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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (8/12/19)

Time to #BurnItDown all over again!



WWE Raw Cover image

It’s the Raw After SummerSlam!

Despite having ribs wrecked all the hell, despite being an underdog even at 100%, the Architect once against slayed the Beast! How will Seth Rollins #BurnItDown as he has the Universal Championship back?!



  • Samoa Joe VS Sami Zayn; Joe wins.
  • The Miz VS Dolph Ziggler; Ziggler wins.
  • Ricochet VS Elias; Ricochet wins.
  • Best 2 out of 3 Falls: Rey Mysterio VS Andrade Almas w/ Zelina Vega; Almas wins.
  • Cedric Alexander VS Drew McIntyre; McIntyre wins.
  • No Way Jose VS Robert Roode; Roode wins.
  • The Revival VS Lucha House Party; No Contest.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship: R-Truth VS Everyone Else; The Revival win and become the new WWE 24/7 Champion(s).
  • WWE 24/7 Championship: R-Truth wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • WWE 24/7 Championship: R-Truth w/ Carmella VS Elias; Elias wins and becomes the new WWE 24/7 Champion.
  • The Viking Raiders VS Carter Mason & Sebastian Suave; The Viking Raiders win.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross VS The Kabuki Warriors; Bliss & Cross win and retain the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships.
  • Champion VS Champion: Seth Rollins VS AJ Styles w/ The OC; Rollins wins, by disqualification.


Toronto, #BurnItDown!

Like a phoenix, Seth Rollins rose from the ashes and took back the title! And now he comes back out to open #MondayNightRollins! The Architect is still a little sore, but he’s feeling much, much better than a week ago now that he’s once again the WWE Universal Champion. He takes up a mic to say, “I’ve got to be honest with you guys,” he didn’t think he had what it took to beat Brock Lesnar. Rollins walked out at far less than 100%, but he still stared Lesnar in the eyes. One thing about Lesnar, he really is everything he’s touted to be and more. But fans chant “Beastslayer!” for him. When Rollins emptied his tank, something happened: the fans came alive! And in that moment, Rollins went to a place he had never been to before! They took Rollins to a place he couldn’t go on his own, he went where only we could go together!

And in that moment, Rollins knew he had what it took to #SlayTheBeast! And he remembered that he IS Seth Freakin’ Rollins. That is why he’s once again our Universal Champion. But here comes the United States Champion and the Raw Tag Team Champions! It’s the OC! They worked together to keep the US Championship with AJ Styles against Ricochet, and now they’re strutting down the ramp. Styles joins Rollins in the ring with his Good Brothers nearby. “Hold on, hold on, wait, wait.” Styles wants Rollins to understand, The OC is here to be the first to congratulate him. They applaud, and Styles continues to say things get tricky. Rollins doesn’t have to worry about Lesnar anymore, but now he has to worry about the Phenomenal One. Ever since Styles “came to his senses,” he’s got a lot to prove. And he wants to challenge Rollins to prove he’s much, much, much better.

Rollins has always had respect for Styles. Fans clearly want to see this showdown again. Rollins used to have respect, but not anymore. It doesn’t matter how beat up Rollins is, he doesn’t back down! So he’ll get ready for later tonight and teach Styles to have respect. Challenge accepted! Is this Champion VS Champion match going to go down? Styles offers a handshake but Rollins eyes Anderson and Gallows. They leave the ring, and Styles promises this will be fair. Rollins still isn’t sure, but he does take the handshake. But then the OC hop back up. Rollins is on guard, and the OC have a little laugh. “He’s scared. You better be.” Beastslayer or not, is Rollins in any shape to take on a cocky Phenomenal One?


The Street Profits quickly recap the situation.

“We have Seth Rollins VS AJ Styles. The Universal Champion VS The United States Champion.” Raw is getting #AlloftheSmoke! But Dawkins looks upset. How could he not be hyped? Well yeah, Seth is awesome, but that after party went late and Dawkins is dehydrated. Get Dawkins some electrolytes! But Sami Zayn comes along. Some advice for the new guys: it’s fun, it’s shiny, but enjoy it while you can. The longer you’re here, the place will suck the life out of you because of the “parasites” in the crowd! This isn’t about the Profits, just look at everyone. Rollins was raw, gritty, but now he’s just a pandering fool. “Burn it down~” is pathetic. Even Becky Lynch! Sami loves Lynch, because The Man was actual straight fire. But now it’s all… Man-ufactured. Well it doesn’t happen to everyone, does it? Yes it does! Even… Samoa Joe? Oh c’mon, he is the perfect example!

Joe was here three years ago, King Kong wrecking fools, but look at him all worried for Roman~! Joe is there!! And he scares Sami. Wow he snuck up on him. Sami tries to explain but it won’t matter now. Sami has things to get off his chest, but now that Joe is a big softy, he’ll give Sami time to get it out, in the ring. Maybe Sami will show Canada he’s more than just Kevin Owen’s water boy. Joe shoves Sami into trunks then storms off to the ring! Is Joe going to show he isn’t losing his edge just yet?


