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Mitchell’s WWE Monday Night Raw Live Report! (3/19/18)




All images courtesy of the WWE’s official Twitter



  • Asuka VS Alexa Bliss w/ Mickie James; Asuka wins, by count out.
  • Braun Strowman VS ???; Strowman wins.
  • The Revival VS Titus Worldwide w/ Dana Brooke; The Revival wins.
  • Absolution w/ Paige VS Sasha Banks & Bayley; Absolution wins.
  • Six Man Tag: The Miztourage VS The Balor Club; Balor Club wins.
  • ULTIMATE DELETION: WOKEN Matt Hardy VS Bray Wyatt; Hardy wins.


Raw General Manager, Kurt Angle, heads to the ring.

The Olympic Gold Medalist welcomes Dallas to the show, and says that he has some bad news. Roman Reigns is still suspended from last week, so he will not be here tonight. Brock Lesnar is also not here yet, but Vince McMahon promises that Lesnar will appear. Angle moves on to the Raw Tag Team Championship Battle Royal, and how Braun Strowman entered and won, despite having no tag team partner. Therefore, Angle promises to figure out the situation. But before he can explain, Roman Reigns does appear!

The Big Dog walks to the ring from the crowd, despite being suspended. Fans are thunderous both ways for the Universal Champion’s #1 contender. Angle asks what Roman is doing “trespassing”. Roman doesn’t care, because Brock wasn’t here week after week, so someone has to represent the main event. Angle says Brock will be here, but Roman wonders where. All these promises but nothing. Lesnar is just running late. Roman is upset, Angle knows, but they can’t do that in here. But Roman got suspended for what? Telling the truth!? Angle wants Roman to understand that while Lesnar doesn’t show up and Roman wants to get his hands on him, Roman will still get him in three weeks. Roman just has to be patient.

Angle promises it will happen. Roman understands, but he still doesn’t care. They’re in Dallas, Texas, and he has a bunch of memories here, but he won’t leave until he makes one more. Angle needs to go tell whoever is back there to bring Lesnar out, tonight. With that, Angle heads to the back, Roman waiting with a chair in hand. But instead of Lesnar coming out, U.S. Marshals come out, and enter the ring to arrest Roman.

They even read him his rights. Roman doesn’t resist, he lets them put on the cuffs. He then walks with them but takes offense to them grabbing him by the arm. They try to force him to move, and he fights back! Even with cuffs on, he fights off the three marshals, and stomps a mudhole into one! That’s when The Beast appears! Roman tries to use the chair, but Lesnar evades, German Suplexes, and SMACKS Roman with that chair! All the while, Paul Heyman lifts up the title belt to signify Lesnar’s victory. Then a second German Suplex, and Lesnar looms over Reigns, chair in hand. The referees try to stop Lesnar, but he gives one more SMACK to Roman with the chair.

The Big Dog is vulnerable, and takes a third German Suplex! Fans are still a raucous mix as Lesnar SMACKS Roman a third time, then a fourth time, with the chair. Lesnar says, “Suplex City, Bitch!” before he and his Advocate take their leave to a chorus of boos. The referees finally check on Roman, but Lesnar returns! A fifthsixth, and even seventh chair shot before a fourth German Suplex. Lesnar laughs, and now “the reigning, defending, undisputed” champion leaves. Never mind, he returns to finish Roman with the F5!! And Lesnar roars in victory.

Now Lesnar leaves, having done enough. Medical personnel arrive with a stretcher and strap Roman in while anti-Roman fans chant “You Deserve It!” They move Roman from ring to ramp, but Lesnar returns?! And he shoves Roman’s stretcher over!! The Beast laughs and grins again, then drags the stretcher and Roman around. Roman is in agony but Lesnar leaves, feeling triumphant. Wrestlemania is weeks away, but can Roman hope to recover and seek revenge on The Beast?


Roman Reigns finally makes it to an ambulance.

With things having calmed down, medical professionals can finally get the #1 contender out of the building. Will Roman be able to recover in time for Wrestlemania?


Raw looks back to last week.

Asuka wanted to explain her choosing Charlotte Flair over Alexa Bliss, but Alexa Bliss interrupted. The Goddess spins it as Asuka is afraid to lose to Alexa, but the Empress set it straight: “I beat you once, I can beat you again, right now!” But instead of Alexa fighting for herself, she hoped Nia Jax would take her place. Nia chose not to, and Mickie James tried but took a loss at the hands of Asuka.

