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Mitchell’s WWE Monday Night Raw Report! (4/30/18)



In the aftermath of the Greatest Royal Rumble, it is The Monster Among Men who stands tall! What new heights will this achievement bring Braun Strowman? Plus, the fallout of the controversial ending to the Universal Championship Steel Cage match, and the WONDERFUL new Raw Tag Team Champions, Bray Wyatt & WOKEN Hardy!


All images courtesy of the WWE’s official Twitter



  • Bobby Roode VS Elias; no contest.
  • The Authors of Pain VS Jean Paul & Francois; AoP win.
  • Sasha Banks VS Ruby Riott w/ The Riott Squad; Ruby wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Roman Reigns, Bobby Lashley & Braun Strowman VS Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn & Jinder Mahal w/ Sunil Singh; win.
  • Baron Corbin VS No Way Jose; Jose wins.
  • Mickie James w/ Alexa Bliss VS Natalya w/ Ronda Rousey; Natalya wins.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship: Seth Rollins VS Finn Balor; Rollins wins, retains, and will defend the title against The Miz at Backlash.


Raw has a highlight reel of the Greatest Royal Rumble event!

Both Raw and SmackDown were represented in star-studded matches, seven of which were for championships. The first-ever 50-man Royal Rumble naturally had star after star and some amazing surprises. Now we move on towards Backlash!


Roman Reigns is in Montreal!

The Big Dog did not defeat The Beast inside a Steel Cage match for the Universal Championship, but there is some controversy behind that. Roman would have Brock Lesnar on the ropes and Spear him through the cage! But Lesnar retained on a referee decision that because Lesnar landed first, he was the winner. The controversy is that Roman’s feet touched first. It was an incorrect decision, but it was the decision that was made. Raw General Manager Kurt Angle agreed it was wrong, but agreed that it was a split-second situation. Therefore, Lesnar remains the WWE Universal Champion.

Roman hears the boos and jeers, then speaks. “I’m not gonna make any excuses, because there’s no need to.” Everyone’s seen the footage and the Tweets, Roman is the real Universal Champion. Fans don’t seem to agree, as they chant “Roman Sucks!” But Roman feels he should be the champion, even though he isn’t yet. Fans may doubt him, but Roman keeps his word: “I beat Brock Lesnar in that Steel Cage.” That is why he’ll never lose faith in himself. He’d say that to Lesnar personally, but Lesnar isn’t here. So Roman turns his attention to his opponent at Backlash. Speaking of, Samoa Joe speaks via Titantron!

The Samoan Destroyer, now of SmackDown, says no one had faith in Roman to begin with! Joe knew Roman would lose and he did. So now this Sunday, Joe will put Roman to sleep! Roman has nothing to say to Joe, but now Jinder Mahal appears to say something to Roman!

The Modern Day Maharaja can’t stand it when someone makes excuses for their failures. Mahal always has legitimate reasons, not that he’s complaining. Roman lost fair and square to Lesnar, he will lose fair and square to Samoa Joe, and tonight, Roman will lose to Mahal! Mahal will flourish on Raw and eventually be Universal Champion! Tonight starts that when he proves why the Maharaja is better than The Big Dog! But wait, Sami Zayn is here! Fans explode for their hometown hero!

Sami is so flattered by Montreal’s response. He speaks to them in French while making his way down the ramp. Sami then speaks in English to Mahal and Roman. Those two are whining about losing at The Greatest Royal Rumble, but Sami couldn’t even go because of an injury Bobby Lashley gave him on last week’s Raw. It was a serious case of vertigo, but he’s over it now. In fact, Sami feels so good, he’ll make things right here in his hometown and take on Roman Reigns! Fans love that idea! But now, Kevin Owens appears! And fans explode for their other hometown hero!

The Prizefighter also speaks French on his way down to the ring, and fans reply “Oui! Oui!” Kevin says Sami, with all due respect, that while Sami can beat Roman, Kevin wants to have a match with Roman. But wait, three guys want to beat up Roman Reigns… Idea! It’ll be a coin flip. No wait coins have two sides. Then a popularity contest! Roman VS Sami? Good reaction. Roman VS Mahal? Bad reaction. Then how about Roman VS Kevin?!

Best reaction! “Sorry, boys.” Roman uppercuts Kevin and now it’s a brawl! Roman is alone in a 4v1 beat down! Bobby Lashley rushes the ring, and fights off Mahal and Sami. He is also outnumbered, though, but here comes BRAUN!!

