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Mitchell’s WWE Fastlane Live Report! (3/11/18)



All images courtesy of WWE’s official Twitter, and the WWE Network streaming service



  • Kickoff Match, Six Man Tag: Tye Dillinger & Breezango VS Mojo Rawley, Shelton Benjamin & Chad Gable; Dillinger & Breezango win.
  • Shinsuke Nakamura VS Rusev w/ Aiden English; Nakamura wins.
  • WWE United States Championship: Bobby Roode VS Randy Orton; Orton wins and becomes the new WWE US Champion.
  • Naomi & Becky Lynch VS Natalya & Carmella; Natalya & Carmella win.
  • WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championship: The Usos VS The New Day; no contest.
  • WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship: Charlotte Flair VS Ruby Riott; Charlotte wins and retains the WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship.
  • WWE Championship Six Pack Challenge: AJ Styles VS John Cena VS Kevin Owens VS Sami Zayn VS Baron Corbin VS Dolph Ziggler; Styles wins, and will face Shinsuke Nakamura at Wrestlemania 34.


The Show-Off will be in the Social Media Lounge!

Use #AskDolph for a chance to get your questions answered ahead of Dolph Ziggler joining the wild Six Pack Challenge for the WWE Championship!


Baron Corbin speaks.

“Everybody in the Six Pack Challenge tonight wants the same thing”, and that’s to be the WWE Champion. Well that’s funny, because the Lone Wolf doesn’t care what they want or what the fans want. He only cares about what he wants: Corbin wants to be “The Face of Disappointment”; Corbin wants to be the guy to ruin all their Wrestlemania Moments; and most of all, he wants to point to that Wrestlemania sign so that Dolph Ziggler, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, AJ Styles and John Cena remember him as the guy who took their dreams and turned them into nightmares. Will Corbin live his dream of ruining everyone else’s tonight?


Backstage interview with The New Day.

They’re ready to share pancakes with Charly, but she asks them their mind-set for tonight’s match. The Usos have said the New Day are soft and stale, but the New Day don’t care about what the Usos say. There is no team that embodies the E of WWE. People work multiple jobs just to come to these shows for entertainment. And no team entertains in or out of the ring better than The New Day! Usos say New Day is soft, stale, and stuck in the past, but then tell us how the New Day became four time tag team champions in a fraction of the time it took the Usos to become relevant?

Furthermore, the Usos became relevant off the hard work the New Day put in! Usos want to talk about #DownSinceDayOne, but that bond wasn’t their choice. The New Day chose to be brothers, to be Wrestlemania hosts, to be history-making tag team champions and to put the Tag Team Division back in the spotlight! Tonight, the New Day choose to leave the Usos laying while they become five time WWE tag team champions! And here, a pancake for the road. The New Day is fired up, but will they keep that flame burning or will the Usos put it out?


Sunil Singh and Jinder Mahal join the Kickoff Panel.

“The Modern Day Maharrrrrraja” says hello to everyone, but points out that he, “the Uncrowned United States Champion”, was left out of review packages. He stood tall over both Orton and Roode in recent weeks, so why is he not part of the match as a triple threat? The fans believe it’s because “Jinder Sucks!” This disrespect from the WWE Universe and SmackDown management is insulting, especially given Mahal being forced into a double header to try and become champion. Mahal has had a great year aside from this, such as not being on the SmackDown Top Ten List.

But that aside, Mahal brings up Roode as an “egotistical mania” and a “liar”! He wants to be the true United States Champion. Who does he want to face, then? It won’t matter! Mahal has gotten the best of them both! He will watch this match closely somehow, will he like what he sees when it’s all over?


The Social Media Lounge brings Dolph Ziggler his questions.

The Show-Off has a busy night ahead of him, but he feels like a million bucks. He’s waited for even a shred of a chance of main-eventing Wrestlemania as a world champion. Does he regret giving up the US Championship? No, not at all. At a certain point, you reach milestones, and sometimes those titles don’t mean what they should. Ziggler brings up “King” Booker T and his peasants, but Ziggler has just flat out stopped caring what the WWE Universe wants. He’s proven himself time and again, and he’s “got bigger fish to fry” tonight. In that case, are his best days behind him? No! Ziggler’s never been hurt, he’s always here, because he wants to prove how great he is, without giving a damn about what people think. Booker T likes what he hears!

Time for questions: “Do you thnik this might be your last chance at the WWE Championship?” Maybe. Every day could be the last chance to prove his legacy. Every live event, every SmackDown, even this Wrestlemania, could be his last. Can the Show-Off show the world that he isn’t done yet?


Kickoff Match, Six Man Tag: Tye Dillinger & Breezango VS Mojo Rawley, Shelton Benjamin & Chad Gable!

The Perfect Ten teams up with The Fashion Police to show #MojoRising and “American Alpha 2” aren’t #ReadyWillingAndGable to keep them down! Can he, Prince Pretty & WWE’s Lord of the Dance gain some ground in the SmackDown Singles and Tag Team Divisions?

The bell rings and Gable starts with Breeze. Gable baits Breeze in and catches him, to throw him back out. He tells Breeze, “You’re a joke!” while Fandango tags in. Fandango has Tye get him his wrestling head gear! The fans love how “serious” Fandango is taking this match. He ties up with Gable but Gable gets a waistlock and slam. Fandango takes off the head gear and tags out to Breeze. Gable gives Breeze an advantage, and dares the “moron” to do something. So Breeze says “giddy-up”!

Gable gets up and swings, but Breeze dropkicks back. Benjamin comes in but gets a dropkick. Mojo comes in, Fandango hits him with an atomic drop and Tye hits a dropkick of his own. Breeze goes after Gable, but Gable evades to monkey flip Breeze out and onto his face!

Control goes to Gable’s team while we go to break.

