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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (10/28/19)

Rollins warms up against Rowan before arriving in Riyadh!



NEW Raw coverage

Raw revs things up just days before Crown Jewel!

In order to prepare for his rematch with The Fiend, Seth Rollins uses Erick Rowan to test out Falls Count Anywhere! Will Rollins burn down the Redwood?



  • Becky Lynch VS Kairi Sane w/ Asuka; Lynch wins.
  • R-Truth VS Buddy Murphy; Murphy wins.
  • Ricochet w/ Hulk Hogan VS Drew McIntyre w/ Ric Flair; Ricochet wins, by disqualification.
  • The Viking Raiders VS Rizzo & Bryant; The Viking Raiders win.
  • Andrade Almas w/ Zelina Vega VS Sin Cara w/ Catalina; Almas wins.
  • Charlotte Flair & Natalya VS The IIconics; Flair & Natalya win.
  • Falls Count Anywhere: Seth Rollins VS Erick Rowan; Rollins wins.
  • Humberto Carrillo VS AJ Styles w/ The OC; Styles wins.


Paige returns to Raw!

The Glampire is in St. Louis to welcome us all to the show! Some may know that she advises a “very special tag team.” She is proud to be even just a small part of their success. So she introduces the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, Asuka and Kairi Sane, the Kabuki Warriors! The Empress of Tomorrow and the Pirate Princess come out in robes, masks and Kairi even has a parasol. They’ve been back and forth with The Man and The Queen, and it was thanks to a green mist assist that Kairi pinned Becky Lynch. The trio stands in the ring, and Paige recalls how six months she introduce these two as a team. She took two former NXT Women’s Champions, one benig the Mae Young Classic winner and a Women’s Royal Rumble winner, and put them together. They’ve gelled as a team and are tag team champions.

Asuka snatches the mask from Paige to talk in Japanese that they are the champions! Paige takes the mic back but Kairi takes the mic from her to have a laugh. Paige tries to take the mic back but Kairi drops it. Asuka sprays Paige with mist!! The Kabuki Warriors have turned against their manager! Referees and medics hurry to get Paige a towel and some water to flush her eyes out, as well as help her out of the ring. Fans boo Asuka and Kairi, but they just laugh. But before anything worse can happen, The Man comes around! The Raw Women’s Champion gets the Kabuki Warriors’ attention, and then goes right after Kairi!! She rains down rights and kicks Kairi out of the ring! Fans rally for Becky as the Kabuki Warriors regroup. Becky gives chase and fights them both! But that proves too much, and the Kabuki Warriors start clubbing Becky down.

But Becky fights back again! Becky tosses Asuka over, then focuses on Kairi, who is her opponent anyway. They get in the ring but Kairi bails out and a ref works to restore order. This Champion VS Champion match will happen after the break!


Becky Lynch VS Kairi Sane w/ Asuka!

Raw returns as Kairi returns to the ring. The referee makes sure she and Becky are ready, and then sounds the bell. Becky stares Kairi down but Kairi fakes a bad stomach from that brawl. Kairi asks for help, and Becky walks over. But she sees the sucker back hand coming and gets Kairi with forearms! She puts Kairi in a corner to stomp a mudhole! Asuka protests and Becky backs off, but comes back to scoop Kairi. Kairi fights out and bails out to regroup with Asuka. Fans duel as Becky watches the Kabuki Warriors talk. Kairi still fakes a bad stomach and sucker Becky into a high kick! Kairi goes after Becky in the corner with swift strikes! Then she stands on Becky to stomp away! The ref counts, Kairi lets up at 4 to soak up some heat.

Kairi has Becky up to throw her into buckles! And then another corner’s buckles! Becky blocks the third to hit back and give Kairi a bump! And then another! Becky hits a bulldog! Oklahoma Roll, TWO! But Becky dropkicks Kairi hard into a corner! Becky runs in but is put on the apron. She hits Kairi first, then climbs up, but Kairi trips her up. And yanks her off! Kairi covers, TWO, but she drags Becky up by her hair. Kairi puts some stank on her CHOP! And then CHOPS more! She brings Becky out for body shots  but misses her ax kick! Becky throws Kairi down and arm-drags her around! Becky has the arm in a hammerlock, then bridges through! Kairi endures but Becky lets up to bring Kairi up. Kairi throws hands but Becky whips her to a corner. Kairi goes up but gets a kick! Cover, TWO!

Becky keeps her cool while Asuka shouts for Kairi to get up. Becky drags Kairi up to yank on Kairi’s arm, and then again. Fans fire up as Becky steps through, but Kairi trips her up. Kairi bails out again, but Becky builds speed. Asuka distracts on the apron but gets away as Becky swipes at her. But where’d Kairi go? Kairi runs around the way, leaps, but into a lariat! Asuka talks trash at Becky but Becky gives it back. Becky goes to Kairi, but gets shoved into steel steps! The Man is down while Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Kairi has Becky in a Bow ‘n’ Arrow hold! She bends the champion way back, but fans rally as Becky endures. Becky works on an escape, and she pops out to then hop on Kairi, TWO! Kairi knees Becky right down! Kairi laughs as she brings Becky up. She toys with Becky, giving slaps from all sides. Becky fires body shots and haymakers back! Kairi throws her down by her hair! Cover, ONE as Becky goes Matrix to mule kick. Becky is in a corner but she dodges Kairi to hit the rocket kick! And then rallies with lariats! And a calf kick! Becky rolls and fans rally. Kairi is in the corner and Becky hits the Firearm! Then a back kick and BECKSPLODER! Cover, TWO! Asuka coaches Kairi up but Becky stands first. Becky goes after Kairi’s arm but Kairi whips out to roll back, cross-leg Boston Crab! Becky endures as Kairi bridges back. Becky slips out and around to get a cover, TWO!

