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Mitchell’s WWE Extreme Rules Report! (7/15/18)



WWE Extreme Rules 2018

This card’s stacked with a Raw Women’s Championship Extreme Rules, a 30-Minute Ironman Intercontinental Championship, and a WWE Championship Rusev Day!


All images courtesy of the WWE’s official Twitter



  • Kickoff Show: Andrade “Cien” Almas w/ Zelina Vega VS Sin Cara; Almas wins.
  • Kickoff Show: Six Man Tag Tables Match: SAnitY VS The New Day; SAnitY wins.
  • Raw Tag Team Championships: The Deleters of Worlds VS The B Team; The B Team wins and become new Raw Tag Team Champions.
  • Finn Balor VS Constable Baron Corbin; Balor wins.
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship Shark Cage Match: Carmella w/ James Ellsworth (in a Shark Cage) VS Asuka; Carmella wins and retains the SmackDown Women’s Championship.
  • WWE United States Championship: Jeff Hardy VS Shinsuke Nakamura; Nakamura wins and becomes the new WWE United States Champion.
  • Steel Cage Match: Braun Strowman VS Kevin Owens; Kevin wins.
  • SmackDown Tag Team Championships: The Bludgeon Brothers VS Team Hell No; The Bludgeon Brothers win and retain the SmackDown Tag Team Championships.
  • Roman Reigns VS Bobby Lashley; Lashley wins.
  • Raw Women’s Championship Extreme Rules Match: Alexa Bliss w/ Mickie James VS Nia Jax w/ Natalya; Alexa wins and retains the Raw Women’s Championship.
  • WWE Championship: AJ Styles VS Rusev w/ Aiden English; Styles wins and retains the WWE Championship.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship 30 Minute Ironman Match: Dolph Ziggler w/ Drew McIntyre VS Seth Rollins; Ziggler wins and retains the WWE Intercontinental Championship.


Finn Balor joins the Kickoff Panel!

What does he think about Braun Strowman VS Kevin Owens in a Cage? Finn doesn’t envy Kevin tonight. As for Baron Corbin, Finn feels Corbin’s singing voice is the only thing worse than his wardrobe. Let’s just say Corbin isn’t American Idol material. Finn’s been dealing with guys like Corbin, but he’s gonna chop this tree down. And if it means making Stephanie McMahon an enemy for it, he’ll happily do it. Can the Extraordinary Man stop the Constable from ruining Raw?


Kickoff Show: Andrade “Cien” Almas w/ Zelina Vega VS Sin Cara!

Former amigos are now enemies as El Idolo has been listening to his manager and following her business plan. Almas won on SmackDown, but can he do it just minutes away from Extreme Rules?

The bell rings and the rematch begins. Almas swings on Sin Cara with a heavy hayamker, then dodges him. Sin Cara tilt-o-whirls to arm-drag, then headscissors! Almas slips out but Sin Cara runs. Almas comes in but Sin Cara anticipates his counter to dump him out again. Sin Cara builds speed to DIVE, but Almas throws him into barriers! Vega likes that, and Sin Cara writhes while Almas catches his breath. Almas puts Sin Cara in the ring, but fans rally up for the masked luchador. Almas stomps away on Sin Cara, then throws forearms. He runs and dropkicks Sin Cara in the head. Almas stomps Sin Cara more, then drags him up to whip him to a corner. Sin Cara tries to boot, but gets caught into a draping backbreaker and DDT. Cover, TWO.

Vega grows frustrated now, she wants Almas to finish this fast. Sin Cara hits back, then runs, but into a back elbow! He ends up outside the ring now, and Almas runs to Tranquilo! Vega joins him, and the two have control while we go picture in picture.

Almas fetches Sin Cara to chop him against the barrier. Vega applauds Almas as he drags Sin Cara up and into the ring. Almas stalks and stomps Sin Cara more, then wrenches the arm in a seated armbar. Fans rally and Sin Cara fights his way up. Sin Cara fights back but Almas wrangles him down while we go to single picture. Almas wrenches harder, but Sin Cara refuses to quit. Fans rally up again and Sin Cara stands. Sin Cara fights back again, then backs Almas down to arm-drag him away. Sin Cara dodges from the corner, then throws forearms. Almas throws back and they brawl. Sin Cara chops and chops, then whips. Almas reverses, but Sin Cara springboards for the crossbody! Then again for the quebrada! Sin Cara is fired up, but is tossed up, for another tilt-o-whirl spike-rana! Cover, TWO!

Vega is furious but Sin Cara is ready. Sin Cara brings Almas up, but Almas blocks the suplex. Almas slips out and boots back, then climbs up. Sin Cara swing kicks Almas! Almas is stuck up top and Sin Cara chops him. Sin Cara positions Almas then climbs up, but Almas fights back. Almas trips Sin Cara up, Tree of Woe but Sin Cara slips out to shove Almas down! Almas hits the apron back first, then crawls into the ring. Sin Cara goes up, for a SUPER huricanrana! BOth men crash and burn to the ground, but Sin Cara is up first. He puts Almas in the ring, climbs up again, FROG SPLASH! But Vega distracts on the apron! Almas dropkicks Sin Cara down. Vega chants for them, Almas gives us CIEN KNEES! And the Hammerlock DDT! Cover, Almas wins!

Winner: Andrade “Cien” Almas, by pinfall

El Idolo gets the sweep, but with help from his business partner this time. Will Sin Cara get some back-up before trying again? Or are Almas & Vega on to bigger and better things?


Shinsuke Nakamura is in the Social Media Lounge.

Can he hear Renee on the panel? Does he have a working mic? The King of Strong Style is set to face Jeff Hardy, how does he feel about the United States Champion? Shinsuke continues to “not hear” anyone. But then he speaks up, claiming “bad connection.” After his rivalry with AJ Styles, how important is tonight’s win? “You’re a clown, like Jeff Hardy.” Perhaps, but how important is winning the US title? What? Well, one artist to another, Nakamura respects Hardy. But tonight, Hardy will lose his canvas, his paint, and his title. With that, Nakamura’s time is over, but is it really just beginning?


Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre join the Kickoff panel.

The pulse of the nation wants THE top champion on Raw to be around, and that’s Ziggler. Ziggler has made his career out of turning small opportunities into big ones. “Opportunist” gets a negative connotation, but Ziggler is proud to be one. Ziggler’s been in Rollins’ spot, with fans behind you as well as against you. The WWE Universe is the 12th Man, but they’re also very fickle. You need to worry about yourself and the title, oh and he has McIntyre watching his back. Rollins lost to the “psychopath” Scotsman, and now McIntyre can be ringside for that Ironman Match.

So McIntyre is a part of Ziggler’s strategy? Yes, because McIntyre isn’t like the WWE Universe, who are only behind Rollins while they’re here. McIntyre is on Ziggler’s side 24/7, and they’re not tired of winning. Ziggler won’t worry about stealing the show, he’s just here to win. Main event no matter the spot, but will Rollins be the one stealing the win?


Kickoff Show: Six Man Tag Tables Match: SAnitY VS The New Day!

