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Mitchell’s WWE Monday Night Raw Results & Report! (11/19/18)



WWE Raw Cover image

Raw was victorious at Survivor Series up and down the card! But now, truces are over and it’s time for Braun Strowman to #GetTheseHands on Baron Corbin!



  • Elimination Six Man Tag: Baron Corbin, Drew McIntyre & Bobby Lashley w/ Lio Rush VS Braun Strowman, Elias & Finn Balor; No Contest.
  • Sasha Banks & Bayley VS Nia Jax & Tamina; Nia & Tamina win.
  • Lucha House Party VS The Revival; Lucha House Party wins.
  • Raw Women’s Championship Open Challenge: Ronda Rousey VS ???; Rousey wins and retains the Raw Women’s Championship.
  • Bobby Roode & Chad Gable VS The Authors of Pain w/ Drake Maverick; Roode & Gable win.
  • Ruby Riott w/ The Riott Squad VS Natalya; Natalya wins.


Raw opens with Baron Corbin in the ring!

The Acting General Manager welcomes Los Angeles to “the undisputed A Show”! Survivor Series was one for the history books, but that credit goes to the Commissioner, Stephanie McMahon! And with that, Stephanie heads to the ring. Stephanie herself is ready to celebrate after the dominant 6-1 performance. Stephanie takes a moment to soak in the moment. For those who didn’t see Survivor Series, “Raw cleaned up”, they won all of the main show matches. All of that is thanks to acting GM, Baron Corbin. Fans boo, but Stephanie continues to thank her Raw “family”. They proved they’re better, and now it’s time to celebrate!

Corbin agrees, and tonight is an amazing night of action. There is, however, some housekeeping. There were promises made, such as a more permanent appointment for Corbin. Stephanie does realize she made that promise, but here comes BRAUN STROWMAN! The Monster Among Men has a promise he wants Stephanie to make good on, too! He joins Stephanie and Corbin in the ring, and says that he did his part. Now Stephanie needs to do hers. Give him a match “with this slime ball!” Stephanie says she’ll keep her word. At TLC, Corbin will #GetTheseHands! Well, yes, but if Corbin wins, then he is officially the permanent GM of Raw. But if Corbin loses, then he loses all authority. And Strowman promises Corbin will lose, because Strowman chooses the stipulation, and won’t be liable for ripping Corbin apart.

Stephanie points out dismemberment is a liability, but they’ll worry about it later. And what of his Universal Championship rematch? That’ll happen at the Royal Rumble, but only if Strowman wins at TLC. This is a good deal for them. Does Strowman think he can’t win? Is that agreeable? Strowman accepts the terms, and welcomes Corbin to #MondayNightBraun. Enjoy your time as GM, Corbin, because Strowman’s stipulation choice is… THE TLC Match! He’ll #GetTheseHands, as well as #GetTheseTablesLaddersAndChairs! Corbin thinks that’s a terrible idea, because it now favors Corbin. He’ll leave Strowman in a pile of steel, if Strowman even makes it there. Because while Corbin is still GM, he’ll put Strowman in a handicap match against Bobby Lashley AND Drew McIntyre!

Stephanie likes that idea. But given this is a celebration, let’s increase it to a Six Man Tag. Bobby Lashley, Drew McIntyre and Corbin against Strowman, Elias and Finn Balor! And since Stephanie’s feeling so good, that match is NEXT! Will Corbin feel as confident about his chances when the odds are even?


Six Man Tag: Baron Corbin, Drew McIntyre & Bobby Lashley w/ Lio Rush VS Braun Strowman, Elias & Finn Balor!

Raw returns to this star-studded opener as The Drifter makes his entrance. The City of Angels greets Elias with a song as he greets them. He’ll lead them to the Promised Land, but times will be tough. But always remember this universal truth: that WWE really stands for “Walk With Elias!” Elias plays his guitar, fans clap along, and LA is rockin’. But then he asks as he always does, “Who Wants to Walk With Elias?!” LA sure sounds like they do. But then it is revealed Corbin has made this an elimination match!

Elimination Six Man Tag: Baron Corbin, Drew McIntyre & Bobby Lashley w/ Lio Rush VS Braun Strowman, Elias & Finn Balor!

Corbin continues to abuse his power while he still has it, and now has odds back in his favor because he has the Rocky Mountain Machine and Scottish Terminator. Will The Monster Among Men, Extraordinary Man and Living Truth still find a way to overcome?