WWE Fastlane returns, and Benjamin has control of Breeze as he arm-drags and knee drops. Benjamin drags Breeze around into an armlock with chinbar, but the fans rally for Breeze. Breeze fights his way up and reaches for his corner. Benjamin reels Breeze in for an armbar DDT, cover, TWO. Benjamin tags to Gable, and they both lift Breeze for double knees, kicks and more knees. Cover, TWO, but Gable puts Breeze back in an armlock. Breeze endures and fans rally again. Prince Pretty gets up and reaches again, but Gable wrenches and reels him into an overhead belly2belly! Cover but Fandango breaks it, so Gable tags to Mojo.

Mr. Killer Instinct stalks Breeze, then gives him a swift jab. The fans taunt, “You Can’t Wrestle!” but Mojo ignores it to headbutt Breeze. Mojo says he doesn’t care about being a wrestling wrestler, and then carries Breeze into his team’s corner. He rams shoulder after shoulder then throws Breeze to the mat. Mojo stares Tye down and then points to laugh, before giving Fandango a sucker punch! Breeze revives and enziguris Mojo down! The fans rally while both men crawl, hot tags to Tye and Gable!

The Perfect Ten rallies! He sees Mojo coming and knocks him down, then gives Gable a running chop. Gable reverses the whip but Tye runs him over! The fans chant, “TEN! TEN!” and Tye lifts Gable. Benjamin saves Gable but Fandango takes out Benjamin. Gable reverses another whip and rolls Tye up, TWO! He comes right back with the rolling kick! Tag to Benjamin, Benjamin drags Tye up while Gable climbs up. Powerbomb lift but Tye fights out. Gable jumps into the Beauty Shot! Tye dumps Benjamin out for Fandango to take care of. Mojo rolls up Tye, TWO! SUPERKICK! Then, short Tie Breaker! Cover, Tye & Breezango win! Will this help them finally return to SmackDown television?


The Race to Wrestlemania is on.

There’s only so much time left before we reach The Grandest Stage of Them All, so every championship SmackDown has is on the line to see who earns a spot. The Road to Wrestlemania narrows, who will get through this high-speed collision course?!


Shinsuke Nakamura VS Rusev w/ Aiden English!

The King of Strong Style already has his spot at Wrestlemania thanks to winning the Royal Rumble. However, the Bulgarian Lion wishes to get payback for his friend, the Drama King. Can “Rusev Daaaaaay~” ruin the Rockstar’s ride down to New Orleans? Or will a new holiday emerge to change the WWE calendar?

The bell rings and Rusev circles with Nakamura while the fans duel with “Rusev Day!” “Nakamura!” Nakamura and Rusev feel it out, and Nakamura lunges in. Rusev blocks and floats to a waistlock to then throw Nakamura down. Cover, ONE, but Rusev gets hold of a facelock. Short fireman’s carry and cover, TWO, and now Nakamura gets a waistlock. Nakamura keeps Rusev from ropes, but Rusev reverses into a wristlock. Rusev digs an elbow into the armlock, then wrenches again. He reels Nakamura into a headlock but Nakamura powers out, only for Rusev to run him over. Rusev speeds things up but narrowly avoids a kick from Nakamura. He then runs out but into Nakamura’s block, flip and knee. Nakamura snapmares and knee drops, cover, ONE.

Nakamura brings Rusev up and wrenches his arm. Rusev knees low and rocks Nakamura with a haymaker. The fans keep dueling, and Rusev goes after Nakamura’s arm. He gives a quick shoulder breaker before wrenching the arm again. Nakamura rolls and cartwheels to reverse the hold. He gets a headlock but Rusev powers Nakamura to ropes. The ref calls for the break, but Rusev swings on Nakamura. Nakamura evades, and then says, “C’MON!”

Rusev doesn’t fall for it, he rolls out of the ring. He regroups with English to cool things off, but Nakamura still says “C’MON!” Rusev brushes it off, grinning as he paces. Nakamura dares Rusev to get in while the referee counts, but Rusev takes his time. He does reenter, to then exit again.

Nakamura gets fed up with that, and goes right after Rusev! He strikes, then puts Rusev on the apron for a big knee lift. Then a knee drop! Rusev goes down, and Nakamura puts him back in again. The fans keep dueling while Nakamura climbs up, but Rusev catches him with a full body attack! Rusev keeps on Nakamura by whipping him into barriers, then ramming him into the apron edge. He rams Nakamura into more barriers, then puts him back in the ring. Cover, TWO! Rusev keeps his cool as he stalks Nakamura. He stomps Nakamura, then drags him up by his hair into a cobra clutch. Nakamura endures the squeeze, and the fans rally. He fights out of the hold, then rolls Rusev into a heel hook!

Rusev reaches and crawls and gets the ropebreak. Nakamura lets go, but then swings a kick, to end up in a swinging side slam!

Cover, TWO! Rusev hobbles on that bad leg, the heel hook clearly did some damage for the short time it was on. Rusev glares at Nakamura before dropping running elbows. He slows down because of the bad ankle, but fans keep dueling. Rusev puts Nakamura into a half straitjacket hold. Fans rally and Nakamura gets up and fights out. Rusev knees low and backs Nakamura down, then whips to ropes. Nakamura evades, dynamic dropkick! Nakamura stands up and starts kicking away at Rusev’s chest. Rusev blocks one but not the other, and staggers to a corner. Nakamura runs in corner to corner for a knee, then lifts Rusev onto the ropes for the Top Shelf Knee! Cover, TWO!

Nakamura doesn’t slow down, he just rams knees into Rusev’s ribs. He drags Rusev up with a facelock, even a guillotine, but Rusev picks him up, only for that bad leg to bring him back down. Rusev tries again, but the leg keeps him down. Nakamura keeps squeezing, but Rusev uses what power he has to lift Nakamura for a Fall Away Slam! Rusev gasps for air, recovering while Nakamura is stirring. Rusev stands up first but Nakamura unleashes the strike fest! Nakamura runs, but into a pop-up knee to roundhouse! Cover, TWO! Rusev can’t believe it! He keeps gasping for air while Nakamura has eyes glazed over.

