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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (7/29/19)

Raw is only getting wilder as SummerSlam draws closer!



WWE Raw Cover image

Raw is on fire in the summer heat!

So much is happening this close to SummerSlam! Rollins VS Ziggler, a “Samoan Summit”, and the Raw Tag Team Championships on the line in a Triple Threat match!



  • WWE 24/7 Championship Mosh Pit Mixed Tag Match: The Fabulous Truth VS Drake Maverick & Renee Michelle; The Fabulous Truth wins and Truth retains the WWE 24/7 Championship.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Uhhh Match: Mike Kanellis wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Championship.
  • WWE United States Championship #1 Contender Gauntlet Match: Ricochet wins and will challenge AJ Styles for the title at SummerSlam.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship Co-Ed Match: Mike Kanellis VS Maria Kanellis; Maria wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • Raw Tag Team Championship Triple Threat: The Revival VS The Usos VS The OC; The OC wins and become the new Raw Tag Team Champions.
  • The Viking Raiders VS Cole Carter & Johnny James; The Viking Raiders win.
  • Becky Lynch VS Alexa Bliss w/ Nikki Cross; Lynch wins, by stoppage.
  • Becky Lynch VS Nikki Cross w/ Alexa Bliss; Lynch wins.
  • Seth Rollins VS Dolph Ziggler; Rollins wins, by disqualification.


To be a champion is to achieve greatness.

For years, the WWE Championship has been that standard, but it was May 20, 2019 that bore a new ear! The 24/7 Championship! A title that is always on the line, anywhere, anytime! Against anyone, too! Even legends have held it! A championship unlike any other, and it opens Raw!


WWE 24/7 Championship Mosh Pit Mixed Tag Match: The Fabulous Truth VS Drake Maverick & Renee Michelle!

By “mosh pit”, they mean Lumberjack. Mr. & Mrs. Rockstar Spud walk out first while superstars like Titus O’Neil, Curt Hawkins and Heath Slater stand around the ring. Then Truth and Carmella make their entrance and Little Rock says, “What’s Up?!” But between having tag partners and potential contenders ringside, will either Truth or Maverick walk away with this era defining championship?

Carmella and Renee want at each other already, but Maverick and Truth keep the peace. Maverick and Truth start, and the bell rings. Maverick rolls Truth up! TWO, and Truth is mad! Truth hip tosses Maverick down hard, then says, “What’s up!?” for the splits and running, pop-locking leg drop! Cover, TWO! Maverick crawls but Truth is on him to whip. Maverick reverses but Truth holds ropes. Truth does a dance and then eggs Maverick on. Maverick falls for it and is sent flying out! The Lumberjacks catch Maverick and carry him around to put back on the apron. Truth yanks Maverick in, then gives him a flapjack! Cover, but Renee breaks it!

Mella goes after her and starts throwing hands! Maverick breaks up the cat fight, but Carmella SLAPS him! Truth kicks low, then hits the gourd buster! Cover, Truth and Carmella win!

Winners: The FABULOUS Truth, R-Truth pinning; Truth retains the WWE 24/7 Championship

But now that this match is over, doesn’t that mean…? The Lumberjacks get to be contenders! And they all rush the champ! They’re all on him, but that doesn’t count as a cover, does it? It does?! The referee counts three!!

Winner: Uhhhh; NEW WWE 24/7 Champion

And the one who comes out of the Rugby scrum is… MIKE KANELLIS!! He has redeemed himself by running away with the gold! Will Maria accept him as a real man now?

Mike scrambles backstage and looks for anywhere to hide. The only option is the WWE Officials office! Everyone rushes the door, but Maria shouts at them. Her baby starts acting up, and the men clear out. She wants him to come out of there right now! Who is it?! It’s Maria, you idiot! How does he know someone isn’t lying? Because she’ll bust down that door and kick him in his vagina!! Oh… He lets her in, and now Mr. and Mrs. Kanellis can talk this out. Is Mike finally going to get his manhood back?


WWE United States Championship #1 Contender Gauntlet Match!

Five stars make this a five-star gauntlet by default! But who will be the star that faces the Phenomenal AJ Styles at Summerslam? First up, it’s the King of Lucha Libre, Rey Mysterio! He knows a little about outlasting competition, but who does he meet first in this summer blockbuster?

Rey Mysterio VS Cesaro!

The Swiss Cyborg is up first! Will either he or Mysterio make it to the end of this grueling match?

The bell rings and Mysterio circles with Cesaro. Cesaro waistlocks, slams and rolls Mysterio to a cover. ONE, but Cesaro rolls for another, ONE! Cesaro tries a third time, TWO! Mysterio fights out of the headlock and ducks down to waistlock. Cesaro standing switches but so does Mysterio. Cesaro can’t elbow out and Mysterio trips him up to a European Clutch, TWO! Mysterio kicks and whips but Cesearo reverses. Mysterio goes up and over and headscissors Cesaro down to a victory roll, TWO! Cesaro narrowly escapes, then CLOBBERS Mysterio with a clothesline! Cesaro drops elbows then covers, ONE! Mysterio crawls but Cesaro stomps him down. Cesaro puts Mysterio in a corner and gives those European Uppercuts! Then he puts on a sleeper to grind Mysterio down.