Kairi and Becky brawl, Kairi boots but Becky rebounds and forearms! Asuka shouts at Kairi while both women are down. The standing count begins and fans rally for Becky. Becky is up but Kairi cradles, TWO! Becky boots Kairi down then hauls her up for a suplex. Kairi fights out, DDT counter! Cover, TWO!! Asuka is frustrated for Kairi, and Kairi throws a small tantrum. Kairi drags Becky to a drop zone and decides to weigh anchor! She heads up top, but Becky revives to hit back! The two brawl as Becky climbs, and Becky grabs Kairi. Kairi hits back, Becky is in the Tree of Woe! Kairi adjusts but Becky slips out again! Becky TOSSES Kairi down! Becky hops up now, and hits The Man’s Leg Drop! Cover, TWO!! Kairi survives and shocks Becky! But Asuka is fired up for her kouhai, her junior partner!

Becky tells Asuka this is what you get, as she hauls Kairi back up. Kairi turns things around to send Becky out, but runs into a kick! And another! Asuka comes by but gets a flying forearm! Becky hurries back in, has Kairi, but Kairi hits the BACK HAND! Cover, TWO!! Kairi screams in frustration, but then drags Becky up by her hair. But Becky suddenly get her arm! DISARM-HER! Kairi taps, Becky wins!!

Winner: Becky Lynch, by submission

The Man gets even with the Joshi royalty! Becky offers a handshake but Kairi just kicks at her, so Becky tells her off with that same hand. Will Becky be rolling through the roster once again? Or will a challenger rise up before the holidays?


R-Truth VS Buddy Murphy!

He may not be the current WWE 747 7/11 24/7 European Television Champion, but that won’t stop Truth from bringing the energy to Raw! But will he learn that #WhatsUp is the Best Kept Secret?

Raw returns and Charly Caruso joins Truth in the ring for an interview. Truth face Buddy Murphy, but Murphy is not Truth’s buddy. No, that’s his name. Yeah he knows. But anyway, to the WWE 24/7 Championship, and how Sunil Singh took the title from him, thanks to his brother, Samir. Truth knew it! He needed his eyes checked so he went to Lenscrafters. They had a sale on bifocals. Truth puts his glasses on and fans cheers Truth having all four eyes on the prize. When Truth sees Rajin Singh and pins him, he will become a 52-time 48/7, 7/11, 24/7 European- Buddy Murphy interrupts with his introduction, and Murphy takes the mic. Truth is so focused on that 24/7 title and those who have it, except on Australia’s Finest. Truth may not know who he is yet, but after tonight, no one will forget him. Murphy drops the mics and Truth takes off his glasses, and this match finally begins.

Murphy and Truth tie up, Murphy waistlocks and Truth standing switches. Murphy switches back, but so does Truth, only to get a sharp back elbow! Murphy bumps Truth off buckles and then stomps away! The ref counts and Murphy lets up, tot hen throw haymakers! Murphy brings Truth out but Truth ROCKS him with a right! And another! Truth keeps throwing hands, whips Murphy but Murphy reverses. Truth tilt-o-whirl headscissors! Then does the splits! Only to run into a BOOT! Truth tries again but Murphy goes up and over to then run, into the Lie Detector elbow! Cover, TWO! Truth waits for Murphy to stand and fans rally up. Murphy gets up, Truth kicks low then runs, but he misses the scissor kicks! Murphy fires off a strike fest! Truth dodges the knee to hit a calf kick! Cover, TWO!!

But then the 24/7 Championship chase overflows into the arena! Now Truth knows what it’s like to see this from the outside. The Singh Brothers run away from No Way Jose, Eric Young, Curt Hawkins, Mojo Rawley and Zack Ryder. Truth wants his baby back! But wait, Truth, Sunil is first so just turn around! The ring count climbs past 5, so Truth gets back in. AUSSIE-GOYE!! Cover, Murphy wins!!

Winner: Buddy Murphy, by pinfall

The Bollywood Boys bail out of the arena and their challengers keep up the chase. Truth realizes what just hit him, and hurries after the 24/7 Championship. Will Truth get his 21st reign tonight? Will Murphy find his own way to a bigger prize?


The Authors of Pain speak.

Akam and Rezar know that the other tag teams “find it disconcerting” that Akam and Rezar speak in their native tongues. Rezar lets them in on a little secret: The AOP want everyone to feel uncomfortable. The AOP knows warfare is as mental as it is physical. If they don’t know how the AOP are going to come at them, then they will not survive. Every language, style and discipline will be used so that the AOP own Raw’s Tag Team Division. “Victory for the sake of our legacy. Violence for the sake of violence. That is all you get to know this week about the Authors of Pain.”