WWE announces the return, of King of the Ring!!

The truly iconic tournament returns for 2019 on the road to Clash of Champions! Who will enter? Who will win? And who will be crowned the King of the Ring?


Samoa Joe VS Sami Zayn!

It’s official! The Samoan Submission Machine will show the Critic of the Critics just how meek he’s become face to face. Will Joe’s edge stay sharp using Sami as the grindstone?

The bell rings and Sami goes at Joe to try and stop this now. He grinds Joe’s face on the rope then chops and punches away. Sami runs but Joe runs him over! And then headbutts away over and over! Joe runs but Sami jumps, into a Coquina Clutch!! Sami taps, Joe wins!

Winner: Samoa Joe, by submission

That was a quick lesson from Joe. But he’s still heated, and grabs a mic. “Allow me to make myself very clear! Though I may forgive Roman Reigns for pointing a finger at me,” Joe extends the forgiveness to none of the fans. They propagated the lie of Joe being able to do such “heinous atrocities!” He refuses to forgive any of them. Joe still has that edge, who will he use it on next?


The Miz VS Dolph Ziggler!

After a truly legendary bait ‘n’ switch on the Show-Off, which led to a truly legendary demolishing of “ol’ DZ,” the Hollywood A-Lister looks to sweep up the scraps. Will there be anything of Ziggler left to lace up the boots? Or can he rebound even after getting wrecked?

Ziggler’s music plays and Miz grins, expecting any sort of limp and wounded Show-Off. But as Ziggler limps and hobbles out, he’s actually not dressed to compete. Also he’s repping Kabuki Warriors merch. Ziggler has a mic and gets in the ring as fans taunt him with “GOLD~BERG~!” chants. Ziggler isn’t sure where to begin. He hopes Miz is happy, though, “you coward.” “Everyone knows you didn’t have a chance against me at SummerSlam. So you sicked Goldberg on me, all part of your master plan.” But Ziggler got speared so many times, he can’t medically compete tonight. #MizScrewedMiz out of his revenge on Ziggler. “And all these bloodthirsty Canadians would love to see this match!” But “too damn bad.” Wait it’s all a charade! He attacks Miz from behind and fires off! He rips the new merch shirt of Miz’s, then goes after him even harder!

The referee pulls Ziggler off and Ziggler, hurting as he is, still wants this match! Fans taunt Ziggler with “GOLD~BERG~!” more, but we go to break while Miz recovers.

Raw returns and Ziggler whips Miz. Miz reverses and hits the kitchen sink knee! Ziggler writhes from the major stomach pain thanks to Goldberg. Ziggler still runs over but Miz counter punches! Then throws big haymakers to back Ziggler down. Miz kicks away on Ziggler’s beat-up ribs! The ref backs Miz off but Miz comes back with double knees! And again! And then the A-List Lariat! He dumps Ziggler down to climb up and Toronto cheers as he leaps for ax handles. Ziggler crawls and begs for mercy. Instead, he gets It Kicks! Miz kicks and kicks and kicks, then powers up, but Ziggler ducks the buzzsawl! Ziggler rolls Miz but Miz rolls through to get the legs. Ziggler shoves him away but runs into a full nelson. Ziggler arm-drags free but Miz runs at him, only to get the post! ZIGZAG! Cover, TWO!?

Ziggler and Miz are both down, and fans troll Ziggler with more Goldberg chants. Ziggler is up first, and he tunes up the band. Miz stands, Ziggler runs in, but Miz blocks to code break the leg! Then he trips Ziggler up for the Figure Four! Ziggler writhes and flails and grabs for the ref as he endures! Ziggler works on turning the hold over, but Miz works to keep it. Ziggler drags himself and Miz over, but Miz drags Ziggler away! And pushes! Ziggler taps, Miz wins!

Winner: The Miz, by submission

And Miz’s revenge is complete! Is this going to finally shut the Show-Off up?

Guess not. Ziggler calls Miz a “coward.” Miz couldn’t win fair and square. He’s not even the best wrestler in the family, Maryse is! “This is merely a flesh wound.” Ziggler dares Miz to finish him off! Miz comes back, FINALE! Now maybe Ziggler will stay quiet.


Backstage interview with Becky Lynch!

The Man is still Raw Women’s Champion after a great Submissions Match, but she also takes over this segment. She’s not here to celebrate. She cashed in Natty’s debt, major respect. But a long, long time ago, Becky said she’d come for anyone and everyone who did her wrong. Becky will not rest until everyone has been dealt with. This is cat ‘n’ mouse. The smart play is to get her before she gets them, #GameOn. Thanks, Charly! Who does Becky plan on going after next?


Ladies and Gentlemen: Elias.

The Drifter returns to Toronto, despite the spear he got from Edge. Elias is starting to figure out what’s going on. He goes to sing, and someone just comes out to interrupt. So he’ll get to the chase and dares whoever is coming out to do it right now. Count down with him, even. Three, two, one… No one? Well let’s try again. Three, two, one! Well this is historic! Tonight might be the first ever uninterrupted Elias performance! Here goes.