AJ Styles watches backstage as fans rally up for Mysterio. Mysterio fights up and out, but Cesaro reverses. Cesaro runs into a boot, and Mysterio hops up, to headscissor Cesaro out. But Cesaro lands on his feet! Only for Mysterio to spin and send him into the apron! Cesaro is down but Mysterio positions him to run out, to SLIDE! Sliding splash hits, but it is a little double-edged with that knee bumping the floor. Mysterio still gets Cesaro up and in, and then springboards for a flying headscissor! Cesaro ends up on the ropes, Mysterio dials it up, but Cesaro bails out. Mysterio still wrecks him with a dropkick, and then slides for another headscissors! Cesaro is practically in the front row as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and now Mysterio is struggling to get back in, but he gets in at 9.5! Cesaro is right on Mysterio with double stomps! And then drags him to a drop zone for an elbow! Cover, TWO! Cesaro keeps on Mysterio with a modified camel clutch. Fans rally for Mysterio as he endures, and Mysterio fights out. Mysterio elbows free but is thrown into buckles. Cesaro puts Mysterio up top and then climbs to join him. Styles still watches as Mysterio fights Cesaro off. Mysterio furiously clubs Cesaro and headbutts him down! Then leaps for a seated senton! But he keeps moving,t o slide and tilt-o-whirl to send Cesaro into buckles! But Cesaro sunset flips, only for Mysterio to roll through and buzzsaw! Cover, TWO!!

Mysterio keeps his cool while catching his breath. Mysterio gives the numbers and fans rally. He whips but Cesaro reverses, only to miss, but then EUROUPPER the springboard crossbody down! Cover, TWO!! Cesaro drags Mysterio into the Gotch, and sits down on Mysterio’s sunset flip. Then BOOTS Mysterio back down! Cover, TWO! Cesaro is shocked and frustrated, but he looms over Mysterio. He gut wrenches Mysterio right up into a crucifix! But Mysterio pops out to huricanrana Cesaro into a post! Mysterio stands on the apron and climbs up. He scrapes Cesaro off before reaching the top, only to get another uppercut! Cesaro drags Mysterio up to a fireman’s carry, and then climbs up with him! But Mysterio fights out!

Little Rock fires up as Mysterio adjusts, but his super steiner is blocked! Cesaro lifts Mysterio but Mysterio fights more! Mysterio headbutts then pops around, SUPER WHEELBARROW BULLDOG! Both men get up, and Cesaro’s on the ropes! 6 1 9!! And to top it off, a Frog Splash! Cover, Mysterio ELIMINATES Cesaro! But now he must face… Sami Zayn!

Rey Mysterio VS Sami Zayn!

And the crafty Critic of the Critics goes right at Mysterio with furious fists! The referee backs Sami off while fans boo. Saim dares Mysterio to stand, and then runs over, but his boot misses! Mysterio rolls Sami up, and ELIMINATES him! Sami got ahead of himself, and now he’s completely out of this match! The referees pull Sami back while Mysterio finally has time to rest. But next, it’s El Idolo!

Rey Mysterio VS Andrade Almas w/ Zelina Vega!

These two have met in instant classics from SmackDown, but now this could be their most pivotal encounter. Can Mysterio get another elimination when Raw returns?

Raw returns, and Almas ties up with Mysterio. Almas powers Mysterio to a corner but lets up to give a sharp shove. He dares Mysterio to bring the fight, and the two circle. They tie up again and Mysterio waistlocks. Almas elbows out hard, then wrenches and clubs the arm. Vega likes what she sees as Almas hammerlocks and grinds Mysterio down. Styles is still watching as Mysterio dragon flags and rebounds, but has to elbow free. Mysterio headlocks but Almas puts him back in a corner, to CHOP! Fans rally for Rey and he dodges a chop to give a CHOP! Mysterio whips but Almas reverses, only for Mysterio to go up and over. Mysterio tilt-o-whirl crossbodies, cover, TWO!

Vega is upset as Mysterio brings Almas up into a headlock. Almas powers out and sends Mysterio into buckles. Then he throws Mysterio down to cover, TWO! Almas whips Mysterio then hits a clothesline. Mysterio flops to the mat and Almas soaks up the heat. Vega tells Almas to keep on Mysterio and he stomps Mysterio around. Almas runs to basement shotgun dropkick Mysterio! Cover, TWO! Almas throws Mysterio out sliding to the mat! Fans boo as Almas heads out to fetch Mysterio. He follows Mysterio to clobber him from behind! Vega fist bumps Almas before he puts Mysterio back in the ring. Almas stands Mysterio to CHOP him! Mysterio CHOPS back! Almas knees low, then shoves, only for Mysterio to kick back!

Mysterio springboards, Almas catches him for a snap suplex counter! Almas pays tribute to Eddie Guerrero with one amigo, then dos amigo, and then a shimmy and shake before the third! Mysterio is down and Almas climbs, to moonsault! Mysterio avoids that, but not the second! Cover, TWO! Vega grows frustrated for Almas, but Almas drags Mysterio back up. Fans rally for Mysterio and Mysterio enziguris back! Almas is on the ropes, Mysterio dials it up, but the 619 is caught into a spinning backbreaker! And then hammerlock, LA SOMBRA! Cover, Almas ELIMINATES Mysterio! And then adds insult to injury with stomps! He rips Mysterio’s mask apart!! But here comes the One and Only!

