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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (12/4/19)

Rhea Ripley wants revenge!



NEW NXT Coverage

Vengeance, thy name is Rhea Ripley!

After the shocking betrayal at WarGames, Dakota Kai has been enemy #1 for the Mosh Pit Kid! Will Dakota be washed away with the Riptide?



  • Killian Dain VS Damien Priest Pete Dunne; Dain wins.
  • Xia Li VS Shayna Baszler; Baszler wins.
  • The Forgotten Sons VS Adrian Alanis & Leon Ruff; The Forgotten Sons win.
  • Rhea Ripley VS Dakota Kai; No Contest.
  • Kassius Ohno’s Open Challenge: Matt Riddle wins.
  • KUSHIDA VS Raul Mendoza Cameron Grimes; KUSHIDA wins.
  • Six Man Tag: The Undisputed Era VS Tommaso Ciampa, Keith Lee & Dominik Dijakovic; Ciampa, Lee & Dijakovic win.


NXT doesn’t rest on their laurels!

After an epic TakeOver at WarGames, and a victorious Survivor Series, things only got hotter! The Aussie Nightmare vows to drop the Queen of Spades, and the Limitless Keith Lee sent Adam Cole FLYING! But hottest of all, the Undisputed Era are under fire from both the Blackheart and the Prince! Will Cole keep the gold? Will the title be going home to Daddy? Or will that title be rrrreeeal?


Killian Dain VS ???

Big Damo is already in the ring and with a mic! He calls out the Archer of Infamy as not being man enough to fight him! But he wants someone to fight right now! It seems Damien Priest is too hurt, but the Bruiserweight wants to hurt Dain more! We still get ourselves WarGames revisited, but will Pete Dunne put the Beast of Belfast away in a snap?

The bell rings and the brawl is on! Dunne hammers Dain but Dain shoves. Dunne ducks to forearm Dain out! Fans fire up as Dunne throws his jacket at Dain! Dain runs in but into an armbar takedown! Dain gets up and gets loose to kick away. Dain jumps but Dunne gets clear of the back senton! Dunne kicks out the arm! Fans cheer as Dain clutches the bicep. Dunne goes after the fingers, and twists! Dunne steps over to torture the arm, but Dain hammers Dunne’s legs. Dunne still twists the fingers, then hops on for body scissors! Dain powers out to suplex but Dunne slips free. Dunne side steps, things speed up and Dunne ROCKS Dain with a clothesline! But Dain stays up! Dunne runs in but is sent out, then Dain builds speed, to run into an enziguri!

Dunne climbs up fast, but has to leap over Dain. Dain comes back with the DIVIDE crossbody! Dunne is dazed and fans boo Dain. Dain looms over Dunne as fans rally up, but Dain drops the senton! Dain glares as he drags Dunne up to hook his face. Fans taunt Dain with “Shave Your Back!” as Dain stomps Dunne down. Dain kicks Dunne to the ropes then he taunts the fans. Dain chokes Dunne on the ropes but lets up at 4, with a kick to the ropes! Dunne snaps back as he gasps for air, but Dain digs his knee into Dunne’s back. Dain pulls back on Dunne, but Dunne powers up to fight back with body shots. Dain shoves, but walks into boots. Dunne goes up, Dain yanks him off for a midair LARIAT! Cover, TWO!

Dain has Dunne’s arm then the other. Fans rally as Dunne fights up again. Dunne gives headbutts over and over but Dain shoves him away. Dain runs out, back elbow! Dain scowls as he covers Dunne, TWO! Dain keeps on Dunne with another chinlock, and more hooking of the face. Fans rally up as Dunne endures and goes after fingers again. Dain clubs away on Dunne to stop that, then wrenches the neck. Dunne fights up and throws body shots. Dain shoves, runs in but misses. Dunne dodges, goes up and over, and then enziguris back! Dain staggers, Dunne hops up, Dunne dropkicks the leg out! Fans fire up as Dunne waistlocks, but Dain elbows free. Dunne side steps but Dain denies the German suplex. Dunne dodges the boot to CLOBBER Dain from behind! Waistlock, GERMAN SUPLEX! Cover, TWO!!

Dain rolls away but Dunne keeps his cool. Dunne goes to the corner, but Dain intercepts! Dain brings Dunne down, but Dunne has the fingers to STOMP them on the apron! Then Dunne moonsaults! He lands on his feet but his bad leg hobbles him. Dain DIVES!! The super sized tope suicida hits and while both men are down, NXT goes to picture in picture.

