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Joe’s AAA Review & Results (5/20/19)



Joe Dinan is here with your AAA updates, results, discussion, and more!

Live on Twitch 5/18

They have a tribute to Silver King to start the show.

Dragon Bane vs Golden Magic

Initially a tag match is now a random one on one match. I have no problem. We start out fast. No feeling out process here. Rapid fire moves at each other. Bane gets him to the outside and then hits a dive over the top rope. Golden Magic makes Bane fall to the outside and then Magic hits a jump up asai moonsault. Back in the ring Magic hits a Canadian destroyer for a two count. Bane goes to the top and Magic meets him up there and does a flipping fall away slam for the win. Golden Magic pins Dragon Bane with a flipping fall away slam.

Winner: Golden Magic

Puma King comes out and thanks the fans. Wants Killer Kross. Daga comes out instead. Puma says he’s using the Perros del Mal music to get a pop. Chessman comes out and Puma King power bombs him. Kross comes out and suplexes the Coolest Cat. Vikingo and Laredo Kid come to make the save. Kross hits an F5 on Vikingo. Now Pagano is here to make the save. Pagano and Kross go head to head. Puma is attacking Kross, but Kross kicks him in the groin.

Astrolux and Big Mami vs Lady Maravilla and Halcon 76

Mami cuts a promo on Maravilla then Maravilla attacks her. They beat up on Big Mami. I don’t know how small and short Astrolux is. But wow. Really short. Mami gets Halcon and Maravilla in the corner and does two running attacks at them. Astrolux does an asai tornillo spin. Halcon doesn’t catch him. Big Mami screws up Maravilla’s newly done hair. Yes I noticed Maravilla :). Big Mami is running rampant. Mami goes for a vader bomb but Maravilla pushes her off. Maravilla hits a frog splash and wins. Lady Maravilla pins Big Mami with a frog splash.

Winners; Lady Maravilla and Halcon 76

Myzteziz Jr and Nino Hamburguesa vs Australian Suicide and Chik Tormenta

Myzteziz and Tormenta start out going back and forth. Hamburguesa shoulder blocks Suicide and he goes flying. Suicide fights back and hits a tornado ddt then a dive to the outside. Nino gets worked over by Suicide and Tormenta. Suicide hits a shooting star press on Myzteziz. Myzteziz dodges some attacks and then Nino runs into both of them in the corner. Then he does his running senton into the corner twice. Back to normal action. Suicide messes up a springboard Canadian destroyer. Then Myzteziz messes one up. Nino comes in and cleans house. He hip tosses Suicide to the outside. Myzteziz does the Sasuke special. A handspring back flip to the outside. Myzteziz goes for a 450 and kicks Tormenta in the face. She’s getting medical attention thankfully. Maravilla comes out to distract Nino. Myzteziz holds her back. Nino hits the splash on Suicide. Nino holds Maravilla after and Big Mami comes out and she fights with Maravilla. Nino leaves with Maravilla holding hands. Mami looks crushed. Nino Hamburgusa pins Suicide with a top rope splash.

Winners: Myzteziz Jr and Nino Hamburguesa

Faby Apache and Lady Shani vs Tessa Blanchard and La Hiedra

The debut of Tessa Blanchard. Shani starts with Hiedra and they go back and forth. Quickly it devolves into Blanchard and Hiedra teaming up on Faby and Shani. Shani helps makes the save. Faby DDTs Tessa. Shani hits a victory roll into a neck bridge for a two count. Hiedra tries to do some move to Shani and thankfully Faby just kicks her. Faby gets Tessa in a surfboard stretch but the ref saves her. Shani does an apron back stabber on Hiedra. Faby gets into a confrontation and then Tessa hits her with an underhook DDT for the fast count and win. Tessa pins Faby with an underhook DDT.

Winners: Tessa Blanchard and La Hiedra

Laredo Kid, Flamita and Hijo del Vikingo vs Daga, Chessman, and Villano III Jr

Laredo Kid and Daga start out getting a feel for each other but that wasn’t going to last. Laredo, Vikingo, and Flamita all hit middle rope tope’s. Flamita and Villano go at it. Vikingo comes in and hits some impressive acrobatic moves. Now the rudos are beating up on the tecnicos. Laredo Kid tries to fire up a comeback on Villano but Daga and Chessman jump him. Daga accidentally hits Chessman starting a comeback. Vikingo hits a shooting star press to the outside on Chessman. Villano catches Laredo for a power bomb for a two count. Laredo hits a michinoku driver, then a moonsault. Laredo then hits a 450 on Chessman but Daga breaks up the pin. Daga hits a death valley driver on Laredo Kid. Flamita gets worked on but Chessman goes to the top and Laredo Kid hits a hurricanrana. Flamita hits a Spanish Fly on Daga. Villano III Jr takes out Flamita. He goes to the top but Vikingo hits a reverseranna on him. Daga breaks up the pin again. Laredo dives off of the post onto Chessman into the fans. Flamita does a dive that the camera didn’t really catch. Daga works over Vikingo in the ring. He goes to the top but Vikingo catches him for a swinging slam. Vikingo then goes to the top for an imploder 450 but he moves. Daga then hits a lung blower for the win. Daga pins Hijo del Vikingo with a lung blower. 

