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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (9/21/19)

Will LifeBlood and Villain Enterprises fight forever?



NEW ROH Coverage

ROH Wrestling Television, Episode 418

Faction warfare escalates again as we get yet another round between LifeBlood and Villain Enterprises! Will this ever end?!



  • From Saturday Night at Center Stage – LifeBlood VS Villain Enterprises; Villain Enterprises wins.
  • Vinny Marseglia VS Beer City Bruiser; Marseglia wins.
  • From Honor For All – WOH World Championship #1 Contender’s Four Corner Survival: Sumie Sakai VS Jenny Rose VS Damaris Dawkins VS Angelina Love w/ Mandy Leon; Love wins and will challenge Kelly Klein for the title at Death Before Dishonor.
  • From Honor For All – Six Man Tag: LifeBlood VS Villain Enterprises; changed to…
  • From Honor For All – ROH World Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Match: LifeBlood VS Villain Enterprises; LifeBlood wins and will face The Briscoes for the titles at Death Before Dishonor.


LifeBlood VS Villain Enterprises!

Honor Club has the full match but ROH TV jumps to Mark Haskins shoving a bloody PCO off the top rope! Brody King runs over but gets an enziguri! Haskins climbs up but Brody CHOPS him back! Brody drags Haskins off the top into a Canadian rack, but Tracy Williams revives to BOOT! Haskins slips off Brody’s shoulder, then feeds him to Tracy, and helps Tracy get Brody up! Haskins adds a kick to the PILEDRIVER! Haskins goes at PCO while Tracy covers, but PCO shoves Haskins onto Tracy to break the cover! Atlanta fires up as PCO is the one man standing. PCO joins Haskins on the apron, but Haskins SUPERKICKS then fireman’s carries, for Shoulder Soldier Roll to the apron!!

Haskins and PCO are down but Tracy throws forearms on Brody. Tracy CHOPS, and CHOPS, and CHOPS! He throws off his elbow pad to run, Flip Gordon is late to tripping him up, and Tracy clotheslines Brody! But Brody stays standing! Tracy runs again, this time Flip gets Tracy with the chair to the back! Brody drags Tracy up, Canadian rack, GONZO BOMB! Cover, Villain Enterprises wins!

Winners: Villain Enterprises, Brody King pinning

The spotlight belongs to Villain Enterprises! Scurll beat Bandido and his “employees” beat Tracy and Haskins, are they going to turn the tide in the war?


ROH throws it to Ian Riccaboni and Quinn McKay.

Death Before Dishonor is coming, and something wicked this way comes with it. Vinny Marseglia has been torturing the Bouncers, Brian Milonas and Beer City Bruiser, both physically and mentally. Most notably, Vinny burned Bruiser with his own cigar! That leads to tonight’s ROH TV exclusive!

Vinny Marseglia VS Beer City Bruiser!

TK O’Ryan and Brian Milonas are conspicuously absent, so neither man will have anyone watching their backs. But BCB could still use someone, because the moment he’s on the apron, Vinny dropkicks him off! BCB gets up but Vinny DIVES! Direct hit and the ref just rings the bell. Both men brawl and BCB CHOPS! Vinny runs off but BCB pursues. They keep brawling with big hands, and BCB CHOPS again! Vinny is stinging but BCB whips him into barriers! Fans fire up for Bruiser as he goes to the apron. BCB CANNONBALLS, but misses! Vinny goes to the apron and leaps, but into BCB’s hand! Apron choke slam! Vinny writhes as fans fire up with chants of “BEER! BEER!”

BCB goes to the crowd and asks fans to please move aside. They do, and BCB is planning something crazy. BCB hops up on chairs, and has ROH security help prop him up on the railing. The Bruiser FLIES over commentary! Vinny gets clear but the rest of ROH security gets wiped out!! Atlanta is thunderous for “ROH! ROH!” as Vinny gets back on the apron to boot Bruiser down! Vinny returns to the ring to revel in it all as we go to break.

