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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Live Report! (6/26/18)



After being made an example of by the King of Strong Style, something has awoken within the Charismatic Enigma, and it’s hungry for revenge! Can Jeff Hardy get back at Shinsuke Nakamura while retaining his United States Championship? Plus, Miz TV will have the SmackDown Tag Team Champions as the special guests!


All images courtesy of the WWE’s official Twitter



  • Xavier w/ The New Day VS Rusev w/ Aiden English; Rusev wins.
  • WWE United States Championship Open Challenge: Jeff Hardy VS Shinsuke Nakamura Eric Young; Young wins by disqualification, Hardy retains the WWE US Championship.
  • Six Man Tag: SAnitY VS Jeff Hardy & The Usos; Hardy & The Usos win.
  • Becky Lynch VS Sonya Deville w/ Mandy Rose; Becky wins.
  • Daniel Bryan VS Harper w/ Rowan; Bryan wins, by disqualification.


SmackDown opens with Miz TV!

The Most Must-See Talk Show in WWE has fans chanting “Daniel Bryan!” Miz asks them, “Are you done?” That aside, Miz kicks off his show by introducing “actual soul-devouring” real-life monsters, it’s The SmackDown Tag Team Champions, The Bludgeon Brothers! Harper & Rowan appear and make their way to the ring. They then stand across from The Miz, intimidating as always.

Fans actually cheer, and Miz says that these three actually have something in common: they all proved how easy it is to “dismantle” Daniel Bryan. Miz’s agenda was crystal clear, but we’re all wondering why these two attacked. Why, 2B, why? Fans cheer for Bryan while Harper & Rowan are scarily stoic. Miz tries to silence the fans, to keep them from disrespecting the tag champions. Miz understands these two strong silent types, but to explain it to the fans, here is the “feature presentation.”

Daniel Bryan was all set to face anyone in the Gauntlet, but that was just Act One. Not that these two would understand that. Miz doesn’t mean to insult them, but he’s just saying, Bryan was the overconfident protagonist who was “about to get a rude awakening.” Cut to Act Two: Harper & Rowan defeating The Club, only to be met on the ramp by Daniel Bryan. It was all coincidence of their match ending and his match beginning, but it seems like there was some offense taken. Miz frames it as such, Bryan is a “glory hound” and he can’t stand it when someone else has the spotlight. He tries to steal their thunder, but then, the plot twist. Daniel Bryan is actually our villain! Yes, he is the villain!

And Miz’s favorite part is in Act Three: the BLUDGEON BOMB! This of course allowed Miz to easily defeat Bryan and move on, but he ignores that part. Miz wants the fans to cheer for that! The Bludgeon Brothers are award winning supporting actors, maybe even the new Miztourage. Well maybe not that far, but– Harper slaps the mic out of Miz’s hand… Then both Harper & Rowan move in on Miz. But to the rescue, it’s Daniel Bryan! What a shocker! Bryan is stealing the spotlight again. Bryan tells Miz to shut up. Harper, Rowan, you two cost Bryan a shot at the WWE Championship. But their size isn’t as important as heart.

Bryan is not afraid of Harper & Rowan, or The Miz who cowers behind them. Bryan just wants to know who is up first. Harper says Bryan never learns. But he’s gonna learn, tonight. Is that Harper accepting the challenge?


The New Day gets their pancakes turned into milkshakes!

Mr. Bootysworth serves up a pancake-shake, and the New Day is pumped up! They’re ready to take on the new #1 Contender to the WWE Championship, Rusev!

Xavier w/ The New Day VS Rusev w/ Aiden English!

The Bulgarian Brute is now the #1 Contender after winning the SmackDown Gauntlet last week. But with Extreme Rules still weeks away, he needs to keep up momentum. Can he defeat the brains of the most positive trio in the WWE? Or will his momentum be stopped so soon after his triumph?

MC Artiste English comes out and the fans chant “Rusev Day!” English sings a question for Xavier. “Do you have a waffle? Because everyone here thinks your pancakes are awful~!” The Brute’s going to wear you out like a toupee, and hopefully AJ Styles is watching so that he’ll know he’s losing on… RUSEV DAAAAY~! Rusev himself appears, and the match begins.