Corbin and Strowman trash talk each other but the referee keeps the peace. Teams sort out and turns out team captains Corbin and Strowman start. LA chants “Get These Hands!” as Strowman and Corbin circle. But then Corbin tags out to McIntyre. McIntyre has his own score to settle with Strowman, and the two stare down. They trash talk then tie up, and Strowman pushes McIntyre back. McIntyre isn’t afraid, he ties up and gets the headlock. Strowman powers out and they collide. Strowman just flexes. McIntyre kicks low and throws hands, but Strowman reverses the whip. McIntyre CHOPS Strowman, but Stroman puts him in a corner. Strowman runs into McIntyre’s boot, then McIntyre throws more hands. McIntyre runs but is BLASTED off his feet! Finn wants in and LA wants him, too! Strowman tags him in, and scoop slam sentons him on McIntyre!

Finn gets up and goes after McIntyre, but then McIntyre scoop slams him. Fans rally up with “Too Sweet! Woop Woop!” as Finn gets to a corner. Finn evades McIntyre but McIntyre boots him first. McIntyre shoves Finn down then goes out to put him into barriers! Finn almost ends up among the fans! Team Corbin has control while we go to break.

Raw returns as McIntyre deadlift suplexes Finn from the mat! And then drops him! Cover, TWO! Finn lives and McIntyre grows frustrated. McIntyre tags in Corbin, who has his own grudge with Finn. Corbin stomps Finn down then mocks Strowman. Corbin throws hands on Finn and puts him in a corner. He stomps a mudhole into Finn, then tags Bobby Lashley. Lashley has his own problems with Finn, and runs to ram his shoulder in! Cover, TWO, so Lashley wraps on a chinlock. Lashley grinds Finn on the mat but fans rally up. Finn gets up but Lashley tosses him to the mat! Lashley tags Corbin back in, and Corbin looms over Finn. He brings Finn up, but Finn hits back with forearms! Finn reaches but Corbin keeps him from Strowman by fingertips! Finn keeps trying but is whipped to enemy territory. But he fights out as fans fire up!

Finn runs, but Corbin catches him and puts him in a corner. Finn boots him away, but runs into Deep Six! Cover, TWO! Corbin grows frustrated as Finn survives again. The fans rally up but Lashley tags in. Lashley stomps Finn then mean mugs Elias and Strowman. Lashley drags Finn up for a buckle bump, then whips Finn corner to corner hard. Fans rally for Finn but Lashley looms over him. Finn slowly stands but Lashley whips him corner to corner again. Finn goes up and over but is caught! He slips out, rolls Lashley up, TWO! Lashley clobbers Finn! Cover, TWO! Strowman and Elias coach Finn up but Lashley prepares a bomb. Lashley lifts but FInn fights out! Finn gets Lashley up, Lashley sunset flips but Finn rolls through to basement dropkick! Hot tag to Elias!

LA explodes as Elias rallies on Lashley and even hits Corbin, yet another guy he has history with. Elias whips Lashley to a corner then stomps away! He whips but Lashley reverses. Elias goes up and kicks Lashley away. Elias baits Corbin out, but Lashley clobbers Elias! Lashley whips Elias but Elias holds ropes. Elias boots Lashley, Finn tags in. They work together to double clothesline Lashley out hard! They hit McIntyre for good measure, then Finn builds speed to FLY! Finn wipes out Corbin and Lashley! He puts Lashley in and climbs s fans rally. Corbin distracts the ref so that McIntyre can shove Finn down! Lashley rolls and tags in McIntyre. McIntyre aims from the opposite end, CLAYMORE! Cover, McIntyre ELIMINATES Finn! Finn did all he could but it wasn’t enough against three sly enemies. We go to break as teams sort out.

Raw returns as Elias barely kicks out. Lashley brings Elias up and over, then tags in McIntyre. They mug Elias with stomps, and that includes Corbin as he tags in. Corbin tags Lashley and Lashley adds his stomps. Lashley tags McIntyre and McIntyre chops Elias. McIntyre brings Elias down with an armlock and chinbar. McIntyre grinds his forearm on Elias’ face, but fans rally up. Elias feeds off the energy and fights out of the hold. McIntyre shoves Elias but Elias kicks back, only to get a clobbering clothesline! Cover, TWO, but McIntyre stays on Elias with an overhead toss! Tag to Lashley, he throws Elias overhead! Cover, TWO, but Lashley keeps on Elias with a rain of right hands.

Lashley puts Elias in the corner, tags in Corbin, and Corbin throws hands. Elias fights back but Corbin knees low and bumps him off buckles. But Eilas still counter punches! Corbin whips Elias hard into the other corner! Corbin wraps on a half nelson chinlock and thrashes Elias about. Fans rally up but Lashley goes after Strowman. Strowman kicks him away and then clubs away, but McIntyre clubs Strowman! The Terminator and the Machine leave the Monster down while Corbin keeps on Elias. Elias hits back, breaks free, but runs into an elbow. Corbin drags Elias up but Elias hits a jumping knee strike! But Strowman is down so Elias has to climb up. Macho Elbow hits! Cover, but Lashley breaks it! Lashley throws Elias out and Lio laughs. But then Elias glares at the Man of the Hour, and the chase is on!

