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Mitchell’s Ring of Honor Report! (2/10/18)



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  • The Beer City Bruiser & Brian Milonas w/ Silas Young VS Team Coast 2 Coast; no contest.
  • Six Man Tag: Silas Young, Beer City Bruiser & Brian Milonas VS Kenny King & Coast 2 Coast; King & C2C win.
  • First WOH Championship Tournament Opening Round match: Madison Rayne VS Mandy Leon; Mandy wins and advances to the second round.
  • ROH World Heavyweight Championship: Dalton Castle w/ The Boys VS Punishment Martinez; Castle wins and retains the ROH WHC.


Dalton Castle speaks.

The Peacock and ROH WHC is “always ready, always limber and never surprised.” He can go left, he can go right– Wait were both Boys here this whole time? “Not much can surprise me.” And that is why the second the ROH WHC became his, Castle knew that he was “instantly the biggest target in ROH.” So when someone like Punishment Martinez attacked from behind, Castle wasn’t surprised. “Who can blame him? I would do the same thing, if I was a big lummox with eye-liner.” Castle would try for any advantage possible, “especially if I had to fight me.” Martinez clearly understands this isn’t the same Peacock from before, he’s “gonna be looking face to face with a champion!” Castle is “a man willing to fight to protect what he’s earned!” Castle is a man “with no other plan than to come out swinging, and do everything he can to insure that he leaves Nashville still your world champion!” The Peacock is brimming with confidence, can he keep the Reincarnation of the Purple Mist at bay?


The Beer City Bruiser & Brian Milonas w/ Silas Young VS Team Coast 2 Coast!

The Last Real Man and World Television Champion accompanies the newest and literally biggest team in the ROH Tag Team Division as they make their in-ring debut. However, they go up against a team that not only went #DoOrDie against another big team in War Machine, but Shaheem Ali & Leon St. Giovanni beat Hanson & Rowe to stay together! Can the Kingpin and the Keg Master crush C2C like a couple of beer cans? Or will Ali & LSG ride the wave all the way to the top?

No Code of Honor given because Milonas & Bruiser go right at them with cheap shots! The bell rings but everyone’s still in as Bruiser puts Ali in a corner and Milonas brings LSG to another. The big hoss boys coordinate and go corner to corner, but run into boots from C2C. C2C hops up, they both jump, but they both get caught! Milonas & Bruiser sandwich Ali & LSG before throwing Ali away and bumping LSG of a buckle with Snake Eyes. LSG staggers back into Milonas’s tackle, then Bruiser gives a hollering elbow drop!

Cover, TWO, and Bruiser is already annoyed. Silas protests the count but Bruiser brings LSG over to his corner for a haymaker. Milonas tags in, and turns around to ram his king-sized backside into LSG over and over! Silas taunts LSG, “How did that feel, boy?” Bruiser tags in, he drags LSG up and scoops him. LSG slips out and dropkicks Bruiser into Milonas! Hot tag to Ali, and Ali rallies on the big men with forearms and headbutts! Bruiser gets a kick in and Ali staggers into Milonas, but Ali ducks to let Bruiser’s haymaker hit Milonas. Milonas goes down and Silas freaks out, but LSG comes in and together, hit Bruiser with the Half Nelson Complete Shot!

Cover, TWO! Ali keeps his focus on Bruiser and brings him up, but Bruiser fights back with back elbows. Bruiser shoves Ali to a corner then runs in, but Ali evades to retaliate with a swing kick. Ali snapmares Bruiser and prepares a kick, but Silas grabs his foot! Ali is anchored in place as Milonas runs in for a corner splash! Milonas backs off while Ali slips out, but the referee is busy keeping the protesting LSG in and Silas gets away with cheap shots. However, Kenny King comes in to even the numbers!

Silas slips into the ring and now it’s a chaotic brawl! The referee can’t do a thing, so he throws out the match! Silas and his bruiser buddies get out of the ring, leaving it to C2C and the K I N G. We go to break so ROH can sort this out.


Six Man Tag: Silas Young, Beer City Bruiser & Brian Milonas VS Kenny King & Coast 2 Coast!

