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Mitchell’s WWE TLC Results & Report! (12/16/18)



WWE TLC 2018

It’s time for Tables, Ladders and Chairs! Will AJ Styles take the WWE Championship back from the “New” Daniel Bryan? Will Baron Corbin become GM by forfeit?



  • Kickoff Show – WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Buddy Murphy VS Cedric Alexander; Murphy wins and retains the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.
  • Kickoff Show – Ladder Match: Elias VS Bobby Lashley w/ Lio Rush; Elias wins.
  • Mixed Match Challenge Finals: Jinder Mahal & Alicia Fox w/ The Singh Brothers VS R-Truth & Carmella; Truth & Carmella win MMC Season 2, and are now the 30th spots in both the Men’s & Women’s Royal Rumbles.
  • SmackDown Tag Team Championship Triple Threat: The Bar VS The Usos VS The New Day; The Bar win and retain the SmackDown Tag Team Championships.
  • TLC Match: Baron Corbin VS Braun Strowman; Strowman wins, Corbin is no longer Raw GM, Strowman faces Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble for the WWE Universal Championship.
  • Tables Match: Natalya VS Ruby Riott w/ The Riott Squad; Natalya wins.
  • Finn Balor VS Drew McIntyre; Finn wins.
  • Chairs Match: Randy Orton VS Rey Mysterio; Mysterio wins.
  • Raw Women’s Championship: Ronda Rousey VS Nia Jax w/ Tamina; Rousey wins and retains the Raw Women’s Championship.
  • WWE Championship: Daniel Bryan VS AJ Styles; Bryan wins and retains the WWE Championship.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship: Seth Rollins VS Dean Ambrose; Ambrose wins and becomes the new WWE Intercontinental Champion.
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship TLC Triple Threat: Becky Lynch VS Charlotte Flair VS Asuka; Asuka wins and becomes the new SmackDown Women’s Champion.


It’s the WWE TLC Kickoff Show!

Jonathan Coachman, Booker T, David Otunga and Sam Roberts discuss the stories and possible outcomes of all the matches on tonight’s card!


Baron Corbin practices his victory for later tonight.

The temporary Raw GM wants Jojo to put in way more emotion for the announcement that he will be the permanent GM. Heath Slater is going to be his referee and will count to 10, then Jojo will announce the decision. Charly Caruso comes in, and Corbin informs her that she has been handpicked to interview him after his victory by forfeit. She’s thankful for that, but she’s also here to interview him about the rumor that Braun Strowman will still be here tonight. Even if that were possible, Corbin would shatter Braun’s good elbow to pieces. And Corbin no longer responds to questions beneath a Raw GM. Now, from the top! “Ladies and gentlemen, your winner by forfeit, and permanent general manager, Baron Corbin.” Much better. But will that really be the announcement by the end of the TLC Match?


Kickoff Show – WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Buddy Murphy VS Cedric Alexander!

The Juggernaut won the title in his hometown of Melbourne, Australia, at the Super Show-Down event. However, the Age of Alexander looks to rebuild itself in San Jose! Can the Soul of 205 Live survive the unstoppable?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised and we begin! Alexander and Murphy circle and tie up. Murphy gets a waistlock but Alexander the standing switch. Murphy wrenches an arm but Alexander rolls through and reverses! Alexander wrenches the wrist but Murphy slips through the headlock takeover. Alexander headscissors but Murphy pops out. Roles reverse and now Alexander pops out of the headscissors. Murphy sweeps, cover, ONE. Alexander sweeps, ONE, and both men handspring up! Fans fire up for this even exchange and chant “205! 205!” for the fastest hour of WWE. Alexander waistlocks but Murphy breaks out. Alexander dodges and headscissors Murphy out! Fans fire up again as Alexander builds speed. Alexander dodges and ducks Murphy to dropkick him down! Cover, TWO!

Alexander keeps his cool, then CHOPS Murphy against the ropes. Murphy dumps Alexander to the apron but Alexander rocks him with a right! Alexander lines it up, but gets a knee trigger on reentry! We go picture in picture while Alexander falls out of the ring. Murphy fetches Alexander into the ring then climbs up. Murphy leaps for a meteora! Cover, TWO! Alexander lives but Murphy keeps his eyes on him. Murphy drives a knee in and wraps on a chinlock. Murphy shifts to drive elbows into Alexander’s shoulder and chest. Cover, TWO! Murphy gets Alexander back in the chinlock but fans build to a rally. Alexander gets up and fights back with body shots. Alexander breaks free to throw a forearm, then shoves Murphy to a corner. Murphy boots back, then hops up.

Murphy brings Alexander around for a hangman sleeper hold! He lets go at 4, but dares Alexander to stand back up. Murphy leaps, but into a SUPERKICK! Alexander and Murphy are both down, and fans build to another rally. Alexander gets to a corner, and runs corner to corner at Murphy. He rams in a shoulder then swings a kick to kick Murphy from the corner! Springboard complete shot, and then Alexander wrecks Murphy with a dropkick! Alexander keeps going, springboard lariat! Cover, TWO!! Murphy survives and Alexander is frustrated. Alexander stands while Murphy clutches ribs. Alexander drags Murphy up, but Murphy slips out of the lift. Murphy boots, dodges, but Alexander counters! Murphy sits on it, with trunks! TWO, and Alexander gets a sudden Michinoku! Cover, TWO!!

Alexander is shocked again, and thinks of what else he must do. Alexander stands and brings Murphy up. He throws a stiff forearm and Murphy falls over. Murphy slowly rises but Alexander punches him back down. Alexander brings Murphy up but Murphy blocks to fire off strikes! The knee misses, but so does the enziguri. Alexander rolls to uppercut! Alexander runs but Murphy reels him in. Murphy ducks the kick to shove Alexander, but Alexander elbow shim away. Alexander hops up, but gets tucked in for a SUPERKICK! And a sit-out powerbomb! Cover, TWO!! Now Alexander lives and Murphy is shocked! Murphy drags himself up while Alexander crawls. Murphy stalks Alexander to a corner, and scrapes him out to the apron. They both stand on the edge, and Alexander suddenly gets Murphy with a Death Valley Driver! Alexander puts Murphy in, cover, TWO! LUMBAR CHECK!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!!

Murphy finds a way to survive, and Alexander is beside himself. Murphy slumps out of the ring, but Alexander pursues. Alexander drags Murphy up but that’s 205 pounds of dead weight. Alexander puts Murphy in and stalks him to a corner. Murphy yanks Alexander into buckles! Murphy runs back in for a knee trigger! Then he drags Alexander up, Murphy’s Law! Cover, Murphy wins!

Winner: Buddy Murphy, by pinfall; still WWE Cruiserweight Champion

The Age of Alexander’s revival will not be at the expense of the Juggernaut! The unstoppable run of Buddy Murphy continues, will it ever end?


Ladies and Gentlemen: Elias.

The Drifter is in San Jose, and has one of his guitars in hand. But in a Ladder match with Bobby Lashley, another of his guitars will be above the ring as the prize. Even so, he asks the usual question: “Who wants to Walk with Elias?!” San Jose does! TLC will be TLCG: Tables, Ladders, Chairs & Guitars. A ladder is a great symbol, he’s already climbed the ladder of success. Now he must climb to reclaim his beautiful Fender. And once he does, he’ll play a tune on Lashley that he’ll never forget. But right now, Elias plays a classic with his own spin on it. “Do you know the way to San Jose?” So please, silence phones, hold applause and maybe sing along. But no such luck, as Bobby Lashley & Lio Rush make their entrance.


Kickoff Show – Ladder Match: Elias VS Bobby Lashley w/ Lio Rush!

This is a very unique Ladder match for The Drifter and the Rocky Mountain Machine. Instead of the prize being a title or a contract, it is one of Elias’ prized guitars. Will Elias save his Fender from Lashley’s grasp? Or will that guitar soon bring a smash hit across someone’s back?

Lio speaks on the way out. “Once again, you are sadly mistaken!” Nobody came here for Elias. They all paid to see The Almighty Bobby! And their favorite pose: Bobby’s booty! Anyway, the bell rings and the two circle in the ring. Lashley and Elias tie up and end up all over the ropes. Elias powers out of the headlock but Lashley runs him over. Lio hypes Lashley up as Lashley hits a complete shot. Lashley heads for a ladder already, but fans tell him “Lashley Sucks!” Lashley brings a ladder up and in, but Elias dropkicks it into him! Elias stomps the ladder onto Lashley, then jumps to stomp through the rungs! Elias drags the ladder into the ring, then a second. He backs Lio off before going into the ring. Lio coaches Lashley up while Elias stands a ladder up.