Lio leaps up and over, but Elias still catches him! Elias tosses Lio aside before getting SPEARED by Lashley! The ring count begins and Elias is down. Lio chants “Lashley! Lashley!” while Lashley himself goes into the ring. Elias isn’t moving, the count ELIMINATES Elias! The Monster Among Men is all alone with three towering men as we go to break.

Raw returns and Corbin tags McIntyre. They mug Strowman, then stomp away. McIntyre throws hands, then tags Lashley. McIntyre sits Lashley up for Lashley to knock down! Lashley flexes, then chokes Strowman on the ropes. Strowman gasps for air as Corbin tags in. Corbin soaks up the heat as he throws hands on Strowman. He taunts Strowman, as does Lio. Corbin stomps away then throws more hands. “How do you like that?!” Fans don’t, because they boo. Corbin sits Strowman up and puts on the half nelson chinlock. Strowman endures, fans rally, and Strowman powers up! He throws Corbin off him, then gets moving. He barrels right through Corbin, then blasts both McIntyre and Lashley! Then Storwman clobbers Corbin again! Corner clothesline, and a big forearm! Fans fire up as Strowman decides to go outside.

Strowman starts his lap of destruction, and he bulldozes Lashley! He goes back into the ring, but runs into Corbin’s boot. Corbin hops up and jumps, but into a hand! And a MONSTER SLAM! Cover, but McIntyre uses a CHAIR! The disqualification ELIMINATES McIntyre, but he and Lashley keep on Strowman anyway. McIntyre jabs the chair into Strowman again and again, and then SMACKS him across the back! Strowman tumbles out of the ring as McIntyre tosses the chair aside. Lashley SPEARS Strowman! Fans boo and jeer as McIntyre rains down more right hands, and even lefts. McIntyre helps Lashley bring Strowman up, and they throw him into barriers. They throw Stromwan into steel steps! The referee shouts for them to stick to the match, but Corbin relishes in this. Corbin mockingly asks how Strowman feels.

Strowman grabs Corbin! Lashley saves Corbin, then McIntyre CLAYMORES Strowman! Corbin tells them to put Stromwan into the other steps, and they do! Corbin then grabs the chair for himself, and SMACKS Strowman! This match is all but off now as Strowman bleeds from cuts on his arms. Corbin jams the chair into Strowman again, and then the base steps are positioned. Corbin hands his belt to Lashley, and he uses it to bind Strowman’s arm to the steps! Fans freak as Corbin brings up the chair, but then he realizes there’s something more he can use. Corbin uses the top steps to SMASH Strowman’s arm!! Fans boo and jeer while Strowman writhes in pain. The referees tell Corbin’s team to leave while also calling for medics. Corbin and his team soak up the heat, but will Strowman come back angrier than ever before?

No Contest


Seth Rollins head to the ring!

The Architect is back again, and triumphant over SmackDown’s Shinsuke Nakamura! However, there’s no time to rest, because he must now prepare to defend his Intercontinental Championship against Lunatic Fringe, Dean Ambrose. Rollins picks up a mic to say hey to LA. “What a weekend, huh?” From TakeOver to Survivor Series, LA has been an amazing crowd. And LA knows that last night marks six years to the day that The Shield debuted. And for the better part of those six years, Rollins, Ambrose and Roman Reigns ran WWE. After facing Nakamura, Rollins reflected on those six years. Rollins admits that only makes this situation “harder to stomach.” A month into Ambrose’s awful attack, and it feels like an eternity because Ambrose hasn’t had the guts to face Rollins.

But there won’t be any choice, Ambrose will have to face Rollins if he wants the Intercontinental Championship. Rollins sat here last week listening to Ambrose’s explanation, and watched Ambrose light his Shield vest on fire. Ambrose claims the Shield made him weaker, and that this is the same Ambrose as all this time. Rollins learned more the Chronicle special on the WWE Network than those entire six years together. He didn’t know about the elbow infection, but only because Ambrose never contacted Rollins. Ambrose says he loves WWE? Rollins has known Ambrose for a total of ten years, and that’s the first time Ambrose has ever said “love”. Rollins didn’t even think Ambrose could love. Ambrose loves physicality? But then why is he just hiding and talking?

That changes at TLC! But Rollins wants something tonight! Rollins is feeling aggressive, so if Ambrose is feeling the same, prove it! Rollins wants a FIGHT! Fans want to see a fight, too, but Ambrose instead has another titantron message. “C’mon, Seth. You’re looking a little desperate.” Does Rollins think Ambrose is going to get all riled up like a lunatic? Ambrose sees Rollins doesn’t get it. Things have changed, and those six years did more harm than good. Everyone loves The Shield, but no one knows how they were off camera and behind the scenes. They were rotten to the core, and time has caught up to them. “What goes around comes back around”, and it has. Just look at Roman. Roman has to answer for his crimes, but Rollins must answer to Ambrose. If Rollins wants Ambrose, come find him backstage, and we’ll see what happens.

