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Mitchell’s WWE Money in the Bank Report! (6/17/18)




WWE brings the best of both Raw and SmackDown together again, but this time we go bigger and longer with a guaranteed FOUR HOUR Money in the Bank PPV! Who will be this year’s Mr. and Ms./Mrs. MITB? Will they choose to cash in on a champion tonight? Who even WILL be champion when they decide to cash in?


All images courtesy of the WWE’s official Twitter



  • Kickoff show: SmackDown Tag Team Championships: The Bludgeon Brothers VS The Club; The Bludgeon Brothers win and retain the SmackDown Tag Team Championships.
  • Daniel Bryan VS Big Cass; Bryan wins.
  • Bobby Lashley VS Sami Zayn; Lashley wins.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship: Seth Rollins VS Elias; Rollins wins and retains the WWE Intercontinental Championship.
  • Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match; Alexa Bliss wins and becomes Ms. Money in the Bank.
  • Roman Reigns VS Jinder Mahal; Reigns wins.
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship: Carmella VS Asuka; Carmella wins and retains the SmackDown Women’s Championship.
  • WWE Championship Last Man Standing Match: AJ Styles VS Shinsuke Nakamura; Styles wins and retains the WWE Championship.
  • Raw Women’s Championship: Nia Jax VS Ronda Rousey; Nia wins by disqualification, and retains the Raw Women’s Championship.
  • Raw Women’s Championship, MITB Cash-In: Nia Jax VS Alexa Bliss; Alexa wins and becomes the new Raw Women’s Champion.
  • Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match; Braun Strowman wins and becomes Mr. Money in the Bank.


It’s the Money in the Bank Kickoff show!

Renee Young joins David Otunga, Peter Rosenberg and WWE Hall of Famer, Booker T! They’re ready to recap all the matches for tonight, as well as prepare the Social Media Lounge for Daniel Bryan, so make sure to #AskBryan all your questions!


Kevin Owens complains.

The Prizefighter special ordered something but it wasn’t done right, and he’s upset. How does he feel after that Monster Slam last Raw? He feels “great”, to be body-slammed by a 500 lbs. monster. What kind of question is that?! He actually feels like a fool for thinking Finn Balor and Bobby Roode would stay on the same page. But nope! No one listens to Kevin! So Kevin has a different approach. Wait, is that pancake batter and maple syrup? No… What sly plan does Kevin have up his sleeve?


Sami Zayn adds insult to injury via social media.

The obnoxious underdog just loves trolling the Alpha Male. Will he come to regret further insulting Lashley at his family’s expense?


Daniel Bryan joins the Kickoff Show.

What is his response to all of Big Cass’ big talk? Cass has a sound theory, but that assumes Cass is “good”. By the way, Happy Father’s Day to both Bryan and all fathers in the WWE Universe. Time to #AskBryan questions!

“What is your game plan to beat Big Cass tonight?” The same as every time: make him tap. Bryan’s made men bigger and better than Cass tap out, or even just quit from too many knees to the face.

“Did you want to be SmackDown GM?” Well it was a mixed reaction. He had fun, but it was so hard being around what he loves to do, which is what motivated him to get back into ring shape. Plus, Talking Smack was really good!

“What advantages do you have over Big Cass?” Aside from skill, it’s his legs, lungs, and heart. Cass can’t outwork or outdo Bryan. Cass is only big, and big men tire out. Big men don’t fight for things, Bryan does. Will Bryan prove that size doesn’t matter, and that it’s all about ability?


Backstage interview with Seth Rollins!

The Intercontinental Champion strums what’s left of Elias’ custom guitar. No, this is a gift from John Mayer! Mayer liked what he saw and gave Rollins a replica. But kidding aside, Rollins is looking forward to tonight. Chicago, MITB, and Elias is great competition. Elias is entertaining and has a mean streak, but he’s not on the Architect’s level. To put it in a way Elias can understand, The Drifter’s greatest hits aren’t even on Rollins’ b-side. Rollins walks in and walks out with HIS title, because he fights for it every night. Will The Man stay The Man when he goes for a #WalkWithElias?


Samoa Joe joins the Kickoff Show.

Who is Joe keeping an eye on? He’s keeping his eye on all of them. The key to a ladder match is never taking your eyes off the prize. Does he want to get his hands on Brock Lesnar via the MITB contract? Yes, but then Kevin Owens pops in. Kevin and Joe, they’re hard-headed alphas, but they’re even better as a duo, to be unstoppable to stop Strowman! Kevin feels Joe understands. Joe does, except for trusting Kevin. He’ll never trust Kevin. It’s not about trust, it’s about logic! Together, they can stop the Monster, then become champion! Yes, that is logically. But Kevin needs to use logic and just walk away. Kevin gives up, but will he be proven right in the Men’s Ladder Match tonight?

As for Joe, this is what he does. Everybody goes to sleep, will he put down the seven other amazing stars in that match with him tonight?


Kickoff show: SmackDown Tag Team Championships: The Bludgeon Brothers VS The Club!

Harper & Rowan have decimated and destroyed the likes of The New Day and The Usos, but the Machine Gun & Big LG are ready to show these nerrrrds what tag team wrestling is really about. Can the Good Brothers dethrone the Bludgeon Brothers and makes those titles #TooSweet?

Big Red Rowan starts against Gallows and we begin with the bell. Rowan and Gallows circle, and Rowan hits first. He puts Gallows in a corner, then whips corner to corner, but Gallows dodges and hits back with body shots. Gallows stalks Rowan but Rowan tags Harper. Harper comes in but misses, and gets an uppercut. Tag to Anderson, and the Club double whip Rowan, to then strike both Bludgeon Brothers at once. Anderson rocket kicks Harper into a Tree of Woe! Harper gets himself loose and regroups with Rowan, but that leg is slowing him down.

The Club keep on 2B, but 2B hits back. Rowan scoops and uses Gallows as a weapon on Anderson. Harper & Rowan toss Gallows away, then double facebuster Anderson on the apron. They double dropkick Gallows down!

The duo of doom are in control as they put Anderson in the ring. They embrace the heat while we go to break.

WWE MITB returns, and Harper has Anderson isolated. He rocks Anderson with an uppercut, then slingshot guillotines him into the second rope! Cover, TWO, but Harper tags out to Rowan. Rowan drags Anderson up, pumphandle and backbreaker. Rowan drags Anderson up again to club him down with a clothesline. Cover, TWO, so he stretches Anderson against the ropes. Rowan clubs Anderson again, then tags to Harper. They grind Anderson with boots, but Anderson hits back! Anderson chops but Harper uppercuts. Harper stands Anderson up for a blunt chop! He stands Anderson up to snapmare, and drop the elbow. Cover, TWO.

Harper tags Rowan, then holds Anderson down for Rowan’s splash. Cover, TWO. Gallows has barely recovered, and Anderson ends up in a headlock. Fans rally and Anderson powers up. Anderson endures the head vice, then fights out with back elbows. Rowan pushes and runs Anderson over with a back elbow of his own. Fans boo and jeer, but Rowan ignores it as he whips Anderson corner to corner. He adds the corner splash, then grins as he sees Gallows is still down and out. Rowan whips Anderson again, but Anderson hits Harper! Anderson dodges and sends Rowan into the post!

Fans fire up, and Anderson crawls. Harper tags in first, but runs into the spinebuster! Gallows returns to the apron! Hot tag brings him in! The Big LG rallies on Harper with kick after kick, then tops it off with a corner splash. Gallows boots Rowan away, then kicks Harper again. Pumphandle slam, and Gallows fires up more. Gallows uppercuts Rowan, shotgun kick from Anderson, then double clotheslines. Anderson slingshots and takes Rowan out! But Harper boots Gallows down! Anderson breaks the cover, saving the match. But Harper uppercuts Anderson out. Harper mule kicks and front kicks Gallows, then prepares a suplex, but Gallows sets up- No, Rowan stops Magic Killer. KILLER BOMB!! Cover, Bludgeon Brothers win!

Winners: The Bludgeon Brothers (Harper & Rowan), Harper pinning; still WWE SmackDown Tag Team Champions

Harper & Rowan survive their own doom, and continue to reign over the Blue Brand’s Tag Team Division. Does any team stand a chance of stopping this destructive duo?


WWE Money in the Bank begins!

