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Mitchell’s ROH Honor Reigns Supreme Report! (2/9/18)



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  • Flip Gordon VS Punishment Martinez; Martinez wins.
  • Kenny King VS Shane Taylor; King wins.
  • Josh Woods VS Silas Young w/ Beer City Bruiser; Young wins.
  • Six Man Tag: SoCal Uncensored VS Dalton Castle & The Boys; SoCal Uncensored wins.
  • Tenille Dashwood & Mandy Leon VS Kelly Klein & Stacy Shadows; Tenille & Mandy win.
  • Jay Lethal VS Jonathan Gresham; Lethal wins.
  • The Bullet Club’s Marty Scurll, Adam Page & Cody w/ Brandi Rhodes VS The Kingdom; The Kingdom wins.
  • Best Friends VS The Young Bucks; The Young Bucks win.


“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your Ring of Honor Enforcer: Bully Ray!”

Yes, the living legend and future hallf of famer is here and greeted with an ovation as he enters the ring. He appreciates all of it, but he knows tonight is about ROH. ROH officials need someone that their wrestlers fear and respect to keep the peace, so who else but Bully? “So many people are going to see us tonight,” from Facebook Live to Fite.TV, more people than ever before! The fans in Concord aren’t going to let ROH down, are they? Nope! They’re gonna be fired up tonight, right? Yes! Tonight will show the world why ROH is the “best wrestling company on the planet”! Tonight, Honor Reigns Supreme!


Flip Gordon VS Punishment Martinez!

Right before his ROH World Heavyweight Championship challenge, The Reincarnation of the Purple Mist tests himself against the fast-flying captain of the #FlipArmy. Can the monster keep momentum this close to taking on The Peacock?

Meanwhile, Flip’s been waiting for this rematch since Survival of the Fittest, where he and the monster Martinez were finalists. Can Flip redeem himself and maybe even put his name on the world title list?

The Code of Honor is skipped, as Martinez just stares at Flip with those dangerous eyes. The fans are on Flip’s side as they chant his name while Flip and Martinez circle. Flip rolls to evade Martinez, then slips behind for a waistlock. Martinez powers out into a wristlock, but Flip endures to then flip and reverse the hold. He gets the headlock but Martinez powers right out. Flip sees Martinez’s power for himself now, and as they tie up, he ends up in a corner. Martinez gives him the clean break but Flip shoves him back. Flip evades Martinez then hits him with a heavy right! But Martinez doesn’t budge! Martinez smirks, but Flip evades again to catch him with an enziguri that does a little bit more. Martinez walks it off and charges, but Flip dumps him out over the top rope. Flip sees Martinez land on his feet, so he runs and hits a wrecking ball dropkick.

Martinez walks the impact off and Flip slips back into the ring. They both hop up and Flip surfs on the top rope.

Martinez swings, Flip backflips to evade! Martinez hurries back into the ring, Flip evades and dropkicks Martinez back, yet Martinez stays standing. Flip evades Martinez’s boot, then his clothesline, then uses the kip-up to evade the spinning roundhouse!

The fans applaud Flip’s agility, but Martinez just gets annoyed. He runs at Flip but Flip pushes him into buckles, then tries the corner 619. Martinez blocks, but then Flip blocks the counter forearm, Flip swing kicks Martinez back. Flip then slingshots but Martinez sends him flying off and to the barriers!

Flip writhes while Martinez comes out to fetch him. Martinez drags Flip up while the referee counts, and Martinez booms “Get out of the way!!” Whoever it was moves, because Martinez throws Flip at more barriers! Martinez grins as he drags Flip up. The fans want “One more time!” so Martinez obliges, by throwing Flip into yet more barriers! Martinez puts Flip in the ring, then drags Flip back up to whip hard into a corner. He runs in and hits the big back elbow, the big clothesline, and the roaring right hand. Martinez brings Flip back up, snap scoop slam, then springboards, but Flip narrowly avoids the senton! Flip and Martinez slowly get up, but Martinez is on his feet much sooner. The fans rally for Flip and Flip hits Martinez with a forearm. Flip blocks Martinez’s response and gives another forearm. He blocks again and starts rallying with forearms and chops! Marintez knees low and Flip staggers back. Martinez runs but into Flip’s boot. Flip slips out and shoulders back in, then hits a step-in springboard to a wheelbarrow that throws Martinez face first into a corner. Martinez is reeling, Flip runs in and hits the corner high 619!

With Martinez still on his feet, Flip springboards but Martinez ducks under. Flip gets Martinez up for the fireman’s but Martinez slips out and shoves Flip to ropes. Flip springboards back but Martinez ducks under again. Another springboard, for the Spring-Blade!

The fans fire up with Flip now that Martinez is finally down. Flip climbs up top while Martinez gets to his feet. Flip flies, but Martinez ducks under again. Martinez swings, Flip spins that around for the fireman’s carry and Samoan Pop! To Shooting Star! TWO! Flip can’t believe how close he was, but the fans keep cheering. Flip brings Martinez up, but Martinez is the one that hits a Falcon Arrow! Cover, TWO, and Martinez is a bit surprised himself. He stands up, drags Flip back to his feet, and up into a torture rack. Martinez flips Flip but Flip lands on his feet! Flip ducks the punch and SUPERKICK! But Martinez stays up to roundhouse Flip! Then he flips Flip inside out with a lariat!

The fans applaud the exchange while Martinez stands back up. Martinez climbs up to the top rope?! He smiles menacingly, but Flip springs up to trip him up! Flip positions Martinez and gives him a LOUD chop, then slingshots up, but Martinez catches him by the throat! But Flip pries himself free to hit Kinder Surprise!

Then Flip slingshots and springboards to a Kinder-canrana!

The fans fire up as Flip gets back on the top rope and takes aim. And… 450 Splash!

TWO!! Flip cannot believe it, but Martinez’s eyes are burning with fire! Martinez clamps his hand on Flip’s throat and lifts Flip up for the choke slam, but Flip slips out! Flip chops Martinez down with a stiff kick to the leg, then a knee to the face. Flip fires up, springboards and spins, but he’s caught into a full-nelson. Martinez lifts Flip up, then flings him in a full-nelson facebuster, followed by a curb stomp! He’s not done there, he picks Flip up again for a dead-lift South of Heaven Choke Slam!!

Martinez wins! But he scares off the referee the second he tries to lift Martinez’s hand in victory. Martinez celebrates on his own, will he celebrate a ROH WHC victory in the near future?


Caprice Coleman joins commentary for this next match.

The Most Versatile Man in Sports Today has a vested interest in the participants, especially the former ROH World Television Champion.

Kenny King VS Shane Taylor!

Once friends under the faction known as The Rebellion, circumstances have caused a small rift between them. Can the Notorious Hitman make a case for himself before the K I N G gets his rematch for the “throne” that he lost?

Kenny wants to uphold the Code of Honor, but when Taylor doesn’t, Kennny reminds him of their Rebellion days. That only serves to upset Taylor more, as he shoves Kenny away. Kenny keeps his cool while the bell rings and he and Taylor circle. They approach each other, but Taylor pushes Kenny back into a corner. The ref calls for a break and the break is clean but tense. They circle again, Kenny shows off his capoeira moves. The fans applaud that, and Taylor shrugs it off. Taylor gets Kenny watching that killer right, but Kenny doesn’t see the swift left come in, the jab catches him on the cheek. Taylor mocks Kenny’s “dance fighting” before circling again. Kenny kicks Taylor sharp on the thigh, and nods, knowing Taylor knows not to take him lightly. Kenny and Taylor each swing but evade, Taylor lets Kenny know how close he ways, but Kenny puts Taylor in a headlock. Taylor fights out with body shots then shoves Kenny to ropes. Kenny comes back with a shoulder and they collide, but Taylor doesn’t budge. Kenny likes the challenge, he tries again, but still Taylor stays standing. Even so, Kenny just dances it off.

Taylor swings at Kenny and scares him off to a corner! The “One Hitter Quitter” came close to connecting, Coleman knows that Kenny’s wide awake now. Kenny comes back out, but Taylor catches him with a big knee. Taylor runs and then runs Kenny over with the shoulder! And yes, Taylor mocks the dance and pose.

He runs again, things speed up and Kenny tries a drop toehold, but Taylor stays standing. Taylor brings Kenny up and into a corner to then hit a stiff body shot and a stiffer forearm. He whips Kenny corner to corner but Kenny goes up and over to sunset flip Taylor! TWO, but Kenny keeps going. He dropkicks Taylor down and Taylor slips out of the ring. Kenny walks over and slingshots, but Taylor avoids the corkscrew plancha to then rock Kenny with another big knee. Taylor thinks about putting Kenny into barriers but changes his mind, and throws Kenny into the ring. Kenny changes Taylor’s plans by slipping back out and rocking him with a jumping right forearm!