Awwwwww~ Pittsburgh! Don’t you dare be sour! Someone is going through a table, so feel~ the power~! Can the power of positivity overcome pure chaos? Or will Eric Young and his anarchic allies begin their own Purge in SmackDown?

The bell rings, annd it’s a brawl! All six men pair off as Big E goes after Killian Dain and Kofi clotheslines Alexander Wolfe out of the ring. Woods clubs away on Young but Young whips. Woods reverses and sends Young out of the ring while Big E throws Dain into steps! Kofi kicks Wolfe while he’s down, and then the New Day present the first table! They set it up but SAnitY pounces! Wolfe clubs Big E while Young kicks Kofi. Dain has Woods while the others put Big E in the ring. Young & Wolfe stomp away then drag Big E up for body shots. Big E slips out and Young hits Wolfe by accident. Big E dumps Young out, and then runs at them both, but into double knees! Wolfe drags E up while Young climbs. Swinging neckbreaker then elbow drop in that order!

Woods and Kofi have wiped out “Big Damo” in the meantime, but that still leaves Big E alone against two opponents. We go picture in picture while E endures stomps. Wolfe brings Big E up for a haymaker from Young. Young and Wolfe kick and choke Big E against ropes, and there are no rules keeping them from doing it. But Big E revives to throw hands! Only for Young to clobber him again. Young & Wolfe choke Big E more while we go back to single picture. They haul Big E up, but Big E holds on. Kofi & Woods return to throw Wolfe & Young out! Then together, Woods & Kofi FLY! They wipe out Young & Wolfe, but Big Damo returns, to DIVE!!

The Beast of Belfast wipes them both out, then he drags Kofi up and into the ring. SAnitY regroups to go after Kofi while getting a table of their own. Make that two tables! Wolfe hoists Kofi up to the top rope while the tables are set up. Young keeps Woods and Big E down while the preparations finish. Wolfe wants a STACK, so that’s what they make! Kofi resists, so Young & Damo come in to help. Big E goes after Big Damo, yurinagi and backstabber with Woods’ help! The New Day regroup to help Kofi with Young & Wolfe. Double powerbomb stomps! Steel City is fired up as The New Day stand. Big E drags Young up while Kofi kicks Wolfe out. They bring Young over to the first table, and set him up. Kofi climbs but Damo drags him down off the top!

Big E and Woods run in, but into a clothesline, and a Michinoku Driver that drives Woods into Big E! Kofi kicks Damo in the corner, then Trouble in Paradise! Damo goes down, and Young is still on that table. Kofi takes aim, but Wolfe runs in. Wolfe is sent onto the apron, but Young gets away while Wolfe picks Kofi up. Kofi turns it around, but Wolfe holds on for dear life. Wolfe fights back and even bites Kofi’s face! Kofi teeters, Young jumps to drive Kofi through!!

Winners: SAnitY, Kofi going through table

Anarchy rules the day! Is this a new day of doom and gloom for SmackDown’s Tag Team Division?


The Deleters of Worlds speak.

“B Team, you mendacious monkeys!” The rules of extreme shall end their streak of luck. “We’re here, and we’re next.”


WWE takes it to the Extreme!

Two alphas fight for supremacy, two frenemies reunite, and two men go for no less than 30 minutes to decide who is the rightful Intercontinental Championship, and that’s only some of what’s in store for tonight. The Goddess and Irresistible Force go to the Extreme with the namesake match. A Prizefighter is stuck in a cage with a Monster! And a Bulgarian Brute looks to be better than Phenomenal in his first world title match! Who will be victorious on this 10th anniversary of Extreme Rules!?


Raw Tag Team Championships: The Deleters of Worlds VS The B Team!

The undefeated “Best” Team of Monday Night Raw wishes to mock and belittle the WOKEN Wisdom of the Consumer of Terrestrial Entities and the vessel known as Matt Hardy. However, this only served to raise the ire of both eternal beings, and now there must be RETRIBUTION! Will Axel & Bo be EATEN, DELETED and DEFEATED!?

The bell rings and we start with Hardy and Bo. Bo swings on Hardy but Hardy throws forearms and headbutts in return. Hardy whips Bo hard, then whips him again. Bo goes down, but Hardy rains down rights and lefts. Hardy drops a leg, then covers, TWO. Bo rolls out to regroup with Axel, then talk strategy. Hardy dares Bo to “Fight me!” Bo returns, but Bray wants in. Fans like that, so Hardy tags him in! Bray and Bo circle, Bo saying he’s not afraid. But Bo keeps his distance, and tags in Axel. Fans boo, but Bo just grins. Axel circles with Bray, but Brya puts him in a corner to unleash! Bray reels him in for a big lariat, then stares Bo down. Bray rains right forearms to Axel’s head, then grinds Axel down as he grins at Bo. He whips Axel to then headbutt him down.

Bray stomps Aexl’s hand, then whips Axel in. Axel dodges and stomps Bray back. Axel runs but into Bray’s lariat! Tag to Hardy and Hardy fires off on Axel. Hardy brings Axel around for DELETE buckle bumps, all three levels! DELETE clothesline in the corner, then another! Another! Hardy goes for but Axel denies the bulldog, onlt to run into a boot. Hardy hops up, for an elbow drop. Cover, TWO! Hardy calls for the Twist, but Axel blocks the kick. Axel fights off the Side Effect, then chokes Hardy against ropes. Bo adds a cheap shot, then tags in. The B Team hammer and stomp away, but stop at 4. Fans duel while Bo brings Hardy up for a clothesline. Cover, ONE, but Bo wraps Hardy up in a chinlock.

Hardy endures while fans continue to duel. He stands up, then fights out with body shots. Bo backs him down to the corner, then tags in Axel. The B Team clothesline and DDT Hardy down, cover, TWO! Axel drags Hardy up for a knee and an armlock. He grinds a forearm in Hardy’s face but fans rally up. Hardy stands up and fights back with haymakers, but Axel knees low. Axel whips but ends up in the Side Effect! Fans rally again as both men crawl for their corners. Hot tags to Bo and Bray! Bray rallies, palm strikes pushing Bo back. He runs corner to corner for a big corner splash! Bray sets up Sister Abigail but has to kick Axel out. Bo runs into a yurinagi!

Fans fire up for Bray, and Bray prepares a WONDERFUL~ Spider-walk. Hardy tags in and both Deleters grab Bo. Axel comes in again, Bo takes advantage, draping neckbreaker!! Cover, The B Team wins?!

Winners: The B Team, Bo pinning; NEW Raw Tag Team Champions

Change is inevitable, but who would’ve ever thought this would happen!? The “undefeated” B Team are now champions, and can finally celebrate appropriately.

Interview with The B Team.

From losers to champions, how does this feel? How do you think it feels? How does a rainbow feel? This is unbelievable! B Team proved that the B really does stand for “best”! Will this Cinderella story miracle last for a long time? Or just until the rematch?


Backstage interview with Kurt Angle.