“Pay attention”, because there’s one way to make it to the top. If at first you don’t succeed, climb, climb again. A contract that can change lives, but the opportunity literally hangs in the balance. Then, if it isn’t broken, break it yourself. “The bigger they are, the harder they brawl.” And when it all comes down to it, it’s about whoever is the Last Man Standing. “Opportunity” is Money in the Bank in a nutshell. But who will give more to answer its call and take it for themselves?


Daniel Bryan VS Big Cass!

It’s a rematch from Backlash, where the Human Skyscraper lost the match but won a fight. Cass tapped, but it was just so he could wallop the Goat. Now, can their grudge be settled with a 2-0 sweep from one of the best ever? Or will one of the biggest ever tie it all up?

The bell rings, and the two circle. Bryan literally runs circles around Cass while the fans cheer him on. Cass and Bryan tie up, and Cass powers Bryan to a corner. Cass mocks the “little guy” but Bryan hits back with punches and kicks. Bryan dodges Cass’ big hands to keep kicking and punching. Cass pushes Bryan down, then runs him over with a shoulder. Cass keeps moving but Bryan clears him with a jump! Bryan goes for a leg, but Cass pushes Bryan away. Bryan gets the drop toehold, and a leg, but Cass pushes him away again. Cass walks into kicks! Bryan dodges to kick more, going after that leg. Bryan whips, Cass reverses and Bryan tumbles to the apron, for Cass to blast off into barriers! Cass embraces the heat while Bryan recovers.

Cass goes out to fetch Bryan, and Chicago lets him know “You Can’t Wrestle!” He doesn’t have to, he picks Bryan up and throws him on the apron. They go back into the ring, Cass taking his time as he stalks Bryan. Cass hits Bryan with big rights, then more and more rights. Bryan falls, and Cass drops a big elbow on him. Cass drops another elbow, then covers, TWO. Cass grins and poses again, enjoying the heat. He then rocks Bryan with another haymakers. Bryan staggers around but Cass hits him again. Fans rally for Bryan, and Bryan hits back with his own haymakers. Bryan runs, but into a 7 foot high bearhug.

Cass squeezes Bryan but fans rally up. Bryan endures, elbows out, then hits back. Cass knees low, and he stalks Bryan to a corner. Cass whips Bryan but Bryan goes up and over. Things speed up, but Bryan runs into a 7 foot scrapbuster! Cover, TWO! Cass looms over Bryan, taking his time with his opponent. Cass stalks Bryan again, mocking Bryan the whole time. He runs corner to corner for a 7 foot splash, then mocks the Yes fingers. Fans boo and jeer again as Cass backs up. Cass runs back in, but a drop toehold sends him into buckles! Bryan crawls away but stands up. Bryan ducks to retaliate with kicks. He kicks and kicks, “YES! YES!” then dragon screw!

Cass hobbles up but Bryan won’t stop, he dragon screws again. Cass crawls to the apron in pain, but Bryan still won’t let up. Bryan grabs the bad leg, and jams it on the edge! Fans love the aggression as Bryan drags the leg out again. Bryan wails on the knee, then swings it into the post! The Goat is a shark as he hits Cass’ leg into the post again. Cass manages to shove Bryan away, but Bryan pursues as he climbs up high. Bryan aims, and leaps for the missile dropkick to Cass’ back! Cass ends up in a corner, and Bryan runs in with a dropkick. Then another! Then, into a tilt-o-whirl takedown! YES LOCK! Cass scrambles against it while the fans fire up. Cass reaches, and gets the ropebreak. Bryan lets Cass go, and Cass gets out of the ring.

Bryan aims at Cass on the outside, but Cass tries to drag him out, only for Bryan to shove him away. Cass staggers, Bryan builds speed, and Bryan hits a wrecking ball dropkick. Bryan isn’t done, he climbs way up high, for a SUPER crossbody!! They crash and burn, but Cass takes the worst of it. Fans chant “YES! YES!” for their favorite Goat. Bryan drags Cass up and in, then climbs up one more time. But Cass trips Bryan up. Cass walks off the pain to then haymakers Bryan. Cass hits another, but fans say “Big Cass Sucks!” Bryan is rocked, and Cass climbs up to join him. Cass prepares and hits a SUPER Fall Away Slam!

Cover, TWO! Cass grows frustrated, but fans are relieved. The “Cass-Hole” looms over Bryan again before picking him up. Cass lifts Bryan in a torture rack. He uses it to bend and stretch Bryan, but Bryan fights out with fists. Cass backs up, and hits an inverted death valley! Cover, TWO, and now Cass is really frustrated. Fans rally up for Bryan, but Cass still stalks him. Cass embraces the heat, mocks Bryan’s Yes, then throws another haymaker. Bryan stands up, so Cass runs in, to get hung up on the ropes! Bryan chop blocks the leg! And then another chop block, before unleashing the YES Kicks! “YES! YES!” over and over, then… Cass grabs Bryan by the neck!

But Bryan kicks free, slips out of the choke grip, then kicks out the leg again. Buzzsaw kick! Cass flounders but Bryan fires up. “YES! YES!” echoes through Chicago, and Bryan runs, into a flapjack! Then a boot! Cover, TWO!! Cass is furious and shocked over this. He walks around, trying to understand, but fans still cheer for Bryan. Cass gets a wicked idea, and grins as he looms over Bryan again. He drags Bryan up, hoists him back into the torture rack, but that’s not all. Cass throws Bryan, but Bryan lands on his feet! They run, KNEE PLUS! But Bryan won’t stop there, he puts on the Heel Hook! Cass screams in pain, reaches for ropes, but taps! Bryan wins!

Winner: Bryan, by submission

The Goat has the sweep! He’s 2-0 over the bigger men, because he is in fact the better man! Chicago cheers loud and proud for Bryan, will Bryan’s win take him back towards the WWE Championship?


The New Day assembles backstage.

Is Woods okay from those peppers at E3? Yeah, he’s all good. Now to go over who–who who who–goes into the Men’s MITB tonight for them? But waht does this “fool” want? Kevin Owens enters. He’s not a fool, he has gifts. Pancakes!? And plenty of Canadian maple syrup! Okay then, he can stay. He knew they were smart. But anyway, he was hoping to talk to them about how only one man is only officially in. But who? Shhhh! Okay okay, it’s a secret. One of them is in officially, but the other two could go after Strowman. “Sir! We are a lot of things. A lot of things. But we are not cheaters!” Anymore…

But that’s not what he’s asking. He just wants common sense from the others. Kevin brought all these things to negotiate a deal. They can talk it over some pancakes. Kevin’s okay, he doesn’t really like pancakes. Or most breakfast foods. Especially Booty O’s, it sucked. Whaaaat?!?!? What? “You done done it now, sucka!” Just get out of here, Kevin! Fine, be that way. But don’t blame him if Strowman destroys us all! And IHOP was right to become IHOB! Wait. Snatch the syrup! Now get!


Bobby Lashley VS Sami Zayn!

What started as a grievance over a bout of vertigo has escalated into questioning the Alpha Male’s service to his country. The so-called smartest man in the room has angered one of the strongest. Will Sami come to regret ever getting on Lashley’s nerves?

The bell rings, and Sami copies his pal Kevin Owens by slipping out of the ring. Sami taunts Lashley from the outside, then wants him to stay back as he returns. Fans sing for Sami, but Sami keeps his distance from Lashley. Then he slips right back out, raising the ire of Lashley all over again. Sami returns again, Chicago on his side, but Sami still wants Lashley to stay back. They circle, but Sami gets away again. Lashley pursues this time, but Sami pounces. Lashley pushes Sami away and then goes after him. Sami has the ropes, so that’s a no go. Lashley keeps trying but Sasmi thumbs Lashley’s eye! Sami hits Lashley with a running kick that sends Lashley out. Sami wants the ring count to start already.

Lashley gets up at 4, then climbs back up, but Sami kicks him back out. Sami puts Lashley into the post, then drags him up to do it again. Sami goes back in the ring to leave Lashley at the mercy of the count. The count passes 5 and Lashley staggers over. Sami stomps on Lashley as he reenters the ring. Sami clubs Lashley with crossfaces, then rains down rights and lefts. Fans chant for “Bobby’s Sisters” while Sami keeps on Lashley. Sami taunts Lashley after each punch, but Lashley blocks and crushes that hand all over again. Lashley lariats Sami down, then clears his head as he takes aim. He runs in, but into a boot. Sami hops up, leaps, but is caught! Lashley throws Sami with a Fall Away Slam!

