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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (7/20/19)

LifeBlood VS Villain Enterprises!



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ROH Wrestling Television, Episode 409

This weekend may be filled with Mayhem and Mass Hysteria, there’s still plenty of madness on ROH TV! The World Six Man Tag Champions pulled one over on LifeBlood, but now LifeBlood looks for revenge! What goes down parallel to this wild weekend?



  • Four Corner Survival: Kenny King VS Dalton Castle VS Jonathan Gresham VS Jeff Cobb; Gresham wins.
  • Soldiers of Savagery VS Primal Fear; Soldiers of Savagery win.
  • Six Man Tag Street Fight: Villain Enterprises VS LifeBlood; LifeBlood wins.


Four Corner Survival: Kenny King VS Dalton Castle VS Jonathan Gresham VS Jeff Cobb!

ROH jumps right into the action, though this action looks to have started before cameras were even on. The Peacock is fired up as he has the Octopus on the ropes, but then the Hawaiian Juggernaut tags in! Dalton Castle turns to Kenny King for the same, but the K I N G leaves Castle hanging. Castle has no choice but to face Cobb as fans rally up. Cobb and Castle circle, but Castle is far more hyper. They tie up, and Cobb powers Castle back. Castle gets around for a waistlock, but Cobb standing switches and brings Castle down to the mat. Castle slips and around but Cobb does, too, and Cobb gut wrenches Castle up! But Castle scrambles and gets ropes, so the ref calls for a ropebreak. Cobb lets go but Castle back elbows him!

Castle runs but into a scoop. He escapes, only to miss the clothesline. Things speed up and Cobb hurdles Castle to then dropkick him down! Fans fire up with the insanely athletic Cobb, and then Cobb drags Castle up. Cobb makes this more of a tag match with Gresham as they tag. Castle scrambles away, and this allows King to tag in. King takes his time getting in, then bumrushes Gresham to run him over! King does a dance then trash talks, then runs. But Gresham gets the foot guard up and King stops in his tracks. King grabs the legs, but it’s a trap as Gresham smacks King’s hands together! Gresham ducks and fakes him out to then kick the leg and dropkick King down! Fans fire up with Gresham, and King even gives Gresham credit for that. But then he sucker punches Gresham in the mouth!

Gresham forearms back and now the two brawl. Gresham gets the edge but King stomps a foot and sweeps the legs. King kicks Gresham while he’s down, then tells Gresham to #BendTheKnee, before hitting him with a knee! Cover, TWO! King mocks Gresham before dropping an elbow. This again becomes more of a tag match than a Fatal 4 Way as King willingly tags Castle back in. Castle drops a knee on Gresham then drags him up to bump him off buckles. Castle throws elbows and clotheslines on Gresham, then hip tosses him down! Cover, TWO! Castle keeps on Gresham with a rolling choke hold, and he tags King back in.

King stomps Gresham and then scoop slams Gresham back down. King springboards to leg drop and cover, TWO! Gersham gets to ropes while King trash talks Cobb. King drags Gresham up and stomps him down while ROH goes to break.

ROH returns as Gresham knees out of King’s hold. King elbows Gresham but Gresham CHOPS back. King JABS, but Gresham CHOPS again. Gresham walks into a throat chop, but still leaps for Cobb’s corner! King catches Gresham and keeps him away, to then tag in Castle. Castle lets King Death Valley Gresham down to then fall for a splash! Cover, TWO! Castle grows frustrated and facelocks Gresham to grind him down. Fans rally up as Gresham works toward Cobb. But Castle clubs and gut wrenches Gresham around, and then the other way, for another big elbow. Castle gets between Gresham and Cobb and dares Cobb to do something, but then Gresham rolls Castle up! TWO, and Castle clobbers Gresham! Castle drags Gresham over and King tags in.

King stomps Gresham down and taunts Cobb himself now. King grabs Gresham but Gresham slips out to crawl for Cobb. Castle trips Cobb off the apron! Castle then uses that corner to tag off King! Castle grabs Gresham but King tags off Castle. King and Castle argue, but Gresham sneaks away to the far corner, to tag in Cobb! King and Castle see him, run at him, but miss for him to double clothesline them down! Cobb hauls Castle up for a pump handle suplex! Then Cobb waistlocks King for a German Suplex! Cobb runs at Castle for a flying uppercut! Then one for King! Fans fire up as Cobb yanks King up and into the cradle, for the Athletic Plex! Fans really fire up now, and Cobb covers King, but Castle breaks it! Castle wants Cobb to keep his cool, then he CHOPS Cobb! But Cobb doesn’t even flinch. Castle tries a haymaker, still nothing.