ROH returns and BCB squashes Vinny in a corner! Vinny is down and fans fire up as BCB climbs! Beer City Bomb FLOPS! Vinny gets up and runs side to side for a big forearm smash, and then another! Vinny bumps BCB on buckles and manages a Side Effect! Cover, ONE, but Vinny rains down fists. Vinny laughs and stomps BCB. “You wanna fight me, huh, Bruiser?” Vinny mocks BCB, saying someone needs to get him a beer. BCB punches back but Vinny kicks a leg out to basement shotgun dropkick BCB down. Cover, TWO! Vinny climbs up top but BCB stops him with a big uppercut! BCB climbs up to join Vinny now, and clubs away. Vinny hits back and manages to gourd buster BCB down! Redrum swanton! Cover, TWO!! Vinny is furious but there are fans that still cheer the Horror King.

Vinny taunts BCB, but BCB bites his fingers! But again, BCB (supposedly) can’t bite, he ain’t got no teef! But Vinny BOOTS BCB to then run, into BCB’s big right hand! Vinny rebounds to hit back, then he whips. BCB reverses to then run in, but Vinny knees back. Vinny tilt-o-whirls but BCB blocks the leg sweep. Vinny spins BCB, underhooks, but BCB powers out, to get Vinny in the Beer City DDT! Cover, TWO!! BCB can’t believe his deep DDT didn’t work, and Vinny gets to a corner. BCB runs in and hits a big uppercut! Fans cheer as BCB goes after Vinny in a corner. BCB rains down hands but the ref backs him up. Vinny exposes a buckle in this time! Then Vinny uses the ref as a shield to sucker BCB in, and he bounces BCB off the bare buckle! Then, Sliced Bread! Cover, Vinny wins!

Winner: Vinny Marseglia, by pinfall

And the wicked wins with wicked ways. But will this be the end of their grudge?


Death Before Dishonor begins a huge tournament!

Eight of the best wrestlers in ROH today will battle in a single elimination tournament to determine the next #1 contender to Matt Taven’s ROH World Championship. This will all culminate at Final Battle 2019! Mark Haskins, Colt Cabana, Kenny King, Bandido, Dalton Castle, Marty Scurll, PCO, and Jay Lethal have all had an incredible 2019, but whose year will get even better when they face Matt Taven for the ROH World title?


Brian Milonas is down!

And it was TK O’Ryan who attacked! “What do you think of that, fat boy!?” TK is scaring the Future of Honor wrestlers but medics and security get TK out of there. Will the Kingdom make sure the Bouncers never have another beer in their careers?


ROH throws it back to Team IQ.

Ian and Quinn see just why Milonas couldn’t support Bruiser tonight. Will things only escalate further? Meanwhile, the Allure have been heading right for the Women of Honor World Championship, and we throw it to Honor For All’s #1 contender’s match.


WOH World Championship #1 Contender’s Four Corner Survival: Sumie Sakai VS Jenny Rose VS Damaris Dawkins VS Angelina Love w/ Mandy Leon!

Before this match begins, Angelina addresses her opponents, saying there is a problem here.

It isn’t just with how her opponents look right now. Sumie takes a snooze as Angelina goes on about how ROH won’t recognize her as the #1 contender already. She pinned the champion, Kelly Klein, at Best in the World. Sumie, wake up! Angelina beat Sumie, a former champion, at Center Stage, so why is she even in here? And Angelina doesn’t need to beat Jenny or Dawkins, so bye~! But despite the attitude, Dwakins and Jenny chase the Allure down! The American Joshi and the West Philly fighter won’t let these two leave without a fight!

This match is in full on Honor Club, but ROH jumps to the action as Sumie climbs up. Fans rally as Sumie missile dropkicks Dawkins down! Jenny runs in to attack and Perfect Plex to a cover! Dawkins breaks it in time, but Jenny stomps Sumie into a headscissor vice. Dawkins gets Jenny in a headscissor vice of her own! But Angelina finally returns to get Dawkins with hers! It is a headscissor centipede! Sumie, Jenny and Dawkins all endure so Angelina stomps each of them in turn. Cover on Sumie, TWO! Cover on Dawkins, TWO! Angelina drags Sumie up but Sumie fires forearms. Sumie whips but Mandy bails Angelina out. Sumie goes after Dawkins but Dawkins fires back to a Northern Lights! Bridge but Jenny breaks it!