Pittsburgh’s own has important information in regards ot the Universal Championship. Angle has spoken with Heyman and Team Lesnar, and has found Lesnar is not interested in returning. Everyone is clearly losing their patience, but Lesnar doesn’t seem to care about anything else but Lesnar. Angle has an ultimatum: come to Raw tomorrow and decide when he’s facing a challenge, or be stripped of the title! Finally someone is looking to bring Lesnar in line. Will The Beast do what is right for WWE? Or just what’s right for himself?


Finn Balor VS Constable Baron Corbin!

The Lone Wolf was made Stephanie McMahon’s representative when it seemed Kurt Angle wasn’t fit to run Raw alone. However, Corbin has decide to make it his personal mission to belittle the Extraordinary Man. Will Corbin continue to be a downer on the inaugural Universal Champion? Or will Finn get back at the “bigger” man for thinking so little of him?

The bell rings and the two men circle. They tie up, and Finn gets a waistlock. Corbin backs him down to a corner, then dirties the ropebreak with a back elbow. Corbin keeps on Finn with more elbows, then mockingly applauds the Too Sweet. He forearms Finn down, then grinds his boots into Finn on the mat. Corbin backs off at 4 to then knee Finn in the stomach. He stalks Finn, then brings him up to whip. Finn reverses, Corbin sunsets but Finn rolls through to dropkick back! Finn grabs Corbin in a facelock but Corbin powers him to a corner. Corbin unleashes clotheslines, but fans rally for Finn. Corbin mocks Finn for being “too small”, then puts him in a half-nelson chinbar. Finn endures while fans continue to rally.

Finn fights his way up but Corbin wrangles him back down. Corbin talks trash as he grinds Finn down. Fans keep rallying and Finn keeps fighting. Finn pries his way out but Corbin knees Finn low. Corbin pie-faces Finn so Finn punches Corbin! Finn dodges but Corbin slides out and in to clothesline Finn down! Cover, TWO! Corbin grows frustrated already, so he stomps Finn in the back. He grinds his heel into Finn, then elbows him again. Corbin clobbers Finn with a forearm, and eggs Finn on. He puts Finn in a corner, but misses. Finn shoulders from the apron, but his slingshot is intercepted with a powerful haymaker! Corbin drags Finn over, covers, TWO! Corbin puts Finn back in the half-nelson, but fans say “Corbin Sucks!”

Finn endures, but can’t get up as Corbin puts his weight on him. Fans rally up and Finn tries again. Finn fights out, but is put in the corner. Finn boots Corbin away, then builds speed to rally! He runs into Corbin’s boots, but then swing kicks Corbin down. Finn climbs up! But Corbin grabs him from the top, to bring him down, for the Choke Slam Backbreaker! Cover, TWO! Corbin argues with the referee, but he has to accept it was only a two. Finn crawls to a corner, but Corbin stalks up behind him. Corbin throws furious forearms on Finn, but backs off at the ref’s count. He runs back in for a big clothesline, then another. Corbin comes in but has to slide out again. Finn sees him coming and slingblades! Finn lines it up but runs into a DEEP SIX! Cover, TWO!

Corbin is shocked and frustrated, but Finn is definitely tougher than Corbin gave credit. Fans rally up but Corbin grabs Finn again. Corbin drives in more elbows, then prepares a powerbomb. Finn slips out, trips Corbin up, for double stomps! Then hits the blasting dropkick! Corbin goes down again, so Finn goes up again! But Corbin trips him up again, and reels him in. Finn escapes to small package, Finn wins!

Winner: Finn Balor, by pinfall

The Constable is furious to say the least, but he let Finn surprise him. Finn gets a win, but is this fight against authority only just beginning?


The Bludgeon Brothers attack Team Hell No!

Harper has Daniel Bryan and throws him into a garage door. As for Kane, he’s stuck in a regular door, and Rowan uses his hammer! The door is like a nutcracker on Kane’s ankle! The Big Red Machine writhes in pain while Bryan crawls to him. Paige summons refs and medical attention, but is the SmackDown Tag Team Championship match in question now?


SmackDown Women’s Championship Shark Cage Match: Carmella w/ James Ellsworth (in a Shark Cage) VS Asuka!

Yes, you are reading that correctly. After the Chinless Misogynist returned to screw over the Empress of Tomorrow in her match against the Princess of Staten Island at Money in the Bank, this is the only way to keep his nose out of the action. Can Asuka make Carmella put her money where her mouth is and actually prove she’s better? Or will the truth be revealed: NO ONE is ready for Asuka!!

While the FABULOUS Champion is confident as could be, Pretty Jimmy Dream isn’t so sure about being inside a cage of steel bars high above the ring. But he has no choice, as staff prep the cage and put Ellsworth inside. That aside, the belt is raised, as is the chinless pinata, and we begin.

Carmella and Asuka circle while Carmella taunts and brags. But Asuka kicks and knees away on Carmella, to then snapmare and kick Carmella in the back. Asuka scoops but Carmella slips out to drive her down. Carmella signals to Ellsworth to throw her something, and he drops one of his silver chains! But Asuka expected something like this, and she’s right on the chain with a stomp. Carmella realizes she’s in trouble, and she gets a sliding kick! Cover, TWO! Asuka gives point blank hip attacks, but Carmella scrambles to a corner. Carmella kicks and stomps Asuka down, then crawls for that chain. The referee stops her this time, so she shouts for Ellsworth to give her another item. She catches the spray, but Asuka is ready for that, too! Asuka back hands and fires off strikes.

Asuka runs and dropkicks Carmella down. She drags Carmella up but Carmella fights back, only to get the pop-up knee. Asuka runs for the hip attack! Cover, TWO! Ellsworth grows worried while Asuka gives Carmella a shoulder breaker. Asuka gets the chicken wing, Asuka Lock! Carmella saves herself with a ropebreak. Carmella stays safe on the apron and outside the ring while Ellsworth picks the lock! Asuka chases Carmella and snap suplexes her on the floor. There is Champion’s Advantage, so Asuka gets Carmella up. She throws Carmella into barriers, but Ellsworth is FREE! And dangling from the cage! He’s stuck by his bandana-pants! He’s truly a pinata now, and Asuka decides to have some fun. She kicks away at Ellsworth’s back, hoping to break him open. She even dropkicks him!

Staff work to get Ellsworth freed so they can send him back up, but Asuka just wants after him! She kicks the staffers out, except for the one that runs away. Asuka kicks away at Ellsworth’s butt, but the referee backs her down. Carmella slithers in, and pushes Asuka into the cage!! Cover, Carmella wins!

Winner: Carmella, by pinfall; still SmackDown Women’s Champion

It wasn’t what anyone expected, but Carmella found another way to steal a win. She raises her title up while Asuka comes to. What other ways will Carmella use Ellsworth as a means to an end?

Asuka fires off on everyone!

She attacks the staffers, then aims for Ellsworth. Ellsworth begs for mercy, but gets none from the Empress. She fires off hands and feet on the Chinless Narcissist, and gives him German Suplexes for good measure. Buzzsaw! Then, ASUKA LOCK! Ellsworth taps, but it doesn’t matter. Will Carmella suffer the wrath of Asuka herself some day?


