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Mitchell’s WWE 205 Live Report! (5/8/18)



Will it be the Heart or the Secret that reaches the Cruiserweight Champion?

The Cruiserweight Champion needs a #1 Contender as we head towards Money in the Bank. Mustafa Ali wants a second chance while Buddy Murphy wants to guarantee he gets his first, who will win to challenge the #AgeOfAlexander? Plus, tag team action as the Lucha House Party confronts the Ungentle Men, Gallagher & Kendrick!


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  • Jack Gallagher & THE Brian Kendrick VS Lucha House Party; Lucha House Party wins.
  • Tony Nese VS Keith Clayball; Nese wins.
  • Mustafa Ali VS Buddy Murphy; Murphy wins.


Tonight is a big night for the Cruiserweight Division.

Not only is there a major tag team match, but two major singles match that could determine who faces Cedric Alexander for the Cruiserweight Championship. Jack Gallagher & THE Brian Kendrick declare themselves “the most dangerous tag team” on 205 Live, and these “Gentlemen with a Plan” look to crash the Lucha House Party. Lince Dorado & Gran Metalik tell Gallagher & Kendrick that what’s truly dangerous is their lucha speed and agility! The Premier Athlete, Tony Nese, missed out on being the #1 Contender, but vows that as the strongest, fastest and most athletic superstar in the division, he’s going to show the world why he belongs.

The Best Kept Secret wants his shot, and will get even with Mustafa Ali to do it. Ali sees Murphy cut weight, but hasn’t “cut the crap”. Tonight, the Heart of 205 Live proves it wasn’t a fluke that he won against Murphy during the Cruiserweight Championship Tournament. However, Murphy won’t stop until he has the title, so he’ll prove he’s the Juggernaut of the Cruiserweights!


Jack Gallagher & THE Brian Kendrick VS Lucha House Party!

The Golden Lynx & The King of the Ropes are red hot as of late, but now they go up against the cruel winter cold of the Ungentle Men. Can the fiesta fight on against such fierce and frigid foes?

The teams sort themselves out, and it’ll be Lince Dorado and– Drew Gulak? Well, no, he’s not part of this match, but he’s coming out anyway?

Gulak joins commentary, shaking only Nigel McGuiness’ hand. He explains that he wishes to add his own expert analysis to this tag team contest. The match continues without further delay, and Jack Gallagher starts against Lince Dorado. Dorado and Gallagher circle, and the “Lucha! Lucha!” chants start up while Kalisto spins the matracas. Gallagher is not amused as he ties up with Dorado. Gallagher throws Dorado down with a headlock takeover. Dorado headscissors out, but Gallagher rolls and works on a way out. Gallagher headstands but Dorado pushes him down. Gallagher tries again, but Dorado pushes him again. The Extraordinary Gentleman tries again, but Dorado spanks him! Gallagher pops out but goes scampering to his corner.

The “Lucha! Lucha!” chants start up again as Gallagher and Dorado tie up. Dorado trips Gallagher up for the double wristlock cover, but Gallagher bridges at TWO. Dorado goes to use his weight but Gallagher pushes him away then monkey flips him over. Gallagher rolls his way back but now Dorado pushes him, then hops up to sunset flip over. TWO, into a seated cover, ONE, Dorado’s cover, ONE, Gallagher’s, ONE, and repeat. ONE, ONE, ONE, ONE, ONE ONE ONE, Dorado finally stops the rolling, TWO. Dorado is dizzy while Gallagher is groggy, but Dorado still ducks the punch. Gallagher falls over, and Dorado falls for a planking splash, cover, TWO. Dorado clears his head and drags Gallagher up, then tags in Metalik. Lucha House Party double whip Gallagher, then drop toehold to a springboard missile dropkick! Cover, TWO.

Gulak disapproves of the flashy lucha style that wastes time and energy. Metalik brings Gallagher up for an overhand chop, then whips Gallagher, but Gallagher reverses. Metalik handsprings but Gallagher evades, only to miss the clothesline. Kendrick tags in, and Gallagher runs into a back drop, but Metalik sees Kendrick coming and tosses him out to join Gallagher. Metalik builds speed, and even as Gulak disapproves on commentary, Metalik FLIES!

