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Mitchell’s WWE Monday Night Raw Report! (5/21/18)



Money in the Bank draws closer, and Raw has already filled out their spots with Finn Balor, Braun Strowman, Kevin Owens and Bobby Roode. However, Sami Zayn is more concerned with his grudge against Bobby Lashley. Will the Lashley sisters accept Sami’s invitation to the Times Union Center in Albany?


All images courtesy of the WWE’s official Twitter



  • Roman Reigns VS Kevin Owens; no contest.
  • Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins VS Kevin Owens & Jinder Mahal; Roman & Rollins win.
  • Ember Moon VS Alexa Bliss w/ Mickie James; Ember wins.
  • No Way Jose VS Baron Corbin; Corbin wins.
  • The B Team VS Breezango; The B Team wins.
  • Chad Gable VS Dolph Ziggler w/ Drew McIntyre; Ziggler wins.
  • Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifying Fatal 4 Way: Natalya VS Dana Brooke VS Liv Morgan VS Sarah Logan; Natalya wins and joins the Women’s MITB Ladder match.
  • Bobby Roode VS Elias; Elias wins.
  • Finn Balor VS Braun Strowman; Strowman wins.


Raw General Manager, Kurt Angle, heads to the ring!

The Olympic Gold Medalist is in New York and the fans greet him with “You Suck!” Angle let us know via Twitter that he’d have some major announcements. He sets up the night by letting us know he’ll preside over the Raw Women’s Championship contract signing later tonight.

[Cable lost signal]

It’s Raw Commissioner, Stephanie McMahon!

Stephanie tells Kurt she’ll be presiding over the Raw Women’s Championship contract signing. But now Roman Reigns comes out!

Roman Reigns wants Stephanie to tell him the truth. The management doesn’t want him to be in a title match. Stephanie says the truth is that Roman lost. If he’s mad, take it up with Jinder Mahal. He did. But now Kevin Owens comes out!

Kevin feels indebted to Roman, because taking Mahal out means Kevin got in! Kevin is the final Raw participant at Money in the Bank now. And everyone knows Kevin winning is #BestForBusiness. After last week, Roman does need the truth about how everyone feels about him. Kevin is man enough to say it. He likes Roman! Fans love chanting stupid stuff, so maybe be smart for once and chant what Roman deserves: “Thank You, Roman!” Kevin chants it himself but not all the fans play along. He tried, but there is something Kevin disagrees with. Stephanie is right, she doesn’t play favorites. Kevin is proof of that! Kevin beat up both her brother and father, and yet Stephanie made him her cornerstone superstar, because she knows talent when she sees it. But Stephanie doesn’t appreciate Kevin leaning on her.

Stephanie confirms she doesn’t play favorite. If Roman wants to blow off steam, Stephanie will make a match between Roman and Kevin, for tonight! And up next!


Roman Reigns VS Kevin Owens!

The Prizefighter may have put his foot in his mouth after coming out to the ring, but now Roman looks to put his foot up Kevin’s ass. Can The Big Dog make up for missing out by bringing Kevin down before MITB?

Raw returns with this match in progress. Roman puts Kevin in a corner, then he honors the break. Kevin comes out and ties up with Roman again. Kevin gets the waistlock, but Roman the standing switch, only for Kevin to get away. Roman gives Kevin time to return, and they tie up again. Kevin gets a headlock, and brings Roman down to a knee. Roman powers up and out of the hold, and puts the headlock on Kevin. Kevin powers out, but Roman runs him over! Kevin bails out of the ring to recover, and Roman waits in the ring. Roman walks over as Kevin enters, and blocks the punch to give an uppercut. He keeps on Kevin corner to corner, throwing big hands.

Kevin chops but that vest is tough. Kevin throws a haymaker, but Roman throws one back. Roman climbs up and rains down punches, but only gets five before Kevin shoves him away. Kevin rushes out, but into another uppercut! He crawls to another corner, but Roman is on him with headbutts. Roman whips Kevin corner to corner, then runs in, but Kevin boots him away. Kevin climbs up but Roman uppercuts him out of the ring! Kevin hits the floor while Roman catches his breath. Roman sees Kevin against the apron, and goes outside the ring. He takes his time walking over, and Kevin chops, still no effect. Roman clobbers and puts Kevin in the ring, but Kevin gets right back out. Kevin catches his breath, but Roman pursues again. Roman builds speed this time, but Kevin dodges the Drive-By to SUPERKICK!

