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Mitchell’s WWE Monday Night Raw Report! (4/16/18)



All images courtesy of the WWE’s official Twitter



  • WWE United States Championship Open Challenge: Jinder Mahal w/ Sunil Singh VS ???; Jeff Hardy wins and becomes the new WWE US Champion.
  • Bayley VS Sasha Banks; no contest.
  • Heath Slater & Rhyno VS The Authors of Pain; the Authors of Pain win.
  • Tag Team Eliminator: The Revival VS WOKEN Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt; Hardy & Wyatt win and will face The Bar for the Raw Tag Team Championships at the Greatest Royal Rumble.
  • Ember Moon VS Mickie James; Ember wins.
  • Mandy Rose w/ Sonya Deville VS Natalya; Natalya wins.
  • Breezango VS The Bar; Breezango wins.
  • 10 Man Tag: The Miz, Miztourage, Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn VS Finn Balor, Seth Rollins, Bobby Lashley, Braun Strowman & ???; Balor, Rollins, Lashley, Strowman & Roode win.


Raw General Manager, Kurt Angle, heads to the ring.

The Hall of Fame Olympic Gold Medalist welcomes Hartford to the show and to the Superstar Shake-Up. There will be new faces and big surprises, Angle promises. But before he can continue, Sunil Singh walks out to introduce the WWE United States Champion, who is now on Monday Night Raw! Yes, it is the Modern Day Maharaja, Jinder Mahal!

Mahal enters the ring to tell Angle “Congratulations” on the “greatest decision” of Raw. Raw is truly the A-Show, but now, Mahal wants to know why he was brought here via such low class means. Angle welcomes Mahal to the roster, but points out there was no such agreement. Mahal says he already proved he’s better than everyone SmackDown, and says he’s already better than everyone on Raw. Angle isn’t sure about that, but Mahal says “This is my kingdom”, and he expects the same perks as Brock Lesnar. Fans tell Mahal, “You Suck!”, but not in the nice way they tell Angle. Mahal demands respect!

Angle wants Mahal to email his list of demands instead. Sunil agrees, he can send it right now. “[email protected]”. SmackDown isn’t Raw, you settle things in the ring here! If Mahal wants to prove he’s better, prove it! But Mahal doesn’t just think it, he knows it. Then maybe someone will step up to prove him wrong! It’s an open challenge for the United States Championship!!


WWE United States Championship Open Challenge: Jinder Mahal w/ Sunil Singh VS ???

The one to answer the challenge is… JEFF HARDY! The Charismatic Enigma is ready to get extreme with the Modern Day Maharaja! Can Hardy grab up a title just a week after returning to action?

The bell rings and the match is real. Hardy and Mahal circle, Mahal knees low. Mahal keeps on Hardy with stomps in a corner, then talks trash in Punjabi. Fans cheer for Hardy and Hardy fights back. Hardy puts Mahal in a corner then whips him corner to corner for the forearm smash. He clubs Mahal down, then snapmares Mahal for a dropkick. Mahal knees back and elbows Hardy down before talking more trash. Mahal whips Hardy, Hardy holds ropes and boots Mahal back, then dropkicks Mahal out of the ring. Hardy takes aim and hits a wrecking ball dropkick before going to the apron. Hardy takes aim again for a flying lariat! The challenger and champion both go down while we go to break.

Raw returns to see Mahal in control now. He has Hardy grounded with the half-nelson chinbar. Fans rally for Hardy while he endures the bend and wrench. Hardy wills his way to his feet and fights out but Mahal kicks out a leg to bring Hardy back down. Hardy feeds off the rally again, and fights out with a jawbreaker. Mahal staggers back, Hardy runs in but Mahal hotshots him off the top. Mahal drops springboard knees, then grinds one into Hardy’s chest and throat. The referee counts, Mahal backs off at 4 to embrace the heat. Hardy gets to the apron while Mahal takes aim, Mahal hits a clobbering haymaker! Mahal mocks the fans for liking Hardy, then grins as he watches Hardy slowly stand up.

Fans tell Mahal he sucks again, but Mahal keeps focus on Hardy. Hardy stands up and shoulders back in a couple times. Hardy hotshots Mahal in return, then gets back up to the top rope. Mahal trips him up before he can do anything. Mahal climbs up to join Hardy and stands him up. Hardy resists and fights back, sending Mahal down with an elbow. Hardy stands up, for Whisper in the Wind! Both men are down but stirring. Fans rally again while Mahal gets to ropes. Sunil distracts but gets a dropkick for it! Hardy fights Mahal back, but Mahal reverses the whip, only for Jeff to knock him down and hit the leg-splitting leg drop! Dropkick added, cover, TWO! Hardy keeps focus as he kicks, but Mahal denies the Twist. Mahal gets a kick for it, but then clobbers Hardy with a knee, ROPEBREAK!

