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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (10/9/19)

What changes will there be to NXT’s landscape?



NEW NXT Coverage

NXT continues to transform and evolve!

Drew Gulak defends the now NXT Cruiserweight Championship against Lio Rush! Will the Law of 205 Live still reign on the Black ‘n’ Gold?



  • NXT Cruiserweight Championship: Drew Gulak VS Lio Rush; Rush wins and becomes the new NXT Cruiserweight Champion.
  • Rhea Ripley VS Aliyah w/ Vanessa Borne; Ripley wins.
  • Breezango VS Ever-Rise; changed to…
  • Breezango VS The Forgotten Sons; The Forgotten Sons win.
  • Boa VS Cameron Grimes; Grimes wins.
  • Isaiah “Swerve” Scott VS Roderick Strong; Strong wins.
  • Dakota Kai VS Bianca Belair; Belair wins.


NXT is starting to take over USA Network!

Two hours, three incredible title matches, and what’s this?! Two superstars make their return! The Blackheart, Tommaso Ciampa, was inevitable. But Finn Balor coming back to the gold ‘n’ black!? The Undisputed Era is still #DrapedInGold, but will that soon change?


NXT Cruiserweight Championship: Drew Gulak VS Lio Rush!

The Man of the Hour finally gets his chance at this championship, but he’ll have to defy the Law of 205 Live! Will Gulak #FeelTheRush? Or will he grind the Living Piece of Gold down with pain and punishment?

The introductions are made, the newly named title is raised, and this fast and furious opener begins!

Gulak runs at Lio but Lio dodges and leaves him crashing in the corner. SPANISH FLY OUTTA NOWHERE! Cover, ONE, and Gulak hurries out! But Lio DIVES to wipe him out! Lio sends Gulak at the ring but Gulak reverses. Lio mule kicks then MOONSAULTS! Lio puts Gulak in fast, then aims. Fans are fired up as LIo slingshots, but Gulak catches him. Gulak blocks the tornado to dump Lio off. Gulak runs in to clothesline hard in the corner! Cover, TWO! Lio still lives but Gulak has slowed him down considerably. Fans rally up and duel as Gulak CHOPS Lio to a corner. Gulak wrenches but Lio rolls him up! TWO, and Gulak has the Rings of Saturn! Lio endures as Gulak tortures the left arm to a keylock. Fans rally and Lio slips out to throw hands. Gulak knees low and hard, and looms over Lio.

Gulak drags Lio up for big haymakers, then wrenches and clubs Lio down. La Magistrol, TWO! Gulak drops onto an arm to squash it, then keeps on it with a keylock. Lio fights up to punch free. Lio throws hands in the corner and Gulak goes around the ring. Lio CHOPS Gulak in a corner, but Gulak CHOPS back! Gulak scoops and slams Lio hard, covers, TWO! Gulak keeps on the leg with a standing toehold. Lio resists as Gulak goes after both legs, but Gulak spins Lio around to get a standing knee wrench. Lio goes at Gulak’s leg but Gulak puts him in a corner. Gulak hoists Lio up top and then goes to the outside. Gulak climbs from the outside but Lio fights Gulak back. Lio clubs Gulak back to the apron then down to the floor. Lio adjusts but Gulak is up fast to BOOT Lio off, onto security! Lio crashes and burns while NXT goes picture in picture.

The referee checks on Lio but he’s somehow okay to continue. Gulak gets in the ring and lets the ring count begin. The count passes 5 before Lio stirs. Gulak watches from a perch on the corner. Lio rises at 7, stands at 8, and gets in at 9.5! Gulak waits for Lio to stand on his own, to then fly in with a clothesline! Cover, TWO! Gulak keeps his focus as he watches Lio crawl. Gulak drags Lio up, but Lio hits back with body shots. Gulak elbows him in the head! Cover, TWO! Gulak keeps on Lio with a neck wrench and leans on Lio as he twists. Lio works his way up and jawbreakers free! Lio kicks Gulak’s legs but Gulak hoists Lio into a torture rack. Lio slips out but Gulak rocks him with a haymaker! Gulak wrenches and whips Lio corner to corner hard! Lio hits buckles then hits the mat.