Ricochet fights Almas off, springboard clothesline takes Almas down! Almas bails out and Ricochet checks on Mysterio. The final round of this gauntlet begins after the break!

Ricochet VS Andrade Almas w/ Zelina Vega!

This is it! One man will face AJ Styles at SummerSlam, but will it be the King of Flight looking for revenge? Or will it be El Idolo fighting for his first championship in the WWE?

Raw returns as these two tie up and go around. Almas puts Ricochet in the corner but he lets up at 4 to give a little slap. Ricochet is mad but Almas backs away to another corner. They go again, and Ricochet waistlocks. Almas elbows but Ricochet ducks to trip him up! Styles still watches as things speed up. Ricochet dodges and Almas rolls, for Ricochet to roll off Almas’ back and headscissors him down! Then dropkick! Almas bails out, Ricochet runs, but Vega tries to trip him up. Almas runs in but gets punches from Ricochet! Ricochet whips Almas to a corner and runs in, but is put on the apron. Ricochet bumps and KICKS Almas away! But Vega anchors his feet! Almas blasts Ricochet off the apron!

Fans boo as Vega and Almas soak up the heat. The ring count begins, and Almas CHOPS Ricochet at the barriers. Fans rally for Ricochet but Almas throws him into barriers. Almas gets in the ring, and Ricochet follows. Almas stomps Ricochet into the corner, but backs off at the ref’s count. He CHOPS Ricochet, and Vega laughs. She enjoys watching Almas knee and elbow Ricochet in the corner. Almas whips Ricochet corner to corner but Ricochet boots, somersaults and shotgun dropkicks Almas down! Both men are on the mat but fans rally up. Ricochet stands but Almas follows. They head for each other and Ricochet throws counter punches. Ricochet ducks Almas’ haymaker to hit forearms! Ricochet starts rallying, huricanrana sends him to a corner!

Almas stands, Ricochet runs in to shoulder and slide out. Springboard but Almas gets under. Ricochet comes back, but Almas hip tosses him into buckles! Vega tells Almas to go for the knees, and Almas fires up. Almas runs corner to corner, CIEN SHADOWS! Cover, TWO!! Ricochet still lives and Almas is frustrated. Vega keeps him focused, and he drags Ricochet up. Ricochet slips out of the hammerlock to cradle, TWO! Almas kicks low, then runs, but into the dropkick-flip! Boot feint to elbow! REVERSE-RANA!! Cover, TWO!! Ricochet keeps moving, going up top. Almas trips him up, throws forearms and climbs up to join him. They brawl up top with forearms and elbows, and Ricochet sends Almas down! Ricochet adjusts, for the 630 SENTON!! Cover, Ricochet wins!!

Winner: Ricochet, by pinfall; NEW #1 Contender to the WWE United States Championship

The One and Only gets the win and now has a chance at redemption! Will Ricochet be able to prove once and for all he’s better than Phenomenal?

In-ring interview with Ricochet.

He has punched his ticket to Toronto! When he beat Samoa Joe to become champion, no one believed it. It was surreal even for him. But Ricochet has learned that people believe what they can see. So at SummerSlam, when he wins the title again, everyone will believe in Ricochet! Styles “applauds” backstage, but will Styles be smiling after this rematch?


Mike and Maria Kanellis are still talking backstage.

He’s a champion! He can be respected now! And he did it for them. Did he? Get on his back. What? Get, on, your, back. “Like usual.” Because there’s a referee. Maria, no. Yes. She’s pinning him so that her child can have a champion for a parent. Mike concedes, and he covers with a foot. The ref counts, and Maria wins!

Winner: Maria Kanells, by pinfall; NEW WWE 24/7 Champion

And the first ever pregnant mother champion! She walks the hall to brag. The inaugural champion, Titus O’Neil, can’t do a thing about it. Maria even dares them to pin her at her OBGYN if they want. Is Maria going to carry this title to term?


Raw Presents: A Moment of Bliss!

The Goddess and her best friend/co-host take their seats and take a moment to shout out the new and pregnant WWE 24/7 Champion, Maria Kanellis. Another boundary broken, very inspiring. Nikki Cross agrees. Another inspiring moment was last week’s Raw Reunion! Stone Cold closing the show, Nikki had goosebumps. Everyone was in awe. Stone Cold said it best that they’re all family. They are, aren’t they? But then on SmackDown, Dolph Ziggler betrays the family by superkick-ing HBK! Alexa was appalled, really. He ruined the Raw Reunion mood. But he’s not the only one. Didn’t you see what happened earlier today? Alexa warns that this footage is very disturbing.