Lashley aims again, and hits a big corner clothesline. He moves again, to tackle Sami into the corner. Sami staggers away, but reverses the suplex with elbows and chops. Sami runs, but into a spinebuster! Lashley drags Sami up, suplexes him, and then drops him. Does Sami have vertigo again? Lashley doesn’t care, and fans want that “One More Time!” Lashley gut wrenches Sami up from the mat, then just drops Sami. Then, another vertigo suplex! Fans cheer, but Lashley’s not done with Sami yet. Lashley stands between Sami and the ramp, to then deadlift gut wrench again, back into the Canadian backbreaker rack. He drops Sami again, then lifts with a third vertigo suplex! One-handed even!

Lashley slams Sami down, covers, and wins!

Winner: Lashley, by pinfall

Lashley got a good work-out at Sami’s expense. Will The Dominator move on from here towards title contention?


“Ladies and Gentlemen: Elias.”

The Drifter is here in Chicago, and Chicago is actually happy to see him. As always, he asks the crowd, “Who Wants to Walk With Elias!?” Chicago seems in favor of that. As for Seth Rollins, Elias says Rollins took a piece of his soul, so Elias will take that Intercontinental Championship. Rollins is a stepping stone on Elias’ path to the future. Elias is WWE, because WWE actually stands for “Walk With Elias”! But Chicago is filled with “loud mouth scumbags who just want attention”. Chicago agrees, “We Are Scumbags!” Yes, but please silence phones, hold applause and shut mouths so he can begin.

Elias plays his guitar, but stops because he realizes Chicago is “just not worth it.” He puts his guitar away, and waits for Rollins’ entrance. The Kingslayer appears, and we can begin!

WWE Intercontinental Championship: Seth Rollins VS Elias!

The Architect is ready to #BurnItDown, but will his title be taking a #WalkWithElias after all this?

The bell rings, and the two men stare down while fans cheer Rollins on. Rollins prepares, and Elias follows. They tie up, Elias gets an arm, but Rollins reverses. Rollins wrenches the wrist, but Elias gets a waistlock. Elias spins Rollins into a takedown, then wraps on a headlock, but Rollins escapes to put on a hammerlock. Elias gets up and reverses to snapmare Rollins again. Rollins slips out to the hammerlock again, but Elias stands up again. Elias gets a drop toehold, then a facelock, but Rollins goes right back to the hammerlock. Elias grows frustrated, but he gets up again and backs Rollins to ropes. They break, but Elias elbows Rollins.

Elias clubs and punches, then kicks and stomps Rollins down. He stomps Rollins at the ropes, then drags him up. Rollins blocks and counters the punch with chops, then powers out of the headlock. Things speed up, and Rollins dropkicks Elias down. Elias gets out, but Rollins takes aim and slingshots out! They go down but Rollins is up right away. Rollins chops Elias, then throws hands. Rollins puts Elias in the ring, then springboards for the flying clothesline. Elias crawls away but Rollins runs in at the corner for the forearm smash. Rollins throws hands, but the referee backs him off. Rollins goes outside to swing a kick, but Elias dodges to clobber Rollins to the apron! Down Rollins goes, hitting the apron on the way. Elias waits for Rollins to return, then puts him in a corner for furious stomps.

The referee backs him off now, but Elias goes back in with one stiff boot. Elias drags Rollins onto the apron and rams the neck into the apron edge more. Elias does it again, then covers, TWO. The Drifter keeps his cool as he stalks Rollins. Fans cheer for Rollins and boo Elias, but Elias throws more hands. Rollins blocks and counters, then whips, but Elias gets a DDT! Cover, TWO! Elias frowns at Rollins while the referee checks Rollins’ neck. Elias drops a knee, then covers again, ONE. Fans keep cheering for Rollins, but Elias keeps on Rollins with a cobra clutch. Rollins tries but can’t get out, even after two throws. Elias grinds Rollins to the mat, but fans keep rallying for Rollins.

Rollins sits up, but Elias puts his weight on him more. Rollins refuses to quit, and stands up again. Elias knees low, whips, but Rollins kicks him away. Rollins tries but Elias denies the suplex. Elias snapmares Rollins, but misses the knee drop! Elias clutches that leg while Rollins recovers. Rollins chops back, then hits the buckle shot! Rollins crawls away but boots Elias again. He goes up, but has to jump over Elias. Rollins rallies but Elias kicks low. Elias runs, but into a slingblade! Rollins clotheslines Elias out, then fires up with Chicago. He DIVES and hits Elias into barriers!

Both men are down, though, as Rollins’ neck bothers him. He still gets up first and puts Elias back in the ring. Rollins boots Elias again, then hops up for the Blockbuster. Cover, TWO! Rollins and Elias sit up, and Rollins checks his neck. He’s good, so he runs in, but is put on the apron. Rollins springboards, but now his knee buckles! Elias hits Rollins with a leaping knee, covers, TWO! Rollins almost lost it over his beat up body. Elias drags Rollins up, and shovels him onto his shoulders. Rollins fights out and slips down, but that knee hurts again. Elias rolls him up, TWO, so Elias rocks Rollins with a right. Rollins staggers, and Elias keeps going.

Elias throws hands, but Rollins returns them. They go back and forth, fans in support of Rollins. Rollins fires off lefts and rights, then runs, but into another knee! Elias swings but Rollins rolls and SUPERKICKS Elias! Cover, TWO! That bad leg holds Rollins back, but it won’t stop him. Rollins takes aim from a corner as he climbs up. He gets that leg moving, then takes aim… FROG SPLASH! But into knees! High stack cover, TWO!! Elias grows frustrated over Rollins’ fortitude. Elias climbs up high now, but Rollins hurries up and over to stop him! Rollins climbs up, but Elias resists. Elias sends Rollins back, then readjusts, but Rollins returns! SUPERPLEX! Roll through, dead lift, FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!!

Fans are loving this as both men are down from exhausted and sore bodies. Rollins sits up first, and he goes back to the corner. Fans fire up as Rollins stomps for “Burn It Down!” Rollins aims at Elias, mule kick, to… No, Elias dodges the stomp, but Rollins keeps moving to DIVE! But Elias deflects Rollins into barriers! And then into a post! And then steel steps! Elias puts Rollins back in, climbs up top himself, and hits the Drifter’s Elbow! Cover, TWO!! We almost had a new champion, but Rollins is just too strong-willed for that. Fans know “This is Awesome!”

Elias drags Rollins up, prepares the fisherman, but Rollins grabs ropes. Elias lets Rollins go but just throws furious hammer fists on him. The referee backs him off, but Elias comes back to drag Rollins up to the top rope. Elias chops Rollins before climbing up to join him. Elias sits Rollins up, but Rollins slips down for a run. The leg gives out, Elias fishermans, but Rollins rolls up! TWO, and Elias rolls Rollins, with tights! TWO, and Rollins rolls to grab tights! Rollins wins!!

Winner: Rollins, by pinfall; still WWE Intercontinental Champion

The Architect steals the cheat from the Drifter, but a win is a win. Rollins has retained by the skin of his teeth, but with how much damage his body has been taking, how much longer can he keep this reign going?


Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match!

To be clear, this is actually the third ever Women’s MITB Ladder Match, but Carmella “won” them both. Now that both Raw and SmackDown get to compete for the contract, who will be the second-ever Ms. (or maybe even Mrs.) MITB?

The eight women stand, the Raw 4 on one side and the SmackDown 4 on the other. Natty goes after Sasha Banks, and the fight sparks off! Ember Moon brawls with Charlotte while Becky Lynch CHUCKS Alexa Bliss at a ladder! Charlotte puts Ember into the timekeeper’s area, then Becky dropkicks a ladder into Natty. Charlotte gets a ladder, but it gets dropkick’d into her, too! The Lass Kicker has fans fired up, but Ember sentons into her from outta nowhere! Ember grabs that ladder and puts it in, but Natty stops her with a shove. Natty goes for the ladder but Ember puts her into steel steps. Ember continues with the ladder, all alone, but Naomi appears.

