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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (12/18/19)

Who grabs gold for the holidays?



NEW NXT Coverage

Two titles and so much more as NXT wraps up for Christmas!

Not only will Shayna Baszler defend her title against Rhea Ripley, Adam Cole defends his against Finn Balor, to OPEN THE SHOW! Who will have the happier holidays with a title around their waist?



  • NXT Championship: Adam Cole VS Finn Balor; Cole wins and retains the NXT Championship.
  • Damien Priest VS Killian Dain; Priest wins.
  • KUSHIDA VS Cameron Grimes; Grimes wins.
  • Io Shirai VS Santana Garrett; Shirai wins.
  • Pete Dunne VS Travis Banks; Dunne wins.
  • NXT Women’s Championship: Shayna Baszler VS Rhea Ripley; Ripley wins and becomes the new NXT Women’s Champion.


Last week was rrrreeeal, and tonight is Undisputed!

While we have a new NXT Cruiserweight Champion in Angel Garza, while we have a growing grudge between Cameron Grimes and Kushida, while the Fashion Police get fierce, and while the Head Baddie In Charge takes Dakota Kai down by any means necessary, we have a NEW #1 contender to Adam Cole! He is the Prince, he is Extraordinary, he is FINN BALOR! At the same time, the Queen of Spades looks to conquer the Heavy Metal Nightmare. Will there be two new champions before this night is over?!


NXT Championship: Adam Cole VS Finn Balor!

Speaking of championship matches, here’s the first one! Will the Prince take back his throne to make the future his past? Or will the Undisputed Prophecy survive into the New Year?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and fans are already dueling with the bell. Balor and Cole circle and tie up. Balor waistlocks and slams Cole down and facelocks. Balor gets to the back and headlocks but Cole slips out to a hammerlock. Balor trips Cole and gets the headlock back. Balor holds on as Cole tries to power out, and Balor throws Cole with a headlock takeover. Cole rolls to a corner, TWO! Cole headscissors but Balor pops out and trips Cole. Cole avoids the stomps but misses his superkick, Balor wants Bloody Sunday! Cole gets to ropes and the ref calls for the break. The two honor it, but Cole then kicks low! Cole throws forearms to put Balor in a corner, then more to have him against ropes.

Cole whips, Balor reverses, Cole sunset flips but Balor slips out to dropkick! Cover, TWO, but Balor is on the arm. Balor has his knee in Cole’s back but Cole works his way up. Balor wrenches and CHOPS Cole to a corner, then CHOPS him again! Balor whips Cole corner to corner and CHOPS again! Balor snapmares and runs to dropkick Cole in the back! Cover, TWO! Cole gets to ropes but Balor stalks up behind him to stomp him down. The ref backs Balor off but Balor just comes back with more vicious stomps! Cole bails out as the ref backs Balor off again. Balor then runs to wreck Cole with a dropkick! Balor sneers from the apron as he takes aim, but Cole SUPERKICKS a leg out! Balor clutches the knee because X marks the spot. Cole then throws Balor into the apron and then in the ring. Cole brings Balor around for a neckbreaker!

Fans rally and duel as Cole rains down rights. Cole drags Balor up and snap suplexes. Float over to a cover, TWO, but Cole puts Balor in the corner to stomp a mudhole! The ref counts, Cole lets up at 4, and soaks up both cheers and jeers from the crowd. Cole snapmares Balor and rams his knee in. He clamps on a chinlock and grinds Balor down. Balor endures as fans rally up. Balor fights up but Cole wrangles him back down. Cole cranks back but Balor continues to endure. Fans continue to rally and duel, Balor fights up to jawbreaker free! Balor runs but Cole dropkicks the leg out! Cole has Balor up for big forearms, then brings him around for another neckbreaker! Cover, TWO! Cole rams his knee in again and then wraps on a headscissor squeeze! Balor endures again as fans rally up.

Balor works on the hold but Cole just squeezes tighter. Balor bridges back to a cover, TWO! Cole runs Balor over with a back elbow! Cole brushes off his shoulder as fans are divided. Balor gets to a corner, Cole runs in, but Balor boots him back! Balor rallies with forearms and a whip, but Cole reverses. Balor just hits him again! Dragon sleeper, elbow drop DDT! Cover, TWO! Cole survives but Balor keeps his focus. Cole is in the corner, Balor runs in to CHOP again! Balor whips Cole corner to corner, and CHOPS again! Another whip, another CHOP! Cole staggers and falls to a knee, but Balor brings him up for another headlock. Cole slips out to a BACKSTABBER! Cover, TWO! Cole keeps his focus as he drags Balor up and to a fireman’s carry. Balor slips out, waistlocks but Cole breaks free to PELE! Cole runs, into a SLINGBLADE!