Gulak drags Lip up and wraps on another chinlock. Lio endures as Gulak digs his chin into Lio’s head. Lio fights his way up as fans rally, and he throws body shots. Lio backs Gulak up and fires off fast hands! Lio runs in at the corner, big shoulder tackle! Lio keeps moving, tilt-o-whirl DDT! Cover, TWO!! Gulak survives, but this is why he’s champion at all. Lio and Gulak slowly rise as NXT returns to single picture. Lio gives Gulak his own take on the Yes Kicks! Lio powers up, but Gulak blocks the buzzsaw! Gulak flips Lio, Lio lands on his feet, but the LARIAT flips Lio inside-out! Cover, TWO!! Lio still lives and Gulak grits his teeth in anger. Fans rally as Lio and Gulak slowly rise. Gulak drags Lio up the rest of the way, then scoops, but Lio slips out. Lio shoves Gulak, Gulak somersaults to sunset flip, but Lio matchbook counters! TWO, and Lio springboards for the rewind, but into a GuLOCK! The body scissors are on, Lio is caught!! Lio endures, reaches, and pries free! To roll back to a cover! TWO!

Lio steals the GuLOCK!? But Gulak picks that lock to fireman’s carry. Gulak pops Lio around to a torture rack, CYCLONE CRASH! Cover, ROPEBREAK!! Gulak tries again, away from the ropes, TWO!! Full Sail is thunderous for Lio, but Gulak is on him again. “This is Awesome!” as Gulak hoists Lio up top. Gulak climbs up to join Lio, but Lio fights back with body shots. Lio clubs Gulak on the back and then throws haymakers. Gulak wobbles and Lio has him off the ropes. But Gulak hops back up, only to get shoved down! FINAL HOUR! But Lio bounces off Gulak, so he hurries to springboard rewind, The Come Up stunner hits! Gulak is in a drop zone, Lio heads up top, FINAL HOUR AGAIN! Cover, Lio wins!!

Winner: Lio Rush, by pinfall; NEW NXT Cruiserweight Champion

The Man of the Hour’s time has finally come! Full Sail cheers as Lio fought the Law and beat the Law! Will the Living Piece of Gold’s net worth only grow from here?

William Regal appears to officially put the belt around Lio’s waist, but Gulak barges back into the ring? Gulak takes the belt from them both, so that he can officially give it to the new champion. Lio seems to have won Gulak’s respect on top of the title. Will this seal of approval help Lio truly take over where Gulak left off?


NXT looks back on the legacy of Finn Balor in Full Sail!

The Prince came to NXT and not only revolutionized himself, but he revolutionized action on this brand. Whether Extraordinary Man or Demon, he became the longest reigning NXT Champion along the way. But now that he’s back, will he revolutionize his legacy during this Era of the Undisputed?


Tegan Nox is back!

She’s already made a splash in NXT UK, but she’s ready to show NXT USA what the Shiniest Wizard looks like. She’ll make her NXT USA debut next week, but she’s also supporting her Team Kick Captain, Dakota Kai! Will Team Kick kick things up a notch as 2019 heads for the home stretch?


Rhea Ripley VS Aliyah w/ Vanessa Borne!

The Mosh Pit Kid is back in Full Sail, because she’s not done making her brutality international! Will she show #BorneBougie what it’s like to ride the Riptide?

The bell rings and Rhea circles with Aliyah. They tie up and Rhea shoves Aliyah with such force, Aliyah ends up in the corner! Aliyah uses the ropes as defense and the ref keeps Rhea back. Rhea still whips Aliyah corner to corner but Aliyah dodges to hop on for a screeching sleeper hold! Rhea throws Aliyah off then stomps her down! Rhea suplexes but Aliyah slips out to CLAW Rhea on the back! That only angers Rhea! Rhea reels Aliyah in for a short lariat, then another, then whips her for a BIG dropkick! Fans sing, “Rhea’s gonna kill~ you!” as she grabs Aliyah’s legs for an Inverted Cloverleaf! And she swings Aliyah around!! Aliyah endures then grabs a leg, but Rhea flips her up for a FACEBUSTER! She holds onto the Cloverleaf, Aliyah taps, Rhea wins!

Winner: Rhea Ripley, by submission

Rhea rips through Aliyah, but she dares Vanessa to give it a go! Rhea grabs a mic and says, “There is no doubt that Shayna Baszler is the most dominant NXT Women’s Champion in history. She has tapped, napped or snapped every one of her competitors. But not me! Shayna, I’m coming for ya.” The Ripper is ready to rip the Queen of Spades from her throne, but when and where will we see it all happen?