Rollins takes the bait! He hurries to the back, but Ambrose is harder to find than he made it seem. Rollins asks around but Ambrose is nowhere to be found. The security gets snippy with Rollins, so Rollins hits him down! Rollins is ready for a fight, but he goes looking for Ambrose again. Is this all part of Ambrose’s plan?


Sasha Banks & Bayley VS Nia Jax & Tamina!

The Boss & Hug Connection got to be part of Survivor Series after all, but only after Ruby Riott and Natalya couldn’t stop getting after each other. However, the #LegitHuggable best friends were still snubbed as the Irresistible Force used Sasha as a pawn to sucker in Asuka. Will Sasha & Bayley get back at the Samoan Dynasty for that? Or will they end up victims of the #FaceBreaker?

The Goddess and Women’s Team Captain, Alexa Bliss, joins commentary to show support for her frenemies that are softening back into friends. The teams sort out and Nia starts with Sasha. Fans boo Nia but then cheer as Sasha fires off! But Nia lifts Sasha into a corner and rams in her shoulder. Fans chant “Becky! Becky!” as Sasha boots Nia back. Sasha dropkicks Nia then forearms her to a corner. Tag to Bayley, and we get a Poetry in Motion shout out! Bayley then stomps a mudhole into Nia. Sasha tags in and she stomps away, too. Tag to Bayley, but Nia shoves Bayley away. Fans boo as Nia tags in Tamina. Tamina throws hands on Bayley, then headbutts her down. Tamina whips Bayley corner to corner, then whips her the other way. Bayley elbows Tamina, then slides under to kick her back.

Bayley puts Tamina in the corner and rams in her shoulder. Tag to Sasha, and the best friends work together. Tamina puts Bayley on the apron and scoops Sasha. Sasha slips out and dropkicks Tamina. She puts Tamina on the ropes, tag to Bayley, and Bayley knees Tamina back in. Bayley then runs in for the back elbow. Tag to Sasha before adding the knee. Sasha then adds a swinging meteora, and fans fire up! Nia runs in but is sent out! Bayley and Sasha wreck the Samoan Dynasty with wrecking ball dropkicks and now control the ring. We go to break as the four women stare down on opposite sides of the ropes.

Raw returns as Bayley endures a chinlock. Nia wrangles Bayley back down but Bayley fights up and out. Bayley breaks free with a jawbreaker! Fans rally up, and Bayley tags in Sasha! Sasha leaps but Nia lifts her up! Sasha slips out, kicks out the legs, then hits a bulldog! And a shining wizard! Cover, TWO and with power! Sasha ends up on the outside, and Alexa is amused. Nia distracts the ref, which allows Tamina to clobber Sasha with a clothesline! Alexa mocks Sasha as a ring count begins. Nia tags to Tamina, and Tamina fetches Sasha into the ring. Cover, TWO, and Tamina grows frustrated. She puts Sasha in the corner and tags Nia. Nia stomps Sasha, then tags Tamina. Tamina gets space and runs in with the hip attack! Cover, TWO! Tamina wraps a chinlock on Sasha, but Bayley is back to rally the fans.

Sasha fights up and back, but Tamina whips Sasha. Sasha hits Nia then hits Tamina with double knees! Fans rally, Sasha tags to Bayley! Bayley rallies, and hits Nia down for good measure, but runs into a SUPERKICK! Tamina grins as she drags Bayley up by her ponytail. She mocks the fans and shouts for Nia to get up. Bayley rolls Tamina, TWO! Bayley gets Tamina with the hotshot! Then another! And then furious forearms! The ref backs her off, but Bayley runs back in for a Thesz press and fast hands! Big knee strike, and Bayley climbs up. Tamina staggers, Bayley brings her down with a crossbody! Cover, TWO! Fans rally but Tamina scoops Bayley. Bayley slips out and staggers back, but Nia gets her with a sucker punch! Fans boo and jeer, but Tamina stomps Bayley before tagging in Nia.

Nia hauls Bayley to a corner, then tosses her out, to run her over! Cover, but Sasha breaks it! Nia hits Sasha, but Bayley hops on for a sleeper hold! Nia throws her off, but Bayley boots her back. Bayley hops up, but has to fight off Tamina. Nia grabs Bayley with both hands, and shoves her, into a Samoan Drop! Cover, Nia & Tamina win!

Winners: Tamina & Nia Jax, Nia pinning

The Irresistible Force and the Daughter of Superfly dominate again, and perhaps look to be the most dominant duo in Women’s Wrestling. Will Nia be just as dominant when she has another go against Ronda Rousey?


