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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (8/3/19)

ROH shares the mayhem from Manhattan!



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ROH Wrestling Television, Episode 411

We’re getting just a sample of the Manhattan Mayhem as the ROH World Championship match is aired on national television! Does Jay Lethal take that title back from Grand Slam Taven?



  • From Manhattan Mayhem – ROH World Tag Team Championship Street Fight: The Guerrillas of Destiny VS The Briscoes; The Briscoes win and become the new ROH World Tag Team Champions.
  • From Mass Hysteria – Dalton Castle VS Rush; Rush wins, by disqualification.
  • From Manhattan Mayhem – Four Corner Survival Proving Ground Match: Silas Young VS Josh Woods VS Tracy Williams VS Shane Taylor; Williams wins and will challenge Shane Taylor for the ROH World Television Championship at Summer Supercard.
  • From Manhattan Mayhem – ROH World Championship Triple Threat: Matt Taven VS Jay Lethal VS Kenny King; Taven wins and retains the ROH World Championship.


Matt Taven is in Manhattan!

And because he’s a troll, he’s wearing a Red Sox jersey! Taven loves coming to New York, because the last time he was in New York was the greatest moment of his life. All the Melvins had to watch him take the world title home at G1 Supercard! And just when he thought it couldn’t get any better, he will outdo all of those other nights. The rivalry of Taven and Jay Melvin ends in Manhattan! But instead of Lethal coming out, it’s Kenny King! And he doesn’t care about what Taven did in New York, beating Lethal and Scurll, because the last time King was here, he beat Jushin Thunder Liger and Great Muta! The K I N G wants his ROH World Championship opportunity! He wants into tonight’s match to make it a Triple Threat! Kenny says, “I know you want to prove you’re better than Lethal, but you need to prove who the real King is in ROH.”

If King wants in, after Taven beat PCO, Flip Gordon, Mark Haskins, Tracy Williams and even Jeff Cobb, he will happily add Kenny to the list. Because there can only be ONE K I N G Kiiing, “and he is I, and I am him, and IIIIII’m Matt Taven!” King is satisfied with that, but here comes Jay Lethal! Lethal is not happy with this but Taven doesn’t care what Lethal likes. So Lethal starts throwing hands! Taven gives them back, and security hurries to stop this fight!


ROH’s Ian Riccaboni and Quinn McKay set up tonight’s special episode.

As you can already see, this hour is going to be dedicated to the amazing night in Manhattan on July 20th, such as the Triple Threat that resulted from the encounter we just saw. We will see part of the New York Street Fight tag match for the ROH World Tag Team Champions, but tonight is of course about the world title.

Ian and Quinn throw it to Jay Lethal’s thoughts on the G1 Supercard.

Emotions were running high, everyone was excited. Lethal got his family a car to Madison Square Garden, but Lethal took the train to relive his childhood trips. However, that night would turn into a very bad one for the Franchise Player, because on the ride home, he was without the ROH World Championship. He didn’t tap out, he wasn’t submitted, but he still left MSG, the biggest show ever, without the title. Lethal wanted to come in and walk out the champion. He doesn’t want to disappoint himself. The title may mean a lot to others, but it means so much more to him. Lethal knows what he feels about that title, and he needs that title. So Lethal’s mindset refuses to leave New York without that title. Did Lethal accomplish his mission at Manhattan Mayhem?


Matt Taven spoke backstage.

“The people may want to doubt me. They want to question if Matt Taven should be ROH World Champion.” Taven vows to leave no doubt in anyone’s mind. He already has a long list of names over the three months of his reign, and he adds two more. He will prove he’s a real world champion, because HEEEE’s Matt Taven! Taven kisses the title, but will he be kissing it good-bye in the Triple Threat he allowed?


ROH looks back to War of the Worlds Weekend.

Specifically, the ROH World Tag Team Championship match between the Guerrillas of Destiny and The Briscoes. Both band of brothers battled all around the ring, both inside and out, but not even their best moves put the other team away. It was when The Briscoes went for Doomsday that GoD resorted to cheap tricks. While Mark Briscoe was crotch’d on the ropes, Tama Tonga raked Jay’s eyes and fed him to Tonga Loa’s belt shot! But that’s what lead us to Manhattan Mayhem’s New York Street Fight rematch! Will the Bullet Club still reign over both promotions? Or can #DemBoyz finally bring those ROH tag titles back home?


ROH World Tag Team Championship Street Fight: The Guerrillas of Destiny VS The Briscoes!