The Street Profits are here!

Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins get St. Louis to join the party as they make their way through the crowd. They make their way to the ring and get some mics before hugging it out. And then again. Ford and Dawkins hear the fans cheering, “We Want the Smoke!” and that pumps them up more. “I must say that not only did we make our Monday Night Raw debut last week, but we showed up and we showed out!” You always remember your first. It may not have been in lovely St. Louis, the OC still felt the blues. With a stunning assist from Kevin Owens. They even kissed a baby. Speak for yourself, Fam. Dawkins was at the after party kissing on this honey named… Wait, who was she again? Dawkins, focus. Right, right. “To all the superstars that want to throw down with the Street Profits like the OC, y’all done messed up, fam.” The Profits are up, and #WeWantTheSmoke!

Wait, what was that? Did Ford stutter? We Want the Smoke! We Want the Smoke! The Profits head out through the crowd now, and keep the party going! But will the Profits be partying all the way to the tag titles?


Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan are in the ring!

They and Jimmy “Mouth of the South” Hart stand together as Raw returns, talking trash already. Hogan signals for it, and the One and Only makes his entrance! Ricochet heads down the ramp and slides in, but now Flair calls for his Celtic Colossus!


Ricochet w/ Hulk Hogan VS Drew McIntyre w/ Ric Flair!

The King of Flight may have been grounded by the Scottish Terminator, he gets a second chance at gaining some momentum. With Hulkamania and the Nature Boy ringside, who will this Crown Jewel preview rematch go?

But before any bell, Ricochet DIVES out onto McIntyre! Ricochet puts McIntyre in, the match begins and Ricochet fires off! McIntyre kicks but misses and Ricochet PELES! McIntyre basil back out, and Ricochet FLIES! Direct hit takes both men out, but those bad ribs bother Ricochet. The lasting effects from last week won’t stop Ricochet from putting McIntyre back in. McIntyre is up but walks into a shoulder. Ricochet slingshots but into McIntyre’s hands! McIntyre hotshots Ricochet by the ribs! The ref checks on Ricochet but McIntyre comes out to kick Ricochet in the ribs! McIntyre then hauls Ricochet up, to bearhug and overhead suplex! Fans rally as McIntyre drags Ricochet up, to CHOP! Flair is proud of his fifth man as McIntyre puts Ricochet in.

McIntyre stomps away on the bad ribs and puts Ricochet against ropes. The ref counts but McIntyre still bends Ricochet back until the count of 4. Ricochet writhes and Hogan is worried but McIntyre drags Ricochet up again. McIntyre tosses Ricochet overhead again, and across the ring! Ricochet sits up while McIntyre smirks. He looms over Ricochet then hauls him up. Ricochet throws a body shot but McIntyre SLAPS him down! The ref checks on Ricochet but he refuses to quit here. McIntyre drags Ricochet up, Ricochet SLAPS and CHOPS back! But McIntyre BOOTS Ricochet down, to drop the leg, brother! McIntyre even gets in Hogan’s face! Hart tells Hogan to hold back but McIntyre promises this will be settled at Crown Jewel.

McIntyre has Ricochet up in a cobra twist to torture the ribs! Ricochet endures and fans are thunderous, but McIntyre thrashes Ricochet about. Ricochet fights out with elbows and hands, but McIntyre just hip tosses him away! McIntyre drags Ricochet up for a suplex TOSS! Ricochet writhes again but McIntyre is on his arm with a high armlock. McIntyre uses leverage to bend and stretch the ribs, but fans rally up. Ricochet fights his way up with body shots, but McIntyre whips. Ricochet rolls off McIntyre’s back, keeps moving, and hits a tilt-o-whirl headscissor! Then springboards, but into McIntyre’s arms! McIntyre tosses Ricochet up, but Ricochet lands on his feet, only to run into a back drop! McIntyre drags Ricochet over, even as dead weight. McIntyre stares Hogan down before hoisting Ricochet up. Crucifix BUCKLE BOMB! McIntyre laughs as he then mocks the Hogan flexing!

Fans boo but McIntyre doesn’t care. He just brings Ricochet up and tosses him out of the ring like a sack of potatoes. McIntyre stands Ricochet up to CHOP! Ricochet CHOPS back! But McIntyre DECKS him with that right! McIntyre hauls Ricochet up to snake eyes off barriers! St. Louis is all fired up as they see McIntyre bring Ricochet right up to Hogan to punch him down! Hogan and Hart protest and coach Ricochet up but McIntyre puts Ricochet in. McIntyre stalks Ricochet to a corner and Flair likes what he sees. McIntyre whips Ricochet corner to corner, but he runs into boots! Both men are down and stirring as the legends and fans rally. Ricochet stands to CHOP and punch McIntyre! Then whip corner to corner, only for McIntyre to reverse. Ricochet goes up but gets kicked out of the air! Cover, TWO!! Flair’s ferocious fifth man is in control as we go to break.