Naomi misses and Ember makes her pay. Sasha comes in, but that ladder gets SUPERKICK’d out of her hands. Ember SUPERKICKS Sasha down, then starts setting up a ladder. Naomi returns, but Ember dumps her out. Sasha hits Ember, Ember hits back with an enziguri! Fans fire up for the Prophecy of Flame as she prepares that ladder. Sasha hits Ember again, but Ember keeps herself from going into the ladder. She drop toeholds, but Sasha barely saves herself. Ember springboards them both onto the ladder!!

Fans are losing their minds with that one. Sasha rolls all the way out of the ring, but Ember is down in the middle. With no one standing, Lana appears! The Ravishing Russian knocks Ember down and picks up the ladder. She rams it into Ember’s ribs, then sets it up to facebuster Ember in it. Lana tosses that dinky ladder to grab a slightly taller one. Natty returns, and Lana shoves the ladder at her! The Queen of Harts narrowly avoids disaster, then rallies on Lana with lariats. Natty scoops Lana, and slams her on the steel! Lana writhes while Naomi returns. Naomi swings but gets sat down on the ladder. Natty runs all over Naomi to then dropkick her off it!

Fans are fired up for Natty, and she drags the ladder up. Charlotte returns to unleash Flair chops on the Hart. She chops and chops, then kicks, to exploder Natty out of the ring. Charlotte kips up, but Becky returns. The friends grab the same ladder, then tug-o-war over it. Fans duel while these two fight over the ladder. They bump each other with it, but then Naomi comes in to use it for a Super WOMAN Punch on Natty! Then Naomi ducks under, to dropkick the ladder into both Charlotte & Becky! Alexa returns, and drags the ladder away from Naomi. Naomi slingshots onto Alexa, then takes the ladder back. Sasha grabs Naomi, but Naomi kicks her away, then blockbusters to the floor.

Everyone is sore and on the outside of the ring, that is the toll this match makes superstars pay. Fans love it, “This is Awesome” already. Naomi and Ember return and grab the same ladder. Becky also returns, and goes after them both. Becky throws fire with her fists, but Naomi and Ember double kick her back. They then go back to fighting over the ladder. Becky recreates her crazy climb from last year!

But she can’t reach it, and is sent into a corner, the ladder crashing down on her head. Ember runs, and with Naomi on the other end, they double dropkick Becky underneath! Ember scrapes Becky out, and now two of the most athletic women in WWE today go 1v1. Naomi blocks a kick, to give many kicks. Ember ducks to SUPERKICK, then knee, but Naomi scorpion kicks in return. Naomi monkey flips but Ember lands on her feet, to hip toss Naomi on ladder! The fans have not stopped making noise because they love all this action. Ember sees Sasha returning, but Sasha still knees her away. Sasha drags Ember into the corner, then sets Ember on the ladder. Lana returns but gets a knee of her own.

Sasha places Lana on top of Ember, and she has a double stack for the Stock Drop knees! Lana and Ember are sandwiched on that ladder, but Sasha takes the other to set it up. The Boss begins the first climb of this match, but Charlotte stops her. Familiar frenemies stare down once again. They both scramble up but fight all the way. They bounce each other off the rungs, then stagger around. Charlotte swings but Sasha counters. Sasha wants the backstabber but Charlotte counters. Charlotte wants the suplex but Sasha lands on her feet to turn things around, yet Charlotte turns Sasha more, for a neckbreaker.

Charlotte props a ladder up sideways, then drags Sasha up. She powerbomb lifts, but Sasha slips out to the standing ladder! Sasha hits Charlotte away, then climbs, but Charlotte slows her down. Natty returns and joins in, and takes Charlotte away with a bom lift. Charlotte slips out, but Becky returns while Sasha reaches. Becky shoves the ladder, so Sasha ditches the climb for a Meteora on the Queens! But this leaves Becky alone, and climbing high! Sasha and Alexa both go after her, bring her down, and Alexa’s killer right rocks Becky! Now the Goddess climbs, but Sasha stops her. Sasha adjusts the ladder, then climbs, but Alexa follows. Becky goes after Sasha, then after Alexa. Becky joins Sasha up top.

They brawl, reach, but Lana also returns with a new ladder. Lana sets that up while Alexa stops Becky. Lana’s ladder is taller, but Sasha transfers over! Ember returns, then Natty, and all the women are going up. They all fight, Natty drags Sasha off but then Sasha returns the favor. Everyone reaches, but Natty takes Sasha for a ride rebound powerbomb into one of the ladders! Becky goes down! Ember, Lana and Alexa hold onto the taller ladder, but Natty goes up to join them. Charlotte returns to boot Natty down. Then Charlotte tries for Ember but gets knocked away. Lana and Ember brawl while Alexa returns. Charlotte sets up one ladder, and drags Ember off with a powerbomb onto said ladder!

Lana and Alexa still fight, but Charlotte rips them off, too. Backbreaker and STO for Lana, but then Charlotte drags down the tiny Alexa, but Alexa counters with a Code Red! Alexa shoves Lana, then climbs. Lana drags Alexa off and shoves her. Lana climbs, but Alexa drags her off for a killer right. “I don’t care what day it is, it’s my briefcase!” But a MACHKA Kick takes her out! “Lana, CRUSH!” Ravishing Accolade! She thrashes Alexa around, then drops her. Lana climbs, but Naomi springboards in! Naomi is there, kicks Lana away, then Becky returns to throw Lana with a Becksploder! But Naomi is working on the case!

Becky stops Naomi before she unhooks it, then smacks those legs into the rungs. Becky climbs, fights off Naomi, then reaches the top. Charlotte runs up, and the friends stare down. They brawl way up above it all. Alexa returns, and shoves them both down! But they’re not down, Charlotte SPEARS Alexa. Charlotte is alone, she drags the ladder up and climbs again. But Sasha stops her, with a backstabber! Naomi puts Sasha into the ladder, then climbs. But Lana yanks Naomi off. Lana climbs, but Natty returns for an Electric Chair! Natty climbs, but Ember SUPERKICKS her away! Ember scrambles up, but Charlotte is back again. SPEAR, onto a ladder, but Becky returns.

The friends fight, circle the ladder, but Becky blocks the spear to give a Becksploder! Becky goes up the ladder, reaches the top… But wait, Alexa tips that ladder. Becky hits the other ladder with her face! Alexa climbs, reaches the top, and unhooks it!

Winner: Alexa Bliss; becomes the new Ms. MITB

Or should we say, GODDESS in the Bank. With this weapon of a contract under her possession, will Alexa snatch away the championship from Nia Jax? Or will it be Ronda Rousey by the time Alexa gets a chance?


The Raw and SmackDown GMs talk backstage.

Angle is so excited that one of his superstars took the Women’s MITB Contract. Paige is happy for him, but there’s still the Men’s. She’s confident one of her men will win that to even the score. Agree to disagree, but dual branding is really working out. Angle gets to see old friends like Samoa Joe and AJ Styles. Don’t touch her roster, Angle, they bleed blue. But then, Constable Baron Corbin walks in. This isn’t about playing nice or nostalgia, but about sweeping the ladder matches. Or is he hoping to disappoint Stephanie McMahon? Paige doesn’t get this. Is Corbin still upset that his cash-in went miserably? The Glampire has fangs, but the Lone Wolf just makes sure Angle knows Raw needs to win. Will Stephanie be disappointed in her GM all over again? Or can Raw go 2-0 and have Mr. MITB on top of having Ms?


Roman Reigns VS Jinder Mahal w/ Sunil Singh!

The Big Dog and the Modern Day Maharaja wanted in on tonight’s Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder match. But between Mahal screwing Roman over in a qualifier over jealousy, to Roman retaliating with aggression, this feud has brought these former champions to throwing hands. Who will prove themselves the more deserving of golden opportunities tonight?

The injured Sunil Singh manages an introduction, perhaps he won’t be a deciding factor like he usually is for Mahal. The bell rings, and Roman throws hands on Mahal. Roman punches Mahal around but then Mahal hits back. Mahal tries but Roman denies the buckle bump. Roman punches more, then whips an druns Mahal over with an elbow. Roman puts Mahal in a corner for a bump, then another. He gets the hat trick, then whips Mahla at ropes. Mahal reverses and kicks Roman, then runs, but into a Samoan Drop! Cover, ONE, and Mahal bails out. Mahal regroups with Sunil while fans rain heat on both men.

