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Mitchell’s WWE Summerslam 2018 Report! (8/19/18)



WWE Summerslam 2018

Summerslam is finally here, with all WWE championships on the line! Can Roman Reigns FINALLY defeat Brock Lesnar for the Universal Championship?



  • Kickoff Match: Rusev & Lana VS Andrade “Cien” Almas & Zelina Vega; Almas & Vega win.
  • Kickoff Match: WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Cedric Alexander VS Drew Gulak; Alexander wins and retains the Cruiserweight Championship.
  • Kickoff Match: Raw Tag Team Championships: The B-Team VS The Revival; The B-Team wins and retain the Raw Tag Team Championships.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship: Dolph Ziggler w/ Drew McIntyre VS Seth Rollins w/ Dean Ambrose; Rollins wins and becomes the new WWE Intercontinental Champion.
  • SmackDown Tag Team Championships: The Bludgeon Brothers VS The New Day; The New Day win by disqualification, The Bludgeon Brothers retain the SmackDown Tag Team Championships.
  • Braun Strowman VS Kevin Owens; Strowman wins and retains his MITB Contract.
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship Triple Threat: Carmella VS Charlotte Flair VS Becky Lynch; Charlotte wins and becomes the new SmackDown Women’s Champion.
  • WWE Championship: AJ Styles VS Samoa Joe; Joe wins by disqualification, Styles retains the WWE Championship.
  • Daniel Bryan VS The Miz; The Miz wins.
  • Finn Balor VS Baron Corbin; Balor wins.
  • WWE United States Championship: Shinsuke Nakamura VS Jeff Hardy; Nakamura wins and retains the WWE United States Championship.
  • Raw Women’s Championship: Alexa Bliss VS Ronda Rousey; Ronda wins and becomes the new Raw Women’s Champion.
  • WWE Universal Championship: Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman VS Roman Reigns; Reigns wins and becomes the new WWE Universal Champion.


It’s time for the Summerslam Kickoff Show!

Renee Young, Booker T, David Otunga and Sam Roberts are your panelists for the #BiggestPartyoftheSummer!

JBL and Peter Rosenberg are on stage!

The band is back together, and are ready for Summerslam. JBL remembers Summerslam 2004 more fondly than the rest of us, but that’s besides the point. They recap Monday Night Raw, and how Seth Rollins counters Dolph Ziggler’s Scottish Psycho with an American Lunatic! With two-thirds of the Shield reunited, can The Architect take back the Intercontinental Championship from the Show-Off?


Aiden English talks with Rusev & Lana.

He vows to make it up to them with the perfect intro song. It’s impeccable, it’ll make it up! No, this is about Rusev & Lana Day, so please, English, stay behind. Mr. & Mrs. Machka head out, will English ever get right with them?

Kickoff Match: Rusev & Lana VS Andrade “Cien” Almas & Zelina Vega!

The action begins with this Mixed Tag match! El Idolo & La Muneca have gotten wins over the Bulgarian Brute & Ravishing Russian, but mostly thanks to MC Artiste stepping in and sticking his foot in his mouth. Can Rusev & Lana turn things around to prove they are the best, they are number one? (clap clap) Or will their respective holidays be ruined in this Tranquilo era?

Brooklyn chants “Rusev Day!” as the bell rings. The men start and Rusev corners Almas quickly. He backs off to then tie up with Almas, and Almas gets around Rusev. Almas leads Rusev on a cat ‘n’ mouse game, then speeds things up to Tranquilo with Vega. Fans like that, but Lana and Rusev team up to “CRUSH!” Vega throws a fit while Almas leads Rusev on another chase. Almas dropkicks and chops Rusev at the barrier, then puts him in the ring. Almas fires off, but Rusev turns it around to haymaker and stomp a mudhole. Rusev backs off to then drag Almas up. Fans still chant “Rusev Day!” as Rusev suplexes Almas. Rusev loom over Almas, then clubs him with another haymaker. Rusev rusn but Vega stops him, for Almas to pounce!

Almas puts Rusev into the post, then goes to the apron. Almas gives Rusev a hanging armbar! The ref counts and Almas lets go at 4. Vega likes what she sees, but fans want Lana. Almas keeps on Rusev with an armlock while we go picture in picture.

Rusev powers up and fights back, but Almas holds on. Almas knees low, then chokes Rusev at the ropes. Vega gets a sucker punch, but that only angers Rusev. Rusev dodges Almas in the corner, then crawls for his corner. Hot tag is denied by Vega tripping Lana! We return to single picture while Vega goes back to her corner. Almas knees Rusev, then gives the inverted tornado DDT! Cover, TWO! Vega throws another fit, but Almas keeps on Rusev with an armlock. Fans rally up for Rusev, and Rusev fights back. Almas knees low then suplexes Rusev, but Rusev blocks to counter. Almas slips out to boot Rusev from the corner. He climbs up again, but Rusev denies the DDT and shoves Almas down! Vega panics while Rusev crawls for his corner. Hot tag to Lana!

Vega has no choice but to face Lana, and Lana rallies! Lana bulldogs Vega down, then Lana-roonies! Vega rolls to ropes, but Lana gives her knees int he back. Lana whips and elbows Vega in a corner, and fans fire up. Ravishing Neckbreaker, cover, TWO! Vega rolls all the way out but Lana pursues! She bumps Vega off the apron, then puts her back in the ring. Lana sees Vega coming and hits her with an elbow. She scoops Vega for the slam, covers, TWO! Lana keeps her cool while Vega cowers to a corner. Vega yanks Lana into buckles, then turns nasty as she bicycl boots Lana down. Almas rallies for Vega, but Vega runs into a Machka Kick! Lana, CRUSH!

But Almas distracts on the apron. Rusev yanks him down, but then misses into the barriers. Lana stops Vega, throws her down, and slaps Almas! Vega rolls Lana up, with ropes, Vega & Almas win!

Winners: Almas & Vega, Vega pinning

It wasn’t Aiden’s fault this time, it was misdirection that cost Lana & Rusev. El Idolo & La Muneca climb the ladder in SmackDown, will they find themselves on their way to titles soon enough?


Jerry “The King” Lawler joins the panel!

He’s a little late, but as they say, you party until the cows come home, then party with the cows. King, Booker, Otunga and Renee are ready for phase two of the kickoff!


Backstage interview with Paul Heyman.

From his emotional “end” to his partnership with Lesnar to the plot twist where he sprays Roman Reigns, what does he say to those thinking it’s just to help Lesnar keep his title? This is live? What even was that question? Tonight is about history as Lesnar gets rid of The Big Dog, and “it’s about time.” Lesnar is prepared to rid us of Roman while he also prepares to win the UFC Heavyweight Champion. Lesnar will rid himself of the annoyance that is Roman Reigns, who always comes back for more. Heyman says “The Big Dog will not come back for more” after tonight, because the “reigning, defending, undisputed Universal Heavyweight Champion” will F5, pin, and win. “And that’s not a prediction, that’s a spoiler. Heyman then goes into Lesnar’s locker room and helps his client finish preparing. Will this spoiler really come true?


The three GMs of Raw, SmackDown & 205 Live talk backstage.

Everyone has goosebumps, especially Paige and Drake Maverick as this is their first Summerslam as bosses. They’ve also excited about their great match card, from the Cruiserweight Championship to Alexa VS Ronda to AJ Styles VS Samoa Joe. But then, Constable Corbin has to come in.

Baron Corbin sure hopes Kurt Angle doesn’t get a call from Stephanie. Did they get Lesnar’s room ready? Yes, so why doesn’t Corbin go cut the steak for The Beast? Or maybe get ready for Finn Balor? He doesn’t need to, Corbin is confident he can take care of Finn in “short order.” Get it? Unfortunately, yes. But Paige and Maverick would like to point out that constables are defunct in England now. And that they would wash their hands. Corbin takes his leave, but clearly none of the GMs want him to get an even bigger head. Will Finn Balor chop Corbin down to size later tonight?


Kickoff Match: WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Cedric Alexander VS Drew Gulak!