Balor takes aim from a corner, runs out, but into a SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!! Balor still lives and Full Sail is fired up! Cole refocuses and gets himself to ropes. He brings Balor up and suplexes, but Balor fights out. Balor suplexes but Cole fights out. Cole forearms but Balor gives it back. They brawl back and forth and it speeds up! Balor gets an edge but Cole shoves to BOOT! And BOOT again! PELE! But it’s Cole who falls on the cover, TWO!! Balor survives and both men are too exhausted to be frustrated or surprised. Cole stirs first and goes to the ropes. Balor rises but Cole aims from the corner. Balor stands, Cole and Balor glare at each other. Cole kicks out the leg, hops up and leaps, but into a fireman’s carry! Pop into the headlock, but Cole slips out! USHIGOROSHI! Cover, TWO!! Balor survives Last Shot 1.0 and fans are reaching a fever pitch!

Cole gets up again, runs, but Balor trips him up! Double stomps! Cole crawls but Balor shotgun dropkicks! Balor has Cole in the drop zone, and hurries up top! The bad leg slows him down and Cole SUPERKICKS him off the top! Balor crashes and burns to the floor and Cole has a chance to rest. Fans are dueling again as a ring count begins. But Cole won’t let that end it? He goes to the apron, takes aim and leaps, but the Sunrise is turned into a back drop! Balor aims and runs in, JOHN WOO DROPKICK! The front row gets bowled over, just like with Johnny Gargano or Tommaso Ciampa! Balor gets Cole back in the ring and climbs up fast! COUP DE GRACE but Cole gets clear! The knee buckles, LAST SHOT SHINING WIZARD! Cover, TWO!?! Balor lives?! Speaking of Gargano, he was the last person to survive that move!

Cole is clearly at a loss for words as he gets back up. But fans know “This is Awesome!” Cole takes the knee pad down now, and wants another shot. HE even mocks the finger guns. But Balor turns around to LARIAT! And then another shotgun dropkick! Cole is down again, Balor is up top again, and… COUP DE GRACE HITS!! But that’s not all, Balor drags Cole up. But wait, is that… JOHNNY GARGANO is on the stage!! Everyone is distracted, even the ref, and Cole low blow uppercuts Balor!! LAST SHOT AGAIN! Cover, Cole wins!!

Winner: Adam Cole, by pinfall; still NXT Champion

Johnny Wrestling doesn’t care about Cole keeping the title, he got payback on Balor! And then he takes a chair from the front row, the same spot he got dropkick’d into that night Balor turned on him. Gargano brings the chair into the ring while Cole hurries away. Balor realizes he wasn’t seeing things, and he begs Gargano be merciful. Not happening! SMACK! Jab! SMACK! Three chair shots send Balor running, but Gargano pursues! Another SMACK, and then another! Balor retreats through the fans and Gargano leaves it at that. Will Gargano make Balor regret returning to NXT?


Damien Priest VS Killian Dain!

The Archer of Infamy returns from having his ribs wrecked by the Beast of Belfast at WarGames. But he also aims for revenge! Will Priest hit his target and end the North Ireland Nightmare?

The bell rings and the brawl is on! Dain powers Damien to the corner and rams his shoulder into those taped-up ribs! The ref counts but Dain lets up at 4. Damien throws heavy haymakers but Dain shoves back. Dain runs in but misses, and Damien fires off furious fists in the corner! And stomps! The ref counts, Damien lets up at 4 but Dain kicks back. Dain throws Damien out, Damien lands on his feet and is up on the apron quick. Dain runs at Damien but Damien gets clear to roundhouse back! Damien steps in and tries to suplex, but those ribs stop that from happening. DIVIDE CROSSBODY! Dain doesn’t cover, he rams elbows into the ribs! Fans boo as Dain wraps on a bearhug from behind. Damien endures the squeeze so Dain turns him around to drop ax handles on the bad ribs!

The bearhug returns but Damien powers up as fans rally. Damien elbows Dain until Dain lets go, but then Damien runs into a bearhug from the front! Dain squeezes Damien again but Damien endures. Fans rally as Damien throws haymakers. Dain shoves Damien and corner splashes him! Then he sticks Damien sideways in the corner, to run and DROPKICK those ribs! And then again! The baseball slide sends Damien out, but Dain follows after. Dain drags Damien up and clubs those ribs. Damien hurries away and elbows Dain back. But Dain BOOTS! The ring count passes 5 and Dain rams Damien into railing! Damien gets in the ring at 8 but Dain covers, TWO! Dain is right back on Damien with another bearhug. Fans rally up and Damien fights to his feet. Dain suplexes and drops Damien hard!

Fans boo and jeer but Dain just scowls as he stands on Damien’s stomach. Dain pulls hair and throws hands, then turns Damien over to dig a knee into the back. Dain has a camel clutch and pulls Damien back. Fans rally as Damien fights his way up. Damien pries free and kicks back on Dain’s legs. Damien tries but still can’t suplex, Dain gives Damien a GUT BUSTER! Damien writhes in pain but Dain pulls the tape away! Fans boo as Dain throws more hands and elbows, and then drops a back senton! Damien gasps and sputters but Dain just soaks up all the heat. Dain digs his knees into Damien’s back again. Fans troll Dain with chants of “Shave Your Back Hair!” Dain just drops a SPLASH on Damien’s back! Cover, TWO!!

