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CMLL’s Review & Results: Homenaje a dos Leyenda 3/15/2019

Joe brings us the rundown on all the CMLL action for the past week!



CMLL Coverage

Joe brings us the rundown on all the CMLL action for the past week!

Arena Puebla Monday

So there is an issue with this show on YouTube and it is categorized as unavailable so I doubt they’ll fix it by the time the Friday show airs so I’ll just post the direct results.

Astro and Meyer vs Ares and Sombra Diabolika

First Fall: Astro and Meyer

Second Fall: Ares and Sombra Diabolika

Third Fall: Astro and Meyer

Winners: Astro and Meyer

Oro Jr, Halcon Suriano Jr, and Arkalis vs Espiritu Maligno, Black Tiger, and Police Man

First Fall: Oro, Halcon, and Arkalis

Second Fall: Maligno, Black Tiger, and Police Man

Third Fall: Oro, Halcon, and Arkalis

Oro Jr was injured during the match.

Winners: Oro Jr, Halcon Suriano Jr, and Arkalis

Fuego, Pegasso, and King Jaguar vs Virus, Disturbio, and El Perverso

First Fall: Fuego, Pegasso, and Jaguar

Second Fall: Virus, Disturbio, and El Perverso

Third Fall: Fuego, Pegasso, and King Jaguar

Winners: Fuego, Pegasso, and King Jaguar

Atlantis, Niebla Roja, and Angel de Oro vs El Terrible, Templario, and La Bestia del Ring

First Fall: Terrible, Templario, and Bestia

Second Fall: Atlantis, Niebla Roja, and Angel de Oro

Third Fall: Terrible, Templario, and Bestia

Technicos team won the second fall by DQ.

Winners: El Terrible, Templario, and La Bestia del Ring 

Dragon Lee, Cavernario, and Mistico vs Volador Jr, Mephisto, and Ephesto

First Fall: Volador, Mephisto, and Ephesto

Second Fall: Dragon Lee, Cavernario, and Mistico

Third Fall: Volador, Mephisto, and Ephesto

Volador worked as a rudo and won both falls clean.

Winners: Volador Jr, Mephisto, and Ephesto

Arena Mexico Tuesday

Leono and Bengala vs El Cholo and Apocalpsis

Apocalpisis and Bengala start the match off with some grappling. Cholo comes in next with Leono and they battle for position as well. Bengala hurricanrana’s Apocalpsis to the outside then Cholo shoulder blocks him to the outside. Cholo slams Leono and Apocalpsis hits a swanton bomb for the pin. Cholo hits a jumping elbow drop on Bengala for the fall. First Fall: Cholo pins Bengala with an elbow drop.

Cholo and Apocalpsis team on Leono to start the round. Then they work over Bengala and back to Leono. Typical rudos stuff. Bengala hits a back breaker on Apocalpsis then gets him in a stretch submission. Leono hurricanrana’s Cholo for a pin. Second Fall: Leono pins Cholo with a hurricanrana.

Leono went back and forth with Apocalpsis to start and arm drags him out and poses. Bengala comes in against Cholo and gets the advantage on him. They go back and forth and Bengala gets Cholo in a neck bridge pin for the win. Third Fall: Bengala pins Cholo with a neck bridge.

Winners: Leono and Bengala

Magnus, Star Jr, and Retro vs Nitro, Akuma, and Espanto Jr

Akuma and Retro start the match off with some grappling. Espanto and Magnus come in and then they start grappling quick as well. Star comes in with Nitro and they go back and forth, Star hits a hurricanrana. Akuma hits a big spear on Retro then Nitro hit a drop kick to Magnus’ butt for the pin. First Fall: Espanto pins Magnus after Nitro hit a drop kick to the butt.

Star gets teamed on to start this round. Retro then gets double teamed. It’s again, the typical rudos team up formula. Magnus makes a come back hitting strikes in the corner. He does poetry in motion with Star Jr. Magnus hits a back stabber on Nitro and Star hits a splash on Nitro. Second Fall: Star pins Nitro with a springboard splash on Nitro.