Cover, but we go to break!

Raw returns, and clearly this match continues as Kevin climbs up. Roman stops him with another uppercut! Roman clears his head and climbs up, but Kevin hits back. They brawl while Roman climbs, and Roman works on the superplex. Kevin fights him off, and knocks Roman away. Roman runs back but Kevin elbows him away, only for Kevin to run into a clothesline! Roman whips but Kevin reverses, but Roman knocks him down with a leaping lariat. Fans are mixed as Roman goes over to Kevin. Roman gives the close-range clotheslines, and gets all ten. Roman runs, but Kevin dodges the boot to then DDT Roman! Cover, TWO! Kevin keeps his focus while he stands back up. He drags Roman up, then whips, but Roman holds ropes. Roman boots Kevin back but Kevin forearms, then runs, only into the Samoan Drop! Cover, TWO!

Roman keeps his cool, and slowly stands up. Fans duel while Roman locks and loads. Roman runs, but Kevin counters with a roll up! TWO, SUPERKICK! Roman sits down, Kevin runs in with the– SUPERMAN PUNCH! Roman covers, TWO! Both men slowly sit up, and Roman fires himself up. He goes to a corner, and lets out the howl. But Kevin bails out! Roman pursues, and SPEARS Kevin on the outside! Roman drags Kevin up, but JINDER MAHAL attacks! The Modern Day Maharaja goes after Roman for revenge!

No Contest

Mahal puts Roman into the barriers, then boots him down. He isn’t done, as he drags Roman up and into the ring. Mahal stomps Roman, then rains right hands down. Kevin enters to help, but out comes SETH ROLLINS! The Architect rushes the ring and rallies on Mahal, Kevin and even Sunil Singh! He runs them all off, and we go to break.


Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins VS Kevin Owens & Jinder Mahal!

Raw returns and a la Teddy Long, this is now a tag team match! Rollins slips out of Mahal’s scoop slam to then chop away. Rollins runs but Mahal runs him over. Mahal grins and runs, but Rollins is ready with a dropkick. Mahal bails out, so Rollins slingshots out onto him!

Rollins puts Mahal back in the ring, then chops Mahal more. Tag to Roman, and the Shield work together with a whipping forearm smash, feed to back elbow. Cover, ONE, but Roman keeps on Mahal and those bad ribs. Roman unloads hands, then whips Mahal to ropes. Mahal reverses and runs Roman with an elbow. Tag to Kevin, and Kevin stomps away on Roman. Kevin stomps and stomps, then gets mad at Rollins for showing up at all. Kevin tags Mahal and Mahal stomps on Roman again. Mahal drops springboard knees, and puts Roman in a chinlock.

Fans rally while Roman endures the hold. Roman endures, and Mahal drives in an elbow before shifting to a half-nelson. Mahal keeps on Roman while fans continue to rally. Roman works his way up and around, but Mahal gets him to the corner. Kevin tags in and he mugs Roman with Mahal. Kevin chops away on Roman, then puts on another chinlock. Roman endures again, reaching for ropes. Fans rally and Roman powers up. Roman fights out of the hold, then throws Kevin. Kevin kicks but Roman clobbers him with a clothesline! Both men go down, but crawl for their corners. Mahal just comes in, but Roman throws him right out! So Mahal trips up Rollins! He puts Rollins into a corner, then Kevin hits the cannonball. Cover, TWO, we go to break.

Raw returns again, and Roman hits Mahal. Mahal puts Roman in the corner and Kevin tags back in. Kevin unloads on Roman, then respectfully backs off. He comes back to go after Roman, while taunting Rollins. Kevin hits Roman with haymakers and forearms, but Roman hits back with another uppercut. And another, but Kevin drop toeholds and clobbers Roman with crossface punches. Kevin kicks Roman down, then covers, TWO. Kevin continues to taunt Rollins while he puts Roman back in a chinlock. Roman endures all over again, but fans keep dueling. Roman feeds off that energy, and lifts Kevin up! Kevin slips out, and throws Roman to ropes, but Roman boots Kevin down! Both men are down once again, and everyone is fired up. Roman and Kevin crawl, hot tags to Mahal and Rollins!

Rollins rallies on everyone, and runs to Slingblade Mahal. He clotheslines Mahal out, then builds speed, but Kevin swipes at him. Rollins dropkicks Kevin, dropkicks Mahal, then DIVES on Kevin!