The fans applaud as Kenny whips but Taylor reverses, Kenny jumps up for a cannonball senton!

Kenny keeps the fans fired up for the “K I N G”. He even takes a selfie with a fan! Taylor gets himself back in the ring, so Kenny climbs up top to fly for a big crossbody! ONE, but Kenny isn’t bothered. He stalks Taylor to ropes and whips but Taylor holds onto ropes. Kenny chops Taylor but then things speed up, choke slam outta nowhere!

Taylor catches his breath, then toys with Kenny. He drags Kenny up for a clubbing forearm to the chest. Taylor stalks Kenny to a corner, Kenny fights back but gets rocked again. Taylor grinds a boot into Kenny’s head but backs off when the ref counts. He stands Kenny up for a stiff chop, but Kenny wants the ref to leave him alone. Taylor runs corner to corner but Kenny evades and retaliates with a back elbow. Kenny rolls and runs in but Taylor avoids the shotgun knees to squash Kenny with a splash!

TWO, and Taylor grows frustrated. Taylor drags Kenny up into a camel clutch, but also rakes the face. He lets up, Kenny gets to his feet and hits a jawbreaker to break out. Kenny gets space, Taylor runs in but into Kenny’s spinning roundhouse! Taylor stays on his feet, Kenny throws rights and lefts. Kenny ducks one of Taylor’s but then Taylor ducks one of Kenny’s to catch him on that left side! Kenny staggers, but then rocks Taylor with the jumping heel kick! Cover, ONE, and Kenny grows a bit frustrated while Taylor slips to the apron. The fans rally for Kenny while he goes out to join Taylor. They brawl again, Taylor lifts Kenny but Kenny slips down to hit the Eddie Gordo kick. Taylor drops down to the floor, Kenny builds speed and FLIES!

His tornado plancha topples Taylor down, but Kenny goes with him. The fans fire up while they stir. The ring count gets to 5 by the time they’re on their feet, and 7 when they both enter the ring. Kenny aims, springboards and hits the blockbuster!

Cover, TWO! Kenny brings Taylor up, wants but struggles with the fireman’s carry. Taylor pushes him away, swings but then blocks to hit on the right side! Cover, TWO, and very close. Taylor grows further frustrated, Kenny revives to rock him with a right. Kenny throws hands, Taylor keeps up with him, then blocks the kick to rock him with a knee. Taylor rolls Kenny, gives him another knee to the head, and hits the two-handed sit-out slam!

TWO!! Kenny survives, but Taylor drags him around to position. Taylor climbs up but Kenny revives to rock him with an uppercut! Kenny climbs to join Taylor, but Taylor resists with body shots. Taylor shoves Kenny but Kenny backflips to come back with an enziguri. Kenny manages the fireman’s carry, and the Royal Flush!!

Kenny wins! The K I N G outlasts the Hitman, can he do the same to the Last Real Man in their eventual ROH WTVC rematch?

As for Shane Taylor…

The Hitman is frustrated from another loss, but Kenny being a good friend gives him an encouraging hug.

Coleman confirms on commentary that while they’re no longer teammates, both Coleman and King are friends with Taylor and wish him only the best. Can Taylor turn things around so that 2018 is a big year for the big man?


The ROH Women of Honor Championship Tournament has begun!

Coming to ROH TV this week, the WOH Championship Tournament will crown the inaugural WOH Champion. Sixteen of the best women wrestlers from around the world will compete. However, only 15 have been formally announced. Ian Riccaboni is honored to personally introduce the 16th woman in the tournament: Tenille “Emma” Dashwood!

An international star in her own right, the fans lose their minds upon learning of her entry into this historic tournament. What brings Tenille to WOH? First, it feels great to have such an ovation. And obviously, she’s here “for one reason, and one reason alone”: enter the tournament and become THE WOH Champion! She will have to compete against some of Stardom’s best as well as WOH’s own like Deonna Purrazzo and Mandy Leon. However, Bully Ray comes out to continue this interview.

“No no no,” he says, “I don’t mean to interrupt.” He knows that everyone is happy to see Tenille, and Bully wishes her luck in the tournament, but he’s also pretty sure everyone wants to see Tenille wrestle right here and now! What better way to make a name for herself in ROH than in front of the audience here tonight! And the match is made for an WOH Tag Team Match: Tenille & The Exotic Goddess, Mandy VS The Gate Keeper, Kelly Klein & Stacy Shadows! Which WOH participants will grab up momentum before the tournament’s opening round?


Josh Woods VS Silas Young w/ The Beer City Bruiser!

The Goods was Mr. Top Prospect 2017 but did not capture the ROH WTVC. The current ROH WTVC is the Last Real Man, and he will have a rematch with Kenny King eventually. Can Silas keep up his own momentum against the MMA-trained young gun wanting to turn things around?

Even before the bell, Woods trolls Silas by borrowing a sign from the fans and holding it up for everyone to see.

Silas trash talks and insults the fans, shouting “Real men earn their titles!” but then turns around to see Woods and that sign. Silas already saw that sign on his way in, so needless to say he’s no more amused with it the second time than he was the first time. That aside, the sign is returned and the match begins.

Woods offers the Code of Honor handshake and Silas technically upholds it. They circle, but Silas gets caught up talking to fans again. “A real man knows how to take care of business. You wouldn’t know a real man, honey, so just shut your mouth.” They tie up, Woods gets a leg and they hop around, Woods puts Silas on the mat and goes after the other leg. He spins Silas around into a fireman’s carry takedown, Silas scrambles to a corner. Silas uses the ropes for shelter as Woods runs in, the referee keeps Woods back. Woods says “two for flinching!” and the fans agree. Bruiser tells everyone to shut up as they continue to support Woods’ idea. Silas defends he didn’t flinch, and tells the referee to say whether or not he flinched. The referee doesn’t worry about that and has them continue. Silas admits that, as a man, he’ll take his two for flinching. Woods grins, and gives him a hard right on the shoulder.

Silas walks off the pain while Bruiser cheers him on. But that was only one, so he has to take another. The fans cheer for “One more time!” and Woods reels back, but Silas pokes him in the eyes! Silas puts Woods in a deep headlock and grinds him down to the mat. Woods keeps his shoulders up then gets back to his feet. He trips and rolls Silas and then rolls him some more to a facelock. Silas slips out to a wristlock, but Woods trips him up again to roll him back to the facelock. Silas escapes again to an armlock, then to the facelock. Woods slips out and rolls Silas again, but for a waistlock this time. Woods lifts Silas but Silas elbows out. Silas runs and narrowly avoids Woods’ knee, to then rock him with forearms. Silas gets the waistlock but Woods the standing switch. Another standing switch, then another, Woods throws Silas with an overhead belly2belly!

Woods takes aim and runs in corner to corner for a forearm smash. He throws Silas to ropes and rocks him with the jumping knee strike. Bruiser tries to coach Silas back into this while he rests on the ropes. Woods hops onto the apron, but Silas manages to avoid the knee strike. Silas distracts the referee while Bruiser trips up Woods and rocks him with a right hand of his own! Woods goes down and Bruiser walks off to innocently sip his beer. Silas comes out to fetch Woods and put him into barriers. Silas tells the ref, “Count it out if you don’t like it!” He keeps going after Woods, rocking him with elbows and forearms before putting him back in the ring. Silas trash talks fans again before hitting the slingshot double stomp, “easy peasy, baby.” He toys with Woods, Woods fights back so Silas hits him with a right hand. Woods keeps fighting, but Silas ducks the roundhouse. Silas shoves Woods to ropes, and catches him into the backbreaker and lariat!

Cover, ONE, and Silas grows frustrated. He stalks and stomps Woods at the ropes, then brings him up into a corner to bump him off buckles. Bruiser trolls Woods while Silas boots him in the head. Silas snapmares Woods into a snapmare while Bruiser tells “Josh” to quit. The fans rally for Woods, Bruiser tells them to stop, but Woods feeds off the energy. Woods works his way out of the hold, the fans troll Silas with “Silas wears glitter~.” Woods frees himself only for Silas to throw him down again, and then Silas asks “Who wears glitter now?!” He toys with Woods, but Woods fights back. Woods fakes the roundhouse to get Silas to crouch, and turns that into a waistlock deadlift. Silas resists the German Suplex and runs for ropes, but Woods uses the rope rebound to roll him up, TWO, and Bruiser lights Woods up with a beer bottle!