Alexa found Nia and assured her they were best friends. Nia destroyed Joan King, but then found out the truth about The Goddess: she was manipulating Nia the entire time. “Just like high school.” Nia flew into a rage, and Alexa ran for her life. The Irresistible Force wants to destroy Alexa Bliss once and for all, will she get her hands on the Raw Women’s Champion tonight?


Asuka VS Alexa Bliss w/ Mickie James!

The Goddess has really put herself in a bad situation. She was safe from The Empress, since Asuka’s headed to SmackDown to take on the Queen of Flair. But then her ego got the better of her, and she mouthed off about the wrong woman. If Alexa doesn’t get beat up too badly against Asuka, will Nia Jax be there to finish the job?

Before the match, Alexa wishes to speak. “I get it, you’re right. Last week, I said some things about my best friend” that were very hurtful and wrong. Alexa claims it was all joking, that it was “girl talk.” She admits she got carried away, and can only say, “I’m sorry.” The fans boo, not believing this apology. She apologizes that she didn’t say it sooner! Even “sorry” felt wrong. Alexa doesn’t feel bad at all about what she said. Nia was humiliated in front of the world, and Alexa loves it. Alexa admits she used Nia. Does anyone think someone like Alexa would be friends with someone like Nia? But Alexa does feel better finally lifting that weight of “sad pathetic loser” known as Nia. Mickie cracks up but the fans boo and jeer. Alexa says that she’ll do what no one else has: end Asuka’s undefeated streak.

Asuka makes her entrance at this moment, and the match begins, after the break.

Raw returns to the match in progress, and Alexa slams Asuka’s face into the mat. She drags Asuka to the ropes to bend her back against the ropes, but lets go at 4. Asuka hits back but Alexa slaps harder. She brings Asuka up and back to ropes to push her against them. Alexa backs off but Mickie claws at Asuka. Mickie gets back and Alexa stomps a mudhole into Asuka before throwing her out. Mickie gets another cheap shot in, then Alexa fetches Asuka to bump her off the apron. Alexa taunts Asuka and her fans before bumping her again. They return in the ring, Alexa covers, ONE. Alexa puts Asuka in the chinlock, but fans rally for The Empress! Asuka gets up, fights back, then sweeps but Alexa hops over to dropkick Asuka. Cover, TWO, and Alexa grows frustrated.

Alexa bumps Asuka’s face off the mat again, then drags her up into a chinlock. Asuka endures the new squeeze while fans rally again. She fights out but Alexa knees low. Alexa goes to throw Asuka out but Asuka turns that around to snap Alexa off the ropes. Asuka runs, evades, and hip attacks Alexa down! Alexa gets to a corner but gets another hip attack, then a strike fest and pop-up knee! Asuka runs again, shining wizard! Cover, TWO! Asuka fires up while Alexa gets to a corner. Alexa evades but Asuka kicks back. Asuka hops up, takes aim, but Mickie distracts. Mickie runs when Asuka swings on her, but Alexa pounces with that rocking right forearm! Alexa then kicks Asuka out of the ring and to the floor, where Mickie gets yet another cheap shot in.

Alexa takes a moment to catch her breath before bringing Asuka in for a cover, TWO! She puts Asuka in another chinlock, but fans  don’t give up on Asuka! Asuka feeds off that energy and fights out, throwing Alexa down. Asuka unloads kicks, but Alexa kicks back, then rains down hands. Cover, ONE, so Alexa throws Asuka out one more time while we go to break.

Raw returns to Alexa literally walking on Asuka to get to the corner. Alexa climbs up, but Asuka stops her with a right hand! Asuka climbs up to join Alexa, but Alexa resists. Alexa headbutts Asuka off, then hops over to sunset flip powerbomb!

TWO!! And The Goddess throws a tantrum. She drags Asuka up, bends her back with the choke hold, but then Asuka gets free, only to end up in the neckbreaker anyway. Alexa tries Insult2Injury but misses the latter, Asuka hits the hip attack! Cover, TWO, but Asuka doesn’t lose focus. She fires up and brings Alexa up, going for her Lock. Alexa slips under, Asuka sits on her, TWO, into an Ankle Lock! Alexa reaches for ropes but can’t get hold, so she rolls, only for Asuka to keep that grip! The referee keeps Mickie from helping, but Alexa still gets the ropebreak. Asuka lets go and Alexa regroups with Mickie. The referee keeps Asuka back to start a count. Mickie grabs the belt and helps Alexa up, they’re retreating! The count hits 10, the Streak lives on as Asuka wins.