Rusev glares at Nakamura and stomps about to prepare himself. He throws in a kick but Nakamura rocks Rusev with more strikes. Rusev kicks back, kicking Nakamura’s legs, but Nakamura knees Rusev down for an ax kick! Nakamura takes aim, firing up for his finish, and runs in only for Rusev to side step him. Rusev then rolls Nakamura, TWO, into the Accolade! But Nakamura resists and reverses to a Sunset Flip, TWO! Nakamura swings a kick, Rusev ducks, but that second kick catches Rusev on the back end! Nakamura returns to a corner and takes aim. He runs out, but into a MACHKA KICK!!

Rusev is slow to a cover, and arrogant at that, TWO! And now Rusev is doubting himself. English and the fans chant “Rusev Day!” to encourage him. He says “MACHAK!” and goes for another Accolade, but Nakamura slips out to KINSHASA Rusev in the back of the head! Nakamura isn’t done there, he gives Rusev a KINSHASA to the front!

Cover, Nakamura wins! The King of Strong Style conquers the Bulgarian Brute, can he do the same to whoever he faces at Wrestlemania?


WWE United States Championship: Bobby Roode VS Randy Orton!

Regardless of what anyone thinks, or what Jinder Mahal says, this isn’t personal between The Viper and The GLORIOUS One. Roode wants to become the greatest WWE United States Champion ever, while Orton wants to check it off to finally become a WWE Grand Slam Champion. Who will take a step towards history with a victory here tonight?


The belt is raised, the bell rings, and we begin! Orton and Roode circle then tie up, Roode gets the waistlock. Orton gets the standing switch but Roode works his way out of the hold. Roode goes after the wrist, wrenches the arm and yanks on the shoulder. Orton drops to a knee, but stands back up to drop toehold Roode down. He puts Roode in the front facelock but Roode spins out, the fans applaud this momentary stalemate.

Roode and Orton tie up again, Orton gets the headlock. Roode powers out but Orton runs him over, then poses. Orton speeds things up but now Roode runs him over, and Orton gets to a corner. Roode stares Orton down from across the way before circling again. They tie up, Roode gets a headlock, but Orton powers out again. Roode runs Orton over and hits HIS pose. Now Roode speeds things up, Orton back elbows Roode down. Orton watches Roode get to a corner, and stares him down now. The fans chant “RKO! RKO!” for the Viper, but Roode just grins before tying up again.

Orton puts on another headlock, Roode powers him to a corner. Orton gives a European Uppercut in the break, but Roode chops him back. Roode checks his jaw before whipping Orton corner to corner. Orton comes out, evades and goes for the RKO but Roode narrowly avoids it. Roode catches his breath on the outside while Orton brushes off the chop. The ref begins a count but Roode comes in, Orton allowing him. Fans start dueling while they tie up again. Roode gets the headlock but Orton powers him to a corner now. The break is tense again, Roode catches Orton with a chop. Orton hits another EuroUpper then whips Roode corner to corner. Roode goes up and over and goes for the DDT, but Orton narrowly escapes now. Orton composes himself while Roode grins and fires up.

Jinder Mahal watches this backstage, and is apparently dressed to compete.


Mahal shakes his head while Orton walks back into the ring. Roode allows it, then they tie up again. They push each other at the ropes, going back and forth, but Orton ends up on the inside. The break isn’t clean as Orton kicks low and then hangs Roode up on that top rope. Cover, ONE, but Orton isn’t frustrated. Orton stalks Roode, stomping away as only Orton can. He drags Roode up to kick him in the ribs. Roode gets to a corner, and Orton gives him a haymaker. Orton whips corner to corner but Roode fires out with a lariat. Cover, ONE, and Roode takes a moment to catch his breath while Orton checks his shoulder. Roode stomps that hand, and a knee drop. Cover, TWO, but Roode keeps on Orton with a chinlock.

Orton endures, the fans rally, and Orton stands up. Roode keeps on him, shifting position to bring Orton back to his knees. Orton tries again, and fights out with body shots. Roode kicks back, then drags Orton up for a suplex. Orton blocks, and counters with his own suplex! Both Orton and Roode need a moment to catch their breath. Orton stalks Roode but Roode swings first, only to be countered with right hands. Roode evades and rallies with clotheslines! He gives on in the corner, then brings Orton out for a neckbreaker. Roode climbs up while Orton is down, takes aim at him, and hits a flying clothesline! Orton goes down again, and Roode fires up. He winds it up, and GLORIOUS Pose!

Roode grabs Orton, but Orton rolls, TWO! Now Orton rallies with clotheslines of his own, and evades Roode to hit the spinning powerslam!

Roode rolls to the apron but Orton knows what to do with this. The fans cheer while Orton drags Roode between the ropes. Orton has Roode but Roode throws Orton to the apron. Roode turns around but into a hotshot! Orton slithers in but runs into boots. Roode hops up again, GLORIOUS Blockbuster!


Cover, TWO! Roode keeps his cool while Orton gets himself to a corner. Roode chops Orton again, then whips corner to corner. Orton reverses but ROode goes up, only to be caught and put on the apron. Roode hits back but his shoulder is caught with a kick, then the Draping DDT! Fans cheer for it, and Orton hears the voices in his head. Orton stalks Roode, but Roode avoids another one. He kicks low, but Orton counters the DDT and sits on the sunset, TWO! Roode staggers but evades to clothesline Orton out of the ring. Roode catches his breath while Orton crawls on the ground. He then rolls out to stalk Orton. They go around the corner, and Roode whips Orton at the time keeper’s area, only for Orton to reverse and send him into those barriers! Then, ORton lifts Roode to back suplex him onto those barriers!