Mahal still grins, he is confident he has Hardy where he wants him. He stalks Hardy while fans rally again. Mahal drags Hardy up, in position, but Hardy fights back, victory roll cover! TWO! Mahal kicks Hardy right down! TWO, and Mahal can’t believe it! Fans keep rallying as Mahal drags Hardy up again. Mahal lifts Hardy, gutbuster drop but a cover! TWO! TWIST OF FATE!! Hardy keeps going, he climbs up, and hits the SWANTON BOMB! Cover, Hardy wins!!

Winner: Hardy, by pinfall; NEW WWE United States Champion

The rosters get a shake-up, but so does the US Championship! Hardy completes the Grand Slam with this acquisition! With Hardy the Champion of the United States, has he rendered Mahal OBSOLETE?!


Backstage interview with Jinder Mahal.

He blames Angle for setting him up to fail! But at the Greatest Royal Rumble, Mahal wants his rematch to get that title back! And if Angle tries something like that, he’ll show them all why Mahal is…

No Way Jose’s conga line comes through. The Fighting Fiesta wants Mahal to put a smile on that face. Then he invites Renee to join the party. Will Mahal get his revenge on Hardy and Angle in Saudi Arabia?


Bayley VS Sasha Banks!

The bond between the Huggable One and the Legit Boss is fracturing, will this 1v1 rematch break things once and for all? On top of that, will one of them end up going to SmackDown via the Shake-Up?

The bell rings and Bayley tries to work things out with words first. But Sasha doesn’t want to hear it, she kicks and whips Bayley. Bayley elbows back but slips, Sasha takes advantage by throwing her down. Sasha toys with Bayley then slaps her! Sasha wristlocks then goes acrobatic but Bayley throws her down to then throw her out. Bayley then builds speed to hit a wrecking ball huricanrana! Sasha goes down while we go to break.

Raw returns to see Sasha holding Bayley down in a straitjacket stretch. Bayley endures then works her way up and out while the fans rally. She powers Sasha back into a corner and the buckles, then throws Sasha off. Sasha goes after an arm but Bayley whips her off, so Sasha hits a back elbow. Sasha runs but into Bayley’s back drop! Bayley’s arm slows her down but she still throws Sasha to the apron for the hotshot. Sasha gets to a corner, Bayley hits the shoulder, then rolls back for the wacky waving back elbow. She rolls Sasha then hops up but Sasha barely gives her time. Bayley retaliates with the tornado inverted DDT, cover, TWO! Bayley looms over Sasha but Sasha kicks her away, then throws her out of the ring.

Sasha catches her breath while Bayley climbs up to return, Sasha rocks Bayley with a big knee then swinging meteora! Sasha puts Bayley back in the ring then climbs up, flying meteora! Cover, TWO! The Boss keeps her cool, she’s faced Bayley enough to know what she’s made of. Bayley flounders but Sasha asks, “You think you’re better than me?!” Sasha is better than Bayley! She slaps Bayley, Bayley slaps back, and it’s a brawl! They go back and forth, fast and furious, and fans love it! The brawl goes all over the ring, Sasha rocks Bayley with a knee, then more double knees! Cover, Bayley reverses, but Sasha puts on the Bank Statement!! Bayley reaches, endures, but then out of nowhere, it’s the Riott Squad! The Squad has made the move to Raw!

No Contest

Fans boo, they just ruined this great match! But they don’t care, they make a statement with Sarah’s Pop-UP Headbutt and Liv’s leaping code breaker!

The Squad then goes after Bayley, feeding her to Ruby’s Riott Kick! Whether or not Sasha and Bayley are still friends, this cohesive unit has come to shake things up thanks to the Shake-Up!


Heath Slater & Rhyno VS Authors of Pain!

The One Man Band & ManBeast are ready for another rough and tough challenge to get even with Akam & Rezar! But seeing as how they didn’t fare so well last time, can they hope to do any better this time?

