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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (12/11/19)

Things are getting rrrreeeal!



NEW NXT Coverage

The Blackheart, the Prince and the Limitless!

Tommaso Ciampa, Finn Balor or Keith Lee. Only ONE moves on to next week’s incredible episode to face Adam Cole, BAYBAY!



  • NXT Cruiserweight Championship: Lio Rush VS Angel Garza; Garza wins and becomes the new NXT Cruiserweight Champion.
  • Cameron Grimes VS Raul Mendoza; Mendoza wins.
  • Travis Banks VS Jaxson Ryker w/ The Forgotten Sons; Banks wins.
  • Mia Yim VS Dakota Kai; Kai wins.
  • Breezango VS The Singh Brothers; Breezango wins.
  • Kayden Carter VS Bianca Belair; Belair wins.
  • NXT Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Tommaso Ciampa VS Finn Balor VS Keith Lee; Balor wins and will challenge Adam Cole for the title next week.


Everyone wants to carry the flag for NXT.

But there wouldn’t be a flag without Finn. Grudges are heating up as we get deeper into winter. But Adam Cole wants us all to understand something. A Triple Threat determines Adam Cole’s final contender for 2019, “and it’s absolutely the stupidest thing” he’s ever heard. Finn Balor, Tommaso Ciampa, Keith Lee. Three men who have been thorns in Cole’s side, yet done absolutely nothing to earn this chance. Cole hopes the three destroy each other. The winner only earns a loss against a man “who’s on the run of a freakin’ lifetime that is nowhere close to being finished!” And THAT is Undisputed!


NXT Cruiserweight Championship: Lio Rush VS Angel Garza!

This is going to be a fast and furious start to the show to say the least! The Man of the Hour has had enough of El Latino’s ego, and it’s time to put things to rest! Will the Living Piece of Gold still have his gold? Or will Garza have an even bigger grin on his face after tonight?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and the fans are already dueling before the bell. And speaking of before the bell, Lio rushes Garza immediately! The ref pulls Lio off but Garza just laughs it off. The bell rings and now things are a brawl! Roll up, ONE, Lio gets Garza down and throws hands! Garza gets free and goes after Lio, but Lio rolls up again. ONE and Lio ends up on the apron. Garza runs at him but Lio drags him out and they tumble to the floor! They won’t let up, either, as Lio rams Garza into the steel steps! Fans duel as Lio refreshes the count. Lio climbs up to the apron but Garza anchors his feet and YANKS him off! Lio crashes and burns and Full Sail is thunderous!

Garza puts Lio in the ring, covers, ONE. Garza keeps his cool, because he’s about to heat things up with the pants removal. But Lio tackles him down first! Lio rains down rights but Garza pushes him away. Lio runs, redirects, Garza keeps with him but Lio gets under and kangaroo kicks from the mat! Garza runs, Lio dodges, but Garza avoids the Come Up to hit a basement dropkick! Fans are fired up as Garza covers, TWO! Garza drags Lio up and rolls him into position on the second rope, and fans duel. Garza SLAPS away on Lio, but the ref backs him off. Garza runs in and SUPERKICKS Lio down! Cover, TWO! Lio lives and Garza grows frustrated. Garza drags Lio up and clubs away on him, then toys with him. Garza and Lio brawl with haymakers and a SLAP! Lio fires off more forearms but Garza just keeps slapping!

Lio knees Garza and hooks the arms, but Garza powers out. Garza alley-oops Lio up and Lio ends up hotshot’d on the ropes! The ref checks on Lio but Lio bails out of the ring. Garza smirks as he dares Lio to return. NXT goes picture in picture as Lio drags himself back to the ring. But Garza dropkicks him back down! Garza goes out to fetch Lio and basement dropkick him again! Garza drags Lio up and into the ring, then covers, ONE! Lio kicks from the mat again, and gets himself to the ropes. Garza and Lio stand, Garza has Lio on the ropes but Lio holds on. Lio elbows Garza away then walks into a LARIAT! Both men are down but Garza crawls over to cover, TWO! Garza keeps on Lio with a grounded cobra twist and he pulls Lio back hard!

Lio endures as Garza really cranks on his neck. Lio gets an arm free and starts throwing hands on Garza! And then kicks as he’s let loose. Garza CHOPS and SLAPS Lio around, then kicks Lio while he’s down. Garza grabs the legs and turns Lio over for the modified Half Crab, pulling an arm back, too! Lio endures, slips out and kicks Garza away. Garza comes back, to get a jawbreaker! Lio throws haymakers as Garza leans on the ropes. Lio CHOPS and SLAPS Garza back! Lio whips corner to corner, Garza reverses but Garza runs into a boot! Lio runs, but into the spinning powerslam! Cover, TWO! Garza grows further frustrated but also further exhausted. Garza drags Lio up in a full nelson as NXT returns to single picture.

Lio endures and gets to ropes as fans duel again. Garza waistlocks but Lio still holds on. Garza yanks Lio off the ropes but Lio uses the momentum to swing around and roll Garza up! TWO, and Garza swings. Lio dodges, tilt-o-whirls and again, flying headscissors! Fans fire up as Lio mule kicks and PELES! Garza wobbles, Lio runs in, springboard but no huricanrana! Garza brings Lio up, but Lio headscissors Garza out of the ring! Lio then slingshots for a MOONSAULT! It was a close call but he hits his target! Lio puts Garza back in, then aims from the corner. Spinning BUZZSAW! Cover, TWO!! Garza lives and Lio is growing frustrated.

Fans rally up, Lio runs, but Garza reels him in. Lio throws clubbing hands and big body shots. Lio runs again, Garza follows, and STEALS the Come Up! Cover, TWO!! Garza copied the move but didn’t hit as hard, so now he dragon sleepers Lio to lift. Rebound suplex, but Lio makes it a crossbody! Cover, TWO! Lio drags Garza to the drop zone and heads up top. Fans rally as Lio takes aim, but Garza anchors his feet. Lio clubs Garza but Garza enziguris back! Garza climbs up top and brings Lio up, but Lio shoves! Garza flips to land on his feet, get back up fast, and hits a SUPER SPANISH FLY!! Cover, TWO!?! Garza can’t believe it, and Full Sail loses its mind! “This is Awesome!” and it’s just the opening match.

Garza and Lio brawl on their knees back and forth. Fans are divided, Lio SLAPS but Garza SLAPS. It’s a SLAP FIGHT!! They pull hair, Garza headbutts over and over! But walks into a back heel kick! But SUPERKICKS on the return! Both men head for each other, but they both fall flat on their faces first! Full Sail reaches a fever pitch for “NXT! NXT!” Garza and Lio slowly rise as fans duel hard as ever. Garza kicks, underhooks, but Lio resists! Lio slips out, chicken wing underhooks Garza and turns him, but Garza pins through. Lio butterfly underhooks, and STEALS THE WING CLIPPER!! Cover, TWO!?! Lio is furious but he says it is time! Garza anchors a foot but Lio just hammers away! Lio slaps, but Garza avoids the buzzsaw to get the Electric Chair! Garza throws Lio down, but Lio rebounds to COME UP!! Cover, TWO?!?!

But Lio goes up top, leaps, FINAL HOUR!! But he can’t make the cover! Lio grabs for Garza, but Garza’s pants come off! Garza gets away thanks to the tearaways! But Lio doesn’t care, he goes up top and aims at Garza on the ground! SUPER FINAL HOUR gets knees!! Garza drags Lio in, WING CLIPPER! Cover, TWO!?!? Garza has the butterfly again for a thrashing hold! Lio TAPS, Garza wins!!

Winner: Angel Garza, by submission; NEW NXT Cruiserweight Champion

Historic! Christmas comes early for the Garza familia as Garza is bringing home the gold! But with such a powerful performance just to get the title, what more will he have to do to keep the title?


NXT previews Prime Target: Bazsler VS Ripley.