However, Alexa can’t get away as NIA JAX appears! Nia runs Mickie right over, and chases the not so hurt Alexa around the ring! She grabs Alexa at the barriers, Mickie saves Alexa but gets thrown into the LEDs face first for it.

Nia shrieks but Alexa retreats, so Nia keeps chasing, all the way into the back! Will the Goddess have to face the wrath of this titan down the line?


Alexa Bliss visits Kurt Angle.

Nia is out of control! Suspend her! No, arrest her! Angle’s had enough arrests and people telling him what to do. He saw what Nia did, and knows what Alexa said last week, as do many other people around the world. The Women’s Champion should be a role model. This is what Angle will do about Nia: she gets a title match against Alexa, at Wrestlemania. Things went from bad to worse for The Goddess. Will her Wrestlemania Moment be her demise?


Braun Strowman heads to the ring!

The Monster Among Men knows that he won the Raw Tag Team Battle Royal by himself. Strowman has not a road, but a Path of Destruction to Wrestlemania. However, as it is a tag team match, he must have a tag team partner. Strowman feels he doesn’t need one, he can win the titles by himself. However, The Bar appear to respond.

“Hey Braun, you need to hold on a second there, fella.” He’s insane thinking he can win 2v1. Yes, he won the battle royal, by himself, but throwing people around is different from defeating “the greatest tag team in the history of the WWE.” But since teaming is hard for Strowman, Cesaro explains that it takes months of working together, working out together, traveling together, sleeping together. Er… “Oh grow up, he means room together.” But the point is, The Bar optimizes everything to be the best. Strowman could get Black Panther, Captain America, or even Jerry Jones, he won’t stand a chance at Wrestlemania. Sheamus & Cesaro will walk in and walk out still Raw Tag Team Champions, because–

“Would you two shut the hell up!?” How dare Strowman say that to them! Sheamus & Cesaro have beaten every team on Raw, Strowman and his partner won’t change that. What Lesnar did to Roman is nothing compared to what The Bar do to Strowman’s team. Well Strowman has two things The Bar need to worry about: Strowman has his partner, and that Strowman gets a match against one of them right now! Who wants to #GetTheseHands?!

Braun Strowman VS ???

The Celtic Gladiator and Swiss Cyborg both shed their entrance gear and both get on the apron. They both enter the ring, but Sheamus slips right out! Seems it’s Cesaro taking on Strowman.

The bell rings and Strowman throws Cesaro to a corner to then whip him into the same corner. Sheamus coaches Cesaro on but Strowman whips him corner to corner to flatten him. Strowman whips Cesaro again, Cesaro tumbles all the way out of the ring! The Monster roars while we go to break.

Raw returns to Strowman bumping Cesaro off buckles, but Cesaro jumps on him for a sleeper. Strowman repeats the bump but Cesaro boots back a couple times, and even another. He gives a European Uppercut, then a hotshot to Strowman’s arm. Sheamus coaches Cesaro as he keeps on Strowman, but that suplex isn’t going to work. Strowman lifts Cesaro, but Cesaro slips out to dump Strowman out. Cesaro kicks Strowman, then runs to wrecking ball Strowman to barriers! Strowman picks Cesaro up to flapjack him off the barriers in return! Sheamus distracts, but backs down as Strowman walks over. The fans rally, but Cesaro flies in, only to get a spinebuster into barriers! Strowman tosses Cesaro into the ring, and stalks him to a corner. He runs in, but Cesaro dodges to send Strowman into post!

Cesaro dropkicks Strowman deeper into the post, then drags him up for EuroUpper after EuroUpper. He kicks Strowman and prepares the Neutralizer, but Strowman picks him up to throw him out.

Cesaro returns for the hotshot, then runs for a springboard flying EuroUpper! Cover, TWO, and Cesaro is shocked. Sheamus rallies for Cesaro while Cesaro brings Strowman up again. Strowman throws Cesaro off with a back body drop, Cesaro tries the springboard, but flies into Strowman’s punch. Strowman flattens Cesaro in the corner again, but Sheamus distracts. Cesaro slips out and regroups with Sheamus, so Strowman slips out and runs over, only to run Sheamus over instead! Strowman returns into the ring and runs at Cesaro, but misses again. Cesaro tries the roll up but Strowman brings him up. Another EuroUpper, then more boots, Cesaro flies into Strowman’s arms, and the Monster Slam! Strowman wins! The Monster Among Men did it alone once again, how will things go when he has that partner by his side?


The WOKEN Wisdom speaks from the Hardy Family Compound.