Roman walks over and rocks Mahal with uppercuts. Roman puts Mahal back in the ring, then hotshots Mahal away. Mahal is down, Roman aims but misses the Drive-By! Mahal distracts the referee, so that Sunil can STAND, and shove Roman into a post! The little faker!

Sunil sits back down to continue his act, while Mahal comes out to fetch Roman. Mahal bumps Roman off announce desks, then pushes him into barriers. Mahal refreshes the count, then puts Roman back in the ring. He stomps away on Roman, then drops ax handles. Cover, TWO, and Mahal puts Roman in a chinlock. Sunil cheers Mahal while faking more soreness. Roman endures the squeeze, so Mahal shifts to clubbing crossfaces. Mahal puts the chinlock back on, but Roman endures. Roman gets up but Mahal throws him back down. Mahal grinds Roman down, then bends him back in a half camel clutch. Roman gets up, fights with body shots, then throws hands. He whips Mahal but Mahal reverses and sends Roman hard into buckles. Mahal aims and blasts Roman off the apron and into barriers.

Mahal goes out again to bring Roman up for a slapping right hand. He puts Roman back in the ring, then drops an elbow. Mahal grins as he controls Roman, covers, TWO. Mahal pulls on Roman’s hair, then twists his head. He puts Roman against the ropes and chokes him. Mahal drops springboard knees over and over, then grinds a knee into Roman. The referee backs him off, but Mahal is still grinning. Mahal clubs away on Roman over and over, then puts him back in the chinlock. Roman endures, stands up, but Mahal throws him down. Mahal wants the fans to pay attention to him, but then he misses his knee drop. Roman gets to a corner, then boots Mahal away. Roman uppercuts Mahal and rallies with clotheslines. He whips but Mahal reverses, only for Roman to still hit the leaping lariat.

Mahal gets to a corner, so Roman runs in, but into a boot. Mahal hops up, but Roman uppercuts him out of the air. Roman gives close range clotheslines while Chicago does the wave. Roman runs, but into a big knee! Mahal covers, TWO! Mahal can’t believe it, but he won’t let it stop him. He stalks Roman, preparing for the finish. Roman fights out and wants another Samoan Drop but Mahal slips out. Mahal shoves Roman, but gets a boot in return! Cover, TWO. Roman keeps his cool while he gets to a corner. Roman locks and loads, then takes am, but Mahal ducks. Mahal gets a waistlock, Roman standing switches but so does Mahal. Mahal kicks and lifts Roman, to hit a gutbuster drop! Cover, TWO! And Mahal is furious.

Mahal calms down, then drags Roman up. He puts Roman in the clutch but Roman backs him down and throws him off. SUPERMAN Punch! Cover, TWO, and Roman is surprised. Mahal crawls away, and Roman stands. Roman gets himself to a corner, and fans are a thunderous mix as he lets out the howl. Roman runs, but into a knee! Mahal puts him into a post! Roman is dazed but Mahal is catching his breath. Mahal gets up, sees Roman on the apron, and wallops him with a right. Roman hits back, and they brawl between the ropes. They go back and forth, Mahal throat chops, but Roman knees back. Roman hits a guillotine leg-drop!

Mahal tumbles out of the ring, and Roman hits the Drive-By Dropkick. Roman puts Mahal in the ring, but Sunil tries another cheat. Roman stops himself that time, and the referee sees Sunil isn’t as hurt as he acted. Mahal reaches at Mahal, but Roman uppercuts him away. SUPERMAN PUNCH to Sunil, then one to Mahal! Roman grins now, and takes aim at Sunil. He howls, and SPEARS Sunil! Roman returns to the ring, but Mahal rolls him up! TWO!! SPEAR!! Cover, Roman wins!

Winner: Roman, by pinfall

The Big Dog keeps The Yard under his control, and makes both Sunil and Mahal pay for getting in his way. Will Roman return to the title hunt now that he’s cleared out a fellow former world champion?


SmackDown Women’s Championship: Carmella VS Asuka!

This match is all about numbers: The Empress of Tomorrow was undefeated for 523 days; The Queen of Flair gave her her first loss at Wrestlemania 34; Charlotte lost the title to the FABULOUS Princess via her MITB cash-in. Therefore, Carmella is better than Charlotte AND Asuka. At least, in Carmella’s head, that’s how the math works out. Will Carmella prove her figures are correct? Or will she realize that she, like everyone else, is NOT ready for Asuka?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised and we begin! Fans know “Asuka’s gonna kill~ you~”, but Carmella ties up with Asuka anyway. Asuka powers Carmella to ropes, then backs off. Carmella shoves Asuka, then dodges and moonwalks. Asuka swings hands, and Carmella gets to ropes. Carmella dares her to do something while she’s in the ropes. Carmella brags and moonwalks again, but Asuka waits for her to return. The referee ends up stuck between them, but Asuka blocks the sucker kick. Asuka spins Carmella, but Carmella sucker SLAPS her. Yet Asuka grins.

Carmella says she’s not scared, but Asuka chases her. Asuka hits the hip attack, then more hip bumps. Carmella ends up in a corner, but she yanks Asuka in. Asuka blocks, then swipes and slaps and kicks Carmella down. Asuka throws Carmella through the ropes to kick away on her! Carmella is dazed, Asuka blasts her off with the hip attack! Carmella wants out, and snatches her title. She’s the champion, she has the advantage. But then she turns around into Asuka’s sliding knee! Asuka signals that the belt will be around her waist soon enough.

Asuka stalks Carmella with a smile, and grabs her by her hair. Carmella pushes Asuka away, then reels her into the post! Asuka goes down, and Carmella drags her up and in. Cover, TWO, so Carmella grinds Asuka’s face into the mat. Carmella puts Asuka in a modified double chicken wing hold. Asuka rolls but Carmella stops her heel into Asuka’s head. “Is this your Empress?!” Asuka endures, and rolls Carmella again, cover, TWO. Asuka pops out and chicken wings Carmella. Carmella fights off the lock, but misses the lariat. She narrowly dodges the back hand and mule kicks Asuka. Cover, TWO, so Carmella puts Asuka in the chinbar.

Carmella wants Asuka to quit, because Carmella isn’t afraid. Fans rally up for Asuka, and Asuka gets to her feet. Asuka fights back but Carmella wrangles her back down. Carmella pulls on the facelock, but Asuka refuses to quit. Asuka fights up and out again, and wrenches Carmella’s arm. Carmella knees low, then embraces the heat. She toys with Asuka, but Asuka goes up, only for Carmella to trip. Asuka denies the steiner, but misses her dropkick. Carmella waits, but her roundhouse is blocked, into a Kneebar! Carmella gets the ropes, so Asuka has to let go. Asuka and Carmella stand, but Carmella hits first with a back elbow.

Carmella toys with Asuka but fans rally and Asuka fires up. Asuka stands, Carmella slaps, so Asuka slaps back. Pop-up knee! Then the dropkick! Asuka kicks and kicks and kicks, but Carmella blocks one, only to end up in a German Suplex! Asuka hits another hip attack! Cover, TWO! Asuka grits her teeth and gets up again. She brings Carmella up, for the shoulder breaker, into Asuka chicken wing. Carmella grabs ropes, so Asuka throws palm strikes and kicks. Asuka runs, but Carmella holds ropes down, sending Asuka out! Carmella recovers while Asuka is down on the outside. The ring count climbs, but Asuka doesn’t stand until 6. Asuka climbs up but Carmella hotshots her. Carmella kicks and Asuka falls to the floor!

Carmella leaves Asuka to the mercy of the count, but Asuka stands, so Carmella DIVES! A FABULOUS tope takes Asuka down, and Carmella hurries to cover in the ring. TWO, and Carmella is furious. Another cover, TWO, another, TWO, and Carmella shrieks. Fans hope she does that “One More Time!” Carmella stands up, waits for Asuka, but Asuka blocks to back hand over and over, to then German. Carmella rolls, Asuka sits on it, TWO, Shining Wizard! But wait, who is that in Asuka’s gear? They stand on the apron as a strange distraction to both women. The fans have an idea, but Carmella rolls Asuka! TWO, pop-up knee! Asuka keeps looking at the phony on the corner, and the mask comes off. It’s JAMES ELLSWORTH!! He’s back~!

But Carmella hits the FABULOUS Kick! Cover, Carmella wins!