Just like what they did to King, Woods is out from the impact. Bruiser pulls him up but the referee tells Bruiser to back off. Silas sees Woods standing up again, then builds speed. Woods evades so Silas just goes to the apron. Silas takes aim from the apron but misses his Penalty Kick. Woods swings a kick but Silas manages to jump over. Silas tries a jumping attack but Woods evades to let Bruiser take the hit!

Silas topples Bruiser over, then turns around into Woods’ exploder suplex! Woods fires up with the fans before putting Silas back into the ring. Woods runs in corner to corner, Silas dodges but runs into Woods’ back elbow. Silas rocks Woods with a right, but Woods stays standing and rocks Silas back with a right of his own. Woods dares Silas to bring it, and they brawl with haymakers and forearms. Silas gets several in but then gets kicked low. He avoids the knee to get a waistlock but Woods the standing switch. Woods lifts but Silas rolls, TWO! Woods blocks and counters with a heavy right, then another. He kicks the inner thighs and hits a knee to the head, TWO! Woods was so close, but the fans are rallying for him. He watches Silas stir, gutwrench hold but Silas lands on his feet. Silas swings out and puts Woods in the full-nelson but Woods breaks free. Woods rolls and brings Silas down in a kneebar!

Silas endures the bend on his knee and ankle, but Bruiser returns! He reaches in and drags Silas to the ropes! The referee has to enforce the break but he still reprimands Bruiser. Woods waits for Silas to get up and kicks out that leg! Woods watches Silas get on the apron, Woods throws a shoulder but Silas counters with a knee. Silas slingshots but Woosd catches him in a fireman’s carry! Silas slips out, wants the full-nelson but Woods slips around behind. They run to a corner and Woods rolls him back for the Chaos Theory German suplex! TWO, but Woods is right on Silas with the cross armbreaker!

Silas quickly locks his hands to prevent the extension. Woods keeps pulling, but sees Silas bringing his legs up, so he transitions to the kneebar!

Silas shifts his weight and covers, TWO. Woods swings but gets caught into the full-nelson knee strike. Silas lifts him in the fireman’s carry, and spins around for Misery!!

Silas wins! The Last Real Man toughs it out, but with some help from a friend. Will ROH make sure he can’t screw over the K I N G again?

Speaking of Kenny King, he reappears.

The former ROH WTVC “applauds” the current champion’s victory. He reminds Silas it is only a matter of time before he’s wearing that belt again. Both men are confident in themselves, whose confidence will be justified with a victory?


Six Man Tag: SoCal Uncensored VS Dalton Castle & The Boys!

There are major championship implications in this match, and more than just one. Should the SCU win, the man who pins the Peacock could find themselves added to the ROH WHC discussion. And even if they don’t, a win for the SCU could mean advancing in the ROH Six Man Division and closer to those World Six Man Tag Championships.

As for The Peacock himself, he is truly working a “Champion’s Schedule”, as he will defend his title on ROH TV against the monster Martinez, and then have to prepare for Honor Rising against Trent Baretta of the Best Friends and NJPW Heavyweight division. Can he keep himself spotless on this championship gauntlet?

The fans are already chanting for “Dalton Castle!” “And his Boys!” as the teams gather in the ring. Kaz intimidates The Boys, and Castle tells him “Shame on you!” The fans chime in with “Shame! Shame!” Daniels tells them to shut up, but the fans don’t listen.

Castle starts for his team, then points out that Kaz is pointing “the dirty finger” at him! Daniels starts for SCU and the bell rings. Daniels and Castle trash talk over Daniels being the superior ROH WHC, Castle just boops him. The two finally tie up, Daniels powers Castle to a corner but then Daniels powers him towards the Peacock corner. Meanwhile, The Dawgs, Rhett Titus & Will Ferrara, can be heard appearing on commentary. They want to be part of this historic moment, and feel a bit offended that no one invited them.

Their feelings aside, Daniels and Castle circle again. They lunge in, and Castle gets Daniels up and into a corner. The referee backs Castle off, Castle honors the break, then suddenly lunges at Daniels! Daniels evades and tries to retaliate, but Castle evades. Castle tries but Daniels evades, and Daniels needs a moment to catch his breath. Then he tries again, but Castle still evades, and the cycle continues. Castle fakes Daniels out, and fakes him out again. Whenever Castle raises his hand, Daniels braces himself. They repeat this over a dozen times, and the referee tells them to get out of the corner. Daniels goes to run out of the corner but Castle puts him right back in it, but then Daniels thumbs Castle’s eyes. Daniels throws Castle down and SoCal Uncensored applauds. The Fallen Angel dares one of the Boys to come in, but when Castle goes to tag Boy 1, Boy 1 backs away?

Castle tries to tag Boy 2, but even Boy 2 backs away. The Boys don’t want in against the Almighty General? Daniels trash talks that Castle is now alone “against the best trio in this company!” However, with a snap of the fingers, Castle reveals this was all strategy! The Boys jump in to flank Daniels!

They blast Kaz and Scorpio off the apron, and Castle rocks Daniels with right hands. Castle clotheslines Daniels out, Kaz and Scorpio return only to be dropkick’d off the aprons. SoCal Uncensored regroups and Castle fires up, to build speed and… STRUT!

The Dawgs take offense to being left off for guys like Castle, but Rhett keeps Ferrara back, no one wants to see a Little Willie. As for Castle, The Boys become his chair. Daniels gets in the ring and has Scorpio become his chair. However, while he trash talks Castle, Kaz tells Scorpio he doesn’t have to be Daniels’ chair. Daniels ends up sitting down and falling on his back! He gets mad at Kaz and Scorpio, but the embarrassment already happened. Daniels tags Kaz in and they hug it out.

The Dawgs complain more, they hate this touchy-feely stuff. Kaz hugs Scorpio, and Castle says that’s a tag. The ref allows it, but now Kaz calls out Boy 2. Castle slaps Kaz’s finger away, he doesn’t like pointing. Even so, the fans want to see a Boy in this match, so Castle tags in Boy 2. Kaz and Boy 2 circle, Kaz kicks Boy 2 low. He throws haymakers on Boy 2 at the ropes, then whips him. Boy 1 tags in and swing kicks Kaz, then Boy 2 hits Kaz with an enziguri, and Boy 1 tops it off with a springboard crossbody!

They keep moving, Boy 1 tags Boy 2 back in, and Boy 2 fires off haymakers and chops! Kaz knees low then whips Boy 2 into a corner. He runs in but Boy 2 boots him away. Boy 2 hops up, Scorpio runs over but gets booted away. Kaz returns to jump kick Boy 2, and Boy 2 falls down to the mat. Kaz knocks down Castle and Boy 1 from the apron while Scorpio drags Boy 2 out to stomp him. Scorpio even holds Boy 2 up for Daniels to knock down. Daniels then feeds Boy 2 to Kaz in the ring. Kaz stands on Boy 2’s throat, then tags Scorpio. He holds Boy 2 up for Scorpio to kick, then Scorpio gives Boy 2 a big side backbreaker. He bends Boy 2 back, then brings Boy 2 to the SCU corner. Scorpio tags in Daniels, and Daniels brings Boy 2 up to knock him down with a right hand. Daniels calls for two boots, Kaz and Scorpio put them up for Daniels to throw Boy 2 into.

However, the fans noticed that wasn’t two boots, that was three boots! They tell Daniels and the SCU “You Can’t Count!” Daniels counts the three members of SCU to prove them wrong before sitting Boy 2 down with a snapmare. He tags Kaz in before hitting a slingshot elbow drop, Kaz tags Scorpio before hitting a slingshot leg drop. Scorpio finishes with a slingshot splash! Cover, TWO, and SCU gets frustrated. Scorpio brings Boy 2 up and over to stomp a mudhole into him. He tags Kaz, Kaz continues the mudhole, then tags Daniels so he can stomp a mudhole. Scorpio tags in and this mudhole stampede continues, and then the SCU pose together to embrace the heat. Kaz tags back in, he and Scorpio double whip but Daniels also comes in. Kaz body shots and Scorpio double stomps Boy 2, Daniels drops him with the running STO, then Kaz finishes with a springboard legdrop!

The Heavy Metal Rebel embraces the heat while he spits at them and “censors” his middle finger at Castle. He brings Boy 2 back up for a gutwrench slam, then kicks him towards the corner. Daniels tags in and Kaz knocks Castle down while Daniels positions Boy 2 in the neutral corner. Daniels whips Boy 2 corner to corner hard, then embraces the heat himself. The fans chant “Fan Up!” for Boy 2 while he endures the bullying from Daniels. Daniels scoop slams Boy 2 and hits the Arabian press moonsault. A cocky cover, TWO, but Daniels isn’t bothered. He puts Boy 2 in a corner then marches his way to the opposite end, but Castle is there to distract him. Kaz and Scorpio head over there, too, but this is all to set up Twin Magic! Boy 1 takes his brother’s place while the referee keeps the peace. The Addiction work together, Daniels whipping Kaz but into Boy 1’s boot! Daniels storms over, but Boy 1 catches him in a flying headscissors!

