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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Live Report! (6/12/18)



The SmackDown GM will rally her troops ahead of MITB

Before facing off with Raw in the Money in the Bank Ladder matches, SmackDown GM Paige wants to bring her superstars together for a Women’s MITB Summit! Plus, for the first time ever, Jeff Hardy VS Shinsuke Nakamura, ahead of the Last Man Standing Match with AJ Styles, and a WWE first: Daniel Bryan VS Shelton Benjamin!


All images courtesy of the WWE’s official Twitter



  • Shelton Benjamin VS Daniel Bryan; Bryan wins.
  • Rusev w/ Aiden English VS Samoa Joe, Special Guest Referee: Miz; Rusev wins.
  • Jeff Hardy VS Shinsuke Nakamura; Hardy wins, by disqualification.
  • 10 Woman Tag: Carmella, The IIconics, Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville VS Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch, Lana, Naomi & Asuka; Asuka, Naomi, Lana, Charlotte & Becky win.


SmackDown GM Paige starts the show in the ring.

The Glampire in Chief is already with Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch, Naomi and Lana as she welcomes Memphis to the show. She welcomes the Blue Brand representatives in the Women’s Money in the Bank match, and gets to business. Sunday gives them the opportunity to bring that MITB contract here and change their careers forever. Raw puts up Alexa Bliss, Natalya, Ember Moon and Sasha Banks, so Paige is proud to have the best in this match. She doesn’t really mind which woman wins, so long as they bring the contract back to My House! Lana promises to succeed. Naomi says “Girl please!” Oh, can Naomi climb better than she can dance? Lana better be careful or she’ll get snatched bald! Those two argue, but Naomi reminds everyone she’s the winner of the Women’s Wrestlemania Battle Royal.

Charlotte agrees, that’s true. But she only won because Charlotte wasn’t in the Battle Royal. Charlotte’s done everything from the NXT to the Diva’s to the Raw to the SmackDown Women’s Championships. The only thing left to do now is become the Queen in the Bank, “WOO~!” Becky says if anyone is winning, it’s ya girl, Becky Lynch. And if we’re talkign resumes, she was the #1 draft pick AND inaugural SmackDown Women’s Champion. But Becky is tired of “was” and wants to say “am”, as in “I am going to grab that briefcase, I am going to cash it in” and “I am going to be the SmackDown Women’s Champion again.” Charlotte wishes Becky luck.

Becky says luck has nothing to do with it. Becky will risk it all, and go through anyone, even her friend. Like how she did last week when she won. How’s that arm, by the way? Naomi reminds them that there are six others in the match. And Becky will beat them, too. But speaking of two, the IIconics are here! Is Peyton thinking what Billie’s thinking? Yes, that it’d take a miracle to bring the briefcase to SmackDown with those four in the match. Agreed, and also how Memphis smells funny. Okay now what is she thinking? It’s time! “What’s the crack, lads? Anyone got some quinoa? I’m an Irish!” That may amuse Peyton & Billie but not Becky or Memphis.

Memphis boos and jeers, but Billie moves on to imitate Charlotte “the Queen”. She dresses up in her daddy’s robes and drink tea, but she’s really from North Carolina and cries when she loses. But instead of “waa” it’s WOO~! Naomi wants to know if those two are done running their mouths. Oh don’t worry, they didn’t forget about Naomi and Lana. Billie and Peyton show off their “dance moves”, and the Kid ‘n’ Play, word. Again, the IIconics love it but Lana and Naomi are just annoyed. Now out come Mandy & Sonya! The duo formerly known as Absolution look up at Paige, and “hat to break it to you”, but she’ll only be disappointed. The talent outside the ring is far superior to the talent inside. Becky imitates Peyton as she asks the others if they’re thinking what she’s thinking. “Yep!” And all eight women start brawling!!

Referees come out but that’s not enough to keep this 4v4 fight from happening. What will Paige do about this division in the Women’s Division?


Daniel Bryan responds to Big Cass’ words.

The Human Skyscraper vowed to break Bryan’s legs and arms? How? Cass hasn’t trained hard enough to know how to wrestle hard enough to do that to Bryan! Bryan promises to make Cass tap out again, whether it’s Yes Lock, the heel hook, or just him kneeing and kicking Cass in the face until he gives up. “And you can’t teach surviving that.” Is Bryan about to bully the big man? Or will Cass prove size trumps skill?


