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Mitchell’s WWE Monday Night Raw Report! (6/25/18)



Who leaves Raw THE Intercontinental Champion?

The Architect put out a challenge last week, and the Show-Off answered. Controversy aside, Dolph Ziggler became the NEW WWE Intercontinental Championship! But now Seth Rollins wants his rematch, and its happening tonight! Can #MondayNightRollins return? Or will Ziggler & McIntyre continue to take over Raw?


All images courtesy of the WWE’s official Twitter



  • Bobby Lashley & Roman Reigns VS The Revival; The Revival wins.
  • WOKEN Hardy w/ Bray Wyatt VS Curt Axel w/ Bo Dallas; Axel wins.
  • The Authors of Pain VS The Gibson Brothers; AoP win.
  • Natalya w/ Nia Jax VS Alexa Bliss w/ Mickie James;  Natalya wins.
  • Six Woman Tag: The Riott Squad VS Ember Moon, Sasha Banks & Bayley; The Riott Squad wins.
  • No Way Jose VS Mojo Rawley; no contest.
  • Braun Strowman & Kevin Owens VS Finn Balor & Baron Corbin; Strowman & Kevin win.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship: Dolph Ziggler w/ Drew McIntyre VS Seth Rollins; Rollins wins by disqualification, Ziggler retains the WWE Intercontinental Championship.


WWE honors the memory of the late Leon White, aka Vader.

An innovative big man that no one could deny, he will be missed.


The Raw General Manager and the Lone Constable are already in the ring.

Kurt Angle and Baron Corbin stand by side. Corbin insists on getting his own introduction, and makes sure Jojo gets it right. Jojo corrects herself, Corbin is “Stephanie’s personally appointed” Constable of Raw. Can they begin now? Angle got a call from Stephanie last week, and he made an announcement about the Extreme Rules Universal Championship #1 Contender’s match. However, Paul Heyman started a social media rumor about Brock Lesnar’s status. Therefore, Angle sets the record straight. But then Roman Reigns appears!

The Big Dog, the uncrowned WWE Universal Champion, walks out in front of San Diego to a strongly mixed reaction. Paul Heyman’s post implied that The Beast no longer wants anything to do with Roman, despite having beaten Roman time and again. Roman joins Angle and Corbin in the ring while fans continue to either cheer or jeer. He doesn’t mean to interrupt, he just wants to hear this announcement in person. But then Bobby Lashley appears!

The Alpha Male is here, because he and Roman are both in the announced Extreme Rules #1 Contender’s match. Heyman called Lashley a “Lesnar wannabe”, which is why Lashley wants to hear this announcement firsthand, too. Plus, Roman’s had his chances, and for three years, the only thing Roman’s proven is that he can’t win. Roman needs to move on and let someone else have a turn. Fans agree with that.

Move on? Like Lashley did about 10 years ago? For those who forgot or didn’t know, Lashley was in a Wrestlemania main event, and then decided to move on. Why? To be a big MMA star, but how did that go? A real big impact huh? But tell us this: What has Lashley down lately? Nothing! But Roman was the one who main-evented ‘Mania four years in a row. Roman is going for five, so you better check the resume before stepping to him.

Don’t downplay Lashley’s background, Roman. Lashley is the only one with the legitimate tools to win. And Lashley will prove it against three, four or however many guys Angle puts against him, including Roman. Angle explains there will not be a multi-man match. Lesnar has pulled out of the deal, there is no contender’s match at Extreme Rules. What does he mean, off the table? Does Lashley need it spelled out? Lesnar does whatever he wants, and doesn’t care about anything but money. Lesnar doesn’t respect anyone here, there or at home, because Lesnar doesn’t give a sh– Angle calms Roman down.

Lashley wonders if Lesnar had someone legit, he’d show up, instead of always facing Roman! Maybe someone who was an actual challenge. Lesnar has grown tired of Roman, just like the fans! Maybe if it was someone like Lashley, Lesnar would come back. Roman figures that if no one has a match at Extreme Rules, they should just have a match here and now. The fans like the sound of that, but Angle says no. That match will be at Extreme Rules, because there are other stars to attend to tonight. Got that? #SayYeah! The Revival return!

Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder see it’s a new week but the same old story. Maybe these “top guys” get opportunities handed to them, but THE #TopGuys see an opportunity. Last week, they were surprised the two biggest egos won, but they won’t be surprised again. What does Angle say? Corbin says “Let’s get this party started.” Angle agrees, and we get a rematch from last week!


Bobby Lashley & Roman Reigns VS The Revival!

