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Mitchell’s WWE Hell in a Cell Results & Report! (9/16/18)



WWE Hell in a Cell 2018

WWE plunges its best down to the depths of Hell, in a Cell! Will the Big Dog retain his title against The Monster Among Men? Or will he GET THESE HANDS!?



  • Kickoff Match: SmackDown Tag Team Championships: The New Day VS Rusev Day; The New Day wins and retains the SmackDown Tag Team Championships.
  • Hell in a Cell Match: Jeff Hardy VS Randy Orton; Orton wins.
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship: Charlotte Flair & Becky Lynch; Lynch wins and becomes the new SmackDown Women’s Champion.
  • Raw Tag Team Championships: Drew McIntyre & Dolph Ziggler VS Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose; McIntyre & Ziggler win and retain the Raw Tag Team Championships.
  • WWE Championship: AJ Styles VS Samoa Joe; Styles wins and retains the WWE Championship.
  • Mixed Tag Match: Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella VS The Miz & Maryse; Miz & Maryse win.
  • Raw Women’s Championship: Ronda Rousey w/ Natalya VS Alexa Bliss w/ Mickie James & Alicia Fox; Rousey wins and retains the Raw Women’s Championship.
  • WWE Universal Championship Hell in a Cell Match: Roman Reigns VS Braun Strowman, Mick Foley as special guest referee; Called by Referee’s Decision, Roman Reigns retains the WWE Universal Championship.


It’s time for the WWE Hell in a Cell Kickoff show!

Jonathan Coachman, Booker T, Peter Rosenburg and SmackDown Glampire in Chief Paige are your panel! Join them in preparing for one of the most sinister nights in the WWE calendar.


Backstage interview with Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose.

Two thirds of the Shield compete for the Raw Tag Team Championships to settle at least part of the war between them and Braun Strowman’s pack. But as far as the challengers are concerned, nothing changes even if The Shield loses. The Shield could become a completely golden faction, because they are the workhorses of Raw. Tonight, they prove it. Will the Intercontinental Champion and his Lunatic Fringe friend swipe gold away from the Show-Off and the Scottish Psycho?


Paige has breaking news!

The Hell in a Cell PPV’s main show opens WITH Hell in a Cell itself! The Viper and the Charismatic Enigma will start us off with their ultimate grudge match! What will Randy Orton and Jeff Hardy do to each other? Or rather, what won’t they do!?


Alexa Bliss is interviewed via video.

The Goddess has since heard Ronda Rousey’s words that “Even on my worst day, I’m still the best.” Her response is that Ronda has the biggest ego in the world. Ronda probably thinks she’s the best at everything, from eating breakfast to exercising to breathing. But Alexa is not intimidated, she’s taking her title back to be a six-time champion. But does her Summerslam squash change her mind? Well all her “fans” who think their opinions matter feel the same way, but this isn’t Summerslam anymore. Ronda isn’t 100%, but she’ll deny it all she wants.

Paige wonders then, how does Alexa plan on winning? Alexa says that for starters, the SmackDown GM can’t really talk about the Raw Women’s Championship. Then secondly, Ronda is hurt, and that was Alexa’s doing. It’s simple: headlines will read, “In her first title defense, Ronda Rousey fails.” And before David Otunga can say a word, Alexa leaves the interview. Will Alexa’s own ego cost her in her rematch? Or will she pounce on a wounded Ronda to get an incredible upset?


Kickoff Match: SmackDown Tag Team Championships: The New Day VS Rusev Day!

Awww~ San Antonio! Don’t you dare be sour, clap for the Five-Time champs, and feel~, the power~! The pancake producing trio of positivity bring the fun, and before the match, they say it’s “that time of year once again.” Kids are in school, the leaves are falling, and Big E loves foliage. But most importantly, it’s pumpkin spice latte season, BABYYY~! Which means ya bois are once again, for the fourth time in a row, defending their W, W, E, world tag team championships~ at Hell in a Cell! Fans like the sound of that. But this time, it’s not against just any old team, oh no~. It’s going to be against… “Who? Who?” Rusev Daaaaaay~! Fans really like the sound of that. In honor of such a holiday, here’s a little diddy.

But wait, here’s MC Artiste himself to sing a proper introduction. Though Big E, Woods and Kofi challenge him to a quick throat clearing contest. “Well let the Shakespeare of Song soothe all your ears, while these fools with their flapjacks bore you to tears~!” He insulted the pancakes!! But the New Day will cry “when the belts go home with the Brute and I”, then the new champs will be– New Day~! NO! Rusev DAAAAAAAY~! Whose day will it be when this match is over?

The belts are raised and the teams sort out. We start with English and Kofi at the bell, and they tie up. English powers Kofi to a corner, then throws body shots while fans chant “Rusev Day!” English whips corner to corner then monkey flips but Kofi lands on his feet! Kofi then leaps at English for double stomps! Cover, ONE, and English gets to his corner. Tag to Rusev and fans fire up again. Rusev and Kofi tie up, but Kofi kicks away. Rusev stops that and powers Kofi to a corner to throw in shoulders. He whips Kofi corner to corner but Kofi goes up and over. Kofi speeds things up to springboard, only to get caught! Rusev has Kofi on the ropes as he knees away at the ribs! Then Rusev throws Kofi with a Fall Away Slam! Cover, ONE!.

We go picture in picture while the Bulgarian Lion stalks and stomps Kofi. Tag to English and he adds stomps. English throws hands in the corner, then tags Rusev back in. Team Rusev Day work together on the corner back elbow and feed to the clothesline. Cover, TWO, but Rusev again keeps between Kofi and Big E. We return to single picture as Rusev barrels Kofi in a facelock. Kofi endures as he tries to find a way out. Fans rally up with “New! Day Rocks!” Kofi fights out but Rusev shoves him away. Rusev throws haymakers, then hoists Kofi up top. Rusev throws more hands, then climbs up. Kofi fights back and sends Rusev down. Kofi jumps for the DDT! Both men are down but on opposite sides of the ring. They both crawl, hot tags to English and Big E!

Big E throws English all around with belly2belly suplexes! He swivels them hips and runs, for the Big Splash! Big E rallies fans up again as he stalks English. English gets to his corner, elbows E and tags Rusev. Rusev rallies with lariats and a roundhouse! Big E gets to a corner, to get a big shoulder, and then the running heel kick! Kofi slips in but is back dropped back out! Big E gets up but gets another roundhouse! Cover, TWO! Rusev Day knows they’re close, and Rusev fires himself back up as the fans join in. Rusev stomps the mat as he stalks Big E. Machka Kick misses, but he gets Big E in a chicken wing! Big E slips out and shoves Rusev. Rusev runs but misses, English tags in. Big E SPEARS Rusev out! But then English FLIES!

English wipes E out, then puts him back in. Artiste’s DDT! Cover, TWO!! That was so close! English hurries back up, then up to the top rope. He aims, leaps, but has to bail out of his senton. He misses in the corner, Kofi tags in, and the New Day combine for a double stomp bomb! Cover, TWO!! The Drama King survives! Kofi gets up and calls for his own finish. English stands, but ducks the Trouble in Paradise to fireman’s carry. Kofi slips out but Rusev tags in, to carry Kofi all the way to ropes. Kofi manages to headscissor Rusev out of the ring, then penalty kick English from the apron. Rusev Day regroups while Kofi and Big E work together, to FLY!! Into a MACHKA KICK! Artiste’s DDT on the apron!!

Rusev drags Kofi up and in, and fans are thunderous! English tags in?! Rusev still goes up top, but misses his headbutt! English leaps but his his frog splash! TWO!! They were so close again, and Lana is about to explode at ringside. English can’t tag out to Rusev, so it’s up to him to do this. English, CRUSH! Artist’s Accolade!! Kofi endures this copied hold, but Big E runs in, to MACHKA KICK!! Kofi pops an arm out, then slings English to ropes. Rusev runs in but is sent back out. English runs into Trouble in Paradise! Big E anchors Rusev, New Day wins!

Winners: The New Day, by pinfall; still SmackDown Tag Team Champions

The Brute and the Artiste were just finger tips away from the best Rusev Day ever. But now, it’s one of the worst, as The New Day win the day. Will Rusev & English ever get it right? Or will New Day continue to win day after day?


Backstage interview with Mick Foley!

The hardcore legend is being a guest referee for the Universal Championship’s Hell in a Cell Match. This is an emotional night for him, he got a chill down his spine from seeing the Cell again. Foley has had nightmares thinking back to his infamous Cell match, but that’s the past. Tonight is about Strowman VS Roman tearing each other apart. Baron Corbin comes in and welcomes Foley to the Constable’s first PPV as the boss. Corbin has Stephanie’s blessing to allow Foley to referee tonight’s title match. Foley looks the part, mostly. And he’s early! Great enthusiasm. Yes, and Foley has some pointers as a former GM. Corbin appreciates that but he’s got this. He’ll let tonight speak for itself. If that’s how Corbin wants it… Will Foley do his best as guest ref and be impartial? Will Corbin really impress with his half of tonight’s PPV?


Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

“There is something inside us all. Something that scares us. Tortures us. And begs to be free.” Those things? “Our demons.” Greed corrupted a friendship. Envy made rivals into enemies, and a Viper target a hero. Wrath has made a Goddess and a Gladiator go to war. Pride has made a Destroyer willing to destroy a friendship. And above all, a hound of justice and a Monster Among Men want to stand atop the entire kingdom. “There is no turning back.” Surrender to your dark side and let it take over. “Welcome to Hell in a Cell.”


Hell in a Cell Match: Jeff Hardy VS Randy Orton!

The Legend Killer has transformed himself into the Eraser of Heroes, as he vows to make the WWE Universe forget all about those we’ve cheered more for than him. But the Charismatic Enigma will never let himself be forgotten nor intimidated. Will Hardy prove he’s #Immune2Fear in his most desired match type ever? Or will Orton use the three most dangerous letters in pro-wrestling to make Hardy OBSOLETE?

Both Hardy and Orton are ready to tear into each other even before the bell, as they glare at each other through the blood red chainlink fencing. Hardy takes a moment to admire the sadistic structure, as this is his first ever time in such a match. He wants to enjoy every second of it, even as he faces potential torture at the hands of his opponent. The bell rings, and we begin!

hardy rushes Orton right away and throws hands and shoulders in a corner. Orton hits back and clubs Hardy down. Orton goes to suplex but Hardy slips away, so Orton gives him a European Uppercut. Hardy tumbles to the apron and Orton hotshots him, to then blast him off into the red steel! Orton stalks Hardy and drags him up by his hair, to put him into the steel again. Hardy blocks that but Orton clubs him again. Orton tries again but Hardy still fights him off. Hardy sends Orton into steel then into LED post, then into the apron. Hardy keeps pinballing Orton around the small corridor, then goes searching under the ring. He finds a table! He has to carefully take it out inside that narrow way.

Orton grabs it from the other end and it’s a tug-o-war. They abandon the table and run at each other, but Orton runs Hardy over with a lariat! Orton drags Hardy up and into the ring, and Orton positions the table. But Hardy dropkicks it into Orton! Orton goes down with pain in his ribs, and he crawls away while Hardy recovers. Hardy and Orton go looking for more items, and while Orton finds chairs, Hardy finds a ladder! Hardy brings the ladder around, and rams Orton with it before Orton can use his chair. He keeps on Orton with that ladder, and then adjusts. But Orton SMACKS back with the chair! Orton hobbles over to grab Hardy’s hair and throw him into the steel. Orton EuroUppers Hardy up against the red frame, then goes back for the chair. He sits it up and then brings Hardy over.

Orton wants an RKO on the chair but Hardy denies him. Then Hardy uses the chair for Poetry in Motion! The attack is a bit double edged as both men bounce off steel and floor. Hardy stands and fans chant “DELETE! DELETE!” with him as he clubs Orton. Hardy clears out some space and puts Orton back in the ring. Orton staggers and Hardy kicks, but then spin kicks Orton to a corner. The Hardyac Arrest hits! Cover, TWO! Hardy positions Orton with a splash, then heads up to the top rope. Orton stops him with haymakers! Orton climbs up, prepares and hits the SUPERPLEX! But those bad ribs keep him from covering right away, TWO! Hardy narrowly survives but both men are hurting now. Fans rally up for Hardy as he gets to the other corner. Hardy drags himself up but Orton follows.

Orton runs in, but into a back elbow. Hardy goes up, Whisper in the Wind hits! Cover, TWO! The referee clears some room by getting the table out. Fans boo but Hardy goes for another ladder! Hardy props the ladder up upside-down, and brings Orton over. He clubs away on Orton’s back, to then position a suplex. Orton resists, knees low, then gordbusters Hardy into his own trap! The referee checks on Hardy, and somehow Hardy can continue. Orton puts Hardy in, covers, TWO! Orton likes that, because it means he can continue to brutalize him. Which is why he grabs another chair from under the ring. Orton aims and SMACKS Hardy on the back again!

Fans duel as some enjoy this violence. Orton SMACKS Hardy again! Orton tears Hardy’s shirt away, to SMACK bare skin with the steel! He even uses Hardy’s own studded belt to lash Hardy! Cover, TWO! Orton tears away at Hardy’s shirt while scrapping his laces on Hardy’s face. Fans rally for Hardy while Orton brings over the other ladder. Orton opens it up sideways, and puts Hardy between it.Fans anticipate what’s coming, and Orton puts Hardy throw a rung to make the ladder into a vice! Orton stomps Hardy’s limps, then covers. TWO, but that only means Orton gets to hurt Hardy more. Orton puts Hardy in a chinlock while fans rally up again. Hardy feeds off that energy to get back up, run around, and fight out of the hold. Hardy whips but Orton reverses, but Hardy rallies! Atomic drop to leg-splitting leg drop! And dropkick added, cover, TWO!

Hardy is both frustrated and sore, but he won’t stop. He calls to “DELETE! DELETE!” while Orton stands up. Hardy kicks, but Orton denies the Twist to hit the powerslam! Cover, TWO! Orton tries again, TWO! Orton keeps his cool while he goes back out. He pulls out a toolbox?! There are so many options, but he wants the screwdriver. Not since Orton’s mentor Triple H did this to Ric Flair have we seen a screwdriver used this way. But instead of going after the forehead, Orton wants the ear gauge hole!! Orton pulls on the ear lobe, twists the ear lobe 180 degrees, and then a full 360! Hardy screams, fans grow sick, but Orton seems to enjoy it. Hardy gets up, and low blows Orton! It’s all legal in the Cell, and it saves Hardy’s ear lobe.

Hardy goes back to Orton with his belt, and lashes Orton all over! Then he grabs the chair, to SMACK Orton on the back. SMACK, SMACK and SMACK! Orton is bleeding from the back as Hardy keeps attacking the cuts his belt made. Cover, TWO! Hardy has a wild look in his eyes as he climbs up top. But Orton trips him up with a bump of the ropes. Hardy rolls to an apron, but Orton drags him back up. Orton drags Hardy through the ropes, for the draping DDT! It was double edged from the damage Orton has taken to his own back. Orton stands, and he soaks in all the heat and sound from the crowd. The Viper then hears those voices in his head as he stalks Hardy again.

Orton wants to end this, and Hardy stands, but Hardy denies the RKO to hit the Twist of Fate! But Hardy won’t finish it here, he wants to use that already beat up chair. Hardy sets it on top of Orton, then climbs up top, for a SWANTON BOMB! The chair in between, cover, TWO!? Orton shocks everyone, especially Hardy, by surviving. But San Antonio knows “This is Awesome!” Hardy hurries to figure something else out while Orton now bleeds from a cut on his thigh. Hardy has a new ladder! It’s the tallest so far, but Hardy isn’t done. Hardy finds a table and brings it in.

Fans fire up as Hardy sets both ladder and table up. Hardy also adds one of the smaller ladders to the equation, so that it is shorter ladder, taller ladder, and table. Orton stands but Hardy is right on him with another Twist of Fate! Hardy puts Orton on the table and keeps him there with right hands. Fans fire up again as Hardy climbs the smaller ladder. Hardy uses that ladder to help leap up to the taller ladder, then he climbs the cell ceiling like monkey bars! He swings, but Orton gets out of the way! Only Hardy crashes through the table!! San Antonio loses their minds while the referee calls for the EMT! But Orton wants to finish this with a pin! The referee is reluctant, but counts. Orton wins!

Winner: Randy Orton, by pinfall

The Cell rises while Orton stands tall, but Hardy needs a stretcher. EMTs arrive and puts Hardy on the back board while everyone just tries to register what happened. The Viper won, but has he also erased the Enigma once and for all?


Backstage interview with AJ Styles!

The Phenomenal WWE Champion needs to stay focused against Samoa Joe, even after everything eh’s said about the Styles Family. Joe wants to talk about Styles’ wife, his daughter, so Styles is laser focused. Styles won’t talk, he’ll fight. He’ll walk in WWE Champion, rip Joe’s heart from his chest, then walk back out WWE Champion. Because this is still the House that AJ Styles Built! Will that be so? Or will Joe introduce Styles to his own personal Hell?


SmackDown Women’s Championship: Charlotte Flair & Becky Lynch!