Shelton Benjamin VS Daniel Bryan!

The Goat may have a big match at Money in the Bank, but that won’t keep him from answering a challenge. For the first time under WWE, Bryan and the Gold Standard will face off. Will Bryan keep himself going in the birthplace of the #YESMovement? Or will Benjamin prove to everyone that he’s deserving of bigger and better?

The bell rings and the two men circle. They tie up, and Benjamin knees Bryan low. Benjamin puts Bryan in a corner, then throws hands. Bryan staggers to another corner, but Benjamin keeps on him with a corner to corner whip. Bryan goes up and over, then runs, dodges, and hits Benjamin with a forearm. He wants the Yes Lock! But Benjamin gets the takedown and float over to a facelock. Bryan reverses back while fans rally for him. Bryan pulls on Benajmin’s arm, and gets the wristlock. He keeps going, and stands on Benjamin’s arm for a cover. TWO, but Bryan gives Benjamin a European Uppercut. Bryan gives him another, then whips. Benjamin reverses, but Bryan kicks him away. Bryan runs but is sent out to the apron, a mule kick takes Bryan’s leg out. Bryan hits the floor, and Benjamin catches his breath.

Benjamin goes outside to fetch Bryan, for a shinbreaker on the table! Bryan clutches his leg and falls to the floor. Benjamin refreshes the count while we go picture in picture. Benjamin stalks Bryan, then drags him by his leg over to barriers. He slings Bryan’s leg into the barriers! The referee backs Benjamin off, so Benjamin goes in the ring to embrace the heat. Bryan clutches his leg but he refuses to let this stop him. Benjamin taunts Bryan as he crawls over to the ring. Bryan gets up and in, but Benjamin runs over. Bryan side steps Benjamin to send him outside, then takes aim from the apron for the flying knee! Direct hit and Benjamin goes down! Bryan pumps Memphis up with “YES! YES!”, then drags Benjamin up and into the ring. Bryan climbs up, and jumps for the headbutt! He misses!

Benjamin grabs the leg for a Half Crab! Bryan endures the pain as Benjamin bends and stretches him. Bryan fires up and gets to ropes for the ropebreak. Benjamin lets go, then looms over Bryan. Benjamin kicks the leg, then threads Bryan through the ropes to DDT the foot! Bryan writhes on the apron, but Benjamin just smirks. Benjamin taunts Bryan, egging him on. He slaps Bryan around, then throws haymakers. Bryan hits back with haymakers of his own! But then Benjamin brings him back into the Half Crab! We return to single picture as Benjamin pulls back and sits down on the leg. Bryan endures and fires up again. He drags himself towards the ropes, and gets the ropebreak! Benjamin lets go, then lurks behind Bryan. Benjamin gets the German Suplex, but Bryan lands on his feet, only to jam that knee.

Bryan blocks Benjamin’s kick, then dodges the Dragon Whip, to dropkick Benjamin’s knee! Benjamin goes down and things are even in terms of leg pain. Fans rally with “YES! YES!” and Bryan gets himself up. Bryan throws counter punches and kicks, but Benjamin shoves him away. Bryan comes back, Dragon Screw! Fans keep rallying and Bryan fires up again. Bryan starts up the YES Kicks! He kicks Benjamin into the corner, then threads his leg through ropes to wrench it. Bryan runs, to dropkick the leg out! He keeps going, putting Benjamin on the top rope. Bryan climbs up but Benjamin trips him up while escaping, and counters with the step-up knee! Bryan holds on for dear life, but Benjamin climbs up now. Benjamin prepares and hits a SUPERPLEX! Cover, TWO!

Benjamin stalks Bryan again. He throws a haymaker, then tries for Pay Dirt but Bryan denies it with a shove. Bryan spins Benjamin around, and gets the YES LOCK! Benjamin resists, powers up to a cover, TWO, back to the Half Crab! Bryan endures all over again, and crawls for ropes. Benjamin pulls him away but Bryan pops out to get the Heel Hook! Benjamin taps, Bryan wins!

Winner: Bryan, by submission

Bryan shows his grit and determination, and he won the war of submissions. Big Cass awaits The Goat this Sunday, who will prove themselves the better in Chicago?


Paige meets Asuka backstage.

