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Chris’ IMPACT! Wrestling / Border City Wrestling Motown Showdown Results



IMPACT BCW Motown Showdown

IMPACT Wrestling teams up with Border City Wrestling to present Motown Showdown, live on


  • Halal Beefcake d. RJ City & Jake Something – Idris Abraham pinned RJ City after an assisted splash
  • Mad Man Fulton d. Movado – pin fall, swinging face buster
  • Scarlett Bordeaux d. Gisele Shaw – pin fall, backpack piledriver
  • Eli Drake d. Zach Gowen – pin fall, Gravy Train
  • Petey Williams d. Ace Austin, Matt Sydal and N8 Mattson – pin fall on Ace Austin, Canadian Destroyer
  • Sami Callihan d. Ace Romero – pin fall, roll up while in submission hold.
  • Eddie Edwards & Tommy Dreamer d. John Bolen & Johnny Swinger – pin fall, Eddie pins Bolen, DDT
  • Kongo Kong d. D-Lo Brown – pin fall, chokeslam
  • Johnny Impact d. Moose – pin fall, Starship Pain

IMPACT! / BCW Motown Showdown

Josh Matthews and Scott D’Amore are in the ring to welcome us to Bellville, Michigan for Motown Showdown!

A bigger arena and a larger crowd than they had the last time they did a Twitch special, thats for sure.

RJ City & Jake Something vs. Halal Beefcake [Joe Coleman & Idris Abraham]

RJ grabs a mic and says he wishes they weren’t on Twitch because it needs to be heavily edited because he didn’t get the applause he wanted. RJ asks Jake a question, but won’t let him answer. RJ says they should cut to the point that he hits his finisher and comes back to sing a song for everyone.

Idris Abraham used to be on IMPACT! television and still rocks his very large afro. Coleman comes to the ring with a huge jar of protein powder.

Abraham and RJ City start off in the ring. RJ lets Idris know where he can put his handshake and tags in Jake. Something punches and kicks away before choking Idris with his foot. Jawbreaker by Idris breaks him loose and he tags in Joe. Coleman with a reverse atomic drop, and a couple dropkicks. Something whips Coleman across and City buries a knee in his back. Coleman knocks him off the apron and fights back.

RJ pulls Coleman down in the corner and splits the difference with the ring post, and tags back in. Stomps away and tags back in Joe. Jake holds a chin lock as Joe fights to his feet. RJ tags back in as they assault Joe in the corner. Flatliner by RJ as Joe tries to cross the ring. Coleman comes out of the next corner with a spear.

RJ tags John, Joe tags Idris. Idris off the ropes and hits a flying forearm. Drop toe hold on both men, he calls in Coleman who does push ups off their backs. All four men in the ring fighting now, as Idris picks up Joe for the Celtic Cross! RJ stops a double team move and Jake hits a Blakc Hole Slam on Idris before RJ tags himself back in. Jake decides he has had enough of taking orders and clocks RJ City with a right hand!! Coleman slams Abraham onto RJ City for the 1-2-3!!!

Your winners: Halal Beefcake (pin fall)

  • Bound For Glory video package

Mad Man Fulton vs. “The Mysterious” Movado

D’Amore says Fulton is a Sami Callihan protege. He looks like him, but is over 300 pounds!!

The actually misspelled Movado’s name on the graphic to “Mavado”

Fulton over powers Movado in a collar and elbow tie up a few times before MOvado starts using his speed advantage. Moved does some rapid left hand right hand chops, and then does a worm across the ring to set up a charge in, which is interrupted by a savant kick from Fulton. Lots of chops, one off the ropes gets Fulton a two count. Moved then starts chipping away but is interrupted by a knee and a clothesline. Rolling sexton by Fulton also gets two.

Fulton goes up to the second rope, but Movado gets his knees up. Clotheslines from Movado can’t take the big man down. Shots to the midsection, and then a drop kick to his knee. Back to the left right chops in the corner, another worm, and a dropkick to Fulton in the corner. Movado then does a handstand splash for two. Off the ropes, Fulton hits a Samoan Drop. Then off the ropes he hits a swinging face buster for the 1-2-3

Your winner: Mad Man Fulton

  • Chris Jericho’s Rock ‘n Wrestling Rager at Sea video package
  • Bound For Glory Knockout’s Title Match video package

Gisele Shaw vs. Scarlett Bordeaux

This was supposed to be a three way match with Keira Hogan, but since she was put in the coffin on Thursday, she is a late scratch, so its a one-on-one match now.

