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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (1/23/19)



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NXT TakeOver: Phoenix is days away, and Johnny Wrestling looks to call out the One and Only! Will Ricochet make him regret being so bold?



  • Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch VS Fabian Aichner & Marcel Barthel; Lorcan and Burch win.
  • Kairi Sane & Io Shirai VS Tanea Brooks & Amber Nova; Sane & Shirai win.
  • Velveteen Dream VS Bobby Fish w/ Adam Cole; Dream wins.


The Velveteen Dream returns!

Full Sail gives the Patrick Clark Experience an ovation as he makes his way to the ring. Dream picks up a mic as he hears out the fans on their cheering. Now he doesn’t know if they know it, but he has a little sparkle in his eyes. Dream has something special in his sights. Correct him if he’s wrong, but Full Sail knows Dream waits for no man. If Full Sail really knew Dream, they’d now this sparkle is the sparkle of title gold. Specifically, the North American Championship. It is high time that Dream reign supreme. But wait, the Undisputed Era appears!

Adam Cole tells Dream to “pump the breaks”. Everyone knows that 2019 will be the Year of the Undisputed. They vow to not have just one but all the belts! Roderick Strong and Kyle O’Reilly prepare for a tag team title defense at TakeOver but Cole and Fish are without titles. They don’t like showing up to parties empty handed, so both of them will have gold very soon, baybay. As for Dream, he can continue to #DreamOn. Bobby Fish says “Shame on you, Dream”, getting the fans all excited. Fans say “Shut Up, Bobby!” But Fish says Dream needs to learn to live in reality. 2019 will continue to be the Undisputed Era, and that itself is Undisputed.

Dream wishes to dispute that claim, but only if it’s okay with Cole. Fish gets mad and rushes Dream but is thrown right out. Cole gets the same, and Dream slips away. Dream mocks Cole’s pose, baybay, but will he be able to keep Fish and Cole behind him in the line to the North American Championship?


NXT looks toward the Women’s Championship match.

The Queen of Spades is “more dangerous than ever” as a two-time champion, but The EST is clearly not impressed nor intimidated. Shayna Baszler says no one can stand her as champion, because they can’t do a thing to stop her. However, Bianca Belair is the strongest, toughest, fastest, and boldest. But she also vows to prove she’s the best. Shayna had a great 2018 and has made history, but she’s Shayna Two-Time because she lost. Bianca is Un-De-Fea-Ted, and that won’t change in Phoenix. Shayna made this title mean something, she made this title a symbol of a threat. The MMA Horsewomen support each other and always will.

Bianca doesn’t care if it’s one or three, she’ll take them all out to get the title. Shayna doesn’t care if Bianca is stronger, faster or any of that, everyone needs air to breathe. Bianca thrives under pressure, and Shayna is going to put a lot of pressure on her. Who shines brightest in Phoenix?


Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch VS Fabian Aichner & Marcel Barthel!

It’s a crossover between NXT America and NXT UK as the One Two Combo meets the European Alliance! Will Lorcan & Burch punch their way to NXT (America) Tag Team Champion contention? Or will Aichner & Barthel use this win for contention in both brands?

Fans duel “One Two!” “NEIN!” as Barthel and Lorcan start. They circle and feel it out, and Lorcan gets the wrist. Barthel breaks free to chop but Lorcan chops back. Barthel kicks low and hammers away in the corner. He tags to Aichner and Barthel feeds Lorcan to a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker! Cover, TWO! Aichner puts Lorcan back in the Euro corner and tags Barthel. They stomp a mudhole but back off at 4. Barthel drags Lorcan up for haymakers then tags to Aichner. They double whip but Lorcan goes through to escape, tag to Burch! The Governa rallise on the Euros with haymakers and elbows! He gives lariats to Aichner then whips, but Aichner reverses. Aichner leaps but gets a leg pick! Barthel runs into a headbutt! Burch fires off on Aichner, then rolls him to leap, big missile dropkick! Burch fires up as he kips up and fans cheer.