Matt Hardy invites the WWE Universe to witness and document the events of tonight. His beautiful wife, Queen Rebecca, plays the piano while King Maxwell and Lord Wolfgang look on. Hardy does this for his progeny, including ridding this plane of “the dastardly” Bray Wyatt. Vanguard One, go on patrol to keep an eye out for the Consumer of Terrestrial Entities. Senor Benjamin prepares the battlefield for… ANNIHILATION~! Will Ultimate Deletion bring an end to the eternal Great War?


The Revival VS Titus Worldwide w/ Dana Brooke!

While neither team won the #1 contender battle royal, they still want to climb the ladder towards the top of the Raw Tag Team Division. Will Dash & Dawson #SayYeah or will the Real Deal and Apollo #MakeItaWin?

Dash starts with Titus and chops him in a corner. Titus brushes that off to throw and chop Dash back. Dawson comes over but Titus brings him in for a chop. Titus goes to slam Dawson but Dash dropkicks him from behind. Dash throws hands, then tags in Dawson to be a human weapon, leg drop!

Dawson covers, ONE, but Dawson keeps on Titus with hard hands to the head. He stomps a mudhole into Titus, then tags in Dash, so they can mug Titus together. Dash taunts Apollo while stomping Titus, then tags Dawson back in. Titus keeps them from splitting the wishbone, tag to Apollo! Apollo rallies on the #TopGuys, dropkick for them both! He hits Dawson with the leaping lariat and kip-up to standing moonsault. TWO, but Apollo keeps his cool. Dash distracts, Dawson pounces with a right forearm, but Apollo gives them back.

Dawson tries a backslide, but Apollo dropkicks Dash to slip out then roll Dawson, TWO! Apollo drags Dawson up but Dash trips up Titus. Titus grabs Dash but is rammed into the apron! Apollo slingshots onto Dash, then knocks Dawson away with a forearm. Apollo climbs, flies, crossbody but roll through, TWO! Enziguri rocks Dawson, but as Apollo lifts, Dash tags in. Dash comes in, Apollo is 2v1, whip and SHATTER MACHINE! Cover, The Revival win! The Revival out maneuvers Titus Worldwide, will they be able to get a title match after Wrestlemania?

In-ring interview with The Revival.

With The Bar going up against Strowman’s team, what is their path to Wrestlemania? That’s a good question, because no other tag team is more qualified than them to be contenders. Strowman came into their world, now the Revival will enter his. They both declare for the Andre the Giant Battle Royal, and vow to be the first tag team to win it. Can Dash & Dawson get a Wrestlemania Moment in something not related to tag teaming?


WWE announces the next 2018 Hall of Fame inductee: Mark Henry!

The World’s Strongest Man came from the small town of Silsbee, Texas, went on to be an Olympic weight lifter, and then a fast-rising WWE superstar. He was also “Sexual Chocolate”, as he could be as smooth and romantic as he could be athletic and dominant. Then, after time away, he would return to create his Hall of Pain, dominating and destroying superstar after superstar. He is also an International Sports Hall of Fame inductee, and would become an Ambassador for the WWE in many facets. Now the Hall of Pain shall be immortalized in the Hall of Fame!


Absolution w/ Paige VS Sasha Banks & Bayley!

While the Glampire’s Gladiator & God’s Greatest Creation are a united front ready to take on any one, the Legit Boss and Huggable One have been up and down in their friendship as of late. Can Bayley & Banks hold it together long enough to win? Or will their bond break under the pressure?

However, Sasha wishes to speak before the match begins. When you have a problem to someone, you don’t walk away or talk behind their back, you do it face to face. Sasha says Bayley is still her best friend, and she wants to fix things. She knows she hurt Bayley’s feelings in two different “every woman for herself” matches, but that’s how it goes. It wasn’t about their friendship, it’s about winning titles. Bayley didn’t win anything when she ditched her in a tag match or walked away last week. They’re even, two and two, so as “sisters”, Sasha forgives Bayley. Sasha offers a handshake, but Bayley declines in order to respond.

“The night after Elimination Chamber”, Bayley was angry and acted impulsively. There was nothing lost when Bayley did those things, but she can’t get over any of it. It’s not about what Sasha did, but how. They know each other so well, and yes, Sasha does whatever is needed, but “the look on your face after you did it”, from the glare to the smirk, it ate away at Bayley. Sasha literally kicked Bayley down and watched her fall, smiling. “I can’t get that picture out of my head.” If they’re friends, then why was knocking her down so easy? Absolution makes their entrance, and Paige adds on.