Dain grits his teeth as he drags Damien up by his hair. Dain fisherman’s and suplexes! Cover, TWO! Damien is toughing it out but Dain just drags him back up for a chinlock. Fans rally again and Damien powers up. Damien fights with body shots and an uppercut! But Dain DROPKICKS again! Damien bails out in pain as NXT goes picture in picture.

Dain goes out the side and comes around the way. Damien does his best to go the other way but he gets rammed into the apron! Dain puts Damien back in and looms over him. Dain brings Damien up but Damien throws haymakers. Dain just needs one big body shot to stop that. Dain puts Damien against the ropes and hooks his arms around them. Dain pulls on the arms, straining them against the ropes, before ramming his shoulder into the ribs again! Damien flops out of the ring but gets himself back to the apron. Dain runs to RAM Damien down! Dain taunts the fans as the ring count climbs. Damien drags himself back to the apron but Dain is on him already. Dain drags Damien in through the ropes and hooks him up again. Dain pushes Damien back against the ropes, then kicks the ropes to jam Damien more!

Damien gasps for air on the apron but Dain won’t leave him be. Dain drags Damien up and suplexes him in! A big impact and Dain covers, TWO! Damien is still toughing it out but Dain is on him with a seated cobra twist! The abdominal stretch of course stretches Damien’s body out, and Dain clubs the bad ribs! Dain also clamps a hand onto the side, further torturing Damien. But Damien endures and fights his way up to throw forearms! Dain shoves and runs into the corner but Damien uppercuts! And then boots! Dain staggers but comes back, only for Damien to get him with a COMPLETE SHOT! NXT returns to single picture as both men slowly rise.

Dain is up first but fans are on Damien’s side as he throws big forearms! Dain dodges but gets a big back elbow! Damien fires off kick after kick then a discus, and an AX BOMBER! Fans fire up as Damien runs corner to corner, BIG back elbow! Damien wants to try once more time, but how can he suplex with even more beat-up ribs? Damien uses rage alone to SUPLEX DAIN!! Fans are fired up for “PRIEST! PRIEST! PRIEST!” Damien gets himself to a corner and to the top rope. But Dain rolls all the way out of the ring. So Damien hops down to ESCALARA TOPE CONJILO! Damien puts Dain in, clamps on a hand, SOUTH OF HEAVEN CHOKE SLAM!! Cover, TWO!! Dain survives that fall from grace, but Damien won’t lose focus.

Damien stalks up behind Dain as he stands. Damien brings Dain in, but no Reckoning as Dain gets loose. Dain dodges in the corner, and SUPERKICKS the ribs! Dain lifts, CRUCIFIX BOMB! And an elbow drop! Cover, TWO!! Damien survives but Dain just grits his teeth. Dain aims from the corner and watches Damien get to the other. Dain runs in, splash to the back! Electric Chair lift, but Damien fights out to victory roll! Cover, ONE! SPINNING ROUNDHOUSE! Then Damien lifts, but Dain is too much for that. Dain fireman’s carries and Wasteland slams, to a back senton! VADER BOMB GETS KNEES! Damien gets Dain in the dragon sleeper, RECKONING! Cover, Damien wins!!

Winner: Damien Priest, by pinfall

Damien grins, because in the end, he still lives. But will the “Paragon of Punishment” #LiveForever in the New Year?


The 2019 NXT Year End Awards are coming!

As finalists for the NXT Tag Team of the Year, you have: The Viking Raiders, now on Raw; The Street Profits, also now on Raw; NXT UK’s Grizzled Young Veterans; NXT UK’s South Wales Subculture, aka Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews; and of course, the NXT Tag Team Champions, the Undisputed Era’s Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish! Keep voting for your favorite tag team before the poles close!

Finalists for NXT Male Competitor of the Year are: The Velveteen Dream; Johnny Gargano; Tyler Bate; WWE United Kingdom Champion, WALTER; Tommaso Ciampa; and of course, THE NXT Champion, Adam Cole, BAYBAY! Cole won to keep his title tonight, will he close the year with another award?

Finalists for the NXT Female Competitor of the Year are: Io Shirai; Bianca Belair; former NXT UK Women’s Champion, Toni Storm; current NXT UK Women’s Champion, Kay Lee Ray; inaugural NXT UK Women’s Champion, Rhea Ripley; and current NXT Women’s Champion, Shayna Baszler. Ripley and Baszler battle tonight, but will one of them win the Golden Bell as well?