The Empress lets her GM know that “I want Carmella tonight.” Tonight’s not good. But what Paige can do, she’ll make it a 10 Woman Tag,a dding her and the champion. Sound good? Yes, good for Asuka, but bad for Carmella. Right, got it. Will Carmella finally come to fear her challenger?

But what is Miz doing being a referee? Preparing for this award season. Really? What movie? The… Ruff Ref. A dog refereeing Wrestlemania. As a method actor, he hones his craft. So could he be special referee for Rusev VS Samoa Joe. Sorry, Miz, you’re not that good. She sees what he’s up to. Mizjitsu? No, eh’s trying to screw over his competition> After everything he taught her on Santa’s Little Helper? When HER hand goes up, his mouth goes shut. She doesn’t care about awards, but she will give Miz his special ruff-eree goal. Thanks! And Miz will put in a good word for her and Fighting with My Family, right? Right. Will Miz succeed in “honing his craft”?


WWE and SmackDown review Styles VS Nakamura.

It was at Backlash, the No Disqualification Match, where both men would kick each other square in the crotch! This would lead to a double count out draw, meaning they’d need one more Dream (Re)Match. It was a non-title match on a normal SmackDown that led to Shinsuke Nakamura choosing Last Man Standing! But that would only make things even more heated, as Styles would not be able to control himself during their contract signing. Nakamura would tease and toy with Styles, but Styles would SLAP Nakamura! Styles is ready, as is Nakamura, who will be left standing with the WWE Championship after MITB?


Memphis welcomes its own, Jerry “The King” Lawler!

The WWE Hall of Famer is in his hometown, and ready to conduct a phenomenal interview with AJ Styles!

King watched last week when Styles “slapped the taste out of his mouth.”But what was it that made Styles slap Nakamura? “He got under my skin, I lost my cool again.” Styles should apologize. He’s saying he’s sorry? Yes, Styles is sorry, that he didn’t just punch his head off! This isn’t a playground, this is the House that AJ Styles Built! Men have unwritten rules, and if Nakamura won’t follow those rules, he’ll be disciplined. Styles will be a man, THE Last Man Standing. MITB, Styles will walk out the same way he walks in, as champion. Styles throws up the Too Sweet, but will MITB be Too Sweet? Or #Knees2Face.


The Miz gets tips from pro referees.

Miz can touch the participants but they can’t touch him, right? Yes. And it’s a DQ if they do? Yes. Miz has all he needs, his debut as special referee is next!

Rusev w/ Aiden English VS Samoa Joe, Special Guest Referee: Miz!

The Hollywood A-Lister was getting along so well with the Bulgarian Lion and the Destroyer in a match against The New Day. However, one miscommunication sent everything into a downward spiral and both Rusev and Joe turned on Miz. Now in this first-ever match-up, will Miz use his new role to get revenge on them both?

MC Artiste says “hello everybody, it’s time for a quiz, our special ref is the Miz, the guy who thinks he’s in ‘Showmiz.’ It won’t take a wiz to determine who the winner is.” The Bulgarian Brute vs Some Average Joe, you already know, it’s Rusev Daaaaaaay~! Will Mr. MACHKA crush Joe on his quest to make himself and wife Lana the first ever Mr. & Mrs. MITB?

The bell rings, and they tie up. Joe powers Rusev into a corner then throws fast jabs. Miz backs Joe up, but reminds him you can’t touch the ref. Rusev goes after Joe and throws hands, but Miz backs him up now. Rusev whips Joe, but Joe kicks Rusev away. Joe runs, but Rusev runs Joe over! Joe rolls out but Rusev pursues. Rusev bounces Joe off the apron then puts him in the ring. Joe hits Rusev back down, then runs to DIVE! Joe takes Rusev down in a heap, we go to break.

SmackDown returns, and Joe puts Rusev in a trapped-arm chinlock. Miz asks Rusev how he’s doing, but Rusev refuses to quit. Joe shifts to a neck wrench, but Rusev hits back. Rusev jawbreakers Joe away, then runs, but into Joe’s back elbow! Joe covers, Miz counts, TWO! Rusev gets to ropes, but Joe stays on him. Joe brings Rusev around to wrench the arm. Fans rally for Rusev while Miz gets in close to check on him. We go picture in picture as Rusev endures the hold. Rusev feeds off fan energy but Joe snapmares him back into the chinlock. It’s more like a high headlock with Joe’s forearm over Rusev’s eyes. Rusev keeps feeding off fans as we go single picture, and he throws fast body shots. Joe backs up to a corner, Rusev whips him corner to corner.

