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CMLL’s Review & Results (3/30/2019)

Joe keeps us all up to date with the goings on in CMLL! Let’s see what went on this past week along with his expert analysis!



CMLL Coverage

Joe keeps us all up to date with the goings on in CMLL! Let’s see what went on this past week along with his expert analysis!

Arena Puebla

Asturiano, Astro, and Meyer vs Police Man, Fuerza Chicana, and Black Tiger

Police Man and Asturiano start out and engage and grapple. Astro and Fuerza come in next and they start to fight for position. Fuerza starts to work over Astro. Meyer comes rolling in to work with Black Tiger. Tiger hits a cross body then Meyer hits a back breaker. Asturiano hits a moonsault on Black Tiger for the pin. Astro pins Police Man with a hurricanrana. First Fall: Astro pins Police Man with a hurricanrana. 

Police Man and Asturiano stare down then go back and forth at each other. Meyer and Tiger come in and Meyer hits a bouncing arm drag. Meyer back drops Tiger to the outside then poses. Astro is in next with Fuerza. Astro messes up a hurricanrana so Fuerza pushes him to the outside. Asturiano and Astro get taken out to the outside. Meyer gets teamed up on. Police Man hits a splash on Meyer for the pin. Black Tiger submits Asturiano with a single leg crab. Second Fall: Black Tiger submits Asturiano with a single leg crab.

Astro gets worked over to start this round. The technicos get ganged up on. Submissions get traded and then broken up in a pattern like sequence. A lot of back and forth action with no team getting the advantage. Police Man and Black Tiger hit collider slams on Meyer and Astro then Police Man submits Astro with a neck crank and Tiger submits Meyer with a single leg crab. Third Fall: Black Tiger submits Meyer with a single leg crab.

Winners: Police Man, Fuerza Chicana, and Black Tiger

Super Astro Jr, Arkalis, and Pantera Blanca vs Hijo Del Signo, and Los Gemelos Pantera 1 and 2

Arkalis starts out with one of the Pantera’s and they roll around grappling. Now Pantera Blanca faces off against the other Pantera. They trade attacks and transitions. Signo is in next with Super Astro Jr and they posture a whole lot. Astro hits a head butt then feigns a dive. Pantera Blanca then gets a victory roll on a Pantera and Arkalis pins the other with a power slam. First Fall: Arkalis pins a Pantera with a power slam.

Blanca and Signo square off to start this round. One Pantera comes in and knocks Signo to the outside by accident and then Blanca hurricanrana’s him to the outside. Arkalis enters and hurricanrana’s a Pantera then hits a super kick on Signo. Signo is back in working over Astro. The Pantera’s hit a double hip toss slam on Blanca. Arkalis gets tied in the ropes and hit with a triple drop kick. Signo pins him. Pantera’s hit a vertical suplex and then a reverse suplex on Astro for the fall. Second Fall: The Pantera’s pin Super Astro Jr with a reverse vertical suplex.

Signo works over Astro to start. Blanca then gets teamed up on. Arkalis tries to fight back but falls short. Arkalis catches Signo with a blue thunder bomb to change momentum. Astro gets teamed on by the Pantera’s but Blanca breaks it up. Astro hits a run up head butt on Signo for the pin. Signo argues. Third Fall: Super Astro Jr pins Hijo del Signo with a run up the ropes head butt.

Winners: Super Astro Jr, Arkalis, and Pantera Blanca

El Audaz, Stigma, and Drone vs Misterioso, El Sagrado, and El Olimpico

Audaz and Misterioso start out and they lock up and battle for position. They take it to the ground and grapple. Drone gets in with Olimpico and they start to grapple as well. Stigma quickly hits a hurricanrana on Sagrado then Misterioso comes back in. Stigma then hits a dive through the middle rope on Misterioso. Audaz slams Olimpico and Drone hits a split leg moonsault for the pin. Audaz then gets Sagrado in an arm bar. First Fall: Audaz submits Sagrado with an arm bar.

