpio to turn it into a bodyscissor roll up, TWO. Scorpio kicks low again, then whips Scurll but Scurll reverses. Scurll bends over for the body drop but Scorpio double stomps up and over him. Scorpio whips Scurll corner to corner but Scurll slips under to bring Scorpio’s hands down and stand on them. Scurll flaps his wings then stomps on the hands before giving Scorpio an enziguri! The fans applaud while Scurll brings Scorpio up, but Scorpio scrambles and tags in the Almighty Daniels. But before he and Scurll tie up, he says he wants “Spike.”

Scurll gets the fans into it, and Cody wants in, too, so Scurll tags Cody. Cody and Daniels are in the ring, a flashback to their time fighting over the ROH WHC. The fans are on Cody’s side as he and Daniels tie up. Cody gets the hammerlock but Daniels reverses it. Cody elbows out then runs, Daniels jumps over, but Cody kicks low and drops down for the uppercut. Daniels staggers, Cody wants the finish but Daniels snapmares out. Daniels double underhooks for his finish, but Cody reverses with headscissors. They speed up, Cody runs Daniels over and arrogantly pins, ONE. Cody and Daniels stare down, but then Cody kneels and flexes.

However, Frankie Kazarian gets right in and attacks Cody from behind! Hangman Page jumps in and he brawls with Kazarian, flashbacks to their violent feud that paralleled Cody’s and Daniels’. The referee tries to get them to stop, but Kaz doesn’t stop until he rakes Page’s eyes. Kaz runs but Page follows to forearm smash him against ropes. Page runs but now Kaz returns the favor. Kaz goes again, but Page rocks him with a roaring elbow to then clothesline the Heavy Metal Rebel right out! However, neither man stops there, they brawl on the outside, too! Things blow up as Scurll and Scorpio hop into the ring with Cody and Daniels and it’s a brawl times three! It spills out near the commentary area, and thankfully Vinnie Marseglia chooses not to chop someone with his ax. Taven says that if Scurll was a real villain, he’d be more like Vinnie. That aside, Cody and Scurll trade targets and Cody bumps Scorpio off the apron while Scurll scrapes and punches Daniels. Cody reenters the ring and the fans fire up, Cody builds speed and FLIES!

Everyone topples down and the fans fire up, but Taven feels he could’ve done so much better. His remarks aside, the fans chant “Too Sweet! Woop Woop!” while Cody puts Daniels back in the ring. Daniels has the entire Bullet Club team after him, they put Daniels in a corner and coordinate the Bullet Train, “Choo Choo!” Cody goes first, he hits. Page goes second, he hits. Scurll is always last, and he continues to fail as Daniels boots him away. They go again with Cody succeeding, Page succeeding and Scurll… failing. Cody yes, Page yes, Scurll… No! Scurll staggers, Cody and Page help him stay standing. Daniels comes roaring out, Page and Cody help Scurll boot Daniels down!

The Bullet Club is fired up as we go to break.

ROH returns once more, and now the SCU is in control. They have Cody in their corner but Cody fights out! He runs but Kaz catches him, to push him back. Kaz runs in, but Cody goes up and over, powerslam! Both men are down, but Cody is busted open. The fans rally while they crawl, hot tags to Scorpio and Page! The Problem Solver rallies but Scorpio reverses the corner-to-corner whip. Page still roars out with a lariat. Daniels comes in but Page sends him right out to then run and DIVE!

He doesn’t stop there, he then throws Daniels into barriers at the corner, then all the way to the next corner! Page keeps going but Daniels reverses, only for Page to reverse back and whip Daniels in to even more barriers! Kaz runs in, but Page gets him with a SUPERKICK!

Hangman reenters the ring with Scorpio in a corner, but Scorpio boots him away. Scorpio hops up and jumps, but into Hangman’s boot! Hangman brings Scorpio up, powerbomb and stacked pin, TWO! Taven gives Page credit that he’s ROH Day One and a “star in the making”, but says that he won’t ever be that while he’s with the Bullet Club. The fans rally while Hangman returns to Scorpio, but Scorpio revives to throw forearms. Scorpio runs, but Hangman gets him in a fireman’s carry. Daniels returns, but Hangman kicks him. Hangman throws Scorpio down to dropsault!

Cover, TWO, but Hangman keeps the fans going. He whips Scorpio but Scorpio reverses and feeds Hangman to The Addiction, they hit Hangman with the pop-up powerbomb neckbreaker combo! Then Scorpio adds his jumping double stomps! Cover, TWO! Scorpio fires himself up, fans rally as he runs in at Hangman, but Hangman throws him into buckles with a belly2belly suplex! Daniels runs Hangman over with an STO, but Cody returns to hit Daniels with the Beautiful Disaster kick! Kaz boots Cody, but then Scurll hits him with a European Uppercut. Scorpio runs in but Scurll evades to EuroUpper and Electric Chair lift Scorpio. Cody springboards, the “Allied Powers” give Scorpio a missile dropkick Doomsday!

The Villain fires himself up as he stalks Scorpio, and the fans know what he’s after. He spins around, calls for it, but Daniels stops Scurll just before. Daniels whips but Scurll reverses, and he grabs the fingers! The fans hush themselves, but Daniels gives Scurll a couple right hands to send him out of the ring. Daniels then topples Scurll over with the Arabian Moonsault!

But then Cody jumps and FLIES outta nowhere!

The American Nightmare wipes out the Fallen Angel, but then the Heavy Metal Rebel slingshots out to huricanrana Cody down, and into Scorpio’s cutter! But then Hangman SUPER Asai Moonsaults onto Scorpio!

But he also hits his own leg on the barriers!

Hangman screams in pain and the referee checks on him. Despite whatever damage he may have done to himself, Hangman still gets Scorpio into the ring, and the fans applaud his courage. The SCU regroup behind him though, and Daniels saves Scorpio from the Buck Shot. He then boots Hangman, and Kaz gives Hangman a backstabber into Daniels’ haymaker. Scorpio returns for the bicycle knee strike! Scorpio covers, the SCU win! Between the damage done to The Young Bucks last time, and the damage done to the Hangman this time, will it be easier for the SCU to take those ROH World Six Man Tag Championships than anyone thought?


My Thoughts:

This was quite the surprising episode of ROH. For starters, it was the second episode in a row to start with a recap. I wonder if this is going to be a regular thing for ROH TV now. Then we move into Martinez squashing a jobber to then be confronted by Dalton Castle. The Peacock already has a huge list of eager challengers for his ROH WHC, but I sense Martinez is first up as he made his challenge the most physical. Martinez plays up his Heel status by choosing to do this on his time, ROH is obviously saving this match for a PPV. The “Do or Die” tag team match for C2C was amazing, and serves as both a fantastic “good-bye” match for War Machine and a “passing of the torch” match in respects to Ali & LSG. Those in the know already know that War Machine is headed to WWE by way of NXT, and them putting C2C over is major props to how they’ll do in ROH.