Rusev runs in for the splash, then stomps away. He throws hands on Joe but Joe hits back with a clubbing clothesline! Joe drags Rusev back up, Miz watching closely. Joe puts Rusev back in a corner, then runs in but into a boot. He staggers back, and Rusev throws hands as English cheers him on. Rusev ducks a punch to give roundhouses! Joe staggers, Rusev runs in, shoulder tackle! Rusev keeps going, windmill kick! Fans chant “Rusev Day!” while English drums. Rusev takes aim, but the MACHKA Kick misses, and Joe puts on the sleeper hold! English distracts Ref Miz, and Rusev snapmares Joe off. Rusev staggers back, Joe runs at him, but Rusev dodges! Joe hits Miz!! Joe hits English, then throws Rusev down! Miz doesn’t count, he’s still recovering.

Joe gets mad at Miz, Miz gets mad at Joe. Miz reminds Joe he’s the ref, but Joe takes Miz’s finger! MACHKA KICK! Cover, Rusev wins!

Winner: Rusev, by pinfall

The Bulgarian Brute defeats the dangerous Destroyer! Miz actually kept things fair and square, too. English prepares a ladder for Rusev, and Rusev uses it to run Joe over.

Rusev then stands the ladder up, but Miz drags him down for the Skull Crushing Finale! Miz is no longer the fair and square referee, he’s a fellow MITB competitor. And with the ladder still standing, Miz climbs up. Miz won this match before, will Miz win his second MITB contract?

He definitely vows as much to commentary, “read it and weep!” But wait, the briefcase is full of pancakes?! Nothing but pancakes! “NEW DAAAAY!!” Who are laughing backstage, by the way. Will Woods, Kofi & Big E have the last laugh on Sunday?


Jeff Hardy VS Shinsuke Nakamura!

It’s another first-time-ever match, as the Charismatic Enigma and current WWE United States Champion returns to take on the King of Strong Style. With the Last Man Standing Match on the horizon, will Nakamura use Brother Nero to build momentum before facing the Phenomenal WWE (World) Champion?

The bell rings, and “DELETE!” echoes through Memphis. Nakamura and Hardy circle and approach, then tie up. Nakamura powers Hardy to the ropes, but Hardy turns it around, and back again. The ref calls for the break, but Nakamura just does his ab rest. Nakamura laughs, but Hardy kicks and clubs him back. Hardy puts Nakamura in a corner, then bumps him off buckles in another. Hardy whips but Nakamura slides out to mock the V1 hands. And yes, “C’MON!” But Nakamura tires to get around Hardy, only for Hardy to get his hands on Nakamura! Hardy puts Nakamura into barriers, then goes to the apron for the leaping crossbody! Both men go down but the US Champ is in control while we go picture in picture.

Hardy makes sure his arms and legs are okay, then gets up to drag Nakamura up. They go back into the ring, and Hardy drops hands on Nakamura. Hardy puts Nakamura in a corner, then whips him corner to corner. Nakamura reverses, and Hardy’s back gives out. Hardy hobbles to the ropes but Nakamura shows no mercy as he stomps Hardy in the back. Nakamura stalks Hardy but the referee backs him off. Nakamura still doesn’t care, he drags Hardy up for a snapmare and knee drop. Cover with the knee, TWO. Nakamura looms over Hardy, then drags him up to knee him low. He puts Hardy in a corner to stomp away, then trips him up for BAD Vibrations. Nakamura walks it off, then drags Hardy out for a cover. TWO, and we’re single picture again.

The referee checks on Hardy, but Hardy won’t quit. Nakamura puts him in a partial clutch. Fans rally and Hardy feeds off the energy. Hardy hits back with elbows, then jawbreakers Nakamura away. Nakamura throws hands but Hardy blocks and counters, then rallies. Hardy atomic drops then hits the leg-splitting leg drop! Dropkick added, cover, TWO. Hardy hobbles up while Nakamura stands. Hardy kicks, but Nakamura denies the twist. Nakamura misses in the corner, and Hardy sits him down with the spinning back kick. Hardy swings but Nakamura boots him away. Nakamura takes aim, misses the roundhouse but hits the left heel kick. Nakamura puts Hardy on the top rope, but Hardy dodges the Top Shelf Knee to hotshot Nakamura. Hardy elbows Nakamura away, then hits Whisper in the Wind!

