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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (9/14/19)

A precursor to Villain Enterprises VS LifeBlood takes Center Stage!



NEW ROH Coverage

ROH Wrestling Television, Episode 417

With an ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship match on the horizon, Villain Enterprises’ CEO and LifeBlood’s luchador go 1v1!



  • From Honor for All – ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Briscoes VS The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express; The Briscoes win and retain the ROH World Tag Team Championships.
  • From Center Stage – Angelina Love w/ Mandy Leon VS Sumie Sakai; Love wins.
  • Shaheem Ali VS Rhett Titus; Titus wins.
  • From Center Stage – Marty Scurll VS Bandido; Scurll wins.


Faction warfare is raging in ROH!

A Six Man Philly Street Fight saw LifeBlood take Villain Enterprises to the extreme, and then come out on top! Then at Mass Hysteria, when things were scaled back to just 2v2, it went the other way. In the end, both decisions came down to Bandido and Marty Scurll. Tonight, we will see how it all went down when it was just Bandido and Scurll in Atlanta! Who does the spotlight shine on when luchador and Villain take Center Stage?


ROH throws it to Ian Riccaboni and Quinn McKay.

Team IQ is hyped for Death Before Dishonor! September 27th in Las Vegas will be incredible, but so will tonight as we finally see the pseudo-tiebreaker of Scurll and Bandido! Plus, the ROH Tag Team Division is heating up, from both new stars rising fast, and even old school icons returning to show they’ve still got it.


ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Briscoes VS The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express!

No, you’re not looking back in time, Robert Gibson and Ricky Morton are actually wrestling in 2019! But they might be trying too hard to relive the glory days. Can they really defeat the 11-time world tag team champions?

Honor Club has the whole match, but ROH TV jumps to when #DemBoyz literally have Morton on the ropes. Jay runs in but Morton tosses him out! Morton hits Mark for good measure, and Gibson jumps in. The fans rally up for “Rock ‘n’ Roll!” as Gibson opens the ropes, and Morton DIVES! Fans fire up as the legends are showing there’s still fire in their hearts!

But cut to later when R’n’R is back on the defensive. Mark clobbers Gibson and Jay puts Morton on a table! Mark climbs, but Gibson shoves him down! Morton moves, only Mark goes through the table!! Jay is in shock while the fans are fired up! R’n’R drag Jay up and double suplex him in! They both aim, double dropkick straight outta the 80’s! Cover, TWO!! But Morton keeps on Jay with a corner to corner whip. Morton hits a clothesline, but Gibson only gets post! Morton still rolls Jay, TWO! Jay kicks and turns Morton, for the stiff neckbreaker! Jay turns Morton around as Mark returns! FROGGY-BOW! Cover, the Briscoes win!

Winners: The Briscoes, Jay pinning; still ROH World Tag Team Champions

A valiant effort from the living legends, but the Briscoes are in their prime! Will anyone ever dethrone #DemBoys? Is this the last we’ve seen of Rock ‘n’ Roll?


Marty Scurll speaks.

“It’s funny. It’s funny how life has a habit of dragging you down.” It’s funny to Scurll that he is on top of the wrestling world, yet all he feels is frustration. Bandido is, without a doubt, one of the best in the world. Yet he hides behind a mask! Scurll wants Bandido to look at him. Does Scurll hide anything? No, he doesn’t. And tonight, Bandido fights out why. Will we all see what the Villain is all about?


Bandido responds.

“Marty, tonight! You’re going to meet the Most Wanted in the World!” Simple as that, is Bandido going to show Scurll that masks aren’t about hiding, but about standing out?


ROH returns to Team IQ.

Quinn talks Women of Honor’s world champion, Kelly Klein. The Pretty Badass started her ROH career with an impressive streak of never being pinned or submitted for TWO YEARS, but all things come to an end. Sumie Sakai was the first to pin her to also become the first WOH Champion. But then, the second woman would be Angelina Love, after huge assists from her friends in Allure. These two would both love a rematch with Kelly Klein for the WOH World Championship, and now face each other to see who is worthy!