SmackDown had their kickoff, so here’s 205 Live’s! Will the Age of Alexander continue on through Brooklyn? Or will the Philly Fury crush the Soul of the Cruiserweight Division to give us his #Better205Live?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we begin. Alexander quickly corners Gulak, but backs off at the ref’s count. Gulak comes back and they tie up. Alexander puts Gulak on the ropes, then in another corner. He backs off again, and dares Gulak to bring it. Gulak and Alexander tie up again, go around, and Alexander covers. Gulak gets out quick and gets a leg. Alexander pushes Gulak back, and fans like this fast exchange. Gulak waits in a corner for the “cheater” to cool off. They tie up again, and now Gulak puts Alexander in a corner. Gulak gives a sucker punch body shot, then swings. Alexander rolls under, handsprings back, but Gulak powers him off. Gulak wants his GuLock, but Alexander powers out to dropkick Gulak down! Fans like that, but Gulak gets out of the ring.

Alexander pursues and rocks him with a right! Alexander chops Gulak, then follows him back to the ring. He gives another forearm, then another. Gulak boots him out of the step-in, then goes around to the outside. Gulak drags Alexander out for a draping neckbreaker! Alexander’s neck goes across Gulak’s knee, but Gulak isn’t done yet. Gulak brings Alexander around to flapjack him off the apron. Fans duel while Gulak puts Alexander in the ring. Gulak wrenches Alexander’s neck while we go picture in picture.

Alexander endures the twisting, even as Gulak adds more torque to it. Alexander feeds off a fan rally, and powers his way up. He fights out of the hold, but Gulak comes back with an overhead urenage! Cover, TWO! We return to single picture as Alexander writhes on the mat. Gulak drags him back up for a clubbing clothesline. He trash talks Alexander while toying with him. Gulak brings Alexander up just to knock him down again, then covers. TWO, but it’s back to a chinlock. Fans rally again, but Gulak brings Alexander up for a hangman’s chinlock, almost a Gory Special! Alexander flails while fans cheer him on. Alexander manages to flip himself over and then rocks Gulak with a forearm. They both stagger but Gulak comes back with forearms and chops of his own.

Gulak throws Alexander to the apron, but Alexander shoulders back in. Alexander hits the step-in Complete Shot! His neck slows him down, but the fans power him back up. Alexander boots Gulak, then uppercuts him. He runs and collides with Gulak, then begins a rally. He whips but Gulak reverses, only for Alexander to come back down with a takedown and fast hands! Alexander fires up while Gulak is reeling. Alexander chops Gulak, then whips him. Gulak holds the ropes and bails out, but Alexander FLIES! Down goes Gulak! But it was double-edged given that bad neck. Both men are down as a ten count begins. Alexander gets up and puts Gulak in at 5. Alexander himself takes until 6 to get in, but Gulak body shots him.

Gulak gets a swing kick, but then he trips Alexander’s springboard! Gulak drags Alexander up for a GuLOCK on the ropes! The ref counts, Gulak lets go at 4, and Alexander flops to the mat. Gulak drags Alexander all the way in, then covers, TWO! Alexander has heart as well as soul, but Gulak has aggression. He drags Alexander up, but Alexander resists the GuLock. Gulak powers Alexander back but Alexander powers Gulak around. Alexander is free and he rocks Gulak with an elbow! Both men fall but fans fire up. Alexander crawls away from Gulak, then sits up. He stands, though that neck bothers him. Gulak follows, but Alexander bobs and weaves with him. Alexander kicks, runs, but into a SLAP from Gulak!

Gulak drags Alexander up but Alexander reverses the pin. Gulak rolls, cover, TWO. Alexander jackknife, but Gulak bridges up. They both try to back slide, but Alexander handsprings, into an Ankle Lock! He rolls through to a cover, TWO! SPANISH FLY! CRUCIFIX?! TWO, but now Gulak gets Alexander, TWO, Alexander gets Gulak! ALEXANDER WINS!

Winner: Cedric Alexander, by pinfall; still WWE Cruiserweight Champion

That was so fast, if you blinked, you missed it! The Age of Alexander lives on, and Gulak is furious. Will anyone ever dethrone the Soul of 205 Live?


Samoa Joe is in the Social Media Lounge.

The Destroyer looks to destroy the House that AJ Styles Built, but he doesn’t refrain from mocking Mrs. Lunatic Fringe given Dean Ambrose is back. Does Joe think he’s gone too far with AJ Styles? No, this is a man fully in control of every move he makes. But Styles is wracked with guilt. Joe doesn’t fear Styles, he has Styles where he wants him. Joe’s words have always been true, or else, why would Styles be so upset? Booker knows both Joe and Styles in the ring, so what does Joe think is his biggest advantage? Joe has mentally broken Styles. Styles is not Phenomenal right now, he is a victim. King asks Joe about the old saying, “Happy wife, happy life”. Is Styles doing this for Wendy? Of course, like Styles always has. Or has he? Joe wants to know, is Styles a family man or an egomaniac?

Otunga likes Joe’s head games, but what are Styles’ biggest weapons in return? Joe knows it’s no secret that Styles is a dynamic athlete, but whenever Joe’s taken that on, he’s snuffed it out. Styles wins titles wherever he goes, but Joe takes them from Styles. Booker asks one last question: “What advice would Joe give to Styles tonight?” Styles has a very unique opportunity. There are wrongs he must make right, and he can let Joe do it for him. Joe wants his championship, so either hand it over, or have it ripped away. The best advice Joe can give: “Have a pillow ready in the back, because I’m putting you to sleep.” Joe knows how to tear it up verbally and physically, which will hurt Styles more tonight?


Kickoff Match: Raw Tag Team Championships: The B-Team VS The Revival!

Raw has its turn now that the “undefeated” “Best” team takes on the #TopGuys with titles on the line! Will Curt Axel & Bo Dallas put the B in victory? Or will Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder #SayYeah to their first main roster title reign?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and Dawson starts with Bo. Bo gets a takedown, but Dawson stands back up. Dawson pulls Bo’s hair to power out. Dash tags in and the Revival mug Bo to then dragon screw that leg. Dash hits Axel for good measure, Axel runs into SHATTER MACHINE! Bo is hurt, but he won’t let the match end like this. Dash and Dawson go to mug him but Bo fights back. Dawson tags in, Dash lifts Bo, missile dropkick Dart attack. Cover, TWO. Dawson tries again, TWO. He tries again, TWO! Dawson dragon screws the leg into the mat, then gives it a standing deathlock snap. He heel hooks and Bo’s shoulders are down, TWO. Dawson keeps on Bo while we go picture in picture.

Bo endures the torture of his leg being bent back, but fights his way out. Axel is still down, so Dawson has Bo isolated as he puts him into the corner. He fires off, tags Dash, and then the Revival brutalize that bad leg on the ropes. Dash drags Bo out, then drops on the bad leg. He also gives Bo the deathlock snap, then tags Dawson. Dawson kicks the leg, and he stalks Bo to ropes. He drags Bo up by his beard to drive an elbow into the face. Bo crawls to ropes, and starts fighting back. He knocks Dash down but Dawson dragon screws him again. Dawson uses a spinning toehold, but Bo shoves him into the post! Bo rolls Dawson up, TWO! Axel stirs, but Dash tags in. Dash takes Axel down, then drags Bo up for a European Uppercut.

Tag to Dawson for a backbreaker and knee drop! Cover, TWO! The Revival grow frustrated, but they do have control. Dawson taunts Bo about Axel being down and out. Tag to Dash, and Dash brings Bo around. “He’s done!” But Bo reverses to a draping swinging neckbreaker! Axel crawls his way up the steps while Dash and Bo crawl for corners. Fans rally up, hot tags to Dawson and Axel! The Ax Man rallies on Dawson, big corner back elbow and snapmare. He fires up with the neck snap. Fans cheer as Axel intercepts Dash and throws him out. Dawson rolls Axel, TWO. Dawson kicks low, reels Axe lin, but axel kicks back to Fisherman. Dash stops that but Bo takes him out. Roll up, but the ref is distracted! Bo gest hotshot, tilts the cover, B-Team wins?!

Winners: The B-Team, Axel pinning; still Raw Tag Team Champions

Bo & Axel put the B in dumb luck! But they also put the B in #AndStill. Will anyone ever get past the bungling success that is The B-Team?


Terry Crews wants to know: “When you think of success, what do you see?”

Fame? Fortune? That’s not it. To measure success, decide what’s best. You dig down, dream big and feel that desire in your chest. Grind to find those moments that define your success. Brooklyn, Summerslam, dreams either come true, or hopes are dashed. All the world’s a stage and everyone a player, but who is going to shout “Welcome to my dream!” What is success? How bad do you want it? How far will you go to get it? Give it your all, and bear witness to another epic Summerslam!