Woods and Rusev circle while fans chant “Rusev Day!” Woods gets a headlock, but can’t get the takedown. Rusev powers out and runs Woods over! Rusev stomps Woods to the ropes, then whips, but Woods kicks Rusev back. Woods chops, throws hands, then runs, but into a tilt-o-whirl headscissors. Big E speaks for Rusev via speech bubble.

And a fitting choice as Woods dropkicks Rusev into the ropes! Woods clubs on Rusev, then whips him corner to corner. Rusev reverses but runs into a boot. Woods rolls, but Rusev SPINEBUSTERS the Honor Roll down. Cover, TWO, and Woods rolls to ropes while we go picture in picture.

Rusev stalks Woods, then drags him up to throw him out. Rusev keeps on Woods as he bumps him off the announce desk. He then puts Woods into barriers, and into the ring. Cover, TWO, but Rusev grabs Woods by the hair to drive in elbows. Rusev wraps Woods into a chinlock, but Woods endures as the New Day and fans rally for him. Woods stands, hits body shots then a dropkick. Woods runs in, but into a boot! He goes down in a heap while Rusev walks it off. Rusev drags Woods back up, then kicks the legs out until Woods sits down. Rusev reels Woods into a roundhouse! He glares at Kofi & Big E before toying with Woods. They go to a corner and Woods hits back with body shots. Woods runs, but into a back elbow!

Rusev looms over Woods, and drags him up while fans rally. Rusev throws forearms into Woods’ back, and Woods doubles over. Now Rusev shoves Woods, but Woods hits back on the rebound! Woods throws haymakers, then runs, but into a bearhug. Rusev squeezes Woods tight, but Woods endures. We go back to single picture as Woods gives ear claps and haymakers. Woods frees himself, then jawbreakers Rusev back. Rusev gets up but Woods counters with more haymakesr and even kicks. Woods chops, chops and chops, then whips. Rusev reverses but Woods dodges and slides under to hit the roaring elbow! Woods runs in, but Rusev puts him on the apron. Woods kicks Rusev back, then springboards in for the DDT! Cover, TWO!

English is relieved, because he knows Rusev’s tougher than that. Fans chant for Rusev Day, but Woods drags Rusev up for a fireman’s carry! But Rusev fights out, only for Woods to throw forearms. Rusev knees low but Woods ducks the roundhouse to SUPERKICK! Woods runs, but into a Samoan Drop! Cover, TWO! Rusev keeps his cool while Woods crawls for ropes. He puts Woods on the top rope, throws hands, then climbs up. Woods fights back with body shots and sends Rusev down. Woods adjusts but Rusev corners him. Rusev runs in, but into a post as Woods evades! Woods hurries to a corner and the top rope. Woods walks the ropes, but has to land on his feet. They speed up, and Woods slides again, but spins into a roundhouse! MACHKA KICK! Rusev is fired up, “Rusev, MACHKA!” Accolade! Woods taps, Rusev wins!

Winner: Rusev, by submission

The Super Athlete is laser focused towards a singular obsession: become WWE Champion! Rusev speaks, “Tonight was not about Xavier Woods.” Not about trombones, pancakes, Booty-O’s or whatever. This is about AJ Styles! Styles is scared, which he proved by punching English out last week. Fans duel between Styles and Rusev Day, but this is just a preview of Extreme Rules. Rusev will break down the door on the House AJ Styles Built, and when he wins, it’ll be a phenomenal Rusev Day!


Jeff Hardy speaks.

Adrenaline coursing through his veins, heightening his awareness and threshold for pain while clarifying his vision. The Charismatic Enigma is ready to take flight, and fight. What has Shinsuke Nakamura awoken within the US Champion? However, Nakamura is not medically cleared to compete this week, so Hardy will have to wait for revenge. But being a fighting champion, Hardy issued an open challenge! Who will accept?!


Naomi & Lana are backstage arguing.

The Glowbug and the Ravishing Russian are still not over their dance-off controversy. But they encounter the cast of GLOW!