We jump right into the heart of this match, with Jay and Tonga Loa down but Mark Briscoe on the ladder. Tama Tonga scrambles up to get at Mark with fast hands! They brawl, and Tama rakes Mark’s eyes! Mark resists the superplex, knowing there is a table in the drop zone. Jay gets up and gets Tama in the Electric Chair! Mark adjusts to stand on the top, SUPER REDNECK DOOMSDAY!! Mark covers, the Briscoes win!!

Winners: The Briscoes, Mark pinning; NEW ROH World Tag Team Champions!

A historic ELEVENTH reign for #DemBoyz comes in one of their hardest fought matches ever! Jay and Mark make mayhem into gold, how long will this reign last?

Cut to Mass Hysteria in Lowell, after the Briscoes had to already defend those titles against the Bouncers. Jay and Mark would retain, and surprisingly, would accept the #ToastofHonor. But after refreshing themselves and celebrating, the Briscoes are attacked from behind by GoD! Tama Tonga and Tonga Loa are not just going to settle on being IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, they clearly want those ROH titles back! Things get so bloody for the Briscoes, ROH TV must censor it! Only Honor Club has the complete and uncensored version of all this! GoD said they didn’t want to have the titles after how they got them at G1 Supercard, but it seems their opinions changed with the money and spotlight that came with being dual champions. And now they’ll make the Briscoes pay! They’re calling for a Ladder War?!

The Guerrillas of Destiny spoke backstage.

“Oh boy!” Briscoes must’ve forgotten who they are. They’re “G O to the f***in’ D!” They should’ve known this was going to happen. Briscoes beating GoD and that’s it? “Nanananah.” It’s predestined! GoD writes this story. Tama says the Briscoes are messing w/ GoD, that’s God! God giveth, and God taketh away! The Briscoes weren’t gonna have to wait for one week, two week, three week, giving promos and making challenges on Twitter and stuff, NO! The Guerrillas, “the baddest mother f***ers in the game,” tell the Briscoes to #ManUp! This goes down August 9th, ROH Summer Supercard, IN that Ladder War! Will the Briscoes survive to keep these titles? Or will Tama and Loa just end up two-time dual champions?


ROH looks back to The Peacock’s revenge.

Dalton Castle admits he lost at G1 Supercard to El Toro Blanco. But there is no shame in losing to Rush, because Rush is a “dirty, filthy, cheater!” Castle then decided at Best in the World, he would challenge Rush’s brother, Dragon Lee, to a match! And Castle would win that match, by stealing the Bull’s Horns, Rush’s move! But that was only step one of his revenge.

It was in Manhattan, after El Toro Blanco defeated the Sassy Wild Horse, TK O’Ryan, that a masked fan would want to celebrate with him. Rush would oblige and the two would do the Los Ingobernables fist bump, only for the fan to attack! Because it’s not a fan, it’s Dalton Castle in disguise! The Peacock would beat the White Bull down with his backpack! And then throw Rush into barriers! And then, after eventually putting Rush in the ring, Castle would peacock strut into the Bull’s Horns! Castle would mock the fist bump, but will he pay for mocking Dinastia Munoz?

Backstage interview with Dalton Castle.

Quinn would ask Castle, her “favorite” guest, about that attack we just saw. Does he feel- Great? Yes he does. No, does he feel that deceit is the best way to get revenge? Deceit? Oh they think karma’s coming around? No no no. Castle doesn’t care, he’s not afraid of Rush! He proved it tonight! He’ll put on that “dirty, sweaty mask” that he bought from a fan. He is not afraid of snakes with hands! And he’ll prove it in Lowell’s Mass Hysteria. Then when Castle is done with Rush, Rush will only address Castle with the formal usted. Castle has a way of being horrible in a polite way. He goes off to get a pretzel, but will he be feeling this good after Mass Hysteria?


Dalton Castle VS Rush!

We continue to travel through time as we go to July 21st! The Peacock is cocky as he’s ever been, but will he soon pay for everything he’s done to Rush and his brother, Dragon Lee? Or is his revenge for the G1 Supercard defeat finally coming full circle?

Cut to later in the match, as Rush and Castle are just getting back in the ring. Castle has a chair! Rush dodges the chair shot to come back with a forearm smash! Fans fire up with Rush while Castle crawls. Rush has a target, but Castle is up. Rush brings him up, cussing Castle out in English and Spanish, but Castle LOW BLOW uppercuts him!

Winner: Rush, by disqualification

The Peacock doesn’t care about wins and losses, because this is revenge! He throws the chair in Rush’s face! Castle SMACKS Rush on the shoulder, and again! He even threatens the ref before giving more chair shots on Rush’s arm! Lowell boos and jeers but Castle just SMACKS Rush more! Is the Peacock finally satisfied?