Summerslam saw a Triple Threat for this title pit friend against friend against foe, but it was the Queen who took advantage of the Lass Kicker. While Charlotte was in the right because of the rules, Becky feels she was in the wrong because of what was right. Becky is sick and tired of being in Charlotte’s shadow, but Charlotte says only Becky sees herself that way. Who will prove themselves the most deserving, and more importantly, the BEST woman of the Blue Brand?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised and the bell rings. San Antonio are behind Straight Fire Becky Lynch as she circles with Charlotte. They tie up and Becky gets a waistlock. She gets the takedown, then floats to a facelock. She holds on as Charlotte rolls both ways. Charlotte works her way back up and reverses to her own waistlock takedown. Now Charlotte holds on while Becky rolls around. Becky slips out to get the facelock back but Charlote gets a leg takedown. Becky shoves her away and fans enjoy this even exchange. The two frenemies circle, Charlotte gets another takedown, but Becky counters to a hammerlock. Becky shifts to a headlock, but Charlotte powers out. Becky runs Charlotte over, then runs. Things speed up and Charlotte gets Becky in another takedown. Charlotte goes for the Figure Four, but Becky wants to Disarm-her!

They both roll around and Becky gets a keylock. Charlotte pushes but Becky bends her back to a cover. TWO as Charlotte kips up and arm-drags. Charlotte gets the legs to tweak the knee. Charlotte goes after a simple toehold and knee wrench. Becky fights back with a chinlock and they roll again. Fans rally up while Charlotte holds onto the leg. Becky uses her free leg to kick Charlotte away, but Charlotte high stacks. TWO and Becky kicks Charlotte. Becky grabs hair to put Charlotte in a corner. She backs off at 4, but then misses to get shoulders to the stomach. Charlotte backs off but then hits buckles as Becky dodges. Becky jump kicks Charlotte down! Then apron firearms her down more! Fans fire up as Becky puts Charlotte back in. Cover, TWO, but Becky keeps her cool.

Becky wrenches the arm and wrings Charlotte out. She keeps on the arms with a hammerlock on one and a YANK of the other! Cover, TWO! Charlotte gets herself to a corner but Becky is right on her. Becky wraps an arm around a rope but backs off at 4. Becky kicks Charlotte more, then whips corner to corner. Charlotte tumbles to the apron, shoulders back in and slingshots for the high stack. TWO and Becky hits more firearms. Cover, TWO! Becky keeps on Charlotte with another keylock. Fans begin to duel while Charlotte endures. Becky thrashes Charlotte around, then leans on her for a bridging hammerlock! Charlotte endures a new kind of pain, but then Becky shifts back to a normal hammerlock. Fans continue to duel while Charlotte continues to endure.

Charlotte gets up on her feet and fights back. Becky hits back but then Charlotte denies the exploder. Charlotte scoops but Becky slips out, to walk into a Flair Chop. Becky dodges the next one to forearm Charlotte. Cover, TWO! Becky pushes Charlotte back down to then run and leg drop. She drops the elbow, then goes for the second leg, but Charlotte dodges to drop the knee. Charlotte gets to a corner and puts Becky on the apron. Becky hits Charlotte away, then hotshots the arm! But then Charlotte kicks Becky off the apron, and wrecks her with a dropkick. Charlotte fetches Becky on the outside to put her on the apron. They both stand up to start brawling. Becky kicks low then wrings Charlotte’s arm into the apron! Cover, TWO!

Becky is growing frustrated, but she won’t let up. She grabs the bad arm, wants a Disarm-her but Charlotte school girls. TWO, and Becky runs into a back suplex! Both women are down, in pain up and down the body. Fans rally up and they both stand to start brawling! Becky gives EuroUppers, but then Charlotte counters to a backslide. ONE and Charlotte fires off Flair chops! Fans echo “Woo! Woo!” with each one. Becky blocks a whip to back kick and go for the arm. Charlotte throws Becky into buckles, but then misses. Becky’s jump kick is denied this time, and Charlotte boots Becky down! Charlotte grits her teeth while Becky is gasping. Charlotte drags herself up top, moonsault flops!

Becky gets the arm, for an armbar! Charlotte turns it to a cover, but Becky makes it a triangle! Charlotte deadlifts Becky to sit-out bomb! Cover, TWO!! That was so close! Both women are down but fans are still fired up. Charlotte sits up first but Becky follows. They glare at each other and start brawling with big elbows and forearms. They brawl up to their feet, and Becky gets an edge! Becky dragon sleepers and hammerlocks, for an inverted DDT! Cover, TWO!! The Queen is tough but the Lass Kicker is not deterred. Becky flounders to ropes with San Antonio on her side. She climbs up top, but Charlotte stands. Missile dropkick, turned into a Boston Crab!

Becky endures but drags herself over, for the ropebreak! And she sends Charlotte into buckles, too! Becky walks it off, then drags Charlotte into the post. Becky returns to the ring and drags Charlotte up. Charlotte school girls, TWO, DISARM-HER! Becky has Charlotte, but Charlotte has long limbs, for the ropebreak. Becky wants to hold on, but lets go at 4. She shows no mercy as she puts Charlotte back in. Charlotte back elbows Becky, then runs, for a Spear, into a cover!! BECKY WINS!!

Winner: Becky Lynch, by pinfall; NEW SmackDown Women’s Champion

It has happened!! The Lass Kicker burns a bridge but gains the gold! She gets the better of her former best friend, and Charlotte has lost more than just a title. Or has she? Charlotte offers her former friend a chance to be her friend again, but Becky would rather hold the title than hold Charlotte’s hand. Becky leaves with her real best friend in the women’s title, but how long will she have it this time?


The New Day celebrate backstage!

The SmackDown Tag Team Champions are still ya bois, and “we all know what time it is!” Big E rings the bell, and Bootysworth comes in. The butler of positivity is back, and he presents champagne. The good stuff, too! Where did Kofi go tho? Surprise, it’s Kramer Kingsman to interview the New Days! COngrats on winning, but three questions: What’s next? What’s next? And what’s next? The New Day is going down under– Where? Underwear hahaha! Well, they’re headed to Melbourne to defend their titles against The Bar! But that’s then, this is now. Time to celebrate, with a pancake shower on Bootysworth! It’s raining flapjacks, and next, Super Show Down! Will the hot cake trio be too hot to handle down in Australia? Or will Cesaro & Sheamus end the New Day’s fifth reign in the land down under?


Raw Tag Team Championships: Drew McIntyre & Dolph Ziggler VS Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose!

Monday Night Raw has become war all over again as The Shield and “The Pack” have been battling for supremacy. Will Rollins, Ambrose and Roman only add to their collection of titles? Or will there be a power shift beyond their control?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised and we begin with Rollins and Ziggler at the bell. Fans chant “Burn It Down!” for the Intercontinental Champion while he ties up with Ziggler. They trade wristlocks but Rollins gets a hammerlock. Ziggler pulls hair to reverse, but then Rollins gets away before Ziggler can tag McIntyre. Rollins and Ziggler go again, and they trade headlocks. Rollins gets the takedown, and holds off the headscissors. Ziggler gets the headscissors and Rollins pops out, but again Rollins gets away before Ziggler can tag McIntyre. They tie up again and Ziggler kicks low. Ziggler laughs as he scrapes Rollins’ face. Ziggler brings Rollins over but Rollins school boys and powers Ziggler to the Shield corner. Tag to Ambrose, and they work together for a sliding lariat, knee drop and elbow drop. Cover, TWO, but McIntyre is at the ready.

Tag to Rollins, and they double whip Ziggler for double elbows, and split the wishbone! ZIggler writhes while Rollins stalks him. Rollins runs but Ziggler dodges the stomp. McIntyre regroups with Ziggler near the announce desks, then they come back at the ref’s count of 3. Ziggler eggs Rollins on, but tags McIntyre in. McIntyre takes his time but Rollins is right on him. McIntyre shoves then runs Rollins over with a shoulder! Ambrose wants in, fans want him in, and so does McIntyre. Tag and now we get Lunatic against Psycho. McIntyre draws the line in the sand and dares Ambrose to cross it. Ambrose sees the challenge and crosses the line. They grind foreheads, then McIntyre pie faces Ambrose. Ambrose kicks and chops, but McIntyre clubs his back. McIntyre runs but Ambrose dropkicks the knee out. Mahistrol cover, TWO!

Ambrose gives McIntyre crossface forearms. Ziggler hops in but Rollins chases him away. McIntyre clobbers Ambrose in the opening, and then stomps Ambrose at the ropes. McIntyre brings Ambrose over to his corner to chop him, then tags in Ziggler. The champs mug Ambrose in their corner, then Ziggler grinds Ambrose’s face on ropes. Ziggler drives elbows into Ambrose’s shoulder, then wraps on a chinlock. Ambrose endures and stands up while fans rally. Ambrose gets his second wind and fights out with elbows. Ziggler rocks him with a right, but takes time to soak in the heat. Ziggler whips but Ambrose catches him, for a flapjack hotshot! Both men are down but Ambrose crawls for his corner. Ziggler tries to stop him, but he still gets the tag to Rollins!

