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Joe’s AAA Results & Review (12/25/18)



AAA hit Twitch on Christmas Day 2018, and Joe has you covered with his results and review!

AAA on Twitch 12/25

Chicano, Vanilla, and Villano III Jr vs Chik Tormenta, Demus, and Toxin

I can easily see WWE hiring Vanilla one day. I hope Villano III Jr is better than Hijo Del Villano III in CMLL. He was real bad on their Christmas show. Toxin and Villano III tie up and do some fast paced action. Vanilla comes in next with Tormenta. They go back and forth and exchange strikes and moves. Demus is up next with Chicano and they run into each other but Chicano pulls him down. He hits a hurricanrana then a big arm drag on Demus to the outside and follows that up with a middle rope dive. Vanilla launches Villano into Toxin for a drop kick. Villano then super kicks Tormenta. III hits a split leg moonsault on Toxin for a two count.

Demus tries to choke Vanilla but ends up getting stomped on by her teammates. Toxin and Tormenta come back in and lay in a super kick on Chicano to even the odds. Toxin hits a corkscrew dive over the top on III to the outside. Demus catches Chicano in the ring with a power bomb and Tormenta hits double knees off the top on him. Tormenta hits a back stabber on Vanilla and Toxin hits a german suplex on her. Villano makes a come back hitting a hurricanrana on Tormenta leaving him in the ring with Demus. Villano III Jr is so much better than Hijo. He kicks Demus to the outside, then follows him and kicks him again.

In the ring Toxin and Chicano go back and forth till Toxin hits a back breaker. Vanilla breaks up the count. Vanilla runs up the ropes and hits an arm drag head scissors combo on Toxin and Demus. Demus runs at her and kisses her. Poor girl. Villano and Toxin fight on the outside and Tormenta hits a middle rope dive on both. Vanilla then goes to the top and hits a cross body on them. In the ring Demus hits a jay driller on Chicano for the win. Demus pins Chicano with a Jay Driller. 

Winners: Chik Tormenta, Demus, and Toxin

Faby Apache and Lady Shani vs Lady Maravilla and Keyra

Match starts with Apache and Shani getting jumped during their entrances. Maravilla and Keyra continue to team up on them, making sure they have the advantage. Shani tries to make a come back but Keyra stops her. Faby finally hits a drop kick off the top on both of them to get the heat back. The heel ref is messing with Faby so she spits on him. Finally it’s just two ladies in the ring and Keyra and Shani go back and forth. Keyra hits knees in the corner to win that battle but she’s stopped in her tracks by Apache. Faby hits a power bomb and Maravilla breaks up the count. Her and Maravilla trade moves and pinning combinations. Maravilla and Keyra try to double team Shani but she’s not having it, hitting a back stabber on Keyra. Maravilla falls into the ref and Shani jaws to the ref annoyed. When she turns around Maravilla throws her mask at Shani and pretends she took it off. Ref gives her the win. Lady Maravilla wins via trickery DQ.

Winners: Lady Maravilla and Keyra

Hijo del Vikingo, Luchador Sorpersa (Myzteziz Jr), and Halcon 78 Jr vs Emprador Azteca, Samoano, and Tonga

Not much of surprise on the surprise partner. They did this last time for a show when it’s not a surprise he’s been in a six man team with Hijo Vikingo for over 3 months at least. Match starts hot with Vikingo, Myzteziz, and Halcon hitting hurricanranas. They all then hit dives to the outside. Starting the match out hot. It’s weird seeing the baby faces being the ones doing the team up action. Finally Tonga and Samoano come in to change the tide. Now all is right and the rudos are teaming on the baby faces. Azteca hits a face buster off the top on Vikingo and the others are late on their spot to stop it so the ref just stops counting. Myzteziz and Halcon then hit over the top rotating dives on the Samoans and Vikingo hits a shooting star press to the outside on Azteca.