NXT is under construction?

A duo walks out, ready with hard hats and tool belts. This new team looks ready to remodel Full Sail, but who are they? The lights come up, and the two ladies step aside to reveal BREEZANGO! Tyler Breeze and Fandango are ready to go to work, though Prince Pretty has to bring the Lord of the Dance away from the construction crew. Will Breeze & Fandango rebuild themselves while tearing down their opponents?

Breezango VS Ever-Rise!

Speaking of tearing down, the French Canadian connection is being dragged out by Jaxson Ryker! The Gunner dumps those two on the stage, and here come the rest of the Forgotten Sons! It looks like Steve Cutler and Wesley Blake want to rearrange the match card! Will they be #ForgottenNoMore after tonight?

Breezango VS The Forgotten Sons!

The teams sort out, and Cutler starts against Breeze. The two go at each other and Breeze throws hands! Breeze hits Blake as he runs in, but Cutler kicks low. Cutler whips but Breeze kicks back. Breeze underhooks but Blake runs in again. Breeze punches Blake away but Cutler kicks low to underhook and butterfly backbreaker! Cutler puts Breeze in a corner for savage stomps, then drags him up for a whip. Cutler elbows Breeze down at the ropes but fans rally for Breezango. Cutler chokes Breeze on the ropes, tags Blake, and then hip toss sentons Blake into Breeze! Cover, TWO! Blake tags Cutler and the two double backbreaker Breeze! Cover, TWO! Breeze reaches for Dango but Cutler stays between them. Cutler kicks Breeze away then stomps away. Tag to Blake, and again the Sons double lift, but Breeze slips out!

Breeze tosses Cutler out hard, then dodges Blake to tag in Dango! Fandango CHOPS away on Blake! Then clotheslines over and over! Fandango whips but Blake kicks back. Blake runs into the spinning powerslam! Fandango kicks and suplexes, for a one-armed Falcon Arrow! Cover, TWO! Fandango tags Breeze and Breeze catapults Blake, but Cutler trips Fandango! Blake slips out while Fandango throws Cutler down. Blake trips and catapults Breeze into buckles! Blake climbs up but Fandango helps Breeze tuck Blake in! SUPERKICK to Blake while he’s upside down! Fandango climbs up to sunset flip powerbomb! Blake goes rolling but Cutler is back. Fandango fights Cutler off but Blake dodges the Super Model Kick, and Ryker drags Breeze out of the ring! Ryker gets away with throwing Breeze into a post!

Fandango sees what happened, and FLIES out at Ryker! But Blake DIVES onto Fandango! Blake puts Fandango in, Cutler tags in, and the Sons combine for a powerbomb to knees! Cutler hops back up while Blake dragon sleepers Fandango, Memory Remains!! Cover, The Forgotten Sons win!

Winners: The Forgotten Sons, Cutler pinning

The savage trio will not be stopped until the fans have no choice but to know who they are! Will they one day put themselves into the history books with gold?


NXT looks closer at the Limitless One.

Keith Lee always looks to be better than he was the day before. Win-loss records aside, his most recent match with Dominik Dijakovic was “a battle of wills.” It was a battle of hunger. And it was for the future. Lee is hungrier, has more willpower, and wants it more. When they meet one more time, Dijakovic will have to #BaskInHisGlory!


Boa VS Cameron Grimes!

Beijing baller meets Carolina brawler as the Breakout stars continue to work towards the top. Will Boa at least last longer against the #CountryConfident technical savage than Sean Maluta did?

The bell rings, Grimes spots something on stage and both Boa and the ref looks over. Grimes gives Boa the double stomps! But there really is something coming down the ramp, and it’s the North Ireland Nightmare, Killian Dain! Grimes covers, Grimes wins! Then Grimes gets out faster than his win!

Winner: Cameron Grimes, by pinfall

Dain is eyeing Grimes, perhaps on to his next target? He goes after Boa instead! VADER BOMB! Big Damo wants to crush Boa, another Vader Bomb! Dain drags Boa out to then bring him to commentary, for a torture rack TOSS! Boa crashes onto the desk, and Dain shouts, “This is MY NXT!” Fans boo as Dain leaves Boa for dead. Who else will become prey for the Beast of Belfast?


Damien Priest enjoys the spotlight.