There’s a huge field of NXT Breakout Star finalists! New NXT Cruiserweight Champion, Angel Garza. Piper the Viper Niven. The Limitless Keith Lee. The Original Bro, Matt Riddle. The Croatian Colossus, Dominik Dijakovic. Gallus’ Iron King, Joe Coffey. Mrs. Wrestling, Candice LeRae. The Archer of Infamy, Damien Priest. And the inaugural NXT Women’s Champion, the Mosh Pit Kid, Rhea Ripley! Who will be considered THE BEST new star of NXT?

All these categories and more are of course to be decided before the end of 2019, and the New Year’s Day NXT will announce the winners!


The Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic 2020 is coming!

Finn Balor & Samoa Joe. The Authors of Pain. The Undisputed Era. Even Aleister Black & Ricochet. Only one team can join them in history! The teams participating as well as the bracket breakdown will all be announced on the New Year’s Day NXT!


KUSHIDA VS Cameron Grimes!

The Time Splitter got on the bad side of the Carolina Caveman, especially after confiscating his beloved top hat! Will Grimes take his property back while caving Kushida in?

The bell rings and Grimes goes right at Kushida. Kushida waistlocks then drop toeholds to get the arm. Grimes gets up and powers Kushida to ropes but Kushida wrenches again. Fans rally for Kushida but Grimes brings him in for a facelock. Kushida slips out to facelock and hold on. Grimes keeps trying to get out but Kushida rolls with him and then floats all over him. Kushida pats Grimes on the back and fans cheer. Grimes runs into an arm-drag! Kushida has the arm and wrenches, but Grimes gets up. Grimes powers out but Kushida reverses the whip, only for Grimes to run him over. Fans boo but Grimes soaks it all in as he runs.

Kushida stays low then goes up and over to hit a hip-toss takedown! Grimes has to fight off the armbar but Kushida spins around to hammerlock! And then he has the other arm, to hammerlock that, and fall back to tweak both arms at once! Grimes bails out but Kushida builds speed to wreck with a dropkick! Kushida puts Grimes in, climbs up top, and leaps for a big ax handle! Grimes flounders but Kushida is on him with a standing Octopus! Grimes endures as Kushida cranks back on the arm. Grimes pries free and throws Kushida off, but Kushida dropkicks! Kushida climbs back on for another Octopus! Then the takedown to a cover, TWO! Grimes gets away to a corner as NXT goes picture in picture.

Kushida stomps Grimes in the corner and CHOPS! Grimes staggers but Kushida is on him with an arm wrench. Grimes pulls on the top knot in Kushida’s hair to throw him down! Grimes then kicks Kushida while he’s down! And rams in knees! Grimes drags Kushida up to throw European Uppercuts and CHOPS of his own. Grimes wrenches Kushida to grind on the arm, but Kushida fights back up. Kushida throws forearms but Grimes whips. Kushida reverses, but Grimes blocks the hip toss, only for Kushida to block back. Another block for another block, and so on and so forth until the two end up by the ropes, and then Kushida hip tosses Grimes out of the ring! Kushida then goes to the corner and climbs, but Grimes gets in the ring. Kushida leaps over him but comes back, FLIPPING POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!!

Grimes goes after Kushida with big knee drops! Grimes digs a knee in and pulls back on Kushida. Kushida endures the partial camel clutch and crawls, to get the ropebreak! Grimes lets go to stomp Kushida hard on the back! Kushida writhes and rolls to a corner but Grimes is on him again. Kushida CHOPS but Grimes throws body shots. The two go back and forth, brawling with forearms. Grimes whips Kushida hard into buckles! Cover, TWO! Grimes drags Kushida up and rams his knee into the back! Grimes drags Kushida up but Kushida hits back with haymakers! They brawl again, Kushida gets the edge, but Griems reverses the whip to LARIAT Kushida down! NXT returns to single picture as Grimes covers, TWO!

Grimes stands on Kushida in the corner but lets off at 4. Grimes brings Kushida up to hip toss him across the ring! Grimes digs his knees into Kushida’s head then drags him up to throw a hard kick to the back! Grimes bends Kushida backwards across his knees, but Kushida endures. The ref sees Grimes dig his fingers into Kushida’s face and reprimands him. Grimes lets go of Kushida but stalks him to ropes. Grimes reels Kushida in to ram a forearm into the back! And again! Fans rally up for Kushida but Grimes scoops for a backbreaker! And then the Bow ‘n’ Arrow rack! Kushida endures, fans rally, and Kushida fights out. Grimes waistlocks but Kushida elbows out. Grimes whips Kushida but Kushida handsprings to back elbow! Fans cheer as Kushida rises again. Grimes drags himself up and runs in but Kushida rallies with big forearms!