Backstage interview with-

Wait, Dean Ambrose appears on a television screen? “Pardon the interruption,” but could Charly Caruso go find Rollins? Tell him Ambrose is waiting for him. In the very place The Shield used to call home. The Lunatic waits, but will he still be there when Rollins arrives?


Seth Rollins is on the hunt!

He arrives right where Ambrose said he’d be, but when he kicks the door in, Ambrose is gone. Ambrose did leave a “note” though. “Burn It Down” is written in black graffiti paint on the back of the door. Rollins hits the door out of frustration. Is Ambrose going to make Rollins as crazy as he is come TLC?


People point and laugh at Drake Maverick.

Maverick stands in line at the catering buffet line. Has he tried the peas? No he hasn’t yet. Slater & Rhyno have the moment on their phones. They need adult diapers for him. Or maybe some kids ones. Maverick gets mad at Rhyno, but then realizes he’s Rhyno. So he aims at Gable. Gable says Maverick needs to calm down, don’t get pissed. But then Bobby Roode walks over and says Maverick needs to relax. They’re just glad to see he isn’t in bladder shape than he was last night. A bit of a stretch but Gable gets it. Maverick says “you’re in trouble now”! But everyone busts up, because it sounds like “urine.” Maverick storms out of the room. Will he make everyone pay for laughing at his shame?


Lucha House Party VS The Revival!

Kalisto may have jammed his leg during the 10v10 Tag Team Division Elimination Match, but Gran Metalik was there to step up. The luchadores were still impressive despite Raw losing that match, but it’s not like that counted by the end. But now that Survivor Series is over, the truces are off and they will settle their score with the #TopGuys! Will Dash & Dawson #SayYeah to a win tonight? Or will they lose to lucha libre like they did to the Usos?

By the way, this is LUCHA RULES! All three men in the LHP can compete, for a tantamount handicap match! The Revival protest, but there’s nothing they can do about it. Dawson starts with Kalisto and kicks low. He then CHOPS Kalisto and lifts. Kalisto arm-drags out but Dash tags in. Kalisto dropkicks Dawson but still rolls Dash up for a Listo Kick! Tag to Lince Dorado, who tags to Metalik. Lince helps Kalisto with the elevated splash, then adds his planking splash. Metalik springboards for a missile dropkick! Tag back to Kalisto, La Mahistrol! TWO! Kalisto brings Dash up but Dash kicks and clubs him down. Tag to Dawson, but Kalisto is ready. He enziguris but Dawson turns it into a midair dragon screw!

Dawson keeps on the bad leg, and then drags Kalisto around for a standing knee wrench. Kalisto endures as the “Lucha! Lucha!” begins. Kalisto fights back but Dawson lifts, only to get a crossbody. Cover, TWO, Dash tags in quick to hit down Kalisto. Dash also hits Lince and Metalik down, and then picks up one of the pinatas! He throws it at Metalik, then goes back to Kalisto. Kalisto kicks Dash back, then tags Lince. Lince climbs, but Dawson takes the hit for him. Dash misses and gets a dropkick. Lince keeps on Dash but Dash reverses the whip. Lince springboards for the quebrada! Dawson comes in but gets tripped up by Metalik! Lince headscissors Dash, and fans fire up. Lince runs but is put on the apron. He CHOPS Dash back, then climbs up.

Dash uppercuts Lince, but Metalik baits Dash with a pinata. Dash takes the bait and Metalik leaps over. Metalik tosses the pinata to Kalisto, then Lince hits Dash down! Lince climbs, Golden Shooting Star! Cover, Lucha House Party!

Winners: Lucha House Party, Lince Dorado pinning

Lucha rules may be different but they’re fair and square! The Revival were not ready, and the party rolls on! Can Lince, Kalisto and Metalik use this momentum to springboard up to the tag titles?


Rollins continues his hunt.

Charly finds him, and we all see Ambrose is playing games. Rollins is annoyed and frustrated, but he vows to find Ambrose and put a hurting on him. Bringing up Rollins is fine, but saying Roman is getting what he deserved. “It’s too far.” Ambrose was just in the background!! Rollins didn’t see him, he’s too focused on wanting to find Ambrose. Rollins promises to make Ambrose regret ever turning on his brothers. But then Titus O’Neil points out to Rollins that Ambrose just went past. Seriously?! Where did he go? The hunt is on again, but will Rollins ever find the wily lunatic?


Ronda Rousey is here!