The Queen of Spades is perhaps the most dominant female in NXT history. The first and only two-time NXT Women’s Champion learned from her father that “you can tell a lot about a person by the car they drive.” She has a 1969 Ford Mustang. People want to be in pro-wrestling to be a Tesla, run around and do fancy stuff. But the muscle cars are tried, true and unlike anything else. That’s Shayna. She’s not here to have fans or friends, but to hold titles. The word “momentum” and Rhea Ripley seem to go hand in hand lately. But look at all the other “flavors of the month” out there: Ember Moon, Dakota Kai, Nikki Cross, Bianca Belair, Io Shirai, Mia Yim, Candice LeRae, and both Becky Lynch and Bayley at the same time. They all lost to Baszler, and Ripley will be no different. It’s just a matter of #TapNapOrSnap. But will it be neither when these two face off on the final NXT of 2019?


Finn Balor speaks.

“Regal. Regal, of all the people. After everything I’ve done for this place, puts me in a Triple Threat match?” What does Finn Balor have to prove? Keith Lee has been relevant since three weeks ago at WarGames! Finn Balor was champion for 292 DAYS! And don’t even start with Ciampa. Finn Balor stuck the Blackheart, and will do it again. Ciampa calls the title Finn made famous “Goldie?” Well Finn will tell him something about title gold. Two-time WWE Intercontinental Champion. First-ever WWE Universal Champion. And soon enough, Finn’s future will be his past, when he becomes two-time NXT Champion.


NXT shares Garza’s victory speech from during the break.

“There are four things that I care about in life.” The first: wrestling. Second: the support of the fans. Third: his family. Garza brings his girlfriend to his ring, because she is the fourth thing. But now, he wants to go from girlfriend to wife, as he proposes in the middle of the ring!! A ring in the ring and she says SI! Congratulations to the future Mr. & Mrs. Garza!


NXT shares footage of Cameron Grimes attacking Kushida!

It was just last night in the WWE Performance Center when Grimes savagely attacked Kushida by the lockers, and bounced his head off the steel over and over! The bad wrist was also a target! This all stems from Grimes having lost to Kushida, will Grimes continue to be a sore loser?


Cameron Grimes VS Raul Mendoza!

When it looked like the Time Splitter was going to test the Mendoza Line, the Technical Savage made Raul cave in with that double stomp outta nowhere! But now is the time for Raul’s revenge! Will Mendoza send the Carolina Caveman back to the Stone Age? Or is Grimes the future of NXT?

The bell rings and Mendoza catches Grimes with an enziguri in the corner! Then he throws forearm after forearm and a CHOP! Grimes reverses the whip but gets an enziguri on the run Grimes flounders out of the ring but Mendoza runs and triangle TORNILLO! Fans fire up with Mendoza as he puts Grimes in the ring! Grimes crawls, Mendoza springboards but has to roll through as Grimes evades. They run at each other, JUMPING POWERSLAM! But wait, here comes Kushida! Grimes glares, but Kushida takes aim at his top hat! Mendoza speeds things up as fans chant, “Take the Hat! Take the Hat!” Grimes blocks Mendoza’s leap but Mendzoa slips free to try again, SPIKE-RANA! Cover, Mendoza wins!!

Winner: Raul Mendoza, by pinfall

Kushida divided Grimes’s attention, and yes, he DOES take the hat! Grimes lost the match and lost  his favorite hat, what will he do to get back on track?


Backstage interview with Mia Yim.

She was a surprise return to everyone, especially Dakota Kai. Tonight, Mia gets her chance at revenge. Actually, this goes beyond revenge. Dakota hospitalized Mia and took away the biggest night in her career! “This ain’t going to be just a regular wrestling match.” This is going to be a fight, and Mia vows to send Dakota off in an ambulance.


NXT looks at NXT UK’s Travis Banks.

The Kiwi Buzzsaw hits hard and moves fast with determination. Worlds Collide will see Banks take on NXT’s best, and we preview that next!


Travis Banks VS Jaxson Ryker w/ The Forgotten Sons!

The Buzzsaw is about to run into some heavy artillery! Will Banks be able to cut down the Gunner in this crossover confrontation?

The bell rings and fans are already on Banks’s side, but Ryker pie faces him. Banks forearms and CHOPS, then fires off kicks on the big legs! Ryker kicks low and throws Banks out hard! Wesley Blake and Steve Cutler are told to stay back, but Banks already gets back up on the apron as Ryker heads out. Banks Penalty Kicks Ryker from the apron! Banks then gets in, builds speed and DIVES, but Ryker Polish HAMMERS him down! Ryker puts Banks back in and throws him into buckles hard! Banks writhes, Ryker drags him up and puts him in the corner for heavy hands! Ryker CLUBS Banks then CHOPS him! Banks CHOPS, Ryker body shots! Ryker drags Banks up, rebound suplex SLAM! Ryker slaps Banks around, then clasps on a choke grip. Banks throws body shots but Ryker just shoves, only to get a forearm!

Banks gets to a corner, Ryker runs in, but Banks sweeps the legs! Ryker eats buckles, Banks runs side to side to dropkick him in! Banks keeps moving, another dropkick! Then corner to corner, CANNONBALL to the back! A bloody eyebrow doesn’t bother Banks one bit as he heads up top. Banks leaps, but Ryker gets under to POLISH HAMMER again! Ryker fires himself up, and KNEES Banks into ropes! Ryker drags Banks up from the outside, but Banks enziguris! Banks climbs up top again, leaps again, the missile dropkick hits! Ryker flounders up, Banks runs, SLICE OF HEAVEN! Cover, Banks wins!!

Winner: Travis Banks, by pinfall

Ryker gets out at 3.5, and the Forgotten Sons narrowly miss getting after Banks! They say he got lucky, but is he better off lucky than large?


Mia Yim VS Dakota Kai!

The Head Baddie In Charge is ready kick Captain Kick to the curb with hostility! Will she finally make Dakota pay for the WarGames betrayal?

The bell rings and Mia shotgun dropkicks Dakota immediately! And CHOPS away in the corner! Dakota turns things around to throw forearms but Mia knees low. Mia tosses Dakota by her hair, then again the other way! Dakota pulls hair in return, but her enziguri misses. Mia waistlocks but Dakota elbows out. Things speed up, Mia redirects and chop blocks the leg out! Then basement dropkicks on the return! Cover, TWO! Mia drags Dakota up to whip but Dakota reverses. Dakota runs in but Mia goes up to get the Tarantula! Tajiri would be proud as Mia holds on until 4. Mia hops up, missile dropkick drops Dakota! Dakota hurries to the far corner and she kicks back from below. Dakota gives big ax kick stomps to Mia’s back, then puts her on the ropes. Dakota runs in but is dumped out hard!

Mia goes out, fetches Dakota and throws her into steel steps! Mia then runs in, CANNONBALL! Fans are fired up for Mia as NXT goes to break!

NXT returns as Dakota goes to kick but Mia ducks. Mia chop blocks then dragon screws the bad leg! Cover, TWO, but Mia doesn’t let up. Mia brings Dakota to a corner but Dakota blocks the bump to give a bump! Dakota goes Around the World, BOOT! Cover, TWO! Mia gasps for air but Dakota keeps her cool. Dakota toys with Mia as she scuffs her boot on her face. Mia shoves, blocks the boot and jacks the knee! Mia jabs and jabs, then boots and LARIATS! Roundhouse! Mia brings Dakota around, covers, TWO! Fans rally as Mia drags Dakota up for clubbing forearms. Mia dares Dakota to stand, and then sends her through to overhead suplex! Cover, TWO! Mia grows frustrated but she works on a plan.

Fans rally up as Mia brings Dakota in, but Dakota bucks the Code Blue off. Dakota waistlocks, Mia elbows free, but Dakota grabs hold of the pants waist. Mia mule kicks free then hops on again, CODE BLUE DESTROYER! Cover, TWO!! Mia is losing her cool as Dakota rolls away to a corner. Fans rally up again and Mia runs in, but gets buckles. Dakota blocks boots, brings Mia up, SIT-OUT POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO! Mia survives and Dakota grits her teeth. Fans rally again as Dakota drags Mia up for those fast kicks tot he face! Mia staggers, Dakota runs Around the World again, but misses the boot! Mia kicks the leg, then hits a GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Mia drags Dakota back up, hooks the arm, PROTECT YA NECK! Dakota flops out of the ring and Mia can’t believe it!

Mia drags Dakota back in, Dakota hobbles towards the corner with the knee brace! The ref stops Dakota from using it, Mia runs in but gets a boot! Dakota unties a buckle pad! Mia waistlocks, Dakota standing switches and rams her into the bare buckle! Roll up, Dakota wins!