Kushida whips Grimes, hip toss and cartwheel to a dropkick! Fans fire up as Kushida runs again, tilt-0-whirl DDT! Cover, TWO! ARMBAR! Grimes endures, fights his way around, and gets a ropebreak with a leg! Kushida lets go but he aims from the corner. Kushida runs in to dropkick an arm out! Then tilt-o-whirls but Grimes blocks the hoverboard for a tilt-o-whirl SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Kushida survives but Grimes is too exhausted to be frustrated. Kushida gets to a corner while Grimes catches his breath. Kushida catches Grimes as he comes in, BUCKLE SHOT! GERMAN SUPLEX! Grimes sits up, but ducks the buzzsaw kick to hit a SUPER FOREARM! Kushida is dazed, Grimes grits his teeth, but Kushida ducks the buzzsaw. Grimes back flips to waistlock, but Kushida fights against the German Suplex. Kushida tries to wheelbarrow, but that just becomes Grimes’ WHEELBARROW SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!!

Fans cheer as both men are down again. Grimes grows frustrated as he glares down at Kushida. Grimes drags Kushida up and whips, but Kushida denies the Cave In. Kushida boots, puts Grimes on the apron, then runs to handspring kick Grimes down! Kushida climbs up top, and LEAPS! HUGE SWANTON! Perhaps double-edged for Kushida given the landing. The ring count begins as both men slowly stir on the outside. The count passes 5 as Kushida fires himself up. Kushida puts Grimes in at 7, Kushida runs in at him in the corner, but Grimes BOOTS! Grimes hops up, but Kushida enziguris! Kushida climbs up to join Grimes, and goes after the arm! But Grimes clubs Kushida away, only to get another handspring kick!

Kushida climbs again, stands way up high, SUPER VICTORY ROLL BOMB!! Cover, TWO!?! Grimes survives and Kushida can’t believe it! Even fans feel “That Was Three! That Was Three!” Kushida goes after legs, Grimes resists, so Kushida kicks out the arm! But Grimes gets Kushida away from him to ROUNDHOUSE in return! Kushida hits the FAST BALL! Kushida ducks the Cave In, tornado off the ropes but no takedown! CAVE IN OUTTA NOWHERE!! Cover, Grimes wins!!

Winner: Cameron Grimes, by pinfall

Incredible! The Technical Savage got the better of the Super Junior! Is this the Breakout Grimes was looking for? But also, Grimes takes his hat back.


NXT takes a closer look at Io Shirai.

The Genius of the Sky is now the Evil Genius as she continues her descent into madness. She doesn’t need anyone else but herself, though she did hit the highest mark during WarGames. “Don’t you DARE take your eyes off me!” Will we not be able to look away after she’s in action tonight?


Io Shirai VS Santana Garrett!

The descent continues as 2019 draws to a close. Will she drag down the Wonder Woman of Wrestling into the dark depths while flying higher than ever?

The bell rings and Shirai circles with Garrett. They tie up and Shirai waistlocks. Garrett standing switches, but Shirai headlocks out of it. Garrett powers out but Shirai runs her over. Shirai runs and shows off agility with a handspring, then dodges Garrett. Garrett hip tosses to a cover, TWO! Shirai choke grips Garrett but Garrett blocks the slap! Garrett wristlocks, ducks the punch to forearm back! Garrett goes to the ropes, flies and arm-drags Shirai away! Shirai comes back, Garrett somersault headscissors but Shirai handsprings through! Shirai says no no, but her dropkick misses! Mule kick rocks Shirai!

Garrett drags Shirai up to whip but Shirai holds ropes. Garrett keeps trying but Shirai holds on. Garrett forearms but Shirai hotshots! Garrett wobbles and Shirai whips, BIG flapjack! Shirai kicks and stomps Garrett to a corner, then CHOPS her down! Shirai goes corner to corner, but Garrett avoids the meteora! Garrett boots back, runs and rallies with forearms! Garrett wrenches to a Russian Leg Sweep! Cover, TWO! Garrett waistlocks but Shirai bucks her off, only for Garrett to handspring back and ROCK Shirai with that left! Shirai staggers and Garrett handsprings in for a back elbow! Garrett suplexes, rolls through to a cover, TWO with a bridge! Both women hold wrists and rolls, LAST CHANCERY! Shirai endures and crawls, reaching out, turning to the side, and rakes the eyes! Shirai gets the ropebreak while Garrett recovers, but then Garrett runs in. Drop toehold sends Garrett into the ropes!

Garrett flounders to a corner, Shirai goes corner to corner, METEORA! Garrett is in the drop zone, Shirai goes up, DESCENT INTO DARKNESS! The moonsault hits, Shirai covers, Shirai wins!

Winner: Io Shirai, by pinfall

Another win and Shirai says it was only natural. Will Shirai be Female Competitor of the Year on top of all this? Will she be positioned to challenge whoever comes out of tonight’s Women’s Championship match?


Worlds Collide is coming!

Both halves of the NXT family are getting bigger and better, but now the two sides will meet in Houston! The best of NXT USA, the best of NXT UK, who will be the best of the best?


Pete Dunne VS Travis Banks!

Worlds might collide, but the Bruiserweight looks to take over no matter where he is. But the same goes for the Kiwi Buzzsaw! Could this be a preview of said crossover event?