Paige “apologizes” for interrupting if they’re trying to work something out, but it’s time for a match. Absolution will show you how real women settle scores. Everyone gathers in the ring, and we start with Sasha and Sonya. Sonya lunges in but Sasha puts her in a corner for shoulders. Sasha backs off, dodges, and slaps Sonya before putting her back in the corner. Sonya dodges and sucker punches Bayley, to then throw Sasha out to join her. Absolution enjoys controlling the ring while we go to break.

Raw returns again, to Mandy with Bayley in a chinlock. The fans rally for Bayley, and she fights her way up and out. Mandy puts her in a corner but Bayley turns it around to bump and bump Mandy off buckles.

Bayley lets up at 4, then gives one last bump to knock Mandy down. Cover, TWO, Bayley runs for the sliding elbow and then lariat. Bayley covers again, ONE, but Bayley keeps on her. She runs, Sasha tags, elbow drop and Sasha pushes Bayley aside for the cover, ONE. The tension grows again, but Bayley lets Sasha give double knees. Mandy dodges the second time, and throws Sasha down. Cover, TWO, but Mandy tags in Sonya and Absolution stomps a mudhole into Sasha together.

Sonya embraces the heat, then toys with Sasha. She sits Sasha up for the sliding knee to the back, cover, TWO. Sonya drags Sasha up into the bodyscissors squeeze, taunting Sasha to reach for anything. Sonya rolls Sasha but fans rally for Sasha. Sasha gets up with Sonya on her back, and snapmares Sonya off, only to get picked up and slammed!

Cover, TWO, but Absolution keeps calm. Sonya kicks Sasha, tags in Mandy, and then brings Sasha up to feed her to Mandy’s golden knee! Cover, TWO! Mandy rains rights on Sasha, then covers, TWO. Mandy wrenches Sasha’s arm, and puts her in a cross between Abdominal and Octopus. The fans rally again, and Sasha pops out to hip-toss Mandy down. Mandy dropkicks Sasha right back, then isolates her to tag in Sonya. Absolution mugs Sasha in the corner, Mandy tags back in, and the isolation continues.

Sasha fights her way out, then crawls for Bayley. She’s almost there, but Sonya pounces. Sasha fights back, knee counter, and Bayley tags in! Bayley rallies on Sonya! She puts Sonya in a corner for a mudhole stomp of her own, then throws her to the apron for the hotshot. She keeps going, saido suplex and the back elbow. Bayley climbs up, flies for the elbow, then covers,. Mandy breaks the cover, but Sasha is right on her! The referee is busy with them, so he doesn’t see the backslide! He’s late to it, ONE, and Sasha won’ts top fighting Mandy. Bayley tells Sasha to get her head into things, but Mandy comes in, they both elbow her down. Sonya pounces while they argue, and rocks Bayley with a roundhouse! Sonya covers, Absolution wins! The “friendship” just cost them a win, will they ever get things figured out?


JOHN CENA is here!

Dallas sings “John Cena Sucks~!” for The Face that Runs the Place as he heads down to the ring. “This is not your typical Monday Night Raw”, because “everything is bigger in Texas.” Cena challenged The Undertaker last week, and it’s either “Yes or No.” Now we all find out what the answer is! Cena is still amazed at how long Taker is hiding from embarrassment. But Taker thinks we think he no longer belongs. “That is absolutely ridiculous. As long as there is a WWE, the name ‘Undertaker’ has meaning!” Cena has asked around the world, and we all saw an audience brought to their feet at the mere mention of the name. How does Dallas feel about it? They cheer, and chant “YES! YES!” for the possible match. Well, hearing is the first thing to go, so be louder! And Dallas gets louder!

Cena says “hold on to your seats”, because the response to the Wrestlemania challenge is: nothing but silence. Neither yes nor no, just nothing. “And that is the biggest mistake the Undertaker has ever made.” Cena meant it when he said it, he’ll go as just a fan. But for Taker not getting up to give an answer is disrespectful! Not just to Cena, but to the WWE Universe, and to every person who has ever cheered for Undertaker’s name, to those who followed and believed and loved his Streak. He went from over-sized mortician to a wrestling god, because of the fans! So after hearing all that, he can’t tell the fans if it’s yes or no? Fans chant “We Want Taker!”.

Cena wants Taker to at least say “no” so we’ll know he’s retired. Or say “yes” and give us what we want! Instead, Taker drowns in his insecurity. He’s no wrestling god, just a man. And that man is a coward. “The Undertaker is a coward!”

