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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (10/17/18)



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The War Raiders have been running rampant on the tag team division, and finally get their chance at the Undisputed Era’s NXT Tag Team Championships!



  • NXT Tag Team Championships: The Undisputed Era VS The War Raiders; The War Raiders win by disqualification, The Undisputed Era retains the NXT Tag Team Championships.
  • Britt Baker VS Shayna Baszler; Baszler wins.
  • Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch VS Tian Bing & Rocky; Lorcan & Burch win.
  • Nikki Cross VS Bianca Belair; no contest.


NXT Tag Team Championships: The Undisputed Era VS The War Raiders!

Kyle O’Reilly & Roderick Strong have been the champions on and off, but have always found a way to win in the end. However, will there be any running and hiding from the war bears of Hanson & Ray Rowe?! Or will the tag titles remain Undisputed?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and fans duel as we begin! Rowe starts against Strong and they tie up. Strong goes for a leg but Rowe stays up. Strong shifts to a waistlock but Rowe standing shifts. They go to the ropes and Strong scrapes Rowe’s face to then kick, club and tag in Kyle. The Undisputed Era mugs Rowe then double whip him in, but he blasts out with double clotheslines! Rowe drags Kyle back in and over to his corner, Hanson tags in. Kyle gets free and goes after Hanson’s leg but Hanson throws him off. Hanson runs him over then scares of Strong. Kyle kicks away and gets a facelock. He brings Hanson over, Strong tags in and the Undisputed Era mug Hanson. They double whip but Hanson breaks the line to give clotheslines. The Undisputed Era regroups outside but Hanson tags in Rowe.

Rowe waits while Undisputed Era talk. Kyle goes in but he’s not the legal man. Rowe doesn’t care, he slams Kyle. Strong comes in but Rowe reverses the whip. Rowe catches Strong going up and over, but Strong slips out. Strong runs and Kyle tags in, Rowe runs Strong over. Kyle gets the waistlock but Rowe standing switches. Kyle goes after his leg but Rowe just pries him off into a slam! Rowe deadlifts Kyle while back dropping Strong. Kyle gets free and gives knees, but Rowe scoops him. Hanson tags in and Rowe slams Kyle, to then scoop slam senton Hanson on Kyle. Hanson sees Strong coming in, War Raiders toss Strong at Kyle! Fans fire up with the Raiders while Rowe pursues Kyle. Kyle leads Rowe around but Rowe sees the sucker punch coming. He dodges Strong to still hit Kyle, then hits Strong, too!

Rowe puts Kyle in but Strong anchors Rowe. Rowe shoves Strong away and knocks Kyle down, but then Strong chop blocks Rowe! Kyle stomps the leg and then Rowe’s back. Kyle puts Rowe in the corner and tags Strong. Rowe fights back but they still get a leg, and Strong gets the backbreaker! Cover, TWO! Strong stomps Rowe, then drags him away. He hooks the leg in a standing deathlock. He stomps the knee, tags Kyle, and Kyle kicks away on that leg. Kyle brings Rowe back and kicks the leg more. He wraps the leg on the rope but lets up at 4. Rowe keeps fighting back, but hobbles into more kicks and even palm strikes and knees from Kyle. Kyle sweeps the leg and covers, TWO! He rains down palm strikes from both sides, then tags to Strong.

The Undisputed Era split the wishbone, then mock the “War! War!” chants. Rowe hits Strong from the mat so Strong dropkicks him down. Cover, TWO, but Strong throws hands on Rowe. Tag to Kyle, and the mugging continues. They kick and chop away on Rowe in a corner but fans rally up for him. Kyle dragon screws and figure fours the legs, and turns Rowe over in a figure four snap deathlock. Tag to Strong and Strong takes over the legs. Rowe shoves Strong away but Strong comes back. Strong drags Rowe up but Rowe elbows out hard. Kyle tags in as Strong keeps hold of Rowe with his legs. Kyle clubs Rowe down then twists the leg in a standing toehold to a grounded dragon screw! Tag to Strong and they focus on that leg.