Drone starts with Olimpico and they go back and forth. Audaz comes in and then out maneuvers Sagrado. As the round goes on the rudos start to team up on the technicos. Drone gets held near the apron and Olimpico drop kicks him downward. Olimipco submits Audaz with some weird full nelson submission. Sagrado power bombs Stigma. Second Fall: Sagrado power bombs Stigma for the fall.

Drone gets teamed on in the corner to start. There’s some brawling on the outside as well. Audaz gets hit with a underhook suplex by Misterioso. Stigma and Audaz hit arm drags to the outside then all three of them hit dives through the middle rope. They then pose in the ring. Drone rolls through a sunset flip by Misterioso to kick him. Stigma chases Sagrado to the outside but Olimpico catches him with a dive off the apron. Misterioso gets in and hits a gory neck breaker on Drone for the win. Third Fall: Misterioso pins Drone with a gory neck breaker.

Winners: Misterioso, Sagrado, and Olimpico

Angel de Oro, Niebla Roja, and El Valiente vs El Terrible, Cavernario, and Bestia del Ring

Roja and Oro get jumped during their entrances by Terrible and Bestia and we’re off the breaks with some brawling. Valiente gets teamed up on after Oro and Roja get taken out. They continue to beat on Oro and Roja. The ref keeps trying to break it up. This ref appears to be the only baby face ref in Mexico. They toss Oro on Terrible for a power bomb and turn and pose, but Oro reverses it for a hurricanrana pin for the fall. First Fall: Oro pins Terrible with a hurricanrana.

Bestia and Roja stare down and fight to start this round. Cavernario enters and Roja takes him out. Now he matches up with Terrible. Cavernario enters with Valiente next and they work fast and Valiente hits a hurricanrana off the top which brings Cavernario to the outside and then Valiente poses. Terrible then catches Roja in a boston crab for the fall. Second Fall: Terrible submits Roja with a Boston crab.

Valiente gets teamed on to start this round. Oro then gets worked over. They then team up on Roja and the ref is trying to keep the order. Roja dodges and hits a corner attack on Roja. Valiente slides to the outside and the midget Zakarias dives on him. Valiente catches him and then Bestia beats up Valiente. In the ring Terrible gets frustrated with Oro and punts him in the groin. Third Fall: Angel de Oro wins Via DQ groin shot.

Winners; Angel de Oro, Niebla Roja, and El Valiente

LA Park, Volador Jr, and Hijo De LA Park vs Ultimo Guerrero, Euforia, and Gran Guerrero

Los Guerrero’s waits on the ramp for the Park family but they come out from the crowd and ambush Los Guerrero’s from behind. They beat on Los Guerrero’s with some brawling on the outside of the ring and in the ring. Volador launches Hijo into Euforia and Gran for a drop kick, then they dive through the middle rope on to them. Park then spears Ultimo in the ring for the fall. First Fall: LA Park spears Ultimo Guerrero for the win. 

They start brawling in the crowd area to start this round. Park sets up Gran in some structure to splash him but decides to take his belt off instead to slap him. Hijo grabs a toy light saber and smashes Euforia with it. Hijo grabs the tv cables to hit Euforia, and ode to what his father did to Rush. Hijo then pelts Euforia with a drink. Ultimo and Gran get whipped into each other but do a merry go round to reverse it. The tides are turned now. Ultimo does a stalling bronco buster to Volador. Gran slams Park on someone’s seat and in the ring, Ultimo and Euforia get Volador and Hijo in a double submission, a camel clutch and abdominal stretch. Second Fall: Ultimo and Euforia submit Volador and Hijo with a camel clutch and abdominal stretch.

The Los Guerrero’s triple team move is done on LA Park to start this round. Volador gets double press slammed off of the top rope. Park hits a shoulder block and then Volador and Hijo hit hurricanrana’s to make a come back. Volador and Hijo then hit over the top rope dives on Euforia and Gran. Ultimo goes to the top and dives on the pile. Park then postures to the crowd and then hit dives off of the top rope onto the pile. Volador has Gran in an octopus submission which surely Ultimo was supposed to break up but he got into a what seemed like 2 minute constant chopping battle with Park on the apron. Which ended with Ultimo kicking him in the groin then getting to the spot. Volador then fouls Ultimo when the ref isn’t looking. Volador then accidentally drop kicks the ref and gets Gran in a submission. The ref pulls him off and declares Gran the winner. Third Fall: Gran Guerrero wins because Volador accidentally drop kicked the ref.