The Monster Among Men hits the ring and throws down the hometown “heroes”. He also clubs down Mahal, and Lashley helps fight off some. Strowman explodes out and Roman recovers, they and Lashley clear the ring. But Sunil Singh is last, for Strowman to throw at the others! Strowman, Lashley and Roman stand tall to start Montreal Raw. Will there be a match or two coming out of this for later tonight?


“Ladies and Gentlemen: Elias.”

The Drifter is in Montreal, “consider yourselves blessed.” He has one question: “Who Wants to Walk with Elias?!” Montreal does. The world already knows, WWE means “Walk With Elias!” Who here saw the Greatest Royal Rumble. All the favorites were there, from New Day to Randy Orton to Kurt Angle. Elias eliminated them all. He’s reaching a new level of fame no one can comprehend. Certainly not Bobby Roode. Elias has a song so he asks the fans silence phones, hold applause–which fans don’t–and shut mouths! He plays, fans clap along. Roode thinks he’s Glorious, but he’s not. It’s gonna take a lot to impress the best thing going on Monday Night Raw. Roode’s as pathetic as the people of Montreal. But then Roode makes his entrance!

Bobby Roode VS Elias!

While Elias won last week, that was just one match. Can the GLORIOUS One even the score at one apiece?

Raw returns to this match in progress as Elias has Roode in a headlock. Roode reverses out to a wrench and then hammerlock to headlock. Elias powers Roode to the corner and hits him with stiff forearms. Roode manage to block and counter with chops, then whips Elias corner to corner. Elias reverses but Roode fires out with a clothesline! Roode gives Elias an atomic drop and dropkick, “That’s why I’m Glorious!” Roode puts Elias in a corner and chops him more. Another corner to corner whip reversed but Roode boots Elias away to hit the GLORIOUS Blockbuster! Cover, TWO, and Elias slips out of the ring. Roode goes over and gives Elias more chops. Elias chops back but Roode knees low.

Roode puts Elias back in the ring, but Elias goes to leave again. Roode walks over but Elias gives him a hotshot! Elias runs Roode over with a clothesline, then stomps on him. Elias puts Roode in a chinlock, and fans rally for Roode while we go picture in picture. Roode stands up but Elias wrangles him back down to the mat. Elias squeezes while Roode feeds of the fans’ energy again. Roode stands up and fights back but Elias still brings him down to the mat. Roode keeps fighting, using elbows to break free. He throws haymakers and chops to back Elias, then whips. Elias kicks Roode away, then stomps on him more. Elias scoops and tosses Roode!

Roode gets to a corner, but Elias goes over to him. Roode kicks but Elias chops. Elias whips but Roode reverses. Elias goes up and over, Roode catches him, but Elias still kicks him away. Cover, TWO. The Drifter is in control while we go to break.

Raw returns again, and Elias wrangles Roode down with another chinlock. Roode stands up and runs to a corner, driving Elias’ face into buckles. Elias holds on, so Roode does it again. Elias still holds on, so Roode backs him into a corner. Roode is free again, but runs into Elias’ elbow. Elias stalks Roode into a corner and chops him. He whips Roode corner to corner but Roode reverses. Roode sees the kick coming this time, and now he rallies with clotheslines. He hits one in the corner but Elias denies the neckbreaker. Roode boots Elias away, hopes up but Elias ducks under. Elias runs into the Glorious SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Roode keeps his focus and goes to a corner.

Fans fire up as he climbs, but Elias is there to stop him with a chop. Elias climbs up now, but Roode fights back. Roode sends Elias down with haymakers and a headbutt, then hits the flying clothesline! Roode winds it up… GLORIOUS Pose! He kicks, but Elias pushes him away. Elias gets to the ropes then elbows Roode again, roll up, but Roode rolls it back! TWO! Elias kicks and throws Roode to the apron, but Roode shoulders back in. Roode gets rocked by Elias’ right hand, then Elias throws him into the turnbuckle’s crossbar throat first!

Roode goes down, gasping for air. The referee checks on Roode, he calls for medical help. Roode says he can’t breathe, but Elias doesn’t care. Elias slips out of the ring to fetch a mic: “Ladies and gentlemen, your winner, Elias!” Well, no, the referee has said no such thing. But with Roode gasping for air, this match will not finish.