Rollins rallies with elbows, then whips. Ziggler revesres but gets a slingblade! McIntyre gets hit, too, and Rollins boots Ziggler back. Rollins goes up but jumps over. Ziggler swings, misses, and gets a Pele! Rollins sees Ziggler roll out, then builds speed, but McIntyre trips him up. Ziggler jumps in for the satellite DDT! Cover, TWO! Both men are down but McIntyre is back. Ziggler drags Rollins over and tags McIntyre in so he can stomp Rollins. McIntyre stomps Rollins more, then puts him in a corner for more stomps and even chops. McIntyre taunts Ambrose then tags in Ziggler. Ziggler stomps Rollins now, then he taunts Ambrose. Ziggler chokes Rollins at the ropes, and McIntyre gets a cheap shot. The ref has to keep Ambrose from getting in while Ziggler tags to McIntyre.

McIntyre stomps, then stomps Rollins’ hands. He even bends fingers back to keep Rollins from tagging out. McIntyre says Rollins is “nothing to us!” before kicking him down. He drags Rollins up for a standing armlock. Rollins endures while fans rally up. Rollins gets up and jawbreakers back. But McIntyre chops him down! Tag to Ziggler and they stomp Rollins more. Ziggler drops the elbow, then covers, ONE. Ziggler keeps his confidence while he taunts Ambrose and toys with Rollins. The Show-Off laughs as he pushes Rollins around. He dares Rollins to “Do something!” so Rollins hits him back! Rollins whips, Ziggler reverses and hops on for a sleeper hold! Rollins fades and drops to a knee. Fans rally up and Rollins gets his second wind, to power his way over towards Ambrose.

Ziggler rakes the eyes and nose to deny the tag, but still gets a big back suplex! Both men are down and both partners are chomping at the bit. Fans rally, hot tag to McIntyre, but Rollins dodges him. McIntyre trips Ambrose, but Rollins gives him chops. Rollins runs, but into a back elbow. McIntyre swings Rollins with the inverted Alabama Slam! Cover, but Ambrose breaks it! Ambrose goes back to his corner while McIntyre argues with the referee. McIntyre drags Rollins back up, but Rollins fights back. Rollins backs McIntyre down and slips out of the back suplex to hit both champs. Rollins leaps but McIntyre grabs him. Ziggler distracts, that tag doesn’t count! And Rollins gets mugged behind the ref’s back! McIntyre and Ziggler grin because they got away with it.

Tag to Ziggler, and he puts Rollins in a corner. Ziggler toys with Rollins, then puts him on the top rope. He climbs up to join Rollins, but Rollins holds on to deny the superplex. Rollins pries his way out of the hold to then punch Ziggler down. Ziggler returns but is pushed down this time. Rollins adjusts but ZIggler tags to McIntyre. Rollins still gives McIntyre the blockbuster! He and McIntyre are down, but Rollins heads for Ambrose. McIntyre whips him away but Rollins kicks, ducks and hot tag to Ambrose! The Lunatic rallies on Mcintyre in the corner! He stomps a mudhole into McIntyre then runs Ziggler over. McIntyre kicks and whips Ambrose but Ambrose dodges to then hit a leaping lariat.

Ambrose rallies more, kick to suplex but McIntyre reverses. Ambrose slips out but McIntyre denies Dirty Deeds, so Ambrose jackknife covers! TWO, and McIntyre whips again. Ambrose counters with a cross-arm neckbreaker, covers, TWO! Fans rally behind Ambrose while he gets to the top rope. Ziggler lurks but Ambrose kicks him away. Ambrose wants Dirty Deeds on the apron but McIntyre knocks him down. McIntyre drags Ambrose up, but Ambrose turns things around to send McIntyre into the post and Ziggler into the barriers! Ambrose puts McIntyre in, then climbs up again. He fires himself up, for the leaping elbow, only for McIntyre to make it a belly2belly suplex into buckles! Both men are down but fans rally up. Ambrose stirs while McIntyre crawls. Their partners are both down, but are coming back! Tag to Ziggler, tag to Rollins!

Now Rollins rallies with the springboard clothesline, and another clothesline to send Ziggler out. Ziggler & McIntyre regroup, but Rollins DIVES! But is caught. Ambrose DIVES and bowls everyone over! All four men are down on the outside but fans are loving this! A 10 count begins, but the legal men get in at 6 and 9! Ziggler leaps, but Rollins changes the DDT into a Falcon Arrow! Cover, TWO!! That was close but not enough. Rollins keeps his cool, then fires up with “Burn It Down!” Rollins aims for the mule kick, but misses his stomp. Ziggler kicks, but Rollins turns the Famouser into a buckle bomb! Cover, but McIntyre breaks it. Ambrose goes after McIntyre, but McIntyre throws him out.

Rollins uses a knee to send McIntyre out, but Ziggler rolls up. TWO, Rollins tries, TWO, ZIGZAG!! Cover, TWO!? How does Rollins survive?! Fans hope they “Fight Forever!” at this rate. Both Rollins and Ziggler stir, and McIntyre returns to his corner. Ziggler tags out and now the two drag Ziggler up. They want but Ambrose denies the combo, SUPERKICK for McIntyre! Cover, TWO, SUPERKICK again! Rollins hurries up top, frog splash to McIntyre’s back! Cover, TWO!! Another close call for the Architect, but now what does he do? Rollins grits his teeth while McIntyre crawls to the Shield corner. Ambrose returns, and tags in. They both hoist McIntyre up and climb. But Ziggler yanks Rollins off, only to get thrown out. Rollins slingshots but misses!

McIntyre sends Ambrose down and hits a leaping lariat! Then he kips up! The Scottish Stud is so athletic, and he tags Ziggler in so they can finish this. McIntyre puts Ambrose up but Ambrose fights Ziggler down. Ambrose fights out of the electric chair, but McIntyre denies dirty deeds. Rollins tags in and Ambrose barrels through McIntyre. Rollins has Ziggler, SUPERPLEX, roll through but McIntyre CLAYMORES!! Cover from Ziggler, the champions retain!

Winners: McIntyre & Ziggler, Ziggler pinning; still Raw Tag Team Champions

An instant tag classic, and in the end, Strowman’s “dogs of war” hold onto the prize! Are there truly new alpha males in the jungle that is Raw? Or will the hounds of justice come back around to try again?


Braun Strowman like what he sees.

The leader of the pack enjoys seeing McIntyre & Ziggler retain their titles. But he doesn’t like being bothered by Mick Foley. Foley needs to talk with Strowman. Strowman may not think the Cell will change him, but it will. Life will change, but no matter how chaotic it gets, Strowman must respect Foley. And all Foley needs to do is count to three and give Strowman that title. If they do their jobs, that’s good, because Foley doesn’t want a monster problem. Foley wishes Strowman good luck. Will Strowman even need it?


WWE Championship: AJ Styles VS Samoa Joe!

The Destroyer promises to give everyone a happy ending to the story of “Night Night AJ”. But will the jokes, the threats and the insults only cause the Phenomenal One to bring the entirety of his arsenal out to finally shut Joe down?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and Joe taunts Styles with trash talk the entire time. Fans favor Styles as the bell rings, and Styles goes right at Joe! Joe anticipates this as he puts up his guard. They go around the ring as Styles throws hands. Joe catches him and puts him in a corner. Joe dirties the break with close headbutts and then those swift but strong jabs. He has Styles reeling as he kicks him int he chest. Styles hits back with haymakers and chops. Joe chops Styles then runs, but into Styles dropkick! Joe bails out while Styles glares. Styles goes out to pursue Joe and hits an apron knee! Joe is down but Styles still looms over him.

Styles drags Joe up to bounce off the announce desk, then off the apron. He goes back in and waits on Joe, only to run and wreck Joe with a dropkick. Fans fire up with Styles while Joe is down again. Styles drags Joe back up and in, then aims from the apron. He prepares his forearm, springboards, but Joe bails out. Styles wants at Joe but the referee wants to keep this in the ring. Styles doesn’t care, he slingshots, but into a kick from Joe! Joe stalks Styles now to boot Styles down! Then Joe throws Styles legs first into steel steps! Joe drags Styles up, puts him in the ring and covers. ONE, but Joe is not bothered by that. Joe circles Styles and brings him up for more of those jabs, and even a chop. He drags Styles up again but Styles throws hands and kicks.

Styles backs Joe down but then Joe suddenly sweeps the legs! Joe stalks Styles to a corner, and grinds his boot into his face. Joe backs off at 4, but comes back for the boot wash! Styles stirs but Joe is on him again. Joe brings Styles up but Styles still hits back. Styles has Joe in a corner now, and rams his shoulder into Joe. Styles also kicks Joe’s leg, evening things up between them. He throws forearms, then kicks the leg. Styles drags Joe out to whip corner to corner, but Joe reverses. Joe hits the back elbow and the Pele! Styles flounders while Joe keeps his focus. Joe kicks Styles out of the ring quite literally, but he builds speed to DIVE! Styles is knocked into the announce desk and moves it! Joe drags Styles up and in, but fans are still on Styles’ side. Cover, TWO!