Strong sits down into another deathlock but Rowe fights him. They scrap but Strong gets the leverage on the leg. Fans rally up and Rowe throws heavy hands on Strong. Rowe gets free but Strong tags to Kyle to chop block Rowe down! Kyle runs in but into a BIG urenage! Both men are down but fans rally up. Kyle rolls to his corner, tag to Strong, tag to Hanson! Hanson rallies and tosses Strong with that back drop! Then the side slam, into a low crossbody splash. He uppercuts Kyle then boots Strong. Hanson misses Kyle in a corner but sits on him! Hanson cartwheels and clotheslines Strong! Fans fire up with Hanson as he aims at Strong. Bronco Buster! Cover, TWO! Hanson keeps focus and tags Rowe back in.

Kyle jumps on Hanson for a sleeper but gets backed down then fed to shotgun knees. Rowe can’t quite lift Hanson so Hanson slaps him to give power to that spinebuster senton! Hanson lifts Strong and dumps him on Rowe’s good knee, then Rowe sit-out bombs Strong! But Kyle breaks the cover! Fans love this as Rowe hits Kyle back with a forearm. Tag to Hanson and War Raiders focus on Strong. Rowe gives to Hanson who gives him back, springboard lariat German Suplex! Adam Cole appears!? He wants to DQ this match but Hanson rocks him out of the ring! Hanson tags Rowe in, and Rowe drags Strong back up. Hanson climbs but Strong slips out to knee him down! Ax and Smash from Kyle! Then an Olympic slam from Strong to Rowe! Cover, TWO!?

Tag to Kyle and Undisputed Era get Rowe up. Strong runs but Rowe denies Strong Elimination with Ace Ten Mao! Kyle kicks the leg but Rowe headbutts back. Kyle gets Rowe’s leg and goes after an Achilles lock! But Hanson comes in, catches Strong, and slams Strong onto Kyle! Rowe rolls and tags Hanson, and Kyle throws strikes. Hanson takes it all, but Rowe comes in, THOR’S HAMMER! Hanson DIVES on Cole and Strong! But this isn’t over, Hanson climbs up while Rowe lifts Kyle… FALLOUT!! Cover, but BOBBY FISH attacks!!

Winners: War Raiders, by disqualification; Undisputed Era still NXT Tag Team Champions

Bobby Fish is moving just fun as he SMACKS both Hanson and Rowe with a chair! Fans are thunderous as Fish is running wild! He SMACKS Hanson again and again, but Rowe comes back for more. Strong and O’Reilly give Rowe Strong Elimination! The Undisputed Era is at 100% capacity, “We rule the world!” They retain the titles, but will they regret doing it this way?


Nikki Cross is in the bowels of the arena.

She keeps scribbling “EST” over and over because she knows. Well, we do know that Nikki and Bianca Belair have a rematch from their raucous match a few weeks ago. Will Nikki end the Un-De-Fea-Ted streak of Bianca? Or will Bianca keep moving towards the title?


Britt Baker VS Shayna Baszler!

The Queen of Spades is more than ready for her NXT Women’s Championship rematch with Kairi Sane at WWE Evolution. To prove it, she looks to ear into a new NXT acquisition. Will there be anything left of Dr. Baker to compete in NXT after this?

The bell rings and Shayna circles with Baker as the fans duel. They tie up and Shayna gets the fireman’s carry takedown to an arm wringer. She keeps on that arm and she stands on Baker’s head as she twists that arm. Baker endures the torture from wrist to elbow. Shayna even adds an arm to make it part Bow ‘n’ Arrow. Shayna walks around to twist Baker’s arm more, but then sets up the hammerlock, for the STOMP! Baker cries in pain but Shayna just sits back and enjoys what she’s done. The referee calls it, Shayna wins!

Winner: Shayna Baszler, by referee stoppage

Baker cries in pain as she holds her arm and medics come in to check on her. Bully Baszler doesn’t care, she gets the win. And then she step-up knees Baker off her feet! Will the Queen of Spades be able to do the same thing to the Pirate Princess at Evolution?