No Contest

Can the Glorious One recover from such a devastating blow? Will Elias move on and up to bigger and better things?


The Authors of Pain VS Jean Paul & Francois!

Akam & Rezar have struck out on their own, leaving Paul Ellering home in NXT. Even so, they still destroy opponents as always. Yet, this pair of local Montreal wrestlers think they can win. They are proud French Canadians who never back down from a challenge. Montreal is excited for their local boys, but will it all come to a tragic end?

The bell rings and Rezar starts against Francois, and immediately boots him down! Rezar throws Francois to Jean Paul, who tags in. Jean Paul dodges Rezar but that jab, it does nothing! But Rezar’s lariat, it hurts Jean Paul. Rezar tags in Akam, then fetches Francois, for the Super Collider! But it doesn’t end there. Rezar tags back in, and they take Jean Paul for the Last Chapter! Cover, AoP win!

Winners: The Authors of Pain (Akam & Rezar), Rezar pinning

It doesn’t matter if you have hometown advantage, the story is the same: AoP dominates. Now Akam & Rezar speak. “The Book of Pain remains open!” And there will be a chapter for every single team on Monday Night Raw. These two are #CenteredOnDestruction, who will be destroyed in the next chapter?


Seth Rollins is in Montreal!

And he’s still the WWE Intercontinental Champion, even after a grueling Fatal 4 Way Ladder Match during the Greatest Royal Rumble event. However, this Sunday at Backlash, The Miz still has his rematch clause to use, and he looks to make history should he take that title back. But Rollins loves how wild Montreal is tonight! And the last month of his career has been wild. Wrestlemania saw Rollins become the Intercontinental Champion for the first time, in a triple threat. Saudi Arabia saw him retain the title in a fatal 4. And now he’s here live with “you maniacs” in Montreal! Fans chant “Burn It Down!” for the Architect, then shift to singing “Rollins~ Rollins Rollins Rollins~! Rollins~, Rollins~!” Then they move to “You Deserve It!” And Rollins soaks it all in.

Rollins does speak again, thanking them in French. The fans make it all worth it, he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. But with all that time to reflect on the trip back from Arabia, Rollins thought on what kind of champion he wants to be, and not want to be. Rollins does NOT want to be Lesnar. Because Lesnar isn’t the real champion, we all saw Roman touch his feet first. Rollins doesn’t want to be a part-timer who fights when the price is right. He wants to be a fighting champion. Rollins wants to be out here every Monday! Before Rollins can continue, Finn Balor appears!

Finn uses French to introduce himself. And Seth’s right, that flight was a long one. Finn also reflected on that Ladder Match, and just how close he was to being Intercontinental Champion. But he will congratulate Rollins on winning, by mere inches. They themselves had have four singles matches, and they’re 2-2. And Rollins said he wants to be a fighting champion? Then show us by putting the title up on the line, right here in Montreal! Fans say “Oui! Oui!” to that. Rollins says The Miz waits at Backlash, but… What does Montreal want? Rollins VS Balor for the IC Title tonight?! “OUI! OUI!” Then it’s happening! But wait, The Miz is here? He’s on SmackDown now, so it’s just The Miztourage instead.

Curt Axel says not to care about what fans want. They need to worry about what’s best for themselves. Don’t fight each other, fight together! All of them should fight together, in fact. Bo and Axel join Rollins and Finn in the ring. They’re going to have a group conversation! They’ve made shirts with all four of them on it? Okay, it’s a bit sloppy, and it’s obvious what they’re thinking. Forget Balor Club, forget Shield, think about this: all four of them… as the NEW Four Horsemen!

Yeah? Yeah? Umm… Finn and Rollins huddle up, but they’re thinking what the fans are thinking. “That’s gonna be a hard ‘no’, guys.” Bo wants Axel to keep his chin up. They don’t need Finn and Rollins, it’s their loss. But then they swing on Finn and Rollins! Only to get a SUPERKICK, and a Slingblade! Rollins clotheslines Axel out, but Finn gets him with the elbow drop DDT!

And he has a grin on his face the entire time. Rollins agreed to their match and shook his hand, but Finn wants Rollins to remember to keep his eyes on the prize. Will the Extraordinary Man add the Intercontinental Championship to Balor Club? Or will Rollins #BurnItDown to continue on to Backlash?