This is Scarlett’s first official televised match with IMPACT!

Gisele talks smack to start, and then poses for the crowd. Scarlett them poses and the crowd cheers loudly. Gisele goes to a mild reaction. Scarlett goes again and the crowd erupts. Gisele again, but goes for a cheap shot and Scarlett takes advantage. Lou These press, and then dumps Gisele over the top rope and kicks her to the floor. Scarlett goes up top, and hits a HUGE cross body block to the floor!!

Scarlett tosses Gisele back in , covers for two. forearms exchanged, and then chops by Gisele in the corner. Scarlett reverses things, and whips Gisele off the ropes, reversed, and then hits a head scissor take down. Scarlett hits a scoop power slam followed by an elbow for two.

Scarlett hits a Stinger Splash in the corner, goes for a butt attack, by Gisele rolls to the outside. Scarlett goes for s suicide dive by Gisele hits a forearm and pulls Scarlett outside and hits a suplex on the floor. Gisele puts Scarlett back in, covers for one. Gisele kicks Scarlett’s ribs, then hits a gut buster for two. Gisele hits a standing duplex, hold son to roll into a second, then hangs Scarlett on the second rope for a twisting DDT for two. Gisele then goes up and misses a moonsault from the second rope, as Scarlett rolled out of the way.

A series of clotheslines from Scarlett, then rams Gisele into her backside and the second buckle. Running butt attack and Scarlett, she covers for two. Scarlett gets rolled up, one count, rolls back, now count, and Gisele hits a big boot for two. Gisele talks smack and slaps Scarlett, who spits in her pace! Scarlett gets a single leg take down and hits a sexton splash. Scarlett then hits a cradle DDT for a two count!!

Gisele then hits a sweeping back breaker, but can’t make the cover. Gisele charges in with a spear and covers for two. Now Gisele is visibly frustrated. Scarlett hits some forearms then positions Gisele on her back for a backpack piledriver for the 1-2-3!!!

Your winner: Scarlett Bordeaux (pin fall)

  • Bound For Glory Concrete Jungle Death Match promo video

Up next is the Eli Drake Dummy Challenge…

Eli comes out first and almost falls off the ropes posing for the crowd. Eli gets a microphone and says its not Detroit Rock City, no, when he’s there its E-Li-Drake City. Says tonight he has a first class ticket on the gravy train for whoever wants to come out. Out comes ZACH GOWEN to answer the challenge!!!!

Eli Drake vs. “The One Legged Wonder” Zach Gowen

Eli gets his microphone back, makes fun of the crowd, before saying this is what’s wrong with the wrestling business. Says no on in the crowd can do what he can, but day after day he sees Dummies, Yeah, with no athletic prowess, and now he’s looking at someone who doesn’t even have enough limbs to do this. He admires that he thinks he can do this, but we need to be honest, he’s got one leg and he’s facing E-Li -Drake, it just ain’t gonna fly. Thats not an insult, thats just a fact of life. Tells him he would be smart to just go.

Bowen gets the mic and says welcome to Detroit, bitch! Says he’s going to fin donut what happens when a one legged man challenges you to a butt kicking contest.

Bowen starts rolling and chasing down Eli, who ducks onto the apron. Back in they go face to face and he shoves Gowen down. Bowen with a school boy, into a front face lock, Eli rolls him up for one. Eli trips him, Gowen eggs off and Eli stops, telling Gowen to get up. Eli kicks him as soon as he’s up, and continues to beat him down. Pounds away with forearms into a chin lock, Gowen back up and hits a jawbreaker. Eli kicks him again and goes for a slam, Gowen floats in for a two count. Eli with a slam and covers for two. Eli now stomps away at Zach, picks him up and shoulder blocks in the corner. Headlock and punches from Eli, but Gowen catches him with a boot on the way back in. Off the second rope, Gowen hits a dropkick, both men down.