WWE United States Championship: Jeff Hardy VS Shinsuke Nakamura!

The Charismatic Enigma took issue with the King of Strong Style using him as an example in Nakamura’s hunt for the WWE Championship. Now Hardy finally gets a chance at revenge, with the title on the line. Will he get satisfaction? Or a #Knee2Face?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and Nakamura low blows Hardy behind the referee’s back! The referee sees Hardy went down, but he can’t do anything about Nakamura’s cheap shot now. Hardy is gasping, but doesn’t want this match to end before it begins. Certainly not over something like that. He insists the match happen, the bell rings, KINSHASA!! Cover, Nakamura wins!!

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura, by pinfall; NEW WWE United States Champion

How dirty can you get?! Nakamura has his first title on the main roster, but certainly someone will have something to say about it. Will Nakamura feel good about himself come SmackDown?

But here comes Randy Orton!

The Viper is a former US Champion in his own right, and has had issue with Nakamura at times. Orton stares Nakamura down but Nakamura gets clear of the ring. Nakamura may be champion now, but will he have to deal with the Apex Predator hunting him for the rest of the Summer? Hardy flounders up and gets Orton’s attention, but Orton simply brings him down to stomp the crotch! It seems Orton is friend to no one. What won’t he do to get back the title that brought him his Grand Slam?


Steel Cage Match: Braun Strowman VS Kevin Owens!

The Monster in the Bank has bullied the obnoxious Prizefighter week in and week out, but doesn’t Kevin kinda deserve it? But now, to settle this one way or another, there’s no more hiding inside the four walls of steel! Will Kevin win, lose or simply survive Strowman tonight?

The bell rings, and Kevin climbs! Strowman yanks him down, but Kevin climbs up the other side. Strowman throws Kevin down again, and Kevin gets to a corner. Kevin boots Strowman away but can’t get away. He goes for the door, but Strowman stops him again. Strowman knows it’s “Fight Owens Fight” but Kevin’s being a coward. He dares Kevin to fight him, so Kevin tries. Kevin throws hands but Strowman shove shim down. Strowman misses in the corner and Kevin clubs away on him. Strowman throws Kevin away, then boots him down on the run. Kevin stands up and dodges Strowman! SUPERKICK! Strowman’s down, here comes the Cannonball senton!

Kevin climbs up, but not to climb the cage. FROG SPLASH! Cover, ONE!! Kevin put up a fight but he didn’t finish Strowman. He decides to take it easy and crawls for the door. But Strowman grabs him and drags him away from the door. Kevin begs for mercy, but then throws hands. Strowman just gives Kevin a clubbing forearm! Then he throws Kevin into the cage. Fans want it “One More Time!” so Strowman obliges. Kevin goes down in a heap, but fans still want “One More Time!” Strowman gives fans what they want, he throws Kevin again! He then drags Kevin up by his beard, for the scoop, to toss Kevin face-first at a wall. Strowman wants Kevin to stand as fans chant “Get These Hands!”

Kevin slowly stands, but Strowman scoops him again. Kevin slips out, boots Strowman back, then hits a Stunner! Strowman goes down, and Kevin crawls for the door! But Strowman gets his feet again. Kevin kicks at Strowman, crawls, but Strowman stands on him, to slam the door on his face. Kevin is dazed and vulnerable as Strowman takes aim. Strowman runs in, but misses! Kevin hits a SUPERKICK! And a SUPERKICK! Then he produces handcuffs to trap Strowman in that corner. Strowman fights against the cuffs, but Kevin kicks Strowman while he’s vulnerable. “That’s what you get!” Kevin shouts as he throws more hands. “What’re you gonna do now, huh?” CHOKE SLAM!

Strowman turns his attention back to the cuffs, but they’re sturdy. Kevin crawls to the opposite side of the ring, then tells Strowman to “Suck It!” Kevin climbs and blows a kiss, but Strowman breaks the chain! Strowman rushes over and catches up to Kevin! They’re both atop the cage! Strowman grabs Kevin, and looking down at the gruond, THROWS Kevin!! Kevin hits table, but that means he wins!

Winner: Kevin Owens, by escape

Fans lose their minds as Strowman glares down at Kevin. Strowman doesn’t care about winning, so long as he’s the one standing. He roars with victory and fans chant “Get These Hands!” Will Strowman finally stop targeting Kevin?

Medics bring a stretcher out.

Kevin can’t stand, let alone walk, so he is placed on the body board and the stretcher itself. Strowman mockingly announces the result himself, then enjoys himself as he walks out of the arena. Kevin “won”, but will he be lucky to return to Raw any time soon?


SmackDown Tag Team Championships: The Bludgeon Brothers VS Team Hell No!

Harper & Rowan didn’t want to wait for this match to fight Daniel Bryan & Kane, so they did it backstage. Bryan was thrown around like a rag doll while Kane’s ankle was crushed between door and frame. Will Team Hell No’s PPV return be ruined already?

Somehow, Daniel Bryan is able to make his entrance, but it doesn’t look like Kane can. This looks to be an unofficial handicap match now. Does Bryan stand a chance?

The bell rings and Bryan goes right at Rowan! Rowan shoves Bryan away but Bryan dodges to kick away. Rowan shoves him again, but Bryan is ready. Bryan dodges again with fans rallying behind him. Bryan keeps his distance, then dodges to kick away on Rowan. Rowan knees low, then whips Bryan, but Bryan kicks him away. Bryan runs but gets run over, and Rowan brings Bryan to the Bludgeon corner. Rowan stomps away, then tags to Harper. Harper climbs up while Rowan lifts Bryan. Bryan fights out, then slips out, and dropkicks Harper. Bryan dropkicks Rowan out of the ring! Then he climbs up to join Harper and throw hands on the top rope. SUPER Steiner throws Harper, then a dropkick wrecks Rowan. Harper misses the discus, into the YES Lock!

But Rowan drags Bryan off the hold and to the floor. Rowan tags in, then drags Bryan back up to put him into steel steps. Harper goes after Bryan, scoop slam senton! Rowan puts Bryan in the ring, then runs for the splash! Cover, TWO! Bryan has heart, but Rowan has a partner. Rowan tags Harper back in, and the Brothers mug Bryan on the mat. Fans chant for Kane to appear, but Bryan endures a throat chop and a snapmare to forearm shot. Harper tags Rowan, and they grind Bryan down more. Rowan stands Bryan up for a pumphandle backbreaker! Rowan scoop slams Bryan, then covers, TWO. Bryan sits up but Rowan is on him with raking fingers. Tag to Harper, and he drops elbows on Bryan. Cover, TWO, and fans keep cheering for Bryan.

Harper brings Bryan up, Rowan tags in to mug him more. Tag back to Harper, and 2B double whip. Bryan holds ropes then dumps Rowan out. Harper runs in but Bryan fires off punches and kicks. Harper knees low then whips, but Bryan goes up and over. Bryan runs, to DIVE on Rowan! Only for Rowan to catch him. Harper runs, DIVES, but Bryan dodges! Rowan takes the hit and both Bludgeon Brothers go down! And here comes Kane!