Winners: Daga, Chessman, and Villano III Jr

Psycho Clown, Puma King, and Pagano vs Rey Escorpion, Texano Jr, and Killer Kross

Wagner advertised but we can give him a break, his brother just died tragically. Rey Escorpion attacks Psycho Clown during his entrance and the brawl is on. Kross beats on Puma King into the crowd area. Texano punches at Pagano’s head and he’s bleeding already. AAA is just like WCW in the sense that the main event style is so drastically different than the under card. Puma King fights back against Texano and hits a hurricanrana. But Kross just throws a cookie sheet at his head. Kross cleans house hitting a vertical suplex on Psycho, the Saito suplexes on Puma and Pagano. Pagano tries to hit a double neck breaker on Texano and Escorpion but messes it up. Clown hits Kross with a kick. Clown and Pagano then hit middle rope dives onto Escorpion and Texano. Puma King then attacks Kross with a cookie sheet. Kross punches the cookie sheet into Puma’s head. Pagano and Clown hit Rey and Texano with cookie sheets. Psycho holds down Rey and Hiedra and Texano attacks him with the bullrope but Psycho moves so he hits his teammates. Puma King drop kicks Kross out of the ring then does a run up plauncha on him to the outside. Clown drop toe holds Rey into the conveniently set up table. Chessman comes out and spits mist into Pagano’s face. Texano then slams him and hits a senton splash for the win. Texano pins Pagano with a senton splash.

Clown tries to fight back after the match. Kross stops him but Puma King came from behind with the rope so Kross escaped.

Winners: Rey Escorpion, Texano Jr, and Killer Kross

Live on Twitch 5/19

They show a Young Bucks promo. Bucks list their titles to show why they’re legit. They’re gonna beat the Lucha Bros at Double or Nothing or back in Mexico.

Big Mami and Dragon Bane vs Lady Maravilla and Halcon 78 Jr

Mami cuts a promo and Maravilla attacks her. Maravilla calls her fat and ugly. Sad. Maravilla and Halcon work over the duo. Bane super kicks Maravilla and drop kicks Halcon into the corner. Mami then does a running splash onto them. Mami ducks an attack with the matrix spot but they just look at her and stomp her. Bane hits a hurricanrana on Halcon and then does a run up asai moonsault. Mami hits a gory special on Maravilla followed by a splash. Halcon breaks it up. But Halcon gets held down and Mami hits a splash off of the top for the win. Big Mami pins Halcon 78 Jr with a top rope splash.

Maravilla attacks Mami at the end.

Winners: Big Mami and Dragon Bane

Konnan and his crew comes out. They’re pointing out how Fenix never defends his title.

Faby Apache, Aztroluxe, and Nino Hamburguesa vs Chik Tormenta, Tessa Blanchard, and Hijo del Tirantes

Well this match became a brawl immediately. They single out Nino and work him over. They keep going working over everyone until Nino runs down Tessa and squashes her in the corner. They kick Tormenta into her and then Tirantes into the pile. Nino does his running senton twice onto the pile. Chik Tormenta is like so much bigger than Astrolux. Astrolux gets her to the outside and then hits an asai moonsault. Faby and Tirantes go at it next with Faby hitting a hurricanrana and a body slam. Nino then shoulder blocks Tormenta. He does the same to Tessa as she runs into him. Astrolux hits a code breaker then a 450. Tessa immediately breaks up the pin. Tormenta and Tirantes get laid out. Nino hits a splash off of the top on them. During the pin Maravilla comes out. Nino is distracted. Mami comes out and argues with Nino. Maravilla drop kicks her into Nino. Faby does a splash off of the top to the outside on Tirantes. In the ring Tessa hits double underhook DDT on Astrolux for the win. Tessa Blanchard pins Astrolux with a double underhook DDT.

Nino leaves with Maravilla again. Mami is crushed.