Joe keeps his cool as he wrenches Styles’ neck. Fans rally up as Styles endures. Styles works his way up against the hold, and fights out with elbows. Styles throws hands, then runs, but into a BIG back elbow from Joe! Joe covers, TWO! Joe grows frustrated, and he drags Styles back around into a chinlock. He grinds Styles down but fans rally up again. Styles manages a ropebreak with his foot, and Joe lets go at 4. Joe stalks Styles to a corner, and hoists him up top. Joe climbs up to join Styles but Styles fights back. They brawl, but Joe’s headbutts get the edge. Joe has Styles but Styles slips out to trip Joe up! Joe hits buckles on the way down, but both men are on the mat. The referee checks on both men while fans build to a duel. Styles crawls away, but Joe follows.

Joe swings but Styles gives his Phenomenal Blitz! He adds another back hand, then a corner clothesline. Styles snapmares, runs and slides for the forearm! Cover, TWO! Joe and Styles are slowing from exhaustion, but Styles still wants a suplex. Joe powers out but runs into a back elbow. Styles moonsault DDT’s! Cover, TWO! Styles grows frustrated while Joe rolls away. Styles springboards, lionsault meets knees! Joe hits Styles with a powerbomb, and high stack! TWO, into the Boston Crab! Styles won’t tap so Joe makes it an STF! Joe even traps an arm to make it a full crossface, and he pulls back hard on Styles’ spine! Styles drags himself around and reaches for anything. His leg gets a ropebreak! Joe lets go, but he keeps his eyes on Styles. Styles crawls to a corner but Joe is on him.

Joe drags Styles up for headbutts, then a stiff forearm. He whips Styles corner to corner, but then Styles dodges! Joe staggers, and Styles chops him. Styles kicks then manages a torture rack lift! He swings Joe out for a tower hacker bomb! Cover, TWO!! Styles is too tired to express frustration, so he just focuses on his next move. Styles goes to the apron, aims at Joe, and springboards for the 450! It hits! Cover, TWO!! And again, Styles is just too tired to even be angry. Joe crawls while Styles sits up. Styles staggers but stalks Joe. He vows to end this with the Clash, but Joe counters to a catapult! Styles hits buckles, then Joe clobbers him with a clothesline from hell! Cover, TWO!! Both men are down because now even Joe is too tired to be upset.

They both slowly stand and Styles gets to a corner. Styles is bleeding from his mouth and a cut on his side. Joe gets him up for the Muscle Buster! But Styles sunset flips, and wants the Clash! Joe fights out, but then has to resist the Calf Crusher. Styles kicks those legs, grabs hold of one, but gets an enziguri! Joe catches his breath before he covers, TWO! Frustration boils over, and now Joe looks at Styles with wild eyes. Joe readies a final punch, but Styles ducks to PELE! Joe flounders but Styles runs in, only to be put on the apron. Styles knocks Joe away, then springboards, Phenomenal– Coquina Clutch!! Joe has Styles by the neck, and keeps Styles away from ropes. He slips back, but Styles makes it a cover! Styles wins!!

Winner: AJ Styles, by pinfall; still WWE Champion

But Joe thinks HE won! He could’ve sworn Styles either tapped or passed out, but he didn’t realize it was a cover. Joe is furious and scares Corey Graves into agreeing. Joe is denied at the goal line, if you will, and is not happy about it. He goes and grabs the belt, claiming it’s rightfully his. But Styles gives him an enziguri! Styles won as far as the records and referee say, but given alternate angles, it is clear Styles did tap just before Three. Armed with this information, will Joe come back for another try?


Backstage interview with The Miz & Maryse.

The It Couple, in matching white-out gear, they finally step in with the couple they’ve been antagonizing. Antagonizing? No, they made Bryan & Brie relevant again. Those two should thank Miz & Maryse, up until they make this a PR Nightmare. Maryse says Brie is a coward who hits Miz because Miz can’t hit her back. These two are the real hardest hitting couple in WWE, and they plan to prove it by making Brie & Bryan what they really are: “Irrelevant losers!” Will the mouths of Miz & Mrs write checks their bodies can’t cash?


Mixed Tag Match: Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella VS The Miz & Maryse!

SmackDown’s two power couples collide in a match that has been years in the making. The Hollywood A-Lister got help from his leading lady to win at Summerslam, but will the sequel be better than the original? Or will Bryan & Brie say “YES! YES!” to a comeback story happy ending?

The bell rings and the ladies start. Brie and Maryse circle, finally getting to fight, but then Maryse retreats to her corner. She tags out to Miz so Bryan comes in. Miz and Maryse talk strategy for a second, then Miz circles with Bryan. Maryse distracts and Miz boots Bryan! Miz stomps away then throws hands in an open corner. Miz throws his “hardest hitting” left hand, but Bryan isn’t exactly knocked out by it. Brie wants to show Miz her own hardest punch, but Miz whips Bryan corner to corner. Bryan goes up and over and hits a leaping lariat. Miz gets to a corner and Bryan prepares his hand. He starts giving Miz punches in the corner! Fans “YES! YES!” all the way to 10, then Bryan whips Miz. Miz kicks Bryan away, then runs, but into a takedown!

Miz gets away and flounders out of the ring. He narrowly avoids the Yes Lock, and says he’s also the smartest competitor in WWE. Bryan tags out, that’s a flaw in Miz’s plan. But then Miz quickly tags back in, and Maryse taunts with her hair tossing pose. Bryan returns to circle with Miz again, and fans chant “Coward! Coward!” at Miz. Miz kicks but Bryan catches it to dragon screw Miz down. Bryan gives EuroUppers and haymakers, and Miz is reeling. Bryan whips but Miz reverses to hit the kitchen sink knee. Miz then mocks the Yes chant, to hit the corner to corner dropkick. He hits another, then soaks in the heat as he continues to mock the Yes chant. He hits his A-list lariat. Miz slings Bryan out to then climb up top, but Bryan trips him up!

Miz gets caught upside down, but Bryan drags him back up so he can punch him. Bryan climbs up now, and hits the SUPER STEINER! Bryan starts up the real Yes chant and fingers while Miz crawls away. Miz turns around, dodges the knee, then rolls Bryan! TWO, into Yes Lock! Maryse breaks it up, but then Brie chases her down! The ref stops Brie and gets her to her corner. Miz tries to get the Finale but Bryan slips put to kick and uppercut and kick Miz more. Bryan runs corner to corner for the dropkick! He goes again, but Miz dodges! Bryan hits buckles then the mat, and Brie is a bit worried. She rallies the fans but Miz drags Bryan up. Miz snapmares Bryan into a chinlock, and even rakes the eyes.

Fans rally while Bryan endures. Brie is ready for a tag, and Bryan fights out. Bryan swings, but Miz catches him into the A-List combination! Cover, TWO! Miz grins, he’s still confident he has this in the bag. He makes Brie watch as he drags Bryan back into a chinlock. Miz digs his knee into Bryan’s back but Brie is chomping at the bit. Bryan gets up but Miz puts him in a corner for shoulders. Miz gives the “It Kicks” in the corner, but fans say “No! No!” Brie swipes at Miz but Miz taunts her toughness. Miz hoists Bryan up top and climbs up to join him. Miz wants the superplex, but Bryan holds on to resist. Bryan fights back with body shots over and over, then headbutts Miz down. Bryan adjusts as he fires up, for the diving headbutt! But he misses!

Both men are down, and their wives rally for them. Bryan and Miz crawl, but Miz drags Bryan away. Miz tackles and rains down lefts. Miz whips but Bryan holds ropes. Bryan dumps Miz out to the outside! Maryse panics but Brie fires up. Bryan crawls, hot tag to Brie! The women must come in, but Maryse really doesn’t want to. Miz blocks the way, so Brie rocks him with rights of her own! Brie runs, Brie Mode baseball slide on Maryse! Brie bounces Maryse’s face off the announce desk, while Bryan clotheslines Miz out. Bryan gives Miz a flying knee off the apron! Brie and Bryan have the fans chanting “YES! YES!” but Miz whips Bryan into barriers. The women return to the ring, and Brie tackles Maryse! Brie hops up quick, for a missile dropkick! Cover, but Miz drags Brie off it. Bryan comes back to attack Miz!

The Yes Couple have the It Couple in the middle of the ring. And together, it’s His & Hers YES KICKS! Fans are at a fever pitch as the buzzsaws build up, but Miz & Maryse escape. They decide to quit this match and go for a walk. But Brie & Bryan won’t let them! They attack from behind at the ramp, and Brie brings Maryse back. Brie puts Maryse in and Brie Mode hits the knee! Bryan goes after Miz but gets pushed away. Brie pushes Maryse into Miz! Brie rolls Maryse, but Maryse reverses and holds tights! Miz & Maryse win!

Winners: The Miz & Maryse, Maryse pinning

That’s 2-0 for the It Couple against the Yes Couple! Brie & Bryan are beside themselves as they’re cheated again. Is the comeback a total bust for them both? Or is this battle of the WWE Network stars far from over?