What an amazing good-bye segment for Bubba Ray in ROH and wrestling in general. Lethal was also a great person to take the role of speaking for the company, and he captured the moment in words perfectly, as well. Also great to hear that we’ll be able to see the WOH Championship tournament on TV soon enough, really excited to see who wins and becomes their first Women’s Champion. Then, a really big surprise as SCU wins against The Bullet Club. I really thought Hangman was going to stand tall to get even for what happened last time, but there’s no 50-50 booking here as the SCU essentially comes out ahead 2-0. A dirty attack last week but a clean win tonight, and with great story from Hangman risking that foot, I can’t wait to see the Six Man Tag title match that comes from this.

My Score: 8.5/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (7/26/24)




Who will be waiting in the wings for the AEW World Champion?

In the wake of Blood & Guts, twenty men compete in the Royal Rampage battle royal! But who will stand tall at the end as the next #1 contender?


  • 2024 Royal Rampage: ??? wins and will challenge for the AEW World Championship at AEW Grand Slam.
  • Lance Archer VS ???
  • Kris Statlander w/ Stokely Hathaway VS Leila Grey; wins.
  • Fatal 4 Way Tag: Private Party VS The Righteous VS The Outrunners VS Rush & Kyle Fletcher w/ Don Callis; win(s).


The 2024 Royal Rampage!

While Bryan Danielson will challenge Swerve Strickland for the AEW World Championship at All In, that is for All In. This match will see TWENTY of the best battle it out for a shot at the AEW World Championship on September 25th! Who survives here in Texas to go to New York for AEW Grand Slam?

First out, it is Orange Cassidy! Freshly Squeezed has the Pixies asking “Where is my mind?” as he rolls into the ring, then rolls all the way to the second ring. Wait, he rolls back to the first, that’s the ring he’s assigned to. But also coming out first is The Swiss Superman, Claudio Castagnoli! Then is the original Royal Rampage winner, Brody King! Will he do it all again for the House of Black? And fourth, it’s Komander! The AAA World Cruiserweight Champion has a tall task ahead of him, will he look to go for even more gold this Autumn?

The bell rings, Cassidy and Brody are on left, Claudio and Komander are on right. The fans bark it up for Brody, then he runs in Cassidy dodges, Komander dodges Claudio, and Komander KICKS Claudio’s leg! Claudio doesn’t flinch, so Komander KICKS again! Claudio TOSSES Komander to a corner, Brody runs in at Cassidy in a corner, but Cassidy dodges the big haymaker! Cassidy wrenches the hand, wristlocks and goes up the corner, while we can hear Claudio’s CHOPS on Komander echo out. Cassidy goes to the top rope, and now Komander knuckle locks and CHOPS Claudio! Komander goes up and up, and now he tightrope walks alongside Cassidy!

The fans cheer, Cassidy and Komander give each other thumbs up, and then they FLYING ARM- NO! Claudio and Brody both block the arm-drags! Claudio short arm LARIATS Komander, Brody CHOPS Cassidy off his feet! The fans bark and Claudio gives a thumbs up to Brody, but Brody does not return the gesture. Claudio storms up on Komander, scoops, and the countdown is here! Brody puts Cassidy in a corner to CHOP, and Komander slips free of Claudio. Komander ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl, DEJA VU RANA, and Claudio goes up and over! But Claudio holds onto ropes to stay safe on the apron!

Komander dropkicks Claudio’s legs, but Claudio holds on with his arms! Next out is… Tomohiro Ishii! The Stone Pitbull is here, but which ring was he assigned to? Komander runs to wheelbarrow Claudio, but Claudio puts him on the apron! Komander dangles, and Ishii storms into the left ring! Ishii stares down Brody and the two dogs start firing forearms! The fans fire up, Brody CHPOS, but Ishii CHOPS! Komander dodges Claudio to springboard and FLYING- NO, Claudio stops the rana! Claudio goes to the ropes but Komander tries to rana anyway! Claudio does his best to stay in the ring while Komander dangles outside again!

Ishii runs but Brody follows to ROCK him! Brody runs but Ishii dodges and LARIATS! Ishii runs, Cassidy sneaks up behind Brody, they TABLE TOP LARIAT Brody down! The fans fire up for The Conglomeration, and they go after Brody together. The countdown is back. Claudio stomps Komander in a corner, but here comes The Machine, Brian Cage! Cage slides into the right ring, dodges Claudio and manages a RANA! Claudio is on ropes, Cage dials it up, and 619! Claudio falls back, Cage storms in, but Komander springboards! Cage catches the suplex, brings Komander around, but Komander slips free!

Komander dodges Cage, springboards, but Cage catches him into a HALF NELSON SLAM! Brody fights against The Conglomeration and knocks them back. Claudio brawls with Cage, the countdown is back. Cage RAMS Claudio into a corner, and “Newsflash, slick! You’re all a bunch o’ crumbs!” Here comes The Butcher, and he’s in the left ring! He and Brody run Ishii over together! They shake hands and DOUBLE ELBOW DROP! The fans bark as the beefy behemoths are united for the moment. Cassidy runs in, tilt-o-whirls, but Butcher stops the DDT! He and Brody SANDWICH Cassidy! The fans fire up while Butcher drop steps around.

Claudio HEADBUTTS Cage, hoists him up, and now Butcher and Brody fire big forearms! “MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!” echoes out, Cage fights off Claudio and Komander even helps. Claudio DUMPS Komander but Komander stays on the apron. The countdown is back, and… Wait a minute, Daddy Magic is in this match? But he’s also on commentary! Well, Matt Menard surprises us by throwing off his jacket and taking off the headset so he can get into the right ring! The fans fire up as Menard fires off on Claudio! Menard climbs up, rains down fists, and he goes all the way to TEN! But Cage is there, so Menard ROCKS, JABS and JABS!

Menard ROCKS Cage again, hoists him up, but Cage is big. Menard RAMS Cage, Komander CLUBS Menard. Ishii CLUBS Butcher, the countdown is back, and now we get The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong! Wait, shouldn’t he be in Texas for Death Before Dishonor? For that matter, shouldn’t a few others…? Well, whatever, the Savior of the Backbreaker CLOBBERS Cassidy and stomps Ishii, because he hates The Conglomeration! Roddy CHOPS away on Cassidy, he stomps Brody, CHOPS Butcher, then stomps Ishii. Roddy is just hitting everyone, then he suddenly wants to work with Butcher.

Claudio lifts Menard, Roddy & Butcher double whip Brody to a corner. Roddy runs in to SHINING WIZARD in the corner! Butcher runs in to LARIAT! Butcher then feeds Brody to Roddy’s SICK KICK! Cassidy RAMS Roddy and tries to lift him out! The countdown is back, Roddy fights Cassidy off, and here comes Kip Sabian! Superbad makes his way into the second ring, ROCKS Claudio then springboards to MISSILE DROPKICK Claudio down! The fans cheer as Kip then trips Menard, runs and CANNONBALLS Claudio! Kip then CANNONBALLS Menard! The fans fire up for Kip, but then Komander runs up!

