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Mitchell’s Ring of Honor Report! (2/17/18)



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  • Flip Gordon VS Jay Lethal; Lethal wins.
  • WOH Championship Tournament Opening Round match: Brandi Rhodes VS Karen Q; Brandi wins and advances to the second round.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships: The Bullet Club’s “Hung Bucks” VS SoCal Uncensored; The Hung Bucks win and retain the ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships.


SoCal Uncensored speaks.

“First we introduced ourselves in New York City” when they ambushed and beat down The Bullet Club’s Hangman and Young Bucks. Then they made it clear what they were after in Philadelphia with another ambush, going after the legs of Matt & Nick Jackson. And even when Hangman rallied other allies in the American Nightmare and Villain, SCU still came out the winners. Now, Scorpio Sky & The Addiction get their shot at the ROH Six Man Tag Team titles, but “what do you think is gonna happen?!” The Bullet Club’s end is near, and you can hear a new chant approaching. “S C U! S C U!”

But the Bullet Club responds.

Nick is so excited for tonight, but why? Because they get to go after SoCal Uncensored. Matt heard that, and that it’s for their fresh new belts.

After SCU attacked them from behind twice, tonight is about revenge. Hangman shouts, “You jumped my brothers from behind! Tonight, I break ALL your legs!” He’ll break all six legs, all six arms, and all three backs and necks! Good intensity, man. The Bucks like it, but remember, kids: BTE is Drug Free, and that’s the way to be. Can the Superkick Party keep the trios titles Addiction free?


Flip Gordon VS Jay Lethal!

The leader of #FlipArmy has always impressed, win or lose. But now he’s up against one of the best in the Franchise Player! Lethal wants back towards the ROH World Championship, can he jump over Flip on his way there?

The fans love “Both these guys!” Especially when both men uphold the Code of Honor. The bell rings, and the two circle. They tie up, Lethal gets the headlock. Flip powers out but Lethal runs him over with a shoulder. Lethal goes and things speed up. Flip flips over Lethal but Lethal sweeps the legs. Flip avoids that cover completely, but Lethal sweeps the legs again. Lethal covers this time, but Flip slips out and wraps an arm for La Mahistrol. Lethal counters into his own cover, TWO and Flip finishes the Mahistrol, TWO. They stand up, Lethal Injection– No! Flip blocked the impact with a handstand!

He shakes his fingers to say, “No no no” while the fans applaud that amazing save. They tie up again, Flip gets the headlock and control while we go to break.

ROH returns to Flip giving Lethal forearms and chops. Lethal falls back into a corner, and Flip brings him back out. Flip goes to whip but Lethal holds ropes, so Flip forearms him back down. Flip backs off while the referee checks on Lethal. Lethal is good to go, so Flip whips him corner to corner. Flip runs in and hits a flipping dropkick. The fans applaud the agility as Flip goes again and hits again. Flip wants one more, and so do the fans. He goes corner to corner agani but Lethal dodges! Flip hits buckles but tumbles back onto his feet. Lethal gets the waistlock but Flip elbows out. Flip runs but into a hip toss, Lethal cartwheels but Flip rolls away. Lethal keeps moving for a spinning forearm!

Flip goes down but the fans applaud. Lethal covers, ONE, but Lethal keeps his focus. He brings Flip back up and gives him a sharp chop. Lethal keeps on Flip in the corner with forearms and stomps, then another sharp chop. Flip goes to another corner, Lethal whips him hard corner to corner. Cover, TWO, but Lethal keeps on Flip with knee drops to the back. Another cover, TWO, and now Lethal grows a bit frustrated. He lifts Flip and hits a backbreaker, TWO! Lethal insists that count should be faster, before grinding a knee into Flip’s back for a grounded clutch. The fans rally for Flip as he endures. Flip gets up and to his feet but Lethal clubs him back down. Flip swings a kick, Lethal ducks but Flip hits the second! Lethal tumbles out of the ring, and Flip sees his chance. Flip builds speed and DIVES!

