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Mitchell’s NXT UK Results & Report! (4/24/19)

NXT UK is still in NYC!



NXT UK Coverage

NXT UK continues to spend time in the States with plenty more action! What goes down when Moustache Mountain mixes it up with Andrews & Webster?



  • Kassius Ohno VS Ligero; Ohno wins.
  • Kay Lee Ray VS Xia Li; KLR wins.
  • Moustache Mountain VS Flash Morgan Webster & Mark Andrews; Moustache Mountain wins.


Kassius Ohno VS Ligero!

The Wrestling Genius called out the Luchador of Leeds as another fraud of British wrestling. Will Ligero make Ohno see the light? Or will Ohno get a KO in NYC?

The bell rings and Ligero waits for Ohno as he stays in the corner. Ohno comes out and fans rally up as he ties up with Ligero. Ligero headlocks but Ohno powers out easy. Ohno taunts Ligero, then pie faces him. Ligero doesn’t back down so Ohno does it again. They tie up and Ohno puts Ligero in a corner. Ligero climbs up and uses the top rope to leap, but Ohno denies the arm drag to put Ligero in the corner. Ligero dodges Ohno and waistlocks then speeds up to sunset flip. Ohno stays standing and pries Ligero off to whip him to a corner. Ligero goes up and under then back in, but is put on the apron. He slingshots in, but into a BOOT! Ohno covers, ONE!

Ohno grins as he stalks Ligero and fans rally up. He drags Ligero up to club him hard on the back. Ohno brings Ligero up for a CHOP! Ligero drops to a knee and Ohno toys with him. Ohno stalks Ligero then brings him up for a back suplex. Ligero escapes and boots Ohno to then rally with kicks. Ligero runs and tilt-o-whirls to throw Ohno out! Fans fire up with Ligero as he gets on the apron. Ligero leaps and cannonballs, but also gets steel steps to the face! Ohno may have just managed to direct Ligero that way! Ohno drags Ligero’s dead weight up and into the ring at 5. He taunts Ligero having an “accident” as he stomps Ligero out. Ohno drops elbows then covers, TWO! Ohno drags Ligero up and suplexes for a big slam! Cover, TWO! Ligero lives but Ohno keeps his cool.

Ohno looms over Ligero and brings him around for a standing chinlock. Ligero endures as Ohno drags him around. Ohno drops back to bend Ligero over his knees! Fans rally for Ligero as he endures. Ligero pries Ohno’s hands apart! But Ohno brings them back to ear clap Ligero! Ohno drops knees right to Ligero’s face! Cover, TWO! Fans cheer as Ligero stays in this match. Ohno kicks Ligero while he’s down but Ligero keeps pushing back. Ohno clubs Ligero then stands on his hand! Then Ohno grabs the other arm, to stomp Ligero right in the head! Ohno mocks Ligero as he stands him up to boot him down. Ohno brings Ligero up again to boot him back down, and dares him to get up. Ligero does slowly stand, and blocks the boot! Ohno powers Ligero down but Ligero dodges the stomps and senton!

Fans rally while Ohno glares. Ligero dodges and kicks away on Ohno’s leg! Ligero brings Ohno to his knees to knee him in the face! And again! Ligero gives Ohno a third boot, but he’s not done there! Ligero goes to the apron and climbs to springboard splash! Cover, TWO! Ohno survives and gets to a corner while Ligero sits up. Ligero whips Ohno but Ohno holds the ropes. Ligero SLAPS Ohno then whips but Ohno reverses. Ohno misses as Ligero ducks, Ligero grabs Ohno, but Sliced Bread is denied. Ohno prepares a gut wrench but Ligero victory roll counters, TWO! Ligero baits Ohno in and leaps up, DESTROYER! Cover, TWO!! Ohno survives again and slumps out of the ring.

Fans fire up as Ligero builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit takes Ohno down! Ligero gets Ohno up but Ohno shoves him away. Ohno runs into an elbow and Ligero gives Ohno Sliced Bread to the floor! But the ring count is at 7! Ohno and Ligero crawl for the ring, and both get in at 9! Ligero springboards in but the stunner is blocked. Ohno goes after the mask! Ligero is busy defending his face, Ohno hits the Dream Crusher elbow! Cover, Ohno wins!