The footage she means is from before the show. Superstars were practicing holds, namely the Disarm-Her. Finlay is helping Natalya, and Becky Lynch storms in! She seems upset that her Irish role model is helping the enemy, and she knees Finlay low! Then she grabs Natty in the Disarm-Her! The trainees clear out and Becky is making Natty suffer! Finlay pulls Becky off but Becky says, “See you in Toronto!” Fans still cheer for Becky, though. Are they condoning such terrible behavior? That’s awful! Finlay was just trying to help Natty, and Becky attacks them both! Yes, fans do like that. That is not how the Raw Women’s Champion should be. Becky attacked Natty on A Moment of Bliss. It’s like Becky doesn’t want Natty to make it to SummerSlam.

Alexa says that when she faces Becky, she’ll knock The Man down a few pegs. But Becky talks via titantron! Don’t hurt yourself turn around too quick. But Becky felt she needed to warn her. This is 1v1 tonight. Say what you want now, because you’ll pay for it later. As for Nikki, did she really come from Scotland just to be Alexa’s coffee girl? Where is her Celtic pride? Natty learned there’s nowhere to run, nowhere to hide when you’ve done Becky wrong. The same goes for Alexa. See you later tonight. Alexa and Nikki try to brush it off, but Day One Ish barges in! The Usos ain’t missing Raw for nothin’! Because it’s a Triple Threat tag title match tonight! And the Usos will prove why they’re the best! Welcome to the Uso Penitentiary, up next!


Raw Tag Team Championship Triple Threat: The Revival VS The Usos VS The OC!

Jimmy & Jey are all fired up, but will that be enough to overcome the #TopGuys and the Good Brothers? Will Dash Wilder & Scott Dawson #SayYeah to beating two great tag teams at once? Or will the champions be #TooSweet after tonight?

Raw returns as Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson make their entrance. The Revival follow after, and the introductions are made. The belts are raised, and the teams sort out. We begin this Triple Threat with Scott Dawson and Jimmy Uso, with the OC as the odd men out.

Dawson and Jimmy circle, but they have to be careful of the OC’s corner. Dawson headlocks and throws Jimmy down. Jimmy headscissors back and squeezes tight. Dawson moves around and pops out to get his headlock back. Dash applauds but Jimmy fights his way up. Jimmy pries against the hold and reverses the headlock onto Dawson. Dawson powers out but Jimmy runs him over! Jimmy runs and things speed up, Dawson elbows Jimmy down! Dawson drags Jimmy up and to the open corner to bump off buckles. Dawson CHOPS Jimmy, then taunts him. He stands Jimmy up for haymakers, and then a back suplex! Tag to Dash and Dash slingshots to headbutt! Cover, TWO!

Dash is annoyed but he keeps on Jimmy with a CHOP! Jimmy uppercuts and CHOPS back! And CHOPS Dash to the corner! Tag to Jey, and Jey makes sure Dawson sees the forearm smash on Dash! Snapmare and falling headbutt of his own! Cover, TWO! Jey has Dash for another CHOP, and then puts him in the open corner. But Dash turns it around to bump Jey, and throws a EuroUpper! Dash bumps Jey again and tags in Dawson. The Revival mug Jey with ax handles, and Dawson wraps on another chinlock. Fans rally up and Jey fights his way up. Dawson wrenches tighter but Jey fights back. Dawson kicks low and lifts, but Jey avoids a piledriver with a back drop! Dash tags in, but gets a mule kick!

Jey brings Dash into the Usos corner and tags in Jimmy. Jey feeds Dash to Jimmy’s uppercut! Cover, TWO! Tag back to Jey, and Jey climbs for ax handles on Dash’s arm! Jey has Dash in a mounted armlock, and Dash endures. Dash pulls hair and pulls Jey back to a corner. Dawson tags in and The Revival mug Jey more. Dawson whips and wraps Jey into a sleeper! Jey reaches but is stranded from help. Fans rally up and Jey fights up to snapmare Dawson off. Tag to Dash and Dash clubs Jey down! Dash brings Jey up and to the top rope of the open corner. Dash climbs up to club away but Jey fights back. Jey headbutts Dash down, and hits a crossbody! Cover, TWO! Jey whips Dash back to that corner but Dash reverses. Jey goes up and over, to uppercut Dash down!

Dash stands and dumps Jey out. Gallows CLOBBERS Jey because he can! The Usos are in trouble now as we go to break.

Raw returns and Anderson is in as he has Jey in a chinlock. Fans rally up and Jey fights up, but Anderson wrangles him back down. The Revival have to support the Usos now so that they don’t lose the tag titles for the #TopGuys. Jey fights up again as fans rally, but Anderson clubs him down. Anderson puts Jey in the OC corner for the rocket kick! Cover, TWO! Styles is watching this backstage, too, and he knows how close his Good Brothers were. Anderson tags Gallows and the OC mug Jey in the corner with big haymakers! Gallows hammers Jey down and fans duel. Gallows takes off his elbow pad to drop an elbow on Jey! Cover, TWO! The Revival are relieved but still upset as Gallows wraps on a chinlock.

Jey endures the squeeze again, but fights to his feet. The Revival want him to go their way, but he obviously wants his brother Jimmy. Jey jawbreakers free but Anderson tags in! Anderson whips Jey hard into buckles, then covers, TWO! Anderson drags Jey up for punches, but the Revival ask, “How you feelin’, Uce?” The Machine Gun bumps Jey off buckles and then gets on the armlock. Jey still endures, and fans rally again. Jey fights out but Anderson clubs him again. Anderson back supelxes but Jey lands on his feet to uppercut Anderson down! Hot tags to Jimmy and Dash! Jimmy rallies on the Revival, mule kick and uppercut for Dash! Dash escapes the Samoan Drop, but gets the enziguri! Jimmy kicks and uppercuts Dawson now!