Winner: Dakota Kai, by pinfall

Captain Kick had a back-up plan and it succeeded! She survives Mia’s revenge, but how long can she keep running? Not long, as Mia goes after her again anyway! Mia clubs Dakota to the row and throws her into a railing! Dakota is dazed, and Mia gets a spare table! Dakota runs away but Mia pursues and they go around the back. They go up into the technical area, and end up on top of the desk. Mia drags Dakota up, fans are freaking out as Mia BACK SUPLEXES Dakota up and over, and down through the tables!! Full Sail loses its mind as referees hurry to get medics. Mia drags herself from the wreckage, was her revenge worth it?


Keith Lee speaks.

“Opportunity was all I required.” Now that he’s out, it’s going to be hard to stop. Lee and Ciampa had their alliance to take on common enemies, but now that they’re facing each other and Finn Balor, Lee will not hesitate to dismantle the Blackheart. Finn may say the business watches him, but the bigger star literally and figuratively has arrived. It will just take one moment for Lee to remind everyone that he is the only one who can pick up both opponents and give them no choice but to #BaskInHisGlory.


Breezango VS The Singh Brothers!

The Fashion Police are now the Fashion DOCTORS! And to keep Full Sail from flat-lining, they’re back for in-ring action. But will they be the ones needing pain killers after having to take on the Bollywood Boys?

The teams sort out and Tyler Breeze starts with Sunil. Sunil kicks low but Breeze knees back! Breeze hits a big forearm in the corner then whips Sunil into the straitjacket backbreaker! Cover, ONE, but Breeze drags Sunil over. Tag to Fandango and Fandango wrenches. Sunil knees and chops and CHOPS and rams his shoulder in. Tag to Samir, and Sunil whips Samir in, only for Samir to miss! Fandango punches Samir and Samir hangs off the ropes, Fandango slingshots for a leg drop! Cover, TWO! Fandango brings Samir over and tags Breeze in. Breezango mugs Samir but Samir powers Breeze to the Singh corner! Sunil tags in but Breeze fights off Samir. Sunil gets in to hit the windmill kick! Sunil fires off punches while he has Breeze in a headlock, then tosses him out of the ring.

Fans boo as Sunil mocks Fandango’s dancing, and Samir gets cheap shots in! Sunil goes out to put Breeze back in and brings him over to tag Samir. Backbreaker and elbow drop, the Bollywood Blast! Cover, TWO! Breeze survives but Samir headlocks Breeze. Fans rally up for Breezango and Breeze fights his way up. Breeze elbows out and hits an enziguri! Both men are down but heading for their corners. Hot tags to Sunil and Fandango! Fandango BOOTS Sunil, then hops up to missile dropkick! Sunil runs but Fandango back drops him! Samir is up top, but Fandango is on him fast, SUPER FALCON ARROW! Fandango goes back to Sunil, drags him up, another FALCON ARROW! Cover, but Samir breaks it!

Breeze throws Samir out hard, then goes out after Sunil. Breeze tackles Sunil down while Fandango gives Samir an apron powerbomb! Breeze catapults Sunil into Fandango’s uppercut! Sunil falls back onto Breeze’s knees and Fandango goes back to the apron. Fandango lines up the shot, HUGE elbow drop! Breezango puts Sunil back in and Fandango climbs up again, SUPER LEG DROP! Cover, Breezango wins!

Winner: Breezango, Fandango by pinfall

The Fashion Doctors are in, and with a win! What fashionable occupation will Prince Pretty and the Lord of the Dance take next as they head up the rankings?


NXT continues their Prime Target preview.

Rhea Ripley went to Real Radio 104.1 in Orlando to talk about her coming title match. She has nerves, but she does what she does. She loves this business, and she’s going to prove she’s the best. Rhea knew she wanted to be a pro-wrestler ever since first watching WWE. She started training at 16, and three years later, she made her debut as part of NXT tryouts in Melbourne. It was obvious to everyone watching that Rhea had what it takes to be champion.

Her first match in the WWE was in the inaugural Mae Young Classic. She was a very different Rhea back then, and returned in the second MYC to begin her transition into the Rhea we see now. And she will forever go down in history as the inaugural NXT UK Women’s Champion! Rhea won the first-ever Women’s WarGames and won the Women’s Survivor Series Elimination Tag. She’s already done so much in her young career, all that’s left is to challenge Shayna. Will history be made again on December 18th?


Kayden Carter VS Bianca Belair!

Two more Mae Young Classic alumni go head-to-head! Will one of these two women be primed for a shot at the women’s title after Rhea and Shayna finish with each other?

The bell rings and Bianca doesn’t take Carter seriously. She throws her jacket at Carter and then runs her over! Bianca takes her earrings off then stomps away on Carter in the corner! The ref backs Bianca off but she comes back to pie face Carter. She whips, Carter rolls off the back, then rolls under to kangaroo kick, followed but a capoeria kick! Bianca is reeling, but she comes back to waistlock. Carter resists, drops under, waistlocks back, then O’Connor rolls. TWO, springboard missile dropkick! Cover, TWO! Carter keeps on Bianca but Bianca blocks the whip. Bianca reverses but Carter tilt-o-whirls and around the other way, but Bianca hits a backbreaker! Bianca carries Carter around and switches to a gutbuster!

Carter crawls to a corner but Bianca toys with her. Bianca drags Carter up and gut wrenches to the Canadian rack. Carter endures the Canadian torture rack, but fans rally up. Carter fights, slips out and jawbreakers back! Bianca staggers, but dodges Carter to ram her shoulder in! Bianca grinds in deeper, then carries Carter to do some squats. The EST brags, but Carter sunset flips! Bianca stays up, brings Carter back up, and throws her down HARD! Bianca covers, TWO! Bianca is surprised Carter survives, but she won’t let up. Fans rally and duel as Bianca knocks Carter down. Bianca dares Carter to do something, so Carter SLAPS her! And CHOPS her! And hits a tornado, but not the DDT! Bianca suplexes, rebounds her and brings her down! And then kips up! Standing moonsault gets knees!

Carter throws forearms on Bianca, but Bianca shoves. Bianca runs but is dumped out! Carter goes to the apron, cartwheels over the clothesline and mule kicks her back! Carter puts Bianca in, runs and spins Bianca around, but Bianca powers out. Carter handsprings, Bianca ducks and SPEARS! Bianca brings Carter up, Argentine torture rack, KISS OF DEATH! Cover, Bianca wins!

Winner: Bianca Belair, by pinfall

Carter came close but the EST is the strongest and meanest around. Bianca surely wants another shot at the NXT Women’s Championship, but who will be holding it come the New Year?


Adam Cole is here!

THE NXT Champion wants to watch his contenders fight it out firsthand so that he can show them all who they’ll be up against next. And that contender’s match is after the break!


Tommaso Ciampa speaks.

“Tonight, Keith Lee will ask that everybody bask in his glory. Tonight, Finn Balor will tell everybody that the Demon is going to stay home but the Prince is coming out to play. Tonight, Tommaso Ciampa will change nothing.” He will simply be focused on the same thing he’s focused on for the last five years! “Tonight is for Goldie, nothing else.” Nine months ago, Ciampa gave that piece away. But now he is on a path back to it, and it will go through Lee and Balor! Tonight, after beating Lee and Balor, Cole needs to take a long, hard look and understand that his days as champ are numbered.


NXT Championship #1 Contender’s Triple Threat: Tommaso Ciampa VS Finn Balor VS Keith Lee!

With Cole watching from the loft, the Blackheart, the Prince and the Limitless do battle! The song says “no one will survive,” but someone has to in order to take Cole on to close out 2019!

Introductions are made, the bell rings, and Balor immediately hits Lee! Ciampa hits Balor then whips, but Lee runs Balor over! Balor bails out and Lee heads out. Balor eggs Lee on, leads him around the way, but Ciampa gets Balor in the ropes! Lee saves Balor from Willow’s Bell, only to drop Balor on the apron! Lee brings Balor back into the ring and Ciampa brings Balor up. Ciampa ditches Balor to go after Lee, but Balor rolls Ciampa up. ONE, Balor brings Ciampa up, Lee slingshots and crossbodies them BOTH! Lee has the edge as NXT goes to break!