The referee checks on both men but they’re somehow okay to continue. Dain is up first and he drags Dunne over to throw into steel steps! He puts Dunne in but Dunne mule kicks! Dain kicks Dunne down then drags him around by a leg. Dain drops a senton on the bad leg! Dunne writhes in pain but Dain keeps on the leg with a Half Crab! Dunne endures as Dain sits deep, pulling on that bad knee. When Dunne starts to crawl, Dain drops an elbow on the knee! Dain stands on the bad leg, to drop another senton! Dunne is writhing again but Dain keeps on the leg, back into a Half Crab! Dunne powers up, even with all that pain, and gets a ropebreak!

The ref counts and Dain reluctantly lets go at 4. Dain tells off the fans before dragging Dunne up. Dain Fisherman Suplexes! But he doesn’t cover, as he drags Dunne to a drop zone instead. Dain goes to the corner, climbs all the way up, but gets an enziguri from Dunne! Dunne climbs up, Dain fights him, but Dunne has the fingers! Dunne tortures the hand but Dain fights back with his other. Dunne still pulls Dain up, for a SUPERPLEX! NXT returns to single picture as both men crash down and Full Sail fires up! Dunne drags himself to the apron and up the ropes as Dain walks off the bad back. Dain hobbles over but into Dunne’s kick! Dunne climbs up, grabs Dain, tornado DDT! Stomp to the hands, buzzsaw to the head! Cover, TWO!

Dain gets out again and catches his breath by the ramp. Dunne has a target, he goes up top, MOONSAULT! Direct hit! Fans cheer for “NXT! NXT!” Dunne hobbles over to refresh the count, but then he walks into Dain’s fireman’s carry. Dain Wasteland SLAMS Dunne into the apron! Dunne bounces off the edge and flops to the floor! Another back senton added on! Dain drags Dunne to the steel steps, refreshes the count, and gets space to CANNONBALL!! They both crash into steel after the “Belfast Blitz,” but Dain isn’t done with Dunne! He puts Dunne back in, Dunne drags himself to the corner. Dain runs in for a big corner splash!

Dunne is in the drop zone, Dain goes up, BELFAST BOMB into a Triangle Hold! Dunne catches Dain and hammers away with elbows! Dain fades, Dunne has the fingers! Dain resists, makes it a cover, ONE! Dain dead lifts Dunne for a SIT OUT BOMB! Dain goes back to the corner, climbs up, but Dunne anchors his feet! Dunne climbs up behind Dain, clamps on, but Dain fights back. Dunne pulls hair to stay up top, and then he climbs onto Dain’s back. Dunne elbows away, and wraps on a sleeper hold! But Dain fades out, for a SUPER BACK SENTON! Cover, Dain wins!!

Winner: Killian Dain, by pinfall

What worked at WarGames doesn’t get it done tonight! Dain and Dunne survive each other, but it is the Beast of Belfast that has the win. Will this lead Dain to take over NXT?


Backstage interview with Dakota Kai.

Dakota’s dark side has shown itself, from attacking Mia Yim to Tegan Nox to Candice LeRae. What does Dakota have to say to Rhea Ripley before their match tonight? “First of all, Tegan Nox is not worth my time anymore. And secondly, how dense can Rhea Ripley be? She can’t get it through her thick, deluded skull” that Dakota gave Rhea want she wanted. Rhea wants to be the hero, but Dakota doesn’t care. Dakota vows to “take her out,” just like the “hood rat,” Mia Yim. Is Dakota going to kick the intensity up a notch tonight?


The Undisputed Era is back!

Bobby Fish is out after the leg injury and mild concussion that took him out of last week’s NXT Tag Team Championship match. However, Kyle O’Reilly holds onto his belt for him as he air guitars alongside Roderick Strong and Adam Cole, BAYBAY. Cole gets a mic to say that “The Undersized Era had a November to remember!” They took over Raw, SmackDown and embarrassed them both at Survivor Series! The month is over, but the Year of the Prophecy has only just begun. The NXT iron-men are being repaired how? Injuring Fish! And Lee pouncing Cole into the crowd like a rag doll! Fans actually liked that, though. Cole is NOT a rag doll! He is THE NXT Champion, and he deserves respect! But fans sing for Lee instead.