Castle shoves Cobb to a corner, and he bumps Gresham. Before a tag can be confirmed, Castle BOOTS Gresham off the corner! Cobb runs into a boot, then Castle hits the Sling-Dog! Gresham runs in and enziguris Castle! Gresham runs into King’s full nelson, which spins into the backbreaker! King goes to a corner and climbs up top. But Castle trips him up and runs side to side, only for Cobb to clobber him! Cobb heads for King but Gresham dropkicks Cobb down! King adjusts to blockbuster Gresham! King covers Gresham, TWO!! Gresham survives and now Cobb returns. Cobb grabs King and hoists him up top fast. King hits back, but leaps into a JACKHAMMER! Cover, TWO!! King still lives but Cobb vows to end it. But Castle returns, spins and elbows Cobb into King’s SPINEBUSTER!

Gresham gets a boot from Castle but King clotheslines Castle out. King goes to Gresham and blocks a boot to cradle for Blue Thunder Bomb! Cover, TWO! Gresham survives again and fans fire up. King goes outside and asks Amy Rose for some help. She gives over a shoe? King has that high heel and aims. But Cobb grabs that hand, only to get an enziguri! Castle rushes in at King but is sent out onto Cobb! But Gresham returns, with Amy’s shoe! Gresham clobbers King with the high heel! Roll up, tight pull, Gresham wins!!

Winner: Jonathan Gresham, by pinfall

The Octopus shows he can be a snake just like King! But being a gentleman, Gresham returns Amy’s shoe to her. Will Gresham continue to blur the lines on the way to finally becoming champion? Is King done using Amy for his own advantage?


Backstage interview with Shinobi Shadow Squad.

Cheeseburger, Ryan Nova and Eli Isom have an opportunity at the ROH Six Man Tag Championships, but how are they feeling? “We’re feeling pretty damn good!” Because after months and months of grinding, they’re finally #1 contenders! It will feel even greater when 3S takes those titles. They will storm Villain Enterprises and take what is theirs, leaving those boys bankrupt. Will the Villain and his cohorts fall to these three fired-up underdogs?


ROH looks back to War of the Worlds Weekend.

Specifically, the ROH World Tag Team Championship match between the Guerrillas of Destiny and The Briscoes. Both band of brothers battled all around the ring, both inside and out, but not even their best moves put the other team away. It was when The Briscoes went for Doomsday that GoD resorted to cheap tricks. While Mark Briscoe was crotch’d on the ropes, Tama Tonga raked Jay’s eyes and fed him to Tonga Loa’s belt shot! But that’s what leads us to Manhattan Mayhem’s New York Street Fight rematch! Will the Bullet Club still reign over both promotions? Or can #DemBoyz finally bring those ROH tag titles back home?


Soldiers of Savagery VS Primal Fear!

Joseph Kaun and Moses Maddox made a major impact in ROH when they attacked LifeBlood on behalf of Bully Ray, both on television and at Best in the World. But now they have their first-ever match on ROH TV! Will their opponents be shouting SOS after facing these two head-on?

The minute Kaun and Moses hit the ring, they deck their opponents! Moses CHOPS Soriano while Kaun TOSSES Omen across the ring! Then Moses brings Soriano to the opposite corner to ram him into the post! The Soldiers of Savagery drag Soriano back up and double CHOKE SLAM him down! Moses and Kaun then target Omen and bring him over for his own double choke slam! Cover, Soldiers of Savagery win!

Winners: Soldiers of Savagery, Kaun pinning

Dominate to say the least, and now they’re officially part of ROH’s Tag Team Division. How long before they make everyone scream “SOS!”


ROH prepares for a big Women of Honor showdown!

The inaugural WOH World Champion, Sumie Sakai, has fully recovered from her injuries suffered in the G1 Supercard Six Woman Tag, and is returning to action! But she’ll be against an aspiring star of the Women’s Division looking to make a name for herself. Will the Ray of Sunshine still shine against the hungry Karissa Rivera?