We can tell how this match came about. The current ROH WTVC, Silas, and former champion, King, start for their teams. The bell rings, and King takes the fight right to Silas! But then their teammates come in and we have another six man brawl! Milonas throws LSG out but King slips behind and rocks him with the spinning roundhouse! Bruiser keeps Ali back while Milonas rolls out of the ring. King sees his target and fires up the fans before hitting Milonas with the slingshot corkscrew!

King topples Milonas down and takes his time to celebrate, but he turns around into Bruiser’s cannonball!

Bruiser gets up but C2C regroups! LSG fakes Bruiser and Milonas out, it’s Ali that FLIES!

The fans fire up but Silas hits LSG with the springboard lariat! Silas takes aim at everyone on the outside and fires himself up, then builds speed, but tumbles to the apron when he sees no one there. He boots King in the face from the apron, then catches Ali into a yurinagi on the apron!

King returns but gets rocked with a haymaker, Silas returns to the apron to slingshot double stomp Ail. Silas dares someone to come back in, but he doesn’t see LSG behind him. He turns around and gets LSG’s boot right to his face! LSG throws Silas out onto everyone, then starts climbing up top. However, Milonas returns and stops him halfway, then Bruiser also returns. Milonas drags LSG out and holds him up, Bruiser dropkick-starts the swinging sidewalk slam! Cover, TWO! Everyone returns to their corners as Milonas brings LSG back up. He tags Silas, Silas kicks LSG in the ribs. Silas takes off his shirt and throws it at LSG, LSG throws it back. Silas dares LSG to “hit me like a man!” So LSG slaps him across the face! Silas comes back and LSG hits him again with a forearm, so Silas hits LSG back with a forearm. They go back and forth with forearms, but Silas gets the edge and rocks LSG to his knees. “That’s how a man gets it done!” He brings LSG back up but LSG breaks free to swing on him. Silas suplexes but LSG slips out to tag Ali. Silas swings but misses LSG, who then springboards and forearms Silas down. Ali then grabs Silas for the big Complete Shot!

Cover, TWO! Ali drags Silas up and tags King. King and Silas brawl, King getting the edge. King whips and knocks Silas down with the spinning heel kick. He stalks Silas to ropes as the fans rally. Silas hides behind the ropes, but Bruiser comes in with a cheap shot clothesline on King. Milonas also comes in, and the three “real men” surround King. C2C protest and the ref tries to back them off, but Silas still rocks King with a knee right to the face. Then Bruiser and Milonas run in to sandwich King between their beer bellies!

C2C come in but get rocked by rights, then go at King again to squash him between their beer buttocks! Silas covers, TWO!! Kenny rolls away while C2C stands up. C2C baits Bruiser & Milonas, to dump them out! Silas gets up, he and Ali run at each other for a big double clothesline. Ali, Silas and King are all down, but LSG sees Milonas and Bruiser getting to their feet. The Human Rocket climbs up, takes aim, and hits the springboard Phoenix senton!

LSG takes Milonas & Bruiser down and the fans fire up! Silas brawls with Ali from the mat to their feet, back and forth like mad. Silas gets the edge because “You ain’t nothing, boy!” He runs, but into C2C’s double hip toss cradle, and King returns to make it Tu Lo ROYAL FLUSH!

King and C2C win! A big victory for all, can King make the Last Real Man #BendTheKnee in their ROH WTVC rematch?


The Dawgs are watching backstage.

Big Rhett asks if Lil’ Willie can see what’s going on, but clearly he can’t. Will Ferrara can’t stand that those two “dingle berries” Ali & LSG are getting the reaction they are. Rhett Titus tells him to calm down. Rhett’s been around ROH long enough, he’s “seen them come and seen them go.” Well right now, they’re here. Ferrara mocks the “Rocket Man, Rocket Man”, Tu Lo Sabes “You Know It”. He wants to “send them packing”! Titus agrees, C2C is gonna be sent packing, “courtesy of The Dawgs!” “Knick Knack Paddy Whack, give these dogs a BEER!” A lot of bark from Rhett & Ferrara, will their bite match up to it?