Winner: Kassius Ohno, by pinfall

The Knockout Artist redeems himself after losing to The Kiwi Buzzsaw but through cheating the Luchador of Leeds. Will Ohno move on to prove he’s the proper British style wrestler?


Exclusive interview with Jordan Devlin.

The Irish Ace will get what he wants: a match with the NEW WWE United Kingdom Champion, Walter. “What are my feelings on my big match with Walter next week in New York?” He’d normally be happy and talk a big game, but he won’t. Because to protect the rematch of the century of Dunne VS Walter II, this is a non-title match. Devlin isn’t a fool, he sees what everyone wants. Everyone wants Dunne VS Walter to tear the house down again, but Devlin doesn’t. Devlin doesn’t care about what fans want. He doesn’t care about what Dunne and Walter want. Devlin vows to beat and hurt Walter next week so that he will be the undeniable challenger to that WWE UK Championship. He will show us all why you never bet against the Ace.


The Hunt returns next week!

The Wild Boar and the Primate will return, but who will be their next prey?


Marcel Barthel & Fabian Aichner took a tour of Wrestlemania Axxess.

To them, this was all just a circus. And what is this? Champ Yourself? Pretend to be champions with pretend belts? The European Alliances say that’s what exactly the problem is. Playing pretend with a fake belt and a fake ring, it’s disgusting. Look at this. The fake entrance ramp, too. Fans get to do what the wrestlers work so hard to earn? No one understands, but that is the difference between you and them. Because to them, this means so much more than anyone could ever imagine. To them, the ring is sacred.


Toni Storm is here!

The Lightning from Down Under is in New York with her NXT UK Women’s Championship as she heads to the ring. “Welcome to NXT UK in New York City!” Toni feels so awesome representing this brand on the most important weekend of the year, Wrestlemania! And she successfully defended her title a few weeks ago in a close match. But that got her thinking. NXT UK is home to some of the most talented women in the world. She may not like her, but she’s had killer matches with Rhea Ripley. There’s Xia Brookside, Nina Samuels and even Piper Niven! But that said, this is Toni Storm, and she will be champion “for a long, long time.” The Mae Young Classic 2 winner is the second NXT UK Women’s Champion, but will she really be champion for much longer?

But as Toni makes her leave, Kay Lee Ray makes her entrance! The other new addition to the roster wants Toni to remember she’s here. What will KLR do to make her mark in NYC?

Kay Lee Ray VS Xia Li!

It’s another crossover of NXT UK and USA as the Killer Lass takes on the spicy martial artist! Who makes the biggest impact across both Women’s Divisions at Wrestlemania Axxess?

The bell rings on this first-ever encounter. Xia and KLR tie up and KLR gets a wristlock. KLR gives a quick shoulder breaker, then wrenches again. Xia slips through to wrench back, but KLR spins to hammerlock. Xia reaches back to headlock, then takedown. KLR headscissors back but Xia pops out, and fans cheer this early exchange. KLR calls for a test of strength, but toys with Xia by switching hands. And then she shows her height advantage. Xia jumps up to get it though! She has the knuckle locks but KLR breaks free to wrench and yank Xia around. Xia rolls and handsprings to break free, but KLR stays away from those martial arts kicks! KLR uses the corner for defense, and Xia backs off, but KLR gets a cheap shot in.

KLR throws forearms and then rams shoulders into Xia in the corner. She lets up at the ref’s count then whips corner to corner. Xia goes up and over and then comes back with a dropkick! Cover, TWO! Xia goes after KLR on the ropes but KLR holds ropes. KLR then wrenches to SUPERKICK and throw Xia into a post! KLR stomps a mudhole into Xia then drags her up. She forearms Xia hard but backs off as Xia gasps for air. Fans rally as KLR hammerlocks Xia to throw her back into buckles! KLR drags Xia up to snapmare to a seated stretch. Xia endures as KLR bends her back and digs knuckles into ribs. Fans rally harder and Xia pops out. Xia powers up and arm-drags KLR hard. KLR comes back for another hammerlock but Xia spins it around to throw KLR into buckles.