Tag to Lorcan and the One Two go for the finish. Barthel saves Aichner and throws Lorcan into Burch. Air Raid Crash for Burch, but Lorcan throws Barthel out. Aichner grabs Lorcan but gets European Uppercuts! Lorcan runs but into a HUGE clothesline! Aichner drags Lorcan up to his corner, tag to Barthel, and they put Lorcan up top. Tag back to Aichner before a kick and a toss to the brainbuster! Barthel DIVES onto Burch, Aichner triangle moonsaults onto Lorcan! Cover, TWO!! Lorcan lives and fans are loving this. Aichner drags Lorcan over and Barthel climbs. Powerbomb lift, EuroUpper Bomb! But Lorcan rolls through to roll Aichner into the Half Boston Crab! Aichner endures and Burch intercepts Barthel. Barthel breaks free to rock Burch then enziguri Lorcan! Burch clobbers Barthel but Aichner boots Burch! Fans are thunderous as Aichner drags Lorcan up.

Lorcan grabs Aichner to slap, slap, SLAP!! Running EuroUpper! Lorcan FLIES onto Barthel and Burch! Fans reach a fever pitch as Aichner triangle FLIES onto everyone!! Full Sail loves this as Aichner springboards. Lorcan ducks and rolls him up, Burch holds Barthel back, Lorcan & Burch win!!

Winners: Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch, Lorcan pinning

Fast and furious is an understatement for this match! The One Two gets it down, will this position them for another NXT Tag Team Championship match after Phoenix?


NXT looks toward to the top championship match, Ciampa VS Black.

The Psycho Killer quotes the old saying, “The title doesn’t make the man, the man makes the title.” Ciampa claimed Aleister Black was proof of the reverse. Because ever since losing the title, the Embodiment of the End hasn’t been the same. Ciampa makes the title what it is, and he is who makes NXT the TOP show. “Why can’t anybody dethrone Ciampa?” Because he wants it more than everyone else. IT takes a certain kind of man to scratch and claw to reach the top, but it takes an even stronger man to build a home there. Aleister was shoved into an abyss but he climbed his way back out. There are many who get lost in the frenzy of their rage, but he focuses it as a stream targeted at his enemies.

Aleister absolved Johnny Gargano of the sins that the puppet master put upon him. Ciampa has manipulated Johnny Wrestling but Aleister tells Ciampa to hold his beloved title closely. Aleister will come back for what is rightfully his. Ciampa says he has overshadowed Aleister time and again. Aleister vows to cut the strings but Ciampa vows to continue his reign. Will Aleister take the title along with Ciampa’s pride? Or will Ciampa’s days continue to be numbered and counting?


Kairi Sane & Io Shirai VS Tanea Brooks & Amber Nova!

The Pirate Princess and Genius of the Sky have been friends since Stardom, and now they combine forces here in NXT to make a tag team debut! Will the stars align as sea and sky meet at the horizon?

Teams sort out and Shirai starts against Nova. They circle as fans cheer on Team Stardom. Shirai waistlocks but Nova standing switches. Shirai reverses to a wristlock and headlock but Nova powers out. Things speed up and Shirai handsprings past Nova to dropkick her down. Fans fire up with Shirai as she tags Kairi. Stardom combines for a double whip and CHOP! They roll Nova to her feet to then whip her again. Nova has to hop over Kairi and gets tripped up by Shirai. Kairi hits Nova with the running blockbuster! Fans fire up with Kairi as she marches the plank. Kairi runs corner to corner for the Sliding D!

Kairi climbs up but Brooks distracts. Nova capitalizes with a forearm, then tags Brooks in. Brooks brings Kairi around for big knees, and says “You’re welcome.” She knees Kairi more, then suplexes Kairi up. Kairi slips out and shoves Brooks to then go perpendicular and hit the Interceptor! Tag to Shirai and she fires off forearms. Shirai sits Brooks up for a basement dropkick! Brooks gets to ropes but gets a Shirai-1-9! Nova runs in but into forearms! Shirai springboards and hits them both with a dropkick! Tag to Kairi and Stardom combines on Brooks. Spinebuster sets up the alley-oop elbow drop! Then assisted moonsault! Cover, Team Stardom wins!

Winners: Io Shirai & Kairi Sane, Sane pinning

The stars shine and the best friends celebrate with a hug. Will they fly high enough to set sail for those WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships on the main roster?


Backstage interview with Sane & Shirai.

Kairi says that she and her best friend are going to take care of business together. Shirai says there’s no one that can stop this combination! But Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir thinks that’s “adorable.” They welcome Kairi back from her “adventure”, but promise to send them both back out to sea. Will the MMA Horsewomen sink the Pirate Princess and pal? Or will they be the ones seeing stars after their match?