The ROH Women of Honor Tournament has its bracket!

Mandy Leon and Madison Rayne each speak on their paths to this historic tournament. The Exotic Goddess is a product of the ROH Dojo. She trained for five long years, and was a pioneer in creating this premier Women’s Division within ROH. Meanwhile, the Queen Bee knows that Women’s Wrestling around the world is bigger than it’s ever been. Women’s Wrestling is at the forefront of the industry, and now that WOH has firmly established itself, Mandy wants to fulfill a dream of becoming the inaugural WOH Champion. Madison knows that this 16-woman invitational is truly “history making”, and even humbling to be selected. Mandy won’t anyone in the field of 16 stand in her way, while Madison’s 10 year career validates her as a serious competitor.

Mandy will acknowledge Madison as a “world-class talent”, and knows Madison’s been a champion everywhere she’s gone, “but you haven’t been here.” The Exotic Goddess was a WOH “day one” wrestler. Being champion here is all Mandy has ever wanted. Madison knows all that, and gives Mandy “tremendous credit”, but Mandy seems to have forgotten Madison was already here years ago. Even though there was no WOH Division, ROH had women wrestlers, so it was Madison who laid the foundation. Madison wins titles, makes history, and belongs at the top. Mandy still declares that she will be the first WOH Champion. Can the Exotic Goddess’ dream survive the Queen Bee’s drive?


Deonna Purrazzo joins commentary for this next match.

The Virtuosa is another of the 16 women from around the world entering this historic tournament, so she has vested interest in the results. At the same time, she and Mandy were the two women in the first official WOH Division match, so perhaps she wants to cheer on her fellow pioneer so they can meet next round.


First WOH Championship Tournament Opening Round match: Madison Rayne VS Mandy Leon!

History begins here! Sixteen women will be whittled down to eight, who will be the first moving on and the first going home?

The Code of Honor is upheld and the two go to their corners as the bell rings. The fans already applaud this great match-up and build to a rally. Madison and Mandy circle then tie up. Mandy backs Madison into a corner, then honors the break. She and Madison tie up again, now Madison backs Mandy down. Madison also honors the break, and they go again. Madison gets the headlock, shifts to a hammerlock then back to the headlock. Mandy fights out and gets a headlock of her own. Madison powers out but Mandy knocks her down. Mandy poses then runs, rolls over but Madison rolls under to arm-drag Mandy down. Madison gets up but runs into Mandy’s arm-drag. The two back off and the fans applaud the back and forth. Mandy and Madison circle and the fans rally for them again. Madison lunges but Mandy slips behind to get a hammerlock, then slips back to the front for a snapmaer. Mandy starts running and hits Madison with a kick then comes back the other side for the neck snap.

Cover, TWO, but Mandy keeps going. Madison sweeps her legs, though, and covers, TWO. Madison uses a leg sweep to roll Mandy into a cover, TWO. They both stand up, Madison whips Mandy to the ropes, but now Mandy rolls Madion up on the return, TWO. Mandy keeps moving but Madision follows to SPEAR!

Mandy’s back up, so Madison knocks her down with a sharp enziguri! The Queen Bee has control while we go to break.

ROH returns and Madison keeps control as she hits Mandy with a neckbreaker. Cover, TWO, and the frustration grows within the five-time Impact Knockouts champion. They get up, Madison kicks Mandy then runs but misses the second. Mandy swings but Madison ducks and they both run for double facebusters! Both women are down and a ten count begins. They stir at 2, and get to opposite corners. They crawl to each other and then brawl on their knees. The brawl moves to their feet as Mandy headbutts and Madison replies with a forearm. Mandy replies with her own forearm, then catches Madison’s return with the downward spiral, into the Koji Clutch!

Madison endures and drags herself forward, then gets the ropebreak with her foot. Mandy lets go and Madison rolls out, but Mandy pursues. Mandy takes aim at Madison from the apron, and runs in for the Penalty Kick! But she’s not done there, Mandy runs back in for the cannonball!