Winners: Chik Tormenta, Tessa Blancard, and Hijo del Tirantes

Golden Magic vs Myzteziz Jr vs Flamita vs Australian Suicide vs Villano III Jr

Well they start and everyone is no longer in the ring except Suicide and Myzteziz. Myzteziz does an impressive springboard tornillo splash. Magic attacks Flamita after. Havoc is happening outside. Suicide canadian destroyers Villano on concrete. Flamita does a dive. Myzteziz does a tornillo dive. Magic does an asai corkscrew. Whew. This match is for a future title opportunity against Drago btw. They get back in the ring and do some spots. Flamita and Suicide get hit with reverseranna’s by Magic and Myzteziz. Villano comes back to spear both men. Flamita hits a lung blower on Magic. Suicide hits a springboard Canadian destroyer on Flamita and Myzteziz breaks it up. Myzteziz hits a pile driver on Suicide but that gets broken up. Magic does a cradle piledriver on Myzteziz off the top rope. And well he kicks out. Why not. Magic goes for a hurricanrana on Flamita from the top but he hits a power bomb. Villano does a running power bomb to Suicide and almost kills him on the turnbuckle. Suicide back drops Villano off of the top then hits a side ways shooting star for the win. Australian Suicide pins Villano III Jr with a side ways shooting star press. 

Killer Kross is out there after the match. Suicide does a dive. Kross catches him and chokeslams him on the apron. Kross then kills Flamita. He F5’d Villano, then german suplexed Magic. Puma King is here to save the day. Puma King helping all of the fallen soldiers.

Winner: Austrailian Suicide

Pagano vs Chessman

Pagano attacks him from behind and drop kicks him to the outside. Pagano does a dive over the top. Back in the ring Chessman blows mist in Pagano’s eyes already. Pagano slams the ref and pins him. Chessman counts. Now that’s funny. Chessman is beating Pagano up with a chair. Chessman continues to beat on Pagano. Pagano sneak attacks and hits a middle rope flip dive on Chessman and almost kills himself. That’s his charm though. There are ladders in the ring. This is a TLC match after all. Chessman attempts a coast to coast and well. That was something. Chessman drop kicks the ladder. Chessman then does a dive through the middle rope. Tormenta who is Chessman’s second comes in with a chair but Pagano kicked her. Chessman is busted open. Well so is Pagano. On the top rope Pagano drop kicks Chessman onto a table set up on the outside. Pagano barely misses the table in the ring. Pagano avoids mist from Chessman to show the gimmick he swallowed and do his own mist. Then he did a modified neck or back breaker. Can’t tell with Pagano for the win. Pagano pins Chessman with a modified neck back breaker.

Winner: Pagano

Lady Shani, Laredo Kid, and Hijo del Vikingo vs Texano Jr, Rey Escorpion, and La Hiedra

Vikingo starts hot drop kicks Texano to the outside only to get hit by Escorpion. Laredo Kid goes to the top and Hiedra pushes her off. Shani then attacks Hiedra. They double press Vikingo onto chairs in the crowd area. Ouch. Back in the ring the tecnicos fight back. Laredo Kid slaps Hiedra’s very exposed butt to a pop. Then him and Vikingo do asai moonsaults onto Texano and Escorpion. Shani hits a running knee attack on Hiedra from behind. Texano shoulder blocks Laredo Kid out of the ring. Back in the ring Kid does a michinoku driver then two middle rope moonsaults. Vikingo enters and tries to pick up momentum but Escorpion hits a spinning wheel kick. Vikingo fights back and springs on the middle rope, does a flip over the top rope onto Escorpion on the outside into a hurricanrana. A Dragonranna for short. Laredo goes for a splash to the outside but Texano and Escorpion catch him and toss him into the crowd. Vikingo goes for a middle rope dive and Rey moves and he crashes into the barricade. Now Shani is getting killed. She gets hit with a bull rope, then a package pile driver, then a neck breaker then the shield power bomb with Hiedra for the win. My goodness. La Hiedra pins Shani with a shield power bomb.

They beat up Shani after and steal her mask.

Winners: Rey Escorpion, Texano Jr, and La Hiedra

La Parka, Psycho Clown, and Puma King vs Blue Demon Jr, Killer Kross, and Daga

Kross is beating the crap out of La Parka. Demon is working on Psycho. Kross is now beating up Puma King. Daga is working over Parka. Finally Parka clotheslines Kross to the outside then hits a cross body to the outside. Clown hits a dive on Daga. Blue Demon wants no part of Parka. The cookie sheet from last night is back and Puma King is hitting Kross with it. Clown and Demon go back and forth. Clown hits the shot gun foot stomp in the corner. There’s some brawling happening with Kross and Parka. Kross slams Puma on a table. It doesn’t break. So he power bombs him and it kinda breaks. Clown does a michinoku driver through the table on Daga. Blue Demon kicks La Parka in the balls and pins him. This is like the 6th straight show heels win the main event. Blue Demon pins La Parka with a low blow.

They beat Psycho Clown after the match. Vikingo and Laredo Kid come out to help to no avail. Parka hits the rudos with a cookie sheets.

Winners: Blue Demon Jr, Killer Kross, and Daga

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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