The Glamorous Ladies of Wrestling are here, and are so excited to #FeelTheGlow! Naomi loves Allison Brie’s own Russian persona. Lana should not be the sad, they are both Ravishing Russians. They could even be sisters. Well yes, that’s a good accent, for a peasant. Zoya is no peasant, she’s a warrior! The cast of GLOW loved their dance off, they should be partners instead of opponents. Yeah, but Lana is tripping. Lana didn’t fall. Thta’s not what she meant. But Naomi admits Lana is a good dancer, too. Maybe they can be ravishing together while snatching opponents bald? Then everyone will #FeelTheGlow!

WWE United States Championship Open Challenge: Jeff Hardy VS ???

Hardy is #ImmuneToFear, so he does not fear the possibility of losing. The challenge has been issued, and the superstar to accept is… a member of SAnitY! But which member? Eric Young, Alexander Wolfe & Killian Dain all come out together. They all hit the ring, but it’s Eric Young who enters.

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we begin. Eric goes right after Hardy with clubbing hands. He clubs and stomps Hardy in a corner while Wolfe & Big Damo taunt the champ. Eric whips Hardy but Hardy reverses, so Eric tumbles up and out to the apron. He slides back in under Hardy, but Hardy catches him with a kick. Hardy hits a partial Twist of Fate stunner, then climbs up top. Eric bails out, regroups with SAnitY, and we go to break.

SmackDown returns and Eric has Hardy in a neck wrench. Hardy stands up, fights out and runs, but into a back elbow. Cover, TWO, and Eric is frustrated. Eric stalks Hardy to a corner, climbs up, and drags Hardy into a hangman dragon sleeper! He lets go at 4, then drops ax handles. Cover, TWO! Eric grins, he knows he’s in control. He drags Hardy up and tries to spin Hardy’s head off! Eric stalks Hardy while fans rally. Eric does it again, and the referee checks on Hardy. Hardy refuses to quit, so Eric drags him back up for a chinbar. Hardy endures while fans continue to rally, and he fights out of the hold. Eric throws him down by his hair, cover, TWO! Back to the chinbar and neck wrench.

Hardy endures the twisting and wrenching, and the fans rally again. He stands up, fights out again, then whips. Eric reverses, and hard! Cover, TWO, but Eric doesn’t lose focus. Eric stomps on Hardy, then brings Hardy up. Hardy fights back, backs Eric to a corner, then whips. Eric reverses again, but Hardy is ready this time, and he rolls Eric up as he comes in. TWO, and Eric clobbers Hardy! Cover, TWO, and now Eric is frustrated. Eric declares himself the new champion as he stomps on Hardy. He drags Hardy up, then twists the neck more. Hardy endures while fans rally again. Hardy stands up and jawbreakers out! Eric staggers, and Hardy throws hands. Hardy whips but Eric reverses again, only for Hardy to rally. Atomic drop to leg-splitting leg drop, and dropkick! Cover, TWO!

Hardy keeps focus, he calls for another Twist. He kicks, but Eric slips out, double clotheslines wipe them both out! Fans rally while both men stir. But wait, it’s the Usos!  Jimmy & Jey want some payback for last time, and SAnitY is willing to give it. It’s an explosion of a brawl on the outside!

Eric jumps out to join in, bringing Jey in. Jey tackles, the match is thrown out!

Winner: Eric Young, by disqualification; Hardy retains the WWE US Championship

But just because the match is over, doesn’t mean the fight is! Hardy & The Usos fight SAnitY all over the ring! Jimmy & Jey run over Damo & Wolfe while Hardy holds onto Eric. They all work together to dump Eric out, and we go to break while the chaos calms down.


Six Man Tag: SAnitY VS Jeff Hardy & The Usos!

Holla holla, the SmackDown GM Paige clearly followed in Teddy Long’s footsteps to make the brawl into a match! Can Hardy help The Usos get that revenge they’re after?