BANG BANG, it’s RICOCHET! The King of Flight says it’s not about “the cool thing to do.” People interrupt because Elias sucks. Haha, very clever. But a guy cosplaying a comic book character isn’t going to tell Elias about cool. But Elias looks to embarrass Ricochet right here and now. Get a ref! A ref joins Elias and Ricochet, and we have a match!

Ricochet VS Elias!

The bell rings and Elias rushes Ricochet. Ricochet rolls, handsprings, headscissors and dropkicks! Cover, TWO! Ricochet goes at Elias but Elias throws forearms. Elias runs into an elbow, but comes back with more body shots! Elias stomps away but the ref backs him off. Elias CHOPS Ricochet then whips, to BACK DROP Ricochet high and hard! Cover, TWO! Ricochet is seeing what Elias is like when he’s mad, and Elias wraps on a thrashing chinlock. Fans rally and Ricochet works his way up to his feet. Elias powers Ricochet back down, but Ricochet keeps fighting. Ricochet throws body shots but Elias throws Ricochet to a corner. Elias runs into boots, and gets a somersault shotgun dropkick!

Both men are down but Elias gets to a corner. Elias runs at Ricochet but gets haymakers! Ricochet whips, Elias reverses, but Ricochet tilt-o-whirls and Elias goes rolling. Elias whips Ricochet but Ricochet comes back with an enziguri! Elias bails out, Ricochet runs, and DIVES! Only to FLOP when Elias dodges! Elias drags Ricochet up and into the ring, but goes for his guitar! We all can guess what he wants to do here. And the ref does, too! He stops Elias from using the time, Ricochet SUPERKICKS Elias down! Ricochet goes to a corner, but Elias wants his guitar! Flying sunset flip, Ricochet wins!

Winner: Ricochet, by pinfall

But Elias might’ve gotten a shoulder up on the far side! The controversy will be looked at, but for now, the One and Only rebounds from his loss to The OC. When and where will Elias look to settle things with Ricochet?


Best 2 out of 3 Falls: Rey Mysterio VS Andrade Almas w/ Zelina Vega!

This rivalry of luchadors has been red hot since day one! And now, in the aftermath of SummerSlam, they’ll turn the heat up again! Who wins twice to put another tally on the board?

The bell rings for the first fall and Almas BOOTS Mysterio in the face! Almas is fired up as he lifts Mysterio, but Mysterio huricanranas Almas onto ropes. Mysterio runs but Vega trips him up! Almas rolls Mysterio, puts his feet on the ropes, and Vega helps keep him anchored! Almas takes the first fall!

Almas – 1; Mysterio – 0

Mysterio can’t believe it, but El Idolo gets away with it. The second fall starts now, and Mysterio runs, dodges and slides under. Almas pick shim up and whips, but Mysterio tilt-o-whirl headscissors Almas out! Mysterio goes up high, but Almas attacks first. Almas CHOPS Mysterio, then climbs, but Mysterio fights him back. Mysterio CHOPS and elbows Almas to the apron, then kicks him. Mysterio kicks then wristlocks for an acrobatic huricanrana to send Almas FLYING onto the floor! Fans fire up and Vega panics for that insane lucha attack! Mysterio drags Almas up and into the ring, not wanting just a count out. Mysterio slingshots to splash, cover, TWO!

Almas gasps for air but Mysterio just adjusts the gloves. Almas shoves Mysterio away but runs into the elbow. Mysterio springboards but the moonsault is caught! Mysterio slips out, but runs into the elbow! Cover, TWO! Vega is frustrated for Almas as he stomps Mysterio down. Almas drags Mysterio up and punches him to a corner. Almas stomps a mudhole in and Vega tells him to finish it. “Si! Si!” Almas runs corner to corner, but Mysterio moves! Cien Shadows gets buckles! Mysterio feeds off the fans rallying, but he’s put on the apron. He shoulders back in then punches Almas away. Mysterio slingshots for a DESTROYER!! Cover, TWO!? Almas lives through that?!

Mysterio stalks Almas as he staggers up, and puts him on the ropes! Mysterio is wary of Vega though, and that makes him miss! Almas cradles, TWO! Almas is furious, but Mysterio rolls him up, TWO! Mysterio enziguris, and Almas is on the ropes again, He gets up but Mysterio dropkicks him back down. Mysterio dials it up, 619 hits! Almas is in a drop zone and Mysterio hurries up top, Frog Splash gets knees! Almas drags Mysterio up, LA SOMBRA! Cover, Almas wins!!

Winner: Andrade Almas, by pinfall; 2-0 sweep

This is perhaps historic! Almas defeats Mysterio in a clean sweep! Of course, that first fall was thanks to Vega, but this is still unprecedented for Mysterio. What does the lucha legend need to do to get back on track?


Stone Cold Steve Austin Skypes with Raw!