Roode writhes on the ground while the count reaches 7. Orton puts Roode in at 8, covers, TWO! Orton keeps his cool as he stands back up. He stalks Roode now, and drags him over to a corner. Orton hoists Roode up to the top then gives him right hands. He climbs up to join Roode, and prepares, but Roode resists. Roode tries to pry Orton off, and clubs him back. Roode has a plan, and adjusts, sunset flip and powerbomb! Cover, TWO! Roode slumps over, tiring out from this fight. He drags himself up and thinks on what he has to do to win. Roode gets himself back over to a corner and climbs back up top. Orton revives and trips him up! Orton climbs up again, and with a weakened Roode, he hits the top rope SUPERPLEX!

The impact was so strong, Orton can’t crawl to the cover right away. He makes it over to Roode, covers, TWO! Now Orton feels frustration over falling short of putting his opponent away. They both stand up and start throwing haymakers. Roode kicks, Orton kicks, Roode punches and Orton staggers. Orton comes back with a kick to the ribs but Roode punches back. Orton hits a EuroUpper, and another, but the third is countered to a backslide, TWO! Roode goes for the DDT, Orton slips out but the RKO is denied, GLORIOUS SPINEBUSTER! TWO! Roode is again at a loss for what to do. He sits, head in hands, as he thinks everything over.

Roode eyes the Wrestlemania sign, and stands up. He wont’ let Orton deny him, and grabs a waistlock. Orton elbows Roode back and Roode staggers to a corner. Orton runs in but into more boots. Roode hops up and jumps, but into the RKO!!

Cover, Orton wins! The Viper is the NEW United States and Grand Slam Champion!

Orton makes history, but he doesn’t celebrate long as Jinder Mahal comes out to the ring.

The Maharaja glares at The Viper, and the “Uncrowned United States Champion” storms right up to the ring. Mahal steps into the ring with Orton, and attacks the exhausted champion. However, Roode slides back in and hits Mahal with a GLORIOUS DDT!

The former champion then grabs the new champion, to give him a GLORIOUS DDT, too!

Roode’s mission of becoming the greatest United States Champion may be put on hold, but can he regain the gold when he has a rematch with Orton on the homestretch to Wrestlemania?


Sami Zayn finds Kevin Owens backstage.

Kevin is not in the mood to talk to Sami, or is Sami here to lie to him again? What is Kevin talking about? Sami knows what Kevin is talking about! Sami promises to lie down for Kevin in the main event but then Helluva Kicks him on SmackDown?! Yes, Sami did that, because he meant laying down in the championship match. Who cares about SmackDown? This is tonight, this is still Sami “your Guardian Angel.” Count on Sami to- Kevin leaves, not hearing Sami finish. Will Sami still keep his word? Or will Kevin get him before he gets Kevin?


Naomi & Becky Lynch VS Natalya & Carmella!

A war of words on social media led to a SmackDown singles match. Then a war of words backstage led to this tag team match! Which duo will down the other to step up towards the top of the SmackDown Women’s Division?

The Lass Kicker starts with the FABULOUS Ms. Money in the Bank. They tie up, pushing each other to ropes. Becky brings Carmella off the ropes and rolls her up, TWO, but Becky says it was close. Carmella shoves Becky, Becky shoves back. Carmella goes to slap but almost ends up in the Disarm-Her! She gets to ropes and screams for the break, to then sucker kick Becky. Natty tags in, and the Queen of Harts kicks Becky low before hitting a snap suplex. She walks on Becky and taunts Naomi but Becky rolls her up, TWO.

Becky arm-drags Natty, then brings her over to tag in Naomi. Double snapmare leads to double kicks, then Naomi hits the sliding slap! Cover, TWO, but Naomi keeps on Natty with a chinlock. Natty fights out and shoves Naomi, so Naomi kicks back. Naomi dodges a swing and headscissors Natty down! Natty ends up in a corner but dodges Naomi for the rebound sit-down and runs, but Naomi counters with a wheelbarrow stunner! She then drags Natty into position, hops up but Carmella distracts. Natty uses that to get Naomi with a sit-out powerbomb! Cover, TWO! Natty embraces the heat as she poses and taunts. Cover again, TWO, so Natty drags Naomi over to her corner. Carmella tags in, they both throw Naomi down by her hair, then split the wishbone.

Carmella keeps on Naomi and bumps her off her boot to then stomp a Fabulous Mudhole. She moonwalks away, then hits the Fabulous Bronco Buster! Cover, TWO, so Carmella grinds Naomi’s face into the mat. She drives elbows into Naomi before thrashing her in a chinlock. Carmella mocks the glow while fans rally for Naomi. Naomi gets up and fights back with wild body shots. Carmella slips out of the scoop to then yank Naomi down by her hair! She brings Naomi back over by her hair to tag in Natty. Natty brings Naomi up and snapmares into another chinlock. Natty taunts the Naomi fans but Naomi endurse while fans rally again. Naomi fights up and arm-drags out, but jumps for a tag only for Natty to carry her all the way back.

Tag to Carmella, and Carmella puts Naomi in a hanging headscissor hold! Carmella lets go at 4, then uses Naomi’s hair to pull her against the ropes! Naomi slaps Carmella, Carmella slaps her back, and then clubs away with forearms. She leaves Naomi on the apron to knee her back, covers, TWO. Tag to Natty, and Carmella whips but Naomi reverses to tackle Carmella into the corner! Natty comes in and pulls Naomi away, but Naomi escapes the back suplex to tag Becky! Becky rallies on Natty with clotheslines and a calf kick. She kicks and throws Natty with a Becksploder!

Natty ends up in a corner, and Becky takes aim. Becky runs for the Straight Fire-arm, but Natty puts her on the apron. Becky knocks Natty away then climbs up, and jump for the missile dropkick! Natty tags Carmella but Becky keeps rallying even on Ms. MITB. Carmella jawbreakers, Naomi tags in to roundhouse and sunset flip, TWO! Naomi whips but Carmella avoids Rear View. Carmella whips but Naomi tags while springboarding for the roundhouse. Becky climbs up again, and hits a super leg drop! Cover, Natty breaks it!