Jenny drags Dawkins up in a waistlock, spins her around, urenage! Cover, but Sumie somersaults through it! Sumie stomps Jenny but Angelina is lurking with a chair. Sumie dragon sleepers, Smash Mouth on Jenny! Cover, but Dawkins breaks it! Dawkins throws big forearms and chops, then runs, but into Sumie’s back elbow! Sumie gets Dawkins in a dragon sleeper, but Angelina makes a move with that chair! The ref stops her, but this allows Mandy to distract and hairspray Sumie AGAIN! Angelina returns and aims at Dawkins, Botox Injection! Cover, Angelina wins!

Winner: Angelina Love, by pinfall; NEW #1 Contender to the WOH World Championship

And once again, the Exotic Goddess helps out one of the Beautiful People to cheat the competition.

Backstage interview with The Allure.

Quinn talks with Angelina and Mandy, but they keep teasing her. Tonight’s match was a stolen victory, but Angelina takes offense. Since Quinn is so smart, what else does she think Angelina needs to do to prove herself? Did she not get the pin? She did, but Quinn took note of how the hairspray came into play. Get your eyes checked, Quinn. The only spray is in their hair already. So get those ugly glasses checked before making accusations towards people you don’t want to mess with! Messing with little Quinn McKay aside, will Angelina and Mandy both learn that they won’t be able to get one over on Kelly Klein?


Joe Hendry makes things better~!

It’s PSN, the Prestigious Shopping Network! And Joe Hendry presents his brand new Joe Hendry World Champ shirt! It is on sale at ROH’s official shop for a “solid gold price” of just $24.99. Now, Hendry’s (reluctant) tag team partner, Dalton Castle, retweeted the design, calling it #Trash. At first, that really hurts, but it’s not because Castle is upset at being second best now, it’s not that Castle dislikes Hendry. Castle said that because he’s upset Hendry didn’t get him one! Hendry feels so bad about that, here’s a brand new Castle shirt! Look at that great comic sans font for “2nd best! dalton castle” the Pigeon. That’s amazing craftsmanship. And don’t worry, Hendry paid for this design himself.

Hendry tells Castle that this shirt is a statement of intent. Hendry hasn’t been world champ, but he isn’t here to just whine and beg. Hendry is here to change the world, and that starts by believing he’s already world champ! This shirt is for those who need to believe in themselves, who need to stand up and stop letting people push them around! Go get this shirt, and go seize the day!


ROH replays Matt Taven’s words at the end of Summer Supercard.

“You just saw another name get added to the long list of people that were forced to bow down to the king!” Taven has beaten them all! The undefeated PCO, the undefeated Jeff Cobb, everyone. Taven is on pace to be the GREATEST ROH World Champion of all time! Fans boo in disagreement. But why is Taven the best? “Because IIII’M Matt-” Wait! El Toro Blanco, Rush, heads out to the ring! There is still one man Taven has yet to beat. And Rush joins Taven in the ring as fans chant his name. Taven doesn’t care who Rush is, he is the champion! Taven waves bye bye but will Rush still storm his way to a title match?


ROH throws it back to Team IQ.

Rush has not been pinned or submitted, but Matt Taven owes him payback for the hair match that shaved Taven bald. But finally, they will have it out at Death Before Dishonor! Who walks out of Las Vegas having hit the jackpot while the other busts?

And this just in, given the extent of that cut over PCO’s eye from the Center Stage match, as well as other health concerns, he cannot join his fellow Villain Enterprises “employees” in the next chapter of their war with LifeBlood. Marty Scurll and Brody King will battle Mark Haskins and Bandido. But to raise the ante just in time for Death Before Dishonor, the winners will move on to face The Briscoes for the ROH World Tag Team Championships in Las Vegas!


ROH World Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Match: LifeBlood VS Villain Enterprises!

A bit of misfortune turns into a golden opportunity for both teams! What was to be the long-awaited Six Man Tag Team Championship match has now turned into a chance at a match with #DemBoys! Will Scurll and Brody win one for PCO? Or will Overkill and the Most Wanted be singing Viva Las Vegas?

