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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (12/6/19)

What does King Corbin have planned?



NEW SmackDown Coverage

Will Roman Reigns be humiliated by The King’s Court?

Baron Corbin has sunk to rather sophomoric attempts at mocking The Big Dog, but promises something even bigger. What does he have prepared? Will Roman find a way around it and Dolph Ziggler tonight?



  • Mandy Rose w/ Sonya Deville VS Alexa Bliss w/ Nikki Cross; Bliss wins.
  • SmackDown Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Elimination Fatal 4 Way: The Revival VS Heavy Machinery VS Lucha House Party VS Mustafa Ali & Chad Gable; The Revival wins and will challenge the New Day for the titles at TLC.
  • Lacey Evans VS Haley Jones; Evans wins.
  • Roman Reigns VS Dolph Ziggler; Reigns wins.


What happened to Daniel Bryan!?

Bray Wyatt offered him another chance at the WWE Universal Championship. The Miz tried to talk reason into Bryan. But in the end, it was Bryan who made the decision to say “YES! YES! YES!” And perhaps now, he regrets that decision. The Fiend attacked from below and dragged Daniel down into the darkness! And handful by handful, it would appear The Fiend ripped the hair from Bryan’s head! What is the fate of the face of the Yes Movement?


SmackDown opens with Miz TV!

The Hollywood A-Lister heads to the ring and takes up a mic. Miz was to have Bryan as his guest tonight, but after the “horrific events” of last week, that is not possible. We have not heard from Bryan in the seven days since. Miz has known Bryan since first coming to the WWE, and they are not friends in the slightest. Yet Miz knows the most about Bryan, and how much he means to both the company and the fans. For the first time in a long time, we saw the real Bryan return in the rebirth of the Yes Movement. But the Fiend has yanked that away from us. Miz has never liked Bryan, that’s obvious. But Miz does care about Bryan. Miz vows to get to the bottom of this, and to find out what happened to Bryan!

Firefly Fun House interrupts Miz TV!

Bray hangs a portrait of Bryan and says hi! Yowie wowie, Miz is putting on his big boy pants and thinking cap for this mystery, huh? But trust Bray when he says Miz doesn’t want to know what happened. Bryan could be with… “him.” And he may not be done with Bryan yet. All Bray knows is that Bryan was going to play at TLC, but now he might not. Aww… But hey! Since Miz is going snooping, maybe he can come play instead? Yay~! This ins’t about The MIz, this is about Bryan. Miz isn’t going to play games. But Bray heard Miz say “family.” That’s the secret word of the day! Get out while you still can! Quiet, stupid rabbit.

Oh, but family IS word of the day! F-A-M-I-L-Y! Bray used to have a family. But Miz has inspired Bray to join a new family! If you believe it, you can achieve it! Look, it’s the Mizanin Family! Miz, Maryse and their darling baby girls. Does Miz want to play now? Bray laughs but Miz is in no mood! Time to say good-bye! Miz storms to the back, but will he find Bray before it’s too late?


Miz is on the phone with Maryse.

Bray is playing mind games, but they’re taking him seriously. The doors are locked, and Miz says he’ll be right home. Miz hurries, but is there still time?


Mandy Rose w/ Sonya Deville VS Alexa Bliss w/ Nikki Cross!

Fire & Desire want to establish themselves as the best tag team in the Women’s Division, for more than just their in-ring skills. But the Goddess is back and here to show Mandy that looks only get you so far. Who gains a step towards the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships through singles competition?

The bell rings and Mandy circles with Alexa. They tie up, Alexa gets Mandy down but Mandy arm-drags her off. Mandy doesn’t like her face being touched, and then she waistlocks Alexa. Alexa elbows out, drop toeholds and Mandy bails out. Fans cheer as Alexa runs, but her slide misses, Knee from a Rose! Mandy and Sonya soak up the heat as Mandy stands over Alexa. Mandy bumps Alexa off the apron a couple times then puts Alexa in the ring. Cover, TWO, and Mandy is upset. Mandy goes after the arm and grinds Alexa’s face with forearms. The ref reprimands but Mandy stops to pull off Alexa’s fake eyelashes! Fans rally but Mandy stands over her. But Alexa fights back with body shots! Mandy ROCKS Alexa then whips, then dropkicks her down!

