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Mitchell’s WWE TLC Results & Report! (12/15/19)

Tables, Ladders and Chairs, OH MY!



WWE TLC 2019

Two TLC matches for the price of one!

Will King Corbin regret treating Roman Reigns like a mutt? Will the Kabuki Warriors hold onto their gold against The Man and The Queen? That and more to wrap things up before the holidays!



  • Kickoff Match: Humberto Carrillo VS Andrade Almas w/ Zelina Vega; Carrillo wins.
  • SmackDown Tag Team Championships Ladder Match: The New Day VS The Revival; The New Day wins.
  • Aleister Black VS Buddy Murphy; Aleister wins.
  • Raw Tag Team Championships Open Challenge: The Viking Raiders VS ???; Double Count-Out, Viking Raiders retain the Raw Tag Team Championships.
  • TLC Match: Roman Reigns VS Baron Corbin; Corbin wins.
  • Bray Wyatt VS The Miz; Wyatt wins.
  • Tables Match: Rusev VS Bobby Lashley; Lashley wins.
  • WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships TLC Match: The Kabuki Warriors VS Becky Lynch & Charlotte Flair; The Kabuki Warriors win and retain the titles.


It’s the TLC Kickoff Show!

Join Jonathan Coachman, Charly Caruso, David Otunga and Booker T in reviewing and predicting all the action for tonight! What does the last WWE PPV of 2019 have in store?


WWE TLC becomes TMZ.

Rusev and Lana have been having yet another rocky love affair, and that includes Lana “tongue wrestling” with the Rocky Mountain Machine. Restaurant brawls, wild rumors, a pregnancy scam, restraining orders, and multiple arrests on both sides. The only thing left was divorce. Rusev and Lana are split, but on the condition of the Bulgarian Brute getting “Bob” Lashley in a Tables Match! And it all happens on #RUSEVDAY!

Lana and Lashley are live via video. Has this been worth it? Their relationship has definitely be worth it. THe only real problem is Rusev’s jealousy. Getting rid of him means it’ll be Ravishing Ever After. Otunga questions manipulating the legal system. Is he a therapist? How about Otunga’s relationship? How about getting in Otunga’s face? Booker wants to redirect things to the match, but he does have to wonder if this relationship is keeping him from the better opportunities? Lashley needed an ally, and now he has a lover. Lana isn’t holding him back. Let’s leave it at that. Lana says she can do a better Spinaroonie. Why is everyone constantly attacking her? They have their own issues so they should mind their own business!

Charly wants to ask if Lana’s Lashley loses to Rusev. Is that Renee? Oh wait, Wannabe Renee! The girl that does Renee’s job worse after Renee got her own show. If Charly keeps asking all these stupid questions, she should not come anywhere near the locker room. Because Lana’s Bobby IS going to destroy Rusev! But sorry, she’s just realy flustered. Lashley says tonight will be a very easy win. Lana says this will finish Rusev. It will literally CRUSH her ex! Coachman has them cut from Lana’s rant. Charly says Lana is not one to take seriously, no matter what. But will the Tables Match “literally” be the end of this grudge one way or another?


The Revival interrupt the panel.

They’re talking about Authors of Pain being an unstoppable team? They should be talking about the soon-to-be four-time tag team champions! But that’s fine, ignore Dash & Dawson like the rest of this company does. AOP is better than them? Well maybe after tonight, The Revival proves everyone wrong! After winning the tag titles, maybe Booker and his “better half” get in the ring, Booker and Stevie Ray will learn who is the better team! This is serious talk! Let them Texas boys get a Carolina beating! Is Harlem Heat going to stop The Revival? Maybe those HOF rings should go to the #TopGuys! Ladder match, SmackDown Tag Titles, the best team on this DAMN PLANET! When Booker is ready to go, come find them! The Revival “politely” hand their mics to Coach before heading out. The Revival and The New Day open the main show!

Booker T takes a moment to let us know that he didn’t respond, because sometimes you gotta go down to their level to raise them up. Booker did not want to go viral on the internet, but he promises something will happen. When and where will Dash & Dawson learn some respect?


Kickoff Match: Humberto Carrillo VS Andrade Almas w/ Zelina Vega!

Ultimo Ninja outsmarted El Idolo and La Muneca on Raw, but can he get them again here tonight? Or have Almas and Vega patched things up in the six days since?

The bell rings and Almas runs at Carrillo but Carrillo waistlocks. Almas elbows out and blocks a dropkick, to give a basement dropkick! Almas taunts Carrillo before he CHOPS him to a corner. Almas goes after the legs and then whips corner to corner. He gives Carrillo a BIG knee strike! Cover, ONE, but Almas keeps focus. Carrillo gets to ropes but Almas whips and back drops Carrillo down! Fans boo but Almas soaks up the heat as he stomps Carrillo down. Almas drags Carrillo up and whips again, but Carrillo holds ropes. Carrillo elbows back, wheelbarrows and arm-drags, then springboards for an even bigger arm-drag! Fans fire up as Carrillo triangle jumps, but Almas shoves him down! Carrillo crashes and burns down to the ground as TLC goes picture in picture.

Almas brags and Vega cheers while Carrillo stirs on the outside. Almas goes out and fetches Carrillo for more CHOPS! Almas puts Carrillo in as TLC returns to single picture, and he stomps Carrillo at the ropes. The ref counts but Almas lets up at 4. Carrillo is on the apron as Almas stomps him more. Almas goes out to the apron with Carrillo inside, and brings him up for a hanging armbar! The ref counts, Almas lets go at 4. And then Almas kicks Carrillo against ropes! Fans boo Almas and cheer on Carrillo, but Almas wrenches Carrillo to a shoulder breaker. Almas grinds Carrillo down, but fans rally up as Carrillo endures. Carrillo fights up but Almas throws him down! Almas keeps on Carrillo with an armlock and chinbar. Carrillo endures again as Vega shouts at him to quit. Carrillo doesn’t quit, he gets up and fights back again! Fans cheer as he hits a jawbreaker!

Almas staggers but comes back, and ducks Carrillo’s enziguri! Almas pulls Carrillo up, back suplex but Carrillo escapes to huricanrana! Carrillo gets to a corner, Almas runs in, but Carrillo dodges! Now Almas crashes and burns as he knees buckles! Vega coaches Almas up as TLC goes picture in picture again.

Carrillo clutches his knee in the ring while Almas clutches his out of the ring. But Almas returns before the ring count climbs too high. Almas tells the Carrillo fans to hush, but Carrillo counter punches him! The brawl goes on as TLC returns to single picture, and Almas CHOPS again! Almas whips, Carrillo slips through the back drop to springboard crossbody! Carrillo spins, kicks but hits the enziguri! Somersault moonsault but Almas school boys Carrillo into buckles! Almas gets moving corner to corner, but Carrillo follows to dropkick! Almas’s eyebrow is bleeding, Carrillo builds speed to FLY! The Fosbury Flop wipes Almas out to the announce desk! Cover, TWO! Almas lives but Carrillo won’t let up.