ROH returns as Bandido and Scurll start. They had their dream singles match just the event before, so that’s why Scurll won’t shake Bandido’s hand. He tags out to Brody and fans cheer. Bandido and Brody circle as fans rally up. They tie up, and Brody lifts Bandido up high to toss him to ropes! Fans cheer that feat of strength, but Bandido keeps his cool. Bandido gets up and gets the fans cheering “Lucha! Lucha!” Bandido and Brody go, and Bandido wants a single leg takedown, but Brody is too big to be toppled over. Brody says, “Try harder, (beeeep)!” then he pie faces Bandido. Fans boo but Bandido stomps Brody’s foot! Then Bandido trips Brody with that takedown. Things speed up and Brody dodges Bandido’s handspring.

Things keep moving, Bandido hurdles but Brody leaps. Bandido dodges to huricanrana but Brody handsprings through! Brody runs at Bandido and manages to huricanrana the luchador!? Fans are thunderous for that freakish feat of agility! But Bandido gets up to sweep the legs, cover, ONE! Brody sweeps, covers, ONE, and both men dropkick! Those cancel out, and both men handspring back up. Brody wants to shake hands, Bandido accepts, and then Scurll clobbers Bandido from behind! Haskins runs out and fires off on Scurll and Brody! Haskins CHOPS Scurll, kicks Brody, repeat! Scurll deflects a kick but it goes into Brody’s gut! Haskins waistlocks but Scurll standing switches. Brody runs in but Haskins escapes, Brody clotheslines Scurll!

Haskins dropkicks Brody’s legs out and fires up with the fans. Scurll runs in but his huricanrana is blocked! Haskins sets Scurll on top of Brody, it’s a Boston Crab and Camel Clutch fusion! Bandido adds on to the Boston Camel with a mule kick to Brody’s face! And then a mule kick to Scurll’s face! Fans are thunderous as LifeBlood stands tall! Tag to Haskins, and LifeBlood has Brody up. They try but can’t double suplex the massive man, but Brody double suplexes them! Brody watches Bandido and Haskins stand and runs in, but they double hip toss Brody onto ropes, to rebound him for a facebuster! Double basement dropkicks, cover, ONE! Haskins kicks Brody while he’s down and then stomps the arm. Haskins keeps on Brody’s arm but Brody fights his way up. Brody whips Haskins but Haskins dodges, only to get a cheap shot from Scurll. Haskins hits back, but then Brody DECKS Haskins! Haskins flops out and Scurll hits Bandido. Scurll goes to the apron, SUPERKICK! Fans fire up while Scurll flaps his wings, and we go to break!

ROH returns once again, and Brody tags Scurll. Brody scoop slams Haskins then runs, Scurll helps him get air for the splash! But Scurll has to cover, TWO! Scurll talks trash to Bandido but fans rally for Haskins. Haskins crawls around but Scurll stands between him and Bandido. Scurll stomps the fingers, then grabs them, and we know what that means! Scurll SNAPS Haskins’ fingers! Haskins works to reset the fingers while fans cheer “Woop Woop!” Scurll calls for it, and fans fire up again! Scurll encourages them to get louder, and then he does his dance, “CHICKEN WING!” Calf kick from Haskins! Both men are down but Haskins crawls for the corner. Scurll slowly stirs and fans rally up. Scurll grabs Haskins’ foot but Hsakins shoves him away. Hot tag to Bandido!

Bandido slingshots, springboards, tornillo! Scurll rebounds into a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker! Brody runs in but gets buckles. Brody boots Bandido, hops up, but Bandido manages to catch and roll Brody to the mat, for a wrench and a whip. Brody reverses but Bandido shotgun dropkicks! Haskins returns and LifeBlood builds speed, to DOUBLE DIVE! Direct hit on both Scurll and Brody! Bandido gets Scurll in and Haskins has him for a running Falcon Arrow! Bandido is up top, FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Scurll survives and LifeBlood is shocked! Scurll gets to ropes but Bandido runs, but falls for 52 Fake Out! Scurll sucker punches Haskins and tags in Brody. Brody whips Scurll in but Bandido puts him on the apron. Only to get the kick clothesline combo! Brody holds Bandido, Scurll slingshots over, sunset flip German Suplex! Cover, TWO!! Bandido still lives and so does LifeBLood!