Just like Lethal, Flip gets back in to build speed again. Lethal comes in and boots Flip, not letting the young star steal his signature trick. Flip rolls out of the ring, and Lethal decides to show him how it’s done! He builds speed and hits the first DIVE!

The fans want the second, and Lethal rolls back in to build speed. Flip enters the ring after him, and SUPERKICKS him! Lethal rolls back out, Flip builds speed again, but has to abort halfway when Lethal slips back into the ring. Lethal builds speed but even he has to abort when Flip slips in. He hurries back onto the apron but Flip catches him with the elevated 619!

Lethal falls to the ground but stand back up. Flip mule kicks Lethal from the apron, then climbs a corner for a SUPER Corkscrew Asai!

Fans fire up as Flip takes Lethal down and we go to break.

ROH returns again and both men have reentered the ring. Lethal shows he’s serious now by taking off his elbow pads and wrist bands. Flip matches him by taking off his own elbow pads. Lethal throws the first forearm but Flip responds. They glare at each other before Lethal throws another, and Flip throws his response. Lethal chops, Flip chops back! Another chop from Lethal, another chop from Flip. Lethal gets a single leg takedown but Flip kicks him away with the other. Flip stands up but Lethal brings him back down. Lethal goes for the Figure Four but Flip counters with the small package, TWO! Lethal mule kicks and calls for his move. He handsprings, Flip follows, Flip hits the Spring-Blade!

The fans fire up as Flip lifts Lethal into the fireman’s carry. Lethal slips out and shoves Flip to ropes, but Flip uses ropes to hop up and over Lethal as he slides. Fireman’s carry again, Flip hits the Samoan Pop! Then he rolls Lethal to his feet to rock him with a Pele! Cover, TWO! Flip was close but Lethal wasn’t dual ROH World Heavyweight and World TV Champion for nothing. The fans rally while Lethal rolls to a corner, declaring “This is Awesome!” Flip drags Lethal up and then hoists him to the top rope. He chops Lethal before jumping up, but Lethal shoves him away. Flip runs back in but into a boot, but Flip still gets to the rope to hop up and hit Kinder Surprise!

Lethal sits back while Flip climbs up. Flip grabs at Lethal but Lethal slips under, and carries Flip in powerbomb position. Flip goes to counter with a huricanrana but Lethal blocks that with strength! Lethal transitions into the Figure Four!

Flip flails and reaches, and gets the ropebreak. Lethal lets go and the two make it to their feet. Lethal kicks the leg and Flip hobbles away. Flip dodges the second kick and responds with a forearm! Flip cycles between chops and forearms, then gives a kick and back elbow to another forearm. Lethal responds with his own stiff back elbow, but then Flip responds with a jumping knee strike! Flip runs, but his leg gives out on the springboard! Lethal takes advantage to full-nelson and dragon suplex!

Handspring, Lethal Injection!

Lethal wins! Another valiant effort from Flip but the Franchise won’t be stopped on his way back to the world title.

Colt Cabana interviews Jay Lethal on the ramp.

Cabana has some “interesting news” that he must share with him. On March 9th, in Las Vegas, Nevada, aka the home of the ROH Anniversary Show, “just officially announced”, Jay Lethal VS Dalton Castle for the ROH World Championship! Lethal was saying it already, “I will be the two-time Ring of Honor–” Marty Scurll appears?

The Villain would like to know “who’s giving out title matches? Who’s making decisions around here?!” Scurll reminds us that in his time here, he’s had zero chances at the ROH WHC. Lethal tells Scurll, “There’s a reason that I’m the #1 contender!” Lethal has a long list of people he’s defeated, “and in case you don’t remember”, Scurll is on that list as of Final Battle 2017. Scurll says that if Lethal’s so confident, “when you beat Dalton Castle”, Scurll wants to be first to challenge him. What does Lethal say? Lethal being “a man of the people”, he’ll give the people what they want. When Lethal beats Castle, he’ll have “no problem” beating Scurll again. That’s just perfect for Scurll. The Villain leaves, willing to wait for his opportunity. Can Lethal hit the jackpot and defeat the Peacock in honor of ROH’s 16th Anniversary?