Winner: Carmella, by pinfall; still WWE SmackDown Women’s Champion

The Chinless Wonder returns to help his girl again. The anniversary of their #ScrewJobintheBank, it’s the perfect sequel. At least, perfect for Carmella. #MellaIsMoney, #MellaIsGold, #MellaIsChamp, and it’s all thanks to Jamie L. Will Asuka get her revenge on them in the near future?


WWE Championship Last Man Standing Match: AJ Styles VS Shinsuke Nakamura!

From Wrestlemania’s Dream (Re)Match, to the Greatest Royal Rumble’s greatest disqualification to Backlash’s count out draw, this rivalry has only escalated in animosity. Now, in a match where there is truly nothing held back, who will be THE Last Man Standing with the WWE Championship?

The bell rings, the two men circle, and the fans are already dueling at a fever pitch. Fans settle for chanting “Both These Guys!” as Styles and Nakamura tie up and push each other. They’re evenly matched, but Styles is getting an edge. Nakamura pushes Styles back, then knees low into a takedown. Styles headscissors but Nakamura pops out, and Styles rocks him with forearms. Styles chops Nakamura, then whips but Nakamura reverses into another knee. Nakamura runs, but into a dropkick! Styles waits for Nakamura, then chops him again. He bumps Nakamura off buckles in one corner, then another. Styles snapmares and kicks Nakamura in the back. Nakamura rolls and flounders, but Styles gets him with a forearm, then a backbreaker.

The count starts, but Nakamura gets up quick. Styles comes over, but Nakamura denies the suplex. Styles shifts and knees Nakamura, but runs into an elbow. Nakamura wakls over, but Styles body scissors Nakamura out of the ring. Nakamura flounders to his feet, so Styles slingshot forearms him down! A count begins, but Nakamura is up at 5. Styles keeps on Nakamura, putting him into a barrier. Nakamura is up quick, so Styles puts him into more barriers. Styles waits while Nakamura fights the count. Nakamura is up, so Styles goes to suplx him. Nakamura pushes Styles into barriers now, then Northern Light Suplexes Styles onto the ramp!

Both men are under the count, but Nakamura up at 3. Styles stirs, and gets up at 6, so Nakamura goes after him. They go back to the ring, but only for Nakamura to set Styles on the apron for the drive-by knee! Nakamura keeps going, using the steps to help for a guillotine stomp! Styles is down and the count begins. Styles stirs at 4, up at 5. Nakamura puts Styles in the ring, then takes his time entering. Nakamura stomps and kicks Styles in the corner while fans duel again. He drags Styles up, snapmare and knee drop. Style flounders, but he’s up. Nakamura toys with him now, disrespectful kicks to the head. Nakamura throws kicks into Styles, and Styles staggers all the way into ropes. Styles can barely stand but Nakamura just kicks him down hard.

A new count begins, and Styles stirs at 3. Styles uses ropes to help himself up at 5, but Nakamura is on him again with a grinding boot into this throat. And BAD Vibrations on top of it. Styles stops it part way, and hits back with haymakers. Nakamura knees, swings but hits the back heel kick! Styles is dazed while Nakamura grins. The new count reaches 5 while Styles crawls to ropes. Styles stands again, but Nakamura just hoists him onto the top rope. Nakamura clubs and elbows those ribs, then backs off to run back in, Top Shelf Knee! Styles tumbles to apron then to floor, and a new count begins.

Nakamura grins as he follows Styles out and around the ring. Styles hits back, but Nakamura makes him pay, bouncing his face off the steps. Nakamura takes those steps, he has something sinister in mind. He bends Styles backwards to give BAD Vibrations on the step. Nakamura then tosses Styles into the crowd! Nakamura practically slithers after Styles to kick him on the concrete. Styles gets up, Nakamura kicks him down again. Nakamura drags Styles up, then knees him against the wall. Nakamura swings but Styles ducks to counter. Styles hits Nakamura again and again, then kicks Nakamura against the barriers. Styles dumps Nakamura back into ringside, then uses the barrier to springboard, but Nakamura sweeps the legs! The Phenomenal One hits the floor, and a new count begins.

Nakamura is up at 6, and Styles is on his way up, so Nakamura bounces him off steel steps again. Styles slumps down, but Nakamura won’t let the count start. Nakamura drags Styles up for more kicks, then puts him in the ring. Fans chant “Too Sweet! Woop Woop!” to cheer on the former Club leader. Nakamura stalks Styles, still toying with him the entire time. Styles hits back, backs Nakamura down, then chops him. Nakamura ducks, Inverted Exploder but Styles lands on his feet to enziguri Nakamura into a corner. Styles whips Nakamura corner to corner, then runs in, but into a boot. Nakamura hops up, but Styles dropkicks him out of the air!

The count returns with both men down. It passes 5 as both men sit up. It reaches 8, and they stand to swing hands. Styles hits his Phenomenal Blitz! Then runs in for a corner clothesline, fireman’s carry but Nakamura slips out. Nakamura swings, misses, and Styles drops him with a wheelbarrow facebuster! Styles is up first but Nakamura isn’t far behind. Styles wants the Clash, but sensed that low blow coming! Nakamura regrets trying that trick again.

Nakamura blocks Styles’ kick, but the two bump heads on the Pele kick. Both men are under the count, but Styles is up. Nakamura narrowly avoids the sliding forearm, then hits the Inverted Exploder! Nakamura gets to a corner, fires himself up, and runs out, but into another forearm! A new count begins, but Styles is up at 6. He drags Nakamura up, fireman’s carry, Ushigoroshi! Nakamura falls limp, but stirs as the count restarts. Styles walks away to catch his breath. Nakamura crawls to a corner and stands up at 8. Styles runs in, but Nakamura puts him on the apron. Styles hits Nakamura away, springboards but into a roundhouse!

Both men are down, but use exiting the ring to stand back up. Nakamura comes around to fetch Styles, and put him into more barriers. He drags Styles up and around while fans duel, to gordbuster Styles into barriers. Nakamura clears off an announce desk, and drags Styles back up. He suplexes Styles onto the table, but the table holds. Nakamura is fine with that, he just clears the other announce desks off. Nakamura gets up on the Spanish announce table, runs across the American table, to sliding KINSHASA Styles on the German table!

Both men are down, as Nakamura used a lot of energy. The count begins, Nakamura is up at 4. Styles stirs at 7, rolls over at 8, and gets to his feet at 9. Fans are loving this, but Nakamura is furious. Nakamura bumps Styles off the desk, against the apron and into a post. Nakamura gives more knees and kicks, then puts him in the ring. He goes searching under the ring, and to Chicago’s liking, pulls out a table! Styles stirs in the ring while Nakamura gets the table up and in. Nakamura sets the table up but Styles staggers over. Nakamura kicks Styles and Styles lands on the legs of the table. Styles rolls away, and Nakamura finishes setting up the table.

Nakamura drags Styles over to a corner, hoists him up top, then climbs up to join him. Fans anticipate what he’s after, but Styles does, too. Styles slips down and out, but Nakamura holds the ropes! Nakamura hammers Styles, and Styles bumps into the table. The table goes sideways, so Nakamura gordbusters Styles on its edge! Nakamura resets the table while the count climbs. Nakamura puts the table up in a corner while Styles gets to a corner. Styles stands at 7, but Nakamura throws him into and through the table!! Nakamura grins while the count begins.

Styles is in the wreckage and the count passes 5. Nakamura grins and counts along, but Styles wakes up at 8! He stands at 9.5! Nakamura can’t believe it. Nakamura clears the wreckage from the ring, then takes the pad off the top buckle! He drags Styles from the ropes, and throws him at the buckle, but Styles blocks just in time! Styles elbows Nakamura away, then goes to do the same. Nakamura narrowly avoids hitting the buckle. He shoves Styles away, then knees and ax kicks him down. Nakamura sets Styles on the top rope, runs in, but that knee goes into the buckle! Nakamura clutches his leg while Styles stands back up. Styles kicks out the bad leg, then again.

Fans duel again, and Styles kicks the bad leg more. Nakamura writhes, but Styles shows no mercy. “Let’s see you stand now!” The count begins, and Nakamura writhes in pain. Nakamura drags himself to ropes by 5, but Styles is on him. Calf Crusher!! Styles tortures the leg, and it doesn’t matter if Nakamura taps or grabs ropes, because that’s not the match type. Styles lets Nakamura go, and leaves him to the count. The count reaches 5 before Nakamura gets to his knees. The bad leg gives out but Nakamura still hobbles up. Styles kicks the leg again, stalking Nakamura on the apron. Nakamura slumps out but Styles escalates as he borrows a steel chair from the timekeeper’s area.