Sasha Banks VS Ruby Riott w/ The Riott Squad!

Ruby and her Squad attacked both The Legit Boss and the Huggable Bayley the moment they came over to Raw during the Superstar Shake-Up. Now Sasha wants 1v1 revenge, but how will that go when Ruby always has Liv and Sarah by her side?

Quick interview with Sasha Banks.

Did Sasha at least attempt to patch things up with Bayley? No, because she hasn’t even heard a single word from her. The Squad is taking over and Bayley seems okay with that. Sasha isn’t. This Women’s Division runs on Boss Time, so if Ruby wants a fight, bank on it that Sasha will give it.

The bell rings and Sasha circles with Ruby. They tie up, spin around, and Ruby puts Sasha in a corner. Ruby breaks and backs off. She and Sasha circle again, Sasha gets the arm wrench and wrist control. Ruby throws Sasha down by her hair, but Sasha stands back up to arm-drag Ruby away. Sasha dares Ruby to come back for more, and she goes to hip toss. Ruby reverses but Sasha reverses back. Sasha whips but Ruby rolls her up, TWO, so Ruby runs her over with a shoulder. Ruby taunts Sasha and she runs the ropes, but Sasha gets her with a stiff overhand chop! Sasha gets wrist control back and goes acrobatic to arm-drag Ruby down! They keep moving, another arm-drag and Sasha has Ruby in an armlock.

Ruby endures while Bayley watches backstage. Fans rally and Ruby stands up to pull Sasha’s hair. The referee counts and Ruby lets go, but then kicks Sasha right in the face. The Squad enjoy what their leader is doing as she stomps a mudhole into Sasha. Ruby bumps Sasha off buckles, then rams in her shoulder. Ruby backs off but comes back with a forearm, then stalks Sasha at the ropes. She gives Sasha forearms then whips but Sasha dodges to Thesz Press and throw hands! Sasha puts Ruby in a corner again, then climbs up to grind her foot into Ruby’s face. She snapmares Ruby into a half-straitjacket, then completes it.

The Squad coach Ruby as she stands up and fights out. Ruby runs, but into the hip toss. Sasha runs, meteora knees! TWO, but she’s on Ruby again with the armlock. Ruby fights up and out again, then dumps Sasha to the apron. She knocks Sasha down with a forearm, where Liv and Sarah wait. Sasha dodges Sarah and hits back, so Liv stays back. Sasha dodges Ruby’s wrecking ball to give a baseball slide in return! The Boss is in control while we go to break.

Raw returns to Ruby bending Sasha in a seated abdominal stretch. Sasha endures while fans rally. She arm-drags out of the hold but Ruby dropkicks her into buckles! Ruby keeps on Sasha with an STO and cover, TWO. Ruby keeps her cool while her Squad protests. She grinds Sasha’s face into the mat then bounces her face off it. Sasha fights back with body shots but Ruby clubs her down. Ruby kicks Sasha while she’s down, then wraps Sasha into a chinlock. Sasha endures the squeeze while fans rally again. Sasha stands up and fights back, but Ruby knees her low and whips her to a corner. She goes up and over to O’Conner roll, TWO but Sasha uses the momentum to hop up and fly for a crossbody! Cover, TWO!

Ssaha gets to a corner and elbows Ruby away. She boots Ruby then rallies with clotheslines. SHe dropkicks Ruby down, Ruby staggers up, Sasha counters the kick with a knee! Ruby staggers into a corner and Ssaha gives double knees. Ruby dodges the second set and throws Sasha down for a SUPERKICK. She then climbs up, stage dive senton!

Cover, TWO! And no one can believe it. Ruby tries another cover, TWO, and the frustration grows. She argues with the ref, but goes back to Sasha. She drags Sasha up, but Sasha counters the arm wrench with the backstabber! Sasha flips Ruby over for the crossface, but Sarah distracts! Liv gets in and saves Ruby, Sasha doesn’t’ know who to go after first. The referee reprimands the Squad but Ruby hotshots Sarah. Sarah still knees back and Ruby sits down. Swinging meteora! And then for Liv, FLYING meteora off the apron! The Boss returns to the ring and climbs up but Sarah gets up. Sasha kicks her away, but Ruby catches Sasha with a right. Ruby hits a Riott Kick, covers, Ruby wins!