The Baddest Woman on the Planet surely feels bad after what Charlotte did to her last night at Survivor Series. But somehow, she’s still able to smile in front of the LA fans. Ronda’s body still shows the evidence of The Queen’s brutality, but it takes more than that to break her spirit. Ronda has a mic but she can hear the fans still chanting for Becky. She still smiles even as fans “WOO~!” The smile fades as fans chant “We Want Becky!” Ronda understands that at TLC, she’s up against Nia Jax in their title rematch. She’s very aware of how dangerous Nia is. Just look at Becky’s face. But at TLC, Ronda will make Nia tap out. Win, lose or draw, and it will be a win, Ronda’s next chapter with Charlotte will be written. Somehow, Ronda will find Charlotte and they’re gonna finish things.

But Ronda isn’t here about talking or wanting sympathy. She’s here to show what a true champion is! A true champion is ready to throw down with anyone and throw their opponent down to the bottom of the mountain. A true champion doesn’t pick and choose when they fight and who they fight, that is the luxury of a contender. Ronda is a true champion because she stands guard in sickness or health, from 100% to 1%. Champions aren’t fair weather fighters, so if you can’t go, get out of the way. Fans agree with that, but they still chant for Becky.

Ronda takes off the jacket and puts it aside. This is her on her worst day. And if anyone knows Ronda, they know she refuses to step aside. So hit music and send someone out! If she can’t defend her title tonight, she doesn’t deserve it! But it’s Baron Corbin who comes out. The still acting GM walks down to the ring as fans boo and jeer. He tells Ronda that her open challenge request is denied. As acting GM, and soon to be permanent manager, Corbin cannot allow Ronda to compete in her state. Ronda tells Corbin that she’s had 17 fights that she’s never backed out of. She’s never postponed them, either, even when she had good reasons. Because that’s what it takes to be the baddest bitch! So go find someone NOW!! Or is Corbin gonna get in the ring? Fans want to see that, too.

Well Corbin warned her, but fine, he’ll find someone. But he guarantees that woman will surely be the next Raw Women’s Champion. Who will Corbin select? And will they be able to take advantage of a weakened Ronda?


Raw Women’s Championship Open Challenge: Ronda Rousey VS ???

The Rowdy One wanted to prove to herself that she’s still good enough to be champion, but even she has to have her limits, right? Corbin went looking for anyone to challenge her, and out comes… Mickie James! The Six-Time Women’s Champion wants to get that seventh, but can she do it against even a battered Ronda?

The introductions are made as Mickie tosses her jacket at Ronda. Ronda catches it and tosses it back, so Mickie catches it and tosses it aside. The belt is raised and the bell rings as we begin! They circle and tie up, and Ronda throws Mickie overhead. Ronda fires off fists, backs off but then comes back. She runs into a boot! Mickie kicks away on Ronda, keeping her at the ropes. Mickie backs off at the ref’s count, but then comes back with more kicks. She keeps Ronda on the mat, and begins mocking her as she boots Ronda down. Mickie slaps and chops Ronda now, but Ronda goes for an arm. Mickie pushes Ronda away, and then gets in a right. Ronda is rocked and Mickie wrangles her down with a chinlock.

Fans rally up as Mickie mocks Ronda. Ronda throws Mickie off as fans duel. Ronda throws Mickie around and around, then hits Piper’s Pit! She drags Mickie up, for another Piper’s Pit! Mickie gets up, but gets a THIRD Piper’s Pit! But she doesn’t cover, Ronda puts on the ARMBAR! Mickie taps, Ronda wins!

Winner: Ronda Rousey, by submission; still Raw Women’s Champion

It doesn’t matter if Ronda is a 100% or 1%, she fights the same way. Can Ronda recover now to be ready for Nia Jax at TLC? Or is this the time for Nia to strike?

Speaking of, here come Nia and Tamina! But they don’t attack, they just look Ronda up and down. Nia laughs, and brushes off the hand that broke Becky’s face. It’s only a matter of time, who will reign supreme as Raw’s baddest woman?


Bobby Roode & Chad Gable VS The Authors of Pain w/ Drake Maverick!

The #ReadyWillingAndGLORIOUS duo mocked Maverick for his embarrassing incident at Survivor Series, but now Akam & Rezar will make them pay! Will Roode & Gable regret poking fun at a pissed off Rockstar Spud?

Raw returns as AoP make their entrance. Gable starts with Akam at the bell. Akam tackles Gable and hammers away. He trash talks and drags Gable up to toss him across the ring! Tag to Rezar, and the AoP give Gable an atomic drop knee! Cover, TWO! Roode is relieved but Maverick barks orders. Gable hits back but Rezar lifts him into a Canadian torture rack. Gable endures the bend as fans rally up. Fans mock Maverick, “Where’s your diaper?” Gable slips out to a sleeper hold! Rezar throws him off, then denies the tag with a spinebuster! Rezar hammers away as he trash talks in Albanian. He makes Gable look at Maverick as he’s bounced off the mat! Rezar then puts Gable on the top rope, but Gable turns that into a hanging armbar! Gable lets go at 4, but sits back up to bait Rezar into buckles.