Scurll tags in, Brody feeds Bandido to him. Scurll puts on out in a shout out to some old pals, POWERBOMB! Catapult into Brody’s BIG right forearm! Then with Bandido bent back on Scurll’s knees, Brody adds the senton! Cover, but Haskins breaks it! Brody goes to throw Haskins out but Haskins stops himself and fires strikes back on Brody. Haskins kicks but gets caught, Brody CHOPS Haskins down! Bandido mule kicks then runs, to crucifix DRIVER! Bandido BOOTS Scurll then runs, into a rolling elbow! Half ‘n’ Half! Haskins gives Scurll his own 52 Fake Out JAB! All four men are down, and we go to one more break!

ROH returns one more time, and all four men are stirring. Brody helps get Scurll to the corner and he tags in. Brody runs but Haskins dumps him out. Haskins goes to the apron, BIG Penalty Kick! Scurll runs over but Haskins hits him away. Bandido scoops Scurll, torture rack to X-Knee! Big kick from Haskins, then Bandido holds Scurll up while tagging Haskins in. Bandido holds Scurll out for Haskins’ flying stomps! Stomp Boy hits, cover, TWO!? Scurll survives and shocks Haskins. Fans rally up both ways as Haskins tells Scurll to watch him. Haskins has Scurll’s fingers, and SNAPS them in return! Then he wants the Sharpshooter, but Scurll kicks him away. Haskins jackknife rolls and has Scurll in the fireman’s carry! Scurll escapes and shoves Haskins into Bandido! CHICKEN WING!!

Haskins resists, reaches, pries at the hold, but Bandido rises. Haskins rolls over to a cover, TWO! Jackknife roll, Shoulder Soldier Roll! Cover, but Brody breaks it! Brody decks Bandido, then helps Scurll up again. Brody drags Haskins up for a Canadian rack but Bandido saves Haskins. LifeBlood shoves Brody into Scurll, then clothesline Brody out! Scurll is alone for the 21 PLEX!! Haskinsgets the Sharpshooter! Bandido FLIES out onto Brody! Haskins pulls back deep!! Scurll taps, LifeBlood wins!!

Winners: LifeBlood, Haskins by submission; NEW #1 Contenders to the ROH World Tag Team Championships

While the war is not over, this win means so much for LifeBlood! Haskins and Bandido will go against Jay and Mark Briscoe, but will they be tough enough to take those ROH World Tag Team Championships away from the baddest team on the whole damn planet?


Rush speaks!

“Ring of Honor. This is the time that I told everybody I will be the next champion!” Las Vegas, Death Before Dishonor, Matt Taven will face El Toro Blanco! Nothing happens unless Rush says so! Will Rush be the man to finally end Matt Taven’s reign of terror?



My Thoughts:

Given ROH’s recent format of highlighting some matches and giving us the full version of others, this time it actually worked out. This being the go-home to Death Before Dishonor, it worked to summarize some of the stories and get TV viewers caught up. We got a solid match out of Vinny and BCB, though they should’ve played TK’s “attack” on Brian Milonas before, since commentary basically gave it away. Seems some of that “left hand not knowing what right hand” stuff is still lingering. All ROH needs is some quality assurance to make sure they arranged things to fit how it was booked. What we got of the WOH Fatal 4 Way was alright. Damaris Dawkins seems to have the natural athleticism enough to keep up with the veterans, but of course The Allure cheats to win as the biggest Heels in the division right now. I would hope Kelly Klein gets an ally to counter Mandy’s presence. Maria Manic hasn’t been around lately, maybe she’ll reappear to chase Mandy off so that Angelina is all alone. Plus, Maria needs to circle back into this to also get herself a title shot.

The story of this episode was clearly the feud of LifeBlood and Villain Enterprises. We got a portion of their Center Stage tag match, the same night Scurll VS Bandido 1v1 happened. Given Villain Enterprises won both tag and singles match, I wonder if that meant LifeBlood was meant to win the Six Man titles the next night. LifeBlood did win in their awesome substitute tag match when PCO couldn’t compete, so to make up for not being Six Man champs, they’re getting a shot at the World Tag titles. I feel like Briscoes still have to win that, LifeBlood isn’t at the level of beating a team as good as that yet. Plus, that Six Man Tag match has to be coming back around at another event down the line. When LifeBlood wins those Six Man titles, then maybe we can talk the two-man tag titles.

My Score: 8.3/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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