Rush was furious backstage.

“I didn’t come to play!” In Toronto, Rush wants him and Castle to go around one more time, in a No Disqualifications match! “I kick your f***ing ass! Remember: Nothing happens, unless I say so!”

ROH throws it back to Ian and Quinn.

She has a question about Rush VS Castle. A rematch, but in a new way. Yes, the second time was much longer than their 16 second shocker, but now there will be no rules at the Summer Supercard! Will either man be able to walk out of Toronto in one piece?


Four Corner Survival Proving Ground Match: Silas Young VS Josh Woods VS Tracy Williams VS Shane Taylor!

The Last Real Man has been trying to get The Goods to see things his way, but Silas’ way is not the #DownToFight way. Hot Sauce wants to win big in his home state while the Notorious Hitman is here to deny all three men a shot at his title. Is everyone about to get Greetings from the 216? Or will one man punch himself a ticket to Toronto and a title match?

ROH TV cuts to the middle, but the full version is on ROH YouTube. We cut to Taylor fighting out of Woods’ waistlock while Williams is up top. Williams leaps for a missile dropkick! Taylor staggers back into Woods’ German Suplex! Bridging cover, but Williams yanks Woods off into a Cloverleaf! Williams sits down hard and Woods endures, but Silas boots down!

Cut again to Silas trying to get Williams with a superplex. Woods runs over to join in, and it becomes a TOWER OF DOOM! Superplex Bomb, but then Taylor FROG SPLASHES outta nowhere! Cover, but Woods breaks it just in time!

A third cut, and Silas gives Williams to full nelson knee. Then fireman’s carry, but he knocks the referee down! Woods learned something from Silas after all: the Low Blow Uppercut! Silas gets a taste of his own medicine, and Woods tells him that’s what he gets. But Williams rolls Woods up, TWO!

A fourth cut, and Williams knees away on Silas’ stomach! Then reels him in, for a Piledriver! Cover, Williams wins!!

Winner: Tracy Williams, by pinfall; NEW #1 Contender to the ROH World Television Championship

Williams won, but Taylor says he won’t when it’s 1v1. Taylor vows to put Williams out like everyone else. But Williams says that belt’s coming home to New York. Williams offers a handshake, but Taylor just spits on it. Taylor goes to leave, but Williams snatches the belt right out of his hand! Hot Sauce is defiant in Manhattan, but will he be victorious in Toronto?

Backstage interview with Tracy Williams.

Quinn talks with Hot Sauce and wants to know how the contender feels. “The victory feels great, because that is what I came here to do.” In that Proving Ground, Williams took a step to proving he is THE best technical wrestler around! The next step is against Taylor in Toronto. Williams didn’t beat Taylor in the Fatal 4, so he wanted to be respectful with that handshake. But Taylor goes and disrespects him with spit!? All this does is light a fire in Hot Sauce! Williams vows to prove himself in front of his family, by earning that world TV title!

Backstage interview with Shane Taylor.

Quinn now talks to the champ and how he feels about his challenger. “Tracy Williams, LifeBlood of Ring of Honor? LifeBlood of what!?” It’s a bunch of crap! Williams came here from some other company that wanted to take ROH out of business! Why? Because Hot Sauce couldn’t evolve as fast as his little buddies over there?! So he had to come here to prove something? Taylor ain’t having it. This is HIS company, HIS ROH World TV Champion. How about Williams catch this point: Taylor hopes Williams has all his friends and family present so he can let them down again! “I’m gonna knock you on your ass,” and then the ring announcer will say, “And still ROH World Television Champion, Shane T, the baddest champion you’ve ever seen.” Both men are fired up, but who lights it up and who fizzles out in the summer heat?


Silas finds Woods outside.

It seems The Goods isn’t so dumb after all. Yeah well for someone so cool, where’s the ice pack? Haha, very funny. Woods learned one lesson. But the difference is, if Silas had done that nut shot, he would’ve won afterwards. Woods has a long way to go, but will he end up better at the game than Silas when this is all over?


Back to Ian and Quinn.

What an interesting form of respect between the Last Real Man and Josh Woods. Silas surely respects Woods’ amateur background while Woods surely respects Silas’ accomplishments, but will that respect continue to grow as Summer gives way to Fall?


ROH World Championship Triple Threat: Matt Taven VS Jay Lethal VS Kenny King!

Finally, this episode comes full circle was we get back to this massive Manhattan main event! Will the Franchise Player take the title for a historic fourth time? Will there be a new K I N G in ROH? Or will the champion STIIIILL be Matt Taven?

