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AJPW Real World Tag League 2018 Results & Review Part 1



New Japan’s Tag League not interest you? Don’t worry, Mathew and All Japan bring you the REAL World Tag League! Some Japanese big names along with an American tag team making their debut in Japan.

Welcome back to AJPW and we’re now gonna cover their Real World Tag League and luckily I can do this one by myself due to it being only one block.

For this tournament, there will be 11 teams and 19 shows, so let’s take a look at our participants down below and see what we’re working with.

  • Jun Akiyama & Daisuke Sekimoto
  • Kento Miyahara & Yoshitatsu
  • Naoya Nomura & Yuma Aoyagi
  • Get Wild (Takao Omori & Manabu Soya)
  • Violent Giants (Suwama & Shuji Ishikawa)
  • The End (Odinson & Parrow)
  • TAJIRI & Gianni Valletta
  • Joe Doering & Dylan James
  • Jake Lee & Ryouji Sai
  • The Big Guns (Zeus & The Bodyguard)
  • KAI & Kengo Mashimo

Seeing these teams here, we got a solid line-up and it already looks a thousand times better than New Japan’s World Tag League. Anyway, for this tournament, I will be going with Violent Giants to get the win while being the Tag Team Champions. I’ll be dividing it up by parts and will do it by how many matches are on each show.

Who will win the tournament? Well, let’s find out and…dive right in.


Real World Tag League 2018 Match
Naoya Nomura & Yuma Aoyagi vs. Odinson & Parrow

Review: Our first match in the tournament takes place as our All Asia Tag Team Champions, Naoya Nomura and Yuma Aoyagi take on a tag team called The End which consists of two Evolve wrestlers, Odinson and Parrow. I don’t know much about Odinson and Parrow due to not watching a lot of Evolve but they look like a promising pair and be good exposure for them to take part in this tournament. So which of these two teams will win the first match to kick this tournament off?

After seeing Odinson and Parrow for the first time today, they looked pretty strong in this bout as they pretty much destroyed Nomura and Yuma in this match soon as the bell rang to show off their power in the match, which they did. After a couple of minutes of The End destroying their opponents, Yuma and Nomura would start to fight back in the match to get some momentum from the crowd but that would deflate pretty quickly with Odinson Pouncing Nomura and gets him to the outside as the two would hit a Doomsday Device onto Yuma with Odinson hitting a European Uppercut and pinning Yuma for the victory in under five minutes. These two looked very impressive and looking forward to seeing how they’ll fair with the rest of the tournament.

Rating: Tony Schiavone and a half


Real World Tag League 2018 Match
Manabu Soya & Takao Omori vs. The Bodyguard & Zeus

Review: Our next match-up takes place with The Bodyguard and former Triple Crown Champion, Zeus teaming up once again as they take on Get Wild which consists of Takao Omori and former Wrestle-1 Champion, Manabu Soya. It’s good to see Manabu doing a tag league and surprised he’s not teaming up with AKIRA for this one. Since Zeus lost his big title, will he be able to get a consolation prize with this match right here?

This match was definitely a powerhouse type of match since that’s what all four of these men are known for here, so it was pretty much to see which of them were stronger. Manabu is usually used for the tag league whenever he comes over like last year, but I feel like if he did stick around again that he could maybe have a better shot at maybe being the Triple Crown Champion or maybe just get some title matches under his belt. Manabu did pair off fairly well with Bodyguard here, even if Bodyguard did somehow mess up taking a Bulldog in the match, but it’s Bodyguard so it’s expected. Zeus was still able to bounce back despite not being champion anymore and showed he’s still at the top of his game. The match was solid enough to get by with Big Guns proving why they’re one of the top teams in the company while Manabu and Takao were able to hold off on their own in this match to give them a run for their money. Seeing Manabu and Bodyguard for the majority of the match made me wanna see them have a one on one match together down the road since I fell like it could be a solid bout if done right. Manabu would give Bodyguard a Wild Bomber to get the pinfall victory and a big first win!

Rating: Eric Bischoff and a quarter


Real World Tag League 2018 Match
Daisuke Sekimoto & Jun Akiyama vs. KAI & Kengo Mashimo

Review: It looks like Jun Akiyama is cleared for action as he takes part in this tournament teaming up with Daisuke Sekimoto and the two will take on KAI and Kengo Mashimo. KAI and Kengo were both unable to defeat the Violent Giants to take the titles away from them, but they could get some redemption if they do win this tournament right here and even beat them in the league once they cross paths again. Which team will win?

I really do enjoy the pairing of KAI and Kengo, and I know I’ve said it before in the last AJPW article I did but they still work together with the humor dynamic with KAI trying to get Kengo to notice him while he’s just ignoring that. KAI and Daisuke would start the match off and I thought it was a ton of fun to see with their sequences together in the ring with Daisuke getting the early advantage in the match. I’m kinda surprised Daisuke was able to do the tournament but I should also not be surprised at the same time since Uncle Jun has been delivering with special guests in these tournaments much like how he has Shingo Takagi and Naomichi Marufuji for their Champions Carnival and now he was able to get Daisuke to take part in this tournament and even have Jun be his partner nonetheless.