Cena begs Taker to prove him wrong to at least give him “Yes”, “No”, or some of that stupid cheesy stuff with smoke and lightning, just something more than nothing. Cena waits for any of that, and the fans chant “Do Something!” Yet, nothing. “There it is. The exact moment you let everyone down who ever believed in you.” Undertaker is no god, and barely a man. However, Kane appears!

The Big Red Machine, and brother to the Phenom, enters the ring to stand across from Cena. This is a sign, isn’t it?! He is here to give Taker’s response! Is it “yes” or “no”? Cena and the fans wait for Kane to speak, hoping that it’s “YES! YES!” but Kane just grabs Cena to CHOKE SLAM HIM!! But, what does that mean?!


WOKEN Hardy consulted the spirit of George Washington.

Who else to ask about strategy than the great general who won America its independence? However, George is in the body of a giraffe… Assuming Hardy understood his old confidant, will the advice the Founding Father of America gave him help him DELETE Bray Wyatt and Sister Abigail?


Six Man Tag: The Miztourage VS The Balor Club!

The Intercontinental Champion will face The Extraordinary Man, as well as The Architect, in a Triple Threat for the title at Wrestlemania. As for right now, he leads Bo Dallas & Curt Axel into battle against Finn and his Good Brothers in a full-on fight of factions. Will The Miz gain momentum back towards his major championship defense? Or will Finn keep things #TooSweet?

Miz rants about being snubbed from the Wrestlemania advertisements, including the Wrestlemania magazine! The World champion and Universal champion are on the cover, and are in singles matches, but Miz is shown no respect! Worse yet, Miz wants to know if he’s “the bad guy”, and everyone says “YES! YES!” What? Just because fans literally buying into the hype, Rollins and Finn are somehow the heroes? No, they’re just liars! Finn and Rollins are at each other’s throats, and Miz promises to push “Tyler Black” and “Prince Devitt” back to the bingo halls! He will take respect from everyone when he becomes the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion ever! However, no respect is shown by The Good Brothers or “Prince Devitt” as they make their entrance.

However, Seth Rollins also appears? The Architect won’t be left out of things, he wants on commentary!

Raw returns to the match underway. Gallows rocks Axel with an uppercut and covers, TWO. Tag to Finn, and he hits a falling ax handle. He puts Axel in a corner and chops, then corner to corner whip for a running chop. Finn whips again, Axel boots him away, then tags to Bo. Finn arm-drags Bo around then wrenches the arm. The fans cheer for Finn but Bo powers him to the Miztourage corner. Miz tags in and throws hands on Finn, but Finn hits back. Miz reverses the whip and runs Finn over, then rains left hands. The A-Lister brings Finn up and into his corner to ram in shoulders before tagging to Axel. Axel snapmares and neck snaps Finn, then covers, TWO. Axel keeps on Finn with a chinlock, but Finn stands up, only for Axel to wrangle him back down.

Finn endures and stands up again, to reach for his corner. Axel knees low, then brings Finn up for a powerbomb, but Finn body drops. Axel sunsets, Finn rolls through and dropkicks Axel. Bo comes in to stop Finn from tagging out, to whip and clothesline him in the Miztourage corner. Bo stomps and stomps, then Miz gets a cheap shot. Axel tags in while Bo adds more stomps, then they mock Finn’s entrance pose. Finn fights back, hitting everyone, but Axel puts him in an open corner. Finn dodges and hot tag to the Machine Gun! Karl Anderson rallies on Axel, whip reversed but the dropkick hits. Anderson takes out Bo and Miz then jump kicks Axel. He hops up, takes aim, flying neckbreaker!

Cover, TWO, but Anderson is ready. he knocks Bo down, then climbs up to fly again, crossbody hits! Cover, TWO, but Anderson fires up. He runs into Axel’s back elbow, Axel tags Miz, Miz hits the low DDT! Cover, TWO, and we go to break.

Raw returns again, and both Axel and Anderson are dazed. Anderson gives Axel a spinebuster, then crawls for his corner. Hot tag to Finn and Bo, and Finn rallies! He sweeps the legs and double stomps on Bo, but Bo rolls away. Axel comes in but Finn sends him out, to then FLY on The Miztourage! Finn flexes before putting Bo in the ring, then climbs up top. He takes aim but Miz distracts the ref, Axel shoves Finn down. Bo tags in Miz, and Miz goes after Finn. Finn rolls through the Finale, TWO, but has to fight out again. He hits Axel down, Miz rolls up, TWO and Miz goes into Axel. Finn rolls Miz, Balor Club wins!

But then Miz attacks anyway, with Miztourage in tow. The Good Brothers are kept out while Miz grinds a boot into Finn’s throat. Bo and Axel finish off Anderson & Gallows, that prompts Rollins to hurry over! He runs Bo and Axel over, then gets Miz with a mule kick and CURB STOMP!