It’s tag team deja vu as two top guys take on the #TopGuys in a rematch from last week. Dash & Dawson swear to make up for the loss, will they have a better go at it with tensions running high?

The bell rings but The Revival go at both Lashley & Roman. Lashley & Roman right them off, whip them into back drops, then clothesline them out of the ring. They stare at each other, but Lashley lets Roman start. Roman fetches Dawson and headbutts him to the corner. Roman tags Lashley, and the two work together to whip Dawson. Dawson gets run over, but the double team is a bit sloppy. Dash takes advantage only to get knocked down, but Dawson hotshots Lashley on the rope. Dawson unloads chops on Lashley, then hands. He reels Lashley into a lariat, then tags to Dash for a human weapon leg drop! Cover, TWO, but Dash stays on Lashley with European Uppercuts.

Lashley hits back, then backs Dash down, only for Dash to back him down. Dawson tags in and The Revival mug Lashley. Dawson snapmares and puts Lashley into body scissors. Fans rally for Lashley as he endures the sleeper. Lashley powers up and out, but Dash still tags in. The Revival double suplex Lashley, then cover, TWO. Dash shoves but Lashley comes back with the complete shot. Tag to Dawson, but tag to Roman! Roman rallies with clotheslines. He whips but Dawson reverses, Roman hits the leaping lariat! Fans are a mix as Roman throws close range clotheslines. Roman then runs, and boots Dawson down! Roman uppercuts Dash before he can come in, then aims at Dawson. He locks and loads, but Dash saves Dawson. Roman goes around to Drive-By Dash down! He keeps on Dawson while we go to break.

Raw returns and Dash snapmares Roman into a chinlock. Dash puts his weight on Roman but fans rally. Roman reaches, stands, then arm-drags Dash off. Dawson tags in, blocks Roman from Lashley, then puts him on the apron for kicks and forearms between the ropes. He backs off, but Dash gets a cheap shot in! Dawson goes back to Roman, and stomps one of Roman’s hands. Dawson throws hands, but fans still rally. Roman gets to ropes but Dawson whips him to a corner. Dawson runs but into a boot, so he hurries to tag Dash. Dash runs in and stops Rmoan from reaching Lashley. Dash stomps away, but backs off at the ref’s count. He drags Roman out and up into a seated cobra clutch. Fans rally again while Roman endures.

Roman powers up but Dash yanks him down by his hair. Dash tags Dawson and Dawson drops knees on Roman. Dawson also stomps Roman, then taunts “The Big Dog” about his “Yard”. Dawson puts Roman in a corner but Roman headbutts out. A kick and a whip but Roman reverses and Dawson hits buckles hard! And stumbles into a Samoan Drop! Roman crawls for his corner, as does Dawson. Hot tags to Dash and Lashley! Lashley rallies on the Revival! Belly2belly overhead for Dash, then one for Dawson! Lashley clotheslines Dash in a corner, then the same for Dawson. He rams a shoulder into Dash, but has to SPINEBUSTER Dawson first. Then Lashley suplexes Dash up and down. Lashley takes aim from a corner for his spear, but Roman repeats last week. He tags in, SUPERMAN PUNCH!

Then, Roman fires up, but keeps his space from Lashley. Dawson runs in, but Roman sends him into Lashley! SPEAR to Dawson, but Dash rolls him up! The Revival win!!

Winners: The Revival, Dash pinning

The tag team Top Guys get one over on the singles top guys! Lashley and Roman are beside themselves, their competitive egos getting in the way. Lashley has even more of a reason not to see Roman as a worthy contender to the title. Will Lashley prove himself worthy in a match between these two powerhouses?


The Deleters of Worlds speak.

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, than The B Team’s parody was absolutely WONDERFUL~! The last time WOKEN Hardy saw such a performance, he was with one William Shakespeare. As for Bray Wyatt, he does not appreciate the facade. The B Team’s eyes tell a different story. Those two are so fixated on the prize, they don’t even realize they’re in the lion’s den. “B Team, you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourselves into.” San Diego, they’re here.

WOKEN Hardy w/ Bray Wyatt VS Curt Axel w/ Bo Dallas!

Before facing off for the Raw Tag Team Championships, these two teams will try to divide and conquer each other in a singles match. Will the Son of the Perfect One be DELETED in one-on-one competition?