Fans taunt Maverick and team with “A O Peepee!” as Roode tags in! Roode shoulders in then rallies on the champs. He throws hands and whips, but Rezar reverses. Roode boots Rezar and then dropkicks Akam! Fans fire up as Roode rams a shoulder into Rezar. Roode hops up but jumps over to then knock Rezar down with elbows! Cover, TWO! Rezar rams Roode into the AoP corner, tag to Akam. Maverick is livid as the AoP double whip. Roode elbows Akam away then dodges Rezar! Rezar hits post. Roode gives Akam the GLORIOUS Blockbuster! Tag to Gable and Gable climbs, but Akam shoves Roode out. Gable flies for a sunset flip, Gable & Roode win!!

Winners: Bobby Roode & Chad Gable, Gable pinning

What an upset! The GLORIOUS & Gable duo now have a fast track to the tag titles! Will they be able to write their own happy ending with another win over AoP?


Ambrose waits for Rollins.

Does Seth think he’s playing games? This is no game, but it has been fun leading Rollins on a chase, “like a lunatic.” Rollins has only whined. He’s always so whiny, just like the fans. “I can’t believe you went there with Roman”. Oh please, this isn’t about Roman. This is about a broken bond between brothers. If Rollins ever finds Ambrose, he’ll end up broken, too. Then after that- Wait what’s that smell? That stinks! What is it? Is that Rollins’ fear? Or just Los Angeles? No, it’s worse. It’s the fans. If Rollins does find Ambrose, there won’t be any explanation or apology. He’ll just burn it down.


Rollins packs up and leaves.

The Architect heads for the exit, because he has a flight to catch. Ambrose doesn’t want to be found because he knows what Rollins will do to him. But they’ll have to face each other at TLC, and nothing will stop Rollins from stomping Ambrose’s face into the ground then.


Ruby Riott w/ The Riott Squad VS Natalya!

The Squad Leader broke the heart of the Queen of Harts when she broke the Anvil’s sunglasses. Now Natty looks to break Ruby’s face in return! Will she be able to get revenge with Sarah Logan & Liv Morgan so close by? Or will she single-handedly stop the Riott?

The Squad flank the ring as Ruby enters. The bell rings and Natty brings Ruby right down! Natty throws furious hands but Ruby gets away. Ruby uses the ropes as protection but Liv shouts for Natty to stay back as Natty swipes and claws at Ruby. The referee backs Natty down and The Squad help Ruby up. Ruby goes right back at Natty with a kick, and a throw by her hair. Ruby rains down rights on Natty but Natty gets her off. Natty hits back and whips, but Ruby reverses. Ruby runs in but Natty dodges, to then springboard atomic drop Ruby to the mat. Natty then walks all over Ruby and dropkick her down. Cover, TWO!

Ruby gets to a corner again but Natty is on her with furious forearms. The ref backs Natty off again, but Natty is ready for Ruby. She gets Ruby down, but Ruby scrambles to avoid the Sharpshooter. Ruby bails out and regroups, but Natty comes after them! Ruby gets back in the ring, and then cowers in a corner. Sarah distracts, and Ruby gets Natty with a complete shot! Ruby kicks Natty to the ropes then out of the ring, and The Squad mock Natty while we go to break.

Raw returns again to Natty enduring a guillotine facelock from Ruby. Ruby also has the bodyscissors on, so Natty has to hold Ruby up, too. Natty powers her way up and out, to scoop slam Ruby into the Michinoku Driver! Both women are down but Natty sits up first. She covers, TWO! Natty keeps her focus and fury as she throws more forearms on Ruby in a corner. The ref backs Natty off, but Natty runs in at Ruby with more forearms! The Squad protests, and Ruby elbows Natty away. Ruby gets Natty with an STO! Ruby drags Natty into position, and then climbs up top. She aims, stage dive senton! Cover, TWO!! Natty survives and shocks the Squad! Ruby argues with the ref but that was still a two.

Ruby stomps away on Natty, and she heads back up top. She goes all the way up, but Natty stops her and throws her off! Ruby crawls away, but Natty runs at her, discus lariat! Natty sees Sarah coming and hits her down. Liv distracts but Natty swipes at her. Natty knew Ruby was coming, so she gets her with the Sharpshooter! But Liv saves Ruby while Sarah distracts the ref! Natty wrecks Liv with a dropkick! But then Ruby rolls Natty up, TWO, Natty has Ruby! Natty wins!

Winner: Natalya, by pinfall

The Queen of Harts gets a bit of revenge, and she gets out of harm’s way, too. This is just the start for Natty, how much more will she get back at the Squad?


Medics have an update on Braun Strowman.