They’re setting up a match between Gran Guerrero and Volador. I think the people want Park and Ultimo Guerrero though. Gran offers up mask vs hair match. Which I’m not sure why, Volador’s hair has barely grown back.

Winners: Ultimo Guerrero, Euforia, and Gran Guerrero

Arena Mexico Tuesday

Electrico and Astral vs Inquisidor and Yago

Yago and Electrico start out doing some grappling. Astral flips in next to take on Inquisidor and they get to the ground and do some transition grappling. Yago lands a KO blow on Electrico then poses. Astral gets kicked to the outside. Yago hits a swinging slam on Electrico then submits him with an arm lock. Inquisidor hits a modified code breaker on Astral then submits him with a leg lock. First Fall: Inquisidor submits Astral with a leg lock.

Astral gets teamed on to start this round. Electrico goes for a drop kick on Yago but Yago just slightly moves and they beat on him. Astral dives on them as they go for a double team attack on Electrico. Astral rolls into a rings of saturn on Inquisidor. Electrico scores a hurricanrana pinning combo on Yago. Second Fall: Electrico pins Yago with a hurricanrana.

Astral tricks Inquisidor to the outside then follows him out. He hits a hurricanrana on the floor. Electrico hits a hurricanrana on Yago. Electrico knocks Inquisidor to the outside then fakes a dive and poses. The rudos attempt to fight back but Astral and Electrico remain hot. Electrico hits a death valley driver on Inquisidor then Astral does a springboard splash for the pin. Third Fall: Astral pins Inquisidor with a springboard splash.

Winners: Electrico and Astral

Arkalis, Oro Jr, and Halcon Suriano Jr vs Raziel, Cancerbero, and Espanto Jr

Arkalis and Raziel start the match out engaging in some grappling. Cancerbero enters with Halcon and they grapple as well. Halcon trying to use his speed while Cancerbero uses his size. Oro flips in to go after Espanto. Oro uses his speed and hits a hurricanrana to the outside on Espanto. Arkalis gets Cancerbero in a pinning combo for the pin. Halcon gets Raziel in a smooth flying arm bar. First Fall: Halcon Suriano submits Raziel with a flying arm bar.

Espanto bring Arkalis to his corner to work him over some. Cancerbero and Raziel hit a double drop kick on Halcon while he’s tied in the ropes. Oro gets worked over next. Espanto pins Halcon with a top rope splash. Raziel submits Arkalis with a leg lock stretch. Second Fall: Raziel submits Arkalis with a leg lock stretch.

Oro starts the round getting worked over. Oro hits a back breaker on Raziel but Cancerbero cuts him off. Espanto then hits a big clothesline on Oro. Oro breaks a triple team attack and hits a hurricanrana on Espanto. Oro gets kicked out by Cancerbero and Raziel. Halcon flies in and hurricanrana’s Raziel to the outside. Arkalis arm drags Cancerbero to the outside. Halcon hits a top rope frankeinsteiner on Raziel but Espanto breaks up the pin. Cancerbero power bombs Arkalis then submits him in a stretch. Halcon gets Espanto to the outside and hits an asai moonsault on him. Raziel hits a face buster on Oro, then gets him in some odd submission. He held his arms down with his legs then pulled his legs over his head. Third Fall: Raziel submits Oro with a legs over head stretch submission. 

Winners: Raziel, Cancerbero, and Espanto Jr

Rey Cometa, El Audaz, and Guerrero Maya vs Virus, Templario, and Nitro

Virus and Audaz start the match and begin grappling. Nitro and Maya come in next and they start grappling. The match breaks down into brawling now with the rudos getting the advantage. Cometa tricks Templario to the outside and then hits a dive over the top rope. Maya hits a springboard head butt on Nitro for the pin and Audaz catches Virus with a flying arm bar. First Fall: Audaz submits Virus with a flying arm bar.