The WOH Tournament continues!

ROH’s Women’s Division is making history by crowning its first ever Women of Honor Champion! The Exotic Goddess defeated the Queen Bee to be the first one in.

Tonight, Mrs. American Nightmare takes on a former Victory Pro-Wrestling Women’s Champion to see who will be the second woman into the second round. Brandi knows she is the “number one underdog in this entire tournament”, given that she’s only been a pro-wrestler for about two years. However, she trains hard day in and day out, making gains every match. As for Karen, she feels she is the one and only woman fans need to focus on. Brandi respects Karen, she is so skilled and intelligent. Karen lists the number of great victories she’s gotten, from the Gatekeeper, Kelly Klein, to the Virtuosa, Deonna Purrazzo, so the veteran, Sumie Sakai.

Brandi points out that Karen isn’t the reason why Brandi finally got her first win. The reason why Brandi won is because she was able to overcome Karen’s distractions. Karen was trying to make Brandi lose so this match wouldn’t even happen. Karen vows she won’t be stopped, but Brandi says she has everything to gain from this tournament. After all, who doesn’t love a good Cinderella story?

WOH Championship Tournament Opening Round match: Brandi Rhodes VS Karen Q!

As her theme song says, Karen Q wants to be nothing but “Victorious!” in this tournament. Will she add a new Women’s Championship to her record? Or will Brandi move on to represent the Bullet Club as WOH Champion?

One thing’s for sure, Karen shows no mercy. She attacks Brandi while she’s standing on the ropes! Karen forearms away while the referee hurries to ring the bell. She bumps Brandi off buckles then throws in more forearms. Karen whips Brandi corner to corner but Brandi goes up and over to arm-drag Karen. Brandi has Karen in an armlock but Karen gets to her feet. Karen whips Brandi but Brandi hurdles over her. Brandi kicks Karen then knee strike. She whips Karen and drops her with a dropkick. The fans applaud while Karen gets to a corner. Brandi storms over but Karen yanks her into buckles. The fans chant for Brandi while Karen stomps a mudhole into her. Karen shouts that she wants everyone to focus on her while she goes after Brandi. She puts Brandi in a corner, then chops before grinding in a boot. Karen backs off but then comes back to grind her boot back into Brandi’s face.

She backs off at 4, then embraces the heat as she goes to the opposite corner. Karen uses her diving and gymnastics skills to handspring and tumble corner to corner for the forearm smash. She keeps going and hits a back heel kick, then runs again for the boot! Brandi drops down but Karen fires up and throws Brandi with an exploder suplex! Karen has control while we go to break.

ROH returns to Karen still in control. Brandi is down, Karen runs to the ropes, somersault senton into standing moonsault!

TWO, and Karen grows frustrated. She drags Brandi over while fans rally. Karen climbs up to the top rope, takes aim and leaps, but her Frog Splash flops when Brandi rolls away! The fans rally for Brandi again while both women slowly stand up. Brandi blocks and responds then chops and chops Karen, she even gives a bionic elbow!

She keeps going, whipping but Karen reverses. Brandi dodges the double ax handle, and hits a Slingblade! Cover, TWO! She drags Karen up, but Karen gets the takedown. Brandi shoves Karen into a corner, then runs in but misses. Karen runs back in, but into a back elbow. Brandi hops up, but Karen deflects the missile dropkick. Karen rolls Brandi over and puts on the full Boston Crab!

Brandi endures and drags herself to ropes! She gets the ropebreak! Karen holds on until 4, then embraces some heat before going back to Brandi. Karen says, “I’ve had enough of you”, then chops and forearms away in the corner. She whips Brandi corner to corner but Brandi goes up and over. However, Brandi’s landing jams an ankle and she staggers back onto her butt. Karen wants at her, but Brandi needs to be checked. Karen doesn’t care, she grabs Brandi anyway, but falls for the trap! Small package, Brandi wins!! And gets out of the ring asap. Whether Karen likes it or not, Brandi is leaving her behind for the quarterfinals! Can she shock the world and go all the way?