As he arrives in his sports car, he welcomes the cameras being all on him. “That’s the reason why I laid out Pete Dunne.” The Archer of Infamy did in fact blindside the Bruiserweight, who made a name for himself throughout all of NXT, USA and UK combined. But that name is just a bull’s eye, and Damien took his shot. He will #LiveForever at Dunne’s expense, but will he soon pay the price?


Isaiah “Swerve” Scott VS Roderick Strong!

The Undisputed Era’s North American Champion returns to action against a man who has evolved many times throughout his wrestling career. The Savior of the Backbreaker doesn’t seem to sweat Swerve, nor Velveteen Dream’s issued challenge. Will Strong learn otherwise tonight?

The bell rings and Swerve ties up with Strong. They go around and Strong headlocks to the takeover. Swerve headscissors but Strong works on his way out. They roll and Strong gets Swerve down but Swerve slips out to get the ropes. Strong lets off just enough but then says, “You’re in MY house!” Swerve stands up but Strong shoves, so Swerve jumps and calf kicks! Cover, TWO! Strong almost got got from that! Swerve CHOPS Strong at the ropes, and again! Fans cheer, “Whose house?!” “Swerve’s house!” as Swerve throws body shots on Strong. Swerve whips but holds on to CHOP Strong, then gourd buster! Cartwheel splash, cover, TWO! Strong bails out but Swerve has him on the apron. Strong shoulders back and bumps Swerve off buckles. Strong gets into CHOP hard!

Strong slaps Swerve around then scoops, but Swerve struggles and slips out! Swerve rolls Strong, Strong slips out but Swerve Eddy Gordo huricanranas! Swerve ducks, fires off strikes and dropkicks Strong down! Strong is reeling, Swerve covers, TWO! Swerve keeps his cool as Strong staggers and wobbles. Swerve has him in the corner with a big right hand! Strong gets to another corner but Swerve throws a kick. Strong CHOPS! Swerve kicks, Strong Chops, and now they brawl! Haymakers, CHOPS, and then Strong knees low. Strong lifts Swerve for a pendulum backbreaker! Fans cheer this great exchange as both men slowly rise. Strong elbows Swerve right in the head, then kicks him down. Swerve gets to a corner but Strong CHOPS more. Swerve shoves but Strong forearms. They brawl again and Swerve gets an advantage. Strong hits low to then whip Swerve, but Swerve reverses and clotheslines Strong in the back!

Strong goes down, Swerve slingshots and somersaults to jump, but Strong catches him! Cradling backbreaker! Swerve writhes while Strong catches his breath. Fans duel as Strong drags Swerve up. Strong CHOPS Swerve on ropes, then puts him in a corner. Strong climbs up to rain down rights and gets 8. Swerve haymakers back! Swerve backs Strong down, whips but Strong reverses for a belly2belly backbreaker! Cover, TWO! Swerve is strong but Strong won’t let him up. Strong clubs Swerve down and keeps a knee in Swerve’s ribs. Cover, TWO, but Strong keeps kicking. NXT goes picture in picture as Strong has Swerve in a corner.

Strong rams his shoulder into Swerve then CHOPS him again! The ref backs Strong off for just a moment, but Strong goes back at Swerve with stomps. Strong hauls Swerve up to whip him corner to corner hard! Swerve hits buckles then mat, and Strong drives his knee into Swerve’s back. Strong sits Swerve up for a grounded cobra twist, but Swerve endures. Swerve fights against the hold but Strong jams a knee into Swerve’s ribs! Strong throws forearms as Swerve sits up, but Swerve CHOPS back! Forearm for CHOP, and Swerve stands up. They brawl more, back and forth, but Strong knees low to whip. Dropkick drops Swerve! Cover, TWO! Strong keeps on Swerve with a grounded cobra clutch! NXT returns to a single picture, and Swerve fights his way up. Swerve elbows out of the hold but Strong anchor s a leg! Swerve kicks Strong away, but Strong comes back to reel him in. Swerve DECKS Strong with that right!