NXT returns once again, and Lee has both opponents in corners. Lee whips Balor back into the same corner hard, and then wrenches and whips Ciampa to the other corner. Lee lines up his shots, and hits a big corner splash on Ciampa! Then one for Finn! Lee goes back to Ciampa but Finn follows to dropkick Lee in the back! Balor goes for a leg but Lee clubs him off. Ciampa BOOTS Lee, Finn forearms. Ciampa CLOTHESLINES Lee and himself out of the ring! Balor goes out but Ciampa trips him up. Ciampa goes in to throw hands on Balor and whips for a back elbow! Balor flounders to a corner, Ciampa stomps a mudhole into him! Ciampa bumps Balor off buckles then stomps him more. Side-to-side knee wash!

Ciampa runs again, and knees Lee out! Balor is on the apron, Ciampa drags him in through the ropes. Lee gets back up but Ciampa kicks him. Ciampa brings Lee in through the ropes, and has Finn back up, DOUBLE WILLOW’S BELLS! Full Sail is fired up and Ciampa pats himself on the back. Ciampa drags Balor up and to a fireman’s carry, Air Raid Crash onto Lee! Cover on Balor, TWO! Cover on Lee, TWO! Ciampa scrapes Balor out and CHOPS Lee. Ciampa haymakers and CHOPS, then throws more hands. Lee staggers but stays up, to DECK Ciampa with a left! Ciampa flounders up to BOOT back, and eye poke! Ciampa plays dirty, but now he tries to fireman’s carry!? Lee is too big, he Grizzly Magnum CHOPS Ciampa! And again! Standing splash, but onto knees! 

Ciampa underhooks Lee, but Lee lifts Ciampa with his head! Balor BOOTS Lee, trips and STOMPS Ciampa! Balor manages to trip Lee and STOMPS him, too! Fans are divided as Balor takes aim from a corner. Balor runs in, but Lee just bounces him off! Lee rallies with big hands on both Ciampa and Balor, and has them corner to corner again. Splash, splash repeat! Fans sing as Lee TOSSES Balor into Ciampa! Full Sail fires up as Lee brings Balor and Ciampa together to DOUBLE BACK DROP! Ciampa and Balor writhe, but Lee stacks them before climb up. But Ciampa anchors Lee’s foot and goes after the leg! Ciampa climbs up, and Balor, too, for a DOUBLE SUPER RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! All three men crash down as NXT goes picture in picture!

The referee checks on all three men but they’re somehow okay to continue. Fans are fired up as the three men stir. The ref watches closely as Finn and Ciampa slowly rise. Balor forearms Ciampa but Ciampa hits back. Balor hits again, Ciampa hits back. They brawl, Ciampa fires off but Balor keeps pace! Ciampa rocks Balor then spins, but into an elbow drop DDT! Balor glares as Ciampa slowly sits back up. Balor dragon sleepers Ciampa, but Ciampa resists the lift. Lee creeps up behind Balor, and brings him up, but no Spirit Bomb as Balor guillotine facelocks! Lee powers up to put Balor on the apron. Balor hits back but Lee DECKS him! Balor tumbles down but Ciampa is up, WILLOW’S BELL to the apron!! Ciampa scrambles up but Balor snapmares and KICKS him down!

Balor takes aim at Ciampa, SLINGBLADE on the outside! Balor leaves Ciampa behind and heads up top. NXT returns to single picture as Ciampa returns to punch and CHOP Balor back! Ciampa climbs up to join Balor, and Ciampa brings Balor back up into Air Raid position. But Lee gets up and adds on! ELECTRIC CHAIR RAID! Full Sail is losing their minds again as all three men are back down! Lee crawls to cover Ciampa, TWO!! Ciampa survives but Lee is too exhausted to be shocked. Fans rally up and Lee gets up to drag Ciampa to a drop zone. Lee climbs up now, for a MOONSAULT! But he FLOPS! Ciampa has Lee, underhooks, but Lee fireman’s carries right out, JACKHAMMER! Balor gets up, Lee fireman’s carries him now, but Balor turns the jackhammer into a cradle! TWO!!

Baor runs at Lee, but no Slingblade, he gets a SPIRIT- STOMP!! Coup de Grace outta nowhere! Lee bails out, Balor clotheslines Ciampa out hard, and then Balor FLIES onto Lee! Balor grits his teeth as fans declare, “This is Awesome!” Balor takes aim at Ciampa, JOHN WOO DROPKICK sends Ciampa flying into railing! Deja vu from what he did to Johnny Gargano! Balor puts Ciampa in the ring and heads up top! COUP DE- No, Ciampa dodges, and Lee POUNCES! Lee is the only one standing as he looks at Ciampa. Lee brings Ciampa up, but Ciampa pops out of the Spirit Bomb to chop block a leg! Ciampa tries to firemen’s carry, and he manages an AIR RAID CRASH on Lee!! Cover, TWO!?! Ciampa can’t believe it, but he should Be-LEE-vit!

Lee gets up but the knee pad comes down. Ciampa runs in, into a SLAM! Lee goes up top quickly, and MOONSAULTS! It hits! Cover, TWO!?! Ciampa shocks us all but Lee won’t let up. Lee brings Ciampa back up, bomb position, but he doesn’t see Balor climb. SPIRIT BOMB ! COUP DE GRACE!! Cover, Balor wins!!

Winner: Finn Balor, by pinfall; NEW #1 Contender to the NXT Championship

The Prince takes victory for his own outta nowhere! Now he takes aim at Adam Cole, making next week’s episode rrrreeeal! The Undisputed Era reinforce Cole as he makes his leave, but they might not even be enough. Will Finn’s future truly be his past?



My Thoughts:

An incredible episode that acts as a go-home to next week’s episode. I don’t think there was really anything bad to say about this episode, though I feel like Breezango VS Singh Brothers was a bit of filler. I did like that Breezango really upped the aggression with those out-of-ring spots. That apron powerbomb looked nasty, and that was pretty awesome that Fandango covered that distance for his elbow drop. It isn’t really clear where the NXT Tag Team Championships are going, but if a story with the Undisputed Era can help bring that more serious side out of Breezango, let’s try that for TakeOver: Portland. Obviously we’re getting more Kushida VS Grimes after the beat down video and Kushida distracting Grimes. It was pretty great for Mendoza to benefit from this, too. He stays afloat but still seems to be just a good worker.

The NXT Cruiserweight Championship opening the night was amazing. Lio VS Garza II was definitely better than the first, and what a great twist for there to be a submission win when both guys have really been more about strikes and splashes. It was also a great personal moment for Garza to propose to his girlfriend, Garza’s winning in all sorts of ways. Banks VS Ryker was pretty good, a nice tease for Worlds Collide. I wonder if Banks ends up with teammates to take on the Forgotten Sons as a whole. Yim VS Kai was pretty good, but the best part was the brawl after. Well, aside from the table spot. That second table didn’t want any part of that, and I hope neither Mia or Dakota is too sore after basically clipping their heads on the edge. I hope they get a No Disqualification match next to be the real blow-off.

Carter VS Belair was pretty good, but it just seemed too obvious Belair would win that. I really hope NXT builds up more of their women, I feel like Xia Li, Kayden Carter and a handful of other currently midcard women get to move up once WWE figures out what is going on with Shayna and the Horsewomen. I really liked what we got out of Prime Target for Rhea and Shayna. Both women are great in the ring and on the mic, and their match next week is going to help the episode feel like a pseudo-TakeOver. I still really hope Rhea takes the title off Shayna, this just has to be the time.

And it feels like almost the time for Keith Lee. He did amazing again in that amazing Triple Threat. I suppose Ciampa winning here would be too obvious, as well as too soon, I think he comes back around for TakeOver: Portland. Since it sounds like Velveteen Dream isn’t ready to return yet, give us Lee VS Strong for the North American Championship, and then give Lee that championship. Cole VS Balor is going to be incredible, and honestly it could go either way. The buzz would be with Balor winning, and we could get Balor VS Ciampa with Gargano returning to get revenge while helping his friend. Either way, it’s all going to be amazing.