Naomi comes back in but Natty throws her out the other side. Becky throws Natty out, but Carmella evades in the corner. Becky back elbows and climbs up again, booting Carmella down. Natty distracts, allowing Carmella to hit the FABULOUS Steiner! Cover, Naomi breaks it just in time. Carmella gives Naomi a sucker punch, then hurries to get her briefcase! Becky intercepts, but still runs into a FABULOUS Kick!


Cover, Carmella & Natty win! Teamwork and deception win out, but will Carmella have the confidence to cash-in tonight?


WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championship: The Usos VS The New Day!

As if the amazing back and forth between these two teams during 2017 wasn’t enough, they go one more time in 2018! Can Jimmy & Jey finally earn a spot on Wrestlemania’s star-studded stage? Or will the Power of Positivity finally break out of the Penitentiary to prove why they’re the greatest in WWE now, then and forever?

The belts are raised and Jimmy starts with Xavier Woods. They trash talk, pointing to the Wrestlemania sign. Things get heated, and Woods throws the first punch. The brawl goes back and forth, Jimmy rocking with an uppercut. Woods whips but Jey tags in, then waits until Woods isn’t looking to slip in and SUPERKICK Woods down!

The Usos isolate Woods to stomp a mudhole into him in their corner, tagging in and out a la the New Day’s stampede. They even stomp to “New! Day Rocks!” rhythm. Tag back to Jey, and Jimmy holds Woods in for Jey to forearm smash. Cover, TWO, but Jey keeps on Woods with a chinlock. Woods endures the squeeze and fans rally for him. He gets to his feet and arm-drags out, then slides under to tag in Kofi! Springboard clothesline and Kofi rallies with double ax handles. He dropkicks Jey down, then Jimmy, then hits a jumping clothesline on Jey. Kofi runs, “New Day!” boom drop! He gets the fans going as he takes aim at Jey, but Jey blocks Trouble in Paradise. Kofi escapes the back suplex but not the dragon whip kick.

Tag to Jimmy, and Jey runs in only for Kofi to stomp him down. Kofi clotheslines Jimmy back out, not realizing he’s legal. Kofi sees Jey, and decides to copy the running hip attack! It connects!

But then Jimmy returns to run Kofi over! Mule kick to uppercut, Woods comes in but gets the pop-up Samoan Drop! Jimmy dodges Kofi to clothesline him back, and steal the Boom Drop! Jimmy then copies the New Day clap, and takes aim at Kofi, for a chance to steal Trouble in Paradise! Kofi ducks under, tries his own, but Jimmy dodges that to tag Jey. Jimmy scoops Kofi, Jey climbs up, and they steal the Midnight Hour!!

Jey hurries to cover, TWO!! Kofi survives his own team finisher, but Jey keeps eyes on him. He runs in corner to corner, but Kofi dodges the splash! Jey and Kofi are down, Woods is back on his corner. Kofi crawls over but Jey anchors his feet. Kofi kicks Jey away and tags Woods! Woods dodges Jey to knock Jimmy down, Jey rolls up, TWO. They speed up, SUPERKICK but Woods still hits the roaring elbow! SUPERKICK from Woods to Jey, Kofi swing kicks Jimmy and Woods SUPERKICKS again! Another SUPERKICK to Jey, and Kofi tags in. Kofi climbs up, takes aim, and Woods hits another SUPERKICK, then launches for the Uce Splash!!

He hits, he covers, TWO!! The New Day can’t believe it! They stole the Usos’ moves but it didn’t finish them off, either! Kofi tags Woods back in, and the two go to opposite corners. They’re preparing to steal another move, but Jimmy shoves Kofi down. Woods runs in but is sent out, and Jimmy gets his brother back up. The Usos build speed together, and they both FLY!

The Usos wipe out all of the New Day! All five men are down on the outside, when the Bludgeon Brothers appear!

The menacing Harper & Rowan head down to the ring, armed with their hammers. Big E gets up first, and gets knocked down first! The match is thrown out but the Bludgeon Brothers keep going, beating up each Uso and then Kofi and Woods! Kofi is sent flying into a post, and Jey is sent into stairs. Jimmy is fed to the Scrapbuster!

Big E is brought into the ring, as is Woods. Rowan puts Woods on the apron, for a double boot sandwich!

That’s not all for Woods, he suffers a double draping suplex! Then Harper & Rowan turn their attention to Big E in the corner. Harper rams Big E while Rowan throws Kofi, then Harper throws Big E out so Rowan can come around and run him over! The Bludgeon Brothers return their attention to the Usos, taking one each for the powerslam sandwich! They stack the Usos, then Harper becomes a weapon for the scoop slam senton. Rowan tops it off with the big body splash, but they’re still not done!

Harper sits Jey up against steps, and then they get the hammers. Rowan swings, but Jey narrowly avoids the hit! However, Harper just body checks Jey into the crowd! The Bludgeon Brothers start to leave, but then decide they’re not done with Woods yet. Harper sets up steel steps and Rowan brings Woods over, for a powerbomb to the steps!!

The Bludgeon Brothers finally leave, having completely annihilated the SmackDown Tag Team title scene. Who will even be left standing to claim those titles with Harper & Rowan around?


Backstage interview with AJ Styles.

The Phenomenal One has the odds stacked against him. What does that do his confidence? He’s been talking about the odds for weeks now, and compared to other WWE Champions, this is probably the hardest any champion has worked to get to Wrestlemania. But Styles has a smile on his face because he’s done this his entire life. Styles did the impossible and made it phenomenal. His Wrestlemania Moment starts tonight. Styles has beaten all of the men in this match tonight 1v1, so– Shinsuke Nakamura appears!