Fans rally up as Strong and Swerve stand. Swerve rallies on Strong with clotheslines, then a jawbreaker! European Uppercut in the corner, then second rope elbow drop to Strong’s shoulders! Fans fire up with Swerve as he starts kicking. But here come the rest of the Undisputed Era! Strong hops up but Swerve kicks out his legs, to SUPERKICK and draping DDT! Cover, TWO!! The Era shout at Strong to fight but Swerve is on Strong with a half nelson. Strong elbows free and then fireman’s carries, but Swerve slips out to the apron. Swerve ducks, slips in, GERMAN SUPLEX! Somersault COMPLETE SHOT! Step-up calf kick! Cover, TWO!! Swerve almost had that, but Strong survives the rally. Strong bails out to the apron but Swerve heads over. The two brawl, but Swerve sweeps the legs to mule kick! Strong is in an apron Tree of Woe, Swerve slingshots out for KILLSHOT STOMPS!!

The Era are furious but fans are loving this! Swerve puts Strong in, heads back in but the Era distracts as they lurk. Strong hits a jumping knee! Then the PSYCHO KNEE! Suplex, END OF HEARTACHE! But that’s not all, Strong makes Swerve suffer with the Stronghold! Fans boo but Swerve taps, Strong wins!

Winner: Roderick Strong, by submission

The Undisputed Era keeps all four pillars strong and are rolling through NXT’s new phase. Cole grabs a mic while they celebrate, to congratulate Swerve on the effort. Cole will admit, Swerve’s good, just not near the level of “Ol’ Roddy Strong.” But that’s what Cole loves about NXT: the best of the best come here to see how they measure up to the Undisputed Era. That’s why Finn Balor’s back. That’s why Ciampa’s back. They want to fulfill some “unrealistic dream” that they’ll be the ones to dethrone Adam Cole. “Guess what? That is never going to happen!” But wait, Velveteen Dream appears on the titantron, because he heard someone say, “Dream.” The spotlight shines on the Era, and here comes the Experience! Dream is on the new NXT balcony to speak to the Era.

“The reality is, Undisputed Era, some of you are great.” But Roddy Strong needs to allow the Dream to show him the reality. Strong is doing a Shawn Michaels Playgirl cover?! In two weeks, Strong will experience the Experience once again in a title rematch! And when Dream strips Strong of that North American Championship, “the world will see why you just don’t measure up.” The belt disappears and there’s a tiny, tiny censor bar! The Era is incensed, Strong is ready to rip into Dream, but here comes CIAMPA! And with his old friend, the crutch! Ciampa heads for the Era in the ring while Dream watches. As the song says, “No one will survive!” Ciampa also brings a chair! The Era retreats, but will they be able to run and hide for much longer?

Ciampa takes a seat and picks up the mic the Era left behind. “Goldie, Daddy’s home.” Fans echo “Daddy’s Home!” for Ciampa, but when and where will the Psycho Killer get back what he never truly lost?


NXT reviews what led to Time Splitter VS Ring General!

Imperium looked to invade NXT USA from the UK, but they did it by interfering with Kushida’s business. Kushida fought them all off, and would get a win over the soldiers, but Walter would attack Kushida directly! Now it is a dream match of global proportions!


NXT shares what happened backstage during the break.

Cathy Kelly was waiting to interview Ciampa, but instead got Angel Garza. Garza says the most handsome superstar in NXT is more deserving of air time. Ciampa walks by and Cathy still wants her interview, but Garza laughs. Garza trash talks in Spanish, but Ciampa DECKS him! Cathy asks what Garza said, but Ciampa had no idea. Will everyone new to NXT realize why no one messes with the Blackheart?


Dakota Kai VS Bianca Belair!

The Team Captain is ready to kick butt, but will she be able to beat the EST who is becoming one of the hungriest sueprstars in the Women’s Division?

The bell rings and Bianca ties up with Dakota. They go around and Bianca puts Dakota in a corner. Bianca pie faces Dakota then throws her down face first. Bianca claps back but Dakota slaps back! Bianca whips, Dakota goes up and over, but Bianca catches her! Bianca squats but Dakota slips out to trip her up! Now Dakota claps back, and even flap flaps! Bianca gets mad and she waistlocks Dakota. Dakota works her way down and bumps Bianca of her. Dakota runs, Penalty Kick! Double stomps! Bianca rolls right out of the ring but Dakota is on the apron. Dakota Penalty Kicks again! Dakota puts Bianca back in then covers, ONE! Fans rally and duel as Dakota is on Bianca. Bianca reverses the whip but Dakota dodges and runs back in. Bianca flapjacks Dakota onto buckles! Then runs in to ram her shoulder into Dakota! The ref counts as Bianca keeps on Dakota, but Bianca backs of at 4.