My Score: 9.3/10

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AEW Coverage

Mitchell’s AEW Rampage Results & Report! (7/26/24)




Who will be waiting in the wings for the AEW World Champion?

In the wake of Blood & Guts, twenty men compete in the Royal Rampage battle royal! But who will stand tall at the end as the next #1 contender?


  • Fatal 4 Way Tag: Private Party VS The Righteous VS The Outrunners VS Rush & Kyle Fletcher w/ Don Callis; win(s).
  • Lance Archer VS ???
  • Kris Statlander w/ Stokely Hathaway VS Leila Grey; wins.
  • Royal Rampage: ??? wins and will challenge for the AEW World Championship at AEW Grand Slam.


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; Knight wins.
  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: The Bloodline wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; Nia & Tiff win.


Nick Aldis is on the phone.

He has a lot going on, but he’ll call back. The Bloodline steps up, and Aldis says sorry, given their actions last week with Cody Rhodes & Kevin Owens that gave Tonga Loa an eye injury, Loa is not cleared to compete. So unfortunately, The Bloodline must forfeit their spot in the tag team gauntlet. Tama Tonga asks what Aldis just said, but Aldis says he heard just fine. Forfeit? They ain’t forfeiting nothing! Solo Sikoa has Tama stand down. And he appreciates Aldis’ concern, but The Bloodline is not forfeiting. Understood? Loa is part of The Bloodline, but so is Jacob Fatu! So instead, it will be Tama Tonga & Jacob Fatu in that match. If that’s okay with Aldis.

Aldis says it is, actually. They’re still in. Solo tells Fatu to bring those titles back home. Solo wants all the titles on SmackDown. The Samoan Werewolf steps up to replace The Silverback, will any of the other teams survive that match now?


LA Knight heads to gorilla.

And he tells the cameras, “LEMME TALK TO YA!” The Mega Star says we’re making a pitstop before SummerSlam. Santos Escobar couldn’t remember how many times he’s been dropped on his head by Knight, so Knight will be the professor, class is in session, and we’ll teach Santos some history. Then in Cleveland, Logan Paul isn’t learning math, he isn’t learning statistics or English. But he will be taught what it’s like to get his keister kicked in by the Mega Star! YEAH! And no matter what class, the curriculum is always the same, with everybody saying… L! A! KNIGHT! YEAH!! Knight makes his way out, will he be rolling into SummerSlam? Or will Santos pass the test?

LA Knight VS Santos Escobar w/ Elektra Lopez!

The bell rings, Santos runs up but Knight dodges to JAB! JAB! JAB! Santos headlocks, Knight powers out but Santos runs him over. Things speed up, and Knight hip tosses! And then arm-drags! Knight has the armlock, the fans rally, but santos fights up. Santos pulls hair, the ref reprimands, but santos puts Knight in a corner. Santos whips, Knight reverses to WRING the arm and drop a leg on it! Knight wrenches and YANKS the arm again and again. “YEAH! YEAH!” Knight whips, then ELBOWS Santos down! The fans fire up with Knight and he RAMS Santos into a corner. Knight climbs up to rain down fists!

Fans “YEAH!” all the way to seven times before Santos YANKS Knight down! Santos kicks and stomps Knight in the corner. The fans boo but Lopez mocks Knight’s “yapping.” Santos CHOPS LARIATS Knight! Santos CHOP LARIATS again, then reels him in for a snap suplex! Santos stands up, brings Knight up to SLAM him down, then he steps through for a SHARPSHOOTER! Knight scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Knight then stands to fire off haymakers! Knight whips, and he LARIATS Santos down! Knight brings Santos up but Santos drop toeholds him into ropes! Santos distracts the ref and Lopez SLAPS Knight!

Santos runs in to 619! A shot taken at Rey Mysterio, and Santos soaks up the heat while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Santos DOUBLE KNEES Knight in a corner! Cover, TWO! Santos is annoyed but he clamps on a cobra clutch. The fans rally as Knight endures. Knight fights up, throws body shots, then runs, to SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Knight whips, Santos reverses and scoops for a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Santos is annoyed again and he stalks Knight to a corner. Santos says this is not Knight’s game, it’s Santos’s! Santos rains down fists in the corner but lets off as the ref counts. Santos soaks up heat, but Knight ELBOWS him back! Knight whips Santos hard to a corner, then SHOVES him in!

Knight stomps a mudhole, “YEAH! YEAH!” Knight goes corner to corner to KNEE Santos down! Knight whips, Santos reverses but Knight ducks the lariat to kick and DDT! Cover, TWO! Santos stays in this, Lopez coaches him, but Knight is on him first. Knight lifts Santos to a torture rack, but Lopez slides in! The ref stops her, that distracts Knight, and he lets Santos down. Lopez backs off as Knight storms over, and Knight goes back for Santos. Santos ELBOWS Knight! Santos runs, but into a POP-UP POWERSLAM! The fans fire up while both men are down! Lopez again gets on the apron but the ref tells her to stop.

And here comes LOGAN PAUL! ONE LUCKY- NO, Knight dodges to LARIAT! Logan falls, but Santos SUPERKICKS! Santos brings Knight around, fireman’s carry, PHANTOM- NO, Knight slips free to B F T! Cover, Knight wins!

Winner: LA Knight, by pinfall

But then Logan CLOBBERS Knight after all! The fans boo as the Maverick stomps away on Knight! Logan drags Knight up, but Knight RAMS him into a corner! Knight stomps away on Logan now, “YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!” Knight runs corner to corner, but Santos KNEES Knight down! The Emperor helps the champ up, and they beat Knight down together! Then Santos drags Knight into the drop zone for Logan as he goes up top. Logan FROG SPLASHES Knight! The fans boo but Logan soaks it up. Logan leaves Knight down and out, but will Knight be the one leaving The Land with the gold?


Backstage interview with Naomi.

Byron Saxton asks her why she thinks Blair Davenport initially showed her respect, only to then attack her from behind. Naomi doesn’t know the issue with Blair is, because she hasn’t even done anything to the newbie! But Blair is playing mind games, which won’t work. Naomi has something for Blair, though. Not only will Naomi make Blair #FeelTheGlow, but she’ll respect it! And then in step Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair, and they say that’s right! Blair is a Lame, and she gets what is coming. Just like Alba & Isla will. Speaking of, Bianca & Jade are gonna call out the champs-for-now and handle business.

Naomi says go handle it, then. The StrongEST Duo heads out, will they be able to get that rematch with the wicked witches?


Backstage interview with Logan Paul.

Byron catches up with The Maverick and asks him what happened. Logan says that’s an appetizer for SummerSlam, the first course of a three course meal. Logan will whoop Knight, in his hometown, in front of his friends and family, everyone he knows and loves. Plus, he got off the phone with “Mr. Cleveland” himself, and there will be a surprise homecoming planned just for Logan. Then can we get an idea of what- Nope! Silly question. But tune in next week, it’ll be a great night.

Logan promises Knight that he won’t just be facing the US Champion at SummerSlam. Knight will be facing the pride of Cleveland, the ultimate underdog turned top dog, and Knight ain’t ready for that. YEAH! Logan is more confident than ever, but will that make things that much sweeter when LA beats Cleveland’s own in his hometown?


Jade Cargill & Bianca Belair head to the ring!

Just as promised, they’re here to call out the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions. Bianca & Jade get the mics, and The EST says she loves the fans and would stay her all day, but she’ll cut to the chase. Alba & Isla have been ghosting Jade & Bianca ever since winning at Clash at the Castle. Alba & Isla said they’d be here tonight, right? Right. And they’d bring the titles, right? Right. So where they at? The StrongEST Duo looks around, and tell the champs to stop duckin’ ‘n’ dodging. Come to the ring with the belts, and get these hands. The music hits, but then Alba & Isla hit from behind! The Unholy Union beat down the former champs!

Alba digs her boots into Jade, then CLUBS her down. Isla drags Bianca up but Bianca fights free! Bianca spins Isla, torture racks, but Isla lands safe on the apron! Only for Bianca to DECK her! Jade then grabs Alba, and hoists her up to THROW her out onto Isla! And in heels! The fans fire up while Alba & Isla regroup and retreat. Will there be no running from the storm that is coming for them?


B-Fab talks with the Street Profits.

