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Mitchell’s Ring of Honor Report! (5/26/18)



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The joint ROH-NJPW event, War of the Worlds 2018, has come and gone, and we have NEW ROH World Six Man Tag Team champions! The Kingdom stole those belts but now they truly own those belts. However, SoCal Uncensored want their rematch and they’re getting it tonight! Who will keep the ROH Six Man Championships for good?


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  • The Dawgs VS Cheeseburger & Jushin Thunder Liger; Cheeseburger & Liger win.
  • ROH Women of Honor Championship: Sumie Sakai VS Jenny Rose; Sumie wins and retains the ROH WOH Championship.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS SoCal Uncensored; SoCal Uncensored win, by disqualification; The Kingdom retains the ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships.


The Dawgs VS Cheeseburger & Jushin Thunder Liger!

Chicago, don’t be silly! It’s Big Rhett & Lil’ Willie, and they plan to not only whoop Cheeseburger again, but also whoop his legendary tag partner. Can the Dawgs avoid a large Shotei with a side of defeat?

The teams sort out, and Burger starts against Rhett Titus. Fans are already loud for “Cheeseburger! Cheeseburger!” at the bell. Burger and Rhett tie up, and Rhett powers Burger down. The “Big Dawg” brags, but Burger gets up. Burger gets behind then shifts to a headlock but Rhett powers out. Burger goes up and then under, then speeds up to roll up, Oklahoma Roll, ONE. Rhett rocks Burger with a right jab! Rhett gut wrenches and throws Burger, then tags in the fired up Ferrara. Ferrara powers Burger to a corner then whips him corner to corner. Burger elbows back, then hops up to crossbody. Fans fire up, Burger tags Liger! Ferrara gets free, but he’s in the ring with the living legend.

Fans chant for Liger as he ties up with Ferrara. Liger gets the headlock but Ferrara powers out. Liger runs Ferrara over, then fakes Ferrara out to elbow drop. Ferrara rolls out and regroups with Rhett, but the Dawgs see Liger coming so they split up. Liger stays on his feet, but then goes to the apron to cannonball on Ferrara, while Burger cannonballs on Rhett!

Burger & Liger are in control with the fans all fired up, and we go to break.

ROH returns to Liger stretching Ferrara in the Mexican surfboard. Fans applaud, and Burger intercepts Rhett, to put him in the Octopus Stretch! We have side-by-side submissions! The referee tells Burger to let go, he and Rhett aren’t legal. Burger lets go at 4, and Liger shifts to chinlock. Liger pushes Ferrara and tags Burger. Liger whips Ferrera and gives him a backbreaker, Burger adds on the running knee. Burger covers, TWO. Burger brings Ferrara up but Ferrara hits back. Ferrara runs, Rhett tags in with some sauce, and that upsets Ferrara. Ferrara turns around into Burger’s jawbreaker, but Rhett comes in as Burger whips Ferrara. Burger hits Ferrara with a back elbow in the corner, but Rhett sandwiches Burger and Ferrara with the corner splash!

Rhett rocks Liger for good measure, but Ferrara is upset again. Rhett shoves Ferrara down, to then catapult him for the Doggy Lariat into Burger! Ferrara rolls out with a grin on his face while Rhett brags. Rhett drops an elbow on Burger, cover, TWO. Rhett keeps on Burger with a half nelson while fans rally for Burger. Burger fights his way up, but Rhett knees low. Rhett whips Burger but Burger hits Ferrara. Burger elbows Rhett, then runs, but his tilt-o-whirl is stopped. Rhett tags Ferrara at the same time, then Northern Lights Burger down. Ferrara uses the ropes to springboard for the Puppy Splash, then moves aside for Rhett’s standing Doggy Splash! Ferrara covers, but Liger breaks it up. Fans rally for Burger while Ferrara fumes. Ferrara drags Burger up, tags Rhett, and The Dawgs work together to straitjacket whip Burger back.