Angelina Love w/ Mandy Leon VS Sumie Sakai!

Conspicuous by her absence is the Allure’s ring leader, Velvet Sky. But perhaps the Exotic Goddess will be all the backup needed to rain on the Ray of Sunshine’s parade. Kelly Klein is watching from commentary, who steps up to head for another match with her?

Go to Honor Club for the full match while ROH TV cuts to Sumie dragging Angelina up and around into a dragon sleeper. But Angelina drops down to kick Sumie away! Sumie staggers but runs back in, only to get another kick. But then she throws Angelina down with a sudden judo throw! Into an armbar! Kelly loves what she sees as Sumie goes after the grip Angelina is keeping. Mandy coaches Angelina on but Sumie is almost toying with Angelina. Angelina works her way up and around to a cover, TWO, and Sumie pulls more. Angelina gets a ropebreak with her feet, and the ref tells Sumie to let up. Sumie lets up, just to yank Angelina away from the ropes to put the armbar back on! Angelina fights to save herself, and reaches for another ropebreak! Sumie lets go for sure this time, but fans rally up with her as she goes up top. Sumie sees Angelina get under the corner, so Sumie hops down to grab at her. The ref pulls Sumie off, and the ref checks on Angelina. Mandy goes after Sumie with hairspray! Sumie staggers about, into the Botox Injection boot! Cover, Angelina wins!

Winner: Angelina Love, by pinfall

Another huge assist from her allies, and another ugly win for one of the Beautiful People.

Kelly Klein responds to the results.

“Angelina Love, you like to say you name the time and the place? But you don’t.” Love hasn’t named when and where she wants her shot. She thinks she deserves this title? Then step up, challenge the champ! Kelly isn’t a hard woman to find. She has the shiny belt. Kelly will show up wherever and whenever Angelina wants. But will Angelina show up to put her money where her mouth is?


Shane Taylor speaks.

“Las Vegas, Nevada. The gambling capital of the world.” The biggest gamble for Flip Gordon and Tracy Williams isn’t at a blackjack table or at the roulette wheel. It’s getting in the ring with Shane T! And he will beat both of them and let them in on a little secret. The house always wins, and Taylor will always #AndStill be the ROH World Television Champion! Will the Baddest Champ You’ve Ever Seen win when he doubles down on challengers?


ROH throws it back to Team IQ.

Shane Taylor’s road to becoming the best ROH World TV Champion of all time is only getting harder, but he doesn’t seem to be backing down. Death Before Dishonor is coming, and so is that heated Triple Threat with issues between all three men. Taylor has beaten Flip and Tracy before, and now that Flip is Villain Enterprises’ Intern, he and Hot Sauce have beef from the wars between Villain Enterprises and LifeBlood. Who survives this high-stakes match for the gold in Vegas?


Rhett Titus speaks.

“The question that keeps going around in my mind is, ‘What’s next for Rhett Titus?'” Rhett’s now the Fittest Dad after getting time off to see his son be born, and he’s reflected on what Kenny King said. Rhett’s mind might not be in the right place after all. Rhett and King were on top of the world, but maybe if he could start over, Rhett could’ve put in even more work and corrected mistakes. But Rhett needs to see this as both his rookie season, and his last chance, all in one. Will Rhett run end up in his last match his first match back tonight?


Shaheem Ali VS Rhett Titus!

The K I N G encouraged and praised the young Team Coast2Coast, but was it all genuine? Or are Ali and LSG just pawns in the mind games being played against Rhett?

Rhett’s entrance changes as he goes back to his roots and does this for his family! The bell rings and these two tie up. Rhett gets a fireman’s carry takedown then goes to an armlock. Ali fights up and arm-drags free, but Rhett arm-drags him back. Ali backs off to a corner but mocks the fans cheering Rhett. Rhett and Ali circle again and tie up. Rhett wrenches to a wristlock but Ali rolls and handsprings, only for Rhett to be right on him with a headlock! Ali gets up and powers out. Rhett goes up and over in the corner then up again, to go to the apron. He shoulders Ali away, then slingshots for a sunset flip. Ali holds the ropes but Rhett slips right up to a waistlock. Ali standing switches but so does Rhett. Ali elbows out hard, then runs, but into Rhett’s harder elbow!