Alex Shelley joins commentary, because it doesn’t matter who wins this match, the Motor City Machine Gun waits for them in Toronto! One person who won’t get to see this match with their own eyes is Amy Rose, as Lethal again has her leave so as not to help Kenny King in this match. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we begin this Mayhem main event, after the break.

ROH returns and the bell rings! King reminds Lethal he won their best of 3 series, but Taven tells both of them that it won’t matter, because Taven’s the best! He says up theirs before hopping out of the ring to take a seat. King just goes after Lethal! King whips Lethal but Lethal blocks the hip toss. Lethal gets around to hammerlock King, but King works his way to a spin. King whips but Lethal blocks to break free and run. King hip tosses and cartwheels just like Lethal would, but Lethal knows that, and gets right up. King grins while Lethal frowns and Taven applauds. Lethal runs at King but King puts him on the apron. King springboards but it was to fake Lethal out! But Lethal sees the sucker punch coming and shoulders King away. But he doesn’t see Taven coming up from behind, and Taven trips Lethal up! Taven throws hands on Lethal but Lethal gives them back. King FLIES out onto both of them!

Fans fire up with King as he swags about. King puts Taven back in and leaves Lethal behind. King kicks then whips Taven, and hits a spinning heel kick! Cover, TWO! The K I N G Kiiing keeps his cool but Taven throws forearms back. King stomps a foot then sweeps the legs to kick and buzzsaw Taven down! Lethal returns and CHOPS King to a corner. And CHOPS, and then brings King across the way. King turns things around to bump Lethal off buckles, but Lethal gives haymakers back. King spins Lethal into a full nelson, then into a backbreaker, then runs to clothesline Lethal down! Fans are divided as King covers Lethal, TWO! King drags Lethal into armlocks, grinding a forearm into Lethal’s face. Lethal fights his way up so King goes to whip. Lethal holds whips so King CHOPS him! King whips but Lethal reverses, and Taven returns! Lethal hurdles King for Taven to dropkick him down!

Lethal CHOPS Taven then again! Lethal whips but Taven goes up and over, then dodges, sending that clothesline into King! Taven is on the apron and baits Lethal in for an enziguri! Taven then hits King with a discus lariat! Cover, TWO! Taven grows annoyed, but he goes after Lethal with haymakers. He CHOPS Lethal in a corner, then CHOPS him against ropes. Taven stalks Lethal to another corner, but Lethal SLAPS Taven! The two start throwing furious hands in the corner but Taven gets the edge. Taven grinds Lethal down but Lethal comes back with CHOPS! Lethal whips but Taven comes back with Moonlight Drive! Taven LIONSAULTS! Cover, but King breaks it! King brings Taven up but Taven ducks the heel kick! Taven kicks low then fires off, DDT spikes King! Cover, TWO! Taven is frustrated but still in control as we go to break.

ROH returns again and Lethal calls for the Injection! But King runs in, only to get jabs from Lethal! King gives them back and then Taven joins in, we have a triple brawl! Taven hits King, Lethal hits Taven, King hits Lethal. Taven whiffs on Lethal but King kicks Taven low. Taven hits King back but Lethal hits Taven. King hits Lethal again so Lethal goes after both King and Taven! King, Taven, repeat, and then Lethal kicks at Taven. Taven blocks it, but ducks the enziguri for that to go into King! Taven SUPERKICKS King! Lethal blocks Taven’s superkick to send it into King! Lethal bicycle pumps but Taven dodges, that boot gets King, too! Taven grabs Lethal for a back suplex but Lethal slips out, and King blasts out to LARIAT both of them! All three men are down and Hammerstein is loving this!

A standing count begins on them and reaches 5 before any of them stirs. King is on the apron at 6 and standing, with Lethal following. King throws haymakers but Lethal gives them back. They brawl on that edge, King kicks low then Eddy Gordos, only to get the King’s Kick from Taven! Taven sees Lethal and King are both down on the outside, so he runs to wreck King with a dropkick. Taven keeps moving, to DIVE onto them both! But in a very Jay Lethal way, King keeps going to FLY! He only gets King! Lethal himself DIVES and wrecks Taven! Then DIVES onto King! Then as is Lethal’s way, he runs and DIVES for the hat trick! Lethal puts King in the ring and fans are fired up! Lethal climbs up and aims, HAIL TO-

Wait, Lethal saw that boot come up, and he blocks it to put it in the Figure Four! But Taven climbs now, and FROG SPLASH on Lethal! Cover, TWO!! So Taven decides to be like the Nature Boy, and goes after King with his own Figure Four! King endures, but Lethal climbs up again! Taven sees it but can’t undo the hold in time! Lethal LEAPS, but Hail to the King FLOPS because Kenny King turned the hold over! Taven endures the reversed pressure now, and crawls his way to ropes. But Lethal gets him in a crossface! King slips out of the Figure Four, and stomps Lethal out! King hobbles over and decides to focus on Lethal. Fans hope they “Fight Forever!” as King whips Lethal to a corner. Lethal goes up and over but gets caught into a fireman’s carry! Chin Check, but King’s Kick again!