Carrillo brings Almas up, but Almas standing switches, only to get an elbow. Almas boots but misses and Carrillo forearms! Carrillo triangle dropkicks Almas off the ropes! Cover, TWO! Vega worries as Carrillo puts Almas in the drop zone. Fans cheer as Carrillo heads up top. But Almas trips him up! Almas throws forearms and heads up to join Carrillo, but Carrillo rocks him with that right! The bloody eyebrow hinders Almas but he refuses to give up. He elbows Carrillo into the Tree of Woe, then from the post, WOE STOMPS!! Double-edged as Almas hits ropes, but he gets Carrillo up and in! Minneapolis loses its mind while Almas covers, TWO!! “This is Awesome!” and it’s just the Kickoff!

Almas fires himself up, bloody as he is, and wants to shout out Latino Heat. Carrillo counters the suplex but Almas escapes. Almas ducks the kicks but misses his elbow. Carrillo fakes Almas out, but Almas LARIATS! Both men are down but fans are fired up! The standing count climbs to 5 as both men get to opposite corners. Almas and Carrillo slowly stand at 7, but Carrillo runs into a BOOT! Almas drags Carrillo in but gets an enziguri! Carrillo climbs up but Almas resists. They brawl more up top, Carrillo hops down, but comes back, triangle enziguri! Carrillo drags Almas up, but gets back dropped into buckles! Almas fires up, goes corner to corner, CIEN SHADOWS! Cover, TWO!! Carrillo still lives and Almas’s shock shows through the blood!

Almas hammerlocks but Carrillo fireman’s carries. Deja vu from Raw as Almas almost runs into Vega! But Almas counters the victory roll to his own cover, TWO! Almas hits one suplex, cleans his face up and hurires up top. But Carrillo stops him with clubbing forearms! Carrillo climbs up, has Almas caught, SUPER POISON-RANA! But that’s not all, Carrillo is up top again, MOONSAULT! Cover, Carrillo wins!!

Winner: Humberto Carrillo, by pinfall

A second and even more incredible victory for Ultimo Ninja! Vega is beside herself with frustration, but she and Almas must admit, Carrillo got them again! Is this the beginning of the end of this alliance?


Aleister Black speaks.

“About one’s career, there’s always this one competitor. This one person that challenges your move set.” Buddy Murphy is that one for Aleister. He makes Aleister contemplate everything he’s done. Even beyond TLC, Aleister feels they are destined to do this forever. Unless Aleister “amputates” Murphy from his career tonight, and makes him #FadeToBlack. And all of this, because Murphy decided to pick. A fight. With him.


Firefly Fun House has a special TLC edition!

“Let. Me. In.” Bray decorates a Christmas Ladder! Season’s greetings! As the year comes to a close, we should all reflect on how we’ve been. Did you make friends or enemies? Did you hurt or heal someone? Were you naughty or nice? Either way, in the end, we’re all the same. We’re all humans and we all make mistakes. That’s why you need to remember that everyone, good or bad, naughty or nice, demon or angel, everyone needs some TLC. Tables, Ladders and Chairs and your imagination! Choose your weapon, and let the festivities begin!


SmackDown Tag Team Championships Ladder Match: The New Day VS The Revival

Awwww~ Minneapolis! Don’t be sour! Clap for this opening match and feel~ the power~! Only one team will bring those titles down, but who rises up to be champions on the last WWE PPV in 2019?

The teams are introduced, the titles are hanging high above, and we begin this elevated epic!

Kofi and Big E have the fans on their side, but the brawl begins already! Kofi has Dash and Dawson has E. The Revivla CHOP and whip, but the New Day reverses to knock the #TopGuys down! Big E snapmares Dash for Kofi’s Penalty Kick! Big E then gives Kofi a boost for a leap frog senton! The Revival bails out and the New Day get the ladders already. But The Revival go right after them on the ramp! Dash punches and stomps Big E into the railing while Dawson headlocks Kofi. The Revival mug the New Day then bring ladders to the ring. Fans rally behind the New Day and they return to stop the Revival short! Big E throws Dawson into a post! Kofi bounces Dash off a ladder! Kofi kicks Dash and Big E sends Dawson into commentary!

Dash bounces Kofi off the apron and throws punches and stomps. Dawson gets up and hits back, bouncing Big E off a desk. Dawson whips Big E into steel steps! The Revival regroup and pick on Kofi, they ram him into the LED apron! With the New Day down, the Revival decide it’s time to go up. They put a ladder on the apron and go back to Kofi. They bring him up, to whip at the ladder! But Kofi goes up, builds speed and baseball slides, but the Revival pick up the ladder to SLAM it back down on him! And again and again! Kofi collapses and The Revival bring the ladder back up. They run at Kofi but he again leaps over, to CROSSBODY! A very double-edged match for Kofi but it does serious damage to the Revival, too! Dawson clutches a knee as Big E returns to get the ladder in the ring.

Fans rally as the ladder is set up. The Revival manages to return and drag Kofi out to CLOBBER him! Dash holds onto the ladder and Dawson helps pull. But Big E pulls it away from them both, to RAM them with the back end! The Revival is down, Big E goes out, and he bumps Dash off the side of the ladder. Big E sets Dash on the ladder, clubs away, and then hops up on the apron. Big E runs, but Dawson saves Dash! Big E splashes down on ladder only! The Revival bring the ladder back around, but Kofi FLIES! But the Trust Fall is caught, and Kofi is slammed into ladder! The New Day is wrecked as The Revival gets the ladder back in. Fans rally for the New Day but the Revival stand the ladder up. Dash and Dawson both climb, but Big E returns to yank Dawson off! Belly2belly! Big E grabs Dash, and gives him a LARIAT!

Now Big E climbs, but Dawson hurries to the top rope. Dawson LEAPS to dropkick the ladder out! Big E gets caught up in rungs and now also clutches his leg! But then The Revival ram him up the middle with the ladder! Low blows are okay in a No Disqualification type, and so is this basement dropkick to the ladder! The ladder goes in deep…! The Revival move the ladder to the ropes and bring Big E up, to THROW him onto it! Kofi slowly returns and the Revival soak up the heat from Minneapolis. The Revival bring Kofi up, but Kofi slips out! Kofi fights with elbows and boots, then springboards and even uses the ladder, SEESAW ATTACK! The Revival are down but so is The New Day! Fans rally up as The New Day regroups.

Big E goes after Dawson’s bad leg with a Stretch Muffler! Dawson endures, Dash returns and makes the save. Kofi goes after Dash with big hands and then throws him back out. Big E goes after Dawson again! And then Kofi RAMS Dawson with the ladder! Fans want that “One More Time!” but the New Day focuses on standing the ladder back up. Kofi climbs and Big E steadies the ladder, but Dash throws Big E out! Dawson anchors Kofi but Kofi fights back! The Revival tip the ladder, but Kofi springboards off the top rope! Tornado DDT for Dawson! Trouble in Paradise for Dash! Fans are thunderous for #Kofimania as Kofi stands the ladder back up! Kofi hurries but Dawson anchors him again. Dawson and Kofi brawl, ELEVATED SHATTER MACHINE!! The Revival have taken the New Day out of the picture, but they still need to climb up. Fans boo as they do, but Big E is back!

Big E throws Dawson into a post, then yanks Dash off to throw out. Dash is on the apron, Big E SPEARS through him!! Big E and Dash crash to the floor, but Dawson is still in. Big E brings in a little ladder and rams it into Dawson’s ribs! And again! Big E puts the little ladder aside, and gets a bigger ladder! Big E stands this new ladder beside the other, and then he goes after Dawson. Big E rams Dawson into the side of a ladder, then goes out for a third ladder?! He has this ladder set up in a corner. Dawson comes back and brawls with Big E, but Big E finishes his work of making a ladder bridge. Dawson resists but Big E still bumps him off this ladder bridge. Big E puts Dawson on the bridge and fans anticipate what’s coming. Big E climbs up from the corner, but Dash returns!