Down goes Gallagher! The fans chant “Lucha! Lucha!” while Metalik puts Gallagher in the ring. The referee explains Gallagher isn’t the legal man, it’s Kendrick. And Kendrick returns with an enziguri to the back of Metalik’s head! Cover, ONE, but Kendrick keeps between Metalik and Dorado. Kendrick boots Metalik down while Gulak approves of the grounded style. Kendrick crossface punches Metalik, then mocks the Lucha dance. He brings Metalik over, and Gallagher tags back in to mug Metalik. Gallagher grabs Metalik’s fingers and bends them back as far as he can. Metalik endures the arm torture while the Lucha House Party rallies. Metalik stands up and fights back, but Gallagher gives him a swift body shot.

Gallagher brings Metalik back to his corner for a buckle bump, then tags in Kendrick. Gulak approves again while Kendrick stomps on Metalik with Gallagher anchoring the legs. Kendrick toys with Metalik, then brings him into a chicken wing clutch. Lucha House Party and fans rally for Metalik, and he fights his way up and out. Kendrick knees low, then whips Metalik at his corner. Metalik fights off Gallagher and dives past Kendrick, but Kendrick grabs his leg. Kendrick pulls Metalik back, but Metalik throws hands. Kendrick whips Metalik at the corner, but Metalik uses that to knock Gallagher down. Metalik dodges Kendrick, hot tag to Dorado!

Dorado rocks Kendrick with a Listo Kick, then brings him down with a springboard crossbody. He keeps moving, sliding off Kendrick’s back to then throw him with a headscissors. Dorado drops Kendrick with dropkick after dropkick, then blocks the kicks to give a chop. He whips but Kendrick reverses, so Dorado uses that to handspring, into the Golden Rewind stunner!

Cover, Gallagher breaks it! Gallagher goes after Metalik and knocks him down, then helps Kendrick up. Kendrick puts Dorado in the corner, then Gallagher tags in. While Kendrick keeps Dorado trapped, Gallagher runs corner to corner and back again, for the Extraordinary Dropkick! Kendrick finishes with Sliced Bread!

Gallagher covers, Metalik breaks it! Gallagher goes after Metalik, and Kendrick joins in. They double whip Metalik but Metalik goes up and around for a crossbody! Kendrick & Gallagher catch Metalik together, then toss him up, but Metalik lands on his feet. Dorado returns, and the double SUPERKICK Gallagher & Kendrick! Gallagher & Kendrick slip out of the ring, Lucha House Party builds speed, for double DIVES!

Dos Tope Suicida! Dorado puts Gallagher in, then climbs up, for a Golden Shooting Star!

Cover, Lucha House Party wins!

Winners: Lucha House Party (Dorado & Metalik), Dorado pinning

Gulak dares Dorado to try that on him. But the Cruiserweight Crusader’s bad mood aside, Lucha House Party earn a victory their way. With tag team wrestling growing stronger and stronger in the Cruiserweight Division, will there be an official Cruiserweight Tag Team Division in the near future?


Mustafa Ali speaks.

“This path runs right into Buddy Murphy.” Ali knows Murphy is like stone, a human wall, but guess what? Mustafa Ali is known for breaking down barriers. Murphy is built for show, Ali is built to go, and this isn’t about wins and losses, “this is about clearing the way.” Murphy has two options: “Move, or I’ll make you.”


Buddy Murphy talks to Tony Nese.

The Best Kept Secret tells the Premier Athlete not to worry about his loss in the Gauntlet match. Move on, worry about the future, because he knows what he has to do. Nese nods, and wishes Murphy luck in his own match. Dasha Fuentes then enters to interview Murphy. What does he wish to accomplish in tonight’s match with Ali? “Since coming to 205 Live, I’ve got one blemish on my record.” It’s his loss to Ali in the Cruiserweight Championship Tournament. Murphy was adjusting to the weight cuts back then, but now he’s unstoppable. He’ll continue that, he just hopes “the champ” is watching. Will the Aussie Antagonist avenge his loss to Ali to then go after Cedric Alexander?