Raw Women’s Championship: Ronda Rousey w/ Natalya VS Alexa Bliss w/ Mickie James & Alicia Fox!

The Baddest Woman on the Planet has been seen as nothing more than “an over-hyped rookie” in the eyes of The Goddess. However, Rowdy Ronda has proven to Alexa that in the ring, Alexa is little more than a chew toy to the former UFC Women’s Champion. Since Summerslam, Alexa has schemed to weaken Ronda, but Ronda believes she’s still the best, even when not 100%. Will Ronda prove Alexa she’s not just hype? Or will Alexa take full advantage of her long-game plan?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and the bell rings. Ronda is ready and she gets a headlock takedown on Alexa. Alexa makes it a cover but Ronda rolls it back. They both stand and Alexa gets a waistlock. Ronda spins it around to a fireman’s carry and covers, TWO! Ronda keeps on Alexa and gets a bridging clutch cover! TWO, and Alexa is already frustrated with how a battered Ronda is out wrestling her. The two circle again, and they tie up. Ronda puts Alexa on the ropes, but Alexa shoves her back. Ronda rocks Alexa with a right, but then Alexa kicks the ribs. Alexa drags Ronda up and to a corner for a buckle bump. Alexa goes after those ribs, but then Ronda gets around to throw more hands.

Ronda monkey flips and mounts, but Mickie and Alicia distract. Alexa gets away but Ronda catches that kick into an overhead toss! Ronda drags Alexa up and asks “Who wants a souvenir tonight?” Mickie and Alicia help Alexa get the ropebreak and the escape. Alexa catches her breath but Ronda pursues! Ronda scares the friends off and then scares the goddess off her feet. Natty laughs as her own friend smacks Alexa around. Ronda puts Alexa in, and wants Alexa to get up. Alexa smiles but Mickie and Alicia swipe. Alexa runs but Ronda side steps to send her out onto Alicia and Mickie! Ronda teases them, “Who needs enemies with friends like that?” She drags Alexa back up and in, but Alexa hotshots by holding the hair! Alexa kicks those bad ribs, then covers, ONE.

Alexa grabs hair again as she grows further frustrated. She bumps Ronda off buckles then rams her shoulders into those ribs. She grinds in as hard as she can, but backs off at 4. Alexa comes back with a stiff kick to the side! Her friends applaud while she snapmares and puts Ronda in a seated abdominal stretch. Ronda endures while Natty and fans rally. Alexa and her sidekicks all shout for Ronda to quit, but San Antonio gives Ronda life. Ronda powers out and scoops Alexa, but those ribs prevent the Rowdy Slam! Alexa slips out and throws Ronda out. She then adds Insult2Injury with those knee drops! Cover, TWO! Alexa puts Ronda in the Bow ‘n’ Arrow stretch now, bending and stretching Ronda as far as she can. Natty rallies the fans and Ronda powers her way out.

Alexa keeps Ronda grounded, then bumps her off buckles. Alexa stomps another mudhole into those ribs, then drags Ronda up. Ronda fights back while Alexa is up top. Ronda climbs up to join Alexa, but Alexa resists the superplex. Alexa uses those body shots to escape, then tires a bomb. Ronda fights out of that with a punch and a kick, but then Alexa trips her up! She’s in a Tree of Woe, and Alexa dropkicks the ribs! Cover, TWO! Alexa is furious as she puts Ronda in the abdominal stretch again. Natty and the fans keep rallying, and Ronda gets out. Ronda rolls but Alexa dropkicks her down again. Alexa rams Ronda ribs first into buckles! Then Alexa pulls Ronda against the post! She stops at 4, to pull again, and stops at 4. But then Alicia and Mickie get cheap shots in!

Natty snap suplexes Alicia, but Mickie is still in action. Ronda counters and then throws Mickie into a post! Ronda runs, double crossbodies take both Ronda and Alexa out! However, Ronda’s ribs make it all the worse for her. Alexa crawls over, drags Ronda up, but Ronda small packages! TWO, but backslide, TWO! Alexa kicks the ribs yet again! Alexa keeps hitting the ribs, and then laughs at the wounded Ronda. But that pisses Ronda off! Ronda powers up, gut wrench powerbomb!! Ronda can’t cover, her ribs hurt so much. But she powers herself, ready for more. She gives Alexa a taste of her medicine with all those body shots. Then she throws Alexa by an arm-drag, only to run into a mule kick. Ronda backs off from rib pain, but is ready for Alexa! ROWDY SLAM! And then, once again, ARM BAR! Alexa taps, Ronda wins!

Winner: Ronda Rousey, by submission; still Raw Women’s Championship

Just as she said, she’s still the best, even when less than perfect. Her ribs her but Natty is there to help her celebrate. Ronda successfully retains in her first defense, how many more defenses will she have in her first reign?


Samoa Joe protests the decision on his match.

But GM Paige addresses the issue. Joe is clearly upset, but he doesn’t want to listen. She tells him the decision is final, but he will get another chance at Super Show Down. Three weeks away, huh? Not good enough for Joe! Joe should be champion now instead of arguing it out. Joe wants things to change. No Disqualification, no count out, no excuses! Paige agrees with him for once. Joe wants the title, but will he get it?


WWE Universal Championship Hell in a Cell Match: Roman Reigns VS Braun Strowman, Mick Foley as special guest referee!

In honor of the 20th anniversary of the most memorable Hell in a Cell moment, Stephanie McMahon was gracious enough to grant Mrs. Foley’s baby boy this honor of officiating one of the biggest Cell matches yet. Foley won’t let Strowman disrespect him, but Strowman won’t let anyone or anything stand between him, The Big Dog, and total dominance over Raw. Can Roman hope to retain his title inside this sinister steel? Can he hope to survive it?

The introductions are made, and Roman stares Strowman down the entire way. But when Roman raises the belt, Strowman snatches it to say it’s already his. Roman rocks him with an uppercut! Foley calls for the bell and Roman keeps rocking Strowman with rights. Roman gives close range clotheslines but Strowman turns it around. Strowman hits a corner clothesline, then runs, but into a boot! Roman throws more uppercuts, but Strowman knees low. Strowman throws Roman right into a post! Roman tumbles out, but then gets blasted into the steel! Foley checks on Roman but he’s okay to continue. Strowman goes out to fetch Roman, bouncing him off the steel again.

Fans are rabid both ways as Strowman bounces Roman off posts. Strowman throws Roman into steel again, then looms over him. He rubs it in that Roman’s “boys” can’t help him here. Strowman puts Roman back in in the ring but Rmoan throws hands. They don’t seem to bother Strowman, and Strowman throws Roman with one arm. Roman dodges and manages to send Strowman out with a leaping lariat! Strowman catches his breath but Roman comes around, only for Strowman to blast him into the cell wall again! Strowman grinds his boot into Roman’s head, then drags Roman back up. He bounces Roman off the apron, then off steel steps. Strowman bounces Roman off the steps again, and again, then just dumps him down.

Strowman decides to take part of the steps for a weapon, but Roman hits the Drive-By dropkick! And another! Strowman staggers, Roman watches while catching his breath. Roman takes aim again, but is caught, into an apron choke slam! Fans chant “Get These Hands!” while Strowman finds a kendo stick from under the ring. That’s not good enough for him, he grabs a chair. But Roman uses the stick to SMACK away. Strowman breaks the stick! He puts Roman in the ring, but Roman kicks him on the entry. Roman grabs that chair now, and jabs it into Strowman’s ribs and SMACKS it across the back. He SMACKS Strowman more, but then Strowman catches the chair! Strowman runs, but gets post! Roman takes the chair back, and brings Strowman over for a DDT on it! Cover, TWO and with power!

Roman is surprised by Strowman simply shaking the cob webs out of his head. Roman locks and loads, takes aim and… SUPERMAN PUNCH! Strowman stays standing, so Roman reloads for a second SUPERMAN Punch! Still not enough, so Roman tries but is denied a third, for another choke slam! Cover, TWO!? Strowman argues, he saw the hand go down. Foley defends that Roman got up just in time, though barely. Strowman keeps his cool, and decides to go after Roman again. He scoops Roman, but Roman slips out. Roman gets to a corner and boots Strowman away. Roman dodges Strowman, runs, and turns the pop-up into a SUPERMAN PUNCH! Cover, TWO! Now it’s Roman’s turn to be a bit surprised by the count.

Strowman gets to the apron and out of the ring. Roman thinks on what to do next. Foley goes out, anticipating where this is leading. Strowman stirs while Roman goes out the other end. Roman looks under the ring, and finds a table! Foley likes that, being an ECW man himself. Roman puts the table in the ring but he sees Strowman standing. The Big Dog is baffled by the Monster’s resilience. Strowman lumbers his way around, still groggy. Roman lets out the howl and picks up speed around the corner, but runs into those steel steps! Strowman tosses the steps into the ring, then drags Roman in. Strowman takes the steps again, and rams Roman again! Cover, TWO!!