Dash trips Big E up on the top rope, and Dawson revives. The Revival coordinate, going after Big E. Dawson SUPERPLEXES Big E and himself onto the ladder! The ladder bends, but then Big E is put back on the bridge. Dash SPLASHES, and the ladder BREAKS!! Fans lose their minds but also say “This is Awesome!” The Revival regroups and they head up top. But Kofi LEAPS in outta nowhere! Kofi fights the Revival up top, but they stick him between rungs! They bash Kofi into the ladder itself, until Kofi is in the highest Tree of Woe ever. But Big E is back! Big E scoops Dash, for a SUPER BIG ENDING!! Fans are thunderous as Dawson is in shock! But he focuses back on the title belts, because he’s so close to victory!

Dawson climbs, touches the belts, but Kofi revives! Kofi SMACKS him with a belt, and Dawson CRASHES into the broken ladder below! Kofi is the only one left up top, and the belts swing to him. The New Day wins!!

Winners: The New Day; still SmackDown Tag Team Champions

This was just the beginning of the night and it was incredibly destructive! What more are we going to see on TLC 2019? What more will it take for the New Day to lose lucky number 7?


Backstage interview with King Baron Corbin.

The Wolf King has his own TLC match with Roman Reigns. After smothering him with dog food, Roman Reigns was unleashed. Is Corbin concerned about facing Roman in such a dangerous match? Being concerned is for peasants and nerds. Roman thinks he has the upper-hand, but Corbin has him where he wants him. Corbin has won mentally, and now he’ll win physically. Corbin will use tables, ladders and chairs to show Roman who his master is, and make him #BendTheKnee.


Aleister Black VS Buddy Murphy!

The Aussie Juggernaut knocked on the door, but now it’s time for him to face what’s on the other side. Will everyone know what the Best Kept Secret is all about? Or will he simply #FadeToBlack?

Murphy mocks Aleister by sitting cross legged, but Aleister is not flustered. He sits down the same way, right up to Murphy. The two stand and the bell rings, and it’s on! Murphy just barely dodges Black Mass and gets out of the ring! Murphy dares Aleister to come out, but then he slides in. Aleister gets back in, Murphy gets a headlock takeover but Aleister headscissor counters. Murphy pops out and roles reverse as Aleister headlock takeovers but Murphy headscissors back. Aleister pops out, Murphy sweeps, ONE. Aleister sweeps, ONE, and both men kip up. Fans fire up as the two stare down. Murphy and Aleister circle, Murphy rushes in but Aleister sends him out. Murphy slides in but Aleister sits down again. Murphy nods and gets up.

Murphy dares Aleister to do something, but Aleister stays put. Murphy kicks, Aleister gets under and comes back with an arm-drag! Murphy tries to whip free but Aleister brings him down in an armlock. Aleister grinds, Murphy gets up and pulls hair. They end up in a corner, Murphy pie faces and KICKS Aleister! Murphy runs in but into another arm-drag! Aleister cranks the arm but Murphy gets up. Murphy forearms and arm-drags free, but his boot is blocked. Murphy elbows Aleister right after, but gets a ROUNDHOUSE for it! And another! Aleister whips, Murphy reveres, but Aleister KICKS Murphy off his feet! Fans cheer as Murphy wobbles to a corner. Aleister runs in but Murphy dodges, only to get an elbow from Aleister. Aleister puts Murphy on the apron, leg sweep! Murphy crashes down and Aleister goes out to the apron.

Aleister aims as Murphy rises, but Murphy blocks the kick! And sends Aleister into the post! Then the steel steps! Both men are down and fans are dueling as Aleister has a bloody nose. Murphy drags Aleister up for a big right hand, and then sends him back into the ring. Murphy stalks up behind Aleister and stomps him down. The ref counts but Murphy lets up just a moment before grinding more boots in. The ref pulls Murphy off but Murphy soaks up the heat. Murphy drags Aleister up, but Aleister fireman’s carries! Murphy slips out, and wrangles Aleister down to pull on the arms! Murphy chinbars Aleister before throwing clubbing forearms. Aleister endures, the bloody nose keeping him from breathing easy. Fans rally as Murphy throws in more elbows. Aleister fights up, fights back, and shoves. Murphy denies the kick and tosses Aleister out!

Murphy takes his time fetching Aleister, and throws him into the desk! Murphy snatches Aleister’s spiked jacket and puts it in the ring. Fans boo as Murphy looks the jacket over. Murphy puts it on, but Aleister returns! Murphy throws the jacket, Aleister dodges it but perhaps commentary doesn’t! Aleister BOOTS Murphy for that, and throws hands! Aleister whips, Murphy reverses and puts on a sleeper. Aleister powers Murphy to a corner and gets free, but Murphy BOOTS back! Murphy hops up, leaps, into a BOOT from Aleister! Both men are down, but Minneapolis rallies up as the ref starts a standing count. The count reaches 5 as Aleister uses the ropes to get up. Murphy stands at 7, but Aleister ROCKS him with a right. And another!

Aleister counter punches and fires off a strike fest, but Murphy back kicks hard. Murphy suplexes, Aleister slips out, ducks a hand to give more strikes! Leg sweep and knee thrust! Fans fire up as Murphy flounders. Aleister fires up, runs in, but Murphy goes up and over, into a ROUNDHOUSE! Aleister hits a spin-back knee! Then springboards, QUEBRADA! Cover, TWO!! Aleister grows frustrated, but he just wipes his bloody nose. Fans rally as Aleister lifts Murphy with one foot. Murphy blocks the kick but gets an elbow! Murphy flops out to the apron, Aleister hurries after him. Aleister plots something nasty and brings Murphy over. Murphy fights the suplex for dear life and BOOTS again!

Murphy brings Aleister over to steal his idea but he gets shoved into the post! Aleister uses the post to ASAI MOONSAULT! Direct hit! Aleister puts Murphy in, hurries after, boot to KNEE TRIGGER! Cover, TWO!! Aleister grows further frustrated, but he keeps his focus on Murphy. Aleister drags Murphy up, dragon sleeper but Murphy powers out, only to get another BOOT! Murphy hits buckles and Aleister puts him up top. Aleister climbs but Murphy fights him off. Aleister returns, step-up kick! Murphy still fights the superplex off, then adjusts, sunset flip but no bomb! So Murphy tucks him in, SUPERKICK! Very cheeky, Murphy! ANOTHER! ANOTHER! ANOTHER! And then a running BOMB! Cover, TWO!?! Aleister still lives and Murphy can’t believe it! Fans feel “This is Awesome,” too!

Murphy sits up and brings Aleister up. Murphy has both wrists, and says this is the fight Aleister wanted! But Aleister blocks the knee! Murphy goes at the nose and jaw, but Aleister back elbows! Murphy SUPERKICKS! KNEE TRIGGER! AUSSIE GOYE!! Suplex, BRAIN BUSTER!! Cover, TWO?!? Aleister shocks Murphy again! Murphy gets to a corner as fans rally up. Aleister gets himself to the opposite corner, and the two stare down from across the way. Fans duel as both men rise. Both men run in, the sweep is dodged but Aleister fires off strikes. Murphy does, too! But BLACK MASS OUTTA NOWHERE! Cover, Aleister wins!!