KLR comes back but gets jabs and back hands! Xia gives KLR knees to the head then a leaping snapmare! Fans fire up as Xia kicks KLR in the back! Xia dares KLR to get up, swing and a miss but the heel kick gets her! Cover, TWO! KLR lives and Xia can’t believe it! Xia heads to a corner and hops up, then leaps, only for KLR to get under. KLR CHOPS and SUPERKICKS then back hooks to hit Widow’s Peak! Cover, KLR wins!

Winner: Kay Lee Ray, by pinfall

And that’s 1-2-3 for KLR in NYC! The NXT UK Women’s Champion may have overlooked her before, but will she have to acknowledge KLR now?


NXT UK Media found Piper Niven at Wrestlemania Axxess.

The Scottish Viper was finishing up a meet ‘n’ greet as they noted her run-ins with Rhea Ripley. Rhea is definitely a phenomenal athlete, but Piper knows Rhea’s a bully. Piper doesn’t like bullies. Let’s see how Rhea likes it when she finds someone she can’t just push around. When and where will Piper and Rhea finally settle things in the ring?


Something’s happening backstage!

The Grizzled Young Veterans are throwing around the ring gear and luggage of Kenny Williams and Amir Jordan! Zack Gibson and James Drake are furious! Kenny & Amir haven’t done a thing to deserve their spots on this roster. GYV are locker room leaders. They are forcing the Lucky Yin and Bhangra Bad Boy to change in the halls! Will Gibson & Drake pay for being locker room bullies?


Moustache Mountain VS Flash Morgan Webster & Mark Andrews!

Tyler Bate & Trent Seven are good friends with the Modfather and the High-Fiving, Stage-Diving Welsh Rockstar, but that doesn’t mean friends can’t have a friendly match. Will it be the Big Strong Boys or the Welsh Air Force take the win in New York?

The teams sort out and we start with Bate and #Mandrews with the bell. Andrews and Bate hear the fans sing as they circle. Bate and Andrews shake hands to show this is respectful. They tie up and Bate wrenches Andrews around to a wristlock. Andrews rolls and reverses the wrench to a standing armlock. Andrews brings Bate down to the mat but Bate powers his way up. Bate stands but Andrews wrenches again. Bate works his way out of the hammerlock and reverses back. Headlock takeover meets headscissors and the two stand off. Fans cheer as they approach again. Bate reels Andrews in to a keylock and down to the mat but Andrews denies the cover. Andrews knips up and uses ropes to flip through to an arm-drag. Bate blocks the next arm-drag but Andrews goes around to the other side!

Andrews arm-drags Bate to an armlock and fans applaud. Bate works his way back up but Andrews brings him to the corner. FMW tags in and drops stomps on the arm. FMW wrenches Bate but Bate rolls and then back and then handsprings to dropkick! Bate grabs FMW and tags in Seven! Seven takes the hand-off and then scoops but FMW escapes. They collide shoulders but Seven doesn’t budge. FMW tries again but still can’t get Seven off his feet. FMW tries again only for Seven to use the momentum to rebound and run FMW over! Seven runs but things speed up, but Seven blocks the hip toss. FMW hits Seven in the gut then back flips to a drop toehold! Fans cheer as FMW gets a facelock. Seven powers up as fans rally but Andrews tags in.

Andrews gets the hand-off and wrenches Seven. Seven breaks free to CHOP away on Andrews! Andrews wings, but falls for the feint and DDT! Seven covers, TWO! Seven smothers Andrews and tags in Bate. Bate headbutts Andrews’ ribs then snapmares him for a neck crank! Cover, TWO! Bate keeps Andrews from FMW with an arm wrench. Tag to Seven and Moustache Mountain coordinate for Wasteland to knee-board senton! Cover, TWO! Seven drags Andrews up for a scoop slam then drops a leg! Cover, TWO! Andrews crawls but Seven brings him back down. Fans rally as Seven pulls Andrews into a seated stretch. Seven shifts to a modified cobra clutch but Andrews works his way up. Fans rally and Andrews reaches for FMW. Andrews elbows Seven but Seven wrings him out. Andrews dodges and hot tags FMW!