The Exotic Goddess topples the Queen as the fans fire up. Mandy puts Madison back in the ring then rallies the fans as she climbs up top. Madison stands up, Mandy drops her with the missile dropkick! Cover, TWO! Mandy’s own frustration grows, and she calls for the end. She grabs Madison for an underhook but Madison slips behind her, wristlock spin-out for the Rayne Check cutter!

Cover, TWO!? Madison can’t believe Mandy survived her signature move. She drags Mandy up, Mandy surprises her with an inside cradle, TWO. Madison hits Mandy with a forearm smash, then picks Mandy up for a Fisherman drop!

Cover, TWO!! Frustration boils over for Mandy, but the fans cheer for Mandy. Madison climbs up top while Mandy gets to her feet. Madison leaps, but Mandy gets clear out of the way of the flying crossbody. Mandy comes back and picks Madison up in the pumphandle package driver, Astral Projection!

Mandy wins! Her dream lives on with this possible bracket buster!

As for Madison Rayne…

Mandy turns to her opponent and the two shake hands and even hug. Madison raises Mandy’s hand in victory. Can the Exotic Goddess continue through to the end and become the one true Queen of Honor?


ROH has exclusive footage after Episode 333 went off air.

The American Nightmare finds The Young Bucks backstage. He’s upset, and demands to know where they were. They apologize for running late. Why were they running late? Was their flight coming in from Winnipeg? Is it “a Kenny thing”? Because the Bullet Club doesn’t need anymore “Kenny things” right now! “That’s over, that’s done with!” The fans were literally chanting for the Young Bucks out there while Cody was getting his ass kicked by The Kingdom! He points out his black eye and busted hand with no Ring of Honor. Matt Jackson apologizes again, they just arrived. Cody accepts that. “All I’m saying is, everybody wants us to break up.” The Bullet Club breaking up is good for everybody else, but he won’t allow that. Cody expects better from everyone, especially the Bucks. The Bucks scratch their heads and roll their eyes as Cody leaves, but then Marty comes in with a “sweet Marty Scurll sign.”

“Now’s not the time, man.” They don’t like it? No, they didn’t even spell his name right. Misspelling aside, is the Bullet Club just one wrong move away from breaking up?


The Briscoes speak.

Specifically, they speak to the Motor City Machine Guns. “Lemme explain something to y’all boys.” Jay & Mark have reached that point in their careers where they “don’t care about our opponents’ well being.” The Briscoes “don’t care if the people cheer for us.” All the Briscoes care about, “is making statements.” Mark agrees, because there’s “one statement in particular” they want to make: that they are “the baddest tag team to ever walk this planet!” Jay & Mark don’t care if they break bones, cripple opponents and make them get carted to the back. They don’t even care if you live or die. It’s nothing personal against MCMG, it’s personal against everyone. The Briscoes are on a war path, but the MCMG just happen to be the ROH World Tag Team Champions. Jay & Mark think of those as their property, so they’re coming to take them back. When it’s Sandy Fork VS Everybody, can anyone hope to survive #DemBoys?


Marty Scurll joins commentary.

While there is much to discuss about The Bullet Club, The Villain is here to focus on tonight’s main event. For it was last week that Scurll struck a deal with the challenger: if Martinez becomes the new ROH World Heavyweight Champion, he would allow Scurll the first shot at him.


ROH World Heavyweight Championship: Dalton Castle w/ The Boys VS Punishment Martinez!

The Reincarnation of the Purple Mist earned this chance at the ROH world title when he won Survival of the Fittest 2017. And when he came to tell The Peacock of his challenge, he did it with actions in the form of a sneak attack. Castle granted his challenge and thus we have this highly anticipated main event on ROH TV! Will the monster come away with the gold to then take on The Villain? Or will the Peacock reign supreme to roll on towards Honor Rising 2018?

Scurll rants about how he is “disgusted” with Castle being so full of himself, and even says Castle doesn’t deserve to be champion. However, that may only be because Castle defeated Cody, who is Scurll’s good friend within Bullet Club.