Winner: Aleister Black, by pinfall

Bloody and brutal, but in the end, Buddy didn’t see the shot that took him down! Aleister stands tall after this fight, but will this lead to even bigger fights in the New Year?


Backstage interview with Rusev!

The Bulgarian Brute’s reaction to the supposed proposal of Lashley to Lana is, “I’m elated!” By law, when Lana remarries, he doesn’t have to pay alimony. That is one reason to be thankful. Rusev is also thankful to be free after all this harassment. The only rule tonight is to put Lashley through a table. Whatever plans Lana had planned should just be cancelled, because she’s going to be stuck picking out splinters from Lashley’s back. Rusev is ready to celebrate RUSEV DAY!


Raw Tag Team Championships Open Challenge: The Viking Raiders VS ???

Erik and Ivar have brought the war to Raw’s Tag Team Division week after week, and yet who is there left to beat? The open challenge begins, who answers the call?

Erik and Ivar speak to throwing down the gauntlet. They dominated then, and they vow to destroy now! “Let the raid begin!” And the team brave enough to appear is… the OC! Will Gallows and Anderson truly become the Best Tag Team in the World when they once again become champions?

Anderson speaks to answering the open challenge. Gallows says that is “lameski.” Yes, very lame. Much like Minneapolis. And it’s lame because there is only one tag team that has beaten the Viking Raiders. The Good Brothers! They have a beautiful trophy to prove it! You don’t have trophies! But this isn’t just about the tag titles, this is about Erik and Ivar avenging their only loss. And about the OC defending their position as the best tag team in the world. The OC leave the trophy behind and this match is set to begin!

The titles are raised and the teams sort out. Erik starts against Anderson and they tie up. Erik puts Anderson on ropes but lets up, and Anderson headlocks on! Anderson grinds Erik down, but Erik powers up to put Anderson in a corner. Erik snapmares Anderson out but Anderson dodges to headlock. Erik powers out, things speed up, Anderson turns around into a takedown and waistlock slam! Erik roars and he drags Anderson up. Tag to Ivar and Erik feeds Anderson to a knee. Ivar does the same and Erik knees Anderson down. Fans fire up with the Vikings as Ivar grinds Anderson down. Ivar wrenches, rams shoulders and then grinds Anderson back down. Anderson endures, fights his way up, and throws hands! Anderson tries to whip but Ivar blocks and reels him in, tag to Erik. Ivar scoop slams Anderson, then Erik scoop slams Ivar onto Erik! Cover, TWO!

Erik stalks Anderson but Gallows barks at him. Erik swipes at Gallows, Anderson clobbers Erik out! Erik staggers into a YAKUZA KICK! Anderson goes out to fetch Erick, and ram him into the LED apron! Anderson puts Erik in, covers, ONE! Anderson keeps on Erik with a chinlock. Anderson cranks back hard, fans rally up, and Erik powers his way up. Erik fights out and runs, but Anderson hits a SPINE BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Anderson grows frustrated with Erik as he drags him over. Tag to Gallows and the OC mug Erik. Gallows throws big body shots and uppercuts! Erik flops down but Gallows drags him back up. Gallows clubs and suplexes, then runs to drop a big elbow. Cover, TWO! Gallows sneers as he rams in elbows over and over on Erik’s chest. Gallows then locks on a thrashing headlock and grinds Erik down. Erik endures and fans rally up with “SKOL! SKOL!”

Erik feeds off the viking power, but Gallows shoves to ROUNDHOUSE! Tag to Anderson and Anderson covers, TWO! Erik still lives but Anderson puts him in the OC corner. Erik fights out with big forearms and elbows! Anderson keeps Erik from Ivar, but Erik goes up and over to somersault and hot tag! The War Beard rallies on the Machine Gun! Ivar whips, redirects, pump handles and tosses! Ivar clobbers Gallows, side walk slams and SPLASHES Anderson! Fans fire up with Ivar as he runs corner to corner, but Anderson dodges. Anderson turns around into the seated senton! Ivar throws hands on Gallows then whips. Gallows reverses, Ivar tumbles out to the apron and ROCKS Gallows with a right! Ivar climbs up but Anderson shoves him down! Tag to Gallows, Gallows back suplexes, back suplex neckbreaker combo! Cover, TWO!

Gallows snarls and tags Anderson back in. The OC go after Ivar with double whips, but Ivar breaks through the line, to handspring and back elbow! Tag to Erik, Anderson gets THOR’S HAMMER! Cover, but Gallows breaks it just in time! Ivar has Gallows but gets uppercuts! Gallows Pole for Erik! Ivar boots Gallows, Gallows BOOTS back! All four men are down and spilling out of the ring! Anderson gets rocked by Erik, then so does Gallows. Anderson tosses Erik into the crowd! The ring count reaches 6 and Ivar DIVES! The count goes to 10!!

Double Count-Out; Viking Raiders retain the Raw Tag Team Championships

Fans boo and are disappointed, this match ends in a draw! The OC stomp Erik and Ivar as fans call BS. Anderson brings Erik over to the KFC table and bounces him off it! Anderson confiscates the meal and drags Erik over. But Ivar denies Magic Killer with a tackle! Erik sends Gallows into steel steps! Ivar and Erik see the feast and clear it off. Fans don’t like wasting food, but they do like this TABLE POWERBOMB! The raid continues on, but will the OC have something to say about this food fight?


Backstage interview with The Miz.

The Hollywood A-Lister lets us know that Monroe is fine, and safe. After last Friday, the entire family is in an undisclosed location to not take any chances. Bray Wyatt isn’t just unpredictable, he’s a monster. Maybe even more than The Fiend. Is Miz worried about being changed? Does it matter? Bray violated the sanctity of Miz’s home! Miz’s feelings are irrelevant. This is the most important match, and most personal match, of his entire career. Miz isn’t fighting as a WWE superstar but as a husband, father and a man protecting his family! Miz is willing to fight anyone, or anything, in that ring tonight. But will he make it through the night against a truly twisted individual?


TLC Match: Roman Reigns VS Baron Corbin!

The Big Dog is raring to take a bite out of the Wolf King, who has gone from sophomoric jokes to public humiliation and ambushes in order to prove he’s the alpha male of SmackDown. But not even the King’s Court has been enough. Will Roman finally shut Corbin up here tonight?

Corbin grabs a mic and says Minneapolis doesn’t know how to welcome their king. But Corbin will teach them how to show respect when he beats down Roman! Roman will #BendTheKnee to the king! Roman makes his entrance and Corbin sicks his “guards” on him! Roman wrecks them like he did on Friday! He catches on, to SPINE BUSTER through a table! “Who wants some now?!” No guards do. Corbin runs at Roman with a chair but gets an uppercut first! The match now begins and Roman throws Corbin into the stage wall! And then he RAMS Corbin with a ladder! Roman drags Corbin up and throws big hands. Fans rally behind Roman as he punches Corbin down and throws him off the stage! Roman pursues and fans cheer getting to see the action even closer.