SmackDown returns as Jimmy fights off Big Damo with body shots and a jawbreaker. Hot tag to Jey! Jey leaps over the Beast of Belfast, then hits Wolfe & Eric just because. Jey builds speed while dodging Damo, but still gets caught by the Divide! Damo’s big crossbody flattens Jey underneath! Damo glares down at Jey as he stomps him at the ropes. He scrapes Jey out while tagging Wolfe, and Wolfe rams Jey into barriers, then flapjacks him on the apron. Wolfe puts Jey back in the ring, covers, TWO. Wolfe tags to Eric, and Eric hops up while Wolfe gives a gutbuster, and Eric adds an elbow drop! Cover, TWO, and Eric is upset again. Eric wrenches Jey’s neck now, like he was to Hardy earlier.

Fans rally while Jey stands up and fights back. Jey runs but Eric runs him over. Eric stomps Jey, then pulls him into the ropes for a choke. Jimmy protests, but that leaves Jey open to Damo’s cheap shot stomp. Eric drags Jey up, then tags in Damo. Damo gives a boot to the ribs, then stalks Jey to a corner. He brings Jey up and suplexes him down. Cover, TWO! Damo keeps on Jey with a neck wrench of his own. Fans rally and Jey gets up. Jey throws body shots, then an uppercut. Damo shoves Jey but Jey hits SAnitY. Jey leaps but Damo intercepts. Damo rocks Jey with an uppercut, then does the same to Jimmy. Jey ends up in SAnitY’s corner, and Damo squashes him with the corner splash. Eric tags in, and Damo holds Jey in place for Eric to rock him with a right.

Eric drags Jey up, suplex, but Jey lands on his feet! Jey shoves Eric out of the ring, but he’s still far away from Hardy! He leaps to tag, but Eric trips Hardy! Jey is isolated as Eric drops elbows. Eric tags in Damo and brings Jey up. They double whip Jey into the corner, then Damo whips Eric in. Jey puts Eric out, then dodges to send Damo into the post! Jimmy returns, and Jey heads to his brother. Hot tag to Jimmy just as Wolfe tags in. Jimmy rallies, pop lock uppercut! Then, Samoan Drop! Jimmy is fired up while Wolfe gets to a corner. He runs in, but Wolfe put shim on the apron. Jimmy punches Wolfe away, big crossbody! TWO!

Jimmy takes aim, but Wolfe blocks the superkick. Jimmy still hits the dragon whip! Then he gets the hip attack! Jimmy covers, but Eric breaks it with an elbow outta nowhere! Hardy dropkicks Eric out, but Damo throws Hardy out. SUPERKICK from Jey, but Damo stays up. Jey SUPERKICKS Eric away, but Damo grabs Jey. Jimmy SUPERKICKS, but Damo stays up, so DOUBLE SUPERKICKS send him out. The fans and Usos fire up, Jimmy holds the ropes for Jey to FLY! But Wolfe rolls up, TWO! Wolfe German Suplexes Jimmy but Hardy tags in. SUPERKICK from Jimmy, then Hardy climbs up! SWANTON BOMB!

Cover, Hardy & the Usos win!

Winners: Hardy & The Usos, Hardy pinning

The Uso Crazy Enigma trio succeeds in curtailing the chaos! Will SAnitY come back for more? Will Hardy be able to get his revenge on Nakamura in the near future?


The Lass Kicker fires up.

She’s so focused for her match, she almost hits one of the staff. Her match with the Gladiator Gal approaches, will she burn her up with #StraightFire?

Becky Lynch VS Sonya Deville w/ Mandy Rose!

The duo formerly known as Absolution found humor in Becky’s supposed comeback story. Becky dared one of them to step up and get their arm ripped off, so here we are.

The bell rings and the two circle. Sonya swings kicks but Becky ducks and dodges each of them, to then sweep the leg. Sonya out at One, and the two grin. They tie up, and Becky bends Sonya back. Sonya bridges, but Becky covers, ONE. Sonya stands back up, and she knees low. She runs and runs Becky over with a shoulder. She and Mandy embrace the heat, then cover, but Becky slips out even before a count. Becky mule kicks the shocked Sonya, then waistlocks. Sonya bucks her off, then mule kicks back. Sonya waistlocks to a takedown, then again. Becky headlocks and spins around to a waistlock. Sonya standing switches, but Becky runs and tosses Sonya off. Mandy coaches Sonya up while calming her down. Sonya drags Becky out and goes to throw her at the announce desk, but Becky turns that around and sends Sonya over!