Velveteen Dream VS Bobby Fish w/ Adam Cole!

Johnny Wrestling may get a crack at the King of Flight in Phoenix, but the line for contenders doesn’t stop there. Will the Infamous One have an Experience tonight? Or will Velveteen have to #DreamOn about challenging the North American Champion down the road?

The bell rings and Dream circles with Fish. Fish tests with kicks but Cole creeps up. Dream sees the sneak attack coming and elbows Fish away. Fish hits back but Dream ducks the roundhouse. Dream keeps his eyes on Cole as he avoids Fish’s feet. Fish and Dream go around and Dream blocks the kick. Dream swivels the hips but Fish grabs him in a headlock. Dream powers out but Fish runs him over. Fish runs into a fireman’s carry but slips out! Fish shoves but Dream turns around to dropkick him down! Dream keeps Cole back, but walks into Fish’s boot. Fish kicks but misses, Dream springboards for ax handles! Cover, but Fish scrambles away. Fish and Cole regroup, but Dream slingshots out. They get clear and Dream lands on the apron.

Dream leaps over the sweep, then triangle dropkicks Fish down! Fans fire up for Dream while Cole helps Fish get up. Dream hops up quick and LEAPS! Big ax handles take Fish out and Dream returns to the ring to soak up the cheers. Cole shouts for Fish to get up but Dream comes out to keep Cole back. Dream fetches Fish into the ring, then drags him up for clubbing forearms. Fish hits back but Dream throws forearms. They brawl and Dream gets an edge with those heavy haymakers. Fish ducks and waistlocks but Dream elbows out. Cole distracts, Fish grabs a leg to drag Dream out! Fish kicks away on the other leg, then dragon screws Dream into the barriers! Dream clutches that leg while Fish returns to the ring. Fish comes back and kicks the bad leg.

Dream gets in the corner but can barely hobble. Fish stalks Dream and kicks out the bad leg. Fish drags Dream up for knees into the corner. He snapmares Dream then drops a slingshot senton. Cover, ONE! Fish keeps his focus as he stalks Dream to the ropes. Dream kicks at Fish with his good leg but Fish keeps coming. Fish kicks away on Dream’s bad leg in the corner, and Dream writhes in agony. Cole talks trash while Fish drags Dream. Dream grabs ropes then shoves Fish away! Dream hobbles but Fish chop blocks him down. Fish covers, TWO! Fish keeps his cool as he goes after the leg again. He rolls Dream over for the Half Crab! Dream endures as fans rally up.

Dream powers his way over and kicks Fish with the good leg. Fish staggers back and Dream stands, Fish walks into Dream’s knee! Dream hits Fish with another knee, then hops up for a missile dropkick! Cover, TWO! Cole coaches Fish up while he trash talks Dream. Fans are on Dream’s side as he throws big haymakers on Fish in the corner. The ref backs Dream off and Fish kicks out the bad leg! Fish stands, runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! Dream hurries up top and Cole shouts for Fish to move. Dream leaps, Purple Rain Maker rolled through to a Kneebar! Fish has Dream flailing and reaching, but Dream endures. Fans give Dream strength to crawl for ropes, but Cole holds the ropes away! The ref doesn’t see it at first, but he catches Cole red handed!

Fish lets Dream go to plead with the referee, but Dream rolls Fish up! TWO, but Dream rolls Fish to a fireman’s carry! But the leg gives out! Fish runs in but Dream sends him out onto Cole! Fish hurries back in, but runs into Dream Valley Driver! Dream climbs up fast, takes aim, and hits Purple Rain Maker! Cover, Dream wins!!

Winner: Velveteen Dream, by pinfall

Even on one leg, Dream keeps his dreams alive! Will Dream prove things aren’t so undisputed by reaching the North American Championship first?


Ricochet heads to the ring!

The One and Only will defend his NXT North American Championship against Johnny Gargano in Phoenix, but he’s here tonight to answer Gargano calling him out. Ricochet has the mic and tells Gargano that “two weeks ago, you came out here and talked all this crap about being better.” But then five minutes later he goes and blindsides Ricochet with a superkick? Ricochet says 2019’s Gargano is the same Gargano from 2018. That is to say, 2018 Gargano simply showed his true colors. Gargano showed himself to be a selfish liar. But 2018 Ricochet showed his true colors, when he won gold. Ricochet showed everyone that he IS the One and Only, that he is something Gargano is not: a champion.