The fans chant “Fan up!” even before the bell. Castle offers the Code of Honor handshake, but Martinez shakes his head “No”. That’s fine by Castle, he fires himself and the fans up. Scurll rants and complains about the fact both Castle and Martinez received WHC title matches before him while Boy 2 gives Castle a certain something. Castle tells Martinez, “This is for you.” When Castle opens his hands, there’s nothing there, but a slap across Martinez’s face! Martinez grabs Castle and powers him back to a corner, then swings only for Castle to duck under and hit him back with a right hand. Castle chops, haymaker, chops and haymaker again, but Martinez shoves him back. Martinez swings but misses again, Castle goes for the waistlock but Martinez throws him right off. Martinez grabs Castle around the throat but Castle breaks free, to slap Martinez again. The monster gets mad, and glares at Castle as he chases him down, but Castle dumps Martinez out over the top rope. Martinez stays on his feet but Castle quickly builds speed and DIVES!

Castle sends Martinez rolling whiel the fans fire up and the Boys fan up. Martinez gets up quickly but Castle is right on him. Castle knocks him into the barriers along the walkway, then off the apron edge. The fans fire up for Castle, and he snaps his fingers. The Boys become steps, and Castle uses them to LEAP at Martinez!

But Martinez catches him! He goes to lift but Castle slips out and then shoves Martinez into a post! Martinez bounces off but manages to get back in the ring. The champion has control while we go to break.

ROH returns to see Castle grab Martinez in a waistlock. Martinez powers Castle back into a ring, which breaks the hold, but Castle reels him back into a new waistlock. They go backward again, and Martinez adds a back elbow to keep Castle back. Martinez runs back in but Castle boots him away. Castle hops up, but Martinez hits him with a spinning roundhouse! Castle topples down from the top rope and to the ground. Scurll laughs at The Peacock, even as The Boys “Fan up!” Martinez slips to the outside to fetch Castle, but as Martinez puts Castle in the ring, he swings around for headscissors. Martinez blocks the rest of the swing so Castle unleashes right hands. It’s not enough, though, as Martinez uses even more power to lift and Last Ride powerbomb Castle on the apron!

Scurll starts to reconsider his deal with the monster as he watches Castle writhe in pain. Martinez grins while the fans boo and jeer. Scurll critiques Martinez’s lack of urgency, even as Martinez rocks Castle with a right hand. The 20-count reaches 8 before Martinez puts Castle back in the ring. He toys with Castle as he stalks him to a corner. The fans cheer for Castle, even as Martinez whips him corner to corner hard. The Boys hurry to fan their leader before Martinez drags him back up. Martinez scoops Castle to then slam him down, to then hit a springboard senton!

Cover, TWO! Scurll complains that people should want him to be champion while Castle rolls out of the ring. The Boys fan him again, but Martinez comes out to scare them off. Castle pounces! He goes at Martinez with fire and fury, but Martinez snuffs it out with another right hand. Martinez waits for Castle to stagger back over before knocking him down with a SUPERKICK!

Martinez drags Castle up again, to then whip him hard into barriers. The fans boo and jeer again, but Martinez ignores them as he drags Castle up again. He goes to throw Castle but Castle gets loose. Castle hurries to get back in the ring, but he can’t get away, Martinez drags him out to throw him back into barriers. The referee comes out to get them to put this back in the ring, and Martinez obliges. He covers, TWO, but Martinez keeps hold of Castle while the fans start to rally. Martinez turns Castle around to put him in a chinlock while we go to break.

ROH returns once more, to find Martinez now on the defensive. Castle slinks back into the ring and grabs the dazed monster in a waistlock. Martinez elbows him away, then takes aim at Castle in a corner. He runs corner to corner and jumps for the big back elbow, but Castle catches him in the waistlock! Castle uses his super strength to carry Martinez out to the center, and hits the German Suplex pin! TWO! Even the Boys are feeling a bit of the exasperation. But Martinez suddenly sits up and grabs Castle by the throat! Castle fights against it and hammers Martinez to the mat. Scurll protests but the referee can’t hear him from all the way at the announce desk. Castle grabs Martinez in another waistlock and drags him up. Martinez powers out, then swings kick after kick and forearm, but Castle dodges them all to get another German Suplex! But Martinez springs right up again! He wobbles around, Castle catches him for an overhead suplex. Castle stands up while the Boys “Fan Up!” Martinez also rises, Castle runs in, but into Martinez’s clobbering right hand. Martinez drags Castle up, suplex for the Falcon Arrow!