Aw Hell Yeah! The Texas Rattlesnake was incredibly impressed by Seth Rollins digging deep to beat Brock Lesnar, after all the ass-whooping beforehand. The match was great, the win was incredible, and Austin knows Rollins questioned his career for a moment. Rollins says this is all he is and all he has. That was how Austin lived wrestling, and he is proud to see Rollins be his true self. When you have that kind of self belief, you can do anything.

Austin spoke with Rollins back at Raw Reunion. He just told Rollins to stay focus, no matter what. Rollins is determined, relied on the crowd as he said, and that’s who all wrestlers rely on, no matter what they say. But surely Rollins found his true self in that match, finally after all these years. Austin compliments Rollins for that, this win, and becoming champion again. Straight Up Steve Austin debuts after tonight’s Raw, so make sure to watch it! But plugs aside, will Austin’s approval on Seth Freakin’ Rollins be what Rollins needs to rise to a new level?


Backstage interview with Rey Mysterio.

Given this losing streak, Mysterio is unsure of where his WWE is going. He just knows he needs to support his family the one way he knows how. Is there more to this than it seems? Mysterio’s family is obviously very important to him, but what is it he can’t bring himself to say?


The Street Profits return.

Montez Ford wants Mysterio to keep his head up. He is a living legend. #619Forever. Right, Dawkins? Dawkins napping. We’re live, bro! Wake up! Dawkins isn’t so sure, fam. When did Raw start again? Well, they gone talk about his girl and Alexa Bliss tonight against the Kabuki Warriors. Yeah they are. And Cedric Alexander VS Drew McIntyre! Who you got? Dawkins chugs from the jug. Will Dawkins be hydrated enough to make it through tonight?


Backstage interview with Drew McIntyre.

He faces Alexander in the “next chapter,” but that would imply this “rivalry” is continuing. It won’t. McIntyre ends this tonight! From buddying up to Roman Reigns to leaping off the titantron, it’s all part of some fairy tale Alexander has in his head. And he thinks it ends with a happy ending tonight. No, it won’t. What really happens is McIntyre caving Alexander’s head in and ending the fairy tale.

Cedric Alexander VS Drew McIntyre!

The Age of Alexander looks to rebuild itself on Raw, but will the Scottish Terminator topple it all down with a single Claymore? Who gets major momentum going into the returning King of the Ring tournament?

Raw returns and Alexander makes his entrance. The bell rings and Alexander dropkick McIntyre! But McIntyre throws him into a corner, only to get boots. Alexander punches, dodges and clotheslines McIntyre out. Then he FLIES and topples McIntyre over! He puts McIntyre in fast and climbs up, to leap and missile dropkick McIntyre down! Cover, TWO! McIntyre shoves and then shoulders Alexander back, to then put him on the top rope. Alexander lands on his feet but gets forearms to the back. McIntyre has Alexander in the crucifix, to buckle bomb him across the way! Alexander writhes out to the apron but McIntyre drags him back in. Cover, TWO!

McIntyre clubs away on Alexander, then CHOPS him in a corner. McIntyre slaps Alexander, Alexander slaps back! Alexander punches but McIntyre shoves him against ropes. McIntyre gets Alexander in a cobra clutch, but Alexander fights up as fans rally. Alexander fights out and throws forearms, but McIntyre whips him to a corner. McIntyre BOOTS Alexander in the corner, then tosses him over head! Cover, TWO! But McIntyre’s right on Alexander with a chinbar and armlock! Fans rally and Alexander fights up and out. McIntyre clubs him hard again, then reels Alexander in. Alexander rolls through, handsprings, neuralizer enziguri! Both men are down and fans fire up. Alexander stirs and McIntyre sits up. Alexander crawls but McIntyre goes after him first. Alexander throws forearms and CHOPS, then spins to elbow! Step-up knee and a run, tilt-o-whirl DDT! Cover, TWO!!

Alexander keeps his cool as he has McIntyre in a corner. He hoists McIntyre up as fans rally. Alexander climbs to join McIntyre, but McIntyre fights back. McIntyre has Alexander in his arms, for a SUPER SPIN-OUT SLAM! Cover, TWO!? Alexander survives and McIntyre can’t believe it! McIntyre grimaces as he gets to the far side. McIntyre drags Alexander back up and tosses him out. The Scottish Terminator CHOPS Alexander off his feet! Then he scoops Alexander, only for Alexander to slip off and shove him into a post! LUMBAR CHECK! That was double-edged as Alexander was practically crushed by McIntyre’s weight. Both men are down and the ring count climbs. Alexander is in at 5, McIntyre stirs at 6. McIntyre stands at 7, but Alexander DIVES! But into another OVERHEAD SUPLEX! Alexander hits ramp and is screaming in pain!