It’s time to do this. It’s their moment, their time. And in steps Terence Crawford! The boxing champ is here, and he shakes hands with everyone. B-Fab says The Profits may not be Crawford, but tonight, they will be whooping feet! And from Ford to Crawford, Black Airforce Energy, go do your thing on August 3rd. Crawford appreciates that. But for real, he’ll be watching them, too. Good luck out there. They hug it out, Dawkins is ready to turn up! Will the Profits be up and win their golden tickets to the titles? Or will taking on five other teams be a tall order even for them?


Tiffany Stratton looks at her Money in the Bank briefcase.

It is being held together by colorful tape after what Bayley did to it last week. Nia Jax walks over and says don’t worry, she’ll get Tiff a brand new briefcase that will be perfect for her. And Tiff could cash in on Bayley tonight, but Nia has that guaranteed match at SummerSlam, and Nia would hate Tiff dropping the title so soon. Tiff says she’d never do that to Nia. Besides, Tiff just wants to get revenge. Nia says she thought so. Tiff still pouts over her busted briefcase, but will she and The Queen of the Ring bust up Bayley and Michin in return?


WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet!

Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa are still champions after facing A-Town Down Under a second time, so now it’s on to something new. Six teams are going to compete until only one team stands tall, who survives to go for the gold this summer?

The first team out? The newest combo of Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews, who are ready to #BurnTheShips and sink the competition! Their opponents? Legado del Fantasmo’s Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo! Will they look to add to the legacy and finally grab those tag titles?

Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews VS Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo!

The bell rings and Legado just attacks! The ref reprimands, the fans boo, but the cousins stomp away on Corbin. Angel stays in to stand on Corbin, Berto RAMS Crews into steel steps! Angel then runs up, but Corbin dodges and SPLASHES! Corbin reels Angel in for a short arm LARIAT, then he reels him in for an ELBOW! Then a SIDE EFFECT! Cover, TWO! Corbin stands Angel up but Angel CHOPS! Tag to Berto, and Angel sidesteps so Berto can GAMANGIRI! Roll-up, SUPERKICK, and Corbin tumbles out! Berto DIVES and down goes Corbin! Legado stands tall while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Berto drags Corbin up, manages a fireman’s carry, but Corbin fights free with elbows. Corbin ducks a buzzsaw but not the ENZIGIRI! Berto runs corner to corner but Corbin TOSSES him into buckles! DIY are watching backstage, hot tags to Angel and Crews! Crews rallies on Legado, mule kicks and BOOTS Angel, then dodges Angel to LEAPING LARIAT! The fans fire up with Crews as he kips up! Angel takes a swing, Crews gets under to GERMAN SUPLEX! Crews holds on, and he GERMAN SUPLEXES again! And GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Angel flounders, fans fire up, and Crews goes corner to corner to SPLASH!

Crews pushes Angel out of the corner, goes up top, and FLYING- KNEE from Angel! Angel underhooks to TIGER BACKBREAKER! Cover, Corbin breaks it! Berto runs up to LARIAT Corbin up and out! But Corbin drags Berto out to RAM him into steel steps! Angel KNEES Crews, reels him in, WING- NO, Crews slips free! Corbin sneaks a tag, Crews BOOTS! END OF DAYS! Cover, Corbin & Crews ELIMINATE Legado! But no time to rest, here come the Street Profits!

Baron Corbin & Apollo Crews VS The Street Profits!

Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins take their time stepping up to the ring, and Ford starts against Crews. They circle, Crews kicks then whips. Ford goes up and over then handsprings away. Ford smiles, Crews smiles, and things speed up! Crews handsprings over Ford’s dropdown, then he hurdles! Crews drops then DROPKICKS Ford, and he brings Ford back up. Crews suplexes, holds Ford up, but Ford slips free to back suplex! High and hard for Crews, Dawkins tags to cover. TWO!! Crews is somehow still in this, but Dawkins brings him up. Dawkins whips, Crews goes up and over and keeps moving. Crews jumps the dropdown then whips.

Crews hurdles., Dawkins handsprings, and DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! Hot tag to Corbin, hot tag to Ford! Ford fires hands on Corbin, but Corbin UPPERCUTS! Ford falls to the apron, but he RAMS back in! Ford slingshots, into a HAYMAKER! The golden gloves hit hard, and then Crews says let’s do it! Corbin runs, Crews TOSSES him out onto the Profits! The fans fire up as the Wolf flies, and SmackDown goes back to break!

SmackDown returns again and Corbin has Ford up top! Ford fights with body shots, then he HEADBUTTS Corbin down! Corbin hurries to his feet, and gets under Ford’s leap! Corbin BOOTS Ford, goes up, and he FLYING LARIATS! B-Fab panics but Corbin hauls Ford up for a POWERBOMB! Flip over, but then Ford ENZIGIRIS! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Corbin and Ford crawl, hot tags to Dawkins and Crews! Dawkins rallies on Crews, but Crews avoids the splash! Crews comes back to SPLASH! Crews runs, but Dawkins ducks to ENZIGIRI! Crews comes back to ENZIGIRI!

The fans fire up with Cres, but Dawkins catches him for a FALL AWAY SLAM! Cover, Corbin breaks it! Ford runs up, Corbin DECKS him! Corbin runs in at the corner, but Ford dodges and Corbin POSTS himself! Dawkins runs at Crews but Crews DUMPS him out! Ford and Crews stare down, then they both build speed! They both FLY out onto the other’s partner! The fans are thunderous, Crews puts Dawkins in, and then Crews goes up top. “This is Awesome!” as Crews FROG SPLASHES but has to roll through! Dawkins DECKS Crews with a big right! Tag to Ford, and Dawkins brings Crews up.

Dawkins whips, pop-up, REVELATION! Cover, Profits ELIMINATE Corbin & Crews! Corbin & Crews put up a valiant effort, but the Profits move on to face… #YESBOY! Pretty Deadly!

The Street Profits VS Pretty Deadly!

Kit Wilson & Elton Prince run up, run in, then Elton bails out! Kit rolls Dawkins, TWO! Kit hurries to cradle Dawkins, TWO! Kit tries a roll-up again, with tights! TWO, and Dawkins FLAPJACKS Kit down! Kit flounders, Dawkins tags Ford. The Profits double whip,. then CLOBBER Kit! DIY likes that, and then the Profits hit a BACK SUPLEX SPLASH! Elton runs in, but he gets a DOUBLE FLAPJACK onto Kit! Ford covers Kit, TWO! The fans rally, Ford CLUBS Kit, then brings him up. Kit RAMS Ford, swings, but into a back suplex! Elton tags in and Kit slips free. Ford kicks and suplexes, but Elton CHOP BLOCKS Ford!

But Elton miscalculates, Kit still takes a BRAINBUSTER! Elton stomps Ford around, drags him to a cover, TWO! Elton pushes Ford to the corner, Kit tags in, and they stomp away on Ford’s leg as Elton holds it down! The ref counts, Kit UPPERCUTS Ford, then he tags Elton. Now they stomp the leg while Kit holds it! The ref reprimands, Kit lets off and Elton ROCKS Kit with a right. Pretty Deadly say “YES BOY~!” They sing it, even, still pitching their musical. Tag to Kit, but Ford fights with body shots and elbows! Elton blocks a kick, hands it to Kit, and Elton KNEES Ford’s hamstring!

Ford grits his teeth, clutches his leg, but Kit cravats to CHOKE him against ropes. Kit lets go, Elton DECKS Ford, and Kit basement dropkicks! Kit drags Ford around for a HALF CRAB! Ford clamps onto the ROPEBREAK! So Kit DDTS the leg! The fans rally for Ford but Kit taunts Dawkins. Kit then sucker punches him! Kit goes back to Ford, the ref stops Dawkins, and Kit stomps away on Ford’s leg. Kit pulls on the foot, but Ford resists the turnover! Ford kicks at Kit again and again, but Kit still steps over! Ford fights and BOOTS free! Elton tags in, but hot tag to Dawkins! Dawkins rallies on Elton, then whips.