Tony Nese VS Keith Clayball!

The Premier Athlete seems to have a new buddy in Buddy Murphy. Can Nese keep Murphy’s advice in mind and snap back from losses in the Cruiserweight Championship Tournament and Cruiserweight Contender Gauntlet to truly make 205 Live his show?

The bell rings, and Nese circles with Baltimore’s Clayball. Nese throws Clayball to a corner, then toys with him while flexing. He trash talks Clayball and the fans, then chops Clayball. Nese whips Clayball corner to corner, kicks, knee lift and sweep before embracing the heat. Clayball crawls to ropes but Nese still toys with him, kicking him all around the ring. Nese brings Clayball up and puts him in a Tree of Woe before stomping away. The referee backs Nese off, but Nese returns for Full Contact Cardio. Clayball falls out of the Tree while Nese flexes again.

Nese runs in at Clayball but Clayball evades. Fans cheer as Clayball fights back and runs, but he runs into a big back elbow from Nese. Nese whips Clayball to run him over again. Nese drags Clayball up from the apron to sweep the legs out. Clayball tumbles, Nese runs and rocks him with that roaring left elbow! Nese isn’t done there, he puts Clayball back in the ring and in a corner. He brings the knee pad down, and runs for the Premier Kneese!

Cover, Nese wins!

Winner: Nese, by pinfall

The Premier Athlete dominates, wins, and has his Premier Ego back to 100%. Will he get back to winning ways and find himself at the top of the Cruiserweight Division?


205 Live looks closer at Hideo Itami.

He came to the WWE and NXT to show that he is a star. Triple H had high hopes for the Strong Style wrestler from Japan, as did the other superstars in NXT with him. Unfortunately, his rise to the top was side tracked by injuries. And when he did come back, he struggled to get the respect he thought he deserved. Itami would go from NXT to the Cruiserweight Division, and from being a singles competitor to being in a team with fellow Japanese superstar, Akira Tozawa. This was a move Itami didn’t like.

Their team had a miscommunication in the Tornado Tag with Lucha House Party, and that cost them the match. He was able to swallow his pride and teamed with Tozawa against old foes Jack Gallagher & THE Brian Kendrick. However, more miscommunication would again cost them. That was the last straw for Itami. “Tozawa made a big mistake.” What will come of this tag team break-up?


Drake Maverick meets with the Cruiserweight Champion, Cedric Alexander.

Maverick will let Alexander off easy for his brawl with Buddy Murphy last week. He just wants to make sure it won’t happen again in the main event. Alexander says that Murphy made his statement and Alexander made his. He’ll take a back seat while Ali makes his own statement. But Alexander promises that if and when he gets in the ring with Murphy, he’ll finish the fight Murphy started. Maverick understands that, and it relates to why they’re meeting. Alexander is the Cruiserweight Champion and therefore the face of both the division and 205 Live. And next week, 205 Live will be in London, England. Ever been? Alexander has, actually. Maverick recommends the Sussex Arms.

But that aside, the entire roster will join up and compete with the UK Division while they’re there. Maverick wants Alexander to encourage the other Cruiserweights to step up and show what they’ve got, because it’s going to be a perfect showcase of what both Divisions can do. Alexander likes that, so long as the UK boys bring their A games, too. When worlds collide across the pond, which Division’s superstars will show themselves the superiors?


Mustafa Ali VS Buddy Murphy!

The Beacon of Light defeated the Cruiserweight Juggernaut in their Cruiserweight Championship Tournament showdown, but Murphy claims he’s adjusted to his new weight. Will Murphy’s adjustments help him win this time around? Or will Ali go up 2-0 on the Best Kept Secret?