Virus and Audaz go at it to start this round. Audaz gets him to the outside and then hits a pose. Maya and Nitro start next and he fights off him and Virus and then poses. Cometa works around Templario then everyone enters and Audaz and Maya get Virus and Nitro to the outside and then they hit dives through the middle rope. Templario hits a groin shot on Cometa then slams him but the ref DQs him. Second Fall: Cometa wins by DQ via groin shot.

Winners: Rey Cometa, El Audaz, and Guerrero Maya

(Match Relampago) Flyer vs Titan

They fend off each other and eventually go to the ground and start to grapple. Titan goes to shake his hand but throws him down so he’s gonna work a little rudos. They trade super kicks then both fall. Titan gets him to the corner and then jumps in and hits a drop kick. They clash which causes Titan to crawl up the ramp. Flyer hits a back breaker on the ramp. Flyer then works on his mask on the ramp. So everyone is rudos. Flyer crotches Titan on the barricade. Titan takes advantage of Flyer while he’s posing on the outside and then he hits a dive through the middle rope. Flyer then throws him into the barricade. Titan does a neck bridge pin but Flyer kicks out. Flyer hits a sunset flip power bomb for a two count. Flyer sets Titan on the top rope. He runs at him but Flyer hits a shotgun drop kick on him then gets him in a pinning combo. Titan beats Flyer with a pinning combo.

Winner: Titan

Atlantis, Stuka, Soberano vs Mephisto, Hechicero, and Ephesto

Atlantis starts out with Ephesto to begin this match. They get to the ground and do some grappling. Stuka comes in with Hechicero and they square up and then start to fight going back and forth. Soberano gets in to get beat on by Mephisto. Now the rudos are beating on the technicos. Atlantis gets beat on now. Next Soberano is getting worked on. Ephesto gets slammed on Stuka by Mephisto and Hechicero for the pin. Hechicero swinging back breakers Soberano and then Ephesto leg drops him. First Fall: Ephesto pins Soberano after a back breaker from Hechicero and a leg drop from Ephesto.

Atlantis gets teamed on to start this round. Hechicero hits a running knee on Stuka and then works on taking his mask off. Atlantis gets kicked to the outside. Soberano gets teamed on next. Stuka catches Hechicero with a hurricanrana for the pin and Soberano hits a tornado dive on Ephesto for the pin. Second Fall: Soberano pins Ephesto with a tornado splash.

Stuka and Hechicero go back and forth striking. Stuka fights back and hits a double arm drag on Ephesto and Mephisto. Stuka then hits back breakers on everyone on the outside. Soberano comes in and hits a hurricanrana on Ephesto to the outside and then he takes out Mephisto and poses in the ring. Atlantis comes in and hip tosses Mephisto and Ephesto. Atlantis monkey flips Hechicero to the outside. Stuka hits an asai moonsault on Hechicero then Soberano hits a flip dive over the top rope on Ephesto. Atlantis pins Mephisto with a hurricanrana for the win. Third Fall: Atlantis pins Mephisto with a hurricanrana.

Winners: Atlantis, Stuka, and Soberano

Volador Jr, Angel de Oro, and Niebla Roja vs Sanson, Cuatrero, and Euforia

Cuatrero starts out with Angel de Oro and they work to fight for position. Cuatrero gets him down and tries to work Oro over. Sanson comes in next with Roja and they lock up and fight to see who gets the first take down. Eventually they get to the ground and start to grapple. Volador comes in and hits hurricanrana’s on Sanson and Cuatrero then he hits a big arm drag on Euforia. Volador dives on to Euforia on the outside. Roja and Oro don’t dive because Cuatrero and Sanson duck. They get into the ring and get caught in the rock the boat submission. First Fall: Niebla Roja and Oro submit Sanson and Cuatrero with a rock the boat submission.

