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Chris’s IMPACT Wrestling Results and Live Review (10/4/2018)



IMPACT Wrestling Results & Report


Follow along with Chris Pinheiro as he reviews IMPACT Wrestling live and in the moment! Tweet @theCHAIRSHOTcom and @OldSkewlPantz during the show.


  • Matt Sydal pins Rich Swann, his finisher (don’t know the name)
  • La Parka defeats Eli Drake via count out
  • Murder Clown pins Joe Hendry (top rope splash)
  • Su Yung pins Keira Hogan (Panic Switch)
  • Fenix/Pentagon Jr./Brian Cage defeated oVe (disqualification)



We start with the standard recap of last week’s action.

IMPACT! from Mexico week three, and we start with Rich Swann!

Match One: Rich Swann vs. Matt Sydal

Matt wants a handshake, Swann has second thoughts but finally does. Sydal tries to open Swann’s third eye but is hit with an enziguri. Swann then flies off the top rope onto Sydal in the floor.

Back in the ring, Swann off the ropes, and the go counter for counter. Swann hits a leg lariat to take down Sydal. Sydal begs off into the corner, hook kick to Swann sends him to the outside, as the brawl out there again.

Sydal gets knocked down with a right hand and rolls under the ring. When Swann goes to look he gets hit in the eye, Sydal claims it was a forearm.

Back inside, Swann fights back, until a back breaker slam stops him. Swann fights back again and reverses a tilt a whirl into a head scissor takeover, take down gets a two count. Hand spring  cutter by Swann gets a 2.

Swann goes up top, Sydal interrupts him. Swann shoves off Matt, who springs back with a hurricanrana but Swann lands on his feet!! Sydal eats a kick, then hits a powerbomb counter for two!!

Sydal goes for his finisher, Swann counters with a kick and goes up top again. A mystery man grabs Swann off the top rope and powerbomb him into the middle of the ring. Sydal then hits his finisher for the 1-2-3

Winner: Matt Sydal (pin fall)

Josh Matthews reveals that the mystery man is ETHAN PAGE!!

Back stage with oVe, and Dave is clearly shaken up. Sami says that even magical powers won’t help the Lucha Bros. when they meet in the middle of the ring at Bound For Glory!

**commercial break**

Backstage, Eddie gets a call from “Alisha” but it’s Moose. Moose tells Eddie to meet him upstairs.

Scarlett Bordeaux comes out and comes to the announce desk where Don welcomes her with open arms. Scarlett says Don is a 10 and Josh is a 5. Josh asks her why she’s here, she says she wants to give back, finding the next champion.

Match Two: Eli Drake open challenge

Scarlett says Eli looks like a star.

Eli has a mic and says everyone knows the drill, it’s dummy hunting season. Says he wants all the Technicos back there so they can give him all their planchas and he can kick them in their keisters.

LA PARKA(!!!!) comes out dragging a referee.

Crowd immediately begins chanting La Parka!! La Parka talks some smack in Spanish (and unfortunately my wife just left for work so I have no translator)

La Parka attacked as the bell rings, choking Eli in the corner. La Parka removes a glove to begin chopping Eli.

Eli regains control and begins punching away. He rolls outside and grabs a chair! La Parka knocks it away and hits a reverse DDT and grabs the chair. La Parka threatens and Eli rolls out of the ring. The referee counts to ten and La Parka wins.

Winner: La Parka (count out)

LAX backstage, Konnan tells them he will not break the cease fire, no matter how disrespectful the OGz get. The OGz show up, and the two sides are in each other’s faces. King dares LAX to touch the OGz. Konnan tells King he basically raised him, King says you raised a snake, what do you expect. King then drinks Konnan’s tequila and spits it in his face. The OGz drop the titles at their feet and walk away.

**commercial break**

Matt Sydal and Ethan Page backstage and Sydal says he doesn’t have to open any of Page’s eyes. Page says Swann missed his chance. Sydal says they walk together now, they’re a tag team, and challenge Swann to find a partner for Bound For Glory!

Match Three: Murder Clown (w/Katarina) vs. Joe Hendry (w/Grado)

Joe Hendry comes out to “Hendry Makes Things Better” again.

Hendry has a mic to start, thanks Katarina for the early warning, and says he hasn’t disturbing footage of her and her new client.

A video plays of “Katarina” and a Clown going on dates and the Clown then killing Katarina. Okay this is just too funny!!! He again takes a shot that it’s too bad the clown isn’t a pirate and isn’t related HAHAHA

Hendry gets the early advantage but it’s back and forth after. Clown hits a huge clothesline, then sets Hendry on the top and hangs him in the tree of whoa. Running dropkick in the corner, and Clown keeps picking up Hendry and knocking him down.

Clown misses a senton, Hendry then hits a fall away slam!!

Clown slams Hendry and hits a top rope splash for the 1-2-3!

Winner: Murder Clown (pin fall)

Clown then gets a table, and Grado begs off only to get a low blow from behind from Katarina. Clown sets up the table as Katarina gives instructions. Clown places Hendry on the table and hits ANOTHER top rope splash through the table!!

**commercial break**

Bound For Glory video package

Abyss Hall Of Fame 2018 video package

Eddie is walking through town with Kenny the Kendo Stick. He finds Moose who has Alisha. Eddie and Moose argue weather or not Aries and Kross are really friends to Moose. Eddie admits he was a bad friend, hopes they can be friends after Moose kicks his ass at BFG. Alisha then throws water on Moose’s face and Eddie and Moose brawl. Killer Kross jumps in, Eddie breaks free, hits Kross with Kenny and he and Alisha bolt. Eddie calls Johnny Impact and tells him to get Austin Aries now because he’s alone.