Slater & Rhyno take the fight to the AoP! They dump Rezar out then gang up on Akam, then back off to their corner. The bell rings and Slater goes right after Akam. Slater tags in Rhyno, Rhyno keeps the fight on Akam. Rhyno tags Slater and Slater jumps up for the flying ax handle. But then Slater runs into the flapjack hotshot! Akam tags Rezar, who bum rushes Slater off his feet. Rezar hammers away on Slater, then drags him up to tag in Akam. They lift Slater up, for the double gutbuster! Cover, TWO! Akam bounces Slater off the mat then tags in Rezar. Rezar drags Slater up, taunts Rhyno, but Slater slips out and tags Rhyno in!

Rhyno goes after Rezar but Rezar reverse the whip. Rhyno keeps moving and takes Rezar off his feet! He also hits Akam, then shoulder tackles Rezar in a corner, belly2belly! Cover but Akam breaks it. Slater runs in but gets thrown out hard, Rezar clobbers Rhyno again before tagging Akam. Akam brings Rhyno up, for the Last Chapter! Cover, AoP win!

Winners: The Authors of Pain, Akam pinning

Their story of ruthless aggression continues without much difficulty, who will be the first team to even tire out the AoP?


It’s Time for Miz TV!

The Most Must-See Talk Show in WWE and its Most Must-See host recap the great Shake-Ups already happened. But this next one will be a “seismic shift”, because the newest members will be… Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens! What?! But they were fired! Kevin & Sami still hit the ring and they celebrate with The Miz. And Hartford still welcomes them fondly.

“Standing before you is the finest collection of talent ever assembled in one place.” This is bigger than the nWo! Between The Miz, Kevin & Sami, there’s more talent than the Dream Team or even The Avengers! And no one will hold these superstars back, because together, they will change the landscape of the WWE to make Monday Night Raw in their image! They will put the entire locker room on notice because– Wait, Kurt Angle comes out to address this.

Angle says Miz has no control around here, plus Kevin & Sami lost their match last week. Kevin points out a certain email that was just set, and bottom line: things have changed. Sami takes care of reading the email for Angle, in printed form, too. “Kurt, in light of recent events” and in the light of Angle’s “emotionally motivated decisions”, a certain someone reconsidered his decision. Sami & Kevin proved they belong on Raw, and letting them walk away is a mistake of “epic proportions”. Therefore, Angle was overruled, and now Sami & Kevin have Raw Superstar Contracts. Who is it that overruled him?

Stephanie McMahon! The Commissioner and Angle’s boss! Yep. So then, Sami & Kevin are officially back on Raw and no one can do a thing about it? YEP!!

Seems Angle’s world is crumbling around him. No, Angle is just surprised Stephanie had time to write a letter, with her around-the-clock rehab after Rousey ripped her arm off. “But what’s done is done.” Angle has no choice but to welcome them to Raw. But say good-bye to the Miz. Oh, right, that’s why Angle came out here. Shane McMahon and Paige called, Bryan wanted Miz to come over to SmackDown. Fans really like the sound of that! Miz raises his hand to shut mouths, and says Angle can’t do that! But Angle did. DOes Angle have any idea he did? Because now SmackDown will be THE Show! Miz and the Miztourage will make SmackDown the Most Must-See show of WWE! Wait, who said you and the Miztourage? Miztourage stays on Raw!

But as a going away present, it’ll be a 10 Man Tag: Miz, Miztourage, Kevin & Sami VS Finn Balor, Seth Rollins, Bobby Lashley, Braun Strowman & another Raw debut. “We’re gonna miss you, Miz.” It’s a star-studded tag team match, but who is that mystery partner teaming with Team Balor?


Bray Wyatt speaks.

“Hartford. I knew you’d come~!” And it is WONDERFUL~! Woken Hardy & Wyatt are here~!


Tag Team Eliminator: The Revival VS WOKEN Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt!

The #TopGuys have their work cut out for them going up against this yin-yang of bizarre and baffling superstars. The Bar watch this from commentary, wanting to know first hand who wins this match to face them for the titles at Greatest Royal Rumble. Will the Expedition for Gold go the way the “Deleter of Worlds” wish?

The bell rings and Hardy starts with Scott Dawson. They circle, feel things out, and Dawson backs Hardy to their corner. Tag to Dash and Dash punches on Hardy. Hardy reverses and gives DELETE buckle bumps to Dash in the open corner. Hardy laughs but runs into a back elbow. Dash runs out but into a hip toss. Hardy tags in Wyatt, and Wyatt boots Dash right in the head. Wyatt stalks Dash, but Dawson bails him out of the Sister Abigail. Dash goes after Wyatt, then runs, but Wyatt’s Spider-Walk freaks Dash out.