Fans are cheering for Rhett as he stalks Ali around the ring. The ref keeps Rhett back, and Ali only now wants to uphold the Code of Honor. Rhett kicks the hand away, not falling for that, but Ali still yanks Rhett into buckles by his trunks! But Rhett blocks that, and stomps a mudhole into Ali! Rhett lets off to again stalk Ali around. Ali gets up and throat chops Rhett! Ali scoops and slams Rhett hard, then runs to drop a big splash! Cover, TWO! Ali gets upset then CHOPS Rhett in the corner. Ali whips Rhett corner to corner but runs into a boot! Rhett headscissors but Ali blocks, so Rhett boots him again! Rhett rises and climbs up to leap for a big crossbody! Cover, TWO! Ali escapes but Rhett keeps his cool as we go to break.

ROH returns and Ali has Rhett in the chinlock. Rhett fights up as fans rally, and Rhett powers Ali off the hold! He puts it on Ali, but Ali back suplexes. Rhett lands on his feet but Ali mule kicks. Ali yanks Rhett up but Rhett’s on his feet! Southpaw JAB! Rhett has Ali in a belly2belly! Ali rolls to the apron but Rhett is right after him. Rhett powers up and slingshots Ali in for a Northern Lights suplex! Bridging cover, TWO!! Ali survives but Rhett keeps his cool. Rhett drags Ali up but Ali breaks free to forearm back. Rhett stands right up, he’s angry now! Ali CHOPS, but Rhett just dares him to hit harder! Ali chops and chops and chops, but Rhett chops and chops back! Rhett whips, Ali reverses but Rhett kicks, mule kicks and dropkicks! Ali ends up outside again as fans are rallying for Rhett. Rhett slingshots but Ali catches him! Ali tosses Rhett overhead!

Now Ali is angry as he drags Rhett up and into the ring. Ali goes up fast, leaps, big frog splash! Cover, ONE?! Now Ali is shocked! But Rhett dares Ali to bring the fight, and SPITS on Ali! Ali fires forearms and CHOPS and CHOPS and forearms! Ali goes back to the corner to climb up again. Ali leaps, but FLOPS! Rhett gets to a corner, and Ali is in the other. Rhett runs in for a helluva kick! And then side to side for another! Rhett rolls Ali out, powers up, and spins for a TORNADO KICK! Cover, Rhett wins!!

Winner: Rhett Titus, by pinfall

Rhett is resurrected and revived! But will he be able to step to Kenny King and show that there is still plenty of fire inside?


Matt Taven speaks.

“It was one year ago.” A sold out crowd in Mexico, and Rush changed Taven’s life forever. CMLL’s anniversary show, Rush beat Taven and shaved his head. But what Rush really did was light a fire in Taven that motivated him to become ROH World Champion! Taven should actually thank Rush for making him the king he is today! Now Rush is in ROH and has run through the competition, but this is NOT the same Matt Taven as a year ago. Matt Taven is ROH World Champion for a reason. And in Vegas, Rush needs to remember this: Nothing happens unless TAVEN says so, because he IIIIIS Matt Taven! But will all that come to pass? Or will Taven have another thing to despise Rush for?


ROH again goes to Team IQ.

The Six Man Tag Division is hitting a climax as LifeBlood and Villain Enterprises collide again, with Mark Haskins and Bandido colliding with Scurll and Brody King. But that’s next week! Tonight, we finally get the 1v1 showdown we’ve been waiting for!


Marty Scurll VS Bandido!

The CEO of Villain Enterprises and LifeBlood’s Most Wanted have wanted to settle things directly, and finally get their chance to do that! Who gains their side even more momentum as the war rages on?