Of course, the parody continues as WOKEN Axel laughs and tells that this is an “eternal corn-flict” not bound by time or space. And Bo Wyatt says “We may be entering the lion’s den, but you’re about to be entering a… B-Hive! Bzz~!” They will not rest until- *cough cough* Too much smoke. San Diego, The B Team is here. *cough cough*

The bell rings and Hardy gives Axel DELETE DELETE buckle bumps. Hardy throws elbows, then headbutts, then elbows again. Hardy kicks but Axel hits back. Axel whips but Hardy reverses. Axel boots from the corner but Hardy stops him on the top rope with heavy haymakers. Hardy positions Axel then climbs up, but Axel resists. Wait, did Hardy slip!? Either way, it’s a cover, and Axel wins!!

Winner: Curt Axel, by pinfall

The B Team is even “undefeated” in singles competition! But Hardy and Wyatt are not amused. They glare at Axel and Bo while fans chant “DELETE! DELETE!” But Hardy says that was WONDERFUL~! They applaud, and B Team celebrates. But who will be celebrating after Extreme Rules?


The Authors of Pain walk the halls.

And they bully some random staffer… Titus Worldwide comes by and let the new guys know not to mistreat the backstage crew. Thanks for the advice, but no thanks. Akam & Rezar storm off, ready to do the same to their opponents.


Kurt Angle and Bayley welcome Alicia Fox back to Raw.

They’re all glad to have the former Women’s Champion back, but Angle asks to speak to Bayley alone. Angle was speaking with Sasha Banks earlier, and they’re going to team up again. No! They can’t– They’re too valuable to Raw. They and Ember Moon will take on the entire Riott Squad, so get along. Bayley calms herself. Can she and Sasha make up, again?


The Authors of Pain VS The Gibson Brothers!

AoP returns to Raw, and both Rich & Rex regret signing up for this already. The bell rings and Rezar immediately boots Rex! Rezar brings Rex up and dumps him out of the ring! Then Rezar drags Rich in, and tags in Akam. Akam boots Rich out of the ring to join his brother. Akam puts Rex back in, then carries him for a Death Valley Driver into the corner! Tag to Rezar, Rex gets the LAST CHAPTER! Cover, AOP wins!

Winners: The Authors of Pain, Rezar pinning

They’re back again but the story remains the same. They even hammer away on each Gibson Brother! So Titus Worldwide comes to the rescue! Apollo & Titus run in but Akam & Rezar decide to head out. Will these ruthless upstarts regret being bullies? Or will Titus’ brand regret thinking AoP cares?


Angle and Corbin argue.

Corbin questions Angle’s judgment in making a tag team match involving the volatile “friendship”. Does he like seeing tag teams implode? Angle is just trying to make Raw as exciting as possible! But then in walks Finn Balor. Finn just wanted to ask why Lesnar had that contenders match tanked? Corbin thinks Finn should be grateful. Finn would just embarrass himself, like last week. That’s funny, coming from a guy with a TGIF manager uniform. And now, in comes Mr. Monster in the Bank, Braun Strowman. Strowman feels bad for being so rough on Kevin Owens, who just wanted to be a friend. So Strowman volunteers to be Kevin’s tag team partner. Angle is already dreading this runaway train. But who does Strowman want to face? These two. Corbin and Finn? Well, combustible tag teams are always more fun, so why not? #CheckPlease.


Alexa Bliss & Mickie James head to the ring.

The Goddess and three-time Raw Women’s Champion was literally slammed last week after she and Ronda Rousey had a confrontation in the ring. Alexa Bliss did rile Ronda up when she cashed in at Money in the Bank, but made it worse by calling Ronda an “over-hyped rookie.” For that, Ronda teed off her and then bombed her through the table. But because of all that, Ronda was suspended for 30 days, meaning Alexa won’t have to fear her at Extreme Rules.

So this week, Mickie James introduces the “one and only Goddess of WWE”, to a mixed reaction from San Diego. Alexa deserves it after what “that angry maniac” did to her. What’s her problem? Alexa is somehow still standing, because champions bounce back. The Baddest Woman on the Planet is just the Most Entitled Brat on the Planet. Even after what happened, Ronda doesn’t get the rules, because Alexa’s cash-in was 100% legal. Personally, Mickie sees that as one of the greatest cash-ins ever! Alexa saw the tweets, too, thank you all. But how is she reward? Facing “the bully” Nia Jax at Extreme Rules. Maybe, depends on her arm. Nia might still be reattaching it after MITB.

But the fact of the matter is: Alexa is champion while Nia is recovering and Ronda is suspended. And what’s funny is that as long as Alexa’s known Nia is that Nia can always paint herself as the victim. She walks around thinking she’s the hero of her story when she defeats “mean ol’ Alexa Bliss”. Nia thought she had her fairy tale ending and Backlash was the sequel. You know, the “different girl” beat the “mean girl”, but that’s just movies. In reality, Alexa’s the hero! Alexa has overcome every obstacle ever put in her way, like Elimination Chamber, MITB and Ronda Rousey! Boo all you want, Alexa’s still champ. Fans decide to say “You Suck!” instead. How rude. But here comes Natalya!