Strowman is growing further frustrated, and shouts “Why won’t you stay down, you moron!?” He picks up the stairs again, looms over Roman, and brings them down on the ribs! Strowman tosses the steps against the steel walls, then drags Roman up again. Roman is sputtering as Strowman scoops him up. Strowman hits the Monster Slam! Cover, TWO!? Now Strowman is the one shocked and confused. Strowman formulates a new plan, and decides to use the table Roman brought in. Strowman sets it in a corner, then dares Roman to stand up. Roman slowly does, but Strowman scoops him again. Roman slips out and then SUPERMAN PUNCH number 4! And number 5! Then SPEAR, through the table!! Cover, TWO!?! These two men have proven to be superhuman, but this is inhuman.

But wait, here come Ziggler & McIntyre! The Pack is here to help their leader, but then the Shield come out to stop them! They brawl it out and take out McIntyre, then flank Ziggler. Ziggler leads them on a chase but gets caught and thrown into the cell walls! Ambrose & Rollins beat Ziggler down, then clear off the announce desk. But then McIntyre saves Ziggler while throwing Rollins & Ambrose into the red steel. Ziggler & McIntyre clear the other announce desk off, but now it’s another brawl. McIntyre throws Ambrose over the side into the timekeeper, while Ziggler climbs up the wall! Rollins pursues, and they both reach the top! Foley watches them closely as they brawl fast and furious! Rollins gets Ziggler but Ziggler resists. But McIntyre climbs up, too!

Rollins wants something, but McIntyre saves Ziggler! The champs mug Rollins, but here comes Ambrose, armed with a kendo stick! McIntyre & Ziggler drag Rollins up, Rollins fights but gets a SUPERKICK. Ambrose joins them and uses the kendo stick on them both! The Lunatic has San Antonio fired up, but McIntyre brawls with him fast and furious again. Double clotheslines take them both out, and the cell ceiling holds. They all slowly stir, and Ziggler decides to start making his way down. But Rollins heads after him, forcing Ziggler to shimmy towards the corner. Rollins has his hair! Ziggler fights Rollins off and continues descending. Rollins continues to pursue, and now they’re both on the side of the cell. A familiar spot for the Architect back when he and Ambrose were on opposite sides of the fight.

Ziggler headbutts Rollins but Rollins bounces Ziggler’s head off the side. They keep hitting each other off red steel, and Rollins teeters. He recovers, but both men take each other out, and they BOTH fall off and through tables!! Fans lose their minds while spare referees check on the two men who just crash landed. But wait, is that BROCK LESNAR!? What is The Beast doing here?! He wants his rematch, but was denied such by Kurt Angle before Stephanie McMahon replaced him with Corbin. But then Lesnar just says to hell with unlocking the door, he kicks it in!! And fans lose their minds again as he climbs right in the ring.

Lesnar drags that door in with him while Paul Heyman maces Foley!! Lesnar SMACKS Strowman with part of the wrecked table! And then SMACK for Roman with another piece of wrecked table. Then SMACK for Strowman again, and SMACK for Roman. SMACK for Strowman, and Lesnar has his pick of prey. Lesnar drags Strowman up, to F5 him right down! But he’s not done, because he still owes Roman for Summerslam. Lesnar fireman’s carry on Roman, to F5 him on top of Strowman! The Beast roars as the last behemoth standing, but will this path of destruction really earn him his rematch?

Called by Referee’s Decision; Roman Reigns retains the WWE Universal Championship



My Thoughts:

Am I somehow in an alternate universe? This Hell in a Cell PPV, with having the weirdest builds in some time, was actually really good! I’m still disappointed the SmackDown Tag titles were on the Kickoff, but New Day & Rusev Day made it feel like it was already the main show. I figured New Day retains, and chances are they retain through Super Show Down against The Bar to make this 5th reign just as good as their history-setting 4th reign. Opening with the grudge match Cell match was actually a great move because holy hell Orton went above and beyond my expectations for his newest and most horrifying ear gauge spot yet. And it’s pretty clear Hardy getting hurt from his own amazing spot was exaggerated to make Orton look even more merciless.

Charlotte VS Becky was pretty much exactly what it was supposed to be. They were so even, and then it wasn’t even about using a finisher to win, but taking advantage of how well one knew the other. Becky wins, as I hoped she would, and now she can be red hot through whatever challengers she has at Super Show Down and/or WWE Evolution. If anything, Becky is doing so well, she could retain all the way to Royal Rumble, and fans will probably still love her. The Raw Tag Team Championship match was even more insane, and McIntyre-Ziggler win in a way that really did surprise me. But as we saw later, this was just a signal as to neither side getting all the belts.

The first point of contention I have with tonight is the match order here for the last two SmackDown matches. I would’ve put the Mixed Tag Match before the WWE Championship match, because obviously the championship is more important. But order aside, both matches were still really good. Styles VS Joe had a great back and forth, because they also know each other so well from their two decades of friendship. I thought it was rather clever for them to bring controversy into the finish, even though it’s almost too much like NXT’s Kairi Sane VS Shayna Baszler. Joe has issue, Paige gives him his rematch, but him saying he wants there to be “no excuses”, I’m thinking Paige is either making this another Last Man Standing, or an I Quit match.

The Mixed Tag was pretty good, with a standard story for the Heels of being sneaky and what not. I was surprised to see Miz & Maryse win, but chances are that means Super Show Down features Miz VS Bryan rematch where Bryan wins, and WWE Evolution features Brie VS Maryse where Brie wins. That way things are at least settled in singles competition for both sides. Ronda VS Alexa was great, the story element of Ronda’s ribs was well-executed. It shows how well Ronda can sell things, and gives her character points for being tough. Of course Ronda wins, because between Alexa facing Trish Stratus at Evolution and Ronda apparently facing Nikki Bella, these two needed to settle their story quick. Ronda is great, she’s going to have that title to the Rumble like Becky.

Then finally comes the main event Cell match. Again, McIntyre & Ziggler retaining meant Roman was going to retain, and that was made a bit clear by how over the top the two of them were in surviving each other’s moves. This was also the definition of “over booked”, by transforming it into an unofficial Six Man Tag Cell match by sending the four support players out (as I had predicted). I did like their spots, such as the four man brawl on top of the cell, and then Rollins and Ziggler going through announce desks. But then came my second point of contention. Lesnar shows up, which was a great surprise, but I don’t see how his attack causes a “No Contest” variant. Cell matches are No DQ, so at least give things two more minutes so someone tries something.

Though, perhaps the idea was that if Roman can’t win but also can’t lose, everyone gets what they want. Vince keeps Roman strong and fans don’t boo him for going over Strowman in what was considered his MITB Cash-in. But at the same, it only messes Strowman up. His cash-in fails, and unless Corbin says something on social media or on tomorrow night’s Raw, Strowman doesn’t get another try. A triple threat is probably the best option, because Lesnar might just do this again if he isn’t included somewhere in the title match. Granted, I hope he does not win, but at least he’ll have gotten his rematch like he wanted. Anything else and both he and Heyman will have to (kayfabe) complain to Stephanie/Vince.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 7.25.2024

Slammiversary Fallout! Where do things go on the way to Victory Road?



Well now we start the fall out of Slammiversary. Josh Alexander in his bad bitch summer, X-Speedball legacy, ABC got the t-a-g and Jordynne is still in charge of the Knockouts division. Like I said at the end of Slammiversary, all of the champions being Babyfaces is stupid. They need to drop a couple titles fairly quickly, because I don’t care what some people say, Nic Nemeth ain’t gonna bring any eyes to the brand. He’s about as hot as day old Hamburger Helper over a camping sterno.

We’ll probably open with the luke warm champion, so tune in like 10 minutes late for anything of substance to be happen.


  • Steve Maclin vs Cody Deaner: Maclin wins via KIA – *
  • AJ Francis w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop vs Sami Callihan: AJ wins via Down Payment – **
  • Hammer Your ASH (ASH by Elegance & Alexander Hammerstone) vs JuggerYoung (Jordynne Grace & Eric Young): Hammer Your ASH wins via Torture Rack – ** 1/2
  • The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) w/Alisha Edwards vs Matt Hardy & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey): Broken Alphabet wins via Twist & Splash – ***



Nemeth gives the ole “I’ll be a fighting champion…blah blah” promo and drops the “any company” line that we’ve already understood what that means. Campaign Singh cuts him off…and I never thought I’d be happy for Campaign Singh to walk out and say anything…ever. And…Mustafa’s promo is worse than Dolph’s. He’s gone from parody to caricature even saying “it was the biggest screw job Montreal ever saw”. Like some of these lines are cheap heat, but most are just brain dead comments that wouldn’t get a reaction out of anyone (and the crowd was silent for that comment). Mustafa gets caught in an Archer “phrasing” moment about getting screwed hard, but this is painful. Promos written by 14 year olds everyone…

This ends with Ali challenging Nemeth for the World Title. While I’m not against walk up challenges, I watch Japanese wrestling, I don’t really get the point aside from doing it just to do it. 