Kip blocks a kick, KNEES Komander first, then suplexes for a GOURD BUSTER! And KNEE! Butcher stomps Brody, then he drags Cassidy up for Roddy. The countdown is done again, and now… “Oh, Nashville~!” Brandon Cutler says he wants to take this time to appreciate what he and The Young Bucks went through for Blood & Guts. He wants to make the EVPs proud when he brings home the world championship, because he is that guy! Cutler steps in, Ishii LARIATS him up and out to ELIMINATE him! Nice try, Cutler. Roddy CLUBS Ishii, hoists him up, but Ishii CLUBS him back. Kip brawls with Claudio, and Cutler cries his way to the back.

The countdown is done again, and now The Patriarchy’s Prodigy, Nick Wayne, is here. And he’s aimed right at Kip Sabian in the second ring! Nick goes to throw Kip but Kip elbows free! Kip whips, Nick ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA! Kip stands up into an UPPERCUT! Nick kips up, the fans boo, but he just soaks it up with a smug grin. Menard whips Cage, Cage reverses to send Menard out! But Menard ducks one lariat, only for the second LARIAT to knock him down! Cage ELIMINATES Menard! Meanwhile, Roddy tries to drag Cassidy out but Ishii makes the save. Claudio dumps Cage out but Cage holds onto ropes.

Nick soaks up more heat but Komander tries to dump him out! The countdown is done, and here comes Kyle O’Reilly! More Conglomeration, but Roddy thinks Kyle is his friend. NOPE! Kyle TACKLES Roddy, rains down fists, then fires off KICK after KICK! Kyle whips to kitchen sink knee Roddy down! Kyle brawls with Butcher, the fans fire up and Kyle gets the edge! Kyle and Cassidy coordinate, FRESHLY SQUEEZED HIGH LOW! Menard rejoins commentary, acting like he wasn’t in the match at all. The countdown is back, and here comes Double J! Nashville fires up for THEIR Last Outlaw, and he gallops his way to the right ring!

Jarrett gets in to ROCK Claudio, ROCK Kip, DECK Claudio, and then he fires off on Cage, Nick, Komander, and repeat! Jarrett wrenches Cage to RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! The fans fire up with Jarrett as Rampage goes picture in picture!

Kyle fights off Roddy and The Butcher, Cassidy helps out, and Jarrett tries to dump Claudio! Nick tries to help but Claudio is stronger than them both! Claudio thumbs Jarrett’s eyes! Then he UPPERCUTS Nick away! Kyle stomps Roddy, Nick ROCKS Kip, and Cassidy goes after Brody with a CHOP BLOCK! Jarrett fights off Cage and Claudio, but Nick fires off shots! Jarrett ROCKS Nick in return! The Conglomeration have Butcher against ropes to fire CHOPS, KICKS and “kicks.” But then Brody storms in, pushes Cassidy aside, and he CHOPS Butcher! CHOP, KICK, CHOP, and repeat! Cassidy rests while they do the work, then he ORANGE PUNCHES Butcher!

Rampage returns to single picture, and Brody TOSSES Butcher to ELIMINATE him! But then Kyle & The Conglomeration, and even Roddy, all lift Brody up! The countdown is back, and out comes The Undisputed Kingdom’s Matt Taven! Taven slides in and he CLOBBERS Kyle! Cassidy and Taven brawl, Taven scoops to BACKBREAKER, flip and DDT! Kyle KICKS Taven, Taven HEEL KICKS Kyle! Taven helps Roddy up, Nick gloats and goes up, but Komander 619s the legs out! Komander goes up but Nick SHOVES him down and ELIMINATES him! A real rough landing, too!

But then Claudio hauls Nick up! Nick fights, the countdown is back, and next out is… Jay Lethal! Jarrett’s teammate is here, and he hurries in to fire off on Nick Wayne! The fans rally, Nick kicks and whips but Lethal reverses to hip toss, handspring and basement dropkick! The fans cheer, Lethal goes to toss Nick, and Jarrett helps out. Team Triple J have had problems in the past but they’re united against Nick. Nick fights them off, though, only for Kip to DUMP Nick out and ELIMINATE him! That’s what he gets for insulting the late Father Sabian! The Patriarchy is watching backstage, they are disappointed.

Christian asks Killswitch-Luchasaurus why he’s not out there to help! Luchasaurus isn’t in the match, though! Christian & Mother Shayna leave, disappointed, but will they just have to focus on being AEW World Trios Champions? Meanwhile, Lethal trips Claudio, steps through, but Claudio kicks him away. So Lethal trips Kip, steps through, and “WOO~!” FIGURE FOUR! Submissions may not win, but Kip is vulnerable as Jarrett storms over to stomp him! But Cage and Claudio attack Lethal and Jarrett. The countdown is back again, and The Undisputed Kingdom’s Mike Bennett is here!

Bennett joins his team and he SPINEBUSTERS Kyle! Then he runs at Cassidy, but into a BOOT! Cassidy goes up, but Bennett UPPERCUTS! PROTON PACK! But Ishii is up and he storms up to Bennett. Bennett CHOPS, and CHOPS, but Ishii CHOPS back! They CHOP back and forth, but Ishii CHOPS harder! Roddy kicks Ishii, The Kingdom mugs Ishii, and fans boo. Kip CLUBS Jarrett, Jarrett is on the apron, but he slides under. The countdown is back again, and here comes The Beast Mortos! Mortos storms into the right ring, and he dodges Cage to CLOBBER him! And then he POP-UP SAMOAN DROPS Claudio!

Mortos roars, dodges Lethal and HEABUTTS him down! The fans fire up, Jarrett CLUBS Mortos! Jarrett fires hands, whips, but Mortos reverses, only for Jarrett to LARIAT! But then Kip jumps in! Lethal & Jarrett double kick him first! They whip, Kip reverses, but Lethal back suplexes! Kip lands out, Lethal sends Jarrett in, but Jarrett has to block a boot! Lethal runs up to LARIAT Kip up and out, Lethal ELIMINATES Kip! Cage UPPERCUTS, GAMANGIRIS and GERMAN SUPLEXES Mortos! The Kingdom beats down The Conglomeration, and here’s the penultimate entry… DARBY ALLIN!

The fans are thunderous as The Relentless One gets to step to Brody King! They were the final two in that original Royal Rampage, and Darby wants payback! Darby slips around, jumps on, but Brody CANNONBALLS into a corner! Darby flops out of the ring! Triple J rallies on Claudio with a combo, Kyle and Taven go back and forth. Brody slides out to pursue Darby and THROW him into railing! Brody drags Darby up to THROW him into more railing! Triple J DOUBLE STRADDLE ATTACK Mortos and Claudio! Then they double strut! The fans cheer, but here comes the FINAL COUNTDOWN~! And it’s Lio Rush!

The fans fire up as the Bad Child grins as he takes his time going to the ring. Brody and Darby are brawling in the stands!? Lio dodges Lethal, fires off fast hands, then rolls Lethal to kip up and SPINNING BUZZSAW! Claudio trips Lio, YANKS him up but Lio RANAS! Lio dodges Cage to jump and RAN- NO, Cage blocks that, right as Rampage goes picture in picture!