Even with a brace on his foot, the Devil’s Favorite Demon hobbles out to support his friend. Kane endures the pain of just walk, and gets to the Hell No corner. Harper grabs at Bryan but Bryan crawls for the corner. Bryan shoves Harper away, hot tag to Kane! Kane rallies on one leg with his big uppercuts. Rowan runs in, but into a CHOKE SLAM! Harper gets a CHOKE SLAM, too! Kane slashes his throat, calling for the Tombstone. He scoops but that leg gives out. Harper mule kicks the leg, but Bryan tags back in. Bryan leaps for missile dropkick! He kips up and fires up, as does Pittsburgh! Bryan gives Harper YES Kicks!

“YES! YES!” echoes out over and over, faster and faster. Bryan aims, and hits the buzzsaw! Rowan tags in, but Bryan doesn’t see it. He adjusts, but runs into Rowan. Rowan sends Bryan into Kane, then heel kicks Bryan down. Harper tags back in, and they prepare DOOMSDAY! Cover, Bludgeon Brothers win!

Winners: The Bludgeon Brothers, Harper pinning; still SmackDown Tag Team Champions

A wounded Team Hell No falls to the apocalyptic duo. If Kane & Bryan can be 100% next time, will it be a different result?


Roman Reigns walks backstage.

The B Team’s celebration flies in. If they can do it, he can do it! He can even join them! All he has to do is beat Bobby! Right? Yeah? Huh? No? Okay. The Big Dog goes to defend his Yard from a new Alpha Male, but will he put the B in “beat Bobby”?


Roman Reigns VS Bobby Lashley!

Both men think they’re the only one worthy of challenging The Beast, Brock Lesnar, but they both take offense to what the other man thinks. Who will prove themselves as “The Guy” to stand atop the WWE?

The bell rings and the two big men tie up. Lashley powers Roman to a corner, then around the side. Roman manages to turn it around to put Lashley in the corner, but neither man wants to break. The referee forces them to break and back off. They circle again, tie up again, and Lashley gets a headlock. Roman gets a waistlock but Lashley gets the standing switch. Lashley throws Roman down, then waits for him to stand up to get him again. He dumps Roman down again, then brings Roman up. Roman gets an arm wrench, but Lashley throws Roman overhead! Lashley brings Roman up again, but Roman elbows out of the waistlock. Roman runs, but Lashley leaps over him, only to get an uppercut. Roman glares down at Lashley, then throws hands.

Lashley gets to a corner but Roman throws more hands. Roman puts Lashley in another corner with a buckle bump, and throws more hands. They go to a third corner for another buckle bump. Roman throws more hands, then whips Lashley to elbow him down. Cover, TWO, but Roman keeps his cool. Roman stalks Lashley to the ropes, then he chokes Lashley against them! Lashley is down, and Roman gives him the Drive-By! Cover, TWO. Now Roman grows a bit annoyed, and drags the dazed Lashley up. Lashley fades while Roman grins. Fans boo and jeer The Big Dog while Lashley gets a second wind.

Lashley fights out but Roman rocks him with an uppercut. Roman throws Lashley out of the ring, then takes his time fetching the Dominator. He throws Lashley into barriers, then into more barriers at the timekeeper’s area. Roman refreshes the count to keep on Lashley outside. Lashley mule kicks then whips Roman, but Roman reverses. Lashley leaps over the steps but Roman pounces from behind. Roman stalks Lashley, refreshes the count, then whips him at steel steps again. Lashley hits steel this time, but Roman isn’t done with him. Roman takes the steps apart and takes aim, to thrust the steps at Lashley! Lashley catches the steps, then throws Roman off. Lashley clotheslines Roman down, then puts him in the ring.

Roman swings but misses, and Lashley runs Roman over. Lashley throws Roman overhead, then runs in corner to corner for a big clothesline. He keeps going, but runs into a boot. Roman runs, and hits the leaping lariat. Roman has Lashley in a corner for the point-blank clotheslines. He gives Lashley all ten, then runs, into a powerslam! Cover, TWO! That was close but not enough yet. Lashley decides to bring Roman up, but Roman fights back with forearms. Roman runs, but into a crossbody! Lashley doesn’t cover, he’s going up top! Lashley aims for flying double ax handle! Roman stirs but Lashley looms over him. Lashley brings Roman up, but Roman reverses with a fireman’s carry. Lashley grabs ropes, so Roman dumps him out!

The referee checks on Lashley, but somehow Lashley is okay. A 10 count begins, but reaches 5 before Lashley starts stirring. Lashley gets up at 7, and in at 9! Roman is there with a leg drop! Cover, TWO! Roman can’t believe he hasn’t put Lashley away. Lashley crawls to ropes while fans duel. Roman locks and loads, takes aim, but runs into a SPINEBUSTER! Lashley fires up now, and drags Roman up, for the vertigo suplex! He slams Roman down, covers, TWO!! That was even closer! Lashley gets up again, and takes aim at Roman now. Roman slowly stirs, coughing and gasping for air. Lashley runs in, to a SUPERMAN Punch! Cover, TWO!! Now Roman is in disbelief.

Lashley rolls out of the ring for a chance to recover. The 10 count returns, but Roman goes outside to pursue Lashley. Roman lets out his howl, builds speed around the ring, but into a belly2belly! Lashley throws Roman over the announce desk! But this won’t end it, Lashley wants more. He drags Roman up and into the ring. Lashley climbs up again, but Roman SUPERMAN Punches him down! Roman talks trash, “This is MY Yard!” He lets out another howl, runs, but into LASHLEY’S SPEAR!! Cover, Lashley wins!!

Winner: Bobby Lashley, by pinfall

The Big Dog goes down! The Dominator is the true alpha of this “yard”! It doesn’t matter if it was Roman’s ego or Lashley’s heart, the former WWE ECW Champion has the biggest win since his return. Will it lead to even bigger matches and moments in the near future?


Raw Women’s Championship Extreme Rules Match: Alexa Bliss w/ Mickie James VS Nia Jax w/ Natalya!

The Goddess became Ms. Money in the Bank the night Ronda Rousey looked to defeat the Irresistible Force in their own Raw Women’s Championship match. That cash-in mid-match allowed Alexa to steal the title away from two dangerous forces in the Women’s Division, but only one snapped and beat up Alexa and Kurt Angle. Ronda has been suspended these last 27 days, but is in the front row as a fan. Will she have a smile on her face after Nia gets her shot at extreme revenge on Alexa?

At the same time, both women brought back-up, mostly because Nia knew Alexa would bring her “bestie” and the Queen of Harts is the perfect counter. Will Mickie & Natty become x-factors in this match?

The bell rings and we begin. Alexa is obviously wary of Nia already. Nia keeps her away from Mickie and that kendo stick. Alexa dodges and slaps Nia, but that only angers the former champion. Nia chases Alexa, but Alexa gets the stick! Alexa SMACKS Nia once, but then Nia takes and BREAKS the stick. Nia chases Alexa more, but Mickie feeds Alexa items. The trash can is not enough and Nia tosses it into the ring. A chair is not enough, and that ends up in the ring. The second chair and second can, same thing. The lid gets the same. Mickie feeds her a second stick but Alexa ditches that to run. Nia catches up and runs Alexa over. Nia puts Alexa in the ring with the collection of items.