Hardy also spooks Dash, Dash runs into an uppercut. Wyatt tags in Hardy, they double whip Dash into double elbows. Back senton and leg drop, then Hardy gets Dawson as he comes in. Wyatt suplexes Dawson onto Dash, “That was Wonderful~!” The fans applaud while The Revival regroups on the outside.

Hardy grabs Dash but Dash pulls his hair. Hardy fights his way out but Dawson tags in. They double lariat Hardy down, then Dawson stomps away and drops elbows on Hardy. Dawson gives punches right to the forehead, “Delete that!” He brings Hardy up for a clobbering clothesline, then cover, ONE. Dawson keeps on Hardy with a chinlock, but fans rally for Hardy. Hardy stands up and fights back, but Dawson pulls hair and punches Hardy down. Dawson trash talks Wyatt, Wyatt slithers in, but Dash and Dawson still get shots in on Hardy. Cover, TWO, and The Revival grows frustrated. Tag to Dash, they double headbutt Hardy. Wyatt rallies the fans while Dash tags Dawson. Dawson whips Hardy, Hardy boots back, Side Effect! Both men are down but crawling. Hot tags to Dash and Wyatt!

Wyatt rallies on Dash, turn-around lariat wipes Dash out! A throat chop and uppercuts have Dash in the corner, then Wyatt knocks Dawson down. Wyatt goes corner to corner for the clothesline, then he slams Dash with a yurinagi! Fans cheer, and Wyatt gives us another Spider-Walk! Tag to Hardy, Sister Abigail for Dawson, then an assisted Twist of Fate to Dash! Cover, Hardy & Wyatt win!

Winners: Deleter of Worlds, Hardy pinning; will face The Bar at Greatest Royal Rumble

With these forces of light and darkness fighting on the same side, do the Celtic Gladiator & Swiss Cyborg stand a chance of becoming Raw Tag Team Champions again? Or will the Expedition of Gold have its first true success in Saudi Arabia?


The Bar talks strategy.

They’ve never seen a weirder looking tag team than Wyatt & Hardy. That is, until just now. The Fashion Police are on Raw! Tyler Breeze & Fandango see The Bar, and as their first assignment, they’re here to ask Sheamus if he has a permit for the Mohawk. And these outfits just clash all over. They write up Sheamus & Cesaro, then move on. The Bar is furious! Who else will be cited for crimes against fashion now that Breezango is in a new precinct?


Raw looks back to last week’s “Rousey After Mania” moment.

After defeating The Authority at Wrestlemania, “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey appeared on the Raw After Mania. Stephanie tried to make up for everything but Rousey saw through the lies. Rousey went right after Stephanie’s arm, and again put it in the armbar!

In present, Rousey talks with Angle about everything she’s been through to get here. Angle says that’s the beginning. Rousey surprised everyone, but Stephanie surely has something planned. Oh, here’s a nice surprise for everyone, it’s Natalya! She’s now on Raw! A training buddy of Rousey’s, the Queen of Harts is a great addition to the Women’s Division. Natty is excited for this fresh start to show she’s the Best There is, The Best There was, and the Best There Ever Will Be. Or at least, second best. Now adding Natty to the mix, the Raw Women’s Division gets even more competitive!


Nia Jax joins commentary for this coming match.

The Irresistible Force will watch this upcoming match alongside the Goddess to see how the newest addition to the Division does against the Six-Time Women’s Champion. Or, she would be, but it seems Alexa Bliss opts not to appear.


Ember Moon VS Mickie James!

The Prophecy of Flame Eclipsed a former Raw Women’s Champion last week, can she do it again to an even more accomplished former champion in #KickieJames?

The bell rings and the two circle. Mickie gets the headlock, but Ember breaks out and reverses to a wristlock. Mickie cartwheels and forearms but Ember sweeps the legs. Ember keeps on that arm, but Mickie headscissors. Ember pops out but Mickie rocks her with a right! Mickie kicks Ember while she’s down, then whips, but Ember tumbles through to arm-drag Mickie. Ember dropkicks Mickie down then runs into a corner. Mickie evades but Ember elbows back. Ember climbs up but Mickie yanks her off! Cover, TWO! Mickie keeps on Ember with a half-nelson.