The Queen of Harts says the countdown is own. 23 days away from Natty’s friend, Ronda, comes back to deal with Alexa. Oooh~, so scary! So impressive that Natty can count backwards from 30. But what’s surprising is that Natty left that five star vacation with Total Divas to come back and tell Alexa all that. How does Alexa know that? Because Natty over-posts her entire life. So Natty, thanks for nothing, bye. No, she’s not. Natty talked with Angle, and he said they’re having a match, right here and now! Fans like the sound of that. And one more thing, Natty didn’t come alone. Nia Jax is here, too!


Natalya w/ Nia Jax VS Alexa Bliss w/ Mickie James!

The Queen of Harts is fighting for her friend that was suspended, with her other friend in her corner. Can she make the Goddess of Sass pay for all the trash talk she’s been throwing? Or will Alexa find a way to slip away with a win?

Raw returns and Alexa has Natty in a body scissors. Fans rally and Natty turns around to throw hands on Alexa. Alexa grabs Natty for a guillotine, but Natty powers up and out. Alexa sunset flips but Natty rolls through. Natty wants a sharpshooter, but Alexa scrambles to the ropes. She even grabs the apron skirt, but Natty drags her back in. The referee bothers with that, but he doesn’t see Alexa kick out Natty’s bad leg, then kick her in the head. Cover, TWO! Alexa glares as she puts Natty back in the body scissors. Natty endures but Alexa rolls her over, TWO. Alexa keeps squeezing, but Natty turns around again. Alexa grabs her in a guillotine again, but Natty powers out to a Michinoku driver!

Both women are down and a 10 count begins. Natty is up first, discus misses, and ALexa throws her down by her hair. Knee drops to back flip, Insult2Injury! Cover, TWO! Alexa complains about the count, but she still stomps Natty down. She skateboard stomps on Natty’s head, then covers, TWO! Again, TWO. Again, TWO. Alexa grows frustrated, and she drags Natty up to choke her. She wants Natty to just quit, but Natty grabs her back to return the favor! ALexa breaks free but Natty starts rallying with lariats. Natty snap suplexes! Then, Russian leg sweep. Natty runs over Alexa but Mickie swipse at her. Alexa rolls Natty, TWO, but that killer right! Natty gets to ropes, but now Nia gets to trip Alexa! Discus Lariat! And Sharpshooter! Alexa taps, Natty wins!

Winner: Natalya, by submission

Turnabout is fair play as Nia helps Natty sneak one on the sneaky Alexa and Mickie. With a win over the Goddess, does this make Natty a future contender? And with Nia up first, will Alexa’s reign at Extreme Rules?


Backstage interview with Seth Rollins.

The former Intercontinental Champion has his rematch tonight, but he won’t make excuses. He made an open challenge and lost to Dolph Ziggler. But he’s had seven days to let that loss motivate him to getting better. This Rollins here tonight will be like nothing he’s ever seen. As for Drew McIntyre, he’ll have the best seat in the house when Rollins takes the title back.


Jinder Mahal poses for photos.

The Modern Day Maharaja and Man of Peace is interrupted by the Riott Squad. No, smile, Mahal, it’s fine. Until the camera gets busted, on purpose. Mahal keeps calm, which just weirds the Squad out. They leave, ready to make more trouble in the ring.

Six Woman Tag: The Riott Squad VS Ember Moon, Sasha Banks & Bayley!

This is the last chance for The Boss and the Huggable One to make up as friends, but neither one seems to want to. Can they put everything in the past behind them and win against the unified Ruby, Sarah & Liv?

The bell rings and Bayley starts against Sarah. Bayley clubs away, then tags to Ember. Ember tags Sasha, then double suplexes Sarah with Bayley, and then Sasha adds meteora knees! Cover, TWO, but Sasha keeps an eye on Liv & Ruby. Sasha brings Sarah over to tag in Ember, roll up, TWO. Ember is powered into the Squad’s corner and Liv tags in. Sarah throws hands, then Liv goes Matrix. Ember still hits a back elbow, then runs. Liv follows, but Ember sweeps the legs. Ember runs, slides in, complete shot! Liv rolls out, but the others come in, only for Sasha and Bayley to knock them down. The Squad regroups on the outside, and Ember builds speed, to DIVE! Ember bowls Ruby and Liv over! For now, Ember and the “friends” work together while we go to break.