He then slips under Kaz to tag in Castle! The Peacock rallies on the SoCal Uncensored, and throws Scorpio overhead! Kaz returns but even he gets thrown! Castle goes after Daniels but runs into his boot. Daniels hops up and jumps, but Castle catches him to throw him overhead! The fans fire up with Castle as he runs in for a big knee in the corner, then he hoists Daniels onto the top rope, for shotgun knees from the apron!

Daniels goes down, and The Peacock stalks him while the fans rally. Castle gets the waistlock, and the dead-lift German suplex! Bridge for the cover, but Kaz comes in and breaks it up. Kaz distracts and Scorpio tries to play Twin Magic with Daniels? There are many reasons why the referee realizes Scorpio isn’t Daniels, no matter how much Scorpio insists. Boy 1 throws the real Daniels into the ring, Castle gets him from behind and knocks him into Scorpio. Scorpio falls out, Castle rolls up Daniels, TWO. Daniels rushes at Castle but Castle dumps him out. Kaz comes in, but catches Castle’s back elbow, and Castle hits his Peacock Pose. He tags in Boy 1, and throws him at Scorpio!

Castle brings out Boy 2 and throws him at Kaz!

Then Boy 1 returns, for Castle to throw him at Daniels!

Boy 2 returns, so Castle throws him at Scorpio now! Castle then throws Boy 1 at Kaz! And then Boy 2 at Daniels! Each Boy has toppled down each member of the SCU, but now Castle prepares to give Daniels a bonus, he throws Boy 1 at him again! The fans fire up with Castle, and The Boys put Daniels back in the ring. Boy 1 is legal but Kaz comes in. Daniels reverses the whip and feeds Boy 1 into Kaz’s boot! Then, Celebrity Rehab!

Castle breaks the cover just in time! Kaz goes after him and they brawl with haymakers. Castle clotheslines Kaz and himself out, but Daniels tags Scorpio in. Scorpio takes Boy 2 out, then goes after Boy 1 with a stiff back kick.

Cover, SoCal Uncensored wins! With this major Six Man Tag win, coupled with what they’ve done to The Bullet Club over the past few weeks, will the SCU find themselves competing for the ROH W6MTC sooner rather than later?

That aside, Castle simply comes in to collect his Boys, when the SCU go after him! These three “sore winners” beat down Castle and Boy 2. The Addiction double whip Castle, but he rallies back with a double clothesline! Scorpio sees what happened and runs over, but Castle throws him right out of the ring. Daniels staggers up, and gets Bangarang!

The Peacock stands tall ahead of his championship defense against Punishment Martinez. Will he snap back from this loss to stay golden on the Road to Honor Rising?


The Briscoes appear!

#DemBoyz aren’t scheduled for a match on this special event but they’re still here. Jay & Mark head to the ring because they want to speak. “Let me tell y’all something.” What the fans “fail to realize, is there’s gettin’ ready to be a whole lotta bloodshed around here.” And every drop is gonna be on the fans’ hands. The Briscoes “will destroy your heroes”, and it’ll be the fans’ fault. Even Mark talks, telling the fans to “shut up”, and to one fan in particular, “keep your toothless ass down in that chair, boy.” The Briscoes won’t stand for the fans heckling them. The point of them being out here is that they want their “property” back. And by that they mean the ROH World Tag Team Championships. Jay reminds everyone of what they did to the MCMG last week, specifically dropping Chris Sabin on his head, on a chair. However, Alex Shelley is still here, but doesn’t have the balls to go 2v1. Jay suggests Shelley walks out and hands them their property. The music hits, but Shelley doesn’t come out from the stage. He comes out from the crowd and blindsides Mark Briscoe, using a championship belt as a weapon!

Jay goes after Shelley but Shelley ducks and clocks Jay with the belt! Shelley keeps on Jay with a rain of rights, but Mark recovers and takes that belt to use on Shelley. Mark stomps away, then Jay takes his chain and chokes Shelley with it!

Shelley gasps and flails, then coughs and wheezes when Jay lets go. Jay drags Shelley up, to headbutt him back down. The Briscoes stomp Shelley together, then go after security when they show up! Jay goes after Shelley again, and drags him over while Mark climbs up, saying this is also “all y’all’s fault!” Jay gives Shelley the Jay Driller!

The Briscoes flip off the fans and take up their “Sandy Fork VS Everybody” flag again. Jay takes a mic again to declare “This our damn house! We built this place! We’re the damn Briscoes, we are the baddest tag team on the planet!”

Referees come out to attend to Shelley while #DemBoyz take their leave. Jay even takes a fan’s sign asking “Why, Dem Boys, why?” to which he replies, “Why not?” before ripping it apart. Will this cutthroat edge make them historic nine time ROH World Tag Team Champions?


Mrs. American Nightmare, Brandi, joins commentary for the upcoming WOH Tag Team Match.

As one of the sixteen competitors in the Women of Honor Championship tournament, the “Wonderful” star of WAGS has vested interest in the results of this match. And she teases Ian Riccaboni for calling her hot off-camera. Colt Cabana neither confirms nor denies her statement.

Tenille & Mandy Leon VS Kelly Klein & Stacy Shadows!

The Gatekeeper has a rather unusual ally in the spooky Midwest Slayer, but she doesn’t seem to have any complaints. Meanwhile, the Exotic Goddess teams with the newest Woman of Honor in the Aussie Sensation formerly known as Emma. Which duo will make it work to get some points before the big tournament?

The Code of Honor is reluctantly upheld by Shadows, but not by Kelly at all. Brandi says Kelly doesn’t shake hands because she’s a loser, and she doesn’t mean in the W-L way. That aside, Shadows and Mandy start with the bell. They circle, Mandy avoids Shadows’ boot, then fires off forearms and chops! Mandy evades Shadows’ punch, then lights her up with more chops. She kicks Shadows’ knee then runs, but Shadows knocks her down with a big right hand! Shadows grabs Mandy and says “I want her!” as she points at Tenille. She then shoves Mandy at her partner, and Mandy checks with the fans. The fans applaud, they want Tenille. In that case, Mandy tags Tenille in. Shadows rushes her but Tenille sees it coming, she kicks Shadows between the ropes, then kicks away even more!

Tenille even fires off elbows to Shadows’ head, then turns her around for the second rope hotshot! Shadows goes down, Tenille hurries for a cover, TWO! Shadows gets to a corner, Tenille comes running in, but Shadows gets her boots up to floor Tenille! Tenille rolls and Shadows brings her over, Kelly tags in without much warning. Kelly takes Tenille from Shadows and squeezes her with a cravat. Kelly drives knees into Tenille while trash talking Mandy, but Tenille fights back with body shots. Tenille scoops and rolls Kelly to get free, then slips around to a waistlock. She swings Kelly out to whip but Kelly reverses. Kelly picks Tenille up but Tenille tilt-o-whirls through for a Russian leg sweep! Cover, ONE, but Tenille keeps on her with a facelock. She drags Kelly over and tags in Mandy, but then Kelly gets loose. Mandy is right on her with a waistlock of her own, but Kelly gets the standing switch. Kelly lifts but Mandy resists and gets free. Mandy runs but into Kelly’s right hand, yet she keeps going, evading the boot to swing a heel kick. Kelly catches it, spins Mandy around and puts her in a corner. Kelly goes corner to corner and runs in with a corner body check!

She keeps going, dragging Mandy out through the ropes for a big knee lift. They return into the ring and Kelly puts the cravat back on. Kelly taunts Tenille by letting Mandy get close, only to pull Mandy away for more knee strikes. She snapmares Mandy down and kicks her in the back, and now Shadows tags in without warning. Their apparent cohesion seems to be coming undone, but Kelly doesn’t let it bother her since they’re dominating. Shadows stalks Mandy, the fans rally for the Exotic Goddess, but Shadows suplexes Mandy up and over. Cover, TWO, and Mandy gets to ropes. Shadows chokes her on the ropes, then steps on Mandy’s foot when she tries to crawl away. Shadows stomps on Mandy, then brings her up into a chinlock. She also taunts Tenille with a tag before clubbing away on Mandy. Cover, TWO, and Mandy keeps crawling. The fans rally and Mandy starts fighting back with body shots, only to be thrown down by her hair. Shadows mocks Tenille’s “It’s All About ME” catchphrase before stomping on Mandy again. The fans rally again, and Mandy fights back again. Shadows keeps pushing her back but Mandy keeps coming back. She stands up and unloads strikes on Shadows, even a double palm strike and headbutt! Shadows stays standing so Mandy kicks her low before jumping for a tag! Mandy is caught just inches from reaching Tenille, and now Shadows squeezes her with a bearhug!