But speaking of Gargano, he heads to the ring! Gargano says “Wait a minute, Rick.” He knows Ricochet is trying to use Gargano’s emotions against him. 2018 Gargano would’ve rushed the ring like a mad man. But this is 2019 Gargano, and this Gargano always has a plan. And that plan is a sucker punch! But Ricochet saw it coming, and the brawl is on! Ricochet blocks the superkick to give a jumping knee! But Ciampa clobbers Ricochet from behind!? Is DIY working together again!? Gargano looks up at Ciampa and Full Sail chants “YES! YES!” Gargano goes after Ricochet as Ciampa applauds. But Aleister Black gets his hands on Ciampa! And then his feet as he stomps a mudhole! Gargano whips Ricochet into steel steps but Aleister stomps and boots away on Ciampa. Gargano saves Ciampa!? And SUPERKICKS Aleister!

Fans again chant “DIY! DIY!” as Gargano stands over Aleister. Ciampa goes after Aleister with a rain of rights, and Gargano goes after Ricochet with lefts! Gargano aims at Ricochet, slingshot DDT! Ciampa hits Aleister with a double underhook driver! DIY sits in silence a moment, then they leave, “Goldie” in Ciampa’s arms. Gargano and Ciampa stare down and fans want them to “Hug It Out!” DIY doesn’t hug, but they don’t fight. They don’t say a word as they both go up the ramp and stand on stage. Ciampa and Gargano are about to shake hands, when Candice LeRae appears! She will NOT let this happen, that is not who Gargano is anymore. Gargano comes to his senses, and leaves with Mrs. Wrestling. But is there anything anyone can do from both Ciampa and Gargano having the titles after TakeOver?



My Thoughts:

A great go-home to TakeOver: Phoenix! There were really good hype packages for the NXT Championship and NXT Women’s Championship matches. The presentation was good and the promos delivered were solid, but in the case of the women’s title, I still can’t be sure if Bianca stays Un-De-Fea-Ted to let the MMA Horsewomen go to main to join Ronda Rousey, or Shayna holds on so that Wrestlemania Weekend will be the moment a new champion is crowned. Kairi and Shirai did great in their tag team debut, and going against Jessamyn and Marina next week will serve as the next best thing to the Six Woman Tag I expected. Obviously things change when injuries happen, namely Dakota Kai’s. But whether 3v3 or 2v2, I’m thinking Kairi’s team wins for the same reasons as Bianca would defeat Shayna. Horsewomen VS Horsewomen is a route that WWE should take towards Summerslam 2019.

The NXT Tag Team Division continues to shock and amaze, as Lorcan & Burch VS Aichner & Barthel was incredible! This tag match, especially in this week of go-homes, shows that Raw could learn some things about booking even filler matches. There was nothing directly on the line for this match but the teams fought like there was. That is how Lucha House Party VS Mahal & The Singh Brothers should’ve been treated, but instead it was just throwing them all on TV so that they can all be on TV. Roderick Strong & Kyle O’Reilly were absent but Cole & Fish helped strengthen their story by saying they were too busy preparing to the title match. Raw doesn’t need to have everyone on TV but should have ways of feeding story even without them. The Singhs could’ve made note about Mahal preparing for the Rumble while they take on LHP in a great match.

Dream VS Fish w/ Cole was great, even with similar booking to how EC3 had to deal with the Undisputed Era hanging around. They made it unique with the story being told in the wrestling. I don’t know if Dream will get a title before Wrestlemania, but he’s got a lot of fans on his side. If Lars Sullivan can’t make a proper main roster debut, Dream may be used as an emergency substitute call-up. Dream is confident enough as a character and competitor, but there is also a concern of proper booking. Maybe Dream can go to SmackDown and EC3 can stay on Raw once the call-ups settle in. And perhaps it’d be for the best, as there’s a chance the titles will be tied up for a time.

The brawl of Aleister, Ricochet and Heel DIY was great, and with Candice coming out to say “No”, this reunion is certainly happening on the way to Mania. The title matches are still tricky to call but Heel DIY holding the singles titles at the same time sounds like a great way to go. And depending on how the NXT Tag Team Championships go, I would love a story of Heel DIY going back for the tag titles so that they will be the ones draped in gold. This can bring in War Raiders, Aleister, Ricochet and all of Undisputed Era into a crazy story to get titles in a mad dash that crosses all the Men’s Divisions.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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