Volador starts out hot and hits a big head scissors on Euforia. Roja and Cuatrero stare down but then Cuatrero leaves the ring. Euforia then comes in to stare down him. Roja hurricanrana’s Cuatrero to the outside and then poses. Oro and Euforia go back and forth. Oro takes him out and then he takes out Sanson. Oro head scissors Cuatrero to the outside and then poses. Euforia catches Volador and back breakers him. Volador gets teamed on and now Roja gets double pressed slammed. Euforia submits him with a rings of Saturn. Second Fall: Euforia submits Roja with a rings of Saturn.

Volador gets worked on by Cuatrero. Oro gets teamed up on next. Cuatrero and Sanson put the boots to him. Oro gets thrown in the air and Euforia kicks him in the gut. Oro rolls in and dodges an attack. Roja hits a big dive over the top on Sanson and Oro hits a golden moonsault on Cuatrero. In the ring Volador hits a hurricanrana on Euforia off the top rope for the win. Third Fall: Volador pins Euforia with a top rope hurricanrana. 

Winners: Volador, Angel de Oro, and Niebla Roja

Arena Mexico Friday

Pegasso and Stigma vs Disturbio and Akuma

Akuma came to the ring on a bike. Stigma and Disturbio start out the match locking up and engaging. They get to the ground and start grappling. Pegasso and Akuma come in next and they come in and start grappling. Stigma and Disturbio re-enter and Stigma arm drags him to the outside and then runs to the outside and hits a hurricanrana. Back in the ring Stigma rolls up Akuma for the pin. Pegasso gets Disturbio in a school girl. First Fall: Pegasso pins Disturbio with a school boy.

Pegasso and Akuma start out this round and Pegasso gets the upper hand. Distrubio comes in and works over Stigma. Akuma takes out Pegasso on the outside. Distrubio hits knees to the corner on Pegasso for the pin. Akuma hits a muscle buster on Stigma for the pin. Second Fall: Akuma pins Stigma with a muscle buster.

Pegasso gets teamed on to start this round. Stigma hits a cross body on Disturbio and Akuma to change momentum. Stigma and Pegasso get each in a pinning combo for a two count. Akuma hits a big spear on Stigma but Pegasso stops the pin. Stigma hits a head scissors on the apron to the outside on Akuma. Stigma hits a jaw breaker on Disturbio in the ring for the pin. Pegasso hits a 450 on Akuma for the win. Third Fall: Pegasso pins Akuma with a 450.

Winners: Pegasso and Stigma

Blue Panther Jr, Drone, and Black Panther vs Virus, Kawato San, and Tiger

Blue Panther Jr and Virus start out the match battling for a take down. They get to the ground and start grappling. Drone and Tiger come in next and they start quickly transitioning and grappling on the show. Kawato and Black Panther exchange strikes to each other. Panther dumps Kawato to the outside, then Tiger comes in to confront him. Everybody enters and starts trading spots on each other. Black Panther hits a springboard drop kick on Virus then Blue Panther hit a flying elbow drop from the top. First Fall: Blue Panther Jr pins Virus with an elbow drop.

Drone and Tiger trade strikes to start. Drone gets Tiger to the outside and then he hits a tornado dive off the apron on him. Blue Panther and Virus come in next and trade strikes. Blue wins that battle, then Kawato comes in and tries to take him on but goes flying from a shoulder block. Tiger comes in and hits a back stabber on Drone. Kawato hits a double foot stomp to Black Panther’s back for the pin. Tiger hits a basement leg drop on Tiger then Kawato hit a double foot stomp from the top on Blue Panther for the fall. Second Fall: Kawato pins Blue Panther Jr with a double foot stomp off of the top.

Kawato jumps and stomps on Black Panther mid air and then Tiger and Drone come back into the ring and work quickly only for Blue Panther to come back in and get teamed on. Virus hits Kawato by accident and then Drone hits a tornado dive to the outside on Tiger. Blue Panther Jr hit back breakers and then goes for a roll up on Kawato for a two count. Black Panther gets Virus to the outside and fakes a dive but then hits a plauncha. Blue Panther hits a last ride on Kawato for the pin. Black Panther hits a torpedo dive through the middle rope on Virus. Drone hits a knee to the corner on Tiger, then a split legged moonsault for the win. Third Fall: Drone pins Tiger with a split legged moonsault.