The bell rings and Banks circles with Dunne. They tie up, Banks wrenches but Dunne wrenches back. Banks rolls, wrenches and goes for the shoulder, but Dunne fights back with his own wrench. Dunne wrangles Banks to the mat and stands on Banks’ head! Banks gets up but Dunne trips him up to get the headlock. Fans cheer the technical exchange. Dunne traps an arm, sits up and uses the arm to reel Banks into a crucifix cover, TWO! Dunne and Banks reset and go again. Dunne gets the leg but Banks avoids the mount to get Dunne’s shoulders. Rolling cradle, TWO! Dunne and Banks speed things up, Banks anticipates the duck to dropkick Dunne down! Dunne gets to ropes but Banks kicks away! Dunne turns things around to CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP CHOP! The ref finally backs Dunne off and fans are fired up!

Dunne stomps the hands! Buzzsaw! Banks gets out of the ring but Dunne goes out to X-Plex him onto the apron! Dunne scowls at Banks as NXT goes picture in picture.

Dunne drags Banks back up and tortures the hand. Dunne JAMS the fingers against the apron edge! Banks gets away but Dunne pursues to CHOP again! They go back in the ring and Dunne goes after a leg now. He stomps the knee! Banks clutches the leg but Dunne just shrugs. Dunne goes after Banks’ arm while standing on the other, and he twists it around to go after the fingers again. Banks resists so Dunne stomps his head! Dunne goes after the leg again, twisting the ankle. Dunne turns Banks over to hook the legs, and then pulls on Banks’ hair to fish hook the face. Dunne slaps Banks around, just toying with him, before he stomps the knees!

Banks gets to ropes and tests the legs but Dunne is after those legs more. Dunne kicks Banks around, toying with him more. Banks gets up to CHOP back! Dunne boots Banks then hops up, to dropkick the legs out! Dunne stands on Banks’ leg as he slaps Banks more. Banks eggs him on! Dunne SLAPS, then pinches Banks’ nose, to SLAP him again! Dunne seems to be having fun with Banks. He SLAPS Banks even more, but Banks comes back with big haymakers! Dunne CHOPS, Banks forearms, repeat! The pace picks up and neither man is backing down! NXT returns to single picture as Banks hits Dunne with another forearm. Dunne BLASTS Banks with a forearm of his own! Dunne runs into the corner but Banks sweeps the legs! Dunne eats buckles, then Banks goes side to side, dropkick! Then the other way, another dropkick! Banks goes corner to corner, CANNONBALL!

Dunne bails out and flounders around the corner but Banks fires himself up. Banks runs to DIVE! Direct hit into the barriers! Banks puts Dunne in but has to take a moment to check on his leagues. Banks climbs up, leaps, BIG missile dropkick! Then hops up for BIG stomps! Cover, TWO!! Dunne survives, but that’s why he was the longest reigning champion in recent years. Banks drags Dunne up, but Dunne powers out to a waistlock. Banks standing switches and shoves, Dunne goes up and over, Banks hops up for Dunne to DECK out of the air! Dunne drags Banks up, X-PLEX! Into a cover, TWO!! Banks survives and Dunne is a bit surprised. But fans rally up as Banks gets himself to the apron. Dunne heads over but the enziguri is blocked, Banks gives an enziguri of his own! Banks climbs but Dunne ROCKS him with a right!

Dunne climbs up but Banks fights back. Banks SUNSET BOMB but Dunne flips through to land on his feet! Dunne runs back in, BIG enziguri! Then the pump handle, BITTER- DDT!! Banks counters the Bitter End, and then runs, SLICE OF HEA- NO! Ankle lock, into Queen Angelito! STOMP! Dunne drags Banks up, pump handles, but still no end, Banks BOOTS! Dunne rebounds into Banks’ KIWI KRUSHER!! Cover, TWO!?! Fans are loving “NXT! NXT!” Fans then rally up as Banks and Dunne go to opposite ends. Banks runs in, but Dunne catches him for a BOMB! Dunne hops up, but Banks enziguris! Banks hurries up top, brings Dunne in, but Dunne hits a SUPER X-PLEX! Buzzsaw, pump handle, BITTER END!! Cover, Dunne wins!!

Winner: Pete Dunne, by pinfall

NXT US, NXT UK, it doesn’t matter because the Bruiserweight wins on both! Will Dunne prove himself the best of the best when Worlds Collide in Houston?


Backstage interview with Dakota Kai.

A week removed from her win over Mia Yim but also from Mia Yim bringing her down with her through two tables. Dakota has 8 staples in her head, but she still got the win. Mia can do whatever she wants to stay relevant, but she still lost. Dakota will continue to beat everyone in her way until she finally becomes NXT Women’s Champion. But who will Dakota be targeting after tonight’s main event?


NXT gives us a wonderful Christmas present!

First, Roderick Strong is holding a North American Championship Open Challenge! Who looks to cash in and get a golden gift at the very last minute? Plus, there is a huge tag team match as Keith Lee teams with Lio Rush while Damien Priest has Tony Nese! Which combination of Cruiserweight and Heavyweight takes home one more win in 2019?