McIntyre deadlifts Alexander to a fireman’s carry, and dumps him in the ring. McIntyre wants to end this as he takes aim from the far corner. Alexander stands, but then flops over. McIntyre looks annoyed that Alexander can’t even stand long enough to finish this. So McIntyre drags him in, cradle counter! TWO, and Alexander puts McIntyre on the apron. McIntyre climbs up, but Alexander gets him SUPER SPANISH FLY!! Cover, TWO!! Alexander can’t believe McIntyre survives! Alexander almost had McIntyre by playing possum, but now he’ll have to finish this straight up. “This is Awesome!” but McIntyre fights off Alexander with big elbows. Alexander boots but McIntyre gets through with another elbow. Inverted Alabama- NO, VICTORY ROLL! TWO, Alexander runs, but into a CLAYMORE! Cover, McIntyre wins!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by pinfall

Has the King of the Ring Tournament come early!? Because this was incredible! But even so, the once Soul of 205 Live practically got his soul kicked out of him. Will McIntyre do this to Alexander and the rest of the KOTR entrants in order to wear the crown?


The OC talk backstage.

They love AJ Styles retelling how he countered Ricochet’s Phoenix Splash into the Styles Clash. And of course, Rollins may have done something more amazing than that by beating Brock Lesnar. Not even the Phenomenal One could beat Lesnar. Hey, he’s right here, y’know. Yeah, sorry. But how many chances did Rollins get against Lesnar versus Styles? And Styles was super close in his first chance. Rollins will be great, one day. But it’ll take some time after what Styles does to him tonight. This is a champ who leads by example! And the WWE Universe will know who the real champ is. Throw it up, mother lovers! Toooo… SWEEET~!


Paul Heyman arrives backstage!

And so is Brock Lesnar?! What will the Advocate have to say about the SummerSlam shocker?


No Way Jose VS Robert Roode!

GLORIOUS returns to Raw! But will he be victorious against the Fighting Fiesta while in his home country of Canada?

Paul Heyman patiently waits for this match to end before having his backstage interview. Roode ties up with Jose and pulls on the Afro to put him in a corner. Roode fires off haymakers and CHOPS, then stomps a mudhole in. He lets up long enough not to be disqualified, then comes back for more. Fans rally for Roode as he whips Jose corner to corner. Jose elbows back then runs to throw big haymakers! Jose whips but Roode reverses, only to get a kick. Jose runs, into a SPINEBUSTER! Fans fire up for Roode as he stalks Jose. Roode winds up for the pose, then the GLORIOUS DDT! Cover, Roode wins!

Winner: Robert Roode, by pinfall

And the return is successful! Will Roode make a GLORIOUS Comeback?


Backstage interview with Paul Heyman.

History was made at the expense of his client, which he mocks. But he has a question for everyone else: why does he have the exclusive when no one else does? That’s rhetorical so don’t worry about it. He won’t whine or complain, but here is said exclusive: WWE declared to him that Brock Lesnar gets no rematch against Seth Rollins. How is Heyman to explain this? After going through his vocabulary, all Heyman can do is storm off into Lesnar’s dressing room. Will Heyman figure out what to do about the Beast being blocked from the Universal Championship?


The Revival VS Lucha House Party!

Raw returns as the #TopGuys look to take on the power of lucha! Who will gain some ground towards those Raw Tag Team Championships?

The bell rings and Dash Wilder ties up with Lince Dorado. Lince headlocks but Dash powers out. Lince goes up and over and speeds things up to tilt-o-whirl headscissor Dash. Dawons saves Dash from the dropkick, then tags in. The Revival have Lince with full nelson mugging. Dawson whips and elbows Lince down to then drop a leg, drop an elbow and drop the headbutt. Dawson drags Lince up and mocks the lucha chant. Lince fights back but still gets the back suplex. Cover, TWO! Dawson grins as he looms over Lince, and then drags him up by his mask. fans rally but Dash tags in. The Revival whip but Lince double quebradas! Lince crawls, but here comes R-Truth!? Because he’s being chased by Drake Maverick!

The WWE 24/7 Championship is here, too, and they head for the ring. Carmella trips Maverick and Truth gets some salsa in with LHP, but Titus O’Neil, Curt Hawkins and many more rush in!

No Contest

Lince, Gran Metalik and Kalisto end up helping Truth out by fighting off the mob. The Revival get their shots in on Truth while Lince and Metalik FLY out onto the likes of Titus, Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins, Mojo Rawley and EC3. Truth fights off the Revival, but gets a Hart Attack! Double cover, double winners?!

Winners(?): The Revival, by pinfall; NEW WWE 24/7 Champions(?)

The first-ever co-champions for the 24/7 title! But that doesn’t stop the action from continuing as Kalisto missile dropkicks them both down! Salida Del Sol on Dawson! Cover, but Dash breaks it up. Dash keeps Kalisto away but Carmella helps Truth cover Dawson! Truth wins!

Winner: R-Truth, by pinfall; NEW WWE 24/7 Champion

The co-champions’ reign was very short, and now we have #Truth12Times! Carmella helps Truth get up and get the belt. Truth is happy he won, even though he doesn’t remember it. But the chase is still on! They head to the back, will Truth get out of Toronto with the title? And will Maverick ever catch up?

Wait, Truth circles around! He and Mella go the other way.

The Fabulous Truth takes a moment to breathe, and Truth is the “72-time, 747, 48/7, 24-7, 7/11, European Television Champion!” That’s more times than Ric Flair and John Cena combined! But here comes Elias with his guitar!! SMASH! Cover, Elias wins!!