Eli charges across and misses a shoulder charge, then Gowen ducks and sends him over the top rope. Eli misses another charge to the ropes, goes for a DDT, but Eli sidesteps and hits a forearm shiver. Eli goes for the Gravy Train but Gower rolls him up for two. Gowen hits a jawbreaker again, then goes up top for a moonsault, but Eli moves out of the way. Eli then kicks the one leg out from under Zach, picks him up and hits the Gravy Train for the 1-2-3

Your winner: Eli Drake (pin fall)

  • Bound For Glory video package
  • Global Wrestling Network video package

Matt Sydal vs. N8 Mattson vs. Ace Austin vs. Petey Williams

Fatal Four Way X-Division Match, I will try to keep up…

Matt talks smack to start, getting everyone to open their third eye. He then sits in the corner, telling everyone else they can go at it. Sedan then drags Petey out of the ring and they brawl on the floor. Ace and N8 face off in the ring. Single leg take down by Ace for one, then another cover for one again. N8 and Ace both hit a shoulder block and go down. N8 goes off the ropes with a senton, Ace roles out, Petey in.

Petey whipped to the corner, floats over N8 and goes off the ropes in to a head scissor take down. Drop toe hold onto the middle rope and Petey hits a dropkick to N8’s back. Petey sets N8 into the tree of whoa, by Matt attacks from behind. Petey hits a mule kick, and then a drop toe hold, dropping Matt onto N8’s crotch. Petey with a sharp kick to N8’s face takes him off the buckles as well. N8 rolls out, now its Petey and Matt in the ring.

Matt with an arm drag and a kick to the back, Ace in, but gets the same combination. Ace with a drop toe hold, and a dorp kick and a kip up. Ace goes off the ropes and hits a plancha onto all three other men on the floor. Ace throws N8 back in, and logs on a leg choke, Petey then adds a Sharpshooter to N8, and Matt comes in with forearms to Petey, then locks a crossfire on Ace Austin. All men then release their holds.

Petey grabs N8, and whips his to a corner. N8 gets his feet up, charges out and eats a boot from Petey. Blocks the supplies attempts by Petey, but then forearm finds its mark. Ace Austin comes off the top with a dropkick to both men, and then a slingshot, handstand and a kick to Matt’s face on the floor, all without leaving the apron!!

Matt then crawls under the ring, Ace looking for him, and gets attacked from behind by Matt. Matt throws Ace back in, N8 covers for one. All three men square off, with N8 and Matt attacking Ace. N8 and Matt try to outdo each other’s chops on Ace, then Matt with a thigh kick. N8 whips Matt to Ace, who lofts him over the top, Ace fights off N8 and then Matt drops Ace.

Ace starts fighting back against Matt and N8, hits dropkicks, until Matt blocks and hits one of his own. Ace fights back again until N8 hits a knee to the gut. Ace reverses the corner charge and hits big boot, cover by Ace for two. Ace then goes up to the top, Matt Sydal cuts him off and hits him to the floor. Petey then hits a slingshot codebreaker on Matt, then a tilt a whirl side Russian leg sweep on N8 for two. Petey with a cradle face buster on Matt and calls for the Canadian Destroyer. Sets up on Matt, by N8 hits a face buster on Petey, then goes up top, and hits a leg drop from the top on Petey for two.

Ace with a kick to N8, then a face buster on his knees, covers for two. Ace whips N8 across, Petey interrupts, hits apoop up power bomb. Goes for the Destroyer, Matt interrupts with a knee strike. Ace Austin comes in Sydal blocks his kick and gets one of his own. Sedan hits his finisher, but N8 interrupts and hits a blue thunder bomb and gets a two before Petey Williams breaks up the pin fall. Petey and N8 reverse each other, Ace hits a blockbuster on N8, Petey hits the Canadian Destroyer on Ace Austin for the 1-2-3

Your winner: Petey Williams (pin fall)

  • Chris Jericho’s Rock ‘n Wrestling Rager at Sea video package
  • oVe Rules Match Bound For Glory video package

Ace Romero vs. Sami Callihan

Ace Romero weighs in at almost 500 POUNDS tonight!!! He’s the man from the viral video who hit The Pounce that launched his opponent into the crowd!