Dalton Castle speaks.

“Cantaloupes, beanbag chairs, and baby bunnies.”

Imagine it all, the little rabbits hopping along. However, Marty Scurll interrupts.

The Villain apologizes for the interjection, but he felt this was the best time to talk to the champion, seeing as how Castle’s in “a very, very good mood.” He’d have to be in a good mood, since he’s going around offering title opportunities. What a good champion he’s become. But Scurll reminds Castle of the opportunity he once gave the Peacock. Scurll gets to his point, which he is sure Castle already knows, but should Castle retain his championship at the 16th Anniversary Show in Vegas, Scurll would like to be first up to challenge him. “How do you like them apples?” Castle feels Scurll doesn’t really know what he’s asking for. In that case, Scurll simply wants Castle to consider the deal. The Villain takes his leave, is he hoping to line up a shot no matter who wins between Castle and Lethal?


ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships: The Bullet Club’s “Hung Bucks” VS SoCal Uncensored!

When The Addiction couldn’t gain ground in the ROH Two Man Tag Team Division, they recruited one Scorpio Sky to help them join the ROH Six Man Tag Team Division! They went right to work on the champions, but found extra motivation in the ultimatum from Joe Koff. Can they grab the titles off Hangman and the Young Bucks with ten months to spare?

The bell rings and the Problem Solver starts against his old nemesis in the Heavy Metal Rebel. Kaz throws a haymaker and Hangman responds, we have a fast and furious brawl already! They go back and forth, then at the same time, neither man backing down. The fists only stop flying because the two tire out, but then they come back for a solid collision of clotheslines. Hangman swings but misses, Kaz kicks low and whips him to a corner. Kaz runs in but Hangman runs out, Hangman runs Kaz over with a clothesline. Hangman keeps going with haymakers and stomps in a corner, but Daniels and Scorpio come in to attack from behind. They also go after the Bucks, then return to stomping Hangman. The referee wants them to go back to the corner, but while Kaz rolls out, Daniels & Scorpio whip Hangman. Hangman ducks the double lariat, swings two of his own, but Daniels & Scorpio duck. The Bucks come in, double dropkicks know Daniels & Scorpio down! Matt baits Daniels into Nick’s gutbuster, then runs to say “You’re dead, old man!” with a rolling neckbreaker-backbreaker combo!

Scorpio returns but gets double back elbows. The Bucks roll Scorpio into a wheelbarrow, Nick back kicks Scorpio before hitting the cutter!

Daniels returns and Hangman is ready. He lifts Daniels in a fireman’s carry, but then Kaz returns. Hangman’s ready for him, too, as he kicks Kaz low. Hangman dumps Daniels then uses Kaz for the dropsault!

The fans are loving this, they give a standing ovation to the Hung Bucks. The SCU roll out of the ring while fans chant “The! Elite! The the Elite!” SCU regroups and takes their time returning, but Nick won’t let them rest, he builds speed and FLIES!

He wipes out the entire SCU, but that’s not all. The Bullet Club coordinate, and together Terminator kneel. Fans start up the drums, and the Terminators rise. Hangman builds speed and the Bucks join in for a TRIPLE DIVE!

Hangman puts Kaz back in, slingshot for the Buckshot! Daniels breaks the cover, but Hangman shoves him away to rock him with a discus forearm. Hangman returns to Kaz but gets a jawbreaker. Tag to Scorpio, and he climbs up, only to jump into Hangman’s boot! Scorpio bails out of the ring but Hangman pursues. The Addiction go after him but he fights them both off. While Hangman’s busy with Kaz, Daniels grabs him from behind. Kaz backs up to swing a clothesline, but Hangman ducks to let that hit Daniels!