Winner: Ruby, by pinfall

The Squad helps their leader win, showing the power of numbers. Assists aside, will this big win bring Ruby up the ranks towards the Raw Women’s Championship?


Alexa Bliss gives another PSA.

“You never know when a bully will strike.” The Goddess shares another story of when she was bullied by Nia Jax. They were in Disney World, and Nia kept making fun of Alexa’s short stature. Nia joked if Alexa was tall enough to even ride the teacups. Then she said Alexa should have the kids’ menu at the restaurant. Alexa remembers Nia, turkey leg in each hand, laughing and laughing. “Nia turned the Happiest Place on Earth into the saddest day ever.” But at Backlash, Alexa says she’ll win back the Raw Women’s Championship. This match will be for everyone who has ever had a Nia in their life. Alexa won’t let bullies win. Twisting the truth aside, will the Goddess of Raw become the champion once again this Sunday?


Backstage interview with Titus O’Neil.

The Gator knows what moment everyone was talking about after the Greatest Royal Rumble. He entered for the Rumble match itself, but tripped and fell all the way under the ring. Titus “stole the show” and “broke the internet”, and he knows he fell flat on his face in front of the entire world. The idea is that you get back up, so perhaps this situation will inspire others. However, Baron Corbin walks over to ask what would’ve been more inspirational? If he hadn’t fallen at all. Corbin doesn’t know why Renee is wasting time interviewing Titus. Will Titus make Corbin regret wasting his time?


WOKEN Hardy speaks.

He loves reading his favorite stories of himself. The vessels of Hardy and Wyatt have transcended time and space~! They were at the very beginning of time, and in history’s greatest triumphs. But nothing compares to their most recent victory. Bray Wyatt appears now. “We are darkness and light.” And this yin-yang will consume everything in its path. “Behold, the Deleters of Worlds! RUN.” Will the WONDERFUL~ new Raw Tag Team Champions leave the rest of the Tag Team Division DELETED?


Six Man Tag: Roman Reigns, Bobby Lashley & Braun Strowman VS Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn & Jinder Mahal w/ Sunil Singh!

The hometown “heroes” and the Maharaja went after the Big Dog all at once, but the Dominater and the Monster Among Men came to his rescue. Now that the numbers are even, will Mahal and the #YEPMovement regret coming home?

The teams sort out and it will be Mahal starting for his team. Roman convinces Strowman and Lashley he’ll start, and the bell rings. Sami decides he wants to start, so Mahal tags him in. Montreal is of course behind Sami, but then Sami tags out to Kevin. The fans are still cheering, but then Kevin tags to Sami. Roman rocks Sami with uppercuts and right hands. Sami hits back but Roman throws him out. Roman pursues, but Sami kicks back, only for Roman to put Sami into the barriers. Kevin runs over but gets rocked, then they both get the Drive-By Dropkick! Roman is in control while we go to break.

Raw returns and Roman is still in contorl, until Sami opwers him to his corner. Mahal tags in and throws hands on the Big Dog. He then whips Roman but Roman reverses and runs Mahal over with an elbow. Roman brings Mahal over and tags in Lashley. Lashley throws hands on Mahal, then whips him to ropes for a back elbow of his own. Lashley rallies with lariats and a scoop slam, then brings Mahal up for the facelock. Mahal senses the suplex coming, so he fights out and runs, only for Lashley to jump over and knock him down. Lashley lifts Mahal in a fireman’s carry but Mahla fights out. Mahal pushes Lashley in a corner, Sami tags in and stomps away on the man who supposedly gave him a fit of vertigo.

Kevin gets a cheap shot in, too, but it’s Sami who tries to give Lashley a taste of his own medicine. Lashley reverses that into a neckbreaker, then hits a corner to corner clothesline. Lashley keeps moving for the shoulder tackle, then lifts Sami in the stalling suplex. Kevin runs in and kicks Lashley’s ribs! Roman protests but Sami tags to Kevin. Kevin goes after Lashley with furious fists and stomps and the fans go wild! He brings Lashley up and tags in Mahal to mug Lashley in the Canadian corner. Mahal tags Kevin and they keep Lashley isolated. Kevin snapmares Lashley and kicks him in the back before putting on a chinlock. Fans are fired up as he grinds Lashley into the mat. We go picture in picture while Lashley endures.