The Architect stands over the champion, but so does Finn. Rollins says he’s going to win the Intercontinental Championship, will he become a Grand Slam Champion at Wrestlemania?


WOKEN Hardy rides Skaasgaard.

They sail across the Lake of Reincarnation as Hardy awaits Bray Wyatt’s arrival. The Great War is moments away, who will return to the real world the winner?


Raw takes a look at “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey’s training.

Kurt Angle saw first hand how tough and talented Ronda is, “it’s true, it’s damn true.” Ronda wants respect, and desires the respect of those she respects. She does something to be the best at it, and that didn’t stop with the gold medal in judo. She struggled for a long time after that, but was fortunate to find Women’s MMA. Ronda became the most dominant woman in fight sports, and only says she’s the best because she’s proven she’s the best. Though, there then came a time that she wasn’t the best. Ronda remembers back thinking, “God hates me.” She felt empty, but her husband was there for her. He told her she isn’t just a fighter, she can be more.

And that’s when she arrived in the WWE. “It’s all led to this”, and only now does she see everything was for this moment. Ronda is living a dream, but Stephanie McMahon and Triple H are trying to hold that down. Love her or hate her, people watch Ronda. She knows there’s pressure, but she thrives on that. Olympic gold to UFC championship, to the WWE, “Rowdy” Rousey is ready for Wrestlemania! How will Ronda rock the world when she debuts on the Grandest Stage of Them All?



Bray Wyatt leaves his swamp behind to arrive at the Hardy Compound. He approaches the gate, and it opens for him. Bray grins as he enters, and Vanguard One is there to identify him.

Hardy’s hologram greets Bray, and asks he “follow the music.” Vanguard One flies away, and a piano plays. Bray follows the sounds through the forest, and comes upon Hardy, Reby, and a ring. Hardy knew he’d come. The Great War will continue after the break.

The Freshness of Monday Nights returns, and the Consumer of Terrestrial Entities stands across from the WOKEN Wisdom. The bell rings, and this is made official. Hardy and Bray circle, each laughing in their own way. “Enough!” No more laughter, there is only combat! Bray pushes Matt to a corner, but Vanguard goes into attack mode! Hardy pounces in the distraction, but Bray pushes him away. Hardy falls on Bray to hammer away, then whip. Bray blocks and reverses only to run into a boot. Hardy sweeps and covers, ONE, so Hardy gets serious. He chants “DELETE! DELETE!” and grabs Bray, but Bray powers him away. He prepares Sister Abigail but Hardy fights out. Hardy hits back but runs into a lariat! Bray declares he is the wrestling God, but “where are my manners?” He forgot the house warming gift.

Bray slips out of the ring and pulls something out from under the ring: there were steel chairs under there? Bray brings one in, and goes over to the vulnerable Hardy. “Vanguard, initiate!” What? Initiate what? FIREWORKS!! Bray is startled, Hardy grabs a chair, and hits Bray with it! Over and over, hardy hits Bray, then declares this is the Deletion! Hardy keeps ramming Bray with the chair, to then SMACK him in the back. Bray goes running from the ring, and Hardy follows. They fight int he fields, the Face of Fear backing down into the “Dilapidated City.”  Bray hits back and has Hardy up against a world. But does this remind Bray of anything? It’s… It’s Sister Abigail’s home, thought to be burned to ashes by The Viper just a year ago.

But time to “wake up!” Hardy has a kendo stick and smacks away on Bray. Bray blocks, and takes the stick to hit Hardy back. Bray pins Hardy up against the wall, ramming him against Abigail’s home again and again. Then, with the rage left over from Randy Orton’s betrayal, Bray pursues Hardy into the night. “Where are you, Matt?” He follows Hardy into the “Land of Obsolete Men.” And Hardy teases him, appearing and disappearing from totem to totem. Bray chases and chases but cannot keep up with the wily Woken One.

Hardy frolics away, and Bray realizes his weapon is busted. Bray leaves the stick behind to keep up the hunt. Hardy turns things around on Bray, but Bray still fights Hardy off to kick him while he’s down. The referee checks on a gasping Hardy, but Bray does not let up, using a thick tree branch to clobber Hardy. Cover, TWO, so Bray rains forearms down upon him.