Raw returns and McIntyre stomps away on Ricochet. He dares Ricochet to stand before stomping him more. McIntyre taunts Ricochet while soaking up the heat. He dead lifts Ricochet to the Canadian Rack but Ricochet sunset flips! TWO, and Ricochet goes up and over in the corner. But McIntyre tosses him into buckles! And then clubs him hard on the back! McIntyre crucifies Ricochet again, but Ricochet huricanranas McIntyre into buckles! Hogan and St. Louis rally behind Ricochet while Flair looks upset. McIntyre hurries over but Ricochet throws haymakers and chops! McIntyre kicks low and reels Ricochet in, but Ricochet slips around to dropkick-flip and enziguri! Both men are down again but Hart and Hogan keep St. Louis fired up. Ricochet jawbreakers McIntyre then boots from a corner! Somersault shotgun dropkick!

McIntyre is in the corner, Ricochet runs and rams his shoulder in. Ricochet springboards, flying clothesline! LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Both men are down again, but Ricochet has McIntyre up. McIntyre fireman’s carries, Ricochet slips out and kicks back! Ricochet tries to get the fireman’s carry, but can’t hold it! Ricochet elbows McIntyre away, but the boot doesn’t work! McIntyre elbows through the guard, and then has Ricochet, for a REVERSE ALABAMA SLAM! Cover, TWO!? Ricochet survives and Hogan coaches that it’s now or never. “This is Awesome!” and Ricochet counters Future Shock to a jackknife cover! TWO, Glasgow Kiss headbutt, DISCUS LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Ricochet still lives! Hogan says it’s time to dig deep, and Ricochet reaches for ropes.

McIntyre stands up and hauls Ricochet up. McIntyre fireman’s carries and puts Ricochet on a corner. McIntyre CHOPS, then climbs up top, but Ricochet fights back! Ricochet ROCKS McIntyre into the Tree of Woe! But McIntyre sits up to SUPLEX Ricochet! The Scottish Terminator fires up, but runs into a CALF KICK! Ricochet has McIntyre in the drop zone and hurries up top! St. Louis reaches a fever pitch for the 630 SENTON! But he has to roll through, RANDY ORTON RKO OUTTA NOWHERE!!

Winner: Ricochet, by disqualification

St. Louis’ own and the captain of Team Flair is here! Ric Flair had an ace in the hole and here it is! The Viper fires up the Scottish Terminator and Flair has the last laugh on Hogan! They dump Ricochet out at Hulkster’s feet, and McIntyre shouts, “YOU, are screwed!” But in the end, McIntyre couldn’t put Ricochet away on his own. Will Team Flair be able to put Team Hogan away when it’s finally 5v5?


The OC come across Humberto Carrillo.

They’re not sure what to make of Ultimo Ninja. But this is the kid that tore it up with Seth Rollins. Styles was impressed, and so were the Good Brothers. It wasn’t that long ago that Styles was a rookie. And now he’s an inspiration! One of the most well-liked veterans in the WWE today. And last week, Carrillo’s debut against Rollins, that was cool. “But amigo!” If Carrillo wants to prove himself against the top champion, he picked the wrong one. If Carrillo wants to try his luck against the best, step into the ring with Styles tonight. Too Sweet, peace out. Will Carrillo catch Styles off guard 1v1 tonight?


The Viking Raiders VS Rizzo & Bryant!

It may not be Halloween, but the Chicago Cubs cosplayers are going to be getting something far from a treat. Will they even make it out of St. Louis against the Raw Tag Team Champions?

The teams sort out and Rizzo starts with Erik. But then Rizzo tags out to Bryant. Bryant runs in but is thrown down by Erik! Erik sees Rizzo coming and rocks him with knees and a forearm! Tag to Ivar, and the Vikings take Bryant for the seated senton! Ivar runs and hits a bronco buster on Rizzo! Fans fire up as Ivar rips the jersey off Bryant to slap him with it! Tag to Erik, Ivar scoop slams Bryant, and then Erik scoop slams Ivar onto Bryant! Rizzo staggers up, but gets Ace Ten Mao! Erik roars at Rizzo before tagging Ivar back in. They each take one Cub, and then stack them up on Erik for a powerslam powerbomb combo! Does that count as a double play? Anyway, Ivar and Erik then bring Bryant up, for THOR’S HAMMER! Ivar covers out of the slam, the Viking Raiders win!

Winners: The Viking Raiders, Ivar pinning

The warpath isn’t stopping here! Erik and Ivar are in the Crown Jewel Tag Team Turmoil as the most decorated tag team in wrestling today! Will they add the accomplishment of “Best Tag Team in the World” to their resume?


Bobby Lashley sits with Lana.

The Ravishing Russian looks worried about having to confront Rusev later. What will happen when she and her husband air out their dirty laundry on The King’s Court?


Andrade Almas w/ Zelina Vega VS Sin Cara!

El Idolo is on a roll, with a lot of credit going to La Muneca. But the Man with No Face knows he had Almas’ number. Two can play this game, because Sin Cara has Catalina! Catalina says in Spanish that there is nothing Vega can do to stop her man from winning this time!