I really enjoyed this match since both teams had a really nice dynamic together no matter the pairing involved in the ring. Jun would also be smart by working on Kengo’s injured shoulder with his knee strikes to do some damage to it and weaken his offense slightly. During the match, Jun would attempt a knee to the face in which KAI moves out of the way as both him and Kengo went to attack him down until Kengo held Jun in place until KAI went for a Superkick and accidentally hits Kengo once Jun ducked out of the way, leading to Daisuke hitting the both of them with a Double Lariat. Kengo would attempt a kick out his own as the match progressed and would accidentally kick KAI down and instead of checking up on him, he would focus on the match instead as Daisuke would pick Kengo up and tackle him right onto KAI who was on the turnbuckle. Jun would attempt to hit the Wrist-Clutch Suplex onto KAI as he would hold his ground but Daisuke would come up behind them to hit a German Suplex on Jun while he was holding onto the clutch to slam KAI down. Jun would pick KAI up right away and hits the Wrist-Clutch Suplex without the assistance this time and would pick up the win.

Rating: Eric Bischoff and a half


Real World Tag League 2018 Match
Shuji Ishikawa & Suwama vs. Kento Miyahara & Yoshitatsu

Review: Our main event for this show is our current World Tag Team Champions, The Violent Giants taking on Yoshitatsu and current Triple Crown Champion, Kento Miyahara. These two teams are no strangers to each other as they both had their fair share of battles together for the titles where Kento and Yoshi defeated them for the titles back in February of this year. Can Kento and Yoshi beat them again or will the Violent Giants come out on top?

Oh good. Suwama and Shuji were able to change their attire up a little bit to look more like a tag team and it looks pretty good to me. I liked seeing Suwama and Yoshi starting us off here due to the history that these two had together and usually give us something interesting to watch whenever they’re in the ring together. Once Kento and Shuji were in the ring, the crowd really started to get into it a bit more since these two would always have great matches together. Kento was able to do his little turnbuckle post while taunting the camera until the referee pulled his hair to break it up and I’ll never get tired of that spot, just works so well together.

The match was slow paced at the beginning of the match but that’s a good thing when it comes to their matches due to the fact that they know when to hit the big moves to make the match more memorable and just telling us a story in the ring as the match would keep progressing forward. Violent Giants still continue to prove why they’re the best tag team currently in Japan right now with the chemistry the two share together in the ring and just their similar styles give us something a lot more dangerous when paired off together and both Kento and Yoshi would feel the full effect of this strength here. Violent Giants would just hit their power moves with the knees to the face, Backdrop Drivers, and just killing Yoshitatsu but Kento would break the hold.

Yoshitatsu would attempt to apply the Koji Clutch on the first time and was unable to make him tap out. Kento would rally Yoshi up to try and get the win over the Violent Giants as Yoshi hits the Codebreaker of Jericho onto Suwama and Kento tops it off with a German Suplex Hold as it looks like this could be it, but Shuji would break the pin before he could get a three-count. Yoshi was now able to get the Koji Clutch in fully this time as he almost makes Suwama tap out this time until Shuji would break the count again. Shuji would pick Yoshi up to hit the Fire Thunder to knock him down and Suwama would hit the Last Ride Powerbomb onto Yoshitatsu as the Violent Giants get the big win!

Rating: Bruce Prichard and a half



Real World Tag League 2018 Match
Gianni Valletta & TAJIRI vs. Kento Miyahara & Yoshitatsu

Review: Now that we’re onto the next show of this article, time to start us off with TAJIRI teaming up to Gianni Valletta as they take on Kento Miyahara and Yoshitatsu. Kento and Yoshi would come off short in the main event of the day one show and now they look to try and rebound from that loss by defeating this odd duo. Will Kento and Yoshi be able to bounce back or will Gianni and TAJIRI pull off an upset?

The fans would start chanting for Kento before the match would even begin and they even do it for Yoshi a little bit, but TAJIRI and Gianni would go to the crowd to try and make them stop the chanting. TAJIRI and Kento would start the match off and looks like they’re giving us some nice chain wrestling for a little while and it would stop once TAJIRI would give Kento a kick on his ass, that’ll show him… Anyway, TAJIRI and Gianna would do fairly decent with keeping up against both Kento and Yoshi to give us a solid bout. Gianni slightly did better in this match, then again his partner is TAJIRI and one of his opponents was Kento. Yoshi would first apply the Koji Clutch which gets broken up and he would attempt the Codebreaker of Jericho onto Gianna, which he pushed him off and almost got caught in a German Suplex Hold until TAJIRI would kick Kento in the ass again but harder this time to break and hold and make him roll outside. Yoshi would try to hit the Codebreaker of Jericho onto TAJIRI now but TAJIRI would spray green mist into his eyes and Gianni would pin Yoshitatsu to get the victory, leaving Kento and Yoshi with two losses now.