Callihan starts throwing chairs and some 8X10s into the ring, and the referee cleans them out as Sami enters. Sami charges in with a kick, but a second charge and Ace hits a DROPKICK that knocks Sami out of the ring. Sami moves but Ace is in hot pursuit on the floor. Sami gets on the apron and hits a kick, then Ace pulls him down by the leg. Ace then hits a kick to the fact of Sami. Ace then begins climbing the turnbuckles but misses a leg drop to the apron off the second rope.

Back out to the floor, Sami hits some chops and sets Ace up against the post. Sami then spits on his hand and goes for a chop, but Ace ducks. Ace goes for the same and Sami ducks. Both men exchange punches on the floor. Sami then hits a kick and Ace hits a European uppercut that decks Sami. Ace breaks up the count out, goes back to Sami who jams the eyes. Sami parts the crowd and hits a punch on Ace, sitting him onto chair. Sami then spits on his hand, charges in with a huge chop. Headlock control on Ace and another straight right to the face. Sami charges again but this time with a big boot. Sami motions thats he’s going around the world, betakes his lap around the ring, but Ace gets a boot up on Sami when he returns. Ace then hits a sexton splash on the floor on Sami!!

Ace finally throws Sami back in the ring picks him up, but Sami starts kicking away at Ace’s thighs and chopping his chest. Sami goes for a power slam, but Ace doest move. Sami hits a big boot, but again goes for a slam and gets nothing. Ace then scoops up Sami, hits a slam and a senton for two. At this point, some of the arena lights go off, as Scott and Josh joke about it. Sami flips off Ace, so Ace tells Sami to screw him, and hits another senton splash for two.

Ace picks up Sami, but he rakes the yes, tries for a German, Ace with the switch, and Sami tries for a sunset flip. Ace goes to sit on Sami, Sami moves, Sami hits an elbow on Ace for a one count. Sami funds away with rights and lefts and removes his wrist tape. Sami locks on a reverse chin lock but Ace stands up and walks Sami back first to the corner, then back s up again, then misses a splash. Sami is the finally able to get Ace in the air for a bodyslam, but both men are down.

Sami off the ropes with a clothesline, and another, and another, but Ace won’t got down. Ace responds with chops until Sami hits a big boot, and Ace chases him down and hits a huge clothesline to take down Sami. Ace then hits a sit out power bomb for two.

Ace sets Sami on the top rope and follows him to the top. Sami slips out and hits asuperkick to Romero’s ankles. Sami gets back under and hits a top rope Death Valley Driver and Ace kicks out at one!!! Ace is the first back to his feet, but slaps from Sami, he goes off the ropes and Ace hits  big boot and locks on a rear naked choke. Sami then floats over and pins Ace down for the 1-2-3

Your winner: Sami Callihan (pin fall)

Sami grabs a mic and begins an O-V-E chant.

  • IMPACT! returns to Windsor, Ontario in March 2019 ad
  • Video package for Eddie Edwards vs Moose at Bound For Glory

Johnny Swinger & Jon Bolen vs. Eddie Edwards (w/Kenny the Kendo Stick) & Tommy Dreamer

Eddie will start with Bolen, as they circle and lock up. Off the ropes, Bolen levels Edwards with a shoulder block. Headlock take over and another shoulder block for Bolen. Eddie hits an atomic drop, then rings the arm of Bolen and Bolen gets out and tags Swinger. Eddie tags in Dreamer.

Swinger wants a test of strength, Dreamer doest want to, but eats a kick and a shoulder block from Swinger. Dreamer gets an arm drag and a shoulder block of his own. Dreamer then hits the American Dream punches and the atomic elbow. Arm ringer by Dreamer as he hammers away at Swinger. Swinger breaks out and tags in Bolen. Arm drag by Dreamer and Eddie comes in then tags Dreamer back in. Double team off the ropes with elbows and a double elbow drop, kick out by Bolen at one.

Dreamer and Eddie take turns tagging in and working over Bolen, Bolen then charges Eddie who low bridges the ropes, Bolen lands on his feet on the floor and Eddie dives out onto him. Eddie then calls for Dreamer to dive as we’ll. Crowd chants E-C-W as he runs across, steps out of the ropes, and punches Bolen.