ROH Media follows Jay Lethal as he tries to talk with Johnathan Gresham.

Gresham doesn’t want to talk about his recent streak of sneaky wins. Lethal says Gresham didn’t need to stoop to Silas Young’s level at Best in the World, or to King’s level in the Four Corners! Gresham is one of the best pure wrestlers in the world, no one can match him when it comes to skill. Gresham talks back, “What’re you? My dad? The freakin’ wrestling police?” That’s not what Lethal is trying to do. Gresham tries to leave but Lethal won’t let him. Gresham says ROH isn’t the same anymore. He came here to restore honor, but he has failed. Too many ROH wrestlers cheat and lie, so Gresham is going to win at their game.

Think about this: Lethal couldn’t beat King for the exact same reasons, yet Gresham could! Gresham storms off, leaving Lethal to think long and hard on what he said. Is the honor in Ring of Honor truly gone?


ROH looks back to Best in the World 2019.

Flip Gordon helped LifeBlood against the Soldiers of Savagery, despite having lost to Bandido just earlier in the night. Bandido, Mark Haskins and Tracy Williams then extended an offer to Flip to join up! Flip accepted the LifeBlood T-shirt, but the Villain, Marty Scurll, interrupted on the titantron! He congratulated LifeBlood on standing tall, but Scurll had to rain on their parade. The same night LifeBlood gained a new ally, Villain Enterprises revealed its own new “employee.” Scurll scoured the Earth, and found the perfect new recruit right under his nose. “Ladies and gentlemen, he is the intern, he is the understudy, he is the mercenary.” It was… FLIP GORDON!! But how?!

And then Flip would attack LifeBlood and be reinforced by Scurll, Brody King and PCO! Villain Enterprises would lay waste to LifeBlood, topping it off with putting Tracy on a table, for FLIP to 450 crash through!! And that is what leads us to tonight’s main event!


LifeBlood returns to ROH TV!

Mr. Overkill, Mark Haskins, grabs a mic to say sup to Philly. “If you haven’t been keeping track, let me catch you up to date.” Best in the World saw Villain Enterprises get the better of LifeBlood by using their lackey Flip to trick and betray them. But they’re not going to take that lying down, so LifeBlood wants at Villain Enterprises NOW! The music plays, and Villain Enterprises appears! Scurll has his own mic to respond for his “firm.” “Why don’t you just calm right down, LifeBlood.” First of all, Scurll officially introduces the newest “employee,” Flip Gordon! Flip scowls and nods while fans are torn. Scurll says Flip doesn’t need to be in front of “these people.” Flip did his job at Best in the World. And so he gets the night off to watch how Villain Enterprises does business.

As for LifeBlood, they want their title match, don’t they? Nope! Those belts were already defended recently, so LifeBlood isn’t getting another chance. Hot Sauce Tracy speaks up, saying this isn’t even about the titles right now, so leave those “pieces of trash” behind. And since they’re on the street corner known for extreme violence, let’s up the ante and make tonight’s main event a PHILLY STREET FIGHT! Fans agree as they chant, “E C DUB! E C DUB!” Scurll chuckles, but he figures why not. “Be careful what you wish for.” With that, Villain Enterprises rushes the ring, and the fight is on!

Six Man Tag Street Fight: Villain Enterprises VS LifeBlood!

Haskins DIVES out onto Scurll while Tracy and Bandido brawl with Brody and PCO! The brawling is all over the place and the referee hurries to restore order. ROH goes to break, will the chaos continue when we return?

ROH returns, and so does the chaos! Haskins and Scurll still appear to be brawling outside the ring while Brody whips Bandido in the ring. But Bandido counters with a big swinging huricanrana! Brody is sent out to join PCO while Scurll and Haskins trade CHOPS. Bandido and Tracy build speed to DIVE and wreck their targets! Haskins pursues Scurll around the way and the brawl continues. Fans are fired up while Brody and PCO use big forearms and uppercuts to rock Bandido and Tracy back. Brody CHOPS Tracy while Haskins clobbers Scurll. Brody CHOPS Tracy more, and more CHOPS fly between Scurll and Haskins. PCO clubs Bandido down then looks at the timekeeper’s table. Scurll swings at Haskins but Haskins dodges, and Scurll CHOPS the post!