Cage aims but Lio pops free to DDT! Brody BOWLS Darby into chairs! Brody throws a trash can at him, too! The refs go out there to tell Brody to bring this back to ringside, so Brody drags Darby up. Darby CLAWS at Brody’s face! Mortos ROCKS Jarret in a corner! Darby COFFIN SPLASHES Brody against railing! Cassidy stomps Roddy, Mortos DECKS Jarrett, and Darby CHOKES Brody! Cassidy dangles on the outside, but he manages to slip in before Taven can get him. Claudio UPPERCUTS Cage, Cage ROCKS Claudio! Brody SHOVES Darby to the steel steps! Darby writhes, Cage fires off a strike fest on Claudio!

Cage tries to clothesline Claudio up and out but Claudio’s a little too tall for that. Brody hauls Darby up and hits SNAKE EYES off steel steps! Darby flounders around while Rampage goes to break.


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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; Knight wins.
  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: The Bloodline wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; Nia & Tiff win.


Nick Aldis is on the phone.

He has a lot going on, but he’ll call back. The Bloodline steps up, and Aldis says sorry, given their actions last week with Cody Rhodes & Kevin Owens that gave Tonga Loa an eye injury, Loa is not cleared to compete. So unfortunately, The Bloodline must forfeit their spot in the tag team gauntlet. Tama Tonga asks what Aldis just said, but Aldis says he heard just fine. Forfeit? They ain’t forfeiting nothing! Solo Sikoa has Tama stand down. And he appreciates Aldis’ concern, but The Bloodline is not forfeiting. Understood? Loa is part of The Bloodline, but so is Jacob Fatu! So instead, it will be Tama Tonga & Jacob Fatu in that match. If that’s okay with Aldis.

Aldis says it is, actually. They’re still in. Solo tells Fatu to bring those titles back home. Solo wants all the titles on SmackDown. The Samoan Werewolf steps up to replace The Silverback, will any of the other teams survive that match now?


LA Knight heads to gorilla.

And he tells the cameras, “LEMME TALK TO YA!” The Mega Star says we’re making a pitstop before SummerSlam. Santos Escobar couldn’t remember how many times he’s been dropped on his head by Knight, so Knight will be the professor, class is in session, and we’ll teach Santos some history. Then in Cleveland, Logan Paul isn’t learning math, he isn’t learning statistics or English. But he will be taught what it’s like to get his keister kicked in by the Mega Star! YEAH! And no matter what class, the curriculum is always the same, with everybody saying… L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!! Knight makes his way out, will he be rolling into SummerSlam? Or will Santos pass the test?

LA Knight VS Santos Escobar w/ Elektra Lopez!

The bell rings, Santos runs up but Knight dodges to JAB! JAB! JAB! Santos headlocks, Knight powers out but Santos runs him over. Things speed up, and Knight hip tosses! And then arm-drags! Knight has the armlock, the fans rally, but santos fights up. Santos pulls hair, the ref reprimands, but santos puts Knight in a corner. Santos whips, Knight reverses to WRING the arm and drop a leg on it! Knight wrenches and YANKS the arm again and again. “YEAH! YEAH!” Knight whips, then ELBOWS Santos down! The fans fire up with Knight and he RAMS Santos into a corner. Knight climbs up to rain down fists!

Fans “YEAH!” all the way to seven times before Santos YANKS Knight down! Santos kicks and stomps Knight in the corner. The fans boo but Lopez mocks Knight’s “yapping.” Santos CHOPS LARIATS Knight! Santos CHOP LARIATS again, then reels him in for a snap suplex! Santos stands up, brings Knight up to SLAM him down, then he steps through for a SHARPSHOOTER! Knight scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Knight then stands to fire off haymakers! Knight whips, and he LARIATS Santos down! Knight brings Santos up but Santos drop toeholds him into ropes! Santos distracts the ref and Lopez SLAPS Knight!

Santos runs in to 619! A shot taken at Rey Mysterio, and Santos soaks up the heat while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Santos DOUBLE KNEES Knight in a corner! Cover, TWO! Santos is annoyed but he clamps on a cobra clutch. The fans rally as Knight endures. Knight fights up, throws body shots, then runs, to SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Knight whips, Santos reverses and scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Santos is annoyed again and he stalks Knight to a corner. Santos says this is not Knight’s game, it’s Santos’s! Santos rains down fists in the corner but lets off as the ref counts. Santos soaks up heat, but Knight ELBOWS him back! Knight whips Santos hard to a corner, then SHOVES him in!

Knight stomps a mudhole, “YEAH! YEAH!” Knight goes corner to corner to KNEE Santos down! Knight whips, Santos reverses but Knight ducks the lariat to kick and DDT! Cover, TWO! Santos stays in this, Lopez coaches him, but Knight is on him first. Knight lifts Santos to a torture rack, but Lopez slides in! The ref stops her, that distracts Knight, and he lets Santos down. Lopez backs off as Knight storms over, and Knight goes back for Santos. Santos ELBOWS Knight! Santos runs, but into a POP-UP POWERSLAM! The fans fire up while both men are down! Lopez again gets on the apron but the ref tells her to stop.

And here comes LOGAN PAUL! ONE LUCKY- NO, Knight dodges to LARIAT! Logan falls, but Santos SUPERKICKS! Santos brings Knight around, fireman’s carry, PHANTOM- NO, Knight slips free to B F T! Cover, Knight wins!

Winner: LA Knight, by pinfall

But then Logan CLOBBERS Knight after all! The fans boo as the Maverick stomps away on Knight! Logan drags Knight up, but Knight RAMS him into a corner! Knight stomps away on Logan now, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight runs corner to corner, but Santos KNEES Knight down! The Emperor helps the champ up, and they beat Knight down together! Then Santos drags Knight into the drop zone for Logan as he goes up top. Logan FROG SPLASHES Knight! The fans boo but Logan soaks it up. Logan leaves Knight down and out, but will Knight be the one leaving The Land with the gold?


Backstage interview with Naomi.

Byron Saxton asks her why she thinks Blair Davenport initially showed her respect, only to then attack her from behind. Naomi doesn’t know the issue with Blair is, because she hasn’t even done anything to the newbie! But Blair is playing mind games, which won’t work. Naomi has something for Blair, though. Not only will Naomi make Blair #FeelTheGlow, but she’ll respect it! And then in step Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair, and they say that’s right! Blair is a Lame, and she gets what is coming. Just like Alba & Isla will. Speaking of, Bianca & Jade are gonna call out the champs-for-now and handle business.

Naomi says go handle it, then. The StrongEST Duo heads out, will they be able to get that rematch with the wicked witches?


Backstage interview with Logan Paul.

Byron catches up with The Maverick and asks him what happened. Logan says that’s an appetizer for SummerSlam, the first course of a three course meal. Logan will whoop Knight, in his hometown, in front of his friends and family, everyone he knows and loves. Plus, he got off the phone with “Mr. Cleveland” himself, and there will be a surprise homecoming planned just for Logan. Then can we get an idea of what- Nope! Silly question. But tune in next week, it’ll be a great night.

Logan promises Knight that he won’t just be facing the US Champion at SummerSlam. Knight will be facing the pride of Cleveland, the ultimate underdog turned top dog, and Knight ain’t ready for that. YEAH! Logan is more confident than ever, but will that make things that much sweeter when LA beats Cleveland’s own in his hometown?


Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair head to the ring!

Just as promised, they’re here to call out the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions. Bianca & Jade get the mics, and The EST says she loves the fans and would stay her all day, but she’ll cut to the chase. Alba & Isla have been ghosting Jade & Bianca ever since winning at Clash at the Castle. Alba & Isla said they’d be here tonight, right? Right. And they’d bring the titles, right? Right. So where they at? The StrongEST Duo looks around, and tell the champs to stop duckin’ ‘n’ dodging. Come to the ring with the belts, and get these hands. The music hits, but then Alba & Isla hit from behind! The Unholy Union beat down the former champs!

Alba digs her boots into Jade, then CLUBS her down. Isla drags Bianca up but Bianca fights free! Bianca spins Isla, torture racks, but Isla lands safe on the apron! Only for Bianca to DECK her! Jade then grabs Alba, and hoists her up to THROW her out onto Isla! And in heels! The fans fire up while Alba & Isla regroup and retreat. Will there be no running from the storm that is coming for them?


B-Fab talks with the Street Profits.

It’s time to do this. It’s their moment, their time. And in steps Terence Crawford! The boxing champ is here, and he shakes hands with everyone. B-Fab says The Profits may not be Crawford, but tonight, they will be whooping feet! And from Ford to Crawford, Black Airforce Energy, go do your thing on August 3rd. Crawford appreciates that. But for real, he’ll be watching them, too. Good luck out there. They hug it out, Dawkins is ready to turn up! Will the Profits be up and win their golden tickets to the titles? Or will taking on five other teams be a tall order even for them?


Tiffany Stratton looks at her Money in the Bank briefcase.

It is being held together by colorful tape after what Bayley did to it last week. Nia Jax walks over and says don’t worry, she’ll get Tiff a brand new briefcase that will be perfect for her. And Tiff could cash in on Bayley tonight, but Nia has that guaranteed match at SummerSlam, and Nia would hate Tiff dropping the title so soon. Tiff says she’d never do that to Nia. Besides, Tiff just wants to get revenge. Nia says she thought so. Tiff still pouts over her busted briefcase, but will she and The Queen of the Ring bust up Bayley and Michin in return?


WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet!

Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa are still champions after facing A-Town Down Under a second time, so now it’s on to something new. Six teams are going to compete until only one team stands tall, who survives to go for the gold this summer?

The first team out? The newest combo of Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews, who are ready to #BurnTheShips and sink the competition! Their opponents? Legado del Fantasmo’s Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo! Will they look to add to the legacy and finally grab those tag titles?

Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews VS Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo!

The bell rings and Legado just attacks! The ref reprimands, the fans boo, but the cousins stomp away on Corbin. Angel stays in to stand on Corbin, Berto RAMS Crews into steel steps! Angel then runs up, but Corbin dodges and SPLASHES! Corbin reels Angel in for a short arm LARIAT, then he reels him in for an ELBOW! Then a SIDE EFFECT! Cover, TWO! Corbin stands Angel up but Angel CHOPS! Tag to Berto, and Angel sidesteps so Berto can GAMANGIRI! Roll-up, SUPERKICK, and Corbin tumbles out! Berto DIVES and down goes Corbin! Legado stands tall while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Berto drags Corbin up, manages a fireman’s carry, but Corbin fights free with elbows. Corbin ducks a buzzsaw but not the ENZIGIRI! Berto runs corner to corner but Corbin TOSSES him into buckles! DIY are watching backstage, hot tags to Angel and Crews! Crews rallies on Legado, mule kicks and BOOTS Angel, then dodges Angel to LEAPING LARIAT! The fans fire up with Crews as he kips up! Angel takes a swing, Crews gets under to GERMAN SUPLEX! Crews holds on, and he GERMAN SUPLEXES again! And GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Angel flounders, fans fire up, and Crews goes corner to corner to SPLASH!

Crews pushes Angel out of the corner, goes up top, and FLYING- KNEE from Angel! Angel underhooks to TIGER BACKBREAKER! Cover, Corbin breaks it! Berto runs up to LARIAT Corbin up and out! But Corbin drags Berto out to RAM him into steel steps! Angel KNEES Crews, reels him in, WING- NO, Crews slips free! Corbin sneaks a tag, Crews BOOTS! END OF DAYS! Cover, Corbin & Crews ELIMINATE Legado! But no time to rest, here come the Street Profits!

Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews VS The Street Profits!

Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins take their time stepping up to the ring, and Ford starts against Crews. They circle, Crews kicks then whips. Ford goes up and over then handsprings away. Ford smiles, Crews smiles, and things speed up! Crews handsprings over Ford’s dropdown, then he hurdles! Crews drops then DROPKICKS Ford, and he brings Ford back up. Crews suplexes, holds Ford up, but Ford slips free to back suplex! High and hard for Crews, Dawkins tags to cover. TWO!! Crews is somehow still in this, but Dawkins brings him up. Dawkins whips, Crews goes up and over and keeps moving. Crews jumps the dropdown then whips.

Crews hurdles., Dawkins handsprings, and DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! Hot tag to Corbin, hot tag to Ford! Ford fires hands on Corbin, but Corbin UPPERCUTS! Ford falls to the apron, but he RAMS back in! Ford slingshots, into a HAYMAKER! The golden gloves hit hard, and then Crews says let’s do it! Corbin runs, Crews TOSSES him out onto the Profits! The fans fire up as the Wolf flies, and SmackDown goes back to break!

SmackDown returns again and Corbin has Ford up top! Ford fights with body shots, then he HEADBUTTS Corbin down! Corbin hurries to his feet, and gets under Ford’s leap! Corbin BOOTS Ford, goes up, and he FLYING LARIATS! B-Fab panics but Corbin hauls Ford up for a POWERBOMB! Flip over, but then Ford ENZIGIRIS! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Corbin and Ford crawl, hot tags to Dawkins and Crews! Dawkins rallies on Crews, but Crews avoids the splash! Crews comes back to SPLASH! Crews runs, but Dawkins ducks to ENZIGIRI! Crews comes back to ENZIGIRI!

The fans fire up with Cres, but Dawkins catches him for a FALL AWAY SLAM! Cover, Corbin breaks it! Ford runs up, Corbin DECKS him! Corbin runs in at the corner, but Ford dodges and Corbin POSTS himself! Dawkins runs at Crews but Crews DUMPS him out! Ford and Crews stare down, then they both build speed! They both FLY out onto the other’s partner! The fans are thunderous, Crews puts Dawkins in, and then Crews goes up top. “This is Awesome!” as Crews FROG SPLASHES but has to roll through! Dawkins DECKS Crews with a big right! Tag to Ford, and Dawkins brings Crews up.

Dawkins whips, pop-up, REVELATION! Cover, Profits ELIMINATE Corbin & Crews! Corbin & Crews put up a valiant effort, but the Profits move on to face… #YESBOY! Pretty Deadly!

The Street Profits VS Pretty Deadly!