Kevin squeezes Lashley’s head, but Lashley manages to sit up. Lashley stands as we return to single picture. He fights back but Kevin kicks out his legs, then hits the back senton. Cover, TWO, but Kevin keeps on Lashley with a rain of rights. Kevin drives his knee in then wraps Lashley back into the chinlock. Roman and Strowman reach while Lashley crawls his way over, but Kevin wrangles him away. Fans rally but Lashley starts to fade. Lashley gets a second wind and gets up. He fights out but Kevin knees low. Kevin whips but Lashley kicks him away, to then hit a complete shot! Both men are down but crawling for their corners. Fans rally as hot tags to Sami and Roman! Roman rallies on Sami, then whips but Sami reverses. Roman still blasts out for the clothesline, and gives a shot to Mahal.

Sami gets to a corner, Roman gives him the close-range clotheslines. He then runs, to boot Sami down! Fans are a loud mix while Roman locks and loads. Roman has to hit Sunil Singh first, then throw him back out. Sami tags in Kevin and gets an uppercut, but Kevin DDT’s Roman! Cover, TWO! Kevin is furious while we go to break.

Raw returns again, and Sami has Roman in a chinlock. Fans sing for Sami but Roman works his way up to his feet. Roman works to power Sami back but Sami gives him a forearm. Roman rocks Sami with uppercut after uppercut, then walks to his corner. Sami grabs a leg and drags Roman back, Kevin tags in. Kevin clubs Roman down to the mat, then hops up for a Vader Bomb elbow!

Cover, TWO, and Kevin is furious all over again. Kevin rains rights down on Roman, then tags Sami back in. Sami gives rights of his own to Roman, then covers, TWO, so Sami keeps on Roman with the chinlock. Roman fights to his feet again, and gives Sami a back suplex! Both men are down and crawling towards their corners, and fans rally as Kevin gets the hot tag.

Kevin puts Roman in the corner but Roman fights out. Roman hits everyone and boots Kevin away, but Kevin whips Roman, SUPERMAN PUNCH! Mahal tags in and rocks Lashley to then taunt Strowman. Samoan Drop from Roman! Hot tag to Strowman! The Monster clobbers Mahal, then goes out to steamroll Kevin a la Greatst Royal Rumble! Strowman does the same to Sami, then again to Mahal, then again to Sami! Kevin dodges this time, but not th enext time! Strowman returns to the ring, but Mahal dodges him in the corner thanks to Sunil. Strowman hits the post, Sami runs in, but into Lashley! Mahal boots Lashley, then tags to Kevin! Kevin and Mahal work together but Roman SPEARS Mahal outta nowhere! SUPERKICK to Roman, SUPERKICK to Strowman! Kevin runs but is caught, into the MONSTER SLAM!! Cover, Strowman and team win!

Winners: Strowman, Roman & Lashley, Strowman pinning

The homecoming for Kevin & Sami doesn’t go their way, while the Monster Among Men continues on his incredible roll. Will Strowman make his way up towards a title match of his own in the near future?


Baron Corbin VS No Way Jose!

The Lone Wolf didn’t want to fight the Fighting Fiesta last week, he just wanted to ruin the fun. Will he continue to have fun ruining Jose’s fun? Or will Jose say No Way to that with a win?

Corbin first speaks, saying, “To make money, you can’t be funny.” Fans can jeer all they want, he still gets paid. He can’t stand the superstars who just want to make the fans laugh. Titus tripped and fell while Jose has a conga line. “This nonsense makes me want to puke.” Corbin is here to win titles and make money. He makes money punching people in the mouth, and that’s why no one is on his level. Corbin will end the nonsense, and promises that “no one will be laughing.”

Jose makes his entrance and his conga line stands ringside as the match begins. Corbin lunges but Jose dodges. Jose throws hands but Corbin whips him to a corner. Jose dodges again but Corbin slides out then in to clobber Jose! Corbin mocks the fans then stomps Jose. Corbin drags Jose up but Jose hits back with body shots. Jose dumps Corbin out of the ring, then boots Corbin on his return. Corbin puts Jose on the apron but Jose hits back. Jose climbs up, but misses that double ax handle! Corbin rams Jose into the post, but Titus O’Neil appears! He has Apollo and Dana with him, and their Worldwide~ entrance prepares the runway. Titus comes down, but they keep him from sliding again. Corbin watches Titus but Titus slips on the apron!

Corbin laughs at the fool, but Jose rolls him up! Jose wins!!