Hangman then knocks Kaz down with a clothesline before putting Scorpio back in. Hangman takes aim from the apron, but Daniels kicks out his legs! Scorpio takes advantage by hitting Hangman with a slingshot, wrecking ball dropkick. While the ref is busy with the protesting Bucks, Daniels brings Hangman up and whips him into Kaz’s lariat. The SCU embraces the heat while Scorpio mocks the Bucks with a One Sweet. Daniels puts Hangman back in, Scorpio covers, ONE. Scorpio snapmares Hangman and scrapes boots on the face. Tag to Daniels, he kicks Hangman in the ribs. He bends Hangman back on the ropes, but then backs off at 4. Daniels keeps the ref busy so that Kaz can choke Hangman on the ropes! The Bucks are irate while the challengers are underhandedly in control, we go to break.

ROH returns, and the SCU are still in control. Kaz knocks down the Bucks while fans rally for Hangman. He pushes Hangman to the SCU’s corner but Hangman fights back! Scorpio and Daniels go down, but Kaz kicks low. Kaz whips but Hangman slides out to SUPERKICK Scorpio! Hangman baits Kaz into a boot, then slingshots but Kaz dodges the Buckshot. They speed up, and collide with a big double clothesline!

Both men are down but the fans applaud. Kaz stirs, and tags to Daniels. Daniels grabs Hangman but Hangman pushes him away, hot tag to Matt! However, both Bucks get in and run both Daniels and Scorpio down with clotheslines. The Bucks kick low, then Nick runs for the pop-up double missile dropkick! Daniels and Scorpio end up in opposite corners, and the Bucks whip them. Scorpio and Daniels reverse, but the Bucks do-si-do and duck clotheslines to double SUPERKICK!

The Bucks keep going, working together so that Nick can run the ropes for an acrobatic dropkick-crossbody combo! They spot Kaz returning, headscissors and dropkick combo! The fans fire up as the Bucks target Daniels now. Matt has Daniels in powerbomb position while Nick goes to the apron. Matt puffs then puts it out, and they hit the buckle bomb kick combo!
Daniels collapses, Matt puts him position, and Nick climbs up. The Bucks build energy with the fans, and hit the standing moonsault Frog Splash combo!

Matt covers, TWO! The fans want the Bucks to “call Uncle Dave”, so they bring Daniels up again. However, Nick has to fight off Scorpio Kaz slithers in. Kaz slingshots Nick in for a cutter!

Matt lets Daniels go to go after Kaz, SUPERKICK! Daniels gets up, but gets a SUPERKICK! Daniels rolls out, Matt builds speed and hits Daniels with a wrecking ball dropkick. However, Scorpio returns to dropkick Matt mid-reentry. The Bucks regroup, but Scorpio FLIES!

But Hangman has climbed up high, he jumps for the SUPER Asai Moonsault!

Everyone is down but the fans are all fired up. Matt gets up and puts Daniels in the ring while fans declare “This is Awesome!” Daniels crawls while Matt fires himself up. Matt tunes up the band, SUP– No, Daniels deflects to then kick low. He calls for his move but Matt counters Angel’s Wings with a huricanrana! Kaz returns, armed with a title belt, but Matt SUPERKICKS him away. Daniels comes back in but Matt takes him down, and puts on the “Cease” Sharpshooter!

Daniels endures and drags himself to ropes, but Nick comes in for a slingshot facebuster! Nick keeps moving with a cartwheel asai onto Scorpio, and Matt drags Daniels away from the ropes. The sharpshooter is still on, so Kaz drags the ref out of the ring! Daniels taps but the ref doesn’t see it while arguing with Kaz. Nick won’t stand for this, so he triangle jump corkscrews onto Kaz!

But Scorpio uses that title belt as a weapon on Matt!!

This also goes unseen because the referee is busy checking on Nick and Kaz. Daniels covers, but there’s no count. The referee sees it, hurries back in, as does Hangman! Unfortunately, the referee is faster, and counts the three! The SCU WIN!!