Becky returns to the ring and dares Sonya to return while we go picture in picture. Mandy and Sonya regroup, then Sonya returns. Becky is right on her with a drop toehold to roll, TWO. Sonya kicks low, then rolls Becky, TWO. Sonya grabs Becky in a facelock, but Becky stands up. Becky reverses and whips, then follow to dropkick Sonya down. Sonya bails out while Becky fires up. Becky sees Sonya regroup with Mandy again, so she slides out. Sonya and Mandy get clear, and Sonya rams Becky into the apron. Sonya then throws Becky into barriers, and embraces the heat. She talks Becky, then puts her back in the ring. Sonya covers, TWO, and she grows a bit frustrated.

Sonya kicks Becky against ropes while we return to single picture. She throws body shots, kicks and knees, then wraps Becky in body scissors and a chinlock. Becky endures the squeeze and grind, and fans rally up. She makes it a cover, TWO, but then SPINEBUSTER. Cover, TWO! Mandy is frustrated for Sonya, but Sonya toys with Becky. Becky hits back with European Uppercuts, but ends up in a backslide. TWO, and Sonya rocks her with a heel kick. Cover, TWO, and Sonya puts Becky back in the body scissors. Becky endures again as Sonya puts on the chinlock. Fans rally and Becky feeds off the energy. She stands up, Sonya rocks her with a right and puts her in the corner. Sonya runs in, but misses, and Becky responds with a jump kick!

Becky runs, and rallies on Sonya with lariats! Calf kick dropkick on top, then a handspring. Becky uses a Becksploder and throws Sonya, cover, TWO! Becky keeps her cool as she runs in at Sonya, but that knee drives Becky right down! Cover, TWO! Sonya goes for a high stack, TWO. Sonya runs, but she misses the knee, and Becky hits a forearm. Cover, TWO. Becky keeps going, bringing Sonya up and going after the arm. Sonya pushes her off, rolls up, holds the gear, TWO! Step-up enziguri! Sonya crawls to a cover, TWO! Becky gets to a corner, and Sonya runs in, but into a boot. Becky hops up but Mandy distracts so Sonya can yank Becky off. Cover, TWO!

Sonya rains down rights while Mandy shouts for Becky to give up. But Becky yanks Sonya into Mandy! Then she yanks Sonya into Disarm-Her! Sonya taps, Becky wins!

Winner: Becky Lynch, by submission

The Lass Kicker’s comeback continues! Can she heat up even more this Summer and make it back to the SmackDown Women’s Championship?


James Ellsworth prepares backstage.

And by “prepare”, he really just puts on an Asuka mask. But then he encounters the Perfect Ten, Tye Dillinger! Sup, ya boy’s back. No no no. That mask is more of a ten. Wait, “Todd”, he’s a ten, right? No, put down a hand. So, a five? No, put down like four fingers. That’s you. A one?! Yep! Well, Ellsworth still thinks of himself as number one, but what will Ellsworth do after the break?


Andrade “Cien” Almas & Zelina Vega speak.

El Idolo sent a message to Sin Cara when he put Sin Cara on the shelf. But why is there on other competition? Is everyone else afraid? They should be. Get the message and stay out of their way, “if you know what’s good for you.”


James Ellsworth heads to the ring.

Ya boy Jimmy L is back again to once again do the bidding of “the greatest woman ever”, Carmella. That includes him taking the bullet for Carmella last week against Asuka, it seems. But he says there are two types of men in the world: the kind who wear sandals, graduate high school, and “talk about their feelings”; then the real men like Ellsworth! Men who stand up for their beliefs! Asuka ruined the Mellabration and attacked him for no reason. But that’s okay, because Asuka is here tonight. So listen up “babe”, this is a man’s world, and when you mess with a bull, you get the horns! Now before you blow up his Twitter getting all triggered, Ellsworth lets everyone know he loves and respects women. His love life is so hot, you could fry an egg on it. And the feeling is mutual, wink wink.

But Asuka, there’s no love lost between them. Nor is there respect. Ellsworth wasn’t ready last week, but now that his shirt’s off, he’s ready this week! Try it again, Asuka, he dares you! Ellsworth waits, and fans hope she shows up, too. That and hopefully he puts his shirt on. Instead, it’s the GM, Paige!