Retro and Espanto start this round and go back and forth. Retro gets the better of that. Magnus and Akuma then go back and forth. Magnus hits a hurricanrana off the apron on Akuma. Star gets in with Nitro and hits a back breaker on him. He hits another one on the outside. Retro gets a drop kick to the thigh by Espanto. Akuma hits a code breaker on Star and then Espanto slams him. Akuma hits a muscle buster on Retro for the win. Third Fall: Akuma pins Retro with a muscle buster.

Winners: Nitro, Akuma, and Espanto Jr

Rey Cometa, Pegasso, and Guerrero Maya vs El Sagrado, Misterioso, and Tiger

Maya and Misterioso start the match with some grappling. Pegasso and Sagrado come in and work fast going back and forth. Cometa comes in with Tiger and they work super fast too. Cometa gets trapped in the corner and stomped on. Tiger then gets in the technico corner and he gets stomped out. Maya rolls up Misterioso and Pegasso rolls up Sagrado for the fall. First Fall: Maya pins Misterioso with a roll up.

Cometa hits a splash on Tiger off the stage in the middle of the rounds. There’s some posturing to begin this round. Maya avoids a double team attack. Maya hits back breakers on everyone. Pegasso and Rometa hit dives over the top rope on Misterioso and Tiger. Sagrado hits a power bomb on Maya in the ring however, for the fall. Second Fall: Sagrado pins Maya with a power bomb.

Misterioso slams Pegasso and then Mije hits a slam on him. Midget interference doesn’t count. Maya gets teamed on for a bit. Cometa then gets teamed on as well. Maya drop kicked Sagrado to the outside and hit a dive through the middle rope. Misterioso hits a neck breaker on Pegasso for the pin. Tiger hits a power bomb on Cometa for the win. Third Fall: Tiger pins Cometa with a power bomb.

Winners: El Sagrado, Misterioso, and Tiger

(Match Relampago) Black Panther vs Universo 2000 Jr

They fight for position in the ring for about a minute until Universo throws Panther outside the ring and then hits a dive through the middle rope. They get back in the ring and Universo plays with his mask. Panther fights back and hits a hurricanrana. Panther hurricanrana’s Universo to the outside. He then feigns a dive then hits a plauncha. Panther hits a power slam and then hits a lionsault for a two count. They go back and forth trading moves. Universo hits a small package and holds it despite being in the ropes. Panther tricks Universo to fall to the outside. Panther then hits a dive through the middle rope, then proceeds to hit another. Back in the ring, Universo hip tosses Panther into the corner then hits a vertical suplex for a two count. Panther hits an inverse 619 then a drop kick off the middle rope for a close two count. Panther then hits another middle rope shot gun drop kick for the win. Black Panther pins Universo with a middle rope drop kick.

Winner: Black Panther

Atlantis, Kraneo (El Audaz), and Stuka vs Hechicero, Kawato San, and El Felino

Kawato and Audaz start the match out with some grappling. Everyone comes in the ring to stare down. Stuka and Hechicero go to the outside the fight. Hechicero crotches him on the barricade. Kawato hits a big drop kick on Audaz. Hechicero gets Audaz in some contrived neck crank for the submission. Kawato vertical suplexes Stuka. Hechicero spine busters him and double stomps him off of the top. Felino submits him with an arm bar. First Fall: Felino submits Stuka with an arm bar.

Felino and Atlantis fight on the outside. Hechicero hits a corner drop kick on a hanging Stuka. Now they are triple teaming Atlantis. Atlantis ducks an attack and strikes everyone. Audaz hits a hurricanrana on Hechicero. Atlantis back breakers everyone. Stuka and Atlantis go for dives but Hechicero clotheslines them. Audaz then does a front flip from the top and lands on Hechicero for a hurricanrana pin for the fall. Second Fall: Audaz pins Hechicero with a flipping hurricanrana off the top.