Center Stage is fired up for this match already, dueling for both men. Marty offers the Code of Honor handshake, and Bandido trusts him enough for that. With the Code of Honor followed, the bell rings and this dream match begins!

Bandido and Scurll circle, approach but then back away. Scurll and Bandido taunt each other with free shots at the leg. They tie up, Scurll gets Bandido down in a facelock. They go around and Bandido pops out to a cover, ONE! Fans cheer as Scurll and Bandido stand off. Bandido shimmies the shoulders to taunt Scurll, but Scurll just pokes him in the eyes! Scurll apologizes to the ref, but he keeps on Bandido with a whip. Bandido dodges and handsprings but Scurll dodges that. Scurll runs in but Bandido turns him around to chicken wing swing knee trigger! Bandido says BANG, SUPERKICK! Scurll flops out of the ring but Bandido builds speed, but he sees Scurll call a timeout. Bandido slides out but Scurll slides in. Scurll kicks, runs, and SUPERKICKS from the apron!

Fans are fired up as Scurll welcomes the cheers, and says “Boo hoo” to the jeers. Scurll finds a fan to high-five, but just gives him a dirty bird instead! Scurll goes to fans wearing Villain Enterprise merch and a replica ROH world title belt, and holds it up for him! Scurll puts that belt by his real belt, then puts Bandido back in the ring. Scurll slingshots in, to pin a la Y2J. TWO, but Scurll wrenches Bandido around to hammerlock the arm on the mat. Scurll STOMPS the arm! Bandido writhes while Scurll grins. Scurll drags Bandido up to uppercut and Bandido flops back. Scurll grinds his knee into Bandido but lets up at the ref’s count. Scurll drags Bandido up and reels him in for a clothesline, but Bandido stays up on wobbly legs. Scurll CHOPS Bandido off his feet, and then goes after the legs.

Fans rally and duel as Scurll hooks legs for the surfboard. Scurll pulls on the mask! The ref counts and Scurll lets go, to flap his wings. Scurll stomps the legs! Bandido scrambles to a corner but Scurll stomps him down. Scurll drags Bandido up and bumps him off buckles. Fans duel as Scurll CHOPS Bandido again. Bandido hears the fans chant “Si se puedes!” but Scurll stomps him back down. Scurll flexes at the ref before going back to Bandido. Scurll drags Bandido up but Bandido chops. Not very effectively, so Scurll CHOPS Bandido back! Scurll runs, but into Bandido’s military press! But Scurll escapes to shove, only to get a SUPERKICK! Bandido hops up, tornillo crossbody! Both men go to opposite ends, Scurll runs in, to get a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker! And cutter! Scurll hurries out of the ring but Bandido fires up. Bandido runs, FLIES, and takes Scurll out! Both men are down and we go to one last break!

ROH returns again, and Bandido takes aim. BANG, and Bandido runs, but into Scurll’s elbow! Scurll runs into a BOOT! Bandido runs into a rolling elbow! And a Half ‘n’ Half suplex! Both men are down but the fans are fired up again! The ref checks on both men, and fans duel again. Scurll sits up first, but Bandido slowly follows. Scurll and Bandido both feed off the energy as Scurll CHOPS Bandido. Scurll has Bandido in a corner with forearms and more CHOPS, but Bandido shoves him away. Scurll comes back with an uppercut, and a tornado DDT! But Scurll drags Bandido right up, Chicken Wing! But Bandido resists the crossface and elbows back. But Scurll catches that arm, pump handle USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO!! Bandido lives and Scurll grows frustrated. Scurll watches Bandido closely as he slowly stirs.