WWE Intercontinental Championship: Dolph Ziggler w/ Drew McIntyre VS Seth Rollins w/ Dean Ambrose!

The show starts with the Show-Off and the Architect! With the Lunatic Fringe back and keeping an eye on the Scottish Psychopath, will Rollins finally #BurnItDown? Or will Ziggler steal the show and keep the belt?

Ambrose and McIntyre move aside while the belt is raised, and we begin. The fans fire up already as Rollins and Ziggler circle. Ziggler stays low as he reaches for a leg. He and Rollins tie up and Rollins a waistlock. Fans duel as Ziggler gets the leg, but Rollins blocks with a facelock. They go around as Rollins changes it to a headlock. Ziggler pulls hair and they end up in ropes. Rollins looks back at McIntyre but Ambrose gets in McIntyre’s face. ZIggler kicks at Rollins but Rollins rolls him up, TWO. Ziggler uppercuts, rolls up, TWO. Rollins avoids a superkick but Ziggler scrambles away from the powerbomb. Fans boo and jeer while Ziggler regroups with McIntyre.

Ziggler goes back in, and circles with Rollins again. He kicks low, then brings Rollins up for haymakers. He bounces Rollins off a buckle, then taunts him while he stalks him. Ziggler whips but Rollins kicks him away. Things speed up and Rollins hip tosses Ziggler. Rollins wants the rip cord but Ziggler scrambles out again. Ziggler regroups with McIntyre, and McIntyre shields Ziggler. But then Ambrose comes around to spook Ziggler, and Rollins knocks Ziggler down. Rollins puts Ziggler in the ring for chops! Rollins mocks McIntyre, “It’s a different ball game now.” He whips but Ziggler reverses, only for Rollins to comes out with a lariat. Fans love this as Rollins drags Ziggler up again. Rollins lifts but Ziggler slips out. Ziggler puts Rollins on the apron but Rollins rocks him back. Rollins shoulders in, but Ziggler kicks the ropes! Ziggler gives Rollins a neckbreaker, covers, ONE!

Rollins rolls to a corner but Ziggler stalks him around the ring. Ziggler stomps the bad leg, then grinds him into the ropes. Ziggler taunts Ambrose, there’s nothing the Lunatic can do here. He then chops Rollins and bumps him off a buckle. Ambrose stays near McIntyre to make sure he doesn’t do anything, and Rollins chops back. Ziggler kicks Rollins’ leg out, then toys with Rollins. He kicks the bad leg more, but fans fans are cheering for Rollins. Rollins fights back with haymakers, whips but Ziggler reverses. Rollins tumbles up and all the way out! Ambrose checks on Rollins but McIntyre gets too close. Ambrose gives McIntyre a warning while Ziggler puts Rollins back in. Ziggler sits Rollins up for a sleeper, trapping one arm. Fans rally up and Rollins feeds off the energy.

Rollins and Ziggler go around, and Ziggler throws Rollins down by his hair. Ziggler goes back to the sleeper, but fans rally up again. McIntyre smirks while Ambrose paces around. Rollins stands up and pries his way out, but Ziggler kicks the leg. Ziggler has the sleeper again, but Rollins endures. Fans rally again, but Ziggler brings Rollins all the way to the mat. Rollins gets a second wind and fires up! He sits up, but Ziggler puts on more weight. Ziggler says this is over already, but Rollins refuses to quit. He gets up again, with fans rallying, jawbreaker! Ziggler staggers, Rollins runs, but Ziggler tosses Rollins out! Rollins has a rough landing, but Ziggler leaves him out there while he rests. Ambrose checks on Rollins while watching McIntyre.

Ziggler fetches Rollins into the ring, then climbs up top. Rollins stands, and catches the crossbody into a suplex! But they both tumble out! Rollins and Ziggler both have rough landings, and both Ambrose and McIntyre check on their guys. Ziggler drags himself up first, but Rollins follows behind. Ziggler dares Rollins to bring it, but he runs into a boot. Rollins hops up, then over, then slingblades Ziggler down! Fans rally again while Rollins runs in. Rollins gives a forearm smash, then another. He goes to suplex but Ziggler small packages, TWO. Ziggler runs into another boot, and Rollins gives a Blockbuster! Cover, TWO! Rollins keeps his cool as he drags Ziggler into the drop zone. Rollins climbs up now, but Ziggler trips him up! Ziggler throws hands, then climbs up to join Rollins.

Ziggler prepares a superplex, but Rollins fights back. Rollins headbutts Ziggler down, then adjusts, but Ziggler rolls all the way away. Rollins clotheslines him out, then DIVES on him! Direct hit on Dolph, but Rollins hurries him back in. Springboard clothesline! Then the Revolution Knee! Cover, TWO! Rollins is too tired to be frustrated. Fans rally up as both men stir. Rollins stands first, and brings Ziggler up. He prepares a powerbomb, but Ziggler fights out. Ziggler uses the corner but then Rollins turns things around to an electric chair. Ziggler slips down to a sleeper! Rollins powers out, and now Ziggler is on the apron. Rollins drags him back up but gets a hotshot.

They’re both on the apron now, and Ziggler says “Now we finish this!” He stands Rollins up, but Rollins turns things around. Rollins wants a catapult, but Ziggler pushes him into a post, then gives him a satellite DDT on the apron! Rollins goes down while Ziggler gets into the ring. The 10 count begins, but Rollins doesn’t stir until 7. Ambrose coaches Rollins up, and he beats the count at 9.5! Ziggler is furious, but he takes it out on Rollins with a rain of rights. He chokes Rollins on the ropes, then backs off to take aim. Zig Zag denied, SUPERKICK connects! Rollins hurries up top, for the Frog Splash! But onto knees! Cover, TWO!! Ambrose and McIntyre are shocked but the fans are loving this.

Ziggler and Rollins stand, but Ziggler hits first. He dares Rollins to put up his dukes, while clubbing him back down. He toys with Rollins more, but Rollins fires off! Ziggler kicks the bad knee, but his Famouser is countered to a corner flapjack. Rollins positions Ziggler, then climbs up to join him. Ziggler elbows Rollins and Rollins falls back. Ziggler adjusts, but Rollins hops up quick for an INVERTED SUPERPLEX! To INVERTED FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!! The fans give this a standing ovation! “This is Awesome!” but it’s far from over. Rollins stands and stomps, “Burn It Down!” but then McIntyre puts Ambrose into steel steps! Rollins has to ignore it, but he still misses the Curb Stmop. ZIG ZAG! Cover, TWO!? Rollins denies the Show-Off’s cheat!

Rollins is busted open from that buckle shot, but he’s not gonna let this stop him. Ziggler himself grits his teeth because he wants to end this. Ziggler goes to a corner and stomps a la HBK. He kicks but misses! Rollins rolls him, TWO as Ziggler uses tights. TWO, high stack to deadlift, for a Buckle Bomb! Ambrose gets up and gets revenge on McIntyre! Dirty Deeds! But Ziggler’s up! SUPERKICK from ROLLINS! Then, CURB STOMP!! Cover, Rollins wins!!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by pinfall; NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion

The Kingslayer slays the Show-Off! The Lunatic also eliminates the Scottish Psycho, and now the Shield can celebrate. Will Rollins’ second reign be even better than his first?


Backstage interview with Nikki & Brie Bella!

The Bella Twins are back, and they’re here to enjoy this historic night. With WWE Evolution on its way, any chance the Bellas are coming back. They’re focusing on their various brands, as well as baby Birdie Joe. But Brie keeps interrupting Nikki. The twins want back in the ring, but that’s not what tonight is about. Tonight is about fun, and Ronda Rousey becoming Raw Women’s Champion. The Women’s (R)Evolution has been so big, and they’re excited to see Ronda represent. The twins will be front row to see history in the making.


SmackDown Tag Team Championships: The Bludgeon Brothers VS The New Day!

Awww~ Brooklyn! Prepare for doom and gloom to collide with positivity and pancakes! Will Harper & Rowan break Big E, Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods? Or will ya boys become five-time tag team champions to cancel the apocalypse?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we begin with Woods and Rowan. Kofi is the corner man as Woods fires off. Rowan shoves Woods, then runs him over with the heel kick! Tag to Harper and the Bludgeon Brothers mug Woods. Harper whips Rowan into Woods, then Rowan feeds Woods to Harper’s boot! Cover, TWO, but Woods is caught in Harper’s gator roll. Harper puts Woods in a chinlock and pulls back like a Bully Choke. Fans rally for New Day and Woods powers up. Woods fights back with body shots, but Harper pushes Woods back for a dropkick. Tag to Rowan, and Rowan drops elbows and a splash! Cover, TWO, but Rowan sits Woods up for a neck wrench.