She asks Ellsworth what he’s doing. He knows full-well Asuka is not here, because Ellsworth was asking the entire time where Asuka went. And when he found out Asuka was back home in Japan, that’s when he decided to come out and pull this stunt. But since he’s here, let’s get to business. Ellsworth’s appearance at MITB warrants love and respect for Asuka, from Paige. Carmella WILL defend her SmackDown Women’s Championship at Extreme Rules against Asuka! That’s funny, everyone knows Asuka doesn’t’ deserve that rematch. But is that all she’s got? Or is it… Is she out here because she wants to go out with him? Fans already know the answer to that. Paige plays along and says yes, so how does next Tuesday sound? Y-Yes! Okay shush. See you there.

But um, it’s not a date with Paige. No. And it’s not a date, but a match. With ASUKA!! Ellsworth’s words will come to haunt him, because he messed with a bull, and now he gets the horns. Will Ellsworth get gored by the Empress of Tomorrow?


Bryan warms up with the help of the Good Brothers.

Gallows & Anderson know what it’s like to go up against Harper & Rowan, so they can give good advice. Will their hints and tips help The Goat overcome one half of the duo of doom?


Daniel Bryan VS Harper w/ Rowan!

The Bludgeon Brothers claim they’re trying to teach the Grand Slam Champion Goat a lesson the hard way, but have not explained what the lesson is about. Will Harper get it through to Bryan by breaking him? Or will Bryan prove the bigger heart trumps the bigger man?

The bell rings, and Harper immediately powers Bryan to a corner. Harper uppercuts, then throws Bryan out. Rowan lurks but Bryan gets away. Harper chases and corners Bryan but Bryan slips out to kick away. Harper rocks Bryan with a right, then throws him back out. Bryan gets back in, builds speed, and dropkicks, but Harper catches him to drag him out and put him into barriers. Harper drags Bryan up for chops, then brings him around the corner to scoop him. Bran slips out and shoves Harper into posts. Bryan kicks away, then goes back into the ring to kick Harper on reentry. He kicks and kicks, then wrenches, but Harper decks him with a forearm. Harper rakes and hooks the face of Bryan, then puts him in a half-clutch.

Bryan endures being bent back, and fans rally. Harper rakes the face again, but Bryan chops and kicks back. Harper hits another uppercut, then brings Bryan up. He pushes but Bryan kicks back. Bryan dumps Harper out, then builds speed to DIVE! But Harper catches him, to throw him at the announce desk!

Harper lines up a shot, and boots Bryan into the timekeeper’s area! Bryan is down, but we go to break.

SmackDown returns and Harper has Bryan in a chinlock. Fans rally and Bryan feeds off the energy. Bryan fights back, but Harper knees low. Harper has Bryan in a corner, then chops him again. Bryan gets to another corner, but Harper is upon him. Harper whips him corner to corner, but Bryan goes up and over. Bryan runs, dodges, but runs into a scrapbuster! Cover, TWO! Harper grows a bit frustrated, but he’s still calm because he has control. He sits Bryan up to clobber him in the back. Harper grinds his foot into Bryan, then slingshots with the senton atomico! Cover, TWO, so it’s back to a chinlock. Harper also traps an arm, so it’s half straitjacket. Fans rally again, and Bryan gets up again. Bryan jawbreakers out, but Harper clubs and clamps on again!

Harper keeps Bryan on the mat, but fans keep rallying. Bryan stands up, fights out, but Harper rocks him with another right. Harper takes aim, runs in, but into a boot! Bryan runs and dropkicks the arm. Bryan runs corner to corner, for a big dropkick! Then another! He tries one more time, but runs into a scoop Michinoku driver! Cover, TWO! Harper keeps focus, and stands up. He brings Bryan up by his hair to club and clamp on again. Harper brings Bryan backward into the body scissors. Bryan endures while fans rally again. Bryan gets loose, then stands back up for more body shots. He kicks the leg, then the bad arm. “YES! YES!” but Bryan runs into Harper’s dropkick!