Alexa flounders but Mandy boots her down! Cover, but Mandy is too close to the ropes herself. Mandy is upset with the ref but she underhooks Alexa. Alexa fights out of the lift, dodges the knee and rolls Mandy, TWO! Mandy knees low, and pie faces Alexa around. “You will NEVER look like me!” Alexa gets mad and choke grips Mandy for the standing STO! Then SLAPS and DECKS her! Basement dropkick knocks Mandy back down, and Alexa skateboard stomps away! Alexa lets up at 4 and fans are fired up. Knee drops, Insult but Sonya distracts. Nikki CROSSBODIES! Mandy rolls Alexa up, TWO! Alexa gets around, crucifix DDT! Alexa puts Mandy in the drop zone and climbs up top. Fans fire up as Alexa leaps, TWISTED BLISS! Cover, Bliss wins!

Winner: Alexa Bliss, by pinfall

The Goddess wins and it was so, so pretty! But will it only get ugly when these two teams meet 2v2?


Dana Brooke visits catering.

But Drake Maverick is right behind her. Drake heard about Dana asking out Dave Batista. Yes, she is really excited about it. Well Drake is excited, too, but he feels a bit rejected. Rejected? Didn’t they have something last week? What? What does Batista have that Drake doesn’t? Well… Before Dana answers, in comes Elias. When words fail us, a song provides the answer. Everyone claps along as Elias plays.

“Batista’s a millionaire, plus he’s tall. Drake, you’ve got a better chance at getting lucky, with a blowup doll.” Marriage problems? Got issues? The only action Drake gets is with lotion and tissues. “You’re the best I ever had,” is what Mrs. Maverick said. That is, when she was waking up in Elias’s bed. Maverick SLAPS Elias, then leaves. Dana asks about that thing with Mrs. Maverick. That didn’t happen, but something’s about to. Elias may have struck a chord with Maverick, but will Maverick regret striking him?


SmackDown returns to Drake Maverick in the ring.

So everyone thinks this is funny? They all think Elias is funny? Maverick’s life is a joke, huh!? Elias apparently thinks it’s funny. “YES! YES! YES!” Maverick says no one makes a mockery out of him, his marriage, or his wife! He calls Elias out not for a match, but for a FIGHT! Elias does walk out, with Dana Brooke by his side. Elias gets in the ring with Maverick, and the fight is on! Well, it would be if Maverick could reach Elias being stiff-armed away. Elias lets Maverick fall to the mat, then dodges his return. Dana giggles as Elias easily lifts Maverick and drop him again. Elias bends Maverick over his knee for a SPANKING! Maverick is stinging in more ways than one, but Elias is lining up a shot. Elias goes for the kick, and it’s GOOD! Maverick is literally kicked out of the ring!

Maverick starts running away but ends up back in the ring. Elias chases him out of the ring, but Dana puts Maverick back in! Elias gets Maverick with the DRIFT AWAY! Elias even offers Dana a shot. She stands on Maverick for the “pin,” and Dana “wins”! Maverick may not be a joke, but he is a loser. Will Maverick learn his lesson?


The Miz hurries through the halls.

But there’s a room glowing red… Miz barges in, hoping to find Bray. But instead, he finds a picture of BRAY holding Monroe Sky. “Say Cheese.” IT’S BRAY! He gets Miz with a Sister Abigail!! Bray sings “There’s No Place like Home for the Holidays,” and leaves Miz with the picture.


SmackDown returns as Miz comes to.