Kit Wilson & Elton Prince run up, run in, then Elton bails out! Kit rolls Dawkins, TWO! Kit hurries to cradle Dawkins, TWO! Kit tries a roll-up again, with tights! TWO, and Dawkins FLAPJACKS Kit down! Kit flounders, Dawkins tags Ford. The Profits double whip,. then CLOBBER Kit! DIY likes that, and then the Profits hit a BACK SUPLEX SPLASH! Elton runs in, but he gets a DOUBLE FLAPJACK onto Kit! Ford covers Kit, TWO! The fans rally, Ford CLUBS Kit, then brings him up. Kit RAMS Ford, swings, but into a back suplex! Elton tags in and Kit slips free. Ford kicks and suplexes, but Elton CHOP BLOCKS Ford!

But Elton miscalculates, Kit still takes a BRAINBUSTER! Elton stomps Ford around, drags him to a cover, TWO! Elton pushes Ford to the corner, Kit tags in, and they stomp away on Ford’s leg as Elton holds it down! The ref counts, Kit UPPERCUTS Ford, then he tags Elton. Now they stomp the leg while Kit holds it! The ref reprimands, Kit lets off and Elton ROCKS Kit with a right. Pretty Deadly say “YES BOY~!” They sing it, even, still pitching their musical. Tag to Kit, but Ford fights with body shots and elbows! Elton blocks a kick, hands it to Kit, and Elton KNEES Ford’s hamstring!

Ford grits his teeth, clutches his leg, but Kit cravats to CHOKE him against ropes. Kit lets go, Elton DECKS Ford, and Kit basement dropkicks! Kit drags Ford around for a HALF CRAB! Ford clamps onto the ROPEBREAK! So Kit DDTS the leg! The fans rally for Ford but Kit taunts Dawkins. Kit then sucker punches him! Kit goes back to Ford, the ref stops Dawkins, and Kit stomps away on Ford’s leg. Kit pulls on the foot, but Ford resists the turnover! Ford kicks at Kit again and again, but Kit still steps over! Ford fights and BOOTS free! Elton tags in, but hot tag to Dawkins! Dawkins rallies on Elton, then whips.

Elton reverses but Dawkins hurdles and UPPERCUTS! The fans fire up with Dawkins and he aims at a corner. Dawkins runs in to CYCLONE SPLASH! ENZIGIRI! Cover, TWO! Elton survives but the fans rally up. Dawkins whips Elton, Elton grabs ropes and BOOTS, then tag to Kit. Dawkins ROCKS Elton and whips, but Elton reverses. Hurdle and DDT! Kit covers, TWO! Dawkins survives, Pretty Deadly seethes, but Kit tags Elton. They run UPPERCUT after UPPERCUT, then Elton RAMS Dawkins so Kit can UPPERCUT again! Fireman’s carry, ASSISTED GUT BUSTER! Cover, Ford breaks it!

The fans are thunderous and Kit is furious! Kit whips but Ford reverses and TOSSES Kit out! Elton DUMPS Ford out! Dawkins ROCKS Elton! Ford tags, Dawkins lifts Elton, BLOCKBUSTER DOOMSDAY!! Cover, Profits ELIMINATE Pretty Deadly! But here comes The OC’s Gallows & Anderson! We hit the halfway point of this gauntlet, will the Profits survive? Or are things about to get Too Sweet? We find out, after the break!

The Street Profits VS The Good Brothers!

SmackDown returns as Karl Anderson JUMP KICKS Ford! Then Luke Gallows SPLASHES in the corner! Anderson snapmares, covers, TWO! Ford survives but Anderson stalks him to ropes. Anderson CHOKES and CLAWS Ford, but he lets off as the ref counts. Anderson snapmares Ford, clamps on a chinlock and he grinds Ford down. Ford endures, reaches out, and the fans rally. Ford fights up, throws body shots, and pries the hold open, but Anderson kicks low! Anderson CLOBBERS Ford, covers, TWO! Ford is still in this but Anderson drags him up. Anderson whips Ford to the corner hard, then tags Gallows.

The Good Brothers mug Ford, then Gallows runs to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Gallows stands Ford up to scoop and SLAM him! Tag to Anderson and Anderson covers, TWO! Anderson brings Ford up and around to scoop and SLAM! Cover, TWO! Anderson clamps on a neck wrench, and even pulls on Ford’s ear! The ref reprimands, Anderson lets go, and fans rally up. Tag to Gallows. the Good Brothers mug Ford more. Gallows then brings Ford around, snap suplexes, and covers, TWO! Gallows HAMMERS away with elbows, then clamps on a chinlock. Ford endures, the fans rally up, but Gallows leans all his weight on Ford.

Ford fights up to his feet, throws body shots, but Gallows CLUBS him down. Gallows scoops Ford, but Ford swings around to DDT! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Both men crawl, hot tag to Anderson! Anderson whips Ford to an open corner, runs in, but Ford TOSSES him out! Anderson slips apron and falls to the floor! Gallows runs up but Ford DUMPS him out! Hot tag to Dawkins! Dawkins builds speed and he FLIES onto The Good Brothers! Dawkins avoids hitting the desk and the fans are thunderous! Dawkins roars, puts Anderson in, and then runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!!

Anderson is frustrated but he tags Gallows. The Good Brothers haul Dawkins up for a fireman’s carry. Anderson runs but Ford trips him! Dawkins rolls Gallows up, PROFITS ELIMINATE GOOD BROTHERS!! The fans fire up and yet… That leaves The Bloodline for last. As if this team wasn’t dangerous enough, the Profits are practically running on fumes at this point! Can Ford & Dawkins survive? Or will they fall victim to the Samoan Werewolf and Good Bad Guy? We find out, after the break.

The Street Profits VS The Bloodline!

SmackDown returns again and Tama beats Dawkins down in a corner! The fans chant “SOLO SUCKS!” but Tama tags Fatu. They DOUBLE HEADBUTT Dawkins down, then Fatu drags him up. Fatu bumps Dawkins off buckles, runs in and SPLASHES! Tag to Tama, and he runs up, gets a boost from Fatu, BIG CANNONBALL! Dawkins goes down but the fans chant, “WE WANT ROMAN!” Solo soaks up that heat while Tama CHOKES Dawkins on ropes. The ref counts, Tama lets off, and Solo CHOKES Dawkins now! B-Fab protests but Solo gets away with that. The Bloodline raise their ones, then Tama tags Fatu.

The mugging continues, and Fatu HEADBUTTS Dawkins down. Solo says that’s right, take them out. Fatu CHOKES Dawkins then HEADBUTTS! The ref backs Fatu off but that lets Solo get a cheap shot in! Fatu BITES Dawkins’ fingers! Fatu then stomps him around, and he runs corner to corner, but Dawkins dodges! Fatu’s splash gets him stuck on the ropes! Solo is upset as Dawkins crawls for his corner! Fatu slumps back, the fans rally as hard as they can, hot tags to Tama and Ford! Ford LARIATS, LARIATS then dodges to SPINEBUSTER! Tama flounders, Ford SUPERKICKS Fatu! Ford drags Tama up but Tama slips around to back suplex!