Bray drags Hardy up, then over to see “what’s behind door number one?” Hardy bounces off the steel door, and Bray stands over him grinning. The door opens, and another ring is found. Hardy crawls into the “Dome of Deletion”, but Bray keeps kicking him. Bray drags Hardy over to his piano, and uses a yurinagi. Hardy fights out, then bounces Bray off the piano and then a post. They stagger about, gasping and laughing all the way. Hardy grabs a ladder, takes aim at Bray, and batters his ribs with the steel! Then he drops Bray with one more ram before ramming Bray’s ribs while on the ground.

Hardy grins and laughs over the writhing Bray. He tries to decide between “Chair of Wheels” or the “Mower of Lawns”. Hardy goes with the Mower of Lawns! And rides~! But Bray spider-walks and stops the mower, to then boot Hardy and bounce him off his own vehicle. Hardy endures the hot engine against his forehead before Bray drags him into the ring. Hardy hotshots Bray back, and both men fumble to the apron. Bray kicks Hardy, and clobbers him onto the apron edge, before covering. TWO, but Bray simply enjoys hammering Hardy more. “I told you, Matt. This isn’t my Ultimate Deletion, it’s yours.” Bray drags Hardy “home” to finish this.

Vanguard One observes from the skies, and finds Bray carrying Hardy to the “Lake of Reincarnation”! Skaarsgaard, “it can’t end this way.” Oh but it can. Bray drags Hardy up and uses Sister Abigail, but Vanguard One interferes. Bray grabs the machine, but spares it for now. He grabs Hardy but encounters Senor Benjamin. “He’s got the whole world in his hands.” BROTHER NERO!

Matt Hardy returns, TWIST OF FATE! Cover, Hardy wins~! The WOKEN Wisdom triumphs after all, and now finishes things by pushing Bray into the lake! Benjamin helps Hardy retrieve “Bray Wyatt’s carcass”. But, Benjamin pokes around, and finds nothing. “Delightful. The Great War is OVA!” Wyatt is DELETED! What will Hardy do now that he has removed the obstacle to his triumph over the WWE Universe?


My Thoughts:

Raw was a roll for the last few weeks, but something didn’t quite go right for all of this week’s. The opening was really good, from Roman defying (fake) authority to Lesnar going off on him. Lesnar is going for the Heel in this, which is part of Operation Get Face Roman Over. While it didn’t get everyone on Roman’s side, if it even got 1% of the fans to dislike Lesnar/like Roman, that’s still good in my book. The Women’s segments tonight were interesting, as the action was good but the motivations in story are still wonky. Nia VS Alexa is confirmed, but WWE needs to learn to get away from Mean Girls stuff. WWE really shouldn’t be using pop culture as an excuse to have characters being petty bullies. With what Bayley said to Sasha tonight, I sense her eliminating Sasha in the Women’s Battle Royal as payback.

Strowman is great as always, and he practically solo’d The Bar here tonight. He claims to already have a tag partner, and a lot of people want it to be Elias, but I’m not so sure. Strowman has beat Elias up so much, why would either of them want to be on a team together? Strowman should want someone who can keep up with him rather than someone who will cost him the titles. The Revival VS Titus Worldwide was so filler, though, they could’ve left that for next week since it was only to allow Dash & Dawson to announce for the Men’s Battle Royal. For that matter, the time used there could’ve been given to something else tonight.

John Cena is always great on the mic, and that includes tonight. It’s actually a good play for Taker to not show up, it builds up the anticipation. Kane showing up was a nice surprise, though. He is (kayfabe) the person closest to Taker, but his choke slam really could mean anything. The Six Man Tag was pretty good, gives Balor Club some momentum to stay afloat while plugging the IC program. Rollins saving Finn keeps the Faces even in the race, but there’s time for things to turn around for Miz. The Rousey video package was great, but word is that she still appeared live in Dallas, which is good for appearances at least. As I said, if Revival-TitusWorldwide was cut out, Raw might’ve had more time to do both the package and her live appearance so no one misses out on anything.

Which brings us to ULTIMATE DELETION! For WWE’s first attempt at what Hardy did in TNA Impact, it was neither as bad as it could’ve been or as good as it could’ve been. Again, if it had a bit more time given on the show, they might’ve been able to do more. They definitely shouldn’t have taken that commercial break. Even though it was only a couple minutes, the fact Bray and Hardy started in a traditional ring at all seemed a waste. Luckily they moved away from there to make things more a Falls Count Anywhere match, but that still seemed a timid WWE take on what Hardy has been known to do. The Lake of Reincarnation should’ve been used more effectively, too, like Husky Harris crawling out from somewhere. Maybe next time it’ll be even more WOKEN, with more Brother Nero.

My Score: 7.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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