Where did Bray go? Where’s the photo? The referee says they’ll get a medic first to make sure Miz is okay. But will anyone be okay with Bray Wyatt lurking around?


SmackDown shares Tribute to the Troops social media posts.

Kofi Kingston tweeted out that “every year, we are blessed with the opportunity to participate” in this event. Kofi always looks forward to this day, because it is a “chance to meet and shake the hands of the men and women who are willing to risk their lives so that we may have our freedom.” Natalya is “blown away” that it’s been 17 years already, and Lacey Evans being former military, she was excited to start her day with “HITT training with the Marines.” Montez Ford thanks ALL of the US Marines, and Dana shares her respect and gratitude to the soldiers. Roman Reigns says events like Tribute to the Troops reminds us how lucky we are to be protected by such heroes.


Awwwww~ North Carolina~!

Don’t you dare be sour! Clap for the 7-Time champs and feel~ the power~! The New Day are here, flinging flapjacks right at Corey Graves. They join commentary because of the HUGE tag team contender’s match up next!

SmackDown Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Elimination Fatal 4 Way: The Revival VS Heavy Machinery VS Lucha House Party VS Mustafa Ali & Chad Gable!

Eight men have a huge opportunity to face Kofi Kingston and Big E in nine days! Will it be the #TopGuys, #BlueCollarSolid, #FightingFiesta or the Beacon and the underdog?

The teams sort out, and only two can start. “Shorty G” and Gran Metalik start, mostly because Dash & Dawson are talkign trash to the New Day. Gable ties up and trips up Metalik to get a facelock and roll. Metalik gets up, wrenches out, but Gable rolls, bridges and handsprings. Gable spins to get a headlock, spin to a drop toehold, then get the armlock! Fans cheer as Gable drags Metalik up and over, tag to Ali. Ali climbs and stomps the arm! Ali drags Metalik up for an arm wrench, but Metalik reverses back. Ali rolls, handsprings, headlocks but Metalik powers out. Things speed up and Ali shows off his agility! Metalik runs in, handsprings over Ali’s kick, and then arm-drags Ali down! Ali arm-drags back, trips but Metalik kicks him away. Metalik runs in, Ali goes up and over then runs to huricarnana, only for Metalik to handspring through! Even Big E is going to give that a standing ovation!

Ali and Metalik circle, but Tucker and Lince Dorado tag in. Dorado and Tucker speed up, but Tucker runs Dorado over. Tucker shows his own agility and then dropkicks cancel out! Tucker and Dorado high-five, but then The Revival run in! Tucker and Dorado knock them down, and dropkick them out! Dorado swings into an atomic lift, Tucker uses Dorado to knock Ali and Gable down!Tucker then does the same against the Revival, before back suplexing Dorado. But Dorado lands on his feet, dodges the clothesline and handsprings, Golden Rewind! But Otis tags in! Dorado dodges and dropkicks Otis out! Lucha House Party coordinate and DOUBLE ASAI onto the Revival, Ali and Shorty G! Those six are down and Kalisto is fired up with his tassels!

LHP put Otis back in but Dawson gets Dorado with a suplex! Metalik mule kicks Dawson, then springboards, but into Otis’s arms! Tag to Tucker, COMPACTOR! Cover, they ELIMINATE Lucha House Party! Kalisto is upset but there’s nothing he can do about it. SmackDown goes to break as the other three teams regroup.

SmackDown returns as Gable drops knees on Tucker’s arm. Gable clamps onto the arm and the Revival taunt Tucker about what happened to Otis. They, of course, were the ones to take him out. Tucker endures, scoops Gable and slams Gable down! Dash tags in off Gable and stalks Tucker, to then sucker punch Ali! Dash trips Tucker but Tucker pushes him back into buckles! Gable tags back in, but runs into a hip toss! Dawson tags in off Gable, and runs at Tucker for a back drop! And Otis rises! The New Day like this! Otis tags in and rallies on Dawson with big belly bumps! Spin cycle scoop slam! The shirt comes off! Otis runs into a boot, but feeds off it! Tucker kicks more but Otis just jiggles and shakes. Dawson CHOPS, but Otis PUMPS! Otis gets Dawson for an EXPLODER!