Woods endures the twist, but Rowan shifts to a fist vice. Woods stands but Rowan clubs him back down. Rowan pumphandles and deadlifts Woods up and around for a backbreaker. Big E and Kofi coach Woods, but Harper tags in for senton atomico! Cover, TWO! Harper tags Rowan back in, and they both blast Big E! They go out and back Kofi off before giving a scoop slam senton to E! Then they go back to Woods and toss him out. Rowan prepares steel steps while Harper comes around. Fans boo and jeer but Woods is about to end up the same way he did months ago! Rowan lifts but Woods fights out! Harper is on Woods, but Woods fights out again, to huricanrana Harper into steel! Woods crawls back around while fans rally up. He gets in the ring at 5, but Rowan and Harper pursue.

Woods crawls but Harper has his foot while Rowan goes after Big E again. Big E pushes Rowan away, hot tag! Big E throws Rowan overhead! Then he catches Harper for another! Big E puts Harper in, they run, side belly2belly! Fans fire up and E swivels those hips. He runs, for the Big Splash! But he’s not done there. “New! Day Rocks!” as he scoops Harper. Harper slips out, swings but misses. Harper somehow gets Big E up for the Michinoku Driver! Cover, TWO, tag to Rowan. The Bludgeon Brothers regroup, double crucifix but Big E slips out. E sends Rowan into a post but gets Harper’s SUPERKICK! Woods dodges Harper to DIVE on Rowan! Harper gives Woods the Scrapbuster! Big E SPEARS Harper off the apron! Rowan crossbodies onto Big E!

The Bludgeon Brothers put Big E back in, Rowan tags to Harper. They go after E, lift him again, double crucixifix bomb! But Woods breaks the cover! Rowan kicks Woods and throws him out, but Woods comes back with a kick. WOods tags in and kicks Harper, for the Get Over Here! But Harper denies it, feeds him to Rowan, then headbutts away. Wheelbarrow lift into Bludgeon Bomb! Cover, TWO!? Somehow Woods lives! Kofi fires up, as do the fans. But that only gets Rowan to go after him, with a back drop! Big E has Rowan, for the Big Ending! Harper goes after Woods, but Woods slips out of his suplex. Tag to Big E, but Woods gets a boot and E gets a SUPERKICK!

Harper drags Big E to the apron, and fans anticipate what’s coming. Harper prepares but Big E fights back. They separate, urenage backstabber!! Big E puts Harper in, Woods tags, and Woods goes to the top rope. He takes aim, but Harper has moved. That doesn’t stop Woods, he JUMPS for the Limit Breaker elbow! Woods is in as bad of shape as Harper, but Big E helps him out. They get Harper back in, tag, and the scoop. Woods goes back up, but Rowan comes back to blast him off with the hammer!

Winners: The New Day, by disqualification; The Bludgeon Brothers retain

Rowan isn’t done, as he goes after Big E with that archaic sledge! Fans boo but it doesn’t matter, the bludgeoning is upon us. Harper takes the hammer to hit Big E himself! The New Day win the match, but the Bludgeon Brothers win the battle. They have the belts, but will this be the end to the war?


Braun Strowman VS Kevin Owens!

This isn’t just a grudge match, though the Prizefighter holds a truly Monster sized grudge over what the Monster in the Bank has done to him these last few months. Strowman has thrown Kevin off a ladder, off a cage, and off the stage while inside a portapotty. But now, Kevin could get the ultimate revenge by taking away that MITB contract, by any which way but lose! If Strowman loses in any way, he no longer has his guaranteed shot at the Universal Championship. Can he hold onto his golden opportunity while making sure Kevin #GetsTheseHands?

Fans already chant the Monster Mantra while the briefcase is raised like a belt. The bell rings, and Strowman runs right at Kevin! Then he does it again! Kevin bails out before getting a third, but fans know Strowman won’t leave it at that. Strowman runs around the corner to run Kevin over! Kevin almost goes into the crowd! But then Strowman runs him over again! Fans love this human demolition derby as Strowman puts Kevin in the ring. Kevin rolls all the way back out, but Strowman keeps after him. Kevin SUPERKICKS, but it does nothing! Strowman grabs Kevin, to choke slam him on the ramp! The referee checks on Kevin, but somehow Kevin can still move. Strowman puts Kevin in the ring, then stalks him to a corner. He dares Kevin to get up, because it’s over. Scoop, to MONSTER SLAM! Cover, Strowman wins!

Winner: Braun Strowman, by pinfall; still owns the MITB Contract

So much for all of Kevin’s hopes and schemes. The Monster is still Mr. Money in the Bank, and still has plenty of energy left. Does he have plans of cashing in tonight?


SmackDown Women’s Championship Triple Threat: Carmella VS Charlotte Flair VS Becky Lynch!

Tea Generation X have been friends and rivals for a long time, but the FABULOUS Princess feels she’ll be champion for much longer. The Lass Kicker wants to burn Carmella with Straight Fire while the Queen wants to #DoItWithFlair and take back the throne. Will friendship survive the desire for gold? Or will it all break apart in Brooklyn?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we begin. Carmella trash talks Charlotte over her two “wins”, then moonwalks. Tea Generation X clink cups, but then Carmella sucker punches Becky. Charlotte chops and whips Carmella but runs into a boot. Carmella dodges Becky but then Becky dodges Carmella. Becky gives a jump kick, a snapmare, then leg drops and elbow drops. She goes for another leg drop but Carmella dodges. Carmella covers but Charlotte breaks it. Carmella shoves Charlotte then slaps Becky, but then drops down. She’s playing tricks and Becky gets mad at Charlotte. Carmella rolls Charlotte but Becky breaks it. Charlotte explains it was Carmella, but this isn’t about friendship, it’s competition.

Carmella runs in, but into Becky’s hip toss. She bails out, and Charlotte adds a dropkick. Charlotte and Becky argue but Carmella swipes at Charlotte. Becky rolls Charlotte, TWO. Charlotte rolls Becky, TWO. Charlotte sweeps but Becky slips out. They speed up, Becky arm-drags Charlotte around. Becky has Charlotte in an armlock, but Charlotte rolls her. TWO, and Becky knees low. Becky whips but Charlotte gets to the apron. Charlotte shoulders Becky but Carmella yanks Charlotte down. Carmella shoves Charlotte into a post, then dodges Becky to put her into steps! She shouts “That’s why I’m the champion!” then mocks the styling and profiling.

Carmella puts Becky in the ring, then covers. TWO, but Carmella rains rights and lefts. Carmella says Becky will never be champ again, then wraps on a chinlock. Fans rally up and Becky feeds off it. Becky stands up and powers Carmella to a corner. She does it again and is free. Carmella elbows and clotheslines Becky down, but Charlotte comes in. Charlotte scoops but Carmella slips out to throw Charlotte down by her hair. Cover, TWO, but Carmella rains elbows into the shoulders. Carmella wraps Charlotte in a chinlock now, but fans “WOO~” for Charlotte. Carmella thrashes Charlotte around, then gives her own “WOO~!” Charlotte powers up, but Carmella knees low. Carmella throws Charlotte out, but here comes Becky! ONE, and Carmella drops Becky with a dropkick.

Carmella grinds Becky’s face into the ring, then gets in her face about being champion. Becky slaps Carmella! Carmella slaps back, then mocks the head-banging. She brings Becky up but Becky rolls her again, ONE. Carmella is on the cover, TWO. Charlotte’s back, but she ends up booting Becky! Carmella laughs, but now she’s alone with Charlotte. Charlotte blocks Carmella’s boot, then spins her around for Flair chops! Then she exploder suplexes Carmella, twice! She gives Carmella a back suplex, then kips up! Fans fire up as Charlotte grabs a leg. Charlotte wants the figure four, but Carmella shoves her into Becky’s knee! Becky climbs, two-for-one missile dropkick!