Winner: Jose, by pinfall

And the party rolls on with Titus Worldwide joining in! That slip was all a feint, the joke is on Corbin. Corbin glares as the conga line heads out, who will have the last laugh?


Mickie James w/ Alexa Bliss VS Natalya w/ Ronda Rousey!

The Queen of Harts found herself the target of the vindictive veteran in #KickieJames, but it was the Baddest Woman on the Planet that made her pay for it. Now Natty has a chance at revenge herself, can she get back at Mickie for last week?

The bell rings and Mickie circles with Natty. Natty gets the arm wrench but Mickie gets away tot he outside. The referee counts while Natty waits in the ring. Mickie returns and circles with Natty again, but Natty clubs Mickie and wrenches that arm. Natty snapmares and walks all over Mickie to then dropkick Mickie down. Cover, TWO, but Natty stalks Mickie to a corner. Mickie puts Natty into buckles, then throws her down to the mat. Mickie kicks Natty again, then covers, TWO. She puts Natty in the bodyscissors and squeezes. Alexa likes what she sees as Natty endures, but Natty turns around. She and Mickie brawl, but Mickie puts on the guillotine headlock. Ronda couches Natty and Natty scoops Mickie, but Mickie turns that to a crossbody. TWO, but Mickie keeps on Natty in a corner.

Natty elbows Mickie away, then ducks to discus clothesline Mickie down. Natty gets the takedown, and the legs, but Alexa distracts. Mickie kicks the bad leg out! Ronda glares at the Goddess, and Alexa decides to run! They go around and around the ring, Natty rolls Mickie up! Natty wins!

Winner: Natty wins, by pinfall

Ronda enters the ring to check on Natty, that knee is still bugging her. The Queen of Harts still won, will she be able to reach the title? Speaking of the title, Nia Jax appears! The champion chases off The Goddess tonight, but there won’t be running at Backlash. For now, Nia enters the ring and eyes the Rowdy Ronda. They’re not enemies tonight, she helps Natty celebrate along with Ronda. Will the Irresistible Force retain her title this Sunday?


Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre speak.

When they speak, you feel it. It’s real, like them. Other superstars are just “happy to be here”, but these two know they deserve to be here. They’ll show everyone why. If they were everyone else on Raw, they’d be afraid. The Show-Off and the Stud aren’t here to steal the show, they’re going to take it.


WWE Intercontinental Championship: Seth Rollins VS Finn Balor!

As the Extraordinary Man said, he and the Architect are tied at 2-2 in 1v1 competition. This title match will be their tiebreaker, but whoever wins will have to turn around and defend the title at Backlash! Who will the A-Lister meet this Sunday as he attempts to make history for himself?

The bell rings and they circle. They tie up and spin around until Rollins puts Finn in a corner. He gives Finn a little shove as they break, letting Finn know he remembers that sneak attack earlier. They tie up again and Finn gets around Rollins but Rollins reverses to a headlock. Finn powers out and things speed up, Finn arm-drags Rollins but Rollins springs up to whip Finn. Things speed up again and Rollins runs Finn over with a back elbow. Rollins throws Finn out then slingshots over! He wipes Finn out, then we go to break.

Raw returns once more, with Rollins holding Finn down in a chinlock. Finn endures and stands up. He goes to fight back but Rollins intercepts with a knee. Rollins chops, so Finn chops back. Rollins gives a chop, Finn gives a chop, so Rollins kicks and whips Finn. Finn boots back, then runs out to rally with forearms. Finn whips but Rollins reverses, only for Finn to hit another forearm! Fans fire up, and Finn chops Rollins in the corner. Finn whips but Rollins reverses and reverses direction. Finn hops up and over but runs into a boot. Rollins hops up and blocks Finn’s swing kick, to then hit the blockbuster! Fans fire up again while Rollins takes aim. He runs in for the forearm smash, then the buckle smash! He aims at the dazed Finn, and springboards for the clothesline!

Finn rolls out of the ring while fans fire up more. Rollins builds speed, and DIVES on Finn! He keeps moving, for another- Swing kick! Finn gets back up on the apron and drags himself up to his feet. Fans declare “This is Awesome!” while Finn throws forearms and body shots. Rollins ducks, swings out, but has to swing again, still ends up in a DDT from Finn!