Elias begins to climb but Lio gets in to stop him! Lio runs but can’t escape! Elias throws Lio but Lio goes under the ladder. Lashley returns to knock the ladder over. Lashley and Elias brawl, but Elias whips Lashley to hit him with a big knee! Elias picks up his second ladder and stands it up in a corner. He goes to Lashley for a chop, then body shots. Elias whips but Lashley reverses to send Elias into the ladder! Lashley runs to SPEAR Elias into the ladder. THe ladder falls on Elias’ back, but Lashley brings Elias up for the Vertigo Suplex! Lashley drives Elias down quick, then picks up the second ladder. Fans still say “Lashley Sucks!” especially as Lashley uses the AK slam to throw the ladder down on Elias!

We go picture in picture as Lashley stands up the first ladder. Lashley begins to climb, but Elias uses the second ladder to hit Lashley! Lashley comes off the ladder but Elias keeps on him! Elias rams the ladder into Bobby, then sets it up in another corner. Elias whips Lashley to ropes to run him over with a lariat! He keeps on Lashley with another whip but Lashley reverses. Elias goes up to mule kick Lashley! But then he runs into a belly2belly suplex that throws him into the ladder! Elias writhes while Lio chants. Lashley gets up and traps Elias in a corner with the ladder. Lashley rains down rights then kicks the ladder into Elias. Lio coaches Lashley to stand up the first ladder, and Lashley begins his climb. Lashley is almost there, but Elias returns to club him on the back!

Elias brings Lashley down with a powerbomb on the other ladder!! Lashley writhes in pain now, and Elias clibms. But Lio climbs up first! Elias stops Lio from touching the guitar, then knocks him off the ladder! Elias grabs his guitar, unhooks it, and wins!

Winner: Elias

The Drifter has his guitar back, but now the question is: who to use it on? Elias aims for Lashley, but Lio jumps on him first! Elias throws Lio off easily, but runs into a SPINEBUSTER from Lashley! Lashley tells Lio to get up and Lio climbs up top. Lio aims, and hits the Final Hour splash! Lashely picks up the guitar and aims at Elias. Elias stands, to get SMACKED with the guitar! Both guitar and Elias are broken, will the Almighty Lashley climb his own ladder of success towards a title?


“As another year comes to an end, you have to wonder: did you make the mark?”

The Shield is broken. The Baddest Woman on the Planet has a Facebreaker in her way. And history is made again. “And all it’s gonna take is a little TLC.”


Mixed Match Challenge Finals: Jinder Mahal & Alicia Fox w/ The Singh Brothers VS R-Truth & Carmella!

#Mahalicia and the #FABULOUSTruth have been the underdogs of Mixed Match Challenge Season 2 from their first match to their last match. But now, they’re both at the end of the tournament competing for the 30th spots of both the Men’s and Women’s Royal Rumbles! Which team wins a huge advantage on the Road to Wrestlemania?

Truth & Mella rep the Sharks with the black and teal, “What’s up?!” Jinder and Alicia finally look to be on the same page with their own matching red gear. The teams sort out and the men start. Mahal and Truth circle and duel with “What’s Up?!” against “Shanti!” Fans prefer Truth. The two tie up and Mahal gets a headlock takeover. Truth resists the cover attempt, then fights his way up. Truth powers out but Mahal runs him over. Mahal grins as he runs, but Truth goes to back drop. Mahal whips but Truth crossbodies! Cover, ONE, Backslide! TWO, so Truth rolls up! TWO, and Mahal backs off. Alicia tags in, so Carmella comes in with her. Alicia says she’s got this, but Carmella and Truth egg them on. Truth and Carmella uses splits to dodge then double hip toss! And fans want it, so we get a… DANCE BREAK~!

The Fabulous Flossing begins but the Bollywood Boys join in! Only to get thrown out! Truth returns to his corner but Alicia clobbers Carmella. Alicia hits the swinging neckbreaker, covers, TWO! Alicia wraps on a chinlock but fans rally for Carmella. Carmella fights up and out, but Alicia shoves her. Carmella tilt-o-whirls to throw Alicia! Alicia is dizzy and ends up in Carmella’s takedown for fast hands! Alicia throws Carmella by her hair to deny a tag to Truth. Northern Lights, bridge, TWO! Alicia returns to the chinlock but fans rally up again. Carmella gets up and arm-drags Alicia away. Double clotheslines take both women down! The fans and the Singh Brothers rally for their favorites, hot tag to Truth! Mahal comes in, but Truth rallies with headscissors of his own!

Truth adds clotheslines and a calf kick! Mahal scrambles while Truth does the splits. Truth kicks low but the SInghs distract. Mahal kicks low but Truth dodges. Alicia tags in as Truth dropkicks Mahal. Alicia tells Truth to get out. He has to listen because she is captain now! Truth borrows her hat, and now HE is captain. Alicia kicks low and goes for scissor kick. FABULOUS Kick from Carmella, cover, but Mahal yanks her off! Truth dumps Mahal out, then slingshots for a wrecking ball dropkick. Carmella kicks a Singh away, but walks into Alicia’s jackknife cover! TWO, Code of Silence!! Alicia taps, FABULOUS Truth wins!

Winners: R-Truth & Carmella, Carmella pinning; win the Second Mixed Match Challenge, are now the 30th entrances of the Royal Rumbles.

From last to first, Truth & Carmella win it all!

In-ring interview with FABULOUS Truth!

How do they feel about this huge opportunity they just won? Oh and where are they going for vacation? Well it’s F A B U L O U S to win. They get to enter the Royal Rumbles last, possibly go to Wrestlemania, but they’ll also be heading to… Barcelona? No, bigger. Rome? No, tropical. Rio!? Paris?! No, no, cultural epicenter. Truth chose… WWE Headquarters in Connecticut!! What. Truth, that’s not even… Well, Truth’s strange dream destinations aside, they’re still getting those Rumble spots. Can Truth & Mella make the most of golden opportunities?


SmackDown Tag Team Championship Triple Threat: The Bar VS The Usos VS The New Day!

Awww San Jose~! Three of the best teams perhaps in ALL of WWE compete for the titles tonight! Cesaro & Sheamus may not be the best rappers but they’re much better at giving European Uppercuts. But Jimmy & Jey have tag team wrestling on #LockDown while ya bois, the New~ Day~ bring positivity and pancakes! Who will be the Blue Brand’s best after tonight?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and teams sort out. Only two competitors at a time means only Sheamus against Kofi Kingston to start. Sheamus and Kofi circle, then tie up. Kofi gets a waistlock but Sheamus powers him to the open corner. Sheamus backs off and circles with Kofi again. Fans rally for New Day and Kofi gets into the mood. Sheamus gets him in a headlock but Kofi headscissors. Sheamus pops out and gets another headlock. Kofi powers out but Sheamus runs him over. Cover, ONE, and Sheamus brings Kofi into another headlock. Kofi fights out and things speed up. Kofi leaps but Sheamus catches him to a back suplex, only for Kofi to slip out and dropkick! Cover, TWO, Kofi tags Woods.

Kofi kicks Shemaus down, Woods hits a sliding lariat, and Kofi adds a splash. Woods drops the elbow and covers, but both Usos and Cesaro break it. The Usos argue with Cesaro and Kofi and a brawl breaks out! Cesaro and Kofi end up outsid,e Jey builds speed, but runs into a EuroUpper! Woods wrecks Cesaro then builds speed on his own, but runs into the Irish Curse! Cover, TWO! Sheamus kicks Woods to The Bar’s corner and chokes him on the ropes. Sheamus throws corssface forearms, then Cesaro gets a hotshot! Tag to Cesaro and The Bar hit Woods with Super Saiyan Kicks. Cover, TWO! Cesaro argues for a faster count, then taunts Woods. Woods hits back but Cesaro tags Sheamus. Sheamus kicks Woods and The Bar whip Woods for the Bar Lariat! The Bar use their catchphrase and Sheamus stomps Woods.

Sheamus sits Woods up for a chinlock, then thrashes Woods around. Woods endures as fans build to a rally. Woods fights out of the hold, but Sheamus shoves him into a shoulder. Tag to Cesaro, and The Bar double elbow drop on Woods. Cover, TWO! Cesaro keeps his eyes on the Usos while looming over Woods. Cesaro stomps Woods’ hand, then puts on another chinlock. Woods endures again, and fans rally up for the Usos. Cesaro shoves Woods but Woods hits Sheamus! Honor Roll hits Cesaro! Cesaro tags Sheamus and Sheamus hits the Usos just because. Sheamus goes to Woods but Woods hits back. Woods leaps but is put in the open corner. Sheamus has Woods up top then throws hands as he climbs. Sheamus soaks up the heat while preparing a superplex, but Woods fights him with furious body shots!