Dawson is in the corner, Otis corner splashes! Dash tags in but gets clubbed out. Dawson is in the drop zone, fans fire up, and Otis gets it moving! CATERPILLAR ELBOW! But Dash sunset flips, Dawson kicks, the cover, The Revival ELIMINATE Heavy Machinery! Now it’s just Dash & Dawson against Ali & Shorty G! Ali and Gable regroup, but they don’t back down. Dash and Dawson talk it out, to sucker punch! But the brawl is on! Gable gets Dawson out, Ali gets Dash out. Gable and Ali are in pursuit, but then get suckered in for kicks, and a CHOP! Dawson and Dash talk trash again, but the New Day tell them to mind their business. The Revival bring Ali and Gable up, but Gable and Ali throw them onto the New Day! Now the New Day is upset with everyone! The referee hurries to restore order as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns and Gable endures a Gory Especial a la Dawson. Dawson taunts Ali as he bends Gable, but fans rally up for “Shorty! Shorty!” Gable sunset flips, TWO! Back suplex drops Dawson! Both Gable and Dawson crawl, Dash tags in and intercepts. But Gable gets around Dash, Dash ends up latching onto Dawson, Gable DOUBLE GERMAN SUPLEXES The Revival!! And holds onto Dash! Ali tags in, Gable German Suplexes again! Ali SUPERKICKS for the third! Jackknife cover, Dawson breaks it! Gable runs in and crossbodies himself and Dawson out! Dash runs in but Ali slips out to ROUNDHOUSE! Ali somersaults into a LARIAT! Ali flounders, but he elbows Dash away. Ali hosp up, leaps, POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!!

Dash sits up but the fans rally up for Ali. Dash drags Ali up, suplexes but Ali slips out. Ali O’Conner rolls, TWO! Ali is up, TORNADO DDT! Dash is in the drop zone, Ali goes up top! But Dawson saves Dash, so Ali bails out. Gable tags in before Ali DIVES! But the Revival catch Ali, to TOSS him into the timekeeper’s area! But Gable CANNONBALLS them both down! Gable puts Dash in, climbs up top, MOONSAULT, but he catches the boots for an ANKLE LOCK! Dash flails, reaches, gets up and rolls, Gable goes into Dawson’s uppercut! Tag and SHATTER MACHINE!! Cover, The Revival wins!

Winners: The Revival, by pinfall; NEW #1 Contenders to the SmackDown Tag Team Championships

The New Day will once again meet The Revival for these titles, but promise to “molly whop” all over again! Will Kofi and Big E hold on to lucky number 7? But Dash and Dawson have mics to say “the fun and games are over!” This is how they make their living, they take this very seriously. No more pancakes, unicorns or silly little gimmicks. And no more disgracing the tag team titles!  Dash wants the New Day to listen. No more new day, but the old days! The fundamentals will be what beat them! But the good news is, after TLC, Kofi, Big E and Xavier Woods can be on their podcast to tell the world what it’s like to be beat by the absolute best in this company!! Will Dash & Dawson truly be SmackDown’s #TopGuys once again?


Backstage interview with Roman Reigns.

Roman looks to do what he’s always done. If The King’s Court can’t handle the #BigFight, that’s on them. Naturally, Dolph Ziggler will have Baron Corbin in his corner, who vow to humiliate Roman. The only thing humiliating is that Corbin and his guys can’t get the job done. Why does Corbin need those guys? He’s bigger and stronger, but it’s because Roman is a dog in the ring, that’s why Corbin can’t handle him. And it will be Corbin embarrassed at TLC in a TLC match. But will Corbin and his cronies find a way to keep Roman from making it to TLC?


Sheamus speaks.