Roman bounces Corbin off trunks and railing, and then brings him around the way. Corbin fights back and bounces Roman off chairs. Roman staggers deeper into the crowd but Corbin follows to throw more hands. Corbin pushes Roman along and bounces him off more chairs. Roman uppercuts back, and throws Corbin over to ringside! Roman hurries back over as commentary hurries to give him space. Fans cheer for Roman as he throws Corbin into steel steps. Roman bounces Corbin off the desk and then puts him in the ring. Corbin dodges Roman to hit a DEEP SIX! Cover, TWO! Corbin rains down furious right hands then soaks up the heat as he mocks Roman’s poses. Corbin drags Roman up and throws him hard into a post! Roman tumbles to the floor and Corbin soaks up the heat. Corbin goes out and brings Roman up to ram into barriers!

Corbin puts Roman in but walks into another uppercut! Roman throws hands but Corbin knees low. Corbin whips Roman into a corner, runs in but has to slide out. Corbin slides back in and LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Corbin drags Roman up to ram elbows into the shoulder, then he dumps Roman out to the apron. Corbin goes out to hush the crowd and whip Roman. Roman reverses and Corbin is sent into more barriers! Roman throws Corbin into barriers across the way, then puts him back in the ring. Corbin kicks the ropes to low blow Roman! Corbin whips Roman into steel steps! Corbin goes after a table, which fans like, but then he tosses it down to troll them. Corbin grabs a ladder instead and brings it around. Corbin takes aim, runs in, and RAMS Roman in the ribs! And then he SLAMS the ladder on Roman’s back! Corbin drags Roman into the ring and covers, TWO!

Corbin goes out to fetch a chair, and he grins as he aims at Roman. Corbin SMACKS Roman on the back! Corbin dares Roman to get up again and SMACKS him again! Corbin chokes Roman with the chair as he shouts, “You’re nothing!” Corbin wedges the chair into a corner and mocks Roman’s poses more. Fans boo but Corbin drags Roman up to a corner. Corbin whips Roman in, but Roman slips free. Roman lariats in return! Roman whips, Corbin reverses, leaping lariat takes Corbin down! Corbin flounders, Roman gives him point-blank lariats in the corner! Roman gets all 10 of them, then runs to BOOT Corbin down! Fans fire up and Roman aims from the corner. Roman locks ‘n’ loads, Corbin rises, but no Superman Punch! No Choke Slam, either!

Roman baits Corbin in but Corbin slides out. Roman dodges the lariat, but not the Choke Slam Backbreaker! Corbin mocks Roman more as he fires up in the corner. Fans troll the “Burger King!” but Corbin dares Roman to stand. Roman rises again, Corbin lets out the battle cry, but runs into a BOOT! Roman sends Corbin into the CHAIR! SUPERMAN PUNCH! Cover, TWO! Corbin survives and both men are down, sore and exhausted from this match already. Fans chant, “We Want Tables!” as it is the only part of this TLC not used yet. Roman sits up and says he hears the fans. Roman goes out and fetches a table! Roman puts the table in the ring, sets it up, but Corbin bails out of the ring. Roman realizes Corbin’s disappeared, and goes looking. Corbin sucker punches Roman, with a can of dog food!

Fans boo, Corbin lifts Roman, CHOKE SLAM through the table!! Cover, TWO!! The referee clears some of the wreckage while Corbin sits in frustration. Corbin goes out and pushes the ladder and table aside to clear off the announce desk! Well it’s still a table, right? Corbin even clears off the German announce desk! Corbin goes back to Roman and drags him out. Fans boo as Corbin puts Roman on top of one desk. Corbin stands up on the desk to again mock Roman’s poses. Fans boo as Corbin drags Roman up into powerbomb position, but Roman fireman’s carries! SAMOAN DROP through the German announce desk!! Both men are down and fans are losing their minds! And now “This is Awesome!”

The referees check on both men but they’re somehow okay to continue. Roman sits up and uses the other desk to help himself up. Corbin stirs as Roman hobbles. Fans fire up for Roman and he is feeling it! Roman takes aim, lets out the battle cry, and gets a big running start around the entire ring! Roman comes in, but SUPERKICK! Dolph Ziggler appears from under the ring! Rumors of the Show-Off’s demise were greatly exaggerated, and now he’s helping Corbin clear out the timekeeper’s area! Corbin just tosses the ring bell boy aside and Ziggler punches him out for no apparent reason! The King’s iron fist is more like iron feet as he stomps the poor guy out! Ziggler helps Corbin bring back the handcuffs and the dog food!

Fans boo as Corbin goes back to the ring bell guy. But a DRIVE-BY DROPKICK saves the young man! Roman goes looking for something now, and brings out a kendo stick! Roman aims at Corbin, but has to SMACK the “royal guards” again! One after another, Roman SMACKS them down! Roman sees where Corbin ran off to this time, and smacks more guards on the way. But the Revival return! They’re part of the King’s Court, and they SMACK Roman with the kendo stick! The Revival put Roman in the ring and whip roman, but Roman SUPERMAN PUNCHES Dash! Then one for Dawson! Corbin returns, Roman dodges and clotheslines him out! Roman sees the court lined up, builds speed and FLIES! Roman bowls all the King’s guards and all the King’s men, then puts Corbin back in the ring again.

Fans fire up as Roman aims at Corbin from the corner. “OOOAAH~!” Ziggler throws a CHAIR into Roman’s face! Roman wobbles into a ZIGZAG! Ziggler and the Revival help their king by dragging Roman up. Ziggler feeds Roman to the SHATTER MACHINE! Corbin drags Roman around and lines up with the chair, FULL METAL END OF DAYS! Cover, Corbin wins!

Winner: Baron Corbin, by pinfall

Give a LOT of credit to the King’s court (jesters). They helped Corbin survive and defeat Roman Reigns. But is this only the beginning of a tyrannical reign from the Wolf King?


Bray Wyatt VS The Miz!

Just when you think the only twisted side of Bray was “him,” we learn that the happy-go-lucky Firefly Fun House host was just as demented! We still don’t know what happened to Daniel Bryan, but now the Most Must-See WWE superstar has joined the “fun.” Will Miz win against Bray for the sake of his family, the WWE Universe and even his archenemy? Or is this just a nightmare before Christmas in the making?

Bray Wyatt has his own entrance different from The Fiend’s. But, perhaps that makes sense when Bray is different from “him.” Bray hops up on the announce desk to wave hi to all his Fireflies and say, “I’m really excited about all of this.” Bray takes pictures with the fans before going into the ring. Miz doesn’t seem amused by any of the antics. Fans chant “Yowie Wowie!” and the match begins!

Bray wants Miz to take it easy, but Miz BOOTS him back! Miz fires off hands and rams in knees, but the ref backs him off. Miz goes back for more knees, but the ref stops him again. Miz glares at Bray but Bray says, “It’s just a match!” Bray wants Miz to take it easy but Miz fires off! Miz kicks and stomps and kicks but the ref counts as they end up against the ropes. Miz stops at 4, only to come back for more! He fish hooks Brya’s face at the ropes, and makes him bite the ropes! The ref wants Miz to stop, but Miz clobbers Bray down! Miz pulls the sweater over Bray’s head to mug him! Miz throws in knees but Bray doesn’t even try to fight back. Until now! Bray puts Miz in the corner, misses and Miz throws It Kicks! Or Yes Kicks.