The bell rings and Vega snarls at Catalina. Almas rushes Sin Cara but Sin Cara dodges to tilt-o-whirl headscissors! Then Sin Cara hops up, but Almas shoves him down! Vega mocks Sin Cara with Tranquilo while Almas soaks up the heat. Almas fetches Sin Cara up for a CHOP, and then puts him in the ring. Almas drags Sin Cara up and gut wrenches to a Canadian rack for a backbreaker! Cover, TWO, but Almas wraps on a grounded cobra twist! Sin Cara endures the stretch while Vega grins. Catalina coaches Sin Cara up and fans rally up. Sin Cara fights his way up to throw body shots. Almas knees low and Sin Cara drops! Almas drags Sin Cara up and whips him to a corner. He runs in to hit a BIG knee smash! Cover, TWO! Catalina coaches Sin Cara up more but Almas whips Sin Cara to another corner. Sin Cara dodges and Almas crashes and burns! Almas holds his knee as he hits the ground.

Sin Cara climbs up, and TORNILLOS! Direct hit wipes Almas out! St. Louis rallies as Sin Cara puts Almas in. Sin Cara runs in but is pops up, only for him to SPIKE-RANA! Vega distracts on the apron, but Catalina does her job of yanking her back. Vega huricanranas, but Catalina blocks! To swing Vega into barriers! But Almas rolls Sin Cara up and uses the ropes! Almas still wins!!

Winner: Andrade Almas, by pinfall

It didn’t go how Vega planned, but it worked out in the end! El Idolo wins, but La Muneca is furious. Will they come back for a third time just so Vega can get back at Catalina?


Charlotte Flair & Natalya VS The IIconics!

The Queens of Raw team up, but will they make Peyton Royce and Billie Kay bend the knees? Or is the future still IIconic for these two best-friends-forever?

The teams sort out, and Peyton starts against Charlotte. Charlotte and Peyton circle and tie up, and Charlotte trips Peyton! Peyton avoids the Figure Four but gets those Flair CHOPS instead! And many of them! Charlotte lets out a “WOO~” to whip, and she catches Peyton’s crossbody! Charlotte mocks Peyton calling for Billie before throwing Peyton with a Fall Away Slam! Charlotte kips up to style and profile, then tags in Natty. The Queens have Peyton for a double suplex! And they hold Peyton for a count of 5 before dropping her down! Cover, TWO! Natty drags Peyton up to scoop but Peyton slips out to throw her down by her hair! Tag to Billie, and the IIconics double kick and mule kick! Billie covers, TWO!

Billie keeps on Natty with an armlock, and claws at the face! The ref reprimands but Billie keeps on the arm. Billie talks trash while Natty endures, then throws a knee to throw Natty to the apron. Billie throws more knees then tags in Peyton. The IIconics tangle Natty up in the ropes, Motorcycle Stretch and some clawing swipes! Peyton lets up but Natty crawls for Charlotte. Peyton intercepts, but Natty cradle counters, TWO! Spinning heel kick knocks Natty down! Cover, TWO! The IIconics are furious, but Peyton drops elbows and wraps on a thrashing sleeper. Natty fights up and out but Peyton throws her by her hair! Tag to Billie and the IIconics work together for the bulldog special! Charlotte drags Billie off the cover! Then BOOTS Peyton!

Billie is furious but the ref backs Charlotte off. Charlotte mocks Billie’s shrill shouts, but Billie swings on her! The ref keeps Charlotte back but Natty gets Billie in the sharpshooter! Peyton runs into Charlotte’s SPEAR! Billie taps, the Queen and Queen win!

Winners: Natalya & Charlotte Flair, Natty by submission

This royal combination puts away the BFFs, but is this just the beginning of a powerful friendship?


Backstage interview with Seth Rollins.

The Universal Champion is fired up for his Falls Count Anywhere, and he has to cut Charly off. He’s got Erick Rowan in a big fight in St. Louis. The former Wyatt Family, big bad muscle, but why would he do it so close to Crown Jewel? Here’s why: this is what he does! Rollins fights and fights and fights every night to prove himself! Bray Wyatt will take it to another level, because Rollins took it to a new level after burning down the Fun House. He knew it wouldn’t be gone forever, but that makes The Fiend even more dangerous. If Hell in a Cell wasn’t enough, then the only way to end this is to beat Bray and keep the title, and he does that when he burns it down! Will Rollins get through big bad Big Red? Or will Rowan show how dangerous all the branches of the old Wyatt Family are?


Falls Count Anywhere: Seth Rollins VS Erick Rowan!

This match can go anywhere in St. Louis tonight! But will The Architect be leaving St. Louis still confident in his chances at Crown Jewel?

The bell rings and Rollins dropkicks Rowan right away! Rowan stays standing so Rollins throws haymakers. Those barely budge Rowan so Rollins runs and hits a forearm. Still nothing, so Rollins tries again. Rowan pops Rollins up to a suplex, but Rollins escapes. Rollins boots from a corner, then again. He hops up and leaps, BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, ONE and with power! Rollins is a bit surprised, but he throws big haymakers. Rowan staggers and Rollins whips corner to corner, but Rowan reverses hard. Rowan runs in but Rollins sends him out! But Rowan drags Rollins out to give a big headbutt! Rowan brings him around to throws Rollins into barriers! And then more barriers! Rowan has Rollins up and throws him face first into the ramp-side barriers! And then boot him down! Cover, TWO!