Hip attack for Dawson! Dash puts Jimmy on the apron but gets another kick! Jimmy fights off Gallows then hurries up top! Crossbody but Dash rolls through! Dash scoops Jimmy but Jimmy slips out to shove Dash into Anderson! SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO!! Jimmy is exhausted, but he wills himself back up as fans rally. Dash is in the corner, Dawson grabs Jimmy in theirs! Jimmy fights him off, gives Dash the atomic drop! But Dash tagged to Dawson! Electric Chair, Doomsday Bulldog! Cover, but Anderson breaks it! Dash runs in but is thrown back out! Dawson kicks Anderson and suplexes, but goes tumbling with him! YAKUZA KICK from Gallows! Dash runs, gets caught, but uses that for a tornado DDT! But Jey DIVES onto Dash!

Fans fire up as those five are down and out on the outside. Jimmy gets up top now, but Dawson punches him first! Dawson CHOPS Jimmy then throws more hands! Dawson bumps him off the post! Jimmy slumps over and Dawson climbs up to join him. Dawson wants to superplex to the outside?! Jimmy steals that idea, and SUPERPLEXES Dawson onto the group!! All six men go down in a heap but Little Rock is thunderous! “This is Awesome!” but far from over! Jimmy is up first and he drags Dawson’s dead weight into the ring. Jimmy hurries to a corner, climbs up, USO SPLASH! But Dawson avoids it, Gallows tags in! Jimmy hits Gallows, but turns into a SHATTER MACHINE! But Jey crossbodies the Revival out! SPINEBUSTER from Anderson to Jey! MAGIC KILLER!! Cover, The OC win!!

Winner: The OC, Luke Gallows pinning; NEW Raw Tag Team Champions

The Original, the Official, and the ONLY Club that matters! This victory was #TooSweet, and now the OC is golden! But will it stay golden after Styles faces Ricochet in Toronto?


AJ Styles prepares a #TooSweet buffet!

But Kayla Braxton asks him about his coming title defense as well as the OC winning the tag titles. But speaking of, here they come! It’s PARTY TIME!! Spray the champagne! Eat the food! Will the OC enjoy the party while it still lasts?


The Viking Raiders VS Cole Carter and Johnny James!

Erik and Ivar will not stop the warpath they are on until they’ve dominated Raw! They’ve already left many opponents completely devastated, will that continue here tonight?

Erik starts against Johnny, and he DECKS him at the bell! Johnny crawls and Erik dares Carter to tag in with a glare. Carter decides he’s better off living. But Ivar comes outta nowhere with a heel kick! Erik has Johnny in the corner and Ivar stacks Carter in. Shotgun knees sends Carter into Johnny! Then tag to Ivar, and the Warbeard runs in for a DOUBLE Bronco Buster! Ivar tags Erik back in and each man takes an opponent. Ivar helps Erik stack them, powerslam powerbomb combo! Then Johnny gets THOR’S HAMMER! Cover, the Viking Raiders win!

Winners: The Viking Raiders, Erik pinning

The raid continues on! Will the OC be the next to have a #VikingExperience now that they’re the champions?


The Street Profits watch Raw backstage.

Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins are loving what they’ve been seeing. Those vikings are still raiding, Ricochet is headed to SummerSlam, and the OC are Raw Tag Team Champions. And to top it all of, Maria won the WWE 24/7 Championship off her husband! Why? Because she’s untouchable while pregnant! Yeah she is. Wait what? Dawkins, do you recall how Maria said Mike might not be the father. Is he the baby daddy? Has he been “knitty gritty” with Maria? Don’t spread rumors, fam. Well if you did, she’s got him by 18 years. Not funny! But then Seth Rollins comes by! The Profits high five the Architect. But he can’t have any of that “happiness” in a cup, he’s got to fight the Show-Off on HBK’s behalf. The locker room has Rollins’ back, and is sure Rollins will #BurnIt-

Whoa whoa whoa! Rollins likes the Profits, but that’s his thing. Right, sorry. But if they are going to do it, put some real fire behindit! Rollins IS going to #BURNITDOWN! Will the Beastslayer avenge Shawn Michaels on the way to facing The Beast?


Becky Lynch VS Alexa Bliss w/ Nikki Cross!

The Man told The Goddess she’d have to pay for her trash talk, and here it is! But will Becky be the one to pay for punking out the Queen of Harts during training?

The bell rings and fans still cheer Becky. Alexa covers her ears to block it out. Becky dares Alexa to take a shot, but Alexa refuses to take the bait. But then she tries, and Becky is ready! Becky waistlocks and throws Alexa around. Becky then floats to a facelock, but Alexa slips out. Alexa can’t get away as Becky gets it back on. Becky snap suplexes Alexa down, and then drags her away from the ropes. Alexa flops on the mat, but scrambles to escape the Disarm-Her! Becky makes it a La Magistrol, TWO! Alexa throws Becky into ropes and stands on her! The ref counts and Alexa backs off, for Nikki to get a cheap shot in! Alexa then dropkicks Becky down and Becky hits the floor! Alexa waits as the ring count climbs.