Becky has her pick, and she rallies on Charlotte. She calf kicks Charlotte out, then fires back up. Carmella runs but Becky dodges to forearm smash! She back kicks Carmella, EuroUppers Carmella, then Becksploders Carmella! Becky runs in but is put on the apron. She forearms Carmella away, climbs back up, but Carmella trips her up. Carmella FABULOUS Steiners Becky, cover, TWO! Becky staggers up, blocks the kick, but Carmella grabs hair. Charlotte comes back to SPEAR them both! Cover on Carmella, TWO! Cover on Becky, TWO! Charlotte keeps her cool, but runs into Carmella’s kick. Carmella bounces Charlotte off buckles, then catches her breath. She drags Charlotte up to the very top, then takes a moment to brag. She runs in, but the Fabulous Steiner is countered into a Boston Crab!

Charlotte bends Carmella back in the middle of the ring, but Carmella rolls through. So Charlotte puts on the Figure Four! But as Charlotte tries to bridge, Becky drops a leg! Cover, but Carmella breaks it! All three women are down, but fans rally up. Charlotte rolls out of the ring while Becky sits up. Becky forearms Carmella but Carmella gives on back. Becky fires off more, then headbutts. Carmella puts her on the apron, but Becky hits back. Carmella knocks Becky off the apron, then decides to do something daring. She runs, and DIVES on Becky! Carmella surprises and impresses, but here comes Charlotte with the Super CORKSCREW Asai!! Charlotte drags Becky into the ring, then goes for Natural Selection! Becky dodges, and gets a Disarm-Her! Carmella breaks it, but Becky throws her out.

Charlotte boots but misses, gets a Becky-nage! Cover, but Carmella breaks it barely in time! Carmella drags Bekcy up but Becky knees low. They tilt-o-whirl, and Carmella bounces Becky off buckles. Carmella uses ropes in the cover, TWO! FABULOUS Kick, cover, but Charlotte breaks it just in time! Carmella goes after Charlotte with a FABULOUS Kick, then goes after Becky. But Becky gets the arm. FABULOUS Kick, but Becky still does it! Disarm-Her on, Carmella reaches, and she gets a ropebreak. Becky drags her up, Becky T-Bone! Disarm-Her again! Charlotte hits Natural Selection! Cover, Charlotte wins!!

Winner: Charlotte Flair; NEW SmackDown Women’s Champion

The Queen now reigns for a seventh time! She took advantage of the situation, but it’s all fair in a triple threat. Carmella has a rematch clause for a chance to get that belt back, but Becky misses out on hers. Fans are also on Becky’s side at the moment, but Becky is still willing to be friends with Charlotte. NOT! She attacks Charlotte with venom and fury! Fans love this side of Becky, but this Becky isn’t done. She throws Charlotte into barriers, then into the announce desk! Becky leaves her “friend” behind, will this new fire be what gets her the belt back?


WWE Championship: AJ Styles VS Samoa Joe!

SmackDown rolls through as the House That AJ Styles Built looks to avoid being destroyed by The Destroyer himself. Joe and Styles have gone head to head many times outside of the WWE, but this is the first time they’ve battled in the WWE. After the insults and accusations Joe has hurled at Styles, will this also be the last time?

Joe eggs Styles on while the introductions are made. Styles keeps his cool, but then Joe takes the mic away? Joe wants to make a special introduction, as he points out Styles’ wife, Wendy, and daughter, Annie, are in the crowd. “How you doin’?” Oh and yes, little Annie, cheering on daddy. But don’t you worry, Wendy, “Daddy’s coming home tonight.” Styles is really angry now, and he takes the mic to talk. Styles family is here to see him kick Joe’s ass! We finally have the belt raised and the bell rings.

Styles and Joe circle then tie up, but Joe swings a kick. Styles narrowly evades, but Joe promises him he’ll go to sleep yet. Fans chant “TNA!” for this classic Impact match. The two tie up but Styles gets free of Joe in the corner. They go again, and Joe powers Styles into the corner. Joe backs up but then shoves Styles. Styles storms over at Joe but Joe uses the ropes as his defense. Joe circles with Styles again, and Styles gets around to a headlock. Fans duel while Styles keeps his hold on Joe. Joe lifts Styles but Styles turns that into a headlock takedown. Styles traps an arm and grinds Joe’s head, but Joe manages to get up. Joe powers out but Styles slides off his back and gets the headlock again. Joe powers out again, then runs Styles over!

Styles goes to the apron, but Joe keeps his eyes on him. Styles comes back in, and fans continue to duel as he circles with Joe again. They tie up but Styles kicks Joe’s leg. Joe walks it off, but Styles promises to get him down. They approach again, and Styles kicks the same leg. Styles and Joe tie up, Styles kicks the leg again. Joe looks more annoyed than anything, but he keeps his cool as he circles with Styles again. Styles goes to kick, Joe blocks then counters! Joe throws those swift jabs and Styles is reeling. Joe sweeps the leg, and the referee checks on Styles. Styles is fine, so Joe goes after him again. Joe misses the forearm but Styles fires off chops. Styles and Joe go back and forth, and now Joe gives Styles chops. Joe runs, but Styles jumps over.

Things speed up, Styles dropkicks Joe down! Styles drags Joe up for forearms, then a snapmare. Styles kicks Joe in the back, then drags him back up. Joe chops Styles, then gives more jabs. Styles kicks back, then kicks again. Styles runs, sliding takedown! Joe rolls out of the ring, but Styles builds speed to dropkick him back. Joe staggers, but Styles wants at him more. Styles slips out the side, for the sliding knee. Joe blocks it, and sweeps Styles’ legs! Style hits the apron, then Joe drags him to a cover. ONE, but Joe kicks away on Styles. He brings Styles up for another chop, and Styles is dazed. Joe drags Styles up but Styles fires haymakers and chops of his own. Styles tries to suplex but Joe is too big and strong. Styles gives Joe a knee, but Joe gives Styles a gordbuster.

Joe watches Styles tumble out of the ring, to then DIVE onto him! Styles hits the announce desk but both men are down. Joe gets up and puts Styles in the ring. Cover, TWO, but Joe is still only annoyed. Joe sits Styles up for a neck wrench, trapping an arm. Styles endures while fans rally up. Joe puts his weight on Styles but Styles gets up and fights out. Styles runs but into a clothesline! Cover, TWO! Joe goes from annoyed to frustrated, so he puts Styles in a chinlock. Styles endures the squeeze, then gets a second wind as fans duel again. Styles stands, pries his way out, and fights back with uppercuts and body shots. Joe hits back and now it’s a brawl with forearms. Styles smacks Joe with a haymaker, then slingshots out onto him with the forearm!

Both men are down, but Styles sits up. Styles puts Joe into the ring at the count of 7. Styles himself gets up at 8, but Joe rocks him with a right of his own! Joe runs again, but meets a kick! Styles returns, ducks to then fire off the Phenomenal Blitz! Styles runs, for the leaping forearm! But he’s not done, he fires up while Joe gets to a corner. Styles runs in, big corner clothesline, then the fireman’s carry. Joe slips off but runs into an elbow. Styles springboards, moonsault DDT! Cover, TWO! Styles keeps his focus as he brings Joe up. He prepares the Clash, but Joe pushes away. Styles gives Joe a forearm, then hoists Joe up top. Styles climbs up to join Joe, but Joe headbutts him down. Joe leaps for a leg lariat! Cover, TWO!

Joe takes his frustrations out on Styles with kicks and knees. He headbutts Styles, then runs, and catches Styles into an atomic drop. Joe adds a boot then the back senton, TWO! Joe glares at Styles, trying to think on what he has to do. Styles fires haymakers, then fireman’s carry. Joe slips off again to give body shots and knees. Joe runs, but into the Ushigoroshi! Styles’ knee takes damage from that move, too, but he powers through it. Fans still duel while both men slowly stand. Styles hobbles over to Joe in a corner, prepares the Clash, but Joe pushes him away. Joe misses in the corner, Styles rocks him, then springboards! Joe ducks under, then gets the powerslam! Cover, TWO!

Joe grins, because he still has more ideas. He fires off strikes, but runs into a crucifix cover. ONE, but Styles mule kicks. Styles wants the Clash, gets Joe up, and gets the Styles Clash! Cover, TWO!! Joe survives, and Styles can’t believe it. Styles and Joe slowly stand, and Styles fires off more forearms. Joe stays on his feet so Styles unloads all kinds of shots. Joe gives palm strikes back, but then gets the PELE! Styles runs but into the urenage! Both men fall down, but fans are fired up. Styles crawls away but Joe pursues. Fans duel loud as ever, as Styles gets Joe in the Calf Crusher! Joe endures but Styles cranks back harder. Joe reaches back to bounce Styles’ head off the mat, and then gets the Coquina Clutch!