Backstage interview with William Regal.

The NXT GM knows Nikki Cross claims to know who attacked Aleister Black, but no one can tell if she’s telling the truth. Aleister is on his way back, so time is of the essence. Regal plans to talk with Nikki after her match tonight, but will that be soon enough?


Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch VS Tian Bing & Rocky!

The one-two combination is back again, and hope that they can make another run at the NXT Tag Team Championships. Of course, that is the dream of all tag teams, such as the debuting duo from China. Which pair of hopefuls will rise up towards the top with a victory here?

Fans chant “One Two!” for Lorcan & Burch. The Boston Brawler starts against Bing with the bell. They circle and Lorcan avoids Bing’s broad kick. They tie up, and Lorcan powers Bing back to ropes. Lorcan honors the break but Bing kicks and chops Lorcan. Bing wrenches the arm and brings Lorcan to a knee. Lorcan whips but Bing runs him over. Bing wrenches the arm again, and brings him over. Rocky tags in but Lorcan fires off chops and forearms. Bing rocks Lorcan with a right and Rocky wraps on a full nelson. Lorcan endures as he works to fight the hold. Fans rally up and Lorcan uses his leg to help pry the lock open. Lorcan then clobbers Rocky with a clothesline!

Tag to Burch and Burch hits Rocky in a corner with clothesline, enziguri and then hops up for a missile dropkick! Burch kips up and fans fire up. Burch sees Bing coming and gives him a headbutt! Tag to Lorcan, and they bring Rocky up, for the draping DDT! Lorcan covers, Lorcan & Burch win!

Winners: Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch, Lorcan pinning

The One Two gets the one-two-three! They’re back and ready to fight anyone on the way to tag titles. How long will it take for them to return to contention? Who will they meet when they finally return to the summit?


Nikki Cross VS Bianca Belair!

The last time the Loony Lass and The EST of NXT faced each other in the ring, it didn’t end in the ring. They went all around the ring and the arena, and were both counted out. However, what ended the fight was Crazy Cross’ crossbody off the announce desk and onto Belair, and a crowd of officials. Now these two will have another go, but will it go the same as before? Or will we get a clear winner?

Fans are strongly behind Nikki as the bell rings, but Bianca has her fans, too. Nikki stops shaking her head and rushes right onto Belair with a tackle! Bianca gets Nikki off her to give right hands, but the two then roll out of the ring. They brawl on the outside just like before, scrapping and clubbing around the corner. Bianca throws Nikki into the apron but then Nikkii throws Bianca into the steel steps! Nikki puts Bianca in the ring and covers, ONE! Nikki keeps on Bianca but Bianca whips. Bianca goes to hip toss but Nikki monkey flips. Nikki dropkicks Bianca to a corner, then runs in. Bianca puts her on the apron, but Nikki hits her away. Nikki steps in, blocks the boot and shoves Bianca over. Nikki runs, but leaps into Bianca’s arms, for a Fall Away Slam!

Fans duel as Bianca covers, TWO. Bianca stomps Nikki out then covers again, TWO. Bianca drags Nikki up for a neck wrench, but fans do not lose speed as they continue to duel. Nikki endures as fans shift to a rally. Bianca thrashes Nikki around but Nikki doesn’t give in. Nikki feeds off the energy of the fans and fights out. Bianca whips but Nikki dodges to then tilt-o-whirl headscissor! But Bianca’s up and dropkicks Nikki down! Bianca clubs Nikki in the corner, then dares Nikki to get up. Bianca knocks her back down, then handsprings over her, to moonsault back onto her! Cover, TWO! Bianca glares at Nikki as she circles. Nikki slaps herself before reversing the whip and throwing forearms. Bianca kicks Nikki back, then double chicken wings for the lift! Nikki gets out to victory roll, TWO! Both women back off, but then Bianca runs in.