“They say you can’t go home again. they say you won’t like what you find.” That is true. Because SmackDOwn has become weak and lazy. The titans that Sheamus used to face are just “pale shadows of their former selves.” In Sheamus’s absence, they weren’t facing real competition. But perhaps that saying is false, because the Celtic Warrior has come home, ready to ravage whoever gets in his way.


Lacey Evans VS Haley Jones!

The Sassy Southern Belle stood up to the whining and complaining of the SmackDown Women’s Champion and The Boss. Will Lacey prove herself a worthy contender to the title?

The bell rings, Lacey ties up with Haley and arm-drags her away. Lacey arm-drags again and has Haley down in an armlock. Haley endures, works her way up, and pulls on Lacey’s hair. Lacey throws Haley down first, then charges at her in the corner. The ref backs Lacey off, Haley returns, and they tie up again. Lacey powers Haley to the corner, lets up at 4, but Haley kicks low. Haley throws clubbing forearms then whips, but Lacey reverses to the WOMAN’S RIGHT! Cover, Lacey wins!

Winner: Lacey Evans, by pinfall

And the Lady of SmackDown barely broke a sweat. But here comes The Boss! Sasha Banks is still stinging from the Woman’s Right she suffered last week, but has a mic to respond. “OH, did you think you were going to leave, Lacey? Leave your little country butt in there, because we have some business we need to take care of.” SmackDown goes to break, but will we return to a brawl between Boss and Lady?


SmackDown returns as Sasha is on the apron.

“Look at you.” Lacey thinks she’s real funny, just because she got lucky with that punch. Sasha is here to remind Lacey who she is dealing with. She is the Blueprint, the Legit Boss, and the leader of this Women’s Division! As for Lacey, she’s a “Mary Poppins wannabe!” Sasha warns Lacey not to mess with her or Bayley ever! “Just because you’re a terrible role model to your bratty little six your old doesn’t mean you can come out here and interrupt me!” But Lacey warns Sasha to never say anything about her daughter again. And between being a mother and a US Marine, Sasha doesn’t want Lacey to put her boots back on.

As for why she did what she did, she was sick and tired of the “nasties” blaming others for their failures. Fans cheer “Nasties! Nasties!” Lacey says that all the things the Marine Corps instilled in her, leadership is one! To hear Bayley and Sasha to act like leaders, if that ain’t pathetic, then what is? The Marines also taught Lacey how to fight. So run your mouth and get dropped again! Sasha gets in the ring, and she gets in Lacey’s face. Lacey gets ready to hit her, and Sasha drops on her own! Lacey smirks as she saunters out of the ring. Will Sasha regret riling up the Sassy Southern Belle? But then Bayley blindsides Lacey from the ramp! Sasha runs up to boot Lacey down! The Boss & Smug Connection stand tall as fans boo, but will they continue to run roughshod over SmackDown?



Given the provocation and attack by Bray Wyatt against The Miz, they will have a match at TLC! It will be non-title, but The Miz could get revenge while earning a title shot on the Universal Champion all at once!


WWE Tribute to the Troops 2019 was in Jacksonville, North Carolina!

Superstars were again honored to give back to those who give so much of their time and energy to protect us all. The men and women of the armed forces were also excited to meet the superstars they love to watch in the ring and on television. Happy Holidays to the men and women fighting for our freedoms.


Roman Reigns VS Dolph Ziggler!

The Big Dog says he’s ready for whatever the Lone Wolf King and his court (jesters) are bringing. Can Roman win a match with the Show-Off before Corbin’s plan springs into action?