Haskins goes after that bad hand, while Tracy dodges Brody’s CANNONBALL! Brody wipes out into barriers while Haskins slams Scurll’s hand on the apron. Tracy saves Bandido from PCO’s table idea, and decide to turn things around on him. Haskins chokes Scurll with his vest while Tracy grabs some chairs. PCO gets in the ring but Tracy pursues and sits the chair up. Haskins brings more chairs but PCO clubs Tracy back. Scurll also gets back at Scurll while PCO brings Tracy in for a bomb. But Bandido runs and leaps off the chair for a shotgun dropkick! PCO staggers and Tracy coordinates with Bandido, double exploder sends PCO into buckles! Scurll and Brody run in to CHOP and toss those two out. Haskins gets in and sends Scurll into Brody before tossing Scurll out.

Haskins elbows and kicks away on Brody! But Brody eggs him on, so he gets a JAB! Haskins runs to boot Brody, then keeps moving, only for Scurll to SMACK Haskins with a chair! Brody catches Haskins as he falls forward, for a scrapbuster! Scurll hops in while Brody covers, TWO! Haskins gets to a corner but Scurll is on him with stomps. Bandido corkscrew moonsaults and wipes Brody out! Tracy has a kendo stick as he leaps at Scurll! Scurll dodges, but Tracy backwards SMACKS Scurll! Brody BOOTS Bandido down, but his chop is blocked by the kendo stick! Tracy catches the other backhand, then SMACKS Brody in the stomach! Brody sits down, and Tracy uses the kendo stick as part of an armlock! Tracy grinds the stick into Brody’s face, but he sees PCO coming with chairs.

Tracy releases Brody and regroups with Bandido, and PCO tosses the chairs to them?! And he wants them to hit him!? So Tracy JABS and Bandido SMACKS! But PCO only grows stronger! #HeisNOThuman as he barrels through with double clotheslines! Fans fire up as Scurll returns. They chant “E C DUB!” as Brody CANNONBALLS and takes out Bandido and Tracy! PCO goes out as Brody sets them back up. Brody boosts PCO for a second CANNONBALL! But Villain Enterprises isn’t done there, they bring out more kendo sticks and chairs! Scurll stomps Haskins down then turns him around for a Boston Crab! PCO climbs up and drops a leg on Haskins! Scurll then turns Haskins over again, to catapult into a kendo stick SMACK!

Haskins falls back against Scurll’s knees, and Brody sets a chair on him. Brody runs to drop a senton! It’s a s’mores of pain and Philly is thunderous as we go to break!

ROH returns once more, and Villain Enterprises has organized six chairs by a corner. They have Haskins in the corner, and Brody stands him up for a CHOP! Scurll CHOPS Haskins, and then Brody CHOPS Haskins again. Brody hauls Haskins up top and climbs up to join him. But Tracy and Bandido return to SMACK Scurll and PCO! Haskins fights back while Bandido SUPERKICKS PCO down! Tracy SMACKS Brody and both he and Bandido grab Brody. Brody resists his impending doom, but Haskins hops down to kick start the DOUBLE POWERBOMB onto the chairs!! Double cover, TWO!?! Brody might be as inhuman as PCO!

Scurll and PCO return and Scurll SMACKS away on LifeBlood. Scurll then fires up PCO with CHOPS! PCOand Scurll go after Haskins and bring him to the table by the ramp. Fans rally for PCO while Scurll sets the table with Haskins. PCO climbs but Bandido kicks him down! Bandido adjusts PCO’s position then climbs up to join him, SUPER STEINER sends PCO through the table!! Fans declare “This is Awesome!” PCO still stirs from the wreckage while LifeBlood regroups. They corner Scurll and Scurll begs for mercy. Scurll then grabs a kendo stick but gets a BOOT and a roll, to the Sharpshooter! Scurll endures the Overkill variation, and the SMACKS from Tracy! Tracy then hooks on for a kendo stick crossface!