Bianca hip tosses Dakota then runs her over! Cover, TWO! Bianca keeps her cool and smirks as she pushes Dakota around. Bianca grabs Dakota’s hair and scoops her, then does more squats before she slams Dakota down. Bianca stands on Dakota but Dakota kicks out quick. Bianca puts Dakota on the ropes to then push her around. Dakota small packages, TWO! Dakota tilt-o-whirls into a gutbuster! Cover, TWO! Bianca grows frustrated but she’s in control while NXT goes to break.

NXT returns as Bianca has Dakota in a chinlock and body scissors. Dakota pops out to roll back to a cover! TWO, and Bianca runs in, to get a drop toehold into buckles! Dakota gets up, Scorpion Kick! Dakota gets up again and rallies with clotheslines! She redirects and dropkicks Bianca down, then slips out to the apron to forearm Bianca away. Dakota trips Bianca then spins her around for a BOOT! Bianca staggers up but Dakota counter punches, sweeps and ax kicks! Bianca is in a corner, Dakota goes Around the World! Cover, TWO!! Dakota doesn’t stop there, she runs up, swinging meteora! Cover, TWO!! Bianca survives the innovation, and Dakota grows frustrated. Dakota drags Bianca up but she’s dead weight. Bianca revives to power Dakota into the corner! Bianca rams her shoulders, but Dakota goes up and over to roll up, TWO! Bianca blocks a boot, chicken wings, Glam Slam! Then standing shooting star! Cover, TWO!!

Bianca is losing her cool and tries another cover, TWO! Exhaustion meets frustration and both women are down. Fans rally up as Bianca gets back up. Bianca drags Dakota up, into position, and lifts, but Dakota fights out of the bomb, to a sunset flip! Cover, TWO! Bianca swings into the crucifix roll-up! TWO, and Dakota tilt-o-whirls around to then dodge and BOOT! Bianca forearms, Dakota rebounds, but her boot misses! Torture rack, KISS OF DEATH!! Cover, Bianca wins!!

Winner: Bianca Belair, by pinfall

Despite Dakota’s determination, it was still Bianca’s win! Bianca grabs herself a mic to say, “So hold up.” She heard what Rhea Ripley said about beating Baszler. “Girl, uh-uh.” Bianca doesn’t care if Rhea was the first NXT UK Women’s Champion. Anyone who wants after Shayna has to go through the EST! Will Bianca make herself the hardest mountain to climb even before someone challenges the champ?


NXT now takes a closer look at the Colossus.

Dominik Dijakovic sees the parallels between him and Lee. It is as if they were meant to fight forever. They bring the best out of each other, but Dijakovic knows Lee has his limits. He has studied, plotted, and prepared. This fourth rematch might be their final. Will Dijakovic #FeastHisEyes on a victory?


NXT looks at Finn Balor’s WWE main roster run.

From the WWE Draft in 2016 making him a Top 5 pick, to becoming the inaugural WWE Universal Champion, the Extraordinary Man lived up to that nickname. Balor Club is fOreVER, but will he make it even greater than that with this return home?


Pete Dunne speaks.

“You want my thoughts on Damien Priest?” When Dunne first arrived in the WWE, Triple H himself encouraged him to make a name for himself. Dunne gets what Damien’s doing. But he won’t let Damien make a name of himself of the Bruiserweight’s back. The longest reigning and most dominant champion in modern WWE history, Dunne will not back down from a fight. The Archer of Infamy won’t be able to shoot his bow with broken fingers. Dunne and Damien face off in the ring next week!



The Super Junior and the Austrian Anomaly are both undefeated since joining WWE and NXT! But only one can stand alone as THE undefeated! Who loses the 0 in the loss column in this international dream match that seemed impossible until now?

The bell rings and fans are dueling already. Walter and Kushida circle and tie up, and Walter headlock tosses Kushida away! Kushida comes back and kicks, but Walter stays up. They tie up, Walter gut wrenches Kushida up to put him on the ropes. Walter backs off to pat Kushida’s head, but that just riles Kushida up! Kushida gets in, gets a leg, but Walter sprawls to block the takedown. Walter facelocks and grinds Kushida down, but fans rally up. Kushida flails and spins out to reverse the facelock! They roll and Kushida holds on to then float all over Walter, and pat his head! Walter is mad but Kushida dodges his swinging hands to SLAP him! Walter is furious but he gets dumped out and dropkick’d down! Kushida dropkicks Walter again! Walter keeps trying, but gets another dropkick! The Ring General is furious while NXT goes to another break.