Rowan glares at Rollins as he gets back up. He throws big haymakers to send Rollins around the way, and CHOPS him into barriers! Rowan them dumps Rollins over and things move into the crowd! The ref pursues as Rollins CHOPS back! They brawl right in front of the bleachers and head for the stage! Rowan clubs Rollins on the back as ST. Louis shouts and rallies. Rowan headbutts Rollins right into the seats! Rowan pursues and they start brawling up the stairs! Rollins has Rowan’s beard to hold him in place, but Rowan rakes eyes. They keep going up and Rowan bounces Rollins off railing. Rollins hurries up top but Rowan keeps hitting him. They reach the top of the stairs and exit the arena to the pavilion area. Rollins and Rowan brawl in front of more fans. Rollins uses a security post to smash Rowan! Rowan blocks to hit back!

Rowan brings Rollins around to then whip into the merchandise wall! Rowan dumps it over onto Rollins, and then CHOKE SLAMS Rollins through the table! Fans are loving this as Rowan covers, TWO!! Rowan is trying to use Rollins’ body to break it down as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and the two have returned to ringside! Rollins narrowly avoids a senton and hurries back into the ring. Fans rally up as Rollins build speed, to DIVE! Direct hit but Rollins wants more! Rowan staggers around and Rollins runs again, to DIVE again! Another hit, but Rowan is still up. Rowan goes around the way, Rollins runs a third time, for a third DIVE, into a scoop! But Rollins slips out to shove Rowan into steel steps! Rollins hurries drags Rowan up to throw into the other steel steps! Fans fire up as Rollins gets in the ring again. Rollins still wants the hat trick, but he DIVES into steel steps! Rowan gets Rollins back and then squashes him in a corner! And dropkicks him out of the ring! Rowan goes out to come around the way and BODY CHECK Rollins down! Cover, TWO!! Rollins survives and Rowan grits his teeth.

Fans rally with “Burn It Down!” but Rowan brings Rollins up and pops him up for a powerbomb into the post! Cover, TWO!! Rollins survives and Rowan grows frustrated. Rowan drags Rollins up and into a fireman’s carry. He brings Rollins to the ramp, and then up to the stage! Rollins starts fighting out and gets free! Rowan CLOBBERS Rollins down! “Are you trying to embarrass me?!” Rowan is angry that his Raw debut isn’t going so smoothly, so he clears off the announce desk! Rowan goes to fetch Rollins, and brings him over to the desk. Rowan clamps on the claw! IRON CLAW- No, Rollins slips out to SUPERKICK back! Then CURB STOMP against the desk!! Rowan is down and Rollins scrambles over to cover, TWO!! Rowan survives and slides off the stage! Rollins is furious, but he hops back up on the desk, to LEAP ONTO ROWAN! They crash into the production area but Rollins rises in a fury!

Rollins stalks Rowan and clubs him in the back. Rollins grabs a chair on the way to SMACK Rowan from behind! They end up back stage and Rollins keeps throwing chair shots! Rowan staggers and Rollins wants him to get back up. Rowan blocks the chair this time, to swing Rollins into pipes! The pipes clatter down, but Rowan throws Rollins at a trunk! Rowan grabs a road case, but Rollins avoids it! Rollins may have just saved his own life! Rollins has a ladder to ram and SLAM it into Rowan! And then, CURB STOMP to the ladder!! Rowan is under a forklift’s, well, lift! Rollins keeps him there, and wants someone to help him run the lift! “Get your ass in there! Turn it on!!” Rollins wants to use the lift to crush Rowan!?! And he does!! And covers, Rollins wins!!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by pinfall

Rowan is left stuck under the lift, but Rollins leaves him behind to hold his title up high! If that is what it took to keep Rowan down, what will it take to keep The Fiend from becoming Universal Champion?


Raw checks back in with Bobby Lashley and Lana.

The Rocky Mountain Machine knows Lana is still nervous about The King’s Court, so he offers to be with her in the ring. Lana appreciates that, but she feels she has to do this alone. Lashley encourages her with a kiss. Will Rusev have something to say about that when he finally gets a chance to talk with his wife?


Aleister Black speaks.

“The definition of madness is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome.” All the outcomes have been the same, but Aleister doesn’t want that to change. So if Aleister is not a madman, then what is he? The next time he goes to the ring, one of two things will happen: Aleister makes sure whomever he faces has an “intimate relationship with fear” right before he kicks their head off; and they will come running to knock down his door to pick. A fight. With him!


Humberto Carrillo VS AJ Styles w/ The OC!

The Phenomenal One dared Ultimo Ninja to take on the real top champion of Raw, and the challenge was accepted. Will Carrillo impress again? Or will Carrillo learn first hand why Styles is #JustTooSweet?