Styles is stuck, but he somehow drags himself around. Joe traps an arm, Styles reaches with a leg! The ropebreak saves Styles, but Joe is furious. Joe pumps his arms, he’s going to use THAT. He brings Styles up and onto the top rope. Styles fights back, but Joe Peles Styles to the FLOOR! Joe fetches Styles and puts him into steel steps! Joe climbs onto the tables to get a mic. “Hey Wendy, I made you a promise.” Well, seems Styles isn’t coming home, but Joe will be their new daddy. Styles, blood pouring down, leaps up and tackles Joe INTO THE TIMEKEEPER’S AREA! Styles fires off, full of rage. He even hits staff! And he grabs a chair! He SMACKS Joe!

Winner: Samoa Joe, by disqualification; Styles retains the WWE Championship

Styles won’t stop, he keeps SMACKING Joe! The Phenomenal One is enraged while the fans chant “Who’s Your Daddy?” Referees and security come out, but Styles STILL hits Joe! Styles looks to his wife and daughter, and Wendy tells him that’s enough. Fans want “One More Time!” but Styles walks over to join his family. Annie’s just worried that daddy’s bleeding. He gives his baby girl a kiss before taking his belt. The Styles Family leaves together, but what will be the consequences of going this far?


“Ladies and Gentlemen: Elias.”

The Drifter is in Brooklyn! He sits on the stage, introduces himself, and asks his signature question, “Who Wants to Walk With Elias?” Brooklyn seems into the idea. Elias knows that it’s hard to believe, but he was a child once. Then he grew up to write the greatest album of all time. Elias has a song, “Elias’ Words”, where no matter what he does or says, more people love him every single day. As a man, knowing the world loves you is an incredible feeling. Elias starts the concert off with a new, and perhaps his greatest song yet. That’s saying a lot for a man who puts out nothing but hits.

Elias feels Brooklyn is the perfect place to do it. He dedicates his song to all of New York, because the “filth that normally plagues your ears”, and the harsh reality of being from New York, will all be washed away. Elias is a global phenomenon, so please silence phones, hold applause and shut mouths! “The world is about to be blessed by Elias.” But then hit guitar breaks! Brooklyn says “You Deserve It!” and “You F’d Up!” Elias can’t fix the guitar like this, so all he can do is throw a tantrum. He storms off backstage, his concert cancelled.


The Miz encounters The B-Team backstage.

The team formerly known as The Miztourage are now champions. They’re an example to Daniel Bryan, who could’ve been great if he just followed Miz’s example. Miz will prove he’s better than Bryan when he wins! But for old time’s sake, if they want to fetch his limo, he’s up for it. No this isn’t to wish them luck, B-Team are going to celebrate their win. They’re not the Miztourage, they’re the B Team. And the B stands for Bryan. Miz has his new show, but maybe they’ll be on their show: Total Fellas! But with a B, so it’s Total Bellas! Miz know he wants to, “B-Team! B-Team! Go go go!” Do Bo & Axel know there’s already a show by that name?


Daniel Bryan VS The Miz!

This rivalry has been building for eight years, and has never been more personal and explosive. Will The Goat shut the A-Lister up once and for all? Or is The Miz going to prove us all wrong?

The bell rings, the two circle, and Bryan is ready to punch Miz in the face. Miz backs into a corner to use it as his defense. Fans duel as they circle again. Bryan throws jabs but Miz backs off to a corner again. Miz smirks, because he knwos he’s annoying Bryan. They finally tie up and Bryan gets Miz in a corner. Miz gets a sucker punch in, then fires off punches and kicks. He backs off at 4, and dares Bryan to try punching him now. Miz then kicks Bryan in the corner, parodying the Yes Kicks. He runs corner to corner to copy the dropkick, but Bryan grabs him by the throat. Bryan gives Yes Punches and then the true Yes Kicks! Miz kicks back, puts on a headlock, and throws sucker punches in. Bryan powers out, but Miz runs him over with a shoulder.

Miz runs, but things speed up and Bryan kicks Miz off his feet. Bryan brings Miz up in a headlock for punches of his own now. Bryan brings Miz down in a bulldog, cover, TWO. Miz gets to ropes but Bryan is on him with jabs. Bryan eggs Miz on, then whips. Miz reverses and gives Bryan the kitchen sink knee. Miz stalks Bryan, to now copy the surfboard and Yes fingers. He grabs Bryan’s arms, to continue the surfboard all the way up! But Bryan powers his way out, to then kick Miz’s leg. Bryan goes after a leg, and now he puts Miz in that surfboard! He makes it a cover, TWO! Miz sits up, but gets the Yes Kicks and haymakers. Bryan whips Miz corner to corner, but Miz crotches Bryan up top. Miz then hops up to clothesline Bryan off the top!

Bryan hits his head right on the mat, but Miz won’t let up. He knees Bryan in the back while fans duel. Miz goes to a cravat, showing he knows how to be technical just like Bryan. Bryan endures and powers his way up. Bryan fights back but Miz gives him knees to the head. Miz brings Bryan back down with the cravat, but fans continue to rally. Maryse can be heard in the crowd, “Make him tap!” Miz brings Bryan back up but Bryan fights out. Bryan chops Miz, then chops him again. Bryan swings but ends up in the A-List combo! Cover, TWO!

Miz grins as he walks around Bryan. Miz prepares to punch Bryan in the face, and gives Bryan haymakers. Bryan fires up with each hit, but then staggers from the next one. Miz keeps on Bryan, and has him in a corner. He fires off more but backs off at 3 to again mock the Yes fingers. Miz throws another punch, but Bryan gives back his own! Bryan whips but Miz reverses. Bryan goes up and over, speeds up and hits a leaping lariat! Miz gets to a corner while Bryan fires up more. Fans duel while Bryan takes aim. Bryan runs into the corner, for his corner dropkick! And another! Then he gives more Yes Kicks before putting Miz up top. Bryan climbs up, for a SUPER STEINER! Cover, TWO!

Bryan waits for Miz to stand to give him more chops and kicks. He whips Miz but Miz kicks him away. Miz runs but Bryan tosses him out! Bryan builds speed, to hit a wrecking ball dropkick! Miz bounces off an announce desk, but Bryan climbs up to LEAP! Bryan wipes Miz out, but he’s far from done. He rains down rights, then puts Miz back in. Bryan goes to a corner and climbs up again. But Miz stops him! Miz throws more hands, then climbs up to give more punches. Miz wants to copy this move, too, but Bryan slips down to trip Miz up. Bryan has Miz in the Tree of Woe, for even more Yes Kicks! He runs corner to corner, for the basement dropkick. Then Bryan sits Miz up, climbs up, and gives Miz a SUPER BACK SUPLEX!

Both men are down but fans are fired up. Bryan crawls over to cover, TWO! Miz survives, but Bryan has more to give. Bryan waits for Miz to sit up again, and we get another round of Yes Kicks! Kick after kick after kick, but Miz ducks the buzzsaw. Miz kicks low, DDT, cover, TWO! Miz sees his chest, red with welts. He uses this as fuel for his “It Kicks”! Kick after kick after kick, but Bryan grows stronger, and leans into them! Bryan blocks to then SLAP AND SLAP Miz! Dragon Screw! Bryan hits the buzzsaw!

Miz is down, but Bryan doesn’t cover. Bryan starts up another “YES! YES!” chant, then runs at Miz. Miz blocks the knee, into the Figure Four, but Bryan makes that a takedown. Miz resists, catapults, Skull Crushing Finale! TWO!! Maryse is just as shocked as Miz! Miz gets to a corner while Bryan crawls to the other end. Miz glares at Bryan and again parodies “YES! YES!” He runs at Bryan, but gets a roundhouse! Bryan covers, TWO! Miz rolls to the apron but Bryan is on him. Bryan brings Miz up but Miz hits low. Miz prepares to suplex but Bryan resists. Bryan joins Miz on the apron and fires away with punches and kicks. He runs but Miz ducks, that kick goes into the post! Miz grabs the leg, for the Figure Four! Bryan endures this borrowed but legendary hold.