Rollins also DIVES on Mahal! The Architect is all fired up as he puts Mahal back in. He boots Mahal away, then hops up to Blockbuster! Cover, TWO! But Rollins keeps his focus while the fans keep making noise. Rollins stomps for “Burn It Down!” Sunil distracts, Mahal fireman’s carry to gutbuster drop! Cover, TWO! Mahal is furious, but he stalks Rollins. Rollins resists and PELE! Kevin tags in, but Rollins sees him coming. Rollins hits the corner buckle shot, then springboards, but into Kevin’s gutbuster! Kevin hops up, Vader Bomb! Cover, Roman breaks it! Mahal returns, but Roman rocks him with an uppercut and Samoan Drop!

Roman gets up but Sunil distracts, Kevin SUPERKICKS Roman! Kevin blocks the knee, then opp-up, but Rollins slips out. Roll up, SUPERKICK from Rollins! Then, CURB STOMP– No, Kevin dodged it, only for Rollins to get the stomp on the second time! Cover, Rollins & Roman win!

Winners: Roman & Rollins, Rollins pinning

The Shield brothers worked together and were successful again. The Intercontinental Champion keeps his incredible roll going, while Roman gets some payback. But then Mahal returns with a chair and attacks them both on the ramp! The Maharaja decimates each of them, then focuses more on Roman. Mahal gets his own payback now with every SMACK of the chair. Referees back him off, but Mahal has done what he wanted. And he keeps going, jamming the chair into Roman! The Maharaja stands tall now, but will Roman come back for revenge all over again?

Roman won’t have to wait long, because Angle made it a match for Money in the Bank! Will The Big Dog kick the Maharaja out of His Yard?


Sami Zayn heads to the ring!

The Underdog promised to get the real story about the Lashley siblings, after that “special interview” between Renee Young and Bobby Lashley. And as promised, Sami will expose Lashley’s lies with the help of his three “very lovely, very honest” sisters. Make some noise, New York!

The Lashley “sisters” walk out to the ring, and Sami sees the resemblance. There’s quite the story to be told here. Lashley said that he loved his sisters, but that didn’t seem right. First, Cathy and her broom: When they were younger, Lashley was always so mean, so she needed the broom to defend herself to swat him away. Second, Francis and the army helmet: She carried their helmet, because Bobby would always hit her in the head. This wasn’t their father’s helmet, she bought it herself. Lastly, Jessica and her towel: This dirty towel was for wiping away her tears after Bobby would make her cry, and it’d get sopping wet.

Sami says that is the real Bobby Lashley. It was a lie when he said he loves his sister. Lashley only loves himself! The sisters grew up with fear, and their parents hated and were ashamed of Lashley. They shipped him off to reform school. They’re an army family, so how did the new neighbors react? “Bobby was a brat. He would steal candy!” It got so bad, that everyone would call the cops. See? Lashley is a liar, a thief, and a bully! Lashley is a menace to society! But Lashley is also here.

Lashley heads to the ring, and says hi to his “sisters”. Look at Cathy. How is she still single? Jessica, this outfit is great. And Francis, she has something all women want: “a big hairy mustache.” Sami did all this for Lashley? What a great friend! This is a great joke, thanks so much, he couldn’t have done it any better. Uhh… Yeah! Yeah you liked it? Or maybe Lashley would like it if Sami kicked him in the face and out of the ring. Lashley is garbage! Now Lashley gets upset. Sami tries to reason with him, but then runs away! And the “Sisters” jump him! It’s a 4v1 attack on Lashley, and Sami has them stand Lashley up. Sami gets easy shots in , but then Lashley breaks free and fights them all off!

Lashley takes out the impostor sisters while Sami runs away. Lashley clubs “Francis” while wearing the helmet, then throws “Cathy” up and over the ropes. Finally, he goes after “Jessica” with that dirty towel whipping him in the but, before suddenly choke slamming him down.

“Cathy” returns, but Lashley uses that broom stick to take him for a ride, back up and out of the ring. Lashley has the ring all to himself, and Sami talks trash from the stage. When will Sami face Lashley face to face and settle this?


Ember Moon VS Alexa Bliss w/ Mickie James!

The War Goddess and The Goddess are both in the Women’s Money in the Bank match, but now go 1v1 to see who is the one true #Shenom of Raw.

Quick backstage interview with Alexa Bliss.