Woods crotches Sheamus on the ropes, then dropkicks him down! Both men are down in the ring and crawling. Hot tag to Cesaro, hot tag to Kofi! Kofi springboards and rallies on Cesaro! Kofi dropkicks then hits the leaping lariat! Fans fire up with Kofi as he gives Cesaro the Boom Drop! Kofi aims from the corner and fans clap along. Kofi swings but is caught into a toss! Csaro runs in, Jimmy Uso tags in. Kofi kicks Cesaro then kicks Jimmy. Kofi leaps but Cesaro catches him! Cesaro lifts Kofi but Jimmy leaps in for a crossobdy! Cover, Cesaro breaks it! Cesaro gets the dragon whip kick, but Kofi rolls Jimmy! TWO! Jimmy misses Kofi but Jey tags in.

The Usos double kick Kofi back! Jey SUPERKICKS Kofi! SUPERKICK for Woods! SUPERKICK for Sheamus! Cesaro leaps into a SUPERKICK! The Usos aim but miss Kofi. Samoan Pop!! Cover, but Woods breaks it! Jimmy and Woods brawl and fall out of the ring. Jey climbs and aims at Kofi, but Cesaro tags in! Uso Splash, but Cesaro tosses Jey into post! Cover on Kofi, TWO!! The Bar is shocked they didn’t steal that one. Cesaro stalks Kofi now while Big E coaches Kofi up. Cesaro gets Kofi in the Swiss Swing! He goes around and around for about 12 rotations, and steps through for the Sharpshooter! Kofi endures the legendary lock, but Big E keeps Kofi from quitting. Cesaro drags Kofi away, but Woods hits the Get Over Here!

Sheamus tags in and blasts Woods and then Jey! Sheamus aims at Kofi now, calling for the end. Kofi stands, dodges the Brogue and rolls Sheamus up! TWO, and Sheamus tries again. Double stomps intercept the Brogue! Tag to Woods and Woods hurries up. Trouble In Paradise, to Limit Breaker!! Cover, but Jey and Cesaro both break it! Fans are thunderous for this match as four men are down in the ring. Big E coaches up his team, but it’s Jey who stands first. Cesaro follows and gives Jey a EuroUpper. Jimmy runs in, to a pop-up EuroUpper! Kofi dropkicks Cesaro out, then Kofi climbs up top. Kofi aims at the group outside, for a SUPER TRUST FALL! He takes out both Usos and Cesaro, but Sheamus goes after Woods.

Woods resists with hands and a kick. Sheamus staggers, but Cesaro goes for Woods’ feet. Woods mule kicks Ceaor, but steps into a BROGUE! Cover, The Bar wins!

Winners: The Bar, Sheamus pinning; still SmackDown Tag Team Champions

The Swiss Cyborg and Celtic Gladiator survive the odds and the chaos! They deny two great tag teams and perhaps become the greatest team themselves. Will any team come along to dethrone this duo?


TLC Match: Baron Corbin VS Braun Strowman!

The “General Manager Elect” can win himself that position permanently, or The Monster Among Men can shockingly return from elbow surgery and win his shot at The Beast, Brock Lesnar. Can Strowman save us from Corbin’s dictatorship? Or will no one #GetTheseHands tonight?

As a bonus, Heath Slater is made the referee for this match. The #OneRefBand will have to be the one to count to 10 to see if Strowman appears. Corbin thanks the fans for the “warm welcome.” He understands the fans are upset both about Corbin’s performance as GM and Strowman’s condition. Corbin takes the complaints very seriously, he listens to and respects their input. But “Too bad! Get used to it!” After Slater counts, Strowman loses by forfeit and Corbin is THE Raw GM. Now stop wasting time, ring the bell. The bell rings, and Slater has no choice but to start. Corbin grins and counts along. Slater reaches 5 and there’s no sign of Strowman. But then at 7, Strowman’s music hits!

The Monster Among Men IS here! His bad arm is in a sling, but he’s not gonna let that stop him. Corbin protests, Strowman can’t be in any shape to compete. Strowman circles the ring and picks up a mic. Strowman enters the ring, and fans hope Corbin will “Get These Hands!” “While you were out here flapping your gums, you forgot to mention something very important, Corbin.” It’s that in a TLC Match, there are No Disqualifications. Corbin doesn’t understand what that means. Strowman explains that if someone happened to help Strowman, like someone who is “sick and tired of dealing with a crappy General Manager”, it’d be perfectly legal. Corbin sees Apollo Crews appear, chair in hand. Strowman says Corbin made his bed, now he’ll lay in it.

Because Bobby Roode & Chad Gable are also here! And Finn Balor, the de facto leader of this rebellion. Finn, Apollo, Roode & Gable all enter, armed with chairs. Corbin tells Slater to do something about this. But Slater can’t, it’s No DQ. Also, Slater quits as referee. Slater throws the shirt at Corbin and decks him! The chair-wielding rebels close in. Corbin begs for mercy, but he gets nothign but steel! Everyone gets a chair shot in, with Finn adding one more SMACK! Fans are thunderous for this anti-Corbin alliance, and Corbin refuses to continue. But here comes Kurt Angle!! The previous Raw GM is here, and he’s making sure Corbin faces the consequences.

Angle picks up a chair and jams it into Corbin! Then SMACKS away on Corbin’s back! Corbin goes back to the ring, to get a GLORIOUS combination! And Apollo’s frog splash! And the Olympic Slam! Finn climbs up to add the Coup de Grace! Slater goes back to being a ref, so that Strowman can cover and be counted. Strowman wins!!

Winner: Braun Strowman, by pinfall; is now the #1 contender to Brock Lesnar’s WWE Universal Championship; Corbin is NO LONGER Raw General Manager

The Monster Among Men and all of those on Raw under Corbins’ thumb have their retribution! Will Strowman be able to recover to 100% so that he can finally #GetTheseHands on the Beast’s title?


Tables Match: Natalya VS Ruby Riott w/ The Riott Squad!

The Queen of Harts lost her father, The Anvil, but the Squad Leader doesn’t seem to care. Instead, Ruby wants to use it to further break Natty’s heart. But will Natty get her revenge by breaking a table with Ruby’s body?

The Squad walk out with Ruby and again present the table with Jim Neidhart on it. The bell rings and Ruby laughs at her own joke. Natty isn’t laughing, and fans are on her side. She and Ruby tie up and Natty gets Ruby down! Natty throws fast hands but Ruby scrambles away. Ruby throws Natty into ropes! Sarah takes a swipe but Natty gets away, only for Ruby to put her in the corner. Liv anchors Natty’s feet so that Ruby can splash in the corner. Ruby throws Natty down and kicks her in the side. Ruby pulls Natty’s hair as she says Natty’s nothing. Fans rally for Natty and Natty gives Ruby a snap back suplex! Ruby regroups with The Squad but Natty bounces her face off table top! Ruby hits Natty back and hurries up to the apron. Natty climbs up and wants to suplex Ruby off!

Ruby resists so Natty slides under to slap her! Natty hotshots Ruby then runs, but Liv moves Ruby out of the way! Liv gets knocked off the apron and falls through the table! Sarah checks on Liv while Ruby kicks Natty back. Ruby also checks on Liv, and Liv needs medics to check on her. More referees come out to help with the situation, and Ruby goes back to Natty. The match continues and Sarah helps Ruby get a table. Natty fights back and throws Ruby with a German Suplex! Natty dropkicks the table into Sarah! Ruby staggers but Natty pursues. Natty SLAPS Ruby, then throws her into the apron. Natty throws Ruby into barriers, and then tells her “You wanna mess with my family, b*tch?!” She gives Ruby another slap, but then Ruby slaps Natty back! Natty stomps on Ruby and positions another table.