SMACK on the leg!! Nakamura writhes, but fans want that “One More Time!” Nakamura begs, but SMACK, to the shoulder! Then SMACK on that leg! Styles watches Nakamura as he pleads with him. Styles says Too Sweet, but then LOW BLOW!

Both men are down, but Nakamura stands at 3. Styles is gasping for air at 7, but he somehow stands at 9! Nakamura just fires up, KINSHASA! They’re both down again, but Nakamura is stirring. The count passes 5 but Styles hasn’t moved. Styles wakes up at 6, rolls at 8, and stands at 9.5 again! Nakamura is beside himself with this. Nakamura finishes clearing the Spanish news desk, and brings Styles up with him. He lifts Styles, but that bad knee gives out. Styles slips down and shoves Nakamura onto the steel steps! Nakamura hits face first, then staggers up, but Styles hits with a Phenomenal Forearm! Styles flounders, but grabs Nakamura, for an elevated STYLES CLASH!!

Chicago loses its mind over that one. Styles drags himself up while Nakamura flounders. The count is at 7 but Nakamura is reaching. Nakamura is up?! That was 9.75! While Chicago says “This is Awesome,” Nakamura says, “C’MON!!” Styles kicks Nakamura in the nuts! Styles leaves Nakamura down on the outside, but then Chicago encourages him to finish it. He takes aim, springboards, PHENOMENAL FOREARM, through a table!! Fans lose their minds again while both men are being counted again. Styles sits up and stands at 7. Nakamura doesn’t, Styles wins!!

Winner: Styles; still WWE Champion

A truly phenomenal fight from the Phenomenal AJ Styles. He holds onto the belt while Nakamura gasps for air. With the Men’s MITB Ladder Match still to come, who will Styles soon have gunning for his title?


Raw Women’s Championship: Nia Jax VS Ronda Rousey!

This was meant to be a friendly competition between two great competitors. But from Stephanie McMahon pushing buttons to their mutual friendship with Natalya, this match became personal. In a battle of alpha females, who will prove themselves THE Baddest Woman in WWE?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and this highly anticipated title match begins! Nia powers Ronda right to a corner! She rams in shoulders, then drags Ronda out to throw her by her hair! Ronda stands, but gets squashed in a corner! Nia again throws Ronda, but misses this time. Ronda staggers up, but Nia is on her with a choke hold. Ronda hits with straight rights and backs Nia up! Nia powers back and headbutts Ronda down. Ronda gets to a corner again, but Nia squashes her, again. Nia drags Ronda out and lifts her up, playing with her food. But Ronda goes after the Kimura! She brings Nia to the mat!

Nia holds on and rolls for a cover, but Ronda just shifts to a triangle. Nia deadlifts Ronda! Ronda wrangles Nia back down, but Nia tries again. And she gets Ronda up, for a sit-out powerbomb!

Ronda feels what it’s like to take one of those, and she stumbles all the way out of the ring. Nia won’t settle for the count out, and she goes around the outside to fetch Ronda. Nia toys with Ronda, then lifts her again, but Ronda tries a headscissor. No go, and Nia just swings Ronda into barriers. Nia drags Ronda up and into the ring, covers, TWO! Nia grows annoyed with Rowdy Rousey, and dares her to get up. Ronda throws hands but falls to her knees from being dazed. Nia hauls Ronda up again, for a trophy lift and slam! Cover, TWO, and Nia grows further frustrate. Ronda boots Nia away, then leaps out for a guillotine!

Nia endures, this hold has been her weakness before. But Nia powers up! Ronda sunset flips, but Nia dribbles Ronda’s head off the mat. Nia does it again, and again, then shouts “I AM THE BADDEST!” before tossing Ronda again. Nia drags Ronda up and squeezes her in a bearhug. Ronda endures, pries her way out, but Nia gets her tight again. Nia keeps squeezing, but fans rally for Ronda. Ronda uses elbows and forearms to get free. Ronda keeps swinging, but Nia stays up. Nia shoves and SAMOAN DROPS Ronda! Cover, TWO! And Nia is shocked. But Nia calms herself, she’s had tough opponents before.

Ronda kicks from the mat, but Nia kicks her back. Nia drops the leg, but Ronda narrowly avoids it! Ronda gets to a corner, stands up, and dodges Nia. Nia goes into the post, and Ronda catches her breath on the top rope. Nia pulls herself out, but Ronda pulls her in for a hanging armbar! Ronda lets go at 4, but she ends up on the outside. Nia checks her arm, but it seems to be working. Ronda gets back up, and with fans encouraging her, she goes top rope. Ronda aims, and… JUMPS! Crossbody hits!

Cover, TWO, with authority. Ronda has Chicago behind her as she works on what to do next. But Ronda focuses and fires herself up. Ronda starts swinging hands! Then a knee! Nia goes to the ropes, but Ronda wants more. Ronda manages a judo takedown! Cover, TWO!! But that only fires Ronda up more. She goes after that arm! Nia resists, rolls it over, TWO. Ronda gets around, for a saido slam! ARMBAR!! But Nia still holds on to resist. Ronda and Nia fight over the grips, and it comes down to the very last finger…! Ronda gets it, but here comes Alexa!!

Winner: Nia, by disqualification; still WWE Raw Women’s Champion

The Goddess inadvertently saves her former friend, but it was mostly to screw over Ronda. Alexa SMACKS Nia, too, then SMACKS Ronda again and again. Alexa drags Ronda up, and puts her into the post! Ronda falls out, is it time!? Alexa tells the referee, she’s cashing- Wait, Ronda is still moving. Alexa changes her mind, and SMACKS Ronda again. She even throws Ronda over teh German announce desk. Alexa goes back to the ring, but Nia’s up, until Alexa swings wild! Nia’s arm is hurting, so Alexa hits her again. She’s doing it?! She’s cashing in!?

Raw Women’s Championship, MITB Cash-In: Nia Jax VS Alexa Bliss!

It’s official! Nia has one bad arm, but she’s not gonna refuse the challenge. Alexa kicks, DDT, and then goes after the arm. She climbs up while Nia is down, TWISTED BLISS!! Cover, Alexa wins!!

Winner: Alexa Bliss, by pinfall; becomes the NEW WWE Raw Women’s Champion

The Five Foot Fury was #GoddesintheBank for barely 90 minutes, but it pays off! She is now the FIVE TIME Women’s Champion. But with having stolen this from Nia and Ronda, will Alexa have that belt for long?


Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match!

It’s finally time for this PPV’s namesake match. From New Day to Rusev Day, GLORIOUS to Extraordinary, Prizefighter to A-Lister, and Destroyer to Monster, only one can be Mr. Money in the Bank.

But speaking of The New Day, they’re only allowed one member to be in this match. Awwww, Chicago, don’t you dare be sour, clap for KOFI KINGSTON, and feel~ the power~! We finally have our eight, and we begin!

The fans are strongly behind Kofi, but all 7 men realize: go after Strowman! The biggest and baddest is an obvious target, but then Miz breaks off to beat up on Finn Balor. Kevin Owens keeps the others united on Strowman, but then Roode hits Kofi, and Strowman knocks everyone away. Strowman bumps Joe on a buckle, then side slams Finn. He grabs Miz and shoves him into Roode, to then sandwich them both in the corner. Kevin runs in, but gets clobbered right down. Strowman roars and Chicago cheers with him. Strowman decides to “Get These Hands”, on a ladder. He brings one up and in, but Joe attacks from behind. Kofi leaps onto Strowman, too, and then Rusev hits Strowman. Finn hits Strowman, then Kevin runs in, to get swatted.

But Rusev and Miz and Finn and Roode all ram ladders into Strowman over and over, then bury him in steel! It’s a ladder pile, but sneaky Miz! He sets up a ladder in the ring, but that brings everyone after him. Joe stops Miz with a shove of the ladder, and Miz begs for mercy. They fight off Finn and Roode first, then Rusev. Miz grabs a ladder but Joe uses it to ram Miz into a corner. Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise on Joe! Then dropkicks that ladder into Miz! Kofi squashes Miz with that ladder, then has the fans fired up as he Boom Drops on top! Miz rolls out, but Kofi brings that ladder up. Fans chant “New! Day Rocks!” as he climbs. Kevin returns and drags him off, but Kofi avoids the pop-up to get a SUPERKICK.