Miz stops at the count of 4 to run and double knee! And again! And then the A-List Lariat! Miz is fuming but fans are cheering, as Bray has Miz in position! But no Sister Abigail, FINALE! Miz doesn’t even consider covering, he is seething. Bray stirs but also chuckles. Miz bounces Bray’s head off the mat! “You think this is funny!?” Miz dribbles Bray’s head more, then hammerlocks an arm. Miz must’ve watched other promotions as he grabs at Bray’s other arm! Bray grins as Miz tortures the arm! Bray even dares Miz to “DO IT!” DARK ARMBAR!! The arm pops out and Bray goes reeling, but he’s still smiling!? Bray runs into barriers to put his arm back in place! Fans chant, “Let Him In!” Miz wrecks Bray with a dropkick then throws him into the Spanish announce desk!

Miz brings Bray back around to throw into steel steps! Miz throws Bray over the other steel steps, then eyes the reconstructed German desk. Miz bounces him off the side, and then off the front. Miz refreshes the count and gets space. Miz runs at Bray, but gets sent into the timekeeper’s area! Bray looks angry again, and he drags Miz up. He has Miz hanging off the barriers, DRAPING ABIGAIL! The ring count climbs to 7 but Bray is smiling again! Bray goes into the ring, the ring count restarts, but Bray smiles and laughs as he leaves Miz to the mercy of the count. Miz drags himself over at 5, 6 and stands at 8. Miz is in at 9.5! Bray brings Miz up, SISTER ABIGAIL! Cover, Bray wins!

Winner: Bray Wyatt, by pinfall

Bray almost looks disappointed that it’s over. But he still smiles and says he “forgives” Miz. But The Fiend is on the titantron? Fans chant “Let Him In!” as Bray locks eyes with his alter ego. The Fiend wants Bray to do something, so Bray will! “WEE~!” Bray brings out the MALLET!! Bray brings the mallet into the ring and watches Miz closely. Miz hasn’t moved, and Bray grins as he drags the mallet over menacingly. But wait, the lights go out? This is usually The Fiend’s move! Bray is so excited! “HE’S HERE! HE’S HERE!” Who is here?! The Fiend can’t be here, because Bray is here! Bray looks around, but when he turns around, KNEE PLUS! That’s DANIEL BRYAN!

Fans shout “YES! YES! YES!” as Bray pulls down the hood to reveal that his hair and bear have been trimmed down. Fans are fired up as Bryan fires off Yes Kicks on Bray in the corner! Bryan goes corner to corner, big dropkick! He keeps going, another dropkick! Another, but Bray dodges, only to get another KNEE PLUS! Fans are fired up as Bryan stands tall over Bray! Bryan keeps Bray from getting to his hammer, and gives him DANIELSON STOMPS! Maybe now they’re Yes Stomps?

Bryan then sees the mallet, and takes it for his own! Bryan looks to the fans, and they say, “YES! YES! YES!” Bryan raises the mallet, but the lights go out again! And when they come back up, Bray is gone. But the Universal Championship is still here. Bryan hammers the mat, and stands up top. Fans are happy to see Bryan’s back, but will The Fiend have something to say about this?


Tables Match: Rusev VS Bobby Lashley w/ Lana!

Scandal, arguments and divorce. Whatever started this Ravishing Reality TV Romance story, this will end it! Will Lana’s lover be a loser on Rusev Day?

The bell rings and fans rally behind “Rusev Day!” Lashley bails out to go to Lana, but Rusev hurries out. They brawl and Rusev clubs away on Lashley with both hands! Rusev reels Lashley in for a LARIAT! Lana is not pleased. Lashley gets into the ring but Rusev gives him a shove. Rusev grags a table already and puts it in the ring. Lana takes the table away! Lashley clobbers Rusev from behind and stomps Rusev down! Lana shouts at Rusev as Lashley whips Rusev to ropes and clotheslines him down! Fans boo as Lashley brings Rusev up and around to a gut wrench! Canadian Rack, twisting slam! Lashley goes back out and now he gets a table. Lana cheers while fans boo, but Lashley sets up the table. Rusev runs out to go after Lashley and send him into steel steps!

Rusev throws haymakers and this fight goes up the ramp. Rusev brings Lashley around to suplex Lashley onto the ramp! Fans fire up with Rusev as Rusev brings Lashley to the set up table. Fireman’s carry but Lashley flips the table over. Lsahley then escapes and throws hands. Rusev knees low and whips, but Lashley reverses to send Rusev into steps! Lashley soaks up the heat as he brings Rusev up to shove into a post! Lashley brings a table up, to throw at Rusev! Rusev gets clear and the table breaks on the post! That was a creative idea to turn this match upside-down. Lashley drags Rusev up to put him in the ring, and then Lashley resets the table from a moment ago. Lashley goes in and punches Rusev around. Lashley drags Rusev up to whip him corner to corner, then goes out to fetch another table. Lashley puts this table in the ring while Lana glares at Rusev.

Lashley stands the table up in a corner but Rusev is on him! Rusev throws haymakers and then lines up a shot, but Lashley blocks to throw hands on Rusev. Lashley whips but Rusev stops himself. Rusev whips but Lashley stops himself. Lashley catches Rusev but Rusev fights off the Complete Shot. The two separate, Lashley SPINE BUSTERS Rusev ont he mat! Lana smiles and claps as Lashley adjusts the table. Lashley drags Rusev back up again, runs into the corner and RAMS into Rusev’s ribs! Rusev is down and Lashley leaves him behind to fetch yet another table. Lashley puts this table into the ring and set it up on its legs. Lashley brings Rusev to a corner for buckle bumps, then hoists him up top. Lashley climbs up and has his shot lined up, but Rusev fights back!

Rusev slips out, trips Lashley up, and then hoists Lashley onto his shoulders! Lashley holds onto the rope so Rusev puts him on the apron. They both remember that other table, and Rusev works to knock Lashley off. Lashley hits back, and works to suplex Rusev out! Rusev holds on now and works to suplex Lashley in. There’s a suplex and a table waiting either way, but Lashley hotshots! Rusev BLASTS Lashley off the apron but Lashley flies over the table! Rusev almost curses his own strength. Rusev goes out and gets the steel steps as a weapon! And he RAMS Lashley down at the ramp! Fans cheer as Rusev seeks something from far away. Rusev uncovers railing and brings it over! Rusev has the steel railing and aims at Lashley, to RAM him down!

Fans cheer as Rusev holds the railing up high, and then positions it against the apron. Rusev is treating this piece of steel like a table as he brings Lashley up. Lashley rakes the eyes! And throws big hands, to then SLAM Rusev onto the railing!! Fans lose their minds as Rusev’s body bends the steel! Lashley looks for something more, and brings out a kendo stick! Lashley brings the bamboo over to SMACK Rusev on the back! And again! And in the ribs! Rusev tries to walk away but Lashley SMACKS him more! Rusev follows after Lana, but Lana laughs at his pain. Lashley puts Rusev back in and follows after to SMACK and SMACK and SMACK him against the table! Lana is the only one applauding as Lashley takes the table and puts it in a corner.