ABC and Matt Hardy have a small promo, and I’m still not really a fan of Unbroken Matt Version 6.0. The floating between Broken voice and his normal voice sounds amateurish.

OH LOOK, finally a match 20 minutes into the show. And it’s my son Steve Maclin! OH CHRIST he’s facing Deaner. This has been 25 minutes of talking followed by the worst god damn attempt at a gimmick. Deaner’s little “Papa Santino told me I can wipe my ass only if the crowd agrees”. This gimmick should die in a fire.

Steve Maclin vs Cody Deaner

Deaner started off quick because Maclin was in disbelief that Deaner was actually gonna fight him. Maclin dodges a Crossbody, Busaiku Knee, and just starts beating on Deaner for fun. And this is fun, maybe Maclin can make sure Deaner gets stretchered out and written off forever. How do you call for an ambulance in French? Maclin with the old Back Breaker into a stretch. Deaner tries to nerd rage up, breaks the Back Breaker Stretch, his punch combo, into a Manhattan Drop and Bulldog. Deaner hits the Crossbody, but Maclin kicks out. This is entirely too competitive.

Deaner goes for the Deaner DDT, blocked, Olympic Slam into Splashing Deaner into the corner, Caught in the Crosshairs, K-I-A, thanks for coming you damn dweeb. Stay in Canada and don’t travel Deaner, please.

AJ Francis w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop vs Sami Callihan

As the bell sounds, Sami knocks Rich off the apron, Low Bridges AJ, does the Beats of the Bodhran on AJ and then AJ eats the offense and strategizes with his crew. Bishop and Rich swarm the ring, Sami allows himself to get distracted so AJ slides in and starts beating on Sami. AJ throats Sami across the middle rope and Rich makes his presence felt, AJ distracts the referee and Rich gets in a lot of cheap shots. Bishop throws Sami back in the ring, and AJ keeps up the pressure. Lots of 5 count chokes and leverage moves. After the commercial break ends, Sami dodges a Tennessee Whiskey Knee, gets in a few shots before Rich trips Sami as he’s setting up a Dive, and then AJ takes advantage of the position and hits the goofball knee strike.

AJ calls for his Chokeslam, Sami tries to break it with Axe Handles, then claws the eyes. Sami goes for a Scoop Slam, gets him part way up and then falls over. AJ Chokeslam again, but he bites his hand and starts fighting back. Launches himself at AJ, sends him bouncing off the ropes and uses the momentum to hit that Scoop Slam that was teased earlier. Sami goes for a Western Lariat but eats a Big Boot. AJ does a little Hulk Hogan pose to signal a Leg Drop, but Sami dodges and then connects on a Sliding Lariat. Thumbs Up, Thumbs….interference. Rich distracts the ref, Bishop lays out Sami, AJ connects with the Down Payment.

Hammer Your ASH (ASH by Elegance & Alexander Hammerstone) vs JuggerYoung (Jordynne Grace & Eric Young)

ASH and Jordynne exchange slaps and then Jordynne starts to out muscle ASH. Spinebuster from Jordynne, Juggernaut Driver attempt, but ASH fights off, rope run, Sattelite DDT into both tagging out. EY does the Flair corner flop, slides back in between Hammer’s legs, and connects on a Neckbreaker. EY is the quicker of the two, but Hammer finally gets his hands on him and a Release Belly to Belly into a full mount raining of fists, then a near fall. Hammer smashes EY in a corner, Arm Wringer into an Irish Whip across, but EY moves and Hammer tags out to ASH. ASH levels Jordynne, peppers EY with a few shots and pulls him back to their corner and starts some tandem offense with Hammerman. Hammer Guerilla Presses ASH and throws her into EY for a near fall. Hammer looks to aim for either a Powerbomb or Nightmare Pendulum, but EY drops it into a Small Package, pinfall kick out, they both run, Double Lariat spot. The Knockouts get tagged in.

Jordynne is in control early, World’s Strongest Slam into a Vader Bomb. Juggernaut Driver attempt, but ASH fights it off and tags out to Hammer. Jordynne and EY do some schoolyard stuff with the old Push while Jordynne is down to trip Hammer. All four get in, ASH gets leveled, EY gets leveled, Hammer and Jordynne have a brief face off, but Hammer throws Jordynne to the apron and ASH connects with a Meteora from the apron. Death Valley Driver from Young on Hammer, ASH stares in shock, EY tells her to get, ASH runs away. EY goes up for his Macho Elbow, and ASH causes him to fall to Hammer’s feet, Torture Rack, and EY submits.

Josh Alexander comes out, with new heel music. And it’s not that bad, definitely better than some other people’s new music. Josh yells at the crowd a bit, says he can’t wait til he’s back in a real Canadian town, like his home of Toronto. Then he drops the mic in lieu of an explanation. The crowd chants him off with the “Nah Nah Nah Nah, Hey Hey Hey”.

The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) w/Alisha Edwards vs Matt Hardy & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey)

JDC and Hardy start, but JDC quickly tags out to Myers and that doesn’t go well. Hardy grabs a hold of Myers, a few Delete chops, drags him to his corner and they all get in a few shots punctuated with Hardy getting tagged back in and an Elbow into Myers’ extended and worked on left arm. Myers stays isolated, back into the corner, Boot to the gut, Ace tags in and wallops Myers. Ace connects on Double Kicks, into Russian Leg Sweep and his half of Click Click Boom, for a 2 count. Myers finally gets free with a Jaw Breaker and tags out to Eddie. But The System gets no momentum, Ace stifles Eddie’s offense and starts a few quick tags with him and Bey for tandem offense. Moose finally comes down the ramp as Eddie kicked out of yet another pinfall attempt because The System has had nothing going for them. Eddie finally gets some offense since Moose was a big enough distraction.

Eddie thinks they have a spot, so he tags back in JDC, but The ABC stop him cold, tag in Matt Hardy, and Matt walks down JDC, but JDC Low Bridges. Matt is on the outside, so all of The System surrounds Hardy, then Joe Hendry’s music hits! That stops the heel beatdown, and we follow Hendry’s entire entrance. So that proves Hendry is bigger than the 8 other people in this frame. Not really sure if that’s optics you want to push along. Ace and JDC try to remind people there’s wrestling going on, but JDC thumbs the eye to get a little something going. Vertical Suplex for a near fall, tag out for Eddie and Eddie lights up Ace with some of those NOAH Chops. Ace retreats to the ropes and Alisha chokes him with the ropes while the ref is distracted.

Myers gets tagged in, Ace tries to use the crowd energy, Myers stops it at first but then Ace slips a Scoop Slam and tags out to Bey. Hot tag, strike rush, Double Stomp, educated feet, Leap Frog to the corner but Lish climbs on the apron and yells at Bey which stops his rhythm. Myers kicks his feet out and causes Bey to crash. Eddie tags in for a few shots, then to JDC and Slingshot Knees, Wringer Snapmare, Bow and Arrow Submission, and JDC is just doing solid wrestling work right now. Uppercut between the Shoulder Blades as Bey tries to get out, tag to Myers and Bey is still eating offense. Eddie tags in, Bey tries the Sunset Flip, but Eddie tags out before going over, so Myers folds up Bey for a near fall and then tags out to JDC who connects on a Standing Suplex, slams Bey’s face into the corner, Eddie tags in, and Bey finally fights up to his feet, Eddie just flatten Bey’s comeback, tries a Tiger Driver but eats an Enzuigiri for a simultaneous tag. JDC and Hardy come in, JDC tries to exit halfway in, but Hardy is wrecking shop. He disposes of Eddie, Myers slides in but eats a tandem Neckbreaker/DDT from Hardy. Face team does the Delete Corner Face Smashes. Poetry in Motion into a Side Effect into Corkscrew Swanton for only 2 since Myers breaks it up! Everyone throwing hands, referee is distracted, Moose comes in to Spear Hardy, but Hardy dodges and throws him into JDC (I get the call back), Hendry then lays out Moose with the big Lariat. Twist of Fate from Hardy, Splash from Bey, Broken Alphabet wins!


Overall Score: 4/10

Ugh, cliche promos, too damn much talking, a competitive squash match with an imbecile as our first “match”, into an overbooked and slow heel match, finally a decent tag match (with the right team going over), into another overbooked match with a “tease” for the mystery backup being more obvious than Jericho’s WWF debut.

Aside from the afore mentioned tag match, The Rascalz promo and The System Promo; this was hard to watch. A lot of cornball promos, Rosemary licks her conspiracy board, storylines got zero traction. Whoopity Doo, Ryan Nemeth got a match next week and we get an undead wedding.

While this was a bad episode, it was bad by at least new standards. We’re not back in the TNA Dark Days again, but this was…a useless show.

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