Cole continues to bring up that after all the obstacles, now Finn Balor is back and decides to turn his back on the Undisputed Era with a kick square in the face! Cole wants answers! And the Undisputed Era isn’t leaving until they get answers! But instead of Balor, it’s Keith Lee! Fans are ready to #BaskInHisGlory but the Undisputed Era are not happy as Lee joins them in the ring. Kyle says it’s “Mr. Keith Momentari-Lee.” But so many moments, so little time. What does Lee have to show for his moments? The Undisputed Era has all the gold. Story of Lee’s life, huh? WarGames, Survivor Series, big buzz for Lee, “the belle of the ball!” He even went toe-to-toe with Roman Reigns and lost! He’s a loser! Fans disagree as they continue to chant for Lee.

Lee speaks now, and says he will give them credit. Some of that is true. He is a moment maker, and a game changer! While the Undisputed Era has all the gold, saying, “What does Keith Lee have to show for it?” He made Cole into “one of the most viral gifs on the internet today, you’re welcome.” But it gets even better! Lee is also victorious over this cohesive unit at WarGames and… Hey, eyes up here, Keith. Lee tells them that he’s just trying to decide which championship he should take first. Oh is that so?! Okay, Mr. Moment Maker. How about a moment right here, right now? When the Undisputed Era beats Keith down to end his career! But Lee hits first! Cole goes down but Strong and O’Reilly go after Lee 2v1! But Lee reverses the double whip, to double LARIAT!

Cole tries to get away but gets caught! Lee elbows Strong away then tosses Kyle into him! Cole runs away again, but here comes CIAMPA! The Psycho Killer throws hands then feeds Cole to Lee! SPIRIT- No, the Undisputed Era save Cole, and they all retreat! But all the belts are left behind! Will Ciampa and Lee be picking up Goldie and her siblings soon enough?


Xia Li speaks.

“Shayna. Last week, you tried to bully me. But tonight, I will show you how I fight! I show the world I can compete with the best! This is MY moment!” Shayna better get ready to fight this spicy WARRIOR!


NXT gets caught up with KUSHIDA!

After his hand injury in the biggest match of his NXT career, the doctors felt his broken wrist would keep him out two months. In his down time, Kushida spent time with his family, learning about love. Love is giving his wife and daughter what they need. The two months are up, and Kushida is back!


Xia Li VS Shayna Baszler!

The Queen of Spades and her Horsewomen may have picked a fight with the wrong martial artist. Will Xia show that she’s got the fire to take on the two-time NXT Women’s Champion? Or will she #TapNapOrSnap like all the rest?

The bell rings and Xia circles with Shayna. They approach, Xia dodges a punch but Shayna guards against Li’s. They each test each other with kicks, but it’s Xia that trips up Shayna! Fans cheer but Shayan gets Xia down for ground ‘n’ pound! Xia turns it around to give it back! They get up, Xia avoids a clutch but Shayna avoids a roundhouse. Xia slips through, waistlocks, and hops on for a sleeper! Shayna throws Xia off, but Xia ducks the kick to roll Shayna up! TWO, and more kicks back Shayna down. Shayna blocks one but the tornado ROUNDHOUSE connects! Shayna is on the apron, she hotshots Xia’s arm! Xia snaps back and Shayna is after her with clubbing forearms. Shayna has the arm and twists it. She hammerlocks it, and we’ve all seen this… Shayna STOMPS the arm! Cover, ONE!

Shayna clubs Xia then kicks at the bad arm. She pulls on the arm but Xia endures. Fans rally up as Xia kicks back from the mat. Shayna grabs the leg for a Half Crab! Xia rolls to kick Shayna off, then BOOTS Shayna down! Shayna gets up but Xia uses her good arm to throw palm strikes! Another boot puts Shayna in a corner, and Xia fires off everything she has! The ref backs her off, Shayna gets to another corner but Xia will not let up! Shayna picks Xia up to ram her into buckles! Shayna gives forearms back then hoists Xia up top. Shayna climbs up to gut wrench but Xia holds on! Xia clubs back and adjusts to slap away on Shayna’s back! Sunset Flip, RUNNING BOMB! High stack, TWO!! Xia doesn’t stop, she runs to spin kick, but Shayna dodges! KIRAFUDA KLUTCH!! Xia taps, Shayna wins!