Cover, TWO! Hardy catches his breath, then drops another leg. He climbs back up top, but Nakamura trips him up, for the Top Shelf Knee! Nakamura keeps going, firing himself up. But Hardy counters, Twist of Fate! Hardy hurries up top again, SWANTON BOMB! But that back bothers him! Both men are down, but Hardy rolls over to a cover, ROPEBREAK! Hardy can’t believe it, and Nakamura gets away. Hardy pursues, and puts him back in. Off comes the shirt, and Hardy waits for Nakamura. Nakamura stands, but denies the Twist for the LOW BLOW!

Winner: Hardy, by disqualification

Nakamura doesn’t care about this match’s result, he just goes to a corner and takes aim. KINSHASA!! The King of Cheap Shots gives a #Knee2Face, and starts the 10 count. Nakamura reaches 5 and beyond, Hardy does not stand up at 10. Nakamura gets his Last Man Standing message through to everyone, but will he get his desired result on Sunday?


Carmella prepares for her match.

And by that, she gets her makeup touched up. The FABULOUS SmackDown Women’s Champion doesn’t want Renee Young in the shot for her ‘gram. Renee wants to know how Carmella feels about facing Asuka in the 10 Woman Tag. Carmella isn’t worried at all. She left Asuka laying last week. Carmella will say this again: Charlotte beat Asuka, Carmella beat Charlotte twice, so Carmella is better than Asuka. The champion is not concerned about anyone. Not Asuka, not Becky, not Charlotte, not Lana, not Naomi. Carmella is ready for Asuka because #MellaIsMoney. Will the Princess’ tune change after getting in the ring with all five of those women?

Backstage interview with Big Cass.

The Human Skyscraper, in suit and tie, takes over to make this a message to teh WWE Universe. Cass made a rare appearance at the Memphis County Fair. He faked a smile, took some pictures, and took his money. But he also has a souvenir: the height requirement chart. Cass thought about having all of SmackDown ride together. But a certain someone doesn’t meet the height requirement. And that someone is Daniel Bryan. A good big man always beats a good little man. Their match won’t be a roller coaster, it won’t be bumper cars or a Ferris wheel, it’ll be a free fall. If Bryan even tries reaching Cass’ level, he’ll just come crashing right back down. The 7 foot tall bully talks down to Bryan, but will he be the one on the ground after MITB?


WWE and SmackDown profile CJ Pianteri.

CJ is a powerlifter for the Special Olympics, and already has over 70 golds! CJ loves competition, but he is also respectful and friendly about it. He is working through a bad shoulder, but he won’t let that stop him! Cheer CJ ad all the Special Olympics athletes at the Seattle Games this summer!

10 Woman Tag: Carmella, The IIconics, Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville VS Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch, Lana, Naomi & Asuka!

What was a (mostly) peaceful Women’s MITB Summit turned into a chaotic 4v4 brawl. That brawl was made into this main event tag match, but then the Empress’ request was honored to make it into an even bigger main event! Can the Empress lead the Queen of Flair, the Lass Kicker, the Ravishing Russian and Ms. Glow-Time against this FABULOUS Five?

Sonya and Naomi start, and Sonya kicks Naomi right in the arm. Naomi ducks the punch and things speed up, then Naomi headscissors Sonya to ropes. Naomi tags in Lana, and the Ravishing Russian hits Sonya with a running knee. Lana turns Sonya and hits the neckbreaker. Cover, ONE, but Lana keeps on Sonya. “Lana is the Best, Lana Number One!” But Sonya powers Lana into the enemy corner. Carmella tags in for a FABULOUS Mudhole, then she moonwalks before running back in. Lana dodges and that bronco buster hits buckles! Lana crawls, but Carmella grabs her. Carmella gets pushed away, hot tag to Becky! Becky rallies on Carmella, then throws EuroUppers and forearms. Becky kips up, then throws Carmella with the Becksploder! Cover, TWO.

Carmella reaches for her corner but Becky takes Sonya out first. Carmella grabs Becky’s hair, then Peyton tags in. Becky hits Billie but gets that hell kick! Cover, TWO, and Peyton is furious. She tags in Billie, and the IIconics double kick away. Billie covers, TWO. Billie tags in Sonya, and Sonya hits Becky with body shots. The Gladiator Gal embraces the heat while we go to break.