Winner: Elias, by pinfall; NEW WWE 24/7 Champion

At least now The Drifter can be happy he has gold. Will anyone find him before he leaves Toronto?


Natalya is here!

But as clear as her arm is in a sling, she did not win the Raw Women’s Championship Submission match. Both women went hold for hold and even stole each other’s holds, but clearly it was Becky Lynch who held her own. As for the Queen of Harts, fans cheer her amazing effort, but some do remind her, “You Tapped Out!” Natty says she faced Becky, and tapped out. Becky outdid her, and was the better woman. Natty now has a dislocated elbow and is getting an MRI tomorrow. This might be the part where Natty is supposed to apologize, but “she wouldn’t change a damn thing!” She meant everything she said. Who knows where, who knows when, but Natty plans on doing this again.

But for now, Natty shares something special with us. When she woke up, she remembered her dream of her dad, the late great Anvil Jim Neidhart, congratulating her. It is the anniversary of his death, and… THE BOSS IS BACK!? Sasha Banks returns!! And she just took the spotlight from Natty… Natty does hug Sasha, though, so it doesn’t seem she takes offense. But then Sasha SUCKER PUNCHES Natty! And reveals bright blue hair from under her purple wig. She rains down rights on Natty’s bad arm! Fans are losing their minds as she hammerlocks the bad arm and throws Natty into buckles! Meteora! But Sasha isn’t done, she tosses Natty out to the floor, and talks trash to Natty. Sasha whips Natty’s bad arm into steel steps! Sasha stomps Natty then whips her back in again! She puts Natty in then takes the timekeeper’s chair. Sasha brings that into the ring, then BOOTS Natty down!

Sasha stomps Natty in a corner, then goes back to the chair. But here comes Becky! The Man stares The Boss down and we have a new brawl! Two of the NXT Horsewomen are scrapping it out, and Becky rocks Banks with European Uppercuts! But Sasha comes back with a BIG right! Sasha rams Becky into barriers, then clubs her down. Sasha throws Becky around more, then grabs the chair. She aims at Becky as she crawls, and SMACKS her on the back! And again! And again! And again, and again, and again! The Boss is brutal in blue as she SMACKS Becky in the arm! And then on the back again! The referees run out but they can’t stop Sasha from giving Becky more chair shots! Sasha wonders where The Man’s “balls” are now. She SLAPS Becky then dares her to get up. Becky kicks but Sasha drags her up to throw her into steel steps! The referees finally get Sasha to back off, but Sasha’s done what she wanted. Is The Boss back to take over?


The Viking Raiders VS Carter Mason & Sebastian Suave!

Erik and Ivar have “ravaged all who oppose” them. Former champions have all fallen, and the raid will continue until the titles are theirs! Will that be the same for this twosome from Toronto set before them?

The bell rings and Mason starts against Ivar, and Ivar throws him right out with one hand! Then he drags Suave in for a sidewalk slam! And a splash! Tag to Erik and Erik sees Mason return. He picks Mason up with one arm and urenages him on Suave’s back! Then he German Suplexes Suave! Tag to Ivar, and they sacrifice Mason to the seated senton! And then Suave gets a bronco buster! Then Ivar is the human weapon, hip attack on Mason! Ivar drags Mason to a cover, but he lets up at TWO. Fans can’t believe the ruthlessness as Ivar tags Erik. Erik runs and shotgun knees Suave into barriers! Then mason gets THOR’S HAMMER! Cover, The Viking Raiders win!

Winners: The Viking Raiders, Erik pinning

The pillaging continues! Will Erik and Ivar soon be hunting down the OC and those Raw tag titles?


Backstage interview with Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross.

The WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions are already so busy in their first week as champions. They defeated the IIconics at SummerSlam, and now they face the Kabuki Warriors, Asuka and Kairi Sane. Well because unlike the former chatty champs, Nikki and Alexa fight. They’ll defend these titles with more than just words. Nikki thanks Alexa for this amazing moment. Alexa thanks Nikki for giving her thanks. And when it comes to them against the world, they get results. Will they get results to their liking tonight? That match is up next!


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships: Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross VS The Kabuki Warriors!

These were the last two teams standing in the Fatal 4 Way Elimination match, so now we’ll get a 2v2 showdown to draw clear lines between who is worthy and who is not. Will the Goddess and her friend survive the #JoshiRoyalty that is the Empress of Tomorrow and the Pirate Princess?

For those worried about Paige, she is off having a neck surgery. But she has faith in Asuka and Kairi against Alexa and Nikki to bring those titles home.