All four men start brawling on the floor, and Dreamer and Swinger head up the steps of the ramp. Dreamer spits beer in to Swinger’s face and tells the crowd to clear the way. Swinger funds away at Dreamer and Tommy falls off the balcony onto the chairs below. On the other side, Bolen has Eddie. Swinger gets Dreamer back in the ring, Swinger drops the elbow and works over Dreamer on the mat. Bowen tags back in and works over Dreamer in their corner. A big elbow drops Dreamer off the ropes.

Bolen locks in a reverse chin lock and Dreamer gets to his feet, but Bolen pulls him down and covers for two. Dreamer gets whipped into the corner and Bolen tags in Swinger. Swinger starts stomping away and hits an elbow dos on Tommy for one. Tommy charges out of the corner with a cross body, both men are down. Tommy tags in Eddie, Swinger tags in Bolen.

Eddie levels his twice and chops away. Puts Bolen in the corner, but eats a boot and then Eddie hits a front face duplex and a huge double handed chop, into a cover, broken up by Swinger at two. All four men in the ring again, Eddie and Tommy mount their men for corner punches and then both get bit for their troubles.

Dreamer looking for a DVD, Swinger reverses and gets Kenny. Swinger misses Tommy who hits a cutter and gets Kenny. Bowen hits a side slam on GDreamer from behind and Eddie gets Kenny. Eddie hits a Bolen with Kenny and a DDT for the 1-2-3

Your winners: Eddie Edwards & Tommy Dreamer (pin fall)

Eddie grabs a mic after and attempts to start a “You Still Got It” chant with no luck.

Tommy then grabs the mic and and says that everyone thinks Eddie is crazy, but he’s proof that if anyone grew up watching ECW you are hardcore and crazy, and he loves him for that!

  • Bound For Glory video package
  • GWN video package

Kongo Kong vs. D-Lo Brown

D-Lo talking smack to start, then starts with the forearms. Goes to slam Kong, but can’t lift him. D-Lo then kicks and forearms away, but still can’t slam Kong. D-Lo calls for a test of strength, Kongo raises his hand, but its much too tall for D-Lo. D-Lo then begins making Kongo dance, then kicks away, and attempts another unsuccessful slam. Kong whips D-Lo across and hits a huge back body drop.

Kong stomps away in the corner, then pounds the back of D-Lo against the ropes. punches exchanged, D-Lo still can’t slam Kong. Kong hits a running splash on D-Lo, then a belly to belly that gets a two count. Kong then hooks the face of D-Lo against the ropes. Kong whips D-Lo corner to corner, but D-Lo moves and begins punching. D-Lo goes for another slam, but Kongo shifts his weight and falls on Brown. Kong gets up, then goes for a pin and gets two. Kong then hits a sexton, and a splash on D-Lo on the ground, smothering him into the mat.

D-Lo goes under the ropes, Kong follows with an axe handle to the back. D-Lo gains control on the floor, puts Kong against the ring post, but Kong moves and Brown headsets the post. Kong then splashes D-Lo against the post on the outside. D’Amore asks “remember when wrestlers used to get counted out of the ring??”

Kong puts D-Lo back in, and D-Lo starts fighting back. D-Lo goes for Sky High and can’t get Kong up. Kong drops D-Lo in a corner and then goes and hits a running bowling ball splash in the corner. Crowd chants “one more time” for Kong, Kong goes to splash D-Lo, but he moves out of the way and hits several clotheslines in the corner. D-Lo finally hits the scoop slam in the middle of the ring.

Kong back to his feet, sidestepped D-Lo’s charge and Brown hits the post. Kong then follows with a headbutt and a chokeslam, and Kong covers for the 1-2-3

Your winner: Kong Kong (pin fall)

Bound For Glory video packages

you can hear the producer yelling “music!” and someone saying back “I don’t have it” before the main event starts. Finally the music starts playing

Moose vs. Johnny Impact

Moose gets referee Johnny Bravo to open the ropes for him so he can enter the ring.

Impact duck behind, Moose switches, and into a headlock. Off the ropes, Moose hits a shoulder block, misses a sexton, Impact misses a moonsault, both men kip up and face off. Trash talking starts from both me in the center of the ring. Impact shoes Moose, who returns the favor and the men come to blows. Impact hits an arm drag or two off the ropes and then a dropkick hits its mark.