Winners: Blue Panther Jr, Drone, and Black Panther

Triton, Flyer, and Esfinge vs Rey Bucanero, Templario, and El Felino

Esfinge and Bucanero start out and grapple briefly. Esfinge removes his shirt and then they go back at it. Triton and Felino come in next and Felino gets him to the ground with a leg sweep. There’s some posturing after their grappling exchange. Templario enters with Flyer and lands a super kick. Triton springs in for a hurricanrana. The screen goes black and Flyer lands on Templario so he hit some kind of dive. Back in the ring Felino power bombs Triton for the pin and Bucanero submits Esfinge with a neck crank. First Fall: Rey Bucanero submits Esfinge with a neck crank.

Templario brawls on the outside while Bucanero works on Triton in the ring. The heel ref, Tirantes, father of the heel ref in AAA doesn’t see the tag to Triton while Esfinge gets worked over. Triton and Flyer enter to combat the numbers and land super kicks. Triton hits a springboard splash on Bucanero and Esfinge hits one on Felino, and Flyer hits a canadian destroyer on Templario for the fall. Second Fall: Flyer pins Templario with a Canadian Destroyer.

Esfinge out maneuvers Bucanero to start this final round. Triton and Felino run into each other a few times. Flyer gets in with Templario and gets kicked, then beat on by Bucanero as well. Triton and Esfinge help fight back and get the rudos to the outside. Esfinge and Triton hit dives through the middle rope and Flyer hits an asai moonsault. Esfinge kicks Templario and Triton hurricanrana’s him off the top. Esfinge hits a sloppy spanish fly on Bucanero. More like an arm drag. Flyer hits a dive over the top rope onto Felino. Esfinge gets Bucanero to the outside, and then hits a dive through the middle rope. Templario then hits a handspring back flip over the top onto Esfinge. Triton then runs up the top rope and hits an asai moonsault to the outside. Afterwards Bucanero and Felino take out Triton and Esfinge on the outside and in the ring Templario hits a power bomb back cracker for the win. Third Fall: Templario pins Flyer with a power bomb back cracker.

Winners: Rey Bucanero, Templario, and El Felino

Mistico, Dragon Lee, and Titan vs Negro Casas, Sanson, and Cuatrero

Dragon Lee comes to the ring with four belts. Dragon Lee and Sanson start the match out locking up and fighting for position. Casas and Cuatrero take out Titan and Mistico so they can team up on Dragon Lee. Once he’s taken out they team up on Mistico. Titan tries to save him but gets beat on. Cuatrero hits a crucifix power bomb on Titan for the pin. Sanson hits a torture rack into a sit out power bomb on Lee for the pin. First Fall: Sanson pins Dragon Lee with a sit out power bomb.

Titan gets teamed up on to start this round. Mistico tries to save him but he gets beat on. Dragon Lee gets beat on. You know the drill. Mistico hits a hurricanrana on Cuatrero. Sanson kicks him to the outside. Titan grabs Sanson’s leg, and Negro Casas hits a senton splash on Mistico from the apron. Titan spins out of a move by Sanson into a pinning combo and then Dragon Lee submits Cuatrero with a Boston Crab. Second Fall: Dragon Lee submits Cuatrero with a Boston Crab.

They all brawl on the outside. Dragon Lee hits an awkward splash off the stage onto Sanson. Mistico and Casas go back and forth at each other. Titan and Cuatrero get in the ring and exchange strikes. Titan hurricanrana’s Sanson to the outside from the apron. He slides to the outside and hits a hurricanrana on the floor. Lee and Cuatrero square off but Cuatrero goes to the outside. Lee instead strikes with Casas. Lee hits a knee strikes on the apron. Lee gets double pressed by Sanson and Cuatrero in the ring. Lee hits a hurricanrana on Cuatrero when he gets up, then he hits the Combination Cabron in the corner on Sanson. Lee and Titan then hit dives onto Sanson and Cuatrero while Mistico slides to the outside because Casas moved, but Casas throws him into the barricade. Titan goes for a moonsault on Casas in the ring but Casas gets the legs up for a close two count. Titan gets Casas in a pinning combo but Sanson breaks it up. Mistico enters but Sanson hits a shoulder breaker on him. Lee leaps over the ropes and hits a hurricanrana on Cuatrero off of the apron. Titan hits a shotgun drop kick on Casas then gets him in a pinning combo for the win. That was a very good match. Third Fall: Titan hits a shotgun drop kick on Negro Casas then gets a pinning combo for the win. 