Kevin climbs now, but Finn is there. Familiar foes fight, and Finn gets fingers on the case. Kevin yanks him down and hits him with forearms. Finn staggers, but resists the powerbomb to takedown and double stomp Kevin. Finn climbs again, but Roode returns to stop him. Roode bumps Finn off the rungs, then decides to climb up. Finn follows, but Roode kicks. Finn back drops out of the DDT, but Roode sunset flips, only for Finn to roll through and dropkick him. Roode rolls out, but here comes Kevin with a new ladder. Kevin rams Finn’s ribs, then makes a ramp. Kevin drags Finn up and over, fireman’s carry, but Finn slips down. Finn tosses Kevin out, but Kevin drags him out to throw him into a ladder. Finn staggers, into a SUPERKICK! He’s down on the American desk, but Kevin gets an idea.

Flashbacks to Raw, and Kevin prepares the desk. Kevin brings the very tall ladder over, climbs up from the apron, but then Rusev is climbing in the ring. Kevin stops him, but Rusev fights Kevin off, Fall Away Slam onto that ramp ladder! Joe returns, and goes after Rusev, putting him into the standing ladder. Joe keeps going, whipping Rusev into a corner for the back elbow and Pele! But Kofi springboards to ax handle Joe down and out. Kofi gets the ramp ladder out, then brings the other ladder up. Fans are on his side as he climbs again. Miz returns and stops that, but then Kofi kicks him out. Kofi avoids the ladder coming down on him, then climbs up to TRUST FALL!

But wait, Roode, Joe, Miz, Kevin and Rusev catch him! Finn FLIES and bowls them all over! The fans fire up with Finn,and he brings a ladder from the pile. Strowman comes back to life! And he grabs the same ladder Finn took. Strowman jams it into Finn, holds Roode and boots Finn before running over Kofi! Joe DIVES on the Monster! Strowman goes down from that hit, but not for long. Kevin SUPERKICKS Strowman, Rusev MACHKA Kicks him. Kevin smacks Strowman with a ladder, then Rusev stomps him. Rusev keeps Strowman down while Kevin fetches a table. Kevin has Rusev help him move Strowman over. But Strowman resists, so Joe uses the Coquina Clutch to choke Strowman out! SUPERKICK added on, and Strowman is definitely out.

Joe helps coordinate, and Kevin climbs that super sized ladder. Rusev and Joe hold Strowman down while Kevin reaches the top. Kevin aims, but Strowman won’t let them recreate the spot from Raw. He fights off Rusev and Joe, but Kevin begs Strowman to spare him. Strowman doesn’t, as he climbs up to grab Kevin! Strowman brings Kevin back up to the top, and then tosses him down onto the spare tables!!

Kevin crashes and fans lose their minds. Strowman returns to the ground, and rocks Joe and Rusev with punches and boots. Kofi runs in, but is tossed onto a ladder with a choke slam! Strowman barrels down the ramp, and BREAKS THROUGH the ladder Roode and Finn were using! Miz is in the ring with a ladder set up, but now he’s all alone with Strowman. Miz scrambles up but Strowman reaches at his feet. Strowman brings Miz down, then clubs him down. Now Strowman climbs, but Joe uses a ladder like a bat. Then like a battering ram. Joe clothelines Strowman out of the ring, but Strowman is still on his feet. Joe adjusts the ladder, and Finn blasts Strowman into the timekeeper’s area!

Finn goes after Joe, another familiar foe. They brawl, but here comes Roode. These former NXT Champions brawl, Roode putting Finn into a post. Joe clubs Roode then whips him into a corner. Roode boots Joe, then hops up to jump over, only for Joe to “sit your ass down!” Joe and Rusev brawl, Joe headbutts, but Rusev dumps Joe out. Rusev roundhouses Roode, but Kofi returns to swing. Rusev blocks to roundhouse Kofi upside-down! Fans fire up, because Rusev prepares a STACK-olade! Miz grabs Rusev but gets an elbow and MACHKA Kick! Miz ends up on the stack, and now Rusev goes for a TRIPLE! But Joe comes in, Coquina Clutch on Rusev!

Rusev arm-drags Joe, then MACHKA Kicks him. The Bulgarian Brute gets the ladder up, “RUSEV DAY! RUSEV DAY!” echoes as he climbs. He reaches the top, but Miz tips the ladder! Rusev goes down, but Miz sets the ladder back up. Miz reaches the top, but Kofi is back. Kofi headbutts Miz, reaches for the case, but Miz hits back. They brawl, reach, brawl again, reach again, but Roode tips them both down. Slingblade from Finn to Roode! Finn clotheslines Miz and Kofi out in turn, then dodges Roode to kick him in return. Roode goes down, and Finn realizes he’s by a ladder. Finn climbs up, aims down at Roode, and… SUPER COUP DE GRACE!!

Finn drags the ladder up, climbs, reaches, but Strowman returns! Strowman bounces Finn off the ladder, but Joe returns. Joe runs into a MONSTER Slam, but Miz scrambles up. Strowman stops him, with another Monster Slam! Strowman climbs, but so does Finn. They both reach the top, but Kofi springboards onto Strowman’s back to hitch a ride. They all reach, but they also brawl. Kofi teeters, but Strowman swats Finn. Kofi and Strowman fight awkwardly, but Storwman throws Kofi away. Strowman keeps climbing, grabs, and retrieves the case!

Winner: Braun Strowman; becomes the new Mr. MITB

Or, MONSTER in the Bank. King Kong ain’t got crap on Strowman! Strowman and Alexa Bliss, Team Little Big from the Mixed Match Challenge, sweep the MITB ladder matches, as does Raw! Stephanie McMahon won’t be upset with Angle, but will Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar be upset that this force of nature can go after the Universal Championship at anytime, anywhere? Will Strowman #GetTheseHands on a title in the near future?



My Thoughts:

After the stinker that Backlash was, MITB redeems much of the main roster. Not all, but most of it. The kickoff match was actually so good, and I almost thought Gallows & Anderson were going to take it. But of course Harper & Rowan retain, because it was the kickoff show. Bryan-Cass opens the main show to fire up the fans even more, and it all seems to fit Bryan’s point: Cass doesn’t have wrestling skill, just size and strength. Bryan wins because he has the skills and the toughness, and hopefully this puts an end to their feud. Lashley and Sami, while having a lackluster and controversial build, did put on a good match. Chicago was on Sami’s side at first, but then Lashley got Chicago on his side with his pure power. I also hope this ends their rivalry, both men need to move on something with more substance.

Rollins does it again with that amazing IC title match. Elias is of course a star in his own right, but Rollins is just too hot not to go with. The Women’s MITB tore the house down, built it back up and then tore it down again. So much was going on, and it was all great. Even though Becky doesn’t win, the way it works out where the one true Heel wins just works in so many ways. Ronda VS Nia was great, too, Ronda really showing us all that she isn’t just for show. And with Alexa cashing in, man is that great Heel heat on her, while keeping Nia and Ronda strong.

Oddly, the timing was right on putting Roman VS Mahal next, then Carmella VS Asuka next, as they ended up the two poorer matches of the night. Chicago HATED Roman VS Mahal, and did everything they could to NOT go with it. Roman wins because duh, but Vince McMahon needs an intervention in order to realize this isn’t working. Carmella VS Asuka was good, but it got a bit deflated by the surprise-not-surprise appearance of James “No Chin but Two Hands” Ellsworth. In a vacuum, it’s great Heel moment to reunite this duo, but it kinda felt weird given how bland Roman VS Mahal was before it.

But then things picked back up. Styles VS Nakamura truly delivered with the Last Man Standing stipulation, maybe even going above and beyond. Styles has truly swept Nakamura, retaining every time, Nakamura logically should go to the back of the line. Let the men from the MITB match–Samoa Joe, The Miz, Rusev or even The New Day–give a go now. Maybe Nakamura can go after Hardy’s US Championship in the mean time. And speaking of the Men’s MITB, WOW. They somehow match or even outdo the Women’s, and Strowman is THE Monster in the Bank, as if it was going to be any other way.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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