Alexa has already been pinned by Ember in a tag team match, but that’s ancient history. If we want ancient history, Alexa brings up that the Roman Empire lost in a raid because the Visigoths had the element of surprise. Alexa couldn’t prepare for Ember their first time, but now it’s a fair fight. And like Rome, Alexa will win this time.

The bell rings, and the two tie up. Ember gets the arm wrench, but Alexa throws her down by her hair. Alexa stands on Ember at the ropes, then skateboard stomps until 4. She mocks Ember’s moves, but Ember kips up. Ember dodges Alexa, tot hen POUNCE. Cover, TWO, and Alexa bails out. She regroups with Mickie, but Ember just builds speed to slide out. Ember dodges Alexa to throw her with a headscissors. She glares at Mickie, but then Alexa throws her into the barriers with an arm wringer. Alexa trash talks Ember, then puts her back in the ring. Cover, ONE, but Alexa goes after the bad arm. Ember gets up and fights back with forearms, but Alexa rings her arm again. Cover, TWO, and the Five Foot Fury is in control while we go to break.

Raw returns and Alexa stomps away on Ember. Cover, TWO, and Alexa gets frustrated. She drops knees on Ember’s arm, then again. Alexa toys with Ember, then kicks her in the arm before wrenching it back. Ember endures, and fans rally. Ember stands up but Alexa yanks her back down. Alexa sits down on the arm and wrenches it more, but Ember bridges to keep things from becoming a cover. Alexa just focuses on the arm, but Ember endures. Fans rally again, and Ember rolls back to cover, TWO. Alexa goes after the arm but Ember hits back, and hits a side slam. Ember kicks back at Alexa, then runs to dropkick Alexa down. Alexa rolls to the ropes and holds onto the apron skirt. Ember yanks her back in, but Alexa kicks the bad arm. Mickie come sin, but the referee spots her. They argue, and Mickie is ejected!

Mickie throws a tantrum, so Ember smacks Mickie with a forearm. Alexa rolls Ember, TWO! Ember glares at Alexa, but Alexa puts her on the apron for a hotshot to the arm. Ember returns the favor and kicks Alexa back. She climbs up high, ECLIPSE! Cover, Ember wins!

Winner: Ember, by pinfall

The War Goddess trumps the Bliss Goddess, but there are still more women to join the MITB ladder match with them. Will Ember be able to Eclipse them, too, and become the second-ever Ms. MITB?


Stephanie McMahon is in her office.

She enjoys a gift basket before Finn Balor and Braun Strowman walk in. The Extraordinary Man and the Monster Among Men were looking for Angle. Well she took his office, so perhaps she can help them. They wanted a rematch with Ziggler & McIntyre. That’s nice, but they’re not a tag team. Right? And, Money in the Bank makes them opponents, every man for himself. Finn has a nice smile, but there might be some blame on Strowman for their loss. How about this? In the spirit of friendly competition, a preview of MITB with Finn Balor VS Braun Strowman. Strowman crushes the apple with one hand. He likes competition, but he didn’t say “friendly.” will Finn end up like the apple?


No Way Jose VS Baron Corbin!

The Fighting Fiesta returns and looks to settle things with The Lone Wolf tonight. Will Corbin have more fun ruining Jose’s fun in Albany?

The bell rings and the two circle. Jose blocks and gives back punches, then whips. Corbin reverses, but then slides out and in, but Jose was ready with the baseball slide. Jose then slingshots out and takes Corbin down! Jose keeps on Corbin, but Corbin shoves him away. Corbin LEAPS from the apron and clubs Jose down. Corbin stomps away on Jose, then taunts the fans. He puts Jose back in the ring, then drags Jose up. Corbin throws Jose into the post, then grinds Jose’s head into the post. He backs off but then covers, TWO. Corbin keeps on Jose with a half-nelson. Jose endures, then powers up, but Corbin wrangles him back down. Fans build to a rally, and Jose feeds off the energy. Jose fights back, but Corbin knees low. Corbin throws Jose but Jose throws Corbin into the post, hard!

Corbin drags himself out but runs into Jose’s boot. Jose back elbows, then throws hands. Corbin shoves Jose away but Jose boots Corbin. Jose runs Corbin over with a clothesline! Jose lifts Corbin, for a flapjack! Cover, TWO! Jose gets up and takes off the arm band, but Corbin grabs him. Corbin lifts for the choke slam, but Jose slips out and rolls Corbin up! TWO, DEEP SIX! Corbin isn’t done there, he brings Jose up and reels him in for END OF DAYS! Cover, Corbin wins!