Natty fetches Ruby and wants a bomb, but Ruby fights out. Ruby can’t escape as Natty puts her into barriers! Sarah comes running in, but Natty dodges to send her into barriers, too! Natty scoops Sarah and slams her through a table! The Squad is down, but Ruby throws Natty into apron! Ruby brings Natty to the Anvil table. Ruby makes Natty look at Anvil, claiming “He’s ashamed of you!” Fans boo but Ruby throws Natty into steps. Ruby puts her Anvil table in the ring and sets it up in a corner. Fans rally for Natty but Ruby fetches her into the ring. Ruby whips Natty, but Natty stops herself! Natty dodges Ruby and then lifts. Ruby fights out and wheelbarrows. Natty pops out to put Ruby in a Sharpshooter! This isn’t for the win, but to torture Ruby back for what she’s said!

Ruby grabs the table, and tips it to hit Natty on the back of the head! Natty goes down and Ruby gets free. Both women are down but fans rally up. Ruby gets back up and Natty crawls away. Ruby sets the Anvil table up on its legs. Natty stirs while Ruby struggles with the set up. Natty gets Ruby up in an Electric Chair, for the drop! Ruby writhes while Natty catches her breath. Natty stands while Ruby rolls out. Natty clears out the wrecked tables to bring out a new one. But this has RUBY on it! Natty grins over the poetic justice. Natty puts the Riott table in the ring, but she also puts on her dad’s jacket! The Anvil is with Natty in spirit now as she goes after Ruby.

Natty boots Ruby right down, then sets up the Riott table. Natty positions it just right, and then goes after Ruby. But Ruby goes to kick, only for Natty to scoop her. Ruby slips out to SUPERKICK Natty down! Ruby decides to use Natty’s table now. She puts Natty on top, but Natty stops her on the top rope! Natty bounces Ruby off her own image, and then sets her up just right. Natty climbs up top, but Ruby stops her with a kick! Ruby climbs up now, and pats Natty on the cheek. Ruby stands up, but the Frankensteiner is blocked! Natty brings Ruby back up, for a SUPER POWERBOMB, through the table!!

Winner: Natalya

Revenge is sweet! The Queen of Harts makes her father proud, and makes Ruby pay in the best way. Will Natty leave The Squad behind and finally get back towards a title?


Finn Balor VS Drew McIntyre!

The Extraordinary Man already got back at Baron Corbin for everything he’s done on Raw, now Finn looks to settle scores with the Scottish Psycho. McIntyre has already hit Finn with Claymores before, will there be another boot in Finn’s future?

The bell rings and fans chant “Too Sweet! Woop Woop!” Finn ties up with McIntyre and McIntyre puts Finn in a corner. McIntyre backs off at 4 but Finn chops him. It doesn’t do much, and McIntyre throws hands and chops of his own in Finn! McIntyre stalks Finn, and stomps the hand as he mocks the Too Sweet. McIntyre whips but Finn kicks him back. It still does little, and McIntyre scoops Finn. Finn slips out to kick away, but McIntyre clubs him with a clothesline. McIntyre stomps Finn more, then CHOPS Finn in a corner. McIntyre puts Finn in another corner but Finn dropkicks a leg out! Fans fire up with Finn as he drags McIntyre up. McIntyre powers Finn to a corner to stomp and chop back.

McIntyre hoists Finn up top then climbs up to trash talk him. But Finn slips out to trip McIntyre up! Finn stomps away on McIntyre, then climbs back up. McIntyre gets up to grab Finn by the throat! McIntyre brings Finn down to throw him overhead across the way! Finn is down, but McIntyre’s own legs are weakened. McIntyre keeps on Finn with a rain of rights. Fans rally for Finn and he kicks the bad leg. McIntyre whips Finn at buckles hard, and Finn hits the mat. McIntyre taunts Finn, “Fight up, Balor! Fight!” Finn shoulders in, then slingshots to a sunset. McIntyre holds ropes then stomps Finn again. McIntyre tosses Finn again! Cover, TWO! McIntyre keeps on Finn with a chinbar and armlock.

Fans rally while Finn endures. Finn fights out and kicks the bad leg. McIntyre kicks out Finn’s leg, then deadlift suplexes Finn up and over! Cover, TWO! Finn lives but McIntyre mocks him. “Reach! Reach!” McIntyre clubs Finn down and puts the chinbar back on. Fans rally and Finn gets up again. McIntyre wrangles Finn back down and keeps on the armlock and chinbar. Fans keep cheering and Finn gets up again. Finn pries his way out of the hold but McIntyre puts him in a corner. Finn boots back, and throws forearms. McIntyre stays standing but Finn keeps hitting him. Finn goes for the legs but McIntyre clubs him back. McIntyre lifts but Finn slips out to trip McIntyre and hit the double stomps! Finn fires up with the fans and runs at McIntyre in a corner, running chops!

Finn whips corner to corner but McIntyre reverses. McIntyre misses Finn, Finn goes tilt-o-whirl for the DDT! Finn clotheslines McIntyre out, then builds speed, to FLY! Direct hit takes McIntyre down! Finn brings McIntyre up and in, but McIntyre whips him. Slingblade! Finn aims but runs into a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker! Cover, TWO! McIntyre is frustrated, but he won’t let up. McIntyre sits Finn up to chop him. “You’re pathetic! You’re nothing to me!” But Finn kicks back! Finn’s boot is countered but Finn counters the Alabama slam to a cover! TWO, but Finn dodges McIntyre to kicks him down! Finn climbs up but McIntyre stops him. McIntyre CHOPS Finn then climbs up to join him. McIntyre hauls Finn up, SUPER Celtic Cross!! Cover, TWO!! Finn still lives and McIntyre is furious!

Fans rally up while McIntyre looms over Finn. McIntyre drags Finn up to throw him out. McIntyre watches Finn crawl before going out. Finn uses the apron skirt to trap McIntyre! Finn punches and stomps away! McIntyre crawls away, blocks the Penalty Kick and throws Finn down! McIntyre grins and laughs but the ring count passes 5. Glasgow kiss headbutt brings Finn down! McIntyre refreshes the count and mocks the Too Sweet. McIntyre hauls Finn up with ease, and puts him in the ring. But wait, Ziggler appears to SUPERKICK! The ref didn’t see it, and McIntyre is down! The Show-Off returns the favor for Finn from weeks ago, but Ziggler also has a chair! McIntyre boots the chair into Ziggler!

McIntyre and Ziggler scrap and McIntyre puts Ziggler into the ring. The referee tells McIntyre not to use the chair, but McIntyre still brings it in. Finn blasts the chair into McIntyre! Finn climbs, COUP DE GRACE!! Cover, Finn wins!!

Winner: Finn Balor, by pinfall

The Scottish Terminator lost focus and the Extraordinary Man takes advantage! Ziggler may not have cared about Finn getting a win, but he did get his payback on McIntyre. Will McIntyre target them both for revenge in the New Year?


Chairs Match: Randy Orton VS Rey Mysterio!

The Viper wants to make another hero into a victim, but the King of Lucha Libre won’t let it happen! With steel chairs at the ready, will Mysterio turn the hunter into the hunted?

The bell rings and Mysterio circles with Orton. Orton kicks low and clubs Mysterio on the back. Orton throws Mysterio out and he grabs a chair. Mysterio kicks Orton and grabs a chair. Mysterio jabs it into Orton’s ribs, then SMACKS him on the back! Orton scrambles away but Mysterio keeps chase. Mysterio SMACKS Orton again, then jabs him some more. Mysterio gives another SMACK! Orton goes to a corner and Mysterio keeps on him with the chair edge. Mysterio gets another chair, and sits it up in front of Orton. Mysterio goes corner to corner but Orton dodges. Orton clubs Mysterio on the top rope, then borrows that chair to SMACK Mysterio down. Mysterio writhes and ends up on the apron, but Orton places the chair.

Orton goes out to the apron and brings Mysterio up. Mysterio fights out and shoulders Orton back. Mysterio jabs Orton again, then runs, to dropkick the feet out! Orton bumps apron on the way down, and Mysterio has his chair back. Mysterio runs with it, to boogie board the chair onto Orton! Fans fire up for that creativity but both men writhe from the pain. Mysterio brings another chair over and SMACKS Orton again! Orton scrambles into more chairs but Mysterio kicks him in the rib. Mysterio bumps Orton off the apron and sits him down in a chair. Mysterio throws more hands, then lines up a shot from the apron. He leaps, but Orton dodges to send the seated senton onto the chair! Orton grins as he stalks Mysterio again. Orton brings Mysterio up to SMACK him down!