But even as Shadows squeezes her, Mandy fights back with hammer fists. She gets loose enough to hit Shadows with a DDT!

Both women are down but the fans fire up! Mandy and Shadows crawl for their corners, hot tag to Tenille! Tenille takes out Kelly then rallies on Shadows with forearms and elbows. Shadows shoves her away but Tenille comes back to blast her into a corner with a dropkick! Tenille goes to the opposite corner to fire herself up, runs back in corner to corner for the move formerly known as the Emmamite Sandwich!

She brings Shadows back up, wants the double underhook but Shadows is too big and strong. Instead, Shadows lifts Tenille in a fireman’s carry. Tenille elbows her way out, gets a dragon sleeper, and the elbow drop DDT! Kelly breaks the pin before it even starts, but then Tenille throws her right out, to Brandi’s enjoyment. Mandy runs Kelly right over with a lariat! But Shadows rolls Tenille! Tenille slips out and dropkicks Shadows in the head! Cover, Tenille & Mandy win! They were a good team tonight, but when it’s every woman for herself, who will come out the inaugural ROH WOH Champion?


ROH presents: Honor Club!

A “fully immersive” experience, complete with ROH event backlog, message board and live events just like this one! Both basic and VIP membership packages will be available, and can be your way into shows just like the 16th Anniversary in Las Vegas coming soon!


Jay Lethal VS Jonathan Gresham!

The Franchise Player wants to be ROH WHC again in the near future, while The Octopus wants to revitalize the pure wrestling style. Which man will make 2018 their year in their own way?

The Code of Honor is upheld while the fans cheer strongly for Lethal. The bell rings, the two circle, and “Oooh Yeah” everyone takes note of Lethal’s gear giving tribute. Lethal and Gresham tie up, Lethal pushes Gresham to a corner. The break is clean, the two go again. Gresham gets a waistlock, Lethal pries his way out but Gresham rolls and rolls to get away. They tie up again, Gresham gets that waistlock but Lethal gets the standing switch. Gresham gets the wristlock back, then the headlock, but Lethal powers out. Things speed up, Lethal hip tosses then cartwheels but Gresham was ready and counters with an armlock. Lethal gets up but Gresham brings him back down with an arm wrench and drop toehold. Gresham ties up the legs in a Queen Angelito then goes for the arms. Lethal resists and gets the ropebreak, so Gresham backs off. Lethal stands up and circles with Gresham again. The fans duel, “Let’s go, Lethal!” “Go Gresham!” while the two tie up again. Gresham gets the hammerlock, and holds on even as Lethal tries to slip through and out. Lethal keeps trying but Gresham keeps turning it back. Lethal goes again and again with no escape, but he gets the drop toehold to then put Gresham in a headlock, only for Gresham to get right back to the hammerlock. He powers Gresham back into a corner, the buckle impact breaks the hold. Gresham comes back for the hold but Lethal chops him! Lethal then whips Gresham to a corner, and chops him again. Gresham chops him back, then chops him again. Lethal chops back and knocks Gresham on his back! The fans fire up with that one as Lethal picks Gresham up for a sudden-drop back suplex.

Cover, ONE, but Lethal keeps his cool. He brings Gresham up and puts him in a corner for a couple heavy haymakers. Gresham chops back, so Lethal slaps him then chops him off his feet again! Gresham doesn’t stay down long, he storms right over to Lethal and gives him a forearm. Lethal gives Gresham a European Uppercut that knocks Gresham off his feet all over again. The fans like what they see as Lethal brings Gresham up for a snap suplex. Cover, TWO, but Lethal again keeps his cool. Gresham gets the wristlock but Lethal throws forearms. Lethal backs Gresham into a corner then whips him corner to corner but Gresham turns around and slips under to give Lethal a low back elbow, then a high jumping knee. Gresham runs but into the hip toss, Lethal cartwheels and this time hits the dropkick.

The fans applaud again while both men get to opposite sides of the ring. Lethal stands up first and goes over to Gresham but Gresham fights back. Lethal ties him up on the rope and rocks him with a forearm, before gaining speed for an even stiffer forearm smash. Gresham is out against the ropes but Lethal goes again, only for Gresham to revive and elbow him away. Gresham sticks out a boot but Lethal catches it, only for Gresham to slip out and rolls him, to then hit a single leg takedown and another roll, to Penalty Kick the arm out!

Lethal clutches the arm in pain, but fights with his good right arm. He whips Gresham but Gresham reverses to EuroUpper Lethal’s arm! Lethal goes down from the pain but Gresham doesn’t give him much time alone, he stomps right on that bad arm. Gresham keeps going, wrenching and yanking the arm, bending it from wrist to elbow in a torturous triangle.

Lethal bucks Gresham off him but Gresham comes right back after that arm. Gresham traps that bad arm in a pinfall attempt but Lethal keeps that good arm up. Gresham goes after that arm now and powers it down with a wristlock. TWO, but Gresham just ups the torture. He bends Lethal’s arm but Lethal fights with his legs. Gresham shifts position and rolls Lethal into a crucifix cover, TWO, but Gresham brings Lethal right back down with an arm-drag and lock on the bad arm. It is also a cover, but TWO. Gresham keeps pushing, TWO, TWO, so Gresham jumps up for the hammerlock stomp!

Lethal writhes as he rolls to the ropes. Gresham stalks Lethal then drags him back up and out. He wrenches the bad arm, but Lethal still fights with his good arm. Lethal and Gresham trade forearms while the fans duel again. Lethal whips but Gresham evades to once again arm-drag the bad arm. They both get up, Gresham slips under, then gets another arm-drag. Gresham blocks Lethal’s lariat then dropkicks Lethal and Lethal falls all the way out of the ring. Lethal tumbles to the floor and Gresham feeds off the fans’ energy. The Octopus builds speed, but has to change plans when Lethal revives and evades. Gresham still takes aim from the apron, to again kick that bad arm!

Lethal cries in pain, but he narrowly avoids Gresham’s newest attack. Gresham lands on his feet but now he jams his knee, which slows him down. He hobbles back over to Lethal, but gets caught with a cutter outta nowhere!

The fans fire up while both men are down on the ground. A ring count begins but neither man stirs until about 5. The count reaches 10 (ROH does 20 counts) and finally Lethal reaches the apron. Gresham catches up, and while Lethal gets in at 13, Gresham struggles. That bad leg bothers him badly, but he somehow manages to get in at 19! Lethal vents his frustration that this isn’t over. He stands up and rusn at Gresham, but Gresham slips around for a waistlock. Lethal resists, then elbows out, but Gresham throws a forearm into Lethal’s bad arm. In return, Lethal kicks Gresham in the bad leg! Gresham gives another forearm to the bad arm, but Lethal takes off the wrist tape to get serious, giving Gresham another stiff kick to the bad leg. Gresham goes to his knees but then comes back up to throw forearm after forearm into Lethal’s bad arm. Lethal kicks Gresham in the chest before kicking away on the bad leg. Gresham falls down but gets back up to give a forearm smash to the head now, so Lethal returns the favor. They brawl back and forth, the fans duel with every shot, and it’s fast and furious! Gresham sways, Lethal runs in, but Gresham side-steps him to hit a German Suplex on the rebound! Gresham gets up and runs but into Lethal’s bicycle boot. Lethal calls for it, but his bad arm gives out and his head hits the mat! Gresham springboards for the quebrada!

He rolls Lethal to stomp out a leg, then wraps the arm for La Mahistrol, but Lethal counters into his own cover! Gresham rolls Lethal for ghost pin, TWO, but Gresham wants after the bad arm again! Lethal resists and rolls but still ends up in a crossface!