But as usual, Rhett doesn’t let Ferrara whip him into the corner, to instead whip Ferrara in for the shoulder tackle. Ferrara comes running back out but Rhett redirects him for another shoulder tackle. Ferrara tries the third time, but Burger puts him on the apron. Rhett comes running in, but Burger ducks and that boot goes into Ferrara! Burger crawls for his corner, but Rhett grabs him. Burger slips undr, tilt-o-whirl inverted DDT! Fans are fired up as Burger hot tags Liger! Liger rallies on Ferrara, tilt-o-whirl backbreaker! Liger runs at Ferrara in the corner for the running palm strike! Then, Liger Bomb! Cover, TWO!? Ferrara is tougher than expected, but Liger doesn’t stop. Liger drags Ferrara up and waistlocks, but Ferrara standing switch for the BLL! Ferrara tags Rhett, but Liger fires off chops!

Liger chops and chops and chops, then runs, but into a dropkick from Rhett. Rhett drags Liger up, and Ferrara fires up, but Burger intercepts with a SUPERKICK! Liger slips down and together with Burger, double SHOTEI for Rhett! And double SHOTEI for Ferrara!

Liger drags Rhett up, Brainbuster! Cover, Liger & Burger win!

Winners: Liger & Cheesburger, Liger pinning

Team Jushin Thunder Burger combines for a victory! The living legend helps Burger get some revenge on his bullies, will this bring an end to the grudge?


The WOH Champion has her first defense tonight.

Sumie Sakai won the inaugural Women of Honor Championship Tournament to then become THE inaugural Women of Honor Champion. However, the returning Jenny Rose made it clear that she wants to be Sumie’s first challenger. Sumie doesn’t want to fight Jenny, because they’re friends, but if it’s over the title, she will. Sumie wants this to be a friendly bout, but Jenny doesn’t seem so concerned about that. Will they still be friends after this match? Will Sumie still be champion?


Dalton Castle speaks.

“So many questions up in the air. Top of the list: Who gets a shot at my ROH World Championship?” Marty Scurll has a win over Castle, so he feels he’s next. But Cody also has a win over Castle. Who is the first challenger? Castle has an idea: both of them get in the ring with Castle. “Because this is mine, and I fight for things that are mine.” Castle “would fight a grizzly bear over a parking space,” so what do the Villain and the American Nightmare think The Peacock will do to them when it comes to the title? Can Scurll and Cody come to an agreement and allow their match to be a Triple Threat?


ROH Women of Honor Championship: Sumie Sakai VS Jenny Rose!

Championships leave little room for friendships, and it seems the challenger has already made her choice. Will the Ray of Sunshine still shine after facing the American Joshi?

Sumie goes for the Code of Honor handshake, but Jenny just swings on her! Sumie ducks and fires back, and the referee hurries to ring the bell! The champ whips the challenger corner to corner, then hits a big forearm smash. Sumie stomps away on Jenny, then adds the swinging hip attack. Jenny rolls out while fans fire up and Sumie climbs up top. Sumie takes aim and LEAPS onto Jenny with a flying crossbody!

Down goes Jenny but fans fire up while we go to break.

ROH returns, and Sumie climbs again. She aims at Jenny, and hits a big missile dropkick. Cover, TWO, but Sumie keeps focus. Sumie drags Jenny up but Jenny elbows back. Sumie tries again but ducks the elbow this time. She fires off elbows of her own, then runs, but into Jenny’s spinning side slam! Cover, TWO, but just barely. Jenny stomps on Sumie, and then stands on her face at the ropes. Jenny backs off at the ref’s count, but drags Sumi out for a Half Crab. Sumie endures and crawls for ropes while fans rally again. Sumie gets the ropebreak, and Jenny lets go. Jenny stomps on Sumie more, then brings Sumie up. Sumie reverses the whip to hammerlock and forearm Jenny. Sumie runs, and runs Jenny over with forearms. She rallies now, and fires up again. Sumie drags Jenny up, and hits a swinging fisherman!

Cover, TWO, and Sumie is surprised, but not frustrated. Sumie goes to a corner, and forearms Jenny away, only for Jenny to run back and BLAST Sumi from apron to floor! Sumie crashes down hard but Jenny comes out to fetch her. Jenny drags Sumie up and then throws her into barriers! She drags Sumie up again, but Sumie reverses the whip! Jenny stops herself, then drop toeholds Sumie into the chairs! Sumie crashes and burns, but Jenny drags her up again. Jenny puts Sumie back in the ring, then climbs up top while fans rally. Sumie staggers up, and Jenny takes her down with a flying clothesline. Jenny drags Sumie up, for the Perfect Plex! Cover, TWO! Another close call for Sumie.