Lashley uses the stick to again SMACK Rusev down as fans boo and jeer. Lashley goes for a head shot, but Rusev blocks it! Rusev powers up but Lashley kicks low. Lashley runs, but Rusev SMACKS back! Rusev uses the stick to run Lashley over and over! And SMACK him over and over! Then he breaks the stick! Lana is panicked as Rusev lines up a MACHKA KICK! Lashley is down but Rusev is fired up! Rusev adjusts one table and then goes back to Lashley. But Lana hops on! She claws at Rusev’s eyes, and lines him up for Lashley’s SPEAR! But it isn’t straight, it just bounces Rusev off the table! So Lashley brings Rusev up to EXPLODER through the other!! Lashley wins!

Winner: Bobby Lashley

Lana’s twisted love helped Lashley conquer Rusev! She and Lashley leave Rusev in the wreckage. Is Rusev going to be as heartbroken as that table? Are Lana and Lashley going to live ravishingly ever after?


The Street Profits comment.

“DAWKINS!” On the final, final, FINAL WWE PPV of this decade, Lashley has Lana all to himself. Any advice to the All Mighty? Three words: Get a vasectomy. WHOA! You can’t say that! But be real, fam! Otherwise, one of Lashley’s little swimmers goes all Phelps and-

Whoa wait, what’s going on just off-camera? Roman Reigns and The New Day are brawling with the King’s Court! That TLC fiasco settled NOTHING! Roman sends Corbin into the Street Profits’ set! Whoa, Mustafa Ali, Shorty G and Buddy Murphy are involved, too?! The Profits try to help Roman’s side out, but TLC cuts away! Just what does this mean for SmackDown?


WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships TLC Match: The Kabuki Warriors VS Becky Lynch & Charlotte Flair!

No one is ready for Asuka and Kairi Sane! Well, no one. But The Man and The Queen have scores to settle with the Empress of Tomorrow and the Pirate Princess dating further back than just 2019. Plus, checking off these tag team titles are incentive for the best frenemies to get along. Will Becky and Charlotte complete the triple crown? Or will this be a mist opportunity?

The introductions are made, the belts are already hoisted high, and this climb-the-ladder style TLC begins!

The brawl is on and Becky has Asuka while Charlotte rams Kairi! Becky bumps Asuka off more buckles while Charlotte throws Kairi out. Things spill out of the ring, and Becky bowls Asuka into chairs! Charlotte does the same to Kairi on the opposite end! Charlotte clears off an announce desk more out of anger than anything. Charlotte gets herself a chair while Asuka hits Becky back. Asuka whips but Becky reverses, and Asuka is sent into barriers! Charlotte stalks up behind Kairi and DECKS her with a right! Charlotte puts Kairi onto the apron but Kairi hurries up to leap, into a BOOT! Becky and Charlotte regroup to keep Kairi down, and then bring her over to the desks. Becky clubs Kairi while Charlotte clears things off in a huff.

All the announce desks are open as Becky bumps Kairi onto the American one. Kairi shouts for Asuka but Becky throws her onto the Spanish desk! Charlotte throws Kairi back to the American desk! Becky clubs Kairi down, then she and Charlotte get a ladder. They put that in the ring, but Asuka throws a chair at Charlotte! And then one at Becky! Asuka hip attacks Becky off the apron then stomps away on Asuka. Kairi returns and the Kabuki Warriors whip to kick, SMACK and FULL METAL BASEMENT! The Kabuki Warriors fire up as they take a seat on the chair. But Becky slowly returns, only for Kairi to be right on her! Becky hits back, Asuka hits her. Asuka bumps Becky off the apron then puts her in the ring. Becky flounders but drop toeholds Asuka onto the chair! A leg might’ve gotten Asuka in the eye! Becky bulldogs Asuka off the ladder!

Asuka bails out but Kairi anchors the ladder. Charlotte has Kairi and throws her into the ladder! Becky dropkicks Asuka back out of the ring, then goes out to bring her around. Charlotte helps out, they lift Asuka but Kairi saves Asuka from the bomb! Kairi hops onto Charlotte but is rammed into a post! Becky stomps Asuka down then Charlotte drags her up. Man and Queen try again, and reverse-bomb her into the post! Back to the ladder, they set it up fast! Kairi hurries to fetch something from under the ring. Another chair! Kairi throws it but it hits ropes and hits her back! Kairi checks her face, and is furious at the chair. She throws it in and gets it over this time. Then another! Kairi is throwing a tantrum as she throws these chairs! Becky and Charlotte throw them back!

Kairi realizes she’s cornered, so she goes under the ring!? Becky and Charlotte reach for her, and drag her out! But she has the FIRE EXTINGUISHER! She blasts them in the face! Asuka has a bull rope!? She whiplashes Becky then Charlotte then back again! Asuka swings the rope around like a wild cowgirl! Kairi brings out more of those chairs, Asuka brings Becky up and around, Russian Leg Sweep BLOCKBUSTER onto the chair pile!! That was nasty for all three women involved! But Kairi just laughs it off. Charlotte attacks back, but the Kabuki Warriors beat her down. Asuka grabs an arm chair!? Charlotte clubs Kairi down but Asuka brings the arm chair around. Kairi hits Charlotte back, but Charlotte will not take a seat!

Kairi has a kendo stick, Asuka kicks Charlotte into the chair, and the stick is used to lock the Queen in! That’s a tight fit and Charlotte fights, but Asuka kicks and kicks and kicks! Then Asuka dumps Charlotte out of the chair to go back to Becky. The Kabuki Warriors have the ladder back, and Kairi ties the bull rope to it. Becky tries to fight but gets beat down again. Asuka brings Becky up, scoop slam onto the ladder! The Kabuki Warriors tie Becky down! Becky is bound to the rungs! The Kabuki Warriors dust off their hands, then finally head for the ladder in the ring. But Charlotte returns! Charlotte anchors Kairi but Asuka’s apron kick knocks her down! Asuka throws Charlotte into barriers, then with Kairi, throws her into a post! The Kabuki Warriors throw Charlotte into the front row and leave her behind!

Asuka and Kairi finally head to the ladder and start the climb. Becky is all tied up, Charlotte is far, far away, so the Kabuki take their time. But as they reach the top, Charlotte is back and SMACKS away with the kendo stick! Charlotte tips the ladder over and SMACKS some more! The Kabuki Warriors bail out and regroup as Charlotte folds the ladder. Charlotte aims and RAMS Asuka down! Kairi grabs at the ladder but is pushed away. Charlotte goes out to throw Asuka into more chairs! Charlotte chases Kairi down and scoops to EXPLODER Kairi into barriers! Charlotte realizes where Becky is, and unties her! But she takes too long, Asuka returns to SMACK her down! Asuka taunts the helpless Becky as she and Kairi send Charlotte into steel steps! Asuka says Kairi should weigh anchor, so Kairi hops up on the announce desk.

Fans fire up as Kairi leaps for the InSANE Elbow, but gets boots!! Becky kicks Asuka way, too! Becky wriggles and undoes the ropes the rest of the way! Becky and Charlotte regroup and go after the Kabuki Warriors with a vengeance! They bounce them both off the desks, and give them chair shots across the back! Charlotte bounces Asuka off the table while Becky fires off with a kendo stick! Charlotte CHOPS Asuka and throws her into barriers! Becky keeps on Kairi and puts her in the ring. Charlotte and Asuka join them and take up some chairs. The chairs are set side by side and the Kabuki Warriors are made to take their seats. Charlotte SLAPS Kairi, Becky rocks Asuka. Becky and Charlotte both run, and both DECK the Kabuki Warriors!