Raw returns as Carrillo makes his entrance. The bell rings and Carrillo circles with Styles. They tie up and Carirllo headlocks. Styles powers out but Carrillo goes up and over in the corner, and then shows off the agility. Styles runs into an elbow, then Carrillo runs to springboard arm-drag! Carrillo runs in but misses in the corner and gets CHOPS for it! But Carrillo CHOPS back! Carrillo whips, Styles reverses, but Carrillo goes up and LEAPS for a flying headbutt! Cover, ONE but Carrillo has a facelock. Styles resists and escapes the suplex to waistlock. He O’Conner rolls, TWO, and Carrillo mule kicks to knee lifts! Carrillo hits a springboard enziguri! Cover, TWO! The Good Brothers rally for Styles but fans are on Carrillo’s side as he somersault moonsaults! Cover, TWO!

Carrillo brings Styles up to whip and dropkick Styles down! Styles hurries out to regroup with The OC, but Carrillo waits for him to return. Styles gets up on the apron only to hop back down. Styles gets up again, but Carrillo knocks him down! Carrillo runs, slides, but Styles avoids to pop Carrillo up. Carrillo mule kicks from the apron, then Asais, but Styles gets under to ram Carrillo into barriers! Styles then uses the barriers for a tornado DDT! Styles takes down the upstart while Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Styles has Carrillo in a chinlock. Carrillo endures and fights his way up to throw body shots. Styles CHOPS Carrillo back, but then Carrillo rolls to kick. Styles blocks it and laughs as he spins Carrillo around. Styles avoids the dragon whip but not the enziguri! Both men are down and St. Louis fires up! The Good Brothers coach Styles as he and Carrillo crawl to corners. Styles runs in but Carrillo pushes him away to then shotgun dropkick! Carrillo runs back in but Styles dodges. Styles misses as Carrillo slips out and climbs up. Carrillo leaps for a big missile dropkick! Carrillo drags Styles to a drop zone and headstands, AZTEC PRESS! Cover, TWO!! Styles shocks Carrillo, but Carrillo won’t stop. He goes up again, MOONSAULT, but has to roll through as Styles evades. Styles scoops to an inverted DDT! Cover, TWO!! Now Styles is shocked!

Styles is frustrated with Carrillo, and he goes to the apron. Styles prepares the arm and takes aim. Carrillo stands, and trips Styles up! Then he goes up, MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Styles survives and Carrillo is beside himself! Carrillo shoves Styles into a corner and runs back in, but Styles puts him on the apron. Carrillo slingshots back in but into a shoulder attack! Styles has the leg, CALF CRUSHER! Carrillo taps, Styles wins!!

Winner: AJ Styles, by submission

The Phenomenal One snatches victory from the jaws of defeat against this young star! But now the OC decide they should “shake his hand” to show some respect. Carrillo isn’t so sure, but he does reach out for it. Styles leaves him hanging, so Carrillo ROCKS him with a right! Styles gets mad and KICKS the leg out! STYLES CLASH!! Styles calls the Good Brothers in and they add on with- No! The Street Profits return to save Carrillo! There’s still beef here, and the Profits send the OC out with clotheslines and a POUNCE! Styles keeps Gallows and Anderson from going back for more, but there is surely more where this came from. Will Carrillo join the fam and shut down The Club?


Raw presents The King’s Court!

Jerry Lawler welcomes us to a special edition of the show, as it might as well become Divorce Court. Is divorce the only option left to this couple? The King first welcomes the Bulgarian Brute, Rusev! Rusev manages a smile and a wave to the fans as he joins King in the ring. King reluctantly welcomes the still legally-wed-to-Rusev, Lana. The Ravishing Russian is certainly able to smile as she makes her way to the ring. Rusev is still nice enough to hold the ropes open for her as she joins him and King in the ring. Lana and Rusev each grab a mic as King thanks them both for being here. Rusev still wears his wedding ring in hopes he and Lana can reconcile differences. Lana says that she didn’t want to do this publicly, but the truth is, Lana is stuck with the WWE Universe being very hurtful towards her. She will tell everyone the truth here and now, but the fans will not stop booing. Do they not want the truth!?

Lana calms down and says that their marriage was only about Rusev’s wants, and all he wanted from Lana was sex. Rusev says, “Well can you blame me?” No, Lana means all the time. Morning, afternoon, evening, in the kitchen, in the arena, in a locker room! Rusev has a sex addiction! Rusev can’t believe Lana would say this. Lana knows fans want to be loved and accepted and wanted, but this was never about wanting or loving. It was about Rusev wanting to put a baby in her! Rusev knew more about her monthly cycle than she did! All he wants is “Machka brats” running around the house. Rusev says he never insisted on that. He wants to grow their family because he loves her. Rusev never listens. Lana has her career to think about! No designer will dress Lana if she has stretch marks! She makes money from being ravishing, not Mama Rusev!