Lethal endures, Gresham keeps wrenching, but Lethal gets the ropebreak with his feet. Gresham lets go, but doesn’t lose his cool. The fans rally for both men while Lethal gets to a corner. Gresham stands up and runs in, but into Lethal’s boot. Lethal runs out but into Gresham’s enziguri. Gresham returns but runs into the Lethal Combination! Lethal covers, TWO, but a tired kickout. Lethal stands back up, the fans rally again, and Lethal wants a submission of his own. “WOO~!” echoes out as Lethal stomps the leg, but Gresham counters the Figure Four into a small package! TWO! Gresham kicks but Lethal catches it into a dragon screw! Lethal drags Gresham back up, and hits one shinbreaker, then another, then a second dragon screw! Cover, TWO! Lethal kicks Grehsam sharp in the back, then calls for a different finish. He walks to a corner and climbs up top, but Gresham hurries over and rocks him with a forearm. Gresham drags that bad arm out again to wrench it into a hammerlock. He maintains it as he climbs but Lethal fights back. Lethal adjusts, tries the sunset flip powerbomb but Gresham holds the ropes. Gresham hammers the bad hand, and Lethal lets go. Gresham jumps, and hits a tornado DDT! But he’s not done there, he German Suplexes Lethal back! TWO, and the bad leg bothers him again. The fans let them both know “This is Awesome!” Lethal and Gresham slowly rise to their feet, staring each other down. Gresham throws a forearm, and Lethal walks it off, nodding as if to say “Okay, let’s start this again.” Lethal chops Gresham back sharp, so Gresham chops back. They exchange chops, then Lethal mule kicks and calls for the finish. But only to fake Gresham out, he instead SUPERKICKS Gresham!

Now he handsprings, but Gresham again kicks out the bad arm! Then he brings Lethal up and climbs on for the octopus stretch, but Lethal resists as he walks around in a circle. Lethal turns the octopus stretch into an Air Raid!

Lethal heads right to a corner and right up to the top rope. He takes aim, and jumps for Hail to the King!

TWO!! So Lethal goes for the Figure Four! But Gresham keeps that left leg from finishing the hold! Gresham tries to hold it back, but Lethal powers through and gets the hold!

Gresham endures the pressure on the bad leg, the fans are thunderous both ways, but Gresham taps! Lethal wins! Truly a match worthy of champions, will The Franchise once again reign supreme as ROH WHC?

Of course, Gresham is frustrated with himself.

Gresham didn’t want to lose once now that he’s on a mission to revive pure wrestling in ROH. And though he took the loss, fans assure him “That was Awesome!” and that they love “Both These Guys!” Lethal and Gresham stand up, and despite Gresham’s frustration, he upholds the Code of Honor by shaking Lethal’s hand. He may be frustrated now, but surely there is gold in The Octopus’s future.


The Bullet Club’s Marty Scurll, Adam Page & Cody w/ Brandi Rhodes VS The Kingdom!

Despite the discourse within The Bullet Club, there is still unfinished business outside the faction, as The Kingdom used The American Nightmare as the face for the #KingdomConspiracy within ROH. Matt Taven lost to Cody on last week’s ROH TV but The Kingdom beat him down and stole Cody’s literal Ring of Honor! Can Cody trust The Villain and the Hangman to help him exact some revenge and take back the ring?

It is of note, however, that the Bullet Club members don’t come out together. Is this a bad omen already?

Taven avoids Cody, but still kisses the Ring of Honor right in front of him. The fans boo and jeer, Taven’s getting too into it. Brandi and TK O’Ryan trash talk, and Scurll steps in to keep the Sassy Wild Horse back from Mrs. American Nightmare. The Horror King comes in with his hatchet, so Cody gets a steel chair! TK gets his own chair, and the referee jumps out of the ring to keep the peace.

The fans boo that he won’t let them go at it, but the chairs are put down and things slowly sort themselves out. Scurll volunteers to start for the Bullet Club, and flaps his wings while fans chant “Woop woop!” Cody and Taven stare down from across the way, each daring the other to come in. Vinnie jumps in and mocks the flapping, Cody gets upset that Taven isn’t manning up, but TK trolls Cody for being upset. Scurll gives Cody a reassuring hug and the match finally begins.

Vinne and Scurll circle, with the fans cheering for “Marty! Marty!” He and Vinnie tie up, Vinnie gets the wristlock. Scurll rolls and spins to reverse into a hammerlock and headlock takeover. Vinnie headscissors and Scurll pops out, to flap his wings again. Scurll kneels and offers his hand, but Vinnie slaps it away. Vinnie and TK laugh, but Scurll wraps on a headlock. Vinnie powers out and things speed up, Scurll avoids swipes from TK but not the dropkick from Vinnie. The Horror King laughs and flaps his wings, Marty grabs the umbrella!

Cody and Page clearly protest Scurll getting in the ring with his weapon, but Vinnie hurries and gets his hatchet! The two have a stand-off in the ring!

The only team that wants anything to come of this is The Kingdom. And when seeing he brought an umbrella to an ax fight, Scurll backs down and tags out to Hangman. Everyone from Hangman to the ref to Brandi wants Vinnie to put the ax away before this match continues. Vinnie refuses, but the ref forces his hand when he ejects the ax!

Another ref comes out and confiscates the ax! The fans applaud but Taven protests the ejection of an inanimate object. Vinnie is at a loss without his ax, so he tags out to TK. TK and Hangman circle now as the fans rally. They tie up, they go around, and TK gets Hangman on the ropes. The ref calls for the break, and TK pats Hangman on the shoulders before reminding him he’s “T K O!” Hangman shoves TK down! TK cowers to the ropes but then spits at Hangman. Hangman rushes TK, TK puts him in a corner and gives Hangman a stiff chop. TK celebrates a bit too soon, Hangman puts him in the corner and gives him three chops! Hangman whips but TK reverses into a headlock, but Hangman powers out to run him over with a shoulder. Things speed up, Hangman shoves TK into a corner but TK elbows back. TK hops up and jumps but Hangman kicks him in that repaired leg!

TK crawls to his corner and tags out to Taven. Hangman backs off for Taven to come in, and then tags in Cody! Cody wants at Taven but Taven wants nothing to do with Cody, Taven slips out of the ring to regroup with The Kingdom. The fans are strongly on Cody’s side but Taven has Cody wait as he puts on that Ring of Honor ring, and a Kingdom brand “Kiss the Ring” t-shirt.

He walks up to Cody, and as the shirt says, he wants Cody to kiss the ring, “bitch.” Cody isn’t sure what to do, but both fans and his team say “No! No!” Taven eggs him on to do it, and Cody takes the hand… to spin Taven around for the Beautiful Disaster!

The Kingdom moves in while Taven rolls out but Scurll springs to action to help Cody fight them off. The Kingdom regroups, Marty flaps his wings, and builds speed while Hangman tags in from Cody. Scurll FLIES!

But he only hits TK and Vinnie with the tope suicida. He catches Taven with a haymaker, then gathers the Kingdom for the rallying Cody. Cody builds speed and goes to the corner to FLY!

The Kingdom topples down but Cody and Scurll stand them back up while Hangmen gets on the top of the corner. Hangman jumps for the SUPER ASAI!

This Bullet Club trio is all fired up, as are the fans. Hangman puts Vinnie back in but Taven hurries to his side. Taven runs at Hangman but Hangman dodges while still getting Vinnie with the corner clothesline. Then Hangman spins Taven into a fireman’s carry, and catches Vinnie with a kick. Hangman dumps Taven down and uses Vinnie for the Dropsault!

TWO! But Hangman doesn’t slow down, he spots TK crawling back in. He goes over but TK rocks him with a throat-chop uppercut. Hangman sits down in the Kingdom’s corner, Taven tags to Vinnie. Vinnie runs side to side, for a big running forearm smash. Then he goes to the other side and comes back for a second smash. TK tags in, Vinnie bumps Hangman off buckles and hits a Side Effect, followed by TK’s slingshot double stomps. Vinnie keeps going, feeding Hangman to Taven’s swing kick, and then TK gets the waistlock for the German Suplex! Taven climbs up, to add an elbow drop!
Cover from TK but Scurll breaks it up. Taven protests but Scurll just gives him the British dirty bird. TK trash talks while Hangman gets to ropes, so TK chokes Hangman at the ropes. He backs off at the count of 4, then goes to suplex, but Hangman blocks. TK manages to get Hangman up but Hangman slips out the back to push TK to ropes, roaring elbow on the rebound! Hangman tags out to Scurll, TK to Vinnie. Vinnie kicks low then whips corner to corner but Scurll stops himself and slips under. Scurll grabs Vinnie’s hands and brings them down to stand on them! Then he grabs one of Vinnie’s dreadlocks and bends it at a torturous angle!

Then he stomps on the hands, then dropkicks Vinnie down. TK returns and kicks out Scurll’s legs. He runs but Scurll feints the kick, to then mule kick TK down. Vinnie gets up and swings on Scurll, but Scurll blocks and snapmares Vinnie down into a modified Mahistrol. They end up too close to the ropes, Taven shoves the pin apart. Taven acts innocent while Scurll runs at Vinnie, Vinnie gets a knee up. Vinnie climbs up, mocking the “Woop woop”, but Scurll sweeps the legs. TK returns and runs in, but Scurll gets him with a EuroUpper. Scurll knocks Taven off the apron, then returns to TK to suplex him into Vinnie!