Raw returns, and Ruby has Ember in a cravat. Ember hits back, but Ruby gets her with an STO! Cover, TWO! Ruby hits Bayley just because, then pie-faces Sasha. Sasha is held back by the ref but that allows Liv & Sarah to get in cheap shots all over Ember. Ruby drags Ember up, scoops, but Ember slips out to tag Sasha! Sasha rallies on Ruby, then hits Liv & Sarah. Sasha counters a kick with a knee, then hits double knees in the corner. She has to swipe at Sarah, and that allows Ruby to dodge the second pair of knees. Ruby brings Sasha down then covers, but Bayley breaks it. Sarah throws Bayley out, but Ember drags Sarah out. Ember rocks Sarah with the roaring elbow! Liv hits Ember with headscissors!

Ruby has Sasha, but Sasha jackknife covers, TWO. Sasha hits Liv, but Ruby small package, The Squad wins!

Winners: The Riott Squad, Ruby pinning

And then Bayley just jumps Sasha!! So much for getting along!

But fans are loving this, as Bayley just throws furious hands. Sasha is shocked, but Bayley is fuming. And she goes after Sasha more! All of her frustration just explodes with every hit on Sasha. Fans love it, they want her to do more. Bayley drags Sasha up by her hair, but Sasha hits back. Bayley still puts Sasha in a corner face first! Sasha is dazed, but fans want that “One More Time!” Bayley slowly exits the ring, and grabs Sasha again to dump her onto the ground!

Fans chant “We Want Tables!” but Bayley brings Sasha up and around first, to throw her into steel steps! And then again! Bayley kneels down to look Sasha, and says “That was for everything you’ve done to me!” “You think you’re better than me?!” Fans applaud Bayley standing up to Sasha, but will this cost her her spot on Raw?


Kurt Angle needs to do something about Bayley & Sasha.

But then Kevin Owens comes in, and he begs not to be teamed with Strowman. But you wanted to be his friend last week. There’s no chance Strowman wants to be friends now. He always runs Kevin over, and threw him off this massive ladder! And sometimes it’s more like he wants to EAT Kevin alive! Strowman was genuine, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship. Just think about it. Kevin refuses to say anything more, which is to Angle’s liking. Will Kevin survive being Strowman’s “friend?”


No Way Jose VS Mojo Rawley!

The Fighting Fiesta gets a rematch with the laser-focused #KillerInstinct. Will Jose tie things up between them? Or will Mojo rise to 2-0 and on to bigger and better?

On his way to the ring, Mojo asks Jose about him wanting a rematch. Mojo’s embarrassed to be out here in the first place. Who are those people in the conga line? Why are they here? You have to earn the right to be out at ringside. They haven’t earned that, and neither has Jose.

Mojo eyes the conga line “clowns” up and down. Who is this hamburger? Todd. Well, Todd, you aware you’re a burger on national television? Fans chant for Todd, but is he really making his family proud? Is this Todd’s plan to being part of the WWE? Mojo wants Todd to listen: this moment in time, this is the closest Todd will ever be to being a WWE superstar. This is the peak of his entire existence. Will Todd ever be a superstar? NO! Mojo tells Jose, he’s not getting a rematch. Jose comes out to ask why not. Mojo punches Jose out! Mojo then leaves, not wanting to entertain this scenario any longer.


Angle talks with Bayley.

Guess she doesn’t care about Raw. Next week, she’s going to counseling. What about Sasha? Sasha’s in a trainer’s room! Bayley doesn’t need counseling. She will do the counseling, or she’ll be fired. Is Bayley really going to anger management class next week?


Braun Strowman & Kevin Owens VS Finn Balor & Baron Corbin!

The Monster in the Bank claims to have reconsidered The Prizefighter’s offer to be friends. And at the same time, he faces The Extraordinary Man, who he once called his “little buddy”, and a guy that no one really likes in the Lone Wolf. Friend or foe, who is going to #GetTheseHands?!

Finn and Kevin start with the bell, but then Corbin tags in. Corbin circles with Kevin and ties up. Kevin gets a headlock but Corbin powers out. Kevin comes back with a shoulder, but Corbin doesn’t budge. Back to the headlock, but Corbin powers out again. Corbin runs Kevin over with his shoulder! Corbin runs in but into a boot. Kevin hits Corbin with right hands, then hops up, but Corbin rocks him with an uppercut! Kevin flops down, and Corbin tags in Finn. Finn hops up to ax handle the arm, then wrenches it. Corbin tags back in, but Kevin hits back. Kevin chops and chops, then whips, but Corbin reverses into the choke slam. Kevin slips out, and tags in Strowman! Finn grins at Corbin, this is what the Constable gets for having an ego.