Scurll drags Bandido in for underhooks, but Bandido drops to fight it off. Scurll rams a knee into Bandido, then runs, but Bandido goes Matrix to dodge! But he holds the headstand too long, Scurll mule kicks Bandido down! Scurll hauls Bandido up for a POWERBOMB! A high stack cover, TWO!! Scurll can’t believe Bandido lives, but Atlanta keeps cheering! “Si se puedes! Si se puedes!” gives Bandido life. Scurll calls for his hold again, but Bandido rolls back to roll Scurll up, TWO! Scurll knees, runs, but Bandido clotheslines! Bandido runs, blcoks the clothesline to fire off elbows, but Scurll still forearms! Half ‘n’ Half suplex again! But Bandido springs right up, Shining Wizard to the back! Both men are down again after Bandido’s last shot! The ref checks on both men. Scurll stirs, and fans keep cheering as the ref checks if Bandido is even conscious. Bandido’s arm drops once. His arm drops twice. But Bandido revives on the third!

Bandido sits up and takes aim at Scurll again. Scurll comes back to be forehead to forehead. Scurll CHOPS, Bandido CHOPS back! There’s life back in those hands! Scurll puts some stank on his CHOP, but Bandido returns the favor! That CHOP sends sweat flying off Scurll! Scurll falls back and fans fire up for Bandido more! Scurll gets up again and hushes the crowd. Scurll sucker punches Bandido instead! Then he runs in at the corner, but misses. Bandido enziguris then hoists Scurll up. Bandido climbs up but Scurll fights back. Bandido falls but he catches Scurll’s headscissors, to buckle bomb! Then he whips, scoops, torture rack to X-KNEE! Cover, TWO!?! Scurll survives and Bandido can’t believe it!

But Scurll ends up on the ropes and Bandido runs! Rebound, but Scurll standing switches to the Chicken Wing! Bandido slips out to standing shooting star! Cover, TWO!! Bandido puts Scurll up top fast, climbs up with him, and scoops Scurll, for a SUPER FALL AWAY SUPLEX!! Atlanta is hitting a fever pitch for Bandido, but Scurll Chicken Wings outta nowhere!! Bandido endures, pries at the hold, but rolls back to a cover! TWO, Scurll SUPERKICKS! Scurll runs and LARIATS Bandido inside-out! And then, PACKAGE PILEDRIVER! Cover, TWO?!? But Scurll just gets Bandido up again! Butterfly, LAST PLAGUE!! Cover, Scurll wins!!

Winner: Marty Scurll, by pinfall

The first-time-ever is perhaps the best ever! The Villain takes down the Most Wanted, and now Villain Enterprises has one up on LifeBlood! Will they be able to recreate this incredible action in the future of this faction warfare?



My Thoughts:

Another episode with half the matches summarized for ROH, but at least with some really good full matches to give us something to watch. It was fun seeing some of the Briscoes VS Rock ‘n’ Roll Express match, Gibson and Morton gave them a good match, but obviously Briscoes were going to win. At this point, it really is a mystery as to who could possibly ever beat Jay and Mark for those titles. The ROH Tag Team Division has a lot of young stars, but it will take years before any of them feel on par with #DemBoyz. What we got of that Women of Honor match was alright, but it’s just getting to the heart of the problem that Angelina Love is needing help left and right. I hope when Klein VS Love happens, she has back-up to cancel out The Allure’s Velvet Sky and Mandy Leon, and then Kelly just squashes Angelina. It would be exactly what fans want because fans likely agree with kayfabe Kelly talking smack on The Allure.

Shane Taylor has another solid promo, and his Death Before Dishonor match with Flip Gordon and Tracy Williams should be really good. It definitely works in his favor to have Flip representing Villain Enterprises and Tracy representing LifeBlood, they fight the most, then Taylor just picks the bones to retain. Rhett has a great promo to frame his story, and he has a great match with Shaheem Ali. No shenanigans, which was great. I’m thinking Rhett has a match against Leon St. Giovanni, Rhett sweeps C2C to then call King out, and we get a great match of former friends. But as of right now, it feels like that match would go King’s way, because King is on this journey to world title scene level while Rhett is probably still TV title. Scurll VS Bandido was incredible, worthy of a title itself. Why aren’t these two in the Triple Threat for the TV title to really give Taylor a run for his money? At the same time, just when are we getting that ROH World Six Man title match? That has to be what settles this, though it’ll be hard to outdo that original Six Man Street Fight.

My Score: 8.2/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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