Fansr ally but Alexa is on Becky at the apron. Alexa brings her in, but Becky fires back! Becky throws big knees, then runs to forearm Alexa down! Fans fire up with Becky but Nikki is upset. Becky hops up but Alexa yanks her down! Cover, TWO! Alexa chokes Becky on the ropes then stomps a mudhole in the corner. Fans still cheer Becky and it annoys Alexa. Becky fights back and rolls Alexa up, TWO! Alexa clotheslines Becky back down, then wraps her up in a seated Abdominal Stretch. Alexa clamps a claw onto the ribs and even bites Becky’s hand! Becky fights out as fans rally up, whips Alea, but Alexa tilt-o-whirls, only to get in the Disarm-Her! Alexa rolls Becky, TWO, DIVINE RIGHT! Then she drops knees for Insult2Injury! Cover, TWO!

Alexa tries again fast, ONE! Alexa grounds ‘n’ pounds Becky then covers a third time, TWO! Nikki keeps Alexa focused while fans rally up for Becky. Alexa tries more knees but misses! Becky dropkicks Alexa down! Becky whip but Alexa reverses to send Becky out. Alexa follows but gets kicks! Alexa fights off the exploder to clobber Becky down! She kicks Becky while she’s down, too. Nikki keeps cheering Alexa, but Becky boots back! Becky dodges in the corner to lariat! Becky rallies but misses one kick, to hit the second try. She scoops Alexa, for the Becksploder! Alexa holds her leg and the ref rushes in to check on her. She clutches her ankle while Nikki comforts her.

The medics hurry over and help Alexa out of the ring. The referee tells the announcer, and this match must be called off.

Winner: Becky Lynch, by stoppage

The Raw Women’s Champion gets her win, but not the way she wanted. Will The Man get a win against Natalya like this?

Wait, Nikki Cross talks back to Becky. Nikki blames Becky for what happened, and wants to finish this fight on Alexa’s behalf! Becky looks just as ready to fight, but we’ll see if this goes down after the break!


Becky Lynch VS Nikki Cross!

It seems this Celtic confrontation IS happening! Alexa sits ringside, her bad ankle propped up on a chair. Will Nikki avenge the fallen Goddess? Or will The Man rack up two wins in one night?

The bell rings, and Nikki rants at Becky. Then she shoves Becky! And again! Becky keeps her cool, but then counter punches Nikki and bumps her off buckles! Becky whips Nikki corner to corner and hits a Straight Firearm! She fires off punches and kicks and snapmares Nikki, to then run over with a shoulder! Nikki scrambles to a corner but elbows Becky back. Nikki boots Becky down then climbs up. Becky hurries over but gets the crossbody! Cover, TWO! Nikki is still furious as she drags Becky up and clubs her down. Nikki puts Becky in a corner to headbutt and snapmare. Fans still rally for Becky as Nikki puts her in a straitjacket stretch. Alexa fights back the tears as she watches her friend fight for her.

Becky endures then fights up and arm-drags out. But Nikki counters the scoop to a slam! Cover but Becky slips out, and elbows Nikki back. Becky dodges to jump kick Nikki down! Becky tosses Nikki out but Nikki hotshots her back! Nikki climbs again, but Becky trips her up! Nikki falls to the mat, and then Becky boots her into buckles! Becksploder denied, so the Man Handle Slam will have to do! Cover, Becky wins again!

Winner: Becky Lynch, by pinfall

Two matches in a row and two victories, too! But then Alexa is “all better”! She attacks Becky with stomps in the corner, and Nikki joins in. But then it’s… Natalya to the rescue?! She runs Alexa and Nikki off, to put on the SHARPSHOOTER! Natty gives Becky some payback, and doesn’t let go until she’s satisfied! Natty leaves Becky behind with just a taste of what’s to come in Toronto! Who wins when the Queen of Harts has home field advantage?


Backstage interview with Natalya.

The pursuit of a title ruins many a friendship, is their friendship forever damaged/ It’s not about friends, it’s about being professional. And after Natty beats Becky, Becky won’t want to shake her hand. Natty wouldn’t shake Becky’s hand, anyway. In fact, Natty wants their match to be a Submission Match! The superior Sharpshooter VS the inferior Disarm-Her. But Becky probably doesn’t have the guts, so Natty isn’t actually issuing said challenge. Will Becky still accept Natty’s challenge anyway?


Maria Kanellis takes photos as the new WWE 24/7 Champion.

And again, the first-ever pregnant champ. Get her good side to make her baby bump look nice. Anyone wanna try her? No? Okay, no more pics. Send the good ones. But then Braun Strowman walks in? Is he seriously crowding a pregnant woman? Her estrogen is super high right now. Not that a man would understand. Men understand making babies, but not caring for the baby. Monster Among Men, show her how strong you are. Strowman growls while Maria walks away. Will someone #GetTheseHands before the night is over?