There was some posturing to start the round. Audaz and Kawato go back and forth and Hechicero comes in and attacks Audaz. Audaz fights back and gets him to the outside. Stuka and Kawato then come in and trade offense. Stuka shoulder blocks him to the outside and then hurricanrana’s Felino to the outside. Atlantis counters Hechicero’s monkey flip with one of his own to the outside. Audaz then hurricanrana’s Hechicero. Atlantis holds down Felino and Kawato and Stuka hits a top rope splash for the win. Third Fall: Stuka pins Kawato with a top rope splash.

Winners: Atlantis,Audaz, and Stuka

Mistico, Dragon Lee, and Diamante Azul vs Mr. Niebla, Mephisto, and Rey Bucanero

CMLL’s sound just goes out during the entrances. I’m sure they won’t fix that like their Monday show. Story for this match and future shows is, Shocker has disappeared off of CMLL’s future bookings so there’s another issue with him. This happened sometime last year as well. If you remember with Mr. Niebla he was drunk during a match and they went to the finish. It pissed off the participants. Anyway to start the match, Azul and Bucanero lock up and fight for take downs until they both get one and then trade moves. Niebla comes in the ring quick to knock Mistico off the apron to crotch him on the barricade. Mephisto fights Lee on the ramp way. Mephisto throws him into the walk way stairs. Mephisto gets Lee on the turnbuckle and grabs at his mask. Mephisto then throws Lee into the announcers table. Zakarias then midget goes for a 619 on Mistico, but Azul knocks him over. A whole lot of brawling in this match. The ref finally had it with all the brawling so he DQ’s Mephisto for crotching Mistico. Or just because the rudos wouldn’t listen. Let’s go with that. First Fall: Mistico wins the fall because the rudos won’t listen to the ref.

There’s more brawling to start this round as well as you could suspect. Dragon Lee drop kicks Mephisto the hits a dive over the top rope. Azul hits a sunset flip on Bucanero for a two count. Niebla gets thrown to the outside and then Mistico hurricanrana’s Bucanero to the outside then hits a dive. Azul then hits a dive through the middle rope on Niebla. Mephisto hits a power bomb then a face buster on Lee but he kicks out. Lee then hits a standing spanish fly out of nowhere for the win. Second Fall: Dragon Lee pins Mephisto with a standing Spanish Fly.

Dragon Lee challenges Mephisto for his welterwieght championship. They feign like they’re gonna restart the match but Mephisto just pulls Lee’s mask off immediately. Heat.

Winners: Mistico, Dragon Lee, and Diamante Azul

Arena Mexico Friday Homenaje A Dos Leyenda

Triton, Esfinge, and El Audaz vs Vangellys, Hijo Del Villano III, and Polvora

These might have been the quickest entrances in the history of CMLL. Vangellys starts the match out with Esfinge and boy do we have a packed house. All the talk of CMLL being lazy with the booking, well I guess you can’t argue. They go at it briefly and Villano and Audaz get in next. Triton comes in and arm drags Villano. Polvora comes in to combat him but Triton gets him to the outside and Triton hits a dive over the top on to Polvora. Esfinge then gets Villano in a pinning combination and then Audaz pins Vangellys with a hurricanrana. First Fall: Audaz pins Vangellys with a hurricanrana.

Audaz goes back and forth with Polvora and hits a flip into the ring hurricanrana on Polvora. Esfinge comes in to work with Villano and we are working 100 miles per hour. Triton comes in to work on Vangellys and he hits a hurricanrana to the outside then him and his team pose. They get attacked from behind now. Vangellys slams Audaz and then Villano hits a top rope splash for a pin. Vangellys hits a northern lights suplex on Esfinge for the fall. Second Fall: Vangellys pins Esfinge with a northern lights suplex.