Fans rally up and Bryan feeds off it. Miz denies the roll over, so Bryan sits up to punch Miz. Miz hits back, and it’s a Figure Four fist fight! Bryan gets the edge, and then the roll over! Now Miz endures the pressure, but he drags himself towards ropes. He gets the ropebreak! Bryan and Miz separate, and both men clutch their legs. Fans rally up again, but it’s Miz who stands. Miz hobbles over and throws another haymaker. Bryan manages to stand and give a haymaker back. Now they brawl back and forth, but Bryan fires off. Miz trise another Finale but Bryan rolls him up, TWO! Another try, but now Bryan tries. Miz slips down but Bryan backs up to kick him. Bryan rolls Miz, TWO, so Bryan goes after the arms.

Bryan drives in Yes Elbows into Miz’s neck! Then, the Yes LOCK! Miz endures while going around in a circle. He drags himself towards ropes but Bryan fires punches to the back of his head. Miz reaches more, and somehow gets a ropebreak. Bryan lets go and Miz rolls out. Bryan gets on the apron while Miz stands, leaping knee! Miz is sent to where Maryse is. Maryse tries to help him, but Bryan gives him a dropkick! Maryse yells at Bryan while he puts Miz in the ring. Miz rolls back out of the ring, but Bryan builds speed to hit another wrecking ball dropkick. Bryan keeps going, but runs into Miz’s brass knuckles?! Miz hands those off to Maryse, covers, Miz wins!!

Winner: The Miz, by pinfall

The A-Lister got a secret assist from Mrs. A-Lister! Miz may not be soft, but he’s still a cheater. Miz gets away with it tonight, but will he get away with it forever?


Finn Balor VS Baron Corbin!

The Extraordinary Man does extraordinary things, but he still can’t get the Constable to think of him as anything but too small and too weak. Will that all change when Balor Club comes to Brooklyn?

Or perhaps, THE DEMON can! Yes, Finn has unlocked his dark side once again! Will Balor get the Lone Wolf off his back once and for all?

Corbin already seems wary around Balor, he even wants to change this. This is not what he agreed to! The bell rings, Balor blasts Corbin with a dropkick! Then he hits a slingblade! Balor clotheslines Corbin out, to then FLY! The Demon takes out Corbin, then puts him in the ring. Corbin bails out the other side, but Balor pursues, to hit another slingblade! Balor blasts Corbin again, then puts him into the ring. Balor then swing kicks Corbin back. The Demon climbs high, and hits a standing double stomps. Corbin is reeling but the fans are loving this. Balor blasts Corbin gain, then climbs up again. COUP DE GRACE! Cover, Balor wins!

Winner: Finn Balor, by pinfall

The Demon dominates the Constable! Will #DemonBalorClub rise up and finally get back to some gold?


Brie Bella checks on Bryan backstage.

He’s obviously upset over the loss. Bryan needed that win, and losing to Miz like that just proves Miz right! Bryan’s fought for three years, but not to let Miz win that way. Brie says that in the end, Miz won’t win. Bryan’s passion and persistence got him back in, and those same qualities will help him. He has his first dream of getting back in, but the fight’s not over. Brie wants to stay, but Bryan says she should go enjoy the show. He’ll vent, she’ll watch. She agrees, but what does Bryan need to get back at The Miz?


WWE United States Championship: Shinsuke Nakamura VS Jeff Hardy!

The King of Strong Style is only champion because he tricked the referee and gave the Charismatic Enigma a low blow uppercut. Hardy would’ve gone for this rematch sooner, if not for The Viper adding insult to injury, and then some injury to insult. Randy Orton couldn’t keep Hardy from the contractual obligation, but will Orton stay out of this match long enough for it to finish on its own?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we begin. Fans still sing along with Nakamura’s song while he and Hardy circle. Nakamura gives test kicks, but then they tie up. Nakamura gets a swift kick, but it was more a toying tap. Hardy lunges but Nakamura ducks to walk it off. Hardy says DELETE, but Nakamura says, “C’MON!” Nakamura gets Hardy with the knee and snapmare, but misses the stomp. Hardy copies Nakamura now, and says “C’MON!” Nakamura runs into a knee now, then is put in a corner. Hardy gives Nakamura buckle bumps on all four corners, then a fifth. He jumps but gets a knee, and then Nakamura puts him in a half-nelson.

Fans rally up and Hardy gets up. Hardy jawbreakers this time, then clubs away on Nakamura. He whips but Nakamura slides out. Hardy slides out, but Nakamura dodges to slide kick Hardy down! Nakamura puts Hardy on the apron, for the running knee. Then Nakamura drops the guillotine knee! Hardy slumps to the floor, but Nakamura brings him back up and in. Nakamura covers, TWO, and Nakamura grows annoyed. He sits Hardy up for a keylock and chinbar. Fans rally again while Hardy endures. Nakamura thrashes Hardy around, but Hardy keeps fighting. Hardy gets up again, fights out but Nakamura knees and elbows him down. Nakamura gives a strike fest, then whips. Hardy holds ropes, then back elbows. Hardy rocks Nakamura with a right, then boots him.

They speed up, Hardy slingblades Nakamura down! Nakamura rolls while clutching his neck. Hardy hears the fans chant “Brother Nero!” and claps along. He gets up and blocks Nakamura’s punches to give punches. He whips but Nakamura reverses only to get the clothesline. Hardy atomic drops and leg-splitting leg drops. Dropkick, too, and a cover, TWO! Hardy brings Nakamura up, whips again, but Nakamura reverses again. Nakamura swings the right but gets the left heel kick. He scrapes his boot on Hardy against the ropes, then drags Hardy up. Nakamura goes for the inverted exploder but Hardy fights out. Hardy wants the Twist but is denied. Hardy dodges in the corner, then gives a clothesline. Hardyac Arrest is denied, but so is Nakamura’s Top Shelf Knee!

Nakamura runs into a back elbow, then Hardy hits Whisper in the Wind! Cover, TWO! Hardy hurries back up, but Nakamura kicks him down. Nakamura gives Hardy the Top Shelf Knee! Then a sliding knee! Cover, TWO! Nakamura sits Hardy up for knees to the ribs and shoulders. Nakamura then backs off, fires himself up, and takes aim, “YEAOH!” But he runs into a kick. He wants the low blow, but nope! Hardy dropkicks Nakamura down, then fires up for his own finish. He drags Nakamura up, Twist of Fate! Hardy climbs, SWANTON BOMB! Cover, ropebreak! Nakamura survives thanks to the boundaries, but Hardy stays on him. Another Twist of Fate, then the shirt comes off.

Hardy climbs again, but Nakamura drags himself to the apron. That doesn’t stop Hardy, APRON SWANTON! But Nakamura gets out of the way!! Hardy hits nothing but apron edge! Nakamura gets the dead weight Hardy up and in, for an ax kick. But he won’t end it there, as he takes aim again. KINSHASA! Cover, Nakamura wins!

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura, by pinfall; still WWE United States Champion

The King of Strong Style does it fair and square this time, though not by choice. He takes advantage of Hardy going for broke, and now Hardy goes to the back of the line. Who will step up to the Rockstar next?

But here comes Randy Orton!

The Apex Predator has vowed to erase the superstars the WWE Universe put above him. Nakamura leaves the ring, so Hardy is all alone. Orton fires up to go after Hardy, but then backs off? Does Orton not see the need to hunt Hardy anymore?


Raw Women’s Championship: Alexa Bliss VS Ronda Rousey!

The Baddest Woman on the Planet has already done so much, from being an Olympic Gold Medalist to a Hall of Fame UFC career. She even had her debut at Wrestlemania, and a Raw Women’s Championship at Money in the Bank. However, not even Ronda could stop The Goddess in the Bank from cashing in and taking that title for her own. Ronda’s rage got her in trouble, but she served her time. Now that she’s back and getting revenge on Alexa, will this be Ronda’s time to reign?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we begin. Ronda approaches but Alexa hides behind the ropes. Alexa smirks as Ronda has to back off. They circle, but then Alexa uses the ropes for safety again. Ronda gets annoyed already, but she pushes through the ref to get at Alexa. Alexa tries a sucker punch, but she just gets a punch for it. Alexa flops out of the ring, but Ronda dares her to get back in. The ref counts and Alexa staggers, but she gets back in. Ronda rushes her and Alexa runs away. Fans boo frightened Five Foot Fury. Ronda wants Alexa to come back, so she offers a free shot. She even turns around and closes her eye. Alexa isn’t sure about this, but she rushes in anyway.