The Kabuki Warriors bail out again but Charlotte fetches Asuka. Charlotte puts Asuka on a table and Becky climbs. Charlotte keeps Kairi away, Becky drops The Man’s Leg through Asuka and the table!! Fans are all fired up as Becky and Charlotte scoop Kairi together to ram into the post! They scoop Kairi again and bring her around the way, to ram her into another post! And then slam her on the ground! Becky clears off a table and Charlotte helps position it. Becky makes sure there’s space for the table near the corner. Charlotte fetches Kairi, she and Becky double suplex Kairi over, but Kairi DOUBLE DDT’S!

Kairi drags Charlotte onto the table, then puts Becky beside her. Fans fire up as Kairi again weighs anchor. Kairi is up, InSANE Elbow, but Charlotte gets clear! Kairi and Becky wipe out, but Charlotte hurries away. Kairi drags Becky up and clubs on her back, then bounces her off a chair. Kairi leaves Becky behind but can do more than crawl. Charltote runs in to SPEAR Kairi down! Charlotte then drags Kairi up, moves some chairs and lifts Kairi up, POWERBOMB through the table!! But Asuka returns, GERMAN SUPLEX! Asuka brings the table over and dumps it onto Becky. Asuka buries Charlotte with chair after chair after chair. She even uses a ladder to keep Charlotte down! Asuka checks on Kairi and helps her up from the wood wreckage.

Asuka and Kairi coordinate, and they bring the ladder off Charlotte in order to put it in the ring. The Kabuki Warriors stand the ladder up, getting the rope they used earlier out of the way. The ladder is under the belts and Kairi keeps guard as Asuka climbs. But Charlotte and Becky overwhelm with their chairs! Chair shots for the Kabuki Warriors from all sides! Fans are divided as Charlotte BOOTS Asuka through the chair! Becky SMACKS Kairi more, but Kairi hits back! Kairi and Becky are so exhausted they can barely brawl. Charlotte positions yet another table and brings Asuka over. Asuka is on the table as Charlotte climbs up top. But Asuka gets up after her! They fight, Asuka gets up under Charlotte, POWERBOMB THROUGH THE TABLE!!

Asuka hurries to find Kairi but Becky forearms her down! Becky gives Asuka a BECKSPLODER onto the stack of spare ladders! And another! Asuka scurries away as Becky goes to the ladder. Asuka comes back around but Becky uses the bull rope to whiplash her over and over! Becky hurries up top now, but Asuka grabs the bull rope! She yanks the ladder over! Becky hotshots on ring ropes, Asuka hurries to get the ladder back up! Asuka stands the ladder up, climbs as fast as she can, and grabs the belts! The Kabuki Warriors win!!

Winners: The Kabuki Warriors; still WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions

The Man was so close and yet so far from becoming #BeckyTwoBelts again! But in the end, the Empress and the Princess were the superior duo! Is there going to be a duo that can even come close?


Wait! That backstage brawl from before has spilled out to ringside!

It’s Mayhem in Minneapolis! as The Viking Raiders and The OC have joined the fray for a crossbrand battle! Roman yanks off railing!? And he uses it to RAM Corbin! Roman pursues Corbin up higher while the New Day, the Viking Raiders, The Street Profits, The OC, Shorty G, and all the King’s Court are brawling in a cluster! Roman and Corbin brawl high up above, but Roman SPEARS Corbin onto everyone!! TLC goes off the air, but what does this mean for the rest of the holiday season?!



My Thoughts:

This TLC was off to a hot start but it sure went cold and rather sideways before the end. For a kickoff match, Carrillo VS Almas was great! Carrillo gets another win, and the dysfunction between Almas and Vega grows stronger. I don’t know if I want to see that duo split up or not, but I’m sure there’s a way to make both possibilities work out. The SmackDown Tag Title ladder match was an amazing opener, though very scary at times when it comes to knee damage. I really thought Dawson and Big E were really hurt, but it seems they were fortunate to still be walking. It’s really tough to say how New Day retaining affects things. It’s good for Kofi to still have something but the Revival really could’ve used another reign. Though, Revival getting in Booker’s face during the kickoff show, that could make for an incredible WrestleMania match with Harlem Heat.

Aleister VS Murphy was pretty great, especially when you factor in Aleister’s bloody and possibly broken nose. He still finished the match and got his win in a real fight feel, that sudden Black Mass knockout. Not sure where Aleister goes from here other than the US Championship. At the same time, Lesnar has to do something for Royal Rumble, I’m just not sure if it’s time for Aleister to go for the world title yet. Sadly, things started really dropping off after this. I was right to think The OC would answer the open challenge, but this match wasn’t much more than what you’d get on a Raw. Also those “fans” were so obviously not fans if they were eating KFC in front of the barriers. I kinda wish the KFC table spot would’ve been part of the match. Sure it would’ve disqualified the match, but it would’ve brought the actual quality up. From endless squash matches to a product placement match, Vince just doesn’t know how to use either of those teams, does he?

Roman VS Corbin was on its way to being a good non-title TLC, but it got overbooked with Ziggler and The Revival coming out without any retaliation. I’m also surprised this match didn’t main event given the actual ending of the show. If Vince wanted that moment to end the show, then let their TLC match main event. Why have that brawl break out between Faces and Heels of both Raw and SmackDown like that, too? Limit it only to SmackDown, and then still go to that same spot and have Roman spear Corbin onto the pile. But instead, things “spill out” immediately after the women’s tag title match ended, just so Vince’s favorite story can be the last thing we see.

I also don’t think Bray VS Miz was booked effectively. I did like that Bray was laughing off the pain and not even really trying to fight Miz until the end. I suppose we were all expecting too much for Bryan to be on Bray’s side, but I would’ve at least wanted to see Bryan with a patchy beard before giving us his literal baby face from the NXT Reality TV days. Bray/Fiend VS Bryan for the Universal Championship at Royal Rumble might still be coming, but I’m not sure what to make of this right now.

Rusev VS Lashley was alright, but Table Matches are becoming like Cage Matches to me. How can you book these things creatively when there’s only so much the thing in question can do? There’s limits to the cage, there’s limits to the table. It worked out they had the two tables set up, as that Spear didn’t work. I don’t think that was the plan, but it was good to have a back-up plan. Lana started planting the seeds of Lashley dumping her, too, in the kickoff. Even he had a hard time dealing with her verbal outbursts. I really hope they don’t drag this out too much, I don’t know how much longer I can take Lana being so strongly cringe worthy on purpose.

The Women’s Tag TLC was pretty scary at times, such as Asuka going into chair legs and Kairi apparently boomeranging a chair into herself. It was also sloppy, as it just seems like Kairi and Charlotte haven’t learned to sync up. There was good innovation during this match, though, such as bringing in a bull rope to combine it with the ladder. I won’t say I’m disappointed we didn’t get PCB reunited with Paige screwing over the Kabuki Warriors, because the Kabuki Warriors do really deserve to keep those titles. Honestly, when Starrcade gave us the Fatal 4 Way tag, that was a superior match but probably because it allowed Bliss-Cross and Bayley-Banks to take some of the responsibility. For what this match was, I was able to enjoy it pretty well. This should probably be the last of it between these two teams, to try and get SmackDown in on these tag titles now.

My Score: 7.9/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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