Villano hits a back drop and senton on Audaz to start. Audaz then gets worked over by the opposing team. Polvora works over Triton and his mask. Esfinge gets held up and drop kicked in the butt by Polvora. Esfinge hits a big kick on Villano and Triton hits a springboard splash. Audaz then hits hurricanrana’s on Vangellys and Polvora. Triton hits a run up the ropes moonsault onto Vangellys.  Villano hits a hip toss on Audaz to the outside and then dives over the top rope. In the ring Vangellys catches Esfinge with a spear for the pin. Polvora then gets Triton on the top and hits a face buster for the win. Third Fall: Polvora pins Triton with a top rope face buster.

Winners: Vangellys, Hijo Del Villano III, and Polvora

Microman, El Gallito, and Atomo vs Chamuel, Mije, and Perico Zakarias

Atomo and Zakarias start the match out with a tie up and take down. They then start exchanging transitions. Gallito then comes in with Mije and they get to the ground and grapple. Chamuel then gets in with Microman and Micro uses his agility to get the early advantage. Chamuel has the advantage when they roll around but Micro gets him in a head scissors. The rest of the rudos come in to team on him. Chamuel goes for a power bomb on Micro but Micro hits a hurricanrana for a pin. At the same time Gallito gets Zakarias with a school boy and Atomo gets Mije with a school boy. They all pin at the same time. First Fall: Microman pins Chamuel with a hurricanrana pin.

Atomo starts out with Chamuel and they get back and forth on each other. Atomo goes to the top but Chamuel arm drags him off the top rope. Atomo gets taken out then Chamuel hits a leg drop on Micro. Gallito then gets drop kicked to the butt. Microman gets Chamuel down in the corner and goes for the Vader bomb but Chamuel gets his feet up and Mije goes for the pin. Second Fall: Chamuel gets his feet up on a Vader bomb by Microman and Mije pins him.

Gallito gets teamed on to start this round. Chamuel goes to chase Gallito on the outside but Microman hits him with a hurricanrana. In the ring Gallito and Mije exchange strikes. Microman then comes in with Zakarias. Zakarias points out how much smaller Micro is then him. Micro hits knees to the corner on Zakarias. He goes for it again but gets caught this time. Micro fights back and gets all three of the opposition down so Atomo can hit a top rope frog splash. They all kick out. Atomo hits a dive off the apron on Mije leaving Micro and Chamuel in the ring. Chamuel misses a middle rope swanton on Micro and then Micro puts him in position and hits a stalling Vader bomb for the win. Third Fall: Microman pins Chamuel with a vader bomb.

Winners: Microman, El Gallito, and Atomo

Diamante Azul, Soberano, and Titan vs Mephisto, Templario, and Ephesto

Soberano starts the match grappling with Ephesto. Soberano hits a hurricanrana and then Templario greets him with a shot gun drop kick. Titan then hurricanrana’s Templario from the apron to the outside. Azul Irish whips Mephisto but Mephisto slides to the outside but he’s followed by a middle rope dive by Azul. Soberano hits a tornado dive off the top rope on to Ephesto and Titan gets Templario in a pinning combo for the fall. First Fall: Titan pins Templario with a pinning combo.

Templario and Soberano start this round out moving super fast. They do some acrobatic spots including Templario flipping Soberano in the air and Soberano hitting a hurricanrana. Titan comes in with Ephesto and lands a jumping kick. Azul enters the ring hitting a cross body on Templario then he double arm drags Mephisto and Ephesto. Azul then hits two monkey flips on Templario and Mephisto, then all three technicos hit dives through the middle rope. Back in the ring Templario hits a power bomb on Soberano but Titan stops the pin. Templario catches Titan on the top rope and goes for a gut wrench suplex but Titan reverses it into a hurricanrana. Ephesto hits a shoulder breaker on Titan but Azul breaks it up and hits a swinging slam on him that Mephisto breaks up. Mephisto hits a face buster on Azul. Soberano and Titan then hit hurricanrana’s on Templario and Ephesto and Azul runs back in the ring from the ramp and hits a leaping clothesline. Soberano then hits a back flip dive on Ephesto and Titan hits an asai moonsault on Templario . In the ring Azul hits a high angle hip toss on Mephisto for the win. Second Fall: Diamante Azul pins Mephisto with a high angle hip toss.