After what Corbin and his team did to the Monster Among Men at the start of the show, it is now known that he has a shattered elbow. Strowman still needs to compete at TLC in the TLC match if he wants revenge at Corbin and a shot at The Beast, but can even Strowman come back from this in less than a month’s time?


Ambrose walks the halls.

The Lunatic heads for gorilla position! Surely he heard Rollins has left the building, is Ambrose going to gloat?


Ambrose heads to the ring!

After running around in a game of cat ‘n’ mouse with Seth Rollins, Ambrose comes out of the shadows because the cat is away. He picks up a mic as fans boo and jeer, and tells us all “This is too easy.” They want to see Rollins beat Ambrose up for turning on him and Roman and the fans “and your dirty little children”? Let’s be real here. Everyone here would’ve done exactly what he did. They’d stab their friends and family in the back for money, or maybe a free meal by the looks of some. At least Ambrose was justified! He is nothing like the WWE Universe. They’re so emotional cheering for Rollins, it makes Ambrose truly sick! Seriously, what is that smell!? It’s a steaming pile of phony LA garbage!

But wait, Rollins didn’t leave?! He’s heading Ambrose’s way! Ambrose knows he’s coming, but then, he isn’t? Ambrose is confused, but there’s Rollins! Rollins is in and he tackles Ambrose! Rollins throws hands, then throws Ambrose out, to DIVE on him! Ambrose hits barriers but Rollins keep shitting him! Ambrose runs but Rollins pursues, and they go up the stairs. Rollins catches Ambrose and brings him back to ringside. Rollins jumps on Ambrose and throws more hands! The referees separate them but Rollins still gets Ambrose with a SUPERKICK! Ambrose avoids the stomp, and low blow uppercuts Rollins! The Lunatic hits the Architect between the legs, but “I was trying to talk to you people.” Rollins shouldn’t interrupt Ambrose when he’s talking. Ambrose makes Rollins pay for that with Dirty Deeds!

Ambrose leaves, and fans boo, so Ambrose goes back for more! Another Dirty Deeds! Ambrose staggers about but he’s the one standing. Fans are thunderous as the Lunatic Fringe looms over his former brother. Will Ambrose prove himself stronger without The Shield when the title is on the line? Or will Rollins take Ambrose’s vendetta and #BurnItDown?



My Thoughts:

A pretty great Raw right here! Putting Survivor Series aside, the way Raw used it all was pretty smart. It was just logical for Strowman’s issue with Corbin to come up in the opening segment, and I could sense Stephanie attaching strings to that TLC match from a mile away. The following Six Man elimination match was great, but it is classic pro-wrestling for the Heels to worry less about winning and more about hurting the Face. Strowman may have a “shattered elbow”, but I’m pretty sure it’s just so he isn’t on TV until TLC. There has been talk of other health conditions plaguing Strowman, so I’m sure some time off will help that, and Corbin can brag all the way to TLC that he’ll win by default, only for Strowman to appear and give him that brutal TLC Match.

The Women’s Division stories were pretty great tonight, too. Nia and Tamina are both rolling strong, which works given Nia’s coming match with Ronda and just how much fans are pouring heat on her over the Becky Lynch incident. Fans keep expecting Nia’s punishment, but I’m thinking the heat is enough. She’s probably the most hated woman in WWE right now. Ronda herself removes some of that weird “She’s not Becky” heat by saying she’ll take care of Nia herself. Ronda earns points for being gutsy, but she looked to treat Mickie rough. Of course, that’s because she’s meant to be treating Mickie like she would Becky or Charlotte. I really hope something happens at TLC to get Ronda’s focus back on Becky, since that’s the fight fans are still waiting for. Natty VS Ruby was also great, and good for them to be the main event match.

I don’t think Vince knows what “lucha house rules” are. Lucha rules during a tag match is that if someone falls out of the ring, a teammate can just go in for them without tags. Lucha House Party VS Revival was actually just a handicap match. LHP still could’ve done great as just two, with The Revival not getting how the lucha rules work and that being their downfall. Either way, I’m still waiting for the day The Revival go to 205 Live and get LHP on their home turf. Then it really annoys me to see the real reason Maverick had to wet himself at Survivor Series: so that the rest of Raw could make fun of him for it. Vince McMahon must be wetting himself laughing at his own immature sense of humor, but hey, at least Roode & Gable are moving into tag title contention now.

Of course, the main story of the night was Ambrose toying with Rollins. Naturally this led to Rollins tricking Ambrose back, but what looked like to be Rollins getting the better of Ambrose still turned into Ambrose standing tall. Low blows seem to be every Heel’s favorite move, but that’s because no man can actually survive that. I hope that with three weeks left, the Intercontinental Championship match gets a stipulation, perhaps a Ladder Match or a Chairs Match, because these two are not going to behave themselves. Plus, why wouldn’t they use something like that?

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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