Alexa grabs for the can, but Nia whips and squashes Alexa in a corner. Nia throws Alexa onto the chair and trash can! Alexa tries but fails to hit back with a chair. Nia yanks it away then stalks Alexa to a corner. Alexa swings but gets a headbutt. Nia sets up a trash can, then lifts Alexa in a fireman’s carry. Nia takes aim, trophy lifts, and throws Alexa onto the can! It flattens! And Ronda loves what she’s seeing.

Nia taunts Alexa while Mickie tries to help her. Nia puts Alexa back in the ring, then backs Mickie off. Alexa crawls but Nia is on her. Alexa smacks away with the trash can lid! Something finally affects Nia, including that crumbled can attack. Natty coaches Nia but Alexa has a chair. Alexa wedges it into the corner, then dropkicks Nia. Cover, ONE, and Alexa grows frustrated. Alexa says it’s her title, but Nia gives her a right hand. Alexa resets the chair, but Nia headbutts her down. Nia runs in, but into the chair! Alexa crawls to Mickie, who has a lid, but Natty trips her up! Natty smacks away on Mickie! Alexa helps Mickie, and they throw Natty into barriers together. Ronda gets mad, that’s her friend, too. She jumps the barriers to attack Mickie!

Ronda throws Mickie around, then into the apron. They end up in the ring, and Ronda gives Mickie a spinning slam! Ronda keeps on Mickie by throwing her into an announce desk, and then over it! Fans are fired up as Ronda glares at Alexa across the way. Ronda promised to kick her “pink-haired ass” and she chases Alexa around the ring. She catches Alexa before she can flee, but Mickie SMACKS away on Ronda with a kendo stick. Alexa returns to the ring, targeting the crawling Nia. She climbs up, but leaps into Nia’s arms! But Mickie SMACKS Nia with a chair. Alexa adds her own chair shots, then brings Nia over for a DDT onto a chair. Cover, Alexa wins!

Winner: Alexa Bliss, by pinfall; still Raw Women’s Champion

But Ronda returns! She and Natty run Alexa & Mickie off, but the damage is done. Is Ronda’s suspension going to be extended after this? Will anyone be able to get revenge on The Goddess for this?


WWE Championship: AJ Styles VS Rusev w/ Aiden English!

What day is today? Rusev Daaaaay~! But will it be a good Rusev Day? Or a PHENOMENAL Rusev Day when the Champ that Runs the Camp keeps the title in the House that AJ Styles Built?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we begin. Fans duel between Styles and “Rusev Day!” Rusev rushes Styles and ptus him in a corner. Styles slips out to kick and chop back. Rusev turns it around and throws Styles to rpoes. Styles dropkicks the legs, his game plan clear already. Rusev knees low then throws Styles judo style. Styles htis back but Rusev clobbers him down. Cover, ONE, but Rusev doesn’t lose focus. Rusev stomps Styles but Styles kicks the leg. Styles chops Rusev, then tries to suplex. Rusev is too strong for that, so Styles just kicks the leg again. Fans keep dueling, Styles runs, but into a spinebuster! Cover, ONE, but Rusev still looms over Styles.

Rusev snap suplexes Styles up and over, then walks it off. He brings Styles up for another suplex, then drops an elbow. Cover, ONE, but Rusev still has confidence. Rusev throws hands on Styles, then drops an elbow. Styles dodges to kick at the leg again. Styles kicks Rusev, then runs, but into a back drop! Rusev still has such power in only one good leg. Rusev stalks Styles to a corner to throw a heavy forearm into the back. He hits Styles again, then brings Styles up for a back suplex. Cover, TWO, so Rusev is getting closer.

Rusev stalks Styles, clearly going after the back the same way Styles is the leg. He lifts Styles up for a bearhug. Styles endures and fights back with forearms. Rusev knees low, then hoists Styles up top. He throws hands while positioning Styles. Styles almost falls off, but Rusev climbs up now. Rusev goes to superplex but Styles slips out to kick out the leg! Rusev tumbles to the floor! English coaches Rusev up, and Rusev crawls towards the ring. Styles takes aim, to slingshot forearm! He wipes Rusev out, but it almost takes him out, too. Styles stands and drags Rusev up, but Rusev shoves him into barriers. Rusev gets in the ring, but Styles follows. Styles throws the Phenomenal Blitz! Then the sliding forearm!

Rusev crawls away to a corner, but Styles runs in for a big clothesline. Fans duel as Styles gets Rusev up. Rusev fights out but Styles still gets him with a reverse DDT. Cover, TWO! Both men are sore but far from done. Styles gets up as best he can with a bad back. He brings Rusev up for the Clash, but that back won’t let him. Rusev powers Styles to a corner, then runs in. Styles tries a Calf Crusher but Rusev holds onto ropes! Rusev powers Styles up to the top rope to punch him off it!

Rusev scrapes Styles off the apron, and uses the count as a chance to catch his breath. He then builds speed, but runs into a forearm! Styles slowly stands, as does Rusev. Styles punches and kicks Rusev away, then takes aim. He springboards, but his 450 misses. Rusev boots Styles back, but still walks into a Calf Crusher. He rolls through, goes for Accolade, but Styles slips out. Rusev shoves Styles away but Styles kicks the leg out. Styles slides in but into Rusev’s kick! Rusev crawls over to Styles while fans duel again. He scoops Styles, but Styles slips out! Styles goes for and gets the Calf Crusher! Rusev endures the pain, and gets a ropebreak! Styles lets go, but spots English talking trash on the apron. He walks over and MC Artiste runs away. Styles gives chase, but he runs into Rusev’s overhead suplex!

Rusev puts Styles in the ring, and with one leg, MACHKA KICK! Cover, TWO!! Rusev was so close! His pain alone is reason to feel despair. But Rusev still gets up, and stomps for another. He thrusts, but Styles dodges to PELE! Rusev is dazed and on one knee, Styles runs in but into the pop-up knee and roundhouse! Cover, TWO!! So Rusev goes for the Accolade! But his bad leg won’t let him squat down! Rusev is so close, so he forces himself to do a half-Accolade! It might still be enough. Styles fights back and crawls, to get a ropebreak! Rusev lets go, so English takes matters into his own hands. English rips a buckle pad off the top rope.

Rusev fires himself up, and gets that leg moving. “Rusev, CHAMPION!” He stomps, and puts on the Accolade, but Styles slips out to then get to a corner. He gets to THAT corner, and Rusev runs in! Styles dodges, and Rusev hits the bare buckle! English’s brilliance backfires! Rusev is down and English panics. Styles gets up, gets to the apron, springboards 450!! Cover, TWO!? The Super Athlete survives, and Styles can’t believe it. But fans are loving it! Styles gets up and wrecks English with a dropkick. He then prepares the arm and takes aim at Rusev. Rusev slowly stands, Phenomenal Forearm! Cover, Styles wins!