The Modfather gives Seven a knee trigger! Then triangle dropkicks Bate down! FMW goes back to Seven for the quebrada! Cover, TWO! FMW keeps going as he brings Seven up. He underhooks but Seven slips out, only to fall for the bait. FMW headbutts then underhooks again, but Seven back drops out. Hot tags to Bate and Andrews! Bate throws FMW down then blocks and kenes Andrews. Bate hops up to flying European Uppercut! Fans fire up as Bate goes corner to corner for another EuroUpper. He dodges FMW and then gets them both with a EuroUpper! Bate brings FMW up for the airplane spin! Andrews comes over but Bate trips him up for a swing! The Big Strong Boy shows off his strength, then dumps FMW on Andrews. Bate brings FMW up, double underhook is countered with a headscissors!

Bate ends up on the outside, FMW DIVES but is CAUGHT! And taken for another spin! Bate tosses FMW at the apron for snake eyes! Bate returns to Andrews and catches him for an exploder! Knip up to standing Shooting Star! Cover, TWO! Andrews lives but Bate sees Seven. Tag to Seven and Moustache Mountain goes after Andrews. But Andrews fires off with CHOPS again and again and again, back and forth! But Bate and Seven kick him back then double whip. Andrews slides under to double PELE! Bate and Seven both end up outside and tag to FMW. The Welshmen both FLY and take down the Big Strong Boys!

FMW puts Seven in then uses the Moustache Mountain corner to tag! The ref waves that off, but FMW still tilt-o-whirl DDT’s Seven down. They tag in their proper corner, and FMW gives Andrews the boost for the standing 450! Cover, TWO! Andrews grows frustrated but keeps on Seven as fans rally. Andrews brings Seven up but Seven CHOPS! And CHOPS! And again and again! FMW comes in but he gets a CHOP! FMW falls for the feint now, and Seven passes him to Andrews. Seven CHOPS Andrews and makes him DDT FMW! Hot tag to Bate! Moustache Mountain has Andrews, Rebound Lariat Dragon Suplex! Cover, but FMW SWANTONS it apart! Fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” as all four men regroup.

Bate grabs Andrews and drags him around for a EuroUpper and some right hands. Andrews forearms and chops back, then picks up speed as he hits from all sides! Bate shoves, Bop up, BANG hits! FMW tags in and Andrews reverses the whip. Bate rebounds but misses the lariat, gets a knee-trigger reverse-rana!! Cover, but Seven breaks it! FMW drags Bate over and underhooks, but Bate spins out. FMW baits but BANG hits! Tag to Seven, and Seven back hands FMW into a BIG dragon suplex! Tag back to Bate, and MOustache Mountain combine for the flying knee burning hammer! Cover and Seven intercepts Andrews! Moustache Mountain wins!!

Winners: Moustache Mountain, by pinfall

Bate & Seven take the win after a grueling match! Will Moustache Mountain use this to climb back up towards the NXT UK Tag Team Championships?



My Thoughts:

Another great episode of NXT UK in New York. We open with a nice bit of action of Ohno VS Ligero. A good match and it was best for Ohno to win so that his story doesn’t fall flat. Of course, he probably should’ve won against Travis Banks last time for the same reason. A Heel’s mission of establishing their own philosophy only works if it doesn’t fail until the very end. Or if it fails over and over. Either way, Ohno should’ve been on a different streak than 50-50 booking. Toni Storm had a good promo and it was timely for Kay Lee Ray to show up to bring up that she’s around. KLR VS Li was good, and naturally the NXT UK superstar wins. KLR very may well be Toni’s next challenger given Rhea VS Piper is happening and there aren’t other women ready to challenge Toni.

Devlin’s interview for his coming match with Walter was well done. It’s good story to have him be upset he’s not getting a title shot first, but who knows? Maybe he does well enough that Johnny Saint will have to grant him a shot. Maybe a triple threat for the title? Or Devlin takes on the winner of Walter VS Dunne for a rematch either way. GYV had a decent promo with throwing around Kenny’s and Amir’s gear. It still seems like their tag title match will happen after all, but I’d think GYV still wins. Moustache Mountain VS Andrews & Webster was incredible, worthy of a tag title match in itself. Bate & Seven win and should be the proper second tag team champions for NXT UK to parallel Dunne’s own reign as the second-ever WWE UK Champion.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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