Winner: Corbin, by pinfall

The Lone Wolf ends the party for tonight, but has no path to the top. Will Corbin keep ruining the fun and find his way to a title?


Angle tries to get signal, but can’t.

Chad Gable comes up and talks about Stephanie being in his office. Well, Angle let her have his office. Plus, he likes being in the hallway. It’s quiet. But no bars. Angle is glad Gable is here. Gable should’ve been the one in the match last week but management has plans. Gable vows to take opportunity when he finds it. But then Ziggler and McIntyre walk over. Ziggler loves what Angle’s done with the place. McIntyre points out the win over Balor & Strowman, but apparently a rematch is above Angle’s pay grade. Gable speaks up, and Ziggler asks his claim to fame. Amateur wrestler? Who here isn’t? But there’s a difference between them. Ziggler doesn’t awit for handouts. Who’s waiting? Angle keeps the peace, and says to settle it in the ring. Gable takes on the Show-Off later tonight.


The B Team VS Breezango!

The “undefeated” Bo Dallas & Curt Axel are back, with new “merchandise”. The Fashion Police want a rematch after pointing out the “Best Team” are actually the “Bleh Team”. They have new merch, too, and will prove there’s only room for one “B Team” on Raw.

The bell begins and Breeze starts against Axel. Axel gets a drop toehold then cover, ONE, and the two back off. Breeze and Axel tie up and now Breeze gets the toehold and cover, ONE. Axel regroups with Bo on the outside, then Axel returns to tag to Bo. Bo rushes Breeze but runs into the toehold. Cover, ONE, but Breeze brings Bo over to tag in Fandango. Fandango climbs up, swivels his hips, then drops an ax handle. Fandango throws jabs, then covers, ONE. He whips Bo but Bo sunset flips. Fandango keeps his balance, swivels again, but Axel tags in. They hit the neckbreaker, cover, B Team wins again!

Winners: B Team (Bo & Axel), Axel pinning

They did it again! They’re still “undefeated”, and are all fired up, they celebrate with the referee. Can Bo & Axel continue to prove B stands for Best, and then challenge the Raw Tag Team Champions?


Stephanie McMahon returns to the ring.

The Raw Commissioner now presides over this Raw Women’s Championship contract signing, since she replaced Kurt Angle. This is all over “the challenge heard ’round the world.” Nia Jax challenged Ronda Rousey to be her challenger at MITB. Stephanie makes the introduction, and The Irresistible Force comes out first.

Stephanie congratulates Nia Jax for winning the title. Her issues with Alexa Bliss were heart-wrenching, but Nia boldly called out her own opponent. Stephanie introduces the “Baddest Woman on the Planet”, “Rowdy” Ronda!

Ronda joins Stephanie and Nia in the ring, and asks how Stephanie’s arm feels. Stephanie’s arm is fine, thanks for asking. Stephanie moves things to business, and does ask Ronda how it feels to “leap frog the entire Raw Women’s Division” and all the worthier superstars? Ronda knows what Stephanie is up to. A lot of women deserve this shot, but Nia wanted Ronda. Yes, Nia wanted Ronda, but why? Is it because Nia is going to make a name for herself at Ronda’s expense? Ronda was impressive at Wrestlemania, but she’s never competed in a singles match, so Ronda is “rip for the picking.” And Nia knows that as an open weight division, the bigger, stronger Nia can dominate Ronda. Ronda doesn’t like to lose, but if Nia wins, Ronda will just quit forever, and Nia becomes the NEW Baddest Woman on the Planet.

But Ronda knows we know it took Nia 20 minutes to defeat the teeny tiny Alexa. Why? Was Nia relying too much on her power and size? Is it that Nia is lazy? If so, then it won’t take Ronda all that long to put Nia in an armbar. That’s if Ronda can do it, though. Can she when Nia is the biggest opponent she’s ever faced? Nia tells Stephanie, “No! The truth is, she can’t get the armbar on me.” Nia is sick of being called “lazy”. The truth is that Nia will make a name for herself when she wins at MITB. Nia signs the contract, then so does Ronda.

The match is now official, but Ronda also knows the tradition of these kinds of events. She moves the table aside, and says she’s happy the truth came out. Ronda is still civil, and wants to shake hands. Nia accepts, and Ronda says “I’m going to take your title.” And her arm! The two glare down while Stephanie smirks to herself. Will Irresistible Force or Baddest Woman be the Raw Women’s Champion after MITB?