NXT Women’s Championship: Shayna Baszler VS Rhea Ripley!

The Queen of Spades has beaten just about every woman on the roster, except for NXT UK’s Aussie Nightmare! Shayna Two-Time vows to make Rhea #TapNapOrSnap like all the rest, but could Rhea make history by claiming her second women’s championship in her career?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and this fight finally happens!

Rhea and Shayna slowly circle and tie up. Shayna gets a leg then shifts to a waistlock. Rhea pries out to a wrench and wristlock, but Shayna returns the favor. Shayna wants the keylock and bends Rhea back to the mat. Shayna stands on the arm, but Rhea knows the stomp is coming! Rhea has the leg, and shows a punch, but Shayna scrambles away! Rhea grins as she sees a bit of fear in Shayna’s eyes. Shayna gets up and ties up with Rhea again, and Shayna SLAPS Rhea in the back of the head. That only angers Rhea, and she BOOTS Shayna down! Rhea whips Shayna hard into buckles but Shayna gets out of the ring. Fans are fired up as we go picture in picture.

Rhea dares Shayna to get back in, and Shayna gets up, to catch Rhea in a hotshot! Shayna hurries in to club away on Rhea, then puts her in a corner. Shayna clubs and snapmares Rhea to kick and cover, ONE! Shayna goes after Rhea with a trapped arm and neck wrench. Rhea endures and fights her way up, to roll Shayna up! TWO, and Shayna clotheslines Rhea down! Cover, ONE! Shayna stalks Rhea and stands on her arm again. Shayna grabs the other arm, pulls on the finger, but Rhea kicks from below. Shayna YANKS on the arm! Rhea scrambles to the ropes but Shayna kicks her down. Rhea hits back with body shots but Shayna clubs her down. Shayna grinds her boot into Rhea’s throat in the corner but lets up at 4. Shayna then comes back to elbow Rhea back down.

Shayna looms over Rhea and clamps on with a chinlock. Rhea endures as Shayna bends her back and brings her around. Shayna pretzels Rhea’s legs while cranking on the head. Rhea endures and fights her way up, only for Shayna to throw her down by her hair! Cover, ONE, but Shayna clamps on with a standing chinbar. Rhea endures again as Shayna also pulls on the arm. Rhea works her way up and throws body shots! Shayna clubs Rhea back as we return to single picture. Shayna whips Rhea into a corner but Rhea dodges! Rhea Electric Chair lifts and then throws Shayna into buckles! Shayna gets up but Rhea rallies with lariats! Rhea spins Shayna around, cravat and knee strikes! Snapmare, run, but Shayna rolls to trip Rhea!

Shayna throws big hands but Rhea blocks. Shayna dodges the boot, but Rhea answers the forearm with a back elbow! Both women wobble, Rhea dropkicks Shayna down! Fans fire up as Rhea runs in to throw forearms. Rhea puts Shayna up top and throws more haymakers, then she climbs up top. Rhea is on the very top, for a SUPERPLEX! Rhea crawls to the cover, TWO! Shayna survives but fans are still strongly behind Rhea. Rhea waistlocks but Shayna elbows out. Shayna throws forearms, body shots and kicks out a leg. Rhea ducks the buzzsaw to GERMAN SUPLEX! Rhea fires up and fans fire up with her! But here come the Horsewomen, as per usual! Rhea BOOTS Jessamyn into Marina! Shayna throws Rhea out and then goes to the apron, but Rhea trips her up!

Rhea climbs up as the Horsewomen regroup, and Rhea CANNONBALLS! Shayna gets clear and her cronies take the hit! Shayna KNEES Rhea down! Then she STOMPS the arm on the steel steps!! Shayna always finds a way to get after the arm! Rhea screams and writhes in pain while Shayna grins and leaves her behind. The ring count begins as Rhea clutches the arm. Rhea gets in at 5 but Shayna stomps away on her. Shayna has the arm, tortures it in a hammerlock, then twists it all around the other way. Rhea can only flail as Shayna twists and bends the arm back around for another keylock! Rhea fights with her good arm and gets up, but Shayna wrings her out! Rhea bails out for a reprieve, and NXT goes to break.

NXT returns once more, and Shayna again tortures Rhea’s arm. Rhea keeps fighting with kicks, so Shayna hammerlocks fast to STOMP the arm again! Shayna just watches Rhea as we learn that the Horsewomen got involved after all. But when the ref sniffed it out, he EJECTED Jessamyn and Marina. But the damage has been done, and Rhea is fortunate her arm hasn’t forced this match to end. Shayna goes after the arm with kicks, and even toys with Rhea now. Shayna gives Rhea kicks to the chest now, and toying kicks to the chin. Fans rally up for Rhea but she takes more kicks from Shayna! Shayna kicks, but Rhea catches it with her good arm! Then ROCKS Shayna with a right! Pump handle, but Shayna slips out to shove, Rhea DROPKICKS Shayna back! But into the ref!