So all this is about is because of kids? No, there’s more to it. Rusev cheated first! WHAT?! Rusev is shocked to hear this. Lashley said so. Oh so she’s going to believe him first? He’s just talking shit! That never happened! But here comes Lashley himself! And dressed to fight! Rusev gets ready to fight, too! Rusev gets Lashley first with boots! And clubbing forearms! Rusev throws Lashley into posts then clubs him against the apron! Fans rally with “Rusev Day!” as Rusev sends Lashley into steel steps! And then into the ring, to keep on him with haymakers! Lashley turns things around to throw haymakers of his own, and then hit a Complete Shot! Lana cheers Lashley as Lashley takes aim. Rusev rises, to MACHKA KICK! And then fireman’s carry, to a Samoan Drop! Rusev snarls at Lashley and glares at Lana. Rusev still has the ring on his finger, and he takes it off! “Is this what you want?!” He shoves the ring down Lashley’s mouth and then rains down rights!

Lana has a kendo stick and SMACKS Rusev on the back! But it doesn’t even bother him! He just keeps punching Lashley! He finally look sat Lana, and blocks the stick. “Why are you doing this?!” Lashley LOW BLOW uppercuts Rusev! And Lana SLAPS Rusev, into Lashley’s low blow kick! That takes Rusev down, as it would any man. Lashley rains down rights and then Lana brings him in for a deep kiss on the lips. They make-out over Rusev, but will Rusev ever get over what just happened?



My Thoughts:

Well, that was quite the wild go-home for Crown Jewel. First, let’s worry about the developments with the Raw Women’s Division. I loved seeing the Kabuki Warriors go even more Heel on Paige. They’re showing that they’re in charge, no longer needing someone to hold their hands. Fans may not understand their promos in Japanese but they don’t care, Asuka and Kairi are honey badgers ready to tear into anyone. Kairi and Becky have a great match, including Asuka’s occasional distraction. I almost expected Charlotte to go after Asuka on Becky’s behalf, but The Man held her own and won with an actual finisher. Asuka isn’t the dominant force she used to be but Becky is on a roll like no other. And as we saw, Charlotte had plans with Natty, and they do very well against the IIconics in the IIconics’ return to television. I almost thought we were going to get double submissions, but maybe that’ll be later. On one hand, I’m sensing Asuka VS Becky next week, and on the other, I’m sensing the Kabuki Warriors recruit a third *cough* Io Shirai */cough* so they and Becky-Natty-Charlotte can fight for all the titles on Raw. Also Paige has to come back for revenge and to help her old PCB teammates.

R-Truth is great as always on the mic, but it’s a little bit of a shame his match with Murphy was only to give Murphy a quick win while the 24/7 Championship scene on Raw runs by. I still really hope things lead to Truth invading 205 Live to go after the Singh Brothers in their “Bollywood Studio.” Murphy meanwhile will be in an interesting spot. He isn’t at a Universal Championship level so he can’t challenge Rollins, but if he’s still Heel, he can’t challenge Styles for the US Championship. As if Viking Raiders VS “Rizzo” and “Bryant” wasn’t already an obvious squash match, dressing the jobbers up as Chicago Cubs baseball players, an enemy of the St. Louis Cardinals, definitely confirmed it. The Viking Raiders are probably going to win the Tag Team Turmoil, if not come very, very, very close. I really thought Catalina (whoever she really is) was going to be Sin Cara’s equalizer, but Almas found a way to cheat on his own to win again. But given what went down with Vega and Catalina, I want to see a mixed tag match so they can settle things as much as Sin Cara and Almas.

We got a great match of Styles VS Carrillo, and then a nice brawl with Carrillo and Street Profits. If this was planned, I don’t know why Profits needed their promo segment in the ring, other than to make us think that was their only segment. In the moment, that just seemed like a really dumb choice, so I still wouldn’t have done it. OC VS Carrillo & Profits next week maybe? Carrillo might win that Crown Jewel battle royal to face Styles later in the show, so he can get his shot out of the way and Kevin takes Styles on before/during Survivor Series. Ricochet VS McIntyre was definitely match of the night, as far as the fans go. They were very into it, perhaps in part because Flair and Hogan were there, but mostly because Ricochet and McIntyre raised the bar from their match last week. And then that RKO with Ricochet’s sell, what a great moment. This muddies the math, as Team Flair stands tall but Team Hogan gets a win. I said for SmackDown that Team Hogan has to be winning, the Saudi fans surely want that, so I keep that here.

That Falls Count Anywhere was great. The reason it wasn’t the main event segment was so that there would be plenty of time to get everything they wanted into this. That was a great spot with the fork lift, a direct yet still very subtle reference to something Mick Foley did with The Rock. There have been plenty of parallels in this overarching story of Rollins and Bray Wyatt to what Foley has done in his career, so this was another nice one. I can’t wait to see how this “Can’t Be Stopped” Falls Count Anywhere is going to go. And then the final segment, I don’t think it should’ve been the final segment, but I certainly appreciate them trying to spin this so that Lana isn’t the villain. Obviously there are “Jerry Lawler? More like Jerry Springer!” jokes all around, and fans were really into Rusev beating down Lashley. To somewhat add to the Crown Jewel math but also to this feud in itself, Lashley stands tall so that Rusev can get revenge in the end. I said last week and I’ll say again, this has to end with Lashley beating Rusev down so bad, Lana realizes she still cares for Rusev and goes to his side. The match aside, Rusev has to win the girl in the end.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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