Ford lands out! Ford kicks, KICKS and- NO, Tama ducks the enzigiri! Tama CLUBS and whips but Ford reverses! Ford runs up, but Tama puts him on the apron! Ford ROCKS Tama, climbs up and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Tama stays in this, and DIY is intrigued. Ford hurries up the corner again, but Tama ROCKS him! Tama goes up to get Ford, SUPERPLEX! Cover, Dawkins breaks it! Fatu runs in but Dawkins TOSSES him back out! Tama runs to slip and trip Dawkins up! The Bloodline mugs Dawkins, but Ford FLIES over the corner!! Down goes everyone! Ford rises and the fans are thunderous again!

Ford puts Tama in, climbs back up, and Solo is stressing out! FROM THE HEAVENS, but Tama moves! Fatu tags in, Ford hobbles up, into a LARIAT! Fatu DIVES onto Dawkins and takes him out! Fatu returns for Ford, but Ford dodges and runs, but into the POP-UP- DDT!! Ford takes Fatu… NO, Fatu is rising! POP-UP SAMOAN DROP!! Fatu then puts Ford in the drop zone, BEST MOONSAULT EVER!! Cover, Bloodline wins!

Winners: The Bloodline, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships)

Replacing Loa wasn’t a detriment, it only made the team stronger! And now that they’re targeting the tag titles, will The Bloodline dominate under Solo Sikoa like they did under Roman Reigns?


Grayson Waller & Austin Theory interrupt!

They don’t care what Corey Graves & Wade Barrett are talking about, they’ve got stuff to say. Last week, they would’ve beat Cody Rhodes & Kevin Owens easy, if not for Terence Crawford! But they’re not just talking about it, they’ll do something about it! That little 120 pound Terence is walking around backstage, so y’know what? Terrence is gonna come out and apologize to the greatest team of the world! Oh, wait, is he scared? Nope, here comes Terence Crawford! The fans cheer as Omaha’s own undefeated and undisputed champion makes his way out. Waller says this is a big moment. The pound for pound top boxer in the world is in the ring with them!

And the thing is, Terrence, last week, you disrespected ATDU. Terrence handed Cody a chair, so it is only fair he apologize to them. The fans boo but Waller says they don’t understand. This is not just for helping Cody, but for thinking he belongs in the ring with A-Town Down Under. Terrence might be the best boxer, but this is pro-wrestling. And look at Waller when he’s talking! If Terrence takes one more step, Waller’s boy Theory will knock you out! Theory says he isn’t trying to- BLAM and Terrence knocks Theory out!! Waller bails out, what was that about apologizing? Waller helps Theory out of the ring, is Theory going to come to his senses about this “team?”


Cody Rhodes speaks.

The American Nightmare is part of the Japan live tour, doing what he promised in bringing the Undisputed WWE Championship all across the globe. But he takes a moment to reflect, and do something wrestlers shouldn’t do and look back. Cody looks back on his win at the Royal Rumble, nearly having his WrestleMania main event taken from him, only for the people to help him take it back. He reflects on the fight of his life against Roman Reigns to do what he said he’d do, and #FinishTheStory. He was surrounded by friends, family, fans, a conquering hero, and The Bloodline was no more. Or so he thought.

“But this new doppelganger version, a pack of wild cats with nothing to lose, running around and feasting on anyone who stands in their way… Chaos reigns without a true lion to lead the pack. And because of that chaos, now I sit here alone. My friends, my allies, my partners, Randy Orton and Kevin Owens, destroyed trying to fight by my side while I watched. I head to SummerSlam a man on an island. A man who has the deck stacked against me. A man who will have to fight with every ounce of pride and energy that I have. But I also head into SummerSlam the champion.

“And I know that i have to bring all of my fire and passion to this fight, because I owe it to the people to defend this championship and not let it slip back into the hands of The Bloodline. Solo Sikoa is a dangerous man. He stepped up, declared himself the new Tribal Chief. He has proven he is ready to take on that mantle of responsibility and do whatever it takes. I used to think Solo wan’t ready. But now, not so sure. I need to look into his eyes and see what kind of man he really is. Before we battle it out int he main event of SummerSLam, I challenge you to meet me in the ring next week, face to face, one on one.

“So I can look into your eyes and see if you are indeed ready. Because in this moment of solitude, I know that I am.” The American Nightmare is ready for another fight of his life, but will he be leaving The Land still on top of the mountain?


Backstage interview with Andrade.

Byron Saxton says last week, El Idolo had an incredible match with Carmelo Hayes, and he won. So what is next on the agenda? Well, Andrade is thinking United States Championship. But then Carmelo Hayes steps in and says, “Just because you beat me one time, you think this is over?” It isn’t over until Melo wins. Oh, no, Melo is done, because he missed. Oh, is that so? How about how the crowd didn’t miss Andrade the last two years he decided to leave. Put it in perspective: LeBron James, one of the greatest, even he has an off night. Happens to the best of us. Okay, but Melo isn’t LeBron. He’s more like… Bronny Jr.

Melo says yeah, he is like Bronny, because it’s his time now! So step aside! Andrade says if he wants one more match, then okay. Melo says that’s all it’s gonna take. Melo leaves, not shaking Andrade’s hand. But will Andrade make sure The Message gets through to H1M?


Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton!

The Role Model has the title, and that puts a target on her back. The Queen of the Ring is waiting for SummerSlam, and even then, Ms. Tiffy in the Bank can strike at any moment. Will the Head Baddie in Charge help Bayley get past the bullies? Or will nothing stop the Irresistible Force and #TiffyTime?

Oh no! Nia attacks Michin from behind! She and Tiff stomp Mia around, even as the ref reprimands. Nia HEADBUTTS Mia, Tiff says this is what she gets, and Nia whips Mia hard into steel steps! But here comes Bayley! Bayley has a kendo stick and she runs off Nia & Tiff! Bayley stays by Mia’s side, but can Mia even compete now? Nia & Tiff set the briefcase aside, and same goes for the kendo stick and title belt. Tiff steps in, Bayley still wants this fight even with Mia down and out. The bell rings, Bayley runs up to THESZ PRESS! Bayley rains down fists, Tiff powers out, but Bayley hits another THESZ PRESS!

Tiff gets up again< Bayley headlocks, but Tiff powers out. Bayley hits buckles, Tiff headlocks, but Bayley powers out. Tiff runs Bayley over, says it’s time, and runs. Tiff handsprings over Bayley’s drop down, shows off, then dodges Bayley! Bayley KCISK a leg out, then rains down fists! The fans cheer, Tiff slips free but Bayley runs to SLIDING ELBOW! And SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Bayley keeps her cool, Mia checks her arm, and Bayley CLUBS Tiff down. Bayley stomps Tiff, taunts Nia, then brings Tiff around. Tiff RAMS Bayley into buckles! Tiff stomps away, lets off as the ref counts, then struts around.