Alexa joins via video call to explain she’s not on commentary because she just learned Nia is out there. She won’t sit next to a bully, and she won’t be hurt about it all over again. Alexa refuses to give a bully satisfaction. Ember fights out while Nia says Alexa is twisting words. Mickie won’t let Ember go, and knees her low. Ember reverses but Mickie elbows her down. Cover, TWO, but Mickie keeps on Ember with knees to the spine. Mickie puts Ember in a chinlock, but Ember fights up and out again. She goes to clothesline but Mickie hits a neckbreaker. Cover, ONE, another try, ONE again. Mickie grows frustrated with Ember, but Ember slaps back and headscissors Mickie down. Mickie comes back but Ember mule kicks and knees her away. Ember reverses Mickie into a forearm of her own, then goes for a suplex.

Mickie blocks but misses her kick, Ember doesn’t miss. Now Ember hits the half-hatch suplex and roars with a kip-up! Handspring forearm brings Mickie down, and Ember goes up top. Ember takes aim, ECLIPSE!!

She drags Mickie to a cover, Ember wins!

Winner: Ember, by pinfall

The #Shenom is victorious, showing she is already ready for this main roster level of competition. Will Nia have to worry about Ember Moon rising up to challenge her in the near future?


Kevin & Sami talk backstage.

This 10-Man match is a rocky start to their return to Raw. They need to take Strowman out first. But what about the mystery man? This could be a lion’s den, but Angle doesn’t even give them time to prepare! If they wanted to be treated like this, they could’ve stayed on SmackDown with Shane!

Speaking of Shane, Miz would like a heads up on how Shane is these days. Is Miz serious? Shane is the worst! Miz knows that part, but what about how Shane will treat him? Let’s not worry about that, focus on this match first. Right, of course. Though, Miz should also focus on his Miztourage. “Mourn tomorrow, focus today.” These five should ignore the talk of monsters and mysteries, and more on Miz’s Raw Finale. They need to make it #MustSee! Will that motivation be enough for these five to win against a top tier collection of talent on the other team?


Dolph Ziggler is here!

The Show-Off returns to Raw! A lot of things are the same and a lot of other things stayed the same. He still steals the show, and is sure the best wrestler to ever walk that aisle! But one thing that’s changed is… Titus Worldwide comes out?

Titus welcomes Ziggler to Raw! And yes, a lot of things have changed. Such as the brand known as Titus Worldwide~! Titus hands Ziggler his card, aka he’s recruiting Ziggler to the team. They can go next level, both in and out of this ring. Ziggler is a multi-platform star. And if he joins Titus Worldwide, they can conquer the world. That’s nice, Titus, thanks for the offer and interruption. But what Ziggler was going to say, was the change he mentioned, is that Ziggler isn’t here alone. DREW MCINTYRE!?

He attacks Apollo and Titus from behind! NXT’s Scottish Stud and Ziggler both throw Titus into the post! And the fans lose their minds, as Ziggler SUPERKICKS Titus! Ziggler gives Apollo to McIntyre to rain down rights! Fans chant for McIntyre while Ziggler stands Apollo up for the combination Claymore Zig Zag!!

The Show-Off and the Stud shut down Titus Worldwide! What will they do to the rest of Raw?!


Roman Reigns heads to the ring.

The Big Dog didn’t win the WWE Universal Championship at Wrestlemania, but he gets one more shot inside a Steel Cage Match! As for tonight, with fans both cheering and jeering, Roman says he’s here, but Lesnar isn’t. Roman will face Lesnar again, but it won’t happen like it did at Wrestlemania. He vows to leave Lesnar in that cage and return as the full-time Universal Champion. But with the Shake-up happening, he will get this out of the way now. Except he won’t, with Samoa Joe appearing.

The Destroyer interrupts like he did last week to tell Roman, “You come out here and you’re so quick to brag about showing up for work”. But Joe noticed something: Roman doesn’t brag about getting the job done. Because Roman hasn’t gotten it done, and never will. Joe says the cage match isn’t with a normal man, but with The Beast, the beast that beat Roman every time they’ve met in the ring. He almost feels sorry, but doesn’t, because Roman still doesn’t realize his place. Roman gets beat again and again, but he won’t learn until someone puts him down “for good”. Joe brings that sweet mercy, because at Backlash, Joe will put the Big Dog to sleep, once and for all. But if Roman wants to talk about what he’ll do, Joe will show everyone what Lesnar has done to Roman.