Elton reverses but Dawkins hurdles and UPPERCUTS! The fans fire up with Dawkins and he aims at a corner. Dawkins runs in to CYCLONE SPLASH! ENZIGIRI! Cover, TWO! Elton survives but the fans rally up. Dawkins whips Elton, Elton grabs ropes and BOOTS, then tag to Kit. Dawkins ROCKS Elton and whips, but Elton reverses. Hurdle and DDT! Kit covers, TWO! Dawkins survives, Pretty Deadly seethes, but Kit tags Elton. They run UPPERCUT after UPPERCUT, then Elton RAMS Dawkins so Kit can UPPERCUT again! Fireman’s carry, ASSISTED GUT BUSTER! Cover, Ford breaks it!

The fans are thunderous and Kit is furious! Kit whips but Ford reverses and TOSSES Kit out! Elton DUMPS Ford out! Dawkins ROCKS Elton! Ford tags, Dawkins lifts Elton, BLOCKBUSTER DOOMSDAY!! Cover, Profits ELIMINATE Pretty Deadly! But here comes The OC’s Gallows & Anderson! We hit the halfway point of this gauntlet, will the Profits survive? Or are things about to get Too Sweet? We find out, after the break!

The Street Profits VS The Good Brothers!

SmackDown returns as Karl Anderson JUMP KICKS Ford! Then Luke Gallows SPLASHES in the corner! Anderson snapmares, covers, TWO! Ford survives but Anderson stalks him to ropes. Anderson CHOKES and CLAWS Ford, but he lets off as the ref counts. Anderson snapmares Ford, clamps on a chinlock and he grinds Ford down. Ford endures, reaches out, and the fans rally. Ford fights up, throws body shots, and pries the hold open, but Anderson kicks low! Anderson CLOBBERS Ford, covers, TWO! Ford is still in this but Anderson drags him up. Anderson whips Ford to the corner hard, then tags Gallows.

The Good Brothers mug Ford, then Gallows runs to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Gallows stands Ford up to scoop and SLAM him! Tag to Anderson and Anderson covers, TWO! Anderson brings Ford up and around to scoop and SLAM! Cover, TWO! Anderson clamps on a neck wrench, and even pulls on Ford’s ear! The ref reprimands, Anderson lets go, and fans rally up. Tag to Gallows. the Good Brothers mug Ford more. Gallows then brings Ford around, snap suplexes, and covers, TWO! Gallows HAMMERS away with elbows, then clamps on a chinlock. Ford endures, the fans rally up, but Gallows leans all his weight on Ford.

Ford fights up to his feet, throws body shots, but Gallows CLUBS him down. Gallows scoops Ford, but Ford swings around to DDT! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Both men crawl, hot tag to Anderson! Anderson whips Ford to an open corner, runs in, but Ford TOSSES him out! Anderson slips apron and falls to the floor! Gallows runs up but Ford DUMPS him out! Hot tag to Dawkins! Dawkins builds speed and he FLIES onto The Good Brothers! Dawkins avoids hitting the desk and the fans are thunderous! Dawkins roars, puts Anderson in, and then runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!!

Anderson is frustrated but he tags Gallows. The Good Brothers haul Dawkins up for a fireman’s carry. Anderson runs but Ford trips him! Dawkins rolls Gallows up, PROFITS ELIMINATE GOOD BROTHERS!! The fans fire up and yet… That leaves The Bloodline for last. As if this team wasn’t dangerous enough, the Profits are practically running on fumes at this point! Can Ford & Dawkins survive? Or will they fall victim to the Samoan Werewolf and Good Bad Guy? We find out, after the break.

The Street Profits VS The Bloodline!

SmackDown returns again and Tama beats Dawkins down in a corner! The fans chant “SOLO SUCKS!” but Tama tags Fatu. They DOUBLE HEADBUTT Dawkins down, then Fatu drags him up. Fatu bumps Dawkins off buckles, runs in and SPLASHES! Tag to Tama, and he runs up, gets a boost from Fatu, BIG CANNONBALL! Dawkins goes down but the fans chant, “WE WANT ROMAN!” Solo soaks up that heat while Tama CHOKES Dawkins on ropes. The ref counts, Tama lets off, and Solo CHOKES Dawkins now! B-Fab protests but Solo gets away with that. The Bloodline raise their ones, then Tama tags Fatu.

The mugging continues, and Fatu HEADBUTTS Dawkins down. Solo says that’s right, take them out. Fatu CHOKES Dawkins then HEADBUTTS! The ref backs Fatu off but that lets Solo get a cheap shot in! Fatu BITES Dawkins’ fingers! Fatu then stomps him around, and he runs corner to corner, but Dawkins dodges! Fatu’s splash gets him stuck on the ropes! Solo is upset as Dawkins crawls for his corner! Fatu slumps back, the fans rally as hard as they can, hot tags to Tama and Ford! Ford LARIATS, LARIATS then dodges to SPINEBUSTER! Tama flounders, Ford SUPERKICKS Fatu! Ford drags Tama up but Tama slips around to back suplex!

Ford lands out! Ford kicks, KICKS and- NO, Tama ducks the enzigiri! Tama CLUBS and whips but Ford reverses! Ford runs up, but Tama puts him on the apron! Ford ROCKS Tama, climbs up and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Tama stays in this, and DIY is intrigued. Ford hurries up the corner again, but Tama ROCKS him! Tama goes up to get Ford, SUPERPLEX! Cover, Dawkins breaks it! Fatu runs in but Dawkins TOSSES him back out! Tama runs to slip and trip Dawkins up! The Bloodline mugs Dawkins, but Ford FLIES over the corner!! Down goes everyone! Ford rises and the fans are thunderous again!

Ford puts Tama in, climbs back up, and Solo is stressing out! FROM THE HEAVENS, but Tama moves! Fatu tags in, Ford hobbles up, into a LARIAT! Fatu DIVES onto Dawkins and takes him out! Fatu returns for Ford, but Ford dodges and runs, but into the POP-UP- DDT!! Ford takes Fatu… NO, Fatu is rising! POP-UP SAMOAN DROP!! Fatu then puts Ford in the drop zone, BEST MOONSAULT EVER!! Cover, Bloodline wins!

Winners: The Bloodline, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships)

Replacing Loa wasn’t a detriment, it only made the team stronger! And now that they’re targeting the tag titles, will The Bloodline dominate under Solo Sikoa like they did under Roman Reigns?


Grayson Waller & Austin Theory interrupt!

They don’t care what Corey Graves & Wade Barrett are talking about, they’ve got stuff to say. Last week, they would’ve beat Cody Rhodes & Kevin Owens easy, if not for Terence Crawford! But they’re not just talking about it, they’ll do something about it! That little 120 pound Terence is walking around backstage, so y’know what? Terrence is gonna come out and apologize to the greatest team of the world! Oh, wait, is he scared? Nope, here comes Terence Crawford! The fans cheer as Omaha’s own undefeated and undisputed champion makes his way out. Waller says this is a big moment. The pound for pound top boxer in the world is in the ring with them!

And the thing is, Terrence, last week, you disrespected ATDU. Terrence handed Cody a chair, so it is only fair he apologize to them. The fans boo but Waller says they don’t understand. This is not just for helping Cody, but for thinking he belongs in the ring with A-Town Down Under. Terrence might be the best boxer, but this is pro-wrestling. And look at Waller when he’s talking! If Terrence takes one more step, Waller’s boy Theory will knock you out! Theory says he isn’t trying to- BLAM and Terrence knocks Theory out!! Waller bails out, what was that about apologizing? Waller helps Theory out of the ring, is Theory going to come to his senses about this “team?”


Cody Rhodes speaks.

The American Nightmare is part of the Japan live tour, doing what he promised in bringing the Undisputed WWE Championship all across the globe. But he takes a moment to reflect, and do something wrestlers shouldn’t do and look back. Cody looks back on his win at the Royal Rumble, nearly having his WrestleMania main event taken from him, only for the people to help him take it back. He reflects on the fight of his life against Roman Reigns to do what he said he’d do, and #FinishTheStory. He was surrounded by friends, family, fans, a conquering hero, and The Bloodline was no more. Or so he thought.

“But this new doppelganger version, a pack of wild cats with nothing to lose, running around and feasting on anyone who stands in their way… Chaos reigns without a true lion to lead the pack. And because of that chaos, now I sit here alone. My friends, my allies, my partners, Randy Orton and Kevin Owens, destroyed trying to fight by my side while I watched. I head to SummerSlam a man on an island. A man who has the deck stacked against me. A man who will have to fight with every ounce of pride and energy that I have. But I also head into SummerSlam the champion.