Jenny keeps on Sumie and puts her in the corner. Jenny shovels Sumie up on her shoulders, but Sumie victory rolls to counter. TWO, and Jenny runs Sumie over with a clothesline. Jenny drags Sumie over, to position her for a back senton. Jenny climbs up now while Sumie is in the drop zone. But Sumie stands up and stops Jenny on the top. Sumie climbs up and fights with Jenny, and hits a SUPER Steiner! Cover, TWO, but Sumie is still focused. Sumie waits for Jenny to stand, then runs full speed, but Jenny side-steps her to send Sumie into buckles. Jenny throws Sumie with a German Suplex, but Sumie pops right up! But Jenny SPEARS Sumie! Cover, TWO!!

Jenny can’t believe it, and she’s furious now. She drags Sumie up again, but Sumie wheelbarrows out of the yurinagi, TWO. Sumie hits Jenny with a back elbow, for the Smash Mouth cutter!

Cover, Sumie wins!

Winner: Sumie, by pinfall; still ROH WOH Champion

The Ray of Sunshine succeeds! Sumie retains her title after her first defense ever. While Sumie is elated, Jenny is clearly upset. Will Jenny cool off and return to being Sumie’s friend? Or has her desire for a championship broken that relationship for good?


The ROH World Championship contenders are closing in.

Marty Scurll pinned Dalton Castle on April 15th at Masters of the Craft, in a Defy or Deny Fatal 4 Way. This would earn The Villain a legitimate claim to a title opportunity. However, weeks later at Bound by Honor, there would be a slip-up by Scurll and Cody as a Beautiful Disaster Kick would go into Scurll’s face instead of Castle’s. Castle used that to eliminate Scurll, but Cody would then quickly eliminate Castle. Therefore, the American Nightmare also has a legitimate claim to a title opportunity.

Cody now speaks on “The Peacock, Dalton Castle, the current champion” and how he’ll face the “most deserving contender”. That contender will be the man who is dominating the ring, dominating the news feeds, and ROH’s number one. Scurll agrees, and promises that Castle will lose to The Villain. Cody disagrees. They talked this over, because “Bullet Club is fine”, so therefore, Castle faces– The Villain! Damn it, Marty. Is there a new wrinkle in Bullet Club over these championship aspirations?


SoCal Uncensored speaks.

Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky are clearly upset. The Kingdom stole the ROH World Six Man Championship belts from them during a Ladder Match. That means they also stole the SCU’s leverage in keeping ROH contracts past Final Battle 2018. It doesn’t matter if it’s The Kingdom or the Hung Bucks, “there is nothing we will not do to get our titles back!” Scorpio will “never get tired of beating up my old friends, The Young Bucks.” As for “King-Dumb”, tonight they settle a score. Daniels says the Kingdom may have been the first, and the Hung Bucks may have been the most popular, but the SCU will be the best! Can the SCU reclaim the titles and their contracts with them?


Silas Young speaks.

The Last Real Man says “there’s two types of guys in this world: the guys who take pride in their work; and guys who whine and cry and make a bunch of noise until they get things handed to them.” To Silas, Austin Aries is the latter. Aries gives ROH a sob story about how the World TV Championship is the one belt that’s eluded him. Magically, Aries gets a shot, despite not being in ROH in years. Silas doesn’t mind, he gets work done. Next week, Silas will prove he’s truly The Last Real Man, and that Aries calling himself The Greatest Man That’s Ever Lived is just the greatest joke Silas has ever heard.


ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS SoCal Uncensored!

At War of the Worlds, Matt Taven was going to face Dalton Castle for the ROH World Championship, the one title he has yet to hold. But Dalton Castle was in no shape to compete, and The Kingdom cried conspiracy. However, they were given a last minute opportunity to take back what they feel they never lost. The SCU were completely unprepared, and the result was them losing and The Kingdom winning. Can the Almighty Daniels, the Heavy Metal Rebel & the California Closer get revenge for everything The Kingdom has done? Or will their ROH careers go back on the countdown clock to Final Battle?