We relive both Wrestlemanias 31 and 34 and every moment in between with a highlight reel of Lesnar dominating Roman Reigns 1v1. Roman brushes that off, because Roman wants to see what Joe’s “lazy, fat ass can do.” Joe heads to the ring, but stops short. He’ll do this on his time, which will be at Backlash. Though, on the other hand… Joe turns back around and marches to the ring, only to still wait for Backlash. The Destroyer doesn’t sweat Roman Reigns, but Roman doesn’t sweat Joe. Which man will prove themselves superior when the co-branded Backlash comes? And will Roman finally be Universal Champion when it does?


Mandy Rose w/ Sonya Deville VS Natalya!

The Gladiator and God’s Gift are now flying on their own while Paige is now SmackDown General Manager. But without Paige’s guidance, how will Mandy do against such an experienced opponent as the Queen of Harts?

The bell rings, they tie up, and Natty rolls Mandy, ONE. Mandy shoves Natty, then slaps her. Natty headlocks  Mandy but Mandy headscissors. Natty trips Mandy and throws fast hands. Mandy manages to bail out, but Natty pursues. Natty goes after Mandy but Mandy slips back out of the ring, BIG knee from around the corner! Mandy puts Natty in the ring now, covers, TWO. Natty gets to a corner but Mandy is upon her with a mudhole stomp. Mandy backs off but comes back for more, then brings Natty up for a snap suplex. Cover, TWO, but Mandy keeps on Natty with clubbing forearms. She wrenches Natty into a standing abdominal stretch. Sonya taunts Natty but Natty endures.

Natty finds her way out and then throws Mandy down. Natty slaps Mandy back for earlier, then shoves Mandy. Mandy ducks the discus but ends up in the takedown! Natty goes for the Sharpshooter!

It’s in deep and she has nowhere to go, Mandy taps!

Winner: Natalya, by submission

But then Sonya pounces! She goes after Natty with muay thai knees, then feeds her to Mandy for them both to club down. But out comes Rousey! The Rowdy One won’t let her friend be bullied, she backs Absolution right out of the ring.

Absolution decides to go for the big prize, and Sonya steps to Rousey. Rousey is ready for Sonya’s moves, and takes her down with a clubbing STO! The Baddest Woman on the Planet makes sure her friend is safe. Will Absolution have to worry about their place on Raw without the Glampire to back them up?


Baron Corbin joins Raw!

The Lone Wolf is another of the Shake-Up trades made from SmackDown to Monday Nights. He is a former United States Champion, Mr. Money in the Bank and an Andre the Giant Battle Royal Winner. Will he bring the #EndOfDays to the Raw roster the way he did on SmackDown?


Breezango VS The Bar!

This match is a result of the Celtic Gladiator & Swiss Cyborg taking offense to the Fashion Police saying their outfits were an offense to fashion! Before taking on WOKEN Hardy & Bray Wyatt in two weeks, can The Bar make sure Tyler Breeze & Fandango have a rough Raw debut?

The bell rings and Cesaro starts with Fandango. They circle, but Fandango confiscates one of the Bar’s jackets. Cesaro protests but Fandango tries it on. Cesaro attacks him all the same, but Fandango powers out of the headlock, only for Cesaro to run him over. Things speed up again, Cesaro sunset flips over Fandango, Fandango wobbles then swivels those hips. Fandango hits a leg drop covers, TWO. Tag to Breeze but Cesaro shoves him away. Breeze dodges Sheamus but not Cesaro’s pop-up European Uppercut! Cesaro tears Breeze’s shirt, then tags in Sheamus. Sheamus brings Breeze up to mug him in the corner. Cesaro gets a cheap shot in, but Fandango protests. Fans say Sheamus, “You Look Stupid!” Breeze fights back but Sheamus powers him back, tag to Cesaro for Super Saiyan Kicks!

Cesaro covers, TWO. Cesaro keeps on Breeze with a chinlock, but Breeze works up to his feet. Sheamus tags in and the Bar whips Breeze for the Bar Lariat. Sheamus puts Breeze into a new chinlock, making him pay for the mockery backstage. Fans rally, and Breeze breaks free with a jawbreaker, only for Sheamus to clobber him down! Sheamus also hits Fandango for good easure, tag to Cesaro for the backbreaker elbow drop! TWO!? Cesaro is furious! He lifts Breeze up, but Fandango trips Sheamus! Sunset flip, BREEZANGO WINS!!

Winners: Breezango, Breeze pins

The Fashion Police sneak out the win! It’s a major upset as Breeze & Fandango defeat former Raw Tag Team Champions, does this get the Fashion Police near those titles in their own right?