Nikki dodges but Bianca runs her over. Bianca climbs up while Nikki is down, but Nikki trips her up! Bianca is in the Tree of Woe and Nikki stomps a mudhole into her! Nikki stops at 4, but comes back for more! She stops again and Bianca falls out of the Tree. Nikki runs back in, for a big splash, to a bulldog! Fans fire up with Nikki as she goes into a frenzy. Nikki climbs up and aims at Bianca. Bianca staggers, into a crossbody! Cover, TWO! But Nikki isn’t mad, she grins as she stalks Bianca. Bianca tries to get away but it’s like a horror movie as Nikki drags her back in. Bianca shoves Nikki away then shoves again, to rock her with a right forearm! Both women are down after that strongEST forearm but the fans are loving it.

Bianca and Nikki flounder away but Nikki is up, only to walk into SPEAR! Cover, TWO!! Bianca tries again, TWO! Again, TWO! Bianca keeps trying high stack covers, but then she deadlifts Nikki for a sit-out powerbomb! Cover, TWO?! Bianca is shocked that Nikki survives! The fans are thunderous as Bianca winds up her hair. She’s serious now as she pie faces Nikki. Bianca tells Nikki to stay down, but Nikki keeps dragging herself up. Bianca SLAPS Nikki, but Nikki just grins. Nikki sits up, Bianca puts her on the top rope, then trophy lifts Nikki! Bianca brings her around, for an “E! S! T!” set of squats. But Nikki slips out, for a sleeper! Bianca thrashes about, but ends up in an inverted DDT! Nikki covers, TWO!! The EST streak still lives but now Nikki is the one furious.

Nikki climbs up again, and leaps, into the hair whip!! Bianca’s braids slapped Nikki out of the sky, and now Bianca climbs up. But Nikki intercepts her! Nikki throws forearms as she climbs up, too. She clubs away on Bianca and hits a SUPERPLEX! Both women are down and Full Sail is loving it. But then the lights go out?! Because Aleister Black is back! The Embodiment of the End appears in the ring while Bianca is completely gone!

No Contest

Aleister sits cross-legged staring at Nikki. Fans lose their minds but Nikki grins as she crawls over. Fans know “Nikki’s got a secret~!” Nikki rolls around but Aleister bids her stop. And then he beckons her over. Nikki calmly crawls over, almost in a trance. Fans hush each other, and Aleister says, “Tell me.” Nikki crawls a little closer, and whispers it in Aleister’s ear. Aleister does not look happy about the answer. He’s the angriest he’s ever been since coming to NXT, but who did she name?!



My Thoughts:

A pretty great episode of NXT right here. We surprisingly open with the NXT Tag Team Championships, but not so surprisingly, the Undisputed Era use Champion’s Advantage to keep the belts. But there was still a surprise in that it was Bobby Fish did it. Now the duo of reDRagon, O’Reilly & Fish, can reunite to defend the titles against War Raiders, Lorcan & Burch and whoever else moves up in the rankings. Lorcan & Burch do great against Bing & Rocky, who aren’t a half-bad team themselves. In fact, NXT doesn’t usually do 8-Man Tags, but I’d love if the Undisputed Era was all in action against War Raiders plus Lorcan & Burch. Though, I’m thinking Lorcan & Burch should be the guys who truly test the Forgotten Sons first.

Great to see Britt Baker’s in NXT, though it’s too bad she was the sacrifice to Shayna Baszler’s mean streak. Shayna earns major Heel points, and I think Kairi needs to do something, even just her own training video promo, to keep up with her. Otherwise, Shayna is just going to take that title at Evolution and celebrate alongside Ronda. That ending was pretty much foreshadowed by Regal saying he wants to talk to Nikki at the end of the show. Nikki VS Belair was amazing, and I really thought for a moment we were going to see the EST Streak end. But Aleister keeps both women from taking the pin as he appears, and then he somehow gets Nikki to calmly give him the name. Given how furious Aleister looked, it must’ve been someone he sure never expected. Probably Gargano, despite that swerve being somewhat obvious.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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