The bell rings and the two slowly circle. Murphy rushes in but Ali evades. Murphy corners Ali and pushes him into the buckles, but Ali dodges his forearm to give a chop. The chop was sharp, but Murphy just brushes it off. Murphy corners Ali again, but Ali goes up and over. Murphy trips him up but Ali avoids the stomp, then builds speed as he ducks Murphy’s punches. Ali goes for the headscissors but Murphy halts that with pure power! Murphy swings Ali back up, but Ali slips out to chop him again. That chop did a bit more, but Murphy stays standing. Ali chops again, and starts to hurt his own hand. Ali tries to whip Murphy but Murphy halts that with pure power.

Murphy reels Ali in, then whips Ali, but Ali sunset flips up and over. Murphy rolls through, matchbox cover, but only to deadlift Ali up! He goes to powerbomb, but Ali counters with the headscissors! Murphy tumbles through the ropes but gets back to his feet. Murphy climbs up on the apron, but Ali dropkicks him back down. Ali builds speed, then rocks Murphy with a wrecking ball dropkick. Murphy collides with the announce desk, and Ali takes aim, to slingshot over! Murphy gets out of the way but Ali lands on his feet. Ali turns around but into Murphy’s kick, and then Murphy lifts Ali for a running suplex! Ali hits the ground with a thud, but it took a lot out of Murphy, too.

Both men stir while the fans rally. The ring count reaches 4 before Murphy stands. Murphy drags Ali up and into the ring at 6, then covers, TWO. Murphy keeps on Ali as he whips him hard into a corner. Ali clutches his back but Murphy keeps going with another hard whip into the other corner. Murphy whips Ali again, then throws Ali with a back drop. Alexander watches backstage as Murphy looms over Ali. Murphy scrapes Ali’s face with his boots, then kicks Ali in the back. He sits Ali up to kick him again, then tells everyone to “Shhh”. Murphy runs, and goes to kick, but puts on a chinlock instead.

Fans rally for Ali, and Ali fires up as he stands. Ali breaks free with a jawbreaker, but Murphy reels him back in for a back suplex. Ali slips out, then ducks under the backhand, but Murphy follows through. They both run, and collide with double crossbodies!

Ali and Murphy are reeling from the collision, but fans are rallying. A ten count begins, and reaches 4 before both men start sitting up. Murphy stands first, and brings Ali up, but Ali hits back with body shots. Murphy knees low, then whips, but Ali kicks him away. Ali reaches for Murphy but Murphy shoves him away, so Ali flapjack dropkicks on the rebound. Ali takes aim from the corner, then runs in to rally with forearms and elbows. He whips Murphy but Murphy reverses. Murphy runs in but Ali slips out and roundhouses Murphy from the apron. Ali fires up the fans, then slingshots in, but Murphy spins Ali around to deny the facebuster and put on a sleeper hold.

Ali flails and backs Murphy into a corner, but Murphy grabs hair to put the sleeper back on. Murphy squeezes but Ali still backs him back into the buckles. Murphy uses the momentum to throw Ali into the corner, but Ali puts the sleeper on Murphy! Now Murphy backs Ali into buckles, Ali lets go but hops back on for the sleeper! Ali’s weight brings Murphy to his knees, Murphy starts fading. Murphy holds on, and gets a second wind as he runs and cannonballs into buckles!

Both men go down, out of breath from the hold and the impact. Fans rally for Ali, but both men sit up. Murphy stands, then toys with Ali. He drags Ali up, kicking at Ali’s head and face. Ali fires up and rocks Murphy with a right forearm! Murphy shakes his head and grins, but Ali hits him with another and another and another forearm. Ali fires off, but Murphy fires back with his strike fest. Ali dodges the knee, then kicks, but Murphy blocks it to flip Ali back. He lands on his feet, then tosses Murphy back out of the ring. Murphy stays on the apron and shoulders in, but Ali counters dodges and runs in, tilt-o-whirl draping DDT!