Strowman and Corbin circle, tie up, and Strowman pushes Corbin back. Strowman flexes, but Corbin gets around him to shove him. Corbin trash talks, but Strowman just grins. Corbin kicks low, then runs, but Strowman swats him down. Strowman hits a straight right, and down goes Corbin! Strowman tags in Kevin, and shouts, “GET IN THERE!” Kevin goes, but Corbin tags out to Finn. Finn and Kevin circle, tie up, and Kevin kicks low. Kevin puts Finn in a corner to chop and stomp away. Kevin stomps and stomps, then drags Finn out for more stomps. He puts on the chinlock, but fans build to a rally. Finn gets up, but Kevin puts him in the corner again. Kevin hits low, then hits Corbin just because. Kevin backs up, but Corbin intercepts.

Strowman comes in, and with Kevin’s help, puts Corbin in a corner. Strowman throws hands on Corbin, then Kevin and Strowman coordinate, corner clothesline from Strowman to Finn while Kevin cannonballs on Corbin!

The Monster roars, he and his unlikely ally are in control while we go to break.

Raw returns, and Finn has Kevin in an armlock. Kevin endures while fans rally. Kevin stands, but Finn keeps on the arm. Strowman and Kevin reach but they’re too far away. Kevin hits Finn with forearms, but Finn turns him around for the elbow drop DDT. Cover, Strowman kicks Finn off it. Finn backs off and Corbin tags in. Corbin goes after Kevin now with a whip into a corner. Kevin elbows back out, then side steps. Corbin slides out then in, but Kevin tags Strowman! Strowman runs Corbin over, then clubs him down with one arm! Corbin gets to a corner, Strowman corner clothesline. Strowman runs again, but into a boot, hot tag to Finn! Finn doesn’t really want to get in, but Strowman makes him, to then club him down, too.

Strowman clotheslines Corbin back out, then sees he has his targets lined up. He goes out, and runs Finn over! Then he runs Corbin over! Kevin was smart to stay on the apron. Strowman tells Kevin to do it, too. Fans like that idea. Kevin doesn’t want to run around. But then he tags in, and gives it a shot! Kevin barrels Finn over, then runs into Corbin’s clothseline. So Strowman grabs Corbin, to put him into barriers. Strowman helps Kevin up, then runs at Corbin again, only to be sent into the post! Kevin returns to the ring, but Finn is back. Slingblade from Finn! Finn takes aim, but Corbin tags in a bit stiffly, so Finn kicks him down! Kevin goes after Finn, but Finn holds ropes to dump Kevin out. Finn then builds speed, but Corbin drags him out! These two fight, their team is imploding!

The ring count begins, climbs, but neither Corbin nor Finn care anymore. They just brawl to the stage, and are counted out!

Winners: Strowman & Kevin, by count-out

They did it! Their first time teaming together, and this unlikely duo succeeds! Or rather, Finn and Corbin fail. But either way, Kevin is super excited. “See what we can do together?” He offers Strowman a handshake, and fans want Strowman to #ShakeHisHand. Kevin fears the worst, and bails out, all the way to the stage. But Strowman picks up his briefcase and follows after. Kevin isn’t sure what Strowman’s up to, but he doesn’t want any part of it. Will they ever truly get along?


Kevin runs in fear of Strowman.

He hides in the locker room. Strowman comes looking for Kevin, and asks people where Kevin went. Who? This guy just works concessions. Strowman’s looking for the guy “who looks like he has a bowling ball under his shirt.” Sorry, haven’t seen him. Strowman storms off, and Kevin is safe for another day.

Kevin comes out of hiding after the break.

He has his luggage and has security keep him safe while he head for the parking lot. Kevin makes it out of the building, but the valet is a different story. The valet says he no longer has Kevin’s keys. Because Strowman already got them for him! Strowman lets Kevin has his keys, but hopefully he has insurance, because look what he did to Kevin’s car: it’s upside-down! And maybe on fire… Strowman laughs as he walks back inside. Will Kevin ever be safe with the Monster around?


WWE Intercontinental Championship: Dolph Ziggler w/ Drew McIntyre VS Seth Rollins!

The Architect put out the challenge and the Show-Off accepted. The Scottish Stud may have had a part to play, but in the end, Rollins still lost and now Ziggler is a six-time IC Champion. Can Rollins make Ziggler’s reign short and revive #MondayNightRollins? Or will Ziggler find a way to retain and cancel it for good?