Chad Gable VS Dolph Ziggler w/ Drew McIntyre!

The Olympic Medalist and former tag team champion defends his pride against The Show-Off in this match-up of legitimate amateur wrestlers. Raw returns to this match in progress as the two tie up. Gable gets the waistlock but Ziggler the switch. Gable switches back, then they stand up, and Gable gets the arm. He whips and arm-drags Ziggler, then gets the waistlock again. Gable is all over Ziggler, tying up the legs, then shifting to a facelock. Ziggler rolls but Gable holds on. Ziggler gets to ropes and Gable honors the break. The two circle and tie up again, then Ziggler goes after the leg, only for Gable to get he facelock. Cover, TWO, and Gable returns to the waistlock. Ziggler elbows his way out, then dropkicks Gable down! Cover, TWO, but Ziggler keeps his calm.

Ziggler walks around Gable, and grinds his laces into Gable’s face. He wraps Gable in a chinlock, then bends him back. Fans rally and Gable stands up, but Ziggler throws him down. Ziggler drops an elbow, covers, TWO. Ziggler wraps Gable in a sleeper hold and body scissors, extending one of the arms out to trap it. Gable endures while fans rally again, and rolls around. He stands up and fights out of the hold. Gable gets a takedown, rolls, TWO, another takedown to jackknife, TWO. Ziggler kicks low, then dare Gable to stand up. Ziggler gets the waistlock, back suplex but Gable slips out. Gable goes for the German Suplex but Ziggler resists, to then hit the neckbreaker.

Ziggler grins while he aims at Gable. He runs into Gable’s back elbow, then a kick. Gable dodges the superkick to then reverse wheelbarrow, TWO. Gable dodges the splash, CHAOS THEORY! TWO, and McIntyre is relieved. Gable goes at Ziggler, but Ziggler has the ropes. Ziggler headbutts then SUPERKICKS Gable. Cover, Ziggler wins!

Winner: Ziggler, by pinfall

The Show-Off used a “veteran” move to get the better of the young Gable. But now McIntyre walks into the ring and brings Gable up. McIntyre hits the Claymore!

The Stud and the Show-Off stand over Gable, reaffirmed in their mission to take everything by force. Will they storm their way to a Raw Tag Team Championship match?


Women’s Money in the Bank Qualifying Fatal 4 Way: Natalya VS Dana Brooke VS Liv Morgan VS Sarah Logan!

The Riott Squad has two more chances to enter someone into the second-ever Women’s MITB Ladder Match, but can they do enough to stop the Queen of Harts and Titus Worldwide’s Statistician?

The bell rings and it naturally becomes 2v2 as the Squad goes after Natty and Dana. They isolate one each in corners, and Liv throws Natty down while Sarah throws hands on Dana. Dana turns things around and stomps away on Sarah. Natty pops up but Liv still hits her with a flying bulldog. Cover, TWO, and Liv is already frustrated. Dana fights Sarah off, but Natty puts Liv in a corner. Natty goes after Sarah and snap suplexes her down. Cover, TWO, and Liv helps Sarah out. Liv whips Natty into a corner, but Natty dodges. Natty rebounds Liv off the ropes to then run all over and dropkick her down. Cover, TWO, and Sarah knees Natty right in the face. Cover, but Dana breaks it up. Dana handsprings into Liv, then runs Sarah over, but Liv enziguris Dana out.

The Squad regroups, and stare down. This is every woman for herself, but they laugh. They don’t care about that, so long as one of them gets in. The Squad goes after Natty, taunting her with what she’ll never have in the Women’s MITB briefcase. They mug Natty with all kinds of strikes, and continue to taunt her. Ruby cheers her team on while they bring Natty back up. The Squad double whips but Natty ducks and Dana trips up Liv. Dana and Liv take each other out with big double clotheslines, and then Natty rallies on Sarah!

Natty turns Sarah around for the Russian leg sweep, then goes for the Sharpshooter. Ruby comes in but Natty knocks her out, Sarah hits Shotgun Knees!! Cover, but Dana breaks it. Sarah hits Dana, then throws Dana into a post. Sarah roars, but Natty dicus clotheslines her down! Then, Sharpshooter! Sarah endures, but Sarah taps, Natty wins!

Winner: Natalya, by submission; qualifies for the Women’s MITB Match

The Queen of Harts is in! She is just one match away from having a title match anytime, anywhere. Can Natty climb over Alexa Bliss, Ember Moon, Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch?