Taven staggers over to Lethal at the ropes. Taven brings Lethal around and whips, but Lethal reverses. Taven rolls under and enziguris Lethal back! Taven brings Lethal up with something in mind, but King springboard DOUBLE Blockbusters! King gets two for one and covers Lethal, TWO! He tries Taven, TWO! Manhattan fires up as King stands again. King cusses out Taven as he drags him up into the fireman’s carry. But Taven counters to a cradle, TWO! King dodges and sunset flips but Taven rolls through, Just the Tip of the knee! Taven whips Lethal, but Lethal dodges, handsprings, LETHAL INJECTION!! Cover, TWO!? Taven survives and no one can believe it! The fans are thunderous as they duel and shout. King returns, and STEALS Lethal Injection! Then fireman’s carry, ROYAL FLUSH! THE CLIMAX!! Cover on Lethal though, and Taven wins!!

Winner: Matt Taven, by pinfall; still ROH World Champion

Taven used the King like a pawn against the Franchise Player, and now he’s going to Toronto! Will Alex Shelley be the man to stop Taven’s reign? Or will the champion win because HEEEE’S still Matt Taven?


And with that, the Summer Supercard is complete!

Alex Shelly gets his shot at Matt Taven for the world title! Hot Sauce looks to take the Hitman’s TV title! The Boricua Badass, Tasha Steelz, gets her first chance at the Gatekeeper, Kelly Klein, and that WOH World Championship! Jay Lethal’s consolation is that he’ll try to right the Octopus’ course as they take on LifeBlood’s Bandido and Mark Haskins. CMLL will join the fun as Stuka Jr, Soberano Jr. and Caristico take on Hechicero, Templario and Cavernario in a trios match! Peacock and Bull settle the score in a No Disqualification match, and a Ladder War will settle things between The Briscoes and Guerrillas of Destiny! Is Toronto going to melt in the heat ROH is bringing?



My Thoughts:

This was definitely an interesting way to get TV fans caught up on what ROH has been up to. Obviously this entire Summer Supercard in Toronto is to compete with the WWE and their entire SummerSlam weekend, but honestly, it’s just more great wrestling for the fans to enjoy, especially for the locals. This is probably the most stacked card I’ve seen for an ROH show in some time. Not all the titles are on the line, but each of the title matches feel really good. Steelz is still very new but she has a huge opportunity to show who she is against Kelly Klein, and Williams VS Taylor will only serve to elevate both men no matter the result. Alex Shelley’s return to the ring is enough reason for Taven’s next title defense to feel big, but the biggest is going to be the Ladder War for the tag titles.

GoD got to have both ROH and NJPW titles for a good run, but I feel like the Briscoes retain to keep the ROH titles in ROH. Sadly, I’m not sure where either team would go, no other team in ROH feels strong enough to take the titles right now. ROH is definitely in a rebuilding phase, but it might not be until 2020 that a duo feels good enough to take those titles for their own. The bits of the ROH TV title Proving Grounds match were fine, but the best part was the fire in the promos after. Taylor throwing some major shade indirectly referencing Evolve, and by extension the WWE. Taylor’s definitely retaining after all that. Castle VS Rush No DQ is going to be brutal, or at least it should given the build. And as such, I expect Rush to win and then move on to a title.

I expected Woods to turn to Silas’ side eventually, but this slow burn of Woods using some sneaky tactics is a good path, too. I’d love to see a match of Woods VS Silas where it isn’t just about winning, but winning in the dirtiest way possible, a la the Marty Scurll and Jay Lethal story of about a year ago. Then the Triple Threat was a great match, one of the better Triple Threats I’ve seen from anywhere in recent memory. It made a lot of sense for Taven to retain since he let King take out Lethal for him. Again, his match with Shelley will be big just on how this is Shelley’s return, but I can’t be sure if Shelley is the one to dethrone Taven. But at the same time, if they want to make this inaugural Summer Supercard feel important, a huge surprise like that would be the way to go.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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