Raw returns and the introductions are made, the belt is raised and we begin. Rollins dropkicks Ziggler right away, then stomps him out of the ring. Ziggler regroups with McIntyre, then comes back in. He and Rollins circle, and Rollins corners Ziggler in a corner. The ref calls for the ropebreak, and Rollins backs off at 4. Rollins and Ziggler circle again, tie up, and Ziggler kicks low. Ziggler throws hands, but Rollins counters and chops. Rollins snapmares and rolls Ziggler with a crucifix, TWO. Rollins arm-drags Ziggler to an armlock.  Ziggler gets up and backs Rollins up. They end up in the ropes, and Ziggler lets go at 4, to then get Rollins with a sucker punch. McIntyre smirks as the ref tells him to back off.

Ziggler brings Rollins up to bump him off buckles. He then throws body shots, and snapmares Rollins for the elbow drop. Cover, ONE, but Ziggler stays on Rollins. Ziggler wrenches the arm, puts on a headlock, but Rollins reaches. Ziggler gets the headlock takedown, but Rollins works against it. Fans rally while they stand up, but Ziggler won’t let Rollins out of the hold. Ziggler throws Rollins with another takedown, but fans rally more for Rollins. They stand up again, and Rollins fights his way out. Ziggler throws Rollins down, then gets another headlock takedown. It’s a cover, ONE. Ziggler keeps on Rollins, but Rollins endures. Rollins sits up, stands up again, then powers out. Things speed up, and Rollins hip tosses and dropkicks Ziggler down! Ziggler bails out of the ring, and regroup with McIntyre, but Rollins comes over.

McIntyre stands in Rollins Way, but Rollins still gets Ziggler. Rollins bounces Ziggler off apron and barriers, then stares down with McIntyre again. This match continues but we go to break.

Raw returns, and Ziggler kicks out Rollins’ leg. Rollins clutches his knee while McIntyre tells Ziggler to keep on him. Ziggler kicks the leg again, and Rollins gets to a corner. Ziggler grinds Rollins’ face into ropes, then throws elbows. He backs off at the referee’s count, but then snapmares Rollins for another elbow drop. Cover, TWO, but Ziggler wraps Rollins up in a chinlock and body scissors. Fans rally for Rollins while he endures the squeeze. Rollins fires up and gets up, to then fight out of the hold. Ziggler hits back, then whips corner to corner, but Rollins reverses hard! Both men are down, but Rollins sits up first. Ziggler drags himself up, but Rollins runs in. Ziggler puts Rollins out of the ring and down to the ground! A 10 count begins but Rollins beats it at 5. Ziggler covers, TWO.

McIntyre paces while Ziggler stands back up. Ziggler brings Rollins back up, then throws hands. Ziggler claims he’s the best, not Rollins. He throws more hands on Rollins, and starts to feel his own ego. He stands Rollins up, whips him, but Rollins kicks back. Rollins suplexes but Ziggler slips out to put on the sleeper! Rollins powers out, but Ziggler again gets the sleeper. They go backwards into buckles, but Ziggler holds on. Rollins throws Ziggler off and the two run, and collide with double crossbodies! Both men hit the mat, and fans build to a rally. Rollins sits up first, but Ziggler follows. Rollins chops, then chops, then whips. Ziggler reverses but Rollins boots back. Rollins hops up, but has to jump over, and then runs to Slingblade!

Ziggler staggers and Rollins clotheslines him out. Rollins takes aim, builds speed, but McIntyre clubs him from behind! The referee didn’t see a thing as he was watching Ziggler. Ziggler returns, and clobbers Rollins for himself. The referee suspects foul play, and EJECTS McIntyre! Ziggler and McIntyre both protest, but Rollins rolls Ziggler! McIntyre distracts the referee, Rollins doesn’t get counted even though he holds it for way longer than three! Rollins lets Ziggler go to hit McIntyre. Then he hits Ziggler! Ziggler rolls out, Rollins runs, and DIVES on them both!!

Rollins drags Ziggler up and into the ring, then climbs up to the top rope. Ziggler trips him up! Cover, TWO! That was so close, but still so far from the end, and we go to one last break.

Raw returns once more, and Rollins fights his way out of another sleeper. He swings Ziggler, Revolution Knee! But both men are down. Rollins crawls to a cover, ROPEBREAK. McIntyre has truly been ejected, so he won’t be a factor now. Rollins sits up while fans fire up. Ziggler gets to the apron, but Rollins stands first. Rollins joins Ziggler out there, brings him over, and prepares a powerbomb! Ziggler fights out, gets down, then tosses Rollins off. But Rollins is back, only for Ziggler to satellite DDT Rollins on the apron!