The bell rings and Roman circles with Ziggler. They approach but Roman corners Ziggler. Ziggler uses the ropes as defense and Roman backs off. Ziggler and Roman circle again, they tie up and Ziggler gets a leg. Roman blocks a takedown and they end up on the ropes. Ziggler lets go but kicks the leg out! Roman hobbles and Ziggler keeps after him. Ziggler turns Roman around, neckbreaker! Cover, TWO! Ziggler scrapes his boot on Roman’s face, then taunts him. Ziggler claws Roman’s eyes but lets up at 4 to clamp on an armlock and chinbar. Roman endures the combination of holds and fans rally up. Roman fights his way up but Ziggler throws him down by his hair! Ziggler waits for Roman to get up in the corner, and runs in, to get an UPPERCUT!

Roman catches his breath as Ziggler is on the outside. Roman goes out to come around the way, but no Drive-By as Ziggler sends Roman into steel steps! Roman is down and SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns and Ziggler grinds Roman down with a modified Fujiwara armbar. But Roman rolls Ziggler up, TWO! Ziggler’s dropkick drops Roman! Cover, TWO! Ziggler taunts Roman as fans cheer for him. Ziggler also toys with Roman, but Roman gets up. Roman UPPERCUTS Ziggler away! And another! But Ziggler yanks Roman into buckles! Ziggler catches his breath while the ref checks on Roman’s nose. There’s no blood, but Roman gets out of the ring. Ziggler goes out and around to throw Roman into barriers! “This is a lesson!” Ziggler grinds Roman into the barriers then puts him in the ring. Cover, TWO! Ziggler grows annoyed with Roman but he wraps on a new sleeper hold. Ziggler traps an arm, but fans still rally up.

Roman endures, gasps for air, but Ziggler leans on Roman and grinds him down. Roman is fading, Ziggler shouts for him to give up. But Roman finds a second wind and fights his way back up! Roman is up and pries at the hold, but Ziggler kicks low and turns Roman. Roman shoves, and rallies with clotheslines! Roman whips, Ziggler reveres, Roman misses the leaping lariat but clotheslines Ziggler out! Fans fire up as Roman goes out to go around and LEAPING- SUPERKICK! Roman gets kicked out of the sky! And NOW Baron Corbin makes his presence known on his sedan. The King of the Ring makes his entrance while SmackDown goes to one more break.

SmackDown returns once again and Roman has Ziggler in his sights! Roman misses the super punch but blocks the superkick. Ziggler dodges the uppercut and hits the satellite DDT! Cover, TWO! Corbin watches from atop his sedan and is not liking what he sees. Ziggler and Roman stir but Ziggler is up first. Ziggler wants Roman to rise and fans rally, too. Roman gets up slowly, Ziggler shouts at him, but the Zigzag is denied! Ziggler leaps over the spear to sunset flip, TWO!! SUPERMAN PUNCH! Cover, TWO!! Corbin was worried and now he’s upset. Roman and Ziggler rise as fans rally up again. Roman stares Corbin down before letting out the battle cry! But Ziggler kicks the spear away to ram Roman into a post, and ZIGZAG! Cover, TWO!!

Corbin jumps down off his high horse and heads closer. Corbin shouts at the ref and gets on the apron. The referee and Corbin argue, and the referee tells Corbin to get off the apron. Corbin shouts more, Roman SUPERMAN PUNCHES him down! But Ziggler rolls Roman up, TWO!! SPEAR OUTTA NOWHERE!! Cover, Roman wins!!

Winner: Roman Reigns, by pinfall

So who got humiliated tonight? Because it doesn’t look like it’s Roman. The King is helped to his feet, but Roman comes around the way, to DRIVE-BY DROPKICK them all! But then the rest of Corbin’s “royal guard” attack! Roman UPPERCUTS his way back! And BOOTS! But Corbin gets in to CLOBBER and stomp Roman down! Corbin throws Roman out of the ring and into a post! Roman punches Corbin away but someone grabs at Roman’s feet! This slows him down, but Roman still fights the guards. Corbin rams Roman into a post, but Roman throws Corbin over the desk!