Winner: Shayna Baszler, by submission

The NXT Women’s Champion didn’t expect all that heat from Xia, but she still found a way to snuff out the flames. Will anyone ever come close to ending the Queen of Spades’ reign?


Kassius Ohno is back in the US!

“Kassius Ohno isn’t just the Knockout Artist anymore. I am the Wrestling Genius.” After being in NXT UK, Ohno has had a renaissance. WWE Worlds Collide is going to bring all the brands together, and that includes NXT VS NXT UK! It makes perfect sense, then, that the greatest British style wrestler would return to Full Sail to see if anyone fancies a Worlds Collide preview. Will anyone answer this open challenge from Ohno?


The Forgotten Sons VS Adrian Alanis & Leon Ruff!

Speaking of worlds colliding, Evolve Wrestling sends two of theirs to see if there is a chance to advance. However, they’re up against the savage and surly Steve Cutler and Wesley Blake. The Forgotten Sons still seek respect and recognition, will they make sure at least Atlantis and Ruff remember them?

The teams sort out and Blake starts against Ruff. Ruff runs in but gets caught! Blake CHOPS away on Ruff then turns him around for a LARIAT to the back! Tag to Cutler, and Blake holds Ruff down for Cutler’s running STOMPS! Cutler drags Ruff up to BUCKLE BOMB him so hard, he tumbles out of the ring! Somehow Alanis tagged in, so he shoulders into Cutler. Alanis fires big forearms and a boot, then runs. Cutler dodges to shotgun knee! Cutler drags Alanis up. BIG German Suplex! Tag to Blake, who drags Alanis up. MEMORY REMAINS! Cover, the Forgotten Sons win!

Winners: The Forgotten Sons, Wesley Blake by pinfall

Jaxson Ryker raises the hands of his brothers in arms, but then Ruff gets back in. Ryker grabs Ruff for a CHOKE SLAM onto the apron!! Ruff is wrecked all over again as a message to all of NXT and Evolve! Will everyone remember what happens when they cross paths with the savages?


Rhea Ripley VS Dakota Kai!

The Mosh Pit Kid wants vengeance on behalf of Mia Yim and Tegan Nox. But to rub salt in the wound, Dakota’s twisted betrayal on her former best friend and tag partner is part of Dakota’s entrance video! If Tegan isn’t worth her time, why put her heinous actions on display? Why carry the leg brace around? But perhaps the answers don’t matter, only this fight will. Will Dakota add Rhea to her list of casualties? Or will Rhea get retribution for WarGames?

Before the bell, Rhea has a mic to speak to Dakota. “The way that you set us up at WarGames was very clever, Dakota.” But the funny thing about set-ups is they can happen even now. Because Rhea isn’t here for revenge, MIA YIM IS! And the Head Baddie in Charge avoids the brace attack to get Dakota down for some ground ‘n’ pound! Dakota kicks Mia away and fights back, but Mia powers her to a corner. Mia rams shoulders and throws hands, then TOSSES her across the way! And then back the other way! Mia runs corner to corner, for a BOOT! Them Timbalands do some damage and Dakota flops out, but Rhea puts Dakota back in! Dakota trips Mia up, but Mia gets loose. Mia avoids a boot, throws Dakota down by her hair, and kicks away on Dakota’s face! Dakota flounders out of the ring but Mia pursues!

Mia drags Dakota up, but Dakota rams her into the apron! Dakota BOOTS Mia back! Dakota whips but Mia reverses to send Dakota crashing into barriers! Mia throws Dakota into the barriers on the other side! Then back the other way! And then back to the other! They spill out behind the stage and Rhea is satisfied in helping out. But wait, Shayna returns! And with her Horsewomen! Rhea won’t back down, she’s ready in the ring. Marina and Jessamyn attack first, of course, and then Shayna gets in. Rhea is still fighting, a shove and a BOOT! But as Marina and Jessamyn run interference, Shayna comes back with the Kirafuda! Rhea backs Shayna into a corner but that still leaves her open. Jessamyn runs in but gets a boot. Rhea is free, she clobbers Marina!