Cover, TWO! The monster keeps his cool while the fans build back to a rally. Martinez drags Castle up while the fans chant, and prepares another powerbomb. Castle resists, goes to lift Martinez, but Martinez clubs him down. So Castle instead powers Martinez back into a corner! They separate, Castle runs in but into Martinez’s driving boot. Martinez walks it off while Castle slips out of the ring. The Boys “Fan Up!’ again, but Martinez spots them all gathered. He runs corner to corner to FLY!

He wipes out Castle and the Boys, then gets right up to put Castle back in the ring. Martinez climbs up and leaps for the spinning heel kick! TWO!! Martinez is shocked, and Scurll thought that was the end. The fans continue to cheer while Castle slowly stirs. Martinez goes to drag him up but Castle is out of it. He waits for Castle to rise, brings him up the rest of the way and gets the choke grip. Castle pries the hold off, but Martinez puts it back on, only for Castle to break it again, and rock Martinez with a back elbow. Martinez rocks Castle right back with a roundhouse, and Castle falls down in a heap while Scurll laughs again. That’s not all, Martinez brings Castle up for a rip-cord roundhouse! Castle drops to the mat again, eyes glazed over. Martinez drags him up a third time, and lifts him into a torture rack position. Castle revives to fight his way out, then rolls Martinez into a small package! Castle wins!! Martinez’s face shows shock and anger at being beat by only a split second.

He takes his frustrations out on a buckle pad, but that isn’t enough. Martinez goes after The Boys! He wipes Boy 2 out, then gives Boy 1 a choke slam onto the apron!

Martinez goes back for Boy 2, and powerbombs him onto his twin!

The fans boo and jeer as Martinez makes his exit. Scurll himself is also shocked, but the damage is done to The Boys. Will Martinez find his way back to a title shot? Will Castle’s Boys be okay to accompany him to Honor Rising?


My Thoughts:

A really great episode here, all in all. ROH put an interesting yet logical and entertaining twist on the opening tag team match. Kenny King helping Coast 2 Coast out against Silas’ trio was great given the story building between them for the ROH World TV Championship, and the Six Man was also really solid. Both teams looked great together, especially Milonas & Bruiser already working out some double-team moves. C2C continuing a feud with Bruiser & Milonas would be good for both teams, to help sort out who goes for ROH World Tag Team Championships first. Briscoes VS MCMG still has to happen, and #DemBoys had another great promo, but I’m going to assume the Faces VS Heels dynamic will be kept in the following program. In other words, Briscoes VS C2C and MCMG VS Bruiser & Milonas. The ROH World Six Man titles are also in question, as SoCal Uncensored already gets a shot against The Bullet Club’s Hung Bucks next episode. ROH is doing a great job integrating the building Bullet Club Civil War, so I’d imagine the only reason SCU wins is because of dysfunction on Bullet Club’s part rather than beating them cleanly.

There was a lot of anticipation for this ROH WOH Championship tournament, and I feel bad for saying this, but this opening match wasn’t as good as it could’ve or should’ve been. I’ve always liked Mandy Leon’s ROH run, and Madison Rayne has the résumé to be here, but there was a lot that could’ve/should’ve been more polished. I swear I saw Mandy let up on a pin half a beat too early for Madison’s “kick out.” Their promos were great, but being pre-taped probably means they were able to rehearse them to be on point. Logically, Mandy wins because she is, as her promo said, the pioneer of ROH’s official WOH and it will mean more if she lasts all the way to the end. The bracket is also set up so that she could end up facing either her old friend Jenny Rose, or WOH’s newest addition in Tenille Dashwood, for some real good story behind the match. But WOH match aside, the ROH WHC made up for it because it was some great stuff. Castle-Martinez were great in the ring and Scurll was great on commentary, but I had a feeling Castle would still win. Castle is too big a star to lose his first defense ever, even if it was against another rising star like Martinez.

My Score: 8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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