Winner: AJ Styles, by pinfall; still WWE Champion

The House that AJ Styles Built STAYS AJ Styles’ House! Rusev’s first chance at a world title was truly phenomenal, but it surely won’t be his last chance. Will Rusev fight his way back towards contention? Will Styles be champion when that time comes?


Backstage Interview with Seth Rollins.

The Architect is moments away from his 30-Minute Ironman Match for the Intercontinental Championship with The Show-Off, Dolph Ziggler. Obvioulsy, Drew McIntyre will still be ringside, but Rollins knows the odds are against him. There’s Ziggler, McIntyre and time to worry about, but Rollins just has to do what he must. It could take thousands of covers, but Rollins vows to walk out the NEW IC Champion. Steel City, there’s only one thing left to do: #BurnItDown. Can Rollins do just that to take back the title?

WWE Intercontinental Championship 30 Minute Ironman Match: Dolph Ziggler w/ Drew McIntyre VS Seth Rollins!

The Kingslayer has worked on becoming The Man again, and even the Ironman in giving the WWE Universe top level performances match after match. However, it was both the wear ‘n’ tear on his body and Ziggler’s opportunistic nature that lost Rollins the belt. With the Scottish Terminator watching Ziggler’s back, can Rollins overcome? Or will he be overwhelmed instead?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised and we begin our countdown! Rollins and Ziggler circle, feeling it out. Ziggler doesn’t even have to try, he’s the champion. Rollins gets his arm, and puts it in a hammerlock, but Ziggler gets the ropebreak. Rollins lets go, and the two circle again. Ziggler lunges in to get the leg, then brings Rollins down. Rollins manages to reverse, but Ziggler reverses back. Rollins reverses again, but Ziggler gets to ropes. The referee counts for the ropebreak, and Rollins honors it. Rollins and Ziggler circle again, tie up, but Rollins rolls Ziggler. ONE, and Ziggler backs off. They go again, tie up, and Ziggler rolls Rollins. Rollins pops out to backslide, ONE. Ziggler backs off again, and Rollins grins. Ziggler kicks, but Rollins blocks to roll him up. TWO, so Rollins whips.

Ziggler sunset flips but Rollins sits, TWO. Rollins snapmares to a crucifix, TWO. Ziggler bails out to walk it off. He and McIntyre regroup, but Rollins does jumping jacks to show off his cardio. Ziggler talks strategy with McIntyre, then returns. Rollins keeps his eyes on McIntyre, but is ready for Ziggler. He punches and chops, then whips to back elbow. Cover, TWO, but Rollins keeps going with a scoop slam. Cover, TWO, but Rollins keeps on Ziggler. Rollins chops then whips Ziggler. He runs in but is put on the apron. He springboards but Ziggler dodges to throw a haymaker. Ziggler grins as he brings Rollins up. Rollins spins through to powerbomb lift, buckle bomb! Then La Mahistrol, cover, Rollins gets the first fall!

Rollins: 1; Ziggler: 0

The Architect has the lead within just five minutes! This already smashes Ziggler’s promise to shut Rollins out of this entirely. Before Ziggler can compose himself, Rollins goes after him. Ziggler elbows out but then gets brought down with a back suplex. Rollins gets to a corner and climbs up but Ziggler rolls out of the ring. Rollins changes plans to slingshot out! He wipes Ziggler out, then stares down the lurking McIntyre. Rollins whips Ziggler into barriers, then bumps him off the apron. McIntyre glares but that’s all he can do to Rollins. Rollins puts Ziggler in the ring but Ziggler is on Rollins with hammering fists. Ziggler drags Rollins up for the neckbreaker. Cover, TWO! Ziggler drops an elbow, covers, TWO.

Frustration grows while the time ticks down. Ziggler brings Rollins up, and suplexes. Rollins slips out to chop Ziggler. Rollins whips Ziggler but Ziggler kicks him away. Ziggler runs but into a lariat. Rollins rallies and whips Ziggler corner to corner. Rollins runs in for a corner forearm, then runs again, but into a dropkick! Ziggler takes out Rollins’ leg, then runs to Famouser. He misses, Rollins rolls him up, but Ziggler reverses. TWO, high stack, but deadlift powerbomb! Ziggler sunset flips through, CURB STOMP from Rollins!! Cover, Rollins gains another cover!

Rollins: 2; Ziggler: 0

Ziggler finds himself in a bad way at just 8 minutes passed. Not only has he not shut Rollins out, but he’s behind the 8-ball. Rollins takes his time now, but he might be getting cocky as he stomps “Burn it Down!” But then McIntyre attacks! That’s a disqualification, or in this case, another point!

Rollins: 3; Ziggler: 0

McIntyre wails away on Rollins with hammer fists and elbows. And he won’t stop until he’s thoroughly rocked Rollins. This puts Rollins up more, but that won’t stop him! McIntyre rams Rollins into the apron, the barrier and back again! This is all part of the same fall, but the referee EJECTS McIntyre! Ziggler’s ace is no longer useful. Or is he? Because he hits Rollins with a CLAYMORE! The clock has reached 20 minutes and counting, but Rollins is vulnerable. Ziggler crawls over, covers, and gets on the board!

Rollins: 3; Ziggler: 1

The Show-Off shakes the cobwebs out and sees time is of the essence. He needs two falls, and McIntyre has just about served Rollins up for him. Ziggler aims while Rollins stands up, SUPERKICK! Cover, Ziggler gets another point.

Rollins: 3; Ziggler: 2

McIntyre’s ejection was not in vain, because Ziggler has caught up in no time at all. Perhaps this was their plan all along. Ziggler takes aim again, stomping a la HBK, but Rollins dodges! Roll up, TWO, and Ziggler uppercuts quickly. He throws Rollins into a post! ZIG ZAG! Cover, Ziggler ties it up!

Rollins: 3; Ziggler: 3

We’re back to square one with just over 17 minutes left. But at the same time, it’s not even at all with as beat up as Rollins is from McIntyre’s attack. Ziggler aims at Rollins again, but Rollins denies another Zig Zag. He dodges the splash in the corner, then boots in another corner. Rollins climbs up, but has to jump over Ziggler. He gets the Slingblade! Ziggler flounders while Rollins fires up. Rollins clotheslines Ziggler out of the ring, then builds speed. Rollins runs into a forearm! Ziggler covers, but uses the ropes! The ref didn’t see it, Ziggler gets the point!

Rollins: 3; Ziggler: 4

The ref missed a major detail in that fall, but there’s no stopping things now. Ziggler puts Rollins in an armlock, gripping the chin, as well. Rollins endures while Ziggler goes to make it a sleeper. He fights his way out, but Ziggler wrangles him down with a facelock. Rollins fights his way up again, and pries his way out of the hold. Ziggler kicks low, but misses the haymaker. Ziggler slips out of the back suplex to jump on for a sleeper hold! He brings Rollins back down, and Rollins starts to fade.