Now Orton clears off an announce desk and sets a chair on top. Orton goes back to Mysterio and brings him over. He throws Mysterio face first onto the chair! Mysterio is stuck on the table while Orton puts chairs in the ring. Orton grins as he brings Mysterio back to the ring. Cover, TWO! Mysterio is tougher than that but Orton doesn’t seem to mind. Orton goes to his chair pile and wedges one in the corner. Orton goes to Mysterio and kicks him away from picking up a chair. He hauls Mysterio up, runs at the corner, but Mysterio slips out. Mysterio headscissors Orton into that chair! Mysterio runs, but into a powerslam! Cover, TWO! Orton keeps his cool while he watches Mysterio crawl. Mysterio gets to the apron, but Orton heads over with a chair.

Orton places the chair down and drags Mysterio out through the ropes. Fans know what’s coming, but so does Mysterio! Mysterio gets in, puts Orton on the ropes, but the 619 is denied! Mysterio still kicks Orton away, then hurries to a corner. He springboards, but Orton throws a chair at him! Mysterio crash lands, Orton covers, TWO! Orton gets another chair and stomps Mysterio down. Orton wedges the chair into a corner, but the lower level this time. He goes back to Mysterio, armed with another chair. Mysterio kicks Orton away, takes that chair and SMACKS Orton again! Orton is on the ropes, 619 connects! Mysterio hurries up top, but Orton trips him up. Orton now has Mysterio where he wants him, and swings Mysterio into the chair!

Mysterio is stuck in the Tree of Woe, and Orton grabs yet even more chairs. Orton goes to Mysterio to bounce him off the corner chair again, then sets the new chairs up. Mysterio falls out of the Tree but Orton makes sure his line-up is perfect. Orton then goes to Mysterio and drags him up in a cravat. Orton aims for the chairs, but Mysterio slips out. Mysterio mule kicks and rolls to throw Orton into his own chairs! Then victory roll cover! Mysterio wins!!

Winner: Rey Mysterio, by pinfall

Orton is furious but that’s a win! Mysterio is no victim, and certainly not the Apex Predator’s prey. But even with this win, will Orton still hunt Mysterio down?


Backstage interview with Finn Balor!

He got a big win thanks to Dolph Ziggler. Finn doesn’t understand why, but Ziggler shows up to say “You’re welcome.” Finn didn’t have a chance without him. Ziggler says Finn is lucky he was there. Finn stops Ziggler from leaving but Ziggler throws Finn into trunks! It seems Finn has only moved on from McIntyre to have beef with the Show-Off. Will Finn get the last word against Ziggler?


Raw Women’s Championship: Ronda Rousey VS Nia Jax w/ Tamina!

As the Baddest Woman puts it, the real test of a champion is if they can fight in sickness or in health, ready to throw down even on their worst day. The Irresistible Force is ready to give Ronda that worst day, and break her face while ending her undefeated reign. Will this Money in the Bank rematch finally settle who is THE baddest woman of WWE?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we begin! Ronda and Nia circle and tie up. Nia throws Ronda to a corner, but Ronda gets right up. Ronda circles with Nia again, then dodges her. Ronda smirks as she bobs ‘n’ weaves and gets in a jab. Nia gets mad but Ronda keeps dodging her. Ronda throws more hands and grins as she frustrates Nia. Nia misses but counters a punch with a whip. Ronda gets free to start kicking now. Nia blocks a kick, and shows that #FaceBreaker hand. Nia punches but Ronda reverses it into a takedown! Ronda wants the armbar but Nia powers out to powerbomb Ronda down! Tamina cheers her cousin on as she covers, ONE! Ronda gasps for air, but Nia won’t let up.

Nia yanks Ronda up by her ponytail to throw her to a corner. Nia squashes Ronda then drags her out for a toss! Another squash, another toss! Nia runs and drops the elbow! Cover, ONE, and Nia grows frustrated. Ronda coughs and gasps but Nia toys with her now. Nia drags Ronda up by her ponytail, and throws her into a post! Fans boo and jeer but Nia lines up a shot, to knee Ronda into the post! Ronda clutches her arm, but Nia keeps on her with headbutts. Nia runs again, but misses the leg drop! Nia slowly stands up and brings Ronda up, but Ronda uses the good arm for a guillotine! But Nia powers out, only for Ronda to shift to a sleeper hold! Nia throws Ronda but Ronda brings her down to the armbar!

Nia scrambles to the ropes and then throws Ronda into barriers! Ronda goes down in a heap while the count begins. Nia drags Ronda up and in at 6. Nia covers, TWO! Ronda continues to frustrate Nia, and Nia puts Ronda in a cobra clutch. Nia thrashes Ronda around but fans rally up. Ronda stands and fights out, only for Nia to kick low. Nia powerbomb lifts, but Ronda headscissors out! Ronda scrambles to a corner, and dodges Nia to send her into a post! Nia falls out, but Ronda won’t let up. Ronda climbs up top, takes aim and leaps! The crossbody topples Nia! Fans fire up as Ronda gets up. Ronda drags Nia into the ring, not wanting a count out result. She gets Nia in at 7, covers, TWO! Ronda grows frustrated, but she won’t let that stop her.

Ronda gets rowdy, and throws fast hands! She hits the step-up wizard, and then the SUPER WOMAN PUNCH! Cover, TWO!! Nia still lives but Ronda won’t stop. Ronda climbs up, and leaps! Nia rolls through the crossbody, pops Ronda up, and hits the Samoan Drop!! Cover, TWO!! Ronda survives and Nia is shocked! Tamina is furious on her cousin’s behalf while Nia headbutts Ronda down. Nia whips Ronda to a corner, squashes her again, then drags her up again. Nia has the fireman’s carry and climbs up with Ronda. But Ronda fights back! Ronda slips around, to sunset flip! Nia holds on, but Ronda gets her off!! Cover, TWO!! Ronda can’t believe it, and neither can the fans!

Fans duel as Ronda glares at Nia. Ronda staggers over and goes after an arm. Nia resists, but Ronda sees Tamina coming in. Ronda goes after Tamina, but then Nia clubs Ronda down. Nia prepares the fist, but Ronda dodges! They tangle up, and Ronda climbs up for the takedown! The two go back and forth as Ronda keeps her eyes on Tamina. Ronda kisses the hand good-bye, ARMBAR!! Nia taps, Ronda wins!!

Winner: Ronda Rousey, by submission; still Raw Women’s Champion

The Baddest Woman is still the champion, and that’s still Ronda Rousey! Tamina helps Nia get away, but will the Samoan Dynasty be back for more? Or will someone else climb the mountain to challenge Rowdy Ronda?


Backstage interview with Nia Jax.

But Nia doesn’t want to talk. Becky Lynch comes over to stare down the Face Breaker. And Becky hits her back! “Keep my name out yer mouth!” The Man just got even with Nia, but when will they really settle their score?


WWE Championship: Daniel Bryan VS AJ Styles!

The Old Daniel Bryan is dead! Long live the NEW Daniel Bryan! But will this new side of Bryan be able to defeat The Phenomenal One now that we all know what to expect from him?

Before the match, AJ Styles is interviewed. He knows both the Old Bryan and New Bryan will do anything they have to in order to win, so that makes them no different. Especially when both are beatable. Styles promises to have a Phenomenal Forearm with Bryan’s name on it. Styles has played Bryan’s mind games long enough. This time, Bryan plays Styles’ game. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we begin!

Bryan and Styles circle but Bryan bails out of the ring. Fans boo but Bryan takes full advantage of the ring count. This is a lot like Bryan’s plan against Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series. Bryan returns, circles with Styles, but again bails out. Styles is frustrated already and that amuses Bryan. Bryan soaks up the heat from the fans, while taking his time returning. Fans still duel between Styles and Bryan as they tie up. Bryan puts Styles in a corner but Styles turns it around to chop and forearm! Styles bumps Bryan off buckles then stomps a mudhole into him. Styles bumps and chops Bryan more, then whips corner to corner. Bryan goes up and over but Styles saw that coming. Bryan still counters the waistlock to a takedown, but Styles reaches up to headscissor Bryan down!

Styles kicks Bryan to a corner, then drags him up for more buckle bumps. Styles rams his shoulder in then snapmares Bryan out to kick him in the back! Fans duel as Styles throws hands. Styles whips but Bryan kicks him away. Bryan runs but things speed up. Bryan fakes Styles out, but Styles still dropkicks him down! Styles clotheslines Bryan out, then takes his time waiting for Bryan. Bryan gets up, Styles slingshots, but into a roundhouse! Styles clutches his ribs while Bryan hobbles over. Bryan whips Styles into the timekeeper barriers! Bryan puts Styles in the ring and takes aim from a corner. Styles stands for Bryan to bump and kick him in a corner. Bryan whips Styles to ropes, and rocks him with the kitchen sink knee! Styles clutches his ribs while Bryan circles him. Fans boo as Bryan twists Styles’ leg.