Myzteziz hits a springboard tornado dive for a two count as it got broken up. Azteca catches Myzteziz and hits a power bomb. Vikingo rolls into a compactor suplex on Azteca for a two count. Tonga hits an acrobatic arm drag on Halcon and he oversells how hard he threw him.Tonga hits a splash off the turnbuckle to the outside and then Samoano hits a middle rope dive. Azteca hits a slam on Vikingo but Myzteziz pushes Azteca off the top. He then hits a Spanish fly on him. Vikingo then hits an imploder 450 for the win. Hijo Del Vikingo pins Emprador Azteca with an imploder 450.

Winners: Hijo Del Vikingo, Myzteziz Jr, and Halcon 78 Jr 

Averno, Chessman, and Super Fly vs Australian Suicide, Golden Magic, and Jack Evans

Here’s another match that’s bound to be crazy. The match starts out with everyone trading spots as you might suspect. Golden Magic gets crotched on the steel post. We have a straight up brawl that the OGTs are winning so far. They continue to team up on one guy so the numbers stay in their favor. Suicide takes  a drink of water at ring side to regroup. Suicide and Evans hit huge dives to make a come back. Magic then hits a jumping asai moonsault to the outside. Golden Magic gets in the ring with Averno and hits a tornado dive then hurricanrana on him. Suicide comes in next to face Super Fly and he hits a spinning head scissors to take him out. Suicide hits a corkscrew moonsault on Chessman and Evans and Magic try to help him pin to no avail. Magic hits a rolling cutter on Averno, then Evans and Suicide hit hurricanranas on Chessman and Super Fly for a two count.

Magic gets Super Fly in a sunset flip powerbomb that Chessman breaks up. Suicide hits a shooting star press, Evans hits a cross body and Magic a victory roll, all kicked out of. Evans hits a flip dive over the top on Chessman, Super Fly tries to do a move but Evans pulls him off the apron. Suicide then hits a flip dive on them to the outside. Magic and Averno are left in the ring. Chessman and Superfly keep Suicide and Evans on the outside, while they go in and hit a shield power bomb on Magic. Then Averno hits his own power bomb for the win. OGTs beat Golden Magic with a shield power bomb.

Winners: Averno, Chessman, and Super Fly 

Psycho Clown, La Parka, and Pagano vs Electroshock, Taurus, and Rey Escorpion

Well what do ya know? This match starts out with a complete brawl as one would expect. Rey and Clown are brawling in the crowd. Taurus is working over Pagano, Shock is whipping Parka with his own belt. Shock and Parka bring their battle to the stage area. Always seems like AAA main events are these all out brawl kind of events. Parka makes a little come back in the ring hitting a few arm drags. Pagano and Clown both hit middle rope dives. Psycho Clown is actually a really impressive wrestler. Now the baby faces are giving the rudos a beating in return, but hey they’re still all brawling. Clown hits another chair with a chair into Escorpion’s groin. Clown now has a broom, and the broom is now broken over Escorpion’s back.

Pagano, Parka, and Clown commence in the ring together and play to the crowd. Crowd is going absolutely insane for this match. Now after all that we’re back to standard tag formula. Pagano performs a neck breaker on Taurus. Just like that though, Shock and Escorpion are in the ring. Pagano fights off Escorpion. But then he botches a spot with Shock who has to sell it. Rey is in with Psycho Clown now. Rey leaves the ring and Clown postures to the crowd to call him a puto. Rey and Taurus catch clown re-entering the ring to get the advantage on him. It doesn’t last long as Clown hits a head scissors then avoids a double team attack. He hits a head scissors on Taurus now then lariats him in the corner followed by a power slam. Clown was like a bat out of hell with that sequence.

Parka is in now with Shock. Parka hits a sunset flip then springs up Shock and Taurus kicks him by accident. Parka gets him out of there then hits a middle rope dive on Escorpion. Pagano then hits a middle rope dive on Shock and doesn’t protect his head at all. Clown is in the ring with Taurus now and hits a back stabber followed by a pinning combination for the win. Psycho Clown wins with a back stabber followed by a pinning combination.

They brawl some more afterwards and posture to the crowd. Escorpion steals Clown’s mask.

Winners: Pscyho Clown, La Parka, and Pagano

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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