Scurll endures two submissions at once, but Brody saves him! Brody CHOPS Tracy then CHOPS Haskins, repeat! CHOP after CHOP, but each man catches an arm! Haskins and Tracy grind Brody down, but Brody gets back up to spin and reel them into each other! Brody runs and clotheslines them both out! Fans rally and Brody fires up, to FLY onto them both! Philly hits a fever pitch as Scurll fires PCO up again. PCO runs and Scurll boosts him to FLY onto everyone else! But Scurll doesn’t see Bandido behind him, and gets a SUPERKICK! Scurll slumps out to join the rest, and Bandido climbs up again. Bandido SUPER CORKSCREW MOONSAULTS! All six men topple over as ROH goes to one last break!

ROH returns again and Bandido aims at PCO. Bandido springboards but PCO gets under. Bandido hurries to get a chair, and tosses it at PCO. PCO catches it, but Bandido shotgun dropkicks it into him! Bandido fireman’s carries PCO, for a Go To Sleep! PCO staggers to the ropes, and Bandido grabs another chair. Bandido sits the chair up, runs, slingshot to 24 Plex PCO onto the chair!! Cover, but Villain Enterprises breaks it just in time! Scurll SMACKS Bandido with a kendo stick, then checks on PCO. Brody fetches a fresh table! Philly again says “This is Awesome!” as the table is brought into the ring. Brody and Scurll set it up, but LifeBlood returns with kendo sticks! Haskins and Tracy SMACK away on Brody until the sticks break! Then they DOUBLE SMACK him down!

Tracy grabs a chair to replace the stick, but Brody sits up to SPIT on him and Haskins! So Tracy throws the chair at him, for Brody to catch it, and Haskins to SMACK it into his face with the kendo stick! But Scurll returns with his umbrella to SMACK Haskins, SMACK Tracy, and SMACK Bandido! Fans fire up as the Villain drags Bandido up and over to the table. Scurll sets Bandido on the table then climbs up top. But Bandido revives and uses Scurll’s own umbrella to SMACK Scurll! Then he enziguris Scurll before climbing back up. Scurll hits back with haymakers and then grabs the fingers! He SNAPS Bandido’s fingers, but Bandido gives an eye poke back! Bandido stands Scurll, for a SUPER FALL AWAY MOONSAULT through the table!!! Bandido crawls to a cover, and LifeBlood wins!!

Winners: LifeBlood, Bandido pinning

This wasn’t just a Philly Street Fight, this was a gat dang WAR!! But most of all, LifeBlood pinned the ROH World Six Man Tag Champions! Will this be what they need to get another shot at those titles?


ROH hears from the Briscoes.

“It’s a story as old as time itself.” Two American brothers against two Mexican brothers. Jay Briscoe is of course talking about next week’s match of #DemBoyz VS Rush and Dragon Lee. Mark tells them that them Hermanos never met gringos like these two. They are Chicos Blancos Locos! Say it with ’em! Them Crazy White Boys are ready, y’all better watch this! The Briscoes are ready, but will they be bringing the ROH World Tag Team Championships with them when it’s hermanos VS hermanos?



My Thoughts:

A great episode of ROH right here! It’s a little odd that we jumped into a Four Corners Survival partway through, but it was still a good match with its odd but clever pseudo-tag match portion. And it branches into an interesting twist in Jonathan Gresham’s story. He’s starting to abandon his technical wrestling beliefs, and now he might go Heel in the process! A Heel Gresham VS Jay Lethal would be a great story, and if Gresham comes out on top, this could be what finally gets Gresham to an ROH championship. Of course, all the champions are essentially Heel, namely the World Television and THE World title. The Soldiers of Savagery did good in their debut squashing another Future of Honor call-up in Primal Fear. There’s still a way for them to circle back and be Bully Ray’s boys, but for now it seems they’re just a new menacing Heel tag team.

Hearing about Sumie Sakai’s in-ring return is going to be great, and I’m sure Karissa Rivera can give her a great match. Maybe Sumie becomes an ally for Kelly Klein as The Allure continues to run around doing what they want. For that matter, Sumie, Kelly and Maria Manic would make quite the trio against Mandy Leon & The Beautiful People. And sad to say, I don’t think Shinobi Shadow Squad is winning those Six Man titles. Especially not after that insanely amazing main event! It is almost a shame tonight’s EPIC Six Man Street Fight wasn’t for the titles, because it was really on the level of such a match. But LifeBlood winning, there’s promise that we could see a Triple Threat and therefore NINE MAN match for those titles at the next big ROH PPV, such as Summer Supercard. That PPV will need this to compete with WWE’s events the following two days.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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