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we begin with Kairi against Alexa. Alexa shoves Kairi but Kairi fakes a punch to boop Alexa instead. Alexa swings but into a waistlock. Kairi whips and runs sideways to crossbody! Asuka is in and kicks Alexa. Kairi ax kicks, Asuka bulldogs, and Kairi tops it off with a basement dropkick! Alexa bails out but Kairi intercepts Nikki. Asuka hits Alexa with a flying hip attack while Kairi gives Nikki a Kabuki elbow! Asuka puts Alexa back in to cover, TWO! The champions are in trouble as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Nikki has Kairi in a chinbar and half nelson. Fans rally and Kairi fights her way up. Kairi fights out but Nikki knees low to wrangle Kairi back down. Nikki puts Kairi in a straitjacket hold and drags her from Asuka. Fans still rally as Alexa shouts, “Make her suffer!” But Kairi jawbreakers free! She leaps but Nikki catches her. Nikki shoves but Kairi rolls to tag in Asuka! Asuka fires off but Nikki reverses the whip, Asuka hip attacks Alexa down! Nikki runs in but gets the pop-up knee! Asuka fires up as she kicks away on Nikki! And she hits the Shiing Wizard! Asuka deadlifts Nikki to a German Suplex! But Alexa tags in and hides. Asuka hits Nikki with another knee, but Alexa gets Asuak with a DDT! Cover, but Kairi breaks it! Kairi coaches Asuka up while Alexa throws a tantrum.

Alexa drags Asuka over and tags Nikki. They work together, but Asuka fights out! Roundhouse for Alexa, then bulldog clothesline combo! Asuka tags Kairi back in! Now Kairi fires up as she Alabama lifts Nikki and slams her! She prepares the elbow, and fans fire up! Kairi climbs, aims, but Nikki bails out. So Kairi just adjusts to hit a SUPER CROSSBODY! Kairi drags Nikki up and in, then goes back up. She aims, anchors aweigh with an InSANE Elbow! Cover, but Alexa dropkicks in! Alexa runs away from Asuka, and Asuka kicks a post! Alexa throws Asuka into the post, then rallies for Nikki. She has to drag Nikki over, but the referee reprimands her. Kairi ax kicks then back hands, but Nikki hits the PURGE! Tag to Alexa, and Alexa climbs up! TWISTED BLISS! Cover, Bliss-Cross win!

Winners: Alexa bliss and Nikki Cross, Alexa by pinfall; still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions

The Bliss-Cross Friend Ship sinks the Pirate Princess and Empress of Tomorrow again! Will they continue to sail on to become the fighting-est champions these titles have ever seen?


Seth Rollins speaks.

“AJ Styles, you want to lead by example, so you challenge me to a match to find out who THE champ is around here.” Rollins has some news for the OC: Rollins IS the champion they wish they could be. Rollins did what Styles never could by beating Lesnar again. And did Styles forget about Money in the Bank and Rollins beating him? Well hopefully he did, because now Rollins will remind him who THE champ is. The Architect looks to stomp Styles out, but will he have to worry about the Good Brothers ringside?


Champion VS Champion: Seth Rollins VS AJ Styles w/ The OC!

Universal VS Phenomenal, one will prove themselves the top champion on Mondays!

The bell rings and the belts are put aside. Fans duel as Rollins and Styles circle. They tie up and Styles goes for the rib,s but Rollins saw that coming. Rollins ram Styles into a corner and goes after his ribs! Rollins backs off to bring Styles out and put him in the Tree of Woe. He stomps away on the ribs now, but backs off again, to come back and dropkick the ribs! Styles falls out of the Tree while Rollins catches his breath. Rollins drags Styles up for a suplex but Styles slips out to rabbit punch the ribs! Styles suplexes but Rollins lands on his feet to mule kick. But the OC get Styles clear of the stomp, so Rollins DIVES! He takes out Gallows, then punches Anderson. But Styles rams Rollins into the apron edge and back suplexes Rollins so he falls on his face! Raw goes to one last break as Rollins writhes.

Raw returns once more as Rollins has Styles for another suplex. But the ribs stop that, and Styles gives Rollins USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO! Styles stays calm as Rollins goes to the apron. Styles joins Rollins outside and brings Rollins up. He wants the Clash!? Rollins resists for dear life, and gets free. Rollins sweeps the legs and Styles crashes on the apron! The OC shout and coach but a ring count begins. Styles flops so The OC put him in. Rollins crawls at 6, sits up at 8, stands at 9, and leaps in at 9.5! Rollins survives the count, but Styles goes at him with forearms. Styles hits the Phenomenal Blitz, but Rollins ducks the clothesline! Rollins Slingblades then forearm smashes Styles. He whips but Styles reverses, only for Rollins to come back with a rolling elbow! Falcon Arrow! Cover, TWO! Rollins grits his teeth but keeps his focus.