Winners: Diamante Azul, Soberano, and Titan 

Sanson, Cuatrero, and Forastero vs Gilbet El Bourica, Negro Casas, and Cavernario

Cuatrero starts the match with the returning Negro Casas and they start to grapple. Crowd is very excited for Negro Casas. Gilbert comes in next with Sanson. Interesting dynamic because these would be called two rudos teams. Cavernario and Forastero are in next and they fight back and forth and then bump chests and that causes a whole brawl. Cuatrero gets slammed and Cavernario hits a slingshot splash for the pin. Cavernario holds up Forastero and Gilbert hits a code breaker. First Fall: Gilbert pins Forastero with a code breaker.

Gilbert unties Sanson’s mask to start this round so I suspect that Los Dinamitas are working technico this match. They continue to get worked over to start this round. The rudos pose after minutes of beating on Dinamitas. Cuatrero and Forastero hit dives on Gilbert and Cavernario leaving Sanson in the ring with Casas. A funny spot happens here, Sanson hits a power bomb and in the middle of it his mask gets dragged off due to the untying from earlier. He covers his face and still makes the pin. Second Fall: Sanson pins Negro Casas with a power bomb.

Cavernario gets worked on some to start this round. When Casas comes in all three Dinamitas come in to stomp him out. Sanson takes down Gilbert and again the others come in to stomp him out. Forastero rolls to the outside and Cavernario hits a dive through the middle rope but through the corner near the turnbuckle. A much tighter window to fit through. Gilbert hits a power slam on Cuatrero who rolls out and then Gilbert hits a dive through the middle rope. Negro Casas goes for a pin but then plays up to his recently injured knee. The others come in to work on him. Cuatrero then launches Forastero into a downed Gilbert in the corner and Sanson pins him. Cuatrero launches Cavernario into Sanson who hits a power bomb, then they hold him in place while Forastero leaps from the ramp onto the ropes and hits a shotgun drop kick. Third Fall: Forastero pins Cavernario with a shotgun drop kick.

Winners: Sanson, Cuatrero, and Forastero

(Trios Championship) Ultimo Guerrero, Euforia, and Gran Guerrero (Champions) vs Caristico, Volador Jr, and Dragon Lee

Dragon Lee starts out this match with Gran Guerrero and there’s some posturing mixed with grappling. Volador comes in with Euforia and they do some acrobatic things but not much happens. Caristico is in now with Ultimo Guerrero and Caristico is trying to get the crowd pumped. Ultimo hits a sunset flip but Volador cross bodies him. Los Guerrero’s then get Lee, Caristico, and Volador in Gory specials for the submission. First Fall: Los Guerrero’s submit Lee, Caristico, and Volador with a gory special.

There’s brawling outside of the ring to start this round. Los Guerrero’s continues to work them over. A double press slam by Euforia and Gran is hit on Dragon Lee from the top rope. Caristico gets launched into the ring and Caristico hits a hurricanrana on Ultimo. Caristico then hits a cross body to the outside on Ultimo. Volador hits a hurricanrana off the top rope on Euforia and Lee gets a single leg boston crab on Gran for the fall. Second Fall: Dragon Lee submits Gran Guerrero with a single leg boston crab.