Bryan laces the legs and drives a knee into Styles’ spine. Bryan hooks Styles’ face and drives in another knee. He hooks the face, drives in a knee, repeat! Bryan then hooks the chin for a Bow ‘n’ Arrow stretch! Styles endures and manages a ropebreak. Bryan lets him go, but is not bothered at all. Bryan brings Styles up for a headbutt, then puts Styles in a corner. “You wanna chop me?!” Bryan CHOPS Styles! Bryan CHOPS Styles again, and again, but then Styles fires chops back! Styles chops more but Bryan throws a stiff body shot. Bryan drags Styles up into the Tree of Woe, and goes out to pull Styles against the ropes. He lets up at 4, then returns as Styles falls out of the Tree. Bryan rocks Styles with a EuroUpper, then dares Styles to come out. Styles stands and Bryan mule kicks him.

Bryan keeps taunting Styles as he gives more EuroUppers. Bryan kicks Styles against the ropes, until Styles slumps out of the ring. Fans boo Bryan while Styles slowly gets up. Bryan goes after Styles but Styles throws haymakers! Styles punches away in a corner, but stops at 4. Styles gasps for air but Bryan kick shim low! Bryan whips but Styles reverses. Bryan goes up and over, things speed up, and Styles side-steps Bryan. Styles goes for a Dragon Suplex but Bryan counters to a victory roll! TWO, and Bryan drop toeholds Styles into buckles! Bryan runs corner to corner, for a big dropkick! Fans boo as Bryan keeps going, for another dropkick! Bryan wants another but gets clobbered by a clothesline! Both men are down and a 10 count begins. The count passes 5 before either man stirs.

Bryan and Styles stand and Styles hits first! Styles staggers Bryan around the ring with those haymakers, then fires off in a corner. He stomps a mudhole into Bryan but the ref pulls him off. Styles returns, dodges Bryan’s punch to fire the Phenomenal Blitz! Bryan ducks the back hand but gets a clothesline! Cover, TWO! Styles rains rights down then returns those vicious stomps! Styles wants the Clash, but Bryan scrambles out of the ring. Bryan leans against barriers but Styles comes out to throw him into the post! And again! Bryan staggers into a haymaker, but the count passes 5. Styles puts Bryan back in and Bryan begs for mercy. Fans don’t believe Bryan, so neither does Styles! Ushigoroshi! Cover, TWO! Styles keeps his cool, and drags Bryan up.

Bryan fights out of the suplex, then runs corner to corner, only to get a back elbow! Styles moonsaults but Bryan reverses the DDT into a cravat! Bryan drives in knees then throws Styles with a cravat suplex! Cover, TWO! Styles still lives and only now does Bryan grow frustrated. Bryan waits for Styles to sit up to give him “NO Kicks”! He keeps kicking, and hits the buzzsaw! Cover, TWO!! Bryan keeps his cool while Styles stirs. Fans duel as Bryan drags Styles up. Bryan gives a headbutt, then back suplexes. Styles slips out to enziguri! Both men are down again but stirring. They each get up with the help of the ropes. Styles runs in at Bryan, but is put on the apron. Styles hits Bryan away, then springboards, but into another roundhouse! But Styles caught it, for a dragon screw! Styles then kicks the bad leg out!

Bryan is in a corner, and Styles brings him over to slam the legs into the post! Styles keeps on the left leg, and Bryan crawls away in pain. Styles stalks Bryan, to chop block him! Another receipt from weeks ago! Styles stalks Bryan and goes after the leg, but Bryan enziguris with the other! Bryan hobbles up to give big body shots. Bryan stomps a mudhole into Styles, then brings Styles up. They go to the top rope, SUPER STEINER! But Styles rolls through that to sunset flip! And into The Styles Clash! But Bryan fights back! So Styles goes after the leg! Half Crab! Bryan endures but Styles’ own legs barely hold him up. Bryan crawls for ropes, but Styles pulls him away! Styles sits down, Bryan bites his finger to ignore the leg pain.

Bryan reaches, crawls, but Styles pulls him away again. But now Bryan drags Styles down into the No Lock!! Bryan drives elbows to get Styles to stop fighting, and the lock is in! Styles endures now and rolls it over, jackknife cover! TWO, sunset flip, TWO! Roundhouse! Pele!! Both men are down but the fans are fired up! San Jose knows “This is Awesome!” as both men stir. Bryan stands and throws hands, but Styles hits back. Bryan hits, Styles hits, repeat. Styles gets an edge, but Bryan back kicks. Bryan back kicks again, then runs corner to corner. Styles dropkicks him down! Both men are down, but Styles crawls to the apron. Styles aims, springboards, 450 hits! Cover, TWO!! Bryan and Styles have barely anything left, but this match still goes on!

Styles stands up and brings Bryan up. Bryan powers Styles into the corner, then runs back in. But Styles gets the Calf Crusher!! Bryan endures as Styles wrenches! Bryan flails and freaks out, but manages to roll to a ropebreak! Styles has no choice but to let go, and Bryan gets out of the ring. Bryan clutches his leg while Styles goes out to fetch him. Styles drags Bryan up and in, but Bryan rolls right back out. Bryan hobbles away but Styles stalks him. Bryan hits another hard body shot! And whips Styles at the barriers. Styles jumps over to then forearm Bryan away. Phenomenal Forearm off the barriers! Styles drags Bryan up and in at 8, then aims on the apron. Springboard, but Bryan dodges! Styles almost hits the ref, but he dodges Bryan! Small package! TWO as Bryan gets it his way, Bryan wins!!

Winner: Daniel Bryan, by pinfall; still WWE Champion

The New Bryan stays the current champion by the skin of his teeth! With Styles now out of the way, who will step up to challenge this New Bryan in the New Year?


Backstage interview with Ronda and Natty.

Both friends won tonight, but what is next for Ronda? Is it going to be the next chapter with Charlotte Flair? Well, payback’s a b*tch, and Ronda’s the baddest one on the planet. Will The Queen have to worry about Rowdy Ronda on the way to The Rumble?


WWE Intercontinental Championship: Seth Rollins VS Dean Ambrose!

The Architect and The Lunatic dedicated their Raw Tag Team Championship victory to their brother in arms, Roman Reigns. But then Ambrose tainted that moment by betraying Rollins! Ambrose would be elusive about explaining why, but then he’d say that Rollins was scum dragging him down and making him weaker. Will Ambrose take the title from Rollins to add the biggest insult to injury? Or will Rollins #BurnItDown and show Ambrose who’s really the weak one?

The introductions are made, the title is raised, and we begin! Ambrose and Rollins stare down as fans chant “Burn It Down!” Ambrose trash talks Rollins but Rollins pie-faces him. Now Rollins dares Ambrose to do something, and they tie up. Rollins gets a waistlock but Ambrose grabs the ropes. The ref counts and Rollins lets go. Ambrose and Rollins circle again, tie up again, and Ambrose shifts from hammerlock to headlock. Rollins powers out and things speed up, Rollins runs Ambrose over with a back elbow. Rollins throws hands on Ambrose and they go around the ring. Now Rollins chops and throws body shots. He stomps a mudhole but Ambrose kicks back. Ambrose clubs Rollins then throws him over. Rollins lands on the apron, shoulders in then springboards for the flying clothesline!

Ambrose gets to a corner, Rollins hits a forearm smash. Rollins goes corner to corner for another, then tries again, but Ambrose bails out. Fans boo as Ambrose stays by the announce desks. Rollins comes out and around the way, but Ambrose tosses him into a desk! Ambrose claims Rollins is the maniac, but then he bounces Rollins off the desk. Ambrose puts Rollins back in the ring, to elbow him on the apron. Rollins rolls but Ambrose stomps and drops elbows. Cover, TWO! Ambrose stalks Rollins, then chokes Rollins on the ropes. Ambrose clubs Rollins with a crossface, then stalks Rollins to a corner. Fans cheer Rollins on but that only makes Ambrose club Rollins harder. Ambrose snap suplexes and covers, TWO!