ROH returns from a break, and TK O’Ryan starts against Frankie Kazarian with the bell. Kaz and O’Ryan circle, but then Kaz wants Daniels and Scorpio to check under the ring. The SCU can’t be too cautious going up against The Kingdom. Daniels and Scorpio don’t anything, or anyone for that matter, but Kaz finds himself in a punching circle! The Kingdom gangs up on Kaz, but then Daniels and Scorpio hurry in to help him out. The teams brawl in the ring and the referee works to get order. Vinnie stays in the ring with Daniels while Kaz and Taven double clothesline on the outside. O’Ryan and Scorpio brawl while Vinnie rocks Daniels. Daniels hits back while Scorpio gets control of O’Ryan. Daniels POPS a balloon on Vinnie’s head! Fans love it, and chant “ROH! ROH!”

Daniels brings Vinnie up and whips corner to corner. Vinnie bounces off buckles, and Daniels brings him up for another whip. Vinnie kicks Daniels away, then wraps on a headlock. Daniels powers out but Vinnie runs him over. Vinnie runs but Daniels speeds things up, and Scorpio sucker kicks Vinnie in the back! Daniels grins as he throws haymakers on Vinnie. Daniels runs, but now O’Ryan sucker kicks him. Vinnie and Daniels both roll for hot tags to O’Ryan and Scorpio! Scorpio kicks first, then headlocks. O’Ryan tries to power out, but it takes a second effort to get out. Scorpio and O’Ryan both run, dodging each other’s clotheslines, but then Taven and Kaz trip their opponents up. Taven and Kaz spot each other, then rush in to argue and scrap. Daniels sneaks in, Blue Thunder Bomb to O’Ryan! Scorpio takes out Vinnie, then drags O’Ryan over.

Kaz tags in, and mugs O’Ryan with body shots. Kaz snap suplexes and covers, TWO. He trash talks Vinnie before bringing O’Ryan over for double boots. Daniels tags in, and The Addiction double wrench O’Ryan to his knees. Kaz kicks, Daniels clobbers and Kaz double stomps. Fans actually clap for SCU, and Daniels grinds his foot into O’Ryan’s face. Daniels stops at the ref’s count, but rains rights on O’Ryan in a corner. Tag to Scorpio, and Daniels brings O’Ryan up for Scorpio to mug. Scorpio snapmares and scrapes O’Ryan, but O’Ryan uppercuts back. Tag to Vinnie but Scorpio fights off The Kingdom. Scorpio dodges Vinnie, but runs into a double flapjack hotshot! Scorpio goes down but fans seem to cheer for The Kingdom.

Vinnie looks around with wild eyes as he brings Scorpio up. He rocks Scorpio with a European Uppercut, then fetches a balloon, to POP in Scorpio’s ear! Fans declare “This is Awesome!” even though the SCU are upset. Scorpio crawls but Vinnie is on him. Scorpio fights back, but O’Ryan tags. Vinnie reverses the whip to feed Scorpio into O’Ryan’s spinebuster! Vinnie adds a diving headbutt, then O’Ryan jackknifes, TWO. The Kingdom want a faster count, but fans rally for the SCY. O’Ryan brings Scorpio up, and bumps him on Taven’s boot. Taven tags in, and hits Daniels and Kaz for good measure. Taven drags Scorpio up while Kaz protests, for a suplex. Cover, TWO, and Taven still wants a faster count. Even so, The Kingdom is in control while we go to one last break.

ROH returns once more, and The Kingdom is still in control. They isolate Scorpio but Scorpio fights back. Vinnie knees Scorpio low then whips, but Scorpio dodges and they collide with double crossbodies! Fans rally while the referee starts a ten count. Scorpio crawls for his corner, but The Kingdom trips up The Addiction! Kaz protests, but Scorpio is stuck in the match. Scorpio fights back again, then whips, but Vinnie reverses. Scorpio leaps for double stomps to Vinnie’s back! O’Ryan runs in, but Scorpio sends him out with a huricanrana. Taven runs in, grabs Scorpio, but Scorpio slips out to tag in Kaz! Kaz rallies now, spinning heel kick rocks Vinnie.