Backstage interview with Elias.

The Drifter is in Hartford, but chose not to perform tonight. After all the big shows and major venues, he realized something: he’s not small time anymore. He does only the big cities. Hartford doesn’t matter. For that matter, Bobby Lashley doesn’t matter. Elias has become the biggest star in the WWE, Lashley doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near him. He should just worship Elias with the fans. But if Lashley ever does interrupt Elias again, Lashley will learn that WWE really stands for, “WALK WITH ELIAS!” Elias won’t perform for the fans, but he can tell Renee is a big fan. He is willing to give her a private show. No, there’s no time. That doesn’t matter to him. Renee cuts him off, and sends it back to ringside. Will Elias really be Mr. Big Time over the Alpha Male, Bobby Lashley?


10 Man Tag: The Miz, Miztourage, Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn VS Finn Balor, Seth Rollins, Bobby Lashley, Braun Strowman & ???

It is a star-studded main event for Miz’s “Raw Finale”, with the A-Lister, his cohorts, and the #YEPMovement going up against the Extraordinary Man, the Architect, the returning Alpha Male, the Monster Among Men and…


As if the team wasn’t spectacular enough, it becomes GLORIOUS with the former NXT and United States Champion joining in! Does Miz’s team have a hope of winning at this rate?

The teams sort out on their corners, the bell rings, and it comes down to Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins starting. They circle, and Kevin suddenly clubs and stomps away on Rollins. He gets Rollins into an open corner as he rams in knees. He whips corner to corner but Rollins gives Kevin a buckle shot. Rollins springboards for the flying clothesline! Rollins throws Kevin out, then takes aim to slingshot over! He knocks Owens down but his team comes to his side. It’s a stand-off between both teams as we go to break.

Raw returns once more to see Curt Axel in control. Rollins powers out of the headlock and things speed up, Rollins dropkicks Axel down. Tag to Roode and he snap suplexes Axel up and over. Cover, TWO, but Roode keeps on Axel with a wristlock. Tag to Finn, Finn climbs up and hits the falling ax handle. Finn wrenches Axel’s arm but Axel hits back. Finn reverse the whip and rolls through the sunset flip for the dropkick. Cover, TWO. Fans want Strowman, so Finn brings Axel over, but Axel powers him back to his corner. Kevin tags in and throws hands on Finn, then tags to Bo for mudhole stomps. Everyone in that corner gets a cheap shot in, then Bo gives more body shots. Tag to Miz, Miz adds stomps, then Kevin gets a cheap shot in.

Miz just taunts Finn with the flex, then boots Finn down. Cover, TWO, so Miz puts Finn in a chinlock. Fans rally for Finn and Finn fights up and out. Miz still gets his A-List combination, backbreaker to neckbreaker. Cover, TWO, but Miz keeps his confidence. Tag to Sami, Sami body shots Finn. Finn ends up in a corner and evades Sami to tag in Lashley! Big Lashley rallies as he throws Sami over head then hits clothesline and shoulder tackles in the corner. Lashley lifts Sami in the torture rack but has to deal with Kevin and Axel first.

Sami comes back with rights, then runs, but Lashley shows off agility as he jumps up and over. Lashley lifts Sami and holds him up there! Then brings him down hard. Miz runs in, he gets lifted and thrown onto the others! Fans are all fired up for the Dominant One while we go to break.

Raw returns one more time, to see the two teams arguing on the outside while Kevin puts Rollins in the ring. He rains down crossface punches then puts Rollins in a chinlock. Rollins endures the squeeze while his team rallies the fans. Kevin holds on tight, but Rollins starts working his way up. Kevin throws him down and hits the back senton, TWO. He won’t let Rollins get away, though, and drags him back to tag in Miz. Miz stomps Rollins, then rips him into his corner. He stomps away, but then Rollins fights his way out! Miz kicks low, DDT! Cover, TWO, and Miz grows frustrated. He keeps on Rollins, and knowing where he’s headed, he starts up the YES Kicks! Fans chant, “NO! NO!” each time, but Miz goes for the buzzsaw. Rollins rolls him up instead, TWO, but he gets a big back suplex.