Nakamura wishes Styles good luck. Nakamura wants Styles to win so that at Wrestlemania- Just stop, Shinsuke! Styles will make it to Wrestlemania to defend the title and it’ll be Nakamura who gets beat! Nakamura seems to like the sound of that. Will both Nakamura and Styles get what they want on the Grandest Stage of Them All?


WWE SmackDown Women’s Championship: Charlotte Flair VS Ruby Riott!

The Squad leader and the Queen of Flair are each 2-0 on the other’s allies, and now one will get the clean sweep along with the title. Who will win to take the SmackDown Women’s Championship all the way to Wrestlemania?

The belt is raised, the bell rings, and it begins. Ruby gets the waistlock and wristlock, wanting her finish! Charlotte narrowly avoids that, and they circle again. Ruby gets the headlock and takeover but narrowly avoids the Figure Four. They circle again as “WOO!” echoes out with the fans. They tie up, Charlotte reversing a wristlock but Ruby grabbing hair. Charlotte gets to ropes and Ruby lets go, only to kick the rope to jack the jaw! Ruby puts on a headlock, Charlotte powers out, then catches Ruby for a Fall Away Slam!

Charlotte runs in but Ruby boots her away. Ruby hops up but Charlotte runs in again, only for Ruby to turn that into a sleeper. Charlotte bumps her off buckles but Ruby holds on, so they tumble to the apron and the floor! They both stand up but Charlotte rams Ruby into barriers. She then throws Ruby back into them, and then into the ring. Charlotte then spots someone creeping up behind, it’s Sarah Logan AND Liv Morgan!

The Squad has assembled, but Ruby is the one to strike with a sucker kick to the back of Charlotte’s head! Ruby puts Charlotte back in the ring, and hits the Riott Kick! Charlotte goes down, Ruby covers, TWO!? Ruby’s best move didn’t finish Charlotte? Ruby drags Charlotte up and dumps her out, then claims something got in her eye. This allows Sarah & Liv to slink around to where Charlotte is, but Naomi & Becky appear to back them off.

The Squad can’t do anything now that #RoyalGlowFire is all together. Ruby puts Charlotte in the ring and rains down rights to make up for that. The Squad cheers while the fans jeer, but Ruby hits Charlotte with a snap suplex. She rolls through to try another but Charlotte counters with a slingshot suplex! Ruby crawls away, Charlotte runs in but into a mule kick. Ruby uses Deadly Nightshade to ram Charlotte into buckles! She dumps Charlotte down again, then climbs up to fall back for the stage dive senton. Cover, TWO, but the Squad taunts Charlotte. Ruby drags Charlotte up and bounces her off the mat a couple times. The Squad applauds as Ruby drags Charlotte up into a straitjacket hold. Especially when Ruby adds her knees into it.

Charlotte endures the bending and stretching but fans are rallying for The Queen. Charlotte works her way back up to her feet, but Ruby bends her all the way back! Ruby gets on top of Charlotte, and makes her look at her friends. Ruby says “They’re gonna see you fail!” as she thrashes Charlotte around. The fans keep rallying, and Charlotte feeds off the energy to get up. Ruby reels her out for an STO! Cover, TWO, and Ruby grows frustrated. She stomps on Charlotte before going to a corner and climb up again. She cannonballs but gets knees to her back! Charlotte evades but Ruby puts up boots, only to end up in a draping neckbreaker! She doesn’t cover, she climbs over and up, but Ruby shoves her down! Charlotte hits barriers! Charlotte stirs with the ring count, so Ruby runs and DIVES! But she’s caught, into an exploder!

Ruby hits barriers, and Charlotte climbs up to then MOONSAULT on Ruby! Charlotte drags Ruby up and in, then covers, TWO! Charlotte tackles Ruby into the takedown but Ruby pushes her away. Ruby stands up, but Charlotte leaps for a big knee strike! Ruby staggers, Charlotte runs in, but misses and hits buckles. She still boots Ruby away, then climbs up, but Ruby rocks her with a forearm. Ruby climbs up, slapping Charlotte on the way, and hits a SUPER STEINER! Cover, TWO! And Ruby can’t believe it! She grimaces as she thinks of what to do next.

Ruby brings Charlotte up to give her chops! But Charlotte only grows stronger, and slaps Ruby back before giving her those Flair chops! Chop after chop after chop, then even more chops! Charlotte whips but Ruby holds ropes, only to end up in a backbreaker and shot into the ropes. Ruby gasps but kicks Charlotte back to push Charlotte into buckles! Then the Squad slink in to provoke Becky & Naomi! The referee catches Becky & Naomi, and ejects them! The Squad goes after Charlotte behind his back! But then the referee suspects something, and decides to eject Sarah & Liv! Now it’s back to just champion and challenger, as it was meant to be!

Ruby protests, but doesn’t see Charlotte returning. Charlotte chops, then back suplex, then boots! She’s not done, she puts on the Figure Four, but Ruby counters with a small package! TWO! Ruby wants another Riott Kick but Charlotte reverses to whip Ruby. Ruby goes up, but no Deadly Nightshade this time. Charlotte swings Ruby out then in for an inverted Alabama Slam on buckles!

Charlotte catches her breath as Ruby staggers and flounders in the corner. Ruby staggers out, Charlotte runs in, SPEAR! Then, Figure Four to Figure Eight!

Ruby taps, Charlotte wins! The Queen retains the SmackDown Women’s Championship! She gets the 3-0 sweep to keep her throne as the top woman on the Blue Brand!

Wait a minute, Asuka’s here?!

Raw’s Empress of Tomorrow is here on a SmackDown Pay-Per-View?! And she enters the ring to be face-to-face with Charlotte! Asuka did win the inaugural Women’s Royal Rumble match, and has yet to state which title she wants, so is this her way of challenging Charlotte? She has a huge grin on her face, and the fans are chanting “YES! YES!” Asuka then points at the Wrestlemania sign, that pretty much clears it up! If nobody is ready for Asuka, will Charlotte be ready for her in time for Wrestlemania?!