SmackDown returns and Billie teams with Carmella to mug Becky. Billie boots Becky in the corner, then tags in Peyton. Peyton stomps, then Sonya tags in so she can stomp. Sonya brings Becky out but Becky counters to a small package, TWO. Sonya SPEARS Becky down! Cover, TWO! Billie tags in, and Becky takes more stomps. Billie snapmares Becky into a cravat. Becky endures the neck wrench while Carmella taunts. Becky’s team cheers her on, and fans rally while we go picture in picture. The Lass Kicker stands up but Billie wrangles her back down. Becky endures the neck wrench while the rally continues. She stands up, hits back with body shots, but Billie knees low. Billie taunts Becky while we go single picture, but Becky slips out of the scoop to enziguri Billie down!

Fans fire up, and both women crawl for their corners. Hot tags to Charlotte and Peyton! The Queen rallies, hitting everyone. Except Carmella, she got clear of those Flair Chops. Charlotte styles and profiles, then scoops Billie for the Fall Away Slam. Charlotte runs into boots, but then SPEARS Peyton! Carmella distracts, but gets kicked away! Charlotte finishes climbing, and MOONSAULT, but into boots! Peyton crawls to her corner, hot tag to Sonya. Sonya tags Mandy, and Mandy hits the Golden Knee! Sonya adds her sliding knee, then Absolution destroys the other team. They both lift Charlotte, but Charlotte slips out of the double suplex. Charlotte hits them both, then tags Asuka! Asuka missile dropkick to Mandy!

The Empress is all fired up, and she goes after Mandy. Mandy elbows her away, then knees her low. Mandy prepares a driver, but Asuka slips out! Armbar takedown, into Asuka Lock! Everyone rushes in to break this up. Chaos ensues, and it’s another brawl. Things spill out, Asuka hits Carmella. She throws Mandy out, then Charlotte climbs up again, MOONSAULT onto the IIconics!

Absolution wreck Becky into barriers, but then Naomi dives on Sonya! Mandy misses her knee and gets a roundhouse. But Carmella is legal! FABULOUS Kick! Lana breaks the cover! Carmella throws Lana out, but Asuka blocks the kick to swing a kick. Carmella dodges, then rolls Asuka up! TWO, ASUKA LOCK OUTTA NOWHERE!

Carmella flails, taps, Asuka and team win!

Winners: Asuka, Naomi, Lana, Charlotte & Becky, Asuka with the submission

#RavishingRoyalGlowFireofTomorrow is victorious! Carmella was NOT ready for Asuka, will she be ready by this Sunday? Or will the Empress rebuild her empire by taking the gold from the Princess? And even then, who of the four for SmackDown, if any of them, will be Ms. MITB? The four seem to realize that, as they surround Asuka, while looking up at the briefcases. Asuka grins, she welcomes the challenge from any one of them. What match up will we see forming in the aftermath of MITB?



My Thoughts:

SmackDown aces the go-home show even better than Raw. And again, SmackDown proves anything Raw can do, it can do better. They open with an in-ring promo that had some in-fighting, but it sets up a match in an organic way as the IIconics and Absolution get the four MITB women on the same page. And then it escalates in an organic way as Asuka politely asks the GM a favor. That 10 Woman was great, and it had time to breathe in order to make it great. All the women shined on both ends, but especially the Faces. They also tease what I’d been sensing: whether it’s Carmella or Asuka, a SmackDown Ms. MITB could cash-in the same night. And if Raw wins the Women’s MITB to do the same on Ronda and Nia, we still have a fully stocked contenders list for the summer.

Bryan VS Benjamin was a great match for their first time having it in WWE. I’m glad Big Cass didn’t interfere, and he even did a bit better with his promo tonight using a visual aid. Miz’s Rough Ruff Ref or whatever was a good excuses, and Cory did great to run with the gag. Miz stands tall, but that pancake surprise was a nice touch to keep all four men rather even going in. Styles had a pretty simple interview with The King, that was really more for Memphis to cheer Lawler. Hardy VS Nakamura was solid, and came close to a PPV quality match itself. Nakamura does the Heel thing to throw away the match for the sake of his message, and this doesn’t hurt his chances in the Last Man Standing at all. That match could go either way, and is even more open to a cash-in.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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