Seth Rollins VS Dolph Ziggler!

The Architect became an honorary member of the Kliq/Degeneration X during Raw Reunion, and as such, felt compelled to confront the Show-Off for what he did to HBK. Will Rollins avenge the Miz TV brawl Ziggler had with Miz and Shawn Michaels? Or will Ziggler prove when it comes to being seen as the best, #ItShouldHaveBeenMe?

Ziggler mocks HBK as he comes out with the music, the jacket, and the pose! “Oh what happened?” Aw, did everyone just lose their smile? Everyone should be thanking Ziggler! Ziggler made sure the “embarrassments” won’t want to come back. HBK, Goldberg, none of them will take the young stars’ spots! And now, Rollins gets to face the real main event, the real headliner, and the real Showstealer! Ziggler’s parody of HBK continues, up until the bell rings and Rollins clobbers him! Rollins watches Ziggler get up, and clotheslines him out! Then he follows around the way to throw Ziggler into barriers! Rollins drags Ziggler around and bumps him off the apron, then more barriers! Ziggler is practically in the front row!

Rollins puts Ziggler back in the ring to rain down rights! Ziggler scrambles away but Rollins follows. Ziggler mule kicks and haymakers, but Rollins blocks the barrier shot to dump Ziggler into the front row again! Rollins punches Ziggler down then tosses him in the ring. Rollins drags Ziggler up and snapmares him to swiftly kick him in the back! Then he runs to drop the knee! Ziggler bails out to the apron, but Rollins follows again. Ziggler kicks the rope to get Rollins low! Then satellite DDT to the apron! Rollins is down and out while we go to break!

Raw returns again and Rollins ducks to CHOP and punch Ziggler back! Punch, CHOP, repeat, then a whip. Ziggler reverses but Rollins reverses back to DECK him with that rolling elbow! Rollins powers Ziggler to a corner to fire off furiously! The ref backs Rollins off, but Rollins just runs to Slingblade Ziggler down! Cover, TWO! Rollins is still furious but he keeps focus as he brings Ziggler up. Ziggler elbows back and uses the ropes for the pin! TWO, but Ziggler jumps for the satellite. Rollins blocks it and powers Ziggler to the Falcon Arrow! Cover, TWO! Rollins dares Ziggler to stand again, and Ziggler flounders to a corner. Rollins runs in, but Ziggler puts him on the apron. But Rollisn punches back!

Ziggler gets under the springboard to then throw Rollins into the post! And a second time! ZIGZAG! Cover, TWO!! Ziggler is shocked and fans rally for Rollins. Ziggler says he’s going to end, it, and he “tunes up the band.” Another parody of HBK as Rollins stands. But Rollins SUPERKICKS Ziggler first! Then another! Rollins stomps for “Burn It Down!” But it’s BROCK LESNAR!? The Beast wants to rub in that he’s the Universal Champion again! But why now?! Rollins is ready for a fight, but Ziggler anchors him! Lesnar steam rolls Rollins!!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by disqualification

Lesnar starts up #SuplexCity as he throws Rollins around! Lesnar follows Rollins out of the ring to throw him into barriers! And then more barriers! Rollins flounders but Lesnar German Suplexes him again! Fans boo and jeer while Rollins twitches on the ground. Lesnar looms over Rollins, then drags him up again. Fireman’s carry, and F5 into the post!! Rollins writhes in pain while Lesnar smiles. Lesnar puts Rollins in the ring and grabs a chair! Heyman holds the Universal Championship belt up proudly as Lesnar hops up into the ring. Lesnar has the chair, to SMACK Rollins on the back! Lesnar then takes a seat while he watches Rollins crawl to ropes. Then Lesnar stands back up, to grab Rollins, fireman’s carry, and F5 him on the chair!! Lesnar looms over Rollins, picks him up again, and gives him another F5 onto the chair!!

Now the reigning, defending, undisputed Universal Champion holds his own title over his head, while Rollins coughs off blood. But Lesnar isn’t done destroying him!? Even Heyman says no, but Lesnar still gives Rollins a third F5 onto the chair!! Lesnar finally listens to his Advocate, and the pair leave Rollins down in the ring. Medics bring Rollins to a stretcher while Lesnar holds up the belt. Is there even going to be a rematch of Beast and Beastslayer now?


Raw returns as Rollins is wheeled to the back.

Becky Lynch and Roman Reigns are there. Both are concerned for what happened, but then the Usos and the OC are fighting! Roman goes to reinforce his cousins, but then Samoa Joe attacks the Big Dog from behind! Joe takes advantage to get shots on his enemy, but now referees and security rush over! Joe and the OC back off to leave the #Bloodline down and out. Cameras catch up to the ambulance, and Rollins is lifted up in. The ambulance takes off, but wait! Brock Lesnar is in its way!? Lesnar goes to the back and opens it up! He drags Rollins out by the stretcher and lets it roll into trunks! Lesnar dumps Rollins over and stomps the battered ribs! And then F5’s him on the stretcher! Rollins is gasping for air while Lesnar leaves him behind. Is the Beast finally done tormenting Rollins? Will Rollins even make it to Toronto?


Raw returns to the Samoan Summit.