The Bullet Club is besides themselves, but the SCU win to make Daniels an ROH Grand Slam Champion!

But now, Bully Ray appears!

The living legend and new ROH Enforcer comes out to address the controversy. Ever since Final Battle, Bully’s been to every show and watched every match. It’s like the Wild West out here, where everyone does exactly what they want to do. Wrestlers are “putting hands on referees, not following the rules, hitting people in the head with belts?!” Bully saw it all, and says that what’s lacking in Ring of Honor is the honor. The fans agree, but SCU doesn’t seem to care. But Bully lets us know he was just talking to COO Joe Koff. Koff told Bully to “do whatever you need to do to get some order back in this company.” Bully doesn’t want to be a boss, a general manager, or any kind of authority figure, but what he will be is THE Enforcer. That said, Bully is here to enforce the Code of Honor; the same Code “guys like Nigel McGuinness” started here. SoCal Uncensored won’t be getting away “with this crap” any more. What’s Bully talking about? He’s talking about restarting this match! The fans like that idea, and those are the voices that truly matter, because this is a decision “we are making together.” Bully and the fans determine what happens, so again, do the fans want to restart the match? “YES!!” And with that, Bully tells the ref to ring the bell!

ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships: The Bullet Club’s “Hung Bucks” VS SoCal Uncensored, RESTARTED!

The SCU turn around, into TRIPLE SUPERKICKS!!

But they’re not done yet! The fans are thunderous as Nick goes to the apron to Penalty Kick Kaz down. Hangman takes Scorpio out with a Shooting Star shoulder!

Nick kicks Daniels out of a corner and Matt scoops him into piledriver position. With the fans at a fever pitch, Nick springboards for the FIVE STAR Meltzer Driver!!

The Hung Bucks win and retain! No Grand Slams tonight, just honor and justice!

Now Daniels and SoCal Uncensored are the ones besides themselves with rage. Will they be able to win those ROH Six Man Tag titles fair and square next time?


My Thoughts:

What an incredible episode of ROH right here. Flip Gordon is so close to being a big star, given the great performance he has against Jay Lethal. There was great story telling as well, with Lethal not wanting to lose to a younger guy just yet, but also that Flip only lost because of one mistake. Great to hear Lethal will be the challenger at the Vegas Anniversary Show, the equivalent of Wrestlemania for ROH. Also good to see Scurll come out to protest, same as how he did last week. Now I can’t be sure, but I think Marty Scurll is trying to set up some sort of verbal contract MITB situation in ROH. He keeps asking anyone and everyone connected to the ROH WHC for the first match up after they win/retain the title. I bet he’ll come out the moment Castle VS Lethal ends to “cash in” on their agreement, using their own word to keep them to it. And even if Castle or Lethal refuse to face him that night, he can use that against them to wear them down and goad them into a match. I’m not sure if Scurll will win the title even with that, but it’d be very creative and unique for ROH to do this.

Compared to last week’s match of Mandy VS Madison, Brandi VS Karen was a bit crisper of a WOH match. There was a part where Karen went a bit soft on the forearm smash, but otherwise she and Brandi played things just right. Brandi does a bit of Tweener tactics, but that’s just how Bullet Club is sometimes. Her possible next round opponents are Stacy Shadows or Tenille (Emma) Dashwood, and I’m going to go ahead and choose Tenille for that one. Brandi VS Tenille for a match of women WWE didn’t keep would be fun for ROH, and only a 51-49 split favoring Tenille in my estimation. Brandi beating the talented Karen and then surprising the exciting newcomer would be big for the wife of the man with the most lucrative contract in ROH history. Then the main event was really big, really unpredictable and therefore, really fun. I was shocked that SCU won, even if it was with underhanded tactics. Then it was more surprising to see Bully come out and be the “not authority figure” to correct things. Though in retrospect, it makes sense SCU doesn’t get it yet, because they still have literal months before their contracts are up. Their chase needs to be extended so that when they win closer to the deadline, it means even more to everyone.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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