Taven runs at Kaz but is sent out to the apron. Kaz brings him back in with the slingshot cutter! O’Ryan runs in, Kaz waistlocks and rolls him up, but O’Ryan isn’t legal. Vinnie runs in, he’s legal, so Kaz Northern Lights for a unique double cover! TWO, but fans fire up for Kaz. Daniels comes in and The Addiction work together on Vinnie, Daniels hits the wristlock stomp, to then DIVE onto Taven & O’Ryan!

The Addiction regroup and double whip Vinnie. They double hip toss into the powerbomb neckbreaker! Cover, TWO, but Kaz keeps his cool. Kaz runs at him, but Vinnie puts Kaz on the apron. Kaz hotshots Vinnie back, then slingshots in for the DDT! Cover, but The Kingdom breaks it. Taven drags Vinnie over to tag in, but Kaz wrenches him to run. Taven dodges the clothesline to springboard for the King’s Kick! Cover, but Daniels breaks it. Daniels stands Taven up but Taven punches him away. Taven goes back to Kaz but gets a jawbreaker. Kaz tags Daniels, and Daniels jabs away on Taven. Daniels whips but Taven reverses, Daniels kicks and hits the STO. Daniels and the fans fire up, and Daniels runs, but Taven tosses him out. Taven runs, and FLIES!

Kaz slingshots out to huricanrana Taven! But Vinnie springboards to senton onto Kaz, and O’Ryan wants his turn. Scorpio knees O’Ryan mid-springboard, and O’Ryan ends up trust falling onto The Kingdom. Daniels resets them and Scorpio builds speed, to FLY!

Scorpio pays the price a bit for that, but he and the SCU regroup to get Taven in the ring. Daniels prepares some sort of makeshift knuckle duster, but misses. Taven back suplexes but Daniels slips out, to roll Taven up, TWO. The referee spots Daniels’ fist weapon! The ref confiscates it, but Taven grabs his walking stick! Daniels ducks, and now the referee sees that weapon. The ref confiscates it, too, but misses Kaz coming in with a chair! Taven dodges that, and the chair rebounds to hit Kaz in the face! O’Ryan thinks Kaz is legal, so he tells Taven to pin him. But the referee says it doesn’t matter, someone hit someone with a chair, this match is over.

Winners: SoCal Uncensored, by disqualification; The Kingdom retains the ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships

That’s the decision, but neither team is happy. The Kingdom dislike this blemish on their record, but the SCU don’t get to be champions. This feud is far from over, but what will it take to establish definitive ROH World Six Man Tag champs?


An ROH World Championship match has been made!

The Peacock has been heard by the ROH administration, and they have decided to make it a TRIPLE THREAT! Cody and Scurll no longer have to argue over who faces Dalton Castle at Best in the World, but this only complicates things more. Will Castle be able to survive two men who have both defeated him before? Or will the disagreements between the Bullet Club’s Allied Forces cost them both the gold?



My Thoughts:

This was a really good episode, with lots of really good action. The opening tag was fun, with Burger & Liger teaming up again for a rather sudden blow-off kind of match with The Dawgs. It was good they got this out of the way so that Burger can move on to fully focus on the un-retired Bully Ray. The first-ever WOH Championship defense was alright, and it works out that Jenny and Sumie are so familiar with each other. If the chemistry wasn’t there, the match would’ve probably been a lot sloppier. This wasn’t perfect, but it’s a good first outing for both of them. Great promo from Silas Young to set up Episode 350’s World TV Championship match. Silas VS Aries is going to be great, too, and I think Aries’ larger “Collector of Championships” will continue as he finally checks the TV title off.

The Six Man Tag was really great, lots of story going into it and the action actually got people to like Daniels and Kaz again. Ending with a disqualification is actually brilliant, because it keeps both teams strong. This can even allow things to circle back around to The Young Bucks and any third partner they want joining in for a massive 9 Man Tag of some kind. Best in the World is coming, so it’d be a great time to do something like that. Plus, that helps muddy the math so that it’ll be hard to predict who wins. Then the news of the ROH WHC Triple Threat is great, because we get the “Bullet Club is (Not) Fine” story tied in. This probably allows Castle to retain without anyone looking too strong or too weak while pushing the Bullet Club story ahead.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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