In-ring interview with Natalya.

Congratulations on her third MITB ladder match. Is her experience her greatest asset? yes, but she’s also got the Baddest Woman on the Planet as a training partner and best friend. After MITB, they’re gonna have new nicknames. Ronda will be Champion, and Natty will be Ms. Money in the Bank. A bold statement, but it could happen. Will Natty win to then have a title match with her good friend?


“Ladies and Gentlemen: Elias.”

The Drifter is in Albany and claims he is the reason WWE’s stock has risen 150%. WWE is at an all time high, and it is no coincidence. The reason is that NBC Universal and the world knows that WWE really stands for “Walk With Elias!” A good response from Albany. Elias begins to play, “I love Elias”, “Yes I Do!” He loves the reaction. However, he does not love them. Elias was in France and London, so it is soul-crushing to come to this “dump called Albany.” But before he can continue, it’s time to be GLORIOUS!

Bobby Roode VS Elias!

This rivalry is renewed, and Roode perhaps wants to rub it in that he’s in the MITB Match and Elias isn’t. But Elias won’t stand for this interruption, and he attacks Roode from behind!

Elias stomps and stomps away on Roode, even after the referee backs him off. The referee asks Roode if he wants to still compete, and Roode says “Absolutely!” The bell rings and Roode throws the robe at Elias! Roode fires off hands and stomps of his own, then goes after Elias in a corner. They go to another corner and Roode chops and punches away. Roode puts Elias in yet another corner, but Elias chops back. They brawl, Roode whips but Elias reverses, only for Roode to clothesline him down, then clothesline him out! Roode is in control while we go to break.

Raw returns and Elias whips Roode to then run him over. Elias drops a knee, then covers, TWO. He drags Roode up and suplexes him down, then covers again, TWO. Elias digs his wrists into Roode’s eyes then wraps him in a seated cobra clutch. Roode endures and fights his way up, but Elias brings him back down. Fans rally while Roode endures the hold. Roode works his way up and arm-drags, but Elias holds on. Elias keeps Roode away from ropes, then trash talks Roode. Fans rally again, and Roode feeds off their energy. Roode stands up, then fights out with body shots. Roode throws haymakers, then ducks Elias to chop. Elias knees low, then runs, but Roode runs him over.

Roode rallies, whips, but Elias reverses, only for Roode to run him over. Roode hits a corner clothesline, but Elias denies the neckbraeker. They go again, GLORIOUS Spinebuster. Cover, TWO, but Roode keeps his cool. Roode fires himself up and the fans rally with him. He winds it up… GLORIOUS POSE! He kicks low, but Elias denies the DDT. Roode sunsets but Elias sits down, TWO. Elias knees low but runs into a boot. Roode hops up, GLORIOUS Blockbuster avoided, but Roode turns him into a neckbreaker. Fans fire up as Roode climbs again. Elias trips Roode up, and then drags Roode out for the Drift Away! Cover, Elias wins!

Winner: Elias, by pinfall

The Drifter wins again, going up by one in this rivalry. Roode still goes for Money in the Bank, but will he get even with Elias down the road?


The Monster Among Men waits for no one. He wants his match, and he wants it now!

Finn Balor VS Braun Strowman!

The Extraordinary Man takes on one of his Men’s MITB opponents a few weeks early, and for the first time ever in singles competition. Can Finn hope to survive Strowman’s super strength here tonight?

The bell rings and Finn walks right up to Strowman. They smile, but then they start brawling. Finn throws hands, then dodges to kick. Strowman lunges but Finn dodges and kicks again. Finn goes for a leg but Strowman throws him off. Finn tires again, and Strowman clubs him down. Strowman looms over Finn, then headbutts Finn back down. Strowman drags Finn up just to club him, then circles him like a shark. He whips Finn hard into buckles, then roars victoriously. Strowman reminds Finn that Finn was the one pinned last week, then headbutts Finn to a corner. He whips Finn corner to corner but Finn dropkicks Strwoman’s legs. Finn keeps going, more dropkicks to the leg. Strowman stays standing, and he presses Finn tot he mat with one hand! It’s a cover, TWO, so Strowman backs off to make sure his leg is okay.