“And I know that i have to bring all of my fire and passion to this fight, because I owe it to the people to defend this championship and not let it slip back into the hands of The Bloodline. Solo Sikoa is a dangerous man. He stepped up, declared himself the new Tribal Chief. He has proven he is ready to take on that mantle of responsibility and do whatever it takes. I used to think Solo wan’t ready. But now, not so sure. I need to look into his eyes and see what kind of man he really is. Before we battle it out int he main event of SummerSLam, I challenge you to meet me in the ring next week, face to face, one on one.

“So I can look into your eyes and see if you are indeed ready. Because in this moment of solitude, I know that I am.” The American Nightmare is ready for another fight of his life, but will he be leaving The Land still on top of the mountain?


Backstage interview with Andrade.

Byron Saxton says last week, El Idolo had an incredible match with Carmelo Hayes, and he won. So what is next on the agenda? Well, Andrade is thinking United States Championship. But then Carmelo Hayes steps in and says, “Just because you beat me one time, you think this is over?” It isn’t over until Melo wins. Oh, no, Melo is done, because he missed. Oh, is that so? How about how the crowd didn’t miss Andrade the last two years he decided to leave. Put it in perspective: LeBron James, one of the greatest, even he has an off night. Happens to the best of us. Okay, but Melo isn’t LeBron. He’s more like… Bronny Jr.

Melo says yeah, he is like Bronny, because it’s his time now! So step aside! Andrade says if he wants one more match, then okay. Melo says that’s all it’s gonna take. Melo leaves, not shaking Andrade’s hand. But will Andrade make sure The Message gets through to H1M?


Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton!

The Role Model has the title, and that puts a target on her back. The Queen of the Ring is waiting for SummerSlam, and even then, Ms. Tiffy in the Bank can strike at any moment. Will the Head Baddie in Charge help Bayley get past the bullies? Or will nothing stop the Irresistible Force and #TiffyTime?

Oh no! Nia attacks Michin from behind! She and Tiff stomp Mia around, even as the ref reprimands. Nia HEADBUTTS Mia, Tiff says this is what she gets, and Nia whips Mia hard into steel steps! But here comes Bayley! Bayley has a kendo stick and she runs off Nia & Tiff! Bayley stays by Mia’s side, but can Mia even compete now? Nia & Tiff set the briefcase aside, and same goes for the kendo stick and title belt. Tiff steps in, Bayley still wants this fight even with Mia down and out. The bell rings, Bayley runs up to THESZ PRESS! Bayley rains down fists, Tiff powers out, but Bayley hits another THESZ PRESS!

Tiff gets up again< Bayley headlocks, but Tiff powers out. Bayley hits buckles, Tiff headlocks, but Bayley powers out. Tiff runs Bayley over, says it’s time, and runs. Tiff handsprings over Bayley’s drop down, shows off, then dodges Bayley! Bayley KCISK a leg out, then rains down fists! The fans cheer, Tiff slips free but Bayley runs to SLIDING ELBOW! And SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Bayley keeps her cool, Mia checks her arm, and Bayley CLUBS Tiff down. Bayley stomps Tiff, taunts Nia, then brings Tiff around. Tiff RAMS Bayley into buckles! Tiff stomps away, lets off as the ref counts, then struts around.

The fans are torn as Tiff stomps Bayley. Tiff whips Bayley to the corner, but Bayley uses that to CLOBBER Nia! Tiff ROCKS Bayley, pushes her down, then taunts Bayley. Tiff whips, Bayley slips out to the apron and ROCKS Tiff back! Bayley BOOTS Nia for good measure, then HOTSHOTS Tiff! Cover, TWO! Bayley clamps onto Tiff, and Mia is up! The fans rally, Bayley brings Tiff up and wrenches, but then Nia YANKS Mia down! Nia fireman’s carries to SAMOAN DROP to the floor! Tiff HIP ATTACKS Bayley, then TIFFY STOMPS! Cover, TWO!! Bayley survives but she and Mia are in bad shape as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Tiff stomps around. She runs up to STINK FACE Bayley! Nia must’ve taught her that one. Tiff drags Bayley to a corner, TWO! Tiff drags Bayley up onto ropes, then CHOKES her! Tiff lets off as the ref counts and YANKS the rope. Bayley sputters, Tiff whips her to a corner hard, and Bayley falls to the mat. Tiff soaks up the cheers and jeers, then she drags Bayley up. Tag to Nia, they double whip Bayley hard into their corner, then Nia SPLASHES! Tiffany handspring back ELBOWS! Nia drags Bayley out, covers, TWO! Nia taunts Bayley, soaks up heat and mocks the fans’ tears.

Nia brings Bayley up but Bayley fires hands! Bayley leaps on to GUILLOTINE! But Nia RAMS her into a corner! Bayley flops down, and Nia stands on Bayley’s back! The ref counts, Nia steps off, and she soaks up more heat. Nia bumps Bayley off buckles, tags Tiff, and Tiff runs in, to SPLASH Bayley! Tiff brings Bayley out, CLUBS her, and clamps on a chinlock. Bayley endures, the fans rally up, and Mia clutches her back while down on the outside. Bayley fires body shots, Tiff shoves her to SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO! Tiff is annoyed but she drags Bayley over. Tag to Nia, and Tiff feeds Bayley to Nia’s scoop and SLAM!

Nia runs to drop an ELBOW! Cover, TWO! The fans rally but Nia sits Bayley up into a cobra clutch! Bayley endures, pulls Nia’s hair, and fights up to her feet. But Nia RAMS her into the corner! Tag to Tiff, and Nia RAMS Bayley again. Tiff stomps Bayley around, puts her in a corner to whip corner to corner, then she handsprings in! Bayley catches Tiff in a waistlock! GERMAN SUPLEX! The fans fire up while both women are down! Mia rises again and the fans rally! Bayley crawls, but so does Tiff. Hot tag to Nia, and she CLOBBERS Bayley! Nia whips Bayley to the corner, runs in, but Bayley dodges! Nia POSTS herself, Tiff tags in!

Tiff grabs Bayley’s legs but Bayley BOOTS her away! Hot tag to Michin! Mia rallies on Tiff, hits a NECKBREAKER, then a FLAPJACK! Mia kips up and roars! The fans fire up, Mia KICKS Nia while hitting the TORNADO DDT on Tiff! Cover, TWO! Tiff survives but Mia builds speed to DIVE onto Nia! Down goes Nia and the fans fire up again! Mia heads up a corner, and MISSILE- NO, Tiff avoids the dropkick! Tiff tags Nia, Nia runs in, but Mia dodges! Bayley sneaks a tag, Mia ENZIGIRIS! Bayley runs to KNEE Nia down! Bayley puts Nia in a drop zone, then climbs up! MACHO ELBOW!! Cover, TIFF BREAKS IT!

The fans fire up and Mia storms in! Mia & Bayley mug Tiff then TOSS her! Nia hoists Mia up! Bayley makes the save, but the ref gets Mia out of there. Tiff CLOBBERS Bayley with the briefcase! Nia CLOBBERS Mia, then sets Bayley in the drop zone! A-NIA-LATOR!! Cover, Nia & Tiff win!

Winners: Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton, by pinfall

The Queen and “Princess” of the Ring stand tall together, having crushed the WWE Women’s Champion! Will they do it all over again in Cleveland to crown a NEW WWE Women’s Champion? Or can Bayley find a way to survive SummerSlam?


The Bloodline speaks.

Solo Sikoa tells Cody Rhodes, “I will see you face next week. The same night that my colleagues will bring back the tag team titles to The Bloodline, the night before I bring back the Undisputed WWE title to The Bloodline, at your expense. In one weekend, The Bloodline will handle family business. And if Roman Reigns got a problem with that… You know where to find me. So he can end up like Randy Orton, Kevin Owens, and Cody Rhodes, and ACKNOWLEDGE ME.” Solo is again adorned with the red ula fala, and The Bloodline raises the ones. But will they be the ones ruling over SmackDown after SummerSlam? Or can Cody overcome the odds once again?

My Thoughts:


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