Rating: Eric Bischoff


Real World Tag League 2018 Match
Odinson & Parrow vs. Joe Doering & James Dylan

Review: Our next match of the show is set to take place between these two powerhouse tag teams with The End taking The Bomber which consists of one of our new pairings, Joe Doering and James Dylan. Joe and James have been teaming up recently and now it’s time for them to put their tag skills to the test in this tournament. The End pulled off an impressive win over the current All Asia Tag Team Champions at the first show and now they have a big challenge ahead of them. Which is these two will get the point?

The two teams would start off with a test of strength and The End would start to dominate right away surprisingly since I expected it to be the other way around with Joe and Dylan, but this is a nice unexpected surprise. The two would keep taking advantage over Joe Doering until Joe was able to push Odinson off of him to tag Dylan in now. Dylan would attempt a Chokeslam on Odinson but he would backflip out of it and that looked awesome, I’m enjoying The End the more I see them in the ring. The match would end fairly quick with Joe hitting his Diving Body Press onto Odinson to get the victory a little over five minutes. It was the type of match you’d expect with it being short and sweet while doing its purpose.

Rating: Tony Schiavone and three quarters


Real World Tag League 2018 Match
Shuji Ishikawa & Suwama vs. Naoya Nomura & Yumi Aoyagi

Review: It’s now time for our main event of the show as we have a champion versus champions match taking place. First, we have our current Tag Team Champions, The Violent Giants taking on the current All Asia Tag Team Champions and NEXTREAM members, Naoya Nomura and Yumi Aoyagi. Violent Giants were able to secure a big win against Kento and Yoshi while Naoya and Yumi were unable to get the win after being destroyed by The End. If I know one thing, it’s that you shouldn’t count Naoya and Yumi out of the race just yet and they would use this opportunity to maybe get an upset victory. Which of these champions will walk out the victor?

I’m glad NEXTREAM were able to get a fair match this time around instead of just another squash match with them. One thing I love about Nomura and Yumi teaming up is their drive to one day be the best in not only tag team but as individuals as well and they keep getting better everytime they step into that ring since every match is a learning experience and they just learned from some of the best right here. Violent Giants have another stellar performance back to back in the main event picture as they were the vets teaching the younger guys a lesson in the ring while proving why they’re still at the top of their game.

You wanna know what I really like about this match? The simplicity of it and I say that because both of these teams didn’t really do anything big, flashy, or anything like that and would just give us a basic wrestling match but also delivering us a great one at the same time. Another thing I enjoyed about the match is that is wasn’t one-sided at all and gave us an equal amount of time for both of them to make them both look strong in the end of the match. Suwama would attempt the Last Ride as Yuma would attack Suwama before he could lift him up and Nomura would hit the Spear for a two count. Suwama would get Nomura right where he wants him as he hits a German Suplex twice in a row and it looked like Nomura was hulking up until Suwama hits him with a Lariat to keep him down. Yuma and Shuji were in the ring while the two were down as Yuma runs towards him to knee Shuji in the face and Shuji counteracts it with a stiff Lariat to get him down.

The Violent Giants would Clothesline Nomura while he was on the ropes with Suwama hitting the Belly-to-Belly Suplex and Shuji tops it off with a knee to face face as he went for the pin as Yuma broke the pinfall. The Giants would now hit Yuma with a Double Powerbomb to get Yuma out of the ring as Suwama went to pick Nomura for the Last Ride but Nomura flips over him to try and get the pinfall as Suwama kicked out once again. Nomura would run after Suwama to try and hit the Spear as Suwama quickly caught him to pick him up for a Last Ride as Violent Giants remain undefeated with another victory!

Rating: Bruce Prichard

Overall: The first two shows are all done with and I thought it was a great way to start us off with giving us solid matches from top to bottom and delivering two great main events. This is the tournament to be following when it comes to the tag team division, so if you wanna follow this tournament, now is the time.

Favorite Match: Shuji Ishikawa and Suwama vs. Kento Miyahara vs. Yoshitatsu

Least Favorite Match: Naoya Nomura & Yuma Aoyagi vs. Odinson & Parrow

Score: 7.5/10

Current Standings
Violent Giants: (2-0) (4 Points)
Gianni/TAJIRI: (1-0) (2 Points)
Get Wild: (1-0) (2 Points)
Jun/Daisuke: (1-0) (2 Points)
The Bomber: (1-0) (2 Points)
The End: (1-1) (2 Points)
Lee/Ryouji: (0-0) (0 Points)
The Big Guns: (0-1) (0 Points)
KAI/Kengo: (0-1) (0 Points)
NEXTREAM: (0-2) (0 Points)
Yoshiken: (0-2) (0 Points)

After Day 1, does this Tag League look more entertaining than New Japan? Let us know on social media @theCHAIRSHOTcom and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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