Winners: Mistico, Dragon Lee, and Titan 

(Light Weight Championship) Cavernario (Champ) vs Forastero

Cavernario will be at Wrestle Con Thursday April 4th and then flying back to Mexico. So go see him if you can. Cavernario and Forastero start the match on the ground grappling. Forastero catches Cavernario in a samoan drop then a triangle arm bar for the fall. First Fall: Forastero submits Cavernario with a triangle arm bar.

They brawl on the outside in between rounds. Forastero works over Cavernario in the ring to start the round. Cavernario catches him with a hurricanrana to the outside and then he hits a springboard cross body to the outside. Cavernario hit a cross body in the ring and then his slingshot splash for the pin. Second Fall: Cavernario pins Forastero with a slingshot splash. 

Cavernario works over Forastero to start the final round. Cavernario hit a hurricanrana on Forastero to the outside and then hit a dive over the top rope to the outside. He then dives through the middle turnbuckle to Forastero. They brawl some on the outside. In the corner Cavernario hits a code breaker. Cavernario kicks around Forastero but then Forastero catches him in a victory roll for a two count. Forastero goes for a jump up asai moonsault but loses his balance on the ropes and just lands on Cavernario. They show a replay for some reason. Back in the ring Forastero hits a kick in the corner for a two count. Cavernario catches Forastero with a top rope shotgun drop kick for a two count. Cavernario goes for a top rope attack but gets slammed for a two count. Forastero goes up to the top but Cavernario runs and hits him with a back stabber for a two count. Cavernario gets a standing guillotine but turns it into his snap suplex for a two count. Cavernario goes for the slingshot splash but Forastero got the legs up and then Cavernario rolls to the outside and Forastero runs up the ropes and hits a flip dive. They fight some on the outside and Cavernario slams him into the barricade. He goes to the top rope and hits a big splash off of the top to the floor. They get back in the ring. Cavernario goes to the top and Forastero meets his splash with a drop kick. Forastero slams Cavernario then he goes for a swanton bomb but Cavernario moves. Cavernario jumps behind him and gets him in then lean back camel clutch for the win. Third Fall: Cavernario submits Forastero with a lean back camel clutch.

Winner: Cavernario

Caristico, Volador Jr, and El Valiente vs Rush, Naito, and El Terrible

If you guessed this match would start out with a brawl then you’d be correct. Terrible beats on Valiente on the outside. Rush throws Volador into the announce table. Rush was about to get counted out but then he runs back in. Terrible swings Valiente around and Rush drop kicks him. They beat on Volador next, it’s like an assembly line. Volador fights back and hits a hurricanrana on Rush to the outside and then hit a dive over the top rope. Valiente hits a lung blower on Naito for a pin. Caristico hit a head scissors into a Fujiwara arm bar on Terrible for the fall. First Fall: Caristico submits Terrible with a Fujiwara arm bar.

Terrible and Valiente square off to start this round. Valiente then hits a monkey flip on Naito. Volador wants to square off with Naito. There’s a ton of posturing going on with everyone taunting each other. Caristico hits an arm drag on Naito and then Valiente hits a big dive through the middle rope onto Naito. Rush throws Volador in the air and punts him in the groin. Well there’s that. Second Fall: Volador wins via foul by Rush.

They steal their masks. Naito tries to pry Valiente’s hands away from his face. Los Ingobernables basically curtain call at the end.

Winners: Caristico, Volador Jr, and El Valiente

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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