The ref counts, but Rollins doesn’t stir until 6. Rollins stands up at 9 and beats the count! Rollins still clutches his head and neck, but he’s still in this match.

San Diego loves what’s going on as they declare “This is Awesome!” Ziggler takes aim and stomps to tune himself up. He shouts this is his time, and he takes aim at Rollins. Rollins turns around, but stops the kick to counter with a Buckle Bomb! SUPERKICK from Rollins, cover, TWO! No one can believe it, but that was just a two. Rollins gets back up again, and fans fire up as he climbs to the top rope. He aims, but Ziggler intercepts him! Rollins headbutts Ziggler but Ziggler punches Rollins. Ziggler climbs up again, but Rollins resists. Rollins gives another headbutt, then adjusts on the top rope. FROG SPLASH HITS! TWO!! Fans still chant “This is Awesome!” as Rollins stomps “Burn It Down!”

Rollins SUPERKICKS, but Ziggler dodges the stomp. Ziggler tries but can’t get the ZigZag. Rollins rolls Ziggler, TWO, Ziggler rolls, TWO and Rollins tries again, TWO! Rollins runs in at Ziggler, but Ziggler side steps him and he goes into the post. ZIG-ZAG!! Cover, TWO!? HOW?! Fans are thunderous for this match even as both men are down. Rollins crawls over to Ziggler while Ziggler crawls over to him. They both get up, and Ziggler puts Rollins in a corner. Ziggler hoists Rollins up, then climbs up to join him. Ziggler prepares but Rollins resists. Rollins shifts, and they change positions. Rollins takes aim, but not at the floor! Ziggler resists just to save himself, but now they’ve completely changed positions, and Rollins SUPERPLEX! Roll through, FALCON ARROW! Cover, but McIntyre returns to drag the ref out!?

McIntyre not only violates the rules of ejection, but he attacks Rollins!

Winner: Rollins, by disqualification; Ziggler retains the WWE Intercontinental Championship

McIntyre keeps beating down Rollins, having succeeded in helping Ziggler hold onto the title. He then drags Rollins up and Ziggler joins in, but here comes Roman! The Big Dog isn’t going to let his Shield Brother be beaten down on top of being robbed. Ziggler heads out but into a SPEAR! McIntyre glares and these two throw hands! McIntyre headbutts Roman, but Roman comes back with a SUPERMAN Punch! Roman holds the ring while McIntyre and Ziggler regroup. But in the end, Rollins only wins the match, not the championship. Will Rollins be given another shot? And will Roman be there to keep an eye on McIntyre next time?



My Thoughts:

A really good night for Raw, after quite some time of being mediocre again. While we did get another Lashley-Roman segment that leads to a Lashely-Roman VS Revival match, that was the point Dash & Dawson were making. And this time, they win because Lashley and Roman are progressing in their story to be more and more against each other. Plus, the Revival being back, they need wins to stay afloat. Same goes for the AoP when they showed up later. Those guys deserve some wins, and I’m sure that’s what will happen in their feud with Titus Worldwide. I was surprised Axel won the way he did, that looked like a botch went right. Either way, this keeps B Team looking halfway believable against Deleters of World, but I still don’t see them winning.

Alexa and Mickie up the Heel points, but great for Natty to get the win with Nia by her side. This really stacks the contenders up for Alexa, but with Ronda back in time for Summerslam, bet on that being the time and place for Ronda taking the belt off whoever has it, even if it’s her friend Natty. The Six Woman tag was actually set up just the right way, where it seemed unnecessary, became entertaining, then really took off when Bayley finally let loose. I don’t think Bayley is Heel, she’s just a tougher Face. The anger management she’s forced to go to better have Dr. Shelby, and references to Team Hell No. Mojo being no nonsense is just as eerie as it should be. Poor “Todd” got roasted, too. That feud only goes forward if Angle forces Mojo to have that rematch.

The tag team match of two dysfunctional teams was actually really great. I was wondering if Strowman was gonna run Kevin over during that spot just out of habit, but him turning a car over off-camera is still good enough. Strowman obviously has to bide his time with Lesnar not showing up. The work-shoot of Lesnar not participating until Summerslam won’t matter to Strowman, and I personally hope Strowman cashes in on Lesnar the minute Lesnar is on camera. In the meantime, he can just keep messing with Kevin and everyone else. That was a killer main event, and that’s even after seeing today’s WWE UK Championship Tournament. The only downside is the screwy finish of McIntyre still interfering, to then prompt Roman to come out. If only Ambrose was healthy. But maybe Lashley can use this against Roman, too, talking about Roman “saving face” for the loss.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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