Moose rolls out, Impact goes over the top but lands on the apron as Moose moves. Impact switches sides and hits a topei on Moose to the floor. Moose then thumbs both eyes of Impact before collecting himself. Moose grabs a chair, but the referee takes it away. Impact hits Moose and slams him face first in to the apron. A fan then holds Moose as Impact scores a right hand. Moose and Impact then brawl into the crowd and up the entrance ramp in  front of the bar.

At this point, the crowd is in the way and you can see nothing.

You then see Moose go for a summersault through a table, but you can’t tell if Moose hit Impact, Impact put Moose through the table, or Impact moved out of Moose’s way.

Impact then brings Moose back down the entrance stairs, obviously he came out the better of the table exchange. Impact throws Moose back in the ring, gets a drink of a fans beer, but then Moose welcomes him back to the ring with a low blow.

Moose then goes ground and pound on Impact, and then both men struggle to get back to their feet. Moose begins the chops and whips Impact hard into the buckles. A couple more chops from Moose but misses the third and Impact throws uppercuts and jabs. Moose chases Impact out and hits an European uppercut, Impact follows with a low knee, misses the Shining Wizard, Moose with a school boy in to a power bomb and gets a two count.

Moose stomps away at Johnny, picks him up, and chops him back down. Moose picks Johnny back up, and chops him down again. Moose then goes to the second rope and goes for the Moose-sault, but Impact moves out of the way.

Both men back to their feet and start exchanging blows. Impact hits two flying elbows and a leg lariat to take Moose down. Standing shooting star press gets a two count. Impact positions Moose and heads up to the top rope. Johnny goes for the Launch to Impact, Moose moves, he rolls through and hits a kick to Moose’s midsection, followed by a swinging neck breaker for two. Johnny picks up Moose, but he’s met with a chop, and delivers a receipt. Both men exchanging blows again, Moose pulls off the glove, but Impact hits a super kick. Off the ropes, Moose hits a pump kick, Impact hits a step up enziguri, Moose hits a headbutt and then Impact  hits an Impact Kick, leaving both men down again!

Moose charges Impact in the corner, eats a boot, but hits a Go To Hell on Impact for two! Moose now goes up to the top rope,  Impact meets him with a right hand and heads up as well. Impact goes for a superplex, Moose blocks. Moose then bites Impact to get him off, but Impact comes back and hits a Spanish Fly off the second rope, but Moose kicks out at two!!

Impact then drags Moose to a corner, calls for Starship Pain. Goes for it, Moose rolls away, Impact lands on his feet, but Moose hits a pop-up powebomb, but cannot capitalize. Moose rolls out of the ring to collect himself. Moose grabs another chair, and brings it in. Referee Bravo takes this chair away as well, but Moose grabs the original chair and hits Impact in the head!! Bravo comes back and Moose covers, but only gets two!!

Moose gets Impact up, misses The GameChanger, but eats a drop kick from Impact and Moose runs into the referee. Impact gets a school boy but theres no referee to count. Moose then kicks a field goal like low blow on Impact in the middle of the ring. Moose grabs the chair, kicks the referee in the face, hits the mat, and tosses the chair to Impact a la Eddie Guerrero. Impact realizes what Moose is doing, wraps the chair around his own neck and lays down as well. Referee Bravo is confused. Moose swears he didn’t do anything, the referee tosses a chair, and Impact hits a super kick on Moose. Impact then hits Starship Pain for the 1-2-3!!!

Your winner: Johnny Impact (pin fall)

Impact has a microphone, saying Moose kicked his ass tonight, but Moose is the one who woke up in SlamTown, and now he is more focused on BFG than ever! Says he’s not going to New York for a Twitter war, he’s going to take the IMPACT! World Championship out of his hands! He says theres nowhere to hide, Johnny Impact will be waiting for him, and he will see him in SlamTown!!


THATS ALL SHE WROTE! See you for IMPACT! on Thursday and next Sunday, Bound For Glory!!!!

Follow along on Twitter @OldSkewlPantz and don’t forget the Bearded IMPACT! Podcast every Friday morning!!!

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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