Murphy goes down, Ali covers, TWO! And Ali can’t believe it! He glares at Murphy, then stands up to drag Murphy up. He puts Murphy in a corner, then hoists him up to the top rope. Ali throws hands, then climbs up to join Murphy. Murphy resists, then fights back to toss Ali down. Murphy climbs down to kick Ali, then drives in a knee trigger. He keeps going, deadlifting Ali up onto his shoulder, for an AK DDT!

Cover, TWO!! Murphy is too tired to express his shock or frustration. Alexander is still watching, and is anxious as he watches his friend and his foe going to the limit. Murphy sits up, drags Ali to his feet, but Ali trips him up for the jackknife cover. TWO, and Murphy blocks Ali’s kick into a powerbomb! Then the deadlift for the second, and then the third!

The referee checks on Ali while keeping Murphy back. This is just like last week, with Murphy’s TKO victory. Murphy laughs, saying the ref should end it here. Ali is rocked but somehow tells the ref he can continue. He dares Murphy to bring more! So Murphy does, with a fourth powerbomb lift, that Ali counters into the facebuster!!

Cover, TWO!! And Ali still can’t believe it. Both Ali and Murphy are down, but stirring. Murphy rolls himself to the ropes while Ali sits up. Ali rolls over to join Murphy on the apron. Ali formulates an idea, and hoists Murphy up to the top from the outside. He joins Murphy up there, but Murphy pushes Ali back! Ali backflips to land on his feet like a cat! Murphy leaps, but Ali SUPERKICKS him out of the sky!!

Both men are down again but the fans are loving this. Ali hurries to put Murphy back in the ring. Cover, ROPEBREAK. Ali grows frustrated, but he has one more idea. He climbs up top, with flashbacks to their Cruiserweight Championship Tournament match. Ali takes aim at Murphy’s arm, and 450 splashes, onto nothing! Murphy moves just in time to let Ali hit the mat! Murphy goes after Ali’s arm with a knee drop, then drags Ali up to throw the bad arm into a post. He throws Ali down with an arm wringer, but he’s not done there. Murphy goes to throw Ali’s arm into another corner, but Ali reverses to throw Murphy in instead. Ali rolls Murphy up, TWO!

Murphy gets up but runs into a back elbow. Ali leaps, but his tornado DDT is blocked. Murphy grabs the bad arm and hammerlocks it, and tells Ali he should’ve stayed home before throwing that bad arm into the post! Murphy then drags Ali back out, and puts him in the pumphandle, for Murphy’s Law!

Cover, Murphy wins!

Winner: Murphy, by pinfall

The Best Kept Secret kept his promise to get even with Ali. Now he turns his full attention to the Cruiserweight Championship. Will this win here tonight prove Murphy is worthy of challenging Cedric Alexander?



My Thoughts:

205 Live and the Cruiserweights were not part of Backlash, so they aren’t tainted by the aura of disappointment. Even so, they did great again tonight. Lucha House Party VS “Gentlemen with a Plan” was a great opener, and the biggest surprise was Gulak’s appearance. I sense he’ll join up with Gallagher & Kendrick in some way to match up with the luchador trio. I hope this doesn’t spur WWE to make the Cruiserweight Tag Division into a trios division, but having a grappling ground game trio of Gulak, Gallagher & Kendrick would still be a great combination. Maybe we’ll get a Six Man Tag between the two trios before introducing tag titles. The Itami video was great for recounting everything essential about him, but just drives home how I didn’t want him and Tozawa to break up before a tag division was even established.

I’m glad to hear that next week is another crossover of Cruiserweights and United Kingdom Divisions. Hopefully this helps spark the actual relevance of the UK Division in WWE’s eyes. Tony Nese has a good showing, but the only thing about his match that was lacking was the choices made by production. Why did they use the one angle that exposes how the Premier Kneese didn’t even come close to hitting the opponent? That aside, Nese and Murphy forming a friendship of some kind could give us a brand new team for the Cruiserweight Tag Division should Murphy not win the singles title. Murphy and Ali have a stellar match, as good as anything on SmackDown or Raw this week. Murphy wins because he’s clearly on a roll as the monster Heel of the division. His match with Alexander could go either way, I just hope it happens on PPV.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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