Alexa wraps on a chinlock, but Ronda isn’t even bothered by it. Ronda stands up, pries her way out, and then pops Alexa up into the Rowdy Slam! Alexa rolls away again, but Ronda wants to see Alexa prove she’s worthy. Alexa doesn’t want to prove it, she runs away! Ronda chases, but then runs into a sucker kick. Alexa’s wicked right, does nothing! Ronda blocks the kick, then flips Alexa over! Ronda throws furious hands in a corner, then reels Alexa in for judo throws! She throws Alexa over and over, then gives her one more Rowdy Slam! Fans fire up, they’re loving Ronda ripping into Alexa.

Ronda grabs Alexa’s arm, yanks her around, and asks, “Should I break it?” “YES!” Ronda wants Alexa to apologize first, but Alexa doesn’t. “Wrong answer!” She pops Alexa’s arm!! Alexa screams and screams, but Ronda keeps the torture up for THE armbar! Alexa taps, Ronda wins!!

Winner: Ronda Rousey, by submission; NEW Raw Women’s Champion

Of course Ronda won! She’s the first woman to be a UFC and WWE Women’s Champion! And from the look on her face, it’s clear Ronda is living the dream all over again. Ronda doesn’t celebrate alone, she invites Natalya into the ring! She and the Queen of Harts, good friends from training together, raise their hands together. The Bella Twins even join in! Nikki, Brie, Natty and Ronda all raise their hands, celebrating the victory and the Women’s (R)Evolution. Ronda goes to her husband in the front row to celebrate with him, too!  If she’s champion this fast and this dominant, how long will Ronda’s already historic reign last?


WWE Universal Championship: Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman VS Roman Reigns!

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” The Advocate of the reigning, defending (defending! defending!), undisputed Beast pulled off the most convincing act of his career when he made us all think Lesnar had turned on him. But while Heyman denies it, did client and manager only do it because they are worried The Big Dog will finally find a way to win? Or will history repeat itself for the fifth time in the form of The Conqueror continuing his reign?

The belt is raised and- “BRAUN!!” Yes, the Monster in the Bank is headed to the ring! He’s got his briefcase, and he grabs a mic. The fans are anticipating what’s coming, and chant “GET THESE HANDS!” and “YES! YES!” Heyman is freaking out, but “everybody knows the history of the MITB contract, and I refuse to be a coward.” Strowman won’t cash in when the target isn’t ready, he does things face to face! “So good luck to you, Roman. And good luck to you, too, Beastie Boy.” Strowman and Lesnar stare down, but Strowman lets them all know, “one of you two is gonna Get These Hands!” The mother of all ultimatums has been issued and the stakes are raised. Who will have to win twice to stay Universal Champion?

The bell rings, SUPERMAN PUNCH! SUPERMAN PUNCH! Lesnar is reeling, and he gets a third SUPERMAN PUNCH! Then the SPEAR!! Another SPEAR! Roman is all fired up, as he hits a third Spear! But into a guillotine!? Lesnar squeezes Roman but Roman works to make it a cover. Roman endures, powers his way up to his feet, and body slams Lesnar! Both men are down, and the only person who doesn’t like this is Heyman.

Lesnar suddenly grabs Roman again! Roman flails, but he’s in the guillotine again. Heyman shouts that Roman should just tap now. Roman powers his way up while fans duel. He gives Lesnar another slam! They’re both down again, gasping for air. Heyman coaches Lesnar up, and the gloves literally come off. Lesnar and Roman both stand, but Roman runs into a German Suplex! Suplex City begins as Lesnar throws Roman again! Lesnar gets mad now, as he looms over Roman. He grabs Roman again for a third German! Lesnar smirks at Strowman, but fans say “You Both Suck!” Roman slowly stirs, but Lesnar is on him again. Lesnar fireman’s carry, but Roman slips out. He shoves Lesnar, then runs, but Lesnar sends that Spear DIVING out onto Strowman!

The Big Dog wipes out the Monster, but the Beast grabs Strowman for an F5! Lesnar grins as he goes over to Roman. He drags Roman up and into the ring. Lesnar grabs the MITB briefcase, but Strowman grabs Lesnar’s ankle. So Lesnar SMACKS Strowman with the briefcase! The referee reprimands Lesnar, but Lesnar throws the briefcase at the stage. The case smacks LEDs and breaks them, but then Lesnar grabs a chair and SMACKS Strowman! Lesnar leaves Strowman writhing, then goes back to Roman. Roman SPEARS Lesnar! Cover, Roman wins!!

Winner: Roman Reigns, by pinfall; NEW WWE Universal Champion

Has Hell frozen over!? Because Roman just beat Lesnar! He has the title he feels should’ve been his since the controversial Cage match in Saudi Arabia, and Heyman has to eat his words! Roman finally gets what he wanted, will he live up to his word of being the full-time champion the WWE deserves?



My Thoughts:

All things considered, that was actually a good Summerslam. The status quo was maintained for most of it, not all of the finishes were satisfactory, and some of the match order was confusing, but it somehow kept itself from being awful. The kickoff matches were fun, but I had only guessed the Cruiserweight Championship correctly. Though Rusev & Lana lost, at least now it wasn’t English’s fault. Maybe they’ll forgive him now and Team Rusev Day will be fully united. And as crazy as title changes would’ve been for this, it was still the Kickoff so nothing surprising is happening.

The IC Championship was a great opener, the best match Rollins and Ziggler have had against each other, mostly because McIntyre and Ambrose didn’t interfere. I thought Ambrose was gonna turn for a second, but turns out not. The Bludgeon Brothers VS New Day was great, but could’ve been amazing if not for that DQ finish. This is Summerslam, if anyone was going to take the titles from Harper & Rowan, it should’ve happened here. Then the rematch could be Hell in a Cell, in the Cell, and then whatever happens happens. I was really surprised to see Strowman win that way, I thought Kevin was going to throw all the tricks at him first. Still glad Strowman won, but this seemed too easy even for him.

To my surprise, Carmella loses. But given that she did, Charlotte being the one winning wasn’t a surprise. Then Becky turning here was another surprise. It throws my WWE Evolution plans out the window, but maybe that will lead us to Becky VS Charlotte at Evolution once Charlotte retains against Carmella. And then things can steer themselves back to Four Horsewomen VS Four Horsewomen. Then my complaint for Styles VS Joe was that it was next and not one of the three final matches. Styles snapping for the DQ was actually okay, because Joe really upped the Heel with what he was saying right to Wendy in front of the whole world. I would love if they had the rematch at HiaC in the Cell, it’ll really allow them to up the aggression without it being a DQ.

Bryan VS Miz was amazing, and I really should’ve expected Miz to resort to cheating like he always has. Miz VS Bryan could be another candidate for a Cell match. Demon Balor’s return was not expected, but greatly accepted, and Corbin did a great job selling being afraid and upset. If Nakamura was retaining and Orton was not going to beat up Hardy, this really should’ve swapped places with Styles VS Joe. Other than that, it was still good, and I’m pretty sure Orton VS Hardy is another possible choice for a Cell match. As for Nakamura, I can’t be sure of a Face opponent for him right now with everyone else still attached to something else.

Obviously Ronda was gonna win! But that’s not a bad thing. She did great getting on Alexa for being the cowardly Heel, and then she just rips Alexa apart like she should have. Ronda is what WWE wishes someone like Roman was by now: a badass who fans love. And for those who don’t, what is your reason? She’s been doing great in her short time here, so if the reason is that it’s too soon, you’re wrong. There’s still the rematch anyway, but with WWE already giving us Alexa VS Trish, I feel like that’s them saying Alexa won’t get it back before Evolution. Ronda has all sorts of options until Evolution, but I’m looking forward to what she has to say on tomorrow’s Raw.

Then came the part I was really worried about, as was everyone: Lesnar VS Reigns, again. I loved that Strowman came out to give everyone fair warning, but then it became an unofficial Triple Threat anyway with Lesnar beating the crap out of him. At the same time, Strowman distracting Lesnar was the only reason Roman won, but maybe we can finally get past this story arc Vince is insisting on for Roman. Lesnar has a rematch coming his way but he has his UFC fight to worry about, too. Strowman has the contract, so maybe Roman goes out tomorrow on Raw and we get that cash-in we were promised from tonight. I’d love it, because I know Brooklyn will explode if it happens and Strowman wins. They’d still explode if Roman won, but in a bad way. Which makes me worry now.

My Score: 8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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