SmackDown Commissioner, Shane McMahon, appears!

Shane O’Mac is here to watch this important and incredible main event that he essentially had a hand in creating.



WWE Championship Six Pack Challenge: AJ Styles VS John Cena VS Kevin Owens VS Sami Zayn VS Baron Corbin VS Dolph Ziggler!

What was a triple threat eventually spiraled into a Fatal 5, and then finally slammed into this star-studded six man one-fall match when the Face that Runs the Place desperately wanted a Road to Wrestlemania! Whether it is John Cena making history as a 17-time world champion, the Phenomenal One keeping his Wrestlemania Dream (Re)Match alive, or one of the other four shocking the world, only one man can face the King of Strong Style on the Grandest Stage of Them All!

The tension mounts, the bell rings, and Sami runs right at Cena only to end up in an AA! Kevin tries, but he runs into an AA! Corbin tries, gets an AA! Ziggler, into an AA! Styles fakes Cena out, not letting Cena complete the set. The fans are fired up seeing this amazing match-up once again.

Cena and Styles circle, but the dueling chants are thunderous. They tie up, Cena gets the headlock, Styles powers out. Cena runs Styles over, and embraces the cheers, jeers and boos. Styles springs up to hit back, but Cena gives his own haymakers. They go back and forth, “Yay!” for Styles and “Boo!” for Cena. Styles misses, Cena gets the fireman’s, but Styles lands out of the AA to kick and go for the Clash. Cena counters into the fireman’s carry, but Styles slips out to the apron. Styles backs Cena off, but then everyone else returns. From Styles to Kevin to Sami to Ziggler and Corbin, they all eye Cena.

Cena realizes the situation he’s in, and so do the fans. They chant “YES! YES!” and Cena ends up in a 5v1 beating! He takes punches, stomps and kicks, then is thrown right out of the ring. That leaves the other five to brawl as they see fit! Kevin throws Styles out while Ziggler and Corbin force Sami out, but the brawls continue even on the outside. Styles rocks Kevin, but Corbin pounces on Styles! Ziggler puts Sami into barriers while Corbin does the same to Styles, then Corbin rocks Kevin with a forearm. Sami fights back on Ziggler while Corbin puts Styles in the ring. Kevin hits Corbin, Corbin bowls Kevin into barriers.

Corbin returns in the ring and Styles rolls him up, TWO! Styles dumps Corbin out, but then Sami grabs Styles. Standing switch and roll up, TWO, so Styles throws Sami out. Kevin comes in, whips but Styles reverses the pop-up into a roll-up, TWO. Styles hits Kevin with a wheelbarrow facebuster! Corbin returns but Styles kicks him to sliding forearm him down. Ziggler in, gets an Ushigoroshi! Sami runs in but into Styles’ boot. Styles hops up, moonsault DDT! Kevin breaks the cover, saving both “friend” and match. Sami slips out, leaving Kevin alone with Styles.

Styles puts Kevin on the apron but Kevin hits back. Kevin climbs up, but Styles revives to stop him short. They brawl while Styles climbs up, and Styles wants the superplex. Kevin resists, hits back and sends Styles down. Corbin returns to throw Styles out but Sami boots Corbin, for Corbin to boot back. Cena returns and runs Corbin over! Ziggler in, and hits Cena with the satellite DDT! But then Kevin frog splashes on Ziggler!

Styles breaks the cover just in time, and all six men are down. Kevin and Styles are the first up, the fans dueling again. Styles and Kevin brawl back and forth, a revisit from the US Championship rivalry. Styles unleashes a strike fest, Kevin breaks the combo with a right hand, but Styles hits the Pele! He hurries to bring Kevin into the Clash but Kevin sends Styles up and out. Corbin returns, but runs into a back elbow. He still grabs Kevin by the throat, for a Choke Slam Backbreaker! Ziggler in with the Zig-Zag!

But Cena’s back, and runs Ziggler over with the signature shoulder tackles. Cena hits Ziggler with the spin-out bomb, but he sees Sami coming in, so he uses another spin-out bomb to set Sami right beside Ziggler. Deja vu to Elimination Chamber, “You Can’t See Me!” and TEN Knuckle Shuffle! Cena targets Ziggler, fireman’s carry, but Ziggler counters with a Famouser!

Cover, TWO! Ziggler is frustrated, but stands up and stalks Cena. He tunes up the band a la HBK, and Cena stands, but dodges! Takedown, into the STF! Ziggler flails and reaches, but Styles returns to break up the hold. Cena staggers up, Styles grabs him in the Clash, but Cena counters with a fireman’s carry, only for Styles to counter back! STYLES CLASH!!

Cover, but Sami breaks it just in time! Sami rains rights down on Styles, then lefts, going wild on Styles. Corbin comes back in while fans declare “This is Awesome!” and brawls with Sami. Sami gets the edge but Corbin knees low to throw Sami out. Sami shoulders back in and bumps Corbin off buckles, only for Corbin to uppercut him out of his slingshot! Corbin runs at Kevin, but slides out then in to lariat Kevin! Styles returns, but runs into a deep Deep Six! Ziggler returns, but his satellite is thrown off, for End of- No, Ziggler slips out! Corbin runs at him, but Ziggler side steps to send Corbin out. Corbin lands on his feet and drags Ziggler out to toss him over barriers. The Lone Wolf pursues the Show-Off, ramming him into more barriers. Then Corbin barrels into Ziggler, busting him through the Plexiglas hockey boards!

Ziggler and Corbin are down and out, leaving things to Kevin, Styles, Sami and Cena. Kevin goes after Styles with a boot, then tears apart the American announce table! AND the German announce table! He puts Styles on one, and drags him to his feet. Kevin shouts, “This is MY show! MY title!” But Styles enziguris Kevin! Kevin falls to a knee, then falls to his stomach. Styles clobbers Sami into the time keeper area while Kevin stirs. Cena sees Kevin and the tables, and hurries over! Cena lifts Kevin in the fireman’s carry, but Kevin fights out. Styles runs in, but into the announce desk AA!!