Strowman PUNTS Finn out of the ring, then lets him sit out there a moment. He goes out and looms over Finn before tossing him back in the ring. Finn clutches his neck from the rough landing, but Strowman is back in the ring. Strowman says that the briefcase is his, and then drives his fist into Finn’s stomach. Strowman dares Finn to stand up, and Finn does. Finn gets another punch to the stomach. Strowman mocks Finn’s smile before clubbing Finn in the face. Strowman wants Finn to get up again, and Finn drags himself up with the ropes. Finn’s put in a corner, but Finn boots Strowman away. Finn keeps booting Strowman away, then dodges to kick Strowman. He dodges again to chop, but it does nothing. Strowman grabs Finn and headbutts Finn right down.

Strowman stands over Finn, drags him up, and whips him to then boot him. He stands on Finn as a cover, TWO. Strowman wants to see the “Fighting Irish”, so Finn dumps Strowman out and hits him with a dropkick! Finn aims from the apron, but the kick is blocked! Strowman trips and slams Finn onto the apron, then goes back into the ring. Strowman drags Finn back up, to again club Finn down. He asks Finn if he’s had enough while fans chant “Get These Hands!” Strowman says he’s done playing, but Finn SLAPS Strowman! Strowman uppercuts Finn right down, and Finn falls out of the ring. The referee keeps Strowman back, but Strowman goes out to build up speed. Finn hits a Slingblade outta nowhere!

Finn fires up now, and he runs to blast Strowman over the barriers! Fans fire up as Finn is back in this fight. Finn fires up again, but Strowman rises up! Strowman grabs Finn, but Finn kicks him down. Finn breaks the ring count, to then go back on the apron, for a FLYING double stomp! Strowman is reeling, and Finn decides to use the barriers for a springboard, COUP DE GRACE!

Finn returns to the ring, and lets the count climb. Strowman clutches his chest, and can only crawl as the count reaches 5. The count climbs to 7, and Strowman stands up, to beat the count at 9. But Finn is ready, with another– Strowman runs Finn over! Strowman roars, and picks Finn up. Finn slips out of the way, Strowman runs into the post! Finn hits a dropkick to Strowman’s head! Strowman goes down, Finn climbs up! But Strowman grabs Finn, only for Finn to slip out. Finn runs, but into a powerslam! Strowman isn’t done, he brings the straps down to bring Finn up, for the MONSTER Slam! Cover, Strowman wins!

Winner: Strowman, by pinfall

The Monster is too much for the Man, even though Finn showed a superhuman amount of heart. And he doesn’t stop there, he stands Finn up in a corner! But, not to do any more damage, he just wants Finn standing when he roars in victory. Will Strowman use steel to crush everyone else in the Men’s MITB match?



My Thoughts:

This was a good episode of Raw, for having a slow start. Even though I lost signal part way through, the essential points were pretty easy to understand: Stephanie again uses her authority over Angle to demean him, while Roman is forced into the mold of conspiracy victim when it doesn’t fit him. The matches that sprang from this segment were still good, as Roman and Kevin put on a good partial match, and then the tag match was solid. Mahal also ups his Heel points, and gets a title match out of it. If Roman isn’t going after the Universal Championship any time soon, a move back to IC wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe they can use Mahal and Rollins as a way to turn Roman Heel.

That Sami-Lashley segment was almost as bad as Alexa Bliss’ “Bayley, This is Your Life”. But then Lashley came out and fought off Sami and the fake sisters, and fans seemed to like that. I still feel Sami-Lashley will circle back to include Kevin and Angle and that will count as everyone’s blow off. Ember-Alexa was a great match, and Ember going over means great things for her. Corbin wins what felt like a filler match, but both he and Jose need things to do while not competing in anything important. I still don’t get what’s going on with B Team. Gable and Ziggler also do great, but I actually hope this doesn’t turn Gable back towards tag team with Jason Jordan or anyone. Gable’s a great talent, so he can make it work as a singles competitor with opportunities like this.

I’m disappointed Nia and Ronda let Stephanie egg them on into taking this match personally. They came in as friendly competitors, and they could get intense later on, but not because Stephanie whispered in their ears and rile them up. In fact, Natalya winning to qualify for the MITB should’ve been the way they went with this. Natty already assumes she wins, and assumes Ronda wins, so the assumption Natty makes upsets Nia and that turns Nia VS Ronda into a more intense feud. Elias wins what felt like filler, but it is also smart to remind everyone that this feud can continue past MITB. Strowman VS Finn was great, with the great story of Finn coming within minutes of conquering Strowman. Strowman shows some respect and mercy to Finn, so that’s also something.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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