Shayna clamps the clutch back on, but Rhea scrambles around! Rhea powers her way to ropes, gets to her feet, and throws Shayna off! Rhea kicks at the other Horsewomen, but the Kirafuda returns again! Rhea keeps resisting, keeps crawling, gets to ropes again, but the Horsewomen hold her down! It takes all three of them to finish Rhea off! Referees run out to get Shayna off Rhea, and she grabs a mic. “Not so tough now, are you, Nightmare?” There’s big talk when there’s nothing on the line, and Rhea wants a title match? Rhea has no idea what she’s talking about. But she’ll still get her match, in two weeks! December 18th might be a Nightmare Before Christmas, but for who!?


Backstage interview with Tommaso Ciampa and Keith Lee.

GM William Regal has made a Six Man Tag main event for tonight! Ciampa and Lee need a third man to take on the Undisputed Era. Do they have any ideas? Well this feels familiar. But the answer is obvious: Dijakovic! Ready to go back to war? They sure are, but are the Undisputed Era ready?


Finn Balor speaks.

“Undisputed Era have had a hell of a run.” They have all the gold, and thought they had “the biggest prize in the business,” aka Finn Balor’s allegiance. Well guess that was a shock to the system. Everyone’s wanting to carry the banner for NXT, but people have forgotten that there would be no banner if not for Balor. They all want after the Prince. But they’re playing checkers while he’s playing chess. He told them before: his future is his past. Adam Cole, this is checkmate. Will the Prince become a king when he dethrones the Undisputed Era?


Isaiah “Swerve” Scott speaks.

“Swerve is calm, cool, collected, confident, death-defying, relentless.” He is the Fliest in the Room. He moves with the “profound flow of the rhythm of the ring.” Whose house? Swerve’s house!


Kassius Ohno VS ???

The Wrestling Genius is back in Full Sail and has dared the entire NXT roster to step up! Worlds Collide comes early, but who steps up? “Bro…” A familiar foe for Ohno! Is KO going to get KO’d like he did in Riddle’s “debutt”?

The bell rings and Ohno circles with Riddle. They tie up, Ohno waistlocks then hammerlocks but Riddle reverses to his own waistlock. Ohno pries out, wrenches to a wristlock, but Riddle gets the arm for a takedown! Riddle shifts to a leg, Ohno gets free to get Riddle’s leg, but Riddle kicks free. The two circle again as fans rally for the Bro. They tie up, Ohno has the Cording Hold. Riddle endures, Ohno arm-drags Riddle down and wrenches harder. Riddle gets up and slips out to a waistlock! Riddle lifts but can’t slam Ohno, and Ohno backs off. Fans rally up again as Ohno and Riddle circle. Riddle lunges in but Ohno sprawls to block. Ohno brings Riddle up for knees and has Riddle on the ropes.

Riddle throws body shots but Ohno cranks on the neck. Ohno cravats but Riddle hits where he can. Ohno knees back but Riddle throws body shots. Riddle gets a waistlock and gives a HUGE German Suplex! Fans fire up as Riddle is on Ohno with Bro Kicks in the corner! Riddle runs side to side, big forearm smash! Ohno bails out before Riddle gets another. But Riddle finds him on the apron, PENALTY KICK! Ohno is down and Riddle looms over him as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns as Riddle gives Ohno more Bro Kicks! Kick after kick after kick, and yet Ohno stays up! Ohno manages to block one, throws off a wristband as a distraction to throat chop! Ohno runs to BOOT Riddle down! Fans boo as Riddle gasps for air. Riddle gets to a corner but Ohno throws furious forearms over and over! The ref backs Ohno off but Ohno drags Riddle up for a BIG right! Riddle sputters but Ohno drags Riddle up. Ohno cravats to grind Riddle down, but Riddle endures. Fans rally and Riddle fights his way up. But Ohno lifts for the Kassius Klutch! Riddle fights but gets the Ohno Bomb! Cover, TWO!! Riddle survives but Ohno is after him with a straitjacket stretch. Ohno leans on Riddle, but Riddle endures as Ohno thrashes him about.

Fans rally again and Riddle rights his way up. But Ohno bends him back, only for riddle to slip out! Riddle drops a BROTON! Riddle waits for Ohno to sit up, but Ohno dodges the Penalty Kick, and he dodges the standing moonsault! Ohno is after the leg, and tortures the toes! Riddle breaks free to KNEE TRIGGER! Riddle fires off palm strikes, boots and fireman’s carry, BRO TO SLEEP! But then POWERBOMB, flip over, FINAL FLASH! Riddle goes to the corner, goes up top, FLOATING BRO! Cover, TWO!! Ohno still lives and Riddle can’t believe it! Fans rally for Riddle as he gets up and stalks Ohno. Riddle drags Ohno up, wristlocks and ripcords, but Ohno FOREARMS! Both men lean on each other, but the cravat returns! Cravat Suplex!