Harper gets feeling in his arm while Bryan gets to a corner. Harper brings Bryan up and chops him swiftly. Bryan staggers but chops back. Harper headbutts Bryan down then stalks him to a corner. Harper chops Bryan again, then hoists him up top. He chops more, then climbs up to join Bryan. Bryan resists, sends Harper down, then fights with haymaker after haymaker! Tornado DDT! Both men are down, but Bryan is firing up. Bryan stands to give YES Kicks! “YES! YES!” over and over. He prepares the buzzsaw, but Harper mule kicks him back. Harper brings Bryan up, but Bryan slips out to a roll up, TWO. Harper misses the discus, Bryan goes after the bad arm! They go around, YES Lock is on!! Rowan attacks!

Winner: Daniel Bryan, by disqualification

Rowan throws hands and body shots, then stomps away. Harper comes back to give knees, then Rowan gives more stomps. They stand Bryan up, and Harper slaps Rowan to fire him up. Rowan whips Harper in for a big back elbow! And Rowan adds the crossbody! The Bludgeon Brothers aren’t done with Bryan, they drag him back up. Harper climbs, but fire and brimstone! It’s KANE!!

The Big Red Machine has returned! And he’s saving his old Team Hell No partner! Kane stands toe to toe with both Harper & Rowan, but no one backs down. Kane throws hands! He boots Harper down, then grabs each of them with a hand. They kick back, but Bryan flies in to double dropkick them! KNEE PLUS for Rowan! Then for Harper, the CHOKE SLAM! The Bludgeon Brothers retreat, and fans chant “Welcome back!” for the Devil’s Favorite Demon. Bryan himself isn’t so sure if Kane is a friend or foe. But fans hope for it as they chant “Team Hell No!” Bryan and Kane approach each other, and fans chant “Hug it out!” Kane steps forward, and offers a hug! Bryan isn’t sure about that. But then, after thinking about it, he accepts!

Team Hell No is back together! Paige won’t let this moment slip through her fingers. Extreme Rules will see a SmackDown Tag Team Championship match, The Bludgeon Brothers VS Team Hell No! That deserves a Hell “YES! YES!” And as if the answer isn’t obvious, will they take those titles from Harper & Rowan?



My Thoughts:

What an all-around fun SmackDown. There were some changes to what I remember being announced this morning, but SmackDown still adjusted to them well. Nakamura may actually be hurt enough to take a week off, but it was a great shift to have SAnitY appear and bring in The Usos for the “impromptu” Six Man Tag. That was a great match, and it’s fine that Hardy & Usos go over, SAnitY is still new and yet is used more than AoP or Revival have since their call-ups. Then I thought it was to be Becky VS Peyton for the possible IIconics sweep, but perhaps something changed. Becky VS Sonya still turns out great, and either way, Becky wins to keep herself going strong.

Woods VS Rusev was a solid opener, and Rusev wins to stay strong for Extreme Rules. I’m sure Styles will get a chance to respond in some way next week since he was absent today. The GLOW cast shows up mostly as a catalyst to Naomi & Lana thinking about a team-up, and if SmackDown is the show that starts a WWE Women’s Tag Division, it does make a lot of sense for Naomi & Lana to be a dancing duo to go against IIconics and Sonya-Mandy. I’m surprised WWE is going with a co-ed match, but it makes sense for it to be Asuka VS Ellsworth, mostly on story. And for anyone who is worried, it won’t be “Oh no, that guy should stop beating her up” to “Damn, Asuka just kicked his teeth in.”

Almas & Vega have a good point: just because Sin Cara is “out”, doesn’t mean Almas should be off TV. Put him in a match with someone, like Hardy or Dillinger. Maybe that can start next week while we still wait on Nakamura to return for Hardy or Sin Cara to return at all. Bryan VS Harper was set up perfectly via Miz TV, and their match was incredible. While SmackDown copies Raw with “great main event is ruined by interference”, SmackDown does it better because of who comes out to save Bryan: KANE~! I was hoping for this last week, and I’m so glad we got it this week. Nothing against Harper & Rowan, but I hope Team Hell No wins the titles at Extreme Rules as a last hurrah for Kane before he truly retires.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


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