Dragon Lee and Gran start the final round exchanging strikes. Gran catches him for a buckle bomb, Lee kicks him then hits a rolling drop kick. Chaos breaks out a bit and Caristico hits a hurricanrana on Ultimo and Volador hits one on Euforia. Lee, Volador, and Caristico then all hit dives through the middle rope. Back in the ring a tower of doom spot gets done. Euforia and Gran get taken out and Caristico hits a hurricanrana on Ultimo. Volador and Lee hit dives over the top on Euforia and Gran and Caristico hits one on Ultimo Guerrero. Back in the ring Gran and Lee go at it. Lee hits a standing spanish fly for a close two. Gran gets Lee on the top rope and kind of lawn darts him off for a two count. They go back to the corner and Lee hits the double foot stomp spot. Euforia is in next with Volador and they trade big moves as well. Euforia hits a stalling suplex from the apron for a two count. Volador gets dumped to the outside and Caristico catches Euforia with the Fujiwara arm bar but Ultimo quickly breaks it up. Ultimo hits a top rope gord buster on Caristico for a close two count. Caristico goes for a hurricanrana off the top but Ultimo reverses it into a power bomb for a two count. Back on the top rope Caristico gets on Ultimo’s shoulders but hits a hurricanrana for a two count. Volador hits a big head scissors on Euforia and then Dragon Lee hops over the ropes and hits a hurricanrana to the outside on Gran. Volador leaps to the top and then jumps and hits a hurricanrana on Euforia. Back in the ring Caristico goes for the head scissors into the Fujiwara arm bar but Ultimo reverses it into a pinning combo for the win. Third Fall: Ultimo Guerrero rolls up Caristico for the win.

Winners: Ultimo Guerrero, Euforia, and Gran Guerrero

Cabelleras vs Cabelleras: Niebla Roja and Angel de Oro vs El Terrible and La Bestia del Ring

Bestia and Terrible jump Roja and Oro during the in ring introductions. What a bunch of rudos. Roja is laid out on the floor and Oro gets beat on in the crowd. Terrible and Bestia continue to beat up on Oro and Roja. Bestia and Terrible whip Oro and Roja with belts and get DQ’d for the first fall. First Fall: Bestia and Terrible get DQ’d by whipping Oro and Roja with belts.

As the second round starts Terrible and Bestia continue to work over Roja and Oro. After minutes of beating on them Bestia hits Oro with a cradle tombstone piledriver and Terrible pins Roja with a power bomb. Second Fall: Terrible pins Roja with a power bomb.

As the third round starts as you can suspect Terrible and Bestia continue to beat on them. Bestia power bombs Roja off the top and only gets a two count. Finally after like 15 minutes Oro hits a splash and moves from Terrible’s elbow and he hits Bestia, then Roja comes and hits a springboard splash. Oro launches Roja into both and Roja hits a double drop kick, then they both hit dives through the middle rope. They get back in the ring and Roja hits a dive over the top and Oro hits a golden moonsault. Finally Oro and Roja get some double team offense on them. Terrible and Roja trade running corner strikes. Bestia hits an olympic slam on Roja for a two count. Roja gets Bestia in a pinning combo for a two count. Roja goes for the rock the boat submission but Terrible punches him. Oro holds Bestia and Bestia dodges the attack so Oro gets super kicked by Roja. Bestia then gets Roja and hits a cradle tombstone for the pin. Now it’s Oro vs both on his own. Bestia power bombs Oro then Terrible helps him up for another and turns his back assuming he’s gonna hit it but Oro hits a hurricanrana into a pin. Now it’s down to Oro and Terrible. Oro hurricanrana’s Terrible to the outside and then hits a dive through the middle rope. On that dive however it looks like Terrible actually dislocated his shoulder. The ref went to the outside and helped put it back in place. Wow. The doctor is still checking on him. He’s definitely trying to tough it out during the finishing sequence. Oro gets him down and puts him in a sharpshooter for the win. Third Fall: Angel de Oro submits Terrible with a sharpshooter.

Bestia tries to brawl afterwards but to no avail. His partner isn’t able to help. Finally they are shaving their heads. Bestia at least. They’ll probably do Terrible back stage. As I say that Terrible comes out like a man with his arm up to get his just due.

Winners: Angel de Oro and Niebla Roja


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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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