Ohno drags Riddle back over, drags him back up, but Riddle resists the lift. Ohno Gotch holds, lifts Riddle now, but Riddle fights out! Riddle waistlocks, Ohno switches, but so does Riddle! Riddle chicken wings but Ohno slips out to waistlock, only for Riddle to switch again. Ripcord FINAL FLASH! Gut wrench, tuck him in, BRO DEREK! Cover, Riddle wins!!

Winner: Matt Riddle, by pinfall

That’s 4-0, bro! Ohno may be a Wrestling Genius, but he has yet to solve this Riddle. Will Worlds Collide be even greater after throwing all the other brands in on it?


The NXT Year End Awards are coming!

Get online to WWE’s official website to vote for your favorite superstars, matches and more! Who will win the golden ring bells for 2019?


KUSHIDA VS Raul Mendoza!

The Time Splitter is back! But with that time away, will he be able to stay above the Mendoza Line?

But before Mendoza even gets to the ring, he gets CAVED IN by Cameron Grimes! The technical savage, the Carolina Caveman, just crushed Mendoza and says he’s going against Kushida now! Will Kushida avoid being broken down by the Breakout runner-up?

KUSHIDA VS Cameron Grimes!

The bell rings, Kushida avoids Grimes’s grasp as the two go around. Grimes gets the headlock, Kushida tries to power out but Grimes holds on time. Grimes rakes Kushida’s eyes but Kushida powers out of the next headlock, only for Grimes to run him over. Things speed up, Grimes runs into Kushida’s handspring kick! Grimes bails out but Kushida goes up, to LEAP! That super swanton hits and fans are fired up! Kushida puts Grimes in, fires off CHOPS, but Grimes turns things around Kushida avoids a chop to give CHOPS. Grimes gets out of the corner but just gets more CHOPS! Kushida whips, Grimes reverses, Kushida goes up and over then around to tie Grimes up. Grimes avoids the octopus but gets caught again. Grimes is slippery and gets out again, and throws a forearm. Grimes whips, Kushida reverses, and gets the Iron Octopus the third time!

Grimes endures but Kushida is after the far arm! He pulls WAY back and brings Grimes down! Grimes gets the ropebreak! Kushida lets go but fans cheer that exchange. Kushida runs Around the World to dropkick the arm! Kushida goes to the apron as Grimes shakes his arm out. Grimes turns around but denies the step-in DDT. Grimes fires forearms, whips, but Kushida handsprings, into a GERMAN! Bridging cover, TWO! Kushida survives but Grimes grits his teeth. Grimes rams his knee in then stomps Kushida at the ropes. Grimes backs off but comes back to drag Kushida up by his nose. Grimes wrenches Kushida’s arm and brings him down to stomp the hand! That’s the bad wrist, too!

Grimes tortures Kushida’s arm, but Kushida fights back with forearms and kicks! Kushida wrenches back, Grimes forearms, but runs into an arm-drag! Cartwheel dropkick and FAST BALL! But Grimes dodges the Penalty Kick to his arm to hit a SUPER FOREARM! Kushida dodges the buzzsaw, but Grimes back flips to get the waistlock! Dead lift, but Kushida victory rolls! And traps the legs with his legs! Kushida wins!!

Winner: KUSHIDA, by pinfall

Grimes is usually the quick winner, but it was Kushida who got it done in no time flat! Kushida’s return is successful, but will he be climbing up the ranks right where he left off?


Angel Garza and Lio Rush are headed for a Cruiserweight collision course.

“Man of the Hour, your time is up.” Garza may have crossed a line stripping, but there was controversy in the ring to end the match. Garza says Rush didn’t really beat him, but he did slap him off his feet! Garza says Lio should focus on his family while he takes care of the title. This rematch happens next week! Who will be standing atop of the Cruiserweight Division after this?


Six Man Tag: The Undisputed Era VS Tommaso Ciampa, Keith Lee & Dominik Dijakovic!

This may not be as epic as 4v4 in the WarGames double cage, but it is still an undisputed main event! But will the iron-men of NXT stay strong in yet another match with the Blackheart and his colossal compatriots?