Cena gets Kevin up and into the ring, but Kevin gets to a corner and boots Cena away. Sami clobbers Cena with a clothesline, but Cena ends up out of the ring. This leaves the “best friends” alone in the ring. Everyone is expecting something, and even Kevin expects a fight. But Sami reminds Kevin the promise he made. Sami is a man of his word, so he’s going to do it. The fans want a fight, but Sami lies down!

Kevin isn’t sure if he can trust this, and fans sure don’t want it this way. But Sami says this is Kevin’s chance, so do it! Kevin doesn’t trust Sami, he grabs Sami by the throat, but then Sami counters with a small package! TWO! And then they brawl! That’s what fans want!

The fight spills to the outside, Kevin putting Sami right into barriers. Kevin then brings Sami into bomb position, and lifts Sami up, but Sami saves himself by grabbing ropes. Kevin joins Sami on the apron and tries from there, but Sami resists to back drop Kevin onto the apron. They both fall to the floor, and Shane sits nearby to watch and enjoy it. However, Sami locks eyes on Shane. “Is this what you wanted? Got a good enough seat, Shane?!” Shane stands up to Sami, but Sami continues to accuse the “tough guy” of conspiring to drive the two apart. Sami sees Kevin coming and dodges, the SUPERKICK goes into Shane!

Kevin sees what he just did but isn’t all that bothered by it. Sami then hits Kevin with the daredevil DDT! Sami is enraged while the fans continue to say “This is Awesome!” He drags Kevin up and in, and takes aim from opposite corners. Sami runs but into the SUPERKICK! Ziggler returns, but Kevin bucks the Zig-Zag away to then Pop-Up Powerbomb! Cover, Shane drags the referee out?! Shane screws Kevin all over again! Kevin glares at Shane, but then Sami HELLUVA Kicks! Only for Shane to drag Sami out! Now Shane’s screwed Sami all over again! Ziggler uses this opening to go for a cover, but Sami breaks the cover just in time! Shane backs off to his seat again while Sami, Kevin and Ziggler are all down.

Corbin returns, and runs Cena over with steel steps. Corbin puts the steps into the ring, and takes aim to run Sami over. He aims at Ziggler and runs Ziggler over. Then he hits Kevin. Corbin grins as he sees Cena returning, dazed and wobbly. Corbin runs at Cena, but Cena blocks the steps! Cena kicks Corbin and hits him with the stairs, three times! Cena puts the steps down, and lines it up. Fireman’s carry, AA to the steps!

Cover, but Ziggler barely breaks it in time. Corbin gets away, and Cena feels the frustration. Ziggler crawls to ropes, Cena lifts the steps, and tosses them! Ziggler evades and SUPERKICKS, but Cena back with an AA! Roll through, to another- No, Kevin is back and he hits Cena with the Pop-Up Powerbomb! PHENOMENAL FOREARM OUTTA NOWHERE!! Styles wins!! Styles uses the chaos to his favor to defy the odds and retain the WWE Championship! That keeps the Wrestlemania Moment he and the King of Strong Style both wanted right where it is!

But while Styles basks in Phenomenal glory, Cena wallows in uncertainty. Is there no way for the still only 16-time world champion to make it to Wrestlemania 34?


My Thoughts:

There was a lot of confusion and awkwardness in the build to this SmackDown-only PPV, but Fastlane itself did a lot to push that aside and give us great action tonight. They didn’t really give much time to advertise the kickoff’s six man tag, but the match itself was pretty good considering how poorly Tye, Mojo, Breezango & Benjamin-Gable have been used. If anything, that match should be reason enough to give these six to do relevant things in the near future. Opening the main show with Nakamura-Rusev, and in an extended match, was a really good move for everyone. It gives people exposure to Nakamura, it gives fans plenty of Rusev, and therefore gets the show heated up right away.

Though, the opening pace of Roode-Orton kinda killed some of that. It got better by the end but it would’ve been great if they managed some of the energy created by Nakamura-Rusev. Mahal coming out was somewhat telegraphed by the kickoff as well as his backstage viewing, but I thought it would’ve been as interference. Him just calling out Orton was better, actually, especially with Roode ruining Mahal’s attack while also attacking Orton. Many feel the plan is a triple threat for the US Championship, and that can still work with how this was set up at the end. The Women’s Tag was fun, with only a few mishaps, and mostly surprising that Carmella won.

The Smackdown Tag Team title match was full of great surprises, like both teams using the other’s signature moves to try and defeat them. It speaks to how familiar they are with each other after all the matches they’ve had. Then Harper & Rowan showing up to “ruin” the match and brutalize all five of them was incredible. I don’t know why the Wyatt Family wasn’t used like this when it was three (and then four) of them, but given the kayfabe injuries for Xavier Woods and how this has become personal for the Usos and New Day, I imagine another triple threat for SmackDown at Wrestlemania with these three teams.

The SmackDown Women’s Championship match was great. Ruby was able to keep up with Charlotte, and there was some good story with The Squad, Naomi & Becky showing up, to then get banned later. Charlotte winning was expected, but Asuka showing up was not! It’s great to see her going after the champion who would give her the best match, but it did keep Carmella from cashing in. Maybe Carmella will try in the last four weeks we have before Wrestlemania, but maybe she will wait until after.

Then that Six Pack Challenge, that was a really great match. The Fatal 5 from last SmackDown was fun, and this did improve upon it thanks to Cena’s presence. I didn’t expect him to dish out so many AA’s just to start things off. Shane just can’t help himself, though, can he? This speaks a lot to what we’ve heard about the rest of the ‘Mania card, though… Styles VS Nakamura is still happening, so that’s great. Cena’s fate is still undetermined, but that might lead to something really great for him and fans.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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