Cover, TWO! Finn keeps focus while he gets to his feet. He takes aim from a corner while Rollins slowly stands. Rollins counters the slingblade but still gets a dropkick, then the elbow drop DDT. Cover, TWO! Finn grows a bit frustrated, but keeps his focus while catching his breath. Rollins stirs but Finn is on him with chops. Finn stalks and trash talks Rollins, then chops again. He whips Rollins corner to corner, but Rollins comes out with a slingblade!

Rollins wrings Finn out for Revolution Knee! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up again with Rollins, and he stomps the mat. “Burn It Down! Burn It Down!” Mule kick, then the run, but into a forearm from Finn! Finn puts Rollins on the apron, but Rollins springboards back in. Finn evades and hits the takedown to double stomps! He doesn’t make the cover, he stands up. Finn evades and swing kicks Rollins down! Rollins is in the drop zone while Finn climbs up, but Rollins revives to shove Finn backwards! Rollins then climbs up to join Finn, and fans fire up. Finn fights back and shoves Rollins down, but Rollins returns for the SUPERPLEX, roll through to– No wait, Falcon Arrow from Finn! Cover, TWO!! Fans give a standing ovation for this amazing main event.

Both men stand up while fans chant “This is Awesome!” Rollins gives a forearm, so Finn gives a forearm. Finn fires off, but Rollins swings, dragon sleeper to- No, Rollins knees that away, but Finn PELE! Rollins PELE in return! Finn still clotheslines Rollins out of the ring. But he’s not done there, Finn builds speed and FLIES!

Finn hurries to put Rollins in the ring, then takes aim from a corner, blasting dropkick! Rollins goes down and Finn climbs up again. Finn takes aim, COU DE- No, Rollins evades, then mule kicks, but Finn evade the stomp. Roll up, TWO, Finn avoids the stomp again, another roll up, TWO!! SLINGBLADE! Finn’s feeling it as he– runs into a SUPERKICK! Both men are down but not for long. Rollins has Finn, CUR STOMP!! Cover, Rollins wins!!

Winner: Rollins, by pinfall; still Intercontinental Champion

It is #MondayNightRollins indeed with this incredible victory! The Architect retains the title tonight, but can he and Raw retain it against the A-Lister of SmackDown?



My Thoughts:

For the first ever Raw After Greatest Royal Rumble, this was a really good show. The events of GRR are treated as canon, but not really that touched upon. There was no overruling or debate over the cage match ending, Lesnar is the champ without question. If it’s true the “Roman Experiment” is taking some time off, then perhaps that’s why they put him up against literally all three hometown superstars to get him booed more than usual. Luckily they teamed him with two guys who are still very popular. I’m personally disappointed Strowman didn’t have the GRR belt. It’s like he can’t be seen holding a belt past 24 hours. And given how he was the one to win the Six Man Tag, he should be the next person to challenge Brock Lesnar and be the one to finally take that belt from Lesnar.

Roode-Elias really upped the intensity with that throat spot. Too bad Extreme Rules isn’t until July, I’d love these two having at least a No DQ match. AoP needs to move up from jobbers already, maybe take on The Revival for throwbacks to NXT. It’s actually great progress for the Sasha-Bayley story that Bayley wasn’t there at all tonight. Taking a slow burn to their true main roster blow-off is the way to go. Meanwhile, Sasha still has a great match with Ruby, and it’s okay that Sasha loses because her story will be with Bayley. Ruby can move towards the title like she did on SmackDown, but in the same way as on SmackDown, she probably won’t win with the current champion being so strong. Maybe if Alexa wins it back and then the Squad somehow goes Face against the Mean Girl Goddess, Ruby can win.

Corbin-Jose looked like filler, but then tying in Titus Worldslide, it was just a proxy to Corbin-Titus. That feud can do a lot for both guys, and can go either way at this point. Assuming Alexa doesn’t win the title back, I imagine we could get a Natty-Ronda VS Alexa-Mickie, to then maybe move to Ronda’s first singles feud with Natty. They’ve been touted as friends, so maybe something turns Natty against Ronda. That IC Championship main event was incredible, and I was honestly surprised The Miztourage didn’t interfere. Their bit before was great, but I just thought they’d want revenge and make sure Miz has a weakened opponent. Instead, it was allowed to finish, and the dodging and countering was so great. Rollins is on his way back to being The Man and is keeping that IC title going strong.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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