Both men are down, Rollins takes the long way around. Miztourage take out Lashley and Finn! Roode and Strowman chase them off but they miss the tag. Rollins slips out, PELE to Miz! Rollins and Miz crawl again, fans rallying, but Strowman stops Kevin & Sami! Hot tags to Axel and Roode! Roode rallies on Axel, then hits Bo just because. He gives Axel a corner clothesline and whip corner to corner, then a neckbraeker. Roode climbs up top and takes aim, for the flying clothesline! Then he gets the fans into it, winds it up, GLORIOUS Pose! Kick, but Axel denies the DDT. Roode boots him away, hops up, and hits the GLORIOUS Blockbuster!

Cover, but Bo breaks it. Bo goes to throw Roode but Roode throws Bo, Axel chop blocks! Tag to The Miz, and he goes for the legs. Roode small package counters, TWO, but Roode clotheslines Miz down. Fans fire up, they know who is there. Hot tag to Strowman! And Miz is afraid. Miz runs but Strowman pursues, runs over Kevin and still wipes out Miz! Strowman rocks Sami with a right, but Miz stomps away. Miz runs, but into a big paw, and the deadlift choke slam! Fans are all fired up, Strowman throws Bo and Axel into a corner. He runs in but misses them to hit the post.

Miztourage beat down on Strowman, but Finn makes the save. Slingblade to Bo, but Axel throws him out. Rollins clotheslines Axel out, builds speed and dodges Sami to DIVE! Roode gets Sami with the GLORIOUS DDT! SUPERKICK from Kevin! Lashley comes in, blocks Kevin’s kick and gives Kevin a SPINEBUSTER! Miz throws him out, then goes after Strowman. Miz runs in for dropkicks a la Bryan, but runs into a dropkick from Strowman! The Miztourage return to the corner and Miz heads their way, but they leave Miz high and dry.

Miz has no Miztourage, and Strowman is ready! Miz senses the danger he’s in, but he can’t get away! Strowman steamrolls him then scoops him, for the MONSTER SLAM!! Cover, Strowman’s team wins!

Winners: Balor, Rollins, Lashley, Strowman & Roode, Strowman pins

The first half of the Superstar Shake-Up is over, and it was already a huge success! Miz goes to SmackDown, and knows what waits for him there. Will he be able to turn things around when he goes over to the Blue Brand? And who will come out on top with the shifting landscape of the Red Brand?



My Thoughts:

What an awesome Raw, and this first night of the 2018 Superstar Shake-Up feels a lot better than last year’s did. Most of the SmackDown stars sent to Raw didn’t have major stories to worry about so they made nice, clean jumps. Opening with Mahal moving to Raw while champion, then losing to Jeff Hardy in an incredible match, could foreshadow quite a few things. Rollins might go to SmackDown with his Intercontinental Championship, or Miz wins that title back to bring it with him since we learned he was the first superstar being sent to SmackDown. The Riott Squad makes it so that we still have no resolve to the story of Bayley and Sasha, so I’d imagine Bayley and Sasha stay where they are. Absolution had an interesting moment with Rousey and Natalya, so Mandy and Sonya might not be joining Paige on SmackDown, either.

The Authors of Pain dominate again while WOKEN & Wyatt win to face The Bar, who just got shocked by The Fashion Police. Ziggler and McIntyre really surprise everyone with showing up together and doing what they did to Titus Worldwide, but I’d expect those two to want singles titles for themselves rather than tag, even though that Claymore-ZigZag combo is awesome. Either way, Raw’s Tag Team Division is getting a bit crowded, so they might be giving SmackDown the teams that lost, aka The Revival, Titus Worldwide and even inaugural SmackDown Tag Team Champions, Heath Slater & Rhyno. Samoa Joe continues to verbally dominate Roman Reigns on the mic, but assuming Roman wins the Universal Champion, what are the chances Joe wins it off Roman? Fans would love it, but WWE doesn’t always give fans what they love.

That main event was great, though. Interesting to have both GLORIOUS Bobby and Dominator Bobby on the same show. The best part of the match might’ve been Miztourage ditching Miz. Without Miz in charge, maybe Bo will finally go Wyatt and join Bray to eventually turn on Hardy, and we can get Hardys VS Wyatts in a Brothers of DELETION event. Again, Rollins might be headed to SmackDown in order to even out title counts. If he doesn’t, that has to mean Miz wins the title back. At the same time, Strowman hasn’t established a new story just yet, he might be headed to SmackDown. If so, getting the pin on Miz tonight is a great way for both men to say good-bye to Raw. Of course, Balor’s been wearing blue lately, maybe he’s pitching for Balor Club joining Styles. That’d be cool, if Nakamura also gets a team.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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