Ambrose puts Rollins in a chinlock, but Rollins endures. Fans rally up and Rollins feeds off the energy. Rollins jawbreakers free but Ambrose uses the kitchen sink knee to bring him down. Ambrose hops up and takes aim, to hit a leaping elbow. Cover, TWO! Ambrose keeps his cool and stomps Rollins down. Cover, ONE, so Ambrose goes after the arms. Rollins endures as Ambrose pulls back, a knee pressed to the spine. Ambrose shifts to a seated abdominal stretch. Rollins continues to endure, and pries his way out. Ambrose shifts to a facelock, but Rollins hits body shots. Rollins suplexes, Ambrose slips out but Rollins elbows back. Rollins whips but Ambrose reverses. Ambrose clobbers Rollins on the rebound! Cover, TWO! Ambrose keeps going, hopping up top and daring Rollins to stand.

Rollins stands, and gets another elbow! Cover, TWO! Ambrose keeps his cool, and climbs up again. He waits for Rollins to stand again, and leaps. Rollins kicks low, but Ambrose gets him into a neckbreaker! Cover, TWO! Ambrose tries again, TWO! Ambrose sits on the cover, TWO! The Lunatic glares at the ref but two is two. Ambrose goes back to taunting Rollins, and laughs when Rollins whiffs on the punch. Ambrose dares Rollins to try again, and he again dodges Rollins’ swipe. Rollins gets Ambrose the third time, so Ambrose stomps and punches Rollins down. Ambrose yanks Rollins up but Rollins lands on his feet! Ambrose waistlocks Rollins and rolls him up, TWO! Rollins has the cover, TWO! Ambrose runs but into a buckle shot!

Rollins fires up with the fans, but Ambrose counters the boots into a knee jacker. Ambrose puts the leg in the ropes to dropkick it, then dragon screws into a Cloverleaf! Rollins endures the hold, and powers his way towards ropes. Ambrose sits down deeper, but Rollins refuses to quit. Rollins gets a second wind, and powers his way to a ropebreak! Ambrose holds on until 4, and Rollins gets to the apron. Ambrose taunts and laughs at Rollins while fans boo and jeer. Rollins drags himself up but Ambrose is on him. Ambrose says “I am not a joke.” But Rollins hotshots Ambrose! Rollins hits Ambrose, then slingshots to guillotine Ambrose through the ropes! Ambrose tumbles down, and Rollins builds speed. Rollins DIVES but into a fist!

Ambrose gets back in, but runs into a Slingblade! Rollins boots Ambrose away, hops up for the blockbuster! The knee slows Rollins down but Rollins gets up. Ambrose follows but Rollins wants a bomb. Ambrose back drops, Rollins lands on his feet but the leg buckles. Rollins clotheslines Ambrose out and DIVES! This time he hits! But he won’t stop there, Ambrose moves and Rollins DIVES on him at the ramp! Rollins gets Ambrose up and in, then climbs up top. Ambrose stops Rollins with a haymaker, then climbs up to join him. Ambrose makes sure the fans are watching, but Rollins resists the superplex. Rollins fights Ambrose off and headbutts him. Sunset flip but the legs give out! Ambrose laughs, because he knew that’d happen. But Rollins gets up to still carry Ambrose corner to corner for a buckle bomb!! Cover, TWO!!

Rollins keeps his cool, and drags himself up. Rollins stomps “Burn It Down!” He mule kicks Ambrose, but Ambrose knees back! Ambrose throws hands but Rollins returns them. They brawl, hitting back and forth. Ambrose eggs Rollins on and Rollins fires off haymakers from both sides. Ambrose knees low, then runs, but Rollins follows. Rollins dodges, double crossbodies cancel out! Both men are down but fans rally up. Ambrose and Rollins get up, and Ambrose headbutts. Rollins palm strikes, so Ambrose returns it. The brawl ignites again and gets fast and furious! Fans love it, and Ambrose gives big body shots. Rollins headbutts and kicks, but misses the roundhouse. Dodon Buster! Cover, TWO!! Rollins survives and Ambrose grows frustrated.

Ambrose gets up and goes to a corner. Ambrose climbs, but Rollins springs up! But Ambrose crotches him, to then clobber him off with a clothesline! Ambrose drags Rollins from the ropes before covering, TWO! Ambrose wonders if Rollins is laughing now. He drags Rollins up but Rollins pushes him away. Ambrose mocks the “Burn It Down” stomps. But Rollins dodges to enziguri! And Revolution Knee! Cover, TWO!! Ambrose survives but Rollins keeps moving. Rollins climbs up again, frog splash gets knees! Cover, TWO!! Ambrose almost had Rollins, but Rollins still lives. Both men slowly stand up, and Ambrose kicks quick. Rollins puts Ambrose in the corner but Ambrose boots him away. Ambrose climbs again, but Rollins is up quick, SUPERPLEX! Roll through, Falcon Arrow! Cover, TWO!!

Rollins grows frustrated, but he still has something more to give. Rollins glares at Ambrose, and throws a heavy right! Ambrose wants mercy, but Rollins says “This is the fight you wanted, you son of a b*tch!” Rollins hits Ambrose again, then goes to superkick, but Ambrose puts up the Shield fist? Ambrose wants to bring the Shield back together now?! Rollins won’t fall for it, he clobbers Ambrose and SUPERKICKS him! Rollins has a wild look in his eyes as he barrels into Ambrose! Ambrose tries to run away but Rollins throws him into barriers! And into the apron, and then picks Ambrose up for a bomb! Rollins barrier bombs Ambrose!!

Rollins leaves Ambrose for dead on the outside, and the ring count climbs. The count passes 5, then past 7. Ambrose crawls, but Rollins goes out to put him back in at 8. Rollins makes Ambrose look him in the eyes. “I didn’t want it to come to this!” Rollins says “This is for Roman, you piece of sh*t!” Rollins runs, but into Dirty Deeds!! Cover, Ambrose wins!!

Winner: Dean Ambrose, by pinfall; NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion

The Lunatic knew it all along! Rollins loses control, and the title! Ambrose takes the belt for his own, but will he have to face the consequences of his own sins soon enough?


SmackDown Women’s Championship TLC Triple Threat: Becky Lynch VS Charlotte Flair VS Asuka!

The Man, The Queen and The Empress. Three of the best women in perhaps all of the WWE today, and they’re making history together! This is the first ever Women’s TLC Match, and certainly in Triple Threat format, and certainly in THE Main Event spot! Can the Lass Kicker hold onto her title in such an intense match-up? Or will she lose her throne to one of these royally ruthless opponents?

The introductions are made, the belt raised high above the ring, and we begin! Fans are already fired up for this as the three women stare down. The three circle around, and Becky talks that neither of them are getting that belt. Charlotte says Becky is all talk. Asuka is action and she kicks away on both of them! She fires off on Charlotte more, but Becky comes over. Asuka back hands Becky then mule kicks her down. Fans fire up with The Empress as she starts a hip attack train! Asuka hits Charlotte, then Becky, then flexes. Becky gets Asuka at the apron and drags her back in for draping knees. Becky throws Asuka down and takes a moment to say “I’m the freakin’ Man and that’s my freakin’ title!”

The Man puts Asuka in a corner for stomps, then throws her out with a Becksploder! Asuka rolls away but Charlotte comes back. Becky dodges and throws forearms on Charlotte! Becky headbutts, then runs, but into Charlotte’s exploder! Charlotte kips up and lets out a “WOO!” Charlotte and Becky go out, but all three women want a ladder! Asuka and Charlotte fight over one, but Charlotte shoves the ladder into Asuka. Becky goes for a table, but Charlotte stomps it to smack Becky in the face with it! Charlotte sets the table up in a corner, but Asuka returns. Charlotte bounces Asuka off the table top again and again! Becky returns to grab the ladder and stand it up! Charlotte boots it into her! Becky and ladder end up in the corner but Asuka goes after Charlotte.

Asuka fires off palm strikes on all sides, but Charlotte blocks one to kick Asuka back. Charlotte runs at Asuka, but into a code breaker! Asuka dodges the ladder as Becky shoves it. Becky boots Asuka then hops up, but Asuka trips her up. Asuka and Becky brawl in the corner while Asuka climbs. Asuka steps down to reposition the ladder. She drags Becky out to throw her onto the ladder! Becky writhes but fans fire up for Asuka. Asuka grins as she brings the ladder back up. Asuka stands it up, then climbs. But Charlotte returns to bounce Asuka off the rungs! Charlotte climbs, but Asuka pulls her off. The two brawl and Charlotte throws Asuka out.