**commercial break**

Impact is on the hunt for Austin Aries. Kicks in his dressing room door, but cannot finding him. He even checks the bathroom and says “well he’s not pooping.” Finds a shirt guy getting interviewed, but he’s Mexican… the segment ends without him finding Aries.

Impact then comes to the ring. He calls out Aries to have a conversation about their match. Austin’s music hits, and he eventually comes out with his arm in a sling. Aries limps to the ring, slowly.

Aries joins Impact in the ring, saying he’s here and alone, and he’s suffered some injuries from Impact hitting him with the title belt last week. Impact says he doesn’t want to whoop his ass tonight, but at Bound For Glory so he can be the champion.

He then says the title should be Aries vs Impact, and asks if Aries can face him alone at Bound For Glory as well. Aries reminds Impact that he’s all ready beat Impact, so if he wants it to be one-on-one, he guarantees Moose and Kross won’t interfere because he doesn’t need them to beat Impact, and does Impact even know who he really is?

Aries says Impact looks like he should be champion, and he’s a really good fake pro wrestler. Aries continues saying he doesn’t look like the part, but he’s that good and he IS a champion.

Aries then offers Impact a chance to be a part of a winning team. Says he can cancel his shot,  join his group and unlock his potential before he has to change his name to Johnny 205!

Johnny says he’d rather be wheeled out on a stretcher on his own before he follows Aries. Aries hits Impact with a cheap shot and reveals he’s not injured. Impact then hits a huge clothesline and Starship Pain on the champion, hold the belt high as his music plays.

Brian Cage is backstage calling out Callihan and says he will decimate oVe at Bound For Glory.

**commercial break**

Video package for BFG Weekend in NYC

Backstage with The Desi Hit Squad as they realize they blew their shot last week. Gama then shows up and beats them with another broom. He then says next week they will face each other to find out who the weekest link is.

GWN Moment of the Week is BFG 2011 as Sting takes on Hulk Hogan

Scarlett Bordeaux is backstage, as Jack Evans tries to get her managerial services with a backflip. She then calls Puma King kinky and walks away.

The Smoke Show

Scarlett then sees Trevor Lee and Petey Williams backstage. Petey makes Lee move as he shows her the secret behind The Canadian Destroyer. Trevor is shocked by Petey being a creep. Scarlett tells them there’s no fighting on The Smoke Show and they should take it outside.

**commercial break**

The Lucha Bros. call oVe stupid for trying to beat them in Mexico. Says they will see them in the ring tonight!

Match Four: Keira Hogan (w/Allie) vs. Su Yung (w/The Undead Maid of Honor)

Su attacks before the bell, but Keira gains control. Corner hip attacks and a low dropkick gets two. Keira controls off the whip by Su hits a reverse Alabama Slam off the top for one.

Su beals Keira across a few times. Su misses a corner charge, but stops herself. Keira catches her and begins hitting forearms and a snapmare. Keira misses a corner charge but puts the breaks on. Su ducks to the outside, Keira hits a suicide dive, rolls Su back in for two.

Su goes for the Panic Switch, Keira reverses into a sitout powerbomb for two. Keira goes up top, Maid interfered, Allie gets her, Su hits a palm strike and then takes Keira off the top, hits the Panic Switch for the 1-2-3!

Winner: Su Yung (pin fall)

A coffin is rolled out on the ramp, but Allie attacks Su. The Maid grabs Allie but she breaks free and dumps Su out. She then yells at Su who backs off, but the Maid attacks. Su applies the mandible claw and attempts to put Allie in the coffin. Keira saves Allie, but then gets the Claw and gets put in the coffin!!

**commercial break**

Allie is freaking out backstage. She says she knows what she has to do…

Video package of Tessa Blanchard vs Taya Valkyrie

oVe comes out and Sami gets a mic before their opponents come out, he tells the crowd to shut up. Jake again imitating Sami the entire time which is hilarious. Says they’re not waiting for Bound For Glory, they want a ref and to get it on now!!

**commercial break**

Fenix and Pentagon Jr. come out to the stage, followed by Brian Cage.

Match Five: oVe [Jake Crist/Dave Crist/Sami Callihan] vs. The Lucha Bros. [Fenix & Pentagon Jr.] & Brian Cage

All three then charge the ringand attack. There’s a referee in the ring and here we go. Cage and Fenix hit flying moves in Sami for two. Sami then rakes Fenix’s eyes, but a boot and he takes back over. To the corner, Fenix does his leaps but Jake shakes the ropes and he crashes down.

Sami regains control. Again goes to the mask. Tags in Dave, and oVe takes everyone off the apron.

Three on one against Fenix in the ring, who reverses the all Seeing Eye and tag says in Cage. Cage hits a powerbomb on Sami, stacks up oVe and hits a German suplex on both Crist brothers.

Sami kicks Cage in the face who flexes, intimidating Sami, who throws the referee down for the disqualification

Winners: Brian Cage/Fenix/Pentagon Jr. (disqualification)

After the bell, a brawl ensues. Jake kicks Cage twice and Cage wipes him out with a knee. Cage then hits a superplex off the second rope onto everyone on the floor!!!! The brawl continues on the outside, and Fenix hits a corkscrew plancha off the guardrail!!!

Lucha Bros slam both Crists into the guardrail and they brawl off the air!!!




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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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