Scurll knocks Taven down again before climbing up to join Vinnie. The fans rally but Taven tags in. Scurll keeps going for the SUPERPLEX!

Vinnie rolls out, Scurll still thinks Vinnie is legal so he builds speed. Taven gets in and intercepts, fireman’s carry to a swinging hotshot on the top rope! Scurll goes down, Taven knocks Hangman down then taunts Cody. Meanwhile, Vinnie and TK throw Scurll into barriers, then all the way to the other side’s barriers! The Kingdom is fired up as they feed Scurll to Taven to choke and rain rights on. Vinnie gets cheap shots in while Taven tags TK. TK pounces to make sure Scurll doesn’t get away. The fans rally for Scurll, TK taunts Bullet Club with a tag. He brings Scurll back and tags in Vinnie to mug Scurll. Scurll slaps back then chops back, but Vinnie kicks low. TK tags back in, they whip and run, TK gets Scurll in a spinebuster! Vinnie hits a flying headbutt, and TK jackknife covers, TWO! The fans rally again, but TK brings Scurll over and tags Taven. Scurll fights back with back elbows, but Taven knees low and sits Scurll down with a EuroUpper. Then Taven trash talks, saying “That’s how you do a European Uppercut! You think you would know that, you’re such a villain.” Scurll counters the trash talk with a poke at the eyes. Taven gets mad but Scurll gets body shots in, then chops. Scurll runs, but Vinnie trips him and drags him out. Scurll counters with a EuroUpper! He shoulders into Taven then slingshots over for a sunset flip but Taven rolls through to rock Scurll with a knee!

“Why!? Because I’m Matt Taven!” He covers, TWO, and Taven grows frustrated. He tags Vinnie, Vinnie tags TK and TK tags Taven. The Kingdom go after The Bullet Club, then bring Scurll out, but Scurll fights back against all three of them! Scurll fires off haymakers, forearms and elbows, until Vinnie kicks him low. Taven brings Scurll in for the powerbomb, TK and Vinnie run but Scurll jackknife takeovers Taven! TK breaks the cover, then tells Vinnie to hustle up top. Vinne climbs, TK hits the Twist of Fate!

Vinne aims and flies, but the Redrum swanton meets knees! The fans rally again as Scurll and Taven are both down. Scurll crawls and Tavne pursues, but Scurll shoves him away. He keeps crawling, Taven comes back, but Cody gets the hot tag! Cody rallies on Taven with the drop down uppercut. He slips out of Taven’s back suplex, and gives TK the Beautiful Disaster! Taven runs in but Cody goes up and over to then give Taven the spinning powerslam! The fans are fired up and so is Cody! He grabs Taven in a full-nelson and hits the snap dragon suplex, perhaps a message to a certain Cleaner. Cover, TWO, but Cody keeps his focus. He drags Taven up but Taven knees low. Taven runs but into a drop toehold, Scurll low dropkicks outta nowhere. Hangman returns for a runnign Shooting Star!

But then Vinnie trips Cody and drags him out. Vinnie goes to throw Cody but Cody turns it around to send Vinnie over the barriers and into the crowd! Cody returns to the ring and aims at Taven. Springboard but Taven gets under, TK returns to kick Cody low and rock him with a left hand. Scurll returns, brings TK down in the hammerlock, and stomps on it! Vinnie returns and bicycle boots Scurll down. Hangman returns and hits the Buckshot! Taven returns and hits his Beautiful Disaster, aka “Kick of the King”! Cody returns, Taven swings a heel kick but Cody ducks it, to trip Taven and put him in the American Deathlock!

Taven endures, crawls, reaches, and gets the ropebreak. Cody holds on until the count of 4, and both men get separation. Taven gets to a corner, Cody runs in but he sees that low blow coming and blocks it. Cody swings that leg out into the ropes and then rocks Taven with a right hand. He takes the other leg up, and looks tempted to reference his bizarre brother. The fans shout “YES! YES!” Cody puts the other leg on the ropes, takes a deep breath, but TK distracts. TK and Cody jaw while Vinnie lurks. Taven slips out and gets away while Brandi yanks TK off the apron. Vinnie slips Taven the ring while the ref ejects Brandi now!

Taven puts himself back in position while Brandi leaves in a huff. Scurll SUPERKICKS TK down from the apron, then Hangman apron Shooting Stars Vinnie down! Cody returns his focus to Taven, but runs into the ring punch!!

Jackknife cover, The Kingdom wins!!

Scurll and Hangman run The Kingdom off, but the damage was done. Has Taven solidified both a future ROH WHC and World Six Man Tag Championship match for himself with this one win?

As for The Bullet Club…

Despite this frustrating loss, Cody, Marty and Hangman stand together and raise their hands in thanks to the ROH fans watching in person and around the world. Can they and The Bullet Club as a whole bounce back to sort this all out together?


Best Friends VS The Young Bucks!

Trent & The Kentucky Gentleman have been climbing the tag team ladders while Matt & Nick Jackson are no strangers to being tag team kings. With the Bullet Club turmoil hanging over their heads, can the Bucks keep afloat in the ROH tag team division?

The fans duel already while the Code of Honor is actually upheld. Matt starts against Trent and the bell rings. Trent and Matt circle, tie up, but separate when neither budges. They circle and tie up again, but when they find the result is the same, they back off again. Matt shows off his muscles with a chest flex, but Trent does the same. The fans rally again, Matt and Trent tie up again, Matt gets a headlock. Trent powers out but Matt shoulders him down. Things speed up, Matt trips Trent and goes for the sharpshooter, Chuckie T comes in and Nick gets him down. Now both Bucks want and get the sharpshooters but Best Friends scramble and get ropebreaks. Matt & Nick let Trent & Chuckie go, and let Best Friends regroup on the outside. Trent hydrates while Chuckie talks strategy: “Run right in and punch him in the face.” Trent runs in but gets caught into Nick’s drop toehold and Matt slingshots for a legdrop.

Chuckie runs in but gets a double dropkick that sends him back out. The Bucks bring Trent up and double whip, then double hip toss to double handspring and double low dropkick. The fans fire up for the Bucks while Nick returns to the corner. Matt brings Trent up, rocks him with a big haymaker, but Chuckie sneaks a tag before Matt whips. Trent reverses the whip, Best Friends double hip toss, but can only double somersault and double stomp. Then Best Friends do their best to mock the Young Buck flex.

Nick protests in the form of a flying crossbody that gets both Best Friends! He puts Trent in a corner with a buckle bump, Matt puts Chuckie in the opposite. The Bucks whip Best Friends but Best Friends reverse, the Bucks do-si-do but Best Friends evade. Best Friends run for corner-to-corner clotheslines, then back the other way, perhaps a shout out to a certain friend from Roppongi. Chuckie throws out Matt and then Trent clotheslines Nick out. Best Friends rally the fans before Trent builds speed, Trent FLIES!

He topples both Bucks, then says it’s Chuckie’s turn! Chuckie builds speed, but he and Trent just hug.

The fans love the Power of Friendship, but the Bucks slip back in to break it up. They kick and punch Best Friends, then Nick runs and Matt gives him the boost for a two-for-one alley-oop missile dropkick. Best Friends end up outside, but Chuckie springs back up onto the apron, only to take the headscissor dropkick. Now with them both down, the Bucks take aim at Best Friends, with Terminator kneels. The drums start up, the Terminators rise, and they build speed for the double DIVE!

With fans chanting “The, Elite! The the Elite!”, Matt & Nick hug!

Matt gives his brother a kiss on the cheek, but draws the line there. Nick gets Chuck up but Chuck throws Nick into barriers. Matt goes after Chuckie and then Trent. He grabs Trent and runs at a post for Sliced Bread, but Chuckie bails Trent out by catching Matt. Then Chuckie throws Matt for the long dart cutter!

The fans are thunderous, and Chuckie whips Nicke back into barriers! “I’m the strongest man in the world” he proclaims. He brings Matt up and into the ring, Trent reenters. Trent grabs Matt and hammers him down in the back. Chuckie gets a shot in, then Trent chops Matt off his feet. Trent flexes before tagging Chuckie in. Chuckie gives Matt a side backbreaker and then the bend, torturing that spine. Cover, TWO, but Chuckie keeps his cool as he stomps Matt. He tags back to Trent, Trent climbs up and then jumps for dumdum stomps on Matt’s back. Trent stalks Matt, but Matt gets himself to a corner. Chuckie tells ROH-only fans, “You don’t watch New Japan? His back’s messed up.” Trent keeps on Matt but Matt fights backs while the fans rally for the Bucks. Matt runs but into the kitchen sink knee. Chuckie gives Trent the sunglasses, “you’re so cool.” Trent brings Matt up, and puts him in the abdominal stretch. Chuckie helps Trent with leverage by holding his free hand, and Nick rushes in to protest. Trent lets Matt go then tags Chuckie in, Chuckie covers, TWO. Chuckie drives his knee into Matt’s spine, then up to whip him hard into turnbuckles. He knocks Nick down then brings Matt back up, and now Trent gives Chuckie sunglasses. Trent also returns the favor of holding Chuckie’s hand to stretch Matt’s back more. Matt refuses to give up, even as Chuckie drills elbows into the ribs. Chuckie lets him go, then flexes again. He tags Trent back in, Trent takes his time setting Matt back in the abdominal stretch. Chuckie even lights up a cigarette, and passes it to Trent! Trent smokes while stretching.