The teams sort out and Strong starts against Lee. Fans sing as Lee and Strong approach. Strong shoves but Lee tosses Strong to the corner! Tag to Ciampa and Ciampa stomps a mudhole into Strong! Ciampa pats himself on the back before yanking Strong out of the corner for a slam! Tag to Dijakovic, and they mug Strong more. Fans chant for Dijakovic as he clubs away on Strong. Strong knees hard, tag to Kyle, and Kyle kicks away on Dijakovic! Kyle has the guillotine facelock, but Dijakovic powers out, “TIME TO FLY!” Dijakovic runs in to elbow and elbow and CLUB Kyle. Dijakovic whips, to a backbreaker! And a SPLASH! Cover, TWO!

Dijakovic keeps on Kyle with forearms, then whips him to ropes. Kyle dodges, holds ropes and boots back. Strong tags in but Kyle leaps into Dijakovic’s arms to get knees to the ribs! Strong runs in, Dijakovic kicks him, then slams Kyle on Strong’s back! Dijakovic rams Cole using Kyle, then TOSSES Kyle! The Undisputed Era are all down as NXT goes picture in picture.

Dijakovic looms over Strong while Cole and Kyle regroup. Dijakovic throws forearms on Strong and has him in a corner for big back elbows. Dijakovic rams Strong again, and Strong slumps down. Strong flounders as Dijakovic lets up. Dijakovic CLUBS Strong down, then drags him for stomps. Cover, TWO! Dijakovic keeps on Strong with another big forearm! Strong kicks the legs out and tags to Kyle. Strong and Kyle CHOP and kick away on Dijakovic, but Dijakovic catches a kick to CHOP Kyle! Then he DECKS Strong! Dijakovic clamps on choke grips but has to BOOT Cole away first! Kyle hops on for a sleeper, but Dijakovic just hits a Choke Slam STUNNER combo! LAST SHOT Shining Wizard outta nowhere!

Cole drags Dijakovic to the Undisputed corner to stomp a mudhole away. The ref counts but Cole lets up to tag in Kyle. Kyle kicks away on Dijakovic, tag to Strong. Strong drags Dijakovic out for knees, then clamps on a low cobra twist. Fans rally up as Dijakovic endures, but Strong clubs away to keep him down. Dijakovic keeps fighting and gets up to power Strong off. Strong dropkicks Dijakovic down! “Feast your eyes, DORK!” Strong clubs away on Dijakovic, but he taunts too soon, Dijakovic CLOBBERS him! Both men crawl for their corners, Kyle tags in to grab a leg! Dijakovic kicks at Kyle but Kyle is hooked on! Strong and Cole come in to help pull Dijakovic away!

The Undisputed Era isolate and mug Dijakovic, but Dijakovic fights back! Dijakovic throws forearms but Kyle kicks low. Kyle runs in but is put on the apron. So Kyle kicks Lee down! And swings on Ciampa! Dijakovic BOOTS Kyle and tags in Ciampa! Ciampa rallies on the Era! Dropkick for Cole, double clotheslines for Kyle and Strong! Full Sail fires up as Ciampa clotheslines Strong out, then gets Kyle with an overhead suplex! PSYCHO KNEE! A knee for Strong, Willow’s Bell DDT for Cole! Ciampa drags Kyle up but Kyle slips out to kick and strike back. Ciampa jumps over the sweep to drop a knee! Then, PROJECT CIAMPA! Cover, TWO!! Kyle survives but fans chant, “Daddy’s Home!” Ciampa drags Kyle up, underhooks, but Kyle slips out! Strong tags in and Kyle boots Ciampa. Ciampa fireman’s carries but gets a STRONG KNEE! STRONG ANNIHILATION! Cover, Cole anchors Lee but Dijakovic breaks it!

Kyle BOOTS Lee, and Strong knees Dijakovic. Ax and DOUBLE SMASH! Strong drags Ciampa up, but no End of Heartache. Ciampa boots, but runs into a GUT BUSTER! Strong runs into a PSYCHO BOOT! Both men are down and Full Sail fires up! Strong and Ciampa crawl, hot tags to Cole and LEE! Cole almost gets pounced again! Lee forearms, hits Kyle, LARIATS Cole! Cole flounders as Full Sail reaches a fever pitch! But Cole runs away, so Lee just builds speed! The Era gets clear, so Lee comes out to ram Strong and Kyle down! SUPERKICK from Cole! Dijakovic springboard TORNILLOS!! Fans cheer for “NXT! NXT!” as Kyle climbs up. Dijakovic anchors Kyle, trips him up, then climbs up again. He drags Kyle up, but Cole goes after him! Ciampa goes after Cole, but gets a PELE!