Roman clears the desk off as Corbin staggers to his feet. Roman brings Corbin in, but Ziggler SUPERKICKS Roman down! Ziggler moves things aside so that he can bring out a handcuff, with a long chain! The guards go after Roman again, and so does Corbin! Corbin and his court cuff Roman to the post! Corbin throws body shot after body shot! Someone even strapped Roman’s feet to the post from below! Ziggler gets his shots in, and headbutts over and over! Corbin laughs in Roman’s face before throwing more body shots. Ziggler brings out cans… of dog food?! “You want to be a good dog?! You’re going to eat like one!” They pour out the dog food on Roman’s head! Fans boo as can after can is dumped out and smeared into Roman’s face and hair. Roman can’t do anything, and Corbin SMASHES him with the butt of the scepter!

Corbin seems to think he’s made Roman the butt of his jokes, but TLC’s TLC match is still coming. Will Roman use tables, ladders and chairs to wipe the smile of Corbin’s face?



My Thoughts:

I need to preface this part of the article by bringing up the technical difficulties I had watching tonight’s SmackDown. KFox14 in the El Paso and Las Cruces area does NOT show SmackDown at 8 PM Eastern when it’s actually happening, and usually Fox’s online streaming works. But tonight, the streaming didn’t work, and I had to wait an hour to even start SmackDown, after a lot of news had already broken. Most things that happened tonight, while still really good, had less impact on me for that reason. But without going on an endless rant of why I despise living in El Paso, I will focus on how SmackDown was still really good tonight.

As with the previous weeks, it is great that The Miz is interwoven into the story of Daniel Bryan and Bray Wyatt. It seems we’re taking a detour from Fiend VS Bryan II, which is also fine. Bray immediately made things personal with Miz, and showed up as Bray, not The Fiend. I wonder if Miz will be facing Firefly Fun House Bray since it is a non-title and non-stipulation match. I also imagine Bryan returns at TLC to go after Bray, and that leads us to their rematch being at the Royal Rumble, where The Fiend will return again. Elias returns to action but not in a match, humiliating Drake Maverick for being a bit of a sleaze. I guess this counts as a double turn from their quick feud over the 24/7 Championship.

Bliss had a decent match with Mandy Rose, I expected a bit more out of this, but I suppose this is just get things going on this feud. With nothing made for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, I would hope we get that done quickly, too. Bliss-Cross VS Fire & Desire in a tag match to have a match at TLC would make some sense, as both Raw and SmackDown should be appointing contenders on a regular basis as far as I’m concerned. Lacey keeps her Face turn steadily moving, though I was a bit disappointed she needed a squash match to get her out there. I’m thinking SmackDown suddenly has a Heel problem in the Women’s Division, because there was no one else but a local enhancement talent to go after. But the Heels, Bayley and Banks, get their payback, things are going as per usual. Maybe Lacey has a match with Sasha, and if she wins, she goes to face Bayley at the Rumble for the title.

That SmackDown Tag Team Contender’s match was great! Elimination style really allows all the teams to have something to do, but of course, The Revival being the Heels in that match with Face champions in The New Day, of course they win. SmackDown really should try and break that cycle. A match of New Day VS Ali & Shorty G would’ve been a lot of fun because they’re all such great athletes. I almost expected all that talk of going old school was going to lead to the match stipulation, but guess not. This TLC build has really suffered from everything else before it, so I hope the go-homes give us all the other matches quickly.

And speaking of, learning hours before SmackDown that Roman VS Corbin was going to be THE TLC match was GARBAGE. Vince McMahon doesn’t even seem to understand his own booking! Roman beats Ziggler in a really good match, but then gets chained and smeared with dog food. What part of that doesn’t say Dog Collar Match? Or some kind of match where Corbin and Roman are bound together! Hell, last week, the attempted head smashing on a chair should’ve screamed Chair Match! But at the same time, this detour from Universal Championship match left the TLC stipulation open. Vince obviously thinks Corbin is a big deal so the big deal gets the big match type. And that’s just sad.

My Score: 8.2/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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