The fans are torn as Tiff stomps Bayley. Tiff whips Bayley to the corner, but Bayley uses that to CLOBBER Nia! Tiff ROCKS Bayley, pushes her down, then taunts Bayley. Tiff whips, Bayley slips out to the apron and ROCKS Tiff back! Bayley BOOTS Nia for good measure, then HOTSHOTS Tiff! Cover, TWO! Bayley clamps onto Tiff, and Mia is up! The fans rally, Bayley brings Tiff up and wrenches, but then Nia YANKS Mia down! Nia fireman’s carries to SAMOAN DROP to the floor! Tiff HIP ATTACKS Bayley, then TIFFY STOMPS! Cover, TWO!! Bayley survives but she and Mia are in bad shape as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Tiff stomps around. She runs up to STINK FACE Bayley! Nia must’ve taught her that one. Tiff drags Bayley to a corner, TWO! Tiff drags Bayley up onto ropes, then CHOKES her! Tiff lets off as the ref counts and YANKS the rope. Bayley sputters, Tiff whips her to a corner hard, and Bayley falls to the mat. Tiff soaks up the cheers and jeers, then she drags Bayley up. Tag to Nia, they double whip Bayley hard into their corner, then Nia SPLASHES! Tiffany handspring back ELBOWS! Nia drags Bayley out, covers, TWO! Nia taunts Bayley, soaks up heat and mocks the fans’ tears.

Nia brings Bayley up but Bayley fires hands! Bayley leaps on to GUILLOTINE! But Nia RAMS her into a corner! Bayley flops down, and Nia stands on Bayley’s back! The ref counts, Nia steps off, and she soaks up more heat. Nia bumps Bayley off buckles, tags Tiff, and Tiff runs in, to SPLASH Bayley! Tiff brings Bayley out, CLUBS her, and clamps on a chinlock. Bayley endures, the fans rally up, and Mia clutches her back while down on the outside. Bayley fires body shots, Tiff shoves her to SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO! Tiff is annoyed but she drags Bayley over. Tag to Nia, and Tiff feeds Bayley to Nia’s scoop and SLAM!

Nia runs to drop an ELBOW! Cover, TWO! The fans rally but Nia sits Bayley up into a cobra clutch! Bayley endures, pulls Nia’s hair, and fights up to her feet. But Nia RAMS her into the corner! Tag to Tiff, and Nia RAMS Bayley again. Tiff stomps Bayley around, puts her in a corner to whip corner to corner, then she handsprings in! Bayley catches Tiff in a waistlock! GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans fire up while both women are down! Mia rises again and the fans rally! Bayley crawls, but so does Tiff. Hot tag to Nia, and she CLOBBERS Bayley! Nia whips Bayley to the corner, runs in, but Bayley dodges! Nia POSTS herself, Tiff tags in!

Tiff grabs Bayley’s legs but Bayley BOOTS her away! Hot tag to Michin! Mia rallies on Tiff, hits a NECKBREAKER, then a FLAPJACK! Mia kips up and roars! The fans fire up, Mia KICKS Nia while hitting the TORNADO DDT on Tiff! Cover, TWO! Tiff survives but Mia builds speed to DIVE onto Nia! Down goes Nia and the fans fire up again! Mia heads up a corner, and MISSILE- NO, Tiff avoids the dropkick! Tiff tags Nia, Nia runs in, but Mia dodges! Bayley sneaks a tag, Mia ENZIGIRIS! Bayley runs to KNEE Nia down! Bayley puts Nia in a drop zone, then climbs up! MACHO ELBOW!! Cover, TIFF BREAKS IT!

The fans fire up and Mia storms in! Mia & Bayley mug Tiff then TOSS her! Nia hoists Mia up! Bayley makes the save, but the ref gets Mia out of there. Tiff CLOBBERS Bayley with the briefcase! Nia CLOBBERS Mia, then sets Bayley in the drop zone! A-NIA-LATOR!! Cover, Nia & Tiff win!

Winners: Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton, by pinfall

The Queen and “Princess” of the Ring stand tall together, having crushed the WWE Women’s Champion! Will they do it all over again in Cleveland to crown a NEW WWE Women’s Champion? Or can Bayley find a way to survive SummerSlam?


The Bloodline speaks.

Solo Sikoa tells Cody Rhodes, “I will see you face next week. The same night that my colleagues will bring back the tag team titles to The Bloodline, the night before I bring back the Undisputed WWE title to The Bloodline, at your expense. In one weekend, The Bloodline will handle family business. And if Roman Reigns got a problem with that… You know where to find me. So he can end up like Randy Orton, Kevin Owens, and Cody Rhodes, and ACKNOWLEDGE ME.” Solo is again adorned with the red ula fala, and The Bloodline raises the ones. But will they be the ones ruling over SmackDown after SummerSlam? Or can Cody overcome the odds once again?

My Thoughts:

A very good SmackDown, but clearly prerecorded from last week, given a lot of SmackDown stars are part of the Japan house show tour right now. The main clue was that they’re still in Nebraska, with Terrence Crawford making another appearance. Now yes, they also gave Cody a promo where he confirms he’s in Japan, but WWE social media has been sharing video of Jade, Bianca and Bayley being overseas as well, so they definitely had to tape this before today. But even so, Terrence Crawford also had a good segment getting to humble A-Town Down Under, and this will be just another reason Theory leaves Waller.

Very good promo from Cody to call out Solo, and good response from Solo after. Solo keeps bringing up Roman, so you gotta think Roman is returning next Saturday to make sure Solo doesn’t win the title. Though, that’s because we’re definitely getting Bloodline winning the tag titles. I can’t be sure if Loa’s bad eye is legit or kayfabe, but I’m pretty sure Bloodline was winning the gauntlet either way. Awesome stuff in that match, though also scary stuff like Crews taking that back suplex. I appreciate them wanting to go a little harder for the moment but they gotta be careful. And great showing from The Profits especially, so who knows if they feud with Bloodline after next week.

Really good promo from Knight leading into his match with Santos, and great match from Knight and Santos. Great win from Knight, but of course Logan Paul shows up to go after him. Now, Logan standing tall tonight almost feels like the go-home on the title, but then they are still doing a segment next week. If Knight not only ruins the homecoming but ends up standing tall in a brawl, then unfortunately for Knight, Logan is going to retain the title. Andrade said he wants said title, too, before being interrupted by Melo. There’s a good chance Melo beats Andrade next week with some shady tactics, but it would bide some time if Logan’s gonna still be champ and needs another Face contender.

Good promo from Naomi to put Blair on notice, and good segue into Jade & Bianca calling out Alba & Isla. Alba & Isla doing the sneak attack sets up the tag title match quite nicely, but Jade & Bianca standing tall gives us the go-home math that Alba & Isla retain. For that matter, they have Great American Bash first, so they’re definitely retaining through NXT to then go to SmackDown and retain again. They’re being less spooky now, but I wouldn’t mind if Alba & Isla at least used something sneaky to win so that Jade & Bianca aren’t necessarily weakened by the loss.

Good promo from Tiff and Nia to again nod towards Tiff getting a custom briefcase, and them making that loose promise that Tiff won’t cash in on Bayley yet. Very good tag match tonight with Mia playing up being beat up for most of it. Even then, Bayley and Mia almost won if not for a briefcase shot, so that technically protects Bayley in the loss. Now, regardless of what might happen next week, I’m still sticking by Bayley “surviving” Nia, only for Tiff to try a cash-in. Tiff promised Nia that Nia would get her shot, but once that’s over, Tiff can go right for Bayley, and then who knows how that goes.

My Score: 8.8/10

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