Well, we can’t be sure if this will even happen after what just happened. Samoa Joe makes his entrance after having taken advantage of Roman Reigns being distracted by concern for both his cousins and his Shield brother. Joe “regrets” to inform us that the Summit has been cancelled due to “catastrophic failure” of peace talks! Joe doesn’t want to talk anyway, he wants to fight! He dares Roman to appear so they can finish this! The music plays, and Roman does appear! The Big Dog storms down to the ring, and he brawls with Joe! Roman backs Joe down with big uppercuts! Joe bails out but Roman keeps on him with big hands! Roman bumps Joe off the apron, then brings him around to throw into barriers!

The hands keep flying, then Roman headbutts Joe. Joe headbutts back, but Roman headbutts again! Roman whips but Joe reverses to send Roman into steel steps! Referees rush out but Roman is up! He TOSSES the steps at Joe’s head!! Roman rains down rights but Drew McIntyre attacks now! McIntyre whips but Roman reverses to send McIntyre over the barriers! Roman rocks McIntyre with an uppercut, and pursues into the crowd! McIntyre hits back and drags Roman around. Roman counter punches and uppercuts McIntyre back to ringside! Roman hops over but Joe boots him! Joe and McIntyre work together on Roman in the ring!

But here comes Cedric Alexander! He springboard clotheslines Joe down! McIntyre tosses Alexander but Alexander boots and NEURALIZERS back! McIntyre bails out but Alexander runs, only for Joe to LARIAT him down! Joe pushes Alexander out for McIntyre to toss up the ramp. Joe goes back to Roman and tosses him out. McIntyre has Alexander on stage to CHOP! McIntyre suplexes Alexander into the LED wall! Joe has Roman at the announce desk while McIntyre tosses Alexander away. McIntyre and Joe work together, but the USOS save Roman! The OC go after the Usos! It’s chaos on stage! The brawl is all over the place, but Alexander is on top of the stage!? And he LEAPS ONTO EVERYONE!! Little Rock loses its mind but Alexander keeps on McIntyre!

Alexander clubs McIntyre down the ramp while the other six men regroup. McIntyre puts Alexander in the ring, aims from the corner, but gets a dropkick! Alexander hurries up top, but the OC trip him up! Gallows drags Alexander out, but here comes Roman with SUPERMAN PUNCH! And then one for Gallows! One for McIntyre! Alexander FLIES out onto McIntyre while Joe gets SUPERKICKS! And an “OOAH~!” SPEAR!! Alexander and the Bloodline stand tall in Little Rock!! Is this just the beginning of a new war on Raw?



My Thoughts:

Wow, a pretty wild Raw! The WWE 24/7 Championship was again a great highlight, but it seems we’re making the transition from Drake Maverick and R-Truth to Mike Kanellis. Which sadly turns into Maria emasculating him and taking the title. But at the same time, it’s a genius move from her. Though her mentioning her Thursday appointment, I wonder if a female superstar like Carmella will take advantage. But a confusing part was that Strowman shows up as part of Maria’s photo shoot promo. Is the Monster Among Men going to do something to Mike that forces Maria to give up the title? Strowman would make a formidable 24/7 Champion, that’s for sure.

That United States Championship Contender Gauntlet match was great, but I would’ve loved if it got even more time since Sami was the chump elimination. Mysterio did great lasting as long as he did, but Almas being the one to eliminate him brings their feud back to life. As such, it’s great that Ricochet wins to give us a rematch with Styles because that match is going to be great. The OC winning in the Triple Threat Tag was a great surprise, and now the OC is golden! I hope we get to see them VS golden New Day before someone drops a title. Of course, tonight’s insane brawl to end the show might set up some stories for such matches, like OC VS Usos again. With everything that went down, I really hope we’re getting an 8 Man Tag, Alexander, Roman and Usos VS McIntyre, Joe and OC. Then things split off for SummerSlam matches.

Alexa Bliss did a hell of a job selling bad ankle. For those few moments, I thought it was real. But then I was relieved to see Nikki wanting to go after Becky, because that meant it was a work. Becky gets points for winning two matches, but I was glad to see Natty attack. Natty said she wants a Submission Match but claims Becky isn’t “man” enough to take it. I’m really hoping Becky will want that, because I want that and I’m sure fans will appreciate such a match between Natty and Becky. I also like that Becky also subtly made her beef with Finlay and Nikki about “Celtic pride.” That could easily give us her next story with Nikki, regardless of her retaining at SummerSlam.

Ziggler stealing HBK’s entrance was actually genius. It takes the best part of his previous return gimmick of hating on our entrance-based hype to use for this new shtick. The match with Rollins was great, but wow, that surprise appearance from Lesnar. I can’t be sure whose idea this all ways, but Lesnar’s beat down of Rollins quickly went from good Heel heat to hoping Rollins really isn’t hurt because otherwise it’ll be all Lesnar’s fault. Mostly at that point with the F5 onto stretcher, but the extra F5-onto-standing-chair spots weren’t much better. I don’t know if Rollins is being replaced for SummerSlam now, but I’m hoping not since I have no idea who else there is to face Lesnar. This can feed Rollins being the underdog, though it will be hard to believe how he wins now.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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