Rhea drags Shayna up, RIPTIDE! But the cover isn’t being counted! Rhea would’ve won three times over by now! Shayna gets out as Rhea realizes what happened. Rhea works to revive the ref but now she has to hunt Shayna down. Rhea CANNONBALLS but flops! Kirafuda Klutch!! Rhea hurries to ram Shayna into the apron, then railing, then back into the apron! Rhea is free but both she and Shayna are down on the outside. Shayna gets up and gets a chair! She puts that in the ring, but Rhea hurries to intercept. The two stare down, then look at the chair. Rhea boots Shayna, Shayna hits back, DDT TO THE CHAIR!! Cover as the ref revives, TWO!!! Rhea survives and Shayna can’t believe it! But Full Sail is at a thunderous level as this match continues!

Shayna grabs Rhea, she wants the Kirafuda, but Rhea slips out! Rhea wants the legs for the inverted cloverleaf, but her arms won’t help her. Shayna pops Rhea back into the Kirafuda! Rhea is caught! She flails, kicks, turns over and powers up, but Shayna clamps on tighter! Rhea still crawls, until Shayna drags her away! Rhea fades, but she turns around again. Rhea refuses to lose just yet! Shayna grabs the arm that reaches and rolls Rhea way again. Rhea is fading faster, but she keeps flailing! Fans rally but she’s going out! The referee checks, but Rhea GRABS THE REF! That’s a sign she’s awake! Rhea fights her way up, roars with rage, and powers back around, TO DANIELSON STOMP AWAY! Rhea drags the legs up, INVERTED CLOVERLEAF! The Prism, as she calls it! And it’s Shayna’s turn to endure a submission!

Shayna reaches, Rhea pulls her away, and they go around the ring like this! Shayna turns and pushes Rhea off into a corner. Step-up knee! Shayna hoists Rhea up top and SLAPS her! Shayna climbs up, fans rally hard as ever, and Rhea headbutts! Rhea pump handles, SUPER RIPTIDE!! Cover, RHEA WINS!!

Winner: Rhea Ripley, by pinfall; NEW NXT Women’s Champion

The Nightmare ends the reign of terror! Even after the Horsewomen played a part and after Shayna tortured the arm, Rhea is the one to finally dethrone the Queen of Spades! She makes history as the first woman to have held both NXT UK and NXT main Women’s Championships! And the entire Full Sail family, from the superstars to the long time fans, flood the ring to celebrate! What will this new era mean for NXT?



My Thoughts:

An amazing episode by far! We open with an incredible NXT Championship that really started to feel TakeOver worthy, with the return of Johnny Gargano on top of it. It seems we will get the Balor VS Gargano match we hoped for at WarGames, perhaps on the New Year’s Day NXT or even the already packed Christmas episode. Cole retaining also works to keep the Undisputed Prophecy going as 2019 finishes. Of course, with Roderick Strong giving us a Christmas gift in the form of a North American Championship match, that could still change. I wonder, with Keith Lee busy in that Cruiserweight-Heavyweight tag match, is Dijakovic going to be Strong’s opponent? I don’t know the chances of Velveteen Dream making a return, even though Dream coming out as some sort of Santa Claus would be pretty amazing. It was good to get Damien VS Dain after it didn’t work out last time. Damien winning was also good, and fans really started to get behind him here.

Grimes VS Kushida was great, and I did not expect Grimes to win, but that perhaps made it all the better. With Angel Garza making the transition to Face now that he’s champion, I wonder if Grimes as Heel will get a shot at that title. That would be a pretty great match, and a fresh choice since we didn’t get that in the Breakout Tournament. Shirai VS Garrett was pretty good, and it’s good that NXT is keeping a lot of women in the mix. Dakota Kai had a good interview promo, and with her story against Mia still going, I’d think Shirai moves up as the first Heel to challenge for the title. Dunne VS Banks was great, like something you would’ve seen during Dunne’s WWE UK Championship reign. Worlds Collide is of course coming up, I’d love to see if we got something like a purely NXT US trio VS a purely NXT UK trio VS British Strong Style, who have of course been on both shows.

And perhaps the best thing of all, and rightfully done, Baszler VS Ripley. The animosity building for months since Rhea changed from UK to US, the story weaving through WarGames to make history there, and then this match tonight. TakeOver worthy to say the least, perfect for the main event here against AEW’s 2019 finale, and it was perfect because Rhea Ripley won. Shayna was a great champion and a great Heel, which is why so many were wondering just when and where she would lose that title and to whom. Rhea is already an amazing wrestler in the ring, on the mic, NXT UK gave her a historic achievement and now she’s got one on NXT US. She’s still only 23, I believe, so she’s got a long career ahead of her, sure to be filled with even more historic achievements, but it means a lot that she got this one here on such a big night.

My Score: 9.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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