Fans rally up as Styles sits up. Rollins brings Styles around and back to a corner. He sits Styles on the top rope backwards, then climbs up to join him. Styles fights back with elbows and Rollins falls. But Rollins jumps right back up, grabs Styles, but Styles resists and fights Rollins off again. Styles adjusts and forearms Rollisn away, then springboards, but Rollins gets under. SUPERKICK! Styles is dazed and Rollins hurries up top. But Anderson distracts so Gallows can shove Rollins down! Fans boo but the damage is done. But the referee EJECTS the Good Brothers! Styles is furious and Rollins rolls him up TWO! PELE misses, SUPERKICK hits! But Anderson and Gallows just attack Rollins anyway!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by disqualification

The Architect fights back but that’s 3v1! Styles rains down rights, but here comes Ricochet! The One and Only still owes the OC for SummerSlam, and he rallies on the Good Brothers! He enziguris Styles down, then baits Gallows into buckles! But then Gallows catches Ricochet, BOOT O’ DOOM! Ricochet goes down, too, and Anderson tosses him right out of the ring. Styles has Rollins but Rollins keeps fighting. This still is not enough, and Styles hops up top. The OC hand Rollins over, but here comes BRAUN!!

The Monster Among Men storms his way out, runs through Anderson and runs over Gallows! Styles kicks away on Strowman’s leg, but Strowman scoops him for a spinning MONSTER SLAM! But he’s not done, he has Styles up for a second Monster Slam! And with The OC retreating, Strowman grabs the Universal Championship belt. He holds it out to Rollins, but Rollins isn’t so sure. Strowman still hands it over, and even shakes hands with The Beastslayer. Fans cheer this show of respect, so what is Strowman’s real aim?



My Thoughts:

Wow, this was a great follow-up for SummerSlam! Granted, there were some filler things, like Roode squashing Jose and The Viking Raiders destroying more jobbers. Maybe Roode returning is a sign Heyman will do him right this time. No idea what is going on with the Raiders since they have barely mentioned the titles themselves. I really loved the WWE 24/7 Championship things tonight, it was clearly the whole point of The Revival and Lucha House Party having a match. The Revival getting to be the first co-champions was a hilarious but great honor, and Truth is just racking these reigns up. But it was also great, after Elias has his segment and his loss to Ricochet, that he just smashes Truth and takes the title. But it’s also hilarious in that, for a character who hates being interrupted, he is definitely going to get interrupted now with that title around his waist. Which will make for a whole new round of hilarity.

Clearly Samoa Joe’s Face turn was greatly exaggerated, though he’s not exactly a Heel anymore either. He gets to wreck Sami and tell off the fans, but he’s apparently in Tweener territory now. Which is great, because fans have always liked Joe for his intensity in and out of the ring, so this can be a great phase for Joe. Apparently Ziggler’s new phase is being so cocky, that even being beat all to hell won’t shut him up, only being unconscious stops him. Almas VS Mysterio was so great, but boy that slingshot destroyer spot scared me. “Crisis of Confidence” is an interesting angle for Mysterio to enter, I am really interested to see where this goes. As for Austin’s Skype call, it was really just a plug for his new show while also putting Rollins over since he’s the face of Raw now. I hope WWE doesn’t pull out more legends just to hype Rollins up, that’ll actually kill the hype in my opinion.

Heyman being kayfabe upset over Rollins winning and there being no rematch for Lesnar, even though it was clear the McMahons meant it when there were no automatic rematch clauses anymore, is an interesting move. As I said for the SummerSlam article, obviously Lesnar isn’t going to fight at Clash of Champions, and it doesn’t seem they’ll do the politicking angle as far as the Universal title. But with them making sure we all know that SmackDown’s move to Fox while celebrating 20th Anniversary, that has to mean Lesnar shows up to go after the WWE World Championship. In kayfabe, the one thing that would make Kofi Kingston’s reign truly great is if he can at least survive Lesnar. Sadly, that might not happen, but at least it’ll be something fresh for him and Lesnar if they have a program together.

That Sasha Banks moment was insane! I did not know she was returning, and I sure didn’t expect her to just straight up beat Natalya down! It was genius, though, for her to take off a wig and reveal her new hair color. This is most certainly to write Natty off for some family time, but it is of course a great way to bring us towards Becky VS Banks at at least Clash of Champions. Becky’s promo references righting wrongs, so perhaps they’ll reference their NXT days for this one. This is a match-up that cannot be called, there are many ways for Becky to retain but also to lose, and this could easily extend to Hell in a Cell if they wanted. Then we’re getting King of the Ring on the way to Clash of Champions, this is going to be great! Especially with Alexander VS McIntyre we got tonight as a sampler! It got a bit clunky at parts, but Toronto was on board with Alexander as things went. This match has to happen again for the actual tournament, even if it isn’t the Raw Finals. And I can’t wait to see who is in from SmackDown.

There was great stuff from Rollins, Styles and the OC. Styles VS Rollins itself was good, but of course it ends in a disqualification to keep both men strong since we can’t actually put one over the other yet. It was natural for Ricochet to come out and help, given his history with The OC already, but it was great to see Braun Strowman come out. I was just hoping earlier today that Strowman would want the United States Championship. He is big and strong enough not to normally worry about Gallows and Anderson ringside, and he hasn’t had a singles title yet, so having the US title would be great for him. Though, he probably won’t get it right away, because there are still ways the OC can be a bother. But I anticipate a Six Man Tag for next week, OC VS Rollins, Ricochet & Strowman to establish the clear lines for Clash of Champions.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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