The clock goes below 13 minutes now, but Rollins gets a second wind. Rollins gets up, fans rally up for him, but Ziggler becomes a backpack. Rollins backs Ziggler into a corner, but Ziggler keeps hold. So Rollins tries again, but facing forward! Ziggler hits buckles, then lets go of the hold. Rollins gets away while he catches his breath. Ziggler stands up, and Rollins clotheslines him out. Rollins fires up, builds speed, and DIVES! It hits! Rollins hurries to put Ziggler in the ring, but Ziggler rolls all the way out to the other side. So Rollins DIVES again!

He takes Ziggler out again, but he’s not done yet. Rollins gets Ziggler back in and takes aim from the apron. Springboard clothesline! Cover, TWO! The clock reaches 10 minutes, the final third of this match. Rollins brings Ziggler up but Ziggler elbows him away. Ziggler runs into Rollins’ boot, then Rollins hits the blockbuster! Cover, TWO! Rollins knows he has to hustle, so he heads up top. Ziggler dropkicks him all the way down! Ziggler is content to have a count out, and he ushers for the ref to count. Rollins stirs at 5, but manages to beat the count at 9.5. He stops the DDT to mule kick and Revolution Knee! Cover, TWO!

Rollins grows frustrated as he sees there’s only 8 minutes left. He hurries up top again, but Ziggler trips him up. Ziggler is in no rush, but Rollins grabs at him! Rollins drags Ziggler up to the top rope, but Ziggler fights back. Ziggler tries to make it a superplex but Rollins fights him back. Rollins headbutts Ziggler down and adjusts, for the FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Ziggler continues to deny another tie. Rollins crawls after him, but Ziggler clutches the ropes. Rollins has no choice but to stop a second, so he baseball slide dropkicks Ziggler out. He drags Ziggler up around and puts him in the ring. Rollins hoists Ziggler up top, positions him, then climbs up.

Rollins wants the superplex, but Ziggler fights back. Ziggler knocks Rollins down as we reach 5 minutes. Rollins springs back up, SUPERPLEX! Roll through to Falcon Arrow! Cover, TWO!! We’re still tied! Rollins and Ziggler slowly stir, and time continues to be Rollins’ enemy. Rollins gets up and fans chant “Burn It Down!” Mule kick but Ziggler dodges the stomp. Ziggler kicks out the leg and rolls Rollins, TOW. Rollins denies the superkick to catapult Ziggler into a post. Sunset flip, Rollins ties it back up!

Rollins: 4; Ziggler: 4

Just under 3 minutes and we’re tied again! This is still anyone’s match, and both men stand. Ziggler throws furious hands on Rollins but Rollins trips him up. Rollins goes for a Sharpshooter! And gets it! Ziggler endures, watching the clock. We hit the 2 minute warning as Ziggler crawls for the ropes. Rollins shifts to a crossface, and rolls Ziggler away from the ropes! Ziggler endures, but he can’t get anywhere. He grips the mat, drags himself around blindly, so Rollins goes to stomp. Ziggler dodges and rolls away! Rollins pursues but Ziggler tries to run away. We hit the final minute! Rollins puts Ziggler back in but Ziggler hits a FAMOUSER! Cover, TWO!! Less than 30 seconds, Ziggler knows he’s got Rollins where he wants him. Ziggler tunes up, but Rollins SUPERKICKS first! CURB STOMP! But he has to crawl for a cover! TIME’S UP!!

Result: Draw; Ziggler retains the WWE Intercontinental Championship

Time slipped through Rollins’ fingers, as has the title. Ziggler gets away by the skin of his teeth, but the fans don’t like that. Neither does Kurt Angle! The Raw GM appears to say that match was truly incredible. “But nothing is settle.” He knows the WWE Universe doesn’t want a tie, and especially not here in Pittsburgh! Therefore, this match is sudden death! Next fall wins it all, “Ring the bell!” Ziggler is stunned, but Rollins is fired back up. The bell rings again, and we begin again!

Sudden Death

But where did McIntyre come from!? Rollins dropkicks him away, but Ziggler Zig Zags!! Cover, Ziggler wins!!

Winner: Dolph Ziggler, by pinfall; still WWE Intercontinental Champion

What happened to the ban from ringside?! Where and when did McIntyre even come out to ringside again!? Ziggler officially wins, but he officially did it with another ace up his sleeve. Will Rollins get a fair rematch next time? Or has Ziggler stolen the title away from him once and for all?



My Thoughts:

This was definitely a mixed bag of a PPV. The kickoff matches were again better than expected. Almas VS Sin Cara was fast paced as their SmackDown version, but a bit riskier with that outside huricanrana. Almas still wins to keep himself strong, but they can’t go wrong with more. The Six Man Tag Taebles match was great, as the New Day have always given us great matches. But again, SAnitY wins to keep their momentum. Then the surprise of the night opens with B TEAM WINNING. I don’t even know what to say. I knew Balor would win, he needs something for himself, and to perhaps extend the feud with Corbin. His kickoff interview promo might even set him up as the next Authority target a la Daniel Bryan.

I really like how they played with the Shark Cage match. Ellsworth trying to help Carmella was expected by everyone, including Asuka, so instead they used the cage itself to my surprise. Carmella wins, which is bad for Asuka’s booking because, c’mon, it’s Asuka! When is she gonna get her big win in this post-Streak phase of her career? But then the quick win for Nakamura makes sense in two ways: 1) It’s Heel Nakamura, of course he’s going to use the low blow somehow; 2) Hardy needs time off for recovery from his injured knee. Therefore, Nakamura can be champion while Orton surprisingly returns to throw his name into that title hunt. There can also be any number of SmackDown stars joining that title hunt, such as Almas, Samoa Joe or even Tye Dillinger to wrap up their stories into one big Summerslam match.

How is Kevin not dead? That cage spot that brought him the win could’ve been really bad, but thankfully the tables weren’t that far away. I wonder if Kevin will be off until after Summerslam, just so he won’t get beat up by Strowman anymore. And with Angle’s ultimatum to Lesnar, Strowman can move on to target The Beast. And by that, I hope Strowman cashes in the very second Lesnar appears. I did NOT think Lashley was going to beat Roman, but that match was better than Pittsburgh was willing to give credit. If it wasn’t Roman, fans would’ve enjoyed the slug fest it was. But now we can get the tease of Lashley VS Lesnar, with Strowman lurking. I did not think Bludgeon Brothers would attack before their match, but in a way, that keeps everyone strong. I hope we get a rematch on the way to Summerslam.

The Women’s Extreme Rules went roughly how I expected with Ronda getting involved, but I should’ve realized Mickie and Natalya would’ve been thrown in, too. That little wrinkle is even more reason why Alexa retains so that Ronda can go after her at Summerslam. Nia might also have a case for another try, so maybe a triple threat? I was disappointed THE WWE Championship wasn’t the main event, but the match itself was great. Rusev looks so strong, even in losing, time will tell what he does next. That Ironman match was pretty great, but the fact it was the main event almost telegraphs that it was going to sudden death. I was truly shocked McIntyre returned to screw Rollins over, but I can’t be sure Angle gives him another shot just because.  Rollins has been the kind to accept earning things, so maybe he’ll fight his way back.

My Score: 8.1/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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