Chuckie again holds Trent’s hand to add onto the stretch, and Nick is furious right now. The referee finally catches what the “cool guys” are up to, and kicks apart their hand hold! The fans cheer for the ref while Matt hip tosses Trent down. Matt and Trent crawl for their corners while the fans rally, but Trent brings Matt back and clubs him down with a double ax handle. Trent continues to smoke while knocking Nick off the apron. He takes a couple extra puffs before turning around into a SUPERKICK!

The cigarette goes flying while Trent falls down! Both men are down again and Nick puts out the cig. The fans cheer and rally, hot tag to Nick! He rallies on Best Friends with all sorts of kicks, kicking Trent’s sunglasses off while giving Chuckie a corner Shining Wizard. Then he brings them both down with a bulldog-clothesline combo! Nick brings Trent over and tags Matt back in. Matt holds Trent for Nick while he gets in position. Matt smokes his imaginary cigar and puts it out on Trent’s back, then lifts Trent but his back gives out! Nick sees his brother in trouble and Matt pounds the mat in frustration. He crawls back over and tags Nick back in. Nick hurries to a corner and hits a big crossbody on Trent, TWO! Nick brings Trent up and whips corner to corner but Trent reverses, which Nick uses to triangle jump dropkick Chuckie away. He goes to the apron, shoulders Trent and then slingshots for the “You’re dead” facebuster!

Then the cartwheel asai onto Chuckie T! The fans are all fired up as Nick gets back on the apron. Matt returns and feeds off “The, Elite! The the Elite!” chants. He brings Trent back up but for the fireman’s carry. His back won’t allow it, so Nick helps him out. Matt holds Trent up and Nick returns to the corner but Chuckie is making his own return. Trent slips down and Chuckie trips Nick up, Trent hits a back stabber on Matt’s poor back! Trent then goes after Nick, SUPERPLEX!

Chuckie adds on the double stomps!

Trent covers, TWO!! Chuckie returns to the corner and tags in. The fans rally for the Bucks while Chuckie clubs away on Nick. He brings Nick over and tags Trent back in but Nick fights back with forearms. Trent blocks and puts Nick in the half-nelson, Chuckie feeds Nick Sole Food to feed into Trent’s Half ‘n’ Half! Chuckie shouts for the cover, Trent does, TWO! The Best Friends get a bit annoyed with each other, Chuck shouts to “Kill ’em!” Trent runs corner to corner and hits Nick with a big back elbow then immediately into a tornado but Nick powers out of the DDT. Nick tags Matt in but Matt is moving gingerly as he enters. He brings Trent up but Trent gets him with a back suplex! Matt writhes in pain, and Chuckie coaches Trent to bring Matt over. Chuckie scoops, wants another long dart but Matt slips out to shove Best Friends into each other! Best Friends go down, Matt staggers about but powers through. He hops up but Chuckie trips him up and Matt dangles from the second rope. Trent slides in for a low German Suplex!

Nick grows concerned for his brother, but Matt refuses to quit. Trent brings Matt up, the fans rally for the Bucks. Trent hops up again, but Matt springs up to yank Trent off, which bounces Trent off buckles! Now both men go down to bad backs. The fans chant “Too Sweet! Woop woop!” while Nick gets himself to the apron where Trent rests. Trent slowly stirs, Nick hits him with a dead-lift German suplex on the apron!

Matt SUPERKICKS Chuckie while Nick feeds Trent into the ring. Nick shouts for Matt to pick Trent up, but Matt hobbles into it. He manages to drape Trent on the ropes, and somehow they manage the swanton DDT!

Cover, TWO! Everyone is exhausted, but Matt wills himself to keep moving. The fans rally again, Nick takes Chuckie out by putting him into barriers. Matt climbs up, Trent rocks him with a forearm. Trent climbs up, clubs away on the bad back, and then catches his breath. Matt resists and knocks Trent down, and the fans cheer him on again as he adjusts. But Trent gets back up and chops him! Trent climbs back up, Super Steiner but Matt rolls through for the sunset flip! Trent rolls out of that to put Matt in the Sharpshooter! But Nick returns to SUPERKICK Trent!

Nick puts Trent in the Sharpshooter, but then Chuckie puts Matt into one as well! It’s dueling Sharpshooters, but from the illegal partners!

The referee has them both break the holds, and then have them return to their corners. The fans rally again, hot tags to Nick and Chuckie! They go at each other punch for punch, again and again. Nick gets an edge, roundhouses Chuckie then back kicks Trent. Shining wizard to Chuckie, but Best Friends already saw this once, Chuckie feeds Nick to Trent’s overhead suplex! Matt returns but gets a forearm to the back. Trent shows no mercy as he brings Matt back up, but Matt shows no quit as he spits on Trent! Trent throws Matt into Chuckie’s jumping knee, then hits Matt with his shotgun knee! Chuckie coordinates with Trent, and he brings Matt over for Trent to “Kill ’em!” While Chuckie keeps Nick down, Trent lifts Matt for an apron piledriver!!

Matt goes down in a heap, but Chuckie’s not done with him yet. He has Trent bring Matt up while he climbs, but while Trent puts Matt in Dude Buster position, Nick returns to trip Chuckie up! Nick then hops to the apron to Penalty Kickstart a Destroyer Piledriver!!

Nick climbs up top and takes aim at Chuckie, for a 450 splash!

TWO!! And no one can believe it! Chuckie crawls to a corner and Nick tunes up the band. He takes aim at Chuckie, runs in but misses, then Chuckie grabs him for a Awful Waffle running piledriver!

Matt breaks the cover!! Somehow Matt is still moving and the fans declare “This is Awesome!” The Young Bucks regroup, and Matt drags Nick over so he can tag in. Chuckie gets up and gives Matt one more backbreaker! Then another! And another! Chuckie fires up and shouts “Why won’t you die?!” He brings Matt up for a chop, then runs but into Matt’s desperation SPEAR!

Matt fires up, adrenaline helping him power through his back. SUPERKICK for Chuckie, but Trent tags in. Trent rolls Matt up, and even has some tights held, TWO! Trent’s anger boils over and he takes off his arm bands. He returns to Matt, but Matt SUPERKICKS him! SUPERKICK again! Nick returns, and with fans firing up for them, Matt uses all his strength but it’s not enough to scoop Trent. Nick comes back in to help his brother get Trent up. He returns to the apron, Penalty Kicks Chuckie down, then springboards for the MELTZER DRIVER!!

The Young Bucks win! Matt & Nick went superhuman here tonight, but is this proof that even the best tag team in the world today has their limits?


My Thoughts:

This was an astounding wrestling program, and all for FREE!! This “Free-Per-View”, as Colt Cabana put it at one point, really is historic and proof that ROH is primed to truly become the number 2 promotion based in America. I have quite literally no complaints about any of it, other than that 15 minute intermission turning out to be more like a 30 minute one. That, and perhaps in the WOH tag match, there should’ve been a story of dissension on both teams. Mandy can be the Pure Face in all this but I would think Ms. “All About Me” Tenille (Emma) Dashwood would’ve been a selfish Face that did the uncalled-for tags as opposed to Shadows & Klein. Either way, great to see Tenille & Mandy win to help Tenille make a big impact in ROH. And honestly, I’m hoping the winning team of Tenille & Mandy become finalists so that it’s Tenille VS Mandy, with Tenille going further towards Heel/Tweener territory. The winner could be either of those women and it could go a long way to raising the awareness towards WOH. The only other thing I would change is calling this a TRIPLE Main Event as opposed to Double because Lethal VS Gresham was that damn good. That match could’ve easily been for any title you wanted to make it for and it’d exceed expectations. I said it before, I really hope Gresham’s story is leading him down the road to reviving the ROH Pure (Wrestling) Championship because he really does deserve something. The only reason he doesn’t have a title is because of all the story and talent surrounding the ROH WHC and WTVC titles.

My Score: 9.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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