But as the ref is busy with Kyle and Dijakovic, FINN BALOR shotgun dropkicks Cole into them all! The ref is down, Kyle and Dijakovic topple to the floor! The Prince snarls as he looks at Ciampa. BLOODY SUNDAY!! Fans are divided as Balor aims at Cole again. But Lee rises from below! Lee grabs Balor, Balor breaks free, but Lee ROCKS Balor with a left hand! Balor staggers but comes back, no Slingblade, SPIRIT BOMB for Balor! But Cole SUPERKICKS Lee! Knee pad down, but no Last Shot! JACKHAMMER!! Cover, Lee and team wins!!

Winner: Ciampa, Dijakovic and Lee, Keith Lee by pinfall

The Prince tried to screw over everyone, but it backfired! And in the end, Mr. Moment Maker has his moment! He pins THE NXT Champion! Is Lee now in the conversation for custody of “Goldie”?

GM William Regal appears!

“I’ve decided. On December the 18th, Adam Cole will defend his NXT Championship. So next week, we will determine the challenger.” Finn Balor VS Tommaso Ciampa VS KEITH LEE in a Triple Threat!! Only one man can challenge Adam Cole to close out 2019! Will it be rrrreeeal? Will we #BaskInHisGlory? Or will no one survive the Blackheart?



My Thoughts:

A really, really great episode! And if it wasn’t obvious, and if you didn’t/don’t watch AEW Dynamite, we’re building towards December 18th because that is AEW Dynamite’s last episode of 2019 and they’re going to be giving us a lot of great stuff, so NXT needs to match it. I more or less said in my Dynamite article that a company doesn’t need to take jabs like AEW does, but counter programming is smart. Because in the end, the FANS are the ones who win! And this episode got going pretty fast and furious, Dunne taking Damien’s place was a great move. It was a great match, and while Dain was likely to beat Damien had that match happened, Dain beating Dunne tonight was even bigger! Things are pretty open with Dain winning, we might still get Dain VS Damien once Damien is okay to wrestle, and someone in these three has to go for the North American Championship in 2020.

The Women’s Division got a lot of good stuff tonight. Xia Li may have lost quick, but that who match was quick, and she definitely had Shayna on the defensive for most of it. Whatever happens with the MMA Horsewomen, Xia can definitely rise up once Shayna moves on from the title. Rhea VS Dakota not happening was actually a really great move. We get a great brawl for Mia and Dakota, and we’ll get a match for that next week as part of Dakota’s story. Rhea looks amazing fighting all three MMA Horsewomen, and Shayna looks really obnoxious acting like she did anything when she had Marina and Jessamyn there the whole time. But again, we get a title match for 12/18/19. I felt that when the Wednesday Night War started, the buzz worthy move would’ve been Shayna losing. If NXT really wants buzz to counter AEW this time, RHEA NEEDS TO WIN.

Forgotten Sons get a squash match win over Evolve guys, whatever. I suppose this Undisputed Era story needs to wrap up soon so that tag teams can get in on the title scene again. Not sure if it’ll be the Forgotten Sons, though. I don’t think there’s any team at all, really, unless a new team gets signed from somewhere. Ohno VS Riddle, so great! And I actually like that Riddle is 4-0 against Ohno. One-sided or not, rivalries like this make wrestling great, just look at NJPW in some cases. The swerve of Kushida’s opponent was great, Grimes is great just doing what he wants whenever he wants. Their match was a lot of fun, but am I sensing Kushida doesn’t get to have his blow-off with Imperium? After Lio VS Garza II, is Kushida going for Cruiserweight title? Not a bad option, really.

The promo that led to the Six Man Tag was good, and the Six Man Tag itself was amazing. But that was a given with the six men involved. Dijakovic really got to do some work tonight, and that’s great as he hasn’t gotten as much shine as the others. Finn Balor getting involved was great, and Lee getting the pin was great. The Triple Threat next week leading into a huge NXT Championship match for 12/18/19 to again counter program AEW, we’re going to have some awesome stuff to end the year.

My Score: 9.2/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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