Asuka comes back to pull Charlotte down again. Asuka has Charlotte in bomb position, to bomb her through the table!! Fans lose their minds over what The Empress did to The Queen! Asuka grins as she heads up the ladder. But Becky returns with a missile dropkick! All three women are down but fans fire up. Becky climbs up now, but Asuka yanks her right off! Becky rolls away and Asuka takes aim. Asuka runs to hip attack Becky down! But Charlotte has a chair and SMACKS Asuka! Asuka rolls out and Charlotte climbs a corner. Charlotte aims, SUPER MOONSAULT! Charlotte wipes out Becky and Asuka in one go! But Charlotte’s not done, she wants something more.

Charlotte grabs another table and brings it over. She sets it up nearby, but Becky SMACKS her with the chair! Becky SMACKS Asuka, then SMACKS Charlotte! And back to Asuka with SMACK after SMACK! Fans fire up with The Man, but Charlotte boots the chair away. Charlotte throws Becky at chairs and barriers! Charlotte clears off an announce desk, right down to the monitors. She bounces Asuka off it, but then Becky returns with a new chair! Becky SMACKS Charlotte, but sees ladders and Asuka. Becky brings the taller ladder over, and sets it up. She kicks Charlotte away from where she wants to put it. Becky makes sure Asuka is clearly on the table, then puts Charlotte beside her. Becky climbs up, takes aim, and leaps! Asuka moves, only Charlotte gets the leg drop through the table!!

Fans lose their minds all over again! All three women are down, but Asuka is moving, having avoided the destruction. Fans know “This is Awesome!” as Asuka heads for the ladder in the ring! Asuka begins to climb, but it’s slow going. Becky returns and climbs up the other side! The two meet at the top, and now it’s a brawl. Asuka reaches but Becky stops her with haymakers. Becky reaches but Asuka hits back. Charlotte returns with a kendo stick! She SMACKS Asuka, then Becky, then Becky more! Charlotte shoves Becky down then focuses on Asuka! Asuka gets to a corner but Charlotte keeps hitting her! Charlotte kicks Asuka out, then heads for the ladder. The Queen climbs, but Asuka returns. Charlotte SMACKS Asuka again, telling her to “Give up! It’s MY title!” But Becky comes around, to Becksploder Charlotte against barriers and table!

Asuka takes the stick to SMACK Becky! Again and again and again, Asuka hits Becky! Asuka and fans fire up, but Charlotte SPEARS Asuka into barriers!! Charlotte grits her teeth with a wild look in her eyes as she pulls herself from the wreckage. Fans again declare “This is Awesome!” as Becky heads for the ladder in the ring! Charlotte sees this and hurries over. She yanks Becky off and these two lock eyes. Charlotte and Becky jaw jack and start brawling! Charlotte chops, but Becky haymakers back. They stagger about, still trading chops and haymakers. Becky gets an edge, and throws Charlotte into the ladder! Becky glares but Charlotte staggers up, so Becky tackles her down! The two tumble out as they scrap, and Charlotte CHOPS more. “WOO” echoes out with each one, then Charlotte rams Becky into another announce desk.

Fans want tables, so Charlotte brings Becky up and over. “The Man always bows down to The Queen.” Charlotte SLAPS Becky, and then pushes a table aside to climb up. She aims for Becky, and SWANTONS through her and the table!! Fans again lose their minds over this, as both women crawl from the wreckage. Charlotte leaves Becky behind, and goes for the ladder in the ring. Charlotte stands it up, and climbs! She reaches for the belt but Asuka returns! Asuka and Charlotte fight up top, and Asuka manages to force Charlotte away from the belt. They both go back and forth, but Becky returns with a new ladder! Becky climbs while the other two fight. Asuka slips to the bottom, and Charlotte moves over. Charlotte and Becky brawl, mostly working to keep each other from the belt.

But then Ronda Rousey appears!? The Raw Women’s Champion decides to screw over both Charlotte and Becky! Ronda sends them down with the ladder, and leaves it at that. Fans are torn, but now this just leaves Asuka!! Asuka climbs the ladder, reaches the belt, and takes it off the hook! ASUKA WINS!!

Winner: Asuka; NEW SmackDown Women’s Champion

The Empress finally has that belt for her own! Maybe it was because of the Baddest Woman’s assistance, but the throne still belongs to Asuka! Will Becky and Charlotte want after Asuka or Ronda come time for the Royal Rumble?



My Thoughts:

This was a very packed TLC, but sadly not all of it was what it could’ve been. First of all, I am very disappointed the Cruiserweight Championship was again demoted to Kickoff Show. Clearly Vince still doesn’t see the merit of that Division, if only because WWE Network rankings don’t really do it justice. That aside, it was a great match, but sadly it being demoted to Kickoff also meant the title wouldn’t change hands. Murphy likely moves on to Mustafa Ali or even Noam Dar as the next Face to face. Now the Kickoff Show did rightfully have that glorified “[x] on a pole match”. Elias VS Lashley should’ve been nothing more than a No DQ match where Lio’s interference and the guitar would still come into play.

Instead, they should’ve given that Ladder Match to Rollins VS Ambrose. As good as Rollins VS Ambrose was for a singles match, fans definitely wanted something more. Those “This is Boring!” chants certainly made it clear to me, at least. But either way, it made sense from Ambrose to win that title after being proven right. Perhaps the rematch happens at Royal Rumble, but even that would need something to make it different. And perhaps it’ll still come down to Renee Young getting off commentary to interfere in some way. Corey Graves certainly kept berating her on commentary, perhaps she’ll do something about it. Though, that does tread dangerously close to making Ambrose and Renee like a main roster version of Gargano and Candice.

The Mixed Match Challenge finals went exactly as expected, with FABULOUS Truth going over. In the end, MMC2 becomes far from what it could’ve been, and honestly I hope this is the last of it for some time. The SmackDown Tag Team title triple threat was incredible, though, as it always was going to be. I’m very surprised The Bar retains, but perhaps they and The Usos will have a 2v2 feud, or SAnitY returns as Faces to match size and strength. Though, if Vince McMahon is making a TV appearance, I fear a Shake-Up is coming… Hopefully nothing too much, because that would just mean ruining SmackDown talent on Raw. Hopefully Vince is just announcing the new Raw GM, now that Corbin is out. Maybe a certain WOKEN One?

And as we felt from last week’s Raw giving us a TLC match of Corbin VS Rollins, that was to make up for no real TLC Match of Corbin VS Strowman. But as a moment on the show goes, that was most of what I wanted. It was great for Finn to rally his troops against Corbin and for them to help Strowman dethrone Corbin. And Slater even settles his story by using his referee authority solely to stop Corbin. Strowman VS Lesnar is coming, and hopefully A) we’ll get a great match rather than #SuplexCitySpamming and B) Strowman will win. It has to be Strowman’s time or else WWE will have ruined him like so many others. Then Strowman can be our proper full-time monster champion and face whoever it is at Royal Rumble.

Finn VS McIntyre was good, but perhaps still lacking. Ziggler helping him was fitting per the story, and a Finn VS Ziggler program on the way to the Rumble should be good. Though, such a feud feels like a strange microcosm of what WWE does to the truly hot talent they have. The Tables match of Natty VS Ruby, and basically the entire Riott Squad, was good, and better than expected. It’s good story for Natty to win, especially with her own Ruby Riott table. The Chairs match could’ve been more brutal, but it seems not even four hours gives enough breathing room for Orton to really brutalize Mysterio. Mysterio wins and fast, which is fine, perhaps they’ll continue this towards the Rumble.

The WWE Championship was great, Bryan continues to be right at home as his new Heel self. I was surprised to see Bryan win, though, because there aren’t that many Faces on SmackDown ready for a title match. Jeff Hardy has Samoa Joe to deal with, and Rusev is only on United States Championship level right now. Andrade Almas has wanted something, but he’s too good as a Heel to take on this ultimate Heel in Bryan. Styles could always earn another shot, like a reversal of his feuds with Nakamura and Joe.  If anything, this speaks to SmackDown’s one flaw of not building up their world title tier outside of the champion and challenger.

The Raw Women’s Championship was really good, Ronda and Nia looked to work together well here. Naturally Ronda wins, but it was good story all around for things to reference back to Survivor Series time. Becky gets back at Nia, but I really thought it was going to be Nia and Tamina interfering later. The Women’s TLC Triple Threat was amazing, and thankfully WWE knew to put this on as the main event. The Women’s (R)Evolution truly shines when WWE acknowledges the best thing going is a Women’s Championship story. There were so many great spots, and I suppose it keeps everyone strong if Ronda interferes. This really makes for some wild possibilities with The Rumble and Wrestlemania after. Maybe Becky wins the Rumble and choose Ronda to give us the Survivor Series match we wanted.

My Score: 8.1/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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