NXT returns and Walter runs into a boot at a corner. Kushida gives Walter a buckle complete shot! Fans fire up as Kushida springboards but stumbles! Walter BOOTS Kushida on the rebound! Kushida slumps on the apron but Walter takes his time dragging Kushida back in. Walter uses the leg to turn Kushida, but Kushida resists. The fans rally but Walter gets Kushida in the Half Crab! Walter also digs a knee into Kushida’s back, but Kushida endures. Kushida fights up and heads for ropes to get the ropebreak! Walter lets up and fans still duel as he drags Kushida up. Walter stretches Kushida back against ropes to CLUB him on the chest! And again! And again! Walter lets Kushida flop to the mat while he catches his breath. Walter returns to Kushida as Kushida sits up. Walter brings Kushida up but Kushida throws forearms! Walter knees low then turns Kushida for a CHOP! Kushida is dazed and down on the mat!

Walter drags Kushida up and into powerbomb position, but Kushida slips through for a DDT counter! Fans rally up and duel as Kushida gets to ropes. Walter stands on the opposite end, and runs into another boot. Kushida is on the apron and enziguris Walter away. Kushida climbs to leap, tomahawk ax handle! Walter stays up so Kushida keeps moving, but Walter hurdles?! Kushida still hip tosses Walter for the cartwheel dropkick! Walter bails out and fans fire up again. Kushida is on Walter at the ropes but Walter clubs him back. Walter goes to club again, but Kushida blocks to hotshot the arm! Kushida runs to sunset flip! But Walter holds on for dear life, then STOMPS Kushida out! Walter drags Kushida up by his head in a sleeper, but Kushida fights out. Kushida kicks away on Walter’s arm, but Walter CHOPS with his other! And CHOPS! Kushida stings, but he baits Walter into the post! Kushida kicks the legs out, then somersault DDT’s Walter to the floor!

Full Sail is thunderous as both men are down on the outside. A ring count begins and climbs to 5. Kushida stands at 6 but Walter shoves him away. Walter’s in at 8, Kushida’s in at 9.5! Kushida dodges and PELES Walter, to Penalty Kick the arm out! Kushida hops on, wanting his Hoverboard Lock! He has Walter in the body scissors, but Walter clubs and pops out of the Sakuraba, to suplex. Kushida slips out because of the beat up arm, but he swings into Walter’s sleeper! Kushida fades, but has a second wind! ROPEBREAK! Walter slaps the arms down but Kushida standing switches, O’Conner roll into Japanese Clutch! Deep Bridge, but Walter pops out to the sleeper!! Kushida rolls back, ARMBAR! Walter blocks with his best monkey grip, then rolls around to his knees. Kushida hammers Walter in the face but Walter makes it a cover. ONE, and Kushida keeps the hold. Walter slips out, deadlifts Kushida by a leg, but Kushida shifts weight to cradle counter! TWO!!

Both men back off, but Kushida winds up, but Walter dodges the Fast Ball! Walter half nelsons and pump handles, but Kushida fights out. Kushida waistlocks, Walter elbows out, but Kushida hook kicks! Kushida runs, into a BOOT! GERMAN SUPLEX! Walter drags Kushida, the half nelson and pump handle, BRIDGING SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!? Kushida lives and Walter can’t believe it! Fans duel and rally again as both men are down. Walter goes to the apron, and then heads for the corner. But Kushida revives to hop up and kick Walter down! Kushida climbs to join Walter, and he starts throwing forearms. Fans still duel as Kushida elbows away on Walter. Walter body shots and CHOPS Kushida! Kushida holds on and fires up, to go after the arm! Kushida wants the arm, SUPER ARMBAR TAKEDOWN!! HOVERBOARD!! Walter slips out but Kushida stomps the good arm! Walter endures, Full Sail is thunderous, and Kushida uses his chin to keep that arm trapped! But Walter’s long legs get the ROPEBREAK!

Kushida lets up at 4, and fans are loving this! Both men go to opposite ends, and then stand. Kushida sees an opening, and he dropkicks the bad arm! But Walter CHOPS with the good arm! Kushida comes back with kicks to Walter’s face! Kushida has the bad arm, but Walter pushes him off, to DROPKICK! Walter drags Kushida up, WALTER BOMB! Cover, TWO!?! Walter is getting TakeOver: Cardiff flashbacks, and fans say “This is Awesome!” Walter looms over Kushida and starts slapping away. He reels Kushida in, LARIAT! Cover, Walter wins!

Winner: Walter, by pinfall

The United Kingdom Champion is still undefeated! But this was as close as anyone has come to defeating Imperium’s leader. Speaking of, Wolfe, Aichner and Barthel appear on the stage to celebrate and congratulate. Will Imperium soon rule over all that is NXT?


Breaking news!

Cathy Kelly has word from William Regal on big matches in the coming weeks. First, Ciampa makes his in-ring return against Angel Garza over that scuffle in the back, that is for October 16th. And in two weeks, October 23rd, Velveteen Dream gets his North American Championship rematch against Roderick Strong! NXT keeps on producing blockbusters, but who comes out of these matches with all the shine of the spotlight?



My Thoughts:

A pretty great episode here, even with less gold than last week on the line. Opening with the now NXT Cruiserweight Championship was a pretty great move, it gives that match plenty of time to breathe, and the results plenty of time to carry. The match was great, and it’s pretty telling of how Lio Rush has redeemed himself backstage to get the title here. It was also great for Gulak to give him that nod of respect, though I do imagine this all means 205 Live is done for. It was fun while it lasted, but the Cruiserweights will get the treatment they deserved as far as match time and placement. I just hope they don’t abandon the things 205 Live was doing, namely building up guys like Oney Lorcan and Humberto Carrillo. Carrillo and Lio can have an incredible match with all the speed and agility between the two. One thing I’m also hoping for is that the belt is redesigned. I never had anything against the shape or color, but being NXT now, I imagine the strap should at least go gold instead of platinum/silver.

Ripley did great in squashing Aliyah, and Dakota VS Bianca was a really great match. I didn’t expect Bianca to win, but maybe Dakota and Tegan can shift gears as far as NXT USA goes and try for WWE Women’s Tag titles? Team Kick VS Kabuki Warriors would make for a great match. As for Bianca calling out Rhea for calling out Shayna, Bianca VS Rhea will make for a great #1 contender’s match that will surely establish Rhea even more, given how strong Bianca has been booked. And when it comes to Rhea VS Baszler, of course Rhea needs to win. Baszler has had her run, and if it isn’t ending for the sake of underdog Candice LeRae, then it should end for the sake of giving Rhea a historic accomplishment of having been both NXT US and UK Women’s Champion in her career.

Grimes gets another fast win. Despite him being the runner-up in the Breakout Tournament, Grimes has gotten a bit more TV time than Jordan Myles. Meanwhile, Dain is moving on while still being destructive, beating up poor Boa. I would think Dain is after Grimes to go savage against savage, but who knows at this point. Speaking of savages, I actually liked how Ever-Rise was savagely beaten off camera for Ryker to drag out like sacks of potatoes. Forgotten Sons VS construction worker Breezango was a really good match, and it keeps the rivalry going if the Forgotten Sons win here. These two teams will surely keep fighting in the tag team midcard while things are figured out with the titles. Good to hear we’re getting more North American Championship stuff, too. Strong VS Swerve was so good, and Strong VS Dream II will be incredible in two weeks. Next week’s rubber match of Lee VS Dijakovic will be incredible, too, and could easily go either way.

NXT did a lot of work to remind everyone who Finn Balor is, since they seem to assume many fans watching are at least after Balor’s time in NXT. Ciampa also gets great stuff tonight with his simply put promo staking his claim at the belt. Ciampa VS Garza should be a good return for the former champ, and who knows what Finn does on his end. We’re at least getting Cole VS Ciampa, and who knows if Finn gets involved or is right after. Kushida VS Walter was borderline a title match in itself! It wasn’t quite TakeOver: Cardiff, Walter VS Bate, but it was as close as you could get on network television. For half a second, I thought Kushida would win and get himself a UK Championship match in the future, but there are still plans on the NXT UK side that need to play out. Walter stays strong and Kushida takes his first loss, but I would think at some point, Kushida will go after Walter again. Perhaps things on both